He’s Talking Nonsense

The End Of An Occasionally Reasonable Newsletter :(

Yep, sorry...this is it from the pages of Battlecry. No more will you be able to download this newsletter and read the informative features and view the great submissions.

But don't worry!!! We have the EH newsletter to focus on now! Basically, the new-look EH newsletter is what I wanted Battlecry to be like (without all the tedious reports that take up download time), so lets enjoy that instead.

The Re-start Of Another Newsletter

With The Dark Sentinel being revived under XO/HA Kawolski, it looks like that newsletter is in for great times ahead. It now has features, lots of submissions and even news on general Star Wars stuff. Not only that, but from issue 72 I'm going to be writing for it.

Well I got nothing to do now I'm not an editor, so I'm gong to put a bit more effort into the writing side and still make the quality material that you read in these pages. I should be able to get my piece of fiction finished (Old Friends), take more time interviewing people and researching topics for articles, and still knock up this column every month (but the column will be better and not as rushed as this is).

In the end, Battlecry is but a name...it's the spirit and the quality that made this newsletter what it is. Now the EH newsletter will have pretty much all the same ingredients, but with a few extra spices to make it that bit nicer. 

Top 5 Cool Things This Month

Sorry, I ran out of time and I couldn't do this regular bit of the column :(

The list is usually roughly the same every month, so your not missing much...but I'll try and bring my cool list back and add it to the EH newsletter.

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)