GA Ronin Interview

You may have already seen it on the main EH news page or newsletter, but here it is again...published in the newsletter it was intended for :o)


HA Kawolski Interview

A big cheer for CM Osan'gar who organised and done this interview on his own initiative. This is a very good interview, which seems to ask and answer every important question.


HA Astatine Interview

Finally!!! Astatine has been bugging me all the time in IRC to do an interview all about him. Well, here it is!!!


Looking Back

A look back to the times when Battlecry was only just beginning...ironically just when Battlecry is ending. Please note, if you want a go at editing and making Battlecry yourself, then please mail me at werdna_elbee@emperorshammer.ca 


XvT Week of War January 2001 Stats
XWA Week of War January 2001 Stats

Here are the results of the important Weeks of War this month. We get a quite respectable position for XvT last month which we should all be proud off. The big news though...we got a remarkably good 6th place in the XWA WoW!!!


He's Talking Nonsense - by CPT Werdna Elbee

More of the same this month - I mouth off, everyone knows I'm right, then the problem is sorted.........what do you mean that never happens?!?!


Fishspeak - by RA Troutrooper

Another column by RA Troutrooper. Enjoy it as it may be his last column for a while...he is currently very busy saving the ISD Colossus from closing. You never know though, this column may appear in the EH newsletter in the future.