September 2008

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Launched

In an email to the fleet today, Grand Admiral Ronin announced the incorporation of the club as a Non-Profit Entity in the State of New Jersey. The EH is now known as Emperor's Hammer, Inc.

William P. Call, Owner
J. Roscoe, Trustee
C. Calvey, Trustee
D. Blakely, Trustee

News from the IO

As you can see, the "Old" site has been re-uploaded and the new hosting has gone live. Great changes in store! This is a temporary replacement, and you will notice that none of the links to the "stolen" sites work anymore.

If you are running a termporary subgroup or CS office site, make sure to let me know so I can get you linked, and get you in my temporary permissions page.

That is all for now.

AD/IO Stryfe


The Fleet Commander Speaks


The Emperor's Hammer is embarking on a new age, a new beginning for thisvenerable club. The incidents that have occurred over the last few days shouldnot effect the overall operations of this club and its subgroups and allactivates should continue as normal.

We will be seeing a redesigned EH domain network and a new Database will emergegiving great ease of use and more functionality.

The following have been awarded:

FA Maverick named the new Recon Officer

VA Stryfe promoted to AD Stryfe
FA Dan Bonini promoted to HA Dan Bonini
AD La'an promoted to FA La'an

Imperial Cross awarded to FA Dempsey
Medal of Honour awarded to GM Czulvang Lah
Grand Order of the Emperor awarded to COL Ramos
Grand Order of the Emperor awarded to CPT Prower
Grand Order of the Emperor awarded to GMF Farrin
Grand Order of the Emperor awarded to RA Keth D'Jek

Expulsions Revoked

Retired Members Usage of (Ret.) Confirmed

Firefox and Sarin - > Friends of the Emperor's Hammer

Dark Jedi Brotherhood to be called DJB and no longer referred to as rDB

I have several things to ask the members of this club:

1) All returning members please mail FO, HA Bonini at with your ID lines and where you'd like to be placed. He will navigate you tothe proper area or subgroup

2) Any members that have any information, data, or history that we have lost sincethe database was shut down, please contact AD Stryfe at

3) Above all please be patient as we are undergoing massive changes to the cluband I do pledge that a stronger, greater EH will emerge

In Service...
GA Cyric


Command Staff Updates

Current Command Staff stands as posted by the order of the Fleet Commander.

Command Staff 9/15/2008
Fleet Commander
Executive Officer
Tactical Officer
Flight Officer
Internet Officer
Training Officer
Operations Officer
Security Officer
Logistics Officer
Communications Officer
Recon Officer
Group Commanders
TIE Corps Commander
FA Daniel Bonini
Grand Moff of the Directorate
AD Farrin Xies
Prefect of The Hammer's Fist
Mordechi Wolfe
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
FA Czulvang Lah
Supreme Director, Intelligence Division
VA Mors Auctor
The Fringe Director of Operations
GA Ronin



Website Updates

As you have probably noticed, the website is down for the next few days for "maintenance" while I make the changes requested by GA Ronin and the new Fleet Commander. Due to the loss of the Emperor's Hammer database content and other resources, many of our links don't work at this time. Please be patient, and I will have the site back up as soon as I can. Please work with me, as the new IO, to get our web presence back to normal as soon as possible. Much of our great history is still here, and I'll be bringing it back as soon as I can. Thanks for your support.
IO/VA Stryfe


Notice from the Founder

FellowEH Members...

Assome or most of you may probably have already heard, sadly, due tocircumstances which came to our attention today, as Founder and owner ofthe EH, I have removed GA Astatine as Fleet Commander.  He is no longerrecognized as representing this club in any capacity and is not allowed to use ANY Emperor'sHammer intellectual property (i.e. EH name, members names/lists, content,missions, battles, manuals, etc.).  If he does so, we will be sending alegal cease and desist letter to his ISP.  Now that the legal notice isdone...some details...

Thisdecision has been a while in coming and the events of today forced my hand,albeit sooner than I wanted.

I wantall of the EH to understand that this was not an easy decision for me to most of you old timers know, I have always been 100% supportive of GAAstatine in various past arguments, splits, etc...i.e. the rDB, BHG and RoHsplits.  I had worked well with Astatine and genuinely thought he caredabout the club above all else...which is why I selected him to manage the clubfor me, when I made him FC 4 years ago.  Perhaps to our detriment, and Iaccept full blame, my sometimes blind support allowed his actions to hurtthe club over the years as our reputation in the online Star Wars gamingcommunity...I was hoping to just kind of retire into the Fringe and let the EHgrow...

However,also over the past 4 years I can't tell you how many times I have taskedAstatine to rework the domain, host everything on, the club'sservers, write EH newsletters (last one was made in 2005)and make the EH less TIE Corps-centric so we could takefull advantage of all the new game platforms etc. etc.

Butthe events of today have changed all that...Please see the following log Ireceived today which prompted this action and my further comments below thelog:

From: BRN/CPT Miles Prower [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sun, 14 Sep2008 15:18:10 -0400
Subject: SecurityBreach!

Darknyte/JonMarcus approached me on AIM just now.

(15:09:33)Jmarcus37: hey yo
(15:09:38) Milesthe Cy-Fox: Hiyo
(15:09:48)Jmarcus37: remember when I mentioned revolution the other day=3F
(15:09:55) Milesthe Cy-Fox: Somewhat
(15:09:58)Jmarcus37: it's on
(15:10:05) Milesthe Cy-Fox: Explain  :P
(15:10:27) Milesthe Cy-Fox: I have a sinus headache so some things are a
bit flowing in andout
(15:10:33)Jmarcus37: Astatine is ready and willing to oust Ronin and while
he's at it Cyricand Stryfe are getting bounced too
(15:10:43)Jmarcus37: It should go down this week, maybe even tomorrow
(15:10:58) Milesthe Cy-Fox: Aren't you worried about something though=3F
(15:11:05)Jmarcus37: like what=3F
(15:11:30) Milesthe Cy-Fox: The Security Officer
(15:12:02)Jmarcus37: you mean the SO who's my long-time friend=3F The one
who's SOA is in onthe plan=3F The one who allowed me into the EH without
(15:12:04)Jmarcus37: That SO=3F
(15:12:14) Milesthe Cy-Fox: Heh. Point taken
(15:12:23)Jmarcus37: I haven't talked to him about it, but I know him well
(15:12:29)Jmarcus37: he'll go with the flow
(15:12:32) Milesthe Cy-Fox: What's the plan=3F
(15:12:39)Jmarcus37: it's so simple it's almost funny
(15:12:49)Jmarcus37: I created a checklist for Ast, it's like 7 steps
(15:12:58) Jmarcus37:Remove database access for Ronin/Cyric/Stryfe
(15:13:05)Jmarcus37: Remove MB access for them
(15:13:14)Jmarcus37: block their IP at the firewall level to the domain
(15:13:24)Jmarcus37: Put up a news post with a prepared statement about
what's going on
(15:13:28)Jmarcus37: That's pretty much it
(15:14:07)Jmarcus37: As long as Ast keeps up his end as far as his ability
to talk to EHmembers in general, it can't fail
(15:14:31)Jmarcus37: We've coached him on things, that it needs to be made
clear that Roninwas blocking progress, in fact Ronin wants the EH to take
steps backward
(15:14:46)Jmarcus37: That removing Ronin eliminates the roadblock that's
keeping the EHfrom evolving and progressing
(15:14:58)Jmarcus37: That nothing will change day to day for the
membership, justkeep up what you're doing and have fun
(15:15:13) Milesthe Cy-Fox: I intend to. Though this kinda of a
CMDR-PROF/CPTMiles Prower/Viper/Wing XIX/ISD Subjugator


SMF/BRN MilesPrower/Phare/Alpha LoA/MS/JC/SotCx2/SotT


Now,when I received this, everything started to fall into place...if this was justa random log from DN, I can accept that and I wouldn't have thought twice aboutit...But, Astatine knew DN was in the club and left in as our TO a couplemonths ago...and in case any of you don't know, back in 2005-2006 DNharassed me (and Astatine) in real life, prank-called my home and left sexuallyexplicit/obscene voicemails for my wife to hear.  He also tried to stealmy identity and ordered several magazine subscriptions to be sent to myhome.  As a result, I have two real life police reports filed with mylocal police department for 'harassment and identity theft'.  and despiteDN previously denying the charge, he sent me an email a couple days agoadmitting to it:

DNsent to this in an email to me on 9/11/08:     "I know thatin the past I did some fairly stupid and annoying things to you. I admit that Iprank called your house several times over the course of a few years, however Ihaven't made a single call to your residence since around 2005, the same yearmy son was born."

So toset things into context, DN was in the EH for several months, Astatine allowedhim to stay and actually defended his staying in the club...and did not eventell me or Cyric...we found out from Sarin of all people !  Ihave to admit this shocked me the most...A leader of a rival split club wasmore forthright with me about DN's identity than our own FleetCommander.   Of all things I ever told Astatine, keeping DN outof the EH was a top priority...he is too disruptive,malicious and actually has stated his one goal in life is to "take the EH down". Well, he almost succeeded today...but we beat him to the punch.

Whatthis means to to you, the Members of the EH, is that we are in majorreorganization mode...but it is not nearly as bad as it appears...Cyricand I have been on the phone with Stryfe for the past couple of weeks...We havecopies of what we really need from the former database. So, please don'tpanic ... Remember, the heart of this club is its Members, not somedatabase...thanks to the EH CS's hard work, we also have almostall of the webpages, member lists, a message board, manuals, battles etcetc. that we will need to move forward.

Stryfeis already working hard on a new database that will encompass ALL Subgroups,not just the TC/DB...each SG will essentially have its own subdomain/directoryoff with a tiered password access system for the EH CS and SGCOMs andvarious officers in the club...Stryfe is a web developer/programmer and hasmany large national companies on his RL resume which he submitted when heapplied for IO...he is very talented to say the least.  And I believe wewill all benefit from his superior expertise.  But everything will behosted on so we will NEVER have this problem again...

Ithink when we are all done, you will all see it will be a big improvementover what we had....and to reiterate a point I made in IRC today...the EHis NOT going SWG only...and the TC is to remain in the EH...the main reason we'redoing this is to bolster ALL of our Subgroups to be better prepared for severalnew Star Wars games out on the horizon.  Astatine never seemed to graspthat our club needs to diversify to survive...there will always be an ebb and aflow to various popular games...and the EH and its SGs need to be able toevolve with the gaming industry changes.  Since over the past couple ofyears, despite my repeated requests to Astatine, he refused to do this and as aresult, the club (as we all know) has essentially stagnated.  While thismay be partially the fault of the shift in Star Wars games focus from flightsims to first person shooters and SWG MMO, it is also the former FC's faultthat wenever adapted to these changes...which is what we needed to bedoing all along.

Hencewhy a couple weeks ago I 'demanded' Astatine do some work to be less TC-centricand incorporate ALL the other idea he was VERY resistant to and madeno progress on except for appointing Stryfe as IO...Astatine has never reallyresponded to me positively on this new task list and it became an 'us vs. them'thing with him.  When Astatine became more concerned about his own controland position than the good of the club, his usefulness to the clubended...  So, I think we will ALL be a lot better off in the future, whenwe get past the egos and e-drama and do what's best for the club.

True,we will miss the functionality of Ast's database...but from what I can gather,it was large, bloated and full of bad code...So, this is probably ablessing in disguise for us.

I havealready seen the new message board and except for the past lost posts, it willlook and function the same as the old one...

Stryfeis hard at work and the domain pages will be coming back up in the next24-48 hours as we remove the auto-code links to the old database.  If heasks you for something, please assist him quickly and as best you're able.

As itseems I have been doing all day, I want to apologize to ALLof you that got caught in the middle of this.  This was not theway it supposed to go down.  But when I received the log ofDarknyte's plans with Astatine to basically to try and steal the guts of theclub (see log above) and within a matter of hours coupled with Astatine'sapparent refusal to forcefully remove DN, his conversations with Cyric that hethreatened to remove the database for our use, we had to assume the log wasa clear and present danger and we acted accordingly.

Accordingly,with Cyric's concurrence, we pulled the trigger today in a pre-emptive strike...wehave been preparing for this for a couple weeks now...expecting some sort ofaction like this.  Basically, we rerouted the DNS's from back to removed Astatine's access to our two main IRCchannels (#eh and #tc).  Also, Astatine's access to the domain hasalso been revoked.  Astatine is no longer welcome in any EH channels.

Accordingly, GACyric is now full time Fleet Commander...please follow his direction as if itwere my own...

I hopethis answers everyone's questions...but if not, get a hold of me or Cyric.


GA Ronin
DO-PRN/GA Ronin/SSSD Sovereign
Princeps ("First Citizen")/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
Director of Operations - Fringe SWG Player Association/Guild
[GM(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
MoH/IC/GoEx2/OoR/MoC-boc/PC/ISMx2/GSx3/MoI/MoT-2rh-8gh/MoC-boc/LoC-CS/DFC-Rx1/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-11E[LANC] {IWATS}