May 2001


FA Kermee Retires, VA Darkhill Appointed New Science Officer:  05.08.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Science Office

Following the recent resignation of FA Kermee as the EH Science Officer, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) have agreed on the appointment of VA Darkhill (current CA:SCO) as the new EH Science Officer.

Although the FC and XO also considered the application of CA:LO/VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign, we agreed the current CA:SCO should be granted the first opportunity for the Position.  Some of VA Darkhill's ideas were presented in his application, dated 05.04.01:

...If you do select me as the new SCO I have many ideas that I would like to implement.

- Completion of the Fleet Manual, as you know all of the backside coding is done for the new version. All that needs to be done now is to finish the data entry and finalize the pictures.

- Completion of the patch archive, there are still several patches that need to be done. All of the XWA versions of the IW ships need to be done. Also quite a few of the older XvT and TIE patches need to be updated to the current version of Kermee's installer.

- New patch installer, this is a side project that I've been talking to Kermee about for quite sometime. I would like to update each of the patches to a single gob like format. While also doing a Windows program that will search for patches on the users disk and install/uninstall them with a single click.

- Finish the Slicing Academy, this was a project that was started a long time ago but faltered from lack backing from the CD. I would like to make the Slicing Academy wholly run by the Science Office. It would cover the basics of patch making to stats editing and simple opt creation for the later games.

I would also like to make the Science Office more proactive in slicing in general. I would like to see the Science Office and the Tactical Office do a joint competition where the missions must involve one of the extended fighters or capital ships. I would also like to see new designs added to the patch archive...

Thank you,

CA:SCO-TCT-TCS/VA Den Darkhill/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign
BSx2/PCx4/ISMx12/MoI-BC/IS-1PW/LoC/MoC-3BoC-3SoC-2GoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV [KNGT]

Slegr Retires, Belzedar Sleygar Appointed as the new Chancellor of the Imperial Senate :  04.18.01
As Emailed From:  Former Chancellor of the Senate (Slegr)

Imperial Senate


While in San Diego this weekend to celebrate, and serve as best man in the wedding of my best friend and adopted brother Joe, my road in life was altered. It came to my attention how greatly I miss Joe, and how the distance between us pains me, and how my emotional well-being, although in a good state, has suffered. I also realized how greatly I desire to be able to watch my niece, Haley, grow up. I have chosen to direct my energies into graduating from Louisiana State University on schedule with eight semesters rather than nine, which, due to a somewhat lax work load in previous semesters will require that I take on a great number of credit hours each semester. I will also be taking courses in the summer, and quite possibly over the next winter break. This measure is needed to limit the amount of money that I will have invested in student loans, so that I may endeavor to achieve residency in the state of California, where Joe lives, and where I wish to attend law school and begin what will hopefully be the rest of my life. I feel that it will prove evident to most that time will become scarce, too scarce to hope to effectively run a sub-group of the Emperor's Hammer.

Unfortunately, the Imperial Senate has been in a state of decline since a time prior to my appointment to office. My attempts have proven unsuccessful in turning this around. I do, however, hope that the present AWOL check that is being administered by Belzedar Sleygar will turn this around, starting with a fresh group of members that are truly interested in participating in the Imperial Senate. 

As my final act of office, I would like to congratulate Minster of Records Belzeday Sleygar to the position of Deputy Chancellor of the Imperial Senate, a position that he has labored hard for, and certainly deserves. I also wish to recommend Belzedar Sleygar for the position of Chancellor of the Imperial Senate. He is always full of fresh ideas for the Imperial Senate and may well find the formula necessary to lead the subgroup to its former glory. Belzedar is also one of the most respected members of the Imperial Senate who has served as a member for nearly the entire life of the subgroup. 

Finally, I thank you for the opportunity to have served the Imperial Senate as Chancellor. I do apologize for being unable to gain any substantial response from the membership-at-large. I also apologize for leaving you in a position where a new Chancellor must be sought. I do hope that you understand my reasons and find them to be worthy. 

Yours Truly,

Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr,
Former Chancellor of the Imperial Senate (Aurora Prime)/HC-1

Dear Sirs,

As per recommendation of former Chancellor Slegr, I am applying for the position of Chancellor of Imperial Senate. I have been part of the Imperial Senate since I first joined the Emperor's Hammer, approximately a year and a half ago. Since that time, I have served as a Committee Chairmen (8 months), Internet Councilor (~3 months), Administrative Councilor (4 months) and I am now the Senate's Deputy Chancellor.

I know that the Senate has been in decline for sometime, decline meaning that it has had many inactive members, including the leadership. I seek to remedy this problem by putting both newer members and current EH members into the leadership positions. The application process I plan to use will require not only explaining to me why the applicant feels they are worthy of the job but they must be able to show me examples of abilities pertinent to the position. e.g. Applicants for Literature CCN would have to write me a short story, Design Committee would have to show me webpages they've designed. I believe this will ensure that only the finest and most dedicated applicants will make the cut.

I also have plans to revise the Senate Manual, which is woefully outdated. However, I will not do this alone. Even though I will write the revisions, before the Manual is sent to you for approval, each section of the Manual will be reviewed by five persons who will give me their commentary on what I have written. These five persons will include: a senior member of the Senate, a new member of the Senate, a person not in the Senate (but in the EH), someone not in the Senate OR in the EH, and another Subgroup Commander. I believe that this varying pool of people will ensure many opinions that will help me make the best decisions on what to put in the Manual.

Most importantly, I will make myself available to all Senators. I am on IRC for several hours everyday and I have no problem with setting my work schedule so that I can make it to meetings every Sunday. I also plan to make a website for myself that will include a "Report" form not unlike the one XO Kawolski provides on his website. I believe only that by maintaining a close bond between the High Council of the Senate and the rest of the membership will result in mass activity.

Lastly, I would like to say that I will always ask for advice when I feel that I need it. I know well that I cannot think of everything nor do everything, and I will not be afraid to ask for help or guidance from either the Senate members or part of the Command Staff. There are, after all, people with more experience in leadership than I and I hope to benefit from their experience.

Thank you for your time Fleet Commander Ronin and Executive Officer Kawolski. I hope you will make your choice of a Chancellor swiftly.


Belzedar Sleygar, Deputy Chancellor of the Imperial Senate
DCH Belzedar Sleygar (Ammuud)/HC-2
[CoL] [ISMx2]
[M-CRV: Klael] [MDRT: Bhelliom] [ESHU: The Sardion] [LXY:Aldur's Orb]
[Suite] [IP] [BST] [BG] [BlR] [CoKx2] [CoCx3]
{IWATS - IIC1/2/3, GFX, mIRC1/2}

Fleet Commander's Note:

With Slegr's resignation, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has accepted the recommendation to appoint Belzedar Sleygar as the new Chancellor of the EH Senate.

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

XO Posts Emperor's Hammer Newsletter No. 73:  04.23.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

Newsletter No. 73 (April 23, 2001)


Grand Moff Karva Resigns, Replacement to be Selected:  04.21.01
As Emailed From:  Outgoing Grand Moff (AD Karva)

EH Directorate (DIR)

...Let me start with this, for almost a year I have served you as Grand Moff. Through the hibernation periods and times of low morale I have sat up here trying to deal with each problem the best I could... I held onto the core concept of the DIR throughout the transformation to Conquest and I love this job very much. But recently I found out my grandfather, my last living grandfather, is dyeing of cancer. He has cancer in almost every part of his body. That mixed with several realizations in my life has caused me to do the hardest thing I have ever done in my EH Career...

I hereby tender my resignation as Grand Moff of the Emperor's Hammer Territories.

There... I said it. It has been a great 40 reports since my appointment but now I feel it is time to go and move on. I plan to stick around in the DIR as an unofficial advisor (unless the next GMF makes a position =P) and to help where possible. With that in mind, Ronin and Kawolski, you should consider these two people the best choice for next Grand Moff:

        Deputy Grand Moff JediJawa - ( )
        Minister of State Walker Slain ( )

They both would do fine, and to be honest they may push the Directorate to even higher areas of popularity.

I will stick around and act as Grand Moff until a new one is chosen and I will help that member get an easy transition to the office...

Fleet Commander's Note:

The Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) and the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) are currently deciding on which candidate to appoint as Karva's replacement.  AD Karva will be sticking around until the replacement is selected and to ease him/her into the new Position.

However, let me first to say that Karva not being GMF will be a great loss for that Subgroup.  Few SGCOMs in the past have displayed such dedication and hard work.  He will be missed... 

Admiral Moreco (IWCOM) Awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal:  04.20.01
As Recommended By:  Rear Admiral Figaro, Infiltrator Wing Executive Officer

Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal
(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions...!)


I come today to recommend the Infiltrator Wing Commander, Admiral Moreco for the prestigious award: The Grand Order of the Emperor Medal.

I recommend him for this due to his supreme activity, which is exemplary to all IW and EH members alike. He is always active, he is always around whenever I log on to IRC he is there working on things for the IW. 

In his latest project for the IW, he has had the vision to create the IW Support Division, half of it is based on a concept by Admiral Maverick, the other half was dreamed up after a Pilot's request. He has brought the project together and worked to get it announced all over the Emperor's Hammer Fleet. I will briefly list some other accomplishments of his: He upgraded and modified the IW Order of Battle so it is now geared for future expansion, In his time as IWCOM the IW membership has doubled, and now all the members are active the 50 that started were pretty much all inactive. All in all he has turned the IW around from a sluggish, failing, inactive Sub-Group to what is in my opinion one of the brightest Sub-Groups that is full of potential for the future.

Normally I would discuss this with the IW Command Staff so that he could be awarded an IW Medal, he has the Top IW Medals and I think that his service warrants something more. I hope you see and agree with my point of view

Thank-you for your Time


Rear Admiral Figaro
Infiltrator Wing Executive Officer
- Knight of the Fear -
IWCS-2/MC-60 Warhammer
[DSM/LoM/SV/MoD/MC-2 x6/MC-1 x4/CBV w/5 Stars/VC - Blue/LSM x2/MoI - Blue Cross/HSM/OotF] [BS]
[mod. A-Wing: "Soul Reaver II"] [AX-Wing: "Hurricane"] [R2: "`Pikachu"]
[CapEx - A]
[Professor of the Squadron Command Course]
"When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back."

XO Report # 5:  04.23.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO


My, it has been a long time, hasn't it? I'd like to start off this report with giving everyone a big apology for my lack of activity lately. With my life making new turns this month and final uni exams coming up in less than two weeks, I've been badly neglecting my much needed to-be-attended-to XO duties. Two more weeks is all I'm asking. Then the news page will continue to see upkeep on a more regular basis, the first sections of the EH Database will be online, and NL #74 will be released promptly. By then, the most difficult final exams will be over, my new laptop will have arrived, and I will once again have time to complete my work.

EH : Newsletter #73

Admiral Quake has done an excellent job covering for me in HTMLizing many of the sections of NL #73. Unfortunately, many sections were also turned in late. I was going to just hold over NL #73 to next month and just release all of it together with NL #74, but then I would need to cut things from NL #74 due to size and that just wouldn't be fair.

List of Mirrors for NL 73 Download (from ) (~6 mb) (UK) [Smokin] - Hosted By The Corporate Division (USA) [Smokin] - Hosted by iDrive (Canada) [Excellent] - Hosted By The Internet Office (USA) [Fast] - Hosted By Prohosting (USA) [Medium] - Hosted by Vice Admiral Ian (UK) [Slow] - Hosted by Admiral Quake (UK) [Slow] - IP Resolved of

List of Mirrors for NL 73 Online (Canada) [Excellent] - Hosted By The Internet Office (UK) [Slow] - Hosted by Admiral Quake (USA) [Medium] - Hosted by Vice Admiral Ian

EH : Newsletter Submissions

I noticed mail mysteriously disappearing from my inbox for some reason on America Online on my Newsletter Screen Name. It seems that it has been eating up some submissions that I hadn't had the time to retrieve and now I'm not exactly sure which ones were lost. No submissions were held for NL #74, so if you don't see your submission in NL #73, it wasn't rejected or denied, it was lost. Please resubmit any works that didn't appear in the NL.

LoAs for #72 and #73 will be awarded next week along with the announcement of the new XOA. Please check the CREDITS section of the Newsletter (the link at the very bottom-middle of the NL) to make sure YOUR work isn't being credited to someone else! Report problems to

SGCOMs, PLEASE encourage your subgroups to start submitting stuff for the EH Newsletter! Submissions are due at the end of the month!

EH : Counter-Strike at ORW

As many of you now know, Counter-Strike is now being played at Outer-Rim Wars. I encourage all EH members who are skilled in playing this game to come join us and have fun at ORW next week.

NOTE!!! Because Counter-Strike is NOT a Star Wars related game, it is not officially supported by the Emperor's Hammer nor any of its subgroups (unless someone goes out and makes us some Star Wars CS skins... *hint hint*). This means you *can't* earn LoCs, DFCs, or EH awards of any kind from playing Counter-Strike. Sorry. If you play, it's just to have fun and kick some Rebel butt!

Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK has put up our own EH:CS practice server at:

EH : EH Database Progress

After putting it on hold for quite some time, I've had the chance to get back to work on developing the new database! As I said earlier, I hope to have something online for members to look at in two weeks. I'll continue to make updates of my progress on my homepage at

Members of The Fringe are the lucky ones who get to be the first ones added to the database. Their small membership and simplified structure makes adding support for them easiest. The Imperial Senate will shortly follow. After the database is working properly for both groups, the TIE Corps will be added.

Over the course of its development, my staff and I will be putting together an EH Database Manual for people to review to learn how to use the new database and preview what the new features are going to be.

EH : Aaron Allston interview

Our Recon Officer AD Keiran has arranged for the EH to have an e-mail interview with Star Wars author Aaron Allston. If you have some questions to suggest we should ask, e-mail them to and Please, no questions about future upcoming New Jedi Order books because Mr. Allston is bound by a nondisclosure agreement that prevents him from talking about them.

TC: New Combat Operations Officer

Former COO Zsinj has stepped down from his position as Combat Operations Officer. In his place, Vice Admiral Wet Willy is now in charge of the office. His first duties along with learning to use the TC Database will be to find us some other Star Wars clubs (particularly Zone Clans) to play against, so be sure to keep an eye on the news page and Combat Calendar for more than the usual weekly matches.

TC : TC Pilot earns the MoH

If you haven't read the domain yet, Grand Admiral Ronin has given Flight Member Colonel Callista the Medal of Honor! She has done much for promoting the Emperor's Hammer out in the real world and her recent success at organizing the EH booth at Jedi Con 2001 in Germany this month along with several other EHers who came down to help! So I'd like to take the time to personally congratulate my darling wife for receiving this award she deserves so much. Calli: I love you sweetie! ;)

IS: Command Change

The Chancellor of the Imperial Senate, CHS Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr, has stepped down from his position. A new Chancellor will be appointed shortly upon Ronin's final approval.

IW: IW opens Support Division

The Infiltrator Wing ( ) has opened the IWSD, the IW Support Division ( ) today to provide a home for members who want to fly something other than the usual fighters.

Commanded by High Admiral "Pappy" Renegade, who is returning from retirement, the IWSD uses the following craft (with X-Wing: Alliance as a game platform):

- Corellian Gunboats
- Corellian Corvettes
- YT2000 Corellian Transport
- YT1300 Corellian Transport
- Firespray Attack Ship

For more details on the IWSD, please refer to and

Every member of the Emperor's Hammer, and everyone else of course, is invited to join the IWSD or the IW Strike Fleet at

HF: UT:EH needs your help!

With the closure of Half-Life: Imperial Battles and Quake II's Star Wars: Call of the Force, it seems the only promising future SW mod around is Prefect Ares' Unreal Tournament mod. It's badly in need of talent in the graphics department! Models, textures, skins, etc. If you have any experience in this, apply to:

Unreal Tournament: Emperor's Hammer -

DIR: GMF Karva resigns

Grand Moff Karva has resigned from his position due to real life issues and commitments. Applications or recommendations for the new GMF should go to myself ( ) and GA Ronin ( ).


OK, I've spent enough time writing up this report...time for me to get back to work on the database and other XO-like things. :P

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- -

Star Wars Galactic Battleground Update:  05.01.01
As Emailed From:  INQ-Legal/AD Theodore/VSD Stalwart and ISP-UA/FA Brad/UBIQ-ADV/DGN Lichtor V

LA has posted some news on their upcoming, winter 2001, release of Galactic Battleground. The game is based upon the RTS engine adapted from Age of Empires.  There will be a scenario editor to create custom single- or multiplayer battlegrounds with virtually any Star Wars units and settings. The webpage is at and includes screen shots.

INQ-Legal/AD Theodore/VSD Stalwart

"I will make it Legal"

LucasArts is coming out with a real-time strategy game. It is created by the help of Ensemble Studios who made the Age of Empires series. They are using the same game engine for this game. It looks really cool. Check it out. I'm sure at least one of the subgroups could adapt this as an additional game platform.


ISP-UA/FA Brad/UBIQ-ADV/DGN Lichtor V, MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/ISMx4/MoC-5SoC-7BoC/OV-4E, {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3}, SBL(Sith)/CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae, (BN), T-Ph: "Black Death"

[OR Council] ORW Results - Week 25:  04.22.01
As Emailed From:


After this week's ORW battle things are really looking up. We had our second highest turnout ever with 211 total matches. That's about twice as much from last week. Great job to everyone, especially the Star Vipers and Imperial Order! The following is the scores, current standings, and results for Week 25, the Second Battle of the Genji System... 


RS Wins Outer Rim! ~ Genji System ~ Scores: [RS: 111 ,SV: 38 ,EH: 23 ,VE: 2 ,5F: 5 ,IO: 26 ,AW: 0 ] Matches: [RS: 153 ,SV: 106 ,EH: 62 ,VE: 23 ,5F: 18 ,IO: 57 ,AW: 3 ,Total: 211 ] 


Genji System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 180 
Star Vipers: 50 
Emperor's Hammer: 49 
Imperial Order: 36 
NR 5th Fleet: 10 
Antagonist Wing: 3 
Vast Empire: 2 


JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(14pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: SV_JediNobody(#675)-(12pts) vs IO_TDY(#783)-(12pts), Tie! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(13pts) vs 5F_Mo(#18)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(19pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(17pts) vs 5F_Mo(#18)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(30pts) vs SV_RayNBow(#871)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_JediNobody(#675)-(9pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(8pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(17pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(31pts) vs RS_JonAnchorage(#393)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts) vs EH_Etrall(#849)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(22pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(8pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_Cruiser(#497)-(7pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(5pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(10pts) vs EH_Saak(#874)-(4pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: AW_JediNobody(#754)-(22pts) vs SV_RayNbow(#871)-(23pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(19pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(6pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(30pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(18pts) vs SV_Ahyee(#596)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(9pts) vs RS_Hotshot(#78)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_DarthS(#725)-(7pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(21pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Jacob(#873)-(17pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(14pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(17pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_RayNbow(#871)-(20pts) vs AW_JediNobody(#754)-(17pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(14pts) vs SV_garm(#864)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Scarlet(#609)-(7pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(4pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(30pts) vs EH_LCM_Jacob(#873)-(13pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: EH_ShadowHawk(#674)-(9pts) vs 5F_Raynor(#876)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(11pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(11pts), Tie! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(6pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(6pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(10pts) vs IO_Yvana(#877)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(27pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
CS: 5F_VDJ(#640)-(12pts) vs RS_Kromium(#838)-(6pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(12pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(14pts) vs SV_ricardo(#374)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Bluejay(#220)-(16pts) vs EH_Idaho(#804)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(8pts) vs SV_JediNobody(#675)-(16pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Daalrak(#833)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophet(#591)-(30pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(25pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(19pts) vs RS_Mo(#609)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts) vs RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts) vs RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts) vs RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophet(#591)-(37pts) vs SV_JediNobody(#675)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Jacob(#873)-(21pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(22pts) vs EH_Trout(#514)-(17pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(27pts) vs RS_Mo(#609)-(13pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(19pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(10pts) vs SV_Daalrak(#833)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(2pts) vs SV_Jedi_Nobody`(#675)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(17pts) vs EH_Saak(#874)-(10pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(27pts) vs RS_Quinn(#7)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(13pts) vs EH_prophet(#591)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(23pts) vs RS_Mo(#609)-(8pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(9pts) vs VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(-6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(30pts) vs IO_Wulfman(#766)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(6pts) vs RS_Mo(#609)-(5pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Jacob(#873)-(26pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(22pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(14pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Prophet(#591)-(28pts) vs RS_Quinn(#7)-(17pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(12pts) vs AW_JediNobody(#754)-(11pts), SV Wins! 
JK: VE_Japer(#456)-(-1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(9pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(18pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(5pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: RS_BonFel(#352)-(15pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(18pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
CS: RS_Gambit(#166)-(18pts) vs SV_Empyrean(#659)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(10pts) vs VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(24pts) vs EH_LCM_Jacob(#873)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Vector(#862)-(0pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Wulfman(#766)-(23pts) vs EH_Rag(#571)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Entreri(#879)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(29pts) vs EH_ShadwHawk(#674)-(10pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_DarthS(#725)-(16pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(6pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs IO_Tav(#746)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Ent(#879)-(9pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(1pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_Empyrean(#659)-(8pts) vs EH_Delplancq(#884)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: IO_Wulfman(#766)-(11pts) vs RS_Hawkeye(#383)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(8pts) vs RS_Auguri(#883)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(28pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(24pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_DarthS(#725)-(12pts) vs RS_RhayDeean(#156)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(8pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Delplancq(#884)-(12pts) vs SV_Empyrean(#659)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_ShadowHawk(#674)-(11pts) vs RS_bonfel(#352)-(11pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_korney(#732)-(13pts) vs IO_tdy(#783)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Aug(#883)-(0pts) vs IO_Wulf(#766)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#221)-(8pts) vs EH_Dae(#540)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: VE_Jasper(#456)-(3pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(19pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(6pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(1pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Korney(#732)-(20pts) vs IO_Wulfman(#766)-(35pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs 5F_Perja(#771)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(6pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(10pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(10pts) vs RS_Bon_Fel(#352)-(5pts), SV Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Hunter(#866)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(25pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(15pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(7pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corran(#641)-(9pts) vs RS_hawkeye(#383)-(5pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs SV_rat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_bon_fel(#352)-(12pts) vs EH_Saak(#874)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: VE_Epic(#814)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts), VE Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(13pts) vs IO_wulfman(#766)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(19pts) vs RS_Alexio(#787)-(14pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: RS_korney(#732)-(7pts) vs EH_saak(#874)-(34pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(25pts) vs RS_KellHorn(#463)-(20pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(17pts) vs 5F_Corran(#641)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Cruiser(#497)-(9pts) vs RS_Kell_Horn(#463)-(7pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(12pts) vs EH_Kieran(#886)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_ShadwHawk(#674)-(12pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(6pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(16pts) vs SV_cruiser(#497)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(1pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_korney(#732)-(21pts) vs IO_Wulfman(#766)-(21pts), Tie! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(19pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(7pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: VE_Cosmic(#812)-(10pts) vs 5F_simon(#637)-(-6pts), VE Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(8pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(6pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(32pts) vs 5F_JonAnchorage(#393)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(9pts) vs EH_tarkin(#531)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(10pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Moskito(#690)-(9pts) vs RS_BonFel(#352)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(2pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Cruiser(#497)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_KellHorn(#463)-(21pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(7pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-6pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts) vs VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(17pts) vs EH_Saak(#874)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(5pts) vs 5F_JonAnchorage(#393)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(10pts) vs VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Icaro(#768)-(3pts) vs RS_Xortius(#481)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(21pts) vs EH_ragnarok(#571)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Kell_Horn(#463)-(30pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEE(#596)-(17pts) vs RS_Hawkeye(#383)-(22pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Saak(#874)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(18pts) vs IO_icaro(#768)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Moskito(#690)-(14pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(6pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Dev(#29)-(5pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(27pts) vs RS_Kell_Horn(#463)-(26pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Zsinj(#1)-(5pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Etrall(#849)-(5pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(6pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(32pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_icaro(#768)-(1pts) vs RS_Hotshot(#78)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_RyanDeean(#156)-(29pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(21pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(6pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(10pts) vs EH_Etrall(#849)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Smit(#855)-(4pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(4pts) vs RS_kell_horn(#463)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#221)-(15pts) vs EH_Saak(#874)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Icaro(#765)-(17pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(26pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: VE_Demi_Wraith(#709)-(4pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(4pts), Tie! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(9pts), IO Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator


Admiral Ozzel (Michael Sheard) "Joins" the Emperor's Hammer...! (04.15.01)
As Emailed From:  Fleet Medical Officer (AD Mike)


The autograph from Jeremy Bulloch was not the only thing I brought back from the JediCon.

Another star was Michael Sheard, the man who played Admiral Ozzel in "The Empire Strikes Back".

And now, fasten your seatbelt:

I told him I am from the biggest online club in the whole world and that we were Imperials. I offered him to join our club as honorary member, becoming "Admiral Ozzel"...

And now guess what? He accepted ! ... 

Admiral Michael Tolwyn
�([[[/[/[*]/]/]]])=([[ ( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Fleet Medical Officer/Admiral, GOE/SS/ISMx4/MoI/MoC/LoAx7/OV-3E [IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/1],
KP Michael Halcyon (Krath)/QUA/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae,
Corellian YT-2000 Transporter "Stiletto", mod. TIE Defender "Vengeance"
EH-MedLab at, ICQ: 83498366, ZONE-ID: SKYE_Kai_Allard
"Easy ain't for Jedi."

Admiral Ozzel's First Message to the Fleet:  04.20.01
As emailed from:   SCMDR/LC Gen Es'mith/Aylin/Wing V/SSSDovereign


I sent a simple welcome email to Admiral Ozzel, and apparently I have been chosen to forward his thank you to the EH.

CMDR/LC Gen Es'mith/Aylin/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign 
SS/PCx4/ISMx4/MoI-BC/MoC-2BoC-4SoC-8GoC-30PoC-4DoC/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [CNTR] 
SW Gen Es'mith (Sith) - House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae 

From: (michael sheard)


You have drawn the short straw! You know about that, I'm sure!

Would you be kind enough to do me a small favour?

I've had so many lovely #s of welcome from folk on the Emperor's Hammer and I just don't have the time at present to write to each one personally.

Would you be so kind as to pass on my thanks and greetings to all? Perhaps you have a notice board and could pin this up.

I'd be very grateful.

My thanks and Yours Aye - as they said in Scotland, the country of my birth."


Fleet Commander's Note:

The Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has personally corresponded/emailed Mr. Sheard and confirmed that he, in fact, does want to be associated with the Emperor's Hammer as a "Member".  Our thanks to AD Mike and COL Callista for their outstanding work !

In accordance with the email received on 04.17.01, Admiral Ozzel (Michael Sheard) has been given the honorary Emperor's Hammer Imperial Rank of Admiral and has been given an EH email address...

(Please see the Training Manual for Rank descriptions)

Fleet Members desiring to contact Admiral Ozzel or ask him questions may feel free to use this Emperor's Hammer email alias which will automatically forward the mail to his standard email address...!  However, I would recommend NOT inundating him with emails or sending him EH related Email chains...>:)

We're proud to have you on board, Admiral Ozzel !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Recon Office Arranging First EH Email Interview with Aaron Allston:  04.20.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

Recon Office

In a recent email, Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian) related that he had secured contact with one of the more popular Star Wars authors, Aaron Allston.

Mr. Allston has related the following conditions...

  • First, my schedule being what it is, I generally prefer to do e-mail interviews rather than phone or in-person.

  • Second, because of nondisclosure agreements with Lucasfilm, there's not a lot I can say about my upcoming NJO books. This tends to result in pretty dull interviews if they're chiefly supposed to be about the NJO novels.

  • Third, because I'm up to my gunwales in work, I can't promise to respond to questions in a timely fashion. (In fact, I can pretty confidently promise not to be able to respond in a timely fashion.)

Please EMAIL your questions to the Recon Officer (AD Keiran) within the next couple of days so we can finalize them and email them to Mr. Allston.

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please note that AD Keiran has also secured the EH a mailed, digitized copy of a Mike Stackpole Autograph to the EH.  It can be found on the EH Article Mentions Page...!

Jedi Con 2001 Report/COL Callista Awarded Medal of Honor (MoH) Medal:  04.18.01
As Emailed From:  FM/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

Related Links, Pics, etc.

COL Callista's original email...


we just came back from Jedi Con 2001 in Cologne (that's me and MAJ Brandon), and I dare say you'd better be sorry you didn't come over to join us :P It was fantastic! We met all the actors, got autographs and pictures with them, had a splendid time letting people fly our games (our stand was quite a success really), and we had the great opportunity to listen to some live played Star Wars score music, which was absolutely gorgeous!

Anyway, just telling you that mostly everything went as we had planned, and that you'll have a full report of everything (along with the scanned autographs dedicated to the Emperor's Hammer) and a list of who attended and what everyone did to make this a success.

Check out the attached picture and guess who everyone is :P

Love, Nat

A follow-up email with an event report...


here is my account of the weekend I and 13 other EHers spent in Cologne at Jedi Con 2001. Enjoy, and I hope you'll decide to come over for Jedi Con 2003 :) Pictures to follow at the end of the week.

Thursday, April 12th, 2001: At 11 am in the morning, CM Duncan Idaho arrived in Taunusstein to meet with MAJ Brandon and myself. We then went to Wiesbaden to pick up Klaus (who is not a member of the EH yet) and his PC, then went past the main station and picked up CM Carl Lost. After a 2 hour drive, we arrived at the youth hostel in Cologne, where we waited for LCM Jan Wemmel, who had organized the accommodation there, and AD Mike. We checked in and occupied our rooms, and since we still had our computers in our cars and the parking lot at the youth hostel wasn't exactly safe, we decided to bring them to the Jedi Con at the Sartory Halls. The organizers were already very busy making the last arrangements, but they still found time to show us the room where we could deposit our PCs for the duration of the event. Afterwards, we went back to the hostel to wait for the other EHers, including LCM Xeraan, CPT Con Selar, MAJ Kronn, MAJ Bayron, CM Morgan, CPT Juve, and AD Moreco. When everyone had arrived, we went to the inner city, conquered Pizza Hut and a cocktail bar after that. Unfortunately, AD Moreco had to leave the same night.

Friday, April 13th, 2001: CPT Juve had to leave in the morning, so we said goodbye to him after breakfast and left for the Sartory Halls. Jedi Con 2001 started at 12 noon, so we decided to be there at 10 am to set up our computers. Klaus wore his Stormtrooper uniform in the tube, and people generally looked at us strange, but most smiled. When we arrived at the Sartory Halls, we set up our PCs in a corner of the hall (as that was the only place left), which was right next to the place where the actors signed photographs. Michael Sheard (Adm. Ozzel) was there in the morning before the event started, so we had our picture taken with him. CM Duncan Idaho and AD Mike set up a LAN for two of our six computers, so people could fly head-on in XWA. The visitors started to arrive around 12.15 and we let them play XWA and TIE, handed out flyers, and explained who we are and what we do. We continued to do that until 4 pm, and although it is hard to estimate how many people came to our stand, it was obvious that we were the only entertainment for some time, as the Jedi Con program had some 'holes.' We took pictures of our stand, and got autographs and pictures with the stars, and at 4 pm we brought our PCs back to the store room. With an escort of 2 stormtroopers, we then conquered Burger King. CPT Murad Ibn Mark arrived in the afternoon, but didn't have tickets for the convention and had to stay outside. In the evening, we attended the official opening ceremony, which featured an opening movie (much like the fanfilms on, with some illogic action, but entertaining nonetheless, when the movie ended and the action continued live on stage) and the welcoming of the stars (Jeremy Bullock - Boba Fett, Warwick Davis - Wicket, Steve Sansweet - Lucasfilm, Don Bies - ILM, Jerome Blake - Rune Haako, Michael Sheard - Adm. Ozzel). Afterwards, Steve Sansweet presented some very interesting and entertaining Star Wars films, e.g. the Pizza Hut/KFC/Taco Bell adverts we never got to see in Germany, and a BBC Episode 1 special (hilarious!). As we were rather tired after a long day, we went back to the youth hostel and went almost straight to sleep.

Saturday, April 14th, 2001: That day, we had to get up at 7am as the Jedi Con program started at 9am. Beginning with a photosession with all the stars (see the picture I sent you yesterday), the program featured panels with the actors during which they answered all kinds of questions, several short movies, eg. The Return of the Ewok (produced by Warwick Davis), and a bloopers film, a costume contest (you should've seen the Amidala's, Boba Fett's, and Darth Vaders they had!), and a special panel with Rick McCallum who left after an autograph session. The highlight was, however, the concert of the Metropolis Filmorchestra in the evening, which featured the title music, the Imperial March, the Asteroid Field, the Imperial March, Luke and Leia, Han Solo and the Princess, Yoda's Theme, Anakin's Theme, Jar Jar's Theme (yuck :P), Duel of the Fates etc. It was unique, and, for me, a dream come true. We had our stand from 9 am til 2 pm that day. 

Sunday, April 15th, 2001: Sunday was a little slow, as the program was rather boring. We packed our PCs and put them in the cars, then listened to some more Q&A by the stars. LCM Xeraan, MAJ Kayle Bayron, and CM Morgan left early as they had a long way to get home, the rest of us stayed on until the closing ceremony that again featured the stars. They had a tombola as well, and I won a Naboo Star Fighter toy (yay! :P). Jedi Con ended at 4 pm, and we got home at about 7 pm.

Well, that's it :P sounds pretty boring, but believe me, we had some great moments and a lot of fun, even though some of the Jedi Con organization could've been better. There's going to be another Star Wars Convention in Germany in October, and some of us have already signed up to go there again :)


FM/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

Fleet Commander's Note:

For her outstanding efforts at gaining the EH more quality publicity with both Star Wars actors, LucasFilm personnel and attendance at MANY EH Meets, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein personally awards COL Callista with the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honor (MoH)...the highest award that an Emperor's Hammer Member can achieve...

(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

COL Callista has a REAL knack for being in the right place at the right time and seriously helping out the publicity of the EH !

Our congratulations and heartfelt gratitude for all the hard work !  Keep it up !!!

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

EH July 2001 Meeting Website Launched:  04.13.01
As Emailed From:  CA:OPS/VA Wet Willy/CA-7/SSSD Sovereign

Everything is done on it, but I am still waiting on the intro page, and I should have the movie for it as soon as I go beat Magus for it. :) I'll hope to have it ready for posting before the weekend is over. :) hurray! ;-)

Vice Admiral Obeliskian Battlemaster Wet Willy
Command Attach� to the Operations Officer
Quaestor of House Kirleta of Clan Satal Keto -
CA:OPS/VA Wet Willy/CA-7/SSSD Sovereign
GS/SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx24/MoI/MoT-1rh/IS-1PW/LoC-CSx8/MoC-4BoC/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [GALL] {IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/1} - S/MIS Supersoaker Mark II
OBM (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto

"Insanity is a playground for the uncreative"

Combat Operations Officer (COO) Resigns, VA WetWilly Appointed New COO:  04.09.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Admiral Zsinj has resigned and a replacement COO is being sought...The  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) have chosen VA WetWilly as the new Combat Operations Officer (COO).

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Decipher's Episode 1 SW:CCG:  04.09.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)


For SW:CCG Players go here.

Decipher is showing you come of the new cards.

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =
[- | -]
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SBM (Sith)/M:SHW/CON/Alvaak, ENV

Tactical Officer Promoted to Fleet Admiral:  04.18.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Training Manual for Rank descriptions)

For his outstanding and ceaseless work as Tactical Officer of the Emperor's Hammer, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein promotes Admiral Starlion to the Rank of Fleet Admiral...!

Congrats on a job well-done !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}