Yes, I'm afraid so...this is the end of Battlecry. It's been going for about a year now and filled a much needed gap in the EH, offering regular releases of pilot submissions, informative and entertaining features, hot news scoops (you had the first inkling of Compton's stepping down as XO here), and great competitions to keep you active.

Quite frankly, there weren't many newsletters that could offer the same (the HF newsletter was good though), and Battlecry reaped the rewards by getting lots of submissions and high readership.

This won't last for much longer though. Not with the revitalising of the EH newsletter by Kawolski occurring as we speak (as I speak...as I type...you know what I mean). The EH newsletter is going to be way better than this, especially with all the reports being taken from the TC website, submissions from all around the EH, and now with the inclusion of features.

I'm not bitter. In fact, I'm quite happy! I don't really have the time to edit Battlecry anymore, and Troutrooper is to busy keeping the ISD Colossus open to take over. I'm putting all my efforts into the renewed EH newsletter by writing the features that I would normally write for this newsletter for them.

All of this months submissions and articles are here for you to read too. Also all the results to the remaining sections of the BIG Competition. Sadly, there are no competitions this month because there will be no issue to put the results in, but there are a few missions for you to fly for fun that were entered into the competition. I did scrap the Reports section, as it is now obsolete due to the new reports feature on the TC website. Other than that, this month is just like any other...but enjoy it while you still can. 

If anyone else would like to have a go at making Battlecry then please mail me. I won't have any influence over it if you do, but I don't want several versions of Battlecry being released by different people.

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)

“He’s Talking Nonsense”

Next Issue: Feb 2001
BC 12  Feb 2001 - 10th February
Submission Deadline - 3rd February


Editor CPT Werdna Elbee
Staff Writer RA Troutrooper
Publisher VA Jarak Maldon