Boy, that was hard work this month. I don't know why, but running this newsletter was harder this time than any other. I might be because I had to read more pilot submissions in one month than I ever had to before, or that I've been trying to do several features at the same time, or that I had to have the website moved due to EHNET closing down, or all of the above mixed up into a nice little bundle of stress.

I hope it was all worth it, as I tried really, really hard to make this issue the best yet. You may not know it to look at the list of features in this issue, but I have been doing almost a dozen features to make his issue bumper. While only a few of them were completed before the deadline, it does make sure that the next few months of Battlecry are going to be the best yet.

For example, this month you could have had an interview with GA Ronin, but due to time constraints he couldn't send me the interview before the deadline (he has a busy job you know). Don't worry about that though, as the interview that was arranged with SA Compton was handed in on time, and it has quite a little scoop in there. Also, it was CPT Troutrooper's first feature apart from writing up the Think Tank debate.

I tried to get a feature done about Multiplayer Gaming in the EH, until I learnt that it pretty much doesn't exist anymore. I still really want to do this feature though, and get more people playing multiplayer games in the EH, so you may see me running around putting a few complaints in here and there. Again, I covered my back by featuring a Multiplayer Half-Life MOD which is in development right now called Star Wars: A Call To Arms. I also plan to continue on looking at this game in the future, where I may ask some of the developers to do an interview. 

Also, I was going to do a feature on the Advanced Guard, which hold the Ambassadors of the EH. Sadly, the last LA stood down just before I e-mailed him about it. I do know the new LA though, so expect to see a feature on how the Advanced Guard is going to be changing to become more useful in the EH.

There is plenty more stuff to read in this issue though, as you will soon see. There are lots of graphics and fiction from the TIE Corps pilots, and enough features to keep you all happy. As well as that, there is the BIG Competition for Christmas.

As well as a Flying Contest, where you can win medals up to a Silver Star, there are also fiction, graphics and mission designing contests in which you can win a PC and have your work published in this newsletter whether you win or not.

Anyway, enough talk...more read!!!

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Next Issue: January 2001
Battlecry 11  Jan 2001 - 13th January
Final Submission Date - 6th January

Editor .........................................CPT Werdna Elbee
Staff Writer ....................................CPT Troutrooper
Publisher........................................VA Jarak Maldon