May 2004
HA Ari Retires as Internet Officer
and is Awarded the OoR Medal - Admiral Dura Takes over as IO: 04.16.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Internet Office
My fellow members of the Emperor's Hammer,
I address you all today, a bit with a heavy heart, but out of a sense of duty. I
regret to inform you that as of today, I herein resign from the position of
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer. To some of you this may come as a
surprise; others may have expected it. I have served as the EH's Internet
Officer for a total of 32 months, 139 reports (this being the 125th that I've
written, as opposed to my CAs) - to my knowledge, the longest term served by an
IO. During my tenure, I have strived to bring a new dimension to the EH,
exploiting the Internet resources available to us. In my application for the
position, I stated that I wished for the Internet Office to have a more personal
feel, act as a more central hub and provide web hosting and services to members.
I believe that the institution of the IO has been successful in accomplishing
these goals, especially facilitating the transition from primarily HTML sites to
many more automated, interactive and dynamic sites powered by PHP and ASP, but
also much more.
The IO/COMM now offers a wide range of services, including web hosting, e-mail,
domain redirection, among other services, all for free to members of the EH,
realized through MinosNIC. For a while the Internet Office was also involved in
operating the EH Message Boards. I personally have also made an effort to make
myself available to every single member who needs help with questions in my area
of expertise, and I am happy to say that almost every question someone has
brought to my attention, I have successfully dealt with personally.
Moreover, the IO has instituted the EHNet Login Service, or ELS, which is the
largest EH user database (aside from the TIE Corps site), and provides secure,
efficient login and authentication. The ELS authentication client is available
to all webmasters who request it. ELS also runs off of several servers, meaning
that there is an efficient redundancy built into the system should any one of
the servers be down at a given time. My vision for ELS was that it would
eventually lead the way into a larger database, which would centralize data
shared between subgroups for members, such as contact information, and possibly
lead to the implementation of a standardized currency system.
The IO has seen many other various projects, including but not limited to
Project Hawkeye, one of the most massive and effective competitions run by a
Command Office in recent EH history. A good deal of work was actually completed
on Project Hawkeye II, but unfortunately, interest among the developers died
down and the project has lain dormant. I charge my successor(s) with the
completion of this project, which has become a symbol of the epitome of what the
EH can accomplish. The IO has also seen things like MyEHNet (MyDot), a personal
portal homepage for EH members; Sabacc Online, which captivated BHG interest for
a long stretch of time; SquadFirst+, a fully automated website creator designed
to help individual EH units with the creation and maintenance of their websites
as well as compliance with the Internet Guidelines; the eXtensible Polling
System, an all-purpose data collection tool which allows people to survey EH
members for many different types of data in different ways; and many, many other
projects, all of which I will not detail here (though for a good number of them,
refer to IO Report #100).
As you may be able to guess from these vast projects, my vision for the Internet
Office and indeed for the entire Emperor's Hammer has been very broad. I think
in my 32 months, I have accomplished a lot of my goals. Certainly there were
some large projects that I started that I would've loved to finish (Project
Hawkeye II, Multiplayer Sabacc, EH Wargames) but a big problem in the EH at
large now is the lack of interest and effort put into developing something big.
People expect things to be done instantly, and they don't expect to have to do
them, they think others can do their own work. Such an attitude also affects the
developers unfortunately, and they stop caring. When I began my tenure, this
complacency mixed with listlessness was not a strong presence, which allowed me
to institute some of the big changes I wanted to see to fruition early on.
Unfortunately, circumstances have been such that people no longer see the hard
work and effort that goes into creating an institution that is designed to make
things easier for its users. On the other hand, I don't mean to blame the lack
of success we've had with some of these projects on others; I take
responsibility for not being able to see them to completion, but I do wish at
certain times I could have had more support from my staff and from EH members at
Do not take this as a statement of disappointment. Rather, take it as a
challenge. A challenge for you all to involve yourself in the EH, and learn an
appreciation of the value of hard work and effort. Learn what it takes to make
certain things succeed. And learn when and why something may fail. That is the
best thing you can do in all your endeavors: to take something that you have
learned away from it, whether it was successful or not.
As I said, I had a large vision for the EH, and as of late I feel that I have
not been able to continue fulfilling it as much as I would like to. I was in the
middle of the automation of the main domain, a project I had
waited years for to be given permission to do, but due to external factors my
performance has not been up to my own par as of late. And so, I feel compelled
to resign, out of a sense of duty, since I do not see myself as providing any
new contributions to the EH.
And so, I feel it is time for a new mind to take the reigns from me. I have
selected my own replacement, Admiral Robert Dura, who I feel shares my vision of
the EH and the IO to a vast extent. I have requested that Grand Admiral Ronin
and Sector Admiral Astatine not open the position of Internet Officer for
applications, but rather immediately institute Rob as the new IO, to ensure a
smooth transition. Rob already has access to everything he will need to make use
of as IO and is prepared to take over the day-to-day operations of the IO, and
hopefully bring it to new heights which I could never attain. Just make sure you
send in a report every single week like I did! Make it a priority - it will be
worth it in the end.
I like to think as the beginning of my tenure as the beginning of a new era
within the EH, a time where massive and rapid development took place in many
areas. However, I do not see it fit to call this the end of that era and the
beginning of a new one, because I believe Admiral Dura will carry on my legacy
of vision and care for the EH and its members. I will, however, sorely miss some
of the pleasantries of being Internet Officer. You may be wondering where I will
be moving on to from here. I plan to stay as an Internet Office Assistant for
Rob, and possibly take an advisory position. I will remain as a presence on IRC
however, and will be keeping my address and I am very eager to
continue providing advice and offering Internet or programming assistance, or
even just acting as a general repository of EH history.
As I bid my farewell to the position of Internet Officer, I'd now like to
address the Command Staff. This may come as a shock to you, especially in light
of many recent Command Officer resignations, I honestly don't have any problems
with any of you. I'd like to say it's been a pleasure working with most of you
(some of you I haven't had the opportunity to work with). Sure, I've had some
disagreements with some of you, but overall I think you're all a fine group of
officers capable of bearing the EH into a new era. My words of advice to you
are: no matter how daunting the task at hand may be, it will always be worth it
- possibly in ways you do not expect.
And now, there are some special people I would like to take the time to give an
explicit thank-you to for their assistance and general being a pleasure to work
with. For anyone who feels that I missed them, I deeply apologize for forgetting
you, but I do appreciate you nonetheless.
Priyum: I've got to say, Pri, we've become very good friends through all we've
worked on together. I think we both share the same vision of the EH, and I am
very happy to have always been able to share my bigger projects with you - even
if not all of them worked out.
Keldorn: I'm glad I've been able to have you review my speeches, proposals, etc.
and confer with you about details of projects at length. You've got an amazing
mind, and you bring pride to the phrase "mid-end CS r0xx0rs ur b0xx0rs."
Howlader: Ah, good times. It's nice to be able to go to you for advice, and have
someone as cheerful and helpful as you to make light of a tough situation.
Troutrooper: TT, I've got to say, not only have you helped me immensely with my
EH affairs, but you've also helped me a lot with real life issues, and it's
always a pleasure. Here's to the good ol' days back on the ISD Colossus!
Kweeky: Ever since the days of yore when you were PREX of the CD and I was CEO
of AGA, it's been nothing but fun times with you. You've got a great imagination
and amazing web skills, and I'm proud to have been able to work with you.
Vman: I'm putting my baby (the IO) in your hands, but I know you will do a
wonderful job. You already have so far as my CA, I expect you to surpass
everyone's expectations. Dare to dream!
Leeson: My longest-standing CA, you've always been there to cover for me when
I've needed it. You've managed to get some great projects done, and I hope one
day you'll be able to finish our joint effort of Multiplayer Sabacc.
Darkfire: You were my first CA, and you helped me out tremendously as I was
getting started. Even though you didn't have much programming experience, you
had amazing managerial skills, and I've always looked for those in a CA
Mell: We've been through quite a lot together, from planning projects to
carrying out internet-related investigations, and I've thoroughly enjoyed
working with you. Your unquenchable aspiration is something that I admire.
Turtle: What can I say - you're always reliable and I can always depend on you.
Your desire to expand your knowledge of PHP skills is admirable, and I've loved
teaching you as well as learning from you.
Alex Foley: I've got to say, you've made me very proud. You came into my office
knowing almost no PHP, and you've become one of the big PHP programmers in the
EH. Watching you grow and become a Command Officer has been a pleasure.
Koral: Your assistance in running while it was hosted on your service
has been much appreciated. I deeply thank you for your patience with my
incessant annoyances.
Reblet: Your vast knowledge about programming and all things open-source never
ceases to amaze me. I've truly enjoyed learning new things from you.
I'd also like to thank four of my exemplary former Internet Office Assistants,
who have been very faithful to the Internet Office and have helped me out a
great deal with whatever work I've thrown that way: Xander Drax, Drako,
AbsoluteK, and CrazyR2.
And finally, I'd like to thank Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine
on allowing my the opportunity to carry out my vision of a better EH, and I wish
the best of luck to both of you in the continued successful running of the EH. I
will always be here for useful advice.
And so, my fellow members of the Emperor's Hammer, I conclude my resignation
speech with the following thought: Being a successful leader comes not from your
desire to succeed, but from your desire to see others around you do so. Strive
to work towards the greater good, because ultimately it will pay off for you.
High Admiral Ari
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
Fleet Commander's Note:
HA Ari is one of the finest officers in the EH I have had the pleasure of
working with. His reports were NEVER late and is tireless website designs
and hosting have single-handedly vaulted the EH to the premier SW fan club that
it is.
Fear not, HA Ari will be sticking around as an IOA so he will be around
for advice if required...but let him enjoy his time off for a while ! :)
For his faithful and tireless service, HA Ari is herein awarded the Order
of the Renegade Medal:
(Please see the
Manual for medal descriptions)
High Admiral Ari has had a long and illustrious service to the Emperor's Hammer
as a Squadron Commander, Wing Commander, Ship's Commodore, Command Attach� to
the Internet Officer, and finally as his 32 months as Internet Officer. Longest
serving Internet Officer that I know of.
He started many projects, assembled great teams, and completed many projects
that have greatly helped the EH membership at large. So many that I will not
list them here, I will refer you to his resignation letter for that.
His long service has been one of honor and duty to the membership of the
Emperor's Hammer. Therefore, The undersigned all recommend that the medal Order
of the Renegade be awarded to High Admiral Ari for his long and
fruitful service to the Emperor's Hammer.
Admiral Robert Dura
Obelisk Battlemaster, Vice Admiral (ret.) Reb Crush
Admiral Turtle
Vice Admiral Alex Foley
Fleet Admirla Ender mBind
General Ice
Fleet Admrial Mike
Lieutenant Colonel Mark
Lieutenant Shinobi
Rear Admiral Drako
Vice Admiral Xandar Drax
Admiral Zsinj
Rear Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon
Admiral Mell Kerrigan
(note, these ppl were found on IRC and asked, I feel that
there would be many more names on this list if more time and effort was spent
Knight-Admiral Robert Dura, Acting IO
Positively no objections to this one. If there is any
officer deserving of this medal it's Ari.
VA Alex Foley
Operations Officer
I know not what other medal(s) have been recc'ed for Ari, but just to make sure
he gets a small token of appreciation for his selfless devotion and tireless
effort I am recommending HA Ari for an Order of the Renegade. I don't think I
need to list Ari's outstanding contributions to the fleet: simply look at the
list of IO projects in his last report to see what he has accomplished. Not only
has he been the best IO the EH has ever seen, but Ari's career leading up to IO
was also outstanding. Lest we forget, Ari was COM when the ISD Colossus was
named "Fleet Commander's Own", a first for a ship not named the Sov.
I would be remiss if I forgot Ari's contributions to other subgroups. He was a
long-serving CEO in the Corporate Division, assisted the BHG and Intel on
ocassion, and is a DJK in the Dark Brotherhood. As a member and as IO, he helped
subgroups in any way he could.
In addition, Ari is one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet in the EH. I
am one of many he's aided simply because he can, not for personal or political
reasons. He has a big heart to go along with his huge brain.
I realize that most OORs are awarded to officers who have all other high-level
merit medals and that Ari lacks an IC. However, an IC would be an insult to
someone who's contributed so much to the fleet. Heck, an OOR seems too little as
well. Perhaps both an IC and OOR should be awarded, but that's up to y'all (I
wouldn't mind seeing both merit medals bestowed upon Ari).
In conclusion, HA Ari is an officer many of us strive to emulate, but nobody
can. As a doer and leader, he is second to none. Ari deserves far more than any
single medal can represent, but alas, a medal is all we can give.
INQ/AD Troutrooper/VSD Stalwart
He is ably supported by a strong staff...and as with all good leaders, he
has ably trained his replacement,
Robert Dura. Welcome !
Newsletter No. 103 Posted to the
Fleet: 04.10.04
As Compiled By:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
[ Please visit the Newsletters Page for all past NLs ! ]
Online Viewable:
Downloadable Zip: (5.09 MB)
Tactical Officer
Releases EH Plotlines Compendium Alpha Version v1.0a: 04.11.04
As Submitted From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Hello sirs.
Long ago I had an idea to create compendium for all those with great writing
skills and idea, but lack of mission creation knowledge. Now, I have a chance
to make my dream come true.
Today, I have opened EH Plotlines Compendium v1.0a ( ). It's still alpha
version and I am still working on it, but I've already received the first
plotline submission with positive feedback.
How this works? Well, it's relatively simple. Compendium contains plotlines/battleplans
sent to me by EH members. When they want battle done, but don't have enough
skill to do it, they just fill the template I've prepared for them and submit
it to me. I review it, and when it meets my requirements, I add it to the
compednium. Mission designers visit compendium and request plotlines. Then
they make battles and submit them to me.
From my experience I know that some mission designers have great skills, but
lack of good ideas. That's a chance for them. Well, actualy I can say that's a
chance for all people. Rookies, veteran, top guns. Rookies can write plotlines
and submit them to me for a price. Veterans can make battles and also get
credit. And top guns, can fly them, and earn HSs. This way we should have a
lot more of new battle submissions soon, and I think it's a chance to keep old
platforms like XW or TIE living. Well, until we will have IA, but even then EH
Plotlines Compendium, will be a good idea, I think :)
I will let you know about the fruits of my work very soon :)
FA Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
EH Tactical Officer (CS-3)
#ehpl onwer and EHPLM moderator
Emperor's Hammer
Holonet Awards II Announcement: 04.23.04
As Emailed From:
Internet Officer (AD Dura)
Welcome to the new installment of the Emperor's Hammer Holonet
Awards. We seek to award the members of the Emperor's Hammer who are the best
of the best in web design, graphics, and programming, and their prize is the
coveted Iota.
The competition will be held at
For those that remember the previous EHHA, there have been a few
changes made, there are fewer categories, and changes in the restrictions on
what can be nominiated.
Nominations will start Sunday May 9th, 2004 and end Friday May 21st, 2004.
This gives every 15 days to clean up, create, or pimp their creation in
preperation for nominations.
The site for the competition, and currently an announcement page containing
the timeline, guidelines, categories, and awards is again at:
Admiral Robert Dura, IO-SOA
GMF Coursca Promoted to Admiral:
As Recommended By:
DGMF / RA Orzon /
MC-2 / Gondor Base
(Please see the
Training Manual
for rank descriptions)
Greetings Sirs!
As Deputy Grand Moff, the officer who works the closest with the Grand Moff as
well as sees all behind the scenes work, I'd like recommend Rear Admiral Coursca
for a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral.
The Directorate, while not extremely apparent has brought some new members in,
however, previously our rosters were cushioned with the AWOL, so although it may
seem our numbers have dropped, those that are on are rosters are very active.
Coursca created the Yridia Competition which had decent participation, and has
pushed along with myself and the MoE the current Recruitment drive and other
recruitment options. He even recruited an officer to the Directorate in attempts
to have the general membership follow his lead. He has also given some hints to
a new competition after Easter time.
His current project is Diplomacy which he is revamping to make more easy to
operate than the original version. What I have seen has been amazing and I look
forward to it.
Not really major reforms in the sense of changing things, he did approve
splitting the MoO duties and placing roster control on the Deputy Grand Moff, as
opposed to having the Minister of Operations do medals and rosters. He realized,
as did I, that one officer with promotion and medal approval ability is too much
power, so he discussed with myself, and I agreed to take on the roster control
instead of creating yet another position on the Ministry Council.
He has done an excellent job of finding good Ministry Council members and has
brought a unity to them, that has never been there since I've been on the
Ministry Council (about two years). This has helped the further many plans as
well increase general activity. He has also gotten on all Ministry Council
members cases about doing there job, which has increased the Academy courses,
got the Minister of Operations working on project and the Admiral of the Fleet
and High Commissioner of Territories are getting moving on branch activities.
Coursca has been the best Grand Moff the Directorate has had in sometime. He
gives everything he has for the Sub-group and its members. He is a powerful role
model for the Directorate and EH in general. Coursca is an officer the DIR was
in great need of and he has done a superb job and will continue to do so, which
is more than deserving of such a promotion.
-Deputy Grand Moff, Rear Admiral Nyykl Orzon
DGMF / RA Orzon / MC-2 / Gondor Base
"This is the Orz Experience!"
Directorate Manual:
Directorate Rosters:
Fleet Commander's Note:
AD Coursca certainly has raised the bar in the DIR lately...nice work and
congrats from the FC !
Corporate Division Prex
Rokin Removed as AWOL, Replacements Sought: 04.16.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Corporate Division (CD)
Due to inactivity and basically disappearing, the CD Prex was
removed on 04.16.04.
Interested replacement candidates should meet the following
Be a member of the EH in
good standing for 1+ year
Have no serious
unresolved HCI convictions
Be dedicated, able to
report to the FC and XO on a weekly basis
Be able to host and/or
maintain a Subgroup website
Have some database
familiarity to assist in managing the Corporate Division's pride and joy, the
iBank system
If you are interested, please
email your
qualifications to the Fleet Command and Executive Officer.
Thank you

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
XO Report 31: 04.11.04
Newsletter 103 has been completed and is available online. You
can download it as a zip from or
Alternatively, it's online at Thanks to the LO for quickly
mirroring the NL.
As always, I'm looking for more submissions. Submissions can
* Fiction
* Graphics
* Interviews, articles, reviews
Submissions can be sent to
That's about it for this week.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >
Tactical Office Report #135: 04.10.04
Week full of events. All I can say. So stupid people started their slander
again, trying to get Mike in trouble but all they have achieved was HCI trial,
what a great achievement, don't you think? Or when someone resigns from EH first
and then goes kamikaze. What a bravery? Hehe, how pitiful.
On the other news. OPS has approved awards system for SWGB and plotlines, so
start submitting your SWGB battles if you haven't already. And plotline template
will be available soon, maybe even today.
New battles and missions, pending HSs
I have released few XvT battles and missions this week, so go and enjoy them.
Also, all pending HSs should be processed when I finish this report, today for
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach頴o Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Justin #5853 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thomas Nitecki #6260 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #136: 04.19.04
Well. This report is late, I know, sorry. This week we have finished 2 projects
and started 3 new. See details below. I have also awarded my Tactical Staff, so
congrats to them.
Plotlines Compendium
My old project has finally been released after some coding by me and Justin. You
can see it here. Have fun :)
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar
Thanks to Justin, we have Competitions Calendar online. You can see it here .
You can see all Tactical Competitions there with comments, winners and other
info. Even the upcoming ones.
Tactical Staff Awards
Congrats goes to the following persons:
VA Styles - Gold Star
LC D.T Hammer - Silver Star
COL Master, MAJ Chris Cox, COL Beef - Bronze Stars
LC Justin - Palpatine Crescent
Keep up great work guys!
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach頴o Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #137: 04.24.04
This was not a good week for me. At Thursday I started to be very sick, so I
spent two days in bed. It seems my stomach has been injured by some sort or
poisoning. But it's all ok now :)
Upcoming competitions
There will be 3 new Tactical Competitions. Check calendar for more info.
Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition
Competition start June 1st. I am still waiting for OPS to reply to my request,
and then we go ahead and start applying.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #27: 04.08.04
Easter Weekend is upon us, hence my report one day early...
I have had the unfortunate responsibility of closing the ISD Immortal. I realize
that this ship caries a lot of history and memories for many long standing TC
Pilots. However, with the decline in numbers to the TC and the TIECORPS
Battlegroup, this measure was a necessity for the solvency of the TC as a whole.
Members of the Immortal have been transferred as full squadrons throughout the
TIECORPS Battlegroup at the request of AD Mell and the Squadron Commanders. As
the Immortal is disbanded, Wing XI was also disbanded.
On the SSSD Sovereign, two wings have closed: Wing III and Wing IV and have
merged to create a new wing: Wing VII. What this does is created from two wings
of 20 pilots one wing of 40 + pilots, strengthening the SSSD Sovereign. Wing VII
was opened at the request of AD Proton and the pilots of WINGS III and IV to
create a new beginning for these pilots, a new beginning for the SOV and for the
TC. A Fresh start.
Now with these closures, the TC is made up of 4 BG's of three wings each.
Instead of there being a plethora of wings to chose from, some lacking numbers
to properly operate, it moves the TC into a more manageable arena for cadet
placement, recruitment, and activity. Once the existing wings begin to increase
activity and pilots, then the consideration of newer wings to open will be taken
under advisement.
My next project is to focus on the Elite Squadrons. Each has its own criteria
for selecting pilots, but recently I've seen Elite squadrons recruiting members
that, quite frankly, don't deserve to be in an elite squadron. These pilots have
low activity, or have done nothing in their respective squadrons. At the very
least, I'd like the Elites to stick to the "We are the BEST of the BEST" slogan.
The TO, with thanks to AD Mell, has released the Wing Commander Course. I highly
encourage all members with designs on being a WC or Higher to take the course!
That's all from the Flight Office...
In Service...
FO Report #28: 04.16.04
Report #28 for the Flight Office! This week has been fairly slow. I have
processed a fair number of recruits coming into the EH which is a good sign
The transition for Wing VII and for the members of the Immortal who have been
relocated seems to be running fairly smoothly.
Some Positions have been filled:
WC WING X has been given to Maj Exar Kit
Avenger Elite Squadron Commander has been given to COL Nightmare
Congrats to Both!
WC Wing XV is open to applications
WC Wing XVIII is open to applications as well.
This past week went very very smoothly. No major DB errors or transfer errors! I
am very Impressed.
That's it from the Flight Office!
In Service...
Flight Office Report #29: 04.23.04
Welcome to another Flight Office report. I must say that it has been a quiet
week in terms of Flight Office activity. I would like to point out that I've
processed a good amount of people coming out of the reserves back to the TC. A
good amount being approx 10 people, but thats 10 more than we've had! Good work
to all the people who took the time to write these pilots and get them back to
active duty status!
Praetorian Squadron Commander was up for applications until Thursday 4/22/04.
SDIR Mordann and myself are mulling over the applications from the three members
who applied:
MAJ Abel Malik
CPT Gelton Torr
MAJ Chris Cox
We hope to have a commander in place before the end of the weekend.
The Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf has been promoted to Vice Admiral. Congrats
to VA Gilad on his much deserved promotion.
I would like to encourage all of the TC MP pilots to participate in the upcoming
WoW to unseat BOSS club. They have traditionally been the winners of these
events, and I think with the Multiplayers that we currently have, we should be
able to unseat them as the reigning champs! Get out and fly if you have the
IWATS has released many new courses. I recommend that all pilots check out the
IWATS page for a list of schools that they can take. I want to point out the WC
course and advise that all pilots wishing to become a WC or higher in the TC try
to take this course. It has a lot of useful tips and great training materials in
They has been much talk and anticipation over the SWG: Jump to Lightspeed space
expansion and its use for the TC. For now many issues need to be worked out
before the TC can even think about including it and having it approved. I am
keeping an eye on the SWG pages to get more info on the game and I request any
member that gets info forward it to me so I can write a report to the
appropriate persons to see about using SWG SE as a platform for the TC. For
right now it is being talked about and nothing more...
Lastly the awarding of MOI's. I've had a few pilots write to me stating that
they have not received MOI's for helping CTs in their training. I've checked the
MOI's that the DB has put in queue fo the CT's and many of the pilots whom have
written to me were not mentioned by the CT as helping them. If a pilot helps a
CT, I suggest that the pilot informs the CT to include him/her as helping them
so they receive credit for the MOI. If a CT forgets, the CT must write me and
tell me who they got help from and the pilots Pin number. I cannot in good
conscious automatically issue an MOI based on someone telling me they helped
someone, for obvious reasons. If the CT doesn't specify who helped, then no MOI
will be sent to the OPS for approval.
That's it from the Flight Office....
In service....
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Former Internet
Officer (HA Ari) and
Internet Officer
(AD Dura)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
IO-SOA-PROF/AD Robert Dura/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS IIC Professor
Internet Office Report #138: 04.09.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #138
April 9, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Been a short week for me; as I mentioned, I was on holiday Monday-Wednesday as I
will be next Monday and Tuesday. Took quite a lot of convincing to get myself to
believe that today was actually Friday.
Due to RL commitments, I can no longer commit the time required to finishing up
the automation project. However, AD Turtle has agreed to take the reigns
of the project. With his experience in designing the EHNet system, he should be
able to complete without too much difficulty.
AD Dura has informed me that the elusive bug that caused much grief to all
SquadFirst+ users has FINALLY been located and fixed! The version 2.0.3 patch
will be released soon with the updates. Please report any further bugs at our
Bug Tracker, Ortho, at
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Krath Order site at Congrats to J'Lek Arcanos on a nice modification
of SquadFirst+, earning 4 stars!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What's your favorite PC game ever?
-Everquest or SWG
-Half-Life or Counter-Strike
-Neverwinter Nights
-Civilization 3
-The Sims
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: AD Robert Dura
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript
IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash
IWATS Course
Internet Office Report #139 Resignation
Speech: 04.16.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #139
April 16, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
My fellow members of the Emperor's Hammer,
I address you all today, a bit with a heavy heart, but out of a sense of duty. I
regret to inform you that as of today, I herein resign from the position of
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer. To some of you this may come as a
surprise; others may have expected it. I have served as the EH's Internet
Officer for a total of 32 months, 139 reports (this being the 125th that I've
written, as opposed to my CAs) - to my knowledge, the longest term served by an
IO. During my tenure, I have strived to bring a new dimension to the EH,
exploiting the Internet resources available to us. In my application for the
position, I stated that I wished for the Internet Office to have a more personal
feel, act as a more central hub and provide web hosting and services to members.
I believe that the institution of the IO has been successful in accomplishing
these goals, especially facilitating the transition from primarily HTML sites to
many more automated, interactive and dynamic sites powered by PHP and ASP, but
also much more.
The IO/COMM now offers a wide range of services, including web hosting, e-mail,
domain redirection, among other services, all for free to members of the EH,
realized through MinosNIC. For a while the Internet Office was also involved in
operating the EH Message Boards. I personally have also made an effort to make
myself available to every single member who needs help with questions in my area
of expertise, and I am happy to say that almost every question someone has
brought to my attention, I have successfully dealt with personally.
Moreover, the IO has instituted the EHNet Login Service, or ELS, which is the
largest EH user database (aside from the TIE Corps site), and provides secure,
efficient login and authentication. The ELS authentication client is available
to all webmasters who request it. ELS also runs off of several servers, meaning
that there is an efficient redundancy built into the system should any one of
the servers be down at a given time. My vision for ELS was that it would
eventually lead the way into a larger database, which would centralize data
shared between subgroups for members, such as contact information, and possibly
lead to the implementation of a standardized currency system.
The IO has seen many other various projects, including but not limited to
Project Hawkeye, one of the most massive and effective competitions run by a
Command Office in recent EH history. A good deal of work was actually completed
on Project Hawkeye II, but unfortunately, interest among the developers died
down and the project has lain dormant. I charge my successor(s) with the
completion of this project, which has become a symbol of the epitome of what the
EH can accomplish. The IO has also seen things like MyEHNet (MyDot), a personal
portal homepage for EH members; Sabacc Online, which captivated BHG interest for
a long stretch of time; SquadFirst+, a fully automated website creator designed
to help individual EH units with the creation and maintenance of their websites
as well as compliance with the Internet Guidelines; the eXtensible Polling
System, an all-purpose data collection tool which allows people to survey EH
members for many different types of data in different ways; and many, many other
projects, all of which I will not detail here (though for a good number of them,
refer to IO Report #100).
As you may be able to guess from these vast projects, my vision for the Internet
Office and indeed for the entire Emperor's Hammer has been very broad. I think
in my 32 months, I have accomplished a lot of my goals. Certainly there were
some large projects that I started that I would've loved to finish (Project
Hawkeye II, Multiplayer Sabacc, EH Wargames) but a big problem in the EH at
large now is the lack of interest and effort put into developing something big.
People expect things to be done instantly, and they don't expect to have to do
them, they think others can do their own work. Such an attitude also affects the
developers unfortunately, and they stop caring. When I began my tenure, this
complacency mixed with listlessness was not a strong presence, which allowed me
to institute some of the big changes I wanted to see to fruition early on.
Unfortunately, circumstances have been such that people no longer see the hard
work and effort that goes into creating an institution that is designed to make
things easier for its users. On the other hand, I don't mean to blame the lack
of success we've had with some of these projects on others; I take
responsibility for not being able to see them to completion, but I do wish at
certain times I could have had more support from my staff and from EH members at
Do not take this as a statement of disappointment. Rather, take it as a
challenge. A challenge for you all to involve yourself in the EH, and learn an
appreciation of the value of hard work and effort. Learn what it takes to make
certain things succeed. And learn when and why something may fail. That is the
best thing you can do in all your endeavors: to take something that you have
learned away from it, whether it was successful or not.
As I said, I had a large vision for the EH, and as of late I feel that I have
not been able to continue fulfilling it as much as I would like to. I was in the
middle of the automation of the main domain, a project I had
waited years for to be given permission to do, but due to external factors my
performance has not been up to my own par as of late. And so, I feel compelled
to resign, out of a sense of duty, since I do not see myself as providing any
new contributions to the EH.
And so, I feel it is time for a new mind to take the reigns from me. I have
selected my own replacement, Admiral Robert Dura, who I feel shares my vision of
the EH and the IO to a vast extent. I have requested that Grand Admiral Ronin
and Sector Admiral Astatine not open the position of Internet Officer for
applications, but rather immediately institute Rob as the new IO, to ensure a
smooth transition. Rob already has access to everything he will need to make use
of as IO and is prepared to take over the day-to-day operations of the IO, and
hopefully bring it to new heights which I could never attain. Just make sure you
send in a report every single week like I did! Make it a priority - it will be
worth it in the end.
I like to think as the beginning of my tenure as the beginning of a new era
within the EH, a time where massive and rapid development took place in many
areas. However, I do not see it fit to call this the end of that era and the
beginning of a new one, because I believe Admiral Dura will carry on my legacy
of vision and care for the EH and its members. I will, however, sorely miss some
of the pleasantries of being Internet Officer. You may be wondering where I will
be moving on to from here. I plan to stay as an Internet Office Assistant for
Rob, and possibly take an advisory position. I will remain as a presence on IRC
however, and will be keeping my address and I am very eager to
continue providing advice and offering Internet or programming assistance, or
even just acting as a general repository of EH history.
As I bid my farewell to the position of Internet Officer, I'd now like to
address the Command Staff. This may come as a shock to you, especially in light
of many recent Command Officer resignations, I honestly don't have any problems
with any of you. I'd like to say it's been a pleasure working with most of you
(some of you I haven't had the opportunity to work with). Sure, I've had some
disagreements with some of you, but overall I think you're all a fine group of
officers capable of bearing the EH into a new era. My words of advice to you
are: no matter how daunting the task at hand may be, it will always be worth it
- possibly in ways you do not expect.
And now, there are some special people I would like to take the time to give an
explicit thank-you to for their assistance and general being a pleasure to work
with. For anyone who feels that I missed them, I deeply apologize for forgetting
you, but I do appreciate you nonetheless.
Priyum: I've got to say, Pri, we've become very good friends through all we've
worked on together. I think we both share the same vision of the EH, and I am
very happy to have always been able to share my bigger projects with you - even
if not all of them worked out.
Keldorn: I'm glad I've been able to have you review my speeches, proposals, etc.
and confer with you about details of projects at length. You've got an amazing
mind, and you bring pride to the phrase "mid-end CS r0xx0rs ur b0xx0rs."
Howlader: Ah, good times. It's nice to be able to go to you for advice, and have
someone as cheerful and helpful as you to make light of a tough situation.
Troutrooper: TT, I've got to say, not only have you helped me immensely with my
EH affairs, but you've also helped me a lot with real life issues, and it's
always a pleasure. Here's to the good ol' days back on the ISD Colossus!
Kweeky: Ever since the days of yore when you were PREX of the CD and I was CEO
of AGA, it's been nothing but fun times with you. You've got a great imagination
and amazing web skills, and I'm proud to have been able to work with you.
Vman: I'm putting my baby (the IO) in your hands, but I know you will do a
wonderful job. You already have so far as my CA, I expect you to surpass
everyone's expectations. Dare to dream!
Leeson: My longest-standing CA, you've always been there to cover for me when
I've needed it. You've managed to get some great projects done, and I hope one
day you'll be able to finish our joint effort of Multiplayer Sabacc.
Darkfire: You were my first CA, and you helped me out tremendously as I was
getting started. Even though you didn't have much programming experience, you
had amazing managerial skills, and I've always looked for those in a CA
Mell: We've been through quite a lot together, from planning projects to
carrying out internet-related investigations, and I've thoroughly enjoyed
working with you. Your unquenchable aspiration is something that I admire.
Turtle: What can I say - you're always reliable and I can always depend on you.
Your desire to expand your knowledge of PHP skills is admirable, and I've loved
teaching you as well as learning from you.
Alex Foley: I've got to say, you've made me very proud. You came into my office
knowing almost no PHP, and you've become one of the big PHP programmers in the
EH. Watching you grow and become a Command Officer has been a pleasure.
Koral: Your assistance in running while it was hosted on your service
has been much appreciated. I deeply thank you for your patience with my
incessant annoyances.
Reblet: Your vast knowledge about programming and all things open-source never
ceases to amaze me. I've truly enjoyed learning new things from you.
I'd also like to thank four of my exemplary former Internet Office Assistants,
who have been very faithful to the Internet Office and have helped me out a
great deal with whatever work I've thrown that way: Xander Drax, Drako,
AbsoluteK, and CrazyR2.
And finally, I'd like to thank Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine
on allowing my the opportunity to carry out my vision of a better EH, and I wish
the best of luck to both of you in the continued successful running of the EH. I
will always be here for useful advice.
And so, my fellow members of the Emperor's Hammer, I conclude my resignation
speech with the following thought: Being a successful leader comes not from your
desire to succeed, but from your desire to see others around you do so. Strive
to work towards the greater good, because ultimately it will pay off for you.
High Admiral Ari
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW, the final one I will be picking as IO, is something very
appropriate: MinosNIC at
. MinosNIC will carry the future of the EH's Internet operations, and serves as
the main basis for the EHNet Login System (ELS). I hope MinosNIC will continue
to serve the EH as it has to date. Congratulations to the ENTIRE INTERNET OFFICE
on this marvelous 5 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What has been Ari's best IO project?
-Sabacc Online
-eXtensible Polling System
-Project Hawkeye
-My EHNet
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: AD Robert Dura
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript
IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Officer Report #1: 04.23.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #1
23 April , 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
This is my first report as (acting) Internet Officer, please be gentle. So first
let's get the little stuff out of the way.
The past week, Admiral Turtle has been working on ELS in
preperation for continuing work on the automation project. Substantial
progress is expected within the next few days.
Another bug in SquadFirst+ has been found, relating to the Editable Pages,
apparently the delete function was not working. Additionally several people have
reported broken links. So expect version 2.0.4 to be released soon.
Now for the longer stuff
Part of the duties of the Internet Office is to facilitate the development of
websites for members of the EH. As part of this duty, the IO has been showcasing
sites that show good web design and coding skills as apart of it's Site of the
Week section. It has been decided that as a part of facilitating development of
websites, the Internet Office will now not necessarily be looking for the best.
But in fact will be showcasing sites that are good, but definitely have room for
improvement. A site will be selected and the IO will send an email to the
developers of the site offering constructive criticism of the site. This is a
bit of an experiment, so please bear with us, and do not take the comments as a
way of saying "you suck" but instead as "there is room for improvement.
Initially we will be focusing on usability of websites. Color use, coding to
standards, that sort of thing.
The Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards are being awarded again. This Internet
Office run, EH-wide competition serves to showcase the best of the best in
website content, coding, graphics, animation, and music. Nominations will begin
Sunday, May 9th, 2004. This gives you 15 days to polish up anything you have
been working on. Please go to the EH Holonet Awards II page for more details.
Additionally, I will be sending out an email to a number of personell in every
subgroup containing a more detailed announcement. Please forward this
announcement down the chain of command so that everyone will know of this.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's Site of the Week, and first guinea pig of the revised SotW procedure
is the Blades of Malice Battle Team Website. This site shows a typical use of
SquadFirst+ with the added bonus of changed graphics. Congratulations to
Protector Ibram Gaunt for managing this 3 star site. He will be emailed with the
suggestions for improvement.
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Best Imperail Starfighter
# TIE Fighter
# TIE Interceptor
# TIE Defender
# TIE Bomber
# Missle Boat
# Gunboat
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: AD Robert Dura
Command Attache: Vacant
Command Assistant: HA Ari
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
# - Internet Office
# - EH Message
# - MinosNIC
# - EHNet Login System
# - EH & TC Internet Guidelines # -
Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards II #
- Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards I # - Archived
Message Board Data
# - My EHNet
# -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template # - eXtensible
Polling System
# -
Sabacc Online v2.4
# - IO Code
# - EH
# - EH Code
# - EH Banner
# - EH Counter
# - Greeting
Card Center
# -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
# -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
# -
# - PHP IWATS Course
# - JavaScript
IWATS Course
# - VBScript
IWATS Course
# - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
:: Transmission End ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #34: 04.10.04
Training Office Report #34
10th April 2004
Fleet Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting []
"Iurare in verba magistri."
TO News | TC Standing Orders | DB Directives | Resources | Staff
:: [ Training Office News ] ::
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 34th Training Office Report!
Several new IWATS Courses are launched today:
mIRC Scripting:
Cascading Style Sheets:
Accordingly, Lieutenant Colonel Choosh, Captain Machinari, Rear
Admiral Jedi Eclipse and Major Keller have been awarded Silver Stars of the
Empire for their service to the Training Office.
Colonel Master has been reinstated as Professor of Rebellion Tactics (RT).
Welcome back.
Admiral Robert Dura has taken over as Professor of the IIC (HTML) suite of
courses. Previously these were the responsibility of the Training Officer, but I
have decided to separate the duties to permit me to concentrate on over areas,
and to allow the Admiral to update/expand the course.
Rear Admiral Drako and Sith Battlelord Daniel Goad are both on leaves of
The Competition Consultancy service is open to all members of the Emperor's
Hammer. This service gives members' assistance in formulating new competition
ideas - big or small - and help in running their competitions. Questions etc.
should be sent to
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by doctoral study. Most SubGroup academies will be heavily
involved in this institution once the idea is ready to go gold. Any questions
can be directed to me at The Imperial Senate, Dark
Brotherhood and Intelligence Division have been given further information
concerning this project.
Rear Admiral Drako continues to work on the EH Top Gun project with the Combat
Operations Officer.
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit Combat Rating 'Races' competitions will be denied. I would
like to highlight the emphasis on �internal unit competitions�; this only
applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and not to a
inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
II. Lowering of Multiplayer Requirements to One Match: 13th March 2004
All new Sith and Obelisk Initiates within the Dark Brotherhood must complete one
(1) MP match to graduate from Phase II of their Apprentice Studies. Single
player requirements for the Sith Order remain the same.
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #30: 04.10.04
Wrecked my car yesterday. Not too
fun. Not too fun at all.
It's Spring Break here! Finally!
I'll be down at Myrtle Beach from Saturday to Monday, so please bear with me.
I'm going to try to work the medal queue down tonight before I leave.
I've begun working with AD
Turtle, the Communications Officer, on revising the Medal of Communication
system. We're going to have a preliminary plan setup soon to begin working
through with the FC and XO. I'll keep you posted.
I want to remind everyone that
simply saying "High Activity" is not enough to award a medal. I need details!
I'm sure that every medal awarded is deserved, just give me the proof!
All I see these days are TTT
uniforms. Not that I'm discouraging the use of a great program that is by far
the easiest way to make a uniform since, well, ever... I'd like to see more
custom-designed uniforms. I'm going to allow a little more lee-way from now on
to encourage this. If you think something's a little bit crazy, though, I
would e-mail me before submitting it and putting all the work together to make
the uniform.
"A boy can learn a lot from a dog:
obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before
lying down."
Robert Benchley (1889 - 1945)
OPS Report #31: 04.16.04
I was incredibly saddened this
week to see that HA Ari, Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer for nearly
three years, had resigned from his post. Ari is probably the closest thing I had
to a mentor here in the EH, and he will be greatly missed. It's hard to imagine
one person who has seen so much completed for the good of the entire Emperor's
Hammer. And as Ari said, it's not as much about doing everything yourself as it
is about inspiring others to do the work. A great leader gets someone to do
something for him without them ever knowing it.
Thank you very much to all of
you who read my report last week and kept your medal recommendations and
uniforms to be approved until after I returned from leave. For those of you
who did not read my report and got upset over medals being approved on
Wednesday, please have some compassion. I was on a short leave for my spring
The official MoC proposal has
been sent to the FC and XO for approval. COMM/AD Turtle and myself have great
hopes that the MoC might become a medal that is valued instead of just a
counter for message board posts.
Again, "High Activity" is not
enough to award a medal. Details, details, details! Make sure to always show
me how well your pilots have done this month. Not only does it make my job
easier it helps to show pilots who read the descriptions that you appreciate
their hard work. Please note, though, that flowery language does not mean an
approved medal. I would much rather have a MSE excerpt than some long
Again this week I saw thirty TTT
uniforms and two custom-designed ones. I'm going to continue to allow lee-way
in uniform creation to encourage custom work. Also, CMDRs, a great competition
idea is for your pilots to create a custom uniform for you to display! But,
again, if you think something's a little bit crazy, though, I would e-mail me
before submitting it and putting all the work together to make the uniform.
"The truth is more important than
the facts."
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959)
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW:
Communications Office Report #11:
Recently, I have received two separate reports regarding abuse of ops access on
various Emperor's Hammer related IRC channels. Such abuse generally included
unwarranted kicking + banning. Similarly, I have received a report of non-ops
harassing other members on channels. Let me make it very clear that myself and
the Security Officer will not stand for such foolishness. All members in the
Emperor's Hammer are encouraged to contact me directly, and as soon as possible,
about any future incidents. Appropriate actions will be taken against involved
individuals if necessary.
For anybody that had been experiencing generally messed up things happening on
the primary server from around March 27th to March 31st, this problem has
een corrected. We were experiencing memory and disk- capacity issues. On a
related note, I will be upgrading the memory on the server to 512MB sometime
next weekend, 9-11 April.
Since I don't believe that I have officially mentioned this in any report yet,
everybody should know that logs for all of the channels dasb0t manages are
automatically stored at This currently includes
#Corporate_Division, #DGN_Lichtor_V, #Emperor's_Hammer, #HammerRadio, #TIECorps,
#TheFringe, #The_Infiltrator_Wing, and #ehdb. Timestamps are in Eastern Time.
All pending message board requests have been processed. As a reminder, all such
requests must be made through the COMM request page at in
order to be processed.
I'm going to be quite busy for the next month or so between a large research
paper + finals, and prepping for a short deployment this summer in support of
the Group of Eight (G8) Summit in south Georgia. Unfortunately I'll have little
time for any new COMM issues. I'll continue to press forward in getting ELS 2.0
production ready, as well as the new online.
IRC Meetings
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online IRC meeting every Saturday at 1200 hours
(12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the fleet issue reports in a
moderated format regarding their respective areas of service. General member
discussion and trivia follows. Plan to be there!
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #12:
TIE Corps squadrons that have been affected by the recent renaming and moving
around of squadrons in the TIE Corps should contact me via e-mail regarding
their squadron message boards. It is possible to simply rename your old board to
the new squadron name, instead of having to create a new one (loosing old
information, as well as the having the URL change).
Due to real life obligations of HA Ari, I will be assuming primary control of
the automation project as of next week.
I will be taking the server offline for several minutes Saturday for a memory
upgrade to 512MB. This will help with the slow speeds some services on the
server have been experiencing.
Reminder: logs for all of the channels dasb0t manages are automatically stored
at This
currently includes #Corporate_Division, #DGN_Lichtor_V, #Emperor's_Hammer, #HammerRadio,
#TIECorps, #TheFringe, #The_Infiltrator_Wing, and #ehdb. Timestamps are in
Eastern Time.
All pending message board requests have been processed.
IRC Meetings
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online IRC meeting every Saturday at 1200 hours
(12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the fleet issue reports in a
moderated format regarding their respective areas of service. General member
discussion and trivia follows. Plan to be there!
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #13:
Greetings Imperials,
This past weekend the primary MinosNIC server (turtle) was upgraded to 512MB of
memory. This should help with the speed issues that users have been experiencing
during some operations.
COMMA Synth is currently tweaking a group of scripts that will allow our IRC
bots to update their channel/configuration information on the Communications
Office web site on a live basis. Look for this to be online by next weekend.
I'm currently working on a proposal that will get Medal of Communication awards
going again, but this time in a new (non-retarded, non-SPAM-encouraging)
fashion. Watch the COMM report for information on this
in the next week or two.
I need to begin the process of getting all official Emperor's Hammer IRC
channels recognized. Everyone should review the list of channels posted at If a channel you frequent is not listed, please have a
channel owner or operator visit
As usual, all pending message board requests have been processed at this time.
On a final note, I'd like to bid farewell to my long-standing partner in crime,
HA Ari. After 32 months of loyal service, he has handed over the reins of IO to
Admiral Robert Dura. Thanks for all your hard work Ari, and I look forward to
continuing to work closely with Robert Dura as he transitions into his new job.
IRC Meetings
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online Internet Relay Chat meeting every
Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the
fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of
service. General member discussion and trivia follows. For more information,
please see
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #14:
Greetings Imperials,
I'm going to keep this report short this week.
I did a lot of finalization on ELS 2.0 this week. ELS 2.0 is now at a release
candidate stage, and has been released for final testing by select personnel.
This is in preparation for the project.
On the front, now that school is winding down (in a week), I'm going to
be hitting this project hard. I'm looking at an initial release date in about 2
Finally, if your IRC channel is not listed at, please submit a request to have it added!
IRC Meetings
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online Internet Relay Chat meeting every
Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the
fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of
service. General member discussion and trivia follows. For more information,
please see
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #11: 04.10.04
1. Still not hiring.
2. I've seen a great deal of arguing between members lately. Everyone needs to
remember that the CoCs are in full effect. Don't make me break some skulls. :P
Case News:
1. SBL Frey was sent before the High Court of Inquisitors April 3rd. No verdict
has been obtained at the time of this report.
Computer Security News:
1. Nothing particularly noteworthy at this time. The usual spread of virii,
which all of you should know how to thwart by now. Of course, if for some reason
you don't, check out one of my earlier reports.
2. As always, if you have a problem and need help, feel free to contact me.
Security Office Report #12: 04.23.04
1. After a brief stint of absence this weekend, I am back. Rejoice.
2. I am now accepting applications for a Command Attach�. Requirements will be
as follows:
1. Minimum of 1 year experience
2. No HCI convictions within the past 6 months
3. An email response time of no less than 36 hours
4. The ability to work well with any and all members.
5. No history of bias.
Items 3-5 will be verified.
The preferred qualities are as follows:
1. Offline experience in the field of Criminal Justice.
2. Desire to excel.
3. Web design abilities
4. An *extremely* high online presence, particularly in the areas of IRC and the
Your application will contain qualifications with regards to each
requirement/preferred quality with detail.
Applicants will collect no more than 2 references and submit applications to with the subject of
"Make Me CA!". Applications under any other subject will most likely be missed
and disregarded.
I will be accepting applications from 04/23 through 05/15.
Case News:
1. Several items were sent to the High Court last week. More coming soon.
Computer Security News:
1. Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: Windows XP Service Pack 2!
Is anyone else excited? I sure am. Included are many security related fixes, and
general user friendly updates. Particularly of interest will be the ability to
manually configure the XP Firewall (details at )
which will now be enabled by default. Also included will be safer email
handling, improved browsing security, and improved computer maintenance. And
perhaps the most important feature of all, pop-up blocking.
SP2 is currently set for a release of Mid-2004. Watch for future reports.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #38: 04.13.04
"Only a brave person is willing to honestly admit, and
fearlessly to face, what a sincere and logical mind discovers."
Welcome to my thirty-eighth public report as a Science Officer, kinda on time (muahahaha).
But I still got stuff to report:
Science Office News:
1. The Imperial Alliance ("IA" our free game based on the Free Space 2 engine)
Project is heading on, with a nearly completed new HUD this week - it just needs
some basic message boxes still. CM Timmay has been modelling some excellent new
warheads that actually look like warheads, not just some triangles. Because for
once I've outpaced Den in making IA components I had some time to do some other
SCO-y stuff this weekend:
2. This means that I got some new patches out and have updated
some others. A layout of what has been done recently:
" TIE Sentinel (TIE Shadow): "Long range sentry and
reconnaissance craft. Typically based at deep space outposts and customs checks.
The updated shielded version of Avenger Squadron is known as the 'TIE Shadow'.
Rebels know this craft as the 'V38'. The TIE Phantom was based on it." The TIE
Sentinel has been released for XWA which means it's now available for all X-Wing
series games save for X-Wing itself.
" (Modular) Task Force Cruiser: "Generic large capital ship
frameworks on which mission-specific modules are mounted. Common units include
hospital, survey, observation, rescue and inquisition modules. In common use
throughout the Galaxy and on our Order of Battle for the TC, HF, FMC and HCI."
The TFC has been released for TIE95, XvT and BoP and is already in the Fleet
" Imperial Shuttle Pod Mk.6: "Multi-use Utility Craft. Equipped
with shields and hyperdrive its primary use is inter-system courier but its also
used for docking operations and as a full-fledged fighter. About all our Sub
Groups have these on their Order of Battle except for the IW." The ISP-6 has
been released for TIE95, XvT and BoP. If you want to know what it looks like; it
was used as example in the OPTing course:
" Astatine Class Tug: XWA patch has been updated to current SCO
standards so it will install better with other patches.
" Eclipse Super Star Destroyer Mk.1: XWA patch has been updated
to current SCO standards so it will install better with other patches.
3. If you have problems running EHBL, SCO Patches or Imperial
Alliance go to and
there you can see if your problem already has a solution or you can ask for more
help. However - this is meant for bugs on these things only, NOT to report
battle bugs or things unrelated to these things (Sorry, we don't do marriage
counseling either ;)). Please report battle bugs where you always have: the
4. For some reason the Spectre Advanced Missile Boat patch for
Balance of Power is severely messed up and needs to be rebuilt from scratch. As
such it is currently suspended from use but will be replaced ASAP.
5. We are still looking for squadron patches for Imperial
Alliance. I'm asking all unit commanders to send in the uniform patch of their
squadron, wing, house, clan, whatever you want. Please do keep in mind that
there's a difference between a squadron patch and a squadron banner.
6. I'd again like to thank LC Zeth Duron MAJ Chris McCollum and
HA Priyum Patel for sending in some excellent graphics for the credits section.
For you others: I'm looking for original art of battles, craft looking cool and
other such material. Minimum resolution should be about 400x300.
7. As another reminder: CM Timmay has set up a forum just for
the project at - if you want to help out in the
testing department, or just want to have previews/early access of what we are
doing, you are advised to go and check it out. Registering makes sure you will
receive email notices of next beta phases and other such matters. Do report a
bug that you come across though, that's what testing is about.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has made more versions of the IA exe to incorporate the new
HUD components and has been helping out people at ortho. SCOA: CM Tim has been
working on new models for the warheads in IA so they actually look like the
graphics displayed in the TIE Fighter hangar.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at No major updates.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently replacing the HUD.
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal was to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. All the "missing" craft have been
added to the EHSPs. New releases this week are the Imperial Shuttle Pod Mk.6 and
the (Modular) Task Force Cruiser.
XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft
arranged by earlier SCO's and such, like the Trithan Interceptor (Kermee), the
Hyperion (Den), the Alvaakian Craft (me) and the new fighter for Avenger
Squadron (AES). The TIE Sentinel/TIE Shadow for AES has been released, the Ast
Tug and ESSD1 have been updated.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at
#science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail
on the SCO site.
(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #39: 04.18.04
"From now on we live in a world where man has walked on the
Moon. It's not a miracle; we just decided to go."
Welcome to my thirty-ninth public report as a Science Officer, less then a week
after the last one? (Oh my gawd! Something must be wrong?!). Still got stuff to
report though:
Science Office News:
1. The Imperial Alliance ("IA" our free game based on the Free Space 2 engine)
Project is heading on, but with no major news this week.
2. Instead I got some new patches out and have updated some
others. A layout of what has been done recently:
" Enforcer Picket Ship: A medium star ship often employed for
border patrol. Based on the Interdictor, these well armed picket ships carry up
to six TIE Fighter squadrons. Currently in use by the Corporate Division Picket
Fleet but might get wider spread usage. Released for TIE95, XvT, BoP and XWA.
" Shadow Y-Wing: Heavy Assault Covert Fighter/Bomber, for
attacking enemy capital ships. Features include stealth armour coating which
absorbs part of visible spectrum reducing visibility and improved weaponry, load
out and engines. Now also released for XWA.
" (Modular) Task Force Cruiser: Now also released for XWA -
details are in my last report.
" M/FRT the Luggage: My private hunk of junk, now also released
for XWA.
" Eclipse Super Star Destroyer Mk.2: XWA patch has been updated
to current SCO standards so it will install better with other patches.
" Tritian Interceptor: XWA patch has been updated to current SCO
standards so it will install better with other patches. It also has been
debugged and will now also manoeuvre. (Limited use for the Hammer to Anvil
series of battles by COL Sauron.)
3. If you have problems running EHBL, SCO Patches or Imperial
Alliance go to and
there you can see if your problem already has a solution or you can ask for more
help. If a bug only shows up on one or a few battles it is not EHBL based,
please report such bugs where you always have: the compendium.
4. We are still looking for squadron patches for Imperial
Alliance. I'm asking all unit commanders to send in the uniform patch of their
squadron, wing, house, clan, whatever you want. Please do keep in mind that
there's a difference between a squadron patch and a squadron banner and that
this is not only for the TIE Corps.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been doing adjustments and testing to the IA HUD and
has been helping out people at ortho.
SCOA: CM Tim has been working on new models for the warheads in
IA so they actually look like the graphics displayed in the TIE Fighter hangar
and has been working on bug fixes for the shields.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at No major updates.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently replacing the HUD.
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal was to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. All the "missing" craft have been
added to the EHSPs. New release this week is from the OoB: the Enforcer Picket
XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft
arranged by earlier SCO's and such. The Task Force Cruiser, Enforcer Picket
Ship, M/FRT the Luggage and Shadow Y-Wing have been released. The ESSD mk.II and
Tritian Interceptor have been updated.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at
#science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail
on the SCO site.
(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #40: 04.24.05
"The great danger to any civilization--at any one moment--is the
threat of breakdown during the time of transition from the established methods
of the past to those new and better, but untried, procedures of the future."
Welcome to my fortieth public report as a Science Officer, again less then a
week after the last one? (Suspicious I'd say! Very suspicious! ;) ). Got plenty
of stuff to report though:
Science Office News:
1. I got some new patches out this week. A layout of what has been done:
" TIE Phantom: Well known experimental cloaking fighter from
"Rebel Assault II". Now released for XWA as well.
" Imperial Shuttle Pod Mk.6: Small courier and utility craft by
Cygnus in use by about all subgroups. Now released for XWA as well.
" E-Wing: Update on the X-Wing for the New Republic. Now
released for XWA as well with a OPT ported by RA Xavier Octavius Sienar.
" Interceptor Enforcement Ship Mk.4: The predecessor of the
Pursuer with a fast firing heavy cannon as in use by the HF. Now also released
for XWA.
" Hyperion Interceptor Gunboat: Special craft designed by AD Den
Darkhill for the Dark Brotherhood. Now also released for XWA.
" Tactical Gunboat: TAC/FA Mike's specially built improved
gunboat, now also released for XWA.
" TIE Assault: The earliest T/A variant as seen in X-Wing CD. It
features 2 lasers and 2 ions but no hyperdrive. Now also released for XWA.
" TIE Advanced X1: Darth Vader's personal craft based on the TIE
Assault as seen in A New Hope. Now also released for XWA.
" Imperial Troop Transport: Large transport by Telgorn which
apparently took care of the Jawa Crawler in A New Hope. Now also released for
2. Also quite a few patches were updated to current standards or
to fix inconsistencies. These include the I-7 Howlrunner, TIE Vanguard, Phalanx
Interceptor Gunboat, TIE Dragon, TIE Guardian, TIE Preator, TIE Scimitar
(installer and moved to slot #193), Spectre Advanced Missile Boat (moved to slot
#188), MC-90, Dungeon Ship, Sovereign and TIE Protector (new OPT/look) for
X-Wing Alliance and the TIE Assault for TIE/XvT/BoP (it gained the ions
discovered when flying it in XWCD.).
3. Make sure you always use the latest version of a patch -
preferably always download it fresh before you use it. This solves problems with
particular battles and saves you problems like not having the ions to disable
targets and such.
4. There's a new release date for the Flight Expansion of Star
Wars Galaxies, in August. The screenshots look very nifty (Though, again as in
XWA space seems just too colorful with a load of nebula's. </picky>) and if you
want to go fly then you'd be advised to start on the game already and start
earning credit to get yourself a fighter then. How the expansion will be treated
within the EH is still under discussion, but we do have quite a few months to
still determine it.
5. The Imperial Alliance ("IA" our free game based on the Free
Space 2 engine) Project is continuing with this week the engine glow matters
being addressed in a very cool way by CPT Timmay. This will mean all craft
models need to be redone however (good thing we're doing all these things on a
low amount of craft types still.).
6. On both these projects I'd like to ask everyone to just keep
their cool. Hyping either or trying to make them compete with each other is just
silly (if not just because their completely different
goals/outsets/manufacturers.). Hyping just increases the expectations to levels
where nothing can ever fulfil them. Both games do seem to be quite a lot of fun
to play - that's all.:)
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been doing adjustments and testing to the IA HUD and
has been helping out people at ortho. SCOA: CPT Tim has been working on new
models for warheads and thrusters in IA.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at No major updates.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently replacing the HUD and
making adjustments to the craft models.
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal was to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. All the "missing" craft have been
added to the EHSPs. This week saw updates to the TIE Assault and very minor ones
to the TIE Advanced X1.
XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft
arranged by earlier SCO's and such. The T/Assault, IES, T/X1, ITTR, M/GUN, HYP,
E-W, T/Ph and ISP-6 have been released. All existing XWA patches have been
updated to current standards.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at
#science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more
detail on the SCO site.
(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
Logistics Office Report #9: 04.10.04
Logistics News
1. Today the great EH Newsletter quest has ended. After going through many
different towns, solving problems for the villagers, and engaging in many a
sub-quest, the light warriors have saved... wait, that was FF1. In actuallity,
NL 100 was sent to the LO by our XO, Ast, completing the set.
2. The LO has made contact with a number of EH SGCOM's on the issue of the
Codex. These members have been tasked with creating breif histories of their
SG's. If you haven't been contacted yet, don't worry. You will be.
3. CA:IO Robert Dura has been assiting in gathering data for the EH side of the
Codex. An invaluable addition to the project, as Dura has a passion for our
history that almost rivals mine..
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office - EH Codex
Logistics Office Report #10: 04.17.04
Logistics News
1. A new LO project has gotten underway this week. The Subgroup
Newsletter Archive has started to collect it's first newsletters. NL's from the
Dark Brotherhood, Hammer's Fist, and Imperial Senate have been added to the
archive in both Online HTML and Zip format. I hope that we can increase these
numbers in the future, in an effort to preserve even more of the EH's rich
2. Information Gathering for the EH codex continues, and it appears this project
is just getting larger as days go on. While not a bad thing, it is making it
that much longer before we see results fully realized. I think this is for the
best, however, as having a Codex that truly chronicles the history of the EH
will, when completed, be a sight to behold.
3. I am looking for one or two individuals to fill LOA positions. I would like
to see people apply that are interested in the history of the EH, and preferably
have experienced some of it. Not that newer people will not be eligable if they
are skilled and hard workers eager to assist. Web skills and coding are perfered,
but not required. Please email applications to or catch
me on IRC, my nick is Slagar.
4. Finally, it pain me to say goodbye to one of the fleets best and brightest
Command Staffers, High Admiral Ari. I couldn't let him pass from his office
without offering a few words. Ari has done more in my opinion then anyone in
recent memory for the EH as a whole, and his guiding presence as IO will sorely
be missed. Without Ari, I doubt I would be where I was today, and neither would
the Emperor's Hammer.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Admiral Zsinj
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office - EH Codex
Logistics Office Report #11: 04.24.04
Logistics News
1. New Newsletter type things added to the Subgroup Newsletter
Archive. The first three issues of the Krath Annals have been included in both
html and zip formats.
2. Several SGCOM's have been poked in reguards to newsletters to add to the
aforementioned archive. if you as a SG member know where some Newsletters are
located, don't hesitate to come to me directly with them.
3. Work continues at a steady pace on the EH codex, but results won't happen
overnight. I want to concentrate more on quality of the contents then alacrity.
4. The search for good LOA's continues. Get those applications in.
5. In an effort to bring some humor to our collective existence, I offer up the
new Logistics Office Mascott, the Banana Slug.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #44: 04.06.04
Greetings! This is my first day off in over three weeks. I have been working
very long days everyday due to my department being down two additional officers
recently. One of our officers was hurt in a fight with someone he was placing
under arrest and the other, an older officer, had to go through emergency
surgery. Both officers are doing fine, the first is back to work now which is
why I have a day off.
Sorry for my lack of... well just about anything. My job has taken me away from
my duties to the EH. I've honestly missed the EH and look forward to getting
back into the swing of things.
Now, RO News..
Amazingly, I've been the Recon Officer for over a year! Drinks are on me!! ( not
literally mind you.. :P )
The position of CA:RO is STILL open for applications. People, I don't bite!
Geeze! CA:RO is a really fun position and can lead to many rewards if done
properly. Trust me on this. I was the CA:RO for almost a year, receiving two
promotions and numerous medals. But I don't want people to apply just for the
rewards. You have to know what your doing, and this is what I'm looking for:
-Must have HTML knowledge, at least the basics.
-Must have served in the EH for at least 2 years.
-Must have held a CMDR position for one tour of duty in any ONE squadron.
-Must be willing to attend weekly EH meetings on IRC.
-I would prefer no one with an HCI conviction, But I am willing to discuss it,
depending on what the charge was.
-Must be willing to work with ALL Command Level Officers from time to time.
and above all,
-You have to be willing to have some kick #&*$ fun with your job.
Basically, I want someone who is dependable and that I can count and who I can
trust. I would like them to be able to maintain the current RO website if at all
possible. You have to be able to joke around with people and know how to have a
good time while doing your job. I like to have fun, so you need to know how. :P
The reason for the 2 years in the EH is I want someone who has been around a
while and who still likes this group as much as I do. I also want someone who's
been around the block a few times. More command experience the better. I'm not
going to hire a newbie CM to be my CA:RO at the rank of RA if they haven't
really earned it, nor really appreciate it, if you know what I mean.
Anyways, I have a few letters out to a few Star Wars writers that should be
coming back sometime soon. I hope..
That's about it for me.
Oh! Episode 3's release date has just been announced! announced the
release date of Episode 3: Thursday, May 19, 2005. People are lining up now...
OK, NOW that's it for me.. Till next week...
Star Wars News:
EP3: The Evolution of Vehicles
The Homing Beacon from earlier this month featured some fun new info on the
vehicles of Episode III. There's talk about the development of the Incredble
Cross-Sections books for Episode III, so enjoy the clip and subscribe today!
"One of the most valuable things of our visit is to be able to talk to the guys
in the Art Department who designed all this stuff," says Jenssen. "We're able to
talk about their ideas, and find out what their rationale was -- or lack of
rationale, whichever is the case -- and making shapes of the ships."
In addition to working with Ryan Church and Erik Tiemens, the Episode III
Concept Design Supervisors, Chasemore and Jenssen have perused the Episode III
Visual Script, a hefty white binder containing a chronological compendium of
vehicles, characters and hardware in the film, presented scene-by-scene.
"I think there's more varied vehicles of varying sizes, and a lot of things with
big guns on it, which is always good," says Chasemore. The two artists work
together to divvy up the vehicles. Simplifying the process is the precedent of
the other films and their previous cross-section illustrations.
"It's usually quite obvious," says Chasemore. "If Hans has already worked on a
vehicle, and we're seeing a newer or older version, we tend to do what we did in
the past, so that evolution of technology is in the right style."
This book will focus on vehicles, their preferred subject matter compared to the
much more complex locations. "Locations easily swallow up 500 hours to 600 hours
of work, while the biggest vehicle is about 400 hours at the most," says
SW Weekends Guest List
Those of you waiting for travel plans around the SW Weekend Guest List (
at Disney can rejoice, the list has now been posted on the Official Site.
May 14, 15 & 16 -- Jeremy Bulloch & Jake Lloyd
Jeremy Bulloch played the legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett in The Empire
Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, while Jake Lloyd took on the role of young
Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace.
May 21, 22 & 23 -- Peter Mayhew
A fan favorite from the classic trilogy, Peter Mayhew is not stranger to Star
Wars Weekends. The towering Peter Mayhew played Chewbacca the Wookiee in the
classic trilogy, and will again appear in Episode III.
Star Wars Trilogy Screening in Pitman, NJ
Dan Fraga from Exhumed Films < > sends in news of a Star Wars
triple bill being screened next month:
On Friday, May 7, Exhumed Films is proud to present--for one night only--a
triple feature screening of 'Star Wars', 'The Empire Strikes Back' and 'Return
Of The Jedi' (special editions).
The show will take place at the historic Broadway Theater in Pitman, NJ (20
minutes from center city Philadelphia, 1 hr 45 from NYC, 2 1/2 hrs from DC). The
Broadway is a 75 year old, single screen movie house complete with balcony
seating and pipe organ; nice big screen, great atmosphere.
Tickets for the triple feature screening are $15, and will go on sale at 8:30
that evening. The film should begin roughly around 9:30 pm and will run until
about 4:00 am. In addition to the movies, the show will also feature classic
cult film trailers, door prizes, and DVDs/movie memorabilia for sale in the
Pre-Order Star Wars Trilogy DVD
Amazon, and have started taking pre-orders for the Star Wars
Trilogy DVD Box Sets. Hit the links below for the details:
Region 1 - Released September 21st, 2004 (US) < > (widescreen) - $41.98 < > (fullscreen) - $41.98
Amazon < > (widescreen) -
Amazon < > (fullscreen) -
Best Buy < >
(widescreen) - $49.99
Best Buy < > (fullscreen)
- $49.99
Region 1 - Released September 21st, 2004 (Canada) < > (widescreen) - $48.99
Canadian < > (fullscreen) - $64.01
Region 2 - Released September 20th, 2004 (UK) < > (widescreen) - �28.99 < > (widescreen)
- �33.99 < > (widescreen) - �33.99
Conventions and Events in April
There are several conventions and events due to take place in April. See below
for an updated list:
Big Apple Comic Book, Art & Toy Show (New York City) - April 3-4
the Star Wars guest is Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca).
Jedi-Con 2004 (D�sseldorf, Germany) - April 9-11
the Star Wars guests are Amy Allen (Aayla Secura), Aaron Allston (Star Wars
author), Jay Laga'aia (Captain Typho), Rick McCallum (Lucasfilm), Steve Sansweet
(Lucasfilm), Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian), Hans Jenssen and Richard
Chasemore (co-illustrators of Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections), Ian Liston
(Wes Janson), and Alan Ruscoe (Lott Dod, Plo Koon, Daultay Dofine).
Jedicon WV Strikes Back (Middlebourne, VA) - April 10
Starfest 2004 (Denver, Colorado) - April 16-18
the Star Wars guests are Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), and the 501st Mountain
Empire Fan Fest (Secaucus, New Jersey) - April 17-18
the Star Wars guests are Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Shannon McRandle (Mara
Jade), Dermot Crowley (General Crix Madine), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), and
Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb).
Memorabilia (Birmingham, UK) - April 17-18
he Star Wars guests are Dave Prowse (Darth Vader), Richard Le Parmentier
(Admiral Motti), Gerald Home (Tessek-Squid Head and Mon Calamari Officer in ROTJ),
Leslie Schofield (Commander #1 in ANH), Ian Liston (Wes Janson in ESB), Rusty
Goffe (Kabe/Jawa/GONK Droid in ANH), and Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna in ROTJ).
R2DC Builder's Summit (Columbia, Maryland) - April 25
Pittsburgh Comicon (Monroeville, PA) - April 30 - May 2
the Star Wars guests are Rena Owen (Taun We), Orli Shoshan (Shaak Ti), Alisa
Berk (Amanaman puppeteer), and Joe Corroney (Star Wars artist).
Collectormania 5 (Milton Keynes, UK) - April 30 - May 3
the Star Wars guests are Brian Blessed (Boss Nass), Amy Allen (Aayla Secura),
Michonne Bourruague (Aurra Sing), Daniel Logan (Boba Fett), and Rena Owen (Taun
Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Galaxies Research Center
I figured that anyone who's playing Galacrack would love this website. :P
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #15: 04.18.04
Obelisk High Commander Chosen
Congratulations to Battlemaster Sirik Xirok, who has been chosen as the new
Obelisk High Commander! Sirik is a veteran well-known in the Obelisk Order, and
should do a great job as OHC. Unfortunately, he's on leave until Friday. :P
Sith High Warrior Appointed
This is old news now, but Battlelord Khameir Sarin has been named Sith High
Warrior, and is already hard at work on numerous improvements for the Sith
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
The feud finally started yesterday, with all events announced and kicked off.
The SHW and KHP will be judging events for their Orders, and I'll be judging
Obelisk and general events. Members of the two feuding clans should see their
inboxes for more details, and anyone else who's interested can probably keep
track of things in the clan reports from Alvaak and Tarentum.
Force Powers
Yesterday, after the DB meeting, some of the people involved in the Think Tank
got together on IRC and discussed a few ideas. Some good stuff came out of the
chat, which will be incorporated in the proposal.
Dark Voice
Doesn't look like I'm going to see much more interest on the Dark Voice thread,
so I'll go ahead with planning its return. Anyone interested in signing on to
the DV staff should email me to express their interest.
Survey System
The Seneschal recently activated the survey system. When you log into the
database, unanswered questions should appear at the top. There is a survey
running right now on the loot system, go answer it!
GM Report #16: 04.26.04
Obelisk High Commander Returns
The OHC has returned from the leave he unfortunately had to take shortly after
getting the position. Sirik and I have been discussing MP and other aspects of
the Order, and some of his ideas should come to fruition soon.. especially in
the MP area, which is sorely in need of greater focus.
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
The Feud is seeing some good activity, especially on the Obelisk ladder with the
warriors from Alvaak currently dominating (led by the insane JH Kuro!). The
Obelisk from Tarentum are no slouches either, with several recent wins,
including a couple of victories over the almighty Kuro by PRT Ibram Gaunt. A
great conflict is shaping up there, and the ice has finally been broken on the
Sith ladder too, so hopefully we'll see some continued Sith activity to follow.
Dark Voice
I have a few people who've expressed an interest in joining the team as writers,
so they'll be getting assignments soon. DJK Zeth has returned as the graphics
editor, so we'll be putting his talents to good use on the layout of the
Lightsaber Dos and Don'ts
I feel the need to remind people of the guidelines for lightsaber use in the
Brotherhood, as I've seen some misinterpretation recently. It's clearly laid out
in the Dark Side Compendium that members: get a standard lightsaber at DJK, can
use a modified/custom lightsaber at OBM/SBM/KAP, can use two lightsabers at OWL/SWL/KPN,
and can use a double-bladed lightsaber (lightstaff) at DA. What this means is
that when the Herald finishes the standard lightsaber system and it is deployed
on the DB database, members can choose one of the standard sabers (and there
will be many to choose from) when they reach DJK. When they reach OBM/SBM/KAP,
they can create their own lightsaber image (or get someone else to) for display
instead. And so on. These are the rules for now. They may change in the future,
but will be adhered to so long as they remain.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (MG Dante)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
Major General, Special Forces
Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
PRF/MG Dante/GS-1/VSD Burninator [PRG:AGT] [HFTC:CM]
CM2, VS2, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
[OgD] [DsS] [HC] [SoV] [IO] [IH] [DJ] [IC] [EP] [MoC x2] [IrC] [CoO x5]
[SoH] [CAR x19] [MoD] [PUC x2] [LsA x2] [LoC x2] [CoL]
Weekly Report #2: 04.09.04
Well, I've officially been named the new Prefect so let's get down to business.
There may be some new structural changes coming, but please bear with us as we
try and remake the HF's structure into something that supports gaming and RP
equally well.
Position changes:
XO: COL Hemi
A:CO : BG HackSolo
Vindictive CC: CPT Jacen Aylen
Other news:
Dingo will be out of town and thus not around to protect the channel. Be on your
good behavior or Sithspawn will arrive and whisk you away to some evil torture
Op: Overlord Results:
1st - Drak, CoD
2nd - Silent, SoH
3rd - Sirik, MoHa
HM - Shadowmaker, LoC
1st - Decarat, CoD
2nd - Decarat, SoH
3rd - N/A
1st - Nightstalkers, CoD
2nd - General Staff, SoH
3rd - N/A
1st - Wil Striker, CoD
2nd - Decarat, SoH
3rd - Domi/Sirik/Krayt, CoD
HM - Cypher; Chavez; Dingo; Dante; Silent, LoC
Overall Results:
1st - Decarat, IO
2nd - Sirik, IH
3rd - Wil Striker/Drak, CoO
HM - Domi; Krayt; Cypher; Shadowmaker; Chavez, LoC
Combat Action Ribbons:
Wil Striker
Roger Caliburn
Domingo Chavez
Jodo Kast
Tk Trent
Luke Morin
Terrian Astruar
Other medals/awards:
CPT Jedi Eclipse Cross of Obedience
MAJ Luke Morin Cross of Obedience
Balefire to MAJ
Wil Striker to WO1
Roger Caliburn to SPL
Tatsu to CPL
Decarat to MSGT
Hemi to BG
Go have fun!!!!
Participate in Operation: Sledgehammer!!!!!!!!
Report into your DC's weekly.
That is all.
Hammer's Fist Weekly Report: 04.18.04
Sorry for the delay on the report, PRF Dante left early for the
1# Uniforms are up ! Dress Uniforms, Duty Uniforms and Armor are all up
thanks to Z and Slagar.
2# The SWGBG has been transferred into the PRG under the Control of AIC Kuro
3# Many Structure changes as can been seen in change of roster noted below.
4# Major Balefire named new 1st Speical Operation Group (SOG) CC.
Member Count (Active Members): 86
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 122
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 220
Hammer's Fist Weekly Report #3: 04.25.04
Greetings fellow troopers and other assorted personnel. I hope everything has
been going well for you this past week.
MAJ Shadowmaker has been named Nova CC.
OCadet Asbestos Felt has been named Eclipse DC.
PRG is very active with 3 contests planned including a position challenge on
The STC has been folded into the PRG and thus the PRG will act as our gaming
arm for all platforms.
The CI and CO have been hard at work making changes to the site including the
addition of dress/duty unfiorms to the personnel profiles. Medals/Badges/Ribbons
will be added in the coming weeks. If you are good at gfx, please email the CO
so that we can finish off this project and move onto better and bigger things.
MAJ Luke Morin resigned his post as Nova CC and moved to the Homeguard.
Current Operations/Contests:
Operation Barbarrosa is currently going on. Check the message board for
details and the runon at
Also, I'm starting a recruiting contest effective today and lasting until 1
May. Whoever brings in the most recruits in the next week will earn a Iron
Order (minimum of 3 recruits). So start recruiting!!!!!
SPL Arrakiv - CoO
CPT Jacen Aylen - IO
PFC Ibram Gaunt - CoO
CPL Tatsu Kogarusu - CoO
PFC Ibram Gaunt - PSch
LTC Sirik Xirok - LsA
SPL Asbestos Felt to OCadet
CPT Balefire to MAJ
Member Count (Active Members): 85
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 123
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 222
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM REPORT ( 20 ): 04.11.04
Welcome to another week in a galaxy far...far...away people. It has been an
interesting week as it has been plain and boring, but interesting none the less.
Most of the fleet have went on leave of absence for something called the
Easter holidays, I have been looking through my imperial calendar and I just
cant find mention of this holiday anywhere.....
The infiltrator wing Mania competition gets into full swing in the a few days as
competitions and events start happening from different members of the command
staff, My only regret is that the other Sub groups have declined our offer for
an EH Melee.... I say decline of course, I meant to say just not answered my
emails that invited them too it. Dark brotherhood and tie corps be ashamed.
Of course, that should not hinder our fun to much as we have various trivia and
flying competitions already in effect.... So plenty to do when you get back from
this fabled holiday of yours everyone.
Rear Admiral Timmy has stepped down from the command Staff. Tim was a great guy
and one of the best programmers in the emperors hammer at this time or ever. Few
can fault or fail to recognize tims awesome achievements in the past two years
and I would like you all to join me in wishing him good luck in what ever
endeavor he decides on next - Which I believe is a pencil pushing job for the
Thanks Tim and don't be a stranger, Drinks for Tim are free This week :)
Infiltrator wing systems engineer required
The infiltrator wing is looking for a new Web site engineer, following Rear
Admiral Timmy's retirement. The position is actually a command staff position
with in the infiltrator wing sub group. The engineer is responsible for
maintaining the IW Main web site and helping members create sites for
themselves/ ships / squadrons.
The criteria for this position is as follows
High Competence in HTML, CSS, ASP, MsSQL
Access to any program that can read HTML Pages
Access to any program that can read CSS Pages
Access to any program that can read ASP Pages
MsSQL Server 2000 or later
A lot and a lot of time.
Ability to solve site problems with other members on little information
The infiltrator wing systems engineer, reports only to the IWCOM and is not
responsible for any other elements of the club. The web site and code are
already active and paid for. so the position simply entails maintenance of the
main site.
If you would like to apply for this position - please contact Admiral Adren
Silvori with the heading IWSE Application.
Thats all from Admiral silvori this week... Get active and get yourselves some
medals in IW Mania... Lots to do, lots to win
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : GN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Nicol Bolas (
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok ( )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 75
Reserves - 66
IWCOM Report #21: 04.16.04
The admiral walks the deck of the Saratoga and reads a Data pad a young
commander just gave him, The battle against these aliens does not go well. The
MC-90 Neo is damaged and has lost many pilots... Its going to take months to
repair this damage he relays to no-one as he walks.
Moving his eyes from the pad and gazing at the holo's the battle for a
worthless asteroid belt goes well. Why the Ssi ruk are here is still a mystery
to many. but the reason shall soon be revealed as we now have them under siege.
A request to the EH main fleet for an INT cruiser has so far went unrecognized.
but the admiral is still hopeful. The crew sits and waits for his counter
strategy with excitement. Our first victory has been a long time coming. but I
for one am hopeful we will have one soon.
( taking from the logs of Commander Tyra Donnita ) commander of the MC-80
Good evening pilots of the infiltrator wing.
I am reporting to you nothing but bad news in this report, but since most of
these changes have not taken place as yet, for many it shall be a surprise.
The fleet has taken alot of losses of late and the long awaited AWOL check
did not go as well as expected. I believe the total active number of the
infiltrator wing to be somewhere in the 50 number at this time. Out of that 50,
We have enough maybe to fill four squadron to the brim. But rather than doing
that, I am just moving everyone once more the Mc-90 Renegade.
The NEO shall once again be moved into retirement. NEO was a great man and I am
really starting to become annoyed at all the Matrix references to the ship.
IF the infiltrator wing once again gets to magic number of 70 once more of
Active pilots.. The ship re-opened will not be the NEO. Let him rest in peace
and be remembered for what he achieved and what he did for the group.
The new IW Roster shall look like this, Once the main site has been changed to
reflect this.
MC - 90 Renegade
Panther squadron, I am afraid will not be moved to the Renegade. The pilots in
panther shall be transferred to other squadrons on the Renegade.
Another AWOL check shall be carried out over the next 10 days and all
In-active pilots removed from the infiltrator wing Roster.
I shall be sending this EMAIL to the SCO, To ensure the Order of battle remains
NEO Commodore
I am afraid Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok of course will not have a ship to
command. But he does have his choice of active squadrons on the Renegade.
Once the infiltrator wing has sufficient numbers colonel sirik, May get the
chance to command a boat once more. I would like to thank him for his
contribution over the last two months and wish him luck in his new post.
The infiltrator wing melee has now got more than one sub group in it. Of all the
people I offered a challenge too, the only SG to accept my offer where the
corporate division. While I am proud to fight them, The fact the tie corps and
the Dark brotherhood. Did not respond saddens me greatly.
I was an elite pilot in the tie corps for along time and would have always
responded to any challenge. The fact no one was given the chance because of
ineffectual communications is a sad sad turn of events.
The events so far are some what exciting, So go partake and earn medals today.
I am currently in talks with a candidate for the position of systems engineer. I
shall keep you all updated at my progress.
I am a pretty easy going guy most of the time, I got to the rank of IWCOM over
the course of two and a half years of loyal service and did not miss one rank
along the way. I also did not miss any positions either. The Rank and the
privilege I have earned honors me and I am honored by it. over the last three
years I have always been active and I have always been available to offer advice
and training to anyone who would listen and learn. Be it here, The tie corps or
the Dark brotherhood before the divide.
I now see something that appalls me and the command staff are starting to feel
the brunt of it now. Below me, not much is happening. If I don't ask for it, it
does not seem to happen. Commanders are not running they own comps. Commodores
don't run competitions or drive for recruits... No one is leading by example.
Most of the command staff have jobs. They jobs are they simply to provide you
with an arena to shine in. You are active you get a medal. The medal process is
all about approval and the OT gives the medal to your profile at the end.
However earning the medal is another matter all together. but then you have to
have something to do to get a medal. I promoted the commander of Razor squadron
this week for his great effort and him trying at all times to motivate his
troops. I respect that and I respect the undying attitude he has at all time.
the result he is now a Lieutenant colonel. But how many people are between me
and LC Durron in the chain of command?
Enough to notice and promote him i might feel.
Lieutenant colonel Bolas has not been in the job of commodore long enough to lay
blame as his feet of course and I don't mean to offend him in this rant.
I'm an imperial officer of the Greatest star wars club on this planet and I am
proud of every Rank and medal i have ever Earned. My achievements are not to be
sneered at or admired. They are a product of hard work.
I am looking for people to rise up and want to make the difference..... but all
I see is people playing at being officers...
This play has ended.
The excuse "well no one is active but me" is used far... far to often for my
liking. You see I am not an idiot and I am not going to listen to such things.
I know from my own experience, That if one person in a flight is active. ...
other people join him and then the squadron becomes active.
Anyone Remember Enforcer squadron about 19 months ago ? probably not, but
enforcer won the SOTW title 9 times in a row and won every competition for 4
months in the infiltrator wing.
Anyone remember the MC-90 Fear about 15 months ago ? It had two wings of active
pilots and won every competition for 5 months. Its crew were active and talked
and wiped the floor with the Warspite in every competition.
I then wake up from my memory and see what we have now. The difference was a few
active people who didn't need excuses, didn't need command staff. Didn't even
need the medals. They were simply proud and didn't want to let one another down.
I look at most commanders and indeed some of the reserves and command Staff. I
see alot of pride and to much hatred of being something less. Not realizing less
is sometimes more, much more. What have you achieved today ? what are you going
to achieve tomorrow ?
I look at your faces now and for many I see a simple statement. I don't know.
New members need you, Old members need to Remember that being active is actually
Make the difference or simply go somewhere else....... for activity is
contagious, but then so is sitting around doing nothing.
Rise up and pick those up around you, who knows you may be surprised to find
some already standing and helping you.
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Nicol Bolas (
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 77
Reserves - 66
IWCOM Report #22: 04.23.04
Good Evening pilots of the infiltrator wing. Another week has passed and alot
has transpired. once again the infiltrator wing finds it entire membership on
one single ship. The MC-90 Renegade. I look at what happened and I can only stay
some what disappointed. Then again if we had followed our original idea, instead
of being bullied into what we actually choose. Things may have turned out
different. The third time in a row, this has happen to the infiltrator wing
membership and I assure you it wont happen again. When we rise to sufficient
membership to warrant a second ship, We will open each squadron anew and begin
from scratch. So the squadrons now onboard the Renegade, Will remain there for
now and indeed forever. So I would urge commanders and Commodore's alike to view
the fleet as such. Our mission as always is to grow and to have a more diverse
membership and greater people active.
But lets start small for once and work from there. The fleet Wide AWOL check has
now started. answer it and answer my call for continuous improvement.
High intelligence must now reside and we must start to use our wisdom stat - and
begin to learn from our mistakes.
Welcome to the new installment of the Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards. We seek
to award the members of the Emperor's Hammer who are the best of the best in web
design, graphics, and programming, and their prize is the coveted Iota.
The competition will be held at
For those that remember the previous EHHA, there have been a few changes made,
there are fewer categories, and changes in the restrictions on what can be
Nominations will start Sunday May 9th, 2004 and end Friday May 21st, 2004. This
gives every 15 days to clean up, create, or pimp their creation in preparation
for nominations.
The site for the competition, and currently an announcement page containing the
timeline, guidelines, categories, and awards is again at:
Knight-Admiral Robert Dura, CA:IO-SOA
IWXO Vice Admiral boliv
I stand here before you all and I think of how myself and boliv first locked
horns and I cant help but laugh. He was the commodore of the Warspite and I was
the flight officer of the infiltrator wing. While we did not hate one another...
Our furious and endless debates achieved much... When we actually realized what
we had achieved, We began to respect one another and in the end became friends..
This lead to a strange relationship of never being able to offend the other and
to be honest. This honesty was something I always respected.
When I was made IWCOM, There was never a doubt in my mind or I believe in anyone
else's who would be made IWXO and in the role assigned to him, He performed
Admirably, Fitting you would think.
However' of late my friend has become more involved in real life affairs and his
own words describe his loss of motivation. Instead of dragging the infiltrator
wing down, The man I have great and Tremendous respect for, Stood up and was
honest and stepped down. So another may continue his good work, instead of him
destroying it.
Never before has there been a record of the legends of the infiltrator wing, but
I believe if such a list existed, Vice Admiral boliv, Would be on it.
For great work and commitment Vice Admiral, you last act as Executive officer is
to allow me to pin this small thank you on your chest.
Vice Admiral Boliv, For great service and dedication to your duty and to the
infiltrator wing as a whole. For showing true bravery, honesty and above all
utmost integrity in your application of duties given to you. And for being a
good friend to me and many others. IT is my esteem honor, to be allowed to
present you with the black cross of infiltration.
Wear it with pride.
Vice Admiral boliv, Shall continue in Active service As the IW Magistrate. Which
is an IWCOM-A Magistrate position. He will be stationed on the FRG Banshee. And
it will be his duties to maintain a buffer between ourselves and the courts of
the HCI.
for all you have done for us in the command staff and thank you.
*Admiral Silvori bows Then salutes.
I will be speaking to the command staff about the post of IWXO at great length
in the coming week. I will then post the requirements for the position on the
main infiltrator wing web site shortly afterwards. I will amend the topic on IRC
to inform people of the requirements being online. Until then don't apply
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Nicol Bolas (
Wing commander - Wing I
Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok ( )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Corporate Division (CD)
- No Reports - PREX Removed as AWOL on 04.16.04
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
- No Reports Submitted
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #47: 04.08.04
Not an exciting report at all this week. No new public stuff has
cropped up since last week so I�m afraid there�s just the same three boring but
necessary announcements as report #46. On that note, I�ve yet to have a *single*
application for ANLY BUDR since requesting them three weeks ago. I know it
sounds like I want an absolutely amazing officer at the helm, but don�t be put
off from trying - I might have a higher opinion of you than you think!
Although there�s a fair amount of covert work going on, I always get nervous
when there isn�t much in the old public domain reports, so if you have any ideas
for new bits and bobs for the Division let me know and I�ll do my best to make
them a reality.
Roster Count: 81 (AWOL Check, 1 new recruit)
Overall Roster Count: 218
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - (
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier - (On leave - email
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) -
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski - <>
XO/CPT Gelton Torr -
1. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications!
We currently require a new Bureau Director for the Analysis Bureau. General
Winters ( is in command until a qualified applicant can be
More information about the position can be found at:
The ideal applicant should be able to:
- Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its
- Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promoteactivity
- Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
- Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading
by example)
- Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to: with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application by
Saturday 03/04/04 (or 04/03/04 if you�re weird and/or American)
2. New *Public* �Public Relations� Branch Opens
As it�s his pet project, over to RA Scrier: The new branch is called PR and its
pretty similar to the PR we had back when Diploserv was around. This branch is
quite unique from the others in the ID. First of all it�s fully public which
means that you can go off and post your ID line publicly. That�s right - you
will BE A PUBLIC AGENT! Also you wont be doing regular missions, instead you
will be utilizing your creativity to work on special projects run by me and also
working on getting the Comlink turned into something regular.
By being a part of this branch you will be able to do something a little
different to what you would otherwise normally do not only as a member of the
intelligence division but also as a member of the EH in general. An added bonus
is that those joining up wont have to do the general Intel exam, you'll go
straight into the branch and be able to get to work on designing new graphics
and helping to coordinate new activities.
Interested? Well, if you are, I guess now would be the time to outline what we
are looking for and how to join.
Basic requirements:
1. Good creative skills
- What we mean here is basically if you are strong with graphics, web design
2. Online Presence
- As a public member you will be an ambassador of the intelligence division, as
such we'd prefer it if you were on IRC a bit or posted on the boards regularly
to help promote a positive image of the ID.
3. Be able to work well in a team
- This is important as you will be working with the rest of the members of PR
and will be forming a collective unit aimed at completing particular tasks to
deadlines and to the best of your ability.
Preferable requirements:
1. Good Sense of Humour
- Ultimately, I want people who would like to just have fun while getting their
projects done so if you're up for a laugh come apply.
So those are our requirements, if you think you fit the bill then send a 'CV'
basically explaining to us what you can bring to PR and if coming in as graphic
or webby person then some proof of your work. If you don't think you fit the
bill entirely but are still interested in joining then apply to us anyway as
we'd love to hear from everyone interested.
Recruitment is ongoing so no deadline will be set just yet, but remember spaces
for now are limited so the sooner you apply the better.
Applications should be sent to: with the subject: PR Branch Application.
3. RA Scrier on Leave 01/04/04 - 20/04/04
Unfortunately due to a heavy workload in RL, Scrier will be on leave for the
next 2/3 weeks or so. Please send any urgent RADR material to me (
during this time. RA Rebelkiller
( will be processing new recruits until Scrier returns.
SDIR Report #48: 04.16.04
This week I�ve been faced with the slightly depressing
realization that I�ve been a member of the EH for 5 years. As I have another
mini-EH-anniversary for 1 year as SDIR fast approaching (only a month to go) I�d
like to celebrate it by creating something funky for you hard working folks in
Intel. At present I�m rather perplexed as to what this should be, so I require
your assistance. If you have an idea for a project that would improve Intel,
amuse you for a short while or simply look cool send it to and I�ll do my best to
implement it. The best suggestions will earn their recipients shiny medals and
my praise.
I�m still searching for an ANLY BUDR. As I�ve stated before I�m in no immediate
rush as Winters is taking care of the Bureau admirably, but if you think you can
handle the job let me know -! I�m fed up of advertising the job in my reports!
This is a good chance for an ambitious officer to get up in the world of Intel.
The UBIQ is currently considering one application so if interested let us know
Anyway on with the rather familiar official announcements�
Roster Count: 80 (ish)
Overall Roster Count: 218
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - (
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) -
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/CPT Gelton Torr -
1. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications!
We currently require a new Bureau Director for the Analysis Bureau. General
Winters ( is in command until a qualified applicant can be
More information about the position can be found at:
The ideal applicant should be able to:
- Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its expansion
- Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote activity
- Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
- Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading
by example)
- Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to: with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application by
Saturday 03/04/04 (or 04/03/04 if you�re weird and/or American)
2. New *Public* �Public Relations� Branch Opens
As it�s his pet project, over to RA Scrier: The new branch is called PR and its
pretty similar to the PR we had back when Diploserv was around. This branch is
quite unique from the others in the ID. First of all it�s fully public which
means that you can go off and post your ID line publicly. That�s right - you
will BE A PUBLIC AGENT! Also you wont be doing regular missions, instead you
will be utilizing your creativity to work on special projects run by me and also
working on getting the Comlink turned into something regular.
By being a part of this branch you will be able to do something a little
different to what you would otherwise normally do not only as a member of the
intelligence division but also as a member of the EH in general. An added bonus
is that those joining up wont have to do the general Intel exam, you'll go
straight into the branch and be able to get to work on designing new graphics
and helping to coordinate new activities.
Interested? Well, if you are, I guess now would be the time to outline what we
are looking for and how to join.
Basic requirements:
1. Good creative skills
- What we mean here is basically if you are strong with graphics, web design
2. Online Presence
- As a public member you will be an ambassador of the intelligence division, as
such we'd prefer it if you were on IRC a bit or posted on the boards regularly
to help promote a positive image of the ID.
3. Be able to work well in a team
- This is important as you will be working with the rest of the members of PR
and will be forming a collective unit aimed at completing particular tasks to
deadlines and to the best of your ability.
Preferable requirements:
1. Good Sense of Humour
- Ultimately, I want people who would like to just have fun while getting their
projects done so if you're up for a laugh come apply.
So those are our requirements, if you think you fit the bill then send a 'CV'
basically explaining to us what you can bring to PR and if coming in as graphic
or webby person then some proof of your work. If you don't think you fit the
bill entirely but are still interested in joining then apply to us anyway as
we'd love to hear from everyone interested.
Recruitment is ongoing so no deadline will be set just yet, but remember spaces
for now are limited so the sooner you apply the better.
Applications should be sent to: with the subject: PR Branch Application.
SDIR Report #49: 04.23.04
Aha! New public things have happened and my report can look
slightly less dull, if only for a week or so. Things are still busy on the
classified front as usual and I�d like to take this opportunity to thank all
those who are working so selflessly on the current bunch of assignments.
I�ve had no suggestions on last week�s requested shiny thing so at present it
looks like you�ll be getting a devious division-wide competition�
Roster Count: 77
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 214
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - (
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
*** BLDR/GN Winters - - ***Change of email address***
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) -
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR - To Be Announced
XO/CPT Gelton Torr -
1. BLDR Changes Email Address
Due to problems with his email account General Winters has changed his address
to Please update your address books.
2. SDIR on Leave (24-25th April)
I�m moving back down to Birmingham over the weekend so I won�t have time to
access the internet until Monday 26th. Anything stupidly urgent should be sent
to (with myself CC�ed).
3. GN Andrzej Mezynski Retires as Praetorian Squadron Commander
After 9 months leading Praetorian to glory, including finishing 2nd in the TIE
Division of the SSL, GN Mezynski feels that he no longer �loves� flying TIEs as
much as he once did and hence can no longer lead the TC�s greatest squadron by
the demanding example which it requires. Although he is retiring from the
Squadron he will always be a Praetorian.
4. New Praetorian Squadron Commander
With GN Mezynski�s retirement, FA Cyric and myself were confronted with the
difficult decision of choosing a suitable replacement. Having taken applications
and GN Mezynski�s recommendation into account the new CMDR� will be announced on
the TC site by FA Cyric in the near future.
5. Holonet Awards
Announcement from IO/AD Dura:
�Welcome to the new installment of the Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards. We seek
to award the members of the Emperor's Hammer who are the best of the best in web
design, graphics, and programming, and their prize is the coveted Iota.
The competition will be held at
For those that remember the previous EHHA, there have been a few
changes made, there are fewer categories, and changes in the restrictions on
what can be nominated.
Nominations will start Sunday May 9th, 2004 and end Friday May 21st, 2004. This
gives every 15 days to clean up, create, or pimp their creation in preparation
for nominations.
The site for the competition, and currently an announcement page containing the
timeline, guidelines, categories, and awards is again at: �
6. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
As advertised in previous reports the newly founded PR branch is seeking new
members. Please refer to last weeks report or email RA Scrier (
for details.
7. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications (Still):p
We currently require a new Bureau Director for the Analysis Bureau. General
Winters ( is in command until a qualified applicant can be
More information about the position can be found at:
The ideal applicant should be able to:
- Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its
- Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote activity
- Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
- Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading
by example)
- Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to:,,,, with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application
That's all from me this week. Remember to tune in for next weeks exciting
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Domain Report: 04.09.04
My access tonight is limited...tomorrow I'll release a more thorough report. I'm
keeping these personal tete-a-tete reports to once a month because they need to
be done. I'm gonna try to keep the speeches short this time I'll
itemize everything...:
Issue #1) Reports & Inactivity - Good job on getting your reports in. However, I
absolutely hate seeing unproductive weeks. What happened, folks? If your
officers are inactive, go find new ones. Everyone's equally responsible for
Issue #2) Recruitment - Not even gonna go on this tangent because I shouldn't
have to. If I have to make a quota of people per week, I will. :)
Issue #3) Academy - Good job with the Academy, MoE! One thing, though...lets see
about combining DRW with DME and making it a Directorate Administrative
Procedures course.
Issue #4) DIR Site - Orzon: E-Mail me with Monsh's whereabouts whenever
Issue #5) Systems Manual - I'm organizing information and once its all compiled,
it will be shipped off to be worked on.
I think those are all the things I had on my mind tonight. Tomorrow's report
will be more "What happened this week?" aligned.
Directorate Domain Report: 04.17.04
Its been one of those weeks, folks. But, I'm still here and
managing. The Ministry Council will be undergoing a small shakeup in the next
week. Expect changes to come from the top down. There's going to be a major
crackdown on just about everything. Everyone's getting the abridged version this
week because I've been chugging Pepto Bismol the better part of the night.
1) MC Reports: They're due Friday at Midnight. Enough said.
2) DMEs: There's a reason they're there. Somebody on the rosters got overlooked
for a medal or promotion they deserved. Please, folks, take the time to skim
over their activities and make a good judgment call. Those who deserve medals
should receive them!
3) Yridia Medals: Here's the listing...congratulations to those who received
medals! Sorry it took so long...really got caught up in some issues which needed
Coursca - IIIII (MoS-GR)
Wil Striker - I* (MoS-PR)
Delak - IIII (MoS-SR)
Wisal - IIIIIII*I (MoS-DR)
Tojjevvuk - III (MoS-BR)
Vincent - III* (MoS-PR)
Olarum - IIIIII (MoS-GR)
Chris McCollum - I** (MoS-PR)
Coranel Both - I** (MoS-PR)
Orin Williamson - I** (MoS-PR)
I = Post
* = Good Post
** = Good Post which advanced plot
4) Congratulations to Zeke who earned two MoRs this week! Keep up the good work!
I have to get three now...!
5) Over 60 examinations for the new Directorate Academy! Keep taking courses!
Take advantage of the new awards system! And, of course, take my NSTS
Certification Exam!
6) Participate in the up and coming SWGB/XWA Ladder at the Directorate Battle
7) HCT Coranel Both is running a Scenario Competition! Governors, take the time
to participate! It will be valuable experience before Diplomacy is released!
8) IW Mania is still on! Just head into #the_infiltraitor_wing and ask for a XWA
CapShip match! Give'em hell!
9) Diplomacy: Its Coming...
Directorate Domain Report: 04.24.04
Short report this week. I severely jammed my finger a couple
days ago and it hurts to type.
1) New MoC! Please welcome back to the Ministry Council, Commodore Monsh Fesou.
The Directorate Site will soon be found at !
2) Diplomacy...Its Coming...!
3) Congratulations to CDR Zeke on his promotion!
4) Begin assembling your Directorate Monthly Evaluations! They are due at the
end of the month!
5) Business is starting to pick up again! Don't let the short report fool
you...its just this bloody finger. :-P
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Fringe Report: 04.13.04
The biggest in-game news is that the Corellian Corvette adventure was pushed
to the live servers today. This looks to be a very fun bit of content for our
combat-oriented members, and I�m very much looking forward to the �Assassinate
the Rebel� mission.
On a personal note, I will be on leave from 4/15-25, as former Chancellor of the
Senate White Tiger and I will be vacationing in Ireland. Tairn will be in charge
in my absence. Behave, all of you.
Just a reminder: I am very much wanting every member in the EH PA who wants one
to have a house in our city. While I�m out, I ask that all members who can
afford to buy an extra small house for a newer PA member do so. With the recent
citizenship purge, Sanctum Malleus is down to 66 citizens. If we drop below 65,
we risk losing our shuttleport so please help your Imperial brothers out.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to all members of the EH, and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The
only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that
you join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing DO Compton at, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn,
Tairn or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit
(site under construction), or
Current in-game members: 83
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
Imperial Senate Update: 04.24.04
The CHS asked me to send you an update on the status of the Senate because he is
having RL problems at the moment and is unable to report in himself. He did,
however, reassure me that he'll be back late tomorrow.
As for the Senate, over the past two weeks we've seen the membership increase
from the low thirties to forty-two members, and it continues to grow on an
almost daily basis. Activity has been decent with a good
amount of participation from the planetary delegations in their respective
planetary issues.
At the moment, I'm probing possible candidates for Minister of State and
Moderate Party Leader as well as creating the first planetary issue for the
planet Sahare. The CHS has been working on issues Carrida and Frigg and has also
been overseeing legislation regarding changes to the Liberal Party platform.
I believe that's all there is to say right now. Feel free to ask me any
questions you may have.
Deputy Chancellor Deedni
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 04.09.04
INQs are changing assignments within the subgroups (and a new
change should happen in 3 months) so it should widen their experience and maybe
help the respective subgroups...
A dozen new cases should appear soon but they'll be deal the most efficiently we
can do.
Also Frey's case is still going on but should be complete soon.
HI Report: 04.17.04
Frey's case is done :
403 - Disrespect towards a superior officer (In regards to an insult directed at
Ronin and Astatine on an official EH message board, and for statements made
against the CA:SCO and TAC.) -- GUILTY
405 - Mutiny and Sedition (On the basis of attempting to stir up an organized
response against the EHBL. However, leave this charge *entirely* up to the
court's discretion) -- NOT GUILTY
409 - Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (For his disrespect towards
the Fleet Commander and executive Officer, general attitude throughout the
situation with regards to superior officers and a grievous
lack of tact concerning his methods.) -- NOT GUILTY 1) An apology to all
involved parties (GA, XO, CA:SCO and TAC).
2) A probation period for three months, ending June 10th.
Additions by the HI and GA :
3) No IRC access nor any Message Board access during the
probation period.
4) No position or rank promotions unless prior approval by the
HI during the probation period.
And he finally resigned from all positions. Probation is to be enforced is he
ever returns.
HI Report: 04.23.04
Nothing to report this week from the HCI.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #13: 04.11.04
Happy Easter!
1. The ISD Vanguard Picks up the Award for Most Active and Most supporting MP
Ship of the Month. Typically I give a Squad of the Month award, however, this
month I am awarding the Vanguard because of Nightmare and Predator's hardwork..
2. Predator is the Pilot of the Month in MP(May) for his 120 LoC performance at
3. The COO Ladder Project is complete. Any flag officer or equiv from any
subgroup can use this system. Simply email me and then go to Thus far four
ladders have been created.
4. XWA Skirmish War is open to the public due to lack of teams being submitted.
If you desire to play in the XWA Skirmish War, pick a partner from your BG and
email me. I am starting the tournament this week.
5. X has returned to #ehcoc. Rejoice!
6. XWA/XVT Top Gun school is going through final alterations!
7. 24/7 LoCs are in effect right now. Keep using the form and earning your LoCs!
Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
Cheaters go down in a ball of flames. Pwned!
Avenger Squadron Needs a CMDR!
CAP Ship night will start once demand is high enough!
COO Report #14: 04.18.04
Happy Easter!
1. Congrats to one of my favorite Pilots taking CMDRship of my Favorite
Squadron. COL Nightmare becomes the Official Tie Corps Multiplayer Elite
Squadron Avenger CMDR. Good to see you back on the Aggressor.
2. XVT WoW is on now.
3. The COO Ladder project is currently being used by more DB than TC Units. use
4. XWA Skirmish War is still waiting for teams. I need official teams submitted
to me this week
5. 24/7 LoCs are in effect right now. Keep using the form and earning your LoCs!
I will be awarding the LoCs every Friday and a DFC to the most wins in that
Week. Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
Still waiting for my Cheaters to go down in a ball of flames. Pwned!
Will Predator Leader XVT WoW? Can Tau stop him?
Check out the SCO and IA!
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From: TBA
Fleet Medical Corps
FMC Additions: 04.21.04
Hello sir, I am Jedi Eclipse recently appointed MO. I have been reviewing the
FMC for some time and noticed that in its duty roles that it is quite limited
and is quite open to ridicule (which Is quite abundant from some command staff
members) as being more or less useless. I don't believe that but I do believe it
has a lot that it Can be as well, some things to shut-up the critics and to give
us something to do regularly. So i propose is this :
* more fictional areas : Star Wars based medicine practices
through RP on IRC, Message boards, fictions( still - No RL practice ;) )
* FMC based courses (other than rank courses already -
- Medicine of Star Wars : Ailments and treatments ( from books ) for use in said
- Jedi Healing course - for Jedi Brotherhood members only
- Emergency Triage - all SGs ( fiction laced with RL, still, NO application in
RL* will be watched closely*)
- More ideas to come but this is the basic idea-
So, instead of Just a support group, it will have a self-contained corps of
things to do Aside from SG activity, also it will add more into group fictions
I also ask what the scope of my control is- am I able to make comps etc that
incorporate the entire EH or is it limited to the TC,DB, and IW ? I ask as I ave
seen the need for more EH-wide activities, people are loyal to their SGs but
there is little sense of EH- unity so I feel that inter-SG comps that immerse
the entire club may be an interesting way to start building such connections. to
start would be some of the basic comps, but expanding farther as they catch on.
Also I would like to apologize for lack of reports, I am working on one right
now and will have it done before I pass out.
And, could you change the email address under
from to, I am getting Way too many email into the fastmail
account, (around 900 a day) and I need to move some around. Thank you
MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx7/IS-1BR-4SR-1PR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GALL]
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report: 04.10.04
And yet again, here we are with a report from the bridge of the
I really don't have much to report this week. I've emailed the FC with some
ideas on the RL meeting piece of the 10th Anniversary, that I hope he got. If
not I'm also cutting and pasting this report and sending it through my hotmail
As for the memorium, and my part in that... I emailed Drax and cc'ed Kawolski
about the possibility of putting Xanthe up there. She was very important to a
lot of people during her time her, including the esteemed former XO, and I
thought it would be only fitting for her to appear there. Kawolski has some pics,
so if my mail didn't get through to him, Drax can email him about that. I'm sure
he'll be happy to oblige. I believe his email is
I'm putting my run on on hold for now, because I want to work more on the
memorium with the LO, and also start coordinating with Astatine and Ronin on all
the RL meeting things once we've solidified some ideas. I think whichever way is
chosen, it's going to be fun, and that's our number one goal here. Fun.
Sometimes I think people (including myself every now and then) lose sight of
that fact, and get involved with all the politics. Really not necessary in my
Anyway, that's about it for this week. Once again, I remind you all that my
turnover time will still be somewhat longer, but rest assured, any queries will
be answered in as timely a manner as I can possibly make them.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
EH Advanced Guard
LA Report #1: 04.06.04
Greetings one and all to my first report on the Advanced Guard. My reports will
be released on Fridays from now on, unless Friday is a holiday (like this one
happens to be) in which case the report will fall on Thursdays. Now since I have
been LA for about, a day now, I don�t have a lot to report on, but I do plan to
report on my plans for the Advanced Guard, and where I would like to see the
club go. Well without further delay, the report:
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xantos Screed (
I have gotten updates from everyone already! Way to go guys!
1) I have removed Astix�s edict that the AG can only have 4 members, and as such
I am opening up the AG for everyone. As such, I would like to see some
recruitment, so get out there and tell your friends :P.
2) Possible new member, Demerzel. I know of his reputation in the Senate, and he
has expressed an interest to join. Once all the details are worked out, we can
welcome Dem aboard the Tranquility.
3) New Message Board. We have a new message board, it can be found here:
4) New Mailing List. I have also started a mailing list for the AG, to keep us
better in touch with announcements and such. In fact, you are receiving this
report through it :P � the new address is
5) Inner EH envoy. This sounds odd, but his purpose is simple. We form these
alliances so that both sides can game together and have a genuine good time. Yet
how often do you see our alliances and us doing so (besides giant matches where
everyone is involved). I hardly see it. As such, I plan to assign someone to
keep in contact with the various offices, such as the Training office. There
they can get whatever an ally needs, or they can possibly help arrange a
competition. I�m looking for volunteers first, before I assign someone. Please
note, this will not be your sole duty�
6) Progress reports. Since I will be writing my reports on Fridays, I want
everyone to send me a progress report on Thursday. These are important, if I
don�t get them I have no idea what is going on with your AG duties. As such, if
you miss 2 consecutive reports (and I don�t know why, ie. Vacation) you will be
removed from the AG. Sorry Guys�lol
COL Nightmare - Please contact me about plans you have for the AG, and what you
would like to see. Perhaps we can come up with some good ideas.
MAJ Tyr Anasazi, and LC Xantos Screed - Get in touch with the existing clubs,
see how they are doing, and what they want to do with the EH� for example if
they would be interested in any competitions etc.
Well that�s all for now, I hope to have more to report on once I have more than
a day worth of work in ;) � Until then however, all I can say is REMEMBER TO
RECRUIT and send your progress reports in every Thursday. Thanks
Lord Ambassador Report #2: 04.16.04
Alright everyone, we have some small happenings, some new members, and some new
activities to keep us busy. First off, I want to welcome AD Jacob Van Nowak, CM
Destavol Atreyu Gin, and LT Demerzel to the Advanced Guard. All that being said,
lets get going :P
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Destavol Atreyu Gin (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (
Only Destavol , Demerzel, and Xanatos checked in this week. I am not kidding
guys, I want some sort of update every Thursday, even if you did nothing, I need
to know.
1) The FC and OPS have permitted the AG to have a small patch, or other symbol,
on EH uniforms to differentiate us, and allow us to stand as one. As such, I+IBk-d
like some suggestions. So send in all your ideas, all your submissions, maybe
yours will be the mark of the AG that stands through time.
2) LT Demerzel is on emergency LOA due to PC problems.
3) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
4) Address all public AG emails to:
5) (Inner EH envoy. This sounds odd, but his purpose is simple. We form these
alliances so that both sides can game together and have a genuine good time. Yet
how often do you see our alliances and us doing so (besides giant matches where
everyone is involved). I hardly see it. As such, I plan to assign someone to
keep in contact with the various offices, such as the Training office. There
they can get whatever an ally needs, or they can possibly help arrange a
competition. I'm looking for volunteers first, before I assign someone. Please
note, this will not be your sole duty -) I have not received any volunteers for
this position. I will give it one more week, and then I will assign the post.
6) Progress reports. Since I will be writing my reports on Fridays, I want
everyone to send me a progress report on Thursday. These are important, if I
don't get them I have no idea what is going on with your AG duties. As such, if
you miss 2 consecutive reports (and I don't know why, i.e.. Vacation) you will
be removed from the AG. Sorry Guys -
7) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look.
8) I was talking to one club, the FBH, who now think that that the EH is no
longer their allies. I, of course, have assured them that to my knowledge that
is not the case, and the FBH and EH are still allied. However I will keep you
all updated on the situation as it develops.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare - Contact me (I have some stuff for us to
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - CM Destavol Atreyu Gin - Look into finding new clubs, maybe areas
where clubs gather, and attempt to form new alliances.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel - LOA (Working on new relations policy draft)
Don't forget to recruit, we got 3 new guys this week, but the more the merrier.
Also, don't forget the patch, get motivated in the AG, and do something
different. Not often we get the chance to do something extra like this, take
advantage of it. Well until next time, keep your stick on the ice.
Lord Ambassador Report #3: 04.23.04
Well sadly everyone, our own Envoy Destavol is leaving the EH. Dest is getting
married, and joining the military, so we wish him the best of luck. However, we
also gained a new ENV this week, and you all should know this one. Please
welcome FA Keldorn aboard. Also, I want to inform everyone that I now have a new
PC, so please bare with me as I transfer documents over, in case I forgot one or
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (
No one checked in this week, besides Demerzel, and I am VERY VERY disappointed.
I strongly suggest you all do not forget again -
1) The FC and OPS have permitted the AG to have a small patch, or other symbol,
on EH uniforms to differentiate us, and allow us to stand as one. As such, I'd
like some suggestions. So send in all your ideas, all your submissions, maybe
yours will be the mark of the AG that stands through time. - I want to note that
so far I have some excellent suggestions, and that I will offer this pseudo-comp
for 1 more week, before I send off my suggestion to the FC and OPS.
2) LT Demerzel is on emergency LOA due to PC problems (I have not been informed
of his return yet).
3) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
4) Address all public AG emails to:
5) Inner Envoy has been selected, FA Keldorn has volunteered for the post. I
would like him to get started ASAP.
6) Progress reports. Since I will be writing my reports on Fridays, I want
everyone to send me a progress report on Thursday. These are important, if I
don't get them I have no idea what is going on with your AG duties. As such, if
you miss 2 consecutive reports (and I don't know why, i.e.. Vacation) you will
be removed from the AG. Sorry Guys- FINAL WARNING (I really need something,
7) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look.
8) The FBH seems to be in a bit of disarray ATM, so I will contact them again
once they compose themselves.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare - Contact me (I have some stuff for us to
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel - LOA (Received Policy Draft)
While I'm sad to see Destavol go, I am glad to know that it couldn't be under
happier circumstances. I also once again wish to say welcome to FA Keldorn, and
I want to remind you all to RECRUIT AND REPORT- :P Until next week-