It's been a bit of a hellish month for Battlecry. People weren't awarded their medals for winning the Flying Contests (blame OPS, not me!), I haven't got any interviews back in from Ronin and Theodore yet, and I haven't had to cut some features for one reason or another.

You can get more information about the Flying Contest problem at the Contest page (very important info!!!), and the interview will have to get back to me sometime or another, so I'll talk about the missing features here.

If you look to your left, you will notice the number of subjects in the menu is smaller than usual. That is because I have removed the Briefing and Think Tank article from the newsletter. Basically, I had nothing to put into them this month, so I thought I would cut them from Battlecry completely.

I had to get rid of the Briefing as I have had no report from FO/AD Theodore about the fleet this month. I know that has never forced me to cut it from Battlecry before, but I'm sick of just putting in the last weekly report that everyone gets anyway. If Theodore ever gets the time to make the report I will publish a Briefing again, but until then it is out of Battlecry.

The Think Tank article is gone because no one posts on the TT mailing list anymore. In it's late stages the only thing keeping the mailing list running was our MAJ Troutrooper mailing something every month and hoping that people would reply to it. He can't be expected to keep it going on forever though, so the Think Tank will not be reported on again.

If anything interesting ever appears on the TT mailing list, then it will be reported upon in the Features section, but there just isn't enough material to write about every month. Also, to give Troutrooper something to do now he no longer writing the Think Tank article, he now has his own article in the Features section, "The Talking Fish." It's certainly a very interesting read...and far more interesting than my column :o)

A few changes this month, but expect more for the next. I'm considering redesigning the newsletter, not only in layout but content. By next month, there should be a refreshing new look for the newsletter and website, all the past newsletters will be messed about with to get rid of any bugs and clear up lost links (including a special compilation issue), and maybe things will be made a little "slicker" too.

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)

“He’s Talking Nonsense”
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Next Issue: Feb 2001
BC 12  Feb 2001 - 10th February
Submission Deadline - 3rd February


Editor CPT Werdna Elbee
Staff Writer MAJ Troutrooper
Publisher VA Jarak Maldon