It may have been a while since you had last read an issue of Battlecry. It's not that we have been away lately, but more because we have been inconsistent and the newsletters just didn't want to work properly.

In issue 3 of Battlecry, the links didn't want to work and whole parts of the magazine were cut of the magazine because of this. it wasn't all bad though, as it was a good magazine when I finally fixed it and posted it on the message boards. I would like to think that was one of the reasons that I have this job today.

By issue 4, things were pretty screwed up. Still the links wouldn't work (at all!!!), there were very few submissions because of the last issue and because no one knew when this issue was going to be released, the website just didn't really want to play fair, and I don't even think that it was properly announced and released to the public.

One thing did remain consistent though, the work done by the then Editor, AD Theodore!!! He had to cope with a very difficult template for the HTML side of the newsletter (it's a really good template, but murder to use if your a Notepad editor), the webspace used for the site wasn't much good and he had to try and sort that out by getting new webspace, and a lack of time (he is in charge of the 4 ISDs after all). Even with these problems, he was able to keep the Battlecry debates going, keep the Battlecry contests running, filtering through my terrible writing to see what was good enough to use, and standing on his head while juggling bowling balls.

Sadly, he has had to resign from the editors position due to RL and his Battlegroup II Commander position weighing down on him. He will be staying on as a "publisher" though, doing jobs that only a high-ranking officers can really do, and dipping in with the odd piece of writing.

With all of that out of the way, you may be thinking, "Who was dumb enough to become editor this time?" Well, that would be me, CPT Werdna Elbee. Unlike the past two editors who were both high-ranking Admirals, I'm very much...not! I'm just some Flight Member from Beth Squadron, who is no more powerful than most of you other pilots out there (I'm not even a particularly good pilot).

That's not to say that I'm not going to be a very good editor though, as I have put so much effort into this newsletter. The first thing that I have done is fix up the old newsletters that weren't working (issues 3 and 4) and you can now get them from the Battlecry website at http://battlecry.ehnet.org. Next, I have interviewed tonnes of people for you, made features, wrote up a debate. wrote the start of a story and other things in a desperate attempt to get you to read this issue.

My work isn't done yet though. Now that Battlecry is back in the limelight, I'll be begging regularly for submissions by you lot out there. If I like what I see from some of you, I may even take you on as staff! I must admit though, I would be worried about submitting to this newsletter, just in case you don't get a LoA award for submitting. It was set up that you would receive a LoA for each Battlecry you submitted some work to, but that hasn't been happening. I'm going to have to work on that now and see if I can start getting them awarded, and see if I can get the past submitters to get what they deserve too.

For now though, just enjoy this newsletter for what it is...an enjoyable read made for FUN!!!


How to submit to Battlecry

Editor ....................................... CPT Werdna Elbee
Competition Co-ordinator ....... Vice Admiral Sauron

...and Thank You to AD Theodore for all of the work that he has put into Battlecry. I hope you enjoy your new role as the Battlecry "Publisher" :o)