October 2002


Newsletter No. 87 Posted to the Fleet:  10.12.02
As Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Newsletter #87 - 4.33 MB ZIP File


Star Wars Convention in Hamburg, Germany:  11.29.02 - 12.01.02
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jan Wemmel)


It took some time for them to figure out, but finally the last bit of the puzzle, that is to become one of the largest SW conventions in
Germany has found its place...literally... The organizers finally found a location.

What I know so far:

the website is http://www.sw-con.de/swcon (only good for getting some information on the stars or for getting a ticket, but not much more,
I'm afraid.)

It will be from Nov 29th to Dec. 1st in Hamburg (don't believe the website...it lies).

For all of you, who don't know, where that is: Hamburg is a city on a backwater planet called "Earth" by its inhabitants. :)

It's a city with about 1.6 million inhabitants and...and several good bars...in northern Germany and has a major (air)port with several flights a day into the whole world... so getting there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Staying there: Hamburg has two youth hostels and I'm still working things out with them...

Price for the hostel will be at about 16.50 EUR a person and night.  The entrance fees for the SW Con are 50 EUR for one Day, 80 EUR for
two days and 120 for all three days of fun.

If you are interested and want to have more information: mail me at mo@emperorshammer.org or jan1506@gmx.de.

Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel, Fleet Medical Officer
MO/RA Jan Wemmel/M-TFC Last Hope

TAC Report #61:  10.13.02
As Submitted From:  Tactical Officer (HA Striker)

Tactical Office

Greetings, time for your favorite report of the week.

1. EH Battle Center

Emperorshammer.net is back, but for now DON'T process any BSF ! Some things still need to be fixed. You can still access the battles through the temp battle center set by VA Drake on http://www.drakenet.tk

2. TIE Mission Creation Course

The course notes have been updated by MAJ Philo, at http://www.imperialacademy.org/to/tiemiss/. By the way, all mission creation courses are available through the TAC Office site ( http://www.emperorshammer.net/Tac ), courses section

3. Jedi Knight / Jedi Outcast Levels creation course

The Training Officer is looking for experienced level creators to make an IWATS course aimed at JK/JO Levels creation. You may contact him at to@emperorshammer.org

4. New competition: Dark Blades

In order to develop the creation of JK/JO custom levels, a new competition is released, Dark Blades !

The goal is to create a custom single player level for either Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith, or Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The only requirement is to involve EH ground forces in it (mostly DB or HF then, it may involve other subgroups depending on your plotline), and be EH-oriented. An additional category is open for multiplayer maps (platforms mixed). The awards for each category (JK-SP, MotS-SP, JO-SP, MP) will be (IS-PR,IS-SR,IS-BR) for first to third place (or SG equivalent). In addition all approved submissions will be rewarded with the Medal of Tactics (or SG equivalent). The deadline is set to December 15th, send your zipped submission to tac@emperorshammer.org with the subject "Dark Blades submission".

A good place to check to find editors and tutorials about JK/JK2 level creation is http://www.massassi.net (a good place for custom levels as well...btw, any submission found to be copied from this public compendium will be dealt adequately by the HCI...).

5. Totally Games recruiting

as sent by VA IQ Pierce (ret.):

If there are any veteran mission-builders in the EH with serious programming or computer skills, they might be interested in this...


If you can't see the page (you have to register with Gamasutra to see some pages... feel free to do so, since it's free and they don't really bug you), this is a job listing for a position with Totally Games (the game development company which produced all the X-Wing/TIE Fighter games)... a "mission builder" position, specifically, and they're looking for experienced mission builders. I figure no place has more people experienced with building missions for Totally Games titles than the good ol' E.H.

If I were able to move to California, and had done more mission design during my time in the EH, I would be all over this job... getting a position in Totally Games might eventually lead to me helping develop the next of Hollands' great Star Wars flight sims. But I know there's some current or former EH mission-building geniuses who would deserve this job, so I hope you'll point this out to them.

End transmission.
Vice Admiral I.Q. Pierce, retired

6. Project Segway

MAJ Roguewing is still working on Project Segway; its goal is to make an Imperial conversion of XWA... If you think you have some skills which may help the porject, check the site at http://www30.brinkster.com/roguewing/ or email MAJ Roguewing at roguewing25@yahoo.com.

See you next week.

TAC-PROF/HA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
MoC-25BoC-13SoC-8GoC/CoSx3/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-4E [TMPR]
Tactical Office - http://www.emperorshammer.net/tac/

Science Office Report #7:  10.06.02
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (AD Ender mBind)

Science Office

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. "


Welcome to my seventh public report as a Science Officer, way late on account of being a absentminded professor like Science Officer besides
trying to be a mad scientist ;).

Science Office News:

1. I��ve completed texturing and testing the Trithan Interceptor OPT for XWA - expect a patch to be released ASAP. This is an enemy fighter of the Vepaal Empire, as it features in the battles by COL Sauron, and will create quite a challenge for the player... The Trithan Interceptor is only approved as ��limited use�� for this series of battles however and will not enter Emperor's Hammer service any time soon (like never). Work on texturing the Hyperion has started, followed by the craft for Clan Alvaak and Avenger Squadron.

2. We have started a new project for X-Wing Alliance to create more variation in enemy and neutral craft. The idea is to create several ship
patches that install 5 different enemy craft of a particular theme at once on the same 5 slots for each pack. Themes can be based on enemy or neutral Systems, Pirate Fleets, Craft Manufacturers etc. and will install craft of different classes. The first pack for example is based on the neutral system of Genko, near the EH territories, and features two fighters, a transport-class large bomber, a capital ship and a platform. Most of the modeling for this pack is done already and one craft is fully textured and game tested even so expect it on a SCO site near you very soon.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill is currently still working on a new patch installer for X-Wing Alliance (which should evolve into a format for all games) and a new asteroid patch for TIE Disk. Also he made a model for the "Genko" Ship pack.

SCOA: After consideration Admiral Darkhill has, like I have, decided to go without an assistant for a bit longer. My apologies to the people that
applied.  We'll keep your application on file and dig them up once we do need more help.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. No major updates this week on account of making craft.

Science Office Projects:

New Site: What still needs to be done is mostly php work: the File and Patch archives have been designed to become a compendium much like the Battle Centre: with mirrors for the files, data on each patch, ratings, reviews and bug reports.

XWA Patch Launcher: Providing a simpler way to install patches to varied slots in all windows operating systems via an actual program instead of the current batch files. Should make it easier to install patches besides each other and to see which replace what. In research stage mostly, which is what the SCOA is mostly needed for.

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project��s goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like
the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc While pretty far already (about 77% done), working on XWA craft at the moment.

XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft arranged by earlier SCOs and such, like the Trithan Interceptor (Kermee), the Hyperion (Den), the Alvaakian Craft (me) and the new fighter for Avenger Squadron (AES). The Trithan Interceptor is now ready, working on the Hyperion �V which should be done this week.

XWA Enemy Ship Packs: The plan is to create several multi-ship patches that install 5 different enemy craft of a particular theme at once on the same 5 slots for each pack. The first pack is that based on the "Genko System" (2  fighters, a transport a capital ship and a platform.). Modeling is 80% done, texturing 25%. Further texturing is on hold for the Ship patches projects to clear but can be finished shortly after that.

Finishing up:

I think that's it �V If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email. Don't forget that all
the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC. I'm practically always online at #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: http://www.minos.net/~sco/reports/index.html. The moment the TC database is back online they will be posted there as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/AD Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

GMF Report #5:  10.12.02
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (VA Crusader)

EH Directorate (DIR)


High Council:- 5
Advisors:- 2
Alpha Sector:- 57
Beta Sector:- 0 (closed)
Reserves:- 5
Academy:- 4
Total Membership:- 73
Difference from last week:- +4
Grand Moff Words of Wisdom:-

Finally the recruits are coming in :P Thanks to all who recruited! And remember recruiting will earn you medals. Each report gets you a MoR! I'm not having the recruiting competition anymore because I was winning and it was sad. There will be another one held in the future after we get used to using SW:GB as a gaming platform.

That's the big news this week, the Directorate now uses Star Wars: Galactic Battleground as a gaming platform! It is not required to join the DIR. You can still write fiction and play fiction games. SW:GB just adds a certain twist to things :P

I will be making a points system for this so when you play MP Games you get points or play missions, or create missions and so on, and so forth and there will be a list and the winner at the end of month will get something - or something similar to all that :P You'll hear more about this over time I have to draw up some good copy plans for it.

For now just tell your SMF or GG when you play a SW:GB game.

Reports: Reports! Reports. Reports are important and you all need to send them. The MoS will be keeping track and when there are people in positions that NEVER send reports, that person will be missed. Because they will be replaced by someone who can send reports. We really need to get this going :P There will soon be a report writing exam for you to take if you need some help with it.

About the Directorate web-site, I am looking for a guy I know that codes ASP and Im hoping he will take over what I have done and do the admin so I can get on to the other projects without the constant nagging the site is doing to me :P

HMF Ironfist is still on leave as far as I know. But he should be back soon.

Things will be rolling now. GGs you need to send out your reports to your System and make sure you CC: Torres (dunnwd@ozemail.com.au) or the report will not be counted for!

If any members can create missions for Star Wars: Galactic battlegrounds go ahead and do it. Send them to me and I will put them up on the internet and put them on a temporary site that will list all the Directorate missions. You will get points or awards for making the missions depends which I have setup first :P

DIR Site:- http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/ehdir/
DIR MB:- http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=7
Get into the DIR chan at #ehdir
Get IRC at http://www.mirc.com
connect to an UNDERNET server
If you need help ask me

Grand Moff, Lord Crusader, Viscount of Hades
GMF/VSC Crusader/Gondor Base
(MoRx3) (MoP)


Emperorshammer.Net Update:  10.05.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

I have received several inquiries as to when emperorshammer.net will be back up with the TIE Corps Database.  Well, myself and the XO have made some progress:

  • I have purchased a "premium" hosting plan at www.ehostingbiz.com

  • The DNS server updates pointing to emperorshammer.net have been requested/changed.  It should take a few days to propagate throughout the web.

  • SA Astatine has uploaded the TC DB to the new server

  • We await one issue regarding access to the uploaded DB and then we're in business

We're almost there, folks...!  I anticipate within the next few days our DB will be up and running !

...and we ALL owe SA Astatine a big debt of gratitude for dealing with the DB uploads and management !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


VIZ Orv Dessrx Appointed as Chancellor of the Imperial Senate:  10.05.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Imperial Senate


Not knowing how else to apply save for listing items under the requirements...here you go:

Selection Criteria - Essential

* Proven command experience at the level of TC Wing Commander or higher
-I've held M:COMM of the Senate for quite some time (almost a year?) with a small break during that term.
-I have held these positions in the Senate as well:

    :Vice Minister of Communication
    :Chairman of the Design Committee
    :Vice Chairman of the Literature Committee
    :Vice Prex of Propaganda (in the Corporate Division)

* Proven long-term commitment to projects

-I've reconstructed and refined the Senate site time and time again (and am still doing so)
-I've done many site designs for the EH (CD site, 2 Directorate sites, Senate site, plus quite a few more!)
-The Senate in and of itself is a project :P

* Proven track record in improving things

-See webpages above.
-This year's drivers license picture is better than my last one...so that's an improvement :)

* Ability to work with a wide range of members, including Senate members, the XO, FO, etc.
-I do so already as M:COMM for the Senate and as a measly TCH in the CD :)

Selection Criteria - Desirable

* An existing Senate member

-Atican (Arcanus) ( minister_arcanus@hotmail.com )
-Coranel Both ( coranel_both@hotmail.com )
-Tetsel ( tetsel@msn.com )
-Publius Maximus ( sen_justinian@msn.com )
-Marcus Octabianus ( uber_mark@hotmail.com )

-Orv Dessrx

M:COMM/VIZ Orv Dessrx (Merisee)/HC-5/Moderates/
[CHHS] [MoPx8] [SSx10] [ST] [CoKx2] {IU:CORE}
(SHU: Teltior's Pride) (ESHU: Star of Merisee) (MDTR: Loag Remnant) (LXY:

TCH/AST Orv Dessrx/Alpha/CHC

Corporate Division President Report #40 and Resignation:  10.03.02
As Emailed From:  Former PREX (VA Dark Angel)

Corporate Division (CD)


As I mentioned at the bottom of my report last week, I said this was going to be a special report, and that�s what it is.

I�ve heard a few people discussing, and trying to figure out just what I had in mind. And while some people had said some things that were close, I had no direct guesses, so I guess nobody gets that drink. It was one year ago today, that GA Ronin, and XO Kawolski had granted me the privilege of taking control over the Corporate Division as President. In the preceding months, we had had several Presidents who held office for a few weeks before resigning, or being removed. We also spent several long weeks without leadership. During this time the Corporate Division went into a period of depression. What I feel I have brought to the Corporate Division is steady leadership. In the last year, the Corporate Division has continually grown and reached a new level of activity, unmatched in recent CD history. We have achieved programs and services that others have tried to implement since the new Corporate Division started several years ago. We have a fully self-supporting database, a banking and carefully designed credit system, a stock exchange, with a shipyard in the works.

Now, before you think I�m just boosting my ego, I want to assure you that that is not my intention. I have been extremely fortunate to have had dedicated people to work with, many of them have been around the CD since before I was Prex. And it is these individuals who deserve recognition.

VPX Nav�ric Trow has been my devoted Executive Vice-Prex, since taking over the position from me. He has consistently shown initiative in taking on new projects, and duties. In fact, we have shut down two Direx positions because Trow has taken them on as his.

CHMN/CEO Reb Crush � He created the CHMN position. Sure it was outlined in the manual, but it has never been put into practice for any length of time. Since taking on the position he has no only coded and implemented the VooDoo Credit system, which pays all the members of the Trade Assembly, he has continued to successfully run the longest currently running corporation. Reb has been instrumental in many of the major CD projects.

DC Dash Riprock. What can I say? I don�t think there has been a project that he hasn�t been involved in. He has held positions ranging from DC right up to Direx. He�s coded a bit of the database, and held key positions within several corporations.

A:VPB Sequoh, The system you see in place for the CDEX is his work, most of it anyways. I have heard nothing but praise for this fine officer. His hard work has gone mainly un-noticed by many of the people within the CD, and I want to recognise it.

VPP Bevel Leeson has coded too many things within the CD. As VPB he coded the iBank and CDEX, and once he took over as VPP, he fully re-coded teh main CD site, while continuing that work. All of this is in addition to the many other projects he's worked on throughout the EH. Without the work of Leeson, the CD would still be in the dark ages. I would like to personally thank him for putting up with all my "You'll have to bug Leeson about that" answers to questions.

These five individuals have dedicated so much time to the Corporate Division it is remarkable. I have tried to reward these guys for their hard work as we've progressed. However, in reviewing their work as a whole, I don't feel that I've done enough. Therefore, it is my duty and honour to award these few individuals something that hasn't been awarded within the CD for quite some time. There is only one instance that I can think of, and that was around the time that I was an EO in EHUES. I have decided to award these individuals the Prex's Citation (PxC).

While this in itself would constitute a special report, that is only half of it. While this could come as a shock to some of you, and others might have been waiting for it for some time, I don't know. But I have decided it is time for me to step down as President of the Corporate Division. I have contemplated this for some time now. A lot longer than most of you might think. It's been a tough decision to make, but I feel its the right one to make right now. As I said earlier, I've had a good run at it, and I think it's been pretty successful.

I do have someone in mind as my successor, but it requires the approval of GA Ronin, and XO Astatine, as well as the agreement of the person in question. So it would not be appropriate for me to announce anything here. I would like to thank everyone who has help me out during my tenure. It has been a blast.

At this point I'm not sure where I will go to next. I may stay on as an advisor or Adjutant, or I may fully retire into the reserves. We'll see what happens in the coming days.

I don't believe there is anything else to say about this, so that's it.


(Former) PREX/AD Dark Angel/VSD Warhammer

Flight Office Report:  10.01.02
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

Flight Office

** Please forward this down to your pilots **

Greetings all and welcome to this week's Flight Officer Report...

News -

- Yes, the TIE Corps database is still down, but hopefully not for much longer. A new host has been found and the FC & XO are in the process of setting up the DB. As always, patience in this matter is most appreciated.

- I'm very pleased to be able to announce the promotion of two of the TIE Corps' longest standing members. Vice Admiral Proton, Commodore of the Sovereign and the War Officer, Vice Admiral Pel, have both been promoted to the rank of Admiral in recognition of the work and commitment they've put into their positions. Congrats to both! ( http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1440 )

- Admiral Cyric announced his resignation as Battlegroup Commander of the ASF earlier in the week. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I'm very sorry to see Cyric go. He's been by far one of the best Flags the TIE Corps has produced and his presence and command will be sorely missed.

Cyric, we can't thank you enough for the time and effort you've put into your various command positions. I can only hope that the ride, for the most, was as enjoyable for you as it was for us.

I wish you and yours the best of luck in the future.

Fly high and shoot straight.

Note: I am NOT accepting applications for a replacement BGCOM at the moment. If/When I do, details will be posted here and the TC news page (if up by then). Until then, don't send me applications ( http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1412 ).

- There are still TWO Wing Commander positions open in the Fleet to applications. Details are listed at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1400. Those of you who intend to apply but have not should do so ASAP!

- Vice Admiral Toran Dan has also announced his decision to retire from active service in the TIE Corps. TD was my Command Assistant and was tasked with moderating with TIE Corps message board, a duty he did without fail. I wish him the best of luck in the German Army.

I will be looking for a new FOA and I will be accepting applications. Details on this will be posted on the TIE Corps message board ( http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=38 ) soon, so please do not apply until then.

- Many thanks to all who attended last Sunday's TIE Corps meeting. A log is posted at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1462

Quote of the Week:

<PovRayMan> Weee
<PovRayMan> some hot chicks asked if I wanted to go to the bar with them
<PovRayMan> and drink
<PovRayMan> and dance
<PovRayMan> i said no
<PovRayMan> because star trek is on


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

SDIR Report:  09.27.02
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate ( VA Troutrooper)

Intelligence Division (ID)


Intelligence Division--

Okay. Big changes are in store, so read this email carefully.

1. Return of the Bureaus

Yes, you heard it correctly. We are re-implementing the bureau organization of Intel. The UBIQ feels that the sector system just did not work for various reasons which I will not discuss here (though I would be more than happy to discuss this topic via email or on the message boards). This will not affect most agents all that much; a simple change of terminology and modification of your idline is all. For example:

SS/LT Example/ANLY-Technology/FRG Stormwind


BUAG/LT Example/ANLY/FRG Stormwind
(BUAG = Bureau Agent)

See? This isn't hard. Read the attached document for more information on terminology changes.

Perhaps the most significant change most agents will experience is who they report to. Instead of a Sector Leader/Commander, you will now
report to a Bureau Director (BUDR). You will also be in contact with more people as the bureaus will be conglomerates of sectors.

2. Bureaus

Currently (and for the foreseeable future), we will have four bureaus Internal Organization (IntOrg), Analysis (ANLY), Bureau of Operations
(BOO), and Plexus (er, Plexus). Since there are only four bureaus compared with 11 sectors, this does mean that some former sector leaders/commanders will have to turn in their badge. I'm sorry, but that's the way things go (you will be compensated for your loss,
though, so don't feel too bad :D).

Read the attached document for more information on how the new bureaus will affect you personally (IntOrg, I'll send your information out
later). As it stands, the new BUDRs will NOT be public agents, though this may change.

As with anything, please email myself or the UBIQ if you have any concerns, needs, questions, comments, ideas, whatever. We're here for
you...plus we like email :D

3. Other info

I will be contacting people shortly regarding their new assignments, situations, etc, so be prepared to answer all emails sent your way. This is not set in stone, so if something comes up, we'll have to be flexible to accommodate those changes. I want this change to go quicker
and smoother than the change to sectors, so let's get this going :)

4. Comp results!

What, you think I forgot about this amidst all the preparations for the reorganization? It wasn't our best showing in a competition, but we
still managed to get a decent number of websites. Participation broke down as follows:

IntOrg: 0 submissions
BOO: 1 - Fourth Place
Plexus: 1 - First Place and a PoC-pl!
Prae: 2 - Tied for Second, so two PoC-gls!

Good work to all those who participated :D Ronin, sir, here are all the websites my agents found as per your orders. Enjoy :D

http://www.findmyhost.com/ (There the staff can only be asked to professionally evaluate the web)


VA Troutrooper

SDIR/VA Troutrooper/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V
KE Troutrooper (Krath)/HM/Dark Council

COO Report:  10.04.02
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (RA Kyle Katarn)

Combat Operations Office


COO News

This week was very good. I made a EHCOC Website, www.ehcoc.net.tc and a Combat Manual Website www.combat-manual.net.tc. Thanks to the help from my COOA Autoris Maximus I built those 2 Sites faster then I thought of. However, I still need some pic's to complete it and this will take some time.

IORW2 starts in about a month. If we take part or Comp with the VE will be moved to a other location.

Competition News

The mIRC related Competitions are working very good again.. All all Permanent Hosts have been assigned. Only Alternate Hosts and General Hosts need to be selected!

WoW Scores are to be awarded when the database is up again.

Bot News

The Bot is fully operational for now. He got now a protection against Hackers and this problem that occurred a week ago will never happen again.

In the Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

Rear Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/RA Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx6/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-PSx56/DFC/CoB/LoAx21/OV-2E [LGNR] [Officer 1st]
Spectre Advanced Missle Boat "DarkFyre"
PIN: 5141

NJO Book - Destiny's Way - Released:  10.02.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (HA Keiran Idanian)



On Tuesday, October 1, 2002 the 14th book in the NJO Series was released. From the last books, I believe this will prove to be a critical book in the series.

Here is a summary of the book, taken from the inside cover:

In the war against the ruthless Yuuzhan Vong, the fall of Coruscant leaves the New Republic divided by internal strife, and on the verge of bowing to conquest. But those who steadfastly refuse to consider surrender�Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and their children and comrades-in-arms�are determined to seize victory against overwhelming odds. And now, finally, there are signs that the tide may be turning in the New Republic�s favor.

After capturing crucial Yuuzhan Vong intelligence, Jedi fighter-pilot Jaina Solo prepares to lead a daring surprise strike against an enemy flagship. Meanwhile, Jaina�s brother Jacen�liberated from the hands of the enemy and newly schooled in an even greater mastery of the Force by the Jedi Knight Vergere�is eagerly poised to bring his unique skills to bear against the invaders. And on Mon Calamari, the New Republic�s provisional capital, the retired, ailing hero Admiral Ackbar has conceived a major tactical plan that could spell the beginning of a swift end for the Yuuzhan Vong.

Yet even as opposing squadrons face off in the depths of space, intrigue runs rampant: in the heated political race for Chief of State . . . in the shadows where Yuuzhan Vong spies plot assassinations . . . and in the inscrutable creature Vergere, a Jedi Knight whose allegiance is impossible to predict. And as Luke Skywalker sets about reestablishing the Jedi Council, the growing faction opposed to the ways of the Force unveil a terrifying weapon designed to annihilate the Yuuzhan Vong species. But in doing so, they may be dooming the New Republic to becoming the very thing it has sworn to fight against�and unleashing the power of the dark side.

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://gandalf.kweeky.net/ro/ -}
RO-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
(SC-SoA)/(SE)/(BNG)(BN)/Cr-1R/(LSAg)/CoL {SA: CORE}
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"


Matt Busch Website Mention:  09.21.02
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (HA Keiran Idanian)

Matt Busch

Greetings sir,


Honorary Admiral Matt Busch, has posted an article about his recent 08.31.02 IRC interview with the Emperor's Hammer. :)



TAC Report #58:  09.22.02
As Submitted From:  Tactical Officer (HA Striker)

Tactical Office

Welcome to my 58th Tactical Report.

1. Emperorshammer.net shut down

With the site shut down by our providers, services hosted on emperorshammer.net are unavailable until a new provider is found. The TAC features offlined are: the battle center, the main mission compendium, the tactical manual and the tactical office site along with XvT and XWA mission creation courses. Most of this have been set on my personal server, except the database stuff (BSF processing, high scores, battle listings).

The temporary locations are:

- Tactical Office Site: http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/
- Tactical Manual: http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/tac-man/
- XvT Mission Creation Course: http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/xtm/
- XWA Mission Creation Course: http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/xam/

Beta files location (for Tactical Staff):


- Mission Compendium Mirror 1: http://battles.cernun.net
- Mission Compendium Mirror 2: http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/battles/

For those mirrors there isn't a listing of battle files, so you have to manually enter the URL of the desired battle (mirror URL + battle file name); battle files names are in the following format: (Platform)(Subgroup)(Number).zip

TIE-TC Battle 56 at http://battles.cernun.net/TIETC56.zip
XWA-IW Battle 25 at http://battles.cernun.net/XWAIW25.zip
XvT-FREE Mission 45 at http://battles.cernun.net/XvTF45.zip

2. New battles

Some new TIE and XvT battles were released before the shut down of eh.net, I guess you will have to wait until eh.net is back to know more about these.

3. Tactical Manual updated to version 2.0

Some major updates have been made, guidelines and procedures for JK/JK2 Custom levels have been added. The goal is to aim the Tactical Manual use to all custom platforms used in the EH, not only flying platforms. Keep in mind the Tactical Office is not limited to the TIE Corps... The temporary location of the Tactical Manual is http://perso.club-internet.fr/jmcx97/tac/tac-man/

4. JK Compendium

If you have any EH-related material for Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith or Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, send it to me ASAP at
tac@emperorshammer.org ! The Medal of Tactics will be awarded for approved custom levels, like any official EH custom levels.
I expect all COs from all SGs to send this information through the chain of command.

5. JK/JK2 Custom Level Design Competition

In order to develop the creation of custom levels for JK and JK2, a new fleet-wide competition should be released, once details have been settled.

6. Golden Tugs Pictures

No, I don't have pictures from the award ceremony, but pictures awards were added to winning battle profiles on eh.net. Yes, I know it's a pretty useless news for now...

TAC-PROF/HA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
MoC-25BoC-13SoC-8GoC/CoSx3/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx5/OV-4E [TMPR]
Tactical Office - http://tac.emperorshammer.net

Flight Office Report:  09.23.02
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

Flight Office

** Please forward this down to your pilots **

Greetings all and welcome to this week's Flight Officer Report...

News -

- As you should all know, the TIE Corps database remains down, and a search for a new host continues. The Fleet Commander and Executive Officer ask that if anyone does know of a suitable host, then they are contacted via email (and not IRC).

- A temporary Battlecentre is up at http://www.drakenet.tk/. Many thanks to Vice Drake for sorting this out.

- VA Drake is also collecting playlists from TC members and archiving them at http://www.buffy75.freeserve.co.uk/playlists/. If you wish yours to be added, then simply email it to him at drake@isdcolossus.com. For Winamp users, simply press Ctrl-Alt-G to produce a HTML page playlist (although this doesn't seem to work for Winamp3).

- Thanks to the Internet Officer, the TIE Corps now has a series of message boards hosted on ehnet.org. The main TC forum is located at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=38 and I encourage everyone to post there. Please remember that rules from the previous board are still in effect...

1) You are not allowed to have signatures longer then 5 lines in length.

2) Images, animations etc. are forbidden except within the post body.

3) Only links to your Ship-, Squadron-, Flight- etc. homepage are allowed.

4) Those who fail to follow those will be banned from the boards until their signatures are corrected.

Be good.

- There was recently a multiplayer competition between the EH and Vast Empire. It seemed that very few people knew about this, so turn-out was low. The results:

11 Games - 10 EH Wins - 1 VE Win

The only games played were JKI and JKII since no VE pilots showed up. Plans are in the works to redo this with hopefully better results. Many thanks to COM/VA Darksaber for hosting whilst the COO is on leave.

- Unsurprisingly, things have been pretty quiet these past several days. Once the database is back up and functioning, things will pick up.

Quote of the Week:
<Thumb> do you know of any major organizations that are similar the CDC?
<Lucent> who?
<Thumb> center for disease control
<Lucent> i said WHO
<Thumb> what? i'm asking you
<Lucent> World Health Organization


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Internet Office Report #58:  09.27.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA Ari)

Internet Office

Internet Office News

This week, lots of new Message Boards were set up on the EHNet Forums, ranging from TAC & SCO boards to Squadron boards. All of them are accessible via http://www.ehnet.org/mb/.

The GA & XO should be deciding on a final host this weekend for eh.net, which means the site will likely be back up within the week.

Some problems with EHNet.org e-mail were fixed this week (thanks Koral!). We suspect they were caused by the server upgrade we had just last week.

The SOD has recently contacted me about assisting us with ANN. He'll be working with the CS to help solicit more submissions so that we can produce the best publication ever (even if it does take a little while longer).

I'd like to remind everyone that if you want a message board on EHNet, you must e-mail me with your EHMB username and your ID line. Moderator status will not be given to people under CMDR.

Temporary CS sites: The TAC office is located at http://www.drakenet.tk/ and IWATS is located at http://iwats.kweeky.net/

I will be on leave from tonight till Sunday night. Do not be surprised if your MB does not get set up till Sunday night.

Alex Foley is going to be working on getting some more images for the EH Counter Service. Dae Cam is working on several Hawkeye 2 sites. Leeson is still working on the Hawkeye 2 trailer, we hope for it to be done soon.

Oh, and interestingly enough, 62 of the 103 people that voted on last week's poll believe that we should raid the CrystalTech compound with flamethrowers. Anyone got a match?


Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

The SOTW this week is the ISD Intrepid/Wing XIV site at http://intrepid.borkweb.com. Congrats to Drako ( rswojc@poczta.wp.pl ) on your 5 star site!


[GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Science Office Report #5:  09.20.02
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (RA Ender mBind)

Science Office

"My Moon-based Death Ray Panics the people of Earth. Mock my theories now!"


Welcome to my fifth public report as a Science Officer, on time on account of me going on leave tomorrow. (Even mad scientist need a break now and then� Nabooan Beaches here I come! ;))

Science Office News:

1. As mentioned, I�ll be on leave for the weekend � starting after I�ve sent in this report. During this time my CA, Admiral Darkhill, will be taking
care of things. Its just for a short bit� and w/o a TIE Corps database I doubt anyone would notice anyway :-/

2. Not much else to report this week, as mostly we�ve been working on our running projects, for example texturing a bunch of craft already in the works for way too long � and texturing is a slow process. I�ve included a picture of one of these craft, the M/FRT the Luggage, to illustrate what I mean. It�s been used for years and featured in over 15 battles and even more free missions already but up to now didn�t have its own model (the regular FRT was used). Expect the patch for XvT/BoP (and probably TIE�95 as well) by next week � and the same goes for the Hyperion and Tritian Fighters for X-Wing Alliance. These were modelled by AD Darkhill for the Dark Brotherhood, but also never textured.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill is currently working on a new patch installer for X-Wing Alliance (which should evolve into a format for all games) and a new asteroid patch for TIE Disk.

SCOA: Because of being busy in RL and on texturing this again has slipped through. The SCOA will be decided upon the moment I get back from leave.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. Direct linking to site
components is currently not advised as its still under construction and will move this week to minos.net completely (yes really, been mostly busy on removing the stuff on that server already.), with a mirror on gimmie.tudelft.nl for all the downloads.

Science Office Projects:

New Site: What still needs to be done is mostly php work: the File and Patch archives have been designed to become a compendium much like the Battle Centre: with mirrors for the files, data on each patch, ratings, reviews and bug reports. Same reasons as the SCOA no major updates this week.

XWA Patch Launcher: Providing a simpler way to install patches to varied slots in all windows operating systems via an actual program instead of the current batch files. Should make it easier to install patches besides each other and to see which replace what. In research stage mostly, which is what the SCOA is mostly needed for.

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project�s goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still �missing� from these games, like
the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc While pretty far already (about 77% done). Currently working on a XvT/BoP/TIE95 version of the M/FRT the Luggage and Super Star Destroyer.

Project Segway � SCO section: Still on hold for more pressing matters, though work has started on a private player fighter for early in the game.
Have been modeling and texturing several new XWA craft too, like the Tritian Interceptor, the Alvaakian Sith Fighter and Hyperion.

Emperor�s Hammer AGI Games � with the goal to make at least one AGI adventure game, in the style of the old Sierra Classics like �Leisure Suit
Larry�, �Space Quest� or �Police Quest�. In principle these games are so small in download that they compare to XvT or XWA battles in size. If you want to help out making these games (storyline, graphics, coding�) please do contact me. *Pokes CrazyR2 and Khadgar to write that IWATS course on the subject*

Finishing up:

I think that's it � If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email. Don�t forget that all the
projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC � I�m practically always online at #emperor�s_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports used to be online as well: you could reach them on the TC database but since CT was so great to delete that site I�ll make sure all SCO reports will be available on the SCO site after the weekend.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/AD Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

VA Proton and VA Pel Promoted to Admiral:  09.27.02
As Recommended By:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

(Please see the Training Manual for rank descriptions)

Grand Admiral Ronin,

I would like to recommend two individuals for promotion to the rank of full Admiral.

The first of these deserving individuals is long time Sovereign Commodore, Vice Admiral Proton. Proton remains an example of what a Flag Officer in the TIE Corps should be...he's constantly seeking to promote activity amongst his crew, always ensures his pilots are happy and moves quickly to resolve any problems that may arise. His reports are consistently on time and filled with useful information. Proton approaches his position in the TIE Corps with maturity and dedication, and remains a rock of reliability. The promotion to Admiral would be a fitting reward for a very valued member of the TC Flag Staff.

The second person is Vice Admiral Pel, the current War Officer. I've known Pel for a considerable amount of time, and during his membership in the EH, his career has been long and varied. He's held the positions of Wing Commander and Commodore in the past, and served them with distinction and steadfast commitment. More recently he was appointed to the newly created position of War Officer and placed in charge of all wargames within the TIE Corps. In this capacity he has excelled beyond previous levels. His tenure began with the development and running of Imperial Storm III, the TC's large-scale wargame. This required a considerable amount of time and effort on his behalf for over a month, and he performed admirably. He's also developed the War Manual, War Site and continuously makes modifications and improvements to the system. Currently Pel is involved with small scaled wargames involving several TC pilots. Pel has done all this without very much credit, and I feel this promotion is long overdue.


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}