November 2003


Update from Iraq Part III:  11.05.03
As Emailed From:  COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf

GA Ronin,

Salute, and greetings from Mosul Iraq. I am currently on 48 hours of Rest and Relaxation (R & R) leave at a little hotel in Mosul. I figured since I have not sent an update in some time, today would be a great opportunity.

Currently operations in Mosul are being conducted at a very high tempo. Myself and my men are conducting from 1-3 missions a day. These missions vary from conducting raids on suspected arms dealers to traffic control points where we search for weapons hidden in vehicles.

This past week has been one of excitement, success, and tragedy. During an escort mission in Erbil Iraq, we  had a man attempt to blow up my platoon with a bomb. The bomb went off injuring three civilians, but luckily it did not harm any of my soldiers. A few days ago, we had one of our largest finds of the deployment when we found 2000 Mortar rounds, 500 RPGS, and over 10,000 AK47 rounds buried in a small field.  These weapons belong to a small terrorist cell called the Islamic Brotherhood (note: The organization has nothing to do with Islam or Brotherhood...ironic).  And finally, we had a small tradgedy in my small home town of Darlington PA. A soldier's mother died, and as he was flying home he was killed in the attack that killed sixteen american soldiers while they were flying in a Chinook Helicopter. Though this soldier was not one of mine, it is a sad day for all those in the military as now a Father in the states must bury his wife and son.

Finally, and completely out of Context, all goes well in my neck of the woods in the EH. I am overly proud of the members of the ISD Grey Wolf as we have reached 54 pilots for the ship. This is ten more than any other ship in the Tie Corps and a gross gain of 16 pilots in 3 months. I am very lucky to have such excellent members of the club on my ship. I am also glad they support their Commodore while he is off playing soldier :p

Thats it from here. Here is a new picture: That is me in the middle with the cigar. hehe

Take care!

PS. Two updates: 1. I am slated to come home
December 15, 2003! and 2. Someone lost their mind
and decided to promote me to First Lieutenant on 11
November. Yeah!

2LT (for six more days) Crawford
3/502nd Widowmakers
101st Airborne Division



COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf
PCON/SBM Khameir Sarin/Arcona

Fleet Commander's Note:

As most EHers are aware, the EH support's our soldiers stationed everywhere who are working hard to keep us safe and free !  I wish them continued success and hope they will ALL be returning home soon !

IWCOM Open for Applications for One More Week:  11.09.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Infiltrator Wing

The position of Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM) involves the day-to-day operations and oversight of the subgroup, as well as development, implementation and followthrough of competitions and other activities for the entire subgroup. Appointment and review of IW command staff are also key duties for this position.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer.
5. Experience at some level of command, preferably at least at TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivilant.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Proven evidence of exceptional performance in a command position
2. Prior experience in the Infiltrator Wing.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Outline examples of experience and situations for each point. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't bother applying. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( ) and Executive Officer ( ) with the subject "Application
for IWCOM".

SA Astatine - XO

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please note that applications have been received from the following people and do not need to be resubmitted:

Please note that the XO and I want to keep applications for IWCOM one more week before we decide (i.e. on or about 11.14.03).

Please be patient, as we want to select the best and most qualified candidate.

Thank you for your patience !

Design the XO Site Competition:  11.01.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The current XO site isn't very good and hasn't been updated for a while. By the nature of the office, the XO site should be a nexus for some very important information within the EH. To address this, I'll need a new design, as the current one (at is pretty basic.

The basis of the competition will be to design a "template" for the site, which should include graphics, menu elements, etc. The menu items on the current site can be used as a guide for the template. Everything else is left to your creative whims. Final submissions can either be hosted online, with the URL emailed to me, or the files themselves can be emailed to me. Submissions close on 30th November. The competition is open to all EH members. First place gets an Iron Star Gold Ribbon (or subgroup equivilant). Second and third, if up to scratch, will get a Iron Star Silver Ribbon and Iron Star Bronze Ribbon respectively. Submissions should be sent to with the subject of "I have l33t w3b skillz".

SA Astatine - XO

HA Priyum Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  11.09.03
As Recommended By:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

I would like to recommend HA Priyum for the Imperial Cross (IC) I realize that he already has virtually every medal that the EH offers, but this is more than warranted. During his career in the Tie Corps as FO, the Tie Corps had flourished. He was the longest running FO that I can remember in the 5 years I'd been here. He was widely respected, and did not hesitate to help where help was needed. He's overseen several ImpStorms for the TC, organized various competitions, and most of all, kept pilots active and on their toes. He standardized the Fleet Standing Orders. He's come up with numerous proposals for streamlining TC efficiency, some of which have been put into practice and some of which will be in the future. The TC will suffer without him in its ranks, his loyalty and dedication deserve to be rewarded!

Respectfully submitted,

FA Cyric

Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO

XO Report #28:  11.09.03

Firstly, a round of awards were given out recently by myself. They include:

* Promotion to VA for OPS Foley for his proactive approach, clearing out the backlogged medals so fast
* Gold Star to SDIR Mordann for regular and high level consistancy in his job, including reports, roster submissions and other bits
* Gold Star to TO Keldorn for his work as TO and HM
* Silver Star to FO Cyric for his consistant reports and quick response for roster updates
* Silver Star to CA:SO Ziggy for covering for his boss with reports and having good online presence
* Bronze Star to CA:RO Shay'la for a consistent and proactive presence as CA:RO

In regards to medals overall, I think we've gotten into the routine of medal creep, where someone is awarded the "next best" award, even if they haven't earned it. Keep this in mind when making medal recommendations in that context. There's nothing wrong with getting the same medal twice. :P

I'm getting a fairly good supply of newsletter submissions from the Dark Brotherhood, but I need more...more! MORE! Send them to

IWCOM and XOA are still open for applications. Details are at and respectively.

A competition to redesign the XO site is underway. Details are available at

SA Astatine - XO

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #112:  11.01.03

112th Tactical Office Report. Almost a year as TAC, almost 4 years in EH. A long road I have walked, and a long journey wait for me. Yes. This means TAC is going to say here. I feel my journey has just began. And there is so much to do.

And I have a lot of idea. Some of them can be seen in "Projects" section, rest is in planning phase. You will see them sooner or later. And now, usual stuff :)

CA:TAC on forced leave
Due to fires in California, my CA is on forced leave. I am really concerned about him. Philo, take care!

EHBL problems
If you have any problem with running EHBL, mail ME, SCO and CA:TAC and try to be as much specific as you can. We will help you, we always do. .zips are not coming back, but if you need them, you can mail me and ask so I will FW it to you. Use EHBL, it's easy and it's working. Ask for help, and we will find a solution. Stop complaining and give us a chance to help you.

Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
We will start voting this week. Not many people sent their nominations. Too bad.

Tactical projects:

Tactical Database Update - on my TODO list. 0% done.
Project Theta - research on unknown values in our mission editors, Phase 1: 0% done
Update of Tactical Manual - 20% done
Creation of Tactical Staff IWATS Course - 60% done
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:

TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 329 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XWA
I rec CPT Abel Malik for PotW this week, he continues to do his assignments quickly and with great reports. He is a perfect TCS and does his office proud.
Congrats Malik, well done. Also, Malik won last round, so he gets IS-GR.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3085 (+16)
Battles: 475
Free Missions: 539
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 8
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 11
XvT Division
In Queue: 8
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 3
Total: 15
BoP Division
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 3
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assitant: CPT Justin #5853 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Tactical Office Report #113:  11.09.03

This week I bring sad news.

CA:TAC resigns
Sad news. My CA:TAC, VA Philo has to resign due to extreme time restrictions in RL. He was really great CA, and he will be really missed. So, now I have to find replacement. Life sucks. There are no real requirements. Mail me with "CA:TAC application" and take your best shot. TCCs/TACAs have best chances.

New patches
All hail SCO for new patches. BoP and TIE ones. This means XvT-TC #28 will be finally unlocked. Good job Ender.

Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
Voting in progress. Check mission creation message board.

Tactical projects:

Tactical Database Update - on my TODO list. 2% done.
Project Theta - research on unknown values in our mission editors, Phase 1: 0% done
Update of Tactical Manual - 20% done
Creation of Tactical Staff IWATS Course - 95% done, written text finished, under review by Tac Staff
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:

Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have double recommendation from TCC:XWA
This week i nominate both Justin and Xanatos Screed for PotW, both completed assignments this week. Both had excellent reports and were done quickly and properly. Excellent work to both.
Congrats guys, well done.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 2
Justin - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3085 (+0)
Battles: 475
Free Missions: 539
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 6
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 2
Total: 11
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 3
Final Check: 1
Total: 5
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assitant: CPT Justin #5853 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Office Report:  11.01.03


A fairly slow week but I do have two things to point out.

1) I have submitted a TC wide comp for the creation of a new TCCOMs Own Banner. The Comp ID and info is 1066, and it will run until 11/27/03

-I will begin awarding the TCCOM's OWN again at the end of the month of November to a highly active wing within the TC.

2) I have been very quick with roster changes and FL promos etc, almost to a fault because once I get the requests, I am assuming that the chain had been notified and that everyone has given approvals.

This from the FSO's and on the FO website:

Transfers of pilots between squadrons or to and from the Reserves are traditionally a bit of a headache for all concerned. While it may be convenient for the pilot to simply email the Flight Officer direct with the transfer request, it is far from convenient for the Flight Officer to find out the names and email addresses of every officer who needs to know about the transfer for you. And since the Flight Officer has a daily email load of anything up to 70 emails while the average pilot is lucky to get 10, the following procedure will be adopted where a request for a transfer is being considered:

A pilot wishing to transfer should request the transfer first from their own Commander. This allows the Commander time to find out the reasons why the transfer is being requested. If there is a problem in the Squadron, now is the time to correct the problem.

The pilot should then find out the email addresses of the Commander, Wing Commander, COM and BGCOM of the Wing to which he or she wishes to transfer. If you can't be bothered to do this much, you're obviously not ready for the level of commitment that a transfer to a new Squadron involves and your transfer request will be denied immediately.

The pilot should now send a transfer request to their Commander, cc'ing ALL Superior Officers involved (CMDR+) on both sides.

The Commander of the Squadron to which you are transferring should reply to all addressees on the transfer request, remembering to cc the Flight Officer.

The Flight Officer will then approve the transfer.

The Flight Officer should be the last person to hear about a request for a transfer, not the first. By the time it gets to the Flight Office, the request should be ready for approval. Any requests that reach the Flight Office without having first been to all relevant commanding officers will be rejected immediately, and the person sending the mail will be invited to read Fleet Standing Orders.

I should only get the mail for the transfer or FL positional promo LAST! I don't want to be cc'ed with the request, I only want to get the FINAL letter stating that everyone has approved and please make the change! This will need to be followed to the letter of the law from here on out. Make sure that everyone is familiar with the FSO's!

In Service...

Flight Office Report:  11.07.03

Welcome to another Flight Office report brought to you by Fleet Admiral Cyric.

First off I would like to congratulate the ISD Grey Wolf for reaching 55 pilots! The Grey Wolf hasn't seen these numbers in quite a long time! The members of this ship have done an excellent job in recruiting new and past members to join its ranks! Great Work Va Sarin and the rest of the crew of the ISD Grey Wolf.

Spear Squadron on the ISD Relentless has been reopened per the request of RA BubbaX and the TIEBGCOM. For now there are no pilots placed until I get the final list from VA Krax and RA BubbaX.

LC Styles has been chosen as the new FOA. VA Reaper and myself had received a great many qualified applicants for the position, but ultimately LC Styles won out! Congrats to him!

I will be away from 11/10/03 thru 11/17/03. I've posted this on the TC and EH Messageboards as well. Please hold all transfers, promos etc until I return. I will have VERY limited internet access while I am away, and doubt that I can process much. Don't be alarmed if you send a request in and it takes a week. This is why I ask that you don't send it in until after the 17th.

A brief note on approvals for positional changes:

Every officer in your Chain of Command is authorized to select officers to fill the positions immediately below themselves in the Chain. The following table illustrates this: Officer: May Select and Replace:

May Select and Replace:
Squadron Commander Flight Leaders
Wing Commander Squadron Commanders
Commodore Wing Commanders
Battlegroup Commanders Commodores
Flight Officer All positions, but primarily Battlegroup Commander

What this means in practice, is that Squadron Commanders do not have to request permission from anyone to select a pilot as a new Flight Leader. Wing Commanders do not have to gain their Commodore's approval before selecting a new Squadron Commander etc...

However, it is good manners to keep your superiors informed of position promotions. It prevents them from looking stupid when it becomes clear that they don't know who all of their Commanders are, and therefore prevents them from getting upset at you for making them look like idiots. Best practice is, for example, CMDRs email the Flight Office direct with requests for promotions to Flight Leader and cc their Wing Commander. As well as that, if a Wing Commander is consistently selecting people for CMDR positions that the Commodore might object to, he shouldn't be surprised if he loses his Wing Commander job pretty quickly. Communication is the key, keep everyone happy.

Local Orders may supersede this section of Fleet Standing Orders. If a Commodore wishes his Wing Commander to be the one to make ALL position promotion requests, then that will be the policy on his ship. However, remember to seek approval via the Chain of Command before making this policy official.

This can also be found at the FO website

IMPSTORM will continue this week after the EH meeting on channel #project_faithful I believe. We've run into some bumps (craters more like it) but the game continues. All of the issues have been worked out......

Thats about it from the Flight Office! have a great Week.

In Service...

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #115:  10.31.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #115

October 31, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Exciting times for the IO! Nothing really new happening other than the existing projects but what we do have has made enormous progress this week.

XPS - eXtensible Polling System - has made a lot of progress this week (I spent at least an entire day coding when I had no work to do - or rather, did and chose not to do it). There's only 1 class left to be written and the rest is just the implementation of all the classes that have been written already. This shouldn't take too much time and I'm setting a projected release date for about 2-3 weeks from now. MAJ Xander Drax is working on a design for the site currently. We hope that XPS will become widely used throughout the EH because of its flexibility. I actually just finished writing a really nifty way for handling "conditional sequencing" - basically, if the person responds A to question 1, then go to question 2. But if they respond B, go to question 5. I think this can be used in a lot of applications. The hardest part will be the flexibility of design - i.e. creating your own stylesheets, setting the width and height of the table, etc. It's not actually hard. It just takes time.

Our other major thing right now (while EHW is on temporary hiatus) is Multiplayer Sabacc. I know, I've mentioned it a lot but now it's finally becoming a reality. And to prove it to you, I'm going to give you some teaser pictures of the client GUI that Leeson is working on and I've played with. This GUI is by no means the final version, and once we finish with functionality, we'll play with making it look pretty. But here they are for your enjoyment:

That should be enough to tide you folks over for now :P

Related to this, Leeson and I have agreed that once MP Sabacc is done, we will recycle the code for use in an EH-Zone type of application. It's actually easier to do than MP Sabacc, considering that Sabacc has a game and rules and stuff you need to deal with, and the Zone is pretty much just a game interface. More on this will come when we're ready for it.

Also, some people have been having lots of problems with SquadFirst+ lately. Just so you know, Leeson is working on it and if it becomes an issue I will examine the code as well so we can release an updated version if we have to.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW it the IWATS PHP Course at with 4 stars. Go take it! Learn PHP!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

Who writes better soundtracks?

-John Williams
-Howard Shore

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

No Reports Submitted

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

OPS Report #8:  10.31.03

As a side note to this report, please direct all SquadFirst+ inquiries to the Internet Office at Unfortunately my OPS duties won't allow me any time to try and solve problems you may be having with the code. I assure you, though, that the product went through significant testing prior to being released, and as long as you don't do anything incredibly screwy to the code you should be fine. Most problems occur when someone tries to edit the database itself - which is a real no-no because of class dependencies in SquadFirst+. I promise that over Thanksgiving break I will be examining the code trying to duplicate and solve some of these errors, but please understand that my first duty is now medals and uniforms.

I don't think I denied but one or two medals this week, great job everyone! The only gripe I have this week is trying to award medals to superiors. In most cases, I'm going to see this as purely an act to get on their good side, and I won't approve it. We have a chain of command for a reason - medals should come from above, not below.

As many have noticed, I created a new Medals of Communications post on the message board in hopes that we could get some new, creative solutions as to how those MoCs should be awarded. Thankfully, one such idea came through, and I will be drawing a proposal to send to the FC and XO. I am hoping to turn the MoC into more of a merit/service medal in which squadron commanders and wing commanders will award MoCs once a month to their pilots who have kept constant communication throughout the month. Often times CMDRs aren't able to award a medal in a MSE because a pilot's activity wasn't enough to merit one, but his contact was great. The MoC will resolve this problem by rewarding those pilots for doing what they are able to do.

If this proposal goes through, I will most likely seek to completely wipe clean the current MoCs in the database. If anyone feels strongly that you should be able to hold onto those outdated medals, I'm sorry, but I have to choose to do something, and the easiest thing is to do that. I'm not up for creating a new medal just so the old ones (which 98% of the fleet doesn't even put in their ID lines because they were never entered into the database) can be kept.

No complaints about uniforms this week. Good job.

Look out next week for a small-scale OPS competition. I'm trying to make it seem like I'm not oppressing medals :)

Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.
�Leo Tolstoy

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Office Report #25:  10.31.03

Communications Office News
I am currently in search of a COMM assistant to help me with things such as running the EH IRC Meeting (Saturdays at noon EST), helping with the forums, and the COMM site. Requirements are listed below (shamelessly ripped off from our beloved XO):

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good online presence (IRC)
2. Website creation experience
3. Excellent knowledge of IRC

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. PHP/SQL programming ability
2. TCL programming ability
3. Experience with phpBB

How to apply
You must address each selection criteria in detail, providing supporting evidence and examples for each. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. You will need to meet at least the Essential criteria to be considered for the position. Applications should be directed to with the subject "Application for COMMA".

EH newsletter #100 has been mirrored on the COMM site here:

Online Viewable:
Downloadable Zip:

Work is progressing well on the codebase for the new COMM website. The same codebase will also be used for the Fringe site (yes I know I've been promising this for a while now), and the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation homepage. So far I have completed the database, news and roster classes.

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:




Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
COMM b0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:

Communications Office Report #26:  11.08.03


Communications Office News
Well, some good news this week. I was able to finally fix the problems that the EH Image Archive had with resizing PNG images. After much debugging, the problem was found to be a bug in libpng. I have a load of pics to add tonight (thanks to the HF), so check it out some time later today.

I have upgraded to the most recent patch release of PHP 4 (v4.3.4) on the COMM server. This release fixes yet more bugs in PHP.

I have been auditing the EH Forum moderators this week. Some people may have had their access accidently removed, if this is the case, please email me and I will correct the matter. I have also closed several squadron forums, as well as a wing forum. This means that people will not be able to post in them until said squadron(s) or wing get reopened.

Work is slowly, but steadily progressing on my completely new codebase for the COMM/IBC/Fringe site. I am going to set a release date for a basic, but functional version of the codebase for the COMM and IBC websites for next Saturday (November 15th). The Fringe site will be released the following weekend. The sites will not have absolutely all features I have planed for them included at release, rather any extra features will be added as time goes on.

Once I have progressed to a suitable level of functionality on the COMM/IBC/Fringe websites, I am going to rewrite my MoC awarding code that I had originally written for phpBB 2.1 (in anticipation of v2.2) for the 2.0 codebase that I currently run. This long overdue decision has been made due to the glacial pace of development of the next generation of phpBB. I will be working with OPS Alex Foley to fine tune the MoC system.

As of today dasb0t and silentone have reached 170 days of continuous uptime. Chewie is currently at 103 days of continuous uptime. The COMM server hosting & is now at 234 days of continuous uptime.

I have setup an EH search engine based off of the mnoGoSearch package at Right now it only indexes a few EH sites, such as the EH domain, the subgroup websites, the COMM & IO websites. If people like it enough, please email me to tell me so and I will expand it to index more EH sites. This search engine is like a small "Google" for EH sites, a serious search engine with a database backend, but on a smaller scale.

I am still accepting applications for COMMA, for details please see the EH Forum:

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:




Quote of the Week:
"Snow is a four letter word..."

Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
COMM b0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:
EH Search

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer

No Reports Submitted

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

No Reports Submitted

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

Logistics Office Report #20:  10.31.03

 Well, here we go again. Another month is behind us and we�re ready to tackle November with enthusiasm. I�m going to have to be brief in this report, I�ve worked a double-shift today and my wife is waiting for me to finish this so we can hit the road for a weekend getaway. So, first off I�ll be out of contact for the bulk of the weekend. We are heading down to Natural Bridge here in Kentucky to get away from the world for a bit. Anything important should just be emailed to me and I�ll respond to it upon my return Sunday.

This week the Logistics Office welcomes a new member to the staff. It�s my pleasure to welcome VA Ranthier Khaen to the Logistics team! As some of you may know, Khaen served under Ramos as an LOA for quite a while. His experience in matters of this Office will be a great help to us in the future, glad to have you aboard, Khaen. I�m toying with the idea of letting Khaen head up efforts in researching various things for the Office, once we have some actual plans I�ll be sure to brief everyone.

The Heroes site is yet again delayed, but we�ve gotten word from the new CEO of Auroran Technologies and he�s pledged to have it done ASAP. Once again, I�m going to put my faith in the CD and hope that this long, long, looooooong overdue contract can finally be completed.

The EH Census is almost ready to be unveiled. Commander Matir has confidence that he can have the coding work completed over the weekend, so I�m hoping we can start the beta phase of the site early in the coming week. As the release of the Census looms ever nearer my feeling that this could really be a boon for the EH grows. I really hope this project can be all that we have hopes for it to be once it�s completed and goes �live�

That�s about it for this week, stay tuned next week for the hopeful unveiling of the EH Census. And again, welcome to the team, Khaen!

Logistics Office Report #21:  11.07.03

Well, here we go again. Another action-packed Logistics Office report, now with NutraSweet! Things are starting to come together nicely on our projects, this week has been quite productive.

First, the Heroes Memorial site layout is nearing completion. I was in contact this week many times with Xura Verr from the Corporate Division regarding the site, and the early layout in the works looks great. There are a few details to be worked out as far as some banner graphics and such, but we�re anticipating this layout to finally be complete in the very near future, hopefully this week.

The EH Census database is almost online and ready for the Beta phase in it�s testing. CM Matir is quite confident that we�ll have it up and ready for the Beta phase by Monday at the latest, so this project is almost ready to go live and start to gather some data.

This week I came up with a new project that I�m going to be revealing in the coming weeks. For now it�s in the early planning stages and is tentatively known around the Office as Project Calypso. I�ll have much more detail about this project�s purpose and specifications in the coming weeks as we flesh it out more and close some open projects.

Also this week I came into a bounty of data from the former Logistics Officer, Ramos Kanzco. I�ve not yet had the time to go through all the data he sent to me but, it looks like there is a great deal of early EH on AOL history included in this file pack. I estimate it to take this Office quite a while to sift through the mountain of data that was laid upon us by Ramos. (It�s 350 megs of files here�we�re gonna be busy reading for a long, long time).

That�s about it for this week, everything is coming together nicely and both open projects are anticipated to finish up very soon.

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report # 32:  11.01.03


Greetings everyone!

First I want to apologize for the late report this week. Somehow, the cable company thought it would be wise to cut off my cable because their slow-ass people didn't post my payment in time. I have shown them how unwise that decision was... Sooooo I'm back up and running now! There are a few News items this week.

- CA:RO/VA Shay'la received a Bronze Star from SA Astatine for apparently doing a lot of CA:RO work than I knew she was doing. Congrats!

- VA Shay'la is going to be finishing up with the Database and RO Webpage very soon and hopefully the new RO Report page will be linked off and your local RO community of web pages will be fully up and running! w00t!

- As you might have guessed, I was very much denied access to see Nickleback and the other bands last week. Alas, I tried my hardest. Though Matchbox Twenty is coming in December, let's see where that shall lead??

- I've, again, had no responses from anything I've sent out regarding Honorary Members. Disheartening to say the least, but I'm never going to give up. :P

That's about it for me this week. I have some great SW News Items and a BIG spoiler alert for the 2nd news article. It contains a lot of what the EP 3 ending will be like. Once I read it, I immediately knew how awesome this movie is going to be. Huge Space Battles, countless Jedi vs. Dark Jedi action.. hell cant get much better than that!!

Anyways, on to the NEWS!


Star Wars Nominated in SpikeTV Video Game Awards

Star Wars video games are nominated in several categories in the SpikeTV Video Games Awards: The Star Wars nominations are:

" Game of the Year - 'Star Wars Galaxies'
" Best Action Game - 'Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike'
" Best Game Based on a Movie - 'Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike', 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'
" Best PC Game - 'Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy'
" Best Online Game - 'Star Wars Galaxies'
" Best Fantasy Game - 'Star Wars Galaxies', 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'


Darth Friday ends their fateful run of spoilers this infamous Halloween night. It is fitting that some of the darkest scenes would be discussed only now, don't you think? Beware of the Dark Side, this is no trick - all treat:

- The Battle of Coruscant will be the biggest space battle the Star Wars franchise has ever seen. Expect to see some cool capital ship vs. capital ship warfare. Each side has lots of varied looking warships. The Republic has ships that are more than just Star Destroyers. Might even see an old Ralph McQuarrie design or two get put into place here. - Expect one of the final shots of the film to be Vader, Tarkin and Palpatine on a Star Destroyer bridge looking out onto space at the beginnings of a Death Star in progress...(but not necessarily THE last shot of the film...) my understanding of the last shot before iris out will be on Tatooine.

- When Padme faces Anakin on Mustafar, Anakin is incredibly upset with her when he realizes she brought Obi-Wan with her. She led Obi-Wan right to him. From Anakin's point of view, he trusted her and she betrayed him. Anakin force-chokes Padme and throws her aside (where she also hits her head.) Then, the duel begins amidst the corpses of the slaughtered Seperatist leaders.

- The twins are born on a brand new never-before seen world (whose name has not been revealed yet.) They land there when they realize that Padme isn't going to make it if they keep pushing on to Alderaan. The natives of this planet resemble little grey close encounters/roswell aliens. Padme finally succumbs to her wounds suffered from Anakin during the birthing scene. She is able to share a few choice words with Obi-Wan before passing. Bail, Obi-Wan and Yoda hatch the plans for what to do with the children. Bail sees to it that C-3PO's memory is wiped. Yoda is dropped off via escape pod at Dagobah where he will await the proper time to do his part. The jedi have been utterly duped and defeated by films end.

- Medical droids turn the remains of Anakin Skywalker (now named Darth Vader) into the classic trilogy cyborg Darth Vader we know and love. His reveal is very "Frankenstein." (He lays on a slab that slowly rises up when he is completed.) When Vader rises, his first desire is knowledge of Padme's fate. Palpatine calmly and cooly tells him that she is dead and that he(Anakin/Vader) killed her. His sorrow and regret result in an awe-inspiring physical manifestation of the dark side of the force. The entire room buckles and twists away from his anguished screams. Every droid in the room is obliterated. Palpatine has to muster all of his powers just to shield himself from Vader's wrath. Vader's echoed scream segues directly into the next scene: Padme's funeral procession.

Happy Halloween! >:)

Conventions & Events This Weekend

The are 2 conventions & events taking place this weekend:

ArmadaCon 15 (Plymouth, UK) - Oct 31 - Nov 2 ( )
the Star Wars guest is Andy Secombe (Watto).

Las Vegas Comic-Con (Las Vegas, Nevada) - Oct 31 - Nov 2 (
The Star Wars guests are the Neon City Garrison 501st Imperial Troops.


That's it this week, everything else should be on the report page!

The's 3D Sci-Fi Resource page. (Contains a lot of great visual imagery!!)

Have a great Weekend and Happy Halloween to everyone out there!!


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

GM Report #15:  11.01.03

Wow... 6 months as GM... Yay for me :)

Now for whats going on and whats coming up in the Dark Brotherhood

The Obelisk Anniversary comp is just concluding with good participation.

The Dueling Institute of Eos should begin beta testing with the Krath order in the next week. With the other orders being allowed in once everything is worked out.

Lightsabers should be coming to your profile soon, Herald Kethoron has come up with a system to allow around 8000 potential lightsaber combination. Look for that in the next few weeks

The Dark Side Compendium is undergoing a face lift at this time which will add more content to it in regards to clan historys and banners as well as a whole new look.

The Dark Voice has returned. rather than spout on it on my own I'll just quote the following from the Dark Brotherhood news page:

That is right! The Dark Voice, the Official Newsletter of the Dark Brotherhood of Jedi, is coming! A staff has been formed and work is underway to make our first issue. "Issue #1 - Valuable Collector's Item" is its title! If you have it many years from now it will be rare to all other Dark Jedi!

The Dark Voice Editoral Staff
Dark Editor: Sith Battlelord Darkfinn (

Content Editor:
Guardian Klaus Steiner (

Graphics Editor:
Protector Zeth Durron (

Guardian Klaus Steiner (

Dark Voice Column Writers
Jedi Hunter Trowa Saris (
Guardian Klaus Steiner (
Protector Conker (

The Dark Voice is still looking for a few more writers. If you are interested please e-mail the Dark Editor ( that you are interested. Subject should be "DV Writer Application". There is no real requirements, only to be able to work on a deadline and follow through with your assigned articles.

What can you do then as a Dark Jedi? SEND US SUBMISSIONS! Anything from great looking screen shoots from multiplayer games, fiction pieces, poems, graphics, and whatever else you can think of! The Content Editor will review your submissions and decide if they will be placed in thats month issue. All submission are to be sent to, ZIPPED IF POSSIBLE, with subject "Dark Voice Submission". Also, please make sure they are also sent to the EHXO ( to appear in the Emperor's Hammer Newsletter. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT OF ALL DBNL SUBMISSIONS! All Dark Voice Submissions must be sent to the EHXO as well or they will not be published!

Awards for Dark Voice Submissions:
Dark Side Scroll (DSS) -

Description: A small scroll made of obsidian, with the submissions of the awardee engraved upon its surface in gold lettering.

Awarded for: Making a submission to the Dark Brotherhood's newsletter, the Dark Voice. A Scroll is given for every submission made to the Dark Voice, either in the form of writing or a graphic.

w/ Quill of Knowledge (5 submissions) [DSS-QK]
w/ Quill of Lore (10 submissions) [DSS-QL]
w/ Quill of Wisdom (25 submissions) [DSS-QW]
w/ Quill of Ages (50 submissions) [DSS-QA]
w/ Quill of Enlightenment (100 submissions) [DSS-QE]

A database will be sent up to keep track of all submissions you send in.

First Deadline for Submissions: Thursday, November 27 (two days after Thanksgiving)


That is all for me

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Domain Report:  11.01.03

Member Count (Active Members): 83
Zsinj, please take a look at the Membership counter, cause the (With Training Platoon) thing is out of order...

Greetings everyone.
This report is being psicographed by me droid, since I'm stuck in the jungle since the end of our last Operation... So.. Get me outta here?

HC Dingo got a great idea about a topic for suggestions and complaints at the forum, but it'll indeed need to be watched closely. I say go for it.

Nightstalkers Detachment opened! Apply for your position at our super ninja special force with 2LT Balefire. Requirements are 8 certs+VS4+SN4+SS. Note that if you have the highest cert of a multiple level courses, such as Communications, it'll be still counted as 1 certification! Go for it!

Dingo will start the DL soon, so we could use a few submissions! That's a MoD and 100 credits for everyone that submitt material to me, dingo and XO Astatine! Check teh submission guide in the manual for details on what you can send in. There's also a 150 credit bonus for every trooper that post his/her picture at the EH Image Archive. Only 1 picture!

I got a big assignment in RL this week, so my works to update the Field Manual had a halt and will be paused until next week. Some protocol stuff must be reviewed and specially the structure. The SSBTC also needs a heavy review, but can't work on it before the FM...

Bellow is the award list. Next month I'll do the award ceremony!

I believe that's all.
GN Mordred

-Commendation of Loyalty (Awarded a long time ago, but only added to db
BG Dante
HC Domingo Chavez
LG Zsinj
CPT Shadowmaker
2LT Silent
HC Tygarin Cypher
COL Dingo
SSG BaleFire

-Prefect's Unit Citation
MG Vradin Jonusk
BG Vladkov
HC Nightflyer
LG Lander
LTC Delak Krennel
FM Ares
HC Tygarin Cypher
MAJ Tacky
2LT Jacob Van Nowak
CPT Krayt
HC Darkheart
LG Sithspawn
LG Zsinj
HC Domingo Chavez
GN Mordred
COL Dingo
BG Dante

-Legion of Service
SSG Earl Swagger

-Cross of Obedience
SPL Decarat
SPL Decarat
CPT Shadowmaker
PFC Tatsu Kogarasu
BG Dante
CPT Krayt

-Official Letter of Commendation
SGT Ric Gravant
CPT Renn
CPL Anthony Gates
HC Domingo Chavez
SPL Decarat
CPL Kael Malah'k
CPL Kael Malah'k
SPL Talon Astruar
LT Sirik Xirok
MSG Drago Steiner
CPL Anthony Gates

-Medal of Hades
SPL Decarat
CPL Kael Malah'k
SPL Decarat
CPT Shadowmaker
MSG Drago Steiner
CPT Shadowmaker
SGT Mordann Tal'kyra
SGT Decarat

-Cross of Destruction
CPL Kael Malah'k
HC Domingo Chavez
SSG BaleFire
SSG BaleFire
CPL Kael Malah'k
SPL Talon Astruar
SSG BaleFire
HC Domingo Chavez
SGT Decarat

-Star of Helos
SPL Decarat
LG Lander
SSG BaleFire
BG Dante
LT Sirik Xirok
SPL Decarat
SPL Decarat
CPT Shadowmaker
SSG BaleFire

-Iron Helmet
SSG BaleFire
CPL Kael Malah'k
HC Domingo Chavez
2LT Silent
SGT Decarat

-Iron Order
SPL Decarat
SSG BaleFire

-Star of Valour
LT Sirik Xirok

-Long Service Award
COL Dingo
HC Tygarin Cypher

PFC Duken
PFC Erwin Rommel

LCP Asbestos Felt

CPL Kael Malah'k

SPL Phantom
SPL Decarat

SGT Narthax

SSG Earl Swagger

2LT BaleFire

LT Sirik Xirok

CPT Haztix Vel

MAJ Malik

COL Dingo

HC Tygarin Cypher

Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!

Domain Report:  11.08.03


As you noticed, this week the GS went on a leave. This measure was taken to avoid any decisions being made on the heat of battle. Well, for the moment, everything will be the same. Some minor adjustments will happen, but nothing reportable, yet.

These are the new guidelines I already posted on HFGS list, with the CT reporting correction.

Today was to happened the first GS meeting, before the HF meeting, but I was unable to attend... Yeah I know, nice way to start, but I was at the hospital taking care of what docs told me was a 'slight dehydration'...

I'd like to remind you all that my door IS and have always been opened to you. You ALL. I'm available 24/7, and in the worst cases, my email reply time span is 20 hours. Talk whenever you think a situation is not going well.

Ok, so here are the New HF Guidelines. Some parts are for GS eyes only, as they already seen this mail before. This gets effective immediately and next weeks reports will already follow these guidelines.


-XO and CO will report weekly on Wednesdays, and that's mandatory. The XO report should render a general view of his/her activities and relevant line changes. DL progress as well. The Co will give us a current status on ops, from planning and preparation to execution.

-CT, CS and CI, given the inconstant work, will report when needed, but will report at least once a month, even if it's just to say "Eleven o'clock and it's all fine". A comprehensive list and status of the CT's progress on course development is also required

-DCs will report Tuesday, mandatory. CCs will report Wednesdays.

-Also, I want to every DC to create a excel or txt file with a detailed table of the troopers activities, so we can have a precise track of who's really active. It's to be very simple, using keys: EM= Email; RO= Run ons... And this sheet is to be emailed monthly to the PRF.

Week1 Week2
TRP SPL Strong Dred RO, EM, VS2 EM, SN2

-CRO and Special Units will report weekly as well, Wednesdays.

-Failure to report twice will receive an XO inquiry, and if the situation continues, s/he'll get booted by the 3rd week.

-I'll write my reports on Thursday and prepare the meeting, to be emailed to hfgs yahoogroup. If for any reason the report is not done by Friday morning, the XO will do it.

-I'll take charge of the Award Ceremony, to be the 1st meeting every month. Even if it's the XO duty to award the troopers, it's PRF job to run the Award Ceremony.

-A general review of the Field Manual must take place, and I'd like you all to review the most important points of your own activities and points of interest.

-The works for the DL will start this week. I want some suggestions of themes and I'll coordinate the work, but the XO is still the editor.


On other HF news, Nightstalkers detachment opened last week under LT Balefire's command, and just received the 2 first applicants. 2 more are about to join, and the unit will be ready to start working.

Roughnecks detachment, our airborne unit, is the next one, wait just a little and we'll give it to you.

Our CS is back to full duty! Wb Cypher!

That's all for the week.
"Everything under control, situation normal"

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  IWFO AD Darkmage

Infiltrator Wing

IWFO Report:  10.28.03

Flight Officer Address


I shall not start with the normal greeting's, I often start my reports with. After the blistering attack for 30 minutes I just suffered from BRG Outsider.. I find myself not in the mood for pleasantries.

Of course, the man is just passionate and after my actions of the last week, I guess I cant blame him for speaking his mind to much, The week started with my resigning from my position as IWFO.. to try and make the IWCOM take notice of my point.

This was a childish act from me and one I personally feel a lot of sorrow and regret about. I spoke to fleet admiral niksavel and worked with him for over two years.. and then I snapped and tried to force his hand with an ultimatum. Geez... what a friend I am huh...

I have always remained loyal to this group, and i want to see it do well.. maybe the IWCOM was not the most active person here, but he did deserve better, After handing in my resignation... he had the spirit and command ability to see right through me and turn it round... I want to see this group grow and work hard for that aim every day.. Did I really want to walk away from it.. Of course not.

Once I realized my mistake, he dropped the bombshell, he was quitting as he believe to some degree I was right... this also smacks hard into my gut..

After his resignation was sent out and fleet admiral niksavel, refused my resignation... I then returned to active duty shortly after. This would have seemed to upset some people, and please some others... In my heart, all I want is this sub group to grow and the command staff to work in unison to achieve this. which for the most part it has...

Mistakes have been made, and they will be rectified soon... but mistakes are always made, its how we learn from them that counts..

I would like to make a request to the Fleet commander , I would like your permission to award Fleet admiral niksavel the black cross of infiltration, which is the highest award the IW has to offer... I believe he deserves it, but I don't have the authority to award it on my own...

when a new IWCOM is chosen, I and the rest of the command staff, shall try our very best to make this place , the best we possible can.. of course.. suggestions from the membership are always welcome. but this place shall be a shining light of activity... as i believe its the best ever appology i can offer to FA niksavel.

Thank you all for you time.

Admiral Darkmage
Flight officer of the infiltrator wing.
Knight of the MC-90 Fear

IW Subgroup Report:  11.08.03

The infiltrator wing membership has grown this week, by a whopping great 7 persons... good result everyone. The group has had a number of cadets come through the ranks and I am impressed with how hard the commanders are working, to get these people active and into their new roles and members of this sub group.

With the increase in numbers, White squadron was re-opened this week, With Colonel hobbie and LGN Khaen taking over the squadron. I would like to welcome both of them back from the reserves... This means the Renegade now has 6 active squadrons, if the cadets that have been placed, turn out to be active in this squadron and the amount of awols, continue to decrease... we may be forced to re-open one of the other ships, to accommodate the pilots we are getting.

LC Uther, is doing a Fantastic job as acting wing commander. His reports are informative and his activity outstanding... Well done LC. If this continues, I will be hard pressed not to award you something either shiny or with more stars than you already have. Excellent work.

Great Job people.. Keep it up, and hopefully we will have a new IWCOM soon..

Admiral Darkmage
flight officer of the infiltrator wing.


infiltrator wing personnel

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff

IWFO: AD Darkmage ( IWPIN: 2
IWTO: BA Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Boliv ( IWPIN: 53
IWSO: RA Astix ( IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command

IWSE: LA Timmay ( IWPIN: 7

Command Staff Advisors

RTO: SA Renegade ( EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( IWPIN: 9
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn ( IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Renegade

A-WC/1: LC Uther (

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

PREX Report #3:  10.31.03

Corporate Division
Report #3, October 31st 2003
Vice Admiral Loor, VSD Warhammer

Total: 75 (148 including Unemployed)
Direx Board: 2
Trade Assembly: 46
PLT Revenge: 25
Unemplyed: 75

Order are getting in place throughout the Division. Almost all positions needed within this subgroup has been filled, the only missing are one or two detachment leaders, but I leave that upon the CEOs to correct. Other than that, I don't have much to say at this point.

< NEWS >
CEO of Auroran Technology Enterprises found
I found a CEO for the design-corporation Auroran Technology Enterprises (or you can say he found me with his application). The person I am talking about is WO Derek Dan. Congratulations! I expect to see a big improvement of the current situation for that corporation.


Project Kahshahpiwi

Attention Corporate Division Members!

Have you ever wondered what it is like to serve in the high ranks of the Corporate Division? Live in the lap of luxury? Have your every whim taken care of? Well, you're in luck! Just send an e-mail to the Executive Vice-President, Admiral Dark Angel (, saying "I want to help!" There is no deadline to joining the project, as you can catch up at any time. However, earlier you start with the project, the better your rewards will be.


Strategies and ideas for the future
Some of the ideas concieved by me and other Direx Board members have been written down are now discussed by us. Announcements will be made when ideas and strategies has been developed enough.


The domain of Corporate Division
The Vice President of Propaganda, CG Ric Gravant, has been working hard to get the Corporate Division domain working as it should. The roster page has been recoded and objectified and other bugs corrected. He has appointed to adjutants to help him out.

I can also mention that a newtemplate on a future website for the Corporate Division has been produced, but far from finished.


Information spilled and retrieved
I have recieved a few requests for status on various contracts. As the leader of the Corporate Division, I am ashamed of saying that info has not reach everyone and there seem to be no one knowing what to do in some cases. Information are being looked for in the members mail boxes so I really hope to see this sorted out ASAP.

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. YOu can often find me on IRC with the nick Loor. So don't be afraid to approach me :)


Vice Admiral Loor, President of the Corporate Division
PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer
GSx2/SS/BSx4/PCx8/ISMx5/MoI/IS-5BW-3BR-1SR-1PR/LoC-Rx3/MoC-1BoC/CoS/CoB/LoAx5/OV-3E [ARCN]

PREX Report #4:  11.07.03

Total: 79 (151 including Unemployed)
Direx Board: 9
Trade Assembly: 41
PLT Revenge: 29
Unemplyed: 72

More and more ideas are appearing from the members of the Division. We are currently looking at new ways of using our credits, new suits and more. This is an exciting time.

I will be out of town from today and until Sunday, so I will not be able to be on the EH meeting. But I think I have found a replacement for me who shall represent the Corporate Division.

< NEWS >
Vice President of Training

In the lines for having the PLT Revenge renewed, it was in place of appointing a Vice President of Training. And I found a suitable candidate as he returned from his military service. Welcome back and congratulations CG Thorin Oakenshield! He has already started with updating the site and developing his ideas he had from before. I can tell you that this is looking good.


New uniforms/suits

VPT/Thorin Oakenshield created new uniforms, or suits would be more accurate. These has now been approved by the Operations Officer Rear Admiral Axel Foley and he was happy to see the initiative the Corporate Division are showing. All credits has to be given to Thorin for his excellent work. These has now been handed over to our VPO.


Online game

Discussions has been initiated about creating an online game for use within the Corporate Division. The idea was to have a space game where you can play a role and earn/loose credits. TCH DemonCat are working on this and I think we have something reall great to look forward on.


Corporate Division Bug Tracker

As we are tracking down the bugs on the Corporate Division domain and other websites, VPP/CG Ric Gravant put up a bug tracker. It can be found at and is the place for you to submit all bugs and follow up on those found.


New professors appointed

As a first step in VPT/CG Thorin Oakenshield's work, he has appointed two new professors. For the course Basic Training Apprenticeship, I have taken over as professor and for Command - Standard Qualification, VPX/AD Dark Angel was appointed.


Medal Board

Some kind of a medal board will be added to the profile page of each member. How it will finally look is something that will be decided when we have seen the layout of each layout we are considering.

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick Loor. So don't be afraid to approach me :)

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench

DP Report #147:  11.07.03



I am expecting some announcements from my Commission in advance of our meeting tomorrow, and will fill this report in them when those announcements come in. Some position turnover, new projects to go over, but I want to get updates from them first.

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report #24:  10.30.03

Report of the Supreme Director #24 - 30/10/03

Report #24 � Congratulations to you all for putting up with me for the past 6 months. You should probably all receive a medal of persistence or something�

Roster Count: 57

Main -
AoT � coming soon
Manual � html coming soon, email for a .doc version

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Academy of Tactics Revamp
Yet again I�ve failed to produce the goods on this, for which I�m very sorry. I�ve now got all the courses formatted in html, but they�re lacking a pretty site to hold them all. I�ll try to produce something temporary in the near future � If you feel up to the task of producing something better please get in touch ASAP.

2. Join Form
The join form on the new site isn�t working at present. Hopefully it�ll be fixed by the end of the week. If you wish to join Intel please email

3. IntOrg is Recruiting!
See for details.

4. Manual
The manual hasn�t been up for a while now. I�ve taken this opportunity to completely update it to reflect the ID as it stands today. Davi is currently working on converting it into a TC-style training manual format for us. If you can�t wait for him to finish, email me ( and I�ll send you a copy in .doc format (MS Word).

SDIR Report #25:  11.06.03

Report of the Supreme Director #25 - 06/11/03

Roster Count: 58

Main - (Slight change: Please note the lack of
a �www.�)
***Manual �
AoT � coming soon

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. The New Intelligence Division Manual is Now Online
Vice Admiral Alex Foley has kindly created us a PHP version of the manual which may be found at It�s a wonderful piece of work and I�m very grateful to VA Foley for his assistance. For this service to the Division I am hereby rewarding VA Foley with a customized Imperial Shuttle [SHU-�name�].

2. SOD Competition � Intel vs. BHG
In the next few days details will be released of a competition between Intel and the BHG. You should have received information concerning this from your BUDR/CMDR. If not, get in touch with me and I�ll let you know what�s going on.

3. Academy of Tactics Revamp
A temporary site will probably be up sometime over the weekend. I�m desperately in need of a PHP bunny to make a lovely new permanent one, so they�ll be a nice big shiny reward for the site�s completion. Contact for details.

4. Join Form
The join form on the new site still isn�t working (and we don�t know why :( ). If you wish to join Intel please email

5. IntOrg is Recruiting!
See for details.

6. Medals
VA Alex Foley has been awarded an Imperial Shuttle [SHU-�name�]
RA Davi Anthol has been awarded a Leadership Star [LS]
AD Mordann Tal�kyra has been awarded a Gold Star [GS]
VA Aseret Thunderhawk has been awarded a Communiqu� Submission Medal [CSM]
COL Andrezj Mezynski has been awarded a Communiqu� Submission Medal [CSM]
LC Winters has been awarded a Communiqu� Submission Medal [CSM]

7. Intel Website
There have been a few updates to the Intel website today with regards to the roster and various links. Hopefully it�ll prove to be more useful now. The news section is currently being revamped by Drako. Sadly no-one knows why the join form doesn�t work :p

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Directorate Domain Report:  11.08.03


Please forgive the lateness of this report. I have been having intermittent troubles with the power supply in my computer, leading to frequent crashes.

-The first revision of our Directorate-wide RPG project, "Directorate", has been presented to the Ministry Council. Further details are forthcoming, but I have a great deal of faith in this project, and I hope it will run
smoothly and quickly.

-A reorganisation of the Directorate Guard is in its final stages. It will likely be announced next week. This reorganisation will hopefully allow us to both fill the Battle Fleet and open up the System Fleets.

-An honour system not unlike the Fleet Commander's Honour Guard has been presented to the Ministry Council and is currently under review. The system will feature ranks based on time in the Directorate, rank, position held and medals. More info will be forthcoming.

-The Colonial Branch is running several competitions, including Colonial Supremacy, two fiction competitions and a graphics competition. Please see the latest High Commissioner report for details.

Roster Total: 56 (12 Colonial Branch, 25 Directorate Guard, 9 Ministry Council and Assistants, 9 Reserve, 1 Unassigned)

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.


Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

CGM Report: 10.31.03

Happy Halloween everyone!

This week, membership in the EH PA increased substantially. While I don't have my list in front of me, I personally inducted 3 members while other officers recruited at least 2 others. Given that the PA membership has been fairly static lately, this is quite a surge for just one week.

Since player-owned cities have launched on the test center, plans for an EH city have started to take form. Player Holu has stepped forward to take on task of being out first mayor, and he is in close contact with PA leadership to develop plans for a city.

Jahn Compton is attempting to organize a trip to the Warren for Sunday the 2nd. Please stop by the Fringe message boards and let us know if you can attend.

Reaction to the potential use of the teamspeak software has been mixed, but slightly more people seem to be in favor of it. I checked with the IO about putting up a server for EH use, and he seemed to think that the BHG already has one in place. I'll be checking with them this week to inquire about it.

CGM Report:  11.08.03

This week, the CGM has been spending his time chasing down existing issues. From one perspective, that's good because I'm following through on my promises, but on the other hand, that makes for a boring and repetitive report.

Allow me to start with some game news:

I've already mentioned that player cities are coming. The EH treasury is looking stable enough to begin the road to city ownership, and all of the necessary work that we can do ahead of the actual launch of player cities has been done.

Along with player cities, player mounts are live on test center. Hopefully, the members of the EH will soon find themselves traveling the world on the back of dewbacks. For those of you who don't know, mounts are being *given* away on test center right now. If you just want to try one out, hitting the test center for an evening might be a fun idea.

Finally, in terms of game-wide news, I'd like to mention that the devs have announced that first force-sensitive slot has been unlocked. I have no idea what this will mean to the EH, if it will mean much at all.

Things are going well for the EH atm. Delak has been working hard to organize a city for the militia, Nepo has been hard at work doing pre-construction of the city hall, Sekkong scraped together some credits for our treasury, and Holu is ready to become our very first mayor. While these are only a few examples of our active membership at the moment, they jump to mind as the immediate examples of how our players are participating in The Fringe.

As a last note, the progress towards a teamspeak server is coming along nicely. I expect to have this available to the SWG players very soon.

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

CHS Report #39:  10.31.03

- News -
Happy Halloween. Minister of Education, Keldorn Cochrane, has resigned. Vice Minister of Education, Xura Verr, has resigned. Orv is out of contact. If the database doesn't get some progress in the next couple weeks, I myself will resign. End.

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. His primary function is to render planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.

-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential
-Creativity and intelligence

- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)

- Additional -

- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:, or
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report:  10.31.03

Nothing to report either this week. Does the security Officer works or is he on vacation?...

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

No Reports Submitted

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report 13:  11.01.03

It looks like Archangel got a PC for working on the manual, OS will have his soon!
Manual is done, just is being updated online!
We had loads of new members all this week, I would like to welcome you all!
Uther and ArchAngel were awarded Palpatine's Crescents, Congrats! They have been extremely dedicated!
Remember if you have any ideas e-mal me and tell me them, rewards are very likely.

I'm getting lots of activity from the Picture Competition, Keep it up, its extended till the 8th of November!


MXO Report #1: Hi all! Great week for the FMC! Lots of recruits, and the manual is complete and will be placed on HTML soon. Any problems with anything on this report, mail me (


- Massive influx of recruits! - The DB really needs recruits, any body who wants to join in the FMC for the DB, mail me (LC Archangel) and CC the MO (VA Jaocb Van Nowak) - If there are any problems with roster, mail me and your PMO

Count: Head: 3 TC: 12 (1 PMO, 3 SOV, 2 TIE, 5 ASF, 1 ATF) IW: 2 (1 PMO, 1 DOC) DB: 1 (1 PMO) Total: 18

FMC Roster: (Notes are below)

Notes on Roster: - This roster is the current one, and will be finalized once the PMOs have made their changes and have mailed me about it - Those with '???' as their positions need to be contacted for a position - I decided to start them all off at the lowest commissioned rank, so that they can be changed accordingly,

depending on position - FMC idlines will be added soon!

Name: Jacob Van Nowak Rank: VA Position: MO Email: TC ID line: MO/VA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx3/MoI/IS-2BW-3BR-1SW/LoC-CSx8/DFC-Rx1/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx3/OV-4E [KNGT]


Name: Archangel Rank: LC Position: MXO Email: TC ID Line: CMDR/CM Archangel/Kraken/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator PC/ISMx2/MoI/IS-1BR-3SW-5SR-2GR/CoL/CoB [CNTR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/3}

Name: Outsider Rank: CPT Position: Chief of Special Operations Email: TC ID line: FM/LCM Mason Stormrider/Praetorian 3-2/DGN Lichtor V PCx2/ISM/CoB/OV [LANC] {IWATS-AIM-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/3


Name: Thorn Rank: CPT Position: PMO of the TC Email: TC ID line: RSV/LC Thorn/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves BSx5/PCx5/ISMx4/MoI-BC/IS-2BW-1SW-1GR/LoC-CSx2/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [ARCN] {IWATS-AIM-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-ICQ-IIC/1-LIN-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}


Name: Fatboy Rank: MED Position: Wing II Doc TC Idline: FM/LCM Fatboy/Sin 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign ISMx2/IS-2SR/CoB/OV-3E [HUSS] {IWATS-CBX-M/1-TM}

Name: Tolbr Rank: MED Position: Wing III Doc TC ID line: FM/LT Tolbr/Gimel 3-3/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign PC/IS-1BW/CoB [DRAG] {IWATS-FLA-IIC/1/2/3-M/2-SM/3}

Name: Francis Matheson Rank MED Position:Unknown, moved from V to III, and DOC for III should be taken already (See above) Email: TC ID line: FM/LCM Francis Matheson/Aleth 2-2/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign ISMx3/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [FUSL] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-LIN-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/2}


Name: Tyr Kenaz Rank: MED Position: Wing VIII TC Id line: FL/LT Tyr Kenaz/Omicron 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus ISMx2/IS-3BW/CoB [GALL] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FLA-ICQ-IIC/1-LIN-M/1-SM/3-TM}

Name: Fritz Von Stukart Rank: MED Position: Wing X Doc Email: TC ID Line: FL/CM Fritz Von Stukart/Thunder 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge BS/ISMx3/IS-2BW/CoB [CAVL] {IWATS-AIM-M/1-TT}


Name: Vladet Xavier Rank: MED Position: Wing XIII E-mail: TC ID line: CMDR-TCS/MAJ Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf BSx2/PCx3/ISMx3/IS-3BW-5BR-7SR-2GR-1PR/LoC-CSx9-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/CoB [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-FLA-ICQ-IIC/1/2-LIN-M/1/2-SM/3-TT-XTM/1/2-XTT}

Name: Joey C Rank: MED Position: ??? E-mail: TC ID Line: FL/CPT Joey C/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf BS/PCx4/ISMx3/MoT-3gh/IS-1BW-2BR-2SW-1GW/LoC-IS-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [GALL] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-M/1-SM/3-XAM-XTM/1}

Name : Yoda Rank: MED Position: ??? Email : TC ID Line : FM/MAJ Pickled Yoda/Odin 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf SS/BSx4/PCx3/ISMx3/MoI/MoT-2rh/IS-1BW-4BR-8SW-4SR-1GW-8GR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/CoSx2/CoL/CoB/OV [ARCN] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-M/1/2-SM/3-XTM/1}

Name: Jedi Eclipse Rank: MED Position: Wing XVI DOC Email: TC ID line: CMDR-TCS/MAJ Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid BSx2/PCx2/ISMx7/IS-1BR-4SR-1PR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-JS-LIN-M/1/2-PHP-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-VBS-XML-XTM/1/2-XTT}

Name: Maria Skye Rank: MED Position: Wing XVI NUR Email: TC ID line: FL/CPT Maria Skye/Viper 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid GOE/BSx7/PCx4/ISMx3/MoI/CoB/LoA/OV-8E [GLDR] {IWATS-SM/2}


Name: Kyle Darklighter/TC/M-TFC Unity Rank: MED Position: Wing XIX Doc Email: TC ID Line: FL/LT Kyle Darklighter/Flayer 2-1/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger PC/MoI-BC/IS-2BW-2BR-1SR [GREN] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/3}


Name: Uther Rank: CPT Position: Primary Medical Officer of IW Wing IW Id Line: CMDR/LC Uther/Knight /Wing I/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH [CBV-1/CoB/CoL/ESC/ISC/LSM/MC-1x19/MC-2x14/MoDx6/MoI-B/SV/VC-Rx2/WRCx7]


Name: Duken Rank: MED Position: IW Wing I DOC Email: IW Id line: FM/LCM Duken/Panther 3-1/Wing I/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH [CBV-1x2/CoB/ESCx2/MC-1x3/MC-2x8/MoDx3/WRC]


Name: Sirik Xirok Rank: CPT Position: PMO of the DB Email: DB ID line: QUA/DJK Sirik Xirok/Auctoritas/Alvaak SCx2/SE/DC/CR-1Sx2/CR-1Ex3/CR-1T/CF-Rx5/LSSx4

Final notice:

DB recruit! IW Recruit! TC Recruit! Lead .... sit down and sip cocktails!! Great work all!!!!!

Special Operations Report Portion
The Medical Manual v2.0 has been completed and approved. It should be published soon as a text version and the HTML version will be working on as soon as my other computer is finished from recovering from all the reformatting.

Medical School, which falls under the Division of Special Operations, will be going under development very soon. ALL FMC MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO TAKE EXAMINATIONS THAT ARE CALLED FOR IN THEIR POSITION WHEN THOSE EXAMS COME ONLINE! Dean of Education and Professor positions will be available very soon, so keep looking at the Medical Officer reports.

More projects are just in the thinking stage *shivers*. But more details will follow on other reports.


Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon

DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]

SOD Report #10:  11.01.03

Sorry I'm late. I'd planned to do this report last night and I felt sick (Too much candy ;) ) Anyway, now that my midterms have passed and I've managed to do well on them, I'll be emailing Keldorn, Mordann, and Trench to get the BHG vs INTEL competition ready to go tomorrow or Monday(depending on a few things).

I've still not been able to get AbK to let me have my board so it's making it a little harder to keep the fleet
updated on the 10th Anniversary event progress. Nevertheless, I'm sure he'll get to it if he thinks it'll have a significant amount of traffic, as I think it will.

Also, as some of you SWG players may or may not be aware, I'm on the fringe Command Staff now as CAM (Which I think I'm going to change to CMO for Chief Medical Officer). That means I'm leading the medical wing which DN had originally called Malleus Healthcare, but that I've since renamed, Corpus Repare. That's Latin for "Body Repair." In that regard, I need those of you who are doctors or are medically inclined to help me harvest resources, maintain and use the Factory I have, and the office. That really is just about everything that I need or have to say this week. Not much has come up with regard to tenth anniversary stuff in the last week. But hopefully if I can get that board up, I'll be able to keep everyone updated on a more regular basis than these reports.

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

LA Report #10:  11.01.03

-=Overall Synopsis=-
Sorry about the lack of report last week- three RL things caught up with me at the same time at the last minute. Anyhoo, things are normal this week so here we are :-)

New member- MO/VA Jacob Van Nowak is now an Ambassador. FO Cyric, please update the roster, many thanks.

STILL trying to find a frickin' coder for the database.

The new leader of TRIC approached me via Major Screed requesting a chat. We talked briefly, and he's decided to clean out the TRIC of the "old guard" approaches that led to his predecessor falling out with the EH. A leadership/organisational shuffle looks like it's about to go down, along with a possible name change. If the TRIC goes ahead with these steps and really starts anew, I shall seriously think about getting back to serious negotiations with them.

-Update: Major Screed has since been made Commander of the TRIC's Navy.

-=Current Negotiations=-
RA Astix and MAJ Delak are talking with the Imperial Army.
COL Nightmare, talking with FoJ all the time.
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase finalised Negotiations with the New Republic Military, and we now have an alliance with them!

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
On hold while I assign/reassign new jobs:

Myself - Find coder, get database started and working.
Delak- Finish getting an alliance with the Imperial Army. Get it wrapped up!
Nightmare- Please go to the Alliances page and contact the first ten clubs from the top down. Ask them to check their details are correct, and if they require any assistance as promised in the terms of the alliance. If any details are incorrect- send the corrects to Ronin for correction.
Van Nowak- Please do the same for the other clubs on the Alliances page.
Siterath- Find a new club. Ally with them.
Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- get it wrapped up!
Screed- Talk to TRIC's Fleet Commander, get a possible date for when he will be able to start talking to us again, and tell me.
Wemmel- Help either Delak, Siterath or Screed. When you've helped one of them get an alliance, help one of the others.

-=New Members=-
AMB- VA Jacob Van Nowak

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (

Remember- always be on the look out for new clubs, and always start talking to them if you see one- even if you're not able to get an alliance at first, it's at least a first contact =) Another good week, thanks folks!

LA Report #11:  11.08.03


-=Overall Synopsis=-
Well, we've been back on track this week and we've had some good work going on. Major Screed is back in contact with what used to be the TRIC, and he also found a RPG club that he's going to have a chat with. Colonel Nightmare's done some spring cleaning, and found a new club. However, as it contains active Rogue Dark Brotherhood members we shall give it a wide berth.

This is my 11th report as Lord Ambassador- only seems like a few days ago that I took the job! Almost three months have gone by already, and we've seen a new alliance, three/four more under negotiation and a few new members. The Comp. Hosting project is also finally underway- I've had a coder come forward about the database, more details soon. Good work, Guard!

Captain Goerase was awarded a Bronze Star by myself for gaining an alliance with the New Republic Military. Congratulations Siterath, enjoy your new shiney!

-=Current Negotiations=-
MAJ Screed has been talkig with the UPA.
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army.
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
Myself - Found coder
Delak- Finish getting an alliance with the Imperial Army. Get it wrapped up! [News, Delak?]
Nightmare- Please go to the Alliances page and contact the first ten clubs from the top down. Ask them to check their details are correct, and if they require any assisstance as promised in the terms of the alliance. If any details are incorrect- send the corrects to Ronin for correction. [Underway, thanks for the update NM!]
Van Nowak- Please do the same for the other clubs on the Alliances page. [Any news, Jacob?]
Siterath- Find a new club. Ally with them. [Can ya get in contact again please Siterath, you've been quiet since the new alliance]
Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- get it wrapped up! [Any news on this front, Xirok?]
Screed- Talk to TRIC's Fleet Commander, get a posisble date for when he will be able to start talking to us again, and tell me. Talking with a new RPG club. [Keep me posted, thanks for the update on IRC]
Wemmel- Help either Delak, Siterath or Screed. When you've helped one of them get an alliance, help one of the others. [Please report in, Jan- I need to know which AMB you're helping out]

-=New Members=-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (


FA NiksaVel Resigns as IWCOM:  10.27.03
As Emailed From:  Former Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

Officers and Pilots of the Infiltrator Wing,

The time has come when RL simply takes too much of a toll on my life and with more than half way through the medical faculty I no longer have nearly as much time to devote to the Infiltrator Wing as I had some years ago. Being so preoccupied with everything I missed one little thing that I have promised myself I would never do � become an inactive IWCOM. I do my job, to the letter, but that is not what an IWCOM does, as IWCOM a person has to be omnipresent and be involved with every aspect of the group. I simply can no longer afford myself that luxury. For that I am sorry, and I hereby resign my commission as Infiltrator Wing Commander.

It has been the best time I have had in the last 6 years that I have been a member of the Emperor's Hammer, and I am honored to have served with all of you. Even though some of us have had some differences, I would hereby like to thank all of the online friends and colleagues I have met through the Emperor's Hammer for being part of this great experience... thank you Moreco, Trevor, Darkmage, Malik, Astix, Boliv, Timmay, Mad Hatter, XS, Steiner and all the others.... and thank you very much to esteemed Grand Admiral Ronin for creating the Emperor's Hammer and allowing me the honor of leading the Infiltrator Wing.

Admiral Darkmage, your protest is taken, but I hope you will choose not to resign after all and recall your resignation.

I am now departing for the reserves and wish you all safe journeys aboard the Renegade. I have one final request/plead: I hope that the next IWCOM would grant my wish and show me the honor of remaining present in the IW aboard the board of advisors, along with Mor and Trev. Please consider it.

NiksaVel clicks his heels and salutes!


Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,

Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite

IWCOM/FA NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
[GoE/NDM*2/DSM/LoM*4/SV*4/MoD*5/VC-ebony/VC-blue/CBV/IW/MC1st*8/MC2nd*2/BSx5/PCx5/ISMx8/LoC-CSx9/LSM-oc/MoT-17rh-1gh/MoI-bc(8members)/HSM*2/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/CoB/CoL/LoAx3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/Rogue
"Blood and Honor"

Fleet Commander's Note:

The Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and myself will discuss the replacement possibilities for IWCOM and whether we'll need to open the CS spot for applications...Stay tuned !

EH Newsletter #100 Posted to the Fleet:  10.25.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Herein, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) posts the current Emperor's Hammer Newsletter...

Newsletter No. 100 (August 2003)

Online Viewable:
Downloadable Zip: (7.58 MB)


I want NL Submissions:  10.25.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

"I want NL Submission"

With the completion of NL 100 (August 2003), we are almost back on schedule with EH NLs. NL 101 is the last one that I have a substantial block of content. So, I need more submissions or the next few NLs will look pretty pathetic.

You can submit the usual graphics and stories that we've seen in prior NLs. You can submit items you've put into competitions and you'll get a nice shiny Letter of Achievement for it.

However, I'd also like a greater variety of content, such as reviews and so on, for recent games such as Jedi Academy. You can check out the details for the Jedi Academy reviews at and for Star Wars Galaxies at I'll be posting a topic about Knights of the Old Republic soon too.

As an extra incentive, the cover image for each NL will get a Bronze Star or equivalent. If fiction content ever reaches a critical mass, the same will apply too.

Submissions should be sent to with the subject line "Newsletter submission". Have your ID line and PIN (for TC members) or subgroup database ID number included. This helps me a lot in making the NL and streamlining awarding. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in response.

Thanks for your time.

SA Astatine - XO

EHNet Login System Goes Live:  10.12.03
As Emailed From:  AD Turtle

A new web site for ELS, the EHNet Login System, has been set up at . All functions relating to the maintenance of your EHNet handle are now located on the new site. You can also view information about implementing ELS into your own Emperor's Hammer web site (it's easy).

Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Praetorian Special Operations (Ret)
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

SWG Report #4:  10.20.03
As Emailed From:  DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #4

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

There have been MAJOR changes to the SWG Effort in the past weeks. The biggest is that the SWG Effort is no longer just a part of The Fringe - the Effort now IS The Fringe. Due to the lack of activity in other Star Wars roleplaying (very much NOT the fault of the previous CGMs!), GA Ronin has decided that Galaxies should be the sole focus of The Fringe.

The second biggest news is that former DCGM Darknyte has stepped down from leading the Player Association. DN was very instrumental in getting the EH started in SWG. Replacing him is CGM Longshot, one of the most active people in the PA long before he got the job. Congrats to LS for the promo!

The biggest news in the game since my last report is the introduction of true Holocrons. These Jedi and Sith artifacts, when used, reveal a step that a player must take if they want to open their Force Sensitive Character Slot (FSCS). These 'crons only drop from Force-sensitive NPCs and VERY high-level faction NPCs, so they're very tough to find. Especially now that nearly anyone who wants one is camping out at the Crytal Caves on Dantooine.

We are STILL waiting for Player Cities to be introduced. And we're STILL waiting for player mounts to be released. SOE is working on mounts right now, and we may actually have them in a few weeks. This will be great for those of us who get annoying missions that call for us to walk 6000 meters.


For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to all members of the EH, and any other loyal Imperial citizen. The only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing CGM Longshot at, or send him a /tell in-game to Longshot.

As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who donated the web space.

For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit, or

Current in-game members: 40

Game Master 1st Class Jahn Compton
DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe
Executive Officer, Emperor's Hammer SWG Effort

FMC Competition:  10.18.03
As Emailed From:  Fleet Medical Officer (VA Jacob VanNowak)

This is a Picture Caption contest. Its open to all Subgroups of the EH. Please send all submissions to

The captions should be sent to me and just list the names of what the individual is saying (ex. Leia: where are you midgets going, Ugnaught: Somewhere, where you're not)

They can be Humorous, serious, or idiotic, but nothing vulgar, or cursing. Top three captions win:
IS-GR: 1st
IS-SR- 2nd
IS-BR- 3rd

Competitions ends Nov. 1st, so get those submissions in now, and if you SG doesn't use Iron Stars as awards, we can use something of equivalence.

-MO/VA Jacob Van Nowak

Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO

XO Report #27:  10.25.03

Newsletter 100 has been completed and will be mirrored shortly by the relevant parties. Newsletter 101 will contain the content from TO/AD Keldorn's competition and will be the last NL that I have content for. As such, I need new content and have spammed the daylights out of the message boards so everyone knows. In addition to Jedi Academy and Star Wars Galaxies reviews, I'd also like Knights of the Old Republic reviews

I'm still accepting applications for XOA. Details are on the message board at

Since the current XO site is crap, I'll be starting a competition soon to get it redesigned. Details will be posted on the TC site and main message boards as usual.

Lastly, when you run into a database error (regardless of it being the TC site or not), don't say "It's not working" :P Internet Explorer tends to display "friendly" error messages that don't give details about the problem - it's a good idea to turn that off so you can send the details specifically to the person in question. The detailed error message in most cases can narrow the problem down considerably to a few possible causes, greatly speeding up resolution time.

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #110:  10.18.03

Hello guys and gals.
110th Tactical Report. This week was rather busy, considering amount of work Tactical Office did. My CA sent me some final checks, so soon you can expect more battles. I have also discussed some issues with FC/XO/SCO and replied to many mails. I am also working on TAC IWATS, and Tac Man 3.0. I have also hired new TACA to help me with usual business.

EHBL problems
If you have any problem with running EHBL, mail ME, SCO and CA:TAC and try to be as much specific as you can. We will help you, we always do. .zips are not coming back, but if you need them, you can mail me and ask so I will FW it to you. Use EHBL, it's easy and it's working. Ask for help, and we will find a solution. Stop complaining and give us a chance to help you.

Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
Nominations are posted on Mission Creation MB. Go and see them. Send your own nominations if you haven't already.

Tactical projects:

Tactical Database Update - on my TODO list. 0% done.
Project Theta - research on unknown values in our mission editors.
Project Omega - more info soon
Update of Tactical Manual - 20% done
Creation of Tactical Staff IWATS Course - 50% done
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:

TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 329 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
Noone this week

Current standings:

Philo - 2
Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 4
Zystem Fryar - 2
Jedi Ecclipse - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3069 (+0)
Battles: 472
Free Missions: 538
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XvT Division
In Queue: 8
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 3
Total: 15
BoP Division
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XWA Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
Tactical Roster [34]:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [2]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assitant: CPT Justin #5853 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Tactical Office Report #111:  10.25.03

Another week has passed and it was not good at all. I've been sick and I am recovering now. Fortunately it's over and I will be able to work once again.

EHBL problems
If you have any problem with running EHBL, mail ME, SCO and CA:TAC and try to be as much specific as you can. We will help you, we always do. .zips are not coming back, but if you need them, you can mail me and ask so I will FW it to you. Use EHBL, it's easy and it's working. Ask for help, and we will find a solution. Stop complaining and give us a chance to help you.

If you still have problems with EHBL, check above. You can also use our old .zips. I have uploaded them to but remember, they are going offline at January 1st, and this time it's final. Complaining to GA Ronin will not help. You have over 2 months to ask for our help, so use it.

Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
Nomination phase ends at the end of the month and we will start voting.

Tactical projects:

Tactical Database Update - on my TODO list. 0% done.
Project Theta - research on unknown values in our mission editors.
Project Omega - more info soon
Update of Tactical Manual - 20% done
Creation of Tactical Staff IWATS Course - 50% done
Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:

TAC Competition #4
Timeline: 01.X.2003 - 01.I.2004
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles
More details: here
Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 329 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 122 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
Noone this week

Current standings:

Philo - 2
Gidda - 2
Able Malik - 4
Zystem Fryar - 2
Jedi Ecclipse - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3069 (+0)
Battles: 472
Free Missions: 538
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 8
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 1
Total: 10
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: 0
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 3
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assitant: CPT Justin #5853 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Office Report #5:  10.17.03

Greetings and welcome to another Flight Office report! Some things to report:

1) Wing V has been closed at the request of AD Proton with the retiring of its WC. Pilots from Wing V have been relocated to Aleth Squadron which has been reopened, and Beth squadron which has been reopened. Both squadrons are located on Wing III SSSD Sovereign

2) I plan on announcing a CA:FO at this weeks meeting. The duties of the CA:FO will be recruit processing, squadron maintenance, Banner maintenance, Report checking, and to carry out the duties of the FO when I am away for an extended period of time. I will also be looking for a new FOA who would go over the messageboards, and possibly be a liaison for the FO for MP activities with the COO.

3) There are three WC spots open for applications, WING IX, WING XI, and WING XIX. All are posted on the TC news site.

I would like to remind everyone that the Flight Office has a new site at

Two things I need to remind everyone:

1) Make sure that when requesting promotions, AWOL, RSV transfers etc, to use the Database! This is very important.

2) When asking the Flight Office for any positional changes, e-mail address changes etc, please include your PIN number. This will make things much easier!

That's about it from the Flight Office. Until next week...

In Service........

Flight Office Report #6:  10.24.03

Its time for another Flight Office report, but I'm afraid that there isn't much news to report!

1) LC Azazel has been named the new Avenger CMDR. Avenger is the ASF elite squadron

2) I've been processing a lot of members returning to the TC from the reserves. This is great, and means that some of the Flags and members of the TC are trying to get active members to return. Great Work!

3) Perhaps the biggest news this week is the return of X to #tiecorps! I have added everyone who has gotten back to me and AbsoluteK has offered to maintain the list for me. If you haven't already and you are a WC or above in the TC, please contact either me or AbK to get your X access.

4) I have been approached by the new Fleet Medical Corp Commander in reference to the Fleet Medical Corps. For the Flags, please remember that they are around and can offer some assistance within your ships should some problems arise. I was expecting a letter from the head doc, but haven't gotten it yet. As soon as I do I will pass it along.

5) I will be re-instituting the TCCOM's Own award in the next few weeks. Please check out the FO website at for details. With this in mind I am going to create a comp for a new TCCOM's Own banner. Please do not send anything to me until the comp is announced officially (should be sometime this weekend)

That's it for this week! Until next week.....

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #113:  10.17.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #113

October 17, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Work on the IO Poll Creation system continues. It will hopefully feature pie graphs in addition to the standard bar graph results display, and once it is completed I will begin work on converting it to a SF+ plugin. Here are some of the planned features:

-Polls results can be viewed by creator, certain usergroups (MinosGroups, more to come on that later), or everyone
-Creators can require login for polls, or simply allow anyone to vote.
-Polls can run continuously or have a set end date. If they have an end date, the creator can require that the poll have a minimum number of votes otherwise the poll continues.
-Polls can be structured sequentially and conditionally to create a survey
-Different question types are available, including: free-text response, single-select, multi-select and numerical responses
-For numerical questions, the system will force numerical responses. Also, you have the option of collecting statistics on the numerical questions (standard deviation, mean, mode, range, median)

This system is designed to be applicable to many different possible situations. However, because of this, there will probably be a limit imposed on number of polls you can create at a time (I'm thinking 3). Of course, poll creation will require an ELS (EHNet Login System)/MinosNIC ID. Only thing we need now is a name. If anyone comes up with a catchy title for the system, let me know!

Speaking of the ELS, Turtle is working on an ELS information site at If anyone is interested right now in obtaining a client for the ELS for use in your own personal EH site, please contact me.

CPT Drako has completed the EH Library fiction repository and it only remains to be tested. However, he is on leave right now because of a lack of an internet connection, so when he gets back, it'll be released.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the revamped version of the Tau Squadron site at by COL Erich von Reinthaler ( - congrats on a 4 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What current/upcoming movie is the coolest?

-Kill Bill
-Matrix Revoltuions
-Return of the King
-Scary Movie 3

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

Internet Office Report #114:  10.24.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #114

October 24, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Lots of different things going on this week. I got a LOT of work done on the poll creation system this week. I've also come up with a name for it, with the help of Demerzel - it's called: XPS: eXtensible Polling System. I'll be continuing to work on this for the next 2 weeks or so and hopefully it should be done by then.

In addition, EHW has a new coder: LT Rokin. He'll be starting to work on a class now and hopefully he and I will be able to speed up EHW development once XPS is finished.

FA Leeson's work on MP Sabacc continues. He's shown me an alpha client executable file which, to say the least, looks amazing. He's currently working on the create and join game functions with are the bulk of the client code (the server code was written by me earlier this year). We hope to see progress speed up once these functions are completed.

And finally, more Enhanced-level Minos functions are being added daily, including a new way of how domain redirection works. AD Turtle will soon be finished and will open up Enhanced-level service to the public.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is Praetorian Squadron at by AD Turtle - a 4 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What current/ upcoming movie is the coolest?

-Kill Bill
-Matrix Revolutions
-The Return of the King
-Scary Movie 3

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Training Office Report #24:  10.17.03

Training Office Report #24
17th October 2003

Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting []

"Difficile est satiram non scribere."

TO News | TC News| DB News | IS News | Resources | Staff

:: [ Training Office News ] ::


The "IRC Colloquia" project that was temporarily placed into stasis several months ago has been revived. This is a project that aims to present succint and informative 'articles' on topics relevant to real-life to members of the Emperor's Hammer. The preliminary calender is as such:

Democracy; A Historians Viewpoint.
Saturday 1st November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
The Peninsular Campaign
Saturday 8th November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
Accessibility; A Change in Websites
Saturday 15th November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
There are at-least two more colloquia planned. The date and time of all shall be announced as soon as they are finalised. Anyone interested in presenting one of these events should contact me at Members who do so shall be rewarded.

I am beginning another project (the name of which has yet to be finalised; feel free to send me ideas for snazzy sounding titles) that will study the feasibility of integrating a central Academic backbone to the Emperor's Hammer. This would entail creating an interactive database that every individual member of the EH would have a profile upon, to which all the courses &c. that they have completed would recorded (presumably calling from XML backends or some such other feature of SG rosters). More on this as it develops.

I have begun talking with the Internet Office about developing the Academic NeXus website to be more dynamic and slightly more interesting. Again, more on this as it develops.

My commendations go out to all Professors, who have been grading all their Courses within 24 hours of receiving a submission. Sterling work.

General Drake has been continuing with Project Guardian. Any budding authors or graphic artists should contact him if interested in a rewarding challenge.

'Number One' has been away for the last few weeks, as such some minor corrections to the website have been delayed. He returns today, as such I expect they shall be updated within the next 72 hours. These include minor adjustments to the menu system of the Academic NeXus.

:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::

Myself and the Flight Officer have been attempting to work with the Executive Officer in modifying the original training changes that were to be implemented under HA Patal to meet with the XO's approval. I am sure the Flight Officer will post an announcement whenever this is achieved.

:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::

The Shadow Academy website has been updated to reflect the various Staff changes we have undergone of late.

I have added the Shadow Academy courses completed by numerous members to their profile; this appears to be progressing without problems. Thus, if you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to Please note that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this time).

Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members. Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail (this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate links). Questions should be addressed to me at

:: [ Imperial Senate News ] ::

Vice Minister Verr has been busy with real-life lately, as such the coding of the University site has not progressed since last reported.

The Imperial University, while a constituent of the Imperial Senate, the courses it offers will be available to all members of the Emperor's Hammer (akin to the Intelligence Division's Academy of Tactics). Therefore, I am calling upon any members of the EH that may be interested in developing a Course for the University to contact me at Individuals should keep in mind that all courses offered by the University are of a higher standard and depth as to other Emperor's Hammer pedagogical institutions. Suffice to say, awards and recognition will be proportional to this (i.e. large awards, lots of kudos).

The Courses currently under development are:

Modern Imperial History.

:: [ Office Resources ] ::

Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :

:: [ Academic Staff ] ::

Administrative Officers

Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant ("Number One") []
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Xura Verr, Vice Minister of Education []
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll

High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management []
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash []
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics []
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll

Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine []
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics []
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies []

:: [ Vive l'Empereur! ] ::

Training Office Report #25:  10.25.03

Training Office Report #25
25th October 2003

Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting []

"Qualis artifex pereo!"

TO News | TC News| DB News | Resources | Staff

:: [ Training Office News ] ::


Contained herein is the shortest report I have written in a long time. While there are a large number of projects in development or consideration, there is little that can be publicized. My apologies.

I am currently in the process of assembling a committee to assess the viability of a central academic mainframe for the Emperor's Hammer. To this end I am calling for anyone interested in debating this topic to contact me at

The preliminary calendar of the "IRC Colloquia" project stands as:

Democracy; A Historians Viewpoint.
Saturday 1st November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
The Peninsular Campaign
Saturday 8th November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
Accessibility; A Change in Websites
Saturday 15th November
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane (
Anyone interested in presenting one of these events should contact me at Members who do so shall be rewarded.

General Drake has been continuing with Project Guardian. Any budding authors or graphic artists should contact him if interested in a rewarding challenge. Interest should be voiced to

I have reluctantly decided to step down as Minister of Education within the Imperial Senate. While I am eager to participate heavily in the development of the Imperial University (that which I hope the Chancellor shall permit me to do) I do not have the time to be the sole driving force behind its development. This does not reflect a change in my belief that training within the Emperor's Hammer should become more interchangeable, merely that I feel secure in directing this from my post as Training Officer while someone else takes on the administrative reins of the University.

Professors should be aware that Graduate counts are now due to reach my mailbox. 'Number One' has been dispatched to secure them.

:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::

It should be noted that higher Iron Stars should not be awarded for incredibly trivial competitions (these generally include Silver Stars and above). It has been suggested that an extra tier should be added to the structure of Iron Stars. I am eager to hear from any members who have comments regarding this.

The explosion of Trivia competitions has broached the idea that there should be a seperate award in the TIE Corps for the winners and runners-up of trivia events, rather than devaluing the existing Iron Star structure. If anyone has any strong feelings regarding this matter, please contact me ASAP.

:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::

I have added the Shadow Academy courses completed by numerous members to their profile; this appears to be progressing without problems. Thus, if you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to Please note that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this time).

Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members. Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail (this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate links). Questions should be addressed to me at

:: [ Office Resources ] ::

Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :

:: [ Academic Staff ] ::

Administrative Officers

Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant ("Number One") []
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll

High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management []
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash []
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics []
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll

Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine []
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics []
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies []

:: [ Vive l'Empereur! ] ::

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (RA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/RA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

No reports submitted

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Office Report #23:  10.20.03

Communications Office News
I fixed the problem with Postfix (SMTP) on my server occasionally dying. The problem it seems was caused by using up all the available MySQL connections (for some odd reason, v4.0 set it down to 100 when it was 300 in v3.23). I set the maximum connections for MySQL up to 500. I have also added increased spam protection to my server to kill spams before they even enter the door. It is possible that some people may be negatively affected by this unintentionally. Anybody who has legitimate emails to me blocked should try and contact me via other means (IRC, other email account, etc).

I have a few new features for the COMM bots this week that are in testing (with a likely release date of next weekend. One is a new script which will parse information from various game servers like JO and JA, and output those results to an IRC channel/query. The other script I am working on grabs information from a website, and formats it for output on IRC. The main use of this will be for the much demanded !idline script. This script will likely require me to contact various subgroup webmasters to have a special backend file put in place for the bot (if there is not already one).

I have setup a new IRC channel for the Emperor's Hammer Player Association (SWG/The Fringe) in #SWG. I have placed the COMM bot "Darkfyre" in channel. This channel is to be used for any and all SWG discussion as related to the EH PA and The Fringe. I will be talking to Longshot later during the week about retiring #TheFringe.

dasb0t's homepage has been moved to and renamed to the "COMM b0t Homepage". The EH Image Archive (EH:IA) has been moved to The IA does not correctly thumbnail PNG images at this time, and I have been unable to find a solution so I will be phasing out all PNG images on the site in the near future. These moves have been made in order to facilitate the greater integration among COMM run sites that I am planning with the next version of my site.

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:




Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
COMM b0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:

Communications Office Report #24:  10.24.03


Communications Office News
I've been miserably sick this week so I did not get nearly as much done as I hoped to get done. As some may have noticed my server was offline for about 12 hours on Thursday. When it came back up, somebody from the rDB had stolen the username for my bot "dasb0t". You can verify the real dasb0t (current nick: dasb0t90) by typing /msg x verify dasb0t90. My bot has the cservice name dasb0t, which the other does not. Be careful that you do not have any passwords for dasb0t hardcoded into your IRC client so that they don't fall into the hands of somebody who should not have them. Chewie, the BHG Kabal bot had his username stolen briefly by some porn/mp3 person, but now has his nick back.

I have come to an agreement with FO Cyric to manage X on #TIECorps. This means anybody needing ops in channel (CS, BGCOM's, COM's, WC's), should send me an email or drop me a line on IRC with their CService username.

Channels Monitored by COMM bots:




Communications Office Links:
Communications Office:
EH Forums:
COMM b0t's Homepage:
EH Image Archive:

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer

Security Office Report #18:  10.27.03

Security Office Report #18

1. Zoltar is in the process of moving, and as such will not be online for a while. As always in such a case, direct any matters that require attention to the CA:SO, me. (

2. Nothing worthy enough of an indictment this week. A few minor problems, but mostly resolved via a warning. I'm amazed that most people are being so well-behaved.

3. As a reminder, all rDB members are to be shot-.err...banned on sight from Emperor's Hammer channels. Any rDB members seeking readmission into the Fleet are to be directed to the Security Office.

4. Another reminder, do not give out your passwords to anyone for *any* reason. Recently I witnessed a person on IRC masquerading as Cservice and asking for usernames and passwords. Be careful. Nobody will ever ask you for your password, unless they have malicious intentions.

Vice Admiral Sithspawn

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #28:  10.25.03

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."


Welcome to my twenty-eighth public report as a Science Officer, very late... (Sorry, doing SCO stuff...) ...but that also means there's a lot of news:

Science Office News:

1. Main news these weeks was of course the release of the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher - as elaborated upon in my last communiqu�. Since that time, AD Darkhill has updated the Launcher to remove the CDROM check, meaning you can use virtual drives and such. Reb Crush was so good to code a MAC

2. Because, without a fix, TIE95 don't run on XP and 2K anyway it also doesn't when you install EHBL (even if you have already "fixed it" before). CM Lenvik has made a guide on how to fix this problem however and it's available at: - it is based on the normal fixes for TIE95 and basically indicates you need to put the fix you used before back on TIE95 in XP after you install EHBL. More help on this matter is available on the EH message board.

3. These weeks again saw the release of a few patches and we casually reached another milestone in the XvT/TIE95/BoP project... All fighters, freighters, corvettes and all but 2 of the transports of XWA are now also
available for XvT and TIE95! A layout of this week's releases:

" TIE Advanced X1: "Unlike the standard TIE/ln star fighter, the x1 has a hyperdrive and much more robust space frame, with reinforced durasteel-alloy hull, providing greater protection from enemy fire and stability during strenuous manoeuvres." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "A New Hope"

" TIE Crimson: "Advanced space superiority fighter. Slower and less maneuverable than the TIE Advanced, but heavily armed. It can, however, outmaneuver the X-Wing." - released for XvT and TIE95, from the comics.

" Imperial Landing Craft: "Light transport. The primary Imperial landing craft derived from the Lambda-class shuttle." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "A New Hope SE"

" Assault Shuttle: "One of the most-heavily shielded and armoured vessels in the Imperial fleet. Used to ferry Zero G stormtroopers aboard engaged vessels." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Ferryboat Liner: "Cruise liner designed for tourism and large business conventions. Includes a theater, saunas, moopsball courts, banquet rooms and nightclubs." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Luxury Yacht: "Private space yacht. Usually unarmed, these pleasure yachts provide luxurious accommodations for their wealthy owners." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Corellian Transport YT-2400: "Light freighter. Rendar's "Outrider" is heavily modified to include three new military grade KonGar KGDefender ion engines and an advanced sensor system." - released for XvT and TIE95, from "Shadows of the Empire"

" Corellian Gunship: "Light starship. The most heavily armed of the Corvette class starships. An excellent anti-starfighter platform." - released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT

" Marauder Corvette: "Light combat cruiser not powerful enough to engage heavy Imperial Navy ships, but well-suited for system patrols and smuggling interdiction efforts." - released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT

" Lancer Frigate: "Anti-starfighter screening vessel. Although armed with 20 Quad Laser cannons, it is the weakest of all frigates."- released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT

" Mobquet Transport: "Medium transport. Although one of the slower transports, its slightly reinforced hull and extra space help increase its popularity."- released for TIE95, from XWA and already in XvT

" M/FRT the Luggage: "Modified freighter that features 4 turrets made out of TIEs and hangars in the containers. When it works its quite fast and agile. Carries one squadron on 2 racks."- released for TIE95, already in XvT, by me :)

" Star Galleon: "Cargo/escort vessel. Functions as a cargo transport and escort ship simultaneously. Well-guarded against boardings with as many as 300 troopers stationed aboard." - released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Imperial Troop Transport: "The larger and more heavily armoured version of the Stormtrooper Transport. Used to carry troops and larger equipment from and into space." - released for TIE95, from Kenner, already in XvT.

" Modified Action Transport: "Medium bulk freighter modified to enhance its durability and cargo accommodations."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Suprosa: "Highly-modified light freighter. Specially outfitted to accommodate Black Sun's criminal activities with cargos of extremely high value."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Xiytiar Transport: "Medium-large transport. Slightly faster than the Mobquet, but not quite as tough. Lightly armed, its shape was a favorite of many smugglers."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Freighter Type C: "Common light freighter found throughout the galaxy. This was YTJ Corporation's first attempt to satisfy the demand for an economical transport."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Freighter Type H: "Its unusual design and slightly smoother handling characteristics allowed this small manufacturer to squeeze into the freighter market."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

" Freighter Type K: "Able to transport a surprising amount of cargo, due to its cargo configuration options, this premier JSI model freighter drew respectable market attention."- released for XvT and TIE95, from XWA

4. All transport/shuttle patches (the L/C, CORT, A/S, F/L, LT3000) use the "Custom Transport Slot", which is craft number #39 - aka "Falcon". All future transport class ship patches for TIE, XvT and BoP will be put on this slot, which makes it possible to add these craft w/o replacing others. Coming up are the Falcon and Otana patches in this class.

5. All freighter/corvette patches (the L/FRG, GSP, LUGG, MOB, M/TRN, STARG, Frt/C, Frt/H, Frt/K, Xiy/T, ITTR...) use the "Custom Freighter Slot", which is craft number #31 - aka "Bulk Barge". All future freighter class ship
patches for TIE, XvT and BoP will be put on this slot, which makes it possible to add these craft w/o replacing others. This slot will also be used for the occasional star ship or platform slot in case of conflicts with the SSD slot... which will be the default for star ships.

6. Besides several more patches that are in the works (major ship set patches for tie/xvt/bop, ssd for tie, sov for bop, mc90 for all 3...) I've also been working on more updates to the fleet manual, which gets more and newer graphics and data all the time. Over the weekend I'll also be adding an office staff history and a EHBL Guide/FAQ.

7. Colonel Gidda has been looking into the use of Jedi Academy for flying fighters (as a TC/IW/Sith platform) and some of his findings are at Possibilities are tremendous actually, you could have a flying mission where you'd end up actually going aboard a platform, which is the next mission, return to your craft for more flying action and/or do a ground assault. Mixing flying with walking about: actual CABs would be a possibility. Currently there'd be only "atmospheric" flying, but i'm looking into making a HUUUGE box "room" (map) textured with stars. It would function as deep-space and while ppl could reach the end of it, it would take hours (ever flown to a point 99 clicks out of the center of a TIE

In this box one could place various objects fairly simply, like platforms, asteroids, buoys etc. I don't know yet about adding additional craft, besides those in JA already, but it should be possible to fix something of that nature. JA's own mission structure then makes it possible that you get goals like whatever needs to be destroyed etc. Of course no mod will ever get completely the same feel and options as in the XW series, the goal is always to make an enjoyable game within the boundaries set by its engine - but, while this (or anything not made by TG) will not be "TIE 2", it has enough additional options to make it very pleasurable. (Have briefing, actually walk to your craft... that kind of thing)

8. My first battle on the compendium (XvT-TC#11) has been fully updated and remade, check it out again! [/self promotion]

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been offering support for EHBL, updated EHBL and has been working on the EH Patch Manager. Has suffered a HDD crash and has taken a week vacation.

SCOA: CM Tim has been helping in hosting EHBL on the IW server, and has helped along in making a few patches. Project Cueball is running along nicely.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made
to the patch archive and Fleet Manual.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. These weeks saw the release of 20 more patches and the milestone of having all the XWA fighters, freighters and corvettes available for XvT and TIE95.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released before 2050. ;)

Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometres of rock at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional... expect it in XWA soon.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

LO Report #18:  10.17.03

Not a whole lot this week and I'm a little short on time due to some RL things going on right now (crazy family upstairs...insanity ensues).

The Heroes Site is still stalled in the CD, perhaps the new PREX Loor can kick them into gear and get this project completed.

All data has been compiled for the EH Census and the site is currently in production, should have it ready in the next week or two.

That's about it for this week, sorry for the short length and hurried nature of my report, some things are just going on that are beyond my control right now at my house...

Logistics Office Report #19:  10.24.03

Hey hey! Here we go again with another Logistics Office report. I've actually got a little more than I had last week so this one might actually be a fairly informative report.

First news is that I've spoken with the new PREX of the Corporate Division as well as a member of the Corporation tasked with creating the template for the Heroes Memorial site. My feelings that we'd been lost in the recent upheaval in the CD was correct, but both pledged that getting the contract completed soon was a top priority. As such, I've decided to just let them finish it out instead of just making my own temporary design just to get the site up. I hope they can get this finished for us soon.

On the subject of the EH Census, the site is in progress and the only real news I have is this update received via AIM from my Logistics Office Assistant Commander Darwin Matir:

The MySQL database structure is complete and the PHP is approaching completion. Questions will be added in the next week for limited beta testing by members selected from the EH population. Full opening expected 11/2/03.

As you can see, the site is nearing completion and the Census will be ready very soon for full EH surveying. Any officers who might be interested in participating in our beta of the site to help work out the bugs should contact the Logistics Officer directly via AIM(Darknyte22), IRC(Darknyte), or email (

That's about it for this week, things are back on track with our projects and completion dates on both are looking to be ahead in the near future.

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report # 30:  10.18.03


Greetings. Time for another round of RO and SW News.

My main focus ( EH-wise) this week has been to recruit a specific Honorary Member, the actor who played Wedge Antillies in the original SW movies. I have had many requests to see if we can get this particular actor. This is on the top of my list at the moment, so ANYONE that has any places where you think I could look, please contact me (!

With RA Shay'la's work with the Convention Database, I feel it should be up and functioning quite nicely very soon. Hopefully it will be revamped to be more use-friendly for the general members.

I haven't been receiving any feedback at all from.. well anyone. I really would like to know what people would like to see from the Recon Office. I can't do this unless I GET feedback. So please, email me!! Help! :P

That's it for the RO News, time for the CA:RO Report from the lovely RA Shay'la. ;)

CA:RO Report

Here we go, my CA:RO report. It is one day late, but I had RL work to do. I tried to reduce the size of the news so I hope it is a little better. I will try to do even better next time� :)

I completed the 'architecture' or 'link tree' of both Recon Office and Recon Convention Database. They are the first versions and as soon as I can get through with some graphics, I can build up templates to show the FC, XO, RO and ROA. If you want to see what it is like right now, email me and I will send you the link/file, but you must have Excel to see it...

PS: Do not use this email anymore..., please. ;)

SW News:


Happy Birthday Zam Wesell !!!!!!

Let's all wish Leanna Walsman a Happy 23rd Birthday. Leanna played bounty hunter Zam Wesell in Attack of the Clones.

Conventions This Weekend

Just one convention to tell you about this weekend:

� Atlanta Collector Con (Atlanta, GA) - October 18-19
the Star Wars guest are Gerald Home (Squid Head & Calamari Officer), Mercedes Ngoh (Rystall), Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb), Shannon Baksa McRandle (Mara Jade), Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel) and Joe Corroney (Star Wars artist).

You can get more info about future Conventions & Events by clicking here. If you've got a Con or Event coming up, or you know of one in your area, be sure to tell us about it.

Fanforce Meetings & Events

You can check out the Fanforce meetings and events happening over the weekend in the links below:

� Join Chicago Force for 2 Fantastic Fall Events
October 18th (noon) at the State Street Halloween Happening ...

� Atlanta FanForce Oct. Meeting
October 18th (noon) at Buca di Beppo, 2335 Mansell Road Alpharetta GA 30022 ...

� RMFF Finally Makes it to The Fort
October 18th (noon) at JCPenney Court Amphitheatre area ...

� Daytona Beach, FL BBQ
October 18th (1pm) at Barnes at Atomic Comics store in Mesa ...

� Mojave Desert SW Society Monthly Meeting
October 19th (6pm) at Gold Strike Lanes, 20410 US Highway 18 ...

John Williams Concerts in Mexico

John Williams will conduct the Mexican City Philharmonic in a concert entitled �A Magical Evening with Harry Potter and His Friends�. The concert takes place on December 18, 19 & 20th, and the guests of honour are �Harry Potter� stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, who play Harry Potter and Hermione in the films. The concert will also music by Dukas and Tchaikovsky. You can read more about the concert at HPANA. Thanks to Kerk for the alert.

SW En Direct Talks Extreme Fans

Star Wars en Direct will be talking about extreme Star Wars fans on their next show:

On this show, we will be discussing the fans who goes to incredible lengths in the name of Star Wars and their passion. How far is too far? How far would you go for Star Wars? Send us your stories and/or comments

The live show begins at 7pm EST on October 19th. Click on the link above for more info and listening instructions.

Star Wars Contact Lenses

LensQuest has some new Star Wars contact lenses on their website. The Imperial Logo lenses are $54.95, while the Rebel Alliance lenses will set you back $89.95.

If you're looking for the Darth Maul effect, the nearest lenses are 'wildfire' from, and 'fire eye' from the Crazy Lenses collection at There's also Darth from LensQuest. Thanks to Jedi Soljah for the alert.

New Carded Figure Images

Thanks to in Hong Kong we can bring you packed shots of Bail Organa, Ayy Vida, Elan Sleazebaggano, Imperial Dignitary, Padme Amidala (Lars' Homestead), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Outlander Nightclub Encounter) and last but not least the McQuarrie Concepr Stormtrooper (Fan Choice #4).

Check out their latest sponsor announcement and see what else you can order at

New LEGO Mini-Figs From Cloud City Set
Reported by

I received my LEGO Cloud City set last week from and got into it today to scan the new Mini-Figs. Of course, front and center in this cool group of figs is Lando Calrissian, long thought to be a figure we might never see. I was surprised to see bag #1 contain all the pieces I needed to assemble the seven Mini-Figs this set came with. You can catch up with all the LEGO Mini-Figs in our Mini-Fig gallery, and see a complete listing of all Mini-Figs and the sets they came in here.

LEGO UCS Snowspeeder Arrives
Reported by

The quite expensive LEGO Ultimate Collector Series Snowspeeder arrived here at Rebelscum headquarters today. Weighing in with 1457 pieces and costing $129.99 at, this is an impressive piece that many fans may be forced to pass up if they need to choose between it and the new Cloud City set with all the new minifigs in it.

******* I've seen it� It is AWESOME� I also saw the kick ass Star-Destroyer at 299.99$ � It drove me crazy� ::sighs:: I wish I had so much money to spend on LEGOs *******

Loose Code 3 X-Wing Fighter Photos
Reported by

Code 3 updates with a gallery of loose images of their upcoming X-wing Starfighter model. Reproducing Luke Skywalker's "Red Five" vehicle, the X-wing replica will include removable and movable panels exposing the inner details of the hyperdrive, proton torpedos, and cockpit. Click on the thumbnail above for more details. For more images, check out our Comic-Con coverage from this past summer.

Koto Jango to Blast Off in March

Dark Horse ignites an already hot line of vinyl figures imported from Japan with its release of the fearless bounty hunter Jango Fett. The master craftsmen from Koto Inc. have stunningly captured the ferocious aura of the Mandalorian mercenary in this 1:7 scale kit, which is blasting off in March, 2004.

Poised to strike, Jango lifts himself into the Kamino downpour only to bear down on Obi-Wan with hawkish aggression seconds later. The adrenalized charge of the moment is skillfully captured here, with pistols leveling and twin engines blasting. A dramatically striking pose which effectively exhibits the angular grace of the first Fett's Mandalorian armor.

Jango stands over eleven inches tall and comes packaged in a beautifully designed window box. Dark Horse Comics will distribute the popular Episode II anti-hero at a suggested retail price of $94.99.

He's Holding a Thermal Detonator (Replica)!

When the faceless bounty hunter named Boushh swaggered into Jabba the Hutt's palace to negotiate the price on Chewbacca's head, he had two big secrets. The first was that he was actually Princess Leia underneath the Ubese mask. The second, as a panicky See-Threepio exclaimed, "He's holding a thermal detonator!"

Expedite your next bounty bargaining session with the latest authentic prop replica from the artisans of Master Replicas -- a reproduction of the small hand-held thermal detonator explosive seen in Return of the Jedi. The original filming prop used in Jedi was actually made of two clear plastic hemispheres approximately 2.5 inches in diameter that were coated with multiple layers of silver and bronze plating. To give the prop replica the appropriate heft and durability one would expect from such a device, Master Replica designers decided to make the outer shell out of die-cast metal rather than plastic like the original prop. The metallic sphere will be available in three editions.

The Limited Edition Thermal Detonator will have a total production run of 1,000 units worldwide, and features authentic battery-powered light and sound effects. The sound clip has been digitally transferred from the original sound effect from Skywalker Sound. The detonator has a worn and weathered finish as seen in the film. This edition has a retail price of $199, and includes a numbered plaque, certificate of authenticity and a custom crafted display base.

The Signature Edition Thermal Detonator is limited to a run of 750 worldwide. It has the same features as the Limited Edition, but is signed by Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher. This edition has a retail price of $299, and also includes a numbered plaque, certificate of authenticity, and custom crafted display base.

Finally, for collectors who want their baradium explosives looking pristine, there's the "As First Built" Edition Thermal Detonator. This has a polished chrome-plated finish, highlighting the detail and craftsmanship of the prop replica. It too includes authentic light and sound effects, and is limited to 750 units worldwide. This edition has a suggested retail price of $249, and also includes a numbered plaque, certificate of authenticity, and custom crafted display case.

These thermal detonators will go on sale to the Master Replicas Collectors Society first, on October 15, and then to the general public the next day, October 16. For more information about Master Replicas and their line of Star Wars prop replicas, visit their official website here.

January 2004 Titles from Dark Horse Comics

The official site updates with the titles to be released from Dark Horse Comics in January 2004:

� Star Wars: Empire #17 (Jan 7th)

� Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi #3 (Jan 14th)

� Star Wars: Republic #61 (Jan 21st)

� Star Wars: The Rite of Passage (Jan 28th)

You can read more and checkout artwork from the comics by clicking here.

Closer Look at Galaxies Novel: The Ruins of Dantooine

Already thousands of fans are exploring and interacting within the massively multiplayer online worlds of Star Wars Galaxies�, and Del Rey Books is bringing some of the adventure to readers in a format that requires no computer. Author Voronica Whitney-Robinson, working with Producer Haden Blackman from LucasArts, has penned an original full-length novel inspired by the settings and events of Star Wars Galaxies An Empire Divided.

It is a time of war, when the fledgling Rebel Alliance dared to fight back against the evil oppressive Empire. A holocron secreted within the ruins of a Jedi Temple of Dantooine contains a list of crucial high-level Alliance sympathizers. This list is missing, and should it fall into the wrong hands, it could spell doom for the Rebellion.

Dusque Mistflier may say she's an Imperial bio-engineer, but in truth, she's an undercover Rebel operative. She has teamed with Alliance spy Finn Darktrin to recover the missing holocron. In their perilous quest, they receive help from the heroes of the Rebellion -- Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa. These two operatives will be tested to their limits in the Galactic Civil War, where they'll learn that the hardest part is figuring out whose side you're on... and how far you're willing to go to win.

Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine is a paperback novel scheduled for release this December from Del Rey Books. For more information about Star Wars Galaxies, visit the official website here.


The Non-EH SOTW is It has sections for the most recent LucasArts games like KOTOR, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, SWG� you can even choose your template from the dark side and light side of the force (once being blue, the other being red).


And that will be it for me. Thanks for your time.

RO Report # 31:  10.24.03


Greetings Everyone! Time for your weekly dose of RO and SW News.

First off, CA:RO Shay'la has been working on an RO Report site. Basically this will cut down on all the worthy news items usually found in the weekly RO Reports. Meaning we will feature around three to four news items per report, and the rest will be on the website. But I'll let her CA:RO Report explain that. Ronin, Sir, hope you like the shortened reports! ;)

Odd thing occured to me today.. Saturday, Oct 25th, the band Nickleback will be performing in my home town of Cape Girardeau, MO. I have just contacted the rock station in town and I am going to see if I can get in with them to do a "Meet and Greet" with all of the bands. Granted there is a very big chance I wont be able to do it, But I am sure as hell going to try. Downside is I cant go to the concert due to having to cover someone's shift tomorrow night (Read: rather miffed at that). There has to be SOMEONE in those three groups ( Nickleback, Three Days Grace, Trapt) that likes Star Wars to a certain degree. I'm going to try to swing a Honorary Member out of this, if nothing else ( if I'm able to go that is) ill get an interview or a partial one with some of the best groups in Rock... it'll be AAaallll gooood! Wish me luck!

Okay, that's it for me. Time for Shay'la to do her thang..

CA:RO Report

This week, I do not have much to say, well no, wait.

I am working hard on the new kind of report, which was expected for this week. It should be up later this week. On another hand, I would like to thank the RO for letting me work freely on this project, which goal was to reduce the size of the RO report considerably without haltering its quality. I would also like to say that I spent the week working on this report project. Well, sorry, I say week, but I really lost the notion of time. It will be simple and easy to navigate, just like a web page.

The websites, both RO and Convention Database, are in progress. With the current project if online report, I had to neglect the RO web pages. Unfortunately, I started school again so my time will return to limited. It will be a little slower to improvement this week for I have RL matters to attend. I still need a new design for them, which I am constantly thinking about. The real update for this week is that I started paying more attention to the php aspect of them. I will be revamping the codes when I figure it out again, I am half way done through my book. Shame on me, I had forgotten about it more than I thought, hehe.

The report #31 should be up by tomorrow, with complete news for the past week. Be ready for it, an email will be sent out when it is accessible.

This is all from me this week.

CA:RO/VA Shay'la/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Now time for the SW News!!


The Clone Wars Have Begun

William wrote in about the debut of the Clone Wars game ( ) on
You can play one of three missions: Anakin vs. Ventress lightsaber battle on Rattatak, Obi-Wan vs. Durdge jousting speeder match on Muunlest or Kit Fisto vs. the Quarren Commander underwater mission on Mon Calamari.

Database entries on the different characters and vehicles (for both the Republic and Seperatists), viewers guide and links to seeing the episodes online.

KOTOR PC Requirements

Derek French, Assistant Producer, has posted the system requirements for KOTOR on PC.

Computer: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible computer

Operating Systems: Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP

CPU: Intel PIII 1 GHz or AMD Athlon 1 GHz required

Memory: 128 MB RAM required for Windows 98, 256 MB RAM required for Windows ME/2000/XP

Graphics Card: 32 MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible PCI or AGP 3D Hardware Accelerator with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability required

Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible Audio Device required

CD-ROM: Quad Speed CD-ROM drive required

Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required

DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0b is included on this CD.

Installation: 4.0 GB of free hard drive space required

Supported Chipsets at this time:
ATI Radeon 8500/9000/9200
ATI Radeon 9500/9600/9700/9800
NVIDIA GeForce 2/3/4 family
NVIDIA GeForceFX family

Recommended Specifications:
CPU: 1.6 GHZ AMD or Intel processor
Video Chipset: ATI Radeon 9200 or better, NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti or better

Fanforce Meetings & Events

You can check out the Fanforce meetings and events happening over the weekend in the links below:

Galactic Senate Meeting
October 24th (8pm) at Starbucks in Pentagon Center ...

Rocky Mount, NC FanForce Meeting
October 25th at Ham's ...

RMFF & the Mile-HiCon
October 25th at the Mile-HiCon in Lakewood, CO ...

Anoka MN Halloween Parade with Minnesota Force
October 25th (11am) at Anoka Minnesota Halloween Festival Grand day Parade ...

Join St.Louis Fan Force for a Halloween Party
October 25th (5pm) at VoijaRisa's Home ...

Winston-Salem FF Meeting
October 25th (6pm) at First Street Draught House, intersection of 1st St. and Hawthorne ...L
ouisville Alliance Halloween Party
October 25th (6pm) at Phil's house ...

FanForce Sweden invades Stockholm
October 25th & 26th at the Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Games and Toy convention in
Sollentuna ...

Bloomington Fan Force Meeting
October 27th (7.30pm) at Borders Book Store, Eastland Plaza, 2634 E. Third St ...


Non-EH SOTW: The Cartoon Network Clone Wars Mini-Epic

Have fun with that one!

Anyways, I'm out. I've had a long day spending my paycheck.. buying swords.. God I love payday..


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

No reports submitted

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

HF Domain Report:  10.18.03


6 months... it's been 6 months I'm here as PRF and I enjoyed it a lot :) No I'm not resigning, eheheh

Well, we have seen a lot of activity in these months, which I'm truly glad! I'm writing and deleting phrases of this mail for a while now...

Basically I'd like to thank you for walking with me for these 6 months and congratulate everyone of you for the improvements! When I took over, things went quite bad and poorly, specially with the rDB treachery and my RL, but we survived this as we'll always survive! This is the one SG I have never heard of periods of stagnation and 'pause', and I'm truly glad to be part of it!

To keep the rate, here are a few things we'll expect to be done for the next months:
- TTT - HF Edition! Dante and Janson, with the help of some troopers like Kael, are working to get all graphics ready so we can have Tempest to code a TTT for us (an uniform creator).

- Dark Legionnaire! After some time of confusion and darkness, we will return the full production of the Dark
Legionnaire, with some differences. The HF XO will be the editor but this time he'll be able to REALLY create a team to help the DL work and flow. All submissions will be awarded at least 100 ICs, according to the quality and MUST be CCed to the Fleet XO, Astatine, so this way we supply material to the EHNL as well. If you want to join this team, contact Dingo!

- Joint Operations! We're working on joint operations with others subgroups! Well, someone gotta shoot the enemy fighters, kill their Jedi, and even bore their leaders to death :P ! We handle the hordes :)

- Trooper Chest! What? Means nothing to you? Well, Zsinj doesn't know that till now, but I'll work to create the GFX of a trooper chest, where we can see everything this trooper owns! The idea is similar to my Weapon Customizator, but much better I believe. Of course you won't have your ATAT on your chest, this is not SW Galaxies:P But you'll have its keys :) A medal bookcase will also be prepared! This is a 6 month wide plan, so hold your horses! anyone interested in helping, is more than welcome!

- Courses! We'll have more courses of course :P What? you think we have no more stuff to train you? Just wait for the Combat Chef course I'm writing :)

- Game maps and levels! Yes, we are starting to have some levels now! very good work guys! keep it up!

Well, that's the basics but we are not, by all means, limited to that, mind you... Just keep sending your ideas to me and we'll work them up!

And now, the Report:. Kinda mid season between ops, so no much happened...-OP Anvil started last week and the troopers are going for their first Station assault in months! And I'm there! yay!

-Lots of Site bugs fixed this week, thanks Zsinj!

-Our new ships have been named, and I'll submit the names for the FC and SCO appreciation in other email, so they can say NO to them...

TFC Dark Night for the Specops company, TFC Revenge for Vindictive, TFC Solar Flare for Nova and almighty VSD Burninator.

no, stop, they are serious.. why you're laughing??

-Again, I'd like to remind you all (specially the level makers) that the SCO and the TAC DO SUPPORT our platforms, but they lack submissions! Send them, accordingly to their office's submissions' instructions, all you got for levels and maps, and CC them to me. 100 credits a piece. you mercs...oh, and I want your stuff only! don't even try to sneak around other sites leeching levels...

Company Commanders, as usual make sure this report reach your lines.

That's all!
Keep your chins up and keep fighting!

HF Domain Report:  10.24.03


Member Count (Active Members): 81
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 162
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 202

Greetings all, after a short break I am break to writing to the domain reports. Fear >:)

Again, try to keep the conduct on the channel civil, this week I had to deal with several ops that decided to have public arguments on the channel. These really should be taken to PMs. I mean come on, nobody wants to see you argue for an half hour about something stupid. I'm going to start issuing bans if this keeps up

STOP GOD MODDING ON THE ROs. It's annoying and pisses people off. Also read other peoples posts before you write something.

I want to have a JKII tourney scheduled for some time in November or December. Expect to see signups soon on the message board once I have selected a time and date. I will host the event and medals all be handed out.

Captain Haz is on leave until next week

Everyone participate on Operation Anvil, that's an order.

There are plans to open up the Spec Forces division of our roster in the near future. The final dicision will be made after the close of the current operations. Keep checking the message boards.

That's all I have for this week....

Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

Respectfully submitted,

Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander

IWCOM report #65:  10.24.03

DATE: 24. 10. 2003.
Total Membership Count: 74
Change from last week: ?

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

I have missed the last report due to comp problems, so expect this one to be a bit longer...

New IW Domain site up!

The version 2.0 of the Infiltrator Wing domain site, coded entirely by our fine IW Systems Engineer, Line Admiral Timmay, is finally up! It is still under heavy construction and will continue to grow and get upgraded, but the core of the site is up.

This is an excellent opportunity to help our IWSE with any constructive critics regarding the IW site as well as point out any bugs that might have slipped through. You can contact the IWSE, LA Timmay via email at:

IWOC VA Malik retires!

After a long and distinguished service in the Infiltrator Wing, the Infiltrator Wing Operations and Communications officer, Vice Admiral Abel Malik has retired from active service.

The Infiltrator Wing salutes our old comrade as his shuttle depart from the main hangar of the Renegade.

New IWOC appointed!

The resignation of VA Malik left the IWOC office without the IWOC. The new IWOC is RA Triji Boliv, transfered from the position of the IWTO.

New IWTO appointed!

After receiving several very good applications for the position of the Infiltrator Wing Training Officer, the IW Command Staff has decided that the best applicant, and therefore the new IW Training Officer is: Brigadier Mad Hatter!

With the promotion to the IW Command Staff also comes the rank promotion to the rank of Brevet Admiral.

Congratulations admiral Mad Hatter! Your service in the Infiltrator Wing has so far been nothing short of exemplary, and you have distinguished yourself to be one of the top officers of the IW. Keep up the good work and good luck with running the Infiltrator Wing Training Office!

LC Axxemann on leave

LC Axxemann, Wing Commander of Wing I is on leave. BRG Mad Hatter is Acting WC until further notice.

IW Manual revamp

As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.

It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von Reinthaler.

I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.


There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) at:

NOTE: All competitions must be reported at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) in order to be considered official and valid!

Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - N/A

Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - N/A

The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of September, 2003. is: Major SavageAz of Panther squadron ( IWPIN: 48

Congratulations to all!


IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received

COM/Renegade: Received
WC/Wing I: Received

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel
IWFO: AD Darkmage
IWTO: BA Mad Hatter
IWTAC: LA Sienar
IWOC: RA Boliv
IWSO: RA Astix

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay
IWMD (IW Melee): BA Mad Hatter
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BA Mad Hatter

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade
EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn

MC-90 Renegade (N/A)
COM: AD NiksaVel
WC/2: LC Grizz Axxemann

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

PREX Report #1:  10.17.03

The very first report from me as President of the Corporate Division. It is an exciting time we have before us and I really look forward to work hard and together will the great members of the Division to achieve something great, a healthy and growing subgroup.

As I said, we have an exciting time ahead of us. A new leadership are taking form with a 3 positions at the Direx Board to be filled. The short-term goal for me is to have a solid and hard working leadership that will show the path for the rest of the subgroup. I will be writing a short- and long-term strategies and goals shortly, so we all can see where we are heading.

I wish to thank Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine for believing in me and appointing me into this position.

< NEWS >
Direx Board positions open
The hard work of rebuilding the foundations of the Corporate Divisions begin. Therefore, I am looking for two people to join me on the Direx Board.

The open spots are:
- Executive Vice President
- Vice President of Operations

The requirements for Executive Vice President are:
- Good knowledge about the Corporate Division.
- Good leadership abilities (please write which leadership experience you have).
- Creative ideas for the development of the Corporate Division.
- Moderate online presence.
- 24 hour resonse time on mails.

The requirements for Vice President of Operations are:
- Good graphics skills (an example are highly recommended to attach).
- Having HTML-skills.
- Being able to process medal request, uniforms and competitions within 24 hours.
- Have ideas for future competitions and being able to carry them out.
- Moderate online presence.
- 24 hour resonse time on mails.

Write down in your application for any of the position how you would like to develop the position.

Applications goes to me, with the topic "Executive Vice President" or "Vice President of Operations", depending on which position you are applying for. You have until October 22nd to hand in your application.

CEO of Auroran Technology Enterprise sought
After the resignation of SP Wedge Antilles from the position as CEO of Auroran Technology Enterprise, the position is left open until a replacement has been found. If you meet the following criterias and think you would do a good job as CEO, do apply:
- 24 hour turnaround on mails.
- Moderate online presence.
- Ideas for development of the corporation.
- Leadership abilities (please list your experiences).
- Can be am active leader.

Put the topic "Application for ATE CEO" in your mail and send it to me before October 24th. Good luck!

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

DP Report #144:  10.19.03



Congratulations to Ric Gravant, newly appointed Chief of Daichi! JUD Ehart announced the appointment this week and says that the Omega CH appointment is soon to follow. He's also working on CH bonuses as we speak and by the time this report sees light they should be completed. Ric and the other Chiefs will net themselves big bonuses if they're as good at motivating members as our stalwart Warden, Motti. Executor Tuss credits Motti for the sudden upswing in Trainee activity, which is far and above the normal levels.

This is a very key part of a successful operation and I would like to add my personal congratulations as well.

The Cadre Games are in full swing and are ready for signups; Ehart calls everyone's attention to the Kabal Authority site where they can go sign up for these various events.

Meanwhile, Tuss has graded all of the exams that are under his auspices, and this coming week is going to release the Demolitions/Explosives Citadel course! He thanks none other than that selfsame Ric Gravant for his work on making that course happen. Also, Tuss wants to announce that the competition to design his estate is still in progress, so if you're looking for some credits, sign up.

Marshal Darth Shadow is setting up, for the more inexperienced hunters, a line of basic ships that they can purchase while they are hoping to save up more credits to get the ships they really want. These won't be anything special, but they will get you off and running.

Finally, AJ Conan is beginning work on an Arena master class, where he'll teach the ins and outs of Arena combat. Even some of the Arena masters could use the tune-up...

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report #22:  10.16.03

Report of the Supreme Director #22 - 16/10/03

Roster Count: 56

Main -
AoT - offline
Manual - offline

Commanding Officers

SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �

Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/LC Rebelkiller (ANLY) �
INTORG related info should be sent to the SDIR

Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Tactics/Training Director (TTDR)
I said I�d announce the new TTDR today� Sadly I�m a member of Intel and therefore can never be trusted:p I�ve got it down to two highly qualified members and will make my decision over the weekend. Naturally I�m no longer accepting applications.

I�ve decided that INTORG need a BUDR in order to keep up to date with all the latest paperwork. Hence I�m taking applications. The ideal applicant would be a past or present member of INTORG with some command experience. Applications to

3. Design a Logo Competition � Open to all members of the EH
You�ve got 24 hours to get your entries in. Winner(s) will be announced next week.

4. Academy of Tactics Revamp
Most of the AoT courses are completed now. I�m hoping I�ll be free at the weekend to sort out the website and pick a TTDR and then we should be back in action.

General Test � completed, Mordann
Leadership � completed, Scrier
Report Writing � ongoing, Mordann
Infiltration � completed, Mordann
Interrogation � ongoing, Aseret
Internal Security � completed, Scrier
IRC Surveillance � completed /updated, (Mordann/Brad)
Cryptoanalysis � completed /updated, (Stalker5)
EH Law � completed, Aseret
Fiction � completed, Aseret

5. Promotions
I�m lucky to have a brilliant Ubiqtorate at present. Some promotions are well overdue�

Aseret is a dependable, hard-working ExDIR who, in addition to performing her duties admirably, often goes above and beyond their calling. For example: the work she�s done on the new manual and the new AoT courses she�s written. Over the past 4 months she�s made Intel a better place � therefore I am promoting her to the rank of Vice Admiral.

Scrier is well� Scrier. That aside he�s been a real asset since he rejoined the Ubiqtorate and has been merrily working away producing courses for the new AoT. He�s been a General for eons so with a quick wave of my magic wand� he�s a Rear Admiral. Abracadabra and all that stuff:p

Davi is another solid dependable member of the Ubiqtorate. He�s always willing to lend a hand with any work that�s going, no matter how dull it may be. He�s been instrumental in conducting our recent hunt for rDB members and has put in many hours redesigning the ID manual. Consequently he�s now a Rear Admiral too.

Some other people who I can�t tell you about are now higher ranking than before too.

6. Join Form
The join form on the new site doesn�t appear to be working. If you wish to join Intel email

Love, hugs and kisses...

SDIR Report #23:  10.23.03

Report of the Supreme Director #23 - 24/10/03

Roster Count: 58

Main -
AoT � coming soon
Manual � html coming soon, email for a .doc version

Commanding Officers

SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
***TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �

Bureau Directors
***BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
***BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �

Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Tactics/Training Director (TTDR)
It was a very difficult decision, but in the end I decided that LC Rebelkiller, BUDR of ANLY shall be our new TTDR. The influencing factor was the great rapidity with which he forwards information down to his agents � a skill which will hopefully translate into a good response time in marking tests. Rebelkiller has been promoted to General to reflect the status of his new position. Congratulations.

There have been some extremely well qualified candidates applying for the elite BUDR spot leaving me with another difficult decision. In the end the impressive work rate of one agent caught my eye and consequently Major Harlequin is now the new INTORG BUDR.

With Rebelkiller�s promotion, Analysis is now lacking a CO. Due to the massive amount of applications I�ve had lately selecting a replacement has been relatively easy and the lucky newly promoted Major is Klaus Steiner.

3. Design a Logo Competition
I�ve finally decided a winner (hurray!). Unfortunately all the entrants have classified identities so I can�t tell you who won (poo). I�ll pop all of the entries in the next edition of the com-link (whenever that may be) so you can admire them. The winner gets himself a shiny FoEW and, since the standard was so good, all the other entrants receive MoAs. I�ll email out the medals in the next few days.

4. Academy of Tactics Revamp
This report I was hoping to present you with a shiny new AoT. However the forces of evil (and work) have acted against me and while I�ve done a fair amount of work on the site, it�s not quite finished. I hope that I have little to do this weekend. Sorry.

5. Join Form
The join form on the new site doesn�t appear to be working. If you wish to join Intel please email

6. IntOrg are Recruiting
See for details.

7. Manual
The manual hasn�t been up for a while now. I�ve taken this opportunity to completely update it to reflect the ID as it stands today. Davi is currently working on converting it into a TC-style training manual format for us. If you can�t wait for him to finish, email me ( and I�ll send you a copy in .doc format (MS Word).

8. Praetorian at full membership!
Praetorian now has a full 12 pilots. Hence I welcome CPT Abel Malik, CM Gelton Torr, LCM Mason Stormrider and LT Lance Menu to the ranks of my illustrious bodyguard - the beers are on me.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Directorate Domain Report:  10.26.03


-Happy turn-your-clocks-back day.

-Aquitaine has ended, and out of the 70-odd members in the Directorate, I've received all of five responses. Needless to say, I'm not impressed. The scores will be out in the next week or so.

-DGMF Coursca is starting on a -huge- project to develop a Directorate-wide roleplaying platform. The Minstry Council is currently trying to figure out how to get it off the ground, but I have high hopes for the project. I think it will be the beginning of a new phase in the Directorate.

-Discussions are going on in the Ministry Council about a new project for the Directorate Guard... there's been some spirited replies already, so I think we're on to something. More on that when we've hammered the issue out.

-EH XO Astatine is looking for submissions for EH Newsletter #101. Please send them to with "EH NL Submission" in the ID line, and clearly state your Directorate ID line.

-I've been informed of a game called Hyperiums, online at Apparently, it's a more detailed version of what had been developed with GalaxyQuest. Maybe we could get a few playtesters over
there - anyone that's interested, e-mail myself and DGMF Coursca.

Roster Total: 67 (23 Colonial Branch, 25 Directorate Guard, 9 Ministry Council and Assistants, 10 Reserve)

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.


Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

CGM Report:  10.17.03

This week was a busy week for the PA.

First, we had the successful "Cantina Warming Party" on Tuesday. Several members were in attendance, and while we did not get many furniture donations, we had an abundance of materials donated so that Aeden could make furniture for the Cantina.

Speaking of Aeden, while at the party, I announced that he would be leading the crafter wing of the PA: Malleus Inc.

As no entertainers were present at the party, we eventually moved out the the local TIE Base. On the way, we destroyed the Rebel turret that someone had planted near our hall. For more discussion on the TIE Base invasion, be sure to check the Fringe section of the official EH message boards at

This Saturday morning, there will be a Ft. Tusken invasion sponsored by Compton. C scheduled it for 11 AM PST. Again, check the message boards for more detail.

CGM Report:  10.24.03

While the CGM was unable to log in to Galaxies for the past week, he is happy to report that the PA still got plenty done without him.

A Tusken Raider hunt was hosted by Jahn Compton this past Saturday. By all reports, it was a great success, and JC was able to pull in some much-needed Squad Leader experience.

PA member Rooby requested that we look into using some software to enhance our Galaxies experience. As a result, a new poll has been posted on our message boards regarding the use of a program called teamspeak. Everyone should check out the poll and the information contained in that post.

JC located a post on the official forums requesting the formation of an alliance among Imperial PAs. The EH was directly listed as a potential member. Shortly after that post was made, some other players chimed in that there was an existing alliance. Jahn and I will be investigating this issue further.

Kelron has chosen to head up the PA's medical wing, and he does so with the full blessing of the PA management. He has dubbed the health care wing "CORPUS REPARE."

I will be catching up on any in-game e-mail I have by Monday. I hope to talk to you all by then.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

CHS Report #38: 10.18.03

- News -
Not much to report this week, since again I can't really get in contact with Orv. Feydrin, probably at Demerzel's request, has completed some sort of response for every recipient of a given award. He actually flooded my account, so I had to delete it, but I'm sure Demerzel has his own copy. Hmm, well unfortunately there's nothing else to report, and since I had to delete Feydrin's thing, I don't really know precisely what it was. :)

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. His primary function is to render planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.

-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific proficiency
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential solutions
-Creativity and intelligence

- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)

- Additional -

- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:, or
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report:  10.17.03

Nothing much to report this week. TRIB is still settling in Europe and on a 56K connection so don't send him any big files unless asked to.

I'm also going on very small leave this weekend and I should be back on Sunday night. (leaving Friday afternoon). If anything need immediate action, TRIB Moreco or WARD Danrik can take care of it.

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

COO Report # 55:  10.17.03

COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

  • I am still evaluating which Portal System I use. But I am almost sure that a PHP Nuke version of the EHCOC v3 is going online next week. However the Manual is currently not included, cause I must write it from scratch!
  • COOA Dax Corrin is now overseeing the IRC MP Comps. If there is a problem with the bot he will report it to me!
  • Also, I am sorry for IRC Activity lack.
  • I know there are a few LoC's outstanding currently. I will award them tomorrow.
  • We are subscribed to a new [XvT] Week of War. Please do not bug me about an [XWA] WoW, cause THERE IS NONE CURRENTLY!
  • Okay thats it for this week

Multiplayer Competition News

  • Feel free to send me your scores personally after plaid! (COPY AND PASTE)
  • Comp activity is the same as last week. However definately better then before the new system!

Bot News

  • The Bot, seems to be working. However I take manual score report till the end of THIS month. If you report one, please copy and paste it from mIRC, cause IO really god some problemes else!
  • COOA AblsoluteK is maintaining the bot. I thank him for this. Great work, and I hope you can keep it up!

COO Report # 56:  10.25.03

COO News
(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

  • I already got a working Poratl System up and running. However those skins sucks. Therefore I will need to make a new one.
  • I got a new COOA. Azazel. Please congratulate him to the position. He will do maintaining work of all the comps, IRC and BSC related!
  • Also, I am sorry for IRC Activity lack.
  • LoC's have just been awarded!
  • We are subscribed to a new [XvT] Week of War. Please do not bug me about an [XWA] WoW, cause THERE IS NONE CURRENTLY!
  • Sorry for the delay. Had some business duties and was out of Austria. I just returned.

Multiplayer Competition News

  • Comp activity droped a little this week!

Bot News

  • The Bot, seems to be working. However I take manual score report till the end of THIS month. If you report one, please copy and paste it from mIRC, cause IO really god some problemes else!
  • COOA AblsoluteK is maintaining the bot. I thank him for this. Great work, and I hope you can keep it up!

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report:  10.19.03

FMC Domain Report
Reporting Officer - LC Archangel for RA Jacob Van Nowak

It has been a great week for the FMC, we have an ever-growing roster, and two PMOs soon.


- Roster: We have some new recruits ready, we also have two people who are interested in the DB PMO and the TC PMO positions

- Manual: We are roughly 60% done, unfortunately Ousider also helping revamp the DB manual, so he is trying his best to get it done

- Site: CPT Drako has almost completed the layout for the new site, we are hoping for something great!

- Masive Comp soo, stay tuned

- We need a webdesigner for the new comp that is coming, applications to the MO ( and the MXO (

That's about all for this week!



LC Archangel
MXO/LC Archangel/M-TFC Last Hope

Medical Officer Report:  10.23.03

Another wonderful week in the Office of the MO!


-It seems they promoted the MO to Vice Admiral, what were they thinking hes a mad man! 8-)

-Congrats to Captain Outsider for the Promotion to Captain and Cheif of Special Operations. We know you will do a good job! Start sending reports for me to Post too!

-Uther was promoted to Captain ArchAngel not CM, lol but congrats to him, hes the new IW PMO, and Uther start gathering reports from your men and send them to me so i can add them in my reports!

-Uther and ArchAngel were awarded Palpatines Crescents, Congrats! They have been extremely dedicated!

-Manual is Almost finish, ArchAngel and Outsider are working on it!

-Drako has finished Website layout, I can't wait to see it, he will be rewarded! 8-)


-New picture Caption comp. it will be posted on EH Domain soon! Check it out. Hopefully OPS will get awards out sooner. I might have to Ask the Grand Admiral for a extension on that competition to the 8th of November. Thank You. Rewards are as follows.

1st- IS-GR
2nd- IS-SR
3rd- IS-BR

Keep an Eye out on it!


-I need an IRC channel opened soon, anybody interested E-mail me, as I have no clue on doing it!

-Uniforms, everyone wants one so if your awesome with making them then give me a e-mail at, and I'll send you the info, big award for this one! If we send OPS a awesome Uniform he will like and okay!

-Flash Point, if your good with it, no matter what SG your in, give me a e-mail at
Awards will be out for this too, I have a good idea!

-If you have any ideas submit or suggest them to me no matter how dumb you may think they will be, you can be rewarded.

-FMC members, activity no matter whether it be you submitting graphics, or story writing, its all worthy for rewards, so send it too me, i can add it in my report, and reward you for it!

Well that's all for this report, Congrats to all who got Promoted, and good luck for the next week!


Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon

DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]

SOD Report #9:  10.23.03

Yes my fellow officers. The SOD has returned! I actually did not have my physics midterm today, it was postponed till Tuesday. However, given that I've studied for it and have my take home portion in hand and ready to complete, I can return. Now then. Onto the report.

First off, I'm still working on my RL 10th Anniversary plans, I have yet to actually talk to the three people I've mentioned about it, but rest assured I will be doing that ASAP.

Next piece of SOD news... Now that I'm back in action, I intend to start my first SG vs. SG competition. I'm going to be sending in my request to Keldorn later this evening or tomorrow. I'll have event start/end details as soon as the competition is approved by the TO.

On the time front, October marks my second month as SOD! Wow. I would say I've survived the probationary period. I haven't done all of the things I've really wanted to do, but I've at least been reporting my goals, and I'm glad that some of them will probably now be reaching completion, so... all in all.. I'd say I'm proud of my performance thus far.

A few things and then I'm done. My website design standards have been sent to Major Drax and my graphics design request has been sent to Keldorn. Hopefully I'll have a nice webpage for you all to look at very soon. In the meantime with regard to the upcoming competition I'll just have to mail the events to the brass of the respective clubs so that they can forward them down their ranks. As for my participation... I'm in the BHG so... it'd be a conflict of interest :)

Finally, I just want to remind you all that planning 10th anniversary events is going to involve EVERYONE in the EH. From the DB, to the BHG, I want to involve everyone in the planning of these events. Hopefully, AbK will allow me to have a forum on the MB's where I can poll you guys about things like what kinds of events you want to have, how you want to organize these events, etc, as well as keeping you abreast of the progress with the planning.

Well... I think that's it for now.

Until next time friends...

Same purple lightsaber.

Same SOD Channel.

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

LA Report #8:  10.17.03


-=Overall Synopsis=-
I'm back! Many thanks to Colonel Nightmare for looking after things while I've been away. Good work bud!

CODER... Ari's looking for us, and I'll be contacting some contacts and the CD just to look for anyone else around. This project might stall if we don't get someone soon.

I'm adding my thanks to Nightmare's for CPT Goerase's great work over the last few weeks. Nice work Siterath!

The new leader of TRIC approached me via Major Screed requesting a chat. We talked briefly, and he's decided to clean out the TRIC of the "old guard" approaches that led to his predecessor falling out with the EH. A leadership/organizational shuffle looks like it's about to go down, along with a possible name change. If the TRIC goes ahead with these steps and really starts anew, I shall seriously think about getting back to serious negotiations with them.

-=Current Negotiations=-
RA Astix and MAJ Delak are talking with the Imperial Army.
COL Nightmare, talking with FoJ all the time.
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase finalized Negotiations with the New Republic Military, and we now have an alliance with them!

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
RA Astix is back! Trying to talk to the Imperial Army, but hampered by lack of email address for them
COL Nightmare is weasling out the EH Allies that don't exist any more, and writing for me to find something for him to do.
COL Wemmel looking for some possible AG members.
CM Xirok is talking with the new JK2 club he found
MAJ Delak is still talking with the Imperial Army, only they forgot who he was >:-P
CPT Goerase is back from leave, formed an alliance and now needs something to do.
MAJ Screed is in contact with a club he discovered.

-=New Members=-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (

Another week over. I just started a RL job which just bit heavily into my time- hence the lack of new assignments. By the end of next week I'll be into my new daily pattern and new assignments for those that need them will be handed out. In the meantime, if you can find something to do for yourself, let me know what you're going to do and do it! Don't forget we always need more members...