March 2004
XVT WoW Highest Finish Ever and EH
first in XWA WoW: 02.28.04
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Sarin)
FC Ronin,
Below is the news from the COO during the EH meeting. We finished 2nd in XVT WoW
and are currently leading the XWA WoW. The news also talks about all of the
projects being run.
<VA_Sarin> COO News! The EH finished 2nd Place at the XVT Wow!! This ties as our
highest XVT WoW finish Ever. This XVT WoW was also our most active in Several
Years! EH Pilots took home a nice 136 Wins (That translates to 136 LoCs)!!
<VA_Sarin> Tau Squadron and Avenger Squadron's led the way at the XVT WoW with
five members participating from each squad. Tau Finished with 99 games and 77
Wins. These numbers come close to doubling the rest of the EH Combined! Woot!
Tau back to back MP Squad of the Month!
<VA_Sarin> Tau 77-22. Avenger 27-20 lead the way
<VA_Sarin> The top EH Pilots were Tau Kaerner (Ranked 9th Overall), Tau Rax Von
Verr (Ranked 12), Tau Dr.
Soccer (15th), Alec Q (19th), Avenger Lonestar (20th), and Tau Gen Von Rein
(20th). Great work to all of them.
<VA_Sarin> DFCs from the WoW will be awarded to Kaerner for being the higest
ranked EH player and to Rax for most wins! Great work!
<VA_Sarin> Also, Congrats to the DB and IW participating in the WoW this month.
Great work!
* Tiamat- has joined #emperor's_hammer
<VA_Sarin> WoW News is not over! Right now XWA WoW is going on, and the EH IS IN
FIRST PLACE. The more members that come and fly, the better chances we will have
of winning. If a few more pilots would of participated last month we would of
won, lets not make the same mistake twice. Get your booty to the Zone and
support your club (If you can drag yourself away from SWG Crack addictions.
Stupid Camping XP....) <VA_Sarin> In new COO Developments: The COO and OHC have
created two ladders on Battlestats that will someday be placed into operation
for JA and JKO. The COO and the SHW are also working on ladders and the current
non Battlestats ladder for the SHW is almost complete (Thanks REB!).
<VA_Sarin> Currently the COO and some members of the DIR are throwing around MP
ideas look forward to seeing them soon! Ive also talked with the HF Genralisimo
and we are discussing ideas as well. WooT! Go busy COOness!
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor "Black Shirt"
PCON/SBL Khameir Sarin/Arcona "Shadow Lords"
NL #101 Posted to the Fleet:
As Compiled By:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
Herein, the
Executive Officer (SA Astatine)
the current and previous Emperor's Hammer Newsletters...
Downloadable Zip: (3.98 MB)
New EH Logo Variant Posted by LC
Tempest: 02.06.04
As Emailed From:
Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
(Please click to download full size logo image)
Greetings Grand Admiral Ronin.
You might remember my name from back in 2001 when I designed that new EH logo.
Actually, it's the reason why I'm contacting you today. When going through my
graphics folder, deleting old stuff, that mesh came up again and once more I
thought that I didn't really like it that much anymore...
Still like the shape, but the rendered pictures I submitted back then are not
that great. The logo is very dark, has a dull surface and doesn't really look 3D
at all.
Because I thought that I could do that much better today, I've made a new
version... It's still based on the old mesh, just a little spiced up.
I started it more or less just for the fun of it , but then I thought, I could
as well send it to you... it *is* your club's logo. :) So, it's attached to this
mail. Hope you enjoy it.
CMDR-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
RSV/WO Tempest/CD [CoL/SoA/BoMx2/CSS/CDMx2]
Fleet Commander's Note:
Our thanks once again go to LC Tempest for his fine work ! His
design has been adopted as our club's official log. Please review the 2001
competition on our Logo Page.
Timothy Zahn Autograph to the EH:
As Emailed From:
COM/RA Ky Terrak/SSD
(Please click to download full size image)
[ Please see our Articles Page for
other notable EH mentions ]
Hey guys
Today I went to a book signing in Huntintonbeach CA for Timothy Zahn. I got a
personalized autograph for the EH and a generic one for the EH...(dont worry i
got one for myself also) I have scanned the pictures and put them into jpeg
form. the first one is TimZ.JPEG and its of both of them together. the next one
TimZ 1.JPEG is the personalized one for the EH and then TimZ 2 is the generic
one for you guys also. I also spoke to him about becoming an honorary member
briefly. He said that he was interested and gave me a PO to send the info to. I
already sent that info to you Joe. Let me know if you need anything else.
RA Ky Terrak
"Serve the Empire above all others"
COM/RA Ky Terrak/SSD Avenger
Fleet Commander's Note:
I selected just one overall image for EH sense in posting
someone's zoomed in signature on the internet :)
Lord Ambassador Astix
Retires/Replacement Sought: 02.21.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
With the recent resignation of RA Astix as Lord Ambassador of
the Emperor's Hammer, I am currently seeking candidates with the following
Been an EH Member for
2-3+ years
Have no serious HCI
Have the ability to host
an alliance website or be able to regularly update the EH Alliances Page
Have an outgoing
personality with demonstrated experience dealing with other online Star Wars
Be a MATURE individual
who can both follows orders and work independently
If you have what it takes, please email the Fleet Commander ASAP

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Grand Order of the
Emperor (GoE) Medal Awarded to WARD Danrik: 02.22.04
As Recommended By:
Inquisitor (HA Royal)
(Please see the
Manual for medal descriptions)
Congrats to WARD FA Danrik on a Grand Order of the Empire for
his excellent work within the HCI for the past year and half as WARD and his
previous 2 years before as INQ. He has showned exceptionnal qualities as an
officer of the court and demonstrated on tons of occasions that he is the right
man for the job. He wrote a good number of great court opinions posted on the
HCI web site. He presided over several case as P-INQ before becoming the WARD.
He's also helped on tons of occasion in the choosing of new INQs and on
deserving members for awards and stuff.
So for "service above and beyond the call of duty and valor extraordinaire" we
present you this award. Congratulations.
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
XO Report 28: 02.21.04
First XO report for a while, it would seem. We've obviously had
some movement in the CO positions in recent times. Hopefully these appointments
will prove to be good choices and lead their respective areas of the EH into
greater times.
My time of late has been in dealing with the DB site. Most of the core
components are finalised. Most of the difficulty has been with dealing with the
unique structure of the DB and how to gracefully code around that. In terms of
the TC site, I've started moving more information into centralised areas to make
it easier to update. This week saw the images for the personal fighters updated,
thanks to the work of the SCO.
With the posting of the document written by Ari and Keldorn, there's been a lot
of talk and not really any action. I think deep down, all of us are a little
guilty of not pushing that extra yard. I've talked to COs about certain
projects, both new and old projects that have been abandoned, and I get a
response all too often. A response I dislike. "It's too hard". But then, that's
what being in a position like that is all about. It's supposed to be hard. If it
was easy, everyone would want to be COs and we'd have no one having fun as
normal members.
In line with all this, over the next week or so I'll be drafting up directives
for all the COs to carry out over the course of 2004. This was tried in 2003 but
never was really successful for a variety of reasons. In 2004, these directives
will be carried out. In most cases, these directives will be things you're
currently already working on or projects you've discussed with me, so it should
be all good. The directives will give the FC and myself a yardstick to measure
COs by over the course of the year, as well as provide long-term focus and
direction for various areas of the EH.
One directive I think that can be applied in a blanket fashion is that of
promotion and public relations. As I found out, simply doing a news post on a
site and on a message board doesn't cut it. I used that method with a
competition earlier this year and got two submissions. I also think the lack of
promotion and public presence is resulting in members forgetting or not being
award of what services there are and what avenues of activity there are. This
has been reflected by the drop in specific server awards in 2003. At the other
end of the scale, we're not effectively promoting the "good works" of ordinary
members. As such, I'd like all COs to make an extra effort in this area. The
CHAN/OPS and MAA in the DB have already been directed to start doing this. A
public presence heavy approach was very successful for IWATS in the old days and
should prove useful for us now.
Lastly, Newsletter 101 should hopefully be released over the weekend. This
edition will feature submissions from the TO's Apostosy competition.
XO Report 29: 02.28.04
First up, we have a new newsletter. It's available for download
at and is a touch over 4 megs. This is a
special edition featuring exclusive content from the Apostasy competition run by
FA Keldorn last year. It also features a post competition reivew by Keldorn.
Letters of Achievement for that NL have already been awarded. Congratulations to
those who submitted. As always, I'm wanting submissions for the NL. You can
submit graphics, fiction, etc. as well as reviews of recent games, books, etc.
Submissions can be sent to Make sure you include your ID
I went through and did the recommendations for the TIE Corps and Dark
Brotherhood Commendations of Loyalty this weekend, as well as approving them. I
don't think anyone was missed on the list.
I've gotten a number of responses for my little research project ( ) and will start that going
soon. If you're interested in helping, you've got about 1 day to let me know via
Lastly a reminder about reports. Seems some people are slipping back into old
habits by either doing lots of copy-pasting between reports or trying to fill
out their reports by including content that is inappropriate or not relevant (ie.
stuff about their real life). Do yourself a favour and don't do it if you are
one of those that are trying it on. Instead, maybe you should question why you
need to use such tactics to fill out your reports in the first place.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >
Tactical Office Report #128: 02.22.04
Not the best week I had, though I did some work this week, but at the moment
I am sick, so I don't feel too well.
XvT free missions updated:
I have fixed several XvT-FREEs, namely #120-148, so they now work with EHBL.
Also, my CA:TAC will work on cleaning bugs reports from our database, so we
should have many battles fixed. Also, my TCHC is doing final checks now, so we
should have more battles soon. I already have two battles on my desk and they
should be released tomorrow morning, unless I really feel bad.
Testers and engineers needed:
We can use XvT and BoP people. TIE is full, but you can try with XWA and XW.
Great career opportunities, so apply if you have time.
Make more battles:
I encourage you all to make more battles, especially for TIE and XWA. We need
them. Also, make some JA maps.
New medal:
New hammer for Medal of Tactics has been approved by FC, XO and OPS, namely
yellow hammer. You will get it for every JA map you submit, so start working on
JA maps and get some shiny new yellow hammers.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: LC D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #129: 02.28.04
Well, I didn't go to work today, because I feel I am sick again, or I will be
if I will leave my nice and comfy place called home. So, you have my report
earlier. This week was full of work, both in real life and EH. I've been talking
to my staff, I've been releasing battles, awarding medals and working on my
secret project. Secret until today, but that's later.
In real life I am busy like hell and it's not going to change. I have also bad
news. Because Poland is joining EU, we need to finish our plant before may. This
means we are working like hell, and my work day has been changed. From 10 to 12
hours. This means I will be working from 6am to 6pm. And you understand I will
be tired and busy. Fear not. If I will feel I'm not doing my duties, I will send
resignation letter. But, with help of my staff I am sure we will manage very
well and in April it'll be back to normal.
About my staff. Well, I am happy. We have released 52 missions this month, so
it's not that bad. Also, old battles are going to be released very soon and they
are being released now. My TCHC is doing great job as team manager, and my
CA:TAC is working on bugs in mission compendium.
And I think that's all ;)
Testers and engineers needed:
We can use XvT and BoP people. TIE is full, but you can try with XWA and XW.
Great career opportunities, so apply if you have time.
"Tacky" the ultimate pilot file viewer:
As you probably know, in RL I am software engineer. I write stuff for my
company and now, I've decided to use my skill for EH. I am working on pilot file
viewing software for all platforms. There will be two versions. Basic for entire
EH and full for Tactical/Science Office. It will support all platforms, even XW.
So, I guess it's worth waiting.
Make more battles:
I encourage you all to make more battles, especially for TIE and XWA. We need
them. Also, make some JA maps.
New medal:
New hammer for Medal of Tactics has been approved by FC, XO and OPS, namely
yellow hammer. You will get it for every JA map you submit, so start working on
JA maps and get some shiny new yellow hammers.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: LC D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #130: 03.06.04
Hello and welcome to this 130th Tactical Office Report. Last week was full of
work. We will drop some dead weight this week, so if you are inactive tester you
email your TCC now and DO some assignments, or you are gone. :)
My CA is working on bugs in Mission Compendium, so all battles should be bug
less sooner or later. That's good. TCCs should clear there queues pretty soon,
so there will no old battles in TacDB. My goal is to hold all battles no longer
than 1 month. I think that's possible.
Finaly, I have processed all pending High Scores and FCHG points, so there is no
delay. And we have released some battles, so go and fly them :)
500 battles in Mission Compendium, 2 to go
So far we have 498 battles in EH Mission Compendium. This means we need only
2 battles to hit magical number of 500. No bad achievement I think, but I want
to hit TAC4k :)
"Tacky" the ultimate pilot file viewer:
I made no progress this week since I was busy with other duties. But I will try
to code more this week. Maybe I will get alpha version in April. WHo knows?
FCHG Competition ends tomorrow:
I have extended FCHG Competition #5 to end tomorrow. So if you have battles
ready send them before it's too late. Participation is rather low so there is a
good chance to win something shiny. :)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical Higg Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #21: 02.20.04
I will be going away for work on 2/21/04 and will not be returning until
2/28/04. VA Reaper will be handling all of the roster changes while I am away.
Please send Reaper any changes that need to be done by mail, as I will NOT have
computer access and will be unable to check my mail.
Next up, AD Darksaber was asked to retire from his position of ASF BGCOM for a
few things that culminated in days of no contact. He was not asked to retire
from the TC as he stated in the TC meeting, but was offered two other flag spots
which He turned down. I'm not going to sling any mud here or anywhere. I made
the decision to ask him to leave and I stand by it. He contributed to the EH and
the ASF for 16 months, and it will not be forgotten, but no matter what he DID
do for the ASF, He was NOT doing it for the past few months....
A new ASF BGCOM has been selected. VA Khadgar has been named to be the new ASF
The issue of incorrect transfer procedures has popped up yet again! Please
follow the protocol, which is very simple. Notify your cmdr, the squadron cmdr
of where you want to go and all the flags involved. Then after they give their
approvals, then and only then should I get the mail requesting the transfer!
That's about it for this week. I'll see everyone on 2/29/04!
In Service...
Flight Office Report #22: 03.05.04
This is my first report since my leave, so the first piece of news to report is
the assigning of VA Khadgar to the position of ASF BGCOM. Khadgar is a veteran
member of the ASF and the Tie Corps, and is the best fit to return activity and
moral back to the ASF. Congratulations Khadgar!
Daniel Goad has been named the New Vanguard Commodore and promoted to the rank
of RA
LC Frey Gallandro has been named the new WC for Wing XVIII on the SSD Avenger
LC Guthwolf has been assigned as the new WC for Wing IV on the SSSD Sovereign
I think that's about it for Flag Positional changes within the TC for the last
two weeks....
Now on to a bit of business:
I have recently been getting a lot of improper transfer requests come into my
inbox. By improper I mean, there is no Chain of Command followed. Sound
familiar? Well it should since I've broached the topic in a few other reports.
The Flight Office is the LAST person to hear about the transfer. I only want to
see the final mail, where everyone approved (knows) about the transfer. If I get
ANY transfers where the protocols are not followed, I will ignore them. It is a
very easy procedure so follow it! Repeat offenders shall be sent to the Flight
Office where they will recite the transfer protocols forwards and backwards
until they are blue in the face! They have been posted on the TC Message board
and the EH message board. So there is NO excuse not to know them!
Another issue is that of dead weight within the TC ranks. I've seen countless
reports from different squadrons where the same members always have, no contact
this contact for several weeks....These members need to either AWOLed
or MIAed. Active members are more valuable than having a full complement. A full
complement that is active is the goal. Wing XIII ISD Greywolf has pretty much
achieved this and should be a model.
I am submitting a competition for all TC members to create a new INPR for me.
The more creative the profile, the better. IS GR for first place, IS SR for
second, and IS BR for third. Watch for details on the news page when it is
approved by the TO.
On a happier note, I want to congratulate the members of Tau squadron and
Avenger squadron for their participation in the last WoW events. The COO informs
me that TAU members have scored the best out of the TC and place the EH in the
highest ranking it has seen! Congrats to all the pilots who participated!
That's it from the Flight Office this week!
In Service....
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #131: 02.20.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #131
February 20, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
After CM Rokin's appointment to the position of PREX, the IO is down to a
smaller staff. However, each of us has a fairly large project we're working on,
so we're keeping busy.
I'm working on the automation. I've finally acquired the
information I needed to go ahead and complete the database design, so that is
now finished and I've filled in some of the common code, and now I just need to
write the classes and the scripts.
Related to that is the development of EHNet Login System 2.0 which AD Turtle has
been working on. It will feature an entirely new system of processing logins and
a considerable improvement upon security and thus will greatly help in providing
EH developers with a unified login and data retrieval system. The new
system will be based off this new version of ELS, hopefully making a more
central hub for EH operations.
Leeson continues to work on MP Sabacc - no updates from him this week yet. Drako
is working on a PHP project for the Training Office.
Also, of note, I've updated some of the more outdated links at the end of the IO
Report, an update that was long overdue.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the House Gladius site by Aeishline Strathaven at
Congrats on her 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Which internet IWATS course do you like most?
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: RA Xander Drax
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript
IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report #132: 02.27.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #132
February 27, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Been a quiet week, with some more work on and ELS development. Xander
Drax has officially stepped down from his IOA spot so he can continue work in
the Logistics Office.
I'd actually like to take this time to remind you all of some
services the IO offers. For the developers out there, there is the IO Code
Archive at Here
you can find all sorts of interesting code snippets you can copy and paste
freely to use and modify in your code. Please post your own snippets and share
with the EH developers community!
For use by everyone there's the eXtensible Polling System at This is a
rich and full-featured system that will allow you to create most kinds of data
collection forms you can imagine. Easy to use, very powerful and useful!
Also another favorite is the EH Greeting Card Center at This service
allows you to send personalized e-cards to anyone. There is a huge variety of
possible cards to send, look at them all!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Communications Office site at by AD Turtle and VA
Foley. Congrats both on a 5 star site, full of useful functionality!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What IWATS internet course do you like most?
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript
IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #29: 02.21.04
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 29th Training Office Report!
My thanks to Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine for my promotion to
Fleet Admiral.
Several new IWATS Courses to announce:
Trillian (TLN), the popular IM and communications software:
Internet Basics (IBX), a general introduction to the Internet:
Vice Admiral Khadgar, the new ASF BGCOM, Commander Trido and Orv Dessrx have
been appointed as Professors. The former ASF BGCOM, Admiral Darksaber has been
appointed as a Training Office Assistant to assist me in the formulation and
management of new EH competitions. Admiral Mell Kerrigan, the current TC BGCOM
was awarded an Imperial Security Medal for his valuable assistance to the
Training Office.
Vice Admiral Sarin has been awarded a Gold Star of the Empire for his management
of the new IWATS Multiplayer Course, which has passed 100 Graduates! In record
The Chancellor of the Imperial Senate has offered me the position of Minister of
Education, which after much deliberation I have accepted. I have relinquished
the position of XML Professor to free more time for this enterprise. Former
Flight Officer Priyum Patel has agreed to act as my Vice Minister.
Obelisk Battlemaster Jaron Kai of the Dark Brotherhood has completed a rewrite
of Krath Grammar Studies for the Shadow Academy. The entirely revised material
can be found here:
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit competitions of this nature (Combat Rating 'Races') will be
denied. I would like to highlight the emphasise on �internal unit competitions�;
this only applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and
not to a inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Rear Admiral Drako, Command Attach� ("Number One") []
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") []
Admiral Darksaber, Training Office Assistant []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Priyum Patel, Vice Minister of Education []
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation []
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management []
Vice Admiral Khameir Sarin; Professor, Multiplayer []
Vice Admiral Khadgar; Professor, Trillian []
Rear Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Colonel Locke Setzer; Professor, Eggdrop []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Wes Janson; Professor, Active Server Page []
Lieutenant Colonel Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Major Justin ; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Major Ace; Professor, Flash []
Major Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Major Chris McCollum; Professor, Graphics []
Major Sarn Eric; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Captain Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Trido; Professor, Internet Basics []
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []
Orv Dessrx; Professor, XML []
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Dark Adept Jaron Kai; Pontiff, Grammar Studies []
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Training Office Report #30: 03.02.04
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 30th Training Office Report!
Vice Admiral Khadgar and Commander Trido have been awarded Silver Stars of the
Empire for their work for the Training Office.
Three new IWATS courses will be released at some point during this week:
Dreamweaver, Galactic Battlegrounds Tactics and mIRC Scripting. The recently
released courses have all been progressing exceptionally, with over 100
graduates between them thus far.
There are also several IWATS Courses currently under final revision or still in
the writing phase. These include those of a 'fictional' orientation (Trade &
Customs, Starfighters), those referring to our gaming platforms (a JK/JO/JA
suite of courses) and more of those dastardly internet/programming courses.
Rear Admiral Drako has continued work on the 'Top Gun Academy' for the TIE
Corps, along with the Combat Operations Officer. The website is looking very
promising, the idea equally so. More on this later. Drako has, however, been
busy with university exams, of which I'm sure we wish him the best.
The Senate Core exam will also be uploaded and functioning shortly, permitting a
new influx of Senators and Representatives into the Emperor's Hammer...
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by the possibility of doctoral study. Most SubGroup
academies will be heavily involved in this institution once the idea is ready to
go gold. Any questions can be directed to me at
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit competitions of this nature (Combat Rating 'Races') will be
denied. I would like to highlight the emphasise on �internal unit competitions�;
this only applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and
not to a inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Rear Admiral Drako, Command Attach� ("Number One") []
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") []
Admiral Darksaber, Training Office Assistant []
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster []
Priyum Patel, Vice Minister of Education []
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation []
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management []
Vice Admiral Khameir Sarin; Professor, Multiplayer []
Vice Admiral Khadgar; Professor, Trillian []
Rear Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Colonel Locke Setzer; Professor, Eggdrop []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Wes Janson; Professor, Active Server Page []
Lieutenant Colonel Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Major Justin ; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Major Ace; Professor, Flash []
Major Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Major Chris McCollum; Professor, Graphics []
Major Sarn Eric; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Captain Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Trido; Professor, Internet Basics []
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []
Orv Dessrx; Professor, XML []
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Obelisk Battlemaster Jaron Kai; Pontiff, Grammar Studies []
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #24: 02.20.04
Things are back under control, for the time being. I've been
here as OPS for six months. Remember that when you show me disrespect.
Some people really made me mad this week. Some key points to remember are that,
number one, I'm the OPS. It's me who decides whether or not a medal should be
awarded, not you. Number two, I know the Operations Manual. It's a guide, not
law. Number three, no one, ever (besides maybe Astatine or GA Ronin) has the
right to talk down to me. If you think I denied a medal that should've been
awarded, you don't fire back an e-mail demanding me to award it. If I deny a
medal because it's being too qualitative (words) and not quantitative (numbers)
enough, you resubmit your recommendation with the numbers. Don't even bother
e-mailing me if I tell you to give me specifics. If I deny a medal, sooner or
later you're going to have to resubmit it. So leave e-mailing me some crazy rant
out of the process.
So, my medal rant (I haven't had one of these in a while...). If you mention "He
flew a lot of battles" all I'm going to do is deny the medal and ask how many
battles. "He completed lots of IWATS coures." Which ones? What dates? I approve
recommendations with dates and plenty of information in a heartbeat - giving me
too much can never be wrong. I understand you all want to be wordy when you
recommend medals, and that's fine. Just do so at the bottom of the
recommendation, after you have given me all of the data.
Here's another tidbit (again, something I've preached on before). Decide right
now whether it will be the COM or the WC who awards MSE medals. I'm sick of
accidentally awarding the same medal and then having to take it back from a
pilot because the two people in charge of a ship can't figure out who's going to
be awarding the medals this month.
I hadn't been too active lately (spring sports have started and I worked 13 out
of the last 14 days, along with the rest of my free time going to school and
life). I've got a week coming up where I'll be out of town, so my access will be
limited. I'll try and be online as much as possible, but if this is impossible
please bear with me.
The medal queue is now clear. I'm going to approve all outstanding uniforms
today. I also awarded the medals for my competitions last night - if you didn't
get yours, e-mail me.
Astatine has recommended to me that I highlight some of the medals earned each
week in my reports. Expect me to start doing that next week. I'll also post some
good ones on the news pages.
If you want to know what I'm thinking on a particular day, check out, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am outside of
the EH.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)
OPS Report #25: 02.27.04
Here we go again. I'm out of town for a week starting yesterday, so please bear
with me.
Nothing too bad this week, partly because I haven't processed all the medals
yet. I'm about to do that. I find it makes me happier when I write the report
first then award the medals.
I hope you all read my last report. I no longer will show any compassion if you
don't fill out a medal recommendation correctly. It's very simple. I want to
award medals as much as you do. Keep in mind if you go that extra mile and write
a little bit more you'll be better off.
I'm eager to see what 2004 means for the EH. So far, I haven't seen much. Come
on people, let's do some things! Medals for anyone that does something that
benefits members in real ways :)
Like I said last week, Astatine has recommended to me that I highlight some of
the medals earned each week in my reports. Again I'm away from my computer, so I
don't have the medals awarded in front of me. Expect me to start doing that next
week. I'll also post some good ones on the news pages.
If you want to know what I'm thinking on a particular day, check out, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am outside of
the EH.
Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever
Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)
OPS Report #26: 03.06.04
Back from the extended absense. A new outlook on life. But still just as busy.
I've been put into some hard spots between Real Life and the EH lately, but
thankfully I have cleared completely the backlog of medals and uniforms in the
Astatine (thankfully) awarded all of the CoLs from early February. If you have
any problems, e-mail me.
Not much of a report because I just returned home from a basketball game two
hours away and it's awful late here. I'll leave this part of the report open to
any ideas you may have. Please e-mail me if you have any ideas whatsoever for
the Operations Office and the Emperor's Hammer as a whole.
Some highlights this week came late this afternoon. Two medals approved for
long-standing members of the Tie Corps for their hard work and service.
The Bronze Star of the Empire has been awarded to: BGCOM-COOA/AD Mell
Kerrigan/TIE Corps Battlegroups
The request was made by: FO-TCCOM/FA Cyric/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
Reason given for request: Since his inception as TIEBGCOM, AD Mell has performed
above and beyond, handling many flag changes, averted a few minor issues through
diplomacy, and created more activity for the Battlegroup. AD Mell has also been
instrumental in bringing in "older" members back into the TC which brought
experience, and activity back to the Tie BG. He has slowly started to turn the
BG around from the despair that it was in. AD Mell has also run and moderated a
few TC meetings on Mirc for me when I was unable to attend. For this I thank AD
Mell and award him the Bronze Star.
The Bronze Star of the Empire has been awarded to: COM-PROF/AD Proton/SSSD
The request was made by: FO-TCCOM/FA Cyric/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
Reason given for request: Proton continues to show himself to be one of our best
leaders, continually working to expand the SOV and keep her pilots and Flags
occupied and happy. The SOV has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but
through it all, AD Proton remains the rock for the foundation of the entire
ship. He is an asset to the TC and a trusted BGCOM.
If you want to know what I'm thinking on a particular day, check out, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am outside of
the EH.
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW:
Communications Office Report #6:
Between school, the Corps of Cadets (inspection last weekend,
all this week, and white collar inspectionthis morning - basically, constant
cleaning), and actual Army duties, I've been insanely busy the last two weeks.
As such, I was unable to get a report out last week. This report serves as
reports #5 and #6.
I've been able to squeeze some ELS work into my busy schedule, especially today.
ELS is now slated for a 2.0 version jump, which I hope to have available
(schedule-permitting) next week. Major changes include:
- Greatly enhanced redundancy, 2.x will support a pool of master servers so that
you will always be able to login to an ELS-enabled web site, even if one or more
master servers are down.
- Improved security. ELS logins will now be handled directly by the master
server (as opposed to ELS- nabled sites passing along usernames and passwords
for verification), which eliminates any possible man- n-the-middle attacks and
now makes it possible for any site in the Emperor's Hammer to use ELS
functionality to enhance their web site.
- Additional data available. 2.x will include multiple new data fields.
- Improvements in ease of use. ELS 2.x client code will now include multiple
scripts, including pre-made example scripts to demonstrate ELS functionality on
your own site. ELS is truly a plug and play solution to user authentication
The new login method was completed today, and is currently in use on in a test stage.
The next project on my list (probably following the launch of ELS 2.0) will be
to fix the ordering and organization of message boards (by subgroup) like
several users have been asking about. Luckily, next week will almost certainly
be a much calmer week.
As a reminder, please use the COMM request from on the Communications Office web
site to submit message board creation and moderator change requests. Requests
for IRC operator access will be added to COMM request shortly, after I have time
to add a CService username field to ELS.
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #7:
I've recently seen users talking in IRC channels about problems they've had with
the ELS system, its implementation on the message boards, or other such topics.
In some cases, users have been having XYZ problem for days and/or weeks. The
kicker: not a single user had approached me in that time to tell me about the
If you experience an unexpected error or problem dealing with the ELS or
MinosNIC, *please* contact me. I simply cannot fix problems that I don't know
about. Suggestions for the system are also welcomed. I need to have user
feedback in order to make the system function as you'd like.
While we're on the subject of ELS, a quick update. Additional backend
development was done this week, as well as the frontend interface for the new
master-side login page. The 2.0 release is approaching.
I also spent some time this week working on the various extension TCL scripts of
dasb0t, cleaning everything up and making it work correctly. I should announce
the appointment of a new Communications Office Assistant (COMMA), Count
SyNthetiC PaRadoX of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. He will be assisting in the
management of the IRC bots/botnet, and TCL scripting. For his first tasking,
I've asked him to create a database of all the bots floating around EH channels,
and their primary function. This should be completed next week.
An addition to the Communications Office policies has been made this week:
#2 25 Feb 2004- IRC channels designed by the Communications Officer as being
'official' must be managed by Undernet Channel Services (X bot) and are
explicitly governed by the IRC Code of Conduct. Additionally, a Communications
Office approved bot will assist in the enforcement of code of conduct policies.
To this end, a request for designation as an official IRC
channel form has been added to the COMM Request function on the Communications
Office web site. Current official channels are listed at If you'd
like to add your channel to the list, please fill out the form after ensuring
that it meets policy #2. (a COMM bot will be provided after designation)
Finally, everybody remember that this is a leap year and there will be an
additional day this month!
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC - ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #7: 02.20.04
1. One random security exercise ran this week. #Hammer's_fist passes inspection
with flying colors. No real surprise there.
2. As a reminder, former Logistics Officer Darknyte was expelled and is to be
banned on sight. Contact the Security Officer if you experience any
Case News:
1. LC Thorn was charged with violations of Article 409 and 410 on 2/15.
Computer Security News:
1. Amusing strains of the MyDoom virus have been spreading through a
vulnerability opened by the original virus. In essence, you don't need to open
any attachment, nor will you receive any emails. It installs itself onto the
computer IF you have already contacted (and failed to repair) the original
MyDoom.A or MyDoom.B. The variant able to spread through the backdoor is known
as Doomjuice, or MyDoom.C
2. W32/Netsky.B is of particular interest to me right now, although I haven't
seen much spread. Key subjects include the following:
something for you
read it immediately
Further information is available at
Security Product of the Week:
X-chat 2.0.5 (
Not what you'd expect to see as a traditional security product, eh? X-chat was
my personal solution to a desire to eliminate any exposure to the exploits of
mIRC without having to upgrade and pay the registration fee. Could I if I wanted
to? Sure. But I'm cheap, and I'm sure we have EHers running on a budget or
unavailable to shell out the cash. This is a multi-platform open source client,
and I haven't had a problem yet running it on XP. Highly customizable, no DCC
exploits, and best of all, it's free. Also of note is that it matches mIRC in
most if not all features of convenience, such as auto-rejoin, nick completion,
auto-join, and cool buttons that produce amusing results.
Security Office Report #8: 03.06.04
1. The Security Office is still not hiring.
Case News:
1. A verdict of guilty has been returned in Case #197. See the HCI site for
Computer Security News:
1. Current high profile virus threats include the following:
W32/Beagle.J-K Variants
W32/Beagle.C-G Variants
Update your Anti Virus software.
2. Product of the Week
This week's product is Sysgate Personal Firewall 5.5. I've been having trouble
finding a quality firewall lately, specifically one with individual packet
filtering. SPF 5.5 met my standards, and I've been content with it. Key features
include logging, dll authentication, and the ability to shut off all traffic.
Also included is a security test, which the firewall (obviously) passed with
flying colors. I'd recommend running on your own firewall to see how it stands
up to the test. As with every product I review, Sysgate Personal Firewall 5.5 is
available at
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #36: 02.21.04
"Remember Taluca, everything is possible - if it happens."
Welcome to my thirty-sixth public report as a Science Officer, quit a bit too
late (sorry, being an easily distracted mad scientist don't help *g*). But
that don't mean I have less news:
Science Office News:
1. The Freespace 2 mod is progressing nicely and has been renamed to its final
title "Imperial Alliance", replacing the former working title "TIE Fighter
Empire". All craft of X-Wing (X-W, A-W, Y-W, B-W, T/F, T/B, T/I,
Mn/T3) have now been ported into it which means we can go to the first beta
testing phase to tune the stats and flying properties:
2. To this end Timmay has set up a new forum just for the
project at - if you want to help out in the
testing department, or just want to have previews/early access of what we are
doing, you are advised to go and check it out. Registering makes sure you will
receive email notices of next beta phases and other such matters. Do report a
bug that you come across though, that's what testing is about.\
3. To this forum I've released four converted training missions
from X-Wing for Imperial Alliance which immediately also spawned some updated
stats for the craft. They should behave more as in the X-Wing series now,
however as we're in early beta phases still not everything is completely
4. AD Darkhill has compiled new versions of the game .exe, now
also renamed to our new title. Curtsy of FS_Open, this .exe now is updated to
DirectX 8 (originally FS2 was DirectX 5) and offers better graphics and 3D
effects. However you do need a different launcher to start it with fully. If not
it will ask you if you want to download that. When you have, make sure the
Launcher points to the new .exe.
5. The newest version of the .exe also supports our new
Registration Desk, which I ported from TIE Fighter and Den Darkhill made the
code changes for. It looks and works very much like the registration desk in TIE
Fighter, as the included screenshot should point out nicely. Next up in the
imperial concourse.
6. Meanwhile the total conversion of the game "Warlords III:
Dark Lords Rising" (which I have named "Sith Lords: Dark Lords Rising") has made
progress as well: the interface is now mostly replaced and I have started on
matters like items and advisors etc. (For example the Merchant now is Watto.)
The complete amount of files in this game is actually half that of just the
interface of FS2, so this is still considered an easy mod. At the moment however
Imperial Alliance has priority.
7. I have made a few updates to the Fleet Manual, with the
addition of the TIE Experimental Mk 1 (with full graphics and stats) and the
update on the TIE Interceptor entry, which now also has full graphics and stats.
Lay-outing on about all Rebel craft has been updated; about all of those also
now include at least a side view as well.
8. As a short in between I've added a java game to shoot rebbies
with to the SCO site. Another more complex one (platform game flier) is near
complete. These are just for your amusement of course. :
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has made new versions of our Imperial Alliance exe file,
which include changes to accommodate our own new interface. SCOA: CM Tim has set
up the Imperial Alliance forum and released the first Beta phase of all craft in
Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at Updates have been made
to fleet manual and a java game has been added.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Currently all "missing" craft have
been added to these games by use of the EHSPs. All remaining freighters,
fighters and all but 2 transports of XWA have also been released as loose
patches for TIE, XvT and BoP. Currently on short hold to accommodate Imperial
Alliance better.
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely distribute a
finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics, sounds, models
etc). Renamed to "Imperial Alliance". About all craft from X-Wing have been
added and work has started to add the TIE Fighter concourse and to update the
exe. Beta phase 1 has started on the new testing forum.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at
#science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail
on the SCO site.
(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
Logistics Office Report #3: 02.20.04
Logistics News
1. The Logistics Office has, with the help of Underlord Koral of the BHG,
located all but one of the EH Newsletters and posted them on it's mirror. The
only one we are still missing is #100 (the most recent). If
you or anyone you know have any information as to the whereabouts of this file,
please contact the Logicistcs Office immediately.
2. The EH Codex seems to be lost in the mists of time, so beginning this week,
work on a brand new Codex will commence. This will be a bit more difficult and
time consuming then simply using the older one as a base
to update and change a new one, but such is life.
3. This Office is also beginning to work on the EH Memorium with the help of the
Special Operations Director (this project was originally his, and I don't want
to come in and simply steal it from him). More info on who to contact with
information about additions to this project will be forthcoming.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office
Logistics Office Report #4: 02.26.04
Logistics News
1. The Logistics Office has been brought on board by the SCO to assist in
creation of a game that they are working on. This assistance will be rendered in
the from of historical in universe information about the EH and it's SG's, as
well as the rest of the SW universe. This will be an ongoing project that will
require contacting a number of SGCOMs.
2. A possible copy of the old EH codex has been located. If this pans out,
expect an updated Codex to be posted in the next few weeks.
3. The Logistics Officer (i.e. me) will be on leave from the 27-29. If anyone
needs to contact anyone, please direct inquiries to AD Zsinj.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office
LO Report #5: 03.06.04
LO Report - 3/6/2004
1) Activity in the Office has slowed to a crawl because of the real world, but
it is a productive crawl. Thank the California Community College Forensics
Association's upcoming State tournament for this.
2) The LO continues to work with the SCO on some historical data for a project
of theirs. This will be something useful outside of the game as well, and will
compile a brief history of the EH and its SG's.
3) We are still trying to get a concrete copy of the Codex. A copy was rumored
to exist, but hasn't surfaced. If you know the location of one, please tell us.
4) We are beginning work with the SOD on the EH memorium. The new ISP HA Pri has
asked to be brought on board as well.
5) The LO will be on leave starting on the 10th until the 14th for the
aforementioned CCCFA State Tournament. All questions should go to AD Zsinj
during that time.
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #42: 03.06.04
Greetings from the Recon Office.
My sincere apologies for my lack of report last week. My Sergeant threw a few
State Cases my way last week so I can gain more experience. Those are a... well
you get the point.
Anyways, I have some great SW Gaming News, be sure to check that out.
I'm still looking for a CA:RO. Send all apps to
OK, If we are going to have a floor booth for Celebration 3, we need to start
getting the money together. This is not something we can do at the last minute.
Any ideas for an EH-Fundraiser would be great. Remember, we need to raise at
least $1000 for a floor booth. Those are the booths in the middle of all the
action where we can get the most traffic. It will need to be manned by at least
2 EHers at all times. But that's something we can discuss later.
Also, we need to start thinking about computers to bring to the event. Around
eight should be enough to have a good LAN going. Anyone want to volunteer??
We have just under a year before we really need to have this organized. That
might sound like a lot, but if we wait till the last minute, we will regret it.
The floor booth needs to be paid for when they first announce the space
available. Space is limited so we gotta act quick. That should happen around
September, so we really need to start with raising the money.
A lot can happen in a year people, so if we really want the EH to rise above all
other fan clubs, we need to start acting and planning now. I don't want a soul
there to think we are not what we truly are, the best of the best. We're the
largest. We're the most engrossing. And of course, we're the club that has the
most fun. I've been in this group for Six years, I know of what I speak.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Anyways, On to Star Wars news, Enjoy!
Starwoids on TechTV
Tech TV will be airing the documentary "Starwoids" on Monday, March 8th at 9pm
Eastern, after which there will be a Q&A with the director. Email your questions
about Starwoids and Star Wars to and the answers will be
posted on the Nerd Nation site.
You can also take part in their ultimate Star Wars quiz by clicking here.
TFNGames Unveils Mods Section Games is veRy happy to annouce the grand opening of a new feature:
Game Mods. As many of you know, modifying a game gives it an entirely new feel
and modifying a non-LucasArts game to fit in with our beloved Star Wars genre
can give you an entirly new Star Wars game to play and enjoy.
TFNGames starts out with 5 mods listed, and in the future we plan to add new
ones as they crop up and we are able to update. We start our mod coverage with
several prestigous mods, and some promising mods that you might not have known
SW:Total Annihilation is one of the longest running mods and creates a Total
Conversion of TA including Imperial walkers, Starfighter dogfights, and
Turbolaser Defense Batteries. We feature an Interview with Influenza, one the
key members of the SW:TA team, as well as the only review we have currently for
a mod.
Galactic Conquest is a magnificent looking mod for Battlefield 1942 that is
currently in Alpha. They were kind enough to provide us with 22 screenshots from
their Alpha, most of them exclusive! You should definetly check these eye candy
shots out.
We've also got summaries and screenshots from two Homeworld mods; New
Rebellion and Episode I, and the magnificent UT2K3 Troopers mod for Unreal
Tournament 2003/2004.
In an effort to increase news coverage on Star Wars mods, we encourage all Mod
Teams to send in news about their mod or a link to their homepage so we can
cover you in an update to the section.
New Knights of the Old Republic Patch
LucasArts has posted a new patch for the multiple-award-winning RPG Knights of
the Old Republic. The 1.03 updates fixes many bugs in the game, a few of which
are listed below.
Holding Shift when clicking Give Item or double-clicking the item to give will
transfer the entire stack, without shift it moves the items one at a time.
The Sand Person disguise will no longer be reset when entering Anchorhead and
the Dockingbay.
Removed the awareness penalty when running
If you haven't played KOTOR, and you own an XBox, you need to head out to a
Rental store and try it out. And if you haven't played it and you own a PC, you
need to go out and buy it. It's received more awards than I could count, many of
which were "Game of the Year".
New Battlefront Interview has posted their exclusive interview with Pandemic Studios,
developers of Battlefront.
Excerpt follows: Could you comment on the general size of the maps (as small as Jedi
Academy or as large as Tribes) and how interactive these maps will be? Jens
Andersen: The maps vary in size greatly. Our environments range from arid
deserts and icy plains to urban streets and dense jungles. But there are
essentially two styles of maps we have, vehicle heavy or infantry heavy. The
vehicle heavy maps tend to be much larger and expansive since the vehicles of
Star Wars are fast and powerful. The battle of Hoth and Geonosis are excellent
examples of large expansive maps with lots of vehicles. The infantry oriented
maps tend to be tighter, letting us direct the action of the map. Marching
across country to the battlefront may be realistic; it just isn�t always the
most fun. So we kept this in mind when we made our urban maps like the city of
Theed and Mos Eisley spaceport.
The maps will be incredibly interactive, allowing the player to feel like they
can affect these maps through their actions is an extremely important focus in
our design. Some maps have buildings or other objectives that must be destroyed.
It is up to each team to attack and defend these points accordingly. To add to
this there are game objects like turrets, supply stations and shield walls that
can be built by the player to fortify the defenses around their Command Posts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With vehicles comes the need from something to combat them. What type
of anti-vehicular weapons can we expect to find and will the balance between
them and the vehicles be fair?
Jens Andersen: There will be emplacements on each map - turrets, bunkers and
pillboxes, which will help infantry combat the vehicles. In addition there are
units designed to carry the kind of weaponry needed to take out the heavier
targets. But it is important to choose your shot well, certain spots on vehicles
are more vulnerable than others. So players will need to learn these weak spots,
both to exploit them as an attacker and to protect them as a pilot.
That's it for the Recon Office this week.
Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Imperial Center
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
Grand Master Report #6: 02.16.04
Dark Side Compendium
The DSC is now located at It should be linked off the DB site soon.
I announced at the DB meeting this weekend that DJK Zeth Durron had been chosen
as the new Herald. Unfortunately, Zeth has been forced to go on leave until
April. I am currently trying to work through the situation, and this may include
choosing another candidate. I apologise for the unforeseen hiccup.
Inter-Club CTF League
The COO and I will be attending a round-table meeting on Wednesday with
representatives of the other clubs involved in the CTF League to hammer out
details. I will inform the Brotherhood promptly of the outcomes of this meeting.
I found out yesterday that Jedi Outcast will be supported, so if you have JO or
JA and want to fight for the Brotherhood and reap the rewards, get in touch with
the OHC.
Member Input
I've received no emails in the last week since I invited members to email me
with any of their ideas or concerns in my previous report. This leads me to
believe that no-one cares... Please prove me wrong.
Grand Master Report #7: 02.22.04
Unfortunately, Zeth Durron is unable to fill the role of Herald as announced
last week due to RL, but fear not- we have a replacement Herald. Congratulations
to Obelisk Battlemaster Tatsu Kogarasu, who has already been doing some graphics
work for me and brings a wealth of talent and ideas to the job.
Seneschal Requires Research Assistant
Astatine needs a researcher with extensive knowledge and/or possession of
secondary Star Wars sources like the comics and novels to assist him with a
project. Get in touch with him at
Inter-Club CTF League
On Wednesday evening, I attended a meeting of representatives from the various
clubs participating in the league, along with the COO and OHC. Discussions went
rather well, and we sorted out most of the issues. The league is only a few
weeks away now, keep your eyes peeled on the OHC reports and DB news page for
more info.
Clan/House Feuds
There have been some good steps recently towards a clan feud or two, and that's
excellent. We need to see these kind of medium level competitions before we can
move on to larger things like vendettas. I encourage all clan/house summits to
look at challenging other clans/houses to feuds, and offer my services as a
sounding board for ideas or a judge for miscellaneous events.
Darth Khaen: The College Years
This Tuesday I commence the next chapter of my life, university, and so there
may be some disruption in my activity as I attempt to settle in to to my new
schedule (bus, tram, and train for a total of over 3 hours travel each day..
fun). I don't expect it too be too much of a problem, but it's always good to
CYA (Cover Your Arse).
GM Report #8: 02.29.04
This week I have seen some good progress from Herald Tatsu on the basic
lightsaber system, and given him some input on what I would like to see done.
Keep an eye on the Herald reports, because I'm sure there'll be a sneak preview
of the new sabers in the next couple of weeks.
Master-at-Arms Promoted
For his excellent handling of the time-consuming and often repetitive tasks that
fall to the Master-at-Arms since coming to the job over a month ago, I hereby
promote Mordann Tal'kyra to the rank of Obelisk Battlelord. Congratulations,
Mordann, and keep up the great work.
Cluster of Fire Confusion
I have had to deny several competitions recently due to people not observing
what seems to be a forgotten rule- that Clusters of Fire are not to be awarded
for internal battleteam/house/clan competitions. They can only be awarded for
general DB MP events/tournaments, external MP competitions (like the CTF League
or Weeks of War), and inter-unit competitions (such as clan/house feuds). When
and if the Chancellor writes a new 'Medal Guide', rules like this will be
included to eliminate confusion.
Inter-Club CTF League
There is one more meeting of the higher-ups from the involved clubs this
Thursday, at which the final details will be hammered out (including the start
date, hopefully). Either the OHC or I will report the outcome of this meeting
back to the DB.
Grand Master Report #9: 03.06.04
Chancellor Resigns
Due to RL and other EH commitments, Alex Foley has given up the position of
Chancellor. I am currently taking applications for this job; details can be
found on the DB news page. (To allay any fears of delayed medals - yes, I'll be
taking care of the CHAN's duties until a replacement is in place).
The new Herald is making some excellent progress on the standard lightsaber
system, and even included somewhat of a preview in his latest report. Keep an
eye on those HRLD reports for more possible previews.
Inter-Club CTF League
The meeting this week didn't go ahead, so discussions are taking place through
email as to the final form of this league.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
HF Domain Report: 02.21.04
Member Count (Active Members): 80
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 102
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 194
Hello people.
Gotta be quick on this one:
- OP Overlord is going... And going... And going... C'mon people! Save me!
- We're maintaining our incredible 2 Recruits a week growth... not much, but
it's stable
- Field Manual WILL be released next week, even if I have to make hardcopies and
mail everyone! :P
- Joint OP on pause cause I heard nothing from the others.
- MAJ Narthax is the new CO.
- MG Dante is on semi leave, but still working on the roster.
- Operations office: no words from the previous CO, so I'm assigning a new one.
- Training office: a reorganization in the courses might occur, nothing serious!
Remember to always check the CSMA for new curses!
- Internet office: Join date bug fixed and the ID Card's Kuro has come up with,
might get added to the HF site
- Security: The usual, shooting bystanders and yelling around..
- Companies: Vindictive - DC for Vendetta is CPT Torres, still looking for a DC
for Vehement
Nova - All fine
1st Special Forces - All bored
- 1st Hammer's Fist Annual War Games (woooaaa big name, uh?) are about to start!
Go check Kuro's message on hammersfist list and MB!
That's it, have fun!
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #13: 02.22.04
Welcome to another week pilots. The fleet has now moved into
position around the Sweunty Nebula and we are observing rebel forces. Our spy
satellites, unlike there's, have remained hidden. I have offered great rewards
for the pilot who gains the most kills and for the squadron who shows
exceptional team work in this operation. ( IWCOM COMP ) I shall be giving the
order to engage. Early Monday morning.
be ready pilots and commanders, keep those drills up. Surprise is on our side.
but one can never be to cautious in War.
Renegade and Neo, into position please.............
IWOTA Chosen
The new infiltrator wing operation and tactics officer is LGN Orzon. He moved to
his new ship this morning and is settling into his new role.
On behalf of the command staff. I would like to welcome him to
the upper echolons of command. And i am sure you will all join me in informing
him. its his round for the rest of the week at the main bar.
Well done orzon.
Trivia competition
The IWCOM Trivia competition for this month was won by MAJ Nicol Bolas of white
squadron. Well done major, Excellent submission.
Sadly there were not enough entries from any one squadron to win
the squadron prize. but i am sure that will change in the new trivia competition
that will begin next week.
Once again. Well done Nicol.
IWCOM Flying competition
The melee | Free mission competition is beginning to heat up. After a quiet
first week. I have started to receive pilot files and looking at the melee
board. I am seeing some fine piloting there. Black squadron are winning the
overall competition at this time. but with still over a week to go. It still all
to play for.
Details of the competition can be found on the main infiltrator wing web site
and in your commodore reports.
Return of the echelon Guardian Award
For the last six months the echelon Guardian award has not been awarded or
handed out to anyone. I know the reason for this and i am correcting this issue
as we speak. The ship commodore's will now include there Echelon guardian
recommendation to me. in there ship wide evaluation on a monthly basis. This is
a great award and one that has many great pilots on its honors list.
The Echelon Guardian for the month of February is Colonel Drak of black
A fine example of great leadership and activity. he is always on IRC and flying
in competitions. his dedication and heart are an inspiration to everyone.
Well done colonel drak.
Rear Admiral Astix Retire's
I have been a leader in the infiltrator wing, for two and a half years. I myself
have been in the command staff for nearly two years. I shall always remember
those who influenced me and shaped me into the person I am here in the
infiltrator wing.
I can not relay into words, how much respect I have for the man who this week
decided to leave us and travel the universe. An open minded individual who is
always honest and offers opinions that always make sense and more importantly is
willing to change his opinions based on intelligent conversation.
A leader with out many equals and one of the finest officers I have ever had the
pleasure of serving with. From shadow commander to IWSO - To Commodore, Rear
admiral astix has given 110% of himself at all times and has pushed back the
boundaries on more times that I care to remember.
For your efforts and Advice Admiral, I thank you. A sincere thanks for your hard
work and dedication.
Its Fitting that on this day, I find myself as IWCOM of the infiltrator wing. As
it means I can give you an Award you truly deserve.
Rear Admiral Astix, please step forward. It is my great honor and privilege this
day, to award you the black cross of infiltration.
This award is given lightly or with out meaning. Few can match your workload or
your dedication to the group. I believe its fitting that you have one more medal
to weigh you down before you journey. This way you shall not wonder to
Your place or a position is always available for you here. When you do indeed
return from Europe my friend.
AD Admiral Silvori
Squadron commander's Award
Commander Sirik Xirok
Captain Brent Tainer
Your commodore has recommended you for this award. You have shown consistent and
excellent performance in your assigned role as commander. For you efforts. It
has been deemed you shall be awarded the Supreme leadership award.
Well done both of you.
Rear Admiral Astix, if you would be so kind as to send in the Renegade's
recomendations for the IWCOM 3 month awards please.
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Read Admiral Hatter (
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (
Commodore : LGN Destavol Gin (
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 66
Reserves - 60
IWCOM Report #14: 02.28.04
The pilots of the infiltrator wing and the Rebel alliance, have
been fighting all week. The nebula has made fighting difficult. But I am pleased
to say so far we have not lost any lives on our side. Our Gambit of trying to
draw them into the newly placed mine field appears to be working. With luck and
some patience, The Rebel cruisers will be in the centre of the mine field and
the Neo and the Renegade Can lay down enough fire to destroy all in the set up
kill zone.
I would like to extend my personnel Gratitude to black squadron who have the
highest number of sortie's and kills in this campaign. Well done black squadron.
We of course are playing the waiting game now. Lets see if the
Rebel General will fall for it. Keep up the great work pilots.
The IWCOM Competition now has over 10 submissions. I expected more from a fleet
of 70 pilots. The competition comes to a close in 3 days time. You sure you want
to see your squadron have no points or placing in this competition. Imagine the
shame and the Fact the winners get free drinks for a week.
FXWA Battle 15 can be downloaded and flown in under 15 minutes - win yourself
some prestige and some squadron pride. DL and fly it today
All submissions are to be sent to
Renegade commodore
The position of Renegade commodore is still open to application. With the early
retirement of Rear Admiral Astix. The position has fallen open a week sooner
than expected. I am fully aware the flight officer made a slight error in
choosing a commodore with out IWCOM approval and I am looking for the right
person for the Job.
I would appreciate General hobbie sending his application to me for review.
The position has the following prerequisites
Have been in active duty in the infiltrator wing for more than 5 months
Hold the rank of Commander or higher.
Must have an email response time, no later than 36 hours.
Must have passed the SCC and IWATS SM 2 or 3
I am looking more for your idea's and plans for the ship. I would like a
detailed outline of what you would do in command of a MC-90 strike cruiser.
your plans for competitions and the Crew as a whole. Your leadership style and
how you rate yourself as a leader all to be included in the application.
I am more interested in finding a man or women with the correct drive, Than the
right qualifications.. as we can work on the latter. but you either have drive
or you don't. And drive and spirit are priceless to a commodore.
Send all applications to the IWCOM & IWFO - I shall be choosing a commodore
in the coming week.
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Read Admiral Hatter (
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Acting commodore - Vice Admiral Boliv
Commodore : LGN Destavol Gin (
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 69
Reserves - 59
IWCOM Report #15: 03.06.04
A week long battle has ended. Our plan of luring the rebels into
the minefield worked and our capital ships and mines destroyed the new republic
task force.
Our losses were light, but still felt by all of us. A memorial
service is being held later for the pilots and engineers lost in the battle's.
We managed to capture a few rebels thanks to Vice admiral malik. Vice admiral
malik managed to infiltrate the Mon cal cruiser Reason.
He has been on reason for a couple of months now and it was he
who helped us bring the rebels to this location. While the Main task force was
under fire, Vice admiral malik, managed to get the rebels into an assault
shuttle and fly them over to the Sarotoga. A great job and it honors me to be in
the company of such a supreme infiltrator as he.
The Rebel Leaders are being handed over to intelligence and there we have begun
to salvage their ships. Black squadron had the most confirmed kills in the
battle and have been honored with IWCOM Escort duties for the next month.
Leaving the nebula behind to the Scavenger drones and small frigates. The
infiltrator wing task force is breaking up. I am on my way to meet Prae and hand
over these rebels. The Renegade and Neo are patrolling this sector looking for
I salute all of you, for your fine efforts and I hope to see you all later in
the memorial.
Later that evening, In the main hangar of the MC-80 Saratoga. Pilots and
commanders from the three main ships, listen as admiral silvori and Vice admiral
Boliv finish the honors list and list of pilots best not forgotten.
" And that brings this service to an end " Relays the flight officer.
The IWCOM steps up.
Before this gathering is brought to an end. I would once more like to honor the
living. Vice admiral malik, please do me a Forward and Come down to the Stage
please. Your last mission was an astounding success. I have known you since the
first day I set foot on a infiltrator wing vessel. My respect for you and what
you have achieved increases on a daily basis. since that fated day I joined this
great group.
You have your critics Malik, But not a single one of them can deny your ability
as an officer or as a pilot. You are the most decorated officer in the
infiltrator wing and i believe giving you another medal, would be a waste at
this time. Not to devalue medals of course, I just cant find the room on your
current uniform.
So, unless you agree to put on some weight, I shall award you something better.
Vice admiral malik, For 19 months you have been a vice admiral and that is
something we are going to rectify with a promotion.
It is my esteemed honor and privilege as infiltrator wing commander, to promote
you to the rank of admiral, with all the rights and privileges this rank
Drinks for the next week are on you.
The officers gathered in the Main hangar bay of the Saratoga all salute and
applauded. The party no doubt will go on into the early hours of the next day...
A new position has been created. Admiral Abel malik, Shall be moving over to the
MC-80 Saratoga and adopting a new role.
The Infiltrator wing Competition director is an Attaché position to the
IWCOM. His job is to create and help the IWCOM run IW Wide competitions as well
as oversee the infiltrator wing's melee database. I hope this new Position,
provides focus into these area's and perhaps gets more people involved. The
IWCOM competition I ran was a good test of activity levels and I would like to
begin what I refer to as the snowball effect. The small ball has been sent down
the hill, but the next one is somewhat bigger, So I have employed help :)
Directors duties
* Maintain the IW Melee and keep records of all Melee wins and awards
* Create Competitions inside or with exterior factions for all infiltrator wing
* Help the IWCOM In grading and judging of the IWCOMs escort competition.
* Offer assistance to Commanders and commodores in the setting up of new ship
and squadron competitions.
* The Director holds the Role of Auxiliary command staff - Which means he will
take over Command staff offices should a Member of the command staff go on
* In the event the IWCOM - Goes on leave, The flight officer shall take over IW
Command and the Director shall replace the flight officer.
* They Shall announce the results of the melee and other competitions once per
* Send a weekly report to the IWCOM
Inspired by the EHXO - I would like to make certain things clear to all
commanders and command staff.
I have read many report of late that start like this - Well I have been really
busy this week, so this is a short report as I have a dentist appointment.
Well, The emperors hammer is a star wars club. It has a huge role- playing
element to it and as such you have to adopt that role. Reports should include
events, activity, competitions idea's . Perhaps a short piece of fiction at the
start to keep pilots informed of what has happened in THE STAR WARS universe.
Real life events have no business in your reports and constant admissions of
little time or leave, Just say perhaps you should step aside. I don't mean to be
harsh or then again perhaps I do. I wont to get people vibrant with energy and
motivation, Not bore them to death with talk or Rear maulers or the fact you
don't have the five minutes to write your report.
I would like to be CCed in all squadron commander reports please. Lets get our
reports hip and groovy and once again inspirational.
This week I have the pleasure of taking one of the new IWATS Courses. Commander
Trido has done an excellent job and I found it well written and in informative.
I would recommend it to all of you.
Should you wish to increase your basic knowledge of the internet - Take IWATS
Internet Basics at
The training office shall be awarding any officer who scores 95% or higher a
merit cross first class, for any who take these exams and excel
The squadron with the most melee wins, this month. Shall be appointed IWCOMs
Escort for the month. This title shall be awarded on a monthly basis and will be
decided by the melee and a free mission competition. The results will be decided
by participation and by of course results.
Melee element
Melee Loss - 1 point
Melee victory - 2 points
Over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
Melee first place - 15 points.
Free mission element
Two free missions will be selected from the battle compendium. The pilots will
be judged on high scores and of course participation.
Each entry - 1 point
Squadron high score - 5 points
Overall high score - 15 points.
over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
The melee director, Shall announce the squadron totals every week in his weekly
The Competition Director and myself shall score pilot files. Black squadron won
last month with a great 86 points - think you can beat it ?
This months mission's
Tie Free mission - 106
XWA Free mission - 47
Applications for Renegade commodore have now been closed. There is now a short
list of three
I shall be contacting them in the coming days and choosing one of these fine
officers in the next couple of days.
Thank you all for your time
Admiral Silvori
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori ( )
IWFO: VA Boliv ( )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IW/comp-dir/ Admiral abel malik ( )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : TBA - A- Com - VA Boliv
Commodore : LGN Destavol Gin (
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 69
Reserves - 59
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (Rokin)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer
Corporate Division PREX Report #2:
-:[ Roster ]:-
Active Members: 25
--Direx Board: 3
--Imperial Broadcast Corporation: 12
--Auroran Technology Enterprises: 10
Trainies: 11
Reserves: 89
TOTAL: 124
-:[ Introduction ]:-
Time for my second report as President of the Corporate Division. We have a few
new Trainees, great to see some new members. We also have a couple members
coming back from the Reserves, which is another great thing to see!
-:[ News ]:-
Work on a new manual has begun. It's going to have a cleaner layout and include
the many updates and changes that the Corporate Division has gone through over
the years. It's about time this project has started! :)
There is going to be a change in the DIREX Board structure. Instead of being so
top heavy, we are removing the positions of VPP, VPB, and VPS. The new
descriptions of PREX, VPX, VPO, and VPT will be included in the new manual.
Work on the CD Database and site is slowing down a bit, but still moving foward.
Slowly but surely we are weeding out the erors of the DB. I appreciate all your
input through E-Mails about errors/suggestions. Keep
them coming.
-:[ Corporate Info ]:-
* Corporate Division Database:
* Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
* Corporate Division Message Board:
* Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
* The iBank:
* Corporate Gaming Commission:
* Imperial Supply Store:
-:[ Other Notes ]:-
Still awaiting approval from the FC and XO to go ahead with our plans. I would
really like to release the details, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do.
I apologize for the wait, and hopefully they will E-Mail me back soon. Maybe
they will realise that every day that we have to wait, we go a little deeper
into a hole, making it harder and harder to get back out. Oh well, I will
probably be releasing the full details in next week's report.
-:[ Signed ]:-
PREX/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer
PREX Report #3: 03.01.04
-:[ Roster ]:-
Active Members: 39
-Direx Board: 4
-Imperial Broadcasting Corporation: 13
-Auroran Technology Enterprises: 9
-Trainies: 13
Reserves: 89
-:[ Introduction ]:-
Welcome to Report #3 for the President of the Corporate Division. First off, I'd
like to express my excitement to see all the new members joining and some of the
old members coming back from the Reserves. Anyway, I have a few news items to
cover, so let's get to it!
-:[ News ]:-
1) Firstly, I would like to welcome AD Kaden Nightwolf back from the Reserves
and into the DIREX Board with the position of Vice-President of Operations. Good
to have you back!
2) Another position announcement, after observing several applications I have
finally decided on a new Vice-President of Training. It is none other than
::drum roll:: ...... MWO Sirik Xirok.
It was a difficult choice, but after looking at experience, attitude, and many
other factors I feel that he is best qualified for the position.
Congratulations, and welcome to the DIREX Board.
(NOTE: The runner up for this position was SNR Rayf Ysanna.)
3) I would now like to dwell into a few of the details about this game that we
are creating. Right now, we have two options for the names. It is being debated
whether or not to use Captains of Industry or Corporate Sector. Personally, I'm
leaning towards Corporate Sector, but I'd like to get the opinion of others
before a decision is made.
This is going to be a complex project that requires ALOT of work. If you are
interested in helping out, please contact me by E-Mail or on IRC. I would like
to get a small team to help develop this game. Again, it will require dedication
and alot of work. Please be prepared for both if you apply.
Due to the ever changing nature of the project during development, it is
impossible to go into specific details as of this moment, but as soon as I am
able to I will make sure to include it in my report and a news post on
the Corporate Division home page.
-:[ Corporate Info ]:-
* Corporate Division Database:
* Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
* Corporate Division Message Board:
* Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
* The iBank:
* Corporate Gaming Commission:
* Imperial Supply Store:
-:[ Other Notes ]:-
I would just once again like to express my thanks and gratitude to those new
members, returning members, and those members that are continuing an active roll
within the Corporate Division. You are all a fine example of a member of this
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report #155: 02.20.04
Great news from the BHG. The server that has caused us problems
for the last two weeks and delayed virtually everything, has been fixed. Thanks
to Underlord Koral for all his work to get this back up and running. Now we can
go full speed with the exciting activities planned for the BHG.
You will recall however that in the meantime we ran BHG Survivor. I am happy to
report it was met with much success, and has lived up to its past billing as one
of the greatest real time events in the BHG.
But now that our server is fixed we have even more to present to the hunters.
Starting Friday is the arena tournament, where the best Arena combatants face
off to crown a new Arena Champion. The first round will weed out the pretenders,
and in each week until the finals we will have the opportunity to see even more
intense and closely fought battles. We will see who comes out on top this time
The JUD has given rumors that a KAG is in the works. This is by far the most
participated in BHG event, where the hunters get a chance to fight for their
kabals pride as well as shiny medals...
More activities are in the works, and will be reported next week!
Thank you for your time...
DP Report #156: 02.27.04
Momentum has picked up as we have continued to see an increase
of activities, with our server problems behind us. A steady flow of Kabal
Authority Hunts are being run by our newest commission member, PR Red Scar. The
Arena Tournament continues past the opening rounds, and we have rumors of an
Inter Kabal Competition being formed. It might even be 2 vs. 2. That is always
interesting, when despised kabal competitors work together.
We have had two chiefs named in the last week. First off al was Cyclone's new
leader, Coranel. He is a great young hunter, with great potential. Second, Lars,
who stepped down from Skylla Chief a month ago, has retaken the position. He had
resigned thinking that with his internship in DC, he would not be able to live
up to the high standard he had set. The BHG, and Skylla are welcoming his
determination to continue to be an active Chief.
Xerokine Outlet Centre expansion is continuing nicely with progress on Royal
Ground Transport. TACT Darth Shadow has also released 3 Online Missions for the
hunters to scramble and answer first.
A fun activity that has been run only once before, is starting up again, we call
it IRC President. For the month of march we will have a nomination process, and
campaigning. Then we will have a vote between the hunters as to who will be the
"president" of IRC for the next three months. That person gets a few perks,
mostly for fun, and helps promote IRC activity. More will be explained as we
continue the process.
Thank you for your time.
DP Report #157: 03.05.04
BHG Total Membership: 421
We are creating a join page of sorts. This page will give basic BHG information,
and provide people with an excuse to join the BHG. The objective is to get
something that will be found on google when Star Wars and other BHG terms is
typed, and to have a decent starting point for people that are complete
As reported last week the Arena Tournament is in full swing. It has already
advanced to the third round. The matchups are Trent Sterling vs. Xanamis
Deadknife, Darth Shadow vs. Conan, Korathen vs. Fyre, Jodo Kast vs. Nightrunner.
It looks like an exciting close is just around the corner.
IRC President nominations have concluded. Now we are ready to begin narrowing
down the field with campaigning and soon to be primary elections! We will keep
you all posted. As far as new positions, this is the first report I have been
able to file that hasn�t included a new position for someone. It is good to have
stability, but at the same time it is always good when someone new gets a chance
to shine. I will take this time instead to point out that the BHG has possibly
the first ever Brazilian member of the EH! Straight from Brazil speaking
Portuguese, we have Menphis, who still needs a translator to figure out the
English terms we use. The BHG is an international subgroup.
Thanks to Xerokine Ryuujin, there are now 8 more SSL ships available to the
public, and one SE that will be released today! For his efforts, I have given
him a Custom Item SSL ship as well as awarding the standard credit award for
each vessel. OM's are rolling right along... Someone finally figured out the
code in "Damn Musicians"... and completely by accident to boot! So far, I have
received OM's from two people, Xar'Kahn and Detori. Look for their OM's in the
next set.
That is all for now, thanks for your time.
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #40: 02.19.04
Roster Count: 81 (No change - and we were doing so well:p)
Overall Roster Count: 206
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) -
*** BUDR/CPT Iceman (BOO) -
BUDR/MAJ Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
*** CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - - *** Change of Address
XO/CM Gelton Torr -
1. Harassing Members of External Organisations
Several non-Intel members of the EH have taken it upon themselves to act as
'Guardians of the EH' and have been investigating a small club set up by some
current TC officers called the Vader's Fist. The methods they used were unsubtle
and reflected badly upon the EH and Intel (since it was presumed they were
acting on our behalf). The FC is keen to make an example of these members; one
of them, LC Thorn of the FMC, is already on trial by the HCI for his actions and
trials for other members involved in this debacle may follow. I ask that all
Intel agents look out for members involved in such activities and report them to
me so that they can be dealt with. If you are not a member of Intel and wish to
engage in espionage activities, you can join us by writing to
and therefore represent the EH in a more professional, controlled and civilised
2. New Bureau Director (BUDR) for the Bureau of Operations
After considering several qualified applicants the Ubiqtorate has come to the
decision that the newly promoted Captain Iceman is the most suitable candidate
to take BOO forward onto newer and greater things from the solid foundation left
after Winters' departure to BLDR. Congratulations.
3. INTORG Recruitment Season
The elite Internal Organisation is on the look out for new recruits from both
within Intel and externally. If you are interested in protecting the EH from
internal threats and taking part in some of the most dynamic and exciting work
Intel has to offer please send an application to and
4. Praetorian Squadron Commander Changes Email Address
You can now contact Colonel Mezynski at his new email address:
5. Request for New Courses for the Academy of Tactics and Upcoming Site Revamp
RA Rebelkiller is on the look out for new courses in order to make the AoT a
more exciting and vibrant place. Please send all ideas, submissions and
suggestions to RA Rebelkiller is also working on a visual
overhaul for the AoT so in the near future it should hopefully look much
6. Praetorian Squadron Seek New Missions Featuring Themselves
Praetorian squadron seek to expand the number of missions in the compendium
featuring actions by their glorious unit. They are also on the look out for a
specially designed training mission to assess the suitability of potential
recruits. If you can offer assistance please contact
SDIR Report #41: 02.26.04
Report of the Supreme Director #41 - 26/02/04
Phew! What a week! Things have been very hectic in Intel of late and the
results of this should be apparent shortly. I'd advise all members of
the EH to play nice, because we will catch out corrupt and rotten
officers eventually.
Roster Count: 83 (1 returning reserve, 1 new recruit)
Overall Roster Count: 207
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
***BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) -
*** BUDR/CPT Stirlitz (BOO) - - *** Change of
Name and Address
BUDR/MAJ Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/CM Gelton Torr -
1. INTORG BUDR Promoted to Full-Colonel
Harlequin has proved himself to be a competent, active and highly efficient
officer and under his leadership INTORG have discovered many intrigues within
the Fleet. In recognition of his efforts the Ubiqtorate is pleased to promote
him to the rank of Colonel.
2. Change of Name and Email for BOO BUDR
The Bureau of Operations Director is now known as Captain Stirlitz and uses the
3. INTORG Recruitment Season
The elite Internal Organisation is on the look out for new recruits from both
within Intel and externally. If you are interested in protecting the EH from
internal threats and taking part in some of the most dynamic and exciting work
Intel has to offer please send an application to and
4. Request for New Courses for the Academy of Tactics and Upcoming Site Revamp
RA Rebelkiller is on the look out for new courses in order to make the AoT a
more exciting and vibrant place. Please send all ideas, submissions and
suggestions to RA Rebelkiller is also working on a visual
overhaul for the AoT so in the near future it should hopefully look much
5. Praetorian Squadron Seek New Missions Featuring Themselves
Praetorian squadron seek to expand the number of missions in the compendium
featuring actions by their glorious unit. They are also on the look out for a
specially designed training mission to assess the suitability of potential
recruits. If you can offer assistance please contact
SDIR Report #42: 03.03.04
Roster Count: 87 (3 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 210
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/CPT Stirlitz (BOO) -
BUDR/MAJ Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
*** CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski -
*** XO/CPT Gelton Torr -
1. Squadron Commander Andrezj Mezynski Promoted to the rank of General
Andrezj has led Praetorian Squadron, Intel's Special Operations Squadron and my
personal bodyguard for the past 7 months. Being that I'm not yet dead, he's
doing a fine job and consequently the Flight Officer and I have decided to
promote him to the rank of General. Andrzej is an extremely experienced and
competent officer and Praetorian have achieved great things under him (such as
placing 2nd in the Sovereign League, their buoyant recruitment rate and their
involvement in a host of non-flying activities)
2. Praetorian Executive Officer Gelton Torr Promoted to the rank of Captain
While I'm on the subject of singing Praetorian Squadrons praises it is also
worthy of note that the Squadrons 2nd -in-Command, Gelton Torr, was also
promoted recently to the rank of Captain. Congratulations.
3. Shiny Medals Awarded
For her work producing two new courses for the Academy of Tactics (EH Law and
Advanced Command Techniques), Vice Admiral Aseret Thunderhawk has been awarded
the Force of the Emperors Will [FoEW]. For revamping the Academy of Tactics
Site, Rear Admiral Rebelkiller has been awarded an Intelligence Merit Cross {IMC].
4. Projects Delayed
The end of the University term is fast approaching and unfortunately being in
his final year Rear Admiral Scrier has a lovely ten zillion word dissertation to
write in an extremely small space of time. Consequently the com-link (and
another as yet unannounced project) will be delayed again. We apologise for any
inconvenience caused.
5. AoT Site Given a New Look and Moved to a New Location
The AoT site as redesigned by TTDR Rebelkiller can be found at:
I believe the new course designed by ExDIR Aseret will be available shortly (if
not already).
6. INTORG Recruitment Season
The elite Internal Organisation is on the look out for new recruits from both
within Intel and externally. If you are interested in protecting the EH from
internal threats and taking part in some of the most dynamic and exciting work
Intel has to offer please send an application to and
7. Praetorian Squadron Seek New Missions Featuring Themselves
Praetorian squadron seek to expand the number of missions in the compendium
featuring actions by their glorious unit. They are also on the look out for a
specially designed training mission to assess the suitability of potential
recruits. If you can offer assistance please contact
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 02.28.04
Been a generally smooth week with a big twist! The DGMF and I made the decision
to hire a new Minister of Education. One gentleman stood out from the rest and
has really taken the Ministry of Education to new heights...! And, as announced
before, Yridia's on, folks! All information on Yridia is posted on the EHDIR's
MBs on!
1) Please welcome newly-promoted Commodore Wil Striker to the position of
Minister of Education! Its good to have him aboard the Council again! While him
and I havn't always seen eye to eye, we do agree on where the Directorate needs
to go and how to get it there. He's been very hard at work... ...! Say
hello to the new Directorate Academy! Expect the other 25% of the tests to be
online very soon! All in total, we have over twenty tests to offer on a broad
variety of topics pertaining to the Directorate and her Branches! CDTs, AUGs,
and SLTs are STRONGLY encouraged to check out the Cadet Training Center as soon
as possible!
2) Deputy Grand Moff Orzon's been hard at work with Real Life, but found the
time to keep the rosters updated. A current Directorate Roster may be found at: ... this roster is
kept up every 48 hours! Its the official roster for the moment, so what you see
is what you get! You'll notice are numbers are a bit low! There's only one
solution to that: RECRUITMENT!
3) High Commissioner of the Territories Sirik Xirok is hard at work bringing
Colonial Supremacy off the drawing board and into reality. I will be personally
assisting him in balancing the math for some of the combat equations and
hammering out some of the rules...! :)
4) Admiral of the Fleet Shikie is still on leave, but is expected to return
within the next 48 hours! Thanks to Commander Olarum, who was kind enough to
baby-sit the Directorate Guard while Shikie was away on medical leave!
5) Yridia Run-on, Fiction Contest, and NSTS Battle have all begun! Get to work,
folks! You all had a great Run-on going! Don't stop posting now! Every post is
important, no matter how minor! It could be an important part of the plot! Don't
hesitate to post! :)
6) Work on the Systems Manual will resume upon full completion of the
Directorate Site, which should be *VERY* soon! The intention of the new DIR site
is to have it become concrete; something which can be passed from Grand Moff to
Grand Moff so that some degree of stability can be established with the
Directorate over extended periods of time! Very important issue and a good
principle to establish!
7) Ministry Council: Sluffing off on reports this week, eh? I keep track! You
don't want to miss two reports in a row! Trust me! Orzon and I expect two things
from members of the Council:
* 110% dedication, effort, and heart into everything you do for
the Directorate.
* Reports to be submitted on time [before Midnight EST Friday every week].
That isn't very difficult, now is it? Otherwise, good job this week, ladies and
I think that about wraps up the report for this week! A lot's been going on
around the Directorate lately! Make sure each and every one of you takes
advantage of the activities we have to offer! And, as always, take the time to
Directorate Report: 03.06.04
As a foreword, I wouldn't suggest making this a Domain Report as
much as it is a statement of what I think needs to happen around the
I'm extremely disappointed with the current state of the
Directorate. It went from being excessively active to having to replace two
Ministry Council members and having inactives from both Branches. However, I
would not blame anybody for what's going on here. I think its a matter of apathy
from the Directorate's membership and from the Emperor's Hammer. Everybody on
the Council presently works extremely hard at what they do. Its not a lack of
leadership or effort on the part of the Ministry Council [in most cases...]. And
it certainly isn't a lack of things to do around here, because if you read the
Domain Reports from weeks before, there are a ton of things that Directorate
members have available to them.
I do think that the Directorate's niche in the Emperor's Hammer
has long since passed its prime. I think that explains the apathy after the
gigantic bursts of activity. And, to be honest, its extremely frustrating.
Nobody finds it entertaining or fun to be a Governor of a planet. Everybody
wants to wield a lightsaber or blaster and hunt imaginary prey. There's no
sabers or blasters or prey here in the Directorate. There is the politics,
economics, and warfare behind maintaining the Emperor's Hammer Systems. That
fails to excite people because the first impression is, "*yawn* Sounds boring to
me!". But it isn't boring, folks, and that's what's sad.
Frankly, I don't think the Directorate should change from being
Governors or Naval Officers. However, I think the approach we're taking isn't
the right one. Instead of trying to generate constant activity using Directorate
members as proverbial lab rats, why don't we just say, "Closed for Renovation"
and work this out behind the curtain?
I bet each of my Council members 100,000 Imperial Credits from
my BHG account that Ronin and Astatine just slapped their foreheads and said,
"Oh dear Christ, what is he doing?" Take a second to breathe and calm down. Its
not as bad as it sounds...! Hear me out...:
Instead of building from the bottom to the top, why not build on what is already
active? I suggest building from the top to the bottom. Instead of trying to
recruit warm bodies to serve as padding for the rosters on ships or as
Governors, we should instead train the officers we have and make them ready for
command. Give them the tools necessary to create a constant, consistent activity
in each of the Branches before any kind of effort to "glorify" and "beautify"
the Directorate. Why do I say this? The answer is simple. Recruiting on the
basis of, " can pilot a ship or own a slice of an imaginary
planet!" isn't going to win any points for the Directorate's efforts for
recruitment. Instead, look for superlative officers who are capable of
attracting membership with their communications skills and glamour. Create the
skeleton of the Directorate and then, and only then, can we begin to add the
I'd like feedback...does the top-down view of the Directorate seem superior? Who
thinks it will work? Who doesn't? Why?
The "news" part of this report will be posted in tomorrow
sometime around the 12:00 EH meeting. :)
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Fringe report #7: 02.19.04
Well, it�s official. The Vengeance PA <x-V-x> has decided to
join us in Sanctum Malleus. They are a great group of people, so please welcome
them when you see them. Once they get their entire membership transplanted,
we�ll be very close to being a Metropolis-sized city.
Speaking of which, I am very much wanting every member in the EH PA who wants
one to have a house in our city. Aeden has been kind enough to make several
small house deeds, and I�ve giving them away, first come, first served. The
houses are free � you just need to pay the maintenance on them.
I�m working on the final touches of the new Fringe bylaws. Hopefully I�ll get
them done and approved soon.
Many thanks to our very own Krenn�sa, who recently donated a million (!) credits
to the maintenance on our city!
Finally, work on our website is under way. There is no ETA as of yet, but Aeden
and I will be working very hard to have a site worthy of our fine PA.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to all members of the EH, and any other loyal Imperial citizen. The only
requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you
join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing DO Compton at, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn or
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit *url to be updated soon*, or
Current in-game members: 65
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #47: 02.24.04
- News -
Everything on the database is done except for Senate Issues, the Communique, and
the new graphics. Hopefully, Orv will be transferring it to minos this week, in
which case the address will be My Interior Minister,
Dakkon Blackblade, is looking into his own server options, but
Minos is our only real choice at the moment. Right now, the site remains at I should note that Senate Issues is the most difficult
aspect of the database as of yet, and thus will take more time to complete.
However, we can survive with a large membership, better than we ever have
before, with only Planetary Issues. I expect Orv will have everything done
within the week, assuming RL affairs don't interdict our progress again.
I suppose this marks the official opening of the database, although I don't
expect to be gaining a large membership until Senate Issues and the new graphics
are complete. I'll therefore be holding off on that special report I was
planning for the domain. I also need to finish the Senate Procedural Exam, so
we'll have more Representatives than anything else (assuming they pass the Core
exam), so Senate Issues won't even be needed until we have at least 20 Senators.
Hopefully, they'll all be Senate veterans, which I have
my High Council working on.
I shold note that some High Council positions may be provisional. I'm not happy
with at least one's progress on things. Which reminds me, we'll need at least 10
Planetary Issues completed as our delegations fill up. I should be having
several people working on those this week. Below are High Council, Party, and
Planetary Appointments:
Minister of Communications (M:COM), Orv Dessrx
Minister of Education (M:EDU), Keldorn Cochrane
Minister of Records (M:REC), Coranel Both
Minister of State (M:STA), Dhashian Fuaretyn
Minister of the Interior (M:INT), Dakkon Blackblade
Aide to the Chancellor (A:CHS), Aresis Lothorekith
Conservative Party Leader (PL), Karva Dronaal
Conservative Deputy Party Leader (DPL), Terrian Astruar
Conservative Party Whip (PW), Siterath Goersase
Senator of Aurora Prime (SEN), Karva Dronaal
Senator of Carrida II (SEN), Terrian Astruar
Senator of Carrida II (SEN), Siterath Goersase
In risk of making this too long, that's about it for this week. Next week's
report should definitely be more interesting.
CHS Report #48: 03.01.04
- News -
There's evidence of Senate Issues on the database now. The admin seems to be
partly complete, although I can't view the legislation I input. This week has
been rather slow, actually (and most unfortunately). I finished editing the Core
Exam, which Minister Cochrane should've had up today. We're having trouble
accessing the FTP information for the old IU site, so he'll be putting it up in
a temporary location. I'm about 30 minutes away from finishing Senate Procedural
Exam I as well.
People appear to be slacking off and paying less attention to what's going on
just because Orv isn't able to upload something to the database everyday. This
is the kind of attitude that makes a revival impossible. I want to see more
activity from everybody, especially High Councilors, this week. Hopefully Orv
will be on again to resume work on Senate Issues, as well as the new
I'm opening the position of Deputy Chancellor to applications. The requirements
are below:
Minister Cochrane has uploaded the Core Exam here: All Applicants may now take the exam, as well
as everyone else who's a High Councilor, Representative, or Senator. I've given
everyone a week to get their exams in.
Deputy Chancellor:
Position Description: The Deputy Chancellor is the second-in-command of the
Imperial Senate. His primary duty is to oversee Parties within the Imperial
Senate; hence all party-based competitions require DCH approval.
Additionally, ideas submitted for Senate-wide competitions (at the
party-level) must go through the DCH before they�re forwarded to the
Chancellor. The DCH also acts as the administrator of the Senate Floor,
scheduling legislation drafts and bill proposals.
DCH Requirements:
-HTML abilities
-Respond to e-mail within 24 hours
-Lots of free time
-Evidence of leadership (Senate or otherwise--preferably Senate)
-Sample of writing
-PHP abilities
-Former Senate leader
-Exceptional writing ability
That should be all. Until next week...
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 02.20.04
A new case has been started :
The Empire vs Thorn
Violation of AoWs:
AoW 409: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentlemen
AoW 410: General Article (Harassment of the membership of another club)
HI Report: 02.27.04
Case 197 has reach it's verdict :
In the matter of HCI Case 197, the Empire v. Thorn, the panel has reached the
following decision:
The panel found that the defendant misused his position within the FMC to
perform an investigation and harass fellow EH�ers and members of the Vader�s
Fist. He incorrectly claimed that his FMC position gave him a right to
investigate, although such investigations are not covered by the FMC mandate.
The panel wishes to make it clear that harassment of fellow members of the Fleet
is unacceptable under all circumstances. Furthermore there are only two groups
that have a right to perform investigations, they are the SO and members of
Intel. Vigilante justice is not an option, nor is unapproved investigations.
People who engage in these activities or in some other fashion abuse their
authority will be swiftly dealt with, lest the Fleet should fall into a state of
Unfortunately these were not principles that the defendant adhered to when he
decided to pursue members of the Vader�s Fist rather than first contact the LA
about a new, possibly EH-friendly group on the net. The situation was further
complicated by the fact that the defendant persistently claimed that he had a
right to investigate due to his position within the FMC, this then not only
endangered relations with the VF, but also potentially damaged the good name of
the Medical Corp.
As a result of these actions, the panel has found the defendant GUILTY of all
charges and has decided on the following sentence:
1) A six month probation period.
2) A public apology to the Vader�s Fist and FMC. This apology is to be posted on
the message boards and sent to the LA to be forwarded on to the VF. The apology
must be sent out by March 5th or the defendant will be considered in violation
of probation.
3) A three month suspension from earning any promotions and/or medals.
4) A one rank demotion in the FMC
It is our hope that this sentence will make it clear both to the defendant and
to others the importance of not harassing fellow members of the Fleet or taking
justice inappropriately into ones own hands.
Case 197 closed.
For the Empire,
P-INQ Menalaus Khan
HI Report: 03.04.04
Not much to report this week except Glorfindel and Ibram Gaunt
have been permitted to rejoin after confirmation they were removed from the rDB.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (VA Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #9: 02.21.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by The Weeks of War!
1. The EH is currently tied for 2ND PLACE at the XVT Week of War!! We need all
the participation we can from pilots across the fleet. If you have yet to flown
in the XVT Week of War, come out and get a game or two in! You have until Friday
to Support the EH, by flying WoW!
2. The JA Week of War is currently taking place. Go support the EHDB and EH with
some activity!
3. The COO and the OHC of the EHDB have created two JK Series ladders. One
ladder is for JA and one ladder is for JKO. Look for the excitement to begin
4. This Friday will mark the start of XWA Week of War! We look forward to seeing
another huge turn out from the EH!
5. 24/7 LoC form has reached 120 matches. Keep using the form and earning your
LoCs! Remember, if you think cheating by making up MP matches is a good idea, we
will find out, and we will destroy you.
6. Congrats to Colonel Khadgar on his promotion to VA Khadgar and ASF BGCOM!
7. Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
The COO and EHDB, TC, and possibly the HF are all working on bringing you more
and more MP entertainment! XWA 2v2 Skirmishes will be downloadable from the COO
site Soon! COO was awarded the GS for 100 MP IWATS Grads. Go GS Pig!
Avenger Squadron and Tau Squadron are currently battling it out for the most
wins at WoW. Great work men!!! Will anyone knock Tau off as MP squad of the
Month?! COO comps in #ehcoc have returned!
COO Report #10: 03.06.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by SWG!
1. Domination: That was the EH's month of WoW activity. We finished with our
best combined XWA and XVT Records ever. Finishing 2nd in XVT (Thanks Tau) and
First in XWA (Thanks GOLD!)!
2. My multiplayer Squadron of the month is no surprise. Congrats to the Boys
from Tau.
3. Multiplayer Pilot of the month is Tau's Rax Von Verr Klug! He also wins the
award for longest name with his old name added in. Rax picked up a SS for his
last three months of MP play. Great work!
4. The CA:TO and COO are currently developing XWA and XVT Top Gun Schools. These
schools will pit our very good pilots agains our Instructor Elite Pilots. The
winner will take home the famed TOP GUN trophy and an autographed picture from
Kelly McGillis!
5. #ehcoc is currently waiting for X's return. Stay tuned.
6. No more LAN Parites for LoCs. It was abused by some and thus ruined for all.
Way to go idiots!
7. 24/7 LoC form has reached 135 matches. Keep using the form and earning your
LoCs! Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
I need a banner for MP Squadron of the Month. Something sexy!
I need a TOP GUN Trophy banner!
I need Admiral Insignia for my uniform. This Year plus VA is old.
I need NoWedge to continue to recruit MP pilots to the EH!
Will anyone knock Tau off as MP squad of the Month?!
The COO needs coffee for SWG.
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From: TBA
Fleet Medical Corps
No reports - New Medical Officer to be appointed
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #19: 02.10.4
Welcome to another SOD report. I've been a bit lax lately, and
that's because of having had some exams at school. I do need to study a bit
more, having not performed well on either, so, what I'm going to be doing is
writing and sending my reports either on Wednesday or Thursday from now on. It's
early, yes, but necessary at this point. At any rate, I had promised to put new
polls up this past Sunday, but didn't get a chance to. I'm going to be doing
that tomorrow night. I will also direct the both of you to the proper threads on
my message board so that you can see what the results of the previous ones were.
One of the other things I'm going to be doing in the next few weeks, is to work
with Drax on the Memorium project. He's been in six years, and discounting my
exile period, I've been in eight years this August, so I might know of some
people to put there that he might not.
As for 10th anniversary stuff, I'm really going to need to get going on the RL
meeting. I think most likely what I'm going to do with that, is to have it near
me, but then set up webcasts so that if people in other parts of the world want
to meet up, then we can broadcast to them. I know quite a few of our aussie
members live near each other(ie, Astatine, Jernai, Koral) and quite a few of our
British folks. So we'll probably want to do webcasts during the entire event so
as to facilitate everyone being able to participate.
That's about all this week. As I said last week, I'll be
studying more, so my turnover time may reach 72 hours, but no more than that.
That's all for this week folks.
SOD Report #19: 03.01.04
I'll be working on a run on over on my Forum, that will be open
to all EH'ers. There's a topic for ideas there too, so get your ideas posted
there. I want to start this thing soon.
Coming up this week are some new ideas I have for the RL meeting. Ronin
mentioned the idea of a "virtual" meeting and I like this idea. I was thinking
perhaps of setting up something with net meeting or Teamspeak or
something.Though, if Compton wants to host something over at his place, I'd love
to try and go there.
Also in the works are a few new polls relating to some of the competition
events. More specifically, whether or not you'd like to be given a topic, or
just write your own fiction,and the same for graphics. Look for these
polls tomorrow.
A personal note I'd like to make. I've not been feeling well mentally of late,
and I took it out on some of my Fringe mates. I wanted to apologize directly in
this report to you guys. I think you're all very cool to play SWG with and I
don't think it was fair of me at all to dump my anger out on any of you. I'm
getting better, as things are starting to look up. I've realized that I have
friends when I need them, and that's been making me feel quite good.
That's all for this week I think. Again, look for all the polls tomorrow.
SOD Report #20: 03.04.04
Wow. 20 reports already(I should be at 30, but oh well) I put a
new poll up on my message board yesterday. I'm asking the general membership to
tell me whether or not they want to do Ronin's idea of a virtual RL meeting or
do an actual in person set up where we can all shake hands. I would really like
to do both, but we'll see what the general membership chooses.
As for the run on. I haven't really gotten any ideas on it yet other than a
response from a BHG member saying "make it not suck." I don't intend it to suck.
I'm thinking of the plot being a massive strike on a rival organization led by
me. My fictional job is probably to lead strikes using some of the more advanced
technologies we have. I'm also going to be writing up a specifications detail of
the Estucheon along with maybe a picture of it if I can get someone to help.
As for my SWG stuff, I'm doing pretty well. I'm still Master Combat Medic, and I
finally reached the Novice Rifleman mark about 2 weeks ago. The grind is still
long, but it's going faster and I'm now 1/1/0/1. I intend to go to Dantooine
tonight and hunt with Strahd and Sarin so I can get through the Sniping tree.
That way I can use sniper shot.
That's all for this week
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
EH Advanced Guard
No reports submitted - New Lord Ambassador to be Appointed
Xander Drax Appointed as NEW
Logistics Officer (LO): 02:17.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Logistics Office
After reviewing several applications,
Xander Drax was selected as the new EH Logistics Officer.
His application (dated 01.17.04) is presented below:
Greetings Sirs,
I come before you today to submit my application for the command of the
Logistics Office. I feel that I meet and exceed the criteria of the position,
and that I am the best candidate for the job. In the over six years that I have
been in the EH I have held command positions in the Tie Corps, Infiltrator Wing,
Bounty Hunter�s Guild, Imperial Senate, and Hammer�s Fist, but none of these
have been as rewarding and enjoyable to me as my time spent serving as a Command
Staff assistant to High Admiral Ari. I have received a large amount of
experience working with the command staff in this capacity, but now find that I
desire to move on to the next level. I believe I can add things to the Emperor�s
Hammer, not only through new ideas, but through suggestions given to me by
others to improve my area of the Hammer.
As for fulfilling the initial duties of the office, I have one of them already
completed. I designed the LO site for the previous Office, and still have that
site layout in my possession displayed at Within
a handful of hours, the Logistics Office would have a web presence, and the
ability to post weekly reports to it in addition to the TC database.
In creating a Newsletter Mirror, I would be able to use the hosting account that
I have recently purchased. My ideas for this Mirror would be to create an easy,
user friendly interface to navigate the newsletters, and perhaps index the major
events and announcements in each letter to make finding one specific bit of
information that much easier.
In the past, the EH Codex has been a very static object, almost useless because
of it�s failure to reflect anything like the present reality. My goal would be
to make the Codex an updated document that would be
something of use to the members of the Hammer, and not just a waste of webspace.
I meet the selection criteria as well. I hope that my application illustrates my
skills in written communication. I am always careful about making my
communications or reports concise and to the point, and as error free as humanly
possible. I believe that excess padding and poor grammar in reports and other
official communications only reflects badly on myself and the EH as a whole. I
check my emails at least once a day, usually more, and spend a number of hours
daily maintaining an active IRC presence as well as posting on various message
boards around the EH. Having been a member of all active Sub Groups with the
of Intel, I have continually been able to work with many differing people all
across the EH. In the course of my duties in some of these Groups, I have
maintained the Manual of the Imperial Senate, as well as currently aiding in the
maintenance of the Role Playing Guide for the Bounty Hunter�s Guild.
The position of Logistics Officer is attractive to me because I feel that the
position offers the potential to do much more then just mirror reports and run
the Codex. As the Archivist of the EH, there is so much more to archive then
just that. The Image Archive needs to be brought back and revamped to keep up
with the current level of web design and interfaces. One thing that could be
done is the creation of an image submission system instead of just having
instructions to email images to the person running the archive.
The biggest undertaking that I would like to bring to fruition is that of an EH
website archive. So much of the web design that is done for the EH is lost as
sites are updated, and a place to keep some of the more important site�s layouts
archived would be a way to save them. Also, this would give us even more history
to build on then just the archiving of text and news. It would be a tool to show
the EH�s evolution in it�s
appearance and scope as time goes on.
I have requested and received references from six officers of the EH, High
Admiral Ari, Admiral Keldorn Cochrane, Vice Admiral Alex Foley, Admiral Turtle
Jerrar, Vice Admiral Ziggy, and Admiral Mell Kerrigan. I have worked for or with
these officers on a number of occasions, and see them as not only being good
references, but a good indication of my ability to function well with existing
members of the Command Staff.
In addition to an ability to work with people, I also bring a few other
additional skills with me. The first and most important to me is that of
webdesign. I�ve been doing it for most of the six years I�ve been in the EH and
have gotten skilled at it mostly through trial and error. In addition, I am
someone that is in for the long haul. I�ve been here for years, and don�t plan
on leaving. I think that it is beneficial to have someone archiving the history
of the EH that has been around for a great deal of it, and plans to be here for
a great deal more of it.
In closing, I would like to let you know that I am available for further
inquiries that would arise from any questions or concerns that you might have,
and would welcome any emails or conversations on the subject.
IOA/LC Xander Drax/SSSD Sovereign
Fleet Commander's Note:
Other applicants reviewed included:
Thank you,

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
VPP/CG Rokin Appointed as NEW
President of the Corporate Division: 02.17.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Corporate Division (CD)
After reviewing two applications,
VPP/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer was selected as the new President of the
Corporate Division (PREX).
His application (dated 02.02.04) is presented below:
This E-Mail is in regards to the opening in the Corporate Division of the PREX
position. I am currently the Vice President of Propaganda, and I would like the
opportunity to apply for PREX.
I already have several plans that I wish to put into action that will greatly
improve the odds of the Corporate Division making a come back. These plans will
make it fun for the members, while still keeping the
"morals" of the Corporate Division. Enacting these plans will also create a
strong base for a fleet wide credit system such as iBank.
These plans include creating several online web-based games that gear towards
Star Wars, but still keeping the "corporate" feel to everything.
Let's say that we set up a trading game for the member. A member can either work
for another Corps or take out a loan from iBank to gather enough money to get a
ship and a traders liscence. From there he is free to either start an
independent corporation on his own, or even get together with some friends and
start one that way.
If I listed everything here, I would probably bore you with an unending list of
details. But to give a basic overview, the paragraph above partially explains
things. I wish to make the Corporate Division fun for people, let's gear it
towards gaming and get the CD to the point where people WANT to join.
A big problem for most new PREX's coming into the position is that they want to
make huge reforms. Why fix a system that already works? If I can get into the
position I will focus on the expansion of the Corporate Division, and restoring
it to what it once was. Not waste my time on petty rank changes, or anything
like that. Things work now, let them me until it is absolutely needed.
For my references I present you Admiral Dark Angel (,
current Executive Vice-President of the Corporate Division. As for a second
reference I bring you Fleet Admiral Ender mBind (, whom
I've reviewed these plans with and he is definitely in favor for these changes.
Lastly I wish to announce my third reference Lieutenant Cololonel (,
my directly Superior in the Tie Corps. Current Wing Commander of Wing III.
As VPP I'm already doing the bulk of the PHP coding and database management, why
not have the person who's doing the work be in charge. I will be leading by
example, enacting my plans and actually doing them myself. If you get a PREX
that has all these great plans, but doesn't have the resources or skills
necessary to put them into action, why put him in the position? His subordinates
will take after his lead, and also not have a great motivation to work. I have
the skills and the resources needed to put my plans into action.
I am also currently an Internet Office Assistant, further verifying my PHP
As PREX, I can promise that I will turn around this slouching activity rate
inside of the Corporate Division, while still making things fun for the members.
Thank you for your consideration of me in this position,
{Corporate Division}
Commissar General Rokin
VPP/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer
Fleet Commander's Note:
Other applicants reviewed included:
Thank you,

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Fringe SGCOM Position Title Changed:
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Consistent with the new appointment of former XO Compton as SGCOM of the EH
Fringe, the current XO and I have concurred on changing the Fringe SGCOM
position title to DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, which was formerly Chief Game Master.
Since the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Krath group is now taking on more traditional
roleplaying games (RPGs) and the Fringe is now solely Star Wars Galaxies, the
Fringe SGCOM shall from now on be referred to as the Director of Operations
All Emperor's Hammer manuals and documents should be so revised.
Thank you,

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Resignation of MO: 02.13.04
As Emailed From:
Former Fleet
Medical Officer (FA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
Hello sirs. Its been 8 long, hard months. I believe I have achieved want was
needed. I reactivated a Dead group (Fleet Medical Corps) back into a thriving
group, of Loyal, and Dedicated men. I have done all I can for that Unit, and its
time to pass down the position. In my time as Medical Officer, my men, and I
have done much. From getting through the first month of my car accident, to
gaining our first website, which got EH site of the week! After that my men and
I focused on Recruiting, which was successful, we have now a total of around
35-40 good men, and women 8-) Over the last Three months we began EH wide
competitions ranging in humorous ones, more serious, and useful competitions. In
these months I achieved Admiral, and my men were promoted successfully. I hope
when people look back on my work with the FMC, they see my dedication, and hard
work I put into the unit. Sir if you could keep me as an active member in the
Advanced Guard, and allow me to retire from MO with my current rank of Admiral.
I know I won't be gone, and this is by no means my retirement, I will be around
for a while. It is simply time for a new rule. If I can, I would like to
recommend Captain ArchAngel, to the promotion of Medical Officer, and Rear
Admiral. We have already talked, and I will stay an Advisor for him if he is to
obtain MO. He will serve you well. Thank you again for my chance to serve as MO,
and do for it what you wanted Grand Admiral Ronin. I know I will see you in the
future. BTW the new FMC site is
Special Thanks
Ronin: I remember the day I asked you over AIM for a open position as an
Advisor, you told me MO, I was shocked to know it was still alive, your reply
was it wasn't, so I told you what the heck, I'll do it, 8 months later this is
what it has become. Thank you for always being there to have faith in my work,
and for giving me the chances you have, see you in the future 8-P
ArchAngel: Best man I have ever worked with. You are truly the most dedicated
person I have ever met. Never have you complained when I was asking for anything
from you. Thank You for everything, and good luck. You know if you need me, I
will always be here man.
Drako: Thank you for all your websites! Even though I bugged you for 4 months,
it was worth it!
FMC Members: Thank you for all your hard work, and do not worry I'll still be
around! Keep in touch, and keep up the hard work!
-MO-AMB/AD Jacob Van Nowak
New Gaming Platform in EH Mission
Compendium: 01.31.04
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
As the leader of Tactical Office, I am proud to present new gaming platform in
our mission compendium, Jedi Academy. It's been several years since we've seen
something new put into EH Mission Compendium, but this stage of stagnation is
over. JA is only the first of many. Others will follow.
Right now, we have one new battletype: JA-DB. As you see it's for DB. I have
two JA maps on my HDD and they will be released tomorrow.
Grand Master, please inform your staff about this new event, and direct any JA
submissions to me.
FA Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
EH Tactical Officer (CS-3)
#ehpl onwer and EHPLM moderator
List of Current EH-Approved Game
Platforms: 01.29.04
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
(Flight Sims)
Current Flight Sims:
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Star Wars: Balance of Power + EHSP*
Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter + EHSP*
Star Wars: TIE Fighter '95 + EHSP*
Star Wars: X-Wing '95
Obsolete Flight Sims:
Star Wars: Balance of Power
Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Star Wars: TIE Fighter '95
Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Flightschool
Star Wars: X-Wing CD
Star Wars: B-Wing
Star Wars: Imperial Pursuit
Star Wars: X-Wing
Star Wars: TIE Fighter CD
Star Wars: Defender of the Empire
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Imperial Storm Wargames*
Star Wars: Rebellion
Homeworld (mod)
Star Wars: Fleet Commander (mod)
In Development:
TIE Fighter Empire (working title) - 2004*
Star Wars: Imperium (mod) - ????*
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance + EHSP - 2004*
Star Wars: X-Wing '95 + EHSP - 2004*
(First Person Shooters)
Current First Person Shooters:
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Obsolete First Person Shooters:
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Quake (mod)
Star Wars: Force Commander
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
In Development:
Star Wars: Battlefront - 2004
Star Wars: Republic Commando - 2004
Sith Lords: Dark Lords Rising (mod) - 2004*
Battlefield 1941 (mod) - ????
Star Wars Troopers (mod) - ????
(Role Playing)
Current Role Playing:
Star Wars: Galaxies: An Empire Divided
Obsolete Role Playing:
Star Wars: Role Playing Game (WEG/D20)
In Development:
Space extension to Star Wars: Galaxies
Sith Lords: Dark Lords Rising (mod) - 2004*
(Business Sims?)
Current Games:
Obsolete Games:
Stock Exchange*
Star Wars: Droid Works ????
In Development:
Galaxy Trader - ????*
Multi Player Sabbac - ????*
(Real Time Strategy?)
Current Games:
Obsolete Games:
Imperial Storm Wargames*
Star Wars: Rebellion
Homeworld (mod)
Star Wars: Fleet Commander (mod)
In Development:
Emperor's Hammer: Wargames - ????*
Arcade Flight Sims:
Star Wars
Star Wars (NES)
Super Star Wars (SNES)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Star Wars: Starfighter
Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon
Arcade Racers:
Star Wars: Episode I Racer
Star Wars: Racer Revenge
Arcade Adventures:
Star Wars: Yoda Stories
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles
Star Wars: Episode I Obi-Wan's Adventures
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Star Wars: Episode II The New Droid Army
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Star Wars: Masters of Ter�s K�si
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Demolition
Star Wars: Battle For Naboo
Star Wars: Monopoly
Star Wars: Chess
* = by and for the Emperor's Hammer
Fleet Commander's Note:
I have tasked the EH SGCOMs to respond back with any main supported game
platform changes. Over the next couple of weeks, look for the 'games
supported' section of each Subgroup description to be
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
No reports submitted
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >
Tactical Office Report #125: 02.02.04
And again, busy week for me. I hate this, but well, life is life. But I have
also good new. New gaming platform for DB and HF. One of the better achievements
of Tactical Office and of course special credit to Colonel Gidda for sending
first two maps :)
New gaming platform:
After years of waiting our mission compendium has evolved once again. I am
proud to introduce new gaming platform: Jedi Academy. It's for DB and HF mostly
and you won't be able to get FCHG points for it :) Use it for MP competitions.
More will follow :)
XvT Mission Creation Tutorial #1:
I have started working on xvt mission creation tutorial. I'm 33% done, so you
can expect it to be ready very soon. It describes mission creation process click
by click, so ever very rookie member will be able to make his own mission. email down:
My email address is down and I cannot access it. And it
seems I won't be able to use it afterall. If you have sent any email to this
addy, recently (last 2 weeks), send it to Thanks!
FCHG Competition #5 - EH Battle Launcher
It started so make your battles, make your stories, base them on main plotline
and submit to me. You can win CoS, MoTs and IS-PRs. Worth fighting. Check your
skills. Start making battle today.
All details can be found here. Good luck.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #126: 02.07.04
Well. Another week another report. What to say. I have receive few battle
submissions, that's good. Few TACS graduates. My CA:TAC processed some final
checks so we will have custom battles soon. Also, I have processed all High
Scores, so there are none pending. And, I think that's all...
Testers and engineers needed
I need new people to work in my TIE division. So I need 2 TCSs and two TCTs
for TIE. Send your applications to TCC:TIE, CA:TAC and TAC.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #127: 02.15.04
Hmmmm. Busy week in RL, wedding preparations, and other things. No time for EH
but this week should be better. I promised myself I will do more this incoming
week, so I plan on fixing XvT-FREEs, releasing GTA results, processing all HSs
and releasing some battles. I am sure I will do it all...
Staff changes:
There have been several promotions and changes withing Tactical Office. D.T
Hammer has been names as new, full time TCHC, to help us with final checks. New
TCC:TIE is Colonel Beef. With those staff changes we will be able to clear all
backlogs quikcly. So expect battles soon.
Testers and engineers needed for XvT/BoP
I still need more people but this time for XvT and BoP mostly. You can still
apply for other platforms but I cannot guarantee you will get the job there. Big
change is also in TIE division.
Tactical Office Status:
EH Mission Compendium:
Total: 3158 (+0)
Battles: 486 (+0)
Free Missions: 550 (+0)
Maps: 2 (+0)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (
Tactical Head Coordinator: LC D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #18: 01.30.04
"You stole my Pineapple!"
"No I didn't you did!"
"Now I know how you win all those races, Speed, You use cheating tactics!"
"Those are fighting words, let go!"
In the immortal words of Speed Racer from "The Desperate Racer"
Well its time for another Flight Office report!
This week was fairly slow from a Flight Office point of view...Processing is
still handled as efficiently as possible. We've seen approx 20 recruits
processed this week, and have either AWOLed, MIA, or Transferred approx 10
pilots from the TC.
There are a few openings in the TC:
SSD Avenger COM
ISD Vanguard COM
I have made a selection for the next TIE BGCOM. I have received four outstanding
applications for this position:
AD Mell Kerrigan
VA Frodo (Later recused himself from the race)
RA BubbaX
COL RougeWing
All applicants would have brought something unique and exciting to the TIE BG's.
However, only one could've been chosen. This was perhaps the toughest decision
I've had to make as FO-TCCOM in the 6 or 7 months I've been doing this job. So
without Further Ado, the new TIE BGCOM is none other than....AD MELL KERRIGAN. I
ask that everyone afford him the respect that the position deserves, and gives
him a chance to lead.
That's all from the FO!
In Service....
Flight Office Report #19: 02.06.04
"It's F*&((*& Sand!" "Nothing grows in sand!" "Pack up and move!"-Sam
Kinison on people floundering in the desert
Well, I've just realized that I've been with the Flight Office as CA:FO and FO
for 1 year, 5 months and 11 days! I guess Darksaber was right when he told me I
was Immortal :P In terms of Flight Office activity, processing continues at a
fast and furious pace. I've noticed a lot of movement intra squad by CMDRs to
line up squadron pilots for newer people coming in, which is excellent. I've
also noticed squadron to squadron transfers taking place. This I don't mind so
much, but I would like to point out, that I don't want to see one squadron
recruiting from other BG's or other squadrons. This would be very very bad and
will be dealt with in a swift and furious motion. Do keep vigilant on your BG's
to make sure that there is not an influx of pilots leaving for the same
squadron, or even coming to the same squadron.
Virtually every BG in the TC is entering one of their "world famous" comps:
ASF -- Beginning ASF SC VI. This is the supremacy competition to determine the
best ship in the ASF in terms of Activity
ATF -- Beginning BGCOM Judgment Comp. Determining the best over all wing in the
SOV -- SSL will be beginning soon! Every TC squadron is invited to this event.
TBG-- AD Mell is currently getting this BG in shape and I expect big things from
I want to remind everyone that the COO is sponsoring 24/7 MP reporting. What
this means is you can fly a match anytime of the day or night, report it and get
your LoC for it! This is a great boon for the pilots that do do MP flying!
Another issue I ran into is members with have been bouncing mails back
to their senders. I believe this is due to the being down.
Membership count for the TC is at 1,635 members!
That's it from the Flight Office....
In Service...
Flight Office Report #20: 02.13.04
VA Reaper has been shown most of the processing duties, so when I go on
vacation from 2/20 thru 2/29 He will be able to adequately handle the Roster
details. During this period I ask that everyone mail VA Reaper with their
changes, and not include me. I will get a report from Reaper on any mails that I
need to be made aware of. Anything concerning Major changes can wait until my
With the absence of the ASF BGCOM, I have asked VA Frodo to be the A-BGCOM of
the ASF. He will collect the scores for the ASF comp and handle the duties of
the ASF until either Darksaber returns or a replacement can be found.
ISD Vanguard COM is open for apps.
Wing XVIII is open for WC apps.
On a final note--On ALL transfers, make sure, AGAIN, that I am the last person
to hear about it. Meaning all the flags should be notified and approve of the
transfer before I hear about it. Its in the training manual and on the Flight
Office website!
Speaking of The Flight Office website, I have corrected a few errors in the
promotions area, and I will be creating a better looking site in the near
That's about it!
In service...
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #129: 02.06.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #129
February 6, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Quite a hectic week it's been. EHNet and its associated sites have been down
twice. I'm sure you're wondering about that, so here's why:
The first time it was down was because the server that hosts EHNet was attacked
by hackers. This caused http access to be down for quite a while for all sites
hosted off (i.e., The second time was due to
an attack on the Sabacc Online site. A massive number of hits were recorded in
an attempt to crash the server - which unfortunately was successful. As a
result, EHNet has changed servers. It is now hosted on the same server as
MinosNIC. However, the EHNet Login System will still have a verification server
on (so if Minos is down, you can still make use of ELS). We
graciously thank Koral for his helpfulness and kindness in letting us use as a server.
All data was backed up and successfully recovered in the move. However, e-mail
addresses have not yet been restored. It is imperative that if you had an EHNet
e-mail address, you contact me somehow with the following information: how you
accessed your EHNet mail (what mail client, or webmail), whether you have a
MinosNIC hosting account (NOT a handle!) and what it is if so, and if not what
you'd like your new password to be. Another important change: EHNet e-mail
currently does NOT have a SMTP server. That means you will need to use some
alternate SMTP server, or use the Web-based mail interface to send messages.
When you contact me, I will send you a document containing more information.
After successfully moving EHNet to Minos, Turtle has been continuing development
on the EHNet Login System. The ELS will soon have 3 servers by which to
authenticate, plus security will be a lot stronger.
Also, I have designed almost all of the new database, just
waiting to hear back from the XO about something so I can finish it off and
begin writing the basic code.
That's the major information this week. Remember: Anyone who had an EHNet email
address that wants it restored should e-mail me for more info.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the ISD Grey Wolf at Congrats to Tiamat on his 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Do you use XPS often?
-Yes, always
-No, never have
-I don't know what it is.
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx3] [LoAx3] [OV-5E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
:: Transmission End ::
Internet Office Report #130: 02.13.04
Just as a reminder to folks who had old EHNet e-mail addresses:
if you have not yet contacted me about your email address, please do so
immediately. Most other EHNet sites should be fully operational now, including
the Banner Exchange which was down for a while.
Sorry the Internet Office has been a bit quiet lately, I'm just finishing up
taking part in a play that completely ate up all my time, so hopefully once it's
over I'll have a lot more free time. As for, I'm still waiting to hear
back from Astatine on one final thing that remains to be resolved before the
database design is complete.
Leeson has just sent me an update on MP Sabacc status. He is having some
problems with taking care of the shift phase, so he will be making a temporary
workaround for now and plan to fix it in a later version. He cannot yet provide
an ETA for completion, but he is working as fast as he can.
There's some useful information posted on concerning some new spyware
that infects your computer and propagates itself via AIM to your entire buddy
list. We recommend using Ad-Aware to remove that and all other adware that
infects your computer.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Hammer's Fist site, by Xander Drax and Zsinj - a 5 star
site at!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Do you use XPS often?
-Yes, always
-No, never have
-I don't know what it is.
Vote for your choice at!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message
Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived
Message Board Data - My EHNet -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible
Polling System - Sabacc
Online v2.4 - IO Code
Archive - EH
Library - EH Code
Collaboration - EH Banner
Exchange - EH Counter
Service - Greeting
Card Center -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 -
WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript
IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx3] [LoAx3] [OV-5E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
:: Transmission End ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
No reports submitted
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #21: 01.31.04
Another hectic week in my life.
Alas, it is now over. Thank god.
The biggest news this week is
the release of the much-awaited Commendations of Loyalty. We now seem to have
a complete list, which is available for online viewing
here. I am very disappointed that the topic turned into a squabble. You
people know better than that.
It's about time I announce the
winners of my OPS competitions. Yes, I'm quite late with it. No, I won't deny
the medals for being late. Perks of the position. And the winners are...
For the OPS Cheap Way to Get A
Laugh Competition, there were some good entries. FL/LCM Mouse Droid/Fury
3-1/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger won third place with a mention of my call for "meal
requests" in OPS Report #18. MO-AMB/AD Jacob Van Nowak wins second place for
the Test Squadron roster page located
here. And FM/COL Gunman/Phantom 3-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal wins first place
for pointing out Astatine's quite funny INPR, located
And now on to my Name My Shuttle
competition. I had some favorites, obviously. Third place goes to WC/LC
TK-7764/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator for SHU Rubber Stamp. Second place goes to FM/MAJ
Binagran/Nemesis 3-2/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator, with obviously the most
well-thought out submission, if you could believe it. SHU Medal Lion, a pun on
Medallion. Quite clever. And First place goes to CMDR-TACA-TCT-TCS/MAJ
Justin/Viper/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid for my favorite. The official name has been
chosen. SHU Denied.
IS-GRs down for the winners of
this comp. I'll add them in soon. Also, I realize I'm behind a little on
approvals, but I promise you I will get on this. I've been quite busy IRL, and
I hope you can bear with me. As soon as time permits I will add in the CoLs
for Tie Corps members.
It has been said that democracy
is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
�Sir Winston Churchill
OPS Report #22: 02.07.04
Soon enough my school year will be
basically over. Time to dedicate more to the EH.
Quite a response to the letter I
posted on the EH MBs written by Keldorn and signed by Ari. I'm eager to see
what results from that. Also, on unrelated news, I'm going to start working
with Turtle on making the ELS Login System more secure. We're moving to two
secondary servers soon enough to enable some redundancy. I'd like to see a
subgroup running off of the system by the summer, which means we'll need a
stable system of keeping the logins secure very soon. Expect more on this
I've cleared my backlog of
medals and uniforms in the TC and am now moving to the DB. I'll get that
backlog down, then focus on the CoLs and ISes I need to award for competitions
that I ran. Please bear with me - this has been a strange week.
If you want to know what I'm
thinking on a particular day, check out, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am
outside of the EH.
Read, every day, something no one
else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every
day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind
to be always part of unanimity.
�Christopher Morley
OPS Report #23: 02.13.04
God, the moment I think everything
else in my life is resolved I'm slammed with more. I have not had a free day all
week. C'est la vie I suppose.
I'm itching to code something.
But I have no time. The plight of the coder I suppose.
I let my guard down and I get
slammed with medals. There's a little bit of a backlog - I hope to have it
resolved this weekend. In DB news, the error not allowing me to award medals
is now resolved. So that should be the last bit of that trouble.
If you want to know what I'm
thinking on a particular day, check out, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am
outside of the EH.
You can pretend to be serious; you
can't pretend to be witty.
�Sacha Guitry (1885 - 1957)
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW:
Communications Office Report #3:
I've just launched the new Communications Office web site,
located at Its content is limited until I can finish work on it Monday.
Most importantly, the procedures for requesting message board creation have
changed. All requests should now be made through the COMM Request function
located off of the main COMM web site. COMM Request will be expanded next
week to include other routine requests made to the COMM.
Communications Office Links - Communications Office - Message Boards - IRC Code of Conduct
Communications Office Report #4: 02.06.04
Greetings members.
I've been knee-deep in various aspects of MinosNIC/server operations, EHNet and
ELS this week. Here is a brief summary of these topics:
MinosNIC: PHP has been upgraded to 4.3.5RC2, bringing us out of the -dev
category we were running at for about a week. Luckily, no major problems were
experienced during this time. Other small changes were made to the server this
EHNet: As covered in the Internet Office report, has been up and down
more than a roller coaster this week. Between the compromise of the
server, denial of service attack, the random failing of the domain's hosting on
the same server after the repair, and subsequent moving of the site to the
MinosNIC server, EHNet availability has been sporadic at best. The good news is
that most of these changes have been completed, and EHNet is now happily running
Several EHNet sites are still in line to be restored (namely,
Please contact myself and HA Ari if you notice other sites that are missing, or
appear broken.
ELS: I've been working heavily on the backend ELS code today to vastly improve
reliability, security, and ease of use. More details on the exact changes will
be made when I release the new version, expected to be sometime next week.
(Note: ELS errors seen on are
to be expected during the next couple of days as I test the system and
purposefully attempt to break it)
Communications Office Links - Communications
Office - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms - IRC Code of Conduct - MinosNIC ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #5: 01.30.04
1. This week and the following will be a pretty hectic week for
me, so you might experience a small delay in email response. I don't expect it
to exceed 12 hours, though.
2. CA still not open.
Case News:
1. Former Logistics Officer Darknyte has been expelled. Please remove him from
your rosters and insure that proper bans are in place. If you require data on
the hostmask he uses, feel free to contact me.
Computer Security News:
1. Most urgent is the spread of the W32.MyDoom virus. I've been recieving about
20-30 copies of this daily. There is information posted on the virus at
Security Office Report #6: 02.07.04
1. I've been getting some new insights into theory from my criminal law class.
Look for these soon.
2. Over the week, I intend to run several unscheduled security exercises via IRC
to test the average response time of channel operators within our many
subgroups. These could come at any hour, and as long as you're opped, you're
fair game in my book. :P
Case News:
1. No News is good news
Computer Security News:
1. W32.MyDoom/W32.Novarg seems to be dying down, at least as far as my server is
concerned. I've heard a lot of you received multiple copies, but I've yet to
hear of a single case of infection. Good work. That means (A) You're all damned
smart, or (B) Someone reads my reports. Either way, congratulations.
2. There are still multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. Run Windows
3. Next week, I intend to bring back something from my days as CA:COMM, which is
to say, product reviews. And since I'm the Security Officer, these products will
all be related in some way or another to computer security. So, that's an added
incentive to pay attention.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
No reports submitted
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
Logistics Office Report #1: 02.07.04
Logistics News
1. First off I would like to thank the powers that be for naming me the new EH
LO. I hope that I will be able to live up to their expectations, and that I can
rid the office of the lingering stench left by it's former occupant.
2. There is a new Logistics Office website that can be found at
This will be the central location to find any logistical information, as well us
updates on LO and LO related projects.
3. The new site lists many of the priojects that are getting underway at the
current time. The Codex and Newsletter Mirror are top priorities, followed
closely by the EH Memorium and restarting the EH Image Archive. The LO will be
working closely with the SOD with the EH Memorium.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office
Logistics Office Report #2: 02.13.04
Logistics News
1. This week saw another addition to the Logistics Office, Admiral Zsinj. Zsinj
and I have developed a good working relationship in other SG's in the Hammer,
and we both felt that this former CA:LO would make a great addition to the team.
Also, his substantial web coding skills don't hurt either.
2. The Logistics Office has posted mirrors of most of the EH Newsletters. The
links to them should be updated in the immediate future on the EH website. Now,
I did say most of the newsletters. NL's 60-74 and 100 were not accessible to the
LO at this time. If anyone reading this report has copies of those reports, I
would urge you to contact the Logistics Officer (i.e. me) at
with information.
3. The LO site has undergone some upgrading since last week. AD Zsinj has added
a news system that is much better and more original then the news script I was
using as a temporary stand in. It will keep the news page free of clutter, and
let people search backwards for news that has "fallen" off the main page.
Secondly, the code for the page has been torn apart and reassembled to provide
for XHTML 1.0 validation. This means that anyone looking at the site should see
the exact same thing, no matter what browser they are using.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links -
Logistics Office
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #40: 01.31.04
Greetings again.
With the announcement of the location for Celebration III in April of 2005, I
would like to start planning some sort of EH event there. This will be a large
undertaking and I can not do it on my own.
Now, I will start by asking for volunteers. I need help! I already have someone
who lives in Indy to help out with planning on places to stay. They will be
calling the hotels in the immediate area of the convention center to see if we
can get any group rates. ( I'm close to booking a room myself I'm so damn eager
:P )
What I need help with is ideas for EH activities before and after the convention
each day, and possibly EH "Mini-meetings" all through the day. And last but not
least, an EH-ONLY costume contest. I dunno at this point, but I want this to be
THE biggest EH meeting in our 10-year history!
GA Ronin, with your permission, I'd like to gather up some ROAs *specifically*
for planning this event. Probably one right now, but as the event nears, I can
see it blossoming into close to 5 ROAs. They will help me coordinate between ALL
subgroups and CS personnel.
If any SGCOM or CS wants to help, that will be great. It will make it that much
easier coordinating with the areas they are in charge of.
FO, please pass this down to your minions.. ;)
This is going to rock beyond belief!
Recon Office news:
ROA Zsinj hasn't been responding to emails lately. I'm pretty sure they are
getting through so Zsinj, if you see this, RESPOND! Or else loose ROA. :/
STAR WARS NEWS:_________________________________
Natalie Portman in Vogue
January 30, 2004
The February 2004 edition of Vogue magazine, already on newsstands, features an
exclusive cover and interview with actress Natalie Portman, who discusses her
passion for travel, books, fashion and filmmaking.
Portman spoke with Interview journalist Robert Sullivan about her views about
coming into her own sense of style, as well as her career post-Star Wars.
"I'm trying to just have a little bit more fun and not be so measured," Portman
says. "There are certain things that I'm trying to do to sort of dive into
things, just to have fun with everything I do. This year I've started scuba
diving and going to all these crazy places. I went to Morocco alone. And I just
got back from Guatemala."
The charismatic actress has currently begun filming her next movie with Cold
Mountain co-star Jude Law, called Closer.
Click here for more information on this issue of Vogue magazine.
Stay tuned to for more scheduled Star Wars sightings as the
anticipation to Episode III builds.
NASA Finds Tusken Raiders on Mars
Wade sends in this funny tidbit:
At the end of his broadcast, Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith stated that recent
images from Mars had confirmed NASA's "worst fears." An image of the martian
surface was brought up on the screen, with a red box focusing on the area of
As the image zoomed in, three Tusken Raiders were seen peeking from behind a
rock. "And they aren't even hiding their numbers." Smith concluded.
Bronze Yoda Stolen
Thu, Jan 29, 04 12:54:26 AM EST
Mike Smith sends in this link to the Whittier Daily News for a Star Wars theft
story. Got a lead? Call the paper. Here's a clip:
Someone eager for a piece of the force stole a 170- pound, life-size bronze
statue of Yoda, Star Wars' dwarfish Jedi master, from a flatbed truck parked
overnight in Pasadena.
Lawrence Noble, 55, the Crestline artist who sculpted the mold for the
statue, said the limited-edition piece is worth between $15,000 and $20,000.
Artworks Foundry, which cast the statue, is offering a $1,000 reward for
information leading to its recovery.
"It's a real high-end collectible,' said Lawrence, who also created the
California Firefighters Memorial in Sacramento.
Pasadena Police spokeswoman Janet Pope said the statue was one of four bolted to
a flatbed truck that stopped at the Westway Inn, 1599 E. Colorado Blvd., on Jan.
That's it for me this week! w00t! I'm on time this week! heh
And, last but not least:
Non-EH SOTW: Lego Star Wars (now THIS is a fan!)
RO Report #41: 02.14.04
Greetings everyone!
I was hoping to have some of this info last weekend for the report, but alas, it
didn't. So here's the report for this week and last!
Okay, I made some phone calls this week (before I found out how much I pay for
long distance.. OUCH!) alll the way out to California and talked to LucasFilm
about Celebreation 3. There is really nothing planned at this point as far as..
well about anything. The Lucas-people just had thier first true full-blown
meeting about Celebration 3 today so everything is still up in the air. But I
did grab on to a few tid-bits. But oh yes, they are good.
First off, I'm going to be sent a packet about booth space for BOTH a Fan Club
booth ( which is free) and one of the regular floor booths (which is about as
opposite as free that you can get) which would cost the EH $1200.
Fan Club Booths-- They are free but they are usually just a PR took for the
clubs and a gathering spot for the members of said clubs to meet and things of
that nature. Apparently we've already made up some pamphlets that we can pass
out during the event. I will be going over the pamphlet and see what updates
need to be made if any. Now, I don't know if we are allowed to sell anything at
the Fan Club booths, BUT we can at the regular booths in the main floor which
brings me tooooooo..
Floor Booths-- The booths ( as previously stated) cost a good $1200. Something
the EH CAN come up with in over a year.. if we start now. Now is when your
asking "But Joe, Why do we need a regular floor booth when we can have a Fan
Club booth for free??" And in there lies the beauty of the whole thing. The
regular floor booths have alot of options that can be used, which gives us a
great opportunity to showcase the EH's talents. The regular floor booths can be
set up to sell items like EH merchandise (Now who wouldn't want a pair of EH or
as I've seen, Omega Squadron G-strings??) and/or we can have computers set up to
play games. I would like to have some sort of LAN up and running with about, say
6-8 computers playing some flight sims or some Star Wars FPS (first-person
shooter) games like Jedi Knight and things of that nature. But I have a slightly
better idea. I remember, and forgive me for not remembering the exact details,
but I believe it was the SCO was designing a EH specific game that is based off
an extremely stellar flight engine. Now, wouldn't that set us apart from ALL all
Fan Clubs that are going to be at Celebration 3, debuting a flight sim that was
so unique to our own club and MODed by our own people. I can't wait to see
people drool with envy....
Now, of course anything to do with flight sims will be coordinated through the
FO and I think it would be great if we had a member of the Science Office to
help out with questions about the new game that we developed and both booths (
if we can do both) should be manned by 1-2 EHers at all times.
Geeze, this thing is still over a year away and I'm still really friggen
excited.. Heh.
Oh, before I forget, Hotel rooms. As I was talking to the head of Marketing for
GENCON, she told me that the hotel rooms can be bought in blocks of rooms for
discounted rates. Now, right now the only quote I can get is $150 PER room,
which means two full sized beds and maybe a fold out couch ::shrugs:: but its a
start. I suggest EHers who want to stay close but don't get paid a 6-figure
income should probably plan to bunk with some EH friends. I'd like to have this
organized so all the EHers aren't spread all over Indy.. and we will be able to
do some things ( like costume contests and the like) after the event shuts down
each day.
But, that will all be planned in time...
I am still on the look out for ROAs to help with the whole planning thing, but
we still have alot of time before I really start to need the help.
Also, something NON-Celebration 3 (shocking I know).
CA:VA Shay'la has officially stepped down as CA:RO. She has been an asset to us
all and I honestly wish her good luck in her IRL activities that is taking
precedence! I also awarded VA Shay'la a Silver Star for all the work she's done
for the Recon Office. Congrats!
So I guess that means I need another CA:RO! I will have requirements posted
sometime this coming week. Look for them in next week's report as well.
now, time for the news..
New Republic Commando Info
LucasArts has published more information on Republic Commando, including some
new types of weapons!
Access to more than twelve authentic weapons including the primary Republic
Commando firearm, the DC-17m and secondary weapon the DC-15s Blaster Pistol, as
well as enemy weapons such as the Trandoshan Slaver Shotgun and Geonosian Elite
Beam Weapon
Challenging combat with enemies that include Trade Federation Super Battle
Droids and Droidekas, Geonosian Warriors and Elites, and Trandoshan Slavers and
Innovative squad combat utilizing intuitive and accessible �smart squad� command
system featuring squad markers and stances.
State of the Galaxies Letter
Executive Producer of Galaxies Rich Vogel wrote a letter to the fans about how
the team started and where they want to go in the coming months. Excerpt
"Going forward, 2004 is looking to be a great year for us. With the launch and
post launch features behind us, we can concentrate on three major elements. The
first is adding more content and features to the game. We are solidifying our
monthly publish schedule and I'm excited by the things that are coming up.
Expect to see a new publish Theme every month and well as a new dungeon. This
will include the Imperial Crackdown this month and the Droid Invasion next
month. Our next priority is working with the community to enhance the quality
and fun of the existing systems and professions. Several of them are getting
revamps including the Droid Engineer, Smuggler and Chef (see update notes). Our
Lead Designer is making certain that every designer has time scheduled to deal
with community issues that come up."
New Battlefront Q & A
HomeLANFed has a new Battlefront Q & A with Pandemic producer Greg Borrud posted
that goes over single player campaign, hardware support, and what sets
Battlefront apart from the rest.
HomeLAN - What sort of locations and settings will the maps have in the game?
Greg Borrud - The approach for maps is very similar to the approach for units -
if you saw it in the movies it should be in the game. So all the familiar worlds
and battlefields will be in the game including Hoth, Endor, Tatooine, Naboo,
Geonosis, and many others.
HomeLAN - For the single player campaign in Battlefront, is there special
attention being made for the AI in the game?
Greg Borrud - Yes there is. This is one of things that we are actually working
on as we speak. It is important to us to make sure that there is a nice, even
increase in the difficulty of the single player campaign. The AI plays a big
part in this. We are developing a nice ramp in both the enemy AI and your own
friendly AI to make sure that the game can start out relatively easy and get
more difficult as you improve as a player. We are also working on adding a
number of controls over squads of units to help you control the battlefield a
little more. The AI units on your team should work with you to win the game and
not be an obstacle.
New Battlefront Preview has a new preview of Battlefront, with some new
information for you salivating readers:
On top of this, if you manage to hold a territory for a certain period, your
team will be awarded with one of a range of special attacks. These bonuses
aren't simply gimmicks, either. If the Imperials control Tatooine for example,
they can call upon Darth Vader for personal aid on the battlefield. And if you
think the Dark Lord of the Sith isn't intimidating enough, control of Endor
actually gives you access to the Death Star, which instantly vaporises an entire
world. Bearing this in mind, it's a godsend that the Rebels can also seek
occasional aid from heroes such as Luke Skywalker. As Tso suggests, "Features
like this are going to impact gameplay in ways that audiences haven't even
imagined yet."
In keeping with the times, choices include scouts - sharpshooters armed with
sniper rifles and probe droids - as well as low-level infantry types such as
storm troopers and Rebel grunts. The ranks are further swelled by assault
troopers, designed for anti-vehicular use, and pilots, the only class who can
patch up damaged vessels. Unique selections also grace each political bloc, such
as the Separatists' nigh-on unstoppable Droideka robot or the Republic's
jetpack-equipped Specialist. The Rebel Spy should prove a favourite as well,
given that these skilled confidence men can impersonate adversaries at will. Co-ordinated
assaults will also be made easier by the inclusion of full voice-over IP
technology. "Headset support is critical to team communication," comments Tso.
And ofcourse, the website:
And that's it with that for this week. Thanks for your time, and of course, last
but not least.
Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Combine
All I can say to that is... HOLY CRAP! You guys have to look at this!! This is
awsome!! A fan-created SWMMORPG!! Doesn't have all the polish of SW Galaxies,
but it's awsome none the less!
Aaannnnd that's it for me. FO, if you could, please place VA Shay'la as an ROA
for the time being.
Thanks again!!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
Grand Master Report #4: 02.02.04
Commendations of Loyalty
The list of the Dark Brotherhood's CoL recommendations finally made it to the
Operations Officer during the week, and I will reproduce it here for posterity
(even though Chancellor Alex Foley posted it on the news page):
GM's Quota:
DA J'Lek Arcanos
DA Michael Halcyon
SWL Frey Gallandro
SWL Gidda
KAP Rage Akaido
Clan Arcona:
SW Evo Sarnok
GRD Kal J'Qan
KAP TK-7764
Clan Tarentum:
SBL Torres
DJK Zhaim Jifarr
ACO Orzon
Clan Satal Keto:
PRT Conker
ACO Dweezil
PRT Luke Morin
Clan Alvaak:
PRT Elwood the Brave
OW Sirik Xirok
OBM Tatsu Kogarasu
Clan Scholae Palatinae:
DJK Screedious
JH Mike Chistu
OW Aidan Pryde
In other CoL news, Seneschal Astatine added the CoL medal to the Dark
Brotherhood database, so the Chancellor will soon take care of adding those to
the recipients' profiles.
Database Problems Fixed
The problem with the database mailer that made it necessary for the Dark Council
to leave its admin functions alone has been resolved. Everything is back to
normal now, and the Master-at-Arms and Chancellor are able to process all things
relating to their offices.
Promotion Recommendation Form
It appears that the admin option to recommend promotions is functional, so
please start using it. If you encounter any problems, email the SCL with details
and send the request to the MAA for manual processing. Transfers and
appointments, as always, are done through email.
Monitoring Of Reports
In order to ensure that people at all levels are filing their reports weekly and
reward/reprimand as required, the Order Leaders will be keeping track of all
Quaestor/Aedile reports, while the Master-at-Arms will monitor Consul/Proconsul
reports. House Summits should be CCing their relevant Order Leader on weekly
reports, just as Clan Summits should CC their report to the MAA.
Battleteam Leader reports, naturally, should be monitored by House Summits to
ensure that BTLs are fulfilling this most basic of duties. As always, the
responsibility for monitoring Dark Council reports falls to the Grand Master.
All levels that require reports are covered.
SSD Avenger In Need Of Command
The Dark Brotherhood's flagship is in need of a Commodore after the previous
one's promotion. I would encourage members of good standing in the Dark
Brotherhood and TIE Corps to send an application to
Admiral Anthol.
Welcome Back, Compton!
This week I welcomed back into the fold Dark Side Adept Compton, a former Sith
High Warrior and Executive Officer of the fleet. It is an honor to have this
veteran amongst us again.
Grand Master Report #5: 02.09.04
There is an error with the Chancellor's admin by which he gets an error message
after the approval of every medal (though they do go through onto profiles).
Obviously this interrupts the fluidity of a medal approval session, so it would
be quite tedious for the CHAN to get through the many medals waiting in one
sitting. Please bear with him, medals are coming.
The candidate for Herald I had lined up has decided he's not up to the tasks
outlined for him, which is a shame. I encourage any talented 3D graphics artists
to get in touch with me if they have any interest in the spot. On the plus side,
ex-Herald Kethoron has agreed to give the DB his standard lightsaber set when he
finishes it up, so lightsabers are not too far away!
Dark Side Compendium
Work continues on the update of the DSC. I have completed minor textual updates
on most sections, and still have to do big revisions (rewrites, basically) on a
couple of chapters. Also, the first image from a batch of updated graphics I
have commissioned for the new version has arrived, and it is excellent. If the
rest of the images are as good, we're in for a treat.
Battle Stations!
I've been in communication with a representative or two from the Lost Order of
the Jedi (the StarVipers' Dark Jedi group) about the DB's involvement in an
upcoming CTF League they're organising. If you are able to play multiplayer
JO/JA, and want to head into battle for the DB, then email your interest to
the OHC.
I still have to get in touch with the COO (or whoever is handling his duties
while he is away) to sort out the red tape, but I don't anticipate any major
obstacles to our entry in to what should be a pretty fun event.
Your Input
There is currently an atmosphere of discussion and consideration in the Dark
Council, and now is a great time for regular to have their voices heard. If you
have an idea or suggestion relating to any area of the Dark Brotherhood, send it
me and
I'll review it, and introduce it to the Dark Council for consideration. What do
you want from the Dark Brotherhood?
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
HF Domain Report: 02.02.04
Greetings troopers!
Well, Sirik is our new CT, Kael the A:CT, Jacob is the CO and
Slagar the A:CO!
New measures will be taken to improve and motivate gaming around
here, so let's get busy by providing more ideas for your old and silly Prefect.
As just said in the EH and HF meeting:
-Hammer's Fist is going in a good pace, AWOL check removed about
30% of our personnel, but we're still fine
-The annual Field Manual revision is done, will be released next week.
-New rules are to be implemented as requested by the big bosses to improve our
gaming activities and incentivize the use of our official platforms.
-Tolerance with lack of activity in our been reduced seriously, so beware
inactive commanders!
-New JK2 Server for the Prefect's Royal Guard =>
-new HF Store at
-SW Battlefront! This better be good or I'll torch LucasArts myself!
Since I was unable to finish HF's meeting due connection with IRC server
problems, I posted the Awards on our lovely and shiny Message Board!
Have fun people! You're here for it!
HF Domain Report: 02.13.04
Member Count (Active Members): 80
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 100
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 190
Yay, Friday.. 13th... Nice!
Well, first of all, sorry about last week report, completely forgot about it.
Things are going nice regarding OP Overlord. I'm stranded in the jungle since
December and looks like I'll finally be rescued! Go HF! Oh well, I'll miss my
new home... Big Cave #5 is really cool!
Field Manual is still waiting some stuff... 95% complete. It's the first of our
annual revisions, so I'm changing the name to Field Manual 2004 Edition, instead
of versions... Think it looks cooler.
Some officers are again reaching the no report limit, and that upsets me,
specially when I'm working and can't be on channel my usual 4 hours daily.
It's Promotions/Awards Week, but we got no promotions and very few awards! Get
active people!
Here are the awards given this week:
SPL Domi => Commendation of Insight
SPL Drak => Cross of Destruction
MAJ Krayt => Recruitment Commendation
The discussions with TC and IW about a joint op had a sudden halt, but I think
this week we can resume the works and start planning.
New items on the store, so go check them!
And the last note of all:
Thanks to PFC Tatsu for finding us a glaive model for JK3, so we
don't have to use those lame lightsabers anymore! That download (or the link)
will be available this week on PRG site.
That's all.
Have fun, behave and all that
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #10: 01.31.04
Report Prefix : 10
Good evening pilots and officers of the infiltrator wing.
There has been a lot of activity this week and a lot of fine work done by two
command staff officers. Our new manual which I will be sending to the fleet
commander and executive officer is nearing completion. as most of you are aware,
The old manual is approaching two years old now and its slightly dated and
inaccurate in many places. The flight officer and operations officer are
currently adding the finishing touches. Its my hope to have it online and fully
approved by the end of the month of February.
speaking of Changes, The communication office is also working on New uniforms
for everyone. Two old hats rejoined the ranks of command staff assistants this
Welcome back Malik and Karrde. Your input and knowledge is unmatched. And very
much appreciated once more.
In total fleet plans, I have not heard much from the commodores. I am aware
however their our several plans afoot and I am sure we should have many
competitions for you.
Related Star Wars news
I have heard on the grape vine, a very nice American firm... Have made or are
making a expansion pack for Freelancer.. That turns it into a star wars game. I
am going to investigate this issue in the coming week.
I have also been keeping up to date with the conversion our EH boys are doing to
Freespace II. and that also looks like a very exiting prospect. As I reported
last week, 1942 is getting the star wars treatment.. And there is a full
conversion for battle over Normandy now.
Computer Security News
1. Most urgent is the spread of the W32.MyDoom virus. Its in one in three emails
i recieve, that's a high percentage.
The doom virus as its called, is also getting a new facelift and the Doom Mk II
is released on Monday.
I urge every one to keep the live update going and make sure, your virus
definitions are up to date.
for more info -
Iw patches released
The SCO FA Mindbender has released a few new IW related patches for XvT &
BoP: The MC80a & MC80b Calamari Cruisers.
New commanders chosen
Captain Tainer - commander of black squadron
CM Xirok - Commander of Eagle
My sincere congratulations on your appointments Gentleman.
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (
IWFO: VA Boliv (
IWOC : GN Hobbie ( )
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Rear Admiral hatter / LGN Jade
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (
MC - 90 NEO
Commodore - LGN Jade ( )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
IW Membership - 66
Reserves - 52
IWCOM Report #11: 02.07.04
The week brings and end to alot of preparation. At long last
both the operations manual and the Infiltrator wing manual have been completed.
I would like to personally thank everyone who helped with there creation. I know
the amount of time and effort it must have taken.
The infiltrator wing systems engineer and the command staff are
now working to get them online and have all relevant texts and courses changed
to reflect these changes. It should provide a more up to date knowledge for old
and new pilots alike.
the infiltrator wing melee competition for the month of January has ended. I
would like to congratulate the winners. The melee shall always have a special
place in my heart and its nice to see it being used once again.
speaking on the infiltrator wing melee. I am going to include a little extra
competition for this months Event.
squadrons pride.
The squadron with the most melee wins, this month. Shall be appointed IWCOMs
Escort for the month. This title shall be awarded on a monthly basis and will be
decided by the melee and a free mission competition. The results will be decided
by participation and by of course results.
Melee element
Melee Loss - 1 point
Melee victory - 2 points
Over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
Melee first place - 15 points.
Free mission element
A free mission will be selected from the battle compendium. The pilots will be
judged on high scores and of course participation.
Each entry - 1 point
Squadron high score - 5 points
Overall high score - 15 points.
over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
The melee director, Shall announce the squadron totals every week in his weekly
The operations officer and myself shall score pilot files and announce a weekly
league table in our reports.
The Mission for this Month is Free XWA Battle 15
email it to - &
As the NEO and the Renegade become more full. Ship pride will also be at stake.
But for now, do you have what it takes to make a difference and declare your
squadron the best in the infiltrator wing ?
I guess time will tell . YES, time will tell........
New star wars book
My favorite star wars author has written another book. Famous for his characters
and enthralling story lines, Timothy Zahn has stretched our imaginations to the
limit and then back. Making us believe in a galaxy far far away, like no one
else can.
A review of the book and interview with him can be found here -
I for one, am looking forward to reading his next epic survivor.
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Not Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Not Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore :Received
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (
IWFO: VA Boliv (
IWOC : GN Hobbie ( )
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee):
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (
Commodore :
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active Membership - 67 -
Reserves - 53 -
IWCOM Report #12: 02.14.04
Report Prefix : 12
The infiltrator wing commander pace's the deck of the MC-80 Saratoga. Looking
the the transparasteele window's into the Void of a type c Gas cloud. A pretty
sight by normal standards.... however through this small cloud an new republic
listening post had been discovered. A bright young engineer had just been
informing the admiral of its location and how it worked.
The admiral however just wanted the thing destroyed or perhaps... used as a tool
for misinformation. A smile forms and the admiral walks to his office and to the
holonet transceiver.
Good morning pilots of the infiltrator wing.
The new republic has saw fit to place a device on our borders. I believe we have
done enough training of late. Its time for action.
Both ships of the fleet are to rendezvous with me at the
following co-ordinates being sent to your commodore's as we speak.
Its time for some to earn they pay, and for others to face
combat for the first time. I look forward to seeing you all here soon.
With that the admiral signs off.
IWCOM 3 months Award Ceremony
It has been 3 months since my appointment as the commander of this fleet. In
this time certain officers have worked harder and more than I could ever of
asked of them. Turning the infiltrator wing round is no easy task. The workload
of the command staff is nothing but astronomical.
We lost one of the command Staff this week, because he believed his work load
was actually to great. General hobbie will be missed for his charismatic style
and his hard work and dedication. And it shall not be forgotten in these awards.
Vice Admiral Boliv - For a year of hard work and the Creation on the Infiltrator
wings new Manual -
I the infiltrator wing commander herby award you the Navy Defense medal - Your
hard work, commitment and dedication is noticed by all.
Thank you for your efforts Admiral
Rear Admiral hatter & General hobbie
Both of your efforts have been fantastic. Through hard work you have both
achieved many of the goals I have set you. the infiltrator wing has one of the
finest training programmers in the infiltrator wing. And has by far the most
efficient competition policy and medal awarding scheme.
I thank both of you for your hard work and herby award you both the
Distinguished Service Medal
Rear Admiral Timmay - I believe the description of this medal says it all.
The Legion of Merit is awarded to those officers who have shown consistent,
exceptional, and innovative service in their assigned role. This award is
usually granted to officers who have performed their tasks for a long period of
Rear admiral, I herby award you the Legion of merit for your fine efforts over
the last few months.
The awards I am handing out however, Do not stop at the command staff. I am
asking both commodores to recommend their finest officers for rewards in the
coming week. I am a firm believer hard work should be rewarded. For those
officers who have stood head and shoulders above the rest. I believe these
rewards are worth it.
As the men and women who serve the Empire. Are all worth it.
I look forward to receiving emails from Rear Admiral Astix and LGN Destavol in
the coming week.
NEO Commodore
MY sincere congratulations to LGN Destavol Gin.
IWCOM Uniform competition
My congratulations to colonel Uther of Enforcer squadron, For you fine uniform
creation you have been awarded the Medal of Dexterity.
My thanks to you and to all those who entered the competition.
IWOT Open to applications
The position of IWOC is being removed from the main infiltrator wing database.
Following General hobbie's Resignation this week.
It is being replaced by the infiltrator wing operations & Tactics position.
The Communication element of this position will be removed as I deem it not
necessary. All Communications external to the club are dealt with by myself and
Internal Communications are monitored by myself and the infiltrator wing flight
So the position on the command staff is being revised slightly.
Shall be responsible for the following
*All medal awarding in the infiltrator wing.
*Tactical assistance to the infiltrator wing
*Liaison to the EH Tactical office for members
*Web site approval and IW Web Site Rating
*Uniform approval for all IW personnel
- Must have a working knowledge of the Infiltrator wing medal system
- Have six months of continuous service to the infiltrator wing.
- Have passed the Commodore's Exam
- Be enthusiastic and willing to work hard.
- Must not have been on leave for a period of 3 weeks or more in the last 12
If you meet the Criteria above and would like to opportunity to work in the
command staff, please email myself and Vice admiral Boliv.
squadrons pride.
The squadron with the most melee wins, this month. Shall be appointed IWCOMs
Escort for the month. This title shall be awarded on a monthly basis and will be
decided by the melee and a free mission competition. The results will be decided
by participation and by of course results.
Melee element
Melee Loss - 1 point
Melee victory - 2 points
Over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
Melee first place - 15 points.
Free mission element
A free mission will be selected from the battle compendium. The pilots will be
judged on high scores and of course participation.
Each entry - 1 point
Squadron high score - 5 points
Overall high score - 15 points.
over 50% squadron participation - 3 points per pilot.
The melee director ( Rear Admiral hatter ) Shall announce the squadron totals
every week in his weekly address.
I myself shall score pilot files and announce a weekly league table in my own
The Mission for this Month is Free XWA Battle 15
email it to -
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore : Received
Wing commander : Received
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (
IWFO: VA Boliv (
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (
IWSE: RA Timmay (
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Rear Admiral hatter
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (
CSO: FA Moreco (
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (
Commodore : LGN Destavol Gin (
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (Rokin)
Corporate Division (CD)
SGCOM Position just appointed on 02.17.04 - reports pending
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report #152: 02.06.04
February 6, 2004. It has been one week since it has all been
official. I am slowly growing into my new role and am thankful for your patience
as I strive to perform an adequate job in the service of the Empire. I would
like to star out by outlining the changes that have taken place and that are
currently taking place in the BHG. This should give a good visual as to the
amount of overhaul that has happened recently.
Dark Prince Trench
Overseer Conan
Executor Tuss Raydod
Marshal Darth Shadow
Adjunct Nyk
Proctor Coursca
Skylla Chief Lars
Cyclone Chief Nindo
Daichi Chief Gravant
Dark Prince Tuss Raydod
TACT Darth Shadow
Overseer Conan
Executor: TBA @ Saturday's meeting
Marshal Nindo Flast
Adjunct Ric Gravant
Proctor: Open for Applications
Skylla Chief: Open for Application
Cyclone Cheif: Open for Application
Daichi Chief: Open for Application
As you can see next week we will have even more spots filled. It is exciting to
see these hunters get a chance to prove themselves in leadership, we shall see
who will rise to the occasion. As far as activities go,'s server has
been causing problems which has shut down a lot of the activities. Koral is on
it as always, and with his skill and hard work we should have a solution. I have
no idea what the problem is, don't even ask. When this is restored we will have
more to update as far as what the hunters have been spending their time doing.
One activity in the meantime however, is BHG Survivor! That's right, the BHGs
version of the TV series. It is run in IRC just like the game where people vote
off participants, until eventually there is one survivor. No commercials and a
compact time period make our version better though! It will be held Valentine's
Day right after the meeting.
That is all for this week, next week we will throw in an update on the server
and the positions that have been filled.
Thank you for your time.
DP Report #153: 02.13.04
Another week in the Bounty Hunters Guild, as the transition
continues. We have had some exciting developments as well as some annoying set
backs, let us go through them.
First off, congratulations to Jernai who replaces me as Executor. He will do a
great job with the current tasks of the job, and it is anticipated he will grow
the positions to new heights like he always seems to do in his responsibilities.
Saturday at 11:30 EST the BHG is running its quarterly event of BHG Survivor. As
I said last week, this is a lot of fun for all, and a great chance to utilize
IRC as more than just a medium for star wars level insults :) It will be run by
our new Executor, as I usually run it but wont be around because...
I wil be on a Leave of Absence until Monday evening. Valentines Day is here, and
while that alone is not cause for a leave, the fact that I got engaged on
Sunday, and have to travel to the reception hall, take announcement pictures,
and hire a photographer in the town of the wedding (5 hours away) gives me a
valid excuse to be away! But we hope to take care of all of that on Saturday and
Sunday, then head back here on Monday.
So BHG Survivor will be run by Jernai, and Underlord Koral will be in charge
should any services be needed from the office of Dark Prince.
The big news in the BHG however, is the ridiculous behavior of our server,
affectionately known as spanky.. but anyway, Koral has been working endlessly to
stop the problem that has been messing with as well as the many BHG
sites that are run from it. That is why I unfortunately do not have even more
activities to report, as the sites incredibly integration features have
backfired while it is down, as we have to go back to the old manual way of
things while it gets fixed. That hasn't stopped us from being creative in
keeping the hunters excited, but it has slowed down the momentum as more of our
time has been spent on administration of these tasks.
The BHG is doing great, and hopefully will be back in full stride when the
server situation is worked out.
Thank you for your time...
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #37: 01.30.04
Roster Count: 68 (4 AWOL, 2 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 200
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
***Academy of Tactics - *** <-- New Courses
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) -
BUDR/CPT Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/CM Gelton Torr -
1. The Academy of Tactics (and request for courses)
More courses have been taken this week but overall AoT activity is still not
impressive. If you haven't visited the AoT lately go to and have a go at
some of the courses - it's a good way to gain attention and thus gain
promotions. In addition RA Rebelkiller is on the look out for new courses in
order to make the AoT a more exciting and vibrant place - send all ideas and
suggestions to
2. Commendations of Loyalty
Those public agents who were awarded the CoL are as follows:
Rear Admiral Scrier
Rear Admiral Rebelkiller
Colonel Winters
Lieutenant Colonel Harlequin
Another 6 were handed out amongst the Bureaus. The recipients should have
received an email for Aseret informing them of such.
3. Losing Contact with Superiors etc.
If you ever find yourself in the position where you've lost contact with your
direct superior (BUDR) or need to find out something and don't know who to ask,
feel free to email me - and I'll sort out the problem for you.
The names and email addresses of all relevant public officers are at the top of
every report I write.
4. The Com-link
The com-link has been delayed for a short while, as RA Scrier has to revise for
upcoming exams. It will probably now be released in February. If you have any
additional submissions that you'd like to see in the coming issue(s) please send
them to Pretty much anything is accepted from fiction,
graphics, TF free missions/battles so long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To
inspire you I've put three of the past four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me -
Just the MAA report to write now and then I can curl up and die.
Fare thee well...
SDIR Report #38: 02.04.04
I've recovered from last weeks illness, so I can get back to
yelling at you all again in my usual charming manner. Please take particular
note of item number 1. Thanks.
Roster Count: 71 (1 returning reserve, 2 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 201
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
*** BLDR - VACANT - Applications are not being taken at this time.
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) -
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) -
BUDR/CPT Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/CM Gelton Torr -
1. New Stuff - I need YOUR Input!!!
Intel has now reached a certain level of robustness and has most of the basic
facilities she requires. There is therefore a danger of complacency amongst the
higher levels of command, (not to mention that my reports are getting rather
Spartan due to a lack of public info), so I'm looking for ideas for splendid new
things for Intel. So here's the plan - YOU tell me how you'd like me to spend my
spare time for the next few weeks (producing a division-wide competition,
organizing the creation of some delightful online feature etc.) and I'll attempt
to do it.
Although the lovely pseudo military ethos of the EH is sometimes confusing, the
truth is that I'm your servant rather than the other way. This is your chance to
influence the coming future of Intel - use it. Email me at, or as usual (all three addresses point
to the same inbox) with your ideas. I look forward to hearing from you.
2. RA Davi Anthol Steps Down as Bureau Liaison Director Due to
his recent appointment as Avenger BGCOM in the TC, Davi Anthol feels he no
longer has sufficient time to give the position of BLDR the attention it
requires. He has therefore stepped down to become an Ubiqtorate Advisor. We wish
him well. I am not taking applications for the BLDR position at this time.
3. Request for New Courses for the Academy of Tactics RA Rebelkiller is on the
look out for new courses in order to make the AoT a more exciting and vibrant
place. Please send all ideas, submissions and suggestions to
4. The Com-link
We've gathered a fair sized horde of stuff for publication in com-link #10. RA
Scrier and his new UTA are working towards compiling it all in an attractive
format for release in the nearish future. If you have any more com-link stuff
you like to see in this or future issues please send it to RA Scrier at
Good bye for now...
SDIR Report #39: 02.11.04
Roster Count: 81 (3 returning reserves, 5 new recruits, 2 new
pilots) /me does the happy dance
Overall Roster Count: 206
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - (
*** BLDR/GN Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) -
*** BUDR (BOO) -- VACANT -- Open for Applications --
BUDR/MAJ Daniel Goad (ANLY) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/CM Gelton Torr -
1. New Bureau Liaison Director (BLDR) - General Winters
Following RA Anthol's resignation, the Ubiqtorate has chosen to appoint its most
experienced currently serving Bureau Director, Colonel Winters, to the position
of Bureau Liaison Director and promote him to the rank of General. All BLDR
related enquiries should now go to him at Winters will
remain in command of BOO until a successor can be found.
2. Bureau Director (BUDR) of the Bureau of Operations Open for Applications
With Winters promotion, BOO now requires a BUDR. The BUDR is responsible for the
day to day running of the Bureau; maintaining its roster, handing out
assignments and organizing additional activities. As we are keen to review as
many applicants as possible there are no minimum requirements for this position
(other than being more talented and active than the other folk who apply).
Applications should be sent to
3. BUDR Daniel Goad promoted to the rank of Major
Daniel Goad has been at the helm of the Analysis Bureau for the past month and
has acquitted himself admirably, particularly considering the lack of support he
received from the BLDR. Therefore, in our eyes, he has proved himself to be
worthy of the rank of Major.
4. Request for New Courses for the Academy of Tactics and
Upcoming Site Revamp
RA Rebelkiller is on the look out for new courses in order to make the AoT a
more exciting and vibrant place. Please send all ideas, submissions and
suggestions to RA Rebelkiller is also working on a visual
overhaul for the AoT so in the near future it should hopefully look much
5. Not Long to go Until the Release of the New Look Com-link
We've gathered a fair sized horde of stuff for publication in com-link #10. RA
Scrier and his new UTA are working towards compiling it all in an attractive
format for release in the nearish future. If you have any more com-link stuff
you like to see in this or future issues please send it to RA Scrier at
6. New Stuff - I need YOUR Input!!!
I popped in the wee request last week and haven't exactly been swamped with
responses. Either this means a) what we do is perfect, b) I'm far too scary to
approach c) you're all clueless or d) you can't be bothered. I'd like to think
it's a), worry that it's b) and will be quite disturbed if it's d). On the
principle that it's actually c), I've popped it in again so you can pester me
now you've had a bit longer to think about it.
As I said last week, Intel has now reached a certain level of robustness and has
most of the basic facilities she requires. There is therefore a danger of
complacency amongst the higher levels of command, (not to mention that my
reports are getting rather Spartan due to a lack of public info), so I'm looking
for ideas for splendid new things for Intel. So here's the plan - YOU tell me
how you'd like me to spend my spare time for the next few weeks (producing a
division-wide competition, organizing the creation of some delightful online
feature etc.) and I'll attempt to do it.
Although the lovely pseudo military ethos of the EH is sometimes confusing, the
truth is that I'm your servant rather than the other way around. This is your
chance to influence the coming future of Intel - use it. Email me at, or as
usual (all three addresses point to the same inbox) with your ideas. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Farewell my lovelies...
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 01.31.04
Welcome to the newest installment of the...Directorate Domain Report! I really
have to find a better name for this bloody report. That, however, will come
later. Functionality comes first...!
1) Superlative news for the entire Directorate! We have message boards again!
Yay! Right now Shikie and myself are moderators of the board. For clarification,
Shikie has it for the purposes of running the NSTS, which will be mentioned
2) ...or right now...! Big news from the Directorate Guard...!
The Naval Strategy and Tactics Simulation [or NSTS] is back online! Game 1 is
currently in session on the Directorate's message boards! The NSTS rules may be
found here:
3) The Directorate Guard has recently undergone a transition
into a new structure. From now on, there will only be four people to a ship. The
position of DCO has been eliminated in this change. However, since there'll be
more Ship's Captains, the necessity for such a position isn't necessary. More
details on this transition will be given tomorrow morning in my opening address.
4) Due to the inactivity of the Minister of Council, Ric Gravant,
he has been replaced by his A:MoC, Marshal Terrian Astruar. He already has a new
layout for the new Directorate site! Congrats on your new promotion, Marshal!
4-a) As a side note...please know that inactivity on this
Council might have been alright before. However, I'm going to be a pretty big
tightwad about it as Grand Moff. I expect a report from each of you every week,
even if to say you did nothing [which I hope wouldn't be the case]. I also
expect productivity from each of your offices. So far as I've seen, that won't
be a problem for any of you...! :)
5) Since Marshal Astruar will be working on a new site, I have a
"To Do" list for each of you! If its already made, then send the Marshal
[] and myself [] a link to it or an
attachment! Thanks ahead of time for the material...! As a side note, if I have
you listed for something, you'll be in charge of maintaining it for as long as
you hold your position!
a) MoO Orzon - Directorate Manual
b) MoE Darklighter - Academy/CDGI Courses
c) AF Shikie - DG Roster
d) HCT Sirik - CB Roster
6) I will be opening applications for DGMF as of Saturday,
January 31st. Applications go straight to me at []. I'll make a
decision by next Saturday, so get your applications in before then.
Applications/applicants must meet the following requirements:
a) Subject Line: "Application for Deputy Grand Moff"
b) Application must include previous Directorate experience
c) Must be a Directorate member in good standing
d) Must be able to work with the MoC and MoE on a constant basis
7) Council Members: Expect an Opening Address tomorrow morning.
There will be several super-important points mentioned, so read it closely!
I think that's about all for this week...! Please get your reports in Friday by
midnight EST so your news makes it to the Domain Reports!
Directorate Domain Report: 02.07.04
This has truthfully been one of the most eventful weeks of my
nearly five year career in the Emperor's Hammer. Its not a matter of whether
something happened this week, but how much of it happened this week. This
subgroup has exploded with activity from both Branches and from the Ministry
Council. From a personal standpoint, I hope every week is as exciting as this
week has been and I'd like to compliment everybody for being so active and so
supportive of some of the new and exciting changes that have been happening
around here. Without further delay, I bring you my usual point-by-point
1) First and foremost, there's a new Directorate website! It is located at < > and is what I'll call a "work in progress",
since there's a lot of material and information which needs entering. I'd like
to take the time to commend our Minister of Communications, Marshal Terrian
Astruar, for his hard work thus far on the new site! It looks great and is
growing quickly! Once fully operational, we certainly expect a "Site of the
Week" from you folks on the Command Staff. :)
2) Several overdue promotions and awards were given out this week! Please take
the time to congratulate your newly promoted High Commodore Shikie and High
Marshal Sirik Xirok. Also, please recognize Rear Admiral Orzon, who has been
awarded the Tarkin Cluster for his hard work during the transition period
between Grand Moffs...will be be the first to acquire the maximum three Tarkin
Clusters? Stay tuned...! Congratulations to all who received their well-earned
3) A big thanks to Rear Admiral Orzon, our Minister of Communications, who was
kind enough to take the time out of his schedule to create a mailing list for
the Ministry Council and for the full Directorate roster. I'd give you a medal,
but I already just gave you one...:)
4) The Naval Strategy and Tactics Simulation has a new manual which can be found
at < >. Its been broken down
into more "edible" sections and appendices have been added for quick reference
to vital statistics and calculations. There is one thing I messed up with in
Appendix I, which I'll fix this weekend, that has to do with Warhead Damages.
The equation posted is for calculating the amount of warheads you'll down when
firing upon them as countermeasure. The actual equation for posting warhead
damages wasn't in the NSTS rules originally, which was an oversight of mine.
I'll post the proper equation this weekend. If you despirately need it: <# of
warheads> x <# damage points per warhead>
5) Speaking of the NSTS...AF Shikie's been kind enough to get it going again for
everybody! I strongly encourage Directorate Guard members to take advantage of
this opportunity! Maybe your Grand Moff will jump in and kick a few of your
kiesters if you get out of line...:)
6) HCT Sirik has been hard at work devising SWGB and role-playing activities for
the Colonial Branch. In the future, there will be a lot of multiplaying using
SWGB on the Zone and the like. I have high expectations for the Colonial Branch,
which only a few months ago was deader than that last vynock I killed on Star
Wars Galaxies. :-P I'd like to take the time to personally recognize the work of
both Sirik Xirik and Orzon on getting the Colonials back on their
feet...superlative work from both of you.
7) I'd like to take the time to direct everyone's attention to the attached
file. Major Roth has been kind enough to supply the Directorate and the EH
Systems Manual with new and unique graphics of superior detail and quality! He's
been working extremely hard on all of this and I would like everybody to
recognize his hard work and dedication and to give him the credit he deserves
for his outstanding work! Governors...take will soon see what you
govern come to life! The plan for the EH Systems Manual is to make it not only
informative for those EHers who are missing out on the Directorate, but also
useful for our Governors. Take a look at that urban sprawl...;)
I think I've hit on all the major points of the week. If I missed something,
somebody please let me know so I can amend the report in time for it to make it
to the Domain. This report will also be posted on's report
database, as will all reports from now on. :)
Directorate Domain Report: 02.14.04
While the week started out quite slow, it ended with quite a few
notable events. Thank you to the majority of the Ministry Council who were
successful in getting your reports submitted on time. Your reports are very
valuable and I tend to be more inclined to like you if you submit them
consistently. However, I digress...onto the [abridged, at Orz's request] report:
1) There's a new Deputy Grand Moff in town! Please give a hearty welcome to Rear
Admiral Orzon to the position of Deputy Grand Moff! Taking his place as Minister
of Operations is Praetor Destavol Gin. Congratulations to all who were promoted!
2) The Ministry Council has decided to revamp the rank systems
for both the Directorate Guard and the Colonial Branch in an effort to create a
better atmosphere for roleplay. The majority of the Colonial Branch ranks are
directly taken from the old Roman system and is to be posted as follows:
High Marshal -> Consul
Marshal -> Praetor
General -> Prefect
General-Colonel -> Questor
General-Major -> Aedile
General-Lieutenant -> Magistrate
Brigadier -> Magister
Cadet -> Cadet
Furthermore, there were also a couple minor changes to Directorate Guard ranks:
High Commodore -> Commodore
Commodore -> Line Captain
These were found to be more accurate according to several sources, such as's Star Wars Technical Commentaries. Special thanks goes to Praetor
Destavol Gin for helping develop the Colonial Branch's new system!
3) The Directorate Battle Center is presently under construction
and is currently being supervised by Deputy Grand Moff Orzon. Orzon will have
more details on this in the days to follow. Especially once the DBC comes nearer
to completion.
4) A new structure for the Colonial Branch is currently being
discussed among necessary Council Ministers. More details on this next week.
5) Deputy Grand Moff Orzon, with my approval, has set out the
following system for handling when reports should be sent out. Please take heed
of it, because it will be enforced in the weeks to come! We ask for reports
because it tells us what we're doing right and wrong. Please read over the time
table below:
DG/CM: Activity Report-Sunday
GG/SCPT: Monday
SMF/SCO: Tuesday
HMF/SFCOM: Wednesday
Ministry Council: Anytime before Friday of each week
Grand Moff: Friday (SGCOM norm)
5) Minister of Education Dalk Darklighter and his Dean of Education Coranel Both
will be on leave until Tuesday. Expect a great many things from the Ministry of
Education soon!
6) Expect some roster shifts in the Directorate Guard which will be posted in
great detail next week.
7) Yridia...its coming! Check the Directorate forums on the EHNet message
boards! Click on the RED ALERT notice and read up on its background!
Since its so late, I decided to keep this short and to the point...I'm exhausted
from real life this week, so expect me to be a little laggy. :)
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
Chief Game Master Jahn Compton
CGM Compton/The Fringe
The Fringe Report #5: 01.30.04
There has been one major change to the EH PA these past weeks:
Longshot has decided to step down as the head of the Player Association.
Replacing him will be little old me, Compton. For those of you who don't know
me, I've been in the EH for over 8 years, and I'm probably best known for the
two years I served as Executive Officer of the Fleet. Longshot did a spectacular
job leading the PA, and if I can do half the job he did, we'll be just fine.
We've had one major non-combat event. Recently, Psylion wrote and directed a
play that was performed in our cantina and members from many different PAs
attended. It was, by far, the classiest thing ever to happen in our city (if not
our planet) and kudos go out to everyone who performed: Psylion, Jowarri, Cyy,
Archaia, Copa and a non-EHer, Femme.
Since it's been a while since the last domain report, I'll recap a few things
for the EH at large. First, The Fringe is now Star Wars Galaxies only. Through
no fault of the previous CGMs, it was decided that there simply was not enough
interest in other Star Wars RPGs to include them in the Sub-Group. As such, the
in-game Player Association leader will also be the SGCOM of The Fringe. If you
are interested in traditional Star Wars RPGs, the Krath order of the Dark
Brotherhood is thinking of picking up RPGs as a platform.
The EH PA calls the city of Sanctum Malleus home, and we share our city with the
Imperial Secret Service (ISS). Together, we represent the first Imperial bastion
on the planet Talus, and as such we are in constant conflict with Rebel forces.
Although we had not originally planned on doing much PvP as a group, we have
risen to the challenge brought literally to our doorstep by the Rebel scum. The
fools honestly think that if they harass us long enough, we will retreat from
the planet. That, my Imperial brethren, is something that will NEVER happen.
As the new head of the PA, my goals for us are varied. We're currently working
on getting a
website up, and I've submitted a draft of new Bylaws for the group. I believe we
have a great city, and I want to see us continue to grow until we become a major
center of commerce. I would like to see a theater built so we can have concerts
and more plays in our city. But most of all I want to see us continue to work
together, using our individual abilities to benefit all members of the PA. That
means getting resources for our crafters, making and slicing weapons for our
warriors, and continuing to make housing for our members.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in
Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to all
members of the EH, and any other loyal Imperial citizen. The only requirement
(besides having a
character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can do this
using your
existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing CGM Compton at, or
send a /tell in-game to Jahn, Tairn or Holu.
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit (url to be updated soon), or
Current in-game members: 60
The Fringe Report #6: 02.06.04
(For distribution to the Fleet.)
When the Imperial PA Paranoia (x-P-x) moved north of us on Talus a while ago, we
were very excited. Finally there was an Imperial city besides Sanctum Malleus
getting raided by the Rebels and, more importantly, taking the fight TO the
Rebels. Unfortunately an interesting thing happened to x-P-x yesterday. It seems
that Tashra, their leader, and a bunch of his guys have gone Rebel and another
bunch of people have chosen to stay Imperial. So x-P-x is now Rebel, and x-V-x
is now Imperial. x-V-x (Vengeance) is going to try and hold on to their city of
Nefarious. They've got 5 days to get enough citizens to vote for the new Mayor,
but I think (unless their new Mayor already has a bunch of Politician skills)
their city is going to lose a lot of functions, like the med center, cantina,
shuttleport, etc.
Honestly, I hope I'm wrong. I hope they're able to get the new Mayor and they
don't lose anything. However, if their city itself falls apart, we of Sanctum
Malleus (I've already spoken to the ISS about this as well) seem to be more than
willing to welcome them into our city. It'd be a lot of work for everyone, and
we'd have to rearrange a couple things (but not much), but it'd give us a bunch
more loyal Imperial citizens.
On the home front, things are progressing nicely. Holu should make Master
Politician next week, which will allow us the premium city specialties. Chak has
decided to gain some Ranger skills so we�ll soon be able to have PA hunts for
the high-level creatures (and the supreme loot they can drop). And I�m also
working on a plan to do what many of our members have been clamoring for � the
destruction of Rebel bases.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to all members of the EH, and any other loyal Imperial citizen. The only
requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you
join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing CGM Compton at, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn or
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit *url to be updated soon*, or
Current in-game members: 60
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #46: 01.30.04
- News -
If you remember several months ago, Planetary Issues were completed and
functioning. Part of the reason I went inactive is because we lost the server
that hosted it. Orv is still rebuilding the database here: I don't know how
much we're going to get accomplished this weekend, since Orv insists more on
coding things that aren't visible. I do ask that you give us this weekend,
though, and if you check that site on Monday and nothing has changed, then
you're absolutely right to find a new Chancellor.
Several new members have contacted me about helping the Senate. Unfortunately, I
can't find much for them to do by this weekend since I'm relying on something
being done to the database. I say this merely to
emphasize that we are getting new members, they're just assisting with the
rebuilding process. By the way, I attached the template that Orv and I will be
using when the database is finished.
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 01.30.04
First I'd like to put on record a formal reprimand on Keldorn
for his total lack of respect to the HCI. While some of his points made sense
(very few), the whole way he promoted them will make me put a bounty on his
head... figuratively... he can already forget a place within the HCI for as long
as he breathes... also he better not spit on the sidewalk...
Here are some of the points : to start : the evaluation of COs will NOT be part
of the HCI since it's the GA's and XO's job and we have no jurisdiction there.
As for consulting us on some issues.. well some INQs are
constantly on IRC and the others are always reachable by email. We won't create
an "activity of consultation" but if they do need our help, experience or
expertise, they just need to ask.
For the choosing of the INQs, that won't change. There will be
no public "asking" if I can or cannot appoint this or that INQ. GA and XO are
asked for their approval and I also consult the TRIB and WARD on my choices.
For the reviews of sub-groups, it is the responsibility of the
XO to do that and while we will be helping and monitoring the SGs as of now we
won't begin a formal evaluation of SGCOMs and such.
As for the appointment of the HI, well if he got something
against it, he should take it up to the GA. No one else is in charge or has
authority over it. and I myself start to have something against the current
appointment of the TO...
So overall he was wrong on almost all of it. Except maybe
activity which should change in the next few months. So next time he tries to
"think", he better talk to the people concerned instead of publicly bashing them
in his report.
Now after my own rant, here come the rest of the report.
INQs have started their reviews of the various subgroups and almost all of them
have been able to be introduced to the various reports and activities within
their appointed subgroups. Let me paste the various extracts from these reports)
note that some reports have been "slimmed down" for easier reading :
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: FMC, IS
After emailling the MO and CHS, I have received replies only from the CHS at the
moment... However, it was only a few days ago I got around to emailing the MO,
so this is understandable.
The senate is currently redeveloping itself, including an entirely new database
which the CHS informs me that is well underway (The weekly senate report says it
is 45% completed!) Hopefully things will pick up activity wise.
From what I've been told, the senate is a small but fairly active levels which
is looking at revitalizing itself, from a new database to new manuals and other
things. The future of the subgroup, overall... Looks bright.
INQ/FA Stalker5/VSD Stalwart>>
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: IW, DIR
Well, its been pretty slow, comparatively... but at least I've been getting some
news snippets from the IW. The DIR, however...absolutely zilch. The DIR website
is down right now (and even when it was online, there was no news on it).
There's no Grand Moff, and they don't even have a message board.
The IW, however, is relatively active. The IWCOM has been CC'ing me on a few
emails about things...basically, they've all been complaints as to how he
handled the dismissal of the IWOC, it is my opinion that the IWOC needed to be
removed because of a lack of activity, but it could have been handled
with more tact. That being said..
The MC-90 Renegade appears to be relatively active, with things like the IW
Melee competition, and the IWNL as major hubs of activity. Also, there's a
recruiting competition going on. All in all, its basically just like
another wing of the TC, there's bit of activity and inactivity, but all in all,
its not too bad. That, and AWOL checks. There's always AWOL checks..
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: HF, FRG
Hammer's Fist:
Made contact with PRF Mordred and have been added to all the appropriate email
lists. There seems to be quite a bit of communicative activity as well as a
server for Jedi Knight online play.
There are some command level discussions between Mordred and Astatine regarding
platforms. Apparently the more active troopers desire more of a role-play
atmosphere vs. gaming.
There were no report submitted online nor has there been any email contact
established between myself and Longshot. However, since Longshot is mostly
working on the PA in SWG I have some information of what is going on.
The city, located on the Chilstra server on the planet Talus named Sanctum
Malleus is growing quite nicely and the PA is quite involved in Imperial
relations on the server.
As for any other platforms/activities of the FRG I have failed to see any
information or actions regarding them.
Inquisitor Maverick>>
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: TCCOM/EHCS, TC Sov/BGs
Rastyn and I have been having some communication problems on this issue and so
no definitive action has thus far been taken. However, I think that we have now
come to an agreement. Since Rastyn is covering the CD as well as the TIE Corp,
I'll cover the bulk of the CS, namely CS 1 - CS 9 (FC - SO) and he'll cover the
remaining three (SCO, LO, RO). So the first real report from the TCCOM/EHCS will
come in my next report.
Unfortunately that list of non-responders is 2/3's of the officers! Of the
officers that responded, all seemed interested in helping out in any way
possible and I've already gotten some forwards, particularly from members of the
SSSD Sovereign. Still, it would seem that there are presently some real issues
with the activity level of the commanders in the Corp. Fortunately this is an
issue which seems to be understood, and there are high hopes that when a new
BGCOM is selected for the Battlegroups, that individual will ensure that
activity picks up again. It would also appear that among the active staff there
are several activities going on.
Overall I'd say that from the very little I've seen, the Corp. looks like it has
some issues to overcome in the next short while, it looks like they're on top of
the problem. I should be able to give a more in-depth report after (hopefully)
hearing from some more officers and getting in touch with the TCCOM/EHCS.
INQ/AD Menalaus Khan/VSD Stalwart >>
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: CD, TC ASF/ATF
Corporate Division:
I have still yet to hear from PREX VA Loor, I'll email him one more time, but
I'm getting the feeling he's not too interested in me keeping up to date on what
goes on with the Corporate Division.
On the message board, by the newest thread, RA Thorin Oakenshield has just
completed training at Ft. Irwin, and it's become a bit of a roasting. Poking fun
at a previous training event where he was injured.
Have yet to be added to the Yahoo Groups, should there be one.
I've been unable to track down the IRC channel, but I'm still digging.
TIE Corps:
Have caught up on the previous weeks reports, as I'm sure many have. New
information to follow with new reports over the next two weeks.
Aggressor Strike Force:
Established contact with AD Darksaber and found yet another speed bump. Very
short and to the point, he did not show much interest in the assignment or my
Lots of communication on the message board about Battle Group competitions and
events. Fiction, online applications and plenty of information for people to
come up to speed with. Congratulatory messages for promotions (ranks and
positions) and about personal news as well.
Yet to be added to the Yahoo Group, should there be one.
Have been visiting #eh_asf, but have not seen very much communication or
Avenger Task Force:
Received a very warm welcome from the new BGCOM VA Davi Anthol. Showed great
interest in having the HCI join their channel and become familiar with the ATF.
(automatic transmission fluid?!? Oh wait..! :P)
Much less on their message board, but none the less, there is a message
welcoming the ATF's new BGCOM, a posting for a Raptor Squadron and a posting for
a DOC position by SMS Kylie Darklighter.
I have been added to their Yahoo Group, and have been impressed with the
communication the ATF displays. I'm finally getting more pertinant information
in my inbox than the usual spam! :P Squadron reports and general communication
is very high, and very concise.
As well, I've been frequenting #atf on IRC and have since been added to the
auto-voice list. Quite impressed with the ATF's performance and the warm welcome
I've received.
INQ/FA Trevor Rastyn/VSD Stalwart>>
<<Subject: [highcourt] Report: BHG
Big news from the BHG: DP Trench resigned. So for the first time in almost 6
years (!), the BHG has a new Dark Prince. Tuss Raydod, former Executor, succeeds
Trench as the new DP. Many good wishes to Trench and welcome Tuss!
If you're curious, read Trench's resignation speech at Saturday's IRC meeting:
I did contact Trench and Koral before Saturday, but because of both his
resignation and the clarification of Bograt's sentence, I haven't been added to
various Kabal email lists. Still, from what I've seen on the message boards,
IRC, weekly reports, and daily news, the Kabals are quite active and thriving.
And this seems to be a slow time for the BHG, considering there aren't any major
(that is, BHG-wide) competitions going on, so the high level of activity is very
Overall: Trench left Tuss perhaps the healthiest and most active subgroup in the
INQ/AD Troutrooper/VSD Stalwart>>
As you might have remarked the DB isn't there, well that's because we haven't
received the report from FA Brett about the DB and we'll be looking into that
very shortly.
Removal of Brett and Promotion to P-INQ:
Well the title says it much but here's the details :
FA Brett has been removed from the HCI for lack of activity and communication
(his last email to me was in September) and he failed on his assignment to
report on the DB. But he has done good work within the HCI in the past and we
wish him good luck for his future endeavors.
Now that the P-INQ position is opened, I'd like to announce that (... drumroll...)
Menalaus Khan will be promoted to that position. He has show great potential and
done great work since his arrival and whenever we do get a new case, it will be
assign to him as his new duties. Congrats to him but it's also new
responsibilities that does demand some seriousness.
On a last note the DB's assignment Brett was filling in will be given to the
TRIB or WARD but should be within the general assignments for the next period.
Keep up the good work everyone, now that you all have new duties, it will give
you an opportunity to show your work and get rewards in the process. I should be
doing an HCI officers review around in March.
Thank you, that's all for now.
HI Report: 02.14.04
Not much to report I should have more next week as I still have
to receive some reports for the subgroups assignments. One thing worth
mentioning is FA Brett been removed and Menalaus Khan has been promoted to P-INQ.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (VA Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #7: 02.02.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by The Weeks of War!
1. The EH finished 2nd in XWA Week of War. This was our most active week of War
since June of 2002. The ASF Led all Battlegroups with 10 participants (XV=5,
XIV=2, Avenger Squadron=2, XIII=1). Tau Squadron led in overall activity with 39
games flown. Wing XIV led in wins with 30.
2. Top XWA WoW pilots were LT Predator with 28 wins, General Von Reinthaler with
19 wins, and Alec Qarni with 10 wins. DFC to Predator!
3. In conjunction with the ASF Supremacy Competition, I have cleared the XVT and
XWA Ladders at All matches won at the ladders will be awarded
LoCs. These awards will be granted at the end of the month.
4. Last month's ladder winners are: XVT 1v1=CrimFury and XWA 1v1=Dax Corrin.
5. Starting this week (also in conjunction with the ASF SC competition) is the
return to #ehcoc competitions. All competition hosts will be emailed today with
details on how to use the dominmonktrix b0t m0nkb0t in #ehcoc. Look forward to
CAP Ship night and EH Patch nights (1v1 in a Tie Shadow!).
6. Congrats to my 1st MP Squad of the Month: Tau Squadron! They dominated
activity at the XVT and XWA week of War! My MP Pilot of the month is General Von
Reinthaler who also picked up a CoL from the COO and earned the distinction of
becoming the 2nd ever non-CMDR/WC General in the EH!
7. The Combat Operations Match Submission form has been used 30 times with 27
LoCs awarded. You can access this form 24/7 at
:: [ COO News ] ::
XWA WoW LoCs Awarded!
To fly an MP match, find and opponent, fly, then report it on the COO site!
Thats it!
2v2 and 1v1 Ladders need players!
Cap Ship Night will be returning soon!!
IWATS MP hits 90 Graduates! Take the course!!
Welcome back Bruc!
:: [ COO Office Requests ] ::
More teams needed for the XVT and XWA Ladders.
Hosts for #Ehcoc comps!
Someone to shine m0nkb0ts leather pants
OPS in #emperor's_hammer!
Ideas on MP are welcomed. Any ideas are welcome. As always, I am open to ideas,
suggestions, comments, or concerns. You can reach me at my usual email or on
mIRC as VA_Sarin or URDAD almost every day.
COO Report #8: 02.15.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by The Weeks of War!
1. The TO, COO, and RA Drako are currently working on EH Top Gun!. Top Gun will
consist of a school to train our good pilots into Elite pilots. More details to
come soon!
2. XVT Week of War begins next Friday at 2:00 PM EST! We want this XVT WoW to be
our biggest and baddest yet, everyone is encouraged to come out and play (Win or
Lose, you still support the EH!)
3. IWATS MP hits 100+ Graduates! Go GS Pigs!.
4. Tuesdays XWA 2v2 Skirmish Night will begin this week. This competition will
pit playings in Imp Storm style XWA Skirmishes. Winners will of course receive
5. 24/7 LoC form has reached 100 matches. Keep using the form and earning your
6. LoCs being awarded at a massive rate this month. Great work to everyone as we
have doubled LoC out put compared to this time last month. DFCs are in que but
are awaiting OPS to okay them. Perhaps youll get them next month. Evidently
posting your support of long winded rants about poor CS activity does not
actually mean you believe in them.
7. Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
ASF BGCOM has stepped down. Lets hope a large supporter of MP takes over!
Congrats to the ASF and ATF on their excellent MP this month!
COO needs a phper to email him. I have the code, just need help uploading it to
a website!
Cap Ship Night will be returning soon!!
Will anyone knock Tau off as MP squad of the Month?!
COO comps in #ehcoc have returned!
:: [ COO Office Requests ] ::
XVT WoWers.
Hosts for #Ehcoc comps!
More COOA Meatbags
PHP help!
Ideas on MP are welcomed. Any ideas are welcome. As always, I am open to ideas,
suggestions, comments, or concerns. You can reach me at my usual email or on
mIRC as VA_Sarin or URDAD almost every day.
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From: TBA
Fleet Medical Corps
No reports submitted...Position to be filled.
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #17: 01.29.04
Welcome to the 17th report during my tenure as SOD. First off,
there are two new polls on my 10th Anniversary Forum, so please do have a look
at them and vote according to your preferences. Also, feel free to post any
comments or questions you might have about certain events. Remember, the more
feedback you guys give me, the better able I'll be to design events according
your wishes.
I would be remiss this week if I did not extend my congratulations to those
members who received Commendations of Loyalty. Well deserving and well done.
Back to news from my office.
I'm going to be working on the EH Memorium as soon as I know
what the decision on LO is. I've applied, but Ronin had asked me to do it while
DN was still LO, because he never seemed to get around to it. However, if I stay
as SOD, and someone else is appointed as LO, I would default control of this
project to that person, and provide my assistance. I also have the intention of
helping the LO with the EH Codex. As the XO so brilliantly put it, the Codex is
in "A mysterious timewarp in which I'm still TO, and Kawolski is XO." That's
rather out of date, and I would be willing to assist the incoming LO with that
project, as it's somewhat related to the Memorium.
One final thing, I've got a basic website coded and saved on disk. I'm going to
be grabbing some space on Minos and then trying to upload it to that space this
weekend. It's not going to be much really, but I'm hoping someone with better
HTML/PHP skills than I will notice the general plainness of the website and help
me make it look somewhat more interesting.
At any rate, that's all I have for this week.
SOD report #18: 02.14.04
Good morning gentlemen. It's early morning on Valentine's day.
I've combined last weeks report with this week's because I missed one due to
waiting for my Minos email to get set back up. now that it is...
From last week:
My latest polls will be ending as of Sunday February 15th, and I will be posting
new ones then. I'm getting good feedback, not as much as I'd really like, but
what I do get is good. More details on results will be sent to Ronin as he
requested and to Astatine if he also wants to see them.
I'm going to seriously start working on recruiting someone to help with my
webpage this week, and I'm also going to begin working with Drax, the new LO, to
get the EH Memorium and Codex updated. I think I can help him with both, as I've
been around a bit longer( I think he joined about 6 months after me)
This week's stuff:
This week, I plan to be working on my website as well as polls and adding
perhaps a run on to 10th Anniversary forum. All SG's would be welcome to
participate. I haven't yet thought of a subject though, so I may poll on that
subject as well. All in all I should have a few polls.
As for my turnover, I might be a little bit longer for the next
few weeks while I work on my college transfer applications. I also need to study
a bit more as I've had two tests in different subjects where my performance
wasn't very good. I'll still be within 72 hours most likely, so don't fret if
you don't get a response from me as quickly as you're used to.
On the lighter side of things, I highly recommend purchasing Harry Potter:
Qudditch World Cup. It's an excellent game if you're a fan. I believe it comes
for all console systems as well as the computer. Highly addictive, but great fun
to play.
That's about all I have for this week and last.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report: 02.06.04
Just a short one really as there's very little to say.
AG membership has been cut back to four; myself, COL Nighmare, MAJ Screed and
CPT Goerasse. Having more members than this looks good, but achieves little more
than four can do.
The alliance/enemy system is to be scrapped. Instead, a list of clubs with whom
we are not on friendly terms will be kept- as present the only club on this list
is the rDB. All other clubs will be able to make what they want of their
situation and how it relates to the EH. The list of known clubs will be
transferred to the "non-EH Links" section of
This will obviously lessen the need for Ambassadors and Envoys; hence the
cutback in numbers. Initial approaches to new clubs asking for their friendship
and permission to link to them from (and be linked to from their website)
will be done by Envoy Goerasse. Ambassador Screed will be tasked with
maintaining the list of urls and names in a text file and checking the links on
a regular basis for EH-relevant (or otherwise interesting) news. He will then
inform the Lord Ambassador the the Magister Equitum of his findings, who will
act upon them accordingly. The Magister Equitum will continue to provide the
Lord Ambassador with advice and guidance, and supervise both the Ambassador and
the Envoy- and where necessary, verifying the information they provide. The
Magister will also become the EH's envoy to the BattleStats website. The Lord
Ambassador will deal with diplomatic negotiations where the interests of the
Emperor's Hammer cannot be maintained passively, or where they have been
otherwise damaged by another club's actions. The Lord Ambassador will also
actively seek to work with the Combat Operations Office to put EH units in touch
with counterparts in other clubs for the purposes of competitions.
It is expected that all four members of the Advanced Guard will be able to
fulfill each of the various duties when a member goes on leave.
These changes are effective immediately; I shall be notifying the heads of our
allied clubs of the change in methods and FA Cyric of the Advanced Guard's
roster changes over the weekend.
AG Report: 02.13.04
-Members of the Emperor's Hammer, last week an officer of the EH entered a
friendly club's IRC channel and started harrassing their members. In particular,
this officer asked pointed and aggressive questions about Vader's Fist members,
and their joint membership of the Emperor's Hammer. As a result of his actions,
relations with the VF were disturbed until myself and GA Ronin assured the other
club that it would be looked into.
I thought that officers of the EH would never need to have this said to them-
but please remember that every EHer's actions reflect on the EH as a whole. If
you are proud of the Emperor's Hammer, and take pride in what you do, then why
should your hard work be seen in a negative light by other gamers out there
because some fool got abusive to a friendly club?
Please remember to behave responsibly in allies chat rooms, on the MSN Gaming
Zone and in all similar places where EH members come into contact with the
outside gaming fraternity. If someone's actions damage the EH's standing with
other clubs in future, I will ask the EHSO to consider charges under article
410- General Article (Actions detrimental to the Fleet).
The alliances and enemies system has been abolished, and our allies have all
been notified. I have also contacted a few of them approaching them about
wargaming with the EH. Hopefully a few other clubs might be approaching us about
friendly matches.
MAG Nightmare, please start liasing with other XWA/XvT clubs through Battlestats.
ENV Goerasse- please use the MSN Zone to look for other clubs flying XWA/XvT,
and get contact details etc.
AMB Screed- LoA.
Just a short one this week, have a good weekend all.
For the Empire...