September 2003


Alex Foley Appointed as the NEW EH Operations Officer:  09.09.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Operations Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

After a rather lengthy time for consideration, I have selected IOA/MAJ Alex Foley/SSSD Sovereign as the new EH Operations Officer.  Congratulations and best of luck on a difficult job in getting the EH Operations Manual and OPS site back up and running !!!

Per EH Command Staff policy, Alex Foley is herein promoted to the provision EH Rank of Rear Admiral pending completion of the mandatory 6-month probationary period (and assuming he does the great job we expect him too !).  If he should leave the position prior to this period, he would revert back to his rank of MAJ.

The other qualified candidates considered included :

I would like to add that ALL of these candidates had great things going for them....this was NOT an easy decision for me to make.  I took into serious account each of the pros & cons for each applicant.  Some excelled at either prior command/level of responsibility, graphics/website capability or past achievements in the EH.  In the end however, Alex Foley slightly edged out the other Applicants and stood out from the pack for the Position of OPS.

I wish Alex Foley well and hope he can 'hit the ground running' and immediately put to rest all the EHers that have been pleading with me (or yelling at me) to select a new OPS. :)

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

SWG Report #3:  09.05.03
As Emailed From:  DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #3

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

I'd like to start out this report by congratulating two of our members for reaching the Master level in elite professions. Nepo Igiemo has finally reached Master Architect, a feat few in the game have managed. And Krenn'sa Alvaak (better known to most of the Fleet as GA Ronin) has reached Master Musician. It takes a lot of time and effort to master an elite profession, so kudos to both!

We are still waiting for Player Cities to be introduced. Hopefully the recent posting of pictures of the City Management interface on the official SWG site means that this is very close to finally being a reality. With Nepo at Master Architect, we have someone who can become a City Planner (required if you want a City) and build us the buildings we need. First up will be a Town Hall, since you can't have a City without one. Next up will be the Shuttleport, which will make the trek to the PA Hall a lot easier on our non-combat oriented members.

Here's some good news: although it drove Darknyte crazy while it was happening, the recent deletion of all PAs and subsequent troubles has led to one good thing. We have our proper brand now! The Empire's Hammer now proudly bears the initials EH in the game.

The major patch released yesterday seems to have balanced out some of the complaints that Bounty Hunters had about essentially being nerfed after the last big patch. This makes me very happy.

Longshot has planned a get-together at the PA Hall tonight. It'll be a great opportunity to get everyone re-branded, maybe hunt a little and take a group picture.

And for those of you in-game who have been wondering why I haven't been on nearly as much lately, wn update. After 7 months of unemployment, I finally have a job again. That's why I'm not playing the game 12 hours a day, 6 days a week any more.

For those who don't already know, the Emperor's Hammer has formed the only official EH Player Association on the Chilastra server in Star Wars Galaxies. Joining the PA is open to all members of the EH, and anyone else who wants to join. The only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join the Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing DCGM Darknyte at, or send him a /tell in-game to Warynt.

As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who donated the web space.

For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit, or

Current in-game members: 25

Game Master 1st Class Jahn Compton
DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe
Executive Officer, Emperor's Hammer SWG Effort

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #103:  08.29.03


Hello guys and gals.

Your TAC is back and he recovered his strength and vitality. One week near Baltic see with my fiance made me really happy and well rested. So, new ideas in my head, new projects and more power to catch cheaters. So, read my report and enjoy.

Releasing new battles on hold

Project Shield is almost done thanks to hard work of our SCO. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to help, so we can count on SCO only. But it should be released this week, maybe next.

Mailer errors

XO is the only one who can fix database problems, so please do not report mailer errors to me. I can do nothing about them, since I don't have access to However, you can report TacDB issues to me, so I can fix them ASAP.

FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom

Yes. Competition has been approved by Training Officer and it starts September 1st. Plotline: rDB plans assassination of Grand Admiral Ronin. EH must use all necessary force, to prevent this.  Have fun. Competition ends after 1 month.

Golden Tug Awards

I need to consult IO staff about one thing, and wait for TO to approve this competition and we will be ready to go. I have prepared list of battles to use. Wait for more info.

Mission Creation Courses

Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 324 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 119 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.

Tactical Office Person of the Week:

This week Zystem Fryar is PotW, as recommended by TCC:XW

My nomination for Pilot of the Week is Zystem Fryar. ZF's been going through a ton of serious r/l problems right now, but yet he was still able to test the X-Wing free I assigned to him in a quick, well-informed, and timely manner. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is :)
Excellent work Fryar.

Current standings:

Infamus - 2
Abel Malik - 2
Linoge - 2
Locke Setzer - 5
Frodo - 2
Zystem Fryar - 5
Curtis - 1
Daniel Goad - 1
Chris McCollum - 2
Gidda - 1

Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 3
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 6
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 2
Total: 8
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 4
Total: 7

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -

Final word:

I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Tactical Office Report #104:  09.05.03


Hello guys and gals.

This week was rather busy and full of new events. Especially competitions. We have a lot of them coming soon, already started or being planned. This means you can earn a lot of good medals, including IS-PR, you need to try. So, enjoy my newest report :)

Project Shield - phase 1 completed

Phase 1 of Project Shield has been completed thanks to tireless work of your SCO. This means, 90% of all work is done. Now, we need to discuss some things with our XO, make some updates and soon, you will see entire new style of mission compendium. I won't tell you more, expect Project Shield and plenty of new battles, released very soon. I expect, next week.


This is entire new section of my report. Because there is a lot of competitions by Tactical Office, I have a short summary for you.

FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom

Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon and down
More details: here
TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
What would you do if you were TAC
Timeline: 15.IX.2003 - 30.IX.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 324 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 119 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This time, I had to choose on my own, so I select LC Gidda, for his tireless work. Also, both Fryar and Setzer get IS-GRs.

Excellent work Gidda, keep it up.

Current standings:

Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 1
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:

Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 3
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 6
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 2
Total: 8
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 4
Total: 7

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -

Final word:

I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Flight Office Report:  08.31.03

Greetings all and welcome to this week's report from the Flight Office,

- News:

Commodore Positions

Earlier last week, Vice Admirals Jahan Kalar and RogueWing both decided to retire from their COM positions (ISD Relentless and ISD Immortal respectively). Both were great Officers who made significant contributions to their commands and the TIE Corps. They'll be missed.

Applications are being accepted for replacements, with the following requirements:

- Good online presence - e-mail, MBs, and some IRC (particularly meetings if possible)
- No HCI convictions within the past 12 months
- A successful command history in the TIE Corps (to include a tour of at least two months as a Wing Commander or six consecutive months as a Squadron Commander with two different Squadrons)
- Ability to work with the entire Chain of Command
- Excellent working knowledge of all EH & TC protocols and policies (including the Fleet Standing Orders)
- Specific long and short term goals for your ship, Battlegroup and constructive contribution towards the TIE Corps as a whole Technical skills (HTML, mission design etc) are beneficial but not mandatory

You may include up to two references, at least one from a current or former superior (obtain permission from these individuals first. No, you can't ask me or Krax). As a Commodore, it will be your task to look out for your ship's long term welfare including it's growth and activity. You will be required to work with the Wing Commander on an almost daily business handling ship affairs. A good COM can mean the difference between the ship's success or failure and is not a job to be entered into lightly.

Applications should be sent to High Admiral Priyum and Admiral Krax Tarnisar before Tuesday 2nd September and should have the subject "Rel/Imm COM Application".

Sovereign Squadron League Results

Congratulations to the victors of this long running competition and thanks to all those who made it possible. The final complete results are located at

Operations Officer

As I understand it, applications are still being accepted for a new OPS - details are at

While we search for a new OPS, medals are not being awarded. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't continue with activities or even recommending them. ALL pending medals will be reviewed as soon as a new OPS is selected, you'll just have to be a little patient about it.

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #106:  08.30.03
As emailed From:  IOA/AD Turtle Jerrar/SSSD Sovereign

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

HA Ari is on leave until Wednesday, 3 September (night). Until then, I will be taking his place. Please direct any IO matters to myself ( and HA Ari.

As usual, work on EHW continues this week. More information about the progress of this project will be made public shortly.

I'm beginning to lay the groundwork for an enhanced MinosNIC web hosting service, which will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $5/month and include some upgraded service options. Hosting income will be used to help defray the costs of running the service. More specific details should be available next week.

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What underused IO service needs a makeover?
- Code Archive
- Code Collaboration
- EH Counters Service
- EH Greeting Card Center
- Banner Exchange
- EH Webring

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst+ Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

IOA/AD Turtle Jerrar/SSSD Sovereign

Internet Office Report #107:  09.05.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #107

September 5, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Well, it's nice to be back, and I've had quite a nice time on vacation, getting adjusted to college and all. I'm quite having a lot of fun...feel free to ask if you see me on IRC, if you're interested.

Not much happening, just catching up on everything. Turtle's helped take care of a bunch of Minos trouble tickets. He's also been working on improving some of the login code that Minos runs which will streamline the system.

I'll also be getting back into the swing of coding EHW since my short leave distanced me from it a bit. I'll probably be finishing the EHWPlayer class and possibly starting EHWShip soon.

Alex Foley has changed his email address again, to something more permanent:

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is The Citadel at which has been completely recoded (even though it retains the same old look) by Underlord Koral (, earning 5 stars!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What has happened to all the EH SWG addicts?

-They haven't slept in days
-The sarlacc ate them
-They found a hot Twi'lek chick (or Zabrak guy)
-They're busy crafting the next Death Star
-They just had no life to begin with
-They got nerfed

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Training Office Report #20:  08.29.03


I am pleased to say this shall be a small report. Work is progressing on several interesting plans that shall be mentioned in next weeks report. Until then, general reminders &c.

The Apostasy competition is remains underway, details at: The Competition will run until 12th September at 11:59pm BST (6:59pm EST).

The EH Racing League (details available at: becomes operational on 1st September 2003 in #EHCOC. It is the brainchild of Lieutenant Commander Rem Somnos ( of the ISD Grey Wolf and is open to all members of the Emperor�s Hammer.

The position of Active Server Page (ASP) Professor has now been filled. Congratulations to Colonel Wes Janson of the ISD Grey Wolf who joins the IWATS staff. His appointment brings the Professorial roll back to full-strength.

TIE Corps

The competition I extended in my previous Report has seen an increase in the number of competition submissions of late, but also a general increase in those that have been denied. I am forced once again to remind members of the TIE Corps that merit medals (ISM, BS etc.) cannot be awarded for competitions. Also, Gold Iron Stars may only be awarded for competitions involving at-least a Battlegroup (or equivalent).

Dark Brotherhood

The database processing of new Apprentices has progressed somewhat recently, thanks to the work of the Seneschal. Phase II confirmation messages are now generated for those recruits that meet the requirements, but there are still some areas lacking that will hopefully be tackled over the next weeks (notably the fundamental ability of new members to select the Clan they wish to enter). For the time-being, the system is still very much reliant on the manual processing of my staff and the Master-At-Arms. It should be noted that all outstanding submissions from new recruits have been dealt with and forwarded to the Master-At-Arms for individual processing; there is no backlog in the Shadow Academy.

Dark Jedi Knight Dura is continuing his work on the Duelling Institute of Eos (delightfully known as �DIE�). He has already called for descriptions of the combat environments found within the Institute. This is an excellent opportunity to influence a pivotal new project for the Brotherhood (while also earning a shiny award) and I urge all members to submit descriptions to DJK Dura at Full details may be found at:

Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members. Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail (this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate links). Questions should be addressed to me at

Imperial Senate

Vice Minister Verr has been keeping me appraised of the status of the coding of the Imperial University website and I am pleased to comment that it appears to be progressing at a steady pace. The University Board is 100% complete, and individual Profiles are at 75% completion. The news script has yet to be tackled, but this is a relatively simple task that may be completed once the rest of the University is functioning.

Key Office Resources

Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :

Academic Staff

Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant []
Dark Jedi Knight Robert Dura, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Magistrate to the Headmaster []

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll

High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management []
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Colonel Locke Setzer, Eggdrop []
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash []
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics []
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []

Shadow Academy Erudite Roll

Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine []
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics []
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies []
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper, Leadership Doctrine []

Imperial University Board

Xura Verr, Vice Minster of Education []

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  TBA

Operations Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)


Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Office Report #19:  08.30.03

Communications Office News:
I have added dasb0t to the #corporate_division channel on IRC at the request of AD Trow. This brings all of the ever so popular features of dasb0t to the CD channel.

The COMM competition "Make A New mIRC Function" is still ongoing, all entries are due to me by 2003/09/05 at midnight. It is open to all members of the EH, so no matter what subgroup you are in, even if you know nothing about mIRC scripting, try to learn a little bit and submit something. You never know, you might just get a shiney iron star. The competition page is here:

I'm still waiting for news on the updated CoC draft I sent several weeks ago. As a reminder, IRC ops are expected to either deop themselves when AFK or not actively monitoring an EH channel, or change their nick to reflect their status.

Work on The Fringe website is still ongoing, I have a few little odds and ends to finish up. I haven't forgotten about it, but RL work has been calling me in every day for the past little while.

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:



Quote of the Week:
None this week, please send all QotW submissions to

Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
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Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

Security Office Report #15:  09.05.03
As Emailed From:  CA:SO/VA Ziggy/CA-9/SSSD Sovereign

Security Office Report #15 - 09/05/03

1. SOA/AD Vman has decided to retire from active duty. We wish him the fondest of farewells, and a lot of sympathy since he'll be taking care of his kid full time. Applications are not being accepted at this time.

2. Fairly quiet week on IRC. There was an incident involving a pilot using an autogreet script to redirect members to inappropriate sites, but the appropriate bans have been set, and the case is being assembled.

3. Keep in mind, virus activity is still fairly high. Insure your virus definitions are up to date, and be careful of opening attachments from unknown users. Below are a list of subjects frequently used by the Sobig.F virus, which has given me the most attempts lately.

* subjects to avoid.
* Your details
* Thank you!
* Re: Thank you!
* Re: Details
* Re: Re: My details
* Re: Approved
* Re: Your application
* Re: Wicked screensaver
* Re: That movie
* Re: That movie

If you believe you have contracted a virus, contact the CA:SO through an uninfected computer, or a web-based email account, with the subject of "Security - Virus Removal". Do not attach any files, as the mail will be automatically redirected to my trash.

That's it for this week, folks. Keep it clean, and stay safe.

CA:SO/VA Ziggy/CA-9/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #24:  09.06.03

"Men were real men, women were real women, and small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were REAL small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri. Spirits were brave; men boldly split infinitives that no man had split before. Thus was the Empire forged."


Welcome to my twenty-fourth public report as a Science Officer, pretty late... (Don't let vials with infectious diseases lying about open in your lab :P) ...let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. Project Shield is finished! (Yay! *does a happy dance*) This most boring TAC Project I took over is still classified, but we're making final preparations so it can in principle be released this weekend, or week. Final
preparations included bug fixing and testing by AD Darkhill and myself but after we're completely done with that the next step really is up to the TAC and XO so hopefully it will basically be off our hands then.

2. The Directorate part of the Order of Battle has been updated to show the names of the up to now unnamed ships of the Directorate. I also changed the layout of the Directorate slightly and corrected some bugs.

3. The Infiltrator Wing part of the Order of Battle has been updated following the changes made to the IW roster. All active Squadrons are now in Wing I on the MC90 Renegade and all the links to the rosters have been updated as well. Still to come is a change to the setup of Vulture and Scorpion Squadron and to the craft types of Panther Squadron, which will be getting K-Wings.

4. The Fleet Manual has been updated to make it more fitting to the rest of the site. This is just a temporary update until such time we get an actual database version of it.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been debugging and updating parts of the Uber Project now that we've finished Shield.

SCOA: CM Tim continued work on his Imperial Hangar for XWA and updated the OoB structure on the IW site.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made to the Fleet Manual and the Order of Battle.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. On hold for the
Grand Project, though I might just release a few craft for TIE and XvT this week while we wait.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. Currently on hold until Den's PC is completely fixed (compiler won't run as well on his back-up PC).

Project Shield: (TAC Project) has been completed (Yay!). It should be released about this week or even weekend.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

No report submitted...

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report #23:  08.30.03


I still have no responses from the letters, though my hopes are still high.

I am officially starting the Recon Office Banner Comp today. It will run for one week, ending next Saturday ( 9-6-03) at 11:59 CST (12:59 EST). The RO Banner is old and I think it's long overdue for a overhaul. Only specs really is it needs to be tasteful with the ideals of the Recon Office. All submissions must be sent to myself at, and my CA:RO/RA Shay'la at

1st Place: Imperial Security Medal
2nd Place: IS-GW
3rd Place: IS-BW

Good luck to all applicants!

Other than that, it's a quiet week in the Office. IRL Work has gotten the better of me this week, the only reason for the lateness of this report.

Now, On to the SW News!


Luke Skywalker � Lightsaber� Force FX Collectible

Official reproduction of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Glowing, bright green blade ignites with realistic power-up and power-down light effects Authentic lightsaber sound effects digitally recorded from the movie Features four motion sensor controlled sound effects: power-up, idle hum, clash, and power-down Durable metal hilt looks and feels like a real lightsaber Sturdy blade is permanently attached to the hilt

Uses 6 AA batteries - not included
Dimensions: 44.3" L x 2.2" H x 2.1" W
Materials: machined aluminum hilt with injection molded ABS parts, polypropylene blade with electro-luminescent core
Item # SW-203
MSRP $139.00

Darth Vader � Lightsaber� Force FX Collectible

Official reproduction of Darth Vader's lightsaber from Star Wars: A New Hope Glowing, bright red blade ignites with realistic power-up and power-down light effects Authentic lightsaber sound effects digitally recorded from the movie Features four motion sensor controlled sound effects: power-up, idle hum, clash, and power-down Durable metal hilt looks and feels like a real lightsaber Sturdy blade is permanently attached to the hilt This special lightsaber comes with a custom-designed display stand

Uses 6 AA batteries - not included
Dimensions: 44.3" L x 2.4" H x 2" W
Materials: machined brass and nickel-plated chrome hilt with injection molded ABS parts, polypropylene blade with LED core
Item # SW-202
MSRP $139.00

New Galaxies Adventure

The Galaxies Adventures Page ( ) has been updated with a new adventure, the tale of the Ewoks. Things start off fine, but a bug sends me down the tube....

Check it out to get the whole story plus screens!

Galaxies Friday Feature: Player Cities

Sat, Aug 30, 03 11:47:13 AM EDTThe Developers have told us that Player Cities were planned for the game but were cut from the initial release because of time constraints. Whether you like or loathe the idea, they have been working on them (or at least saying they've been working on them) and have released new screens this week to show them off. Here is the First Article ( ) on Player Cities, with an excerpt:

Security. The mayor can assign members of the citizenry to the city militia. These players gain the ability to freely enforce the law within the city's borders. Militia members can ask troublemakers or enemies to leave with the new /warn command. If the warned player doesn't leave the city quickly, they will become open to attack from members of the militia. Militia members can also deny undesirables access to city services through the /ban command.

And next we have the New Screens ( ) of player buildings such as a hospital, theatre, and garage. I hope they get in-game vehicles in soon!

Star Wars Galaxies Novel??

Reader Andrew Timson just sent an interesting find: an entry at for a paperback called Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine, ( ), by Voronica Whitney-Robinson. A web search led me to her personal web page, ( )  which also has a listing of the book. Could this be a prose account of the ongoing Galaxies plotline? If this sounds familiar to any of you Galaxies players out there?

The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy
by Greg Keyes

Zonama Sekot holds the key to ending the bloody war between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. As Luke Skywalker negotiates an alliance with the living planet, Yuuzhan Vong operatives steal one of the world's organic starships for delivery to scientist Nen Yim. Yim's research not only uncovers the mysteries of the planet, but also long-forgotten secrets of the Yuuzhan Vong. Elsewhere, General Wedge Antilles leads a three-pronged campaign to take the Bilbringi system, but becomes stranded in Yuuzhan Vong space. He must rely on his wits to survive long enough to continue one of the deadliest and most crucial missions of the Alliance.

Galaxies 2nd Largest Online Game

LucasArts sent this press release to media outlets including TFN today. Quite a benchmark for success for Galaxies!

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Surpasses 275,000 Registered Players SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 27, 2003-- Following Single Most Successful Introduction of MMO, Galaxies: An Empire Divided Now Ranks as Second Largest MMO in U.S. On the heels of the most successful introduction of a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game to date, LucasArts announced today that Star Wars Galaxies(TM): An Empire Divided(TM) has surpassed 275,000 registered users. Released on June 26, 2003, An Empire Divided has quickly become the second largest MMO in the U.S., in terms of registered users, and is the fastest growing MMO role-playing game (RPG) to date. "Almost immediately we were seeing thousands of players interacting simultaneously, building communities and creating in-game events like player weddings, store openings and many other inventive activities," said Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArts. "We'll soon be introducing new features and content that will enhance the experience for existing players as well as casual gamers or Star Wars fans who might be new to the MMO genre. The best is yet to come!" "After three years of intense development and high anticipation, we felt that we had an amazing game on our hands, but you're never sure of your success until you get the ultimate validation from the players," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. "Sony Online and LucasArts have been very successful in communicating with the game's very active fan base and incorporating their feedback, as necessary, to continue improving the experience." The Star Wars Galaxies development team continues to work on a variety of new content and features such as player-owned ground vehicles, player mounts and player cities, along with substantial new content to be introduced in the coming months. In Star Wars Galaxies, for the first time thousands of players can live the Star Wars saga and become immersed in the classic Star Wars universe simultaneously. Players can interact with characters from classic Star Wars including Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo and many other favorites on 10 different planets/environments in the largest Star Wars game in history.

That's it for me this week! Have a great Labor Day!

Non-EH SOTW: Xwing Vs Tie Fighter II? Not what you think, but fun!


RO Report #24:  09.05.03


Greetings from the RO Office!

No news on the local front this week. I am about to start working on my 2nd batch of letters and interviews.

I would, however, like to thank the powers that by for CoL award. This is my second CoL in my six years with the EH. I am just as proud now as I was then. Thank you! :)

The RO Banner Comp will continue until a suitable replacement is found. A few entries so far, but keep them coming!!

Not much happening SW News wise. There are a few cool things happening this week. Take a look!

EP3: Costumes of Episode III

The Official Site Homing Beacon talks about Episode III costumes. Here's a clip of the action to encourage you to subscribe yourself:

Anakin Skywalker clearly has the most profound transition from the prequel to the original trilogy, but the evolution of his Jedi robes from Attack of the Clones to his garb in the new installment is more understated than his future look of dark armor. "We changed his cloak shape, and gave him a new slightly more Jedi-like cloak this time," says Biggar. "We changed his colors, and we darkened them all down, hinting at what he's going to become. Although he was quite dark brown before, there were some lighter aspects. This time, we've really taken shades of dark brown to give him a dark outline even though he's still a Jedi." Though Senators Padm� Amidala and Bail Organa are absent from the original films, they continue to evolve Episode III, building upon their looks from the previous chapter. "In Episode I, Padm� was very formal and very ceremonial, and that became slightly relaxed for Episode II. In Episode III, we see her in a couple of business-like -- but not heavily ceremonial -- costumes, so generally her look is softer, and we get a chance to see her in a more relaxed state. I think even more relaxed now than she was in Episode II -- softer, more feminine," explains Biggar.

"Though we saw Bail Organa in Episode II as a Senator, George wanted him to look slightly more high tech in a way," she says. "We ended up using more metal pieces in his costumes. He has a high-tech metal comlink, and his ceremonial Senate costume has a beautiful metal collar piece."

New Browser Game!

Tom Josephson, author of X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, and it's Sequel X-Wing vs TIE Fighter 2, has astounded us all with a top down adventure game, Jedi Wars. This is based on the Battle of Genosis and proves to be great fun! You can play the game here ( ), and also get links to the help file and forum discussion thread there. Go check it out!

Ylesia: Erratum and Recompense

For all of you who bought the mass-market paperback edition of Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way, expecting to find the e-story Star Wars: The New Jedi Order; Ylesia included therein... welll it sucks to be you. :P Here is the full download of the E-Book! ((Click on the link at the bottom of the news peice.))

Announcing Jango Blaster Replicas

Jango Fett's elegant yet lethal pair of WESTAR-34 blasters has been faithfully reproduced by the artisans at Master Replicas, displayed in a classic pistola style that evokes the romance of the gunslinger mythos. Custom-designed for deadly precision and agility, Jango favored the WESTAR-34's for their ability to sustain rapid firing without overheating, a favorable edge to carry into a desperate situation.

Included in this set is an exclusive closed trigger stunt version, which Jango spun on his finger with classic western flourish in Attack of the Clones. Fashioned from machined aluminum, weighted resin, and die-cast metal parts, each blaster sports a hand polished barrel and measures about 13.57" length x 5.5" height x 1.5" width. The custom crafted display case includes a numbered metal plaque, plaque holder, and certificate of authenticity. With an edition size of only 1500 worldwide, fans of the galaxy's most gifted gunfighter may have to be quick on the draw to bring in this deadly duo.

For more details, including release date and ordering information, see the official Master Replicas website ( .


That about wraps it up for this week. You'll get more news as soon as I hear it. :

Non-EH SOTW: Master Replicas! This site rocks *so* much.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

No report submitted...

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

HF Domain Report:  08:29:03


No much happened this week on the legion.

-Operation Hurricane closed and was considered a huge success! And my brain got a nice idea going on, that is to transform all Run-ons in actual fiction works.

-Operation Burnination started slow, but it's steady and some increase in activity is expected.

-Following the example of the recent operations, LG Sithspawn asked me to prepare an operation, which I replied: " op? Sure!". Very good Gsers!

-Between frustration and boredom I gave up my Droid Engineer character on Tempest server of SWG, and started a new one in Chilastra, which is already a apprentice gunfighter. If you understand Portuguese, you'll be able to check my SWG review on by Tuesday. Having some thoughts on custom missions for us, but since I've found no Hfers there, I'll just leave it up the Fringe guys for the moment.

-Medals and promos awarded, congrats everyone! Check the list bellow.

-LG Zsinj just arrived at college and now we're ready to work on the detachments! Hurray for change!

I think those are the most relevant points. Thank you for your time, CCs relay this to lines!

GN Mordred

Star of Valour
SPL Narthax

Cross of Obedience
SPL Phantom

Desert Jewel
SSG Earl Swagger

Ice Cross
SSG Earl Swagger

Eye of Palpatine
SGT Ric Gravant

Long Service Award
Malik x 2
COL Dante
SSG BaleFire x 2

PFC Kael Malah'k
SPL Narthax
COL Dante
MG Sithspawn
LTC Dingo
LTC Domingo Chavez

HF Domain Report:  09:06:03
As Emailed From:  XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution


I'm not sure why the PRF didn't send a report yesterday *shrugs* I guess something important came up. Oh well, sorry about the lateness, here goes.

Roster Count...

Member Count (Active Members): 83
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 111
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 185

Not a whole lot going on really. School seems to be starting so I've noticed a bit of a drop off in activity, especially in the IRC channels. I am also taking a pair of classes, but those are in the middle of the week at night, so it shouldn't mess with the running of the legion to awful much.

The platoon league is up and running again after a long break. This month will be run be CC Malik, who has proven in the past to be very reliable and very fast in grading and updating scores. All PL information can found at and all submissions should be sent to

LG Z is at college now and is in the process of settling in. Once he has a decent net connection we will be able to start to reorganization. FEAR!

Finally, Operation Burnination is on the slowdown, I will give it another week. Then it will be brought to an end. Good job guys, I am proud of all the graphic submissions received and the run-on posts are wonderfully, wonderfully demented.

That's all I got, until next time.


Der Dingo

You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!

XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga

Infiltrator Wing

IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
[DSM/DHI/LoM/LOAx3/SVx3/MoDx5/MC-1x25/MC-2x15/VC-E/VC-E/VC-E/VC-B/CBVw3/CBVw5/WCx5/IWwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DF-SF/MoI-bc ( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear

No report submitted...

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

Prex Report #44:  08.30.03

Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 30/08/03

Total - 76 (149 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 3
Trade Assembly - 47
PLT Revenge - 26
Unemplyed - 73

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For the majority of this week, I was unable to get to any of my files on my computer let alone connect to the internet due to various computer problems. With important changes made to my computer now, everything *should* be alright, there hasn't been any problems so far. Also due to the fact I've got my computer back, i've continued to learn PHP, if you're willing to give me pointers, etc, then please email me or find me on IRC (`Trow/`Trow-afk) or AIM (EHTrow).

Senior Technician Ric Gravant is currently working on the Nova Shipyards site, primarily the database behind the system. Soon enough, a design for the layout of the Nova Shipyards website will be needed. If you'd like to contribute graphics or ideas towards the site then please contact myself (, VA Leeson ( and SNR Gravant (

Reminder: Detachment Commander of the soon to be reopened Corporate Division Newsgroup, within the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation, is still open to applications. The Corporate Division Newsgroup will be the primary Division articles writing detachment and will create work for the Corporate Division Magasine, The Chronicle, and the Emperor's Hammer Newsletter, The Dark Sentinel. Applications are to be sent to MWO Aidan 'AbsoluteK' Cantor Karias (

Corporate Propoganda competition is still running, with information located: I highly recommend people take part in this competition as the rewards are high, meaning it will be to your benefit when resources like Nova and AGC open.

The Training Office's compeition, Apotasy, is still running. Details can be found at: Again, participation is highly recommended!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

Prex Report #45:  09.07.03

Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 06/09/03

Total - 76 (149 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 3
Trade Assembly - 48
PLT Revenge - 25
Unemplyed - 73

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry for the delay, busy weekend. A good week for the Corporate Division! Activity is showing signs of improvement, with Auroran Technology Enterprises getting ready to start on their first contract as a corporation. If you're a member of ATE and would like to take part in this contract, which has credit/PE rewards remember, then email Wedge (

On the topic of Auroran Technology Enterprises, Wedge Antilles has been its Chief Executive Officer for a fair while now, on a trial basis. He's settled in now and has established himself as a capable Chief Executive. Taking this into account, i've decided to hand him the full-time job of ATE CEO and promote him to Master Warrant Officer (Supervisor when the database supports that rank). Congratulations Wedge and keep up the good work!

The PLT Revenge will be finally getting its much needed revamp within the next few weeks. This will hopefully include a new website design, new courses, new PROF's and many more options for you guys. If you'd like to help with this work, then please email me at or even email me if you have any ideas for a new course!

A better reward system for the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation has been worked out, for every five hours of DJ'ing the member will receive one President's Escort point. Every day that they DJ more than an hour, they'll receive a Medal of Achievement. When the Corporate Division Newsgroup reopens, every article will warrant a Medal of Achievement and every five articles will be rewarded with one President's Escort point.

Welcome Junior Technician rndmcnlly to the Corporate Division! He's been assigned to the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation. Welcome aboard, mate.

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

No report submitted...

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

Report of the Supreme Director #15:  08.29.03

Roster Count: 60

(All currently inaccessible - email any Intel enquiries to
Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) -
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) -
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Praetorian Squadron Finish 2nd in the Sovereign League

Praetorian Squadron narrowly lost to Omega Squadron in the finals of the Sovereign League. Even though they did not win they showed the other TIE squadrons that they do indeed outclass in almost every respect and are indeed worthy of being recognized as an elite squadron of the Emperor�s Hammer Strike Fleet. Participation throughout the rounds was excellent and consequently the Ubiqtorate wishes to honour the pilots of Praetorian Squadron as follows:

Grand Medallion of Foresight - [GMoF]
Colonel Andrezj Mezynski
Lieutenant Colonel Shae Kitane
Lieutenant Colonel Turr Phennir

Force of the Emperor�s Will - [FoEW]
Colonel Benjamin Jahou Morgan
Lieutenant Colonel Zorn Starn
Major Dolsar Saris
Lieutenant Commander Thomas Nitecki
Commander Sirik Xirok

Medal of Awareness - [MoA]
Captain Mauser

2. Promotions

It is my firm belief that hard work within the EH should be recognized and as I am now content that our two Bureau Directors have proven themselves to be both competent and valuable additions to Intel�s command staff I am consequently promoting them both to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Winters and Lieutenant Colonel Rebelkiller.

3. Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR)

I�m on the look out for a Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR). The RADR is a new Ubiqtorate officer. He will be responsible for running basic training for new agents (i.e. greeting new recruits, maintaining a website full of useful information, marking the general test , answering questions and queries and maintaining a training roster ) as well as searching the rosters of the EH for those worthy of being invited to join Intel. The ideal candidate will be an experienced Intel officer (BUDR/UBIQ) who has proven �people skills�, possibly a retired officer looking to return to active duty. Experience of EH training would be a bonus but is not necessary.

4. Problems with

The Intel site (and manual and AoT) are all currently down because of �exceeded bandwidth�. Stalker is currently trying to sort out the problem for us because he�s nice like that. As far as I am aware the email forwarders are still working, but if you experience any problems you can use:

SDIR - or

5. New Website in the Works

One of the talented blokes from the Internet office has begun work on a shiny new Intel website for us, which is kind of him. This is rapidly nearing completion so hopefully it�ll be ready in a week or two.

6. Academy of Tactics

For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be revamped with fewer, more practical and useful tests over the course of the next month or so. Anyone wishing to help rewrite the courses should get in contact with

If you have any outstanding tests which have been submitted to the TTDR but have not been marked then send them ONCE and once ONLY to Those that I have already received have been marked and all the results were sent out earlier today.

7. #dgn_lichtor_v Channel Manager

Level 400+ ops should have received an email from me regarding the selection of a new channel manager, if not get in touch - - as I�m still waiting to hear from some of you.

They think it�s all over� it is now.

SDIR Report #16:  09.05.03

Roster Count: 60

(All currently inaccessible - email any Intel enquiries to
Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk - (On leave 07/09/03 -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
RADR/GN Scrier -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) -
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) -
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. A Quick Thank You from the SDIR

I thought I�d start this report by letting you know how proud I am of you all. The EH as a whole is very quiet at present, yet I am constantly amazed at the level of activity displayed by the membership of this subgroup. If it wasn�t for the fact that technology seems to have developed a grudge against me lately I�d be a very happy little SDIR. Hopefully your commanding officers have been rewarding you appropriately. You�re all helping make the EH a better place - keep up the good work!

2. Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR)

I am pleased to announce that the new Recruitment and Admissions Director is�

General Scrier!!! (Cue sounds of spontaneous applause). Scrier has previously served on the Ubiqtorate as Census Director and is also a former Director of the Analysis Bureau. I�m sure if you regularly use IRC you will all grow to �love� his unique brand of humour� As RADR, Scrier will be responsible for running basic training for new agents (i.e. greeting new recruits, maintaining a website full of useful information, marking the general test , answering questions and queries and maintaining a training roster ) as well as searching the rosters of the EH for those worthy of being invited to join Intel.

3. Design a Logo Competition - Open to all members of the EH

The Intelligence Division is in need of a logo for use, well� everywhere! The selected logo will be splattered all over Intel websites is a variety of sizes and may even make an appearance on some tasteful EH gear (you know you �ve always wanted an Intel teddy!). I�m looking for something fairly simple, yet bold and striking which will look good against a black background. Ideally it should be sized between 300x300 to 400x400 pixels and be in .jpg or .gif format.

The logo can feature pretty much anything you want so long as it has some reference to �Intel� and doesn�t feature images unsuitable for the eyes of young children or GN Scrier. Speaking of eyes, eyes are a good theme, since we are �the eyes and ears of the fleet�. One idea I had was to produce something based around the Eye of Horus (an Egyptian symbol - do an image search with google and you�ll see what I mean). You could also look at the opening credits of James Bond movies for inspiration - chicks and guns :).

If you need any guidance, email me. Entries should be sent to me ( by the end of
September. The winning entry will probably receive a Force of the Emperor�s Will [FoEW] depending on the quality of the work and the author�s subgroup. There may also be medals on offer for other commendable entries.

4. Commendations of Loyalty [CoL]

Commendations of Loyalty have been awarded to members of the Intelligence Division as follows:

Admiral Troutrooper
Rear Admiral Aseret Thunderhawk
General Davi Anthol
Colonel Andzrej �Iceman� Mezynski
Lieutenant Colonel Turr Phennir
Lieutenant Colonel Shae Kitane
Lieutenant Colonel Winters
Lieutenant Rebelkiller

Further details are available on the EH news page. When a get a spare minute I�ll confirm the [CoL]s by email.

5. Tactics/Training Director

We have lost contact with Vice Admiral Raith over the past few weeks. Sadly this means I am forced to remove him from his position. Consequently we no longer have a TTDR. I will not be accepting applications at present. Any applications received before they are requested will be ignored. When they are requested your applications would look better if you could show some involvement with the AoT revamp (see item 6).

6. Academy of Tactics Revamp

For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be revamped with fewer, more practical and useful tests over the course of the next month or so. Anyone wishing to help rewrite the courses should get in contact with

7. Unmarked Academy of Tactics Tests

If you have any outstanding tests which have been submitted to the TTDR but have not been marked then send them ONCE and once ONLY to before the end of the week and I�ll mark them for you (otherwise you�ll just have to wait for the new AoT to come online).

8. Problems with

The Intel main, manual and the AoT sites are still all down because of �exceeded bandwidth�. Stalker is currently trying to sort out the problem for us because he�s nice like that, but there�s been no result so far. Our new site will be up at a temporary location in the near future. As far as I am aware the email forwarders are still working, but if you experience any problems you can use:

SDIR - or
(NB. - doesn�t exist yet:P)

And everyone lived happily ever after.

The End.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Directorate Domain Report:  08.31.03


Please excuse the lateness of this report... RL has hit me hard the past couple of days.

-First of all, apologies for missing this before... the new Directorate web page is up! You can find it at, care of A:DGMF Ric Gravant. I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. Thanks, Ric!

-Unfortunately, this past week has also seen the resignation of DGMF Monsh. We're sorry to see you go, Monsh, and I hope you can come back soon.

-The restructuring of the Colonial Branch will start today, just as soon as I get the e-mail list fixed up. Colonial members, be prepared!

-I have a handful of awards to announce for the Ministry Council and other high-ranking officers... stay tuned, so you can be part of the wild drinking binges at the end.

Roster Total: 53 active, 3 reserve, 56 total

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute: TBA

That's all for this week.


Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

No report submitted...

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

No report submitted...

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

No report submitted...

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

COO Report #48:  08.30.03

COO News

(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

I am expanding the deadline on the COC Banner Comp for 7 days. Please send me submission!

I submitted a new DFC System. However I must wait for a new OPS till I get a positive response!

COOA Autoris also gave the COC Site a new Style!

Multiplayer Competition News

Comp good is great. Currently this SG's are taking part in the EHCOC Comps: TC, DB, HF, IW

Minor problems are resolved soon!

Bot News

Nothing new.

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer

COO Report:  09.07.03

COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

Sorry for the late report, however RL can be a real bitch!

COOA Autoris made a protest resignation due to problems with Ast and his "way" to choose an OPS!

There is still no OPS. Please do not bother me for about 15 DFC's that are not awarded.

Also I will announce the winner of the Banner Comp tomorrow.

Also I will open apps for a COOA soon. However this time, TCL knowledge is a MUST!

Multiplayer Competition News

Comp activity is okay.

Also we are singed up at a few BSC MP Wars that we usually do not take part in! Bot News

Currently the bot has no admin!

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report:  09.02.03

Hello sirs, sorry for the lateness of this report was out till Monday, and then SWG got me caught up, we know how that goes. Anyways onto the New from last week.


FMC rosters have been updated, 6 new members added!!

XO is now open for applications, please send me an e-mail stating why you deserve the position, what you can do for it, and your name and rank of course, past command experience is always a plus. Job entails keeping activity levels up, runnign FMC when i'm gone, and gathering Reports to hand in to me. Applications should be sent to

Info on my new Flash point advertisement is well, it seems i downloaded the program, and it sucked, so i went out and bought it, and went back and got the book dummies for flash, hehe No one online could teach me and i have been looking for a while.

We plan to re-register the EH_Medlab site soon, just need a certain amount of members willing to provide CService names if you have one and can provide it send it my way please!

Join Form DOES work, just is slow so if it takes some time to get your reply back do not worry we got it, just takes some time.

Well this is all for this week, thank your sirs, again sorry for the lateness!


FMC Report:  09.06.03


Hello sirs, another beautiful day in FMC land, hehe. Well I have great news this week for ALL!!! Anyways read ahead to find out more.


Wow this week was quite amazing, seems we ran across a rogue FMC group not knowing i was MO. We are currently in the middle of a merge, and are transferring to Minos, and a PHP structure. We have gained about another 6 members, and brings us a little over 20 once roster is fully updated.

Remember my XO spot is still open, I have received some applications, get yours in ASAP if you want the position. I shall review all fairly.

For us to register the room I need CService nicks, please send me your CService nicks so we can register the FMC IRC room. Thank You

The Flash program has gone a little slower this week have had less time due to work, and DB, and this whole merge deal.

Well sirs seems this is all for this week. Website is still up at same location will notify if any changes occur.


Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD/RA Obiwan/IA/SSSD Sovereign [LANC][ISM][LoC-Rx1][OV-4E]{IWATS-CORE-SM/3}

SOD Report #2: 08.29.03

Well... the SOD's Graphics competition is on! Details of the competition are on the MB after this email, so... watch for them.

I'll be working with Keldorn in the coming weeks to start my SG vs. SG competitions. Given its relative weakness atm, I won't be having the DB compete as yet. I think they need to get just a little bit stronger first. I'm thinking Intel vs. the BHG for my first attempt. That should be an interesting battle. Both groups are geared to covert ops type things, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

That's pretty much all I have this week other than my competition. The results of that will determine what graphics you see on my upcoming webpage, so please do watch this space carefully.


Special Operations Director Report #3 .08.09.03

Welcome to the third Special Operations Director's report! I must apologize for the lateness of this report, btw, I have been trying to settle in at school and so last week was a busy one.

Well folks... it's been a long, SWG filled summer for me and I'm sorry to say I'm back in school now, so I don't play as much. School, however, is not going to affect my plans for SOD, not by a longshot.

I am going to begin working with Darknyte on the first of two websites related to next year's 10th anniversary. The first of these, is the EH heroes website. This had been an all LO project, but as I mentioned in my initial report, I think this needs to be more descriptive of the achievements of the people that were given the medal of honor. I would also like to note, that anyone who has been expelled, will not be on my version of this(DN, please make a note of this). Again, this was originally DN's project, but I had told him I would work with him on it, because I can help him with info on some of the older folks that he might not know about.

Additionally , I have asked Astatine to post my SOD Webpage Graphics competition on the TC website and I've extended the deadline a week longer so as to get quality, rather than crappy last minute submissions(Originally it ends tomorrow!) Once I have some good solid graphics of all types, I intend to go ahead and work with the IO and Alex Foley to help with the code for the actual site itself. Hopefully, I get some nice submissions and can have a very cool looking page.

The final piece of this report is to remind you folks that I will be hosting the first of my SOD's SG vs SG competition as soon as all the webpage stuff is finished. I will be running these competitions from my website with details thereupon as to how to complete specific events.

That's just about all I have for this week. I will continue to play SWG, and work on 10th anniversary events as time passes.

Until next week

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

No report submitted...


Commendation of Loyalty (CoL) Recommendations - The List:  08.20.03
As Emailed From:  ISP/AD Mell Kerrigan/SSSD Sovereign [GALL]

Command Staff

FC/GA Ronin
XS/SA Astatine
FO-TCCOM/HA Priyum Patel
TO-DEAN AD Keldorn
LO/AD Darknyte
SO/AD Zoltar

Command Attach�'s

CA:FO FA Cyric
CA:IO FA Leeson
CA:SCO AD Den Darkhill
CA:SO VA Ziggy

Imperial Advisers

ISP/AD Mell Kerrigan
MO/RA Jacob

Command Assistants

IOA AD Turtle
SOA AD Robert Dura
COOA RA Autoris Maximus

Tactical Staff


TIE Corps

FO-TCCOM's Recommendations

AD Proton
AD Krax Tarnisar
AD Darksaber
VA Ranthier Khan

SSSD Sovereign

GN Stele
LC Mayk Wolverine
GN sasquatch

Wing I

LCM Kahooli
CM Gysser
LC Freelancer

Wing II

CM Viper
LCM Sheerelk
LCM Dweezil

Wing III

CM Pokemaster
CPT Drak
CM Dan Jenkins

Wing IV

CM Hic Ric
MAJ Evo Sarnok
LCM Valic

Wing V

LC Yoman
CM Ryan Chi'Cath
LCM Quincy Nelson

TIE Corps Battlegroups

VA Jahan Kalar
RA Sephiroth
MAJ BubbaX


CM Myremod
CPT Hermann
LC Wysseri Arestar

Wing IX

CPT Sarn
LCM Dukimar
CPT Tiger

Wing X

CM TK-9780
CPT Chris McCollum
COL Locke

Wing XI

MAJ VinDoros
LCM Ryke
MAJ Hunter

Aggressor Strike Force

GN Sickman
LC Phantom
COL Dax Corrin


MAJ Kenath Zoron
MAJ Drake Jensen
CPT Marc Kendoran

Wing XIV

CM Yukito
CM CrimsonFury
CPT Tvan'Oris

Wing XV

CPT Leslaw
CM Kael Malahk
MAJ Pickled Yoda

Avenger Task Force

RA Anthol
MAJ Jaron Kai
RA TK-2107


CPT D.T.Hammer
CM Dash Rendar
LT Swerg

Wing XIX

CM Aft Skylek
CM Tycho Celchu
CPT Ketan Snej

Wing XX

CM Archangel
CM Curtis
LT Slayer

Omega Squadron

GN Compton

Avenger Squadron

LC Yossan

Tau Squadron

CPT Gistenjunge

Praetorian Squadron

MAJ Shae Kitane

Dark Brotherhood

GM recommendations

MAA DA Priyum
OWL Khaen
KPN Sithspawn
SBL Gidda
SBL Frey Gallandro


DJK SavageAz/Sentinel/Ronin
PRT Mordecai Malignatus/Sentinel/Ronin
DJK Chris Cox/Auctoritas

Scholar Palatinae

SBM Kane Reese
PRT Klaus "Outsider" Steiner
SW Ace Hobbes

Satal Keto

DJK Jack Stone
GRD Uther
SBM Hermann


Battlemaster Darkfinn
Warrior Angel Love Saris
Warrior Akul Sinatek


Obelisk Warrior Sukuth
Jedi Hunter Jeremy Leto Cleon Alexander Demerzel
Sith Battlelord Proton

Intelligence Division

AD Troutrooper
RA Aseret Thunderhawk
GN Davi Anthol
COL Andzrej Mezynski
LC Turr Phennir
LC Shae Kitane
MAJ Winters
MAJ Rebelkiller

Infiltrator Wing

Command Staff

Fleet Admiral Niksavel

MC-90 Fear

Wedge 'Atom Ant' Antilles
MAJ Eriond Kath'Razzit
LCM Pokemaster
BRG Renn
CM Ric Gravant

MC-90 Warspite

CM Xanatos Screed
LC Orzon
MAJ Uther

Hammer's Fist

COL Dante
LTC Domingo Chavez
LG Zsinj
LT Shadowmaker
MSG Silent
HC Tygarin Cypher
LTC Dingo
SSG Balefire

Corporate Division

Commissar General Loor
Vice Admiral Bevel Leeson
Master Warrant Officer Aidan 'AbsoluteK' Cantor Karias
Warrant Officer Wedge Antilles
Warrant Officer CarrotBoy
Senior Technician Viet
Technician Blythe


GM 1st Class Compton.
Immortal 1st Class Madon
GM 1st Class Flelm
GM 1st Class Astix
GM 1st Class Holu

Imperial Senate

Minister Dessrx
Minister Demerzel
Minister Goersase.

Fleet Medical Corps

BRG Klaus "Outsider" Steiner
LCM Brent Tainer

Bounty Hunters' Guild

CARD/Ehart Dak`wind
DUKE/Hiko Seijuro
BRN/Nindo Flast
PRM/Tuss Raydod
COUNT/Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca, Lobster Extraordinaire
MARQ/Dalk RaR! Darklighter


No Submissions

Upon your approval I will post this on the Message Board.


Fleet Commander's Note:

Since no objections have been raised by the rest of the Command Staff, the Fleet Commander herein approves the CoL Recommendation List.  Upon appointment of a new Operations Officer (OPS), the CoLs will be officially recorded on you TIE Corps profiles.

In the meantime, all awardees on this list may feel free to use the newly awarded CoLs in their ID Lines.

I would also like to thank Mell for taking the time to take charge and compile this list !

Congrats !!!

The Make A New mIRC Function Competition:  08.23.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


I've started another EH wide competition available to all members of EH, I'd very much appreciate it if you would post the following news item on your respective SG sites.

I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM  ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to


COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

LT Crawford's Iraq Website:  08.16.03
As Emailed From:  COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf

FC Ronin,

Greetings from Iraq. My rifle company was in need of a website so I created one for them. You can find it at

My platoon is the Ghostriders and I am Lieutenant Crawford. There are a lot of pictures that you can view of our living arrangements over here. Its pretty good stuff. You might like.

Also, Pri selected me as Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf despite being in Iraq. Pretty cool stuff. My games are in route via the mail. My guys make fun of me ruthlessly for being Vice Admiral Sarin. Typical comments are "Uh Sir, You are a Dork" heh.

Take care, hope you like the website!


COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #102:  08.15.03


Hello guys and gals.

Another week has passed and I have been preparing for my leave. My CA already went on leave, I am leaving on Sunday, but TCCs are still here. They will do their job, but all important TAC things will have to wait on my return, on Wednesday 27th. Then I will clear the backlogs, start new competition and do other things.

Releasing new battles on hold
Project Shield is still under going, so no new battles. But fear not, I will release huge number when we will finish with Shield.

Mission Creation Corner
Nothing this week, too bad.

Mailer errors
XO is the only one who can fix database problems, so please do not report mailer errors to me. I can do nothing about them, since I don't have access to However, you can report TacDB issues to me, so I can fix them ASAP.

FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom
Yes. New competition will arrive soon. Since we are in MCW finals where Frodo faces Carl Lost/Viper duo and there are no other mission creation competition. This competition will be about rDB accident, so you can start writing your plotlines. More info soon, as I am clarifying awards matter with TO.

Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 321 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 118 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week Chris McCollum is PotW, as recommended by TCC:XW
My nomination this week for Pilot of the Week is Captain Chris McCollum. Chris eagerly joined on as a X-Wing tester, and being equally eager, flew straight through testing a X-Wing battle and played an intregal part in letting us finish testing it in about less than a week :) I'm sure I'll continue to see this kind of activity in the future from him :)
Excellent work Chris.

Current standings:

Infamus - 2
Abel Malik - 1
Linoge - 2
Locke Setzer - 5
Frodo - 2
Zystem Fryar - 3
Curtis - 1
Daniel Goad - 1
Chris McCollum - 2
Gidda - 1
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:

Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 0
Total: 3
TIE Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 3
Total: 7
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -

Final word:
Because I am very busy these days, use email to contact me. I am barely visible on IRC, so don't try to catch me there, but you can try of course. I always try to check my mail, once a day, sometimes more :P

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office


Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #104:  08.15.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #104

August 15, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Wow. Lucky break. 6:30 PM and I just got back power. Another hour and I wouldn't have been able to get out a report. This week's report will be a short one.

SquadFirst+ has been updated to version 2.0.1 fixing some errors in the roster. Check the version history on for details.

Alex Foley is on leave until he can get a permanent internet connection (about a month).

A virus has been spreading throughout the world. Check out Symantec's webiste for details.

I've starting examining TC sites for Internet Guideline compliance. I haven't sent out notifications yet, but once my list is complete I will.

EHW progress: Reblet said he won't be able to help out in coding, I haven't heard from Zsinj, and Mell is unable to help us out with stats. So as it stands the entire EHW team consists of me, Leeson and Amadeo (for the stats).

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

SOTW this week is Hollow Bastion by Slagar at Congrats on the 4 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What do you think of the brand new SquadFirst+?

-It's all-around amazing!
-Awesome functionality, but I want more themes.
-The themes are good, but the rest is just ok.
-I don't like it/ I don't use it
-It's the best IO project ever

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

:: Transmission End ::

Internet Office Report #105:  08.22.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #105

August 22, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Look, up there! It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's another Internet Office Report!

The LO and TAC have confirmed that their sites are functional, with the new URLs at and respectively.

Congratulations to MAJ Alex Foley who was awarded the GOE this week for his work on SquadFirst+ among other things. Also, his e-mail address has changed to:

I've reviewed a new IWATS course proposal on website layout and it looks good, so look for it coming soon, pending the TO's approval!

Other than that, I've been hard at work coding EHW as much as I could this week since I might not have so much time later on. I've been working with CPT Amadeo on the planets class and it's mostly done. Some finishing touches need to be done to the player class, and then we start the ship class. Once all the classes are done, we will set up the database and begin active testing of each individual function.

Please note: I will be on leave next week from Thursday (morning), August 28 until Wednesday (night), September 3 because I'll be moving into college. FA Leeson will also be unavailable during that period, and AD Turtle will be busy. MAJ Foley is on leave till mid-September. Therefore, MAJ Xander Drax will likely write next week's report. However, if things may change and Leeson or Turtle may become available, they will cover for me in my absence instead.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the new home of the Fleet Medical Corps at Congrats to CM Bryan ( on his 4 star site.

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What underused IO service needs a makeover?

-Code Archive
-Code Collaboration
-EH Counters Service
-EH Greeting Card Center
-Banner Exchange
-EH Webring

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Training Office Report #19:  08.18.03


The Apostasy competition is underway, advertising hence far has been rather low key but I have still received a number of sterling submissions from across the SubGroups. SubGroup Commanders, please advertise the selection of Training Office events available at The Competition will run until 12th September at 11:59pm BST (6:59pm EST).

Active Server Page (ASP) Professor is still open for applications, and will continue to be so until a competent candidate is found. Becoming a Professor is a very lucrative opportunity, and an excellent avenue to impress your superiors. There are also profitable bonuses when you become a fully-fledged member of our exclusive society�

DJK Dura and CPT Amadeo have been getting to grips with the gradual overhaul of the Academic NeXus. This will involve converting the pages to PHP and installing an efficient administration system for basic page updates. CPT Amadeo has also expressed interest in developing a �ProfFirst� project (akin to the IO�s �SquadFirst� service) that would certainly make it easier for Professors to complete their duties. More on these two ventures in the future.

TIE Corps

The number of competitions submitted from TIE Corps Officers has decreased of late. This is not a good thing; it�s the time of year when activity should be on the rise, and not providing an expansive variety of competitions for your members is a delegation of duty. To that end, I am sponsoring a small �Competition�s Competition� open to all Commanding Officers in the TIE Corps (from Squadron Commander to Battlegroup Commander), the Officer who submits (and receives my approval) the most competitions within a period of one (1) month (18th August to 18 September) will receive the rare Iron Star Platinum Ribbon and a very large congratulatory pat-on-the-back from the Training Office.

Dark Brotherhood

Dark Jedi Knight Dura (�waerloga�) has been appointed as Praetor to the Headmaster and Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad has been selected as Magistrate to the Headmaster. Congratulations to both these individuals.

DJK Dura has already begun work on the replacement for the Krath Combat Centre, tentatively christened the �Duelling Institute on Eos�. This project is still very much in development � details can be found at - but questions should be directed to DJK Dura at

Regretfully, Sith Warrior Ace Hobbes has resigned from Pontiff of the Imperial and Enemy Starfighter Engineering & Technology Studies. The course is undergoing a complete revision based upon input from the Science Officer and thus the position is not open for applications. However, any individuals interested in helping with the rewrite (and earning a reward for their work) are welcome to contact me.

Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members. Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail (this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate links). Questions should be addressed to me at


Active Server Page (ASP) Professor Open for Applications

The requirements are:

An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or above.
Extensive experience in the programming, installation and management of websites in ASP.
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me ( with the subject �BOT PROF Application�.

Key Office Resources

Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :

Academic Staff

Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant []
Dark Jedi Knight Robert Dura, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Magistrate to the Headmaster []

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll

High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management []
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Colonel Locke Setzer, Eggdrop []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash []
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics []
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []

Shadow Academy Erudite Roll

Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine []
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics []
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies []
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper []

Imperial University Board

Xura Verr, Vice Minster of Education []

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  TBA

Operations Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)


Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Report #17:  08.15.03


COMM News:

It feels good to have electricity again, going more than 24hrs without power really does suck.

I have spent most of my time this week working on the The Fringe website. I have pretty much all of the nasty little bugs in the source code fixed. Right now I'm working on getting the site up to speed with what is expected in a Sub-Group website. This means completing roster functions, the medal system, various admin and other features.

After last weeks upgrade of the EH forums to phpBB v2.0.6, I have no problems to report. The minor problem with the Log Actions MOD has been fixed. I have uploaded a few more avatars as submitted by MAJ Xander Drax, this time they are all imperial characters.

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for... <insert drum roll here>... I have decided on the winner of the "Create A New COMM Banner" contest.

1st Place (IS-GR): CPT Tvan'Oris of Diamondback Squadron (
2nd Place (IS-SR): RA Davi Anthol of the SSD Avenger (
3rd Place (IS-BR): LC Kodiak Kereban of Vortex Squadron (
Honourable Mention: GM Rapier of the DB (

CPT Tvan'Oris' submission will replace the old COMM Office banner.

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:



Communications Office:
EH Forums:
dasb0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:

Communications Office Report #18:  08.23.03


Communications Office News:

I have upgraded a few scripts on the COMM bots (dasb0t, silentone, and chewie). If you notice any problems please let me know. Somebody pointed out to me earlier that they thought something was wrong with dasb0t because it would remove all channel bans every so often. This is a normal function of the bot, every so often it will remove all channel bans to make sure the channel ban list does not get cluttered or over full. However, all bans set on the bot will remain and will get activated if a matching offender arrives on channel.

Earlier this week we had a few problems with somebody posting messages using the guest account on the forums pretending to be someone they were not. I had initially disabled guest posting and guest read of the forums, and banned the problem user. However after consulting with a few of the TC CS, I have enabled guest read on the forums again. However, users will still need an authenticated account before they can post.

I have started yet another COMM competition (this must be a record for COMM ;). Its called the "Make a new mIRC function" competition. The idea is to make a simple function that provides a useful way to do a task in mIRC. Entries do not have to be massive full fledged scripts like P&P, rather a simple paragraph of code that will do something useful.

Rewards are as follows:
1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

I'm hoping to promote mIRC scripting in the EH, and perhaps find a few good coders to help make an "EH Script" package. The contest will end at 12 midnight EST 2003/09/05. Please send all submissions to

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:



Quote of the Week:
The QotW has missed a few reports due to lack of submissions, anybody wanting to submit a quote whether it be from IRC, SWG, where ever, may send them directly to me at This weeks quote comes from SWG in the Coronet Cantina, and its taken way out of context (those are always the best quotes :P).

Warynt Banari: I can't seem to get it back up.
Krenn'Sa Alvaak: Try harder :)

Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
dasb0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

Security Officer Report:  08.16.03


Good morning, all. My apologies for the lateness of this report (by a few hours). It's been a hectic week at work, and I'm on for eleven days in a row. This equals one very tired SO.

While I may be out of it, my staff never is. Please, contact them with any questions or concerns you may have.  There have been a couple of minor issues this week, which are in the process of investigation.

Thank you for your time.

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #23:  08.15.03

"Not only scientists wear white coats"


Welcome to my twenty-third public report as a Science Officer, once again on time... (OMG!) ...let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. After I finish this report I'll be going on my first holiday in years (to Turkey) for about a week, which means I'll be on leave (though probably back in time to send out my next report on time:). During my absence AD Darkhill will be taking care of matters; he can do anything I can (and more?) so don't worry.

2. Project Shield (a TAC Project) will continue after I return, as I wasn't able to finish it in time. All XWA, XvT, BoP and all TIE that isn't "free" or "TC" is done; XW is not included in the project. Release is partially still on hold because of AD Darkhill's hardware problems but shouldn't be too far away.

3. As a reminder I'd like to point out that "missions" are for TAC and "patches" for SCO. This means that if you have made new maps for JK, JK2, SWGB and such, these go to TAC; whereas JK2 skins, new models, SWGB graphics and such are for me. Or: were not just here for the XW games, but we are dependant of what is submitted to us. Major Gidda has already submitted a JK2 skin for his clan, which should be released soon to the patch archive.4. I've started work on changing the other rooms of XWA as well, but these need to be modelled (to make the animations) so that will take somewhat longer. Don't worry: I aim on making the game fully imperial:

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill is still suffering hardware problems but should be back up to his usual self soon. He is able to be online (irc) daily and has email, but has problems getting his slicing software to run.

SCOA: CM Tim continued work on his Imperial Hangar for XWA and did some texturing on Project Cueball.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at No major updates this

Science Office Projects:

Segway: We've put some new life into this project by finally releasing the Imperial Concourse. More imperial updates to XWA should be around shortly.

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. On hold for the
Grand Project.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. Currently on hold until Den's PC is completely fixed (compiler won't run as well on his back-up PC).

Project Shield: (TAC Project) XWA, XvT and BoP sections have been completed, first part of the TIE section is ready - and will be continued in a week.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

LO Report #9:  08.16.03

Yes, I know my report is late, but I was waiting on some breaking news to get in the report before I sent it out.

First the winners have been chosen in the Heroes Flag Competition. Congrats to CPT Tempest and CPT Chris McCollum who took 1st and 2nd place respectively. All submissions were awesome, and it was a hard choice for Daniel and I to make, but in the end those two stood out above the rest. I have your rewards on hold guys, I'll submit the medal reqs for your Iron Stars as soon as we have a new OPS.

Now, the news that made my report late. My website and domain as you all know has been suffering some major issues lately (i.e., it didn't work at all). After much cajoling from the IO and a bit of wrangling with my hosting company's T/S department, I have it figured out. It appears they went and changed my nameservers and didn't think to tell me. That's all well and good if your domain is registered through your hosting company, but since mine was not I just went down. I finally got the proper information and I'm happy to say that and all sites hosted on it are back online. Those sites include the website for DDD squad of Galthain, the Advanced Guard Website, and the LO Website.

The AG and LO sites have gotten redirects added to them today, you can find them at and respectively.

I'm still taking last minutes nominations for Mr/Ms EH. Get those in guys, the winners are being selected on Aug 21.

That's all for this week, yay for the LO site!

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report #21:  08.15.03


Greetings from the Recon Office!

The letters that have taken so long to get out are finally on their way! It's taken a bit too long this first time around, but now I have a better handle on things so the next round wont take nearly as long. I have decided to go with a basic letter for all parties. It's a time saver and works perfectly. I can thrown in a few personal touches for each Actor/Actress to make it more.. well personal. :P The same goes with the interview questions.

I will be officially starting a Recon Office banner comp sometime this week. The RO banner, while good, is a bit outdated. This will be an EH-wide comp for all who are interested. There will be medals awarded for 1st 2nd and 3rd places. Which medals I will double-check on beforehand. The comp will run for approximately three weeks, possibly four if I keep getting entries. All entries should be sent to myself ( and to my CA, RA Shay'la ( Also, make sure you give your FULL ID line, no exceptions.

That is about it for me. There are some great SW News items below... enjoy!


Conventions & Gatherings

Conventions & Events This Weekend

There are 2 conventions/events taking place this weekend:

Con-Version XX (Calgary, Canada) - August 15-17
the Star Wars guests is author Terry Brooks.

Alderaan 2003 (Sosnowiec, Poland) - August 16-17.

August Meeting for Mad Ison Cantina
August 16th (11am) in Reindahl Park ...

Atlanta, GA FanForce August Meeting
August 16th (noon) at Buca di Beppo, 2335 Mansell Road Alpharetta GA 30022

San Francisco Fanforce Meeting
August 16th (noon) at Cyberhunt, 5120 Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94118

First Meeting for Polish Fans
August 16/17th (10am) in front of school at Skwerowa 21 in Sosnowiec ...

Sydney Skyforce
August 17th (12pm) at Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club, 24 John Street,
Lidcombe ...

Albuquerque Fan Force Meeting
August 17th (2pm) at Barnes & Noble Cafe West Side 3701-A Ellison Drive, NW
Albuquerque ...

San Diego SW Society Meeting
August 18th (7pm) at Contempo Design Building, 12302 Kerran Street, Poway,
CA 92064 ...

The Art of Star Wars exhibit update

Star Wars fans and would-be filmmakers alike are in for a treat as The Art of Star Wars museum exhibition featuring over 250 pieces of artwork, props, and costumes from the original Star Wars trilogy tours throughout Japan in 2003 and 2004.

Currently at the Kyoto National Museum until August 31, the exhibit features concept drawings, production paintings and breath-taking artwork from the legendary Ralph McQuarrie, as well as a wide variety of character costumes, droids, vehicle prototypes (including the design evolution of the Millennium Falcon), original storyboards and more.

The extensive exhibit also displays a sneak peek of Anakin's Boonta Eve Classic Podracer which will later be more prominently featured when the Lucasfilm staff return to Kyoto for another The Art of Star Wars exhibition focusing primarily on Episodes I: The Phantom Menace (1999) and Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002). This second Kyoto installation is slated for January 10 - March 7, 2004.

Fans unable to attend the exhibit at Kyoto National Museum before August 31 can catch the The Art of Star Wars tour at the following venues:

Nagoya Science Museum
October 18 - December 7, 2003

Kyoto National Museum (Episodes I & II)
January-March 2004

Tokyo National Science Museum
March-June 2004

Fukushima Prefecture Art Museum, Fukushima
July-September 2004

Fukushima Prefecture Museum, Aizu
September-December 2004


New Cloud City LEGO Set Available Online
As reported by

Now available online at LEGO Shop at home is the Cloud City playset! This set is over 25" long and comes with 7 mini figures including an all new Lando Calrissian and Bespin Princess Leia! Recreate movie magic with several key play areas all in one! Preorder this set today at $99.99 USD for a late October delivery date.

Boba Fett Action Figure On Sale September 2nd

Press Release
Members of the Official Star Wars Fan Club can order Hasbro�s silver-painted Boba Fett action figure from the Fan Club website - - starting Tuesday, September 2, 2003 at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time.

The 3 �" likeness of the saga�s most infamous bounty hunter was created by Hasbro as a special thank you to Star Wars fans. The Official Fan Club sold the action figures at conventions this summer, and now will make them available to their members.

"Members who are concerned that there are not enough Boba Fetts to go around should rest easy," said Lisa Stevens, President of the Official Star Wars Fan Club. "We have a good number of the action figures, and we should be able to make most everyone happy."

The figures will cost $10.00 each plus shipping, and will be sold to all members of the Official Star Wars Fan Club, including Canadian and International members. Each member will be able to purchase up to two figures each. The figures will be sold while supplies last.

To join the Official Star Wars Fan Club, go to and click on Subscribe.

Again, to order the silver-painted Boba Fett Action Figure:
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time
Plenty of figures available!

Screen Scenes, Unleashed, And A Hailfire Droid

Here's a look at the next batch of toys due out in a few months (if you can find them, that is!).

First up, the Screen Scenes continues, with the second half of the Geonosian War Room and the Jedi High Council. The Council is based on characters from The Phantom Menace, but will still connect to the scene from series I.

The latest wave of Unleashed figures brings a brand new card design, and some of the best sculpts found in this popular series.

Finally, a droid from the Clone Wars line that is so big, it is treated like a vehicle! The Hailfire Droid can fire 16 missiles at a time, with storage for 16 more! It's going to take a lot of Clone Troopers to stop this droid...good thing they grow them by the millions!

Books & Comics

Do-It-Yourself Galaxy

What happens when your character becomes addicted to death sticks? Ever wonder which ship is best suited for slicing through rush hour traffic in Coruscant? Roleplaying gamers and Star Wars fans alike will find the Galactic Campaign Guide, from Wizards of the Coast, chock full of tips, characters, locations, plotlines, rules and obscure facts to help even the most advanced gamemaster.

The 160-page hardcover sourcebook by Peter Schweighofer and JD Wiker offers extensive tips on developing character bios, attributes, mannerisms and even proper clan names (so you never have to name a character Jedi Eugene.) Along with character building, the guide shows players how to create new planets
with special obstacles such as minefields, asteroid belts and rowdy casinos. In fact, the book not only delves into combat tactics and battle plotlines, but also explains the complete rules for sabacc and dejarik holochess, as well as information on new diseases, spices and more.

Download Matthew Stover Interview

You can now download the Matthew Stover interview conducted by the guys at StarWarsEnDirect (SW LIVE) over the weekend. Click here to check it out (11.4mb, zip). Thanks to Dany for the alert.


Jedi Academy Goes Gold

LucasArts has announced the next episode in the long running Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series, Jedi Academy, has gone gold and will hit stores on September 17th for PC. You can pre-order JA now on the official LucasArts online store (and recieve a neat bonus gift).


That's it for me. I regret the lateness of this report. Last minute scheduling problems at work. I should have next week's report out sooner due to a large festival going on next weekend. They are wanting to put me in the dunk tank.... apparently I've written too many tickets.. >:P

Non-EH SOTW: Not the World's Greatest Babysitters
(It's a funny story about Rogue Squadron babysitting the Solo Twins.. hehehe )


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO Report #22:  08.22.03


Greetings sir.

Unfortunately, there isn't much to report this week, for both the RO office and the SW News sections. Which is a shock, to say the least.

I am gathering suggestions for the names of the next five actors/actresses I will be mailing. So far Ewan MecGreggor is in the top slot. I'll let you know when I have a full 5 on my list.

Also, once I check with the Ops office as to what medals I can award for my Banner Comp, I will official announce that. I was supposed to do that this week but I was called into work two days I a row to help serve warrants. I would like to have the top award something OTHER than an very usual Iron Star-Gold Wings. I am hoping for either a PC or at least an ISM. The Iron Srars are getting kinda too common. :P

Anyways, that's it for this week, regretfully.

Non-EH SOTW: Original SW Trilogy on DVD?? (Warning, probably fake! )


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

GM Report #11:  08.23.03

Greetings, dark and otherwise

It's been a rough few weeks for me, seeing as I've almost quit twice and been generally keeping my mouth shut for fear of saying the wrong thing. Let's see if I can make my way through this without getting fired.

1) initial robe designs are up at
and there is a message board thread running asking peoples opinions on them.

2) I will be instituting a new award for the DB. Each month I along with the Order leaders will be selecting one house of each order to be the 'Grand Masters House of the month'. This entitles the awarded house to crow a lot, brag a bit, place a banner on their house page stating the fact that may remain for all time as long as the month awarded is displayed. Houses can win this more than once but many factors go into who is selected, things like Activity, reports, heart, love for the EH and many others.

3) The CoG and the GMRG are currently on hold. And since there haven't been a whole lot of applications (exactly 0) I tend to agree with the OHC in that we would be better served by focusing on the Obelisk order as a whole rather than a few elitists. I encourage all Obelisk houses to get out there and show your colors, set up your own Zone ids if you want, recruit to your hearts content. At some point the GMRG and the CoG will be back but for now we proceed without it.

4) I still am not getting any updates about the database or the DB website from SCL Astatine. Asking me about it is futile. The rest of the DC and I are trying everything we can to get things moving without it and any help anyone can give us is most highly appreciated.

thanks for listening

GM Rapier

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From: 
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


*drunkly stumbles about, yeah yeah domain report...*

Well heres my domain report, enjoy :) Please forgive me for the lateness, but there seems to have been some sort of communication error.

Member Count (Active Members): 79
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 106
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 180

-The HFXO (me) is now off leave and ready to get back into the thick of things :)

-A New operation is up called Operation Burnination. It's a rather silly mess for the troops to have fun with. The whole thing will have a light hearted tone and I will allow the HF to god-mod, have fun and burn lots of stuff. I am planning on ending it around September 14th, maybe a bit later if things are still going strong.

-Nova CC Jacen (kids, stay off SWG, it is bad stuff) has left his position as CC and been replaced by former Nova CC, Maj Malik *clap clap* Work hard and motivate those troops for me Malik.

-Operation Hurricane is still going strong with nearly 100 posts on the runon and quiet a few submissions in the graphic/submission department. I think after our two current Ops end we will take a break for awhile just run a good old fasion Platoon League.

-SquadFirst websites have started popping up in the HF which is a good thing cause I don't like to hear whinning about not knowing HTML when I ask a PC to make a website for their unit! WooHoo!

-Redoing of the rosters delayed a bit until our Internet guy gets settled into college.

-A warning to all PCs, CCs and SLs, I'm about to go on the war path and remove you if you aren't active

That is all

Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!

XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=
[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga

Infiltrator Wing

IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
[DSM/DHI/LoM/LOAx3/SVx3/MoDx5/MC-1x25/MC-2x15/VC-E/VC-E/VC-E/VC-B/CBVw3/CBVw5/WCx5/IWwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DF-SF/MoI-bc ( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear

Infiltrator wing A-IWCOM Report:  08.15.03

Flight officer Address


welcome to another flight officer report, This week has seen Major axxeman start to make his mark on wing III and things are looking up for the warspite.

The training officer is adding new courses to the IWTA Site, And the new recruits are flowing. I would guess, In a matter of weeks the Roster will be back to respectable numbers and the ships will once again be full.

Remember the cadet roster, is on the main IW site .. any pilot may help cadets along with their training, and who knows perhaps get there squadron some fresh blood. The simple message this week is

Recruit your friends, your relatives and if there smart enough and have an email address. your pets.

Keep up the good work people

Vice admiral Darkmage


The infiltrator wing roster, is being updated as we speak.. I am trying to make it as accurate as possible.. The worst thing however is the fact we lost all of our reserves.

So if you wish to be added to the infiltrator wing reserves list once more, or want to Rejoin the Group and you are on the main Egroup please let me know.

Email me on

And include your old idline or your details the best you recall, And i shall do the rest



Tau squadron left IW space this morning unchallenged, I am disappointed not one squadron commander , had the bottle to challenge them.


Wing III Wing commander Selected

Major Viper axxemann was selected as the new wing commander of the warspite and wing III. A fine officer with alot of spirit and alot of things to say normally. I am sure Viper will have the spite and her fine crew back to there normal heights of activity before long.

Good luck Axxe



For the Creation of new Banners for the IW Flight office And many other Great works of art. for the command staff


For the Creation of all of the Graphics and art work for the New Fleet commanders FMC pages. I Award you Legion of merit,

Excellent work Admiral

Vice Admiral Darkmage





Infiltrator Wing Command Staff

IWCOM: FA NiksaVel ( IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command

IWSE: LA Timmay ( IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors

RTO: SA Renegade ( EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( IWPIN: 9
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn ( IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear

COM: LA Kane Reese ( IWPIN: 22
WC/2: COL Drak ( IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite ( )

COM: BA Janson ( )
WC/3: Major Viper Axxemann



IWCOM : on leave ( returns to 16 of august )
IWTO : Received
IWTAC : Received
IWOC : Received
IWSO : Received


FEAR : Received

WARSPITE : Received


Wing II Pilot of the Week: LCM Pokemaster
Wing II squadron of the Week: Black Squadron (sixth time)

Wing III Pilot of the week : None Chosen
Wing III Squadron of the Week : None chosen

Total Roster Membership :



Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

Prex Report #42:  08.18.03


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 18/08/03

Total - 74 (146 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 4
Trade Assembly - 47
PLT Revenge - 23
Unemplyed - 72

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry for the delayed report, I was hit by a few computer problems so I couldn't get online to send this report or contact anyone else about what was happening...

Anyway, been a quiet week... I was working full-time nights at my family bakery to help out this week so i've been incredibly tired and haven't had the greatest amount of time to spend on doing Corporate Division stuff.

VA Leeson's been continuing work on correcting the new CDDB roster... with changes being made to reflect the new system. Auroran Technology Enterprises has now been entered as a corporation and is now official, with WO Wedge Antilles still acting as the Chief Executive Officer. By the way, as pointed out by Loor... there are a few errors, such as Loor is sometimes shown as VPX/RA... just to clarify, he is still VPO/CG. :-)

Auroran Technologies Enterprises [ATE] is now running the Corporate Propaganda competition. This competition ends August 31, 2003. It involves web pages and graphics promoting recruitment to our beloved subgroup. Please send submissions to WO Wedge Antilles ( and Technician Gravant ( Details can be found here:

Commendation of Loyalty recommendations have been sent off and will be announced along with the other Fleet announcements of who's been given a CoL. Basically, keep an eye out for any news on this.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

Prex Report #43:  08.23.03

President of the Corporate Division, Report #43 - Saturday 23rd August 2003


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 23/08/03

Total - 76 (149 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 3
Trade Assembly - 47
PLT Revenge - 26
Unemplyed - 73

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Interesting week. In my department, I spent the majority of the week playing about with my computer, installing new software, trying to setup a slave hard drive and most importantly I've managed to set up Apache, PHP and MySQL and have begun to learn PHP so I can be more of a help with future website projects.

The corporations are starting to improve, especially with a second Detachment Commander being appointed within Auroran Technology Enterprises. Congratulations go to Senior Technician Ric Gravant! DC jobs are still open within IBC, so send all applications to IBC Chief Executive, MWO AbsoluteK.

Manual is ready to be released, it should be put up to replace the current one on soon. If you want an offline version of the manual, then drop me an email and I'll send you a copy.

Just a friendly reminder that all ATE employees should be working on submissions for the Corporate Propoganda! Competition. All submissions should be submitted to you DCs (Whiskey: WO Verr - Golf: SNR Gravant). DCs will then forward results to myself at All submissions should be received no later than 12-Midnight on August 31, 2003. - WO Wedge Antilles

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

DP Report #135:  08.15.03



I am back after some grueling but rewarding journeys!  As you know, I will be away again from the 21st to the 27th, but after that I will (alas!) not be vacationing until the leaves are stripped from the trees.

As I write this, the new Executor has been chosen, and will be announced at the meeting in less than twelve hours.  Due to the fact that this has not been announced to the BHG, I will not write that hunter's name, but I am confident that the new Executor will take the position to new heights.  The pool of applicants was numerous and distinguished, and, in fact, this position drew a little more interest than Commission positions generally do.  It was not the easiest choice, but it is surely a good one.

The Specialist position will likely not be announced at this next meeting, but will be announced shortly thereafter.

The candidates for these positions--both the next Executor and all of the Specialist candidates--have come forth with a number of good ideas and very solid qualifications and I will expound on those in a future report.

I want to submit this in time for it to be posted, and I am still sorting through the accumulation of mail in my inbox and figuring out what is what, having just gotten in today.  This will be finished soon and I will either amend this report or include the news in my next one.

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report #13:  08.15.03

Report of the Supreme Director #13 - 15/08/03

There are lots of important announcements for this weeks report, so read carefully�

Roster Count: 60

(All currently inaccessible - email any Intel queries to )
Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Problems with
The Intel site (and manual and AoT) are all currently down because of �exceeded bandwidth�. I�ll speak to Stalker5 and see if this problem can be sorted out. I think it�s something to do with the insane amount of spam the mail server attracts�

As far as I am aware the email forwarders are still working, but if you experience problems you can use:


2. Web Designers Wanted
I�ve decided that it�s time for a bit of an image overhaul for Intel. Hence we�re on the look out for talented individuals to produce various new websites for use by Intel. These include:

* Main Intel site
* Academy of Tactics site
* Admissions and Recruitment site (more about that one later).

Rewards are limited only by the amount of effort that you�re willing to put in - any one of a number of medals e.g. [VM-FB], [SHU], [GMoF], [FoEW] or potentially even a spot on the Ubiqtorate and the rank of General could be yours�

3. ***IMPORTANT*** Academy of Tactics
For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be revamped with fewer, more practical and useful tests over the course of the next month.

If you have any outstanding tests, which have been submitted to the TTDR but have not been marked then send them ONCE and once ONLY to: I�ll see to it that you receive your results within two weeks (I�ll be
marking them myself).

4. Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR)
I�m now on the look out for a Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR). The RADR is a new Ubiqtorate officer. He will be responsible for running basic training for new agents (i.e. greeting new recruits, maintaining a website full of useful information, marking the general test , answering questions and queries and maintaining a training roster ) as well as searching the rosters of the EH for those worthy of being invited to join Intel. The ideal candidate will be an experienced Intel officer (BUDR/UBIQ) who has proven �people skills�. Experience of EH training would be a bonus but is not necessary.

5. Medal Awardees
* Rear Admiral Aseret Thunderhawk has been awarded the Grand Medallion of Foresight [GMoF] for running the division during my absence and for her dedicated work on the restructuring and rewriting of the new Intel manual. * General Davi Anthol has been awarded the Grand Medallion of Foresight [GMoF] for his hard work in producing a new Intel manual and accompanying website. (NB - the manual will be released in a couple of weeks once a few modifications and updates have been made).

6. Praetorian Squadron Have Reached the Finals of the Sovereign League!
Our loyal pilots in Praetorian are due to participate in finals of the EH�s premier flying league to prove that they are indeed the best Squadron in the EH. Their opponents are Omega Squadron, the Fleet Commander�s Own Bodyguard. We wish our brave Praetorian�s the best of luck. I think we should know the result by August 21st so stay tuned�

That�s all folks!

SDIR Report #14:  08.21.03

Roster Count: 62

(All currently inaccessible - email any Intel enquiries to
Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -

Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Problems with
The Intel site (and manual and AoT) are all currently down because of �exceeded bandwidth�. Stalker is currently trying to sort out the problem for us because he�s nice like that. As far as I am aware the email forwarders are still working, but if you experience any problems you can use:

SDIR - or

2. New Website in the Works
One of the talented blokes from the Internet office has begun work on a shiny new Intel website for us, which is kind of him. Therefore I no longer need any more web boffins as advertised last week. Thanks to all those who offered their services.

3. Academy of Tactics
For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be revamped with fewer, more practical and useful tests over the course of the next month.

If you have any outstanding tests, which have been submitted to the TTDR but have not been marked then send them ONCE and once ONLY to and I�ll see to it that you receive your results within two weeks (I�ll be marking them myself).

4. Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR)
I�m on the look out for a Recruitment and Admissions Director (RADR). The RADR is a new Ubiqtorate officer. He will be responsible for running basic training for new agents (i.e. greeting new recruits, maintaining a website full of useful information, marking the general test , answering questions and queries and maintaining a training roster ) as well as searching the rosters of the EH for those worthy of being invited to join Intel. The ideal candidate will be an experienced Intel officer (BUDR/UBIQ) who has proven �people skills�, possibly a retired officer looking to return to active duty. Experience of EH training would be a bonus but is not necessary.

5. Praetorian Squadron Have Reached the Finals of the Sovereign League! Our loyal pilots in Praetorian are due to participate in finals of the EH�s premier flying league to prove that they are indeed the best Squadron in the EH. Omega Squadron is their opponent. We wish our brave Praetorian�s the best of luck. I think we should know the result any day now so stay tuned�


Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Directorate Report:  08.16.03


First off, apologies for the lack of report last week, and the lateness of this one. I've been having computer problems that were only recently resolved.

-The NSTS is moving along beautifully, now managing to have captured most (if not all) of our Directorate Guard members. My congratulations to AF Coursca and all of the NSTS staff for creating something that's turned into one of the centrepieces of the Directorate. :)

-I'm speaking with members of the Combat Operations Office in regards to setting up XWA Cap Ship and SWGB competitions on #ehcoc. Hopefully, this will not only give us a place for our members to compete, but also garner some additional publicity.

-Last week, High Moff Ironfist resigned his post in the Directorate, stating RL troubles. Sorry to see you go, IF, and we all hope you'll come back soon. Pursuant to this, I would like all active Colonial members to e-mail me privately at before next Friday, so we can finally finish the reorganization of the Colonial Branch.

-As far as I know, Diplomacy still hasn't gotten off to a great start... if you're interested, PLEASE contact GG Jeff Domm at to sign up and get things running. He's put a lot of work into this, and it would be a shame if it all went to waste!

-Apostasy is still running! Submissions are due August 22 for the Directorate competition and September 5 for the EH-wide competition. All submissions should be sent to MoO Walker Slain (, and EH-wide submissions should be sent to EH TO Keldorn as well ( Remember to specify in the subject of the e-mail whether it's a Directorate or EH submission and which event it's for. Details are in the attached documents.

-The new Directorate web page is coming along, but it seems to have stalled slightly with DGMF Monsh's recent leave. LCDR Ric Gravant has asked all Directorate Guard members to e-mail him at with their ID lines and CDGI course information... I assume that at some point, the Colonial Branch will be asked to do so as well.

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.

Directorate Domain Report:  08.22.03


-First and possibly most exciting... I have news from A:DGMF Ric Gravant that the new web site will be up by Monday! More details to come!

-The submissions for the Directorate section of Apostasy are due -tomorrow-. Please send them to MoO Walker at if you want them to be counted. Please include your ID line and what event you are submitting for. Details were sent out in last weeks' report.

-The NSTS is proceeding along very well. ... and that's all there is to say about it. :P

-Restructuring of the CB is underway. No specifics are available at this time.

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.


Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

CGM Report #15:  08.16.03


The latest news from Galaxies shows that there is a new patch, which is not well liked. It has reduced the strength of droids, and increased the strength of monsters. The good news is that our PA seems to be doing well. The Hall itself is on Corellia, and many of our players have homes around it, so when an upgrade allows for cities, we will be ready.

Nothing new from MUD, or RPG.

Fringe Web Sites

Fringe Site: TBA
MUD Site
Galaxies Site:
PA Site:
Message Archive:

Membership Count: 65 (no change)

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}


High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report:  08.15.03

Nothing much to report case 194 is still going on but should finish soon.

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

COO Report #46:  08.16.03

COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

There is a new competition online. Pls check out the news page.

COOA Autoris is on leave till the end of the week.

Competition News

Comp Activity is great. Currently this SG's are taking part in the EHCOC Comps: TC, DB, HF, IW

Bot News

Nothing new. 

COO Report #47:  08.22.03

COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

I still take submissions for a COC Banner till the 30th.

I submitted a new DFC System. However I must wait for a new OPS till I get a positive response!

Multiplayer Competition News

Comp Activity is great. Currently this SG's are taking part in the EHCOC Comps: TC, DB, HF, IW

Bot News

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report:  08.16.03


Well, as of now the FMC academy is up and running online at the FMC website, and has all test, and test notes fully downloadable there, just take the test and send it to Frey, and I have a feeling those of you looking for higher ups in FMC some PROF positions are open if you would like to dedicate some time to scoring test.

The Membership is up to 12 officers which is a ALL new high since the site officially opened almost 2 weeks ago!

There should be some info soon on the EH Domain site, and TC site to previous members of the FMC that wish to renew their old ranks, and positions, or their positions in the reserves to send all activation e-mails to myself and Captain Bryan at and this will bring more members back wishing to retain their old positions!

I believe Bryan will be rewarded soon for his efforts as soon as the OPS officer is chosen 8-) he has worked very hard for the FMC and meeting my needs with the website.


Well, I'm going to get creative and come up with a fun projects for myself, and anyone else that would like to join. I want to make a recruitment Flash Video, for the FMC, make it humorous, and fun to watch, nothing spectacular, but that will catch the eye, maybe using some goofy stick people who knows 8-) if you would like to help or have any advise or expertise in this area e-mail me at


FMC Report:  08.23.03


This week has gone rather slow, a few minor updates on some Admin. flaws in the database for the website, and soon we are adding music files.

The new Manual is almost completed, awaiting files to be transferred.

We have gone up in membership with 2 extra members.

In about a week I will be excepting applications for my new XO.

The Flash point advertisement is still underway, going to take longer than I expected, but i will get the job done, and get it done beautifully.

The new PNO in the IW roster is Commander Orz. Congrats!

Well that about rounds it up for a report, remember all old members of the FMC, e-mail me about your rank and position to regain it.


Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD/RA Obiwan/IA/SSSD Sovereign [LANC][ISM][LoC-Rx1][OV-4E]{IWATS-CORE-SM/3}

SOD Report #1 08.19.03

Greetings all!!!

First off, I would be silly if I didn't give out a thank you to Grand Admrial Ronin for trusting me with this position. Yes, I was persistent and the only applicant, but, I had some ideas for it.

Now then. On to the real point of this email. As I'm sure you are all well aware, the Emperor's Hammer is reaching it's Tenth Anniversary! That's right ladies and gentlemen, Ronin's empire has lasted ten years as of  January 2005. As a result of this, I am charged with getting some of these events rolling. There are a couple of events that I will be working closely with Darknyte on and I'd like to explain them here.

First, I am working with the aforementioned LO, on a website which will outline and profile some of the most influential members of the Emperor's Hammer in the past ten years. These are people that even if they've been expelled, HCI'ed, or have been good little boys and girls, they've done something that has changed the course of the EH and made it that much better for its members. DN had garnered this as an LO project first, but, I told him that I would help him given I have knowledge of some of the older influential people that he might not.

Second, again with the LO, I am working on a better heroes of the EH site. There is one up, I know. But it only says that these people are heroes because they've gotten the Medal of Honor. I would like to work with the LO, and set it up to explain why these people were awarded this medal, what is it that makes them heroes?

The last thing I will be working on for the time being is a big awards show for the COL's this time around. Since it's the ten year anniversary in January 2005, I would like to coordinate with the proper people to set up a time after the EH and DB meetings one saturday, or before the TC meeting one sunday, where the COL's are awarded. I will also be working with Mell and the incoming Operations Officer to award special lifetime achievement awards during this meeting. I've already compiled a list, and I won't tell you who's on it right now, but rest assured, it's going to be some killer times!

Well... in the immortal words of Porky Pig "That's all folks!" and those of Tigger(j00 mUsS b0w t0 dA tIgGeR) "Ta Ta For Now"


PS: Ronin... if the SOD is supposed to have his own ship, lemme know, otherwise I'll assume this is the right ID line :)

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

New Lord Ambassador:  08.22.03


First off, my thanks to the top brass-hats for putting me in the job. I'll do my best!

Secondly, I want an email from everybody explaining exactly what they're currently doing Advanced-Guard wise as soon as possible. If I don't hear from you, I'm assuming you have no further interest in the AG and I'll remove you from the roster. Please include your current ID-Line in the email.

Finally, here's what I have to say for myself. I'm not incredibly easy to get along with, you might find that pretty soon you don't like how I do things and decide to leave. I don't have a problem with that, just let me know in good time so a replacement can be found. On the other hand, if you do like how I run things then we'll get along wonderfully. I respect openness and honesty- if you've got a problem with something, tell me. I might not change it, but at least we can discuss it.

On to plans for the AG. Some of these might cause a stir, some of them might seem trivial. Either way, here goes. My priorities are as follows:

1) Get website updated and running- and keep it updated.
2) Recruit more members
3) Regain contact with every allied club
4) Distinguish between Envoys and Ambassadors more clearly in operational works. I will be aiming for a 1:5 ratio of Envoys to Ambassadors, with Envoys being given a greater degree of freedom to form alliances.
5) Form the AG into THE cornerstone of inter-group competitions and matches. If possible (ie; if the TC commanders don't go monkey-poo on me for this), have the AG as the link between the EH and other clubs for any and all external competitions. Hopefully this will increase the AG's standing within the fleet and allow the AG to grow with a second, more day-to-day function. This will be subjected to a lot of planning and discussion though. Other plans for the development of the AG are welcomed.

Finally, MAG Nightmare will remain in his current position. Nightmare, please contact me asap, I'll need some guidance and thoughts in the days to come :-)