October 2009

Emperor�s Hammer Office Announcements for 10/9/2009

October 10, 2009

With the 1 year anniversary of the club being reformed happening about 3 weeks ago I thought it would be a good idea to start awarding the Commendations of Loyalty again and the FC and XO agreed with me� and so here they are

From the Fleet Commander:

Vip Pred

From the TCCOM:

VA Astin
RA Jedi Eclipse
COL Jarek La'an. HA Daniel Bonini
GN Rancorous GN Domi LC Miles Prower

Admiral Vip also recommended Zosite and Dempsey but I took out the duplicates.

From the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood:

He never got back to me so if you want to try and wake him up I have a bag here full of tube socks filled with bars of soap if you want to go whack him a few times.
And from the Hammer�s Fist and Directorate:

None at this time as they are both in the rebuilding stage. Hopefully both will be fully up and running by next January when we award them again.
Could someone make sure these make it onto people�s profiles?

Because it�s been so long since these have been awarded more than usual have been awarded but from now on it will be 10% of the club like usual and they will be going back to the usual award times of twice a year on the anniversary of creation in January and whenever Ronin�s birthday is. (I can�t remember actually).

Next we have some sad news as Admiral Mordred is stepping down as Training officer due to real life commitments, he should still be around from time to time but for now we need to wish him well.

No, Training officer is not open for applications as it has already been filled.

Now for the good news, For his years of dedication to the Emperor�s hammer back in the 90s, for the tireless hours he put in as Executive Officer of this fleet�. Sector Admiral Havok is hereby demoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral� Oh, and he�s also the new Training Officer.

He will be in touch will all the training people in all the groups to hopefully coordinate with and help organize the area. We are working towards a consolidated training program (so people in the TC can take DB or HF courses and get credit for them) and Havok will oversee that as it moves towards fruition.

Now, no I�m not done yet, time for some other shinys for the Command Staff:

FA Zsinj gets a GS for his continued work with the IO and updating the site � AD Vip: GoE for his continued excellent work for the Tie Corp. Keep it up.
MG Astin: GoE for his continued excellent work for the Hammer�s Fist. Keep it up.

VA Horus: GS for his continuing efforts with the Recon Office

And lastly.

Fleet Admiral Dempsey, you are hereby promoted to the rank of High Admiral with all the rights and privileges that rank affords you.

Now for the biggy!!!

Command Staff Restructure �

The position of Operations Officer no longer exists � It�s duties have been rolled into those of the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer

Also the CS has been reduced to 7 members and they are as follows:

CS-1 Fleet Commander
CS-2 Executive Officer
CS-3 Security Officer
CS-4 Internet Officer
CS-5 Training Officer
CS-6 Tactical Officer
CS-7 Recon Officer

Group Commanding Officers (GCO) � TCCOM, GM, PRF, DO, GMF
These positions will be below the CS but above the rest of the club, each GCO will hold equal rank and position between the five so they are on an even playing field. They will be the conduit between their respective groups and the CS.

Each CS will have direct oversight over their respective group counterparts, and the CS position will have final say and authority over said area taking into account the group dynamic.

As for other necessary position they have been placed under the CS office that best suits the position as described below:

COMM = advisor to the IO
LO = advisor to the IO
COO = advisor to the RO
SCO = advisor to the TAC

This also means that all ancillary positions such as Imperial Sovereign Protector, Morale Officer and Medical Officer (and any of those other silly positions) don�t exist anymore.

In the near future there will be some minor changes to this as wrinkles appear and possibly the addition of new names for the position to move away from being so TC-centric..