October 2003
VPO/CG Loor Appointed
President (Prex) of the Corporate Division: 10.14.03
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Corporate Division (CD)
My intentions for the Corporate Division if I am selected
PREX, is to change the board structure and reduce the number to a fewer Vice
Presidents and invite the CEO:s to sit on the board to get a closer relationship
and let them be a more direct part of the leadership than they are today. The
whole board needs to be restructured and refilled. As Vice Presidents will be
removed, the remaining Presidents' tasks will be modified.
I will also put much effort in revive the Division. It has fallen into a deep
slumber that needs to be removed. Though, I will need the help of the whole
Division to regain consciousness. Right now, such a thing as weekly reports from
CEOs are not working. All members needs a boot in the rear (excuse the language)
and wake up. I am prepared to take whatever actions necessary to achieve this
More structure are needed within the corporations as I see it, to let the
members have clear guidelines of what to do. The CEOs need to be more active
themselves and lead the way, which is not the case today. Every leader needs to
step up a level to start with and hopefully that will drag many members along.
I am open for questions and discussions regarding my application and the future
of the Corporate Division. Finally, I want to let you know my reason for not
waiting to apply until the requirements has been posted. The reason is that I
want to apply so soon, and of course hope I will be selected, is that I don't
want to see the Division standing without a leader for a longer period of time.
As VPO and currently the only member of the Direx Board, I am acting PREX for
the time being.
Thank you for listening on me!
Commissar General Loor, Vice President of Operations
VPO/CG Loor/VSD Warhammer
Fleet Commander's Note:
I have reviewed the CD website for the past several
weeks...VP Loor is one of the more active CS command staff left...We wish him
the best of luck !!!
Newsletter Nos. 97, 98
and 99 Posted to the Fleet: 10.05.03
As Emailed From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
NL 97 (5.6mb)
* http://theholo.net/nls/eh/97/
* http://www.ehnet.org/nl/97/
NL 98 (6.1mb)
* http://theholo.net/nls/eh/98/
* http://www.ehnet.org/nl/98/
NL 99 (7.5mb)
* http://theholo.net/nls/eh/99/
* http://www.ehnet.org/nl/99/
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
Obelisk Order's 6th
Anniversary: 10.09.03
As Emailed From:
Khaen/DC-3/Dark Council
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
::BOW:: & <SALUTE>
Greetings, sirs and colleagues (whichever applies).
You may or may not be aware that today, the 9th of October, marks the 6th
Anniversary of the Dark Brotherhood's Obelisk Order. It was officially opened on
this day in 1997 by Obelisk High Commander Blazer, to coincide with the release
of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.
To commemorate this event, I have put together a site with a brief look at the
history of the order, a complete listing of all Obelisk High Commanders and GMRG
Commanders of the Guard to date, and a selection of interesting files,
documents, and images from the Order's long past.
The site is located at http://o6.minos.net. GA
Ronin, you may want to post this link on the EH news center.
I hope you enjoy browsing through this 'museum display' as much as I did delving
into the fascinating past of my Order. :P
MAA/DA Khaen/DC-3/Dark Council
BGCOM/VA Khaen/Avenger Task Force
EH Poland Meeting III:
Debriefing: 10.12.03
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Hello Grand Admiral, hello members of Emperor's Hammer. It took me a lot of time
but you finaly have EHPLM 3 pictures and full debriefing. So, let's get this
over with :)
This was rather small meeting compared to 2002, cause most of people who
promised to be there, didn't arrive. But overall it was great fun and of course
I will do it next year.
We have first arrive, 2 days before real meeting to organize everything. Jonny,
me, nIKA, Diablo, Wiesio were the first people to get there. We have placed our
tents, created small local network and started having fun. A lot of beer was
there, a lot of laugh and a lot of playing.
After two days, we returned to Bialystok, to pick up Keiran Laserlight. It's the
first time he joined our meeting, so we have to introduce him. Same day, Tvan
Oris, Marcin Kaczynski and Ann had arrived and we really started.
What can I say about the meeting itself. Keiran was a new guy, so it was cool to
meet him. And we all promised to meet next year, on the bigger meeting, I hope
:) Jonny has failed with many things, so next year we will have, new, better
location and everything will be better organized. And, I have uploaded pictures
to temporary webpage at:
http://www.ehnet.stnet.pl/ehplm3/ so go and see pictures there. (they will
be soon uploaded to EHPA)
I also attach group picture of this meeting. So, left to right: nIKA, Ann, Jonny,
Wiesio, Keiran Laserlight, Mike, Marcin Kaczynski, Tvan Oris.
And I think that's all. Cya next year :)
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
TAC of EH and EH Poland Meetings Moderator
Aurora at Night: 09.17.03
As Emailed From:
CA:FC/VA Bond/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
As Created By: Roth Jalis
Tie Corps reservist Major Roth Jalis created a magnificent image
for you. His comments follow and his contribution is attached...
>It's an image of Aurora during night.
>The upper left continent is New Laconica with New Imperial City almost
>covering it completely.
>The other continents are less populated due to the Jungles.
>Best regards,
>Roth Jalis
>#4834 reserves
Aurora, with it�s great polar caps on the northern and southern hemispheres, has
four great continents.
The primary continent Laconica is actually made up of two of the land masses
which are connected to each other by a wide land bridge. This land bridge is
thought to be artificial but the indigenous Aurorans have never before showed
the necessary skill and interest in such large building programs. No reports or
evidence about it�s actual construction has ever been found. The land bridge has
since the arrival of the Imperials been a popular site for historians and
archeologists, but until it�s secret is revealed rumors is all it creates.
New Laconica;
The northern part of this continent is the most densely populated part of the
entire planet. New Imperial City covers it now almost completely from east to
west and from north to south. Construction of the city started almost
immediately after the Imperials arrived and is still ongoing until today. Some
of the most ambitious construction projects include the High Court of the
Inquisitors, Imperial Academy and the Fleet Commander's Palace. The most
important structures are build at the western side of the continent. Many of
them rising so high it is possible on clear days to see the western sea as well
as the mountains that split the continent.
Though the Aurorans are still in greater numbers than the Imperials, the
difference is getting smaller.
With thousands of settlers from all over the Galaxy coming to the Emperor's
Hammer territories every day, many of these end up on Aurora. The Aurorans
themselves have adjusted to their new lives among the people of the Galaxy or
have moved to more remote areas. As a result the numbers of Aurorans and non-Aurorans
are about equal now in New Imperial City. Europa and Biblis are other densely
populated centers where the Aurorans still are the main population.
Even though the planet offers only few secrets that still have to be discovered,
many parts have not yet been explored other than by aerial reconnaissance. Not
even by the Aurorans themselves who prefer to live in their well organised
cities. Some of these less explored areas are undoubtedly the jungles. Probably
because their droids do not adapt very well to the jungle environment. Rumors do
speak of humanoids living there in small tribes, but official reports have no
information about them. If they do exist they most likely live in or near the
most dense woods, deep in the jungle. Due to it�s remoteness and inhospitable
nature these areas are simply revered to as Deep Jungle. Grand Admiral Ronin has
a fortress somewhere in the jungle. It�s exact location is a well kept secret to
all but a few even within the high council.
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
XO Report #27:
Three new newsletters have been completed over the weekend - 97,
98 and 99. The URLs for them will be posted when they're all mirrored.
Development of newsletters has been sped up by a spiffy little script
I've written. Once 100 and 101 are finished, we'll be back on schedule (101 will
be the September newsletter).
Currently, I have submissions allocated for newsletters 100 and 101. However,
after that, there's nothing. This means I need more stuff....lots of it. Send it
to jpboyce@indigo.net.au In line with this, I've got two pending requests for
reviews - Jedi Academy and Star Wars Galaxies. Details are at
http://theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8825 and
http://theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8367 respectively.
Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Star Wars Galaxies, Knights of the Old Republic and
Republic Commando have been added to the platforms list on the TIE Corps
database. In addition, the mission download links have
been "unlocked".
The winner of the music competition I ran a few weeks ago was VA Khaen. The
piece in question was "Gothic Power".
With the recent group of actually decent games from Lucasarts, I think now is a
good time to make ourselves heard and encourage them to keep making games of
this caliber. The best way to do that is to buy the game. Gaming is now a
money-driven industry and the more a game sells, the more chance that
development team will get another go.
In light of the release of the EHBL system, it seems a good time to remind
people of how to deal with problems. Too often, it's all "This sucks" or other
vague things like "It doesn't work!". When you run into
a problem, especially of a technical nature, try to be as detailed as possible
in the first place, cause we're gonna get the information out of you anyway if
you don't tell us first. Secondly a bit more positive/constructive aspects of
criticism would be a good idea too.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report
#108: 10.03.03
Hello guys and gals.
Well. I won't waste you time with introduction, just read the report.
Many imporant things have happened.
Project Shield - completed
After months of hard work by Tactical and Science offices. We are pround
to announce the release of EH Battle Launcher and end of Project Shield. It
has all be stated in EH.news update, but to mention it, I say it's the best
piece of software EH ever had. No cheating, fair play, user friendly, that's
all what our pilots need.
Mission Creation Wars - 2003 Edition - Results
After months of hard work, and several battles created and released, we
have finished Mission Creation Wars. I consider it as great success and
overall enjoyment, though I have some thoughts for the future. So here, I name
Rear Admiral Frodo, winner of Mission Creation Wars and best EH Mission
Designer. Congrats. Also, big congrats to dynamic duo of Carl Lost and Viper,
who took 2nd place. Congrats!
Next MCWs will start in 2004.
Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
I have posted list of battles on Mission Creation MB. Go and read. Then
send your nominations to me and my CA.
Tactical Directive #2 - EHBL
As posted on TC.news: From November 1st on every high score
achieved without EHBL, will be rejected. All EH pilots are ordered to use EHBL
for every battle and mission. People violating this regulation may be send to
HCI with "failure to obey order or regulation" charges.
Upcoming projects
I have two upcoming projects, now when we have released EHBL. First will
be update of Tactical Manual, and then release of Tactical Course. I will try
to finish those tasks before Christmass. :)
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:
- FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom
- Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
- Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
- Awards: Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon and down
- More details:
- TAC Competition #4
- Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
- Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
- Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
- More details:
- Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
- Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
- Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
- Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
- More details:
Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XvT
My XvT-BOP person of the week had to be "Jedi Eclipse" has the
man staying on top of things, you go BOY! He's back with a vengeance knocking
out yet another 3 beta tests very quickly. More assignments to come hope he
keeps up ;) Thanks!
Excellent work Jedi, keep it up.
Current standings:
- Gidda - 2
- Able Malik - 4
- Zystem Fryar - 2
- Jedi Ecclipse - 2
Tac Office Status:
- EH Mission Compendium:
- Total missions: 3013 (0)
- Battles: 464
- Free Missions: 520
- Tactical Database:
- XW Division:
- In Queue: 0
- Under Testing: 2
- Under Correction: 1
- Final Check: 1
- Total: 4
- TIE Division:
- In Queue: 0
- Under Testing: 8
- Under Correction: 1
- Final Check: 2
- Total: 11
- XvT Division
- In Queue: 8
- Under Testing: 2
- Under Correction: 0
- Final Check: 6
- Total: 16
- BoP Division
- In Queue: 0
- Under Testing: 3
- Under Correction: 1
- Final Check: 1
- Total: 5
- XWA Division:
- In Queue: 0
- Under Testing: 2
- Under Correction: 1
- Final Check: 1
- Total: 4
- Tactical Roster:
- Tactical High Command [2]:
- Tactical Command [4]:
- Testers and Engineers [28]:
- Tactical Assistants [1]:
- Tactical Reserves [65]
- Websites and links:
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time
and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail
me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your
question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
Tactical Office Report
#109: 10.10.03
Hello guys and gals.
Another report, another week. EHBL has been released and we are not
removing all bugs, and helping people to understand that there is no other
way, and old compendium is gone forever. Every new project requires some
sacrifice, but fruits of EHBL are great. No cheating, that's the most
important. More fair competitions since you can't see the missions. Easy
installation of new battles, especially helpful for our new members.
I personally consider EHBL as best EH project ever (next to EH.net
database itself), and I will make everything I can to solve all problems, so
people won't complain anymore. Don't worry, MAC version is coming very soon
and majority of people already have EHBL working. If you have any problem,
contact SCO, CA:SCO and TAC. We will try to help you. But try to be as
specific as you can, when describing your problem.
Another thing. You have a who lot of new battles, from XW-FREE to XWA-CAB.
All HSs have been approved, so no delays there. What else can I say? Well,
read report.
Bounced emails:
My wpozer@poczta.onet.pl has been bouncing emails last few days, so if
you have sent me anything to this account or tac@emperorshammer.org and didn't
hear back from me, then mail me again or use pbmike@go2.pl
Mission Creation Wars - 2003 Edition - Results:
After months of hard work, and several battles created and released, we
have finished Mission Creation Wars. I consider it as great success and
overall enjoyment, though I have some thoughts for the future. So here, I name
Rear Admiral Frodo, winner of Mission Creation Wars and best EH Mission
Designer. Congrats. Also, big congrats to dynamic duo of Carl Lost and Viper,
who took 2nd place. Congrats!
Next MCWs will start in 2004.
Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
No nominations yet??? Are you alive people?
Tactical Directive #2 - EHBL:
As posted on TC.news: From November 1st on every high score
achieved without EHBL, will be rejected. All EH pilots are ordered to use EHBL
for every battle and mission. People violating this regulation may be send to
HCI with "failure to obey order or regulation" charges.
Upcoming projects:
- Tactical Manual Update - update to version 3.0, around 10% done
and still working on it.
- Tactical Database Update - on my TODO list. 0% done.
- Tactical Staff IWATS Course - started working on it already. Done
TOC. 1% done.
- Project Theta - my new idea I will describe in my next (100th)
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:
- TAC Competition #4
- Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
- Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
- Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
- More details:
- Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
- Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
- Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
- Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
- More details:
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from me
This week there are no TCC reports, so I choose. And I select
Philo, my CA for the work he is doing as my CA :)
Excellent work Philo, keep it up.
Current standings:
- Philo - 2
- Gidda - 2
- Able Malik - 4
- Zystem Fryar - 2
- Jedi Ecclipse - 2
Tactical Office Status:
- EH Mission Compendium:
- Total missions: 3069 (+56)
- Battles: 472
- Free Missions: 538
- Tactical Database:
- XW Division:
- In Queue: ?
- Under Testing: ?
- Under Correction: ?
- Final Check: ?
- Total: ?
- TIE Division:
- In Queue: ?
- Under Testing: ?
- Under Correction: ?
- Final Check: ?
- Total: ?
- XvT Division
- In Queue: ?
- Under Testing: ?
- Under Correction: ?
- Final Check: ?
- Total: ?
- BoP Division
- In Queue: ?
- Under Testing: ?
- Under Correction: ?
- Final Check: ?
- Total: ?
- XWA Division:
- In Queue: ?
- Under Testing: ?
- Under Correction: ?
- Final Check: ?
- Total: ?
- Tactical Roster:
- Tactical High Command [2]:
- Tactical Command [4]:
- Testers and Engineers [28]:
- Tactical Assistants [1]:
- Tactical Reserves [65]
- Websites and links:
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time
and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail
me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your
question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #3:
A pretty slow week for the Flight Office. Processing the roster moves has been
exhausting, but caught up!
Some issues that I am working on for the fleet:
1) I have contact the COO about hosting a possible 2 vs. 2 MP comp. The COO has
agreed to this and is awaiting more details on it. I hope to have this comp
immediately after IMPSTORM.
2) IMPSTORM - Revenge of the Battle Groups - Has begun. Most of the action has
been the various BG's and the SOV making their initial moves, jockeying for
position. I expect huge things from this battle, and look forward to when the
first blows have been struck.
3) Along with the TO and XO , we are discussing the new training requirements
that have been heard about but not seen. A major sticking point is the fact of
having the flight certifications finished by squadron commanders. I pose these
questions to you and would like an answer by weeks end (next week) with the TO
1. Is it too much to ask of the squadron CMDRS's to do this training?
2. Should it fall on the COM's or BGCOM's to finish this training?
3. Should there be designated Flight training officers/BG to aid the CT's with
the Flight training?
Please review these questions and submit them to me. I will tally the responses
and give an informed opinion to the XO for review.
4) On the topic of CT's. Of the seven squadrons that I labeled as "in need",
only three remain understaffed: Sigma, Sin, and Sadhe. The remaining four have
either recruited, been filled by CT's, or have had reservists re-enlist. This is
great news. Again, I'm not looking at numbers, in so far as having the squadrons
filled, but am looking at cohesiveness of the units, and how active they are. If
a squadron has 4-5 members, but lights the world on fire I can live with that.
Its the squadrons with 5 members plus, that have no activity, which brings me to
my next point:
Typhoon squadron and Cyclone squadron this past week have been closed due to
every member being AWOLED or MIA! Some of the members in the squadrons weren't
heard from in over 100 days! The Squadron Commanders were the only active
members in either of these squadrons. They have been reassigned, and the
squadrons closed at the behest of the COM of the ship and the BGCOM.
AWOL or MIA pilots can be processed after 30 days and every attempt should be
made to contact them before they are entered into the database as such.
5) Several members have come to me requesting promotions for either other FM's
or CMDR's etc. Please remind everyone to use the Chain of Command! Have them
entered into the Database so I can process them legitimately. There are certain
guidelines that must be followed: when the pilots last promo was, time in
position etc etc. Chain of Command is important. It is also important to follow
when there is roster movements. Make sure that your pilots let you know about
transfers, reservists coming back etc.
6) The database problem I had is corrected, thanks to SA Astatine! The mailer is
working and you should be getting the mails from these positional changes.
7) on the topic of CT's...If a CT does not specify a squadron and only specifies
a platform I will look for a squadron that needs a member and place them there.
I am making every attempt to accommodate the CT's and the recruiter, but must
also look to whets best for the fleet. If the squadrons in your group are ok,
then the pilots will go to where ever they request. The GA had approved of this
placement until we can resolve the training situation...
As TCCOM I am trying to improve the quality of life for the fleet. If there are
any concerns or problems, please send me a mail or see me on Mirc, so that I can
resolve them.
Thanks to all for making everything very easy in the TieCorps!
In Service....
Flight Office Report #4:
Greetings for another Flight Office report! A relatively slow week in the Flight
Office, but I do have a few things to hash out....
1) The Flight Office site has been finished! You can view it at
http://flightoffice.minos.net Many
thanks to Captain Aeolus for his help with the site. He was awarded a Gold Star
for his efforts!
2) In light of recent events concerning Elite squadrons, and promotions for
elite squadron members, I have decided along with the XO and TO that there
should be more "slack" in the positional requirements for the Elite members. The
training manual lists a time in period for most positions, with "other"
specifying an extended wait period, which can be interpreted as elite members
etc. So, with this in mind, the Elite members of a squadron will be able to be
promoted at a rate of one higher rank than a normal squadron position would
warrant. IE: FM to Major instead of Commander..... It has always been my
philosophy that the Elites are the most active bunch that the TC has to offer
and should therefore be awarded accordingly, HOWEVER, I will want to see such
activity when asking for the promo
3) Speaking of Promos, please make sure that there are legitimate reasons for
the promotions, "Served appropriate time in rank" is not an appropriate
promotional consideration
4) I've been getting allot of mails requesting reserve transfers, AWOLS, etc in
my mail box. Some of which I assume are pre approved when in fact they aren't
and the chain of command knows nothing about the request. Make SURE that the
Database is used for ALL reserve requests, AWOLS, and MIA's. IF its not I will
not process it from here on out, unless the request comes from the BGCOM, or
ELITE squadron CMDR.
5) Of significant note, General Kaerner has taken over duties as TAU commander.
That's about all I have for this week....I try to maintain an open door policy,
and am open to suggestions, so please feel free to offer advice and/or criticism
on any issues.
In Service...
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #111:
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #111
October 3, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Another day, another dollar; another week and another IO report!
So what's up with the IO you may ask? Haven't heard much from us lately? Well,
that's about to change! We're entering a new era, one of sophistication and
elaborate interconnectedness of fundamental EH systems - an era that may one day
bring about a unified EH database. But that's a long way off.
So what does the IO have in store for you right now? Well, I just mailed the IO
staff today requesting full, comprehensive proposals for new ideas, and
hopefully I'll have them sorted by next week. I actually have my own that I
began to work on today, an IO Poll Creation system. This will allow webmasters
to dynamically create polls that they can copy and paste onto their website.
Both poll creators and voters must be signed up for a MinosNIC/ELS handle.
Creators can choose the color scheme and layout of their poll, as well as the
way results are shown.
Out of this stemmed another idea though while I was toying with the idea of
having only certain people able to vote on polls - MinosGroups, if you will,
akin to YahooGroups. This idea can go in either of two ways: a) Users have their
own private "address book" where they can create groups and allow certain
groups/people to vote, or b) more similar to YahooGroups - have mailing lists,
polls, messages, etc.
What I need from you now is your feedback: What do you want from the IO Poll
Creation system? What features would you like to see put in? What kind of things
should MinosGroups be able to do besides poll voting? Which option would fit
MinosGroups most appropriately based on what you want to see from it? This is a
rare chance when you, the members of the EH, get to shape a project based on
what you want to see. Please, e-mail any suggestions or comments to ari@tiecorps.org!
In other news, Drako is on 2 week absence because of computer problems. Turtle
is still working on Minos Enhanced, and also plans on performing some upgrades
and revitalization of the EH Webring. Other staff members will report in shortly
with their project proposals.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is Thunder Kabal by Synthetic Paradox (synthparadox@thebhg.org)
at http://thunder.thebhg.org/. Congrats on a 5 star SOTW!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What do you want to see in the IO Poll Creation system?
-Graphical results (pie graph, bar graph...)
-Optional restriction on voting to certain user groups only
-Many layout options
-Less code that needs to be copy & pasted
-Make it into a SquadFirst+ plug-in
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
Internet Office Report #112:
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #112
October 10, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Well, we're finally getting back on track! 3 new NLs were posted to the fleet,
all of which have online and offline mirrors on EHNet.
I've begun work on creating the database structure for the new IO Poll Creation
system (currently unnamed). FA Mike gave me some helpful ideas for maximum
customizability, and if you've got some of your own, e-mail me! Now's your
chance! Also, vote on the EHNet poll!
We may have 2 new coders for the EHW team which means that if they work out, we
could significantly speed up EHW coding progress!
FA Leeson has also proposed some sort of trivia or quiz system be created. If
you have feedback on this idea, email me and Leeson!
AD Turtle's progress on the MinosNIC Enhanced Level Service as well as EHNet
Login System upgrades has been steadily increasing this week, and we hope to
announce the release of either, or both, soon!
I'm currently talking to IWOC Timmay about combining the PHP Code Collaboration
into a PHP & ASP repository. More details to follow hopefully.
And as a final notice, Minos hosting accounts this week have seen a significant
jump, and I'm happy to see that, just remember that you're bound to the Minos
User Policy!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is an old, underutilized IO project, the EH Counter Service
created by Alex Foley at
http://www.minos.net/~io/counter/ - a 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What do you want to see in the IO Poll Creation system?
-Graphical results (pie graph, bar graph...)
-Optional restriction on voting to certain user groups only
-Many layout options
-Less code that needs to be copy & pasted
-Make it into a SquadFirst+ plug-in
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #23:
Training Office Report #23
4th October 2003
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting [to@emperorshammer.org]
"But the longer a man lives the more experience he acquires; which duely
reflected upon, makes way not only for the finding out of several imperfections,
which may have hitherto lain undiscovered, in any art or science; but also to
fall upon such methods, as may raise them to the highest pitch of perfection."
TO News | TC News| DB News | IS News | Resources | Staff
:: [ Training Office News ] ::
One of the projects I alluded to in my previous report is that of Project:
Guardian. General Drake will be taking the reigns for the day-to-day management
of this project, with myself directing from the leisure of afar. This is an
extensive project that may take a considerable while to be completed, and as
such I am appealing for the following:
Any Graphic Artists from throughout the Emperor's Hammer.
Any talented Fiction Writers ('Authors') from throughout the Emperor's Hammer.
Working on the project should be a rewarding enterprise (both psychologically
and 'medalistically'), as such, any interested parties should contact General
Captain Amadeo has completed the PHP-ification of the core elements of the
Academic NeXus. This should make updating the site much more efficient that it
was before. Therefore, members can look forward to a more dynamic and
'interactive' NeXus in the future. The change-over has left some links not
updated, these should be remedied within the next few days; the general rule of
thumb if a page does not work is to change the extension to .php.
:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::
Following the resignation of High Admiral Patal from his positions, Admiral
Proton has been appointed as the new Professor of the Squadron Management
course. I am sure he will continue the exeplary performance of HA Patal.
Another reminder; merit medals (ISM etc.) cannot be awarded for competitions.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper has resigned from the position of Leadership Studies
Pontiff. He was an absolutely sterling member of the Shadow Academy, personally
processing over 200 submissions in the course of his reign. My thanks are
extended to him. This leaves the post vacant, however, applications are not
being accepted at this time.
I have added all the existing Shadow Academy courses into the database - while
the actual exams do not work yet, I am now able to manually add recognition to
member's profiles for the SA courses they have completed. Thus, if you would
like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me an e-mail
with the subject 'SA Profile' to hm@darkbrotherhood.org.
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at hm@darkbrotherhood.org.
:: [ Imperial Senate News ] ::
Vice Minister Verr is continuing his coding of the Imperial University. He is
doing an exemplary job.
I have begun writing the creation of several new Courses to potentially be
included in the IU. These currently focus upon historical interpretation of SW &
EH canon, but I shall be contacting some members concerning working on other
courses in areas they claim knowledge.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant ("Number One") [chris@roostersaregreat.freeserve.co.uk]
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") [Drake@EHNet.org]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Xura Verr, Vice Minister of Education [clund1@towson.edu]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management [hullbreach@warpmail.net]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics [apx@ek.univ.gda.pl]
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies [eh_penfold@yahoo.com]
:: [ Vive l'Empereur! ] ::
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (RA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/RA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #4:
Have I already been here a month?
Just to make sure everyone is
up-to-date, the Operations Office web site is now up at
http://www.ehoperations.com. The OPS
Manual is there too, at
http://www.ehoperations.com/opsman/. Please bear with me as I try to
recover all the lost uniform content. My OPSA Turtle is slowly but surely
trying to get everything back to working order.
Surprisingly, no medal problems
this week. I'm waiting for the MSEs to all come through, though, so we'll see
next week.
The only uniform complaint I
have this week is changing the colors on EH-approved uniforms. May I
emphasize that no one can change the color of a uniform.
I have caught some kind of virus.
It stinks. Homework piles up and productivity goes down. Boo.
�Me, This Week
OPS Report
#5: 10.10.03
Wow...5 Weeks...
OPSA Turtle has been working
hard in setting up the Uniform Archive online, bringing back the (in)famous
Sepulcher of the Battledress. Soon, we hope, you will be able to download any
sort of uniform all from a one-stop-shop.
My God I processed a ton of
medals this week. I think there were about 200 LoAs. But, thankfully, the
medals list has been cleared. Also, I have processed all uniform requests.
Again, the uniform complaint I
have this week is changing the colors on EH-approved uniforms. May I
emphasize that no one can change the color of a uniform.
There it was, hidden in
alphabetical order.
�Rita Holt
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)
Communications Office
COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--
Communications Office
Report #21: 10.02.03
Communications Office News
I have upgraded MySQL to v4.0.15 (a bit of a leap from the older 3.23
series). This should bring better stability, and performance to my server. As
well as a few new features to take advantage of.
I have also upgraded PHP to v4.3.3. I had hoped this would fix problems with
image resizing (for thumbnails) on the Image Archive, but it hasn't, so I'm
still investigating the problems there.
My server is now the hosting
http://SWGCraft.com, the premier crafters website in SWG. It has information
on resources available in every galaxy, harvester & factory calculators, and
information on how many resources, and of what type it takes to build
I will be moving the COMM websites
http://ia.emperorshammer.ca and
http://dasb0t.emperorshammer.ca onto theholo.net later this weekend (time
permitting) to facilitate easier administration on my end. I will send updated
URL's when that changeover is complete.
The COMM website TheHolo.net is going to be undergoing some renovations soon.
Some of the planned features include greater integration with other COMM sites
(IA, meeting logs site, & dasb0t's homepage), ELS login system (which may be
extended to the EH Forums), a few automated email forms for submitting QotW's,
forum requests (etc...) and a new graphic template designed by our beloved OPS
Axel Foley when he was an IOA a long time ago.
Channels Monitored by COMM bots:
Quote of the Week:
None this week, please send all QotW submissions to io@absolutek.ca.
Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
dasb0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:
Communications Office
Report #22: 10.10.03
Communications Office News
I have been having issues as of late with the SMTP (sendmail) on my server,
so occasionally mails might have bounced from my machine, or in other cases mail
that should have been sent out wasn't. Investigation into the matter revealed
that the likely problem was all the connections to the MySQL daemon being used
up. I have increased the maximum connections allowable for MySQL, and have since
not had a reoccurrence of the problem, however I am still closely monitoring the
SMTP server.
I am currently looking for people to play live audio via the HARA and WEHR
shoutcast servers, anybody wishing to do so should send me an email to io@absolutek.ca.
Channels Monitored by COMM bots:
Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
dasb0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Zoltar)
Security Office
Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer
SO Report - 17:
My apologies for the lateness of this report, yet again, but my RL job has been
proving rather onerous. I do this type of work in real-life, and staffing issues
have been... painful of late, to say the least.
In regards to information continuing to filter in from command officers and the
Intelligence Division, I have received more than enough information to send up
for consideration a number of officers for violation of the prohibition on
maintaining membership in the Rogue Dark Brotherhood.
In regards to this prohibition, and as stated by the HCI, with agreement by
Grand Admiral Ronin and the Executive Officer, HCI trials will no longer be held
for those found to be with the rDB. These personnel's continued membership in
the Fleet will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Fleet Commander and
Executive Officer Astatine, with the High Inquisitor providing advisement. Any
personnel wishing to re-join the EH must show proof positive of their dis-involvement
with the rDB, and state the reasons they wish to return to the EH.
Other than this issue, it has been another quiet week. Thank you all for
your co-operation in this time of continued trouble.
As always, my staff are around to assist you in anything you may need, from the
simplest advice to more official correspondence. Please don't hesitate to
contact them, either on IRC or via e-mail. That's all for now, and thank you
again for your time.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
No Reports Submitted
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Darknyte)
Logistics Office
Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]
Logistics Office Report #16:
Here we go again, another edition of the Logistics Office
report, as always I�m your faithful companion and reporter Darknyte bringing you
all the news that�s fit to print, or something. This one is gonna be short and
sweet, not a great deal has happened since last week�s report.
The Heroes Memorial site seems to be stalled indefinitely due to the lack of any
leadership in the Corporate Division. Both my CA and myself have contacted the
CEO of the Corporation assigned to create our site, and both mails have received
no reply. I�m not too happy about this, hopefully once a new PREX is selected a
fire can be lit under the Corporations to get them to fulfill contracts on time
as promised. We�re still exploring options of creating a rudimentary website to
stand in place of the final version until these kinks in the CD can be worked
The EH Census is still chugging along, so far I�ve gotten a pretty decent
response from those I polled looking for questions. A small reminder guys: I
need those in by the end of this coming week if you�re wanting to have your
particular area of influence represented in the Census.
That�s about it for us this week, Darknyte out!
Logistics Office Report #17:
Well, I�ve got some news this week so let�s get this fire
First off, the Corporate Division finally got back to my CA about the template
for the Heroes Memorium site, they were pretty sketchy in the details, but at
least they have stated they are alive and the project is being worked on. I am
hoping for an ETA of 1-2 weeks so that we can finally put this long and drawn
out project to bed and move on.
The EH Census data gathering is almost over, the deadline for officers asked to
participate in this phase will be reached on Monday. After that Matir gives me
an estimate of around 1 week for the site to be created. After that, I expect us
to go through another week of testing and beta stages before the site goes live
to the Fleet. As I�ve said before, I think once this project is off the ground
that it will really be a boon to the EH, allowing us to gauge what the
membership wants from the EH and what we can do to better the club as a whole.
That�s it for this week, short and sweet as always.
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report # 28:
Greetings everyone. I have been away due to my mother having open heart surgery,
unfortunately. My CA, RA Shay'la has been extremely helpful for the fact that
she typed up the RO report this week cause she knew I probably couldn't do it
this week.. even before I asked her to. :)
I wish to apologize to GA Ronin for the lateness of this report, and for the
fact of that I didn't actually do it myself. I know after his recent emails he
frowns on these sort of things, but this week it just couldn't be helped. Sorry
Anyways, on to the report from CA:RO RA Shay'la!
Greetings everybody.
There is not much to say this week, but that I will be doing the report. I know
it is late, I was in the process of reinstalling Windows (after formatting of
course) when I was asked to send out the report. I finally got WinXP and go
figure, it doesn't want to activate. Okay, enough rambling now.
Joe cannot make it for this week report because of real life issues. His mother
had an open heart surgery. Best luck to his mother and him.
I will be changing my email soon. Hotmail is too much of a pain to use with
report. I will notify you when it is up and running.
Now, onward with Star Wars news. There is a decent amount ...
FanForce Meetings & Events
There are 3 conventions/events taking place this weekend:
Archon 27 (Collinsville, Illinois) - October 2-5
the Star Wars guest is author Michael Stackpole.
Adventure Con 2.5 (Gatlinburg, Tennessee) - October 3-5
the Star Wars guest is Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett).
FSF Presents Dave Prowse and Peter Mayhew (Sydney, Australia) - October 4-5
the Star Wars guests are David Prowse (Darth Vader), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca),
David Bowers (Mas Amedda), Sandi Finlay (Sly Moore) and Mary Oyaya (Luminara
You can check out the Fanforce meetings and events happening over the weekend in
the links below:
Macon, GA FanForce Meetings
October 3rd (6pm) in Wrightsville ...
First Meeting of FanForce Uruguay
October 3rd (8pm) at Montevideo Shopping, Costa Azul ...
Charleston, SC October Meeting
October 4th (6.30am) at Barnes and Noble in North Charleston ...
FF Poland Poznan Meeting
October 4th (1pm) in front of Town Hall in Poznan ...
Memphis FanForce Classic Trilogy Campout
October 4th (2pm) ...
FF Poland Nowy Swiat Meeting
October 4th (5pm) beside the Nescafe cafe at Nowy Swiat street ...
FanForce Jalisco, Mexico Meeting
October 4th at Tienda de las Galaxias Xochitl #4262 Local 11 (1er. Piso) Colonia
Prados Tepeyac ...
Movie, Popcorn, and Candii
October 4th at Valleyview Cinemark ...
A Day in Manly with FFNSW
October 5th (11.30am) at Manly wharf, outside Gloria Jeans coffee shop ...
Jedi Knights of Columbus Meeting
October 5th (3pm) at Downtown Branch of Columbus Public Library (meeting room)
Code 3 Launches Millennium Falcon
With the first batch of Code 3 Collectibles' exquisite Millennium Falcon Die
Cast Replicas shipping out last week, collectors are discovering why so much
enthusiasm has surrounded this first-in-a-series release. Unveiled to the public
at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, fans have hotly anticipated this Falcon's
arrival, which delivers high quality and stunning eye appeal in a single
Possibly the most accurate replica of the famous freighter to date, its distinct
pattern of scorches and burns realistically depict the Corellian ship's storied
past. Special attention has even been given to the mosaic of off-color panels
scattered over the hull, lending the Falcon her unique chop-shop styling.
Surface panels can be removed to reveal interior portions of the ship, including
the cockpit, sub light engines, gunports, etc. Collectors will also be delighted
to discover the moveable quad laser cannons and sensor rectenna, as well as a
boarding ramp that can be raised and lowered.
The five-pound heft of the piece is a pleasing attribute, which when paired with
its base increases three-fold. The Falcon's overall dimensions measure in at a
sizable 13" x 9" x 5", revealing every detail of it's multi-faceted hull.
Housing the removable panels, cockpit, and landing gear is a handsome
foam-inlayed case, which includes a magnetic tool for lifting off and placing
the four metallic surface panels. Rounding out the entourage is a heavy resin
base with glass top and pewter plaque, which includes a non-abrasive support for
in-flight display.
An acrylic case can be purchased separately for $45, further enhancing the
stately appeal of the piece.
If Code 3's Falcon is any indication of what's to follow, collectors can look
forward to a great series that lives up to the unique and inspired design of the
Star Wars universe.
New LEGO Mini Sets
Reported by Rebelscum.com
Fresh from LEGO comes a sneak peek at the new wave of Mini LEGO vehicles. Unlike
the previous waves, the new set --which includes a Star Destroyer, Darth Maul�s
Sith Infiltrator, an Imperial Shuttle, and the Republic AT-TE-- does not include
extra pieces to build a special bonus ship.
New LEGO Dewback and Landspeeder
Reported by Rebelscum.com
Following up yesterday�s LEGO reports, are some new shots of the new Dewback and
Landspeeder sets, as well as a couple nice close ups of the Han (from the
Cantina set) and Sandtrooper figures. The Landspeeder will include Luke and Ben
figures; look for images of them here soon. At this time, we still haven�t heard
a solid release date for these or the sets shown on Rebelscum earlier.
New LEGO Cantina Set
Reported by Rebelscum.com
Even collectors who have never picked up LEGO sets before will have to agree,
the forthcoming Creature Cantina with Han and Greedo is a must have. For anyone
who would like to argue that fact, LEGO is also offering this swell Snowspeeder
with Luke and Dack as well.
Holiday Yoda News
Reported by Rebelscum.com
From the Fan Club:
"Here�s the latest for those of you who signed up with the Official Star Wars
Fan Club for the Lightspeed Pass for Hasbro�s Holiday Yoda figure, this season�s
most wanted collectible:
As a Lightspeed Pass holder, you�ll be notified via email at the earliest time
at which you can order your Holiday Yoda figures. In the first weeks, only those
who receive their order notice will be able to purchase the Holiday Yoda online.
Please note that you can order any time after your receive your Lightspeed order
notice, but not before. If you cannot get online immediately please rest assured
that there are many Holiday Yoda figures in stock � more than enough for all
current Lightspeed Pass holders, even if everyone orders the maximum of three
figures per person.
We learned some lessons from the rush of orders we received for the
silver-painted Boba Fett action figure, and we have worked hard to make the
ordering process smoother and more frustration-free. The Lightspeed Pass system
should help you order your Holiday Yoda figures with less hassle, and help us
better manage the traffic to our website.
Here�s the intended schedule:
Lightspeed Pass holders will receive invitations over a two week period in mid
to late October. Active subscribers may order the figure any time after
receiving their invitation. Fear not! There are lots and lots of Holiday Yoda
figures for our members, so don�t fret if you are not in one of the first
batches invited to order.
Active subscribers who did not sign-up for Lightspeed Passes will be able to
order starting near the end of October.
Lightspeed Pass holders without a currently active subscription
to Star Wars Insider will be able to order starting in early November, provided
there are Holiday Yoda figures left in stock.
Here�s how you can get ready:
If you have a currently active subscription to Star Wars Insider then we may
need you to associate your subscription with your online account if you haven�t
already. To do this, sign in at
If you ordered or renewed a Star Wars Insider subscription on paizo.com since
August 1st, or if you ordered the silver-painted Boba Fett, you won�t need to
associate your subscription with your account again.
If you have problems associating your subscription with your account, or if you
have specific questions about the Holiday Yoda figure, please email us at
If you are not currently a subscriber or have an expired subscription and want
to order with your Lightspeed Pass, then subscribe to Insider now at
Thank you for your enthusiasm and let us be the first to wish you a Happy
Best regards,
The Official Star Wars Fan Club
New Carded Images
Here are a few new carded photos of the second wave of Clone Wars figures, due
out next month.
First up is Asajj Ventress, now identified as a Sith Apprentice, from the
Separatist Forces. Asajj has already appeared in the Dark Horse series, and is
scheduled to appear in the upcoming animated series on Cartoon Network.
Now identified as a Commander of the Separatist Forces, the bounty hunter Durge
has taken on the Jedi Knights and lived to tell the tale. He has a strong hatred
for Mandalorians, and symbol on his chest armor should be familiar to fans of
the Classic Trilogy.
Jedi Master Mace Windu is now a General of the Republic Army during the upcoming
battles, and he comes equipped with various equipment to protect himself from
the droid armies.
Another General of the Republic Army is Obi-Wan Kenobi, a major player in the
battles, and is currently missing in action and presumed dead. We know he shall
return, if for no other reason than to keepo watch over his padawan Anakin
Fast-forwarding to Return of the Jedi, we have Imperial Dignitary Janus
Greejatus, now identified as being from the Death Star Procession. janus comes
with a Death Star base, and the back of the card reveals a few more details
about upcoming Saga figures.
Animated Clone Wars Figures
Here's the first look at the upcoming 3-�" Clone Wars Animated Series figures
due out exclusively at Target stores early next year.
Sculpted in the style of the Cartoon Network animated micro-series, these
figures will feature limited articulation, but are beautifully sculpted straight
from the character style sheets.
The inital wave consists of Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Mace Windu, and
Obi-Wan Kenobi. Each figures seems to come with a Star Wars display stand and a
Second Wave of Hallmark Ornaments Are Here
Reported by Rebelscum.com
If you've already picked up your 2003 TIE Fighter, C-3PO and mini-ornaments of
the Clone Troopers, then you'll want to get back to your local Hallmark Gold
Crown store to get the second wave of Star Wars Keepsake ornaments.
Yoda� Jedi Master�
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones�
1 7/8" W x 3 1/2" H
Available in October
� 2003 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.
Price: $14.95
Padm� Amidala�
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones�
2" W x 4 1/8" H
Available in October
� 2003 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.
Price: $14.95
Bid On It, You Must
After a long wait Hasbro has launched the Jedi Master Points Auction programme.
Click through to register and bid on a Jorg Sacul, Playskool Millennium Falcon,
Kitik Keek'Kak (Mos Eisley Cantina Set) and a 12" Ultimate Jango Fett. Many
readers have been asking if it is open to non-US residents. After much squiting
I found a pertinent passage in the terms and conditions which reads "United
States mailing addresses only; no APO/FPO addresses; no P.O. Box or foreign
addresses". So there you have it - unless you live in the US or have access to a
US address everyone else in the world is excluded.
Bid On It, You Must
After a long wait Hasbro has launched the Jedi Master Points Auction programme.
Click through to register and bid on a Jorg Sacul, Playskool Millennium Falcon,
Kitik Keek'Kak (Mos Eisley Cantina Set) and a 12" Ultimate Jango Fett. Many
readers have been asking if it is open to non-US residents. After much squinting
I found a pertinent passage in the terms and conditions which reads "United
States mailing addresses only; no APO/FPO addresses; no P.O. Box or foreign
addresses". So there you have it - unless you live in the US or have access to a
US address everyone else in the world is excluded.
Kentucky Collectors Unite!
Rebelscum reader Mike Thomas writes in to inform the masses about a new
collectors club in Kentucky. The club was started in the Rebelscum Louisville,
KY �Look What I Found� Forum. The first meeting of the Star Wars, Kentucky
Figures Collectors was held this past Saturday in Louisville, KY. 12 collectors
attended the meeting and enjoyed telling figure hunting stories, checking out
each other's latest finds and trading those hard to find figures and wants. If
you are interested in joining the Star Wars, Kentucky Figures Collectors, please
check out
Rebels Strike Back with Bonus Disc
To save Luke, Wedge, Han, Chewie and Leia from Darth Vader and his Imperial
forces, gamers will have to master X-wings, B-wings, speeder bikes, AT-STs, and
tauntauns. In this return to the classic Star Wars trilogy, Star Wars Rogue
Squadron III: Rebel Strike includes new multiplayer modes with the entire Rogue
Leader game in co-op, endurance, capture-the-base and dogfights.
Available for the Nintendo GameCube this month, this intense action game
continues the high-flying space battle traditions of previous Rogue Squadron
titles, and adds multiplayer, character-based and ground combat into the mix.
For a limited time, gamers who pre-order Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel
Strike will receive a bonus disc containing a playable demo of the Hoth level of
Rebel Strike as well as trailers for both Gladius and Rebel Strike. Nostalgic
gamers will also appreciate the additional retro feature of the bonus disc: the
a Gamecube-playable version of the original Atari Star Wars arcade game. (No
quarters necessary).
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike is scheduled for release on October
Check your favorite video game retailer for ordering details, or click here to
compare prices online.
To learn more about this and other LucasArts titles, visit their official
webside here.
UK Release Dates
Britany found these for you UK-ers:
SW Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GC) - Oct 17, 2003
SW Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox) - Oct 31, 2003
SW Flight of The Falcon (GBA) - Dec 9, 2003
SW Galaxies: An Empire Divided (PC) - Oct 31, 2003
SW Republic Commando (Xbox) - Mar 5, 2004
Update: Fixed the Galaxies Release Date again, thanks to a couple e-mails.
The Changing of the Guard
The planet of Romin is a hotbed of villainy and corruption. It is a refuge for
criminals from across the galaxy -- including evil scientist Janna Zan Arbor, an
archenemy of the Republic.
In order to foil Zan Arbor's insidious plans, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker,
and a team of Jedi must infiltrate Romin -- disguised as a band of thieves.
Where lawlessness is the law, the Jedi will have to master the art of deception
to trap a master deceiver.
The Changing of the Guard is the eighth book in the Jedi Quest series, by Jude
Watson. It features cover art by Alicia Beulow and David Mattingly who also
created art for the Jedi Quest books The School of Fear, The Shadow Trap and The
Moment of Truth.
Best-selling author Jude Watson has written numerous Star Wars expanded universe
books including the Jedi Quest series, the Jedi Apprentice series, Legacy of the
Jedi, Darth Maul Journal, Journey Across Planet X and more.
Click here for an interview with Jude Watson.
The book is scheduled for release by Scholastic, Inc. in March 2004.
Tales From The Dark Side
Dark Horse releases Star Wars Tales #17 this week, with six chilling tales of
horror and suspense from across the galaxy.
As always, we are first treated to a humourous introduction tale by Dave Land
and Lucas Marangon, featuring the most terrifying tale in the entire issue.
The lead story, "Planet of the Dead" by Steve Niles, David� Fabbri, and
Christian Dalla Vecchia features our favorite smugglers, out of fuel and out of
luck, forced to land on an uncharted planet, where the ghiostly inhabitants
return each night to terrorize anyone they find.
In "All For You", Adam Galardo, Greg Titus, and Julian Washburn take us to the
planet Ceriun where the local tribe try to get on the good side of a Sith Lord.
Does a Sith Lord even HAVE a good side?
An idea that many fanboys have dreamed of, Darth Maul is back on Iridonia, and
he's after Luke Skywalker! How can Luke survive this threat from the past? Find
out in "Phantom Menaces" by Joe Casey and Francisco Paronzini.
Taking place back on Hoth during The Empire Strikes Back, "Ghosts of Hoth" by
Rob Williams, Cary Nord and UDON present a tale starring Chewbacca who is trying
to fix the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive, but keeps getting interrupted by
In "The Apprentice" by Mike Denning, David Nakayama, and Greg Adams, a Sith Lord
Master Finn is not looking for a new apprentice, but a new apprentice is looking
for him. But what of his current apprentice?
Finally, "Dark Journey" by Jason Hall and Ben Templesmith introduces Jedi Master
Vydel Dir'Nul who is hunting the serial killer Kardem, who is leaving a trail of
dead Twi'lek females across the galaxy. So why can't the Jedi find the killer
when she is so close?
E-Signing Of The Unifying Force
S. Speakman sent this in:
Go to http://www.e-signings.com
Fans of the Star Wars New Jedi Order books can order a signed or
personalized copy of the last book in the series, THE UNIFYING FORCE, due out
November 4th. The copies will be signed November 3rd and are available at cover
price. There is also a contest for NJO Baseball caps. More information on the
site listed above!
Viist the link above for more!
First Look At Jedi Quest #8
The Official Site tonight unveiled the cover and details for Jedi Quest #8 - The
Changing Of The Guard:
The planet of Romin is a hotbed of villainy and corruption. It is a refuge for
criminals from across the galaxy -- including evil scientist Janna Zan Arbor, an
archenemy of the Republic.
In order to foil Zan Arbor's insidious plans, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker,
and a team of Jedi must infiltrate Romin -- disguised as a band of thieves.
Where lawlessness is the law, the Jedi will have to master the art of deception
to trap a master deceiver.
The Changing of the Guard is the eighth book in the Jedi Quest series, by Jude
Watson. It features cover art by Alicia Beulow and David Mattingly who also
created art for the Jedi Quest books The School of Fear, The Shadow Trap and The
Moment of Truth.
Visit the link above for more!
Star Wars Afficionado Fan Magazine
Scott Weller sends in news of a new fan magazine.
"Star Wars Afficionado is a new quarterly, professionally printed, full color
36pp magazine from the UK. It is a non profit making magazine, written by Star
Wars Fans for Star Wars Fans. The latest issue, number two (Autumn 2003), has an
extensive seventeen pages on everyone's favorite smugglers: Han Solo and
Chewbacca. With interview quotes from Harrison Ford and Peter Mayhew, rare pics,
cut scenes, the characters greatest moments (in films, comics, books) and three
short prelude stories, there is bound to be something for everyone in this
special section of the magazine. There's also a detailed archive on the popular
Brian Daley novel Han Solo at Stars' End, and a nine page feature on the
legendary production designer John Barry.
The premier issue of Star Wars Afficionado (the Summer 2003 issue) is still
available in limited supply, and has a nine page news special on Episode III, a
fourteen page special celebration of Return of the Jedi (with a feature on
Richard Marquand, twenty things you didn't know about the film, and an article
outlining ten reasons why JEDI is so popular), an archive on the classic 1980
MARVEL strip World of Fire, and a humour piece on the Editors zany trip to New
York to see Attack of the Clones.
For more details, please contact: scott.weller1@btinternet.com, or write,
enclosing a SAE for reply, to Star Wars Afficionado, PO Box 27871, London, SE24
Okay well I lied... there were tons of them. I guess this is why I never do the
report ;)
The Non-EH Star Wars Site of the Week is
have fun.
This is all from the office this week. Take care.
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign
"The brave don't live forever, but the fearful don't live at all"
RO Report # 29:
Greetings again from the Recon Office. This one actually on Friday... >:P
Not a *ton* of RO News this week. Myself and CA:RO Shay'la have been discussing
possible new Honorary Members who we are setting our sights on. More on that to
come in the next few weeks.
RA Shay'la has been a bit busy this week. She made a new welcome page for the RO
website and is working with a friend of hers to revamp the website itself. Not
to mention she has finally promised to kick some ass on the very out of date
Conventions Database. The next few weeks should a *lot* of good things out of
our cute CA:RO! <g>
As some of you might know, I am on semi-leave from the Recon Office due to my
mother going through open-heart surgery, ICU then rehabilitation ( which she is
still in). I received a surprisingly large number of emails wishing her ( and I)
luck through all this. I'd like to take this time now to thank each one of you
who sent me an email. It's the little things like that, that really makes being
in the EH for the past 6 years really worth it. I'm happy that I've made a lot
of the friends I've made in this group and that those people, whom I've never
met actually care enough to send an email like that. So to all of you, Thank
You! :)
Unfortunately, that's it for me this week. CA:RO Shay'la in her usual vigor has
drummed up a HUGE amount of SW news for us to enjoy. Next is her report, then
the news. The Non-EH Site Of The Week is at the bottom. Enjoy!!
CA:RO Report
Hey there. Yes, it�s me again. So get ready for a huge amount of Star Wars
News�. Yes, of course. These news; a few contests, a new book except,
information about the HUGE SWG update� There is also a PETITION for the original
trilogy to be made on DVD� check this one out�
Now that this is all cleared out let�s go on with the RO news. Out of boredom in
between studying 2 books, I made a new entrance picture. It can be seen on the
Recon Office Webpage.
For those who does not know. I changed my email address to vornskr@sympatico.ca
so if you have security and you need to add the email to the safe list for you
to receive it, I would suggest you do it soon, but it is just a suggestion of
course. :P
My one week break is near. It already started, but officially, it will be
tomorrow evening, after I am done with all the things I must do in RL. You
should expect some update in the Database convention �finally�and more work for
the Recon Office from me.
Quick notice� I am seriously thinking about joining Hyperspace. So if you guys
want me to join and have more news from Episode III � send me a quick email,
which address is mentioned above. I might be able to do a EP3 report each week
if you want and if the FC and XO allows me to. So it is to be seen�
CONTEST: Star Wars ScreenThemes Giveaway Screenthemes.com and TheForce.net have
teamed up to give away 6 Star Wars screen saver collections to one winner each
week. Star Wars ScreenThemes is a Windows screen saver and wallpaper program.
Each screen saver collection contains between 12-20 Star Wars images, all
available up to a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels. The program allows you to
view the images in a screen saver which also sets your images as your desktop
wallpaper. The screen saver supports sound & music and over a hundred
transitional effects. You can also superimpose a monthly calendar and apply cool
textures to your wallpaper. There are currently 45 screen saver collections
covering all aspects of Star Wars. To be in with a chance of winning, just
answer the easy trivia question on our ScreenThemes contest page. The contest is
open to Star Wars fans worldwide. Click here for more info. Good Luck!!
Rebelscum Costume Contest 2003!
Reported by Rebelscum.comIt's already that time of year again, Halloween! To
celebrate we hold a costume contest each year here at Rebelscum. Click here for
the time line for this year's contest and to see what prizes we have lined up
for our special winners this year!
Enter the Master Replicas Sweepstakes Today! You could win a trip to San
Francisco to help design one of our authentic replicas and more!Click here for
out sweepstakes rules. 2 Grand Prize winners receive:
Roundtrop airfare and a 3-day/2-nights stay in the San Francisco Bay Area
Exclusive tour of the Master Replicas design center
Secret, behind-the-scene preview of upcoming products
Your personal opportunity to provide input to the Master Replicas Design Team
Plus, each month two winners will receive an authentic Limited Edition replica
worth over 200$.Click here to enter.
Hyperspace: We'll Take a Check Fans without a credit card now have access to the
ultimate online Star Wars experience -- starwars.com Hyperspace. Due to popular
demand, a new fully-secure option to subscribe by check is now available for
those wanting to make the jump. Click here to get started.For just $19.95 a year
(less than 40 cents a week), starwars.com Hyperspace members can get inside
Lucasfilm and the Star Wars saga in a way never experienced before. Join today
for member favorites like the...
Episode III Set Diary
Before the Helmet - Episode III Production Photos
Photoreceptor - rare and never-before-seen classic trilogy photos
Bantha Tracks - from the Lucasfilm archives
Collector Alerts - get email when products are released
Message Board exclusives - user icons and a member-only forum
Live Online Celebrity Talks
No More Ads! Plus, you won't want to miss upcoming Hyperspace features like...
Episode III Post-Production coverage and webcam
Making of Episode III documentary videos
Clone Wars micro-series - the animated Star Wars adventures will debut online
for Hyperspace members, and will feature an exclusive DVD-style audio commentary
with creator Genndy Tartakovsky
and much more to come... Find out why members like Jedi Master Stevie W are
raving, "This is the last time that anyone will able to watch such a great movie
being made in this way and those who have not subscribed yet have already missed
out on a lot! It is the best $20 I've spent on Star Wars in years!" Don't be
left behind. See what all the excitement is about... Make the jump to Hyperspace
today! NOTE: There is presently a temporary problem in accepting MasterCard
payment for Hyperspace membership. This should be alleviated shortly. Other
payment forms, like Visa or check, are working. Our apologies for the
Longing to be Borsk Fey'lya? Have you been using the C-3PO avatar on the message
boards when you secretly wished to be Thrawn instead? Now fans of Expanded
Universe characters have a chance at equal representation thanks to the latest
avatar additions. Hyperspace members not only have the option to choose
Saga-themed avatars such as Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul and R2-D2,
but essential Expanded Universe characters such as Mara Jade, Kyle Katarn, Jacen
and Jaina Solo, and others are currently available. To change your avatar (the
graphic that represents you in the starwars.com forums and other Lucas Online
sites), go to your personal profile and choose between 36 Saga and 35 Expanded
Universe characters. Be sure to look for your favorite Expanded Universe
character's bio for additional information in the updated Databank
Original Trilogy Petition Nears 40,000 OriginalTrilogy.com is nearing 40,000
signatures on their petition to get Lucas to release the Classic Star Wars films
as they were on DVD. Here's the update - follow the link above to add your name
today! As many of you know, Starwars creator and movie legend George Lucas
recently made clear that it is his intention to never again make available, the
classic trilogy in their original, pre-SPECIAL EDITION form. For many of us,
this is tragic. These are cinematic classics, which now adorn many critics and
film societies lists of best films of all time. These movies won awards and set
a new standard for visual effects and movie production in general. Most
importantly, these are the versions of the movies that many of us grew up with,
that first gave us a our love of a galaxy far far away. Since the spring of
2003, www.originaltrilogy.com has been gathering support for a petition, the
goal of which is to persuade Mr.Lucas to reconsder his stance that the original
versions are more then just "rough cuts". The petition now carries on it close
to 40,000 signatures, and management of the site has been informed that
Lucasfilm is monitoring with interest. We believe this is a good sign.
www.originaltrilogy.com, is not
trying to abolish the 1997 SPECIAL EDITION, or any subsequent revisions to the
classic trilogy. We applaud Mr.Lucas for his continued efforts to maintain
Starwars as timeless classic. The hope of the petition is that Mr.Lucas will
also recognize the incredible historical signifigants of the original versions,
and to release them on DVD in addition to the 1997 SPECIAL EDITION, or any
future versions of these films that may be created. Though some of the FX may
seem quaint by todays standard, they are also the FX that set the standard, and
revolutioned the movie industry, if the original versions are not released, many
of these FX will be lost for all time. Please show your support for STAR WARS
and sign the petition, get your friends to sign it. Those of you with websites
of your own, feel free to host one of the many striking banner ads that link to
the petition. Please, don't let a classic vanish forever.
Conventions & Events This Weekend There are 3 conventions/events taking place
this weekend:
Slanted Fedora Con (San Antonio, Texas) - October 10
the Star Wars guest is Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca).
Metreon Festival of Anime (San Francisco, CA) - October 11
the Star Wars guest is Doug Chiang.
F.A.C.T.S. (Ghent, Belgium) - October 11-12
the Star Wars guests are Dave Prowse (Darth Vader), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), and
Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna). You can get more info about future Conventions &
Events by clicking here. If you've got a Con or Event coming up, or you know of
one in your area, be sure to tell us about it.
CooperOwen 'At The Movies' Auction
From CooperOwen: We will be holding an At the Movies auction on the 30th October
which includes: Lot 169
Ronto maquette used during the production of 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New
A maquette comprising a cast composite figure mounted on plinth believed to have
been sculpted by ILM's Richard Miller and used in the development of the
computer graphically generated creatures seen in the Mos Eisley scenes of the
Star Wars special edition DVD A New Hope in which George Lucas added extensive
digital improvements and computer graphic imagery to the original film.
Condition: The creatures fragile ears have broken off but can easily be
Stands approx. 9 inch. ( 23 cm) in height.
�300-400 Lot 170
Three autographed photographs of characters from 'Star Wars'
Three signed colour 8 x 10 photographs to include Dave Prowse in character as
Darth Vader, Kenny Baker (R2-D2) and Jeremy Bulloch in another role but signed
with Boba Fett. (3)
�20-30 Commission bids can be placed on our website now at
www.cooperowen.com and the auction will
culminate with a live event at 23 Denmark Street, London on the 30th October at
4pm GMT.
Doug Chiang To Appear at Anime FestivalMikk from the South Bay Star Wars Fan
Club sends in the following Doug Chiang news: Doug Chiang will be appearing at
theMetreon Festival of Anime on October 11th in San Francisco promoting his new
book Robota. Mr. Chiang will be speaking from 3 to 4pm in the Action Theater at
Metreon about his creative process, art techniques and training. There will also
be a special screening of the animated Robota teaser. Afterwards he will sign
books for an hour at the Chronicle Books store in the Metreon complex. Should be
a great opportunity to get a look "behind the scenes" of an extremely talented &
influential artist.You can read more about the festival at the link above.
Thanks for the alert.
Brian Ching at TUCWS For a great interview with master Star Wars: Republic
artist Brian Ching, check out the newly-redesigned Clone Wars Unofficial Site.
Accompanying the interview is an exclusive look at Ching's pencils for the cover
of Republic #62!
Mark Hamill Autographs at the TFN eStore TheForce.net in conjunction with C2
Ventures is proud to offer 100% truly authentic autographed photos from some of
your favorite Star Wars celebrities. This week we are happy to announce our
newest autograph additions: Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Mark Hamill (Luke
Skywalker). Check out these newest limited run 8x10 and 11x14 Theater Wide
photos in the TFN store!
The Unifying Force E-Signings The end of the epic New Jedi Order is near -- only
two books remain in the saga from Del Rey Books. While the penultimate chapter,
The Final Prophecy by Greg Keyes is making its way to bookstores this month
(read an excerpt from it here), the explosive conclusion, The Unifying Force, is
still a month away. Online fans of Star Wars literature can now order copies of
The Unifying Force signed or personalized by bestselling author James Luceno.
This online offer lasts until October 25, 2003. The book is scheduled for
release on November 4, 2003. For information on ordering a signed copy, as well
as details on Luceno's tour schedule, visit E-Signing's official website here.
The New Jedi Order series:
1. Vector Prime, by R.A. Salvatore
2. Dark Tide I: Onslaught, by Michael A. Stackpole
3. Dark Tide II: Ruin, by Michael A. Stackpole
4. Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, by James Luceno
5. Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse, by James Luceno
6. Balance Point, by Kathy Tyers
7. Edge of Victory I: Conquest, by Greg Keyes
8. Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, by Greg Keyes
9. Star by Star, by Troy Denning
10. Dark Journey, by Elaine Cunningham
11. Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, by Aaron Allston
12. Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand, by Aaron Allston
13. Traitor, by Matthew Stover
14. Destiny's Way, by Walter Jon Williams
15. Force Heretic I: Remnant, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix
16. Force Heretic II: Refugee, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix
17. Force Heretic III: Reunion, by Sean Williams & Shane Dix
18. The Unifying Force, by James Luceno
19. The Final Prophecy, by Greg Keyes
The Final Prophecy Excerpt Tahiri's Convictions The epic New Jedi Order series
is coming to a close, and the latest paperback novel chronicles the explosive
events precipitating the climactic conclusion. In The Final Prophecy, the
penultimate chapter of the saga, the secrets of the Yuuzhan Vong -- who they
are, where they come from, what terrible forces drive them -- are at last
exposed. But will this knowledge aid the Jedi... or doom them? The Final
Prophecy by Greg Keyes is available now from Del Rey Books. Click here for an
excerpt from Chapter Nine of the novel.
Das Offizielle Magazin #31 Discover Anakin's latest look for Episode III in
issue #31 of Star Wars Das Offizielle Magazin, the official publication of the
German Star Wars Fan Club. This issue features an Episode III photo gallery with
new images of Hayden Christensen, Ian McDiarmid, R2-D2, Anthony Daniels, George
Lucas, John Knoll and other members of the cast and crew in action from the set
in Sydney, as well as Rick McCallum's production news from the set. Also in this
issue, ILM's own Rob Coleman discusses development of the Republic's clone army,
while stuntman/actor Ray Park (Darth Maul) talks about his work on Episode I.
Explore "Incredible Cross-Sections" of Star Wars vehicles or how the memorable
hum of the lightsaber came to be with an interview with Star Wars sound expert
Ben Burtt. Journal of the Whills #31, a bonus magazine available to fan club
members, includes an exclusive interview with Star Wars artist Randy Martinez,
an article explaining possible meanings and origins of the Star Wars character
names, a profile of the German online Star Wars roleplaying community as well as
extended letters from readers, fan art and activities. Star Wars Das Offizielle
Magazin #31 has already shipped to subscribers, and hits German newsstands on
Oct. 8. For more information about the German fan club, click here.
January 2004 Comics Ring in the New Year with Dark Horse Comics' assortment of
new and collected Star Wars stories. Experience the Imperial side of the battle
in Star Wars: Empire, as young Lt. Janek Sunber and his infantry regiment are
cut off from command within the deadly jungles of Maridun. Surrounded by hostile
native Amanin, the troops must choose between combat or surrender, but death
lurks behind either choice. Star Wars: Empire #17, the second chapter of "To the
Last Man," is by Welles Hartley, David� Fabbri and Christian Dalla Vecchia, with
cover art by David Michael Beck. It is scheduled for release on January 7. Han
has been freed from Jabba's clutches. Luke has been captured by the Empire. And
the Rebels are undertaking a precipitous and premature attack on the Death Star.
Sound familiar? Think again. This alternate take on Return of the Jedi has Leia
leading the attack, which will lead to a surprising setback to the Rebellion and
to Luke Skywalker in particular. Star Wars: Infinities -- Return of the Jedi #3
is by Adam Gallardo, Ryan Benjamin and Saleen Crawford, with cover art by
Rodolfo Migliari. It is scheduled for release on January 14. The Clone Wars rage
on in the pages of Star Wars: Republic, which switches focus from the troops to
the Senators steering the epic conflict. Bail Organa's ship is attacked by
pirates, and former Supreme Chancellor Valorum returns to warn of treachery
behind the scenes. Star Wars: Republic #61 is by John Ostrander and Brandon
Badeaux, with cover art by Brian Ching. It is scheduled for release on January
21. A royal heir and his Jedi protector, Master Tholme, have been kidnapped. Two
of Tholme's former Padawans have teamed up to rescue their master, entering into
a web of treachery and danger. The Jedi must contend with the Morgukai, trained
assassins conditioned to kill Jedi. Behind this conniving plot is none other
than the notorious mastermind, Count Dooku. Star Wars: The Rite of Passage is a
trade paperback that collects the four-issue story-arc by John Ostrander, Jan
Duursema and Ray Kryssing. It is scheduled for release on January 28. Catch up
on the Clone Wars with the third collected volume of war stories. Star Wars:
Clone Wars - Last Stand on Jabiim chronicles the epic Battle of Jabiim, one of
the major engagements of the ongoing war. General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan
Anakin Skywalker are in command of a regiment of clone troopers and Jedi
warriors on the rain-drenched mud-world of Jabiim. Their enemies are the locals,
led by the fanatical Alto Stratus. Before the battle's end, Anakin and Obi-Wan
are separated, and young Skywalker must take command of a team of Masterless
Padawans. This trade paperback collection features the talents of Haden
Blackman, Brian Ching and Victor Llamas. It it scheduled for release on February
25. For more information about Dark Horse Comics, visit their website here
Star Wars Galaxies Huge Update To know what is on the most recent update, the
Recon Office has made a special page. It was way to long to be placed here.
Click here to see what is included in the patch.
President of LucasArts Resigns
The President of LucasArts, Simon Jeffery, has resigned abruptly. The L. A.
Times has the story. The president of LucasArts Entertainment Co., Simon
Jeffery, abruptly resigned. A company spokeswoman would not say why he resigned
or who would replace him at the San Rafael, Calif., game publisher he led for
more than three years. LucasArts, which produces video and computer games based
on the Star Wars movie franchise, is a subsidiary of Lucasfilm, a privately held
company owned by director George Lucas. Its titles include "Galaxies," an online
game that launched this summer, and "Knights of the Old Republic." Source:
Rebel Strike Bonus Disc As we reported over two months ago there is a Rebel
Strike Bonus Disc available to those who preorder the game. StarWars.com
reports: For a limited time, gamers who pre-order Star Wars Rogue Squadron III:
Rebel Strike will receive a bonus disc containing a playable demo of the Hoth
level of Rebel Strike as well as trailers for both Gladius and Rebel Strike.
Nostalgic gamers will also appreciate the additional retro feature of the bonus
disc: the Gamecube-playable version of the original Atari Star Wars arcade game.
(No quarters necessary).
Preorder KOTOR for the PC PreOrder KOTOR for the PC from LucasArts and receive a
free letter opener.Source: StarWarsKnights.com
KOTOR 2 Rumors The November issue of the Official XBox Magazine has a brief
mentioning of a KOTOR sequel in the works, as well. Bioware probably won't
officially announce this until they have something nice to show off (like a
trailer). Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (fictional name) has been
greenlighted with the potential for a late 2004 or early 2005 release. Rumor has
it that the universe will jump far enough forward in time to help introduce a
new batch of characters
More SW Baseball References Suba sends us this Star Wars baseball report: The
Opening Montage for FoxSports for tonight's game was a total Star Wars Opening.
It started with the famous Star Wars Scroll but about the Game then It scrolled
Down to the Corvette With a Boston Symbol on it being Chased by a Star Destroyer
Whose Docking Bay had the Yankee Symbol. Then During the Entire Pre-game show
Star Wars music was playing. More of the �Evil Empire� versus the little guy
stuff. And Razorback adds this as well: Towards the end of the game, as the
Yankees were winning, some fans pulled out a large banner that read �The Empire
Strikes Back.�
Lucas to Receive Visual Effects Society Award The Boston Globe reports on the
upcoming award for Lucas' innovation: HE'S GOT THE LOOK: Filmmaker George Lucas,
whose "Star Wars" saga helped transform the visual effects industry, will
receive a lifetime achievement award from the Visual Effects Society. The award
is the first of its kind to be given by VES and represents, for the visual
effects community, the equivalent to the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award,
which is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nod given to feature
film producers whose bodies of work reflect a consistently high quality. "When
we made the first "Star Wars' movie, a group of extremely talented people helped
me tell a story in a visually new and exciting way," Lucas said. "Since then,
the imaginations and artistic abilities of visual effects craftspeople have
never ceased to amaze me. It's a thrill to get an award from their peer group."
A website of KOTOR
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
GM Report #13:
Greetings all
It's been a good week in the Dark Brotherhood for all.
Our Herald has unveiled our new robes... and I must say they have blown me away.
Take a look at them at
http://minos.net/~acey/hrld/ and hopefully they'll be up on your profiles
before the end of the weekend. All I have to do is do some renaming on the files
so Astatine can easily upload them over the existing yucky ones and it should be
done. (might be more to do that that but that's what it looks like to me) :)
Also as you've seen DA Khaen has moved to a bigger office. His term as OHC was
eventful so rather than see him get bored with it I changed his job to that of
Master At Arms. He is continuing his good work there and new recruits are being
processed almost as fast as they fill out the join form.
To replace him we now have OWL Michael Halcyon and so far he has impressed me
with how much he knows about the Obelisk and his ideas for them in the near
I hope you'll all congratulate all them on their excellent work so far.
Also, SHW Drak will be taking a leave of absence for a short time as he deals
with some personal issues over the next few weeks.
Also in Sith news. P:SHW/SBL Frey made the following announcement:
Dark greetings everyone !
I think this is the first time that you all get a mail from me :)
I`m mailing you in my function as Praetor of the SHW.
Drak will be on an extended leave over the next few weeks and it is now up to me
to host and run the Sith �Rite of Supremacy�.
"What�s this?" you ask? Well, that�s our third order-wide Competition and I hope
that it will be a full success :)
So here are all the details that you need:
Start date: 10/04/2003
End date: 11/15/2003
Single Player Flying
TIE Division
Tie Free 208
XvT Division
Custom one (
http://www22.brinkster.com/freygallandro/sith_supremacy_competition.htm )
XWA Division
XWA Free 102
Multi Player Flying (Ladder System)
XvT 1-1
XvT 2-2
XWA 1-1
XWA 2-2
2 matches against the same opponent are allowed (match and rematch)
Mission Creation Competition
Free Mission Creation
Battle Creation
Funny part
Serious Part
That is the list of Events.
Here are the rules:
General: ALL SUBMISSIONS HAVE TO BE ZIPPED !!!! and they have to contain the ID
Line !!!!
And before I forget, submissions goes to ME (jan.thriene@web.de)
Single Player Flying
You fly the mission, you name the file the way that you have your pin included
and then you submit a zip�ed file to me and cc the QUA/AED/BTL.
Multi Player Flying
You fly 5/5er and can just fly twice against the same opponent. The one that
lost the match is reporting the game to me and cc the winner, the QUA/AED/BTL.
you fly a 10er on a fast host :), you are allowed to fly the same opponent team
just twice. One of the team that lost is reporting for the loosing party and has
to cc his co-pilot, the winning ones, the QUA/AED/BTL and of course, me :)
Mission Creation
Create a Free Mission that involves the Battleteam you are in.
The Mission has to contain the normal list file, the tie file and minimum a
Extra points will be awarded for plotlines (up to 5 extra points)
Battle Creation
Create a Battle that involves the Clan you are in.
The Battle has to contain the normal list file, the tie files and a readme file.
Every Mission gets 2 Points and the Battle itself up to 10 for excellence,
creativity and that is is free of bugs.
Extra points will be awarded for plotlines (up to 5 extra points)
Funny part
Make a screenshot of a situation in the game and add a funny comment for it :)
Serious part
Something that just looks awesome (explosions or something)
That was the part that you please forward to your Consuls/Proconsuls and to your
Next thing are the Industrial Points.
Points will be awarded the following way:
Points to be awarded:
Points per submission: 2
1st place per platform: 9
2nd place per platform: 6
3rd place per platform: 3
Points per flown combat: 2
Points per win: 4
Mission Creation
Points per submission: 2
Max. Points for creativity, correctness, etc: 10
Extra points for plotline: up to 5 (depending on quality)
Battle Creation
Points per Mission: 2
Max. Points for creativity, correctness, etc: 10
Extra points for plotline: up to 5 (depending on quality)
Screenshot Part
Funny Part
Minimum of 1 point per submission, up to 5 points per submission
Maximum of 1 screenshot per pilot to be counted.
Serious part
Minimum of 1 point per submission, up to 5 points per submission
Maximum of 1 screenshot per pilot to be counted.
Industrial Points System
Every Point in the above named parts is 1 Point in the IP System.
Idea behind it is that even a less skilled pilot can achive a load of IP�s for
his Team by pure participation.
Medals to be awarded:
There will be NOVAE awarded :)
So, for EVERY little Event, like SP TIE, SP XvT, SP XWA, MP 1-1 XvT, MP 2-2 XvT,
MP 1-1 XWA�. And so on will be a 1st, a 2nd and a 3rd place.
1st place: GOLD NOVA
2nd place: SILVER NOVA
3rd place: BRONZE NOVA
The running time is also clear, now that�s all from me for the moment, I will
post this also on the MB�s and maybe I can find someone who is adding this to
the DB News (hint,hint :) ).
If you have any comments, improvement ideas or anything you want to throw me on
the head, just send it over to jan.thriene@web.de :)
Have fun all, and my the best House win !!!!
So get out there and fly for your house and see what you can do.
Obelisk news...
Jedi Academy is now completely supports by the DB and has been since it's
release. Not a day goes by that I don't see people in #EHDB asking for matches
and then I curse because I'm usually at work when it's happening and I can't
join in. :)
Thanks all for now
GM Report #14:
Greetings from the Grand Master...
Things continue to progress quickly in the DB.
The new robes should be up on the Domain hopefully this weekend but you'll have
to ask Astatine when exactly. They have been mailed to him with their names
changed to exactly match the existing robes so all he should have to do is
upload them and you'll see them on your profile.
The DGM is now heading up a project team who are completely redoing the DSC.
Plans are in the works for updated graphics, necessary changes, a new look, as
well as additions so if any of you have ideas that you think would add to the
DSC please submit them to DGM Gelton.
Tau squadron has a New/Old Commander... It seems as if retirement didn't sit
well with General Kaerner and he has returned to us and has been placed in
command again. With him returns several others who retired because he did.
New recruits continue to roll in, mostly Obelisk of late due to the release of
Jedi Academy. Current membership number stand at about 396. this counts all the
rogues and inactives as well but the number is growing.
Remember, if you need to talk to me I'm usually available when I'm on IRC or
always via email so if you have a question or a suggestion please let me know.
I was planning on announcing the new CHAN in this report but I have yet to hear
from one of the people who's approval is required before that can happen.
Hopefully that will be by the meeting tomorrow.
Thats all for me now, thank you for you time.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
HF Domain Report:
w00t! Domain report time..albeit alittle late, sorry about that. Nobody tells
the HFXO anything.
Member Count (Active Members): 83
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 120
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 197
- Operation Anvil, the joint operation with the IW is scheduled to start on
October 10th. Although due to Renn's illness, it may be postponed a bit, the
decision will be made sometime next week. PCs and CCs I better see a note of the
operation in your reports, I don't want the HF to be embarrassed by the IW.
- Roster changes and restructuring stuff was sent off to Z yesterday, he will
start on it ASAP. Although due to the amount of changes and his busy schedule it
may be a bit before everything is 100% finished.
- Our Commander of Security received the list of known rDBers and removed them
from the roster.
-The HFXO has some training to do up in Iowa, so I will *probably* be gone from
October 25th-October 30th. Internet access and such are doubtful.
- We wrapped up the PL this week and medals were handed out on Friday, the next
PL is scheduled in December.
That's all I have for now
Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1,
DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]
Domain Report: 10.10.03
Member Count (Active Members): 82
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 122
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 199
YAY! An on time Domain Report
Anyways, just a couple things going on, but some fairly important items.
- CPT Krayt re-added everyone to the roster after Z coded the changes. So our
restructuring is nearly complete. I am very pleased with the speed and how
smooth this went over. Medals for everyone!
- Joint HF/IW operation Anvil is now commencing, but without the IW due to Cpt.
Renn's rather severe illness. A new joined operation will be announced at a
later date.
- Dress uniform creation is in progress, but progress is slow
- Mini Op, Operation Enlightenment is up the message board. It's a rather fun
and laid back op. I encourage everyone to participate.
-New CSMA courses are expected within the next couple days. Artillery Basics and
Jungle Warfare.
That's all I have for now
Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1,
DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2
Infiltrator Wing
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear
IWCOM report #63:
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 72
Change from last week: +3
Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!
Not much happened in the Infiltrator Wing during the course of the past week,
but with my return and everyone nicely settled in their positions we are all set
to make the Infiltrator once again a great subgroup for everyone!
New MC-90 Renegade Commodore chosen!
The Renegade Commodore has resigned and the newly promoted Commodore is Brevet
Admiral Grizz Viper Axxemann! Although he was initially hesitant to accept the
promotion because of his undying loyalty to his old ship, the Warspite, I am
confident he will lead the Renegade to victory and glory!
Congratulations Axxe!
IW Domain site V2.0
Yesterday I managed to take a peek at the new IW homepage - It looks great. LA
Timmay is really doing his best for the IW!
I have already tasked LA Timmay to devote his full time to speed up the
completion of the page and have given him access to all the Infiltrator Wing
resources. If you feel you can help speed up the process of finishing the
website, do not hesitate to report to LA Timmay and offer your assistance.
Certainly, help on the project of this magnitutedu should be well rewarded
This is also a great time to send any suggestions and ideas about the site to
the IWSE LA Timmay (iwse@infiltrator-wing.com).
IW Manual rewamp
As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual
and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.
It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as
all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on
the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von
I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.
There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW
Combat Center (IWCC) at:
NOTE: All competitions must be reported at the IW Combat Center
(IWCC) in order to be considered official and valid!
Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of September, 2003. is:
Major SavageAz of Panther squadron (savage19_99@yahoo.com.au)
Congratulations to all!
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received
COM/Renegade: Received
WC/Wing I: Received
Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel
IWFO: VA Darkmage
IWTO: RA Boliv
IWTAC: LA Sienar
IWOC: VA Malik
IWSO: LA Astix
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade
EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn
MC-90 Renegade (N/A)
COM: BA Wes Janson
WC/2: MAJ Grizz Axxemann
IWCOM report #64:
DATE: 10. 10. 2003.
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 74
Change from last week: +2
MC-90 Renegade
Mission briefing chamber
Planet Kaiburr high orbit
The Infiltrator Wing is preparing for the grand wargames competition against the
cocky TIE Corps pilots...
"... and now is the time that we will show those arrogant TIE Corps pilots what
the Infiltrator Wing ace pilots are really made off! Colonel Jade of Panther
squadron, who is the mastermind behind this whole operation will outline the
details of the competitions. Colonel Jade."
- as admiral NiksaVel finished his part of the briefing, the old Infiltrator
Wing veteran, colonel Talon Jade approached podium and began his briefing.
"After having a long discussion with the command staff and an individual
conversation with all the squadron CMDR's, everyone has agreed that it is time
to take back the respect denied to us..."
Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!
At last the Infiltrator Wing has awoken from it's slumber, the officers and
pilots everywhere aboard the Renegade are talking about the new challenge
against the TIE Corps. All the starfighters are being tested and polished, new
insignia painted and repainted and all the flight simulators aboard the Renegade
are occupied at all times.
There have even been several incidents with overzealous pilots arguing over
who's turn it is in the simulator, but admirals Astix and Boliv who were in the
area quickly restored order.
Panther squadron the best?
The general opinion in the Infiltrator Wing seems to indicate that the Panther
squadron led by Colonel Talon Jade is the best trained squadron of the
Infiltrator Wing with she shortest response time and highest kill ratios.
IW Domain site V2.0
I have already tasked LA Timmay to devote his full time to speed up the
completion of the page and have given him access to all the Infiltrator Wing
resources. If you feel you can help speed up the process of finishing the
website, do not hesitate to report to LA Timmay and offer your assistance.
Certainly, help on the project of this magnitude should be well rewarded
This is also a great time to send any suggestions and ideas
about the site to the IWSE LA Timmay (iwse@infiltrator-wing.com).
IW Manual rewamp
As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual
and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.
It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as
all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on
the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von
I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.
There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW
Combat Center (IWCC) at:
NOTE: All competitions must be reported at the IW Combat Center
(IWCC) in order to be considered official and valid!
Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of September, 2003. is:
Major SavageAz of Panther squadron (savage19_99@yahoo.com.au) IWPIN: 48
Congratulations to all!
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received
COM/Renegade: Received
WC/Wing I: Received
Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel
IWFO: VA Darkmage
IWTO: RA Boliv
IWTAC: LA Sienar
IWOC: VA Malik
IWSO: LA Astix
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade
EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn
MC-90 Renegade (N/A)
COM: BA Wes Janson
WC/2: MAJ Grizz Axxemann
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (AD Trow)
Corporate Division (CD)
- Admiral Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]
New SGCOM Appointed on 10.14.03 - No Reports Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Trench)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench
BHG Report #142:
I find myself surrounded by some capable economists. The issue of the value of
the credit, particularly as
it pertains to the Shipyards, is right now being discussed as profusely and
intelligently as can be amongst the Commission, and this will lead only to the
most favorable consequences.
Meanwhile, the current Online Missions are still open, and the Tactician
(tactician@thebhg.org) awaits more submissions for the Halloween competition.
You have until the 25th, but get started soon so you're not scrambling at the
The Underlord reports that he has added Cadre support to the XML interface:
I heartily thank him for his continued fine-tuning of our systems, the technical
details of which entirely elude me. I can see the results, though, and they are
always excellent.
The Adjunct has a backlog of matches to grade, which he will have done by the
time the weekend ends; the same applies to Character Sheet edits. He does want
to warn people not to attempt to change their Character Sheet to suit a specific
opponent: the changes won't take effect until after your match, so you're only
causing unnecessary headache for everyone, and looking a little dishonorable.
Also, the Adjunct will be commenting on the Arena and clarifying all of its
rules at a new library section:
The Marshal, Darth Shadow, has posted the September XOC
submission awards. Congratulations to Kant Lavar, Bobecc and WallDawg for their
winning efforts! SithRage wins congratulations, too, for guessing the SE
robot hint (it was Maxmillian from the Black Hole). The KKE also has twelve,
count 'em, twelve new poisons this week and some new animal stock is coming in
this week.
DP Report #143:
Before getting to Commission news, I wanted to include a glimpse of what Kabals
may be up to at this point in time. I hope to include this more regularly so
that you can see, and so that they can get exposure.
R'lyeh, Chief of Phoenix Kabal, for instance, checks in with some exciting news.
Dash, one of the hunters in Phoenix, has come up with a new activity set for the
Kabal; that can be found at
http://boards.thebhg.org/index.php?op=view&topic=5820. R'lyeh is also
keeping his members aware of the Cadre Games, which have come round once again;
for those who don't know, a little background: those of Baron rank and above can
head up their own Cadres, which others can then join. Phoenix members not in
Cadres already are encouraged by R'lyeh to join.
Other activities such as Run-Ons are also still going on, and an AWOL check is
in progress. R'lyeh also congratulates Skorbacca on receiving another upgrade to
his Lyarnan Crest for placing as a semi-finalist in the latest arena tournament.
I also want to present a glimpse of some of what the Warden is telling his
Trainees as he prepares them for life in the Kabals...here's a snippet:
"- Keep watching the Citadel Message Board. I will be posting yet ANOTHER
web hunt on there that could net you an AWESOME ship for little-to-no effort!
- Get into RP'ing by taking the RPG exam at the Citadel and making a Character
Sheet. It's some of the best fun you'll have in the BHG, and it's not too
difficult. It's also a great way to become a better writer, and for many people,
that's golden.
- Download mIRC at http://www.mirc.com and
chat in #bhg on the Undernet. Sure... you get rank credits for talking, but it's
also a great way to meet some of the really cool (and conversely, the really
annoying) people in the BHG, and make contacts that will help you out a TON
later on in your run in the club. Remember: "It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO
you know!";
And, finally, to some Commission news. Tuss reports that all waiting exams have
been graded, and new Boloball bets are up. There's also BHG Survivor happening
tomorrow (11/11) at 1 PM! Ehart's working on a KA course for the Citadel, which
should be done soon, and there's still time to get back to him with ideas for
The Marshal also has a number of new Special Edition items in all divisions of
the SSL to release! Armor Values and Damage Ratings are all being listed in
preparation for a large change to bring them under one umbrella. In other large
changes, a new and exciting XOC subdivision is soon to be unveiled, but DS is
giving NO clues as to what that is...so don't bother asking.
Finally, I myself have been looking at the latest Fiction Course -- which was a
mix of success and failure -- to figure out how it might be revived in a
somewhat more functional form.
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #20:
Report of the Supreme Director #20 - 02/10/03
Roster Count: 56
Main - http://www.ehintel.minos.net
AoT - offline
Manual - offline
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - sdir@ehintel.org
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk � exdir@ehintel.org
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol � bldr@ehintel.org
RADR/GN Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@aol.com
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. Tactics/Training Director (TTDR) is now open for applications
The Tactics/Training Director is a member of the Ubiqtorate. He is responsible
for the continued training of Intel agents. He runs the Academy of Tactics (AoT),
grades all of the tests available there and keeps a record of each agent�s
achievements. The ideal candidate will be an experienced member of the
Intelligence Division with a high and consistent level of activity within the
EH. A high AoT rank will be looked upon favourably. Experience of EH training
would be desirable but is not necessary. Some experience of basic web-design
would also be useful (for making minor updates to the website). Applications
should be sent to AD Mordann and RA Aseret (sdir@ehintel.org and exdir@ehintel.org)
by Wednesday 15th October.
2. SDIR semi-leave
Due to a lack of an internet connection at home my email response time is
currently down to 2-3 days. I hope that it will return to its usual high level
in around a week�s time. If anything really, really urgent crops up (that can�t
wait 2 days) I suggest you contact my XO, RA Aseret � exdir@ehintel.org or
failing that the SO, AD Zoltar � so@emperorshammer.org.
3. Design a Logo Competition � Open to all members of the EH
*** Closing date extended till Friday 17th October ***
The Intelligence Division is in need of a logo for use, well� everywhere! The
selected logo will be splattered all over Intel websites is a variety of sizes
and may even make an appearance on some tasteful EH gear (you know you�ve always
wanted an Intel teddy!). I�m looking for something fairly simple, yet bold and
striking which will look good against a black background. Ideally it should be
sized between 300x300 to 400x400 pixels and be in .jpg or .gif format. The
logo can feature pretty much anything you want so long as it has some reference
to �Intel� and doesn�t feature images unsuitable for the eyes of young children
or GN Scrier. Speaking of eyes, eyes are a good theme, since we are �the eyes
and ears of the fleet�. One idea I had was to produce something based around the
Eye of Horus (an Egyptian symbol � do an image search with google and you�ll see
what I mean). You could also look at the opening credits of James Bond movies
for inspiration � chicks and guns :). If you need any guidance, email me.
Entries should be sent to me
(sdir@emperorshammer.org) by Friday 17th of October. The winning entry will
probably receive a Force of the Emperor�s Will [FoEW] depending on the quality
of the work and the author�s subgroup. There may also be medals on offer for
other commendable entries.
4. Academy of Tactics Revamp
The Academy of Tactics has been closed down for a short while. It is being
revamped with fewer, more practical, useful (and current) tests. At the moment
the first batch of tests should look something like below:
General Test � completed, Mordann
Leadership � completed, Scrier
Report Writing � ongoing, Mordann
Infiltration � completed, Mordann
Interrogation � ongoing, Aseret
Internal Security � ongoing, Scrier
IRC Surveillance � completed /updated, (Mordann/Brad)
Cryptoanalysis � completed /updated, (Stalker5)
EH Law � completed, Aseret
Fiction � ongoing, Aseret
At present it looks like the Academy of Tactics will be reopened in
approximately two weeks.
SDIR Report #21:
Poo! And there I was, hoping I�d go through my whole term as
SDIR without submitting a late report�
Roster Count: 60
Main - http://www.ehintel.minos.net
AoT - offline
Manual - offline
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - sdir@ehintel.org
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk � exdir@ehintel.org
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol � bldr@ehintel.org
RADR/GN Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@aol.com
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. Tactics/Training Director (TTDR) is now open for applications
The Tactics/Training Director is a member of the Ubiqtorate. He is responsible
for the continued training of Intel agents. He runs the Academy of Tactics (AoT),
grades all of the tests available there and keeps a record of each agent�s
achievements. The ideal candidate will be an experienced member of the
Intelligence Division with a high and consistent level of activity within the
EH. A high AoT rank will be looked upon favourably. Experience of EH training
would be desirable but is not necessary. Some experience of basic web-design
would also be useful (for making minor updates to the website). Applications
should be sent to AD Mordann and RA Aseret (sdir@ehintel.org and exdir@ehintel.org)
by Wednesday 15th October.
2. SDIR back online
Huzzah! I now have a shiny broadband connection in my house so I should be back
up to speed on replying to emails and appearing on IRC.
3. Design a Logo Competition � Open to all members of the EH
*** Closing date extended till Friday 17th October ***
The Intelligence Division is in need of a logo for use, well� everywhere! The
selected logo will be splattered all over Intel websites is a variety of sizes
and may even make an appearance on some tasteful EH gear (you know you�ve always
wanted an Intel teddy!). I�m looking for something fairly simple, yet bold and
striking which will look good against a black background. Ideally it should be
sized between 300x300 to 400x400 pixels and be in .jpg or .gif format. The logo
can feature pretty much anything you want so long as it has some reference to
�Intel� and doesn�t feature images unsuitable for the eyes of young children or
GN Scrier. Speaking of eyes, eyes are a good theme, since we are �the eyes and
ears of the fleet�. One idea I had was to produce something based around the Eye
of Horus (an Egyptian symbol � do an image search with google and you�ll see
what I mean). You could also look at the opening credits of James Bond movies
for inspiration � chicks and guns :). If you need any guidance, email me.
Entries should be sent to me
(sdir@emperorshammer.org) by Friday 17th of October. The winning entry will
probably receive a Force of the Emperor�s Will [FoEW] depending on the quality
of the work and the author�s subgroup. There may also be medals on offer for
other commendable entries.
4. Academy of Tactics Revamp
The Academy of Tactics has been closed down for a short while. It is being
revamped with fewer, more practical, useful (and current) tests. At the moment
the first batch of tests should look something like below:
General Test � completed, Mordann
Leadership � completed, Scrier
Report Writing � ongoing, Mordann
Infiltration � completed, Mordann
Interrogation � ongoing, Aseret
Internal Security � ongoing, Scrier
IRC Surveillance � completed /updated, (Mordann/Brad)
Cryptoanalysis � completed /updated, (Stalker5)
EH Law � completed, Aseret
Fiction � completed, Aseret
At present it looks like the Academy of Tactics will be reopened in
approximately a week or so.
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)
EH Directorate (DIR)
Directorate Domain Report:
Please excuse the lateness of this report; there were some unavoidable
circumstances that kept me offline Friday and Saturday. But now, on with things!
-The restructuring of the Colonial Branch is going well, under HCT Orz's
guidance. With luck, we'll have Colonial fully up and running within the next
two weeks.
-The Project Aquitaine competition is still running, until Oct. 23. I've
received one submission so far, and I'd definitely like to see more! Read the
outline at
http://www.gravsystems.net/dir-comp.html for more details.
-The High Commissioner is running a Colonial Branch graphics competition. Please
read the HCT Dispatch for more details.
Roster Total: 60 (9 Ministry Council & Assistants, 24 Directorate Guard, 17
Colonial Branch, 9 Reserve, 1 Unassigned)
Directorate Main URL:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:
That's all for this week.
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
CGM Report:
During the past week, 2 events have been held: A mission night
on Dantooine and an outing to Jabba's Palace.
Attendance for both events was lower than I had hoped, but all parties who
attended the events seemed to enjoy themselves, which is the ultimate goal.
Aeden continues to work on a website with a PA Roster. I talked to him this week
about his progress-- the site is moving along, but not done yet. I also
requested the addition of a calendar to make event schedules more accessible to
folks who aren't constantly in-game.
A couple of targets have been discussed for future raids. Expect to see the EH
both deal with the Tusken Raider threat and liberate a TIE Fighter base that is
infested with Rebels.
PA Members and other EHers who are interested in PA news and activities should
check the SWG section of the EH message boards at
www.ehnet.org/mb on a regular basis.
There's usually at least one thought-provoking post a day.
CGM Report:
This week's outing to the Emperor's Retreat was simply a
failure. The CGM was in attendance, but nobody else was. On the plus side, I got
to advance my own progress within the theme park, and I had a nice chat with the
Next week's event is already scheduled for Tuesday at 8 PM EST. We will be
having a get together at the Sanctum Malleus Cantina, and hopefully this will be
a good way to get some furniture into the building.
After my work at the Emperor's Retreat Thursday evening, I spent the bulk of the
night investigating other Chilastra PA sites and Guild Management tools so that
we could have a back-up plan in the event that Aeden is not able to complete a
sufficient guild web page. This led me to two conclusions:
1) As an Imperial PA, we are outnumbered by Rebel PAs by roughly a 3 to 1 margin
on Chilastra.
2) Yahoo Groups remains the best free tool available for managing PA business at
the moment.
I will be requesting that each PA member join the Yahoo Groups list for The
Fringe this week, and I will attempt to use the built-in calendar to schedule
upcoming events. While I hope to build a bigger and better Fringe web page,
extensive use of the existing Yahoo Group seems to be the best path to
increasing activity among current PA members.
Thank You For Your Time.
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #36:
- News -
To begin, I'm displeased to announce the removal of Siterath
Goersase from Minister of State. While he had his hard drive wiped just prior to
my contacting him, we have never had easy and frequent communication, which was
a basic requirement of M:STA. He did indeed accomplish a lot in his first few
weeks in the position, but it's a small amount compared to what would have been
required of him. We only had 6 or 7 planetary issues (of the ones he made) out
of the 50 I wanted before the database's release. Time was also a factor in
creating planetary issues, since at least 10 would be required every week; they
were being created at a rate of 1 per week. I'm allowing Siterath to keep the
title of Vizier as his reward for his hard work, albeit
for a short time.
On a lighter note, I'm extremelly pleased to announce the completion of the
Imperial Senate Archives. Minister Demerzel has labored over this project since
shortly after I was appointed Chancellor. He has been one of the most active
Senate members, and the most active High Council member that I have ever seen in
my time in the Senate. The full report can be found on the main EH domain. For
his excellent work on the ISA, his unparalleled activity during our most
troubling times, and his immutable dedication to the Imperial Senate, it is my
honor to award Minister Demerzel with the Senate's highest award, the Ch'hala
Staff [CHHS]. This is one of the largest projects ever completed in the Senate,
and I think Demerzel deserves to be among our most honored and respected
members. We've had our disagreements in the past, but it is, as I said, the
past, and we've since overcome any differences that have gotten in the way of
our one shared interest--the Senate. Congratulations!
I suppose that's all I have to report for this week. I am accepting applications
for a new Minister of State. The requirements are below:
HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their
respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and
the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. His primary function is to
render planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All
information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the
Minister of State.
-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential
-Creativity and intelligence
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
The Senate also welcomes back one of its veterans this week: Talon Jade. He has
been granted the title of Vizier and has already been increasing activity on our
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
http://senate.ehnet.org/handbook/index.htm, or
Imperial University:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, or
Ministry of Records:
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI report 14:
In the case of the Empire vs. Rexal Qel, the panel has decided
to turn the case over to the Grand Admiral to await his decision about summary
expulsion. This has been suggested by the panel and approved by the High
Inquisitor and the Grand Admiral.
The reasons the panel considered when reaching this decision are outlined below.
For the offense on trial - membership in the rDB as well as the
EH - there is a preset punishment of summary expulsion given by the
http://www.emperorshammer.org/alliance.htm. As the panel understands it,
summary expulsion means "without a trial", and represents an executive decision.
The panel does not see a need nor a point in a trial at the HCI. As the panel
sees it, the HCI is supposed to *decide* cases in a fair
manner, and if someone is found guilty, find an appropriate punishment. With the
rule on alliance.htm, there is no point in a trial beyond the finding of guilty,
as the outcome of the case is entirely fixed.
The panel found that, going by standards applied in past cases,
an expulsion would not necessarily have been reached in this case. However,
again, the rule on alliance.htm ruled out the possibility of anything but
expulsion. Therefore, the panel decided unanimously that the rule on
alliance.htm put the panel in a conflict between the rule and the process at the
HCI as laid out by the AoWs.
The best way to solve that conflict the panel unanimously found
was to turn this case over to the Grand Admiral for an executive decision.
It has to be pointed out that the panel does not object to the expulsion of rDB
members; the panel objects to the HCI simply issuing summary expulsions after a
full trial, since it sees no point a full trial with a fixed outcome.
Along with this decision the panel recommends that in the future, no trials
under the rule on alliance.htm be held. Instead the panel recommends that
executive action be taken by the proper authorities outside the High Court.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)
Combat Operations Office
Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
[EXCR] [Veteran 4th]
COO Report #53:
COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)
- I still work out some stuff since Auto left. Like HP, Scores and his duties.
- I spoke with the FO. We will soon have a 2v2 comp. Anyway I
dunno any details yet, but after I got them I will inform you all!
- I began to work on a new COC Site using SquadFist+ Multiplayer
Competition News
Feel free to send me your scores personally after plaid!
Bot News
- Bot worked ... till today. Well maybe I get scores from today later! :-)
- Everything else works.
In the service of the Emperor's Hammer
COO Report #54:
COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)
- I am trying to learn TCL. Cause I do not want such a
disaster again as in the past with Auto. I got full respect to AbK, but I do
not make the mistake again and use technologies that I do not unerstand.
- Due to time reasons, currently, the Combat Manual is on
hold. I finish the COC Site 1st. But cause I do not write my own Database
(time reasons), I still evaluate which Database System (SF+ or PHPNuke) will
be better
- I heared some rumors that LA and TG maybe is evaluating
the chances if they bring up a new TIE or XWA game. Please this are rumors,
and I will not tell more till those are confirmed cause I do not want to tell
a lie
- COOA Dax Corrin is now overseeing the IRC MP Comps. If
there is a problem with the bot he will report it to me!
- Also, I am sorry for IRC Activity lack. RL is a bitch!
- All old LoC's have been awarded. Todays LoC will follow
- Also WoW Scores have been awarded and we are subscribed
to a new [XvT] Week of War. Please do not bug me about an [XWA] WoW, cause
- To stop rumors, DFCs are pending. I awarded them but
OPS seem to me not here currnetly. However I don't know that he is on leave
- Okay thats it for this week
- Btw, this is my 54th report! I think I am quite long
now here. Imagine, 4 reports a month, 52 reports a year (approx.). I am more
then a year COO. The time moves past very fast!
Multiplayer Competition News
- Feel free to send me your scores personally after
- Comp Activity is raising agian. I take this as a good
sign! :-) And please do not make me depressed! :-p
Bot News
- The Bot, seems to be working. However I take manual
score report till the end of THIS month. If you report one, please copy and
paste it from mIRC, cause IO really god some problemes else!
- COOA AblsoluteK is maintaining the bot. I thank him for
this. Great work, and I hope you can keep it up!
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
FMC Report: 10.05.03
Well nice week again, and I wish you all the best luck in the
next coming. 8-)
-The Military pic comp. is over. Expect results next week 8-) I didn't have too
many submissions i hope on my next comp. I will.
-Winners are as follow
VA Sarin- IS-GR
CM Archangel- IS-SR
CM Bryan- IS-BR
-Arch is handling all newcomers so e-mail him at HyltonBuijs@hotmail.com
-Plans for new competition arising for EH as a whole big awards again
- CM Uther of the Infiltrators Wing is on a LOA, he will not be back for a few
Well this is all for this week, expect submission results next and maybe a new
competitions in a week or two
FMC Report: 10.11.03
Heya all hope you had a good week!
-Well its been a rather bore this week, I've been thinking up new comp. which is
sounding awesome.
-Winners from last comp. your medals should be in the mail as soon as OPS okays
-Submissions from the last comp. were alright but come on people those were good
medals up for grabs, SUBMIT more not like it was a hard comp.
-FMC seems to be fine Arch is managing the new Manual along with Outsider,
hopefully everything will be done last I checked it was a little over 50%
-I will be gone for a week, from 10/11/03 to 10/18/03 Arch will be in charge of
gathering info for next report and he knows it!
-Well you heard it within the next week or two a new Fleet comp. will be
underway. Good luck to all!
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD's Report #7:
Well... now I'm really upset. NO ONE seems to even care to help
me with my website. I'm not saying I can't make one myself, it's just that were
I to do so, it'd probably not be the kind of really good website everyone else
has and I really want to make one with a load of quality invested in it. Perhaps
the XO or the FC can actually give me some help (I know you guys are busy with a
lot of other things, but It's been ages since I've touched HTML programming and
I've forgotten loads)
As for other things... I am going to be asking AbK to give me that forum on the
message boards to use for 10th anniversary event announcements tomorrow, or
perhaps on SWG tonight if I see him. I'm also going to be working with Keldorn
and the staff of the Intel and BHG subgroups to get the first of my many
upcoming SG vs SG competitions up and running, hopefully within this month.
Also, I am going to have to mail Kawolski for information on Xanthe, as he would
know more than I. My relations with her were pretty much only business, so I
didn't really get to know her as well as Kawolski. That way I can send that over
to Darknyte for placement on his memorial site. Also, Ronin, if you have old
stuff on Doomsday (prolly not though) please forward it to me, so that I can get
that in to DN as well.
Another thing for this week, I will need to start getting in actual real life
contact with the two of you in order to begin coordination of my 10th
Anniversary real life meeting! This is the event that I want for my baby,
because I think it'll be really interesting and fun to do. I also think that we
need to start planning this now, because it will have to be very well organized
if it's going to work. I'll be emailing you guys my cell phone # later on so
that this can start going.
Finally, I just want to put you all on alert. Midterm exams are approaching in
the middle of this month. I will be on a short leave period between October
15-21, while I take the time to study and do well. During this time, I will be
playing SWG during study breaks, but I won't be playing as heavily as normal, I
will also answer any important email inquiries or anything related to the
competition that will be going on, but for the most part I'll be non-existent
for a week :)
That's all for my report folks. As always, be good, stay safe, and get ready for
some fun from this space very soon!!
SOD Report #8:
Yes, that's right folks my report is out early this week and I
have some really cool announcements to make!
First off, I'd like to note that in the past I had said that I didn't want to do
any of my SG vs SG competitions until such time as I could get a webpage up.
Seeing as no one has stepped up to help me and I don't wanna wait any longer to
get things rolling, I'm going to start talking with Keldorn and the BHG/INTEL
leadership and get the first SG vs SG competition rolling.
Here's the basic plan of the competition:
Events will be based around the accomodation of both clubs
overall platforms. This means there won't be any SW Flight Sim or FPS events
because the BHG doesn't focus on these things. So... here's how it's going to
work. I'm going to have five events that you'll have two weeks to complete.
Preliminarily, I'm considering the following events.
Character Biography Writing
Run On Story
Who's Ship is this? (Meaning I give you a picture of a particular spacecraft and
you tell me who own/flies it.)
The BHG should be quite familiar with these events, and I'm sure that when it
starts, INTEL will do just fine also.
Next thing, I'm going to start up planning with Ronin, Astatine, and Darknyte
(since he had a great idea on this) for the 10th Anniversary real life meeting.
Yes, I know that's a year from now, but the sooner we get planning this event,
the better it will be. What I really want to do with this is to make it so that
there's a representative from each part of the world with EH presence. I may not
be able to get everyone to participate, but I'm sure most of the people in
Europe, and the US will be able to participate via DN's webcast idea. Right now,
it's still wait and see, but rest assured I'll be doing my best to make everyone
who wants to participate have a chance to do so.
Third thing this week is that I got Jedi Academy! I beat it early this morning
on Padawan Level, so I suppose now I'll go for it on a harder level. I've also
played the multiplayer which is awesome! The game itself is really cool, in fact
I'm actually going to go back to the point in the game where you choose light or
dark and choose dark to see what happens. Anyway, since the XO wants people to
send him reviews of the game, I'll send a more detailed review (That is
how I think all of the features rate) later in the week.
I think that's really all I have for this week. As I said in my last report,
I'll be going on leave to study for midterms soon, but only for a week, and I'll
of course be around to answer any MAJOR questions you might have.
So until next time friends...
Same purple lightsaber, same SOD channel
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #6: 10.03.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
A new member! Everyone say hi to Major Xantos Screed, a squadron
commander in the TC who's just come aboard as an Ambassador.
Hopefully there are some more members in the pipeline, so membership is picking
up, but we're still desperately short, so go grab a buddy and drag 'em kicking
and screaming into our rank. Remember, every member gets to wear the sexy red
red robes and carry a big big pike =)
STILL need a frickin' coder for the new database/website combo... go! Search!
Seek 'em out! Actually, don't bother... I'll contact Ari instead :-P
Online roster has been updated.
-=Current Negotiations=-
COL Nightmare is talking to FoJ
CM Xirok has started talking to "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
TRIC approached us requesting an alliance. On Fleet Commander Ronin's order, no
discussion shall be entered in to.
Myself and MAJ Delak are in discussion with Imperial Army, a SWG group. They're
a very impressive bunch, from what I can see.
-=Plans for the Advanced Guard=-
AG Manual is finished, and I guess it's been FC approved 'cause
I haven't heard otherwise :-P =)
We still need more members, so get recruiting! I'm especially interested in
having a coder or two on board, along with good graphical artists and others
with "tradable" skills we can offer to our allied clubs. This kind of work
wouldn't be too frequent, but it is an important part of our commitments to our
allies. If you know of someone, get them on board!
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
RA Astix finished the manual, and put forward the AG's questions
for the EH Census.
COL Nightmare is still in negotiations with the FoJ, and is hunting for a coder.
Also doing some recruiting.
COL Wemmel was in touch, and has been recruiting.
CM Xirok has made contact with a new Jedi Knight II group, and he will be
working with me to gain a new ally.
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, a SWG group.
CPT Goerase should be back soon- Sit, any news?
MAJ Screed just joined.
-=No New Members=-
MAJ Screed
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (m.wernsing@web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org) (On leave)
Roster stands at 6 active, 1 on leave, 2 new members expected. LC Tempest and LC
Carl Lost have both expressed a desire to join to Jan. That'll bring us to nine
members overall, the fullest I'll have seen the Advanced Guard in quite a while-
things are definitely picking up!
LA Report #7: 10.10.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
As requested by RA Astix I am sending in this weeks report, yay!
Now everyone knows that Astix is on leave... and for some odd reason most of us
did stuff... as far as I know anyways.
Remember we still need at least a couple more people in the AG so if you have a
minute or two any time of the week think about who could be an asset to the
CODER... the guy that I found wasn't too reliable in terms of deadlines so we
are probably going to talk to the CD or something else of that matter...
Also I have to commend CPT Goerase on the great work he has done
in the couple weeks, keep it up!
-=Current Negotiations=-
RA Astix and MAJ Delak are talking with the Imperial Army, more
to come with this soon...
COL Nightmare, talking with FoJ all the time,
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club
CPT Goerase finalized Negotiations with the NRM
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
RA Astix is on leave should be back tonight or tomorrow morning
COL Nightmare did this report, checking the Alliance listings page for
inexistant clubs, MBing and awaiting an other assignment.
COL Wemmel looking for some possible AG members
CM Xirok is talking with the new JK2 club he found
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, just need to wait for Astix
to help finish things
CPT Goerase is back from leave, MBing and awaiting a new assignment
MAJ Screed awaiting assignment
-=New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (m.wernsing@web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
well that's it for this week, twas a good and productive week, gaining a new
ally. Also we are still wondering if LC Carl Lost will join our ranks...
thank you and goodnight, Until Astix goes on leave again,
OC WING XV, Magister Equitum of the Advanced Guard
SCO Announces Emperor's
Hammer Battle Launcher: 10.01.03
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
After years of being in the planning and now about 10 months of work the
Tactical Office and Science Office are very proud to announce the release of the
"Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher" - probably the most elaborate piece of
software to ever come out of the Emperor's Hammer and one that will most
definitely change your flying experience completely.
The Launcher installs battles for you with a single click, launches the games
and adds the basic patches used in our missions, like the "Fly All" patch for
TIE Fighter. It also prevents cheating by editing mission files,
which has been a problem for the Tactical Office since the beginning of this
The "�ber Project" (a SCO Project) was the coding of the Launcher by CA:SCO/AD
Den Darkhill, who spent countless hours on programming it - but the result is
definitely worth it: It is stabile, comes with its own
easy-to-use setup.exe installer, runs on all Windows versions, comes in a MSDOS
variant for the older TIE fighter versions and it even looks good.
"Project Shield" (a TAC Project) was the updates to the compendium, done by SCO/FA
Ender mBind and TAC/FA Marcin Szydlowski. All battle .ZIPs were repacked to .EHMs,
missions were encrypted, all readme.txt files updated to have new install
instructions and the Lucas Arts disclaimer, patches were removed, .WAV packages
were separated from the battles and all compendium links were updated.
While preventing cheating was the main plan at the start of the project, which
is why it was Classified, it has grown over time to be a very user friendly
utility that easily beats the original game launchers in use, especially for the
Emperor's Hammer.
Expanded Explanation and Usage:
The Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher provides a single Windows launcher to play
Emperor's Hammer missions in TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of
Power or X-Wing Alliance (if installed) and a MSDOS version for TIE Fighter CD
and TIE Fighter Diskette. It provides better security against cheating, easier
use of the games and adds special features (Windows version only):
- Unzips and installs Emperor's Hammer battles by just clicking the .EHM file
you downloaded from the Mission Compendium.
- Launches TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Balance of Power and X-Wing
Alliance from one location and interface. (Only if the game is installed.)
- Decrypts Emperor's Hammer missions for use by the X-Wing series games in a
controlled environment.
- Tracks and Tags pilot files that use EHBL for processing by the Tactical
- Monitors Balance of Power pilots and resets the number of missions flown flag
every 60 seconds. Allows you to fly extended battles without having to swap CDs
every fourth mission.
- Allows regular X-Wing Alliance Pilot File management plus creation of "EH
Pilots" for custom battles. Custom XWA battles no longer require an added pilot
file. [Via Game > XWA Options > Pilot Options]
- Adds Transport and Shuttle flying in TIE Fighter '95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
and Balance of Power when available in the mission. [Via Game > Options]
- Adds Rebel Fighter flying in TIE Fighter '95 when available in the mission.
[Via Game > TIE Options]
- Adds Custom Briefing Sounds in X-Wing Alliance when available in the mission.
[Via Game > XWA Options]
- Allows you to update the settings if you (re)install any of the games after
installation of EHBL. [Via File > Directories]
The MSDOS version does not install battles (you will need to install them as
before, after renaming the .EHM file to .ZIP), but it does feature:
- Launches TIE Fighter Disk/CD from one location and interface. [via the command
C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL]
- Decrypts Emperor's Hammer missions for use by the MSDOS TIE Fighter games in a
controlled environment.
- Tracks and Tags pilot files that use EHBL for processing by the Tactical
- Adds Transport and Shuttle flying in TIE Fighter Disk/CD when available in the
mission. [via the command C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL /t]
- Adds Rebel Fighter flying in TIE Fighter Disk/CD when available in the
mission. [via the command C:\(TIE Folder)\EHBL /r]
Note: If anyone needs it and wants to code a MAC version, AD Darkhill can
deliver you a library file to use for the decryption.
The result of excellent cooperation between the Tactical Office and the Science
Office, the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher can be called quite a feat: It
makes flying for the fleet easier then ever, even for those that
aren't very computer-wise, and ensures that the High Scores you might be trying
to beat were actually reached in a fair way.
Download it now from the admin menu of the TIE Corps database (IW and DB are
coming up) and give it a try: you won't be disappointed!
The Tactical Office and Science Office.
Zem Resigns as Chief
Gamemaster of the EH Fringe; GN Longshot Appointed new CGM: 09.20.03
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
It has been some time since I last reported. This is partly due to other
commitments in my life, and partly to a feeling of helplessness. I came to the
position of CGM with a lot of thoughts, and a lot of support for a lot of
changes. Many I was unable to implement, many did not work. The MUD is
undergoing extensive re-coding, RPG players are entirely MIA, and I have been
unable to play Galaxies myself. In short, I have been unable to successfully
accomplish anything in my time as CGM, and I have avoided reporting for a few
weeks, in the hope that I would motivate myself and turn it around. I have not
done so. I therefore tender my resignation as CGM. It is painful to make this
last recommendation, but I feel that the Fringe is not workable as is. I suggest
it be dissolved, and the MUD (when it comes back) and Galaxies not be associated
with any Sub-Group, but just run as part of the EH as a whole, perhaps making
the MUD and Galaxies leaders into Imperial Advisors. Thank you all for the
chance to do something for the Fringe, for all the help you gave me, I'm sorry I
let you down.
Game Master Zem
Fleet Commander's Note:
I have decided to focus EH Fringe solely on the
Star Wars Galaxies game platform
and have adjusted the Subgroups Page description
accordingly. It is already up to ~45 EH Fringe members !
My congratulations to
RSV?MAJ Longshot for his appointment as the new CGM of the Fringe ! He
is herein promoted to the EH Rank of General...Imperial Command expects great
things from you ! :)

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
President of the
Corporate Division Resigns; Replacement Sought: 09.26.03
As Emailed From:
Former Corporate
Division President (Admiral Trow)
Corporate Division (CD)
I come before you all today to announce my decision to retire as President of
the Corporate Division. This hasn't been an easy decision to make, but I've made
it now so here we go. I'm not resigning due to a lack of time, instead I'm
resigning because I feel I've thrown all I can into the Corporate Division and
it's now time for someone else to move it another step along. I might return to
my roots in the TIE Corps, or I might spend some time in the reserves, I'm still
I've served as President now for nearly a year, eleven plus months which I've
greatly enjoyed. The CD is a unique place due to the nature of its description,
the people there have such a wide variety of skills, personalities and ambitions
which all add up to an environment that you can only match to that of the
corporations and Direx Board.
Unfortunately recently, the Division has hit a low. A lot of the plans that have
been prepared for the Division are being delayed due to certain things which
have made progression very hard. I'm running out of ideas to encourage the
Engineers and the Staff, competitions aren't appealing to people anymore which
is a shame, I can't code so with a lack of PHP'ers available, it doesn't help
the fact a lot of my projects require database type sites (Nova Shipyards, new
CDDB roster). I feel I've burnt-out... and it's definitely time for a new
I've worked with many great people, such as Reb Crush, Leeson, Loor, Thorin,
Darkheart, Keldorn, Kweek, Glorick, Gavin, Hacksolo and Dash to name a few of
them. All these people and everyone else i've met and known through the CD have
had their own special talents and its been a hugely interesting time and an
honour working with them.
I'm leaving the Corporate Division with a new look just around the corner, my
proposal has been approved... so I'm leaving it down to the future of the
Division to implement it and make it work to the potential it holds. Best of
luck with the future and keep pushing the Division further.
I ain't gonna sit here and throw an even more longwinded resignation at you, so
thank you all for the great time and hopefully I'll see you around.
- Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Fleet Commander's Note:
Applicants seeking the Subgroup Commander (SGCOM) Position of
President (Prex) of the Corporate Division should meet the following criteria:
Been a Member of the
Corporate Division and Emperor's Hammer for 2+ years
Have held a
significant Command position
Be able to to work
with the EH Command Staff
Have no significant
HCI convictions in the past 2 years
consistent online activity and ability to motivate subordinates
Be able to command a
civilian branch of the EH and come up with creative ideas for development of the
Interested Applicants should email the
Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine) with your
emailed application demonstrating compliance with the selection criteria and
ideas for future plans for the CD, if you are appointed.
Directorate Competition
- Project Aquitaine: 09.27.03
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (Nightflyer)
Directorate Operation - Project Aquitaine
EH Directorate (DIR)
Directorate Guard scouts have recently discovered a new
solar system in an uncontested region barely half a light-year outside the
Emperor's Hammer Territories. After surveying the five planets in the solar
system, it was determined that four were uninhabitable and had very little value
to the Emperor's Hammer. However, the fifth planet, code-named Albadore, has
both a habitable atmosphere and rich mineral deposits.
While at first glance there is nothing special about Albadore, it is
important to note that the resources there could be used for military production
and expansion... and the planet is only a short distance from the Rebel
territories. Capturing Albadore would give our forces another jumping-off point
to retake the planets that have been wrestled from our grasp.
Word has been passed down from the Ministry Council that this planet is to
be explored for potential colonisation. Elements of both the Colonial Branch and
the Directorate Guard have been sent to Albadore to investigate and report back
to the Ministry Council.
This competition is going to be run entirely as a series of
fiction events. As a result, -all- Directorate members should be able and are
expected to participate!
Event 1: Geographical Survey of Albadore - Write up a
short (1 page) description of the planet itself. Be sure to include things like
terrain, climate, and interesting plant and animal species.
Event II: Sociological Study of Albadore Natives -
Several tribes of natives have been found on the planet, living in nomadic,
pre-industrial groups. Write a short (1 page) description of these natives and
their culture.
Event III: Individual Assignment - You have been selected
as a member of the team working on Project Aquitaine, and are deployed to
Albadore immediately. Write a moderately long (5 to 10 page) fiction piece on
your role in the operation.
-Colonial Branch: Your primary assignment will be exploration of the planet.
Write a piece about your expedition, including a hostile encounter with the
natives of the planet. The encounter must be included in your story.
-Directorate Guard: During the Colonial Branch's exploration of the planet,
a small pirate fleet of a Victory-class Star Destoyer, 2 Corellian Corvettes, a
System Patrol Craft and a handful of Y-Wings decides to attack the Battle Fleet.
Write a piece on your involvement in crushing the puny buggers.
-Ministry Council: Your involvement in the operation, should you choose to
exercise it, will depend on your office's responsibilities. Your piece should
centre around those responsibilities and their impact on the operation.
Event IV: Creativity? - During your operation, you were
so moved by the entire experience that you decided to compose a poem about
Albadore and the operation. Should any of you feel these creative urges, write a
short (1/2 to 1 page) poem about Albadore and/or the operations... aside from
the usual limits of appropriateness (no sex, swearing, etc.), there is no limit
on content.
All submissions should be sent to the Grand Moff (nightflyer@shaw.ca)
with [Albadore] and the event number in the subject line. This is very
important; I will be filtering my e-mail to file [Albadore] submissions
separately, and I will not be accepting any submissions without that tag.
Don't have your potentially winning story left out because you forgot
something in the subject line!
All submissions should be formatted in Rich Text Format (RTF)
or Microsoft Word. Any submissions not following this format will be
Please stick to the length guidelines listed in each event...
if they weren't meant to be followed, I wouldn't have listed them. Anything
too far outside the guidelines will be disqualified, although for Event III
submissions I will allow some leeway... a 4-1/2 page submission is acceptable,
but a 4-page submission is not.
Submission Dates: I will not be running the events separately,
but as a cluster... all submissions will be due by October 27. Results will go
out the week after that.
Awards: The winner in each category will receive a Medal of
Strategy with Diamond Ribbon (MoS-DR), and the runner-up in each category will
receive a Medal of Strategy with Platinum Ribbon (MoS-PR). In addition, each
winning submission will be posted on the Directorate web page. Additionally,
ALL participants will receive a Medal of Penmanship (MoP) for each
This competition is open to ALL members of the Directorate...
I know we have some good writers out there, and I'd like to see them showcase
their work for everyone to read!
Good luck to everyone!
GMF/FA Nightflyer
Opening of the Imperial
Senate Archives: 09.28.03
As Emailed From:
Imperial Senate Archives Now Open!
To: The Fleet Commander and Executive Officer of the Emperor�s Hammer
I would like to announce the completion of the Imperial Senate Archives, and
would like to request that the news of such be posted on the EH.org domain, with
http://demerzel.t35.com/images/isaposter.jpg being the poster displayed for the
Imperial Senate Archives:
The Imperial Senate Archives is a record of the Imperial
Senate�s history as well as a collection of all the surviving major works by
Senators. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for all members,
especially the newer Senators to see how the Senate operates, and as only the
best should be saved in the archive, the archives would serve as the best
example for newer members to follow. Given also that sometimes policies may
change, members may also observe how the changes have affect the Senate as a
whole, and draw comparisons for themselves to see which policy is better, and
raise the issue with his superiors or propose to debate upon it. This serves as
a valuable line of feedback to Senate leaders as sometimes they may err in their
policies. This archive would also serve as a means to ensure that the best works
of Senators are not lost to the annals of history, and show newer Senators what
lines of argument have been taken up before, and refuted, so that they do not
annoy more senior ones by pursing an old line. It should also be noted that
learning is lifelong, and a Senator�s education should not end when once he
completes all the courses in the IU, the Senate Archives would serve as a
database that Senators can draw upon to further their knowledge on Senate
affairs. Such is captured in the Mission Statement of the Imperial Senate
While the Archives does contain the contributions of some who are supporters of
the rDB and in some cases honour the work that they have done, as stated the
reason why they are there is for what they have done and the Archives
disassociates itself from the views that they currently hold. That being said
the cases whereby notable Senators have been recorded as adopting a derogatory
attitude towards the Emperor�s Hammer and its leaders have been censored,
although some minor comments remain to show a pattern of behaviour.
It is my understanding that the EH Encyclopaedia is being compiled. Hence as
Minister of Records of the Imperial Senate, I would like to formally present the
Imperial Senate Archives as one of the Senate�s entries to the Encyclopaedia.
The completion of this project while largely being my own effort, help was
provided along the way and I wish to thank the following. Many thanks go firstly
to Fleet Commander Ronin for providing encouragement and ensuring that the
concluding statements for the Chancellorship summaries remain unprejudiced for I
do have certain sympathies and at times such clouds my judgements. Next, to
Chancellor Raziel Kallath for allowing me to initiate this project and provide
support and encouragement throughout the entire period of my work. To my Vice
Minister of Records, Plif who though has been absent for a very long while
completed the leadership summaries for most of the earlier Chancellors with the
records he has. To the Senate Librarian, Ric Gravant who diligently went through
the painful process of processing numerous pages of Imperial Senate SQL records
and organising them appropriately. Last but not the least, to all Senators both
past and present who have in one way or another contributed to the Imperial
Senate, ensured that Senatorial processes run smoothly and made the Senate�s
history worth recording down.
Lastly, while the Imperial Senate Archives is completed, I will still be
accepting content submissions from Senators both past and present, as gaps in
the Senate�s history do exist and with me exhausting all the content available
to myself, I can only rely on submission to fill these gaps. Content submissions
my come in the form of old images, missing reports, debates, commentaries and
other writings. Send them to
Thank you for your kind attention.
In Imperial Service,
Minister of Records, Vizier Demerzel of the Imperial Senate
M:REC/VIZ Demerzel/HC-3/Liberal
(SHU: Vigil)(ESHU: Vigilant) (MDTR: Vigilance) (LXY: Vigilante)
Emperor's Hammer Chosen
Galactic Voyage Site of the Month for September 2003: 09.18.03
As Emailed From:
jedipower@triad.rr.com and arranged by
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
Sorry for getting this award to you so late, but the Emperor's Hammer was chosen
as the Galactic Voyage "Site of the Month" for September 2003. I have been
extremely behind e-mailing people due to work, school, and family. I am actually
sending this to you from work. Your banner has been up since the first of the
month and you beat out some pretty good competition. I want to say thank you for
applying last month. You guys are doing an outstanding job, so keep up the great
work! I hope all is well and continued success in the future. Take care!
Jedi Power
Galactic Voyage
"You've taken your first step into a larger world"
Fleet Commander's Note:
I recommend you all visit the
http://galactic-voyage.com website.
It's a nicely done and detailed SW link site. Also, please visit our
Awards Page for other EH Professional and Amateur web
awards we've won !
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
No Reports Submitted
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report
#106: 09.20.03
Hello guys and gals.
This week was another week full of work. I am making final preparations to the
great event: release of Project Shield and it's software. Soon, we will be able
to make it fully official, and entire EH membership will find out about most
classified EH project. Great cooperation between SCO and TAC.
From other news. Well. I am cleaning up backlog. All HSs have
been approved allready. Also, I am going to mail Squadron Ready Room to XO each
Project Shield - final phase
It is possible we will release project Shield even tomorrow. We will soon. Also,
a lot of new battles will be released, so stay tuned for more info.
New Flight Officer
With resignation of HA Priyum Patel, his Command Attach�, Fleet Admiral Cyric
has been appointed as Flight Officer and Tie Corps Commander. I know FA Cyric
for a very long time. He used to command ISD Grey Wolf, when I was just a simple
pilot, and I can tell he is very fine officer. Although we had our differences
in the past and we used to throw mud at each other very often, I am sure, as
Command Officer we will once again cooperate and make EH better place to be.
Congrats man.
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:
FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon and down
More details: here
TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
What would you do if you were TAC
Timeline: 15.IX.2003 - 30.IX.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 328 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we has recommendation from TCC:XW
My nomination for Pilot of the Week is Zystem Fryar. ZF is
probably the most thorough tester in the TAC office, testing everything at least
three times. Even the current, 9 mission battle he's on where missions take at
least 20 missions each *if* he's successful, he'll go through 5 times to make
sure he knows everything, even if he's having to also test out a somewhat buggy
Transport patch for X-Wing in the process. Truely an excellent tester in the TAC
Excellent work Fryar, keep it up.
Current standings:
Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 2
Zystem Fryar - 2
Tac Office Status:
EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 2
Total: 5
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 7
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 0
Total: 11
XvT Division
In Queue: 7
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 5
Total: 14
BoP Division
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 2
Total: 7
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (apophis@talondesigns.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (KevinSetzer@aol.com)
Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (cedu98@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (tnnn@poczta.fm)
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (fell_guy@yahoo.co.uk)
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (SHSBryan@yahoo.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (mindb_ender@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (M.Wernsing@web.de)
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (ehgidda@tiscalinet.it)
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (fcjt914@yahoo.ca)
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(Fa223Drache@hotmail.com)
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (mchenry@jefnet.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (ezwill@famvid.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (zysfryar@isdcolossus.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (FWCJR@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (Shadow2207@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (szklarzewicz@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (enriquef@viptel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (gabriel.prado@ip2.com.br)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (dazexeter@yahoo.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (Curtis@isdchallenge.org)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (eltharian@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (kettch@efaibn.eclipse.co.uk)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (eh_jedieclipse@fastmail.fm)
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (hob15@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (fight_the_good_fight91@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (snow_scorpion@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (Crim5on@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (hoor@udinbak.de)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I
try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my
Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question
there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
Tactical Office Report
#107: 09.27.03
Hello guys and gals.
I don't have anything to say, so let's go.
Project Shield - final phase, 80% done
I have updated around 80% of links, and I will try to finish tomorrow. And then,
Project Shield has green light.
New idea
I've been thinking about it in the last few days, and I am going to restrict
competitions like FCHG, CAB or MCW. Because of high merit medals awarded there
(GS in MCW). So there will be system of passed (from Nickel to Platinum). Here's
what I propose:
Platinum Tactical Pass - authomatic advance to 2nd round in league style
competitions, 10% bonus in points competition. Can be earned in Tactical
competitions only.
Gold Tactical Pass - required to participate in MCWs. Can be earned in SG wide
competitions. 3 Gold become 1 Platinum.
Silver Tactical Pass - required to participate in FCHG/CAB competitions. Can be
earned in BG wide competitions. 3 Silver become 1 Gold.
Bronze Tactical Pass - required to participate in line Tactical Competitions.
Can be earned in ship wide competitions. 3 Bronze become 1 Silver.
Nickel Tactical Pass - Can be earned in squadron wide competitions. 3 Nickel
become 1 Bronze.
By competitions in mean FCHG races, HSs flying comps and mission creation comps.
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:
FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon and down
More details: here
TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
What would you do if you were TAC
Timeline: 15.IX.2003 - 30.IX.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 328 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XWA
I nominate Abel Malik for PotW for the third week running, 41 Beta Points this
week is a feat which is nothing short of amazing.
Excellent work Malik, keep it up.
Current standings:
Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 4
Zystem Fryar - 2
Tac Office Status:
EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XvT Division
In Queue: 5
Under Testing: 8
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 14
BoP Division
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 1
Total: 4
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 4
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (apophis@talondesigns.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (KevinSetzer@aol.com)
Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (cedu98@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (tnnn@poczta.fm)
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (fell_guy@yahoo.co.uk)
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (SHSBryan@yahoo.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (mindb_ender@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (M.Wernsing@web.de)
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (ehgidda@tiscalinet.it)
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (fcjt914@yahoo.ca)
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(Fa223Drache@hotmail.com)
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (mchenry@jefnet.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (ezwill@famvid.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (zysfryar@isdcolossus.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (FWCJR@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (Shadow2207@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (szklarzewicz@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (enriquef@viptel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (gabriel.prado@ip2.com.br)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (dazexeter@yahoo.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (Curtis@isdchallenge.org)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (eltharian@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (kettch@efaibn.eclipse.co.uk)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (eh_jedieclipse@fastmail.fm)
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (hob15@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (fight_the_good_fight91@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (snow_scorpion@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (Crim5on@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (hoor@udinbak.de)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I
try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my
Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question
there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #1:
Here is my first Flight Office report as acting FO for the Tie Corps.
First I'd like to say farewell to HA Priyum. He was one of the longest serving
Flight Officers that I can remember. There are many pilots who have started
their careers in the TC and only knew him as their Flight Officer. He was a fair
and level headed leader, and will be sorely missed! he has taken a position with
the HCI, so watch out :)
Now onto FO business:
FOA Col Reaper has taken over the reports duties. Please CC him with your
reports! He will be checking for content and to make sure they are in in a
timely fashion. Remember:
Squadron Cmdr's - weekly
WC's - Weekly
Com's- Bi Weekly
BGCOM's - Weekly
They are also required to be submitted to the Database! I will also require that
they be attached to the e-mail if you link it to the DB link. (same as always
HA Priyum has sent me all of the pending roster change requests and they have
all been processed. If anything has slipped through the cracks please get back
to me ASAP.
I have been given access to the disciplinary records and news function so I will
be able to process everything now. Bear with me while I am still learning a few
IMSTORM will be starting next week! WO Pel and I have decided on a SOV vs the
BG's setting for this game. All BG's Fleets need to be in to AD Pel no later
than Sunday! If you do not submit your fleet, then your BG will not be able to
participate. It is imperative for this game to commence as it will, hopefully,
improve activity and moral.
In doing many of the roster changes I've noticed a few FL spots vacant a well as
some CMDR spots. These need to be filled in a timely fashion! I will not place
SL's in a flight without a FL! Remember that the FL is the first person in their
chain of command and is one of the more important spots in the squadrons for the
newer members. FILL THEM!
AD Darksaber will be running the TC meeting this week, as my work schedule won't
allow me to be there.
That's pretty much it for now. Everything is caught up and running smoothly!
In Service.....
Flight Office Report #2:
Time certainly flies when you are having fun! Already my second report. Well, on
with the report:
The Flight Office has made a pledge to process all inquiries and requests within
the fastest of time allowable. So far I've been able to keep up this pace and
generally have the requests done as they come in. I will continue to keep things
streamlined for a smooth ride in the TC.
I have a few things that need attention:
1. When sending me requests for roster changes, e-mail changes and the like,
please include PIN#'s. Yes I can search through the database for the pilot, but
on more than one occasion I could not find the pilot because the familiar name
is not the name they use in the DB, plus it makes things go so much faster. The
less digging I have to do, the faster the changes can get updated.
2. I've sent out my ideas on the Fleet in regards to squadrons that are
undermanned. I would like to have those 7 squadrons up to 5 pilots at the end of
two months. Please try to make it a priority if the squadron is in your BG or
you are in one of those 7 squadrons, but first and foremost have fun while doing
it. This club is all about fun and if your not having fun........
3. I have created a minos account and am currently working on a new Flight
Office home page. As soon as I get my other software installed on this computer,
I should have it up in no time. HA Priyums FO page is still up and can still be
4. IMPSTORM is starting this Sunday 9/28/03. AD Pel is running the game and will
be expecting orders which should probably be in no later than the TC meeting.
Contact AD Pel for details! I'm looking forward to this game and am interested
to see how it turns out. We have three BG's, TIE, ASF, ATF VS the SOV! Should
make for an interesting battle.
5. AD Darksaber will be running the TC meetings for me when I cannot attend.
6. I've been getting a lot of questions about the "new" training guidelines that
HA Priyum and the TO had worked on. I can not give any answers to this question
until I hammer out a few details with the XO. He's offered some ideas and
thoughts, so be patient. I am continuing to place cadets as they come through to
squadrons that need them first, then to where they requested. This on the advice
of GA Ronin. It makes sense, and is working. I've also had a few reservists
contact me about rejoining, so there will be more pilots coming back to service.
7. Again I would like to remind everyone that FOA COL Reaper is monitoring the
reports. Please CC me and Reaper with the reports.
8. The Operations Office has a new site up:
http://www.ehoperations.com/opsman/ . RA Alex Foley is also working on
revamping the medal awarding criteria.
That's about all I have for this week. Thanks to all of you whom have helped
make my transition as FO an enjoyable and easy one!
In Service
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #109:
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #109
September 19, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
The new newsletters (95 & 96) have been posted on EHNet, and are available both
offline (http://www.ehnet.org/nl/hammer95.zip and
http://www.ehnet.org/nl/hammer96.zip) and online (http://www.ehnet.org/nl/95/
and http://www.ehnet.org/nl/96/).
The IO has begun a new project: CPT Drako will be creating a new
"EH Library" for storing old EH fictions and historical notes. Although this has
been attempted several times in the past, we hope to have a more solid
management structure and successfully complete the project.
AD Turtle has been working on the enhanced-level of service for MinosNIC users,
which hopefully should be completed this weekend! Enhanced-level will allot
users extra disk space and virtual domain names, among other perks for a small
fee of $5/month which will go into helping Turtle improve the current Minos
servers and connection. Turtle has also been doing something we haven't seen
much of in the IO lately - flying XWA missions! Props to him!
FA Leeson is currently still working on the Flash front-end of Multiplayer
Sabacc, based on the server code I gave him. He hopes to have the create game
and join game functions done by this weekend.
The IOA position is still open, and details are available in last week's report.
This is a very important position and needs to be filled, so apply!
Also, the new OPS office is at
http://www.ehoperations.com, so please update your bookmarks!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the brand new ASF site done by IOA Drako at
http://asf.minos.net - a wonderful 5 star
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What should the Internet Office mascot be?
-A pirate
-An RJ-11 cable
-A llama
-The EH itself
-A leprechaun
-Alex Foley
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: Transmission End ::
Internet Office Report #110:
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #110
September 26, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Let's see what we got here... CPT Drako's new EH Library project is progressing
and he is currently in the midst of development. When the time comes for
collecting materials, I will make an announcement in my IO Report. Until then,
stay tuned for updates!
Leeson has been working on MP Sabacc still - more specifically
this week he was working on the XML data interface between the client and server
for the create game and join game commands - which are arguably the most
difficult ones in the game. He seems to have solved the issue for the most part
so hopefully that means he can move on!
The Internet Office has a brand new IOA: CPT Amadeo. This was a very difficult
decision, with two other qualified applicants in the pool, but in the end,
Amadeo has had previous experiences with helping the IO out and I look forward
to him working with us in an official capacity now.
As for EHW, I'm back into the swing of things and I sent Ender mBind an email
regarding certain ship statistics, as I'm now going to begin working on the
EHWShip class. Unfortunately at this rate I can tell EHW will take a long time
to complete, so as of now EHW is no longer a top IO priority; however, it is my
own personal project and I will be working on it when I can. In the meantime,
the IO has several other projects to keep it busy.
AD Turtle has made a ton of progress in coding the MinosNIC Enhanced Level
Service this week - it's completely set up for hosting actual domains, e-mail,
extra web space, etc. He's still tweaking it a bit though so it's not officially
ready yet, but it looks like it will be very shortly!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Infiltrator Wing Training Academy by Kane Reese. This 4
star site can be found at
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What should the Internet Office mascot be?
-A pirate
-An RJ-11 cable
-A llama
-The EH itself
-A leprechaun
-Alex Foley
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
No Reports Submitted
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (RA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/RA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #2: 09.19.03
Operations Office Report
Rear Admiral Alex Foley Reporting - September 12, 2003
Ah, and here we go again, the
second of my Operations Officer reports.
First off, a new temporary
Operations Office website has been placed up at
http://www.ehoperations.com. Please take a look, but note that the design
will most likely change as soon as I grow tired of it. Also, please expect the
Operations Manual and various Uniform Creation files to be posted next week.
I have processed all remaining
medals, along with the outstanding Commendations of Loyalty. If you are
missing any medals, most specifically Commendations of Loyalty, please contact
your superiors or drop me a line.
As always with any OPS report, I
have some complaining to do. First off, please remember that Lightsabers
are for Dark Brotherhood Members ONLY! Only members of the Dark
Brotherhood may place their lightsabers on their Tie Corps uniforms.
Second, please make an effort to
coordinate through the chain of command when you award medals. On more
than one occasion this week I recieved multiple submissions of medals for the
same thing. I caught most, but some slipped through, and the last thing I want
to do is take away an ISM a LT has because of both my and your mistakes. If
you are awarding the medals from your MSE, then tell your WC that so he
doesn't award them. It makes all of our lives easier.
As always, "High Activity" is
not enough to warrant a medal. I always want quantatative data (lots of
details) over qualatative data. I understand he might be a great asset to your
squadron, but how has he been that great asset? Did he set up SquadFirst+ for
use as the squadron website? Has he flown 12 battles? That's the kind of
things I want!
Hard work never killed anybody,
but why take a chance?
�Edgar Bergen
Operations Office Report
#3: 09.26.03
Office Report #3
Rear Admiral Alex Foley Reporting - September 26, 2003
A much better week!
I neglected to announce last week that the Operations Manual
is up at
http://www.ehoperations.com/opsman/ Expect the uniform zip files to be up
soon as well, and for a fully functional site within the next few weeks.
Medals were much better this week. It seems some of you
may actually be reading my reports. As a side note, this week I began some
loose guidelines for awarding merit medals. I plan on asking a variety of TC
officers what they award certain medals for, then post these guidelines. Of
course, it's just a guide, but for the most part I'd like it if everyone was
awarding medals for the same thing.
Again, I noticed some usage of Lightsabers on uniforms by
non-DB members. Please, Lightsabers are for Dark Brotherhood Members ONLY!
Only members of the Dark Brotherhood may place their lightsabers on their Tie
Corps uniforms.
Since the end of the month is coming up, I will mention this
again: coordinate through the chain of command when you award medals.
On more than one occasion this week I received multiple submissions of medals
for the same thing. I caught most, but some slipped through, and the last
thing I want to do is take away an ISM a LT has because of both my and your
mistakes. If you are awarding the medals from your MSE, then tell your WC that
so he doesn't award them. It makes all of our lives easier.
A new notice for this week: flying two battles or
completing two IWATS courses is not enough activity to warrant any medal,
even an ISM. I'd like to see activity on more than one level, i.e. completing
battles, an IWATS course, IRC activity, etc. Completing one battle a week
should be a pretty standard expectation in most squadrons, so rewarding pilots
for this seems pretty strange to me.
Man acts as though he were the shaper and master of language,
while in fact language remains the master of man.
�Martin Heidegger
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)
Communications Office
COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--
Communications Office
Report #20: 09.19.03
Communications Office News
After much deliberation the winner of the "Create a mIRC Function"
competition is... <insert drumroll here> FLT Jah La Gautama of the
Infiltrator Wing for his EH Data Storage script. Second place goes to MAJ Choosh
of the TIE Corps for his Pinfinder script. No other entries were received. I
hope to eventually release both scripts to the EH when they mature a bit and
work out a few annoying bugs.
I will be going over the EH forums this week in a general audit of moderators. I
have found that a lot of the time squadron commanders, etc change and I am not
usually notified as such by their replacements.
Channels Monitored by COMM bots:
Quote of the Week:
None this week, please send all QotW submissions to
Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
dasb0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Zoltar)
Security Office
Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer
No Reports Submitted
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #25:
"Science is always wrong; it never solves a problem without
creating ten more."
Welcome to my twenty-fifth public report as a Science Officer, pretty late... (I
got stuck under the hood of a TIE Experimental Mk. I ...)
...let's get to the news:
Science Office News:
1. Project Shield is getting released, finally. TAC has uploaded the material
and is working on updating links. After that its up to our XO to add some small
changes and we'd be good to go. Don't worry: it's worth the
wait... AD Darkhill did some excellent work.
2. Actually, he still is: The EH Patch Manager (EHPM) is in beta
phase and looking good (a screenshot is included in this report). The idea will
be that you download a patch, double click the file where ever you downloaded it
to, and EHPM will not only show you a picture and some info, it will also let
you install it with 1 click - whatever the Windows version you run. Besides EHPM
making it easier to use patches, it also makes it easier to make them - the
moment its released, you will be flooded ;)
3. While EHPM is under way I've released some patches for while
we wait:- Firespray Attack Ship: Also known as the Slave1 in use by the Fett
family, the OPT has been made by CM Timmay and the patch is available for TIE95
and XvT. (It is already in XWA).
- Lancer Frigate: One of the more common screening vessels in
the fleet and formerly only available in XWA. The OPT was made by CM Timmay and
the patch is available for XvT.
- Authority IRD: Common cheaper fighter in use all over the Galaxy. Now also
available for TIE95 and XvT.
- Pinook Fighter: A smaller and weaker craft often used by slavers and pirates
cause they can be carried even by freighters. Patch available for TIE95 and XvT.
- Razor Fighter: The last fighter built by Alderaan before it was executed for
treason (and proof it wasn't all that "peaceful"). Now also in TIE95 and XvT.
- Supa Fighter: Large fighter, actually bigger then a TRN, in use by various
factions across the Galaxy. Patch released for TIE95 and XvT.
4. I've taken the TIE Experimental Mk1 patch for TIE95
temporarily offline because its pretty bugged (something I found out when trying
to make a battle with it). It will be re-slotted to the T/B slot the moment it
stops plopping me back to desktop.
5. CM Timmay's Project Cueball, with the goal of adding more
astronomical objects to XWA, is proceeding nicely, with a 30 click diameter
planetoid in beta testing (about the max size for anything in the engine). More
news on this most likely in the next report.
6. There is a very nice online arcade game called "X-Wing vs.
TIE Fighter" available for free at
http://www.theforce.net/games/apps/xvstie/xvstie2.shtml - it resembles
Spearhawks excellent OpenGL game but it's based in java: check it out.
7. Spearhawk himself has made a more 3D landscape engine,
available from his site at
http://w1.183.telia.com/~u18321972/, which he has released for people who
want to test their skills at making a game with it.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been coding the most excellent EH Patch Manager, as
mentioned above.
SCOA: CM Tim has made 2 OPTs for patches and has been working on Project
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the patch archive.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This week saw the release of 9
more patches.
Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it
to be released before 2050. ;)
Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical
objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact
that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometers of rock
at Mach 30 on a planet as well.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr
(or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
http://www.minos.net/~sco/reports/index.html but they are on the TIE Corps
site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #26:
"All these people running around willy-nilly, having their own
opinions, and making up their own minds! It's hideously chaotic and totally
Welcome to my twenty-sixth public report as a Science Officer, on time! (That
TIE Experimental Mk. I finally got fixed) So let's get to the news:
Science Office News:
1. I've added some basic data and new lay outing to the craft which had
"Technical Specs undergoing compilation". I've also added the GSP and T/e4 in
similar fashion and updated their Order of Battle craft links. More
modifications like this are coming up.
2. This week again saw the release of several patches and we
actually reached a milestone in the XvT/TIE95/BoP project... All fighters of XWA
are now also available for XvT and TIE95! A layout of this week's releases:
- TIE Raptor: Zsinj's forces low budget interceptor, has been
released for TIE95 and XvT. It features 4 lasers, agility and a very small
- Planetary Fighter: Thanks to the help of CM Tim I've been able to make this
patch for TIE95 and XvT. It's a larger fighter with excellent speed and
- TIE Experimental Fighters: First appeared in "X-Wing: Alliance" besides
several other previously unseen TIE models. Developed under the supervision of
Admiral Zaarin as prototypes in a program involving fighter drones. Admiral
Zaarin's projects with Seinar Fleet Systems produced several very good new
fighters and many bad ones before eventually he fell to treason. After Zaarin's
deceit the lack of shields and hyperdrive finished off the project in favour of
the TIE Advanced and Defender. The T/e1 (with 1 turbolaser), T/e2 (T/F with 2
turbolasers), T/3 (T/I with big launchers), T/e4 (droid kamikaze craft) and T/e5
(T/F with engine booster) patches are now all available for TIE95 and XvT. All
have XvT-class OPTs with default, EH, ASF or ATF/DB textures as options.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been coding the most excellent EH Patch Manager, and
finally has his computer back in full working order.
SCOA: CM Tim has helped making the Planetary Fighter patch and has been working
on Project Cueball.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the patch archive.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This week saw the release of 12
more patches and the milestone of having all the XWA fighters available for XvT
and TIE95.
Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it
to be released before 2050. ;)
Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical
objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact
that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometres of rock
at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional...
expect it in XWA soon.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
http://www.minos.net/~sco/reports/index.html but they are on the TIE Corps
site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Darknyte)
Logistics Office
Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]
LO Report #14:
Logistics Officer Report
September 19, 2003
Admiral Darknyte
Greetings folks, the time is now 2342 and the LO report is coming at you live,
in color, and ON TIME! It�s been a wild ride to get this report out on time, but
I�d like to thank the Academy, my parents�.err, oops wrong speech. That�s my
Oscar acceptance speech, my bad. Guess we should just get into the report.
As you know, HA Priyum resigned as FO this past week. This office would like to
send a fond farewell to the departing Flight Officer, it was nice working with
you Pri, good luck as an INQ. That being said, FA Cyric has stepped up and taken
Pri�s place, already getting the backlog completed. Nicely done, Cyric, and
welcome to the team.
Project LODGE reached it�s completion this week, those who were privy to the
project�s nature can expect your copies to arrive ASAP. The Heroes site is still
in development by the Corporate Division. I really had hoped to have the
template completed by now, hopefully this coming week will see them get it
completed. LOA Matir has reported in about his work on the EH Census project
stating: �Ongoing development so the questions will follow a logical sequence
and cover a thorough but broad range of topics. Estimated date of completion:
In the coming weeks we hope to have the EH Census up and ready for the
membership to participate in if they so choose. It�s our goal with this Census
to gauge what the membership wants from the EH, what they like, what they don�t
like, and what things we as the leaders might look into for the overall
betterment of the Club. I�ll keep you updated as the Census questions are
completed and the site goes live.
That�s about it for this week�well, not quite all. It�s time for a shameless
plug! JK3: Jedi Academy is AWESOME! I encourage all members who have the means
to purchase a copy to go out immediately and pick one up, you won�t be
In Service to the Empire
Logistics Office Report #15:
Logistics Office Report
September 26, 2003
Admiral Darknyte
Well, here we go again with another bawdy edition of the LO report, can�t ya
just feel the debauchery already? Lots of news this week, but the report will
still be remarkably short, how�s that for a kick in the pants?
The Heroes Memorial site is still in design by the Corporate Division, I�ve not
heard a peep from them yet again this week, so I�m going to have to let my
fingers do the walking in the form of reaching out and strangling�..err, I
mean�.contacting them myself. Hopefully the template will be ready soon so that
this project can be removed from it�s limbo status and start to get worked on
A mailer was sent out this week to much of those in command regarding the
upcoming EH Census. After some careful consideration and talks with my LOA,
Matir, we�ve decided that we can create a database to allow for short-answer
questions instead of the multiple-choice I had originally asked for. This should
give you guys a bit more freedom to formulate your questions for the Census
itself. We expect the actual site to start to be developed once the Census
materials are all in hand and take somewhere in the neighborhood of one to two
weeks. I�m going to go ahead and set an estimated start date for the Census
itself at December 1, 2003. This will give us time to prepare the material, get
the site launched, and properly advertise the Census to get more of a turnout
for participation.
This week also saw some minor updating of the LO website. I�ve finally fixed the
broken links on the website and gotten the latest editions of the Newsletters
uploaded and linked. That�s really all there is this week, so here�s another
report �in the can�!
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report: 09.20.03
Welcome to another report! I have been going over various ideas with my CA:RO,
RA Shay'la on various ideas to improve the Recon Office in looks an in
functionality. Hopefully we can come to some sort of an agreement on exactly
what we need to do, and move from there.
RA Shay'la will be updating the Convention Database this week and hopefully,
start cleaning the database out a great deal. Once that is done, and a few
changes (that I have yet to ask AD Zsinj to make) are made, the Convention
Database should be up and running full speed.
The Recon Office Banner Comp is still ongoing. We have had a few entries but
want/need much more until we actually pick a winner ( need a bit more
diversity). So CO's, SGCOMs, If you can fwd that on to your people, there is an
IS-GW up for the winner!
That's it this week. Next week should see raised activity across the board.
Thanks for your time and on to the SW News.
EP3: Lucas Locked Out of Set
Mojodeli points out the Arizona Republic for news on George Lucas having a hard
time getting on his own set:
Despite being the man in charge of the eagerly awaited final installment of the
sci-fi franchise, Lucas was stopped by the oh-so-tight security he had put in
place. Principal photography began early in the summer in Australia.
An insider says, "George forgot his pass. He didn't think it
would be a problem, but the guard was having none of it.
"After about 10 minutes of arguing, one of the producers came out and sorted it
out. George saw the funny side, and everyone had a good laugh about it." Then he
fired the guard. Kidding.
Darth Vader's face revealed
Here is the man who will become Darth Vader in the final
installment of the Star Wars film series.
George Lucas's sci-fi epic promises all manner of surprises as horrific
circumstances ensure that Anakin Skywalker turns into the tortured Darth Vader.
And, as this first picture shows, director Lucas has his designers on track to
neatly jigsaw 2003's Jedi Knight with 1977's evil leader of the Death Star.
The new, as yet untitled film, due for release in 2005, is actually Episode III
in Lucas's series, which began in 1977 with Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
Hence, Anakin Skywalker's mane is showing a decidedly '70s style. There's no
sign of a repeat of Princess Leia's coffee scroll hair-do yet.
The last film in the series finished its principal photography at Sydney's Fox
Studios at 5.30pm yesterday.
With only some minor filming due overseas in March, Lucas and his team now have
18 months of post-production ahead of them.
Anakin was introduced in 1999's The Phantom Menace and was played by Jake Lloyd.
Hayden Christensen took on the role in last year's Episode II - Attack of the
In the final episode, Christensen's character not only promises to turn nasty
but will sire twin siblings Luke and Leia with Padme Amidala, played by Natalie
A comparison of the new Anakin with Luke, played in 1977 by Mark Hamill, shows
the prescient casting of Christensen ensured a very believable father and son
would work across three decades.
Australians added to the cast for the final Star Wars episode are Graeme
Blundell and Claudia Karvan, who were cut from the last film, Bruce Spence and
Rebecca Jackson Mendoza.
The Daily Telegraph
Hayden Headed to Chicago
The NW Herald talks about a local appearance for Episode III's Hayden
"During the first two weeks in October, the Chicago International Film Festival
will bring 94 features, 45 short films and a bevy of celebrity visitors. The
festival begins Oct. 2 at the Chicago Theatre with its opening night premiere of
"The Human Stain" and a lifetime achievement award ceremony for its director,
Robert Benton. Sally Field, who won the 1985 best actress Oscar for Benton's
"Places in the Heart," will appear, and so will "The Human Stain" star Anthony
Hopkins. Tickets for the film are $20 and $85 for the film and the opening night
Two weeks later, Oct. 16, the festival closes with "Shattered Glass," an account
of how journalist Stephen Glass slipped fictitious stories past his New Republic
editors in the mid-1990s. Hayden Christensen, who plays Glass, will appear at
the screening, as will co-star Peter Sarsgaard and director Billy Ray.
Christensen, by the way, also is Anakin Skywalker in a couple of movies by
George Lucas. Tickets are $15. "
Animated Series Bridges Gaps
Fans have been asking just how the Clone War cartoons will fit into continuity
of Episode II and III and we've managed to find a few details. Basically, Durge
and Asajj Ventress have been considered standard EU characters who aren't in
Episode III. As we know, the animated series The Clone Wars take place between
Episodes II and III and on no way have influenced the master himself as he's
worked on the production of SW3. In fact, Lucas rarely has input into the EU
stuff in the animation, books, comics, etc except laying out the broad area
where the authors and animators and artists can work.
So basically The Clone Wars will help you 'enrich the story' like say Animatrix,
but they definitely aren't required viewing to get the most out of Episode III.
But me? I'm not going to miss a one.
That's it for this week. Thanks for your time
Non-EH SOTW: Preview Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (sweeeet)
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO Report # 27:
Greetings Sirs. I have been working on what you requested about the Honorary
Members page. Here is what I have thus far.
Shannon Baksa is now Shannon McRandle, she got married and changed her name and
the website reflected the change. Easy thing to miss. here is her updated
Ian Liston doesn't seem to have a personal webpage, but I am
going to find that out from him. I have a site you can use for the time being
that does let members contact him. It is
www.wesjanson.com It's basicly just like his old site, just alittle more
updated. I will email him and see what's going on.
I am also emailing Ken Colley and Peter Mayhew. Mr. Mayhew's email has already
gone out, now I'll be emailing Ken Colley (Admiral Piett). I will let you know
what the result is as soon as I recieve those emails.
I am also going to, upon recieving a response, ask Mr. Mayhew what other SW
Actors he might think are receptive to the idea of becoming an Honorary Member..
going through him, I have my eyes on Kenny Baker and Frank Oz. R2-D2 and Yoda
would make some kick ass Honorary Members don't you think? >:P
None of the actors I sent an email to this week responded. :/ I hope they will
be able to update their site info soon.
I also reported to the GA that I will start to target the less famous characters
of the SW Movies, people that will be easier to talk to and convince (hopefully)
to be interviewed by the EH and become and Honorary member.
I have a list made up a few SW Characters that I will be trying for ( in
addition to Frank Oz and Kenny Baker). But I am VERY open to suggestions. If
there is a SW Character that would you would like to see interviewed/talked to,
let me know. I'm just an email away.
That's if for this week. Here comes the SW News... have a good one!
Conventions & Events This Weekend
There are 2 conventions/events taking place this weekend:
To Be CONtinued
(Merrillville, Indiana) - September 26-28
the Star Wars guest isRay Park (Darth Maul).
EchoBase Charity Con 2003
(Nieuwegein, Netherlands) - September 27
the Star Wars guests are Irvin Kershner (Director of ESB), Peter Diamond (SW
Stunt Coordinator), Alan Ruscoe (Plo Koon, Bib Fortuna - TPM and Lott Dod - AOTC),
Jerome Blake (Rune Haako - TPM), Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna, ROTJ), John Hollis
(Lobot, TESB), Kenneth Colley (Admiral Piett, TESB, ROTJ), John Coppinger (Wookiee
Senator - TPM, Jabba sculptor - ROTJ), Gus Lopez (Collector, Columnist), and
Gary Kurtz (Producer of ANH and TESB).
Mark Hammil Turns 50!
Mark Hammill (aka Luke Skywalker) Turns the big 50 on September 25th! Happy
Birthday Luke!
European Galaxies Launch
IGN.com reports that the European Launch date for Galaxies will be Halloween,
October 31. This is straight from a press release from Activision. Hope to see
all you new guys on the servers soon!
Film Threat Lucas Poll
FILM THREAT ( http://www.filmthreat.com/
) has a new poll - go cast your vote on the following question: What would you
kill for right now?
1) To be one of the first to see "Episode III"
2) To get your hands on a DVD box set of the original "Star Wars" trilogy.
3) A law that prohibits George Lucas from making any more films
A law that prohibits George Lucas from making any more films is currently
leading at 60%! Cast your vote on the site and check the results!
Download Full Clone Wars Cartoon Promo
You can now download the full 15 second promo teaser for the Clones Wars cartoon
in the links below, in quicktime (mov) format:
* 240x180 (0.6mb)
* 320x240 (1.5mb)
That's about it for me. Unfortunately, there Isn't much SW news this week.
There is, however a bright side:
Non-EH SOTW: Supershadow.com - A really cool SW Site that claims to actually
talk to the man himself (Lucas).
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
GM Report #12:
Time for another report...
As most of you know I've been a little lax in my reporting lately... that's
mostly due to dealing with the problems rather than reporting them and as you
all know my online presence is very high and my email response time is measured
in hours not days... but they tell me I need to report so here goes...
First off the Training Office Comp (TOC) completed this past week and the
results were posted on the DB domain... since then it has come to my attention
that there was a flaw in the points calculation that is currently being
investigated and the points recalculated. More information should be available
Second, As you know MAA Priyum has departed for greener pastures... He will be
missed but he needs to be replaced.
So as his replacement I have selected our current Obelisk High Commander DA
Khaen to fill his shoes. Khaen has proven his loyalty and commitment to the DB
in everything he has done since the split and he deserves this... everyone
congratulate him and give him all the support he needs.
Now that leads me to a replacement needed for the position of Obelisk High
Commander... The first name that leapt to my mind and that of a few others was
that of OWL Michael Halcyon. Problem was that Halc was rogue.... Well that
didn't stop me from asking him and after a few conversations as we got to know
each other and I found out what he wanted to do with the job.... He accepted...
so welcome OWL Michael Halcyon to the ranks of the DC and I know that the
Obelisk order probably couldn't have done better as a replacement for Khaen.
Robes, I know, your all waiting on the new robes... well they are almost done
(saw the new GM robe the other day and almost passed out it looks so good.) I'm
going to put both the GM and DJP robes up at
http://www.geocities.com/ehtopcop/darkjediprimarch.jpg and
I'd link them but for some reason geocities doesn't like that.
Well, looks as if that's all for me this week. Talk to you all soon and if you
happen to have any questions or just want to ask the GM something I'm always
available by email and most of the time I'm on IRC I respond within a couple of
minutes so just start talking.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
HF Domain Report:
As Emailed From:
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution
Late again I know, sorry. I never know when PRF Mord is gonna send these things
and when he isn't
Member Count (Active Members): 85
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 107
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 182
I lost my internet connection in the middle of last week for 2 days so I was
unable to do Operation Burnination scores on my days off like I promised. I will
get around to that this weekend
HFGS, I really need your reports stating your activity. A missed week here and
there isn't so bad, but some of you it's been months since I have gotten
Yay! After several months of leave former HFXO HC Cypher is back, sorta. She has
internet access a couple times a week.
Internet officer is still busy for college, site updates and roster
restructoring still on hold.
Position of Vengeance PC open, email APPs to Dingo (pfccypret2001@yahoo.com) and
Haz (iw_mozidude@yahoo.co.uk)
New PRG site up
HC Dante is currently working up the details for a joint IW/HF Operation. Some
mini-comps will be run the first two weeks of October as a lead up to the
beginning of Operation: Anvil around the 15 October mark.
PL has 9 more days left and activity could be a bit better. SLs, PCs and CCs I
want you to make mention of the PL give your people instructions to participate,
I know a couple of you haven't included any information about it.
1 new recruit all week and he was a former member. Lets get out there and try to
do a bit more recruiting
Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1,
DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=
[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]
PRF Report #21:
Member Count (Active Members): 86
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 120
Hello people...
Oh my head hurts... Can't take a much wine as I did when I was young... I'm
sooooo wasted today...
Anyways, to the HF!
Thou many things happened this week, I got no reports from the GS.. Tsc tsc tsc!
Bad GSers!
CCs and PCs, please don't forget to recc your best personnel for promotions and
give them the proper medals! Next week is the Awarding ceremony and I think
we're neglecting some troopers.
I recently lost some log files (yeah yeah, stupid PRF), and I'd like someone to
dig for at least the last 2 awarding meetings, so I can build up a file to track
the promotions and awards around.
The best stuff: WE GOT NEW SHIPS!
After a long conversation with our SCO, we agreed that L/FRG are not the ideal
to transport our kids, but the M/FRG I wanted were no the best stuff too, so we
agreed that Task Force Cruisers are the best for our needs! Why? They are
modular ships, and we cna have a trooper module installed! Very cute! And our
Victory Star Destroyer will have some shinny super cool chromed antennas and
sensors, and equipped with a commanding station twice the size we had in the
DREAD! We'll no longer have that.."Sir, I lost the platoon!"; ";Again??";
That means we'll need new names. Email me your suggestions (
hf_mordred@uol.com.br ) so we can
pick the best of them and send the big dudes for approval.
Now you must be wondering what we'll do with the old ships... Well, the L/FRG
will remain with us as fire cover for the TFCs and the DREAD... Wait for the
next OP, which will be a super cool joint op with the IW if everything goes
fine! :)
Now, as soon as Zsinj really returns to full duty, we'll have the
restructuration in the lines... It's set for a while, and Z, we really need you
to pay attention to this! Almost 2 months now... And some other stuff requires
checking too. Thanks as usual :)
I also noticed today a small problem with the Orion platoon, but it's better to
just talk to the XO ffice dudes, no big deal.
What else.. uh... Oh yeah!
Big new course ready to go! I heard that a Jungle warfare course is about to be
officially released and it rocks! I blame Balefire as usual.. tsk tsk tsk.. Told
you, activity will never give you anything.. uh? I said it loud?
This week I decided that we have been overlooking our CCs for a while, and with
the extinction of the BC position, the CCs are the most top line dudes, so they
both have auto voice in the channel (actually Haz doesn't , since I never met
with him online after the decision).
Another point: I have authorized for the time to the operations personnel to
accept Jedi Academy as an official HF platform. I believe we have no problems
but I'm writing now a good and shiny email to the SCO for the REAL official
approval. Just did not want to let the troopers waiting. :)
(quick note: just talked to Ender and it's all fine, and he'll review the
Galactic Conquest for us too!)
And I did a nasty but noble thing today: added all reports I have to the
www.emperorshammer.net and the HF
Quick note: The SCO asked me to remind you that the SC Office and the TAC DO
support our platforms but they have a serious lack of submissions! So please if
you have any levels and/or skins/mods, send him. Details on how to can be find
here: http://www.minos.net/~sco/ Please
CC em any submission cause we'll award you for that :)
I believe that's all I could made up.. I mean, remember for the week! Have a
good time, and have fun!
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2
Infiltrator Wing
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear
IWCOM Report #62:
DATE: 19. 9. 2003.
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 72
Change from last week: +3
Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!
Another week is behind us and everyone is settling in nice in their new quarters
aboard the Renegade.
We are getting ready to rock the galaxy once again as our pilots are now rested
and combat ready. We also have several new recruits apply this week.
New Echelon Guardian
The Echelon Guardian for the month of September has been selected. Upon
recommendations of the IWOC, it is my honor to bestow the honor of the
Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian upon yet another ace pilot of the Infiltrator
For continuous activity above and beyond the call of duty, it is my honor, Major
SavageAz to present you with the Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian Award!
IW Domain site V2.0
I was recently informed by the Infiltrator Wing Systems Engineer that he has
decided to get to work and create the new Infiltrator Wing website from scratch.
Not much is unveiled about the new site as of yet, but you will all be kept
This is also a great time to send any suggestions and ideas about the site to
the IWSE LA Timmay (iwse@infiltrator-wing.com).
IW Manual rewamp
As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual
and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.
It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as
all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on
the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von
I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.
There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW
Combat Center (IWCC) at:
IWSO Quick Comp
Quick IWOC flying comp for Sept 2003
Quick IW report trivia comp
Knight vs. Panther
Ace Enforcer Training Exercises
Razor's Ace of the Month
IW Guard Run-on Comp
NOTE: All competitions must be reported at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) in order
to be considered official and valid!
Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of September, 2003. is:
Major SavageAz of Panther squadron (savage19_99@yahoo.com.au) IWPIN: 48
Congratulations to all!
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received
COM/Renegade: Received
WC/Wing I: Received
Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel (nikola.leder@medri.hr) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar (sienar@gmx.net) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik (ezwill@famvid.com) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk) IWPIN: 6
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter (MadHatterIW@Comcast.net) IWPIN: 46
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter (MadHatterIW@Comcast.net) IWPIN: 46
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net) IWPIN: 9
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 8
MC-90 Renegade (N/A)
COM: BA Wes Janson (eh_janson@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: MAJ Grizz Axxemann (axxemann@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 12
Respectfully submitted
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (AD Trow)
Corporate Division (CD)
- Admiral Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]
No Report Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Trench)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench
DP Report #140:
I would like to announce the filling of the Specialist spot on the Commission --
this information is being made public at Saturday's meeting. Synthetic Paradox (Synth
for short) will be taking over the job. The Specialist's role is dynamic these
days and has undergone radical redefinition over the past months and years due
to the many things that have been automated. One thing that's very important for
this job is graphics creation and Synth is certainly capable in that department,
and he's already demonstrated, in his other roles in the BHG, a real ability to
seek out new projects and complete them quickly. I'm confident he'll be
excellent in his new job.
Meanwhile, as of tonight all Citadel courses will be updated, and the Executor
is moving on to his next project: Boloball! He's taking it over, and he's going
to be coming out with new bets from time to time. He's also seeking moderators,
so contact him if you are interested.
Over at the Marshal's office, the indefatigable Darth Shadow has just opened his
site (marshal.thebhg.org) and has already received many submissions! Unless the
volume becomes too great, DS promises a 24-hour turnaround time on those
submissions, so keep them coming and expect a quick response.
He also wishes to thank RedScar and CodeSlicer for their help on making that
Cargo bays have been added to the SSL to carry RGT vehicles, and a new Special
Edition ship, the Teifsel, is now available. Only TEN will be sold, and this
will be the last Special Edition for some time, so grab it while you can...
Finally, the next subdivision of the Shipyards, the Koral Robotics Foundry, is
ahead of schedule and should, if all goes well, open in a week (instead of three
weeks, which was its original target date).
For other, more minor news, be sure to check
http://holonet.thebhg.org -- your one stop for BHG news!
Respectfully submitted
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
Report 18: 09.18.03
Report of the Supreme Director #18 - 19/09/03
Roster Count: 57
(All currently inaccessible - email any Intel enquiries to
Main - http://ehintel.org (temporary site will
be up at
www.ehintel.minos.net shortly)
AoT - http://aot.ehintel.org
Manual - http://manual.ehintel.org
Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra - sdir@ehintel.org
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk - exdir@ehintel.org (back from leave)
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol - bldr@ehintel.org
RADR/GN Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) - IDWinters@aol.com
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. SDIR semi-leave
I�m going back to University on Friday, so I expect that I will not be around
much for the next week or so. It�ll probably be about two weeks until Telewest
reconnect the cable modem so during that period my email response time will
probably drop down to 2-3 days. This should be ok for most business, but if
anything really, really urgent crops up I suggest you contact my XO, RA Aseret -
exdir@ehintel.org or failing that the SO, AD Zoltar - so@emperorshammer.org.
2. Design a Logo Competition - Open to all members of the EH
The Intelligence Division is in need of a logo for use, well� everywhere! The
selected logo will be splattered all over Intel websites is a variety of sizes
and may even make an appearance on some tasteful EH gear (you know you �ve
always wanted an Intel teddy!). I�m looking for something fairly simple, yet
bold and striking which will look good against a black background. Ideally it
should be sized between 300x300 to 400x400 pixels and be in .jpg or .gif format.
The logo can feature pretty much anything you want so long as it
has some reference to �Intel� and doesn�t feature images unsuitable for the eyes
of young children or GN Scrier. Speaking of eyes, eyes are a good theme, since
we are �the eyes and ears of the fleet�. One idea I had was to produce something
based around the Eye of Horus (an Egyptian symbol - do an image search with
google and you�ll see what I mean). You could also look at the opening credits
of James Bond movies for inspiration - chicks and guns :). If you need any
guidance, email me.
Entries should be sent to me (sdir@emperorshammer.org) by the
end of September. The winning entry will probably receive a Force of the
Emperor�s Will [FoEW] depending on the quality of the work and the
author�s subgroup. There may also be medals on offer for other commendable
3. Academy of Tactics Revamp
For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be
revamped with fewer, more practical, useful (and current) tests over the course
of the next month or so.
At the moment the first batch of tests should look something
like below:
General Test - completed, Mordann
Command -
Report Writing - ongoing, Mordann
Infiltration - completed, Mordann
Interrogation -
Internal Security -
Cryptoanalysis - completed
EH Law - ongoing, Aseret
Anyone wishing to help rewrite the courses should get in contact
with sdir@emperorshammer.org. If you wish I can provide you with the old
course(s) as a basis for the rewrite.
4. Problems with www.ehintel.org
The Intel main, manual and the AoT sites are still all down because of �exceeded
bandwidth�. Despite Stalker5�s efforts there has been no progress in sorting out
this problem so far. Our new site has been completed and will be up at
www.ehintel.minos.net in the next few days. As far as I am aware the email
forwarders are still working, but if you experience any problems you can use:
SDIR - sdir@emperorshammer.org or bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR - davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk
RADR - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
(NB. - radr@ehintel.org doesn�t exist yet:P)
SDIR Report:
Report of the Supreme Director #19 - 26/09/03
Roster Count: 57
Main - http://www.ehintel.minos.net
AoT - offline
Manual - offline
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - sdir@ehintel.org
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk � exdir@ehintel.org
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol � bldr@ehintel.org
RADR/GN Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@aol.com
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. SDIR semi-leave
Earlier this week I returned to University and my internet connection has yet to
be installed, so over the next week or so my email response time will probably
drop down to 2-3 days. This should be ok for most business, but if anything
really, really urgent crops up I suggest you contact my XO, RA Aseret � exdir@ehintel.org
or failing that the SO, AD Zoltar �
2. New Intel Website
Our shiny new revamped website can be found at http://www.ehintel.minos.net.
It�s not quite finished, but it still looks nice and pretty and gives us an
online presence again. The site was designed for us by the wonderful Captain
Drako of the Internet Office. Although he is not a member of Intel we wish to
reward him with a Personnel Shuttle [SHU � �name�] as a token of our gratitude.
Email me with any feedback.
3. Design a Logo Competition � Open to all members of the EH
The Intelligence Division is in need of a logo for use, well� everywhere! The
selected logo will be splattered all over Intel websites is a variety of sizes
and may even make an appearance on some tasteful EH gear (you know you�ve always
wanted an Intel teddy!). I�m looking for something fairly simple, yet bold and
striking which will look good against a black background. Ideally it should be
sized between 300x300 to 400x400 pixels and be in .jpg or .gif format. The
logo can feature pretty much anything you want so long as it has some reference
to �Intel� and doesn�t feature images unsuitable for the eyes of young children
or GN Scrier. Speaking of eyes, eyes are a good theme, since we are �the eyes
and ears of the fleet�. One idea I had was to produce something based around the
Eye of Horus (an Egyptian symbol � do an image search with google and you�ll see
what I mean). You could also look at the opening credits of James Bond movies
for inspiration � chicks and guns :). If you need any guidance, email me.
Entries should be sent to me
(sdir@emperorshammer.org) by the end of September. The winning entry will
probably receive a Force of the Emperor�s Will [FoEW] depending on the quality
of the work and the author�s subgroup. There may also be medals on offer for
other commendable entries.
4. Academy of Tactics Revamp
For a short while the Academy of Tactics will be closed down. It will be
revamped with fewer, more practical, useful (and current) tests over the course
of the next month or so.
At the moment the first batch of tests should look something
like below:
General Test � completed, Mordann
Leadership � completed, Scrier
Report Writing � ongoing, Mordann
Infiltration � completed, Mordann
Interrogation �
Internal Security �
IRC Surveillance � updated, (Mordann/Brad)
Cryptoanalysis � updated, (Stalker5)
EH Law � completed, Aseret
Anyone wishing to help rewrite the courses should get in contact
with sdir@emperorshammer.org. If you wish I can provide you with the old
course(s) as a basis for the rewrite.
5. Problems with www.ehintel.org
As far as I am aware the email forwarders are still working, but if you
experience any problems you can
SDIR � sdir@emperorshammer.org or
ExDIR � jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR � davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk
RADR � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
(NB. � radr@ehintel.org doesn�t exist yet:P)
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)
EH Directorate (DIR)
Directorate Domain Report:
So yeah... the past three weeks have been hectic for me, mostly from going back
to school with a heavier courseload than I've ever had. Between that and work,
I've had very little time to do anything else but sleep. So, I'll catch up on
news as best I can, and my apologies for missing the past two weeks of reports.
-First, some RL news... Hurricane Isabel has finished it's sweep through the
northeastern United States. I sincerely hope none of our members were caught in
the fallout.
-The CDGI has had a whole whack of new courses released... please visit their
web page for more details, or refer back to MoE Orzon's last report.
-The MoC and MoS have both posted reports. Go read them. :P
-GG Savager is conducting an AWOL sweep of the Colonial Branch, but I haven't
received any results from that. Savager, if you do have the stuff together,
please send it to me *privately*.
Directorate Main URL:
That's all for this week.
Directorate Domain Report:
-Lots of changes this week... probably the biggest one is all the shuffling
among the Ministry Council. This can be found in my e-mail from earlier this
week, which has hopefully been updated on the website (I can't access it at the
moment for some reason). I'm really hoping our new Ministry Council can bring
the Directorate to where it should be.
-With RA Orzon's appointment to High Commissioner, sweeping changes are being
made in the Colonial Branch. With the rejoining of MG Adrian Tepes and former
GMF Crusader to aid in the restructuring, as well as the efforts of Colonial
Branch members such as CG Jeff Domm and MG Savager, I'm hoping the Colonial
Branch will be revivified and ready to rock. :)
-Work continues on the new Directorate domain at
www.gravsystems.net ... new features
are being added every day. Keep up the good work, Gravant!
-NEW COMPETITION! Yes, I'm running a new competition for the Directorate. It's a
fiction-based competition, so everyone should be able to participate... details
will be posted in the Competitions page of the
website, as well as e-mailed to everyone.
Directorate Main URL:
Roster Count: 37 active (23 Directorate Guard, 7 Colonial Branch, 7 Ministry
Council), 9 Reserve; 46 Total
That's all for this week.
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
CGM Report:
It has been some time since I last reported. This is partly due to other
commitments in my life, and partly to a feeling of helplessness. I came to the
position of CGM with a lot of thoughts, and a lot of support for a lot of
changes. Many I was unable to implement, many did not work. The MUD is
undergoing extensive re- oding, RPG players are entirely MIA, and I have been
unable to play Galaxies myself. In short, I have been unable to successfully
accomplish anything in my time as CGM, and I have avoided reporting for a few
weeks, in the hope that I would motivate myself and turn it around. I have not
done so. I therefore tender my resignation as CGM. It is painful to make this
last reccomendation, but I feel that the Fringe is not workable as is. I suggest
it be dissolved, and the MUD (when it comes back) and Galaxies not be associated
with any Sub-Group, but just run as part of the EH as a whole, perhaps making
the MUD and Galaxies leaders into Imperial Advisors. Thank you all for the
chance to do something for the Fringe, for all the help you gave me, I'm sorry I
let you down.
Game Master Zem
CGM Report:
Events: Last week, we had a hunt organized by Kelron that was
attended by only 2 people and a Bestine patrol organized by Conscarr that was
not attended. This week will have a Dantooine hunt early Saturday, and I'm
looking stronly at another attempt at a PVP patrol for next week. I think I'd
like to begin to outline schedules about a month in advance.
(personal note: sorry I missed you Wednesday. Will explain in person later on.)
Status of PA Hall/Treasury/Dues: PA Hall has enough credits to operate for a
month. Dues are only being paid by some of the members, and I think we should
discuss how this is handled a bit more before we start booting members.
Status of Roster: Aeden is developing a web page/roster database. I will be
checking with him this weekend to see how he is progressing.
Things to Come: I still want to find a nice Rebel fort we can hit regularly. A
recent Dev chat has confirmed that we will be able to have a shuttle port in our
Misc: Compton got a question asked in a recent Dev Chat. He was logged in as
[EH] Compton and asked about future skill point increases. I think he made us
look pretty good, even if not everyone knew what the EH was for.
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #34:
Imperial Senate Report #33
- News -
Minister Demerzel has made some updates to the Imperial Senate Archives, which
you can see in his report here:
http://theholo.net/mb/viewtopic.php?t=8694. I was delighted to see that
Representative Gravant had started work on the Senatorial Address, which should
follow the basic model that I released in January. And speaking of updates, Vice
Minister Verr has completed the University Board, which can be viewed at the
Imperial University located here:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, and rather than devote a full paragraph
to one more sentence, here it is: Minister Dessrx hasn't contacted me in a
number of weeks, so I'll be e-mailing him shortly about FINISHING the database.
I'd like to apologize for my absence over the past few weeks, but I was
bombarded with school, work, and other RL difficulties. There is another reason,
however. My lack of reports has been due to a lack of reciprocation on the part
of the High Council (save Minister Demerzel, Minister Dessrx and Vice Minister
Verr). Quite simply, no one is willing to do anything. This has been a problem
since Raian resigned, and I suffer from the constant disappointment and
depression as a direct result of people's promising to do something and then
neglecting to do it. There's nothing I can do to force you to do your job, and
threatening to fire you wouldn't give you much motivation. You can say it's my
fault for not motivating you, but in truth that's entirely inaccurate. The
Senate developed a bad image for itself, lost its member-base, and was plagued
with inactive leaders since Belzedar left. I've been active for over 8 months
now, releasing reports every week up until a month ago when work on the database
stopped temporarily. I simply didn't have the content, and as a result, the
motivation to write a report.
All my actions in the Senate have not been without reason. The temporary
website, for example, was never coded as a full-scale Senate site because I knew
from experience that a simple html website with a roster and news section
doesn't attract nor sustain a membership. In case your skeptical, I survived 5
Chancellors who suffered from this problem. Of course, there is more to a
Subgroup than its website, but in order to create and administrate activities
and competitions, you have to have the membership to participate in them. I was
left with 10 to 15 active members when Orv left--possibly less. I knew the
Senate required a new manual and a new database to attract and sustain a new
membership, so I decided to devote all of our resources to the creation of this
database that would hopefully lay the foundation for a more stable Senate *in
the future*. I never expected to have a large membership at this point. I
intended to keep the Senate limited to the 30 or so members to help in the basic
administration of activities and the creation of the database, future high
council websites, the Senatorial Address, the Imperial Senate Archives,
Planetary Issues, the Imperial University, etc. Most of these tasks were
The problem, however, was finding someone to code the database. I contacted at
least 6 very experienced coders, 1 of which promised to help and then later went
totally inactive without my hearing one word from him (CG "Coolguy", now in the
rDB). None of the others displayed any interest whatsoever in helping the
Senate, and so I was left with no one. Then I approached Orv, who is (or was)
probably the most experienced coder in the EH. I'll also note that Orv probably
has the best disposition out of anyone
I've ever met. He agreed to help me, and for the past half a year, has been
coding the database. Now the problem was getting the database done in a
reasonable amount of time. Orv is too busy to code on a time schedule--work,
graduate school, getting married. Because Orv was the *only* person short from
paying for professional service who was willing to code the database, I could do
nothing but feed him information for the database and wait, and that's what I've
been doing.
There is no membership to host meaningful activities, no database to host a
membership, no time to create a database. This is not entirely my fault, and I'm
sure some of you (if you're even reading this) know what I'm talking about. The
database will be completed, it's just a matter of when, and for the Senate and
High Council it's a question of whether you want a Senate that "debates Star
Wars" and operates on a messageboard or one that functions as a political
simulation with a fully automated database. I can tell you that the former will
not keep this subgroup alive. You will be fired, if you even care, if I'm not
contacted within a few days.
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
- Additional -
In case you missed the OPS report (or whoever made the announcement, since I
believe we were lacking an OPS when it was released), Minister Demerzel,
Minister Siterath (though I'm beginning to regret it), and Minister Dessrx all
received CoL's. It seems, however, that I forgot about two of our most dedicated
members: Vice Minister Xura Verr and Representative Gravant. Since it's too
late, however, I'm awarding both with a Mark of Palpatine [MoP].
That's all for this week.
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
http://senate.ehnet.org/handbook/index.htm, or
Imperial University:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, or
Ministry of Records:
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 09.20.03
New member HA Pryium, welcome to the HCI. Nothing else this
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)
Combat Operations Office
Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
[EXCR] [Veteran 4th]
COO Report: 09.20.03
COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)
AbsoluteK is my new COOA. He got the knowledge how to admin the bot.
CPT Abel Malik was awarded an IS-GR. Congratz
Some medal complaints will be processed today.
The MP Bot is online again!
Multiplayer Competition News
Feel free to send me your scores personally after plaid!
Bot News
New Bot Admin, AbsoluteK
It is working again!
In the service of the Emperor's Hammer
COO Report: 09.27.03
COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)
I still work out some stuff since Auto left
Also we will have a permanent new Club in our 24/7 comps. But things must be
worked out!
DF works, but not as I want it. Please still send me your scores!
Multiplayer Competition News
Feel free to send me your scores personally after plaid!
Bot News
New Bot Admin, AbsoluteK
It is working again, at least some parts are working! :-)
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
FMC Report: 09.20.03
-Heya all, well it appears my webmaster has died, not sure what happened to him,
Captain Bryan has AWOLed. It appears Captain Drako from the Tie Corps will more
than likely be stepping in his place and creating new layouts for us, yea!
Captain Bryan will be rewarded for his efforts.
-The new layout should be up within a week or two, if you've seen Drako's work,
you know he is awesome, again thanks Drako.
-XO has been chosen, the XO is ArchAngel. He has been Promoted to LC, Hopefully,
he can help me keep all you members active. Report into him ASAP.
-If you HAVE NOT been notified on your join request but made one, or say you do
want to join, please e-mail MO, and XO at mo@emperorshammer.org and
We have a roster on stand by for now until site is up.
-If anyone wants to recreate the FMC manual for me, some rewards are up for
grabs, just e-mail the MO. mo@emperorshammer.org
This Competition is EH wide people, so if you need to transfer different awards
to your according subgroup please just tell me, but you have to win 8-)
Unique Military Picture Competition
Yes, yes I know the Name doesn't rhyme, but I'm guessing you all know by now
that our troops are stationed over in the middle east for an extended year by
President Bush. Knowing this is hard for all members, and family, I will be
holding a unique Military picture contest. All entries have to be military
related. I would prefer they be of someone you know in the military, but if you
find a really good picture, say Troops setting up an American Flag at a base, or
something like that which is rare to find, send it in, and even if your not sure
send them in. All Entries Should be sent to the Medical Officer at mo@emperorshammer.org
with subject "Military Pic Comp." or close to that. The Start date is as soon as
this get on the Domain, So I will extend it till October 5th. Awards are:
Good Luck!
Well this is all for this week, Good luck and GodSpeed!
FMC Report: 09.27.03
Hello all, been a rather dull week but everything still positive
on our side!
-Well it seems the IW has a new website for their FMC unit, the site was created
by Uther, congraqts man the site URL is
-ArchAngel will be accepting new applications at my addres until
new website is created at
-Members are doing well, keep it up guys and Recruit!
-I've had some confusion from the military pic comp., any country can send
pictures of their military men, not just US, sorry that was not specified, also
it can be from ANY time period doesn't have to be strictly from now, can be past
too, and the pics can be of ANYTHING as long as their military related, get your
submissions in by Oct. 5th, all SGs may participate, and IS-GR, IS-SR, and IS-BR
are the awards! Sorry hurry and submit today.
Well this is all for this Report, until next time 8-)
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #5: 09.20.03
Again, apologies for my report not appearing on Friday (This will usually be the
case with school I might add, but it will be out no later than Sat. Morning).
Well.... I have chosen some victims for my webpage helping effort. I'm going to
be speaking with Ari over the next week and seeing if he can't help me. Given
he's our resident PHP g0d, I'm sure he'll be able to do some nice work for me.
As far as graphics... I dunno. I'll prolly just let Ari help me design it with a
sort of template that I give him.
Next and probably most important... I've now been SOD for a whole month!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Having lots of fun in this position. As for tenth anniversary
events... one thing I am going to do is ask that a new forum be placed on the
MB's. Basically what it will be is a place where I can more easily place
information related to this event so that all of our members can see it more
readily rather than having to wait, I'll also have information about the
upcoming SG vs SG competitions there. Also, I am going to start the planning for
one of the events I've got planned, and that is the big RL meeting I want to
have. What I think it would be prudent to do, is have people from different
areas of the world that have solid EH presence (ie, Ast and Koral in
Australia...) organize themselves. What we'll then have to do is do some sort of
a webcast, as Darknyte has suggested, so that everyone can participate. I'm
going to have to start speaking with the top brass, that is, Ronin, and Astatine
about setting this up. If I can actually make this happen, I'd be thrilled. I
think it'll be a great chance to meet people from the EH, and see what they're
really like.
One final note.... I'll probably be sending Darknyte some stuff on a few people
that'd go on the memorial site. I'm not sure if he has anything on a few people
(like Doomsday, Xanthe, etc.) I'll have to make sure of that and inform him as
That's it for this week...
I still find it hard to believe I've been back on the CS for a month now.
Oh well. Until next week.... have fun, be good, and above all, be ready for some
seriously cool stuff from this space.
SOD Report #6: 09.29.03
Again, I need to apologize for the lateness of my report this week (I will have
another one for this week Thursday). Rosh Hashanah was this weekend and plus
I've been studying like a madman on crack for my physics exam tomorrow. At any
rate, not much is up other than that I am saddened by the fact that no one seems
to care to help me with my webpage! I don't know if this is because no one likes
me or if they just don't take the SOD seriously. Either way... I need help.
Henceforth I've added Alex Foley to this email to see if he can help me out.
As for my projects:
As I've said, I really want to get that webpage up and running, so my tenth
anniversary/ SG vs. SG projects are stalled until that happens. I do have a lot
of things in store for you folks in the coming months, however, so please do
watch this space carefully. I'm doing the best I can w/ school in my way, and
there may be a few times during this semester where I'll need to go on a short
LOA, but nothing longer than a few days. If this happens I'll be getting my
report out to you all earlier than normal.
That's really all I have for this report, I hope to have good news and
elaborations on some of the things I've got planned by my next report later in
the week. (Probably as I said Thursday and if not, Friday). Again, sorry for
seeming a bit lax and for the lateness of the report.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #4: 09.19.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
Well, no new members this week, but I have been in contact with most members of
the Guard. We've got some good discussion going between us as to plans for the
AG website, and the general mood is pretty good.
-=Plans for the Advanced Guard=-
AG Manual is finished. AG members all have a copy, and have been asked to
provide any comments. So far, people haven't had any complaints. The manual will
be submitted to GA Ronin and SA Astatine for approval this coming week. I don't
expect any problems with it, as it's mostly been spelling changes and only a few
Chain of Command issues straightened out.
We still need more members, so get recruiting! I'm especially interested in
having a coder or two on board, along with good graphical artists and others
with "tradable" skills we can offer to our allied clubs. This kind of work
wouldn't be too frequent, but it is an important part of our commitments to our
allies. If you know of someone, get them on board!
MAG Nightmare is looking for a coder for the revamped AG website and the EH &
Allies Comp Hosting service. If he can't find one, we'll drop by on Admiral Ari
and ask to borrow one of us =)
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
RA Astix finished the manual, and successfully submitted EH.org to
http://galactic-voyage.com for
September site of the week
LC Nightmare is still in negotiations with the FoJ, and is hunting for a coder.
Also doing some recruiting.
COL Wemmel put forward an excellent suggestion for the AG website.
CM Xirok and CPT Goerase both got in contact.
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, a SWG group.
Captain Goerase should be back soon
-=No New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
As you can see we're a bit short on Ambassadors still- so if you've any
sensible, cool headed friends who have good activity and communication rates,
get them to get in touch with me!
LA Report #5: 09.26.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
Well, no new members this week, but I have been in contact with most members of
the Guard again. The AG manual hasn't had any complaints, so it's attached.
Congratulations to our Magister Equitum; now-full-Colonel Nightmare who is the
new Wing Commander of Wing XV on the Vang! Drinks on him ;-)
-=Current Negotiations=-
COL Nightmare is talking to FoJ
CM Xirok has started talking to "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
-=Plans for the Advanced Guard=-
AG Manual is finished, and hereby submitted (attached) to the Fleet Commander
and Executive Officer for their approval. Very few changes, mainly structural.
We still need more members, so get recruiting! I'm especially interested in
having a coder or two on board, along with good graphical artists and others
with "tradable" skills we can offer to our allied clubs. This kind of work
wouldn't be too frequent, but it is an important part of our commitments to our
allies. If you know of someone, get them on board!
MAG Nightmare is looking for a coder for the revamped AG website and the EH &
Allies Comp Hosting service. If he can't find one, we'll drop by on Admiral Ari
and ask to borrow one of us =)
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
RA Astix finished the manual, and put forward the AG's questions for the EH
COL Nightmare is still in negotiations with the FoJ, and is hunting for a coder.
Also doing some recruiting.
COL Wemmel was in touch.
CM Xirok has made contact with a new Jedi Knight II group, and he will be
working with me to gain a new ally.
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, a SWG group.
Captain Goerase should be back soon
-=No New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
As you can see we're a bit short on Ambassadors still- so if you've any
sensible, cool headed friends who have good activity and communication rates,
get them to get in touch with me!
HA Priyum Resigns as
Flight Officer, CA:FO FA Cyric Appointed as NEW Flight Officer: 09.19.03
Flight Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)
Greetings Flag Officers,
I'll be officially resigning from the Emperor's Hammer on Monday.
It's been a pleasure and honour serving with each and every one of you. Please
continue the fantastic work you do for this club and give your support to
whoever is chosen as the next FO-TCCOM.
Remember, people DO appreciate the hard work you do, whether they tell you or
Thank you,
High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}
Fleet Commander's Note:
HA Priyum will be most certainly missed at the helm of the
Flight Office, by me especially ! However, he has taken an INQ position in
the High Court of Inquisitors.
At his suggestion and with the concurrence of the
Executive Officer (SA Astatine), I
have appointed FA Cyric as the new EH
Flight Officer.
Newsletter Nos. 95 and 96
Posted to the Fleet: 09.13.03
As Compiled By:
Officer (SA Astatine) and posted by
Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)
Newsletter #95
Online Viewable:
Downloadable Zipfile:
COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--
Newsletter #96
Online Viewable:
http://theholo.net/nls/eh/96 (Cover Image isn't there or isn't named
Downloadable Zip:
COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--
SDIR of EH Intel Promoted
to Admiral: 09.19.03
For superior service above and beyond the call of duty and for
diligently rebuilding EH Intel to a new respectable level of meaningful service,
SDIR VA Mordann is herein promoted
to the Rank of Admiral.
Congrats !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Unique Military Picture
Competition: 09.15.03
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob Van Nowak)
Unique Military Picture Competition
Yes, yes I know the Name doesn't rhyme, but I'm guessing you all know by now
that our troops are stationed over in the middle east for an extended year by
President Bush. Knowing this is hard for all members, and family, I will be
holding a unique Military picture contest. All entries have to be military
related. I would prefer they be of someone you know in the military, but if you
find a really good picture, say Troops setting up an American Flag at a base, or
something like that which is rare to find, send it in, and even if your not sure
send them in. All Entries Should be sent to the Medical Officer at
mo@emperorshammer.org with subject
"Military Pic Comp." or close to that. The Start date is as soon as this get on
the Domain, So I will extend it till October 5th. Awards are:
Good Luck!
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-FRG Last Hope
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
XO Report #27:
Two newsletters were completed over the weekend and URLs will be
posted soon on the TC news page. I'm still awaiting confirmation of the second
mirror's URLs. I'm trying for a goal of 2 NLs every weekend to get
caught up on them so we can start having them monthly again. Because of the
nature of the NLs being behind, I'm not including some content such as the
medals and rosters as these are generated on the time you generate them and the
data wouldn't be accurate for the date the NL is for. This also keeps the size
of the NLs down somewhat.
In line with this, I'll be needing the Squadron Ready Room section submitted
regularly now from our TAC and a graduate dump from our TO, both monthly. In
addition, there were some sections of the NL which were maintained by prior ROs/LOs
which are now dead because no work has been submitted for those areas. The
usefulness of these areas will be reviewed. In addition to this, I may consider
including subgroup rosters as well in the future.
XO pats on the head this week go to SDIR Mordann, IO Ari and TO Keldorn. Our
SDIR not only managed to get a subgroup roster to me on time, but also an Intel
history document for my little EH Encyclopedia project. Meanwhile, Ari and
Keldorn must have some weird psychic thing going with me as both have initiated
work I wanted done without me having to scream at them. In Ari's cause, it's an
auditing of the state of TC websites, while Keldorn has been working on
compiling a complete list of graduates. As a note on Ari's job, a number of MBs
on the TC site (
http://www.emperorshammer.net/rosters/messageboards.asp ) still point to
ehnet.org. Keldorn, I should still have the excel sheet I used as TO to track
graduates if you want that.
I'd also like to take this report to re-iterate core duties that are common for
all positions. For SGCOMs, this includes:
* Weekly reports sent to the FC, XO and CA:FC via email and also
submitted to the database
* Monthly submission of roster dumps
Obviously in some cases, such as the DB, the second requirement
is not being enforced. However, in the case of the BHG, they have setup an
automated system that gets the dump, zips it and emails it on or around the 25th
of each month without fail. With all this wonderful technology we have now, I'm
finding it a bit hard that everyone else is having so much trouble with such a
simple task. For COs, the first point applies, the reports. In terms of reports,
if you're submitting a one liner saying "Nothing happening here", that probably
won't endear yourself to the FC or I.
Even the most basic CO should have ongoing work and projects to complete and in
this day and age, the tactic of smokescreening projects so another CO won't
steal it is immature and not appropriate. In some
cases, secrecy from the membership at large may be warranted, in the case of the
SCO's latest project or Intel happenings, but that doesn't really stop you from
informing the FC and XO.
We're seeing some more CO movements lately too. We now have a new OPS, Alex
Foley. Foley has already cleared the backlog of medals without too much
screaming from the TC. So good work on his part. Soon our FO will be leaving as
well. While Pri and I often haven't agreed, I appreciate the fact that he has
chosen not to make public the reasons for him quitting and showing the grace by
doing that and trying to ensure a
smooth transition between himself and the person appointed to take his place.
This sort of behaviour is an extra standout in recent times of people throwing
tantrums and quitting when they don't get their way or
find something they don't like, so good work on that, Pri.
As a follow-up point about both OPS and FO, every time I've seen a new OPS or FO
appointed, people have "tried it on". This means they've tried pushing through
dodgy promotions, appointments and medal recs past an inexperienced OPS/FO. This
is most unsuitable behaviour and won't be taken lightly. It warps the
perspective of the CO in question as to what is appropriate and makes their job
more difficult. A lot of the
rigid rules in the TC regarding time in position were established because of
this sort of behaviour and it will be dealt with in an appropriate fashion.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report
#105: 09.14.03
Hello guys and gals.
Busy week with a lot of work, but short report. I have been uploading battles to
mirrors and now I will update all links.
Project Shield - upload done
I have uploaded all files, and now I need to update all links. This will take me
few days, but then we need only few updates from XO and we are good to go. Also,
expect a lot of new battles coming soon. Your patience will be rewarded.
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:
FCHG Competition #4 - Eagles of Freedom
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon and down
More details: here
TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
What would you do if you were TAC
Timeline: 15.IX.2003 - 30.IX.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 328 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This time, I had to choose on my own, so I select LC Gidda, for his tireless
work. Also, both Fryar and Setzer get IS-GRs.
Excellent work Gidda, keep it up.
Current standings:
Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 1
Tac Office Status:
EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 1
Total: 5
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 7
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 1
Total: 12
XvT Division
In Queue: 7
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 5
Total: 14
BoP Division
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 4
Total: 7
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (apophis@talondesigns.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (KevinSetzer@aol.com)
Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (cedu98@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (tnnn@poczta.fm)
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (fell_guy@yahoo.co.uk)
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (SHSBryan@yahoo.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (mindb_ender@hotmail.com)
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (M.Wernsing@web.de)
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (ehgidda@tiscalinet.it)
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (fcjt914@yahoo.ca)
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(Fa223Drache@hotmail.com)
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (mchenry@jefnet.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (ezwill@famvid.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (zysfryar@isdcolossus.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (FWCJR@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (Shadow2207@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (szklarzewicz@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (enriquef@viptel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (gabriel.prado@ip2.com.br)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (dazexeter@yahoo.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (Curtis@isdchallenge.org)
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (eltharian@wp.pl)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (kettch@efaibn.eclipse.co.uk)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (eh_jedieclipse@fastmail.fm)
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (hob15@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (balrog_33@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (fight_the_good_fight91@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (snow_scorpion@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (Crim5on@hotmail.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (hoor@udinbak.de)
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I
try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my
Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question
there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #1:
The Flight Office is running very smoothly at present. I have FOA COL Reaper and
WO Pel who have pledge support with carrying on their duties for the FO. All
processing for promotions, cadets, recruits, transfers and removals have been
completed on a timely fashion.
I plan on continuing with the next IMPSTORM battle that HA Priyum and AD Pel
have started as I think that it is important for moral and activity in the TC.
I wanted to know what correspondence from the TC you would like to receive. Do
you want every roster move cc'ed to you IE removals, transfers and the like? Or
just the more important information.
I will continue to run the Flight Office until you officially announce a Flight
Officer. I have run into some minor "problems" since I am acting FO and there is
no official FO, but they have all been hammered out.
In service to the EH...
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #108:
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #108
September 12, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Well, this week the IO started getting back into business. Xander Drax e-mailed
a list of 47 officers whose websites were found to be incompliant with the TC
Internet Guidelines. This weekend I hope to review each site and see if they've
complied within the last week. If not, they'll be getting only a couple more
days before they are recommended to the FO for removal. So if you got an email
from Xander Drax, best start updating your site now!
In terms of EHW progress, I got some work done on the EHWPlayer
class, but more importantly, I finally got the formulas I needed from the SCO
which are integral to the EHWShip class which will be next in development.
The Internet Office would like to heartily congratulate our very own Alex Foley
upon his appointment as the new Operations Officer. However, we're also sad to
see him leave his stellar career as IOA. Obviously, that means I require a
replacement. This IOA position that needs to be filled is a rather important
one, with many duties. However, it can be the most rewarding (as Alex Foley can
testify...) as well. Some primary duties will include:
-Being responsible for finding a SOTW and poll every week
-Having initiative to start new projects and see them out to completion
-Assisting in EHW development (preferably on the PHP side)
-Working closely with a variety of CS members
-Must have a strong IRC presence.
-Must have PHP experience (usually I don't mandate this, and I'll even accept
ASP, but in this one case it matters)
-Graphics capability desirable, but not necessary
If you feel you are qualified for this position, please apply to me (ari@tiecorps.org).
Being an IOA means you'll be exposed to a lot of the fleet, not just TC, so you
should have a personable and confident character. It also means you'll be
working on some of the more important projects going on in the fleet. I will
accept requests to transfer to full-time IOA (in which case I have promotion
authority) if the successful applicant so desires. Please include 1 or 2
references in your application, as well as a minimum of 2-3 examples of your PHP
and/or graphics work. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Flight Office which has undergone a facelift since I'd
last seen it. This 4 star site is at
http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/flightoffice.html and it's creator is
the illustrious HA Priyum Patel.
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What has happened to all the EH SWG addicts?
-They haven't slept in days
-The sarlacc ate them
-They found a hot Twi'lek chick (or Zabrak guy)
-They're busy crafting the next Death Star
-They just had no life to begin with
-They got nerfed
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: Transmission End ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #21:
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting � 10th September 2003
The Apostasy competition continues for another two days, details at:
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/comps_apostasy.html. Hence, the competition
ends on 12th September at 11:59pm BST (6:59pm EST). There are several categories
with no entries, so last minute submissions may indeed earn a sizable award with
little competition�
Congratulations to the new Operations Officer, the newly promoted Rear Admiral
TIE Corps
With the selection of the new Operations Officer all outstanding Iron Stars
should now be awarded. My thanks for your patience.
The �Competition�s Competition� drew to an end yesterday. I am pleased to award
the Iron Star Platinum Ribbon to Admiral Darksaber for submitting the most
competitions during the specified period. However, I am also going to award an
Iron Star Gold Ribbon to Captain Ky Terrak for coming a very close second-place.
Congratulations to both these Officers.
Dark Brotherhood
Dark Jedi Knight TK-7764 and Krath Arch Priestess Rage Akaido were each awarded
a Dark Side Scroll for their descriptions for the Duelling Institute of Eos.
Dark Jedi Knight Dura has resigned from his post as my Praetor, I am sorry to
see him leave, but I wish him all the best nevertheless. Following his
resignation, the Duelling Institute of Eos project (
) is now placed in the hands of the Krath High Priest; the Headmaster�s office
shall act in an advisory capacity.
The processing of Initiates is progressing steadily. We�re seeing a nice influx
of at-least 5 new graduates from the Shadow Academy each week, and I shall
shortly be flushing out all the inactive / non-interested Initiates from the
database to give a more accurate representation of our member intake. Any
members that are deleted from the database are of-course more than welcome to
reapply at their leisure.
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at hm@darkbrotherhood.org.
Key Office Resources
Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
Academic Staff
Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant [chris@roostersaregreat.freeserve.co.uk]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Magistrate to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [spellfire@btinternet.com]
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics [apx@ek.univ.gda.pl]
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies [eh_penfold@yahoo.com]
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper, Leadership Doctrine [troutrooper@yahoo.com]
Imperial University Board
Xura Verr, Vice Minster of Education
Training Office Report #22:
Training Office Report #22
13th September 2003
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting [to@emperorshammer.org]
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool"
TO News | TC News| DB News | IS News | Resources | Staff
:: [ Training Office News ] ::
Report twenty-two is something of a bumper edition of the Training Office
report. I�ve been saving several announcements for it, and hopefully these shall
be of value to you. As a pleasant aside, I am privileged to have served as
Training Officer for nearing eight months. It has been taxing, yet rewarding to
work with you all and as such I look forward to remaining in my post for the
foreseeable future.
I would like to take the opportunity to pay tribute to the outgoing Flight
Officer, High Admiral Priyum Patal. Rarely have I had the opportunity to serve
with, and consider a friend, individuals of the calibre of the High Admiral. He
has worked tirelessly for the benefit of the TIE Corps during his period in
Office and has been the guiding force to the TC�s success throughout his
service. I, and indeed the Emperor�s Hammer, shall be less for his departure.
But I am sure my words are echoed throughout the EH; I do wish you all the best
in your sterling choice of a �real life�.
The resignation of High Admiral Patal leaves the position of Squadron Management
3 Professor vacant. I am not accepting applications for the post at this time.
I was also tired of the boring design of my Reports. Thus, taking a leaf from
many of my colleagues, I hope you enjoy this new-look TO Report � and that it
actually works.
The need has arisen for another Training Office Assistant to co-manage with
myself several of the Office's projects. Not to detract away from the duties of
my first Assistant ("Number One"), I have appointed General Drake to the
position of Training Office Assistant ("Number Two"). Congratulations!
The Apostasy competition has now drawn to a close. It has been a very valuable
learning exercise for me, and I am happy to admit that next time I shall take
the advice of the Executive Officer and advertise far more lucratively prior to
launching the competition. Despite such problems, the number of submissions I
received did increase vastly in number, and the standard has been truly
exemplary. My utmost commendations are extended to all who submitted an entry.
Graphics Event Alpha
Gold Plate : Count Red Scar of the Bounty Hunter's Guild
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Major Girth Snail of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
War Cross: Major Uther of the Infiltrator Wing
Graphics Event Beta
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Lieutenant Zeth Durron of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Captain Chris McCollum of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon :Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Major Girth Snail of the TIE Corps
Graphics Event Gamma
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Captain Justin of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Lieutenant Zeth Durron of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Captain Chris McCollum of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Major Girth Snail of the TIE Corps
Graphics Event Delta
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Major Girth Snail of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Lieutenant Zeth Durron of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Major Choosh of the TIE Corps
Graphics Event Epsilon
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Captain Aeolus of the TE Corps
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Major Girth Snail of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Captain Justin of the TIE Corps
Fiction Event Alpha
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Lieutenant Commander Shimir Sheerelk of the TIE
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Colonel Gunman of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Lieutenant Arlins Scabo of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Captain Vladet Xavier of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Lieutenant Lone Starr of the TIE Corps
Fiction Event Delta
Gold Nova : Krath Arch Priestess Rage Akaido of the Dark Brotherhood
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Major Tycho Atreides of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Commander Archangel of the TIE Corps
Fiction Event Gamma
Victory Cross : Major Uther of the Infiltrator Wing
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Fiction Event Epsilon
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Captain TK-6686 of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Fiction Event Z�ta
Iron Star Platinum Ribbon : Admiral Troutrooper of the High Court of Inquisitors
Iron Star Gold Ribbon : Lieutenant Commander Shimir Sheerelk of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Silver Ribbon : Commander Archangel of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Admiral Darksaber of the TIE Corps
Iron Star Bronze Ribbon : Lieutenant Kyle Darklighter of the TIE Corps
A special commendation goes out to Major Uther for his Fiction Event Gamma
(Shakespeare) submission; one of only two to attempt such an adaptation, I found
it jolly nice to read. A mention is also given to Admiral Darksaber, who strove
to enter every single Event; sterling work!
All the entries have been sent to the Executive Officer for inclusion in the
next Emperor�s Hammer Newsletter. Hence, participants can also look forward to a
Letter of Achievement for their efforts.
I am also terribly happy to announce that I have finally correlated (based upon
all available records; hence some inaccuracies are likely to exist) the IWATS
Graduate Count. Included in the count are the best known figures for the tenures
of Astatine, Havoc, Mell and myself. Therefore, please find below the recognised
count as of September 11th 2003, published by my Office:
Core [{IWATS}]: 5,709
Squadron Management [SM/3 & Prior]: 1,320
Computer Basics [CBX]: 750
Linux [LIN]: 149
HTML [IIC/1/2/3]: 843
VB Script [VBS]: 198
PHP [PHP]: 69
Active Server Page [ASP]: 84
XML [XML]: 185
Flash [FLA]: 215
JavaScript [JS]: 100
Graphics [GFX]: 124
Eggdrop [BOT]: 67
mIRC [M/1/2]: 1,306
ICQ [ICQ]: 373
AOL Instant Messenger [AIM]: 439
BitchX [BX]: 25
TIE Fighter Tactics [TT]: 302
XvT Tactics [XTT]: 350
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [XTM/1/2]: 323 / 121
X-Wing: Alliance Mission Creation [XAM]: 147
TIE Fighter Mission Creation [TM]: 56
Rebellion Tactics [RT]: 400
OPTing Course [OPT]: 5
TOTAL: 13,660 Graduates
Obviously, the vast majority of these Graduates were achieved
under the three-year term of Astatine (approximately 11,000). Given the present
recruit climate, a 2,000 increase since then is still rather satisfying news.
Hence, all those that have taken IWATS Courses recently may give themselves a
very large pat on the back.
:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::
In the process of correlating the count I am also proud to have had to approve
601 Competitions from members of the TIE Corps. I didn�t count the denials;
wouldn�t want to scare any of you.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::
The Training Office Competition �Apostasy� (labelled �TOC�) drew to an end on
Monday 8th September 2003. Originally begun by Dark Jedi Master Darkov, the
competition was continued by Krath Arch Priestess Rage Akaido and Sith
Battlelord Frey Gallandro who did a truly sterling job in the management
thereof. I cannot understate the excellent work these two members accomplished,
all above the call of duty. Onwards with the results:
It was decided that we would bestow upon three members the title of �Order
Champion�. These three individuals can be considered the standard bearers for
their Order through their exemplary performance in the competition. Without
further ado�
Sith Champion, Jedi Hunter Nebel of Galthain of Satal Keto!
Krath Champion, Jedi Hunter Demerzel of House Gladius of Tarentum!
Obelisk Champion, Battlemaster Sukuth of Cestus of Tarentum!
However. We also have the utmost honour of bestowing upon one individual the
title of �Brotherhood Champion�. This member stood out from the other entrants
by producing a truly sterling submission that is deserving of this title�
Brotherhood Champion, Jedi Hunter Demerzel of Gladius of Tarentum!
Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, onwards to the exciting results:
Order of the Sith
First Place, with 26 points: House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto!
Second Place, with 13 points: House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Third Place, with 10 points: House Tridens of Clan Tarentum!
Fourth Place, with 9 point: House Ronin of Clan Alvaak!
Fifth Place, with 8 points: House Oriens Obscurum of Clan Arcona!
Single Player TF #1
1st: Battlemaster Jaron Kai of Scholae Palatinae! (49,235)
2nd: Dark Jedi Knight Phalk Sturm of Satal Keto! (48,954)
3rd: Jedi Hunter Nebel of Satal Keto! (46,444)
Single Player TF #2
1st: Dark Jedi Knight Phalk Sturm of Satal Keto! (64,620)
2nd: Jedi Hunter Nebel of Satal Keto! (61,298)
3rd: Novice Keiran Laserlight of Tarentum! (59,587)
Single Player XvT #1
1st: Jedi Hunter Nebel of Satal Keto! (75,000)
2nd: Jedi Hunter Zhaim Jifarr of Tarentum! (65,820)
3rd: Jedi Hunter Drax Remlinger of Alvaak! (57,195)
Single Player XvT #2
1st: Jedi Hunter Nebel of Satal Keto! (74,800)
2nd: Jedi Hunter Zhaim Jifarr of Tarentum! (49,829)
3rd: Dark Jedi Knight SAvageAz of Alvaak! (42,960)
Single Player XWA #1
1st: Battlemaster Kane Reese of Scholae Palatinae! (34,688)
2nd: Jedi Junter LPMQTP of Satal Keto! (34,564)
3rd: Battlemaster Abel Malik of Aronca! (16,428)
Single Player XWA #2
1st: Battlemaster Kane Reese of Scholae Palatinae! (61,681)
2nd: Jedi Hunter Drax Remlinger of Alvaak! (35,00)
3rd: Dark Jedi Knight Jack Stone of Satal Keto! (6,065)
Order of the Krath
First Place, with 42 points: House Gladius of Clan Tarentum!
Second Place, with 33 points: House Dominatus of Clan Alvaak!
Third Place, with 32 points: House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona!
Fourth Place, with 23 points: House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Clan Satal Keto failed to achieve any points.
1st: Dark Jedi Knight Siterath Goresase of Tarentum!
2nd: Dark Jedi Knight TK-7764 of Arcona!
3rd: Krath Epis Aseret of Alvaak!
Short Story
1st: Dark Jedi Knight TK-7764 of Arcona!
2nd: Protector Farin Talonheim of Scholae Palatinae!
3rd: Jedi Hunter Demerzel of Tarentum!
Trivia Answering
1st: Krath Epis Aseret of Alvaak!
2nd: Jedi Hunter Demerzel of Tarentum!
3rd: Dark Jedi Knight TK-7764 of Arcona!
1st: Jedi Hunter Demerzel of Tarentum!
2nd: Krath Epis Aseret of Alvaak!
3rd: Guardian Mike Chistu of Scholae Palatinae!
Order of the Obelisk
First Place, with 17 points: House Cestus of Clan Tarentum!
Second Place, with 15 points: House Dorimad Sol of Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Clan Alvaak, Clan Arcona and Clan Satal Keto failed to achieve any points.
1st: Battlemaster Sukuth of Tarentum!
2nd: Battlemaster Gelton Torr and Warrior Aiden Pryde of Scholae Palatinae!
3rd: Novice Silu Nacodi of Scholae Palatinae!
General Events
First Place, with 56 points: Clan Satal Keto!
Joint Second Place, with 35 points: Clan Alvaak and Clan Tarentum!
Third Place, with 23 points: Clan Arcona!
Fourth, with 17 points: Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Graphic Design
1st: Battlemaster Kane Reese of Scholae Palatinae!
2nd: Jedi Hunter Demerzel of Tarentum!
3rd: Dark Jedi Knight Phalk Sturm of Satal Keto!
1st: Battlemaster Daniel Goad of Alvaak!
2nd: Krath Epis Aseret of Alvaak!
3rd: Battlemaster Darkfinn of Arcona!
Screenshot Contest
1st: Dark Jedi Knight Phalk Sturm of Satal Keto!
2nd: Battlemaster Hermann of Satal Keto!
3rd: Battlelord Gidda of Scholae Palatinae!
Thus the standings for each series of events are concluded. All Clans can be
proud of their participation in at-least one of the Brotherhood Orders; some
more than others... Now, the time many of you have been waiting for, the overall
standings for each Clan within the entire Dark Brotherhood!
First Place, with 104 points: CLAN TARENTUM!
Second Place, with 82 points: Clan Satal Keto!
Third Place, with 77 points: Clan Alvaak!
Fourth Place, with 68 points: Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Fifth Place, with 63 points: Clan Arcona!
Following Dark Jedi Knight Dura's resignation, I have appointed my Magistrate,
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad to the position of Preator to the Headmaster.
I would also like to thank Grand Master Rapier and Dark Adept Patal for my
elevation to the rank of Dark Side Adapt.
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at hm@darkbrotherhood.org.
:: [ Imperial Senate News ] ::
Vice Minister Verr has confirmed that the coding of the Profiles and University
Board for the new Imperial University site is 100% complete. He has now begun to
tackle the News script for the site.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant ("Number One") [chris@roostersaregreat.freeserve.co.uk]
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") [Drake@EHNet.org]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Xura Verr, Vice Minister of Education [clund1@towson.edu]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [spellfire@btinternet.com]
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics [apx@ek.univ.gda.pl]
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies [eh_penfold@yahoo.com]
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper, Leadership Doctrine [troutrooper@yahoo.com]
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
Operations Office
No Report Submitted
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)
Communications Office
COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--
No Report Submitted
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Zoltar)
Security Office
Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer
SO Report #16:
Honoured gentlemen.
There has been a bit of sniping back and forth lately regarding me, and I have
been troubled with real-life commitments these past couple of weeks, but...
I'd like to take a moment to re-state my commitment to, and as, the primary
effective security agent for the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. I have spend
years, money, and countless hours in dedication to the EH, and I'm not about to
abandon her just yet. :)
In other news, Admiral Robert Dura, my primary SOA, has decided it is far past
time he should retire. He has spent the better part of six years with the EH
and, while saddened to see him go, I'd hope you will all join me in wishing him
the best in all his future endeavors. He has been transferred to the reserves,
but will be staying on in an advisory capacity (whether he likes it or not ;)).
So, don't be afraid to say hello on IRC, but please don't bring any official
issues to him.
Some issues of contention have recently been brought to my attention regarding
activities on the part of agent provocateurs of the Rogue Dark Brotherhood. I
have spent some time of late in close consultation with elements of the rDB, and
am pleased to be able to inform such agitative influences have been lessened by
the swift application of appropriate countermeasures. That being said, such
activity is best left to professionals, so try not to take matters into your own
hands; contact a member of my staff immediately for help.
That's about all for this week. Stay out of trouble, and keep in touch with your
Command Staff officers, who are here to help you however they may. thanks again
for your time, and co-operation, and have fun!
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
No Report Submitted
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Darknyte)
Logistics Office
Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]
Logistics Officer Report
#13: 09.14.03
Logistics Officer Report
September 12, 2003
Admiral Darknyte
Greetings folks step inside and gaze in wonderment at the wild and crazy world
of Logistics Officer report #13. Is it the lucky or unlucky number for this
report? Oooh�superstitions rule...well, not really. Anyway, here we go.
The Heroes Memorium site is currently under contract to the Corporate Division.
I hope to have the template ready very soon so that we can get to work on adding
our content to honor our fallen comrades. My CA and I are still hard at work
researching the individuals who will be profiled on the site, so this time it
takes to have it made will serve us well.
A new project is in the works. Currently I�m working my my Command Assistant LCM
Matir on a series of questions for an EH-wide survey/census. It�s been a few
years since one was undertaken, so I feel the time is right for us to again
reach out to the membership and find out their thoughts and feelings on the EH,
on the current state of affairs, and what possible things they might like to see
in the future for the betterment of the club down the road.
Project LODGE is moving along at a much greater pace than I had first
anticipated. I feel I can have this project�s opening stages completed inside
this coming week. From there all that will be left is the dispersal of the
collected materials to the relevant parties (I know who you are and I�ll be
coming to you).
Beyond these three projects I have nothing else planned for the immediate
future, as LODGE closes the Census will begin to move in full-swing. I have
great help from my CA and Assistant, so I expect both of these projects to move
smoothly once they are put into full action. That�s it for this week, though I
have sneak-preview of next week�s report for you. Well, the theme of the report
actually�.next week�s report will have an �on-time� theme to it and an overall
punctual feel to it. That�s all, thanks for reading.
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #25:
Greetings everyone!
Nothing new this week unfortunately. I will be drawing up a list of
Actors/Actresses that I again will be sending letters to (with money out of my
own pocket :P ).
The RO Comp top prize, I was informed, was too high, and thus all medals will be
from the IS-GW on down. Sorry for the misinformation. Not my fault.
I will be gone this weekend out of town to see a few friends I haven't seen in
awhile, so my CA RA Shay'la will be in charge until I arrive back on Sunday.
:Yeah and Shay`la is late for the report... -gasps- Sorry, you know what
University is... crazy work ...:
There is a little bit of SW news this week. So here it be! :P
Conventions & Events for September & October
There are several conventions and events taking place in September and October,
with an array of Star War (and related) guests:
September 13-14: Supanova Pop Culture Expo (Brisbane, Australia)
September 14: Clacton Sci-Fi Convention (Clacton, Essex, UK)
September 19-21: Midwest Nonsport Card Expo (Tinley Park, IL)
September 20-21: Super Megashow & Festival (Secaucus, NJ)
September 26-28: To Be CONtined (Merrillville, IN)
September 27: EchoBase Charity Con (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands)
October 2-5: Archon 27 (Collinsville, IL)
October 3-5: Adventure Con 2.5 (Gatlinburg, TN)
October 4-5: FSF Presents Dave Prowse and Peter Mayhew (Sydney, Australia)
October 10: Slanted Fedora Con (San Antonio, TX)
October 18-19: Atlanta Collector Con (Atlanta, GA)
October 24-26: MileHiCon 34 (Lakewood, CO)
October 25-26: Dallas Comic Con (Plano, TX)
October 31 - November 2: ArmadaCon 15 (Plymouth, UK)
October 31 - November 2: Las Vegas Comic-Con (Las Vegas, NV)
For more info and details on the guests who will be attendance, check out our
Conventions & Events section by clicking here.
Meetings & Events
You can check out the Fanforce meetings and events happening over the weekend in
the links below:
Idaho Falls Idaho Fanforce Meeting
September 12th (7pm) at Idaho Falls Public Library ...
E�ville Jedi Monthly Meeting
September 13th (noon) at Comic Quest, Morgan Ave, Evansville ...
Galactic Senate Celebrate One Year Anniversary
September 13th (12.30pm) at Lake Accotink Park, Springfield, VA ...
Rhode Squadron BBQ/Pool Party
September 13th (1pm) ...
Rocky Mount Meeting
September 13th (2pm) at Hams in Rocky Mount ...
Mos Eisley Port Authority Meeting
September 13th (2pm) at MoCCA, 32 Union Square East, Suite 600 ...
R2-Detroit Monthly Meeting
September 13th (7.30pm) at Borders Books in Novi ...
Orange County Star Wars Society Monthly Meeting
September 14th (2.30pm) at Lampost Pizza in Orange ...
San Diego Star Wars Society Monthly Meeting
September 14th (4pm) at 10791 Tierrasanta Blvd. #104 San Diego, CA ...
Koto's Clone Trooper and Gentle Giant Biker Scout Arriving Soon
Super Trooper
Designed to bridge the aesthetic traditions of the prequels with the classic
trilogy, the Clone Trooper embodies the angular Mandalorian style with the
refined elegant lines of the Imperial Stormtrooper. Captured here in a striking
pose by the master craftsmen of Artfx (Koto) is the second in an award-winning
series of large vinyl Star Wars figures imported by Dark Horse.
The Clone Trooper figure, which measures 13" from base to muzzle, advances the
line in the dramatic style established by the masterfully-sculpted Darth Vader
which arrived on American shores last August. Like Vader, this highly detailed
vinyl kit comes packaged in a giant color window-box and is scaled to 1:7 size.
Available January 7, 2004.
Pale Rider
With the Clone Trooper design establishing the look of the Imperial army's
lineage, Gentle Giant studios offers the last in the white-armored band of
brothers, the Biker Scout. Measuring 5.5" tall, this latest addition to their
outstanding line of polyresin busts will be limited and come packaged in a full
color box. Available January 14, 2004.
December 2003 Comics
Savage aliens, alternate Return of the Jedi plots and a special tribute the
infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett. Here's a look at what Star Wars fans can
expect from Dark Horse Comics this December.
He may have washed-out as a pilot at the Imperial Academy, but Lt. Janek Sunber
has found a new home in the infantry. Hoping for a post on a world where he
could see some action against the Rebels, he instead finds himself on the jungle
world of Maridun as part of a regiment overseeing the construction of a new
base. But just when he's resigned himself to a long, uneventful tour of duty,
things heat up. The alien natives are restless, and on the hunt for human
skulls! Sunber is about to learn one of the truths about the infantry: all
service is sacrifice, and in the infantry that sacrifice is usually in blood.
Star Wars: Empire #16 reveals a different side of the Imperial army with this
story by Welles Hartley, Davide Fabbri and Christian Dalla Vecchia, and features
cover art by David Michael Beck. Star Wars: Empire #16 is scheduled for release
in December.
Star Wars: Infinities is an unique series that asks the question, "What would
happen if you changed one little thing from the story in the film?" In this
version, as Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca pursue Boba Fett in an effort to retrieve
the frozen form of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker discovers that he has arrived too
late for his rendezvous with Yoda. Worse, he has run into the waiting clutches
of Darth Vader. Unaware that Luke has been captured by the Empire, Leia and the
others have their own encounter with Imperials - as well as a fateful showdown
with Fett!
All of the characters and situations you loved from the film, but twisted and
altered by fate as can only happen in Infinities!
Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi #2, the second in a series of four,
written by Adam Gallardo, Ryan Benjamin and Saleem Crawford, and features cover
art by Rodolfo Migliari, is scheduled for release on Dec. 10.
Throughout the galaxy there is one name that can send a chill through the core
of any wanted man. That word is Fett. Join us for a full-issue tribute to the
most feared and respected bounty hunter of all time -- Boba Fett. From stories
of Boba's exciting childhood with his father Jango to tales of Boba bringing in
wanted men Star Wars Tales #18 is a thrill a minute, action-packed issue that
will excite both new and old fans alike.
Star Wars Tales #18 features writers Andy Diggle, Henry Gilroy, Haden Blackman,
Jason Hall, Todd Demong, Henry Flint, Peter Alilunas and more, plus a special
cover from artist Cam Kennedy. It is scheduled for release on Dec. 24.
For more information about Dark Horse Comics, visit their official website here.
Lucasfilm Magazine #43 Showcases Ep III Photos
The latest issue of Lucasfilm Magazine, the French Official Star Wars Fan Club
publication, brings news from the Episode III set in Australia, including
exclusive photos from the Star Wars: Episode III set.
In addition to Episode III news, this issue is loaded with special features and
interviews. Get a preview of the fall Star Wars special event: the animated
Clone Wars microseries which will debut in November on Cartoon Network and
starwars.com Hyperspace. Series creators Paul Rudish and Genndy Tartakovsky
discuss their influences and challenges in bringing the animated Obi-Wan,
Anakin, Asajj Ventress and Durge to life.
Lucasfilm Magazine also profiles production designer Gavin Bocquet with
additonal photos of the Episode III set. This issue also features regular
columns such as Dr. Jones mail, Skywalker Reporter, Inside Attack of the Clones,
Rob Coleman's Behind the Magic, Set Piece and more.
Lucasfilm Magazine #43 has started shipping to subscribers and will be available
on French newsstands starting September 15.
For more information on the Official French Fan Club, visit their website here.
Jedi Academy Demo
The Jedi Academy Demo is out! Check out this game and then preorder it at your
favorite game retailer! It will be out Sept 17th.
Mirror on LucasFiles (No membership required and NO waiting in line!)
Mirror on 3DGamers (No membership required)
Mirror on PCGameMods (No membership required)
Mirror on AOL (membership NOT required, simply click "download now")
Mirror on FilePlanet (sign up for a free membership and wait your turn)
List of Additional Mirrors on BluesNews
Credit goes out to the dozen e-mails I received over the weekend, the first of
which was Hapoo Fett. Additional thanks to JediKnight for the list of download
Vote on Your Virtual Card Text of Choice!
Everyone likes to make cards or give suggestions for them. Well, what if players
were actually given the opportunity to help shape the cards they play with? Now
you can!
The players voted to virtualize Impressive, Most Impressive and Brief Loss Of
Control. Polls to determine what texts will be sent into playtesting are now up!
All texts in the poll were inspired by the very text suggestions made by the
players who voted!
The Player's Committee would like to thank all those who have participated in
this promotion thus far. For those who have yet to cast their vote--what are you
waiting for! All you need do to participate is to be sure you are registered in
the PC forums.
Don't miss out on this exciting chance to help the Player's Committee reshape
the Star Wars CCG landscape!
SW:CCG World Championship Results announced
Another Star Wars CCG World Championship is in the books, and the Star Wars CCG
Player's Committee is pleased to announce that Johnny Chu (from the Corellia
region) has solidified his name in Star Wars CCG history by becoming the 2003
World Champion!
A more detailed report is forthcoming, but here are the final results and the
decks involved:
1st: J. Chu - Combat / Senate
2nd: G. Shaw - We Have A Plan / Huntdown
3rd: C. Hays - TRM / Walkers
4th: B. Winklehaus - Quiet Mining Colony / Huntdown
5th: C. Gogolen - Massassi Base Ops / Dark Deal
6th: J. Desai - Combat / Senate
7th: K. Elia - Combat / Huntdown
8th: M. Gemme - Senate / Huntdown
The Player's Committee would like to thank every single player who came out to
DragonCon this year and helped make this year's Star Wars CCG World
Championships such a huge success once again! Now, let's get ready for some more
virtual cards and then another awesome year of Star Wars CCG in 2004!
While searching in a newspaper for a Philo assignment, the title
caught my attention. Take a look at this, it is not SW but it is our good old
That's about it for me this week. Thanks for your time!!
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
No Report Submitted
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
HF Report: 09.13.03
Member Count (Active Members): 85
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 106
How are you guys? Well, another week has passed and everything is fine.
We have a slight increase in the troopers joining, which is very
good, but this can be a lot better if you do your part and recruit!
Op Burnination is about to end, and the PL will run solo till the end of the
month. Some dispair from the COs after MSG Silent return, but everything is
under control, for they forgot the tiny line on the PL rules that prevetns
someone to win it 7 times in a row (Go Zsinj, go add the line! Now!)
The RO Novelization Project, foundly called RONP from now on, already produced
the first one, OP Bright Light which was brilliantly adapted by SSG Balefire!
Congratulations Balefire!
/me handles BF some outrageous amount fo awards
Hundreds of enraged troopers asked my about the DL this week, and a blue bird
told me something, then I shot it, then the green bird told me the same thing..
Which made me quite upset, cause I had to take the blue bird to
the med bay.
Anyways, we got some volunteers to write out NL, but it's now officially on hold
till we figure some things. No need to fear, I do believe that is good for us!
and what do I know about that? HEY!
Well, that's the basics on what happened this week on Hammer's Fist.
Unfortunately the new motto "First in, Last Out! And we're cute!" was not
approved by the lines, but we'll give it another shot someday :P
Have fun! That's why we're here!
And stay out of trouble!
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2
Infiltrator Wing
IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear
IWCOM report #61:
DATE: 12. 9. 2003.
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 69
Change from last week: +11
Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!
I have finally terminated my Leave of Absence and returned to my regular duties.
It is good to be back.
Since I have been on leave for the past month, this report will serve as a
summary of the happenings in the IW during that period.
I would like to especially point out the fact that we have grown in numbers by
ELEVEN (11) new pilots after the transfers aboard the MC-90 Renegade.
Keep up the good work everybody!
What has transpired...
The IW has been plagued with the web site problems ever since I can remember.
During the period of last month (even a bit longer) the webspace providers for
the IW domain site have messed up our database and the site was unavailable.
Finally realizing they do not intend to fix the problem, our IW Systems Engineer
transferred the site to a new server and the site got back up.
During this period we were unable to receive new recruits, and the fact we did
not have a site did not serve to encourage anyone to join the IW. As soon as the
site got back up new recruits started to sign up and the IW training platform,
the "Destrier" got filled to capacity. During the past week alone we received 11
new recruits.
However, since our numbers have fallen quite low due to consistent conflicts
with the New Republic, our ranks were no longer sufficient to support two active
cruisers, henceforth, the IW command staff agreed that all the active pilots are
to be transferred aboard the MC-90 "Renegade", the Infiltrator Wing Flagship.
The transfer operations went flawlessly and were completed ahead of schedule.
Commendations to all personnel.
As soon as everyone got settled in, all the command personnel put their backs to
it and are doing our very best to make the Infiltrator Wing once again what it
always was - the best EH Subgroup.
IW Manual rewamp
As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual
and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.
It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as
all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on
the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von
I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.
There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW
Combat Center (IWCC) at:
IWSO Quick Comp
Quick IWOC flying comp for Sept 2003
Quick IW report trivia comp
Alright gentlemen, why are all comps called "quick"??? :)
Knight vs Panther
NOTE: All competitions must be reported at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) in order
to be considered official and valid!
Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - N/A
The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of September, 2003. is:
Not Selected () IWPIN:
Congratulations to all!
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received
COM/Renegade: Received
WC/Wing I: Received
Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel (nikola.leder@medri.hr) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar (sienar@gmx.net) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik (ezwill@famvid.com) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk) IWPIN: 6
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter (MadHatterIW@Comcast.net) IWPIN: 46
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter (MadHatterIW@Comcast.net) IWPIN: 46
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net) IWPIN: 9
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 8
MC-90 Renegade (N/A)
COM: BA Wes Janson (eh_janson@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: MAJ Grizz Axxemann (axxemann@shaw.ca) IWPIN: 12
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (AD Trow)
Corporate Division (CD)
- Admiral Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]
No Report Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Trench)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench
No Report Submitted
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
No Report Submitted
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)
EH Directorate (DIR)
No Report Submitted
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (Zem)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
No Report Submitted
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
No Report Submitted
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 09.13.03
Well not much happening, in fact either zoltar is really slow on
procedures or too lenient with members or (I hope it's this one) the membership
is really calm and not much is happening.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)
Combat Operations Office
Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
[EXCR] [Veteran 4th]
COO Report #50:
COO/AD Kyle Katarn
is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 09/07/2003
COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)
- Thaks to AbsoluteK the bot will be online again.
However he will get an other name.
- Due the fact that AbsoluteK will admin the bot, please
send any stuff to ME cause he is currently not in my Staff!
- I am sorry that my 50th report doesn't bring better
news! :-)
Multiplayer Competition News
- I cannot award medals due to the fact of a bot lag.
However please stay tuned.
- Feel free to send me your scores personally after
Bot News
In the service of the Emperor's Hammer
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
No Report Submitted
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #4: 09.14.03
I apologize for my lateness this week, I've been swamped with SWG and school
(this mostly). Anyway... My competition went to hell, so I'm just going to
randomly pick some victims to help with my SOD page. I think I already know whom
I have in mind. As for the SG vs SG competitions... I will be ready for the
first, when my webpage is all sorted out, I hope to have this done by my next
report, if not it'll be that week sometime. Also, I am going to be purchasing
Jedi Academy on Tuesday!(Not that I'll play it much given I'm a galacrack
addict). One final thing I have this week: Those of us in the NY, NJ, CONN
area... We have a category five hurricane coming right at us. It'll probably
downgrade once it crosses the triangle (The Bermuda Triangle that is), but not
much I would think. I would suggest that you get ready for a whoopin'. It may or
may not hit, but still I worry about my friends. Please do prepare for this even
if it doesn't hit just in case.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #3: 09.13.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
The Advanced Guard is currently in need of a dedicated coder,
who is needed to create an online database for a large project. If you think you
can provide the AG with a low-maintenance database capable of automatically
linking similar data entries, please get in contact with the Lord Ambassador.
Please include your experience, and links to any of your work currently in use
by the EH. Closing date for applications is 18th September.
-=Plans for the Advanced Guard=-
AG Manual is 90% finished. I'm waiting for clarification on a few things from GA
Ronin, and as soon as I have them I'll do the finishing touches and then submit
it to AG members for their thoughts before submitting it to Ronin and Ast for
We still need more members, so get recruiting! I'm especially interested in
having a coder or two on board, along with good graphical artists and others
with "tradable" skills we can offer to our allied clubs. This kind of work
wouldn't be too frequent, but it is an important part of our commitments to our
allies. If you know of someone, get them on board!
Finally, myself and the Combat Operations Office are looking at establishing
EH & Allies: Competition Hosting
The competition centre would consist of an online database that allowed EH
commanders- from FL to SGCOM- to list their unit as being interested in a
certain type of match for a certain number of players. Allied club commanders
would also be able to register their interest in a competition. The database
would automatically match units looking for similar types of matches and email
the relevant commanders to inform them of the match.
For example, a TC CMDR could input:
XWA Melee for 8 people at roughly 6pm GMT.
Which might match on the following entries:
IW CMDR looking for XWA melee for 8 people at 8pm GMT
External Club WC looking for XWA melee for 28 people at 6pm GMT
DB CMDR looking for XvT melee for 7 people at 6pm GMT
Everyone involved can then choose opponents and/or negotiate the exact details.
Basically it's a match-making process that links units of similar sizes and
This will be a large-scale project, and aim to improve
communication and activity right across the EH, along with all our allied clubs.
Almost every conceivable SW game will be catered for in some fashion. Currently,
myself and RA Autoris are looking for coders to build the database, which will
be hosted on the COO site.
-=Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, a SWG group.
RA Astix has been finishing the manual.
LC Nightmare is still in negotiations with the FoJ.
COL Wemmel wasn't heard from
CM Xirok and CPT Goerase both got in contact.
Captain Goerase will be back full-time as of next week, he's got PC problems at
the minute.
Matt Adler has been removed from the roster.
-=No New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - LC Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
As you can see we're a bit short on Ambassadors still- so if you've any
sensible, cool headed friends who have good activity and communication rates,
get them to get in touch with me!