June 2004
New Command Staff Appointments:
As Submitted From:
Executive Officer (SA Astatine)
A bunch of new Command Officers have been appointed. They are:
RA Drako to
Training Officer
FA Keldorn to
Security Officer
DJM Gelton to
Grand Master
VA Aseret to
Supreme Director
Given that people are like what they are, I'll be expecting that
no one will try to pull anything dodgy with these new appointments, especially
with Drako and competition approvals. In addition, the Chancellor of the Senate
is vacant. I'll be posting details for applications sometime over the weekend.
Just a reminder about the tasks list. It's in effect and I will be expecting COs
to do those tasks listed on it. As a side note, I've heard some grumbling about
the lack of FC and XO tasks on the list. Two words come to mind in response to
that - "grow" and "up". The structure of the EH is designed so that specialist
tasks can be delegated to specific COs and this tasks list only continues in
that theme. In fact, a large number of items are simply formal statements of
already existing duties that aren't being carried out anyway. The sooner people
get over themselves, the sooner they can work on the tasks and actually make the
EH better.
As always, I need newsletter submissions. Almost anything can be used -
graphics, fiction, reviews. Send them over to jpboyce@indigo.net.au
Lastly, relating to the TIE Corps site. The settings for emperorshammer.net have
been changed to point to the new server, so link updating shouldn't be needed.
That's all from me this week.
MoH Awarded to AD Keldorn: 05.26.04
As Recommended By:
Executive Officer
(SA Astatine)
(Please see
Manual for medal descriptions)
While I usually dislike "retirement" medals, I think Keldorn deserves
something for his consistant work, as a collective award for all the positions
he's held up until recently. He has been Training Officer, IWATS Dean, Head
Master of the DB's Shadow Academy and in charge of the Senate's university. He
has also provided a lot of behind the scenes feedback while I've been XO.
SA Astatine - XO
Tasks for 2004/2005: 05.25.04
As Submitted From:
Executive Officer
(SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
As copied from:
This list of tasks of was compiled to deal with a number of issues, including
officer isolation, stagnation and lack of defined goals and aims for Command
Officers. The list was developed with consultation from current and former
Command Officers and general members. Some tasks are already being undertaken by
some Command Officers, but have been included in order to provide a framework
for all Command Officers to work from. This list of tasks has been approved by
the Fleet Commander and are issued as an Executive Order, thus binding relevant
parties to carry them out.
All Positions
More promotion
of projects, events, etc
attitude and more interaction towards members
Reports that
have actual content, not fluff or filler about �real life� and other
non-relevant areas
progress on projects
Higher online
presence, especially during meetings
More missions
and faster turnaround in relation to testing
attitude/interaction with members regarding EHBL and in general
Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual
Tactical Office resources under a single working website
content to the Tactical Manual and other relevant areas
More support
work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic
with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms
Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing
Reform the
Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers
Flight Office
More TIE Corps
development, ie. New platforms
with Command Officers for a TC-wide comp
Reform War
Office, replace with an active person and get a manageable war game system
running within the next 3 months
Coordinate a
central War Office site with the new War Officer
More focus on
atmosphere, identity for ships, wings, squadrons and TIE Corps overall.
Image archive
Holonet awards
Open sourcing
IO projects
member-orientated projects
Expansion and
addition on projects that help members become more skilled about web design
such as the Code Archive
Updating of
SquadFirst code to take into account the new TIE Corps site URL
with Communication and Executive Offices in porting ELS system to ASP
counts for Newsletters, etc
with the Tactical Office in creating courses for new/unsupported platforms
(such as Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, etc)
More plot
driven �old school� TIE Corps-wide competitions
Complete a
release candidate for the Top Gun academy, coordinate with Combat Operations
More promotion
of IWATS and Training Office things
with Command Officers for a TC-wide comp
Medals public
relations/promotion of good works
with Subgroup Commanders the upgrading of subgroup uniform systems
In line with
the above point, look at porting TTT to other subgroups
the coding of an online version of TTT
More regular
processing of medals and online presence
Reports/Meetings archive
Expand content
on the Communications Office site, look into including news about undernet,
IRC, etc.
viable Medal of Communication system
Expansion of
trivia system, more regular trivia events
Addition of
other bot features
with Internet and Executive Offices in porting ELS system to ASP
security matters
timeframe for issues to be resolved, brought to the HCI, etc.
Articles of War and Bylaws in consultation with relevant parties
Science Office
patch development and platform resource
Get a release
candidate version of Imperial Alliance released
Upgrade and
add to the Fleet Manual
EH Codex
EH Files
Mirror of
Restarting and
promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium
interviews with Star Wars people, such as game developers, etc
Posting of
such interviews on major SW sites as theforce.net
More general
overall promotion of the EH in areas such as these sites
Grand Master
of the Action plan
Vendetta in
the next 3 months
Sort out
varies issues as outlined in the action plan
Prefect of the
Hammer�s Fist
More focus on
games such as Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
work for adopting upcoming games such as Republic Commando, SW Battlefront
with Training Office in getting courses for these games
mission creation for these games
possible game servers with Dark Brotherhood�s Obelisk and other relevant areas
recruitment effort outside the EH, focus on community sites relating to core
Look at
modding other games such as Unreal, Doom 3, etc.
Wing Commander
viable TIE Corps platforms as they arise
Get stable,
consistent web site
recruitment effort outside the EH, focus on community sites relating to core
More custom
content, battles, missions, etc
President of
the Corporate Division
and expansion of radio stations, ie regular programs, consistant content
Start work on
a web-based trade system, possibly based around running a shipping corporation
(�Star Wars Railway Tycoon�)
recruitment effort outside the EH, focus on community sites relating to core
Grand Moff of
the Directorate
consistent hosting for the System Manual
Update the
System Manual
development on appropriate platforms such as Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds,
more content, etc
Start work on
a web based planetary government game
recruitment effort outside the EH, focus on community sites relating to core
Director of
Operations, The Fringe
More promotion
in Star Wars Galaxies official forums and community sites
statement, goals in regards to PvP, factions, commerce, etc
Better support
structure for new members
More in-game
events and promotion of events outside the PA to the rest of the EH
Start support
work for Jump to Lightspeed (resources, research, etc)
Act more a
portal for recruiting SWG players into the EH (as opposed to the current
opposite situation)
Role-play as
being in the EH more (more appropriate conduct, etc)
Chancellor of
the Imperial Senate
diversified activity model
Develop a more
realistic structure, where a member has to work to become a senator
Operations Office
work on non-core multi-player platforms such as Free Worlds.
multiplayer events between TIE Corps and other subgroups
activities with non-traditional gaming organizations, i.e.. Other Player
Associations in SWG
War Office
Develop a
manageable, low maintenance and re-usable war game system
Develop a
central War Office website
Fleet Commander's Note:
The FC has approved the above goals/expectations for 2004/2005 which will
only serve to strengthen our club further...We anticipate and appreciate your
continued support.
Minister of Operations Open for
Application: 06.13.04
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of the
Directorate (AD Coursca)
EH Directorate
The position of Minister of Operations on the Ministry Council
of the Directorate is open for applications to the entire Emperor's Hammer
membership. A great deal of responsibility and hard work will rest on the
shoulders of the individual chosen to tackle this position. As such, applicants
should have a strong character, a steady work ethic, a willingness to perform
mundane, repetitive tasks at times, and above all else, be active! Below is the
job description, which will also be posted in the Directorate Manual upon the
next update.
Minister of Operations (MoO/MC-4) - Minimum Rank: Equite - Maximum Rank: Vice
Admiral - The Minister of Operations is tasked with the smooth running of the
Diplomacy simulation, the main activity of the Directorate. The Minister of
Operations is required to have daily contact with the Minister of State, Deputy
Grand Moff, and Grand Moff. It is the responsibility of the Minister of
Operations and his staff of Adjuntants [as delegated by the Council] to keep
Diplomacy running from day to day. This includes constant interaction with the
High Moffs, making sure taxes are properly calculated when due, observing any
combat occurring within the Emperor's Hammer Territories while watching for
illegal maneuvers, overseeing trade between Planets and Systems, and announcing
the end and beginning of each Turn/Round of Diplomacy. The Minister of
Operations requires an unrivaled understanding of Diplomacy and all its rules,
as the Minister's primary role as outlined is much like a 'gamemaster' in some
RP games.
Training will be given for the position of Minister of Operations in the
Diplomacy game. It is impossible for anybody except the present Ministry Council
to demonstrate an understanding of Diplomacy Version 4, so do not worry about
it. These applications are meant to demonstrate the character and leadership
ability of the applicant. As such, applicants are required to include two
references from superior officers, a brief, complete outline of EH experience, a
brief outline of command experience, and be able to demonstrate a willingness to
hold a position of great importance in the Directorate.
Applications are to be sent to the Grand Moff at TSSGen@aol.com
and to the Ministry Council at ministry_council@yahoogroups.com with the Subject
reading Application for Minister of Operations.
Please note that while the nature of this news post and all the responsibilities
associated with the Minister of Operations are serious, the Council would like
to state that this position is really a lot of fun and that a good sense of
humor is a very desirable trait.
Thank you for your time!
GMF/AD Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-1/Gondor Base
(FoP) (JC) (SoD)x2 (MoS-GR) (MoR) (MoSc-1)x2 (CoL)
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Executive Officer
(SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
XO-FSE/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign
XO Report: 05.30.04
The most obvious issue recently has been the situation with the
TIE Corps site. The end result of this situation has been the provisioning of a
dedicated server. As seen in the Flight Officer's report, the
roster has been restored to the state it was before we lost it. The only issue
is members who joined after the date of our backup. They will have to rejoin.
In terms of Command movements, we've seen the Training Officer, Keldorn, step
down. Keldorn's term as Training Officer was one of a high standard of
consistency. He has also been a good sounding board behind the scenes with
various problems the Emperor's Hammer faces. Upon his resignation I recommended
him for the Medal of Honour, which the Operations Officer and Fleet Commander
agreed with. So congratulations to Keldorn for that.
Back to the new TIE Corps site, a survey is currently running about the speed of
the new server. So far 21% of responses think the new server is "Blazing fast"
with 47% saying it was much faster than before. 25% say its about the same speed
with 3% saying its a bit slower. So far the site has generated 2.3 gigabytes of
traffic, at an average of 20.5 Kilobits per second. This weekend I managed to
get both Jedi Outcast and
Jedi Academy servers up and running on the server. The servers are running on IP
address at the default ports.
As a follow to the plans I outlined in my last report, I've drafted a more
detailed list of specific tasks for each Command Officer for the Fleet Commander
to review. These tasks are, in the most part, things that are already being
undertaken or should be. There's a lot of teamwork exercises, where various
offices will work together for common objectives. Command Officers in the last
have been a tad too isolated and the resulting work would generally have been
better if it had extra input. Last year, I tried a similar thing, but I emailed
each Command Officer individually. This time, the tasks will be publicly issued
and issued under the context of Executive Orders. Publicly issuing the tasks
will ensure there's no misunderstanding of what's expected and will allow the
members to see what goals and aims we're all working towards.
That's about all from me.
XO Report 31: 06.12.04
The restoration of the TIE Corps site continues. I've changed
the name servers for the emperorshammer.net domain today to point to the new
server, thus reducing the amount of URL changing people will have to do. With
this stabilisation, we can start looking at new features and additions at some
A new survey is on the site, relating to Internet connections. Currently 25% of
respondants are on dialup. 37% are on cable, while 27% use some form of DSL. It
would be worth keeping this in mind for those making sites for EH use, that a
significant number of our members still use dialup and that bloated sites can
seriously impact their ability to use such a site.
The tasks list for Command Officers has been approved by the Fleet Commander. I
will be publishing this separately from my normal report. This list is issued
under the context of Executive Orders. This means failure to follow them
constitutes a failure to obey an order and will be dealt with accordingly. On
the positive side, complying with the tasks provides a metric for myself and the
Fleet Commander to measure and reward good performance. The tasks have been
developed in consultation with a number of current and former COs and normal
members and have been approved by the FC - there should be no excuses or arguing
over them.
As always, I need submissions for the newsletter. Send them to my normal email
address with an appropriate subject. It's good to include your PIN in the body
because it helps me organise the submissions faster. You get a nice shiny medal
or two as well.
Going back to the TIE Corps site, I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank
the FO for his exceptional job of getting the roster restored with a minimum of
That's all from me this week.
XO Report #32: 06.19.04
A bunch of new Command Officers have been appointed. They are:
RA Drako to Training Officer
FA Keldorn to Security Officer
DJM Gelton to Grand Master
VA Aseret to Supreme Director
Given that people are like what they are, I'll be expecting that
no one will try to pull anything dodgy with these new appointments, especially
with Drako and competition approvals. In addition, the Chancellor of the Senate
is vacant. I'll be posting details for applications sometime over the weekend.
Just a reminder about the tasks list. It's in effect and I will be expecting COs
to do those tasks listed on it. As a side note, I've heard some grumbling about
the lack of FC and XO tasks on the list. Two words come to mind in response to
that - "grow" and "up". The structure of the EH is designed so that specialist
tasks can be delegated to specific COs and this tasks list only continues in
that theme. In fact, a large number of items are simply formal statements of
already existing duties that aren't being carried out anyway. The sooner people
get over themselves, the sooner they can work on the tasks and actually make the
EH better.
As always, I need newsletter submissions. Almost anything can be used -
graphics, fiction, reviews. Send them over to jpboyce@indigo.net.au
Lastly, relating to the TIE Corps site. The settings for emperorshammer.net have
been changed to point to the new server, so link updating shouldn't be needed.
That's all from me this week.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Tactical Officer
(FA Mike)
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl
Tactical Office Report #139: 05.23.04
Well. Major changes and many things happened this week. First, there is new
address for our TC website, namely ehtiecorps.org. We have new, dedicated
served, so we should never loose database again. We are recovering stuff but you
must be patient. It takes time. Don't worry, everything Tactical Office related
is stored on my hdd, with backup lists and log files. So anything happens is
noted and stored.
I have emailed our XO with the list of holes, so we should recover everything
Next. There was no Tactical Office report last week. I am sorry for that. I've
been very busy with work, cause we've been moving our manufacturing facility
from one place to another, so I had to configure LAN, external security, gas
detection networks and all other fancy stuff. Now, when moving is over I shall
have more time.
And the last thing. Tactical Database was down for the last 2-3 week, but it's
now back online and working, so we shall have new battles soon.
And that is all for this week I think. Next report should be normal :)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #140: 05.30.04
Well. I've been working my ass off for the last days, but results are visible.
All battles have been restored to our Mission Compendium. I have processed all
HSs and pending FCHG restore requests. So office is almost back to the full
I haven't heard from my TCHC and CA:TAC lately, and I am awaiting for them to
mail me with their situation. After all I should have some new battles on my
desk by now.
Also, it is possible (let's hope not) will be looking for the new TCHC, if DT
decides to step down. We will soon, very soon.
Testers needed:
Once again we have vacancies in our office. This time we are looking for XvT/BoP
testers. Email your applications to TCC:TIE, TCHC, CA:TAC and TAC. Include your
PIN and short summary of your carier and skills. If you cannot find the emails
of above people, don't apply.
EH Poland Meeting IV:
Once again, I will be organizing fourth EH Poland Meeting, sometime this summer.
Probably in the July. It will be Friday-Monday for sure, but the exact date is
not yet known. Anyone interested in the participation should contact me via
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #141: 06.06.04
Another week of hard work and plenty of requests. But also week of good news. DT
stays and I should get new battles from him very soon. This means our compendium
will grow once again.
Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
Competition starts July 1st and I will be accepting signups, from this day
forward. You can work in teams, just like last year. And you have Gold Star to
win, so I think that's worth fighting for. Send your singups to me and my CA!
FCHG restoration:
I have more info for people who still wait for FCHG to be restored. Send me a
simple email, with the list of battles you are missing. Sort the list by
battleID (ex. TIETC1), and use sets. (ex. TIE-TC #1, TIE-TC #2, TIE-TC #3 list
as TIE-TC #1-3). This will speed up the process. I usually try to process your
requests within 24-48 hours, depends on traffic. But understand, I received
dozens of mails, so be patient. And of course do not cheat, random file checks
may happened and punishment will be strong and swift!
New battles needed:
We are running out of XWA stuff and TIE queue is empty. C'mon people, submit
some more :)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #142: 06.19.04
Once again, it was a very busy week, but results can be visible. Details below.
Also, our XO issue some orders for each CO. I am going to start working on them,
one by one. First goal is to release complex Tactical Office webpage, to contain
all pages we currently have. And then, other...
High Scores:
I've processed also 150+ pending High Scores, so queue is clear. If you have HSs
to be restored, you have to BSF them again. Remember that. I will try to keep up
with them, as there are no delays right now :)
FCHG restoration:
My CA:TAC is working together with me to make FCHG restoration more smooth.
Right now I have few requests and I will try to process them after this report
or tomorrow. So there will be no delays here too.
New battles:
I have released bunch of XvT battles and BoP free mission. So you have 30+ new
missions to fly. Because of my and TCHC's mistake, one battle was released
again. So right now we have hole. This means there is no XvT-TC #95. But, I am
sure we will fill the spot very soon.
Tactical Office Mission Designers:
This idea was brought to us by our XO. So soon I will start looking people to
create missions and earn beta points for them. Tactical Office Mission Designer
(TMD) will act like TCT for now, until necessary database updates are done, but
will be asked to create missions also. This position should be open for
applications soon.
Tactical Office Openings:
We are currently looking for Testers and Engineers for all platfroms. Apply to
me and CA:TAC, cc TCHC.
Tactical Office AWOL check:
I have orders my TCCs to perform office wide AWOL check. Results should be
available soon, so I guess there will be even more openings very soon.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer (FA
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office report #35: 05.21.04
FA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on May 21, 2004
I want to give thanks to each and every member of the TC for respecting the
situation with the Database being down and not inundating me with a flurry of
requests. Here is the situation for the TC and the Flight Office in the next
week so everyone is aware:
The XO has been working diligently in getting a new server for the TC and its
database. He has tested it and it appears that it should be live by the end of
the weekend barring any unforeseen problems. The main problem for the TC is that
the last back up of the DB was done in January, so there is no record of
transfers for the TC from JAN until NOW. As you can imagine, this will require a
lot of inputting on my end. I imagine with all of the moves that have taken
place it will take me at least a week if not more to get the rosters back to how
they should be. I will work on it when the DB is back and running and get it
done as soon as I can, but you will all need to be patient with me while I do
this. It is going to take time.
What I need from the BGCOM's and the Elite CMDRS is a roster from your BG's with
current layouts of the squadrons. I want it in Pilot name, position and PIN #.
The Pins are very important as this will ease my putting the pilots in the right
spots. I do not have copies of transfers or new members mails from the DB. I
don't save them as I relied on the DB to keep track. I'm not sure if the DB
generated a text of these types of moves, but I will check with the XO. But it
is important that I have each squadron/Wing/and ship roster from the entire TC
by the end of the weekend so I can begin in earnest on Monday. This also
includes the closure of the ISD Immortal and the two wings for the SOV.
AD Proton: Please remail the XO with the squadron names for Wing VII so that can
be done when the DB is back up so I can move them without having to wait.
AD Mell: I will need to deal with the Immortal closing and all of those
The other two BG's should be ok and relatively easy to do.
I do have the small requests that have been sent during the DB being down so I
will handle these as well...there is no need to send me them again. Once I am
finished with the rosters I will let everyone know so they can check with the
rosters to make sure they are accurate. I will also post to the MB's to have
every pilot check their current assignment to make sure they are where they are.
I am going to ask that in the next week or so that no roster moves be asked for
until I get the rosters back to snuff. I am going to be very very busy handling
this. A week is not to long to wait.
I know that no personal issues should be in these reports but It is important
that I share this as well....I found out yesterday that I will be a DADDY again,
however this baby is going to be considered very HIGH risk. I will be handling
my duties as FO, but with the added worries of my wife and new baby, so be
patient and understanding as I trudge through this!
That's all from the Flight Office...
In Service...
Flight Office report #36: 05.28.04
Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on May 28,2004
The TC Rosters have been completed, and in less than a week I might add. The
only roster that needs updating would be that of the ISD SUBJUGATOR of the ATF
BG. Once that is sent in I will enter it post haste.
I would like to thank AD Sarin and VA Reaper for their help in keeping the
office afloat while I trudged through the rosters adding and deleting members.
Ad Sarin helped with some of the roster updates while VA Reaper handled the new
requests into the database.
I'd also like to thank AD Proton, AD Mell, VA Davi, VA Khadgar, and all of the
Elite squadron CMDRS for getting me their rosters in a timely fashion and to all
of the members who aided them.
Now on to business.....
I've gotten quite a few of the newer members who have "re-enlisted" and gotten
new pin numbers. I've done my best to locate them in the DB where possible, but
if they aren't in there, they'll all need to "re-join" and its as simple as
checking three boxes, promoting them to their original ranks, and placing them.
All they'll have different is their PIN numbers.
Promotions--I will be granting some leeway to promotions for the next two months
in order for the Database to catch up. For a lot of pilots the only way to move
them around, was to place them in the RSV's for a few seconds while I made the
switches. Thus making the DB restart the time in positions. I will rely on the
honesty of the CMDR's, WC's, COM's, and BGCOM's for promotions from here on out.
If you use the database, please add a note in the note field as to when or how
long they were in positions, so I know.
That bloody RSV tag -- I realize some of you dread that RSV tag on your profile
histories. Unfortunately there is really nothing I can do about it under the
circumstances. If it absolutely bothers some members, they can come directly to
me and I'll see what I can do, but no promises.
To everyone in the TC -- Check your profiles to make sure that everything is
correct. Your ranks, positions etc. Through the course of processing , I may
have not re promoted while processing or may have placed you in a position in
your squadron that you weren't in. You can now access your profiles the old way:
pin.ehtiecorps.org. Let me know and I'll try to correct it as soon as is humanly
The Flight Office is NOT handling IWATS, TAC, or OPS related changes. When these
CS's are finished with their backlog, they will let everyone know so you can
directly mail them with your problems.
If you check the reports for the FO, it goes from 14 to 35. I do not have my
reports 15 thru 34 so if anyone saved them send them over so I can install them
to my reports DB.
That's all from the Flight Office...Its been one busy week for me as I've spent
approx 7 hours total getting the rosters back to snuff. AD Sarin and VA Reaper
spent significant time as well...so give them a thanks when you see them!
In Service...
Flight Office Report #35: 06.03.04
FA Cyric Reporting in on 6/3/2004
Greetings and salutations from the Flight Office. As many of you know the roster
updating is complete, aside from the few pilots who joined from Jan 04 to May22.
These are slowly coming in and the fleet is back to normal.
I am now accepting promos, regular roster changes etc. Many thanks to the BGCOMs,
VA Reaper, and AD Sarin for their help in getting this done in a timely manner.
In regards to requests, please make sure that Pins are included with them. It is
much easier to process if there is a pin associated.
The Flight Office is currently in discussion with other groups in regards to
FreeWorlds and SWG SE. As soon as more info comes in, we will try to implement
both. Be patient!
On the subject of the Database. The Flight Office does not restore IWATS
Courses, Medals, or battles flown. Pilots will need to address the appropriate
Command Officer to have these put back on their profiles.
That's it from the Flight Office!
In Service...
Flight Office Report #36: 06.10.04
Another week goes by with many roster changes! All of the Database processing
has been completed on the rosters. I am still receiving some errors with a few
pilots, but they are being corrected as they come in. Normal promotional
requests and changes can resume.
For Promotions: I am taking into account the DB crash, and am showing leniency
on promotions, but when requesting them, please indicate that the time in
position and service is corrupted due to the crash.
For Medals: The OPS has been catching up. He requested that the correction
medals be submitted by those of you who have been personally e-mailing me with
your lost medals, unless it's a rare case where it's a Command Staffer or BGCOM,
these mailings should go to your CMDR and on to the COM so they can be
resubmitted into the database. This is the easiest and most efficient way. Also
include that the medal was lost due to the database crash, so he doesn't confuse
them with newer medals.
I want to take the time to congratulate the following:
VA TK-2107 on becoming the newest ATF BGCOM
RA TK 7764 on becoming the newest ISD Subjugator COM
MAJ Archangel on becoming the newest WING XX WC
RA Locke on becoming the newest ISD Challenge COM
COL Sephiroth on becoming the newest Wing WC for the Challenge
RA Gunman on Becoming the newest ISD Colossus COM
Maj Angel on becoming the newest WC for the Colossus
Congrats people!
On to Freeworlds and SWG SE: In the next week or so I will be putting together a
game plan for the TC on both these squadrons. Currently my idea is to start with
a squadron for each platform and see how it develops, the demand and how it
integrates into the fleet. Be patient, as I will be juggling a lot of different
things. HA Priyum along with the COO are working on the freeworlds and I look
forward to seeing what they have to say. SWG JTL will take longer as the
information is coming in slowly.
My rant for the week: Transfers. Everyone got to the Flight Office page and
refresh yourselves on the procedures! They are there to ease the transfers and
to allow all command staffers the chance to know what is going on! I AM THE
that it has been approved on all sides! If the proper procedures are not
followed the transfer will NOT be processed.
With that I'd also like to point out that if a pilot requests a transfer it is
within your rights as CMDRS on up to try to talk the pilot out of going, BUT if
the pilot insists, you have to let him go. But I encourage all members to work
through any problems that can be solved with communication before running the
transfer route. IF the CMDRs on up don't hear about a problem, they can't fix
That's all from the Flight Office....
In Service...
Flight Office Report #37: 06.18.04
A relatively slow week for the Flight Office...Processing continues....
IMPSTORM V is on the very near horizon! AD Pel is actively reorganizing the
rules which will be the guidelines for all Massive On line Battles for the TC in
the future, is working on a WO Website, and some minor changes have been
submitted to the XO for a more "neutral" War Office. The rules have been
sent to the BGCOM's for a final look over and we hope to have the game off very
I've awarded several medals and two promotions for the people who have helped me
during the Database Crash. Thanks to everyone who made the process "sterile"
Remember to send LoC medals that were lost due to the DB crash to AD Khadgar, as
he is processing for AD Sarin while he is on leave.
That's it from the Flight Office!
In Service...
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Internet Officer
(AD Dura)
Internet Office
IO-SOA-PROF/AD Robert Dura/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS IIC Professor
Internet Officer Report: 05.21.04
-- News --
This week saw the start of the EH Holonet Awards II, currently there are 26
nominations. This is a good start. Go nominate more! Nominations end May 28th, a
week from now. Primary voting begins Saturday, May 29th.
This week also saw the appointment of a new Prex for the Corporate Division.
Congratulations to Trido. Since I run the server that the CD site runs on, I
have asked and been accepted as their web guy.
In light of the events with the TC site, I have sent a proposal for backups to
the COMM, FC and XO. Keep tuned for more details.
While it is discouraged to talk about real life personal matters in this, I need
to give a bit of warning about my RL future. Currently my in-laws are visiting.
And I will miss this week's EH meeting. Until Monday, so I'm not at my computer
much. Sometime in the coming weeks I will either start moving across the
country, or waiting on my wife who might get surgery...and then moving. I am
attempting to make plans so that I will have a computer and Internet during my
-- Poll --
The past week's poll was "Why is the IO Sick?", there was a total of 26
votes. Apparently, I was sick because I contracted an STD, with 9 votes.
This beating out my allergy to ASP (by a single vote.
This week's poll is:
Best Day of the Week to play
Multi-player Games
* Monday
* Tuesday
* Wednesday
* Thursday
* Friday
* Saturday
Due to
limitations If you wish for Sunday, please post a comment saying "Sunday!"
-- Site of the Week --
This week's site of the week is the Krayt Squadron Site,
http://krayt.squadron.org/ , congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Crimson
Fury on a 4 star site. Please remember Green on Red hurts :P
Internet Officer Report: 05.29.04
-- News --
This past week sees the ending of the Nominations for the EH Holonet Awards, and
the start of the Primary Voting. Primary Voting will run from May 29th (a little
bit before the EH meeting) untill June 4th. A person may only vote once per
category. The top 3 sites will continue to the finals. A site must receive AT
LEAST one vote to continue on to the finals.
Internet Officer Supported Software. Given the shear number of programs for use
on the Internet, an inexperienced computer user can face a mighty task of
selecting what software to use. The Internet Office will therefore start
offering suggestions of software that frankly, the IO uses. Thereby having some
ability to offer a bit of help with said software. These suggestions are not
meant to say one program is better than another. It is merely to offer you a
choice and someone to go to for help if you have a problem.
First among IO Supported Software is an FTP Client called FileZilla. You can
download filezilla from
http://filezilla.sf.net/ . Some instructions on using FileZilla with the
Minos web hosting service are located at:
http://www.ehnet.org/article.php?a=view&id=280 .
Personal Life Update: I said last time that I might be moving "real soon". Well
those moving plans have fallen through. Chances are I will be in the same place
for at least another 2 months. But that could change in a moments notice. Don't
you love the military :)
-- Poll --
This past week's poll was "Best Day of the Week to play Mutiplayer Games",
there was a disappointing total of 20 votes. Saturday getting 12 votes,
Friday getting 5.
This week's poll, as an extension of the previous one is..
"What Time of Day to Multiplayer (EDT)"
(These times are EDT, which is -4 GMT)
* 6am to 10am
* 10am to 2pm
* 2pm to 6pm
* 6pm to 10pm
* 10pm to 2am
* 2am to 6am
-- Site of the Week --
This week's site of the week is the Top Gun Academy. Located at
http://topgun.minos.net/ . Congratulations to Drako on a 5 star site. It
looks good, but get some content! :P
Internet Office Report: 06.05.04
Internet Officer Report #6 - June 5th, 2004
-- News --
Slow week this week, it found me mainly learning how to use Object Oriented
Programming techniques with PHP. Fielding a few questions relating to HTML and
PHP from members on IRC. Additionally I have been in talks with several SGs in
how to best establish a backup routine that fits the needs of the EH with the
need for data security.
This week sees the end of the primary voting period for the EH Holonet Awards.
With a total of 360! votes spread out between 11 categories voted on by 37
The Top Three (in no particular order) for Each Category are as
* Best Overall: Tarentum Website, Intelligence Division,
Hammer's Fist
* Best Personal/Office: Science Office, Combat Operations
Academic Nexus
* Best Unit: House Gladius, ISD Grey Wolf, Tau Squadron
* Best Animation: Gray Wolf Secret Order of Monks, House
Gladius, ATF
* Best Banner: Wing XIII Banner, Tau Squadron Banner, House
Gladius Banner
* Best Scene: SSL Viper Hybrid vs YT-1300, Run Scummy
X-Wings, Aeishline
Strathaven's Personal Craft
* Best Web Script: XPS, EHMN
* Best Content: ISD Grey Wolf, Grey Wolf Secret Order of
Historical Institute of Tarentum
* Most Creative: Top Gun Academy, Grey Wolf Secret Order of
Intelligence Division
* Most Entertaining: TCCC, EHMN, Tarentum Quiz'o'Landia
* Best Music: GWSOoM Rap
The Finals begin today. And will run untill Friday, June 11th 2004. The winners
will be announced during the EH Meeting on Undernet IRC Network, in #emperor's_hammer
at 1200EDT. A site must have received at least one vote to proceed to the
finals, and must receive at least one vote to place at the end of the finals. In
the event of a tie I will contact a random member of the command staff that
hasn't voted yet, to go vote.
-- Poll --
The past week's poll was "What Time of Day To Multiplayer (EDT)". There was a
turnout of only 10 votes. 6pm to 10pm received first place with 5 votes. 10pm to
2am and 2am to 6am both received 2 votes each.
This weeks poll is:
"Your Most Anticipated Upcoming New Platform"
* Republic Commando
* SWG: Jump to Lightspeed
* SW Battlefront
* Star Wars KotOR II
* Imperial Alliance
-- Site of the Week --
This week's site of the week is the Sith High Warrior's Office (
http://sarin.minos.net/shw/ ). Congratulations to Timmat on creating this 5
star site. No complaints here, at all. In fact, I wish I was even close to this
good with layout :P
Internet Officer Report: 06.13.04
-- News --
The major news this week is the results of the EH Holonet Awards. There was a
turn out of 47 people putting in a total of 451 votes across 11 categories for
an average of 9 votes per person. I will be sending out emails to the winners
and their respective medal people later today.
* Best Overall:
First: Ace Hobbes for the Clan
Tarentum Website
Second: Zsinj for the Hammer's Fist
Third: Drako for the Intelligence
Division Website
* Best Personal/Office:
First: Ender mBind for the Science
Office Site
Second: Keldorn for the Academic
Third: Sarin for the Combat
Operations Office
* Best Unit:
First: Reinthaler for the Tau
Squadron Site
Second: Aeishline Strathaven for the
Gladius House Site
Third: Gilad Pelleaeon for the ISD
Grey Wolf Site
* Best Animation:
First: Aeishline Strathaven for the
House Gladius Animation
Second: Pickled Yoda for the GWSoM
Third: Andrijas for the ATF
Recruitment Animation
* Best Banner:
First: Reinthaler for the Tau
Squadron Banner
Second: Aeishline Strathaven for the
House Gladius Banner
Third: Tiamat for the Wing XIII
* Best Scene:
First: Zeth Durron for Aeishline's
Personal Craft
Second: Priyum for the ISD Chase
Third: Slagar for the SSL Viper
Hybrid vs YT-1300 Scene
* Best Web Script:
First: Ari for the eXtensible Polling
Second: Pickled Yoda for the EHMN
* Best Content:
First: Ace Hobbes for the Historical
Institute of Tarentum
Second: Gilad Pelleaeon for the ISD
Grey Wolf Site
Third: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM
* Most Creative:
First: Drako for the Top Gun Academy
Second: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM
Third: Drako for the Intelligence
Division Site
* Most Entertaining:
First: Dweezil for the Tie Corps
Camera Center
Second: Aeishline Strathaven and Ace
Hobbes for the Tarentum Quiz'o'Landia
Third: Joey C for the EHMN
* Best Music:
First: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM
Many thanks to all who participated :)
In other news Fleet Admiral AidenK has emerged from the mists of Star Wars
Galaxies and has returned to continue development of the EH Image Archive.
This week also sees me starting the actual code for a new Training Office site,
first started under the previous Training Officer, Fleet Admrial Keldorn, and
continued under the Acting TO: Rear Admrial Drako.
The Communications Officer, Admiral Turtle is on leave untill July, and he has
named me his standin for the time being. So if there are any COMM related
problems or questions, please feel free to contact me, I go by the nick waerloga
(or waer-*) on IRC. Especially if there are any problems with the message board,
I did some fiddling and I found out I missed a few problems, I think I got them
all, but please tell me if there are any more.
-- Poll --
The past week's poll was "Your Most Anticipated Upcoming New Platform". There
was a turnout of 19 votes. First place is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
II with 7 votes. Followed by Imperial Alliance with 6 votes.
This weeks poll is:
"Which Input Device"
* Keyboard
* Mouse
* Trackball
* Touchscreen
* Tablet
* Joystick
-- Site of the Week --
This week's site of the week is The Executive Vice President's Office, located
http://vpx.corporatedivision.com/ . Congrats to Commissar General Terrian on
a 5 site. It shows promise as a clean, minimal graphics site. All it needs is
some more content.
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Training Officer
(AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Resignation: 05.24.04
Officers and Gentleman,
I tender to you my resignation from the position of Training Officer and Dean of
the Imperial Weapons and Tactics School. I also wish to relinquish the position
of Minister of Education within the Imperial Senate. With the Grand Master and
Executive Officer�s approval I shall retain � for the moment � the position of
Headmaster of the Dark Brotherhood.
I shall not ascribe the obligatory plethora of my accomplishments. Nor will I
list those Officers and members to whom I owe much during my tenure as a Command
Officer; those that I wish to thank will already know.
I have come to the decision to resign because I am far too embittered and
cynical to remain in a position where fresh ideas and a complete dedication to
the reinvigoration of the Emperor�s Hammer is a necessity. Plays of politics;
the growing tendency toward factional conflict; the inability of some Officers
to identify their own weaknesses; the exploitation by others by these Officers
are all factors in my desire to step down. As Training Officer I can do no more
than attempt to be a voice of reason and reform. My voice is not heeded.
I am not a stupid man. Nor am I a particularly young man. I have recently
completed my second Doctorate on the �Interpretations of Law and Moral Ethics in
Modern International Politics�, I hold an unrelated Doctorate and two First
Class degrees from Oxford. I am a serving member of Her Majesty�s Royal Air
Force. Yet in all my life, I have yet to meet an unofficial organization of the
caliber of the Emperor�s Hammer. It has the ability to make one smile and to
make one cringe. It exhilarates and infuriates. Yet, it is only a Star Wars
based internet club.
I am not resigning from the Emperor�s Hammer. I simply believe � honestly � that
I can no longer serve to the benefit of the membership as Training Officer. I
may look for another posting where my attitudes may be more suitable. I may not.
My recommendation for my successor is not as difficult as I imagined. Obviously,
it lies with my current Command Attach�, Rear Admiral Drako. A very talented
graphic designer, a talented programmer, his flaws lie in a general aura of
naivety found in many new commanders (and being Polish, but one must be prepared
to look beyond such partisan predispositions :P). This should not influence the
decision of the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer. I implore you to appoint
him without hesitation. He will quickly learn what he does not already know, and
I shall remain close by to assist him should he need it.
I will take the opportunity to apologize to the Executive Officer for the timing
of my resignation. At a point where consistent and fair administration of the
core responsibilities of the Command Officer is paramount (take a note of this,
those who think themselves holier than thou) I have now shirked mine as Training
Officer. This is for the reasons I have stated, and those reasons alone.
Good day to you all,
Your obedient servant
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
- No Reports Submitted
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
Communications Office Report #16:
Communications Office Report #16
May 29, 2004
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Greetings Imperials,
Its been a while since I did a full report, so I have a number of different
topics to report on today.
I've gone through all of dasb0t's scripts, removed those that were unnecessary,
and added a couple of others. Links to the IRC channel logs and current channel
statistics, and a list of public bot commands, is
now located at
http://www.ehcomm.net/dasb0t.php .
Additionally, I have set up ehb0t. You may have seen him hanging around channels
in the past couple of weeks. ehb0t's exclusive purpose is to manage channels
that are not yet registered with Undernet Channel
Service, while dasb0t sits on channels that already are registered and have X.
COMMA SyNthetiC PaRadoX is nearing completion of his live bot tracking script
which will display the current status and channels of the various COMM-approved
IRC bots.
I'm in need of people to write questions and/or convert existing trivia
questions on the Internet into the bot trivia format. If you have good ideas for
new categories I am open to suggestions, but mostly I'd rather expand on the
questions in the current categories. If you're interested, please contact me via
e-mail. Appropriate medals will be awarded for your work. BHG members may earn
7.5K credits per submitted question.
The emperorshammer.org project is proceeding. I've solicited ideas and concerns
from the Command Staff and support staff about the project, and will be using
this feedback to decide how to continue. I've spoken
with GA Ronin, and we are looking into provisioning a dedicated server with
Verio for the new site.
If you do not already have an ELS handle, please register one at
in preparation for the launch of the new site in the coming weeks.
The ELS client site package version 2.0.0 has been released as of 28 May, 2004.
Any site wishing to implement ELS should contact myself, or IO/AD Robert Dura.
I am currently in the process of upgrading the portion of code that sends
updates from the primary master server to all the secondaries to ELS 2.0.0
standards. An additional master will be launched on the ehpd.org server when
this is complete.
Astatine has approached me about an ASP port for the ELS code... more on this
I am going to be on leave for most of the month of June. I'll be attending Army
Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA, and will have little access to e-mail or
time to deal with issues. IO/AD Robert Dura will
likely be taking care of message board requests and the like during this time
period. I'll announce the specifics of this on the MBs when I know for sure.
I may also be needed for G8 Summit security, in which case I will be leaving on
the 1st of June instead of the 9th. I've yet to confirm this for sure.
That's it for this week.
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online Internet Relay Chat meeting every
Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the
fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of
service. General member discussion and trivia follows. For more information,
please see
http://www.emperorshammer.net/meetings.asp .
- Communications Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
http://www.ehcomm.net/logs/ - IRC Channel Logs
http://www.ehcomm.net/irc.php - Official IRC Channels
http://www.ehcomm.net/dasb0t.php - IRC Bot Information
http://www.ehcomm.net/request.php - COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
- MinosNIC
- ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Security Officer
(FA Keldorn)
Security Office
- New SO appointed - No Reports Submitted
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Science Officer
(FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #42: 05.30.04
"I've had enough success for two lifetimes, my success is
talent put together with hard work and luck."
Welcome to my forty-third public report as a Science Officer, part 2 of 2 (and
will only elaborate on site changes and such). Onwards to the news:
Science Office News:
1. The last report had all the recent patch releases, but it
did not elaborate on what it meant: We now have 362 patches on the patch
archive, meaning that we not only have passed "SCO3C" (in the line of IWATS3K
and TAC3K) - but also that I personally have released over 300 patches since I
became SCO (averaging on at least a patch per 2 days). Sadly for you, we already
celebrated these milestones privately in the lab ;)
2. It also means that we now have ALL craft from X-Wing
Alliance available for TIE95, XvT and BoP, another milestone. This however means
that for now the stream of patches will partially dry up as we focus more on
Imperial Alliance. (More on that in my next report.)
3. Mostly site related news this week, with a lot of made and
planned changes to the SCO site:
" With the new TC site (yay ast!) all links there will be
updated, which means we'll have a new version of the Order of Battle for one,
and other such updates.
" However: All SCO reports, also the latest, have been
uploaded to the new site already and the SCO site can now also be found under
" I have been upgrading the Fleet Manual with the help of Zeth,
Shinobi and Archnagel. They have been making a lot of missing pictures of the
craft which made it possible for me to add a lot of new ones.
" The Fleet Manual also has been reorganized in layout and
directories - And now comes with links to craft patches, if available or needed.
Similarly, the Patch Archive now has links to Fleet Manual entries, when
" Another new fancy Fleet Manual feature is that of being able
to view the 3D DXF model of the craft, interactively. A beta of this is
available for the CD's Enforcer Picket Ship:
http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/dxf/dxfeps.html This will also offer
the opportunity to download these 3D models, making the Fleet Manual not only an
advanced patch archive, but also a "Star Wars Modelling Alliance".:)
" These and other updates should gradually progress throughout
the site, since its all HTML this may take a while though. *slappers the IO for
keeping him on the line for a database for 2 years...* ;P
4. I'm working on a new model for the Dominator-class Corvette
(D-CRV), the personal ship of our Recon Officer. Should be released to the FM
and as patch for TIE, XvT, BoP and XWA as soon as I've textured it. You can see
a preview at :
5. *waves hand* Vote for the SCO site in the Holonet awards...
its the biggest, baddest and has none of that sissy database stuff ;)
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on a newer version of our IA .exe's and
testing it.
SCOA: CPT Tim has been working on new models for all craft in IA and helping in
testing the new features of the .exe's.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Fleet Manual has been
completely overhauled.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently making adjustments to
the craft models and integrating Multi Player.
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal was to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Currently all
"missing" craft have been added to these games by use of the EHSPs and all XWA
craft have also been released as loose patches for TIE, XvT and BoP.
Almost done.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office.
Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #44: 05.30.04
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured
Welcome to my forty-fourth public report as a Science Officer, (immediately
after #43, because I apparently forgot to mail that one *g*). Onwards to the
Science Office News:
1. The big hype in the TIE Corps is "Free Worlds" at the
moment, the Free Lancer mod that uses XWAU models to recreate a Star Wars
spacesim/RPG not unlike what "Jump to Lightspeed" probably will be. Free Worlds
requires you to own Free Lancer and to log on to one of the game servers to
play. There you can set up a EH tag nick and start playing. More information you
can receive on our new Free Worlds discussion forum at
2. We have also secured file mirror rights to the mod, which
means that even if they go off-line we can continue playing it. The URL to the
mirror will be published on the TC site and the FWs forum the moment I have
uploaded it. Our own game server is also in the works, as currently there are
diverse problems with the rules of Engagement on the existing servers.
3. As far as the Science Office goes this means that Free
Worlds is an official platform, however this needs to be confirmed by higher
authorities as well. How the game will be managed and integrated into the fleet
will be researched by a team including Marcus Caine and Priyum Patel. Because of
the trading and buying it might even be a good idea to move it to the CD.
4. On the topic of the Corporate Division: Core Squadron, its
elite squadron of test pilots, has been activated. After applications were taken
by the PREX, LC Mark was picked as its first CEO-CMDR. He has command experience
and experience in working with FS2 and IA. For now Core Squadron will focus
on testing Imperial Alliance and the occasional SCO patch.
5. We need this because the current testing "system" for IA
has delivered zero results so far. Additionally LC Mark is very knowledgeable
about IA mission creation and MP which means the Squadron's input in Imperial
Alliance will be more then just testing. If you want to help out testing IA or
join Core, contact LC Mark. He will be contacting everyone who has already
signed up for IA testing ASAP.
6. On the topic of Imperial Alliance there have been several
very nice breakthroughs. Firstly the newest version of "FSO" (3.61) has been
released, which means we now have Multi Player possibilities, amongst others.
Also it looks as if we will be able to add custom cockpits (like the X-Wing
series have) per craft. All pretty exciting stuff for us, but I'm afraid you
will have to wait and see.:)
7. But to "hear"... Den Darkhill released new .exe versions to
the IA forums, which add not only additional HUD changes, but also uses the
"text to speech" function of Windows XP (available to other windows version as a
separate download from Micro Soft). This means that written lines in briefings
and radio messages are translated into computerized spoken text - which will
save on a lot of recording custom sounds... though that still is a possibility
if a mission creator wants to use it.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on a newer version of our IA .exe's. Which
now add MP and text2speach and are generally REALLY FUNKY.SCOA: CPT Tim has been
helping out Den with his exploits and has managed to update a few more craft
models so they have cooler engine glows and working docking ports.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
http://scienceoffice.isCool.net . The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco . Fleet Manual has been
completely overhauled.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently making adjustments to
the craft models and integrating Multi Player (!). Text to Speech has been added
to briefings and radio messages.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office.
Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Logistics Officer
(VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
Logistics Office Report #14: 05.29.04
Logistics Office Report #14 - 05/29/04
1. First, I'd like to correct an error made in the last few weeks. VA Daniel
Stevens was removed from the position of LOA because of computer problems that
were out of his control, and as of this moment he has been effectively
2. With school out and finals over (or nearly) for us LO Peeps, we've now got
time to work on the various projects on our plates. The most important projects,
in my opinion, are the Codex and EH Memorium. Both
have layouts now, they just require content.
3. VA Stevens will be heading up the Memorium project as he was already working
on it somewhat under DN. Assisting him with that will be MAJ Hunter. If you have
info on members that should be included in this
endevour, do not hesitate to contact these officers.
4. I'll be in charge of the Codex, and MAJ Archangel and CM Xirok will be
assisting me with that. SG's and Command Officers should be contacted about this
5. You can preview the EH Memorium layout here:
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: CM Sirik Xirok
Logistics Links
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium
Logistics Office Report #15: 06.06.04
Logistics News
1. Work continues on the EH memorium. Remember, the Logisitics Office needs your
knowledge of those folks that should be included in it. Send that info to your
local LO representative, or any LO representative quickly.
2. I've sent my minions to the four winds to search out information for the new
expanded EH Codex. If you're in an SG and would like to input some info about
your SG for the Codex, contact those minions, namely CM Sirik Xirok and MAJ
3. Speaking of the Codex, a few updates to announce this week. Updated lists of
EHCS members and SGCOM's have been added. These have all been drawn from the
EHNL's, and a couple of officers that were in and out between newsletters were
also added. If you know of any errors or omissions, please do not hesitate to
send them in.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok
Logistics Links
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
Logistics Office Report #16: 06.14.04
_Logistics News_
1. This week MAJ Hunter resigned from his position as LOA and retired from the
EH. We in the Logistics Office wish him the best of luck in his RL endevours.
Almost as soon as his position was vacated, another EH'er
stepped in to take up the task of working on the Memorium. HA Priyum Patel has
been interested in working with the Memorium, and was more then willing to come
on board in an official capacity.
2. Speaking of the Memorium, a new mailer form has been added to the site to
help gather information about members of the EH that should be added to this
project. It can be found at the memorium site,
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ . All you need to do is fill in the form, and
hit send, very simple. Logistics Office personell may contact you for additional
information depending on what is provided from the form.
3. Don't forget, the Logisitcs Office is still looking for information on a
variety of topics. If you have additions/corrections to the Codex's Command
Staff and SGCOM indexes, don't hesitate to email me. Also, if
you have any subgroup Newsletters, don't hesitate to email me. And finally, if
you have any information on Subgroup or office in universe histories... well,
you get the idea. We cannot complete some of these projects to the fullest
extent that we would like to without the help of the general membership, as some
of the data is only in the hands of certain people. If you have information to
share, don't hesitate to step
_Logistics Staff_
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok
_Logistics Links_
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium
Logistics Office Report #17: 06.19.04
_Logistics News_
1. Work on the Memorium is progressing nicely, in large part due to the efforts
of HA Pri. He's collected some names for use to go out and research, including
Neo, Crevent Thrawn, Xanthe, Derrik Quaven, Aylius Khan, and Photon. If you have
information on these or other people that should be included (as I know there
are others, but I just don't know their names) please contact the Logistics
Office. BTW: my email is xanderdrax@lusankya.org, as opposed to the one on the
roster. This should be fixed as soon as Cyric gets my email.
2. The more expansive work on the EH codex is also coming along. Some SGCOMs
have been contacted about histories of their Subgroups and have, I hope, started
to work on something to send to us so we can format it and flesh it out for the
EH Codex.
3. We still want any back issues of SG Newsletters to include in the SGNL
archive. Please contact the Logistics Office if you even have leads on where
they might be. We know there are more out there then the few we have, and we'd
like to collect them in one place for access.
_Logistics Staff_
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok
_Logistics Links_
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #47: 05.22.04
Greetings everyone, and welcome to the 47th installment of the RO Report! I
am VA Manijak, the new CA:RO, and I will be informing you about some interesting
new developments in the Recon Office, Star Wars gaming and Star Wars in general.
Let's begin with new developments in the Recon Office.
Those of you who have visited the Recon Office website (
http://reconnaissance.stardestroyer.org ) will know that it hasn't been
updated in ages. After recovering from a flu that kept me in bed for the last
week or so, I've finally been able to tackle that problem, and I can report good
news! After running into some unexpected technical problems, which kept the site
offline through most of the Friday, I was finally able to make a test update
early this morning. Now that the site is finally showing signs of life (and I
can update it without it crashing on me), I plan on going through it in the
following couple of days and making a thorough update which will remove all the
obsolete content and replace it with up-to-date info. I expect that within a
week or so the Reconnaissance Office will once again have a website which is
fully up-to-date; and which I will keep updated with pertinent info as it
appears. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our two ROAs, VA
Shay'la and AD Zsinj, for the help they have given me in resolving the website
problems. Without them, my job would've been a lot more difficult.
Once I'm done with the website, the Convention Database will be getting the same
One other piece of Recon Office news is that the RO, AD Joe, will be on vacation
until next Friday. Until he returns from his family visit, all the Recon Office
business should be directed to me at (josip@omegasquadron.org).
That's it for the Recon Office News. Time to see what's happening in the world
of Star Wars gaming!
First of all, Producer Haden Blackman has posted a report about the Jump to
Lightspeed demos that LEC has held at E3, which also includes a FAQ list to
adress all the rumors that have been floating around. The report (far too big to
be completely covered here) is situated at the SWG forums and is a very
interesting and informative read. Among other things, it confirms that the
player will start off with a "free basic spacecraft", which will NOT be an
X-Wing or a TIE. All the spacecraft will be "fully customizable" (players will
be able to change paintjobs, swap engines, change weapons and shields, name
ships, etc...), there will be at least one "multipassanger" ship type (YT-1300,
and yes, up to 3 people, a pilot and two gunners, will be needed to fly and
fight the ship properly. The rest of the group gets to wander around the fully
detailed interior.) and the capital ships will be "raid" targets; players will
NOT be able to dock with them, at least in the release version. Shipwrights (a
new player Profession) will be responsible for creating all the spacecraft in
the game, except the "starting starfighter". And yes, the flying will be
"twitch", not turn based and joystick support is already working in the game.
You can read all this, and much more, if you acess the report from the SWG
Station index page (
http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/ ), or you can use this direct link
). I strongly advise anyone even remotely interested in Jump to Lightspeed to go
read this report.
A special E3 Jump to Lightspeed trailer is also available at the SWG Station
index page or at the LEC Jump to Lightspeed page which you can acess at (
http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swgalaxies_lightspeed/ ).
Speaking about RPGs, I think that it wouldn't hurt to mention that my
favorite SW game of all times, SW Knights of the Old Republic, will be getting a
sequel! Named Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, it will be set
five years after the original. To get more information about SW KotOR II, and
about SW Battlefront and SW Republic Commando, the other two SW games featured
at E3, follow the appropriate links from the LEC index page (
http://www.lucasarts.com/ ).
That's it for the SW gaming news, it's time for some general news.
Star Wars news this week have mostly to do with retro (and vintage) Star Wars
collectibles. First of all, it seems that someone at Lucasfilm has unearthed a
small stock of 80-ies era ESB and RotJ patches. They are for sale in sets of 3,
but the quantity is limited, so if you want them you had better order soon.
Second, it seems that Topps Cards, one of the very first Star Wars collectibles,
will be having a comeback. This September Topps will be publishing a new series
of cards, featuring pictures from all six films. And yes, that means some of the
cards will be featuring "sneak peek" images from EP III. If you'll allow me to
paraphrase Darth Vader: "You don't know the Power of Merchandizing!" ;P
If you're interested in any of these, you can get more info by following the
appropriate links from the official Star Wars page (
http://www.starwars.com/ ).
=== THX 1138 RETURNS ===
This final bit of news isn't really Star Wars related, but it is George Lucas,
so I thought that EH members might find it interesting. Anyway, Lucas'
first film, THX 1138, will be coming out on DVD in September, in the form of a
special "George Lucas Director's Cut" version. The set will feature two DVDs,
one of them with bonus material, and a limited theatrical release of the film is
also planned. More info about this can be had at the film's official
website (
http://www.thx1138movie.com/ ), or at the official Star Wars page.
That's it for the news in this report.
NON-EH SOTW: TheForce.net Fan Fiction Archive
As the name says, this is an archive of SW fan fiction stories. As with all
fiction, some stories are good, some are bad, and some are just plain ugly. ;P
There are quite a lot of them, however, so everyone should be able to find
something that suits their taste.
That's it for this RO report. Thank you for reading, and I hope you found it
RO Report # 48: 06.12.04
Greetings from the Recon Office.
With the beguinning of Summer upon us, time is either one of two things:
abundant, or non-exsistant. The past two weeks it has been the latter, but I am
trying to find a happy medium hopefully.
My CA:RO VA Manijak has been working on the RO website and Convention Database.
Look forward to a report from him next week on those two items.
If some of you have been looking to book a room for Celebration 3, you may have
been finding alot of "full" answers. That is because a lot of the hotels in the
area have already blocked many rooms for the event. Those rooms will be
available to the public in the last summer, so dont worry, your not out of
luck... yet. :P If I were you, I'd get your room reserved QUICK! They WILL fill
up fast!
In the News section, I have a list of the hotels that were available for
Celebration 2 and how much they cost. Since the Database has went down, a lot of
people have come and asked me about this because they seen it in a past report.
So here it is for your viewing pleasure.
I have the Emperor's Hammer on the "list" for a Fan Club booth at Celebration 3.
This booth will have to be manned during the entire 4 day event. Around
Christmas time, I will be starting to set up a schedule of who and when. I will
probably only have 2 hour shifts, unless someone just wants to stay longer.. its
up to you. I will report if anything changes with LucasArts concerning the booth
space. I have NO idea how big it will be, but hopefully it will be in a more
high-traffic area.
As you all know, the "Holy Trilogy" ( as I like to call it.. :P ) will be out
this fall on DVD. The cheapest I have seen has been $40, though I heard there
will be a "Collector's Edition" that might come out 6 months after the inital
release? Can anyone confirm this??
I have run across some "website surveys" groups recently. Some of these are
connected to the large web browsers. If your site rates high up, then if someone
does a search for your type of site (I.E. Star Wars, Star Trek.. etc.. etc..)
then your site will be listed accordingly. Ill see if I can get the EH's Domain
entered ASAP. As long as that is okay with the FC and XO??
Anyways, that's it from the Recon Office.. See you next week!!
New KOTOR2 Planet
IGN has posted a new Planet Preview for KOTOR2, featuring Dxun.
The trails are nearly overgrown, but many craters and wreckage from the
Mandalorian War lie buried in the jungles... as well as the corpses of thousands
of soldiers who died during the Republic's final assault on Dxun.
Dxun is a moon to Onderon, but they are almost sister planets, and they even
share a bit of the same atmosphere. Travel between them is a short shuttle ride
There have been rumors of Sith activity in the area recently, and it all seems
to be centralized near some ancient structures deep within the jungle. This area
is thought to be extremely dangerous.
List of Hotels for Celebration 3
Here is a list of the hotels that were available for C2 & their Fan Club rates.
I don't know if the same hotels will have rooms available for C3 through the fan
club, but given the success of C2 & the amount of hype that C3 is getting, I
would assume there would be the same number of hotel rooms available or more:
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown - Skywalk to the Convention Center
$138.00 Per Night
The Westin Indianapolis - Skywalk to the Convention Center
$159.00 Per Night
Embassy Suites - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$139.00 Per Night
Omni Severin Hotel- 2 Blocks with Skywalk to the Convention Center
$134.00 Per Night
Canterbury - 2 Blocks with Skywalk to the Convention Center
$155.00 Per Night
Adams Mark - 2.5 Blocks from the Convention Center
$133.00 Per Night
$148.00 Per Night 705Sq. Ft Suites!
$305.00 Per Night 1100Sq Ft Suites!
Courtyard By Marriott - Across the street for the Convention Center
$122.00 Per Night
Raddison - 2.5 Blocks from the Convention Center
$135.00 Per Night
Comfort Inn - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$115.00 Per Night
Hampton Inn - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$121.00 Per Night Single
$131.00 Per Night Double
As you can see, there were plenty of Hotels to choose from. If I remember
correctly, the Marriott booked up first.
EP3: The Opening Shot of Episode III
The official site's Post Notes features news on the opening shot of Episode III.
As it's part of the Hyperspace section, we can't go into too much detail,
needless to say it includes phrases such as:
... the two Jedi starfighters enter into frame ...
... then we'll see the battle for a minute ...
... a veritable fountain of Separatist vessels soars straight up ...
... the starfighters weave through the swarm ...
... going through the herd of the cruisers, fighting and firing at them ...
Issue #112 of Homing Beacon, the official site's fortnightly newsletter has more
info on the opening shot of Episode III:
Episode III starts with a bang. The starfleets of the Galactic Republic and
Confederacy of Independent Systems are locked in a jumbled brawl of lumbering
capital ships and swift starfighters, exchanging fire high in the Coruscant
Hundreds upon hundreds of ships are engaged in this high-stakes battle of the
Clone Wars, but the audience will only really follow two small snubfighters into
the thick of battle. As Obi-Wan and Anakin dive into the heart of the conflict
to carry out a most important mission, they'll be the camera's guide through the
The newsletter also includes a list of what else could be happening in the
scene. Here are some of the entries:
" Diving formation of assault frigates to save cruiser from swarm
" Reinforcements dropping out of hyperspace to help less-than-fortunate ship
" Launching and docking tri-fighters / clone fighters
" EMP bomb causing loss of power to large ships, out-of-control collision
" Vulture droids landing on large ships and attacking
Non-EH SOTW: JediNet.Com
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #20: 05.23.04
I have a preliminary sketch of the GoA design in my hands, and I will be
discussing the finer points of the proposal with the Herald over the next week.
Competition Medals
I've had to deny several competitions recently due to people listing merit
medals such as the Dark Cross as the competition reward. Please note that
Crescents are the only medals you may give out for unit competitions. Check out
the DSC's Awards section for the appropriate Crescents for the various levels of
competition, located here:
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
The feud is now over, but the final outcome will not be announced until we have
the Krath results. So far, Clan Tarentum has emerged victorious in the Sith,
Obelisk, and General sections.
Houses of the Month
I've decided to bring back the 'House of the Month' title. The SHW has already
announced the Sith House of the Month (congratulations to House Tridens), and
the OHC should be announcing the Obelisk House of the Month soon. I've yet to
discuss with the KHP which Krath house deserves the title for this month, so
I'll get right on that.
GM Report #21: 05.30.04
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
With the Krath results now in, it's official. Clan Tarentum dominated all Order
and General sections, making their victory a clean sweep. Congratulations to
Tarentum on its well-earned victory, and to Alvaak on putting up a good fight.
Dark Council Elevations
Master-at-Arms Mordann Tal'kyra has executed his duties flawlessly for several
months now, and so I see fit to elevate him to the rank of Obelisk Warlord.
Likewise, Chancellor Tirna Q'jira has performed her role quite adequately over
the past couple of months despite significant real life hurdles. She is hereby
elevated to the rank of Krath Archpriest. Congratulations to these two
Dark Councilors!
Unit Reports
There has been a general slump in weekly reporting of late, and this is
disappointing. Weekly reports from BTL+ are mandatory, not optional. It is the
responsibility of Clan Summits to ensure all people in command positions below
them are submitting reports as required. If specific problems become obvious, an
Order Leader or I will talk to the appropriate Clan Summit about what is to be
done. The Order Leaders have my approval to work with the Clan Summits on ways
to enforce weekly reporting. I know the OHC is currently trying to set up a kind
of 'three strikes, you're out' system.. so I'd encourage the Clan Summits to
cooperate with him on that.
GM Report #22: 06.14.04
Houses of the Month
The Order Leaders have chosen their Houses of the Month after I decided to
revive the award. It will be a regular thing now. Congratulations to House
Tridens (Sith), House Dominatus (Krath), and House Cestus (Obelisk) on taking
the titles for the month of May!
XO Directives
Recently, the EH Executive Officer outlined a number of tasks or goals for all
EH COs, SGCOMs, and Advisors to work towards this year. There were a couple for
my position, and I will be endeavouring to get these things sorted as soon as
possible. First up will be reports and 'appointment ranks', which I'll be
talking to the Dark Council about and making public statements about during the
course of this week.
GM Banner Competition
I'm running a little graphics competition to fill up my banner slot on the DB
site. The details are at
Limited IRC time
My computer has some whacko virus which causes it to restart against my will at
random points. I'm not even going to bother trying to fix the piece of dung, so
I'll be purchasing a new computer in the next couple of days. So my IRC time
will be very limited over the next few days, but I will be readily available
through email and AIM.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (MG Dante)
Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
Major General, Special Forces
Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
PRF/MG Dante/GS-1/VSD Burninator [PRG:AGT] [HFTC:CM]
CM2, VS2, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
[OgD] [DsS] [HC] [SoV] [IO] [IH] [DJ] [IC] [EP] [MoC x2] [IrC] [CoO x5]
[SoH] [CAR x19] [MoD] [PUC x2] [LsA x2] [LoC x2] [CoL]
Weekly Report: 06.06.04
I apologize for the lack of a report for the last two weeks, but with both of my
computers out of action it was hard to transmit to everybody.
1. Operation has just been completed. HF participation was somewhat
decent, while that of the IW was horrible. Results will be released ASAP.
2. The PRG has been very active in the past few months and MAJ Shadowmaker
should be commended for his hard work for the Hammer's Fist and especially the
work with the FPS games such as JK1, JK2, and JA.
3. The next Legion wide even will be a head to head comp between Vindictive and
Nova Companies. See your CC's or DC's for more details.
Member Count (Active Members): 91
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 113
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 212
General Staff
PRF: GN Dante
XO: BG Hemi
CO: LTC Narthax
CT: LTC Sirik Xirok
CI: GN Zsinj
CS: MG Tygarin Cypher
Staff Officers
ADJ: MAJ Krayt
A:CO: BG HackSolo
A:CT: LT Earl Swagger
A:CS: BG Dingo
ADV: FM Ares
ADV: LTC Delak Krennel
ADV: HG Mordred
ADV: BG Nightflyer
ADV: GN Sithspawn
ADV: BG Vladkov
ADV: MG Vradin Jonusk
Company: 1st Special Operations
CC: MAJ BaleFire
Detachment: Nightstalkers
TL: MSG Decarat
TRP: SGT Aidan Pryde
TRP: CWO Domingo Chavez
TRP: SSG Ric Gravant
TRP: SGT Terrian Astruar
TRP: WO1 Wil Striker
Company: Vindictive
CC: CPT Jacen Aylen
Detachment: Vendetta
DC: CPT Torres
ADC: CPL Ruthless
Team: 1
TL: MSG Kaol Halcyon
TRP: SPL Arrakiv
TRP: PFC Braxus
TRP: LCP Halcyon
TRP: PTE Janus Praij
TRP: PTE trooper21
TRP: PFC Wolverine
Team: 2
TL: SGT Chris
TRP: LCP Buck Rogers
TRP: PTE Giovanni Palermo
TRP: LCP Pizza the Hutt
TRP: PFC Sandurz
TRP: MSG Savager
Detachment: Vengeance
DC: LCP Ibram Gaunt
ADC: PFC Drako
Team: 1
TRP: SGT Depriest
TRP: PFC Eldarin L�rien
TRP: PFC Ons Shy
TRP: PFC Praetorian
TRP: PFC Ragnarok
TRP: PTE Sirius Clay
Team: 2
TRP: PFC Bobby Wilcock
TRP: LCP Chaos Wookie
TRP: MSG Phantom
TRP: CPL Stryker
TRP: PFC Tomasz Ciesielski
Company: Nova
CC: MAJ Shadowmaker
Detachment: Eclipse
DC: LT Asbestos Felt
Team: 1
TL: SGT Drak
TRP: SGM Jacob Van Nowak
TRP: PFC Jodo Kast
TRP: SPL Roger Caliburn
TRP: CPL Tatsu Kogarasu
Team: 2
TRP: WO2 Haztix Vel
TRP: SGM Jack Stone
TRP: PFC Jairun Caloth
TRP: MSG Kael Malah'k
TRP: PFC Matt Murdock
TRP: PFC Maximiliaan Kwaad
Detachment: Umbra
DC: CPT Jedi Eclipse
Team: 1
TRP: PTE Bud Miller
TRP: LCP Lorn Blahde
TRP: SSG Mordann Tal'kyra
TRP: LCP Ninj Serikyn
TRP: LCP Raistlin Erk'Etanumay
TRP: PFC WaveMasterDrow
Team: 2
TL: CWO Spazninmov
TRP: CPL Gallows
TRP: PTE Hunter
TRP: PFC Milan Bozinovic
TRP: LCP Randarth
TRP: PFC Rayf Ysanna
TRP: PFC Todes Engel
That is all.
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
IW Commander
A:IWCOM Report #2: 05.24.04
Infiltrator Wing Acting Commander
General Orzon, IW Executive Officer
Holonet Transmission Code: 2.2004.5.24
Priority: HIGH
Infiltrator Wing System Access
This will be brief, because much news was in the IWXO report. Vice Admiral
Hatter is currently having problems logging onto his email service at his
location. Due to the time in which it has taken him to respond to my various
emails, I will be taking temporary command of the Infiltrator-Wing to assure all
continues to run smoothly. I have no doubt Hatter will return in the coming
week. Any questions can be directed to myself. ;-)
The position of IW Training Officer is vacant at this time. Hatter will be
carrying on the TO duties for the time being. DO NOT send in any applications at
this time! Hatter will announce as to when Hatter will accept apps for this
The EH Battle Compendium can be accessed in the following manner:
Suppose you want to download TIETC100:
Hatter had begun constructing the new IWTA site, it will be completed by
Mid-Week. IW Training Academy
GN Orzon has gotten final approval for the new rank badges. View them here:
LC Durron is looking for anyone that is missing LSMs. If you have LSMs that are
missing from your profile, contact him ASAP.
IW Executive Officer GN Orzon: RECEIVED
IW Operations and Tactics Officer LC Durron: RECEIVED
IW Training Officer: TBA
IW Systems Engineer LC Znisj: NOT Received
MC-90 Renegade Commodore GN Karrde: NOT received
Wing I Wing Commander LC Xirok: Received
IW Command Staff:
IWCOM: VA Mad HaTTer (MadHaTTer@1madhatter.net)
IWXO: GN Orzon (Ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWOTA: LC Zeth Durron (ml.cb2001@freenet.de)
IWSE: LC Znisj (slookabill@comcast.net)
IW Auxilliary Command:
CompDir: AD Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
Command Staff Advisors:
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
IW: #The_Infiltrator_Wing
EH: #Emperor's_Hammer
~General Orzon
Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer
Bearer of the IW-Guard Dagger
Infiltrator-Wing Commander Report #3: 05.28.04
From the Desk of the Executive Officer
I have continued serving as Infiltrator-Wing Commander for the time being, I
received several messages from Vice Admiral Hatter earlier this week, but no
time for when he will return. Therefore, within this report lies IWXO and IWCOM
mixed. :P
Infiltrator-Wing News
1. IWTO and IWTAC open for applications
2. Razor Opens!
3. Many competitions around, go participate
4. IWOTA calls for LSM information. Send him the info and he'll give your LSM.
5. New IW rank insignias:
6. IW Manual under revision. ;-)
Monthly Squadron Evaluations
That's right. MSE time again. MSEs are due to my office from Squadron Commanders
by May 31st. The Wing Commander and Commodore MWEs are due by June 4th. Any
questions can be sent to myself.
IWCS Changes
Several changes have recently been made to the IW Command Staff, which will be
announced at this time. The positions of IW Tactical Officer and IW Operations
and Communications Officer will return, and the position of IW Operations and
Tactics Officer is to be eliminated. The IWOTA can not handle both offices to
the necessary degree to keep both running efficiently. The position of IW
Executive Officer, will also begin to cover the medal procedures as well as
rosters and promotions. This is done to unite everything on one office, to keep
from possible confusion. These changes will not be completed until the new site
is running, so please proceed as you have been until announced later by the
IWCOM or myself.
IWTO and IWTAC Applications Being Accepted!
That's right. Email myself and CC VA Hatter. Applications will probably be ended
shortly, so get them in, if you are interested. Any questions can be directed to
IW Executive Officer GN Orzon: RECEIVED
IW Operations and Communications Officer LC Durron: NOT RECEIVED
IW Training Officer: TBA
IW Tactical Officer: TBA
IW Systems Engineer LC Zsinj: NOT RECEIVED
MC-90 Renegade Commodore GN Karrde: RECEIVED
Wing I Wing Commander LC Xirok: NOT RECEIVED
IW Command Staff:
IWCOM: VA Mad HaTTer (MadHaTTer@1madhatter.net)
IWXO: GN Orzon (Ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWOC: LC Zeth Durron (ml.cb2001@freenet.de)
IWSE: LC Znisj (slookabill@comcast.net)
IW Auxiliary Command:
CompDir: AD Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
IW-MAG: VA Boliv (boliv@lusankya.org)
Command Staff Advisors:
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
IW: #The_Infiltrator_Wing
EH: #Emperor's_Hammer
Reports are mandatory for all command officers from Commander to IWCOM. Please
get reports in ASAP. If you do not send a weekly report, you may be forfeiting
your job. ;-)
All right, listen up. Recently correct procedures have not been a big highlight,
due to the necessity of others. This will now change.
Requesting Transfers from Reserves
To request a transfer from the reserves to a active squadron you must email the
IWXO and the CMDR of the squad you wish to join. I will then place you their,
unless the CMDR has any problems with it. You must email me, I will not take IRC
messages, AIMs, etc.
Requesting Transfer between Squadrons
Unless you have a major problem with your CMDR or someone in your squadron, this
is really not an option. If it is however, you must send a email to your current
CMDR, the CMDR of the squad you wish to transfer to, WC and COM. Upon their
approval you, the COM will FWD the approval messages to me. I will have the
final approval over the matter and if approved you will be transferred. Again
emails only.
Position Promotions for Flight Leader
When promoting an officer to FL, you (being a CMDR) must send the email to the
WC and COM. They will then approve or deny, if approved they will send their
approval messages to me. Again I have final approval, and I will update the
rosters if approved. Again only emails.
These are the main procedures that need to be followed. Also please stay within
your promotional abilities. If you cannot promote to the rank you wish to
promote an officer to, go to your superior. ;-)
Any questions can be direct to me, privately please.
IW Rosters
Count: 47
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 103
End Note
Lots of activities to participate in. Let's get going!
Acting IW Commander,
~General Orzon
Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer
Bearer of the IW-Guard Dagger
IWCOM Report #4: 06.04.04
IWCOM Report #4
(Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer Report #5)
General Orzon
June 4, 2004
From the Desk of the Executive Officer
I have continued serving as Infiltrator-Wing Commander for the time being, I
have not received anything from Vice Admiral Hatter recently, but trust me, he
has received plenty from me. :P
Infiltrator-Wing News
1. IWTO and IWTAC will be decided shortly
2. New Razor CMDR: LCM Vykk Squall
3. New Black CMDR: COL Haztix Da'Berz
4. IWOTA calls for LSM information. Send him the info and he'll give your LSM.
5. New IW rank insignias:
6. IW Manual under revision. ;-)
Monthly Squadron Evaluations
Awards from the MSEs have been given. Congrats to all!
IWCS Changes
The IWCS is now moving to transfer everything to the new IWCS positions. Lt.
Colonel Durron will now be officially IWOC. He will however continue to deal
with medals, due to the fact that he has the proper Administration. The rest of
the changes will become official upon the announcement of IWTO and IWTAC as well
as the completion of the new site, to possess all the correct Administration.
The IW number are slowly rising, but with it will come AWOLs as well. Recruit,
recruit, recruit! If you recruit enough people you may just get some shiny
medals. Get to it!
IW Executive Officer GN Orzon: RECEIVED
IW Operations and Communications Officer LC Durron: RECEIVED
IW Training Officer: TBA
IW Tactical Officer: TBA
IW Systems Engineer LC Zsinj: NOT RECEIVED
MC-90 Renegade Commodore GN Karrde: EXCUSED (LoA)
Wing I Wing Commander LC Xirok: NOT RECEIVED
IW Command Staff:
IWCOM: VA Mad HaTTer (MadHaTTer@1madhatter.net)
IWXO: GN Orzon (Ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWOC: LC Zeth Durron (ml.cb2001@freenet.de)
IWSE: LC Znisj (slookabill@comcast.net)
IW Auxiliary Command:
CompDir: AD Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
IW-MAG: VA Boliv (boliv@lusankya.org)
Command Staff Advisors:
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
IW: #The_Infiltrator_Wing
EH: #Emperor's_Hammer
Reports are mandatory for all command officers from Commander to IWCOM. Please
get reports in ASAP. If you do not send a weekly report, you may be forfeiting
your job. ;-)
IW Rosters
Count: 51
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 101
Exar Kit to LC
Vyyk Squall to LCM
Mach Blader to LCM
Jan Pieter: (WRC)
Hobbie: (MC-1)
Sirik Xirok: (ESC)
Andrijas: (WRC)
To major transfers, the return of Captain Curtis and Colonel Haztix Da'Berz.
Welcome back!
End Note
Recruit! Must I say more.
~General Orzon
Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer
Bearer of the IW-Guard Dagger
A:IWCOM Report #5: 06.10.04
Infiltrator-Wing Commander Report #5
(Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer Report #6
General Orzon
June 10, 2004
>From the Desk of the Executive Officer
I have continued serving as Infiltrator-Wing Commander for the time being. I
received communications for Vice Admiral Hatter, it appears he has been in the
hospital. He will be on leave for another couple of weeks at the most. He give
me several directions, thus the new appointments.
Infiltrator-Wing News
1. New IWTO: LC Sirik Xirok
2. New IWTAC: COL Dolza
3. New WIC: CAP Destavol Gin
4. New Razor CMDR: LCM Mach Blader
5. IW Site almost completed!
6. IWOTA calls for LSM information. Send him the info and he'll give your LSM.
7. New IW rank insignias:
8. IW Manual under revision. ;-)
IWCS Appointments
The New IW Training Officer will be Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok, he has
experience in command within many other sub-groups and comes highly recommended.
VA Hatter has great faith in him to continue what the Hatter did during his
tenure as Training Officer.
The New IW Tactical Officer will be Colonel Dolza, veteran of the
Infiltrator-Wing and previous Commodore of the Warspite. He will be pioneering
the re-opened position and VA Hatter and myself look forward to his work.
Congratulations, Gentleman. Welcome to the IW Command Staff!
Wing I Commander Appointment
With General Karrde's return, he chose Captain Destavol Gin, who comes with high
reccomendation and I personally look forward to what he will do with Wing I! Due
to his coming marriage to a lucky lady, he will be on leave for six days, but
will continue working behind the scenes.
Enforcer Commander Resigns
Lt. Colonel Exar Kit has resigned from the position of Enforcer Commander.
Please begin sending applications to Captain Destavol Gin and General Karrde.
Renegade Commodore Returns from LoA!
General Karrde has returned from his leave. He has once again taken over the
MC-90. ;-)
IWXO Leave of Absence!
I will be on leaving beginning tomorrow. I will return the following Saturday.
Lt. Colonel Zeth Durron will be acting IWCOM in my absence, RA Astix will have
roster control, and AD Malik will be present to provide assistance with needed.
I have no doubt everything will be fine in my absence. Have fun, don't party too
much while I'm gone. :P
Note from IWSE
The new site is:
www.infiltrator-wing.com/New%20Site/ . Most of the basic features are done
and available. To see what's remaining go to:
www.infiltrator-wing.com/New%20Site/ToDo.txt . Hopefully next week will see
me finish most of the key remaining sections and open it up for everyone to
start using.
The IW number are slowly rising, but with it will come AWOLs as well. Recruit,
recruit, recruit! If you recruit enough people you may just get some shiny
medals. Get to it!
IW Executive Officer GN Orzon: Recieved
IW Operations and Communications Officer LC Zeth Durron: Recieved
IW Training Officer: LC Sirik Xirok: Excused
IW Tactical Officer: GN Dolza: Excused
IW Systems Engineer LC Zsinj: Recieved
MC-90 Renegade Commodore GN Karrde: Excused
Wing I Wing Commander CAP Destavol Gin: Excused
IW Command Staff:
IWCOM: VA Mad HaTTer (MadHaTTer@1madhatter.net)
IWXO: GN Orzon (Ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWOC: LC Zeth Durron (ml.cb2001@freenet.de)
IWTO: LC Sirik Xirok (sxirok@yahoo.com)
IWTAC: GN Dolza (culotta2000@comcast.net)
IWSE: LC Zsinj (slookabill@comcast.net)
IW Auxiliary Command:
CompDir: AD Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
IW-MAG: VA Boliv (boliv@lusankya.org)
Command Staff Advisors:
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
IW: #The_Infiltrator_Wing
EH: #Emperor's_Hammer
Reports are mandatory for all command officers from Commander to IWCOM. Please
get reports in ASAP. If you do not send a weekly report, you may be forfeiting
your job. ;-)
IW Rosters
Count: 51
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 101
Dolza to IWTAC
Xirok to IWTO
Destavol to WIC
Several out of the reserves, some into the reserves, we still came out ahead by
one. ;-)
End Note
Recruit! Must I say more.
Acting IW Commander,
~General Orzon
Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer
Bearer of the IW-Guard Dagger
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Division (CD)
- No Reports Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of the
Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report: 05.21.04
I apologize if there is a different method of sending the weekly
report, but with the Tie Corps site down, I felt the best way to get my report
to you was to manually insert the emails this is usually sent to.
We are in the midst of celebration, as June 16th is designated as the BHG�s
anniversary. Starting this past Saturday the events began with an Anniversary
edition of Trivia to end the meeting. Periodically throughout the next 30 days,
activities and competitions commemorating the 9th anniversary of our subgroup
will commence.
One activity is the awarding of Grand Hunter Pins, each meeting until the
celebration when we will be inducting select hunters into the BHG�s Hall of
Fame. The first GHP recipient was the current TACT Darth Shadow. His work in the
XoC has been wonderful, and the kind of thing originally invisioned by the SSL
creators so many years ago.
The anniversary RO event has started, and is in my objective opinion the
greatest RO ever produced by this subgroup. We might have to have some SG vs. SG
RO�s after this, as it seems the HF and IW are involved in a great one right now
as well. The participation in the RP aspect of the BHG has increased
substantially. Part of this goes to the fact that we recently named a new
Overseer over RP activities, Ric Gravant. He also has a new assistant in the AJ,
Nindo Flast.
With the previous OV Nyk stepping down, we did the shuffling, and MARL is open
for applications. This time around there is a twist, as TACT Darth Shadow will
only accept applications from hunters who have never been on the commission,
this should stimulate some new ideas, and growth for our SG, as we expand our
opportunities and invite fresh faces and ideas to the top.
Unfortunately one of our most respected and faithful Chiefs, R�lyeh of Phoenix
has stepped down from his position. Also the CRA of Skylla Xerokine has resigned
due to computer problems. This leaves an opportunity for three hunters to prove
themselves in leadership, we hope we are met with success in these important
Another competition this festive season is the best IRC Quote of the Millenium:
Part 2. The conclusion of which will be June 16th with the other events. This
next week even more competitions will be run, and the activity will continue to
increase. We have made a great transition from the KAGs to the Anniversary with
little down time. Much appreciation goes to the BHG Commission for pulling this
off with the dedication and sacrifice that it requires.
Until next week, thank you for your time, and I hope we have just as much
positive news to report next week.
DP Report - State of the Guild Edition:
As it is the 9th Anniversary of our subgroup this week my report
is a recap of our current situation as a whole, instead of just the new things
this week. While that might make this a little long, I hope you accept this
submission and the valuable evaluation it contains about our subgroup. - Tuss
So I am here from uni, typing away the State of the Guild at the beginning of
its 10th year. We are in a time of unparalleled activity, lets break it down.
The Kabal authority is in a strong position. While we do have some kabals
struggling, we are in a period of relative parity that has made KAGs exciting
and active recruitment of TRNs a must (as opposed to the usual mass
slaughtering). We have Thunder Kabal who has carved out its niche as the veteran
kabal. Though new hunters still are there, ambitious enough to carve out a name
for themselves amid a crowd of already accomplished hunters. Phoenix has gotten
a new Chief in Skorbacca that has kept the consistent pace Rly. The kabal is
very self sufficient and as active as ever, and that is saying something, as
this kabal is known to bounce around like grasshoppers (ya know the one's AFTER
you pull out their antennas).
Then we have Skylla who went from last to first in the KAG proving that hard
work and good recruitment is worth doing. Dragon is in the middle of a facelift.
With the wise council of Orin Williamson returning to the kabal, it hopes to
spark some of its former glory. Omega and Daichi consistently remain top players
no matter who comes through. And Cyclone is in a period rebuilding. With as
capable a Chief as any in Prospero, hopefully Cyclone can find optimism in the
recent success for Skylla, as the same thing can happen to them.
Overall, I am pleased with the strength of our kabals. They are the heart of
this subgroup. Leading it is the diligent leader Ehart. The best Judicator ever,
unanimously (it was almost unanimous until I finally decided to admit I wasn't
it ;P) is in charge. Hopefully for awhile, as he has perfected the Kabal
Authority, and made it his own. There is no better expert on kabal matters. He
is assisted by Slowbacca, the newly appointed Proctor. He comes with high
expectations not only from his boss, but because of the great work of his
predecessor Red Scar. He has earned his chance, let us see what he does.
The Citadel is in the best condition it has ever been. The efficiency it now
enjoys makes the NTC look like Dalk in a first to have sex contest. This is
mainly attributed to the Head Start Center, and of course the creator of it,
Kal-Ket. If we always had Wardens of this caliber, the BHG membership would
double. The various courses continue to be strengthened and a solid amount of
options for the hunters to learn. This area however, has great potential for
Role Playing in the BHG has transformed from a never completed RO to a wide
array of events needing the work of two commissioners to handle it. We still
have Arena, the solid straight out combat we all crave as bounty hunters. It's
Dojo is currently having a resurgence under Holo Flast and Hardius. Twilight
Gauntlet is a new twist that once caught on will be the pride of the RP system.
Run Ons are becoming a strength, due in large part to its administrators. Ric
Gravant deserves credit for the recent Anniversary RO, and if future RO's are
similar we are in good hands. His Solo missions continue to be a valuable way
for hunters to gain personal experience as well as XP.
The other half of the "RP Summit" as I like to call them, are the XoC workers.
We have Jer back recently, and while his RP expertise is admittedly limited, his
XoC work speaks for itself. With Slag as the mall general changes are underway
that will make the mall more exciting and the items more functional.
Of course, where would the BHG be without the Cernun Technical Office? Koral
remains Underlord, the undisputed owner of this position. We might just change
the position name to Koral, cause it isn't like anyone can do the job better, he
solves problems we don't know exist. As the second in command his council,
experience, and leadership is an anchor on the commission.
The other half of the Technical office is the Specialist. The fact that I have
to point that out tells us what shape it is in. This isn't something that has
gone on without my notice, as a matter of fact recent discussions have led to
major changes in this area. So those not satisfied with SP will soon hear the
answer to their concerns. While the position is inadequate, the holder of it is
not. Synth been pointed to as the problem, while I say it is a matter of
circumstances. In the coming weeks Synth will be given the chance to prove
himself without such a fight against him.
My overall feelings are that the subgroup is in a good position. To prove our
strength there have been rumors of a SG vs. SG competition. While the recent
Intel joke was less than decent, this latest comp should be something the BHG
looks forward to, as a good way to flex its muscles. We provide more, to more
active hunters than any time in our existence. It is a credit to the commission,
to the past greats for what they have built, and to you for your continued
activity in this amazing organization we have here.
Dark Prince Tuss Raydod
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Supreme Director
of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #53: 05.18.04
Report of the Supreme Director #53 - 18/05/04
Roster Count: 80
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 217
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/GN Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
***BUDR/LC Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. X returns to #DGN_Lichtor_V
Thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated officers led by GN Winters, our IRC
channel #dgn_lichtor_v is now officially registered again.
2. SDIR on Leave until 22/05/04
I'm sending in this report a few days early because I won't be around much from
now until the weekend. Currently I'm right in the middle of University finals.
3. Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards II Starts Now
[From IO/AD Robert Dura]
EHHA Has Started! Nominations will run until May 28th!
http://ehha.stardestroyer.org/ Nominations will start NOW and end Friday May
28th, 2004. Primaries will start Saturday May 29th, 2004 and run until Friday
June 4th, 2004. Finals will run from Saturday April 5th,
until Friday June 11th. The winners will be announced at the EH Meeting on June
12th, 1200 EDT in #emperor's_hammer on Undernet.
4. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
Now Scrier is back thinks should really start to get going with this exciting
new venture. If you're interested in joining this new branch of Intel see the
Intel MB at:
or email
SDIR Report #54: 05.28.04
Report of the Supreme Director #54 - 28/05/04
Roster Count: 78
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 217
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/GN Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
***BUDR (INTORG) - SDIR temporarily in charge of INTORG -
***BUDR/LC Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. COL Harlequin Steps Down as INTORG BUDR
In his time as INTORG BUDR, Harlequin has shown himself to be without doubt one
of the greatest BUDRs Intelligence has ever known and I'm very sorry to lose his
talents. Hopefully he will return to us when RL gets less hectic for him. For
his services to us (some of which have *STILL* yet to be dealt with by the HCI)
I'm promoting him to the rank of General (GN). Congratulations General
2. INTORG BUDR Open For Applications
With Harlequins retirement I'm in need of a new INTORG BUDR. and they're big
shoes to fill.
Aspiring applicants should fulfil the majority of the following
- A large amount of Intel experience (preferably of an internal nature),
focusing on interrogation skills
- At least 6 months service
- The rank of Captain or higher in Intel (unless specifically invited to apply
for the spot)
- Leadership experience somewhere in the EH (preferably Intel) or at least
- Branch/Squadron level and preferably higher
- Active IRC presence and stupidly high activity rate
- No HCI convictions in the past year
The deadline for applications is ***TUESDAY the 1st of JUNE***. If you can't
write a short application by then you're not active enough, sorry. Applications
should be sent to bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk and jediaseret@yahoo.com.
Be sure to send your application to the ExDIR or it will be ignored.
3. EH Memorial
The Logistic Officer seeks the names of those EH members who have passed away so
that they can be honoured on the EH Memorial. At this time I am not aware of
anyone from Intel who is no longer with us. If you are please contact the
Logistic Officer at daniel_l_stephens@hotmail.com. Thanks.
4. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
Now Scrier is back thinks should really start to get going with this exciting
new venture. If you're interested in joining this new branch of Intel see the
Intel MB at:
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1629 or email mizhongboxer@hotmail.com.
SDIR Report #55: 06.05.04
Report of the Supreme Director #55 - 05/06/04
Roster Count: 72
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 217
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/GN Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com (On leave 07/06/04 to
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
***BUDR/ LC Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
***BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. Merger of the Bureau of Operations and Analysis
Since the introduction of the Bureau system, the reality behind BOO and ANLY is
that, despite their varying descriptions in the Intel manual, they've both ended
up doing the same thing. As such, in order to keep
things more efficient in Intel the two Bureaus are being combined into one 'uber'
External Organisation. This group will retain the name of the 'Bureau of
Operations' (BOO) in order to allow us to remain consistent with the background
for the Intelligence Division found in the WEG Imperial Source Book. As you may
have noticed, LC Stirlitz has moved onto pastures new so the new super-bureau
will be commanded by GN Winters until a new BUDR is selected.
2. New INTORG BUDR Selected
After proving himself to be a hard working and competent BUDR in BOO and with
the interrogation background to back it up, Lieutenant Colonel Stirlitz has been
selected as head of the Internal Organisation. Congratulations.
3. Applications now being taken for BUDR (BOO)
Aspiring applicants should fulfil the majority of the following criteria:
- A large amount of Intel experience (preferably of an internal
nature), focusing infiltration and report writing skills
- At least 6 months service
- The rank of Commander or higher in Intel
- Leadership experience somewhere in the EH (preferably Intel) or at least
- Branch/Squadron level and preferably higher
- Active IRC presence and stupidly high activity rate
- No HCI convictions in the past year
The deadline for applications is ***TUESDAY the 8th of JUNE***. Applications
should be sent to bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk and jediaseret@yahoo.com.
Be sure to send your application to the ExDIR or it will be ignored.
4. RADR on Leave
RA Scrier will be away between the 07/06/04 and 16/06/04 (06/07/04 to 06/16/04
for all you crazy American folks with your nonsensical dating system:p).
SDIR Report #56: 06.10.04
Roster Count: 77
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 220
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
***BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com (On leave 07/06/04 to
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ LC Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO - EHWinters@hotmail.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. BLDR Promoted to Rear Admiral
I'm of the opinion that Winters has settled in nicely to the BLDR position and
has begun to show great initiative over the past few weeks in a variety of
tasks, which naturally I can't tell you all about:p Anyway to cut a long story
short, Winters is now the holder of a shiny new Rear Admiralty. Congratulations.
2. BUDR (BOO) Applications
At the BLDRs request I'm going to hold off appointing a new BUDR for BOO for a
couple of weeks as he wishes to sort out the new Bureau's structure and oversee
the allocation of new assignments after the merger. I'll still take applications
(I've had some good ones so far) but it may be a fortnight until a shiny new
BUDR is appointed. See last weeks report for application instructions (but
ignore the deadline
3. RADR on Leave
RA Scrier is currently on leave until 16/06/04 (06/16/04 for all you crazy
American folks with your nonsensical dating system :p).
Penultimate SDIR Report #57: 06.18.04
Report of the Supreme Director #57 - 18/06/04
Roster Count: 77
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 220
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ LC Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO - EHWinters@hotmail.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. Forthcoming Resignation
Unfortunately next week's report (#58) will be the last SDIR Report I write for
the foreseeable future. I've just finished my degree and thus will be moving
house, sorting out a job, settling in etc and engaging in all the other fun and
joys of growing up and becoming sensible and boring. Due to all the shuffling
around and random havoc I'll only have intermittent internet access and little
time for the EH, so it's for the best if someone else takes the reins of our
illustrious subgroup. I'll be around until 28th of June so I'll write the
long winded speech shortly before then and probably hand out some shiny things
to thank those who have helped me over the past erm. eon. However it order to
ensure a smooth handover it's probably best if those of you who want my job
register your interest with the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer over the
course of the next week. Please bear in mind that they're busy people so if
you're not a serious contender don't bother.
2. RADR returns from Leave
Rear Admiral Scrier has returned from his trip and should start processing join
forms and bossing about PR as per usual.
3. Tasks for 2004/2005
The Executive Officer has put a list of tasks for all Command Officers and
Subgroup Commanders on-line for public viewing at:
This should allow you to see some of the Executive Officers
vision of what we should be doing (and thus hold us accountable should we not be
performing our duties adequately). There are no specific points for the Supreme
Director (possibly because I do such a brilliant job already (lol) and probably
because everything we do tends to be classified) so you'll just have to judge me
on the general ones (for the next week at least). This may mean I show up at the
EH meeting this weekend (but don't hold your breath ;P).
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of the
Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
DIR Report: 05.22.04
Sorry I've been out so bloody long. Its been a tough month of
May for me, but I think its finally calmed down enough to where I can come back
and finish what I've started. I've been thinking about the Directorate a lot
over the past week, and I came to a conclusion about a couple major issues. In
fact, one of these issues is organization. Thus, a To-Do List...:
DIR To-Do List:
1) Branch Issues:
* Phase out the Directorate Guard
* Remove the Branch titles from the manual
* Remove the Branch ranks from the manual
* Consolidate all membership under the Colonial Branch
* Rename the Colonial Branch the 'Central Directorate'
* Rename High Commissioner of the Territories to Minister of State or Prime
2) Diplomacy:
* Complete the 'Structures' Section
* Finish the support structure [Taxes, Crime, Morale, Random Events]
* Integrate Diplomacy with the Message Boards
* Construct a Diplomacy course
* Make Diplomacy certification mandatory [replace the CB certification with DIP]
* Make Diplomacy mandatory
Peachy? I think this'll make everybody pretty happy once its over with. It looks
short, but each item's going to take a while.
I want everybody's consensus on the Guard...the Guard is on its last legs,
folks, and it really doesn't fit into the mold of Diplomacy...especially a
MANDATORY Diplomacy. The NSTS is too complex to make mandatory, so space combat
will be made ultra-simplified. However, before I do close it, I want a general
agreement that such a move is, in fact, the necessary and proper move to make.
As a side note...I'd like to thank you each for your dedication to this
subgroup. Your work is about to pay off exponentially. :)
Directorate Domain Report: 05.29.04
Sorry the report wasn't given last night, folks. I was invited to coach shotput
and discus for MHS at the VHSL Northwest Regional Outdoor Track and Field
Championship Meet at the University of Virginia. I've coached middle school
track before, but never high school track, so this was a great opportunity and
experience that I couldn't pass up. One of my teammates made it to the VHSL AAA
State Meet at Newport News for discus...:)
Anyway, enough about RL...
1) Diplomacy's about 95% completed. The only major change I'm making to the
rules from here is the Morale system, which I'll be taking the time to simplify.
Random Events also need to be changed slightly to compensate for the revisions.
Please know that once Diplomacy is completed, it WILL be mandatory participation
as agreed upon by the Council and, from the E-Mails I received, the general
2) Ministry Council Members - Reports are due Friday..nothing's changed since my
3) New Directorate website -
http://www.directorate.net/ ... new message boards to boot, also! Make sure
everybody registers for the Message Boards! Our Minister of Communication, Monsh
Fesou, deserves a great amount of recognition for making this site happen! It is
what the Council hopes to be one of the greatest steps towards a better
4) Hang out on mIRC and recruit, ladies and gentlemen! Diplomacy isn't going to
play itself...it needs people to play it!
Directorate Domain Report: 06.05.04
Greetings all,
While there aren't many items for this week's report, the items that I will
touch on are major...:)
1) Diplomacy:
Wow...just wow. I put in a whole night of work on Diplomacy last night [at the
expense of not getting this report in on time]. Its 97.5% complete, folks! The
Ministry Council has a copy of the current draft and there are now talks of
coding it into an actual game rather than running it on the Message Boards.
It'll be coded in similar fashion to GalaxyQuest, but there will NOT be open
registration. Registration will be closely guarded by the MoO and MoC to make
sure Directorate members are the only ones granted the proper access.
Membership in the Directorate will soon require an understanding of Diplomacy
and will be mandatory as agreed upon by the membership and the Council. Moffs,
Governors, and Planetary Councilors will have access to a variety of elements,
including the ability to raise an Army and Navy, maintaining police and civil
defense agencies to quell crime and disaster, keeping morale high through good
policy-making and trade, and building up their Cities with various production
and support buildings. The game has been engineered to be relatively easy to
pick up and play. This means basically anybody in the EH could join the
Directorate, take the basic CORE testing, and jump right into the game.
2) Website:
Check out the website ...
http://www.directorate.net/ ... it's a great looking site and I'd like to
take the time to recognize MoC Monsh Fesou for his hard work and dedication in
putting this site up. It'll be a site that is transferable to future MoCs and
GMFs, so the issue of not having a good Directorate site will no longer arise
when there is a change in power. There is still a lot of 'background coding'
which needs to be done, but the MoC has assured me that it will all be completed
within the next couple of weeks. :)
3) Directorate Guard:
Due to the upcoming addition of Directorate Diplomacy, the Council has decided
to close the Guard in an effort to return to a more traditional Directorate.
This will be done in various phases in order to break the work down into
chewable, organized parts. More on this in a separate announcement.
I'm very pleased with the progress this SubGroup has had in recent weeks, not
necessarily in terms of activity levels, but in terms of the prospects for this
SubGroup in the future. Everything the Council has done in terms of projects and
work was done in terms of how it'd help form a unique, powerful identity for the
Directorate. We hope that in due time that our efforts will pay off and that the
EH and Internet communities will recognize just how unique the Directorate and
Diplomacy is.
Directorate Domain Report: 06.13.04
Been a rough week for a few reasons, so bear with me as I get used to not being
in school for the next three months. Graduation really took a huge chunk of time
out of working with the Directorate this week, but I did, in fact, make a degree
of progress in Diplomacy! And speaking of degrees and things of that like, I'm
now a high school graduate. Money goes directly to my mailbox...
1) Diplomacy: Just finished the Structures, Taxation, and part of the Morale
sections. All that needs to be done after that is the Random Events section and
combining HCT Coranel Both's work with my own on the Combat section. Once that
happens, the rules are complete and Diplomacy is ready to play.
2) Minister of Operations: I would like to open the position of Minister of
Operations to the general EH membership. I'll make a separate E-Mail to the FC
and XO for this Domain News story, as well as one to the TCCOM to post on the TC
site. Granted, the position is open to everybody in the Directorate, but there's
also bound to be somebody out there masochistic enough to tackle such a tough
position. The job description will be posted separately.
3) Directorate Site: Looks really good. The join form, in accordance with the
MoC's report, is finished. The news script works without a flaw and the forums
Monsh provided to us are excellent. I think I've acknowledged him for his work
in the past few reports, but I think it needs to be emphasized again. This is a
site for the Directorate now and in the future, even when I leave, the next
Grand Moff will receive the site in a smooth transition.
4) Directorate Guard: The Directorate Guard is now officially closed. Anybody
who wishes to be transferred into the Central Directorate needs to let me know
ASAP or you'll be removed from the rosters as being AWOL. Thanks for your time
and patience with this.
Directorate Domain Report: 06.18.04
A very calm atmosphere this week...
1) Diplomacy - Working on the Morale section, which has turned out to be
trickier than I once thought. Only a minor setback, however, which is going to
be resolved within the next day. Taxation and Structures were recently finished,
with Combat being the next item on the list. I am going to be preparing the
Directorate Forums for Diplomacy hopefully this weekend in addition to working
on the final issues with the game.
2) Directorate Guard - If you haven't submitted for your transfer by now, you
MUST do so within the next week or you'll be sent to the Reserves. I know Delak
has asked for a transfer, and he'll be assigned shortly. I also received word of
a new recruit not being notified of its closing. The Guard is a hundred percent
closed within the next week.
3) Still waiting for word on my proposal from the Command Staff regarding
Diplomacy. Also waiting for word on the opening of Minister of Operations to the
entire EH.
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying
Game (EH RPG)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Fringe Report #11: 05.21.04
The XO, SA Astatine, has agreed to do the website for The Fringe. Obviously
this takes a back seat to him getting the TC database back online, but he�s
putting a lot of work into making that happen. Hopefully we�ll have a site in
the next month or so.
The biggest news in SWG land comes from E3. We finally have a lot more
information regarding Jump to Lightspeed, the long-awaited Space Expansion. Here
are a bunch of links to some really good info:
The official SOE wrap-up:
NOTE TO THE ENTIRE FLEET: If you're planning on getting Jump to Lightspeed, the
SWG Space expansion, you might want to get it soon. Or even now. Since JTL is an
expansion, you will have to get the core SWG game if you want to fly at all.
The reason I point this out is because there are still a few months before JTL
is supposed going to be released (most people seem to think it'll be November),
and the Developers of the game have stated that there's a lot that players can
do to prepare themselves for the release of JTL.
Namely you can a) make money. b) earn skills so you can get used to how that
works. c) earn higher Imperial ranks. d) save up Imperial faction points so you
can access faction-specific ships. I can tell you right now that the more you
play SWG before JTL is released, the better prepared you will be.
Just a note - Best Buy has SWG listed at $19.99 on their website right now (but
it's already on backorder). If you have a Best Buy near you, you might want to
check it out (dunno if the website price is the same in the stores) as you could
save 30 bucks on the game. Also, Fry�s has SWG listed at $17.99 in this week�s
Just a reminder: I very much want every member in the EH PA who wants one to
have a house in our city. Nepo has made some small houses for members, so if you
have yet to plant a house in SM, drop me a line in-game and I�ll get you one.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to members of the EH and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only
requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you
join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing DO Compton at lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn,
Tairn, Holu or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at
http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit
http://www.ehpa.net (site under construction), or
Current in-game members: 83
Fringe Report #12: 05.28.04
Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #12
(For distribution to the Fleet.)
The very first SWG Fan Fest is next weekend! Held in Anaheim, CA, it'll be a
great chance for Galacrack addicts to get together. Since I could literally walk
to this thing it's so close to my house, I plan on being the King of the con.
Perhaps the biggest news for the EH this past week has been the addition of
Huntin Sikness to our ranks. Huntin has long been one of the best PvPers on our
server, and he�s by far one of the biggest reasons that the Empire is so well
organized on Chilastra. Here�s hoping he decides to stay with us for a while.
Huge news for people who have been curious about SWG but haven�t tried it yet �
SOE has started giving FREE 14 day trial subscriptions to File Planet
subscribers. Currently only paying subscribers can get the few trial membership,
but after June 4, everyone should be able to try the game out. More info can be
found at
Also - Best Buy has SWG listed at $19.99 on their website right now (but it's
already on backorder). If you have a Best Buy near you, you might want to check
it out (dunno if the website price is the same in the stores) as you could save
30 bucks on the game. Also, Fry�s has SWG listed at $17.99 in this week�s ad.
Just a reminder: I very much want every member in the EH PA who wants one to
have a house in our city so they can become citizens of our fine city, Sanctum
Malleus. Nepo has made some small houses for members, so if you have yet to
plant a house in SM, drop me a line in-game and I�ll get you one.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to members of the EH and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only
requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you
join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing DO Compton at lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn,
Tairn, Holu or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at
http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit http://www.ehpa.net (site under construction), or
http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=87 .
Current in-game members: 92
Fringe Report #13: 06.10.04
Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #13 � Fan Fest Wrap-Up
(For distribution to the Fleet.)
That�s really the only response I can give to the Galacracktacular, first-ever
Star Wars Galaxies Fan Fest. Held this past weekend in my hometown of Anaheim,
CA, it was a two day celebration of all things SWG. Kyy Terrak and I represented
the EH, and we both had a spectacular time.
There were a LOT of people in attendance. The early count on Friday was over
1200 people, and there were even more there on Saturday. The organizers were
definitely not expecting this many people � they ran out of badges early on, and
had to run to an office supply store to pick up generic name tags.
The main hall was interesting. The first thing you noticed when walking in was
the game play area - large circle of over twenty computers where you could sign
up and play the game (and mock your PA mates not in attendance) for half an
hour. The best part of this was the one system hooked up to a thirty foot
projection monitor. Talk about a gaming experience! Someone from Test Center
jumped on and suddenly there were twelve foot tall Jedi dueling on the wall.
Watching this made me want to buy a bigger house so I could play on a monitor
like that.
The main hall also included the vendors. Nvidia was showing off the amazing
capabilities of the upcoming GeForce 6. Their representative suggests that if
you�re planning on getting a new GeForce card soon, it�s worth the wait to get
the 6 instead of the 5. He says the 6 should be out in about 3 months.
There were only a few other vendors. Creative Labs were demoing their latest
product, GuildPortal was there in case you wanted site hosting for your PA and
Thread Impressions was taking a LOT of orders for customized shirts and hats.
Dark Horse Comics was listed as a vendor on the Fan Fest site, but I didn�t see
them officially represented anywhere.
Prima Publishing was also there, selling all of the SWG books including the game
guides, the SWG novel and even the Art of SWG book that was included with the
Special Edition version of the game. Their rep said that the SWG Atlas should be
out after the Jump to Lightspeed expansion guide hits.
Got questions about JTL? Keep reading. We�ll get to that in a bit.
The main events at the Fest were the forums. These gave those in attendance the
unique chance to ask questions directly to the people who make the game, the
Devs. Almost all of the lead Developers were there: Haden �Shug Ninx� Blackman
(Producer, LucasArts), Rich �BoShek� Vogel (Executive Producer), Senior Producer
Gary Gattis, Jake �Ood Bnar� Rodgers (Art Director), Producer J. Allen �Blair�
Brack, Kirk �Runesabre� Black (Lead Designer), Community Relations
Manager/Associate Producer Kevin �Q-3PO� O�Hara, Lead Designer Cinco Barnes,
Brandon �Green Marine� Reinhart (Designer), Dave White (Designer), Grant
�Rogue_5� McDaniel (QA Buildmaster), Assistant Community Relations Manager Kurt
�Thunderheart� Stangl and many, many others.
While very little information was given that hasn�t already been stated on the
SWG boards, it was a great opportunity to ask them questions directly. It also
gave us the change to teach the Devs a thing or two. For example, when I asked
Dave White (the designer in charge of such things) when we could expect the
turrets to be fixed, it went a little something like this:
C: �When are you going to fix the bug that allows two people to fire the same
turret? It seems like it�d be a fairly easy fix to program a check to see if a
turret is already in use.�
DW: �Are you telling me that two people are able to use the same turret at the
same time?�
C: �Yes.�
DW: �We�ll look into that.�
As has been widely reported elsewhere, the Devs do not believe that Combat
Medics are overpowered. Of course they also admitted to not knowing of the food
bug that allows CMs to throw poison every 3 seconds. They also let us know that
they are seriously considering giving Doctors an area poison cure to help
balance things out.
Jake Rodgers gave a great presentation on the art of SWG, including a segment
showing customizations for the Hutt fighters. These things are going to have
TONS of variations, at least on the NPC side of things. I was really impressed
and managed to get a few pics of some of the designs.
We also got to see video of some of the new motion capture stuff to be added
later. There were some really amazing bits involving two-handed sword play. And
Entertainers will be happy to know that they will be getting some love as well �
we got to see some new dances, and they�ll even be adding juggling at some
Longshot had given me a list of questions to ask. Unfortunately the Devs were
not taking questions on JTL, so the only one I got to ask was �If and when can
we expect to see some Episode 3 content in the game, besides �after the frickin�
movie comes out�?� Haden Blackman responded to this one, saying that he is
already working with Lucasfilm to secure Episode 3 content for SWG. He even made
it sound like we may get some Ep. 3 content before the movie is released, as a
sort of teaser.
When I looked at the list of pre-registered people who were attending the Fest,
I noticed that Relan from The Crescent Order was attending. I figured that if I
ran into him we�d be able to give each other some grief. Well, Kyy and I ran
into not only Relan, but Khazid and Kalavar as well. We found them talking to
Ood Bnar. I butted into their conversation with �I knew I�d run into you
bastards sooner or later.� and introduced myself.
We actually spent a bit of time with these guys. The EH has long viewed TCO as
�good enemies� � like us, they try to fight fair (I�m talking about TCO here,
not the scrubs that tag along after them), don�t talk too much smack and enjoy a
good battle. We talked about how much fun the Galactic Civil War has been since
they put up their bases in Tsarin. Ironic, considering the bases were destroyed
while we were at the Fest. I think the scariest part of the Fest was that I
actually bought the Rebels a beer. Of course they returned the favor. We all
agreed that we�d like to get some more role-playing stuff going between our two
groups. First up will likely be a kidnapping scenario.
I have to admit that I did what may be the geekiest thing I�ve ever done in my
life while at the Fan Fest. Not only did I do this thing, I loved every minute
of it. This thing I speak of is the Live Adventure the Devs threw in the hotel.
Teams of 8-10 people took part in 10 mental and 10 physical challenges, with the
goal being to be the first group to find five data disks. Kyy and I teamed with
TCO and a few other guys and got to work.
It was loads of fun running all around two floors of the hotel trying to
complete the quests. After a rocky start, we powered through the mental stuff.
Crosswords, word searches, unscramble the word games, heck � there was even a
puzzle where we had to translate a message in Aurebesh, the official language of
the Empire.
Then it was off to the �physical� challenges. We built a TIE Fighter out of
Legos. We did a trivia challenge. We nailed the lightsaber challenge (everyone
had to hit a balloon at least once without it touching the ground) on the first
try. For each challenge we finished, we got an item. After finishing with the
trivia, we got our fifth data disk. We didn�t win, but we had a heck of a lot of
fun playing.
I am sad to report that there were no pictures taken of me being pantsed at the
Fan Fest. Evidently Kyy had been offered a large amount of credits should he be
able to pull this off. I was willing to assist � after all, if a member of my PA
can benefit from me looking foolish, I�m willing to help. That�s just the kind
of leader I am. At one point, we even had the TCO guys in on it � I was going to
talk to Kawolski and they would run up and drop my drawers, but we couldn�t get
the pic before dinner where I ran out of room on the camera taking JTL pictures.
Alas, pics of me in the Darth Maul boxers will have to wait.
Dinner was a lot of fun. They had tables marked so everyone could sit with their
server mates. It was fun meeting even more people from Chill, and I hope to run
into them in-game. As dinner was winding down they showed a few of the fan films
that were sent in. Holy crap, I haven�t laughed so hard in a long time. I very
much share the Devs� concerns about how many movies featured hotpants.
I managed to talk to Haden Blackman for a moment after dinner. In addition to
his monumental duties in the game, Haden also writes comic books for Dark
Horse�s Star Wars line. When I asked him when he finds time to write, Haden
merely replied, �I don�t sleep much.�
Needless to say, the biggest part of the weekend was the Jump to Lightspeed
demo. Cinco Barnes gave us the rundown as four of the Devs played on a live
server. We got to follow the action on a pair of 25 foot projection monitors.
And let me tell you, this game looks incredible. The action seemed a little
slow, but I have to assume that no one was flying full speed so that everyone
could ooh and ahh at the graphics, which were lightyears beyond anything we�ve
seen in a SW flight sim thus far.
We learned a few things about JTL. First off, loot is automatic � once an NPC
ship is destroyed, you get a message telling you what was looted. Unfortunately
we don�t know who gets the loot � the person who did the most damage, or the
person who finishes off the kill.
Unfortunately I forgot to ask about missiles, and whether we�ll get any in the
game. We didn�t see anything but lasers being used in the demo, and I have to
think that since the use of missiles tends to cause massive lag in the other
space flight sims, they might just leave them out in the interest of smooth
gameplay. (I believe the Devs have since stated on the JTL board that there will
be missiles.)
It�s hard for me to tell you just how amazed I was by the brief bit of JTL we
got to see in action. I have been flying Star Wars space sims for the ten years
that I�ve owned a computer. It was the excellence of TIE Fighter that turned me
to the Empire and led me to the EH. I have logged over a thousand hours of
flight time in my career, and I have to tell you that I have never been as
excited about any Star Wars game as I am about JTL. I was so happy with what I
saw that I gave Cinco a hug at the bar afterwards.
As the weekend ended, the one thing that impressed me the most over the weekend
is that the Devs are obviously huge Star Wars fans, huge gaming fans and they
truly love this game. They really do work their hardest to make it as good as
possible, and take great pride in what they�ve accomplished so far. And they all
seem to be even more excited about what�s yet to come.
Since we attended the Fest, Kyy and I are guaranteed spots in the JTL Beta
testing that will hopefully start soon. Rest assured that we will be taking
copious notes on everything and sharing everything we can (without breaking the
NDA, of course). The Emperor�s Hammer will be a force in JTL. I guarantee it.
Note: I�ve uploaded a bunch of pics at
Just a reminder for everyone in the Fleet: SOE has started giving FREE 14 day
trial subscriptions to all registered users of File Planet. More info can be
found at
Also - Best Buy has SWG listed at $29.99 on their website and Fry�s
(www.outpost.com) has it listed at $27.99 � both much better than the MSRP of 50
Just a reminder for those already in the game: I very much want every member in
the EH PA who wants one to have a house in our city so they can become citizens
of our fine city, Sanctum Malleus. Nepo has made some small houses for members,
so if you have yet to plant a house in SM, drop me a line in-game and I�ll get
you one.
For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player
Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA
is open to members of the EH and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only
requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you
join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by
e-mailing DO Compton at lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn,
Tairn, Holu or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at
http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit
http://www.ehpa.net (site under construction), or
Current in-game members: 92
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of the
Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
- CHS Kallath removed as AWOL - No Reports Were Submitted
since 03.26.04
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI)
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 05.27.04
Still nothing as we have yet to receive anything from the SO.
Come on, it's been what like almost 3 months now????
Also I'm gone for the weekend possible internet access but not sure so if
anything needs urgent decision that can't wait for Sunday night, ask TRIB
HI report: 06.05.04
Still nothing... the SO really needs to get moving and send us
those cases cause by the time they are gonna get trial no one will remember the
HI Report: 06.12.04
Nothing to report.
HI Report: 06.18.04
Nothing to report this week except Starrett and Talon Jade have
been turned down for re-admittance.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Combat Operations
Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #17: 05.23.04
1. Database Issues. Because of the new/old database being
restored, the Flight Officer has asked me to step in as an additional CA:FO to
help things get back to normal. If you have any emergencies with the
roster, message me and I will attempt to fix it.
2. Database Issues. I am aware that many people are missing 100's of
LoCs. I will be working with the XO in an attempt to regain some of the
logs of past competitions. We will have everyone their LoCs back as soon
as possible.
3. XVT WoW is on. Help the EH finish first after our record string
of 2nd Places finishes
4. With the addition and interest into several new game platforms, I am
looking to hire two new COOAs. One COOA needs to be a subject matter
expert on the Freelancer MOD and the Other needs to become familiar with the
upcoming IA and how MP can be used in it.
5. I am also hiring a new head COOA due to the retirements of Dax Corrin
and Wil Striker. Duties for this position are serving as Head Meat Bag,
accepting unwarranted abuse, promoting MP, and shining my boots.
6. Applicants for these jobs should have "Make me a Meatbag" in the subject of
7. I am around for questions comments and concerns. Starting this
Wednesday I will have seven days of vacation time, so lots of time to work on EH
COO Report #18: 05.30.04
1. I will begin to award all missing LoCs this week. I have held
of on awarding the missing LoCs to this point because there was some hope that
logs existed from the former database showing the awards. This however
does not seem to be the case. So....
All COMs need to send me an updated LoC/DFC fix for their ships. What this
means is that I am trusting the honor and integrity of the fleet when sending in
their updated LoC scores. As soon as I receive ships updated LoCs/DFCs I
will update them. COMs, I suggest you task this down to your CMDRS,
collect all of the squads data, and then mail me. INDIVIDUAL PILOTS AND
Elite Types).
2. I have hired ISP Pri as my COOA in charge of all Freeworld work at this
time. Pri will be serving as my knowledge base for this game. The
COO office will begin to set up a LoC/DFC award system prior to "what we
believe" is the games official launch as a EH platform.
3. I am looking for a SWG COOA. This person would also serve as my
knowledge base for the SWG Jump to Lightspeed game (I will own it and be playing
it, so your duties will be less than Pri's above).
4. XVT Week of War is over. Grats to Khad.
5. If I receive missing LoCs from Commodores this week, I will have them
done this week. CMDRS, get on the ball and send your commodore the LoCs
your squad is missing.
6. I am headed to West Point to train cadets this upcoming week. My
mIRC time will more than likely drop from everyday to every 3 days. I
apologize for this and curse the Army :p
7. Have a great week
COO Report #20: 06.18.04
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be moving back into activity over
the next few days.
Since returning from Iraq I have been very sick and have had several issues with
massive chest pains. About 10 days ago I was admitted to a hospital in New
York to have surgery that would release fluid from around my heart and lungs.
The surgery required a piece of tissue to be removed from the sack that
surrounds the heart. The DOCS removed 200cc of fluid from around my heart
and 500cc from my left lung Over the past 9 days the doctors have ran a
million tests on me to find out what is causing my health problems. The
good news is that I do not have cancer or any other life threatening illnesses.
The bad news is that no one knows what is wrong with me. Thus, my good
friends at the Army are giving me 30 days sick time and I will be returning
home. Over the next six months I will be healing and working my way back
to normal (that means my TIE CORPS time will probably triple :p).
I look forward to seeing you all on mIRC soon!
Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (RA Jedi Eclipse)
Fleet Medical Corps
MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx7/IS-1BR-4SR-1PR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GALL]
- No Reports Submitted
Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report: 05.18.04
Things to do this week:
1.) Find info on Doomsday for the memorium, and send to VA Drax
2.) Discuss 10th Anniversary Virtual RL meeting options with Ronin
3.) Work with Drax on the Codex
Those are the things I have planned for this week. I would like to thank Ronin
for being as patient as he has been while I help my grandmother to get better
the last week and a half. I'm proud to report that she is doing much better.
Hopefully she will only continue to get better.
As always, I am around for any questions and queries related to the Special
Operations Office, and as always I am looking for someone who can help with a
website. If you can, email me sod@emperorshammer.org and make sure to put "SOD
Website Help" in the title, as it directs to my minos account where I get a more
than generous helping of spam and therefore pretty much just delete everything
there in. If you do want to get to me in an email query, I'd prefer you put your
exact query in the email subject line for the reasons mentioned above.
SOD Report: 05.25.04
Again, thanks for the support with all that's been going on with
my grandma.
Anyway, I did not have much chance to get online this past weekend, because I
had some issues to take care of with the aforementioned.
I'll be sending out that RL Meeting format proposal to the brass this week. I'd
do it now in fact, but I'm not at my computer.
Other things that are coming from the SOD:
-More stuff for Drax to put on the memorium
-New info about the 10th Anniversary Competition.
-Updates on my character's progressions in SWG.
-General SOD things as they come up.
I also would like anyone who can help me out with designing a website( I REALLY
need one) to drop me a line. Use gspaanman@hotmail.com for your queries, because
I'm getting spamorama on my minos account and usually just delete everything.
Unless I can clearly ascertain that it's something that won't make my computer
go boom, I won't otherwise read the emails.
The last thing I have to say this week is to remind you guys of something I'm
sure you've heard from Compton ad nauseum by now. I fully support his efforts to
get more of the EH involved in SWG. With the JTL expansion hitting stores in
fall(or so they say at SOE), those of you who are MP flying junkies should look
into joining the game. I admit, there are still a lot of bugs and things, but my
overall experience has been fun. It's a blast playing with Ronin and the rest of
the EH and just having overall general fun as we do all the neat quests that
have come out of late. So.. I encourage everyone with the means to give it a
That's about it for this week.
Stay tuned for another nifty report later this week.
SOD Report: 05.27.04
Hello everyone! I'm doing my report today because of the holiday
weekend we have coming up. Tomorrow, I will be sending my 10th Anniversary RL
meeting proposal to the FC and the XO. I had planned to do this earlier,
however, I though some small things needed to be changed before I actually
submitted it for FC/XO approval. I would like them both to tell me what they
think of it, and what, if anything needs to be changed. I will also be posting
it on my forum so that the general membership will have a chance to see it in
it's current (and inevitably, evolved) form. Be as harsh on it as you want,
remembering that I want this along with the competition I have planned to be the
most fun out of all the events. I will also begin pulling together all the
feedback about the competition grading/judging strategy this weekend. My most
likely path is to go the route of the BHG's Cadre/Kabal Authority Games as the
format. For those of you not familiar with that format, I will be providing
details when I have pulled together everything from the feedback and decided on
a solid proposal. Again, I will be sending that to the FC and the XO for review
and posting it on my forum for the general membership. My current progress with
Memorium stuff is as follows.
I'm still looking for information on Doomsday. I haven't yet
been able to find any, but IIRC he lived in or near Toronto, CA. I also seem to
remember that there was a whole big to do about his death in one of the local
papers. Once again, the reason I'm doing all of this is not to remind us of the
sadness of the death, but to remind us just how fragile life is. That's what a
true memorium for any kind of armed force should do, IMO, whether it is
fictional or real. Lastly, I'm offering a sizeable (yet reasonable) medal award
for anyone who steps up and helps me make a neat looking, fully functioning SOD
website. I would do this myself, and I did indeed try, but I haven't touched
HTML in so long that I'm rusty and forget a lot of things. I'm also notoriously
bad at graphics design so.. anyone who can help with that as well as code would
be appreciated. and wishes for an excellent Memorial Day Weekend (That is if
you're in the US)!
SOD Report: 06.15.04
Sorry this is late, I've been having serious trouble with
spyware of late.
Anyway... I've attached the RL Virtual meeting proposal to this email. I'm not
sure you both got the last report email I'd sent out because while I was typing
it I was in the midsts of dealing with this very nasty spyware program I'd
picked up. Thankfully, I did a system restore to a previous system config and it
fixed the problem. Needless to say, that is definitely one of XP's finer points.
As for SOD stuff....
I will have a two week vacation come 6/23(That's the last day of the second
summer session.) I can't wait!
I have a lot planned for those two weeks, so please bear with me until then.
Now that I've finally been able to get the proposal to the proper authorities,
I'm going to start asking Drax about how much information he's been able to
compile for the memorium. If he's having trouble with some of the older members
(ie, Doomsday, Xanthe, etc) then I will be offering my help to him. I've cc'ed
him in this email so that he knows I'm looking for him to run his current
progress by me.
I'm hoping to get a competition proposal for the 10th Anniv. Competition out
soon as well. The day of reckoning is fast approaching and I want to have a few
preview events during the latter months of year nine. Among these preview events
will be EH related trivia, and other neat little mini-competitions as a warm up
for the big one.
The other thing I need to begin the preliminary planning is for the 10th
Anniversary Awards meeting. As with the other two, I'll be working on a written
proposal for the event for the FC and the XO to peruse and then tear apart or
praise for being the coolest thing since TIE Fighter came out. (The former of
course being the more likely extreme if any.) I would like both officers' inputs
on this issue, because some of the people I want to honor during this event need
to go through them to make sure they agree that their actions merit such honors.
Also, as before, I'm still looking for website help, so if there's anyone out
there who can step up and give the SOD some help on that issue, you know where
you can get me.
Anyway, I believe that's all folks.
Again, I apologize for the lateness but the spyware was just really nasty.
Thankfully I didn't do my usual flip out and not try system restore thing, so
the problem was resolved fairly quickly.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Siterath Goersase)
EH Advanced Guard
Lord Ambassador Report #7: 05.21.04
Wow +ICY- 7 reports already +ICY- well we have some changes soon, so I hope you
are all ready+ICY- Give it a few more weeks.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) Working on the final version of the Uniform addon
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look. I have yet to get anything+ICY-. This is your webpage, it is
what you make it.
5) Relations Draft v0.31 has been sent to Ronin, and we shall see how he takes
to it. Currently, that is one of our, if not our, last version before seeking
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available, since
I don+IBk-t seem to find you)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Policy Work, AG uniform update, Help with
Well since this is the end of week 7, all I can say is +ICY- when life+IBk-s got
you down, switch it into God mode, and keep kicking butt.
+AH4-LA/RA Siterath Goersase/DREAD Tranquility
Lord Ambassador Report #8: 05.28.04
Again, this is .txt .... if you see any odd formatting, please
let me know....
2 full months already +ICY- I can+IBk-t believe time is going so fast. Anyway
looks like we all have a bit of a mess on our hands, thanks to the TC site+IBk-s
server. I know that Demerzel was deleted fully. Also, many of you are no longer
on the roster. This is in the process of being changed. All 7 of my former
reports were also deleted, however thanks to our diligent FO, I have been
promoted to LA on the new database. As such, all 7 of my reports are once again
online, so if you need to check them, they will be there.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) Working on the final version of the Uniform addon +ICY-. Still far off
however, have to incorporate the ideas onto the uniform
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look. I have yet to get anything+ICY-. This is your webpage, it is
what you make it.
5) Relations Draft v0.31 has been sent to Ronin, and we shall see how he takes
to it. Currently, that is one of our, if not our, last version before seeking
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available, since
I don+IBk-t seem to find you+ICY-. Email me hours that would be convenient for
you, and I will see what I can work out)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Policy Work, AG uniform update
Well allow me to once again say wow at 2 great months+ICY- We are seeing the
beginnings of many new works. See you next week, but talk to you before :P
Lord Ambassador Report #9: 06.06.04
Hey guys. Sorry this report is late. Normally I would just say
RL issues, which they were, but I feel I owe you all an explanation considering.
I finally graduated from high school, which I was expecting. I knew full well I
would be able to graduate and get a report out earlier in the day. However, what
I did not anticipate was being forced to put down both of our 14 year old dogs.
We have had them for as long as I can remember, and although I seemed to handle
the loss well, sadly my mother did not. While there is nothing physically wrong
with her, any time I had outside of commencement was spent with her and the rest
of my family, either comforting her, celebrating the graduation, or the actual
time spent putting the dogs to rest. So once again I apologize to all, and I
wanted to keep you informed of what was going on.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) Working on the final version of the Uniform addon +ICY-. Finally
incorporating actual addons +ICY-. Appx 95-99+ACU- complete
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look. I have yet to get anything+ICY-. This is your webpage, it is
what you make it.
5) Final version of new relations policy complete, and will be sent to the
higher ups some time this week.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available, since
I don+IBk-t seem to find you+ICY-. Email me hours that would be convenient for
you, and I will see what I can work out+ICY- as you seem to be a hard man to get
in touch with)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Policy Work, AG uniform update
Again I apologize for the lateness of this report, I hope I didn+IBk-t screw you
guys up any. Either way, keep in touch, and let me know how it is going on your
assignments. Until week 10+ICY-.
Lord Ambassador Report #10: 06.10.04
Report +ACM-10 +ICY- well a lot of our little projects are finished, as well as
our huge one +ICY- Now to start the next wave. Sadly I am not getting as much
cooperation from my staff, and request that they get in touch with me and give
me an update on what they have been doing.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) Final Version of Uniform Addon pending approval
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. Still have no help here +ICY- anyone,
please feel free to send me some works
5) Policy Draft sitting on the big man+IBk-s desk +ICY- lets hope he likes it :P
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available, since
I don+IBk-t seem to find you+ICY-. Email me hours that would be convenient for
you, and I will see what I can work out+ICY- as you seem to be a hard man to get
in touch with)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Policy Work, AG uniform update
Well if all goes well, Week 11 will be a very different week for the AG+ICY-
lets find out :P
Lord Ambassador Report #11: 06.18.04
Report +ACM-11 .. 1 week away from 4 MONTHS+ACE- Wow +ICY- well here we are.
Allow me to introduce our newest member, Nashaa KamBuel. He is a fine addition
to our group. Please make him feel welcome.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (dameon713+AEA-hotmail.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) Final Version of Uniform Addon APPROVED+ACE- I will get working unis out to
everyone ASAP. It may soon be in TTT as well.
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. Still have no help here +ICY- anyone,
please feel free to send me some works
5) Policy Draft sitting on the big man+IBk-s desk +ICY- lets hope he likes it :P
6) I am doing some housecleaning. There are some of you who I have not even
heard from since I became LA. You are finished. 1 week from today, all you who
do not get busy, get out +ICY-.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- You know what to do +ADs-)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Talking to a new possible ally.
Great find. Thrilling me already :P Keep up the good work+ICY-
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Policy Work, AG uniform update
Alright all+ICY- until next week+ICY-
Imperial Sovereign Protector Reports
As Emailed From:
Sovereign Protector (TBA)
Imperial Sovereign Protector (Resignation):
Fleet Commander,
I present to you my resignation as Imperial Sovereign Protector.
I can see no point in holding a position without any set duties, or dealing with
the apparently continuing hostility from individuals, which I had believed to be
a thing of the past. I hope the next ISP has more luck in making the position an
asset to the club, assuming it remains open. Please arrange to have my access
removed from the EH Channel.
Fleet Admiral Cyric, at your convenience you can either transfer me to the
Reserves, or at Admiral Sarin's discretion, keep me as COOA (regardless, I'll
still keep working on Freeworlds for you).
High Admiral Priyum
Dark Adept, Arcona Consul
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}
Executive Officer Promotion/Medal Awards:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
I'd also like to use this report to make the following
* Promotion to full Admiral for Operations Officer Foley. Foley has been fairly
consistent in his position so far and has been a bit forgotten when it comes to
appropriate rank for his position. Given the consistent service so far and the
fact he's held Vice Admiral for 6 months, I believe he deserves this promotion.
* Promotion to full Admiral for Security Officer Sithspawn.
While SO, we've seen him deal with a number of security and behavior issues from
members with a very fine touch. SO itself has historically been a dirty
job with little reward, however I believe that after 5 months as VA, Sithspawn
deserves a promotion to full Admiral.
Emperor's Hammer Admiral rank insignia
(Please see Training Manual for
rank descriptions)
* Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE) for Supreme Director Mordann.
Mordann has continued to provide a consistant intelligence service for the EH,
as well as deal with the additional roster work from being DB
MAA. Considering the 6 month gap since his last award/promotion and his standard
of work, this award is more than deserved.
Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) medal
(Please see the
Manual for medal descriptions)
MAJ Trido Appointed as CD Prex:
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Corporate Division (CD)
The Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and myself have agreed upon
the appointment of MAJ Trido as the new
President of the Corporate Division (CD). Although he is new, he is eager
and represents some 'new blood' into the CD leadership.
Commensurate with his new position, Trido is hereby promoted to
the rank of Rear Admiral.
It should be noted that
Thorin also applied for this
position, but in consideration of his ongoing military commitment, I was not
sure he would be able to sustain a lengthy period at command of the CD.
However, he is a most qualified candidate !
Congratulations, RA Trido !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
VA Mad HaTTer appointed IWCOM:
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
Infiltrator Wing
With the recent resignation of AD Silvori as IWCOM, the
Executive Officer (SA Astatine) have agreed upon the appointment of VA Mad
HaTTer as the new IWCOM. He also comes highly recommended from outgoing AD
Congratulations and wleocme to the Command Staff !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
His application follows:
Greetings Sirs,
I am Vice Admiral Mad HaTTer, current Infiltrator Wing Training Officer. I am
messaging you to express my interest in filling the, now vacant, position of IW
Well, I will fill you in on a bit of my career with the EH, more so the IW.
I joined the EH as an officer of the IW in July of 2002. Where I quickly climbed
the ranks and was assigned to Command Knight Squadron on the MC-90 Warspite in
August 2002. I commanded Knight for 9 weeks, attaining 4 SoTW titles before
being assigned as Wing III Commander on the Warspite in Oct 2002.
I commanded the Wing for 7 weeks, I stepped down as WC due to myself feeling
that I needed more training on a squadron level. I felt that I was more valuable
as a Squadron Commander at that time, and my decision was based on seeing my own
faults while in Command of the Wing. I then took a position as Panther Squadron
CMDR in Wing III.
I commanded Panther for 13 weeks, and was my most successful command in my
career. We strung an 8 week SoTW run (tying the Squadron/Wing record that Boliv
had set), running from week 3 to week 11. I was fortunate to have an excellent
group of motivated pilots under my command, one in particular that I took under
my wing and has risen through the ranks to become the IWXO, General Orzon. After
the 13th week of my command, I was forced to step down to a FM position due to
immense RL issues.
Exactly 2 months later, I was re-assigned as Panther CMDR. Where I led them for
another 8 weeks, attaining another 4 SoTW titles. Ahortly after my 8th week,
there was a disagreement between myself, and a flag officer of the Warspite. I
then transferred to the MC-90 Fear, where I took a CMDR position in Enforcer
I Commanded Enforcer for a few weeks, attaining 1 SoTW title. Also, most of my
pilots from Panther had transferred to Enforcer upon my leaving the Warspite.
This is when applications for the IW Training Officer were opened. I applied and
was quickly selected by, the IWCOM, Niksavel. I have served in the position of
IWTO for 16 weeks now, and have been promoted from BRG to VA. I have had some
great success with the IWTA, creating more courses, and getting more officers
involved with the IWTA Office, I feel that it hasn't seen this kind of activity
since RA Gavin Strongarm was the IWTO, almost a year ago. I have implemented and
refined the IWTA Degree program, with assistance from my Deans and Assistants.
The Degree Program was set in place to encourage officers to attain a higher
level of eduaction in the IW, and be rewarded for it with a medal, and "diploma"
(which was going to be a Scroll issued with the pilots name and Degree, which is
still in the planning stages).
I feel that I have made my biggest impact in the IW in the position of IWTO. I
have made many more friends and have motivated many more officers to strive for
bigger goals (LC Zeth Durron who was recently assigned as IWOTA, CAP Brent
Tainer, GN Orzon to name a few) I am well known in the IW, and converse with
everyone on a regular basis, wether it be through Holonet messages, or mIRC.
On a side note, I was also Captian of the IW Guard for 12 months. Wherein I
totally redesigned the group and attained high interest, it was my pride and joy
during my time in the IW. Being part of a "Select" group was always fulfilling,
but the time came where I was needed to aid the IW on a broader level as the
IWTO, so I was forced to resign my Command of the Guard, and turn it over to,
then, LC Orzon.
Well, onto my plans for the IW.
First and foremost: RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT!!
The IWs numbers are dwindling, so we need a major recruitment drive to keep the
IW full of officers. As acting IWCOM I have already started the gears in motion
for a massive recruitment drive for the IW.
Competitions: There has been a total lack of comps organized below CS and Flag
levels, we need to get the CMDRs back into the game with more
squadron/flight/wing based comps to spark interest from our ranks.
Organization: There has been FAR too much moving around of the fleet, pilots
don't know if they are coming or going! This much confusion is bad for morale
and kills interest if pilots get used to one place and are moved around all the
time. The OOB should not be manipulated as much as it has.
Online Time: It has been noted that IWCOMs in the past have been seldom seen on
mIRC, I for one feel that it is essential for a commanding officer to be seen
and heard from on a regular basis. I myself am a regular on IRC in #TIW and #EHTarentum,
and I am always in holonet contact with everyone. Reports are on time and
Activity: The IWCOM and CS should be no strangers to regular activity like
flying SP or MP, participating in comps. We are the example setters, people will
follow our example if the example is given.
I have attained these recommendations from various EH Officers:
Admiral Adren Silvori - Former IWCOM
Admiral Abel Malik - Former IWOC current IWCOM:A
General Orzon - Current IWXO - AED/GRD Orzon/Gladius/Tarentum
LC Holu Tatsumi
LC Nicol Bolas - Renegade COM - LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
LC Zeth Durron - Current IWOTA
MAJ Exar Kit - Current Enforcer CMDR - WC/MAJ Exar Kit/Wing X/ISD Challenge -
AED/OW Kettch/Cestus/Tarentum
CAP Brent Tainer - Current Razor CMDR - M:SHW-AED/GRD Archangel/Tridens/Tarentum
Final note:
I understand that I am a rather new to the EH, seeing I will have my 2 years in
this coming July, but I also feel strongly that I am ready to face the
challenges that lie before me. Reviving the IW will be a daunting task that
require the highest level of patience and dedication, and I am prepared to give
my all for the SG that I hold so dear. I am sure that applications will come to
your desk from other perhaps older, more experienced officers, but the IW means
alot to me and so does her officers. And I think that having a new, young mind
as IWCOM would only help the IW. New ideas, new approaches.
I thank you for your time Sirs, and I will leave you to your deliberations.
~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
Infiltrator Wing Training Officer
Acting IW Commander
IWTO/VA Mad Hatter/IWCS-4/MC-80a Heisenberg/IW/EH
[MPS 4.4: Veteran] [IW-BB: Overlord]
{IWTA-ComEx: A-} {IWTA-GRD: A+}
[IW-GRD: x-CAP(SGM)] (Top Gun) {PS}
[IWTA: Author AWE-BHH]
[X-Wing: "Demon's Rage"] [R5-D6 Reliant]
[Panther: SoTW x13] [Knight: SoTW x4] [Enforcer: SoTW x1]
~Only the dead have seen the end of war.~
PIN: 17
~Protector Mad HaTTer~
Apprentice to SBL Proton
BTM/PRT Mad Hatter/Stingray/Tridens/Tarentum
PIN: 371
Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards II:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD RobD)
Internet Office
EHHA Has Started! Nominations will run untill May 28th!
Nominations will start NOW and end Friday May 28st, 2004. Primaries will start
Saturday May 29th, 2004 and run until Friday June 4th, 2004. Finals will run
from Saturday April 5th, until Friday June 11th. The winners will be announced
at the EH Meeting on June 12th. 1200 EDT in #emperor's_hammer on Undernet.
Knight-Admiral Robert Dura, IO-SOA-PROF
Two Soldiers, One Guild: 05.10.04
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Bounty Hunters Guild (DP Tuss)
Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
While I am not yet sure what qualifies as front page EH.org
material, I feel impressed to at least present this article to you for you to
decide and for my future decision making on what warrants such a thing.
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG -DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH)
Two Soldiers, One Guild
While there are several members of various militaries represented in the Bounty
Hunter's Guild, this month the BHG enjoys the return of long-time member Reaver
while simultaneously wishing well the departing Conan.
Reaver is nearing his five-year anniversary as a member of the BHG, and has been
given some of the highest accolades the Guild has to offer, including the
highly-esteemed Grand Hunter's Pin.
More importantly, Reaver is a member of the United States Army, and has been
stationed in Afghanistan. Fortunately, he has not been injured, even in the
recent escalation of hostilities there.
Conan, a member for over two years, has been a member of the Core Commission and
a guiding light for Omega Kabal.
As a member of the British RAF, he will be leaving within the next few days to
travel to the Gulf region. He is a pilot, and expects to fly several missions a
We have been fortunate to have Reaver returned to us; we can only hope that
Conan, as well as any other member of the greater family of the EH that is
overseas with their life on the line, is returned as safely.
COUNT/Nindo Flast/Cyclone/BHG -CH (GHP) (MS) (BoH) (GP) (SP) (LC) (SCB) (CoL)
Fleet Commander's Note:
As is our custom, the Emperor's Hammer welcomes back and
honors Reaver and Conan for their service to their county !
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
XO Report 32: 05.02.04
The key component of my report is an outline of what I consider
my plans for the EH. I've decided to write these down in an attempt to help
focus everyone around goals and aims and projects which, until now, have been
private. You can check out the plans document at:
These items included in the outline are things I've discussed
with a lot of COs so hopefully we'll see some progress on them during the course
of the year.
Just a reminder on the newsletter that I will take anything and everything
(within the bounds of the rules, of course) for it. That includes fiction,
interviews, reviews, graphics, etc. This even includes submissions to
competitions. You'll get a nice shiny Letter of Achievement for it too.
I'd also like to use this report to make the following recommendations:
* Promotion to full Admiral for Operations Officer Foley. Foley has been fairly
consistent in his position so far and has been a bit forgotten when it comes to
appropriate rank for his position. Given the consistent service so far and the
fact he's held Vice Admiral for 6 months, I believe he deserves this promotion.
* Promotion to full Admiral for Security Officer Sithspawn.
While SO, we've seen him deal with a number of security and behavior issues from
members with a very fine touch. SO itself has historically been a dirty
job with little reward, however I believe that after 5 months as VA, Sithspawn
deserves a promotion to full Admiral.
* Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE) for Supreme Director Mordann.
Mordann has continued to provide a consistant intelligence service for the EH,
as well as deal with the additional roster work from being DB
MAA. Considering the 6 month gap since his last award/promotion and his standard
of work, this award is more than deserved.
Thanks for your time.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #138: 05.09.04
Well. It's been very quiet two weeks, not counting my router problems, and all
minor things. There is one problem bothering me at the moment. Lack of new
battles. I don't know if problem lies with TCCs or TCHC, but I will solve it
ASAP, and actions will be taken.
My TACA, LC Justin did great job, searching through all NLs and Tactical
Reports. His works results with huge document containing history of the Tactical
Office. Soon, we will launch a webpage containing data gathere by Justin. Next
step will be fully functional Tactical Office Website, sometime this month.
Plotlines and competitions:
I am sure you all know about it already but there are two new webpages,
created by our office. Competitions Calendar and Plotlines Compendium. Check
them out. I am sure you will find them useful.
SWGB and JA:
As you can read in last XO's report, he want to put more effort into making SWGB
and JA more popular. One way goes directly through mission creation. JA is
already in our compendium, SWGB is waiting to be added. Play your part. Submit
some stuff. Extra credits for all those who submit SWGB and JA stuff.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a -
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office report #30: 04.30.04
It was a very slow week in the TC this week. I processed a few new recruits,
but unfortunately processed more AWOLs, MIA's, or Transfer Requests than I had
new members coming in. There was one new CADET that was inscripted into service
Three Squadrons have closed this week. Talon in the ATF, Dagger and Spear in the
For now I attribute this to end of year exams etc, and hope that things pick up
when schools let out for the summer.
Wing XV WC has been selected - Congrats to Maj Praetorian
Wing XVIII WC has been selected - congrats to GN Andrzej Mezynski
Prea Commander has been selected - congrats to Gelton Torr
That's it from the Flight Office...
In Service....
Flight Office Report #31: 05.09.04
FA Cyric Reporting on 5/9/04 with Flight Office report #31
It has been a very hectic work week for me in RL. I apologize for the lateness
of this report and its slim content...
Even though I've been slammed at work with a few "extra" duties that don't fit
my contractual job description I was able to keep up with all requests within
the TC. Most notable has been the promotion of Omega CMDR to GN. Congrats to GN
This was a decent week for new members into the TC as well. I processed 13
members into the TC, and transferred approx 7 members from the reserves back to
the active ranks!
I'd like to mention, again, that when submitting requests to me, even for
something as simple as an e-mail change, Include your PIN numbers so I can find
you easily. With out the pin, it takes a little extra time to hunt down the
member either by going through a list of names or rooting for e-mail addresses.
Speaking of mail addresses, please include the new e-mail address in the body of
text. Simply saying "I'd like my mail changed to the addy above in the header"
is not good enough. Most default to your name etc and no e-mail address and it
is time consuming and difficult to track down what the e-mail addy actually is.
SWG SE: I've been in contact with the COO, GA, XO and Fringe bodies in reference
to getting a jumpstart for the TC. I've gotten alot of interesting ideas from
members through out the TC. We, the CS, are working on this, but unfortunately
more info from LA and Sony will be needed before I can definitively state, "YES
I can do this that or the other thing."
Hopefully this week will be a little easier :)
In Service...
Flight Office Report: 05.14.04
Well, by now I guess everyone has figured out that the Database has gone
kaput....I can't process anything and haven't been able to since WED night.
Fortunately there aren't a lot of requests waiting for me in my mail box!
LA has released a new FAQ about SWG SE and it does answer some of my questions
regarding the game. Hopefully more info will be broadcast soon.
There have been no major issues within the TC this past week, and in actuality,
with Final exams for most upon us, it has been a very quiet past couple of
In Service...
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Dura)
Internet Office
IO-SOA-PROF/AD Robert Dura/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS IIC Professor
Internet Officer Report: 04.30.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #2
30 April , 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
The bug I mentioned in last week's report regarding SquadFirst+ has been fixed,
and a new version will be posted in a few hours, version 2.0.4. This patch fixes
an error with deleting editable pages. Please remember to post any bugs you are
having with SquadFirst (along with EH Ship Patches, EHBL, and Imperial Alliance)
on Ortho, the IO's Bug Tracker at
http://ortho.minos.net/ .
Speaking of Ortho. With the appointment of Lt. Colonel Zsinj to the position of
Infiltrator Wing Systems Engineer, he as asked that an Infiltrator Wing project
be opened on Ortho. This will allow IW members to post information about bugs
they see on the IW site and see if anyone else has the same bug, and monitor it
for resolution.
This past week has also seen me getting ready for the EH Holonet Awards II,
modifying the old page to fit the new slightly modified structure, and to also
make it easier to nominate and vote for sites. A special thanks goes out to
Major Archangel for volunteering to design the award graphics for me.
This past week's Poll was "The Best Imperial Starfighter" the results (as of
this writing) are as follows:
* Tie Fighter - 3 votes
* Tie Interceptor - 11 votes
* Tie Defender - 12 votes
* Tie Bomber - 3 votes
* Missile Boat - 8 votes
* Assault Gunboat - 2 votes
Congratulations to the Tie Defender for winning by a single vote, also
congratulations to the Tie Interceptor for coming in second place by only 1
vote. This poll received 39 votes, an impressive turnout given past IO polls.
Please remember to vote in this week's poll.
Last week I also announced a change in the way that the Site of the Week is
being done. This change seems to have been received favorably so far. Protector
Ibram Gaunt, with the graphical skills of Major Archangel, have done a bit of
tweaking to their SquadFirst site, and the links are much easier to read now.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's Site of the Week, and second guinea pig of the revised SotW
procedure is the Sin Squadron Website of Wing II, located at http://www.minos.net/~ssy/sin/.
This site also shows a typical use of SquadFirst+ modified to remove the
graphics and change the text color. Congratulations to Major Carl Lost for
managing this 3 star site. He will be emailed with the suggestions for
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Best Rebel Starfighter
# X-Wing
# A-Wing
# B-Wing
# Y-Wing
# E-Wing
# K-Wing
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: AD Robert Dura
Command Attache: Vacant
Command Assistant: HA Ari
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
# http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
# http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
# http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
# http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines #
http://ehha.stardestroyer.org/ -
Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards II #
- Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards I #
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
# http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
# http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template #
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
# http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ -
Sabacc Online v2.4
# http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
# http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
# http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
# http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
# http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
# http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
# http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
# http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
# http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
# http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
# http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
# http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
# http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report: 05.15.04
Abbreviated report this week.
-- News --
Starting last thursday, I visited my parent's house, and was without an internet
connection till tuesday. Monday I came down with something, and have been sick
this entire week.
The EHHA II will be postponed probally till next week sometime, pushing back
nomination, and voting sechedules. I apologize for this delay.
Something from last week, CA:TO-IOA Drako has done a redesign of the EH Library.
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/new/. It is still somewhat of a work in progress as
far as a fucntional page goes, but the layout is done. Recomend you use the
latest version of your browser of choice, as it uses CSS in great detail.
I have been out of contact with everyone else, so no news on EH.org or Image
-- Poll --
The past two week's poll, "The Best Rebel Starfighter" has shown a good turn out
with 57 total votes, and the A-Wing winning with 20 votes. The X-Wing came in
second with 14.
This week's poll is:
Why is the IO sick?
* He has a STD
* He's a lazy bum
* He's allergic to PHP
* He's allergic to ASP
* 168 hour bug
-- Site of the Week --
This week's 'Site of the Week' is the Flayer Squadron site.
http://flayer.tiecorps.net/ .
Congratulations to Commander Zeth Durron for a 4 star site. The graphics are
clean and suit the page well. No need for a nastygram :P
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #35:
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 35th Training Office Report!
One of the few recent reports without an IWATS course to release...
However, several new courses relating to Galactic History have either been
completed, or are close to completion. Similarly, the Imperial Trade and
Commerce course - an undertaking by Lieutenant Colonel Tiger - is progressing at
an admirable rate.
The denial of TIE Corps' Combat Rating 'Races' implemented in cooperation with
the previous Operations Officer has now been lifted. I expect to be approving
many new multiplayer-marathons.
Thanks are extended to the Seneschal for fixing the Shadow Academy database
integration. I have no added all the questions and what-not into the database,
and updated the SA tests to point to the input forms found in the Dark
Brotherhood database. Exams can now be graded within the database resulting in a
faster turnaround time (because I no longer have to input results manually).
The Competition Consultancy service is open to all members of the Emperor's
Hammer. This service gives members' assistance in formulating new competition
ideas - big or small - and help in running their competitions. Questions etc.
should be sent to darksaber@minos.net.
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by doctoral study. Most SubGroup academies will be heavily
involved in this institution once the idea is ready to go gold. Any questions
can be directed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com. The Imperial Senate, Dark
Brotherhood and Intelligence Division have been given further information
concerning this project.
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to hm@ehdb.org. Please note that this
only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this time).
II. Lowering of Multiplayer Requirements to One Match: 13th March 2004
All new Sith and Obelisk Initiates within the Dark Brotherhood must complete one
(1) MP match to graduate from Phase II of their Apprentice Studies. Single
player requirements for the Sith Order remain the same.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus : http://to.minos.net/
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
- No Reports Submitted
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
Communications Office Report #15:
Greetings Imperials,
Finals have finally wrapped up for me, and I am back at my apartment for the
next month until I head to Airborne school to become a paratrooper. I'm excited
about getting some serious progress done on the emperorshammer.org redesign in
the upcoming week.
I took care of a variety of miscellaneous updates this past week. Several web
sites were updated with small changes, including
www.ehcomm.net, els.minos.net , and
www.minos.net . About a dozen new channels have been posted on the IRC
channel list. Information about authorized login processors has been added to
the ELS FAQ page.
I've also posted a new Java-based IRC client on the Communications Office web
site, which can be found at
www.ehcomm.net/client.php . I tested several different clients and found
this one to be one of the easiest to use, fully-featured, and visually
appealing. Try it out and let me know what you think. Hopefully it will be
useful to those members who like to hop on IRC every now and then from a public
The EH Message Boards were upgraded to ELS 2.0. Please contact me if you notice
any problems related to this change. To the end-user, the boards will continue
to function exactly as before.
Last call: if your IRC channel is not listed at
www.ehcomm.net , please submit a request to have it added!
IRC Meetings
The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online Internet Relay Chat meeting every
Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the
fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of
service. General member discussion and trivia follows. For more information,
please see
www.emperorshammer.net/meetings.asp .
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #13: 05.07.04
1. Due to the fact that I was just hired as a Security Officer at a local water
processing plant, my online hours will vary slightly as my sleep schedule
adjusts. I should still be available on IRC between the hours of 5PM EST through
11PM EST. As always, if you can't find me there, drop me an email.
2. As stated in the last report, I'm looking for a CA. For those of you who
missed it the first time around, here are the qualifications.
1. Minimum of 1 year experience
2. No HCI convictions within the past 6 months
3. An email response time of no less than 36 hours
4. The ability to work well with any and all members.
5. No history of bias.
Items 3-5 will be verified.
The preferred qualities are as follows:
1. Offline experience in the field of Criminal Justice.
2. Desire to excel.
3. Web design abilities
4. An *extremely* high online presence, particularly in the areas of IRC and the
Your application will contain qualifications with regards to each
requirement/preferred quality with detail.
Applicants will collect no more than 2 references and submit applications to
ziggy@klondyke.net with the subject of "Make Me CA!". Applications under any
other subject will most likely be missed and disregarded.
I will be accepting applications from 04/23 through 05/15.
Case News:
1. In the process of writing up specific charges for a large volume of cases.
More to come this weekend.
Computer Security News:
1. As most of you may or may not have heard, there is a particularly nasty
strain of worm going around. And I say worm, because this exploit avoids email
entirely. It functions rather like the RPC exploit for XP/2k/NT seen earlier
this year.
Run Windows Update and help prevent the spread of this worm.
Details can be found below:
The virus copies itself to the Windows directory as avserve.exe and creates a
registry key to load itself at startup
CurrentVersion\Run 'avserve.exe' = C:\WINDOWS\avserve.exe
The worm scans random addresses and listens on several TCP ports starting at
1068. It also acts as an FTP server on TCP port 5554, and creates a remote shell
on TCP port 9996.
A file named win.log is created on the root of the C: drive. This file contains
the IP address of the localhost.
Copies of the worm are created in the Windows System directory as
A side-effect of the worm is for LSASS.EXE to crash, then your system will
reboot after the crash occurs. A window may come up that says: LSA Shell (Export
Version) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the
If you think your system is infected Click Here to go to Mcafee to get the
Stinger application:
As always, feel free to contact me for assistance should you encounter any
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #41: 05.02.04
"There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an
overdose of
Welcome to my forty-first public report as a Science Officer, which are becoming
regular it seems ("What have you done with our Science Officer?!").
Onwards to the news:
Science Office News:
1. CPT Timmay has been making excellent progress on Imperial Alliance, our new
game based on the Free Space II engine. The engine glows of the craft are being
adjusted to display the throttle setting and correct colours (take a look at
http://hosting.infiltrator-wing.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=70 for
screenshots on our IA forum.) The docking points (yay!) and shields on these new
models are also debugged, which makes for better mission creation :)
2. I got two new patches out this week. A layout of what has
been done:
" TIE Raptor: A low cost TIE variant that trades durability for
manoeuvrability and size. Now released for XWA as well.
" TIE Drone: Also known as the "TIE Droid" this unmanned craft
is mostly used for sentry duties where pilot numbers are low. Now released for
XWA as well.
3. I have decided to no longer support the Ares X-Wing (a pink
X-Wing), Marauder A-Wing (a blue A-Wing) and two BHG transports (Savannah's
Revenge, Xunrunner). After years on being on the patch archive there hasn't been
a single mission made with either of them. Also they are generally just (badly)
retextured craft with minor stats changes. (Laser type). If anyone ever decides
he does want to use them they can return under regular regulations concerning
new patches.
4. The Fleet Manual has seen a lot of updates this week in a bid
to ease use and increase the amount of craft covered. A layout of what has been
done so far:
" New craft: I have added the ISP-6, INT-4, Hyperion Fighter,
Enforcer Picket Ship, the Luggage, Cargo Ferry, Authority IRD, Shadow Y-Wing and
TIE Phantom. More craft are being prepared.
" New graphics: With the help of LCM Shinobi, LC Zeth and MAJ
Archnagel I'm going by all the craft of X-Wing Alliance and adding views from
all sides. This has already been responsible for the adding of several ships.
" New layout: All craft that have graphics now have the new
layout that allows you to see these views and a short description of the craft
at the top of each entry.
" Patch links: With this new layout all craft that have patches
available now also have these patches linked from their Fleet Manual profiles.
" New directories: I've expanded and changed the directories to
the three major "teams" of the X-Wing series (Empire, Rebel Alliance and
Various) plus the Emperor's Hammer (Displaying craft that are made for or by the
Emperor's Hammer.) Additionally to these I've added an extra directory which
displays all supplements.
" New sections: I've changes the sections of the supplements to
the ship categories used in the games: Star Ships, Platforms, Freighters,
Transports, Fighters and Objects.
" Order of Battle: I've updated the Order of Battle to include
links to the newly added craft types and fixed some typo's that had been
5. The Patch Archive will be updated to hook up to the Fleet
Manual better, with the same sections as, and links to Fleet Manual. Currently
it is quite dependant on knowing what kind of craft is used by what Subgroup,
which isn't very user-friendly.
6. I've been going through a whole lot of fiction (300kb, plain
.txt) for the News Letter, which the goal of having a nice new EH-wide
competition... stay tuned ;)
7. I got my 50th Medal of Tactics - Red Hammer... yay! *huggles
OPS and TAC*
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been doing adjustments and testing for IA and has been
researching new EHBL 2.0 options.
SCOA: CPT Tim has been working on new models for warheads and
thrusters in IA.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Fleet Manual has been
completely overhauled.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently replacing the HUD and
making adjustments to the craft models.
XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft
arranged by earlier SCO's and such. The TIE Drone and TIE Raptor have been
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office.
Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #42: 05.17.04
"The Linux philosophy is 'Laugh in the face of danger'. Oops.
Wrong One. 'Do it yourself'. Yes, that's it."
Welcome to my forty-second public report as a Science Officer, two weeks late
which is why this is part 1 of 2 (and will only elaborate on patch releases).
Onwards to the news:
Science Office News:
1. I concentrated on getting new patches out these weeks. A layout of what has
been done:
" Bulk Cruiser: "Capital-class warship favoured by local
governments and corporations. Usually modified, as originals are slow and
expensive to keep fuelled." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP.
" Imperial Star Destroyer Mk.II: "Heavy star ship. An upgrade to
the Imperial Class Star Destroyer, featuring increased hull shielding and much
heavier firepower." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Mole Miner: "Mining craft. Uses plasma jets to slice through
solid rock. Specifically designed for mining valuable deposits of rare minerals
and metal." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Escape Pod Mk.I: "Standard escape module found aboard all deep
space star ships. This model is one of the smallest, supporting a maximum of six
beings." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP.
" Escape Pod Mk.II: "One of the standard escape modules found
aboard all deep space star ships. This larger model supports up to a dozen
beings." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Space Colony Mk.III: "Becoming more popular throughout the
galaxy, this colony station traded extended repair facilities for improved
living quarters and entertainment facilities." Now released for TIE95, XvT and
" Space Colony Mk.I: "This was the most common colony station
until later models included improvements such as extended medical facilities and
increased supply caches." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Space Colony Mk.II: "An advancement over the SC/1 station. Medical facilities
and expanded repair bays make this a desirable place to call home." Now released
for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Cargo Facility Mk.I: "VenteX, a subdivision of Golan
Construction Corporation, is now a major builder of large facilities and colony
stations. This is an early model." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Cargo Facility Mk.II: "An upgraded version of the FAC1, this
facility type is known for its sturdy construction and dependability." Now
released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Casino: "Exclusive luxury pleasure resort constructed under
private contract for Dunari. This casino is known for its variety of gambling
facilities and parties." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Derilyn Platform: "Relatively common station platform used for
the housing, maintenance and supplying of mining crews. Also equipped for gas
processing and storage." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Asteroid Mining Unit: "Mining utility designed to extract
minerals from asteroids and propel the material out away from the hazardous
interior of an asteroid belt." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Imperial Research Center: "Large space station designed to
facilitate scientific and mechanical research. Much has yet to be learned about
this station." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Azzameen Family Base: "This particular station is the center
for Azzameen family affairs, as well as the home base for the Twin Suns
Transport Services." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Family Repair Yard: "Privately-owned repair base. Although
intended to provide a repair facility for Azzameen-owned ships, it has turned
quite a profit as a side business." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Pirate Ship Yard: "Shipbuilding facility built onto an
asteroid. At such yards, one can usually find weapons, ammunition, minor trading
of banned goods and counterfeit IDs." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Industrial Complex: "One of the many types of manufacturing
facilities found throughout the galaxy." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Processing Plant: "Typical structure used for the processing
of minerals extracted from asteroids. Often found near asteroid fields and
mineral-rich moons." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Golan Mk.I: "Space defence station. Designed to defend small
outposts and facilities. Weapons include 28 turbo laser batteries and 5 proton
torpedo launchers." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Golan Mk.II: "Space defence station. Upgraded Golan One, with
more weapons and shields. Designed to thwart starfighter and light capital star
ship assaults." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Golan Mk.III: "Space defence station. Most powerful of the
Golan defense platforms. Designed to protect military installations and other
vital facilities." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Rebel Platform: "Typical space platform used by the Alliance.
Houses star fighters, infantry units, weapons, ammunition and supply caches."
Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Civilian Pilot: "Civilian pilot awaiting pickup. Excellent
piece of target practice." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Rebel Pilot: "Rebel pilot awaiting pickup. Excellent piece of
target practice." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Zero-G Storm trooper: "These specialized storm troopers are
walking arsenals. The suit is a personal space assault vehicle, working best
outside of a planet's gravitational pull." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Zero-G Utility: "A variation of the Zero-G Storm trooper, this
specialized suit is designed for repair and construction duties in a deep space
environment." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Emkay: "Annoying droid that ruined XWA." Now released for
TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Imperial Research Ship: "Very little is known about this
vessel. Based on its multiple hangars, it may be associated with the development
and launching of star fighters." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer Mk.I: "Super heavy star
ship. One of the most massive capital ships ever built. It carries almost a
million personnel and almost 700 star fighters. It also has 10 gravity-well
projectors for keeping ships from entering hyperspace, and an axial super laser
capable of searing entire civilizations in one blast." Now released for BoP as
" Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer Mk.II: "Super heavy star
ship. One of the most massive capital ships ever built. It carries almost a
million personnel and almost 700 star fighters. It also has 10 gravity-well
projectors for keeping ships from entering hyperspace, and an axial super laser
capable of searing entire civilizations in one blast." Now released for BoP as
" Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer: "Super heavy star ship.
A less powerful version of the Eclipse-class, yet still overwhelming the
original Super Star Destroyer. It carries 7 wings of TIE, in addition to its
super laser, making a formidable force." Now released for BoP as well.
" Assault Frigate: "Highly modified Imperial Dreadnaught Heavy
Cruiser with increased manoeuvrability and retooled interior to require fewer
human crew." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" MC-90 Calamari Cruiser: "Heavy star ship. Advanced Warship
built by the Mon Calamari. The first purpose built warship design by the
Calamari these ships represent a significant advance over the passenger-liner
conversions." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Corellian Transport YT-2000: "Evolutionary development of the
popular light freighter series. The Otana has been customized for speed and
firepower due to the risky nature of the family business." Now released for
TIE95, XvT and BoP
" Millennium Falcon: "The most famous YT-1300 in the galaxy.
Faster and more heavily armed than any other of its type, it is unusually prone
to system failure at the most inopportune moments." Now released for TIE95, XvT
and BoP
" Victory Class Star Destroyer Mk.II: "Heavy star ship.
Originally designed during the Clone Wars, these heavily armed capital ships
each carry two TIE Fighter squadrons." Now released for TIE95, XvT and BoP
2. As that would seem enough for one report, all other details will be in the
next one.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been getting drunk and trying to get me to get back to
our IA project. ;)
SCOA: CPT Tim has been working on new models for all craft in IA.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Fleet Manual has been
completely overhauled.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and
most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently replacing the HUD and
making adjustments to the craft models.
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Currently all
"missing" craft have been added to these games by use of the EHSPs. All
remaining freighters, fighters, transports, platforms and capital ships of XWA
have also been released as loose patches for TIE, XvT and BoP. Almost
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office.
Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
Logistics Office Report #12: 05.01.04
Logistics News
1. It's been one of those weeks. Lots of school work coupled with even more time
demands from my job have combined to make sure I didn't get much done this week.
I have gotten a few newsletters from Intel and the Dark Brotherhood, so expect
to see them up sometime in the next week.
2. The two new LOA's are Major Hunter and Commander Sirik Xirok. Unless
something changes, those two assistants should be sufficient.
3. Some more information has been sent in for the Codex, but it is far from the
amount I feel we need to collect. One of the primary duties of the new LOA's
will be to gather more data for the codex.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok
Logistics Links
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ -
Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
Logistics Office Report #13: 05.10.04
Logistics News
1. Well, work and school haven't let up, and it doesn't look like they are going
to until midway through next week (hence the lateness of this report). That
being the case, the Logistics office is in what is basically a holding pattern.
I'm sorting out those things that need to get done, and endeavoring to get those
things that can be delegated sent to support personnel in the office.
2. With the unfortunate resignation of AD Zsinj (good luck in your other
endeavors, btw), a vacancy has been opened in the LO. Almost as quickly as it
opened, it was filled with another LOA. Congrats to Major
Archangel as the newest LOA.
3. Any members of the EH that have historical data about the group should not
hesitate to send it on to the logistics office. This includes Newsletters and
the like, as well as timelines and the like.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Major Hunter
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok
Logistics Links
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ -
Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #45: 04.26.04
A few Recon Office news items before moving on. First off, I have been in
contact with the hotels in the area around the Indy Convention Center. They are
already starting to reserve rooms for Celebreation 3. For the larger groups,
like ours, there are blocks of double Queen size rooms for roughly around $85 a
night, per room. But that is for about 10 rooms on the same level. Now that is
subject to change, so until we can get something organized for people to sign up
for this event, we wont be able to know how many people are going to attend.
Therefore, we wont know how many rooms we need. We need to get on this quick!
Also, I've contacted LucasFilm about a floor booth once again. They have not
taken advanced payment for these yet, nor are they really open as of this time.
I'd like to find out how many EHers want to see this type of booth at
Celebration 3. Also, they cost $1100 a piece.. so if we want something like
that, we need to get with raising money NOW.
Now this brings me to the CA:RO Position. This has been a very hard decision to
say the least. All of the applicants are very qualified and are shining examples
of what an EH Officer should be. But I have come to one in particular that I
know will make a perfect addition to the Recon Office.
I have selected my CA:RO and I will announce it later this week once this person
is approved by the FO and XO. After that, he will jump right in to work.
That's all for right now, Thanks for your time!
Now, time for the news:
Star Wars News:
TFNi Presents: Battle of Yavin
TFN Interactive <
http://www.theforce.net/games/apps/ > is proud of our stable of freeware
Star Wars games, and is very pleased to welcome the sequel of our acclaimed
Battle of Endor space simulation game, Battle of Yavin <
http://www.theforce.net/games/apps/boyavin/index.shtml >. Along the same
lines of X-Wing Alliance or X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, you pilot an X-Wing against
the backdrop of a beautifully rendered Death Star, railing through TIE Fighters
and Star Destroyers before battling it out above the massive battle station
itself. Destroy Radar Domes, Deflector Shields, Turbolasers, and still fight off
TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers before making your epic run on the Thermal
Exhaust Port.
KOTOR 2 Details
Chad sends an email with some of the fantastic new details on KOTOR 2 from the
latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. If you don't subscribe to this
magazine, do it today - THE source for games for a generation!
- Title is Sith Lords
- Totally revamped graphics engine
- Enhanced item upgrading system
- You're the last known Jedi from the Jedi Order.
- You can influence party member Light/Dark alignment
- Swoop Racing, Pazaak, and the shooter mini-games are back
Get the magazine for screenshots and more!
More on the Galaxies Space Expansion
The Official Galaxies Site <
http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/expansions.jsp > has a nice feature
on the upcoming Space Expansion, including screenshots, a FAQ, a succinct
overview, and a movie. LucasArts <
http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swgalaxies_lightspeed/ > also has a page
dedicated to the expansion, with Concept Art, a Trailer, and much the same
11 ) Are there things I can do in-game now to prepare for the release of Jump to
Yes! Some Rebel and Imperial starships will likely be limited to players with
specific ranks or a large number of faction points, so you can start earning
faction points now. In addition, we're working on a new system that gives
special space-specific perks to veteran players; more details about this will be
coming soon.
12) Will there be a beta for Jump to Lightspeed?
Yes, we plan to rigorously test Jump to Lightspeed through both a private and
public beta process, although the exact dates for these test periods have not
been determined yet.
13) How do I get into the Jump to Lightspeed beta?
Details will be forthcoming, but preference will be given to players who attend
Fan Fest and then to our veteran community (with special preference for those
who regularly help us on Test Center ). Eventually we will let more people into
the beta, including some people who have never played Star Wars Galaxies , but
our first slots will be for our most avid supporters. Beta Testing is not just a
reward though; we will be looking for serious-minded testers who can provide
constructive feedback.
14) When will Jump to Lightspeed release?
We're targeting a Fall 2004 launch.
15) How much will Jump to Lightspeed cost?
We haven't finalized the retail cost of Jump to Lightspeed , but we expect it
will be competitive with other expansions. You will not need to pay any
additional monthly fees - Jump to Lightspeed enhances your Star Wars Galaxies
experience at no extra monthly charge.
When Galaxies launched, much of the content hadn't been added, and many
people were appalled by the number of bugs in the game. Here's hoping that they
iron more of those out with the expansion, as it proves to provide players with
a new mode of combat in the MMORPG.
Thanks to jp-30 for the heads up!
That's it this week.
Non-EH SOTW: The 501st Star Garrison
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO Report #46: 05.09.04
Welcome to another RO Report!
First off, I would like everyone to welcome the new CA:RO to the Recon Office.
Please welcome Vice Admiral Manijak!! He has a long history with the EH (6
years!) and has proven to be loyal and hard working. I will value his help as we
get ready for Celebration 3.
Speaking of Celebration3.. I was searching on the net for anything having to do
with Celebration 2 to try to get an idea on how much rooms would be PER night at
the hotels within a few blocks from the Indy Convention center where Celebration
3 will be held again next year. Here is what I have, but I want you to keep in
mind, this is for the Official SW Fan Club rates.. without a fan club
membership, this might be A LOT more. oouuchh.. (Thanks to the Indy Knights for
the info)
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown - Skywalk to the Convention Center
$138.00 Per Night
The Westin Indianapolis - Skywalk to the Convention Center
$159.00 Per Night
Embassy Suites - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$139.00 Per Night
Omni Severin Hotel- 2 Blocks with Skywalk to the Convention Center
$134.00 Per Night
Canterbury - 2 Blocks with Skywalk to the Convention Center
$155.00 Per Night
Adams Mark - 2.5 Blocks from the Convention Center
$133.00 Per Night
$148.00 Per Night 705Sq. Ft Suites!
$305.00 Per Night 1100Sq Ft Suites!
Courtyard By Marriott - Across the street for the Convention Center
$122.00 Per Night
Raddison - 2.5 Blocks from the Convention Center
$135.00 Per Night
Comfort Inn - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$115.00 Per Night
Hampton Inn - 2 Blocks from the Convention Center
$121.00 Per Night Single
$131.00 Per Night Double
Now, most Hotels aren't taking reservations yet, but that will start to change
as the summer moves along. If I can�t get blocks of rooms reserved for the EH,
then I suggest that as many people as possible ( if you haven�t already) join
the SW Fan Club and get rooms that way. We�ll see what happens.
I still have had ZERO feedback on the floor booth idea. We need to have that
issue decided no later than the end of July. So we need to start cracking. If
the EH doesn�t want to do that, fine. I have the EH�s name on the list for a fan
club booth. Hopefully, they will be more centrally located this time around.
We are a year away form the largest SW gathering the world has ever seen. The
Emperor�s Hammer is one of the largest SW Gaming groups on the internet, we need
to be a force to be reckoned with at Celebration 3. We need to start making
plans for that now.
That�s it for the Recon Office. Not much SW News except with things pertaining
to SW Galaxies. CA:RO Report out with mine next week. Till then..
***New Revamp of Jedi System in Galaxies***
The Jedi Archives Volume 2 has been published on the Official Galaxies Site, and
goes over a lot of the new Jedi System that will be put in place in Publish 10.
The Second Jedi Revamp has been talked about for a few months, but not a lot has
been seen about it until lately. The most important part of the Publish, in many
people's minds, is "Players will have to complete a series of quests in order to
enable their Force Sensitive Skills." Instead of Grinding at unknown
professions, tit's finally quest based, the way many people thought it should be
in the beginning. Advancing in the ways of the Force is taking a major turn as
Light and Dark Jedi will each have separate Force Ranking trees with predefined
PvP experience requirements; however the method of advancing will be different
for both sides. Light Jedi will advance through the use of player politics in
the form of voting. Dark Jedi must advance through the higher ranks by embracing
the dark path and dueling for rank. Due to the advanced power levels of the Jedi
within these ranks, there will only be a limited number of players per rank, per
server. Because of the limited numbers in this Force Ranking system, it is very
fluid and based on constant conflict. Ranked Jedi on each side will posses
incredible multipliers to their Force and lightsaber abilities. Should a Jedi
lose rank they will also lose these skill multipliers. An example of Rank
multipliers would have something similar to; Force Healing will heal more and
cost less Force for ranked Light Jedi whereas Force Lightning will deal more
damage and cost less Force for ranked Dark Jedi.
There's a lot more than that going into effect, so stop by the page and get a
eyefull at the long article.
This should prove extremely fun for all who play SWG.
***New Helper Droids for Galaxies***
LucasArts sent us this short press release about a price drop and a new helper
for newbies to the game:
Star Wars Galaxies(r) Expands New Player Experience Players new to MMORPGs will
now get a little extra help when starting out in Star Wars Galaxies(r): An
Empire Divided(r). After completing the initial tutorial, players will now be
directed to one or two of the most populated cities in the galaxy, dropping them
right in the thick of the action.
New players will also be automatically supplied with an interactive helper droid
in their inventory. This droid will not only answer questions, but it will offer
guidance and suggestions based on the player's choice of starting profession.
Beginning with in the medic profession, a player might be prompted by their
droid to aid injured characters by crafting and using medical packs. With this
help, players will instantly gain experience while learning the roles their
character might play in the greater community.
As new players advance, the helper droid steers its charge toward larger goals
and higher level content and provide rewards for completed tasks, including free
cloning, free shuttleport travel and free speeder bike rental. The helper droid
assists current players as well by uploading missions and instructions for more
experienced players trying out new professions.
The addition of the new helper droid coincides with a new, low Suggested Retail
Price of Star Wars Galaxies(r): An Empire Divided(r) of $29.99 at the end of the
That�s it for the report.
Non-EH SOTW: Indy Knights
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #17: 05.02.04
A Disturbance In The Force
Congratulations to CHAN Tirna Q'jira and KHP J'lek Arcanos, proud parents of a
new baby boy. People have been very patient with the delay in medals, which I'm
pleased to see. Thankfully SCL Astatine (the only person other than the CHAN
with appropriate access) has cleared out most of the backlog.
Today I received the completed images of the new Standard Lightsabers, sent from
HRLD Kethoron Thek via DJM Gelton Torr (due to connection problems). The next
task is to figure out how we're going to make it possible for members to create
their own sabers from the parts, and display these on profiles. Hopefully I'll
have more news on that soon, and I should also be posting a preview shortly.
A Test Of Character
So far, I have nine submissions for this competition. Remember, all you have to
do to take part is fill out your Character Profile (DBCP) and email me (khaen@gmx.co.uk)
with your ID line or PIN. After reading all entrants' DBCPs, I will pick out
those that I judge to be the best three, and reward the winners accordingly (the
top medal is the not-so-common Crescent with Diamond Star!). The deadline for
entry is May 11th.
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
I've received heaps of submissions for the caption event, but hardly any for the
other general events. They're pretty simple, fun events with good medals up for
grabs. Also, there's been a decline in the number of Obelisk ladder matches this
week (to zero). Where'd all the spirit go?
GM Report #18: 05.09.04
As I stated in my last report, the Herald delivered the new lightsaber images.
Since then, though, the Herald's Praetor (SBM Ace Hobbes) has put the
lightsabers up with a lightsaber generation script, so members can play around
and create customised lightsabers. Check it out at
http://www.tarentum.net/lightsabers/. Please note that these lightsabers are
pending FC/XO approval before actually being implemented into the Dark
Brotherhood. Also, the Herald has been promoted to Obelisk Warrior for
his work on the sabers.
A Test Of Character
The competition deadline is not far away now, May 11th. If you want a chance to
win a nifty Crescent and have your DB Character Profile judged as a cut above
the rest, fill it out from your admin menu and send me (khaen@gmx.co.uk)
your ID line and PIN.
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
Like my comp, the Feud is in its last few days. There has been some resurgence
of activity on the Obelisk ladder to accompany the very welcome waking up of the
Sith of these two clans on the ladder. Looks set to be an interesting fight on
both fronts as the deadline nears. I would ask participants, though, not to
upload screenshots as BMPs. If your game doesn't dump screenshots as JPG or GIF,
you can quite easily change them in a graphics program (even if you just open it
up in MSPaint and save it as a JPG.. it's not as if you get extra points on the
ladder for the image's sharpness and clarity).
Upcoming DB-wide Competition
It won't be a GJW, I'm afraid, but it should be fun and interesting. I'm
currently in the early stages of planning a DB-wide competition which will not
pit the traditional organization structures of clans/houses against each other,
but rather small groups of Dark Jedi from across the Brotherhood who band
together for mutual interests. I will reveal more info in subsequent reports.
GM Report #19: 05.15.04
I've received word that the Herald has begun planning the new Grants of Arms. I
should have a preview sketch for review soon. More news on this as it becomes
A Test Of Character
As announced at this weekend's DB meeting, the winners of my recent minicomp
1st: PRT Kodiak Kereban
2nd: DJK X
3rd: PRT Brin Chaser
Alvaak/Tarentum Feud
The feud is almost over now, and I am moderately impressed with the last-minute
surge of submissions for the General and Obelisk events, which I'm judging. The
full results and the name of the victorious clan should be available within a
few days of the feud's deadline.
Upcoming DB-wide Competition
No more news on this right now, but keep an eye out for more minicomps which I
will run over the next few weeks in an attempt to gauge what activities and
events people are interested in doing.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (MG Dante)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
Major General, Special Forces
Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
PRF/MG Dante/GS-1/VSD Burninator [PRG:AGT] [HFTC:CM]
CM2, VS2, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
[OgD] [DsS] [HC] [SoV] [IO] [IH] [DJ] [IC] [EP] [MoC x2] [IrC] [CoO x5]
[SoH] [CAR x19] [MoD] [PUC x2] [LsA x2] [LoC x2] [CoL]
Weekly Report #4: 05.02.04
All seems to be going well with the high level of activity with Operation:
Barbarrossa in the multi-play and runon events. More entries for gfx and fiction
need to be sent in though.
Awards ceremony will be held next week.
GN Zsinj is currently updating the HF site. Please send him any bugs that are
LTC Narthax is currently updating the Operations homepage.
The PRG has released new skins for use with JK2 and they are currently
conducting an AWOL check of the members to insure that the unit is maintaining a
high level of activity.
Line Units:
AWOL check currently underway for most units.
Operation: Barbarrossa is currently on it's third week. Activity is fairly
decent, but a higher level would be even better. Go out and compete!
Operation Sledgehammer Results are as follows:
1st - Shadowmaker, CoD
2nd - Jacen Aylen, SoH
3rd - None
1st - Decarat, CoD
2nd - Domingo Chavez, SoH
3rd - Balefire, MoHa
1st - Domingo Chavez, CoD
2nd - Balefire, SoH
3rd - Todes Engel, MoHa
1st - Wil Striker, CoD
2nd - Domingo Chavez, SoH
3rd - Balefire/Decarat/Krayt, MoHa
HM - Eclipse, Roger Caliburn, LoC
Overall Results:
1st - Domingo Chavez, IO
2nd - Decarat, IH
3rd - Balefire, CoO
HM - Wil Striker; Krayt, LoC
Combat Action Ribbons:
Domingo Chavez
Jacen Aylen
Jodo Kast
Roger Caliburn
Todes Engel
Wil Striker
Please congratulate those who were awarded medals/ribbons and please participate
in all events possible in the coming months.
That is all.
Weekly Report #5: 05.08.04
The medals for Operation: Sledgehammer have been awarded. See message board for
individual winners and CAR awardees.
The PRG is looking for trainers for each of the platforms (JK series, SWGBG,
etc...) Contact Kuro if you're interested.
Work on the medals/awards/etc. for our dress/service uniforms is proceeding at a
decent rate. New armor models are also in the creative period. These projects
are being headed up by GN Zsinj and LTC Narthax.
OCadet Asbestos Felt to 2LT
PFC Halcyon to LCP
2LT Earl Swagger to LT
Medals: (NonOps)
Participate in our joint op with the Infiltrator Wing: Operation:
Barbarrossa. See the message board or your company commander for details!
That is all.
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
IW Commander
IWCOM Report 24: 04.30.04
Welcome to my final IWCOM report. Much has changed in the infiltrator wing this
week. The command staff has been reshaped and much of what once was, has been
I have been IWCOM for nearly 6 months now and when I look back at it, I see the
membership has not grown much and the infiltrator wing as a whole is in decline.
Thus, As leader of the sub group. I must take most, if not all of the
responsibility for this. I have over the last three years, Given a lot of
dedication to my various jobs here in the infiltrator wing. And I find it
fitting, Three years after I joined to the day, I retire.
A new young command staff with bright idea's has formed. And wish them the
greatest of luck, in achieving what I could not. the infiltrator wing as a whole
deserves better. Its a great club, with a fantastic tradition. I hope maybe one
or two of you, will look at my reasons and think to yourself, Yeah he is right.
And either do something about it, or move over for those that will.
My last order, Which I hope is obeyed is this.
The infiltrator wing, has undergone many changes in the past. to many. We need
to stop moving things around, changing this and that.
It does not solve anything, it just creates a great deal of hassle, ill
feeling most of the time, and never works.
I wish to see the Renegade, Keep the squadrons she has, and never move squadrons
away from it. If by luck a new ship is opened. Then start from scratch and open
each squadron one at a time, don't move things.
Get back to basics, From the base of the structure, grows grandeur.
I have to many people to thank for shaping my career and helping me all this
while. but I would like to mention one or two people.
Admiral malik, an excellent role model and good friend
Vice admiral boliv. A great friend, Who I recently wronged. I do hope you change
your mind and take the medal you earned.
Vice admiral kano, a man who did not get the accolades he deserved.
Fleet Admiral Moreco - A true challenge and the main reason, I had so much fun
over the years...
last but not least.
Colonel Demosthenes... A man who taught me how to fly a ship with style and
grace, A great friend and a person who pushed me beyond extreme.
Last, but not least.
Rear Admiral hatter, I promote you to the Rank of vice Admiral. You are herby
placed in command of the infiltrator wing fleet. Until the XO and Fleet
commander find my replacement. Once per week, You will report directly to them
and to the rest of the infiltrator wing.
Rear Admiral hatter gets my firm recommendation to replace me as IWCOM.
Fleet Commander's Note:
Our thanks to AD Silvori for his fine stewardship of the IW...It has once
again taken a prominent role among the EH Subgroups. The XO and myself
have also taken his recommendation to appoint RA Hatter as the new IWCOM.
Farewell, Admiral !
A:IWCOM Report #1: 05.07.04
State of the Infiltrator Wing Report
Acting IW Commander
Vice Admiral Mad HaTTer
It has been 1 week since AD Silvori resigned his position as IW Commander. And I
must say that spirits are rather high. Through the officers that I have spoken
to on mIRC, there seems to be an elevated sense of urgency. Not only from the
Command Staff, but from the line squadrons as well. I know that alot has
happened in the past week, with the condensing of the fleet and a few new faces
in command, but I know that you will all perservere and continue to do your jobs
with excellence.
First, I would like to welcome a few familiar faces back to the fleet. GN Talon
"Nemesis" Karrde has been assigned as Renegade Commodore, I am most confident
that Karrde will perform his duties in an outstanding manner. LGN Talon Jade,
has made his return to the IW to again command Eagle Squadron, I am sure that he
will bring new life to the squadron and aid the IW in it's rebuilding. Also, I'd
like to welcome back LC Wedge "Atom Ant" Antilles, his presence alone should
spark some motivation in the pilots that he is serving with.
And to everyone that has made thier way back to the IW, good luck in your
careers and welcome back.
Let's talk about activity, there is a wide variety of competitions going on that
everyone can participate in. They range from CS level down to Squadron level,
many awards are up for grabs in SP, MP, GFX, and fiction areas so there is
something for everyone. Get out there and grab up those awards!! Other than
competitions, there is also the fact that you can fly SP, and MP missions for
IWBB and IW Melee awards as well, not to mention the IWNL where you earn a
Holonet Service Medal for submitting GFX or fiction for the newsletter. So many
aspects of the IW can be exploited for your own gain, which in turn helps the IW
as a whole, so get out there and help yourselves, and your IW.
IWXO General Orzon: Receivd
IWOTA LC Zeth Durron: Received
IWTO VA Mad HaTTer: Received
Renegade Commodore GN Karrde: Excused
Current Plans:
Revitalize the IW by recruiting and adding new aspects to improve interest. Some
Ideas are:
Implement a payment system for the IW. Ideas are on the table and being worked,
we hope to have these finalized soon.
Make more, new, interesting comps. Not the typical fly this for a medal, but
something more inclusive.
Recruitment drives that span the EH, and beyond
Make the IW more RPish by adding fiction to reports, and having more ROs
this competition is for all members of the IW (from FMs to the CSs)
First off all we need recruitment banners - thats what this competition will
deal with in the first place.
Create as many banners as you like - for every banner you`ll get 1 point,
depending on he ammount of designed banners you can grab a big shiny medal:
20/+ banners: SV
15 banners: MoD
5 banners: ESC
3 banners: MC-1
1 banner: MC-2
Submission rules: all IW personel submit their work to COM/LC Nichol Bolas
all CS personel send their entries to A-IWCOM/VA HaTTer
The competition will start tomorrow (3rd may) & will run 2 weeks (till 16th may)
Draw now!!
Wing I Comp:
Border Patrol Month
Starts: May 10, 2004
Ends: June 10, 2004
Can be found on the IW message board. Points for this category will be given
based upon quality and quantity of posts. Obviously, two liners and nonsense
posts will get nothing. Also, remember the following:
1)You aren�t god therefore, don�t god mode. Have any questions or doubts on god
moding? Ask.
2)Don�t atempt to do something your character can�t. If you�re a medic cornered
in battle you shouldn�t be a sniper a few seconds later.
3)Read other posts. Don�t make contradictory posts.
1)Write about your first mission (It can be a strike, escort, recon, etc).
Describe how you prepared and how you executed the mission.
2)Write about the loss of one of your comrades. Describe the situation in which
he/she died and things such as who killed him, why, etc, etc.
1)Create a banner for your squadron.
2)Create an image of yourself or another teammate of your�s
3)Create an image of a situation your character may have been in (Cantina
telling stories, bar fight, battle, etc)
Flight Sims, SP (XW, TIE, XvT, BoP, XWA)
Fly and submit pilot file (s) to me. The more missions/battles you fly, the more
points you get. Missions are worth one point and battles are worth five. The
pilot with the most points by the end of the month is the victor.
Flight Sims, MP (XvT, BoP, XWA)
Fly against your fellow pilots in battle. Only in one on one battles can you
achieve points. Winner of a battle recieves five points, loser only one. Pilot
with most points by the end of the month is the victor.
All submissions are to be sent to shinovaginto@yahoo.com
This starts the tenth so get ready for some action, folks.
Squadron Comps:
Enforcer Multiple comp
starts 6/05/2004
ends 6/06/2004
1, Fiction part
come up with some more history for Enoforcer squadron, or write a stroy with
enforcer squadron in it.
ESC: First
MC-1: Second
MC-2: Third
2, GFX part
Design a new banner for enforcer squadron
ESC: First
MC-1: Second
MC-2: Third
3, MP part
3 points for a win, 2 for a draw and 1 for a lose
WRC: First
MC-2: Second
4, SP part
Fchg race the pilot gets the monst mission flown
WRC: First
MC-2: Second
5, IWTA part
person that does the most IWTA corses before the end of the comp.
ESC: First
MC-1: Second
MC-2: Third
All files to me in a zip form.
Major Exar Kit
I see alot of great potential in this group, and it upsets me to see it going to
waste. You all need to take your futures into your own hands and mold it to your
liking, there are many ways to be successful in the IW, you just need to exploit
them. Talk to your CMDRs, Flags, CS officers they WILL help you, and guide you
during your time in the IW. We are here to assist, as well as to lead. We all
have one common goal, to destroy the New Republic. How can we accomplish that
without educated and informed officers to lead?
For the Empire, and the IW.
~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
Infiltrator Wing Training Officer
Acting IW Commander
IWTO/VA Mad Hatter/IWCS-4/MC-80a Heisenberg/IW/EH
[MPS 4.4: Veteran] [IW-BB: Overlord]
{IWTA-ComEx: A-} {IWTA-GRD: A+}
[IW-GRD: x-CAP(SGM)] (Top Gun) {PS}
[IWTA: Author AWE-BHH]
[X-Wing: "Demon's Rage"] [R5-D6 Reliant]
[Panther: SoTW x13] [Knight: SoTW x4] [Enforcer: SoTW x1]
~Only the dead have seen the end of war.~
PIN: 17
~Protector Mad HaTTer~
Apprentice to SBL Proton
BTM/PRT Mad Hatter/Stingray/Tridens/Tarentum
PIN: 371
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Corporate Division (CD)
- No Reports Submitted (Prex recently appointed)
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report: 05.10.04
Its good to be back.
After a few weeks of celebrating this crazy custom of marriage, I am back in
full swing at Dark Prince. It comes not a moment too soon as the BHG is
functioning on all cyclinders.
The biggest news of late is the highly anticipated and exciting ending to Kabal
Authority Games 19. Ehart has once again spoiled us by running a competition
that is the pride of the BHG, and some would argue the EH at large. This season
Skylla Kabal made a great showing going from virtually last to first in only one
KAG season. Congrats to them, and the Chiefs, CRAs, and Hunters that helped them
achieve this victory.
They were not the only bright spot this season, as several kabals did better
than expected. We can now say with our kabals, we have a parity that we have
never before seen in the BHG, I hope this breeds even more competition, and
increases recruitment, as each kabal tries to get that one missing ingredient
that has kept them from being the KAG champion.
With this behind us, the BHG now turns to its Anniversary on June 16th. The Hall
of Fame Voting started today, and a succession of events are to follow until the
anniversary day itself. We are proud of the legacy this subgroup has had, and
love that we can take this time out and celebrate it. Each week new suprises and
events will be announced, but in the meantime, let me just inform the EH, that
we are quite possibly in as good a position as the BHG has ever had. In all my
years as a hunter, we are functioning as good as ever, with the possible
exception of the BHG's 5th Anniversary, this could be the biggest celebration
ever held by our subgroup.
I again apologize for my lack of reports, and hope that my reasoning is heard
when the tally comes in. I am as active as ever, but understandably had a
wedding to celebrate! We will see what the misses thinks about me running a star
wars club...
This promises to be a great few weeks in the BHG, thank you from the support on
your end, and thank you for your time.
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #50: 04.29.04
Report of the Supreme Director #50 - 29/04/04
Roster Count: 78 (1 new recruit)
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 215
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/GN Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com (On leave - email
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
***BUDR/LC Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. New Praetorian Commander Selected
It almost seems like old news now but for those of you who've had their heads in
the sand for the past week, Fleet Admiral Cyric and I chose Captain Gelton Torr
as the new Commander of Praetorian Squadron. As could be expected for such an
illustrious position there was very stiff competition for the spot which made
our decision pleasingly difficult. Gelton has already shown promise by creating
a new 'Praetorian Trials'
system for potential recruits.
2. Bureau of Operations Director Promoted
Major Stirlitz has shown himself to be a most able and dedicated officer in both
his duties as BUDR and elsewhere. It is therefore only fitting that he be
promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Congratulations.
3. New Praetorian Executive Officer Selected
Captain Torr has chosen Major Malik to replace him as Squadron XO.
4. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
If you're interested in joining this new branch of Intel see the Intel MB at:
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1629 or email
5. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications
The ideal applicant should be able to:
- Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its
- Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote activity
- Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
- Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading
by example)
- Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to:
aburt@tampabay.rr.com with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application
6. Holonet Awards
Announcement from IO/AD Dura:
"Welcome to the new instalment of the Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards. We seek
to award the members of the Emperor's Hammer who are the best of the best in web
design, graphics, and programming, and their prize is the coveted Iota.
The competition will be held at
For those that remember the previous EHHA, there have been a few changes made,
there are fewer categories, and changes in the restrictions on what can be
Nominations will start Sunday May 9th, 2004 and end Friday May 21st, 2004. This
gives every 15 days to clean up, create, or pimp their creation in preparation
for nominations.
The site for the competition, and currently an announcement page containing the
timeline, guidelines, categories, and awards is again at:
http://ehha.stardestroyer.org/ "
SDIR Report #51: 05.06.04
Lots of classified work this week, not much else; Look's like
I'm back to having a lot to do, but not much to say.
Roster Count: 78
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 215
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/GN Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
***BUDR/LC Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. Rear Admiral Scrier Returns from Leave
Scrier has missed out on a whole month of pestering and abuse - get to work:p
2. ANLY BUDR Applications
For the time being I will not be accepting any more applications for ANLY BUDR.
I'm considering reorganising the division so that it becomes more efficient and
if not I now already have applications from a couple of suitable potential BUDRs.
3. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
If you're interested in joining this new branch of Intel see the Intel MB at:
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1629 or email
4. Holonet Awards
Announcement from IO/AD Dura:
"Welcome to the new instalment of the Emperor's Hammer Holonet Awards. We seek
to award the members of the Emperor's Hammer who are the best of the best in web
design, graphics, and programming, and their prize is the coveted Iota.
The competition will be held at
For those that remember the previous EHHA, there have been a few
changes made, there are fewer categories, and changes in the restrictions on
what can be nominated.
Nominations will start Sunday May 9th, 2004 and end Friday May
21st, 2004. This gives every 15 days to clean up, create, or pimp their creation
in preparation for nominations.
The site for the competition, and currently an announcement page containing the
timeline, guidelines, categories, and awards is again at:
http://ehha.stardestroyer.org/ "
SDIR Report #52: 05.14.04
Arrrgghh!!! Report #52. That�s right folks you�ve put up with me
for a whole year, congratulations! I promised you something special to celebrate
this wee anniversary but unfortunately being smack in the middle of my finals
it�s not quite ready yet. Hopeful it will be released in a fortnight or so once
things quieten down. Sorry about that. Now on with the shiny medal filled
Roster Count: 80
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 217
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics �
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra � bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � jediaseret@yahoo.com
BLDR/GN Winters � EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) � cow1nhome@mcb.net
***BUDR/LC Stirlitz (BOO) � stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) � BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/CPT Gelton Torr � q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
XO/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
1. General Winter Awarded the FoEW
For watching over Analysis so long in addition to fulfilling his BLDR duties and
still finding time to perform additional duties, General Winters has been
awarded the Force of the Emperors Will. Congratulations.
2. Return of Communiqu� Submission Medals
Here in Intel I�m lucky to have a command staff who report in every week without
fail. (How many subgroups can boast that?). The Division has a medal for good
communication skills and report writing called the Communiqu� Submission Medal
which in the past has generally been used as an incentive for provoking reports
out of quiet COs. However I see no reason for not rewarding good behaviour as
well so, on Aseret�s suggestion, I�ll try to regularly award the CSM from now
on. Consequently CSMs have been awarded to: LC Stirlitz, COL Harlequin, RA
Rebelkiller, RA Scrier, GN Winters and VA Aseret. Congratulations. Bureau
Directors are encouraged to reward agents who report in regularly in this manner
as well.
3. Admiral Mordann awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor
I got a pleasant surprise last week in the shape of a new shiny thing. *Grins*
4. Public Relations Branch Still Recruiting
Now Scrier is back thinks should really start to get going with this exciting
new venture. If you�re interested in joining this new branch of Intel see the
Intel MB at:
or email mizhongboxer@hotmail.com.
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 05.01.04
Been a strange week with extreme highs and extreme lows. I
apologize for my short absence...eye injuries arn't fun, folks! However,
regardless of said short absence, I have gotten a lot of chances to work on
Diplomacy this week! Hopefully everybody's ready to set into Diplomacy once its
1) Diplomacy is 75% completed! The three major elements are either completed or
are on the verge of completion. As you can see, some of the framework is already
showing up on the Directorate Forums! The topics are presently locked, but will
be unlocked and access granted to them as necessary once Diplomacy is ready. I
am really looking forward to seeing this game in action once again!
2) New Minister of Communications, as mentioned before! Please welcome Commodore
Monsh Fesou to the Council once again! He's already posted a basic template for
the new Directorate site at:
http://www.directorate.net/ Please take the time to visit the site and give
constructive feedback! Superlative job thus far, Monsh!
3) With AF Olarum being MIA, the Ministry Council is in need of an interim
Admiral of the Fleet [and possibly a permanent one]. Applications go to the
Grand Moff at TSSGen@aol.com ... they WILL be reviewed by the DGMF and MoO!
4) Its the end of the month...have you filed your DMEs?
5) Minister of Education, Commodore Wil Striker, is currently on a short leave.
He'll be returning shortly, so don't let that discourage you from taking
6) Recruitment is very important! Please take the time to draw members into the
Directorate! This subgroup needs dedicated people to help make it more fun to
participate in! Recruit!
GMF/AD Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-1/Gondor Base
(FoP) (JC) (SoD)x2 (MoS-GR) (MoR) (MoSc-1)x2 (CoL)
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!
Directorate Domain Report: 05.08.04
Apologies for the late report. I had a track meet last night
where we didn't return until late and had errands to run today before I could
get anywhere near this computer.
1) Disappointing, frustrating week, with all honesty. Gentlemen, you only get
from a subgroup what you put into it. If you're unwilling to contribute to a
subgroup, then don't join it. I certainly will not give anybody a recommendation
if they ask and have done nothing around here!
2) Diplomacy's coming along nicely, in contrast. There'll be an announcement
tomorrow [Sunday] in regards to Diplomacy and the Directorate. It will concern
all of you. Keep a look out in your mailboxes.
3) MoE Wil Striker has changed his E-Mail address: wilstriker@cox.net Please
update your address books accordingly! :)
4) MoC Monsh Fesou is working extremely hard with his Adjutant, Tojjevvuk, on
getting the new Directorate.net site up! Needless to say, the Council as a whole
looks forward to being able to tinker around with the various features Monsh is
adding and hopes it will become a valuable tool for information and recruitment
in the Directorate.
5) Regardless of this frustrating week, there's a few awards that will be made.
These will be posted in a separate E-Mail so as to not lose it in the riff-raff
of this report. :)
6) Some interesting things will begin to occur regarding the Systems Manual
soon...after next week, I'll be finding more time to work on it and other
projects. Keep an eye out!
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Fringe report #10: 05.07.04
I have returned from leave.
Ireland was beautiful, and the Guinness was plentiful. I�m happy to report
(only for our members who are legally old enough to drink, of course) that
there�s not as much of a difference between the Guinness in Dublin and the
Guinness in Southern California as I had been led to believe.
As citizens of Sanctum Malleus
are aware, we no longer have a cantina. My plan is to have Holu get Master
Musician so I can re-place it myself. He got Novice Musician last night,
so I�m hoping he�ll make Master in the next week or two.
In the meantime, Cyy has been
kind enough to place a PA Hall that is being used as our combat headquarters.
It�s proven to be the most popular hangout in the city.
With the previous City
Architect leaving the PA for unknown reasons, I have re-assigned Nepo to the
position of CA. Nepo has already done a great job of helping to beautify
SM, and I look forward to further proving that we have the best, most beautiful
city on Talus.
We also need a website designed
asap. If you would like to provide this great service for the PA, let me
know asap.
Just a reminder: I very much
want every member in the EH PA who wants one to have a house in our city.
Nepo has been making small houses for members, and I�ll start distributing them
On an important note,
discussions have started amongst the CS as to the implementation of the Space
Expansion in the Fleet. Obviously The Fringe will be involved, as will the
TIE Corps. I will provide more details as necessary, but in the meantime
you can throw in your two credits in a thread started by AD Sarin (our own Kham)
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2135 .
For those who don't already
know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player Association in Star Wars
Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to members
of the EH, and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only requirement (besides
having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can
do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing DO Compton at
lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn, Tairn, Holu or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of
my pre-game report/guide is still available at
http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info,
visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit
(site under construction), or
http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=87 .
Current in-game members: 83
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
- No Reports Submitted
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI)
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 05.01.04
Sorry bit late but nothing to report. I should have more next
week as the major trials "should" start this week.
HI Report: 05.15.04
Nothing to report. Still waiting on SO for new cases.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #15: 05.03.04
News: More of the Same
1. The EH finished 10th at the XWA Week of War. A poor showing all
around. I blame this on finals and end of the school year burn out.
Overall we had a decent WoW month with another XVT Second Place finish and over
100 matches flown at the combined events. Great work everyone.
2. XWA Skirmish War Sign Ups are on the Tie Corps Message Board. I
will be closing the sign ups if I do not receive interest from more people.
So far I have one group signed up. This competition is a chance to support
your battlegroup and increase the pride of their MP skills.
3. The COO Ladder system is up and running. This system is available
to all subgroups of the EH. It is an excellent tool for the promotion of
multiplayer gaming. Use it. You can find it at
4. 24/7 LoC system on the COO site has passed 200 Awarded LoCs.
Continue to use this system to earn LoCs at any time of the day. It can be
found at
5. The EH is signed up for Gold's War of the Bored People. This XWA
Competition is for the entire month of May. You can find details about it
6. Predator is the April Pilot COO Pilot of the Month
7. Tau Squadron repeats as the Squadron of the Month
COO Report #16: 05.08.04
This week's exciting news from the COO:
1. 24/7 LoCs is currently taking place as well as the COO Ladder Systems. You
can see them at http://combat.tiecorps.net
and http://ladders.minos.net
2. The EH is currently signed up for the following Battlestats Competitions that
are taking place right now. The XWA Gold Bored War, the XVT No Holds Barred War,
and the XVT Never ending war. Go to the Zone and fly these other clubs.
3. The EH is signed up for this months XVT and XWA WoWs. Be sure to support out
charge in XVT as we try to uncede BOSS for the first time in months. 2nd is
starting to suck :p
4. And finally, this summer I will be off to West Point (June 11 to August 18)
to train Cadets at the military academy. More to come on what this will mean for
the COO. :(
And finally,
This months XVT WoW is going to be a 2X LoC WoW. In an effort to drive activity
through the roof and finally defeat the Evil BOSS Empire, I am going to award an
extra LoC for every win a pilot has.
Go Fly!
Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (RA Jedi Eclipse)
Fleet Medical Corps
MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx7/IS-1BR-4SR-1PR/LoC-CSx5-Rx2/DFC-Rx1/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GALL]
MO Report #1: 04.26.04
* First off I would like to play captain obvious or rather in
this situation, Rear Admiral obvious. I am RA Jedi Eclipse, the new MO of the
Emperors Hammer, Thankyou GA Ronin for your confidence.
* One of my first tasks was updating my old temporary FMC page it now has a
current Roster and manual. MO, XMO and CHF have posting privileges, other
positions will be granted access when need is deemed.
* The main homepage of the Fleet Medical Corps is under construction currently
by Drako, he is bogged down with higher priority-assignments so it is on the
backburner, please use my Temp-site, All links under Link section
* Archangel has resigned as XMO, I have appointed MAJ Sirik Xirox to the XMO
* With Sirik Xirox's promotion, I have also appointed Uther to the position of
Chief of Special Operations.
* I am sending out a call as of now for any ideas for new FMC courses/training,
any ideas for competitions and also ideas for anything else
* Ender mBind has offered to create FMC based Battles on the TIE,XvT and XWA
platforms using his new TFC patch but he needs our help! Anyone (in the FMC or
the EH as a whole) can send battle ideas to the mo@emperorshammer.org I will
review them and help with any holes, those that submit plots will be rewarded if
they are used or good quality.
* As part of my cleanup operation for the Roster I have purged All assigned PMOs,
there is no need as of yet for them. More Roster changes to come
* Speaking of Roster changes, I am calling out for Everyone on the FMC roster
that wants to retain rank/position within the FMC to email me a report ASAP at
-= Links =-
- Fleet Medical Corps -
( under construction )
- Fleet Medical Corps Temporary Homepage -
- Fleet Medical Corps Messageboard -
- Emperors Hammer -
-= Competitions =-
None at the moment - send All comp Ideas to mo@emperorshammer.org
-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-
Thats about it for this edition of psycho weekly.. I mean the FMC report, tune
in next time for dancing with Razorblades and Ewok-stories...
FMC Report #2: 04.30.04
-= News =-
* First up for todays report I would like to announce something that I had
submitted to the TC site over a week ago to be put on the News page... but seems
to have been disregarded........ anyway here it is:
As mailed to : news@emperorshammer.net
The Fleet Medical Corps is in need of a facelift. I am looking for new
Graphics,Banners,and Logos for the FMC.
The best submissions will be rewarded well and all submitters
will have honorable mention and be posted on the FMC site so with that said may
I say that I expect Serious submissions but have fun, be crazy, creative etc.
but keep to the rules ok ?
Also, If anyone has any old files from the earlier incarnations of the FMC
please send them to me for archiving and showcase.
Send All submissions to mo@emperorshammer.org
-=|MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope|=-
* Next order of business is the new position badges for use by the FMC staff,
they are to be used on the TC uniforms (OPS approved) usage is on the badges
site on the temp site.
* I have added a new section to the roster and added an
appropriate position badge to the site this position is for those awaiting an
opening or to finish entrance training (latter will be in effect once courses
are online)
* I would like to thank ASF BGCOM , VA Khadgar , for his positive reaction to
the FMC starting back up and for his help with several things currently under
* Thanks to VA Khadgar we have a start on a little project that I want done , a
Fictional disease compendium. His submission will be set under the Humor section
of the compendium and this section is more true than many may want to admit ;) a
direct link to it can be found here :
-=|Click Here for Compendium|=- <--
* With my additions to the Temp site I have also made an area
that archives reports and IRC News posts
* I am sending out the call again for any ideas for new FMC courses/training,
any ideas for competitions and also ideas for anything else
* Ender mBind has offered to create FMC based Battles on the TIE,XvT and XWA
platforms using his new TFC patch but he needs our help! Anyone (in the FMC or
the EH as a whole) can send battle ideas to the mo@emperorshammer.org I will
review them and help with any holes, those that submit plots will be rewarded if
they are used or good quality.
* Once again , I am calling out for Everyone on the FMC roster that wants to
retain rank/position within the FMC to email me a report ASAP at mo@emperorshammer.org
-= Links =-
- Fleet Medical Corps -
( under construction )
- Fleet Medical Corps Temporary Homepage - <
^-- use this one --^
- Fleet Medical Corps Messageboard -
- Emperors Hammer -
-= Competitions =-
None at the moment - send All comp Ideas to mo@emperorshammer.org
-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-
Don't have time to type anything here so I wont.. oh crap g2g... my pants are on
fire.. "Someone get a Fire-Extinguisher!!!!" - don't ask ;)
http://koti.mbnet.fi/~soldier/towboat.htm <-- roflmao
FMC Report #3: 05.09.04
Fleet Medical Corps Report #3
-= News =-
* Hello everyone and welcome to the third report from my desk :) Let us get on
to what has been going on shall we?
* Firstly I have given Spec Ops its first set of directives, They are in the
form of the following :
As Emailed to MAJ Uther: {
Team 1: Graphics/Logos
I want this team to create images and logos to give the FMC a facelift ! I want
banners, standalones, accent pieces, layouts if you feel like it! After this is
done, their goal will be creation of humorous illustrations of each EH
sub-group, the EH as a whole (heh lets have our own EH farside cartoon in a way
;) Creativeness is needed :) )
This team atm is headed by BGN Archangel, he was going insane in retirement and
asked for something to do. You have free reign on assigning/recruiting members
to it.
Team 2: New Courses
We are in need of new courses, I am going to (after overhauling the Position
exams) create a new course for Zero-G Rescue based on my training as a Scuba
Rescue Diver, I want more courses like that :) I need you to recruit thinkers
and writers create an FMC BrainTrust/Thinktank to create a set of auxillary
courses, I would like to see some courses so doctors can have specialties etc.
(instead of just general practitioners ie. Cybernetics, Micro-biology etc.)
Team 3: FMC Spec Ops site
I also would like to see someone create a Spec Ops site that shows current
projects and links to old finished projects. It must follow EH Guidlines and NO
Squad First unless it is completely re-done. I want it as original as possible.
Also, if anyone feels they can make a better FMC site than what I have created I
want them to send me templates for a new one. I'll do final Touches, Links
should be what is on the current site plus:
FMC Resources: - FMC Disease Compendium
FMC Archives: - files/Images/Reports/etc. from former incarnations of the FMC
FMC Academy - all med-school courses
Site must be HTML,Flash,or PHP. No ASP, Must have News posting ability, If
possible, a page to upload files to a server would be nice if possible (to
submit fictions/Graphics etc.)
} End mail
//coding too much ? Never!
* There has been a new Disease added to the Compendium :
Cirrhosis of Mell
- Variant of Cirrhosis of Tau, Single case
- Persona affected is likely to become more active.
- typing becomes decayed due to not being used to typing accurately
- caused when blood alcohol levels fall below 70%.
- Named in honor of a chronically suffering person (3 guesses).
- added 5-2-04-RA Jedi Eclipse -
* Not much else going on at the moment, reviews in progress, FMC Academy to open
Soon *crosses fingers* hopefully
-= Links =-
- Fleet Medical Corps -
( under construction )
- Fleet Medical Corps Temporary Homepage - <
^-- use this one --^
- Fleet Medical Corps Messageboard -
- Emperors Hammer -
-= Competitions =-
None at the moment - send All comp Ideas to mo@emperorshammer.org
-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-
If Nintendo made this game, they would have a best seller to end all ! but with
higher end graphics maybe?
Till next Time!
Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report: 05.05.04
I apologize for the lateness of this one, I had planned to
return from my RL forced leave and do this last week, but no sooner had I done
that, than another RL (death in family, specifically, so don't fire me for being
truthful, Ast) issue came up and I had to take care of that. Nevertheless...
here we go.
Now that all my RL issues are cleared up, I can get back to the three things I
love most. 10th Anniversary event planning, SWG and relaxing in the spring sun.
This week, I'm going to send a proposal for the format of the virtual meeting
that I've written up. As it must be approved by the FC, and the XO, this
proposal is subject to change, however, I will be sending that out to both
parties to post on both the Domain, and TC websites so you all know the basic
plan that I have.
As for the memorium project, I will be collecting information on Doomsday. What
I've been trying to do with regard to these particular things, is to get all of
the actual articles as some deaths were mentioned in the persons local
newspapers. Why? Well, I think even though they remind us of the depressive
issues related to these events, they remind us just how fragile our lives are
and perhaps how much of that we take for granted. That's as important to me as
anything in life.
The last bit of stuff I have for this week, is that as soon as I've gone through
the motions on the meeting proposal, I'll be writing another for the 10th
Anniversary competition, again, it will be subject to change, but the original
plan will at least be posted on my forum, if not the EH Domain and TC websites.
I think that settles it for this week.
Good to be back...
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Siterath Goersase)
EH Advanced Guard
Lord Ambassador Report #4: 04.30.04
Wow, another Friday report. Time just seems to fly these days.
As my fourth report, I have been around for a month, amazing. In that time, we
have had many new recruits, and many successful changes to the AG, so I just
wished to congratulate you on a job well done.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
Well it seems that no one wishes to check in these days +ICY- disturbing +ICY-.
1) The FC and OPS have permitted the AG to have a small patch, or other symbol,
on EH uniforms to differentiate us, and allow us to stand as one. As such, I+IBk-d
like some suggestions. So send in all your ideas, all your submissions, maybe
yours will be the mark of the AG that stands through time. +IBM- I will still
accept any +IBw-late entries+IB0- however expect my choice to be sent up the
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look.
5) The FBH situation has been resolved. FBH is still a confident ally of the EH,
and has apologized for any misunderstanding caused by their now former leader.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel - (Received Policy Draft 2.0)
See, not that much +ICY- just keep alert, and I suggest that everyone look into
possible new venues to expand into to find new alliances. Take it easy
Lord Ambassador Report #5: 05.07.04
Wow, on to the fifth report already. Well I am glad that
everyone has been working hard on their duties, regardless however there is not
much that needs reporting this week.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) The new addition to the uniforms will be submitted to the FC and OPS as soon
as I am able to edit it, which I am having some difficulty in doing. If anyone
wishes to assist, please let me know+ICY-.
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look.
5) Well seems we have a new situation. A contact from TSRPG contacted me stating
he is an ally, however he is not on the alliance page. We are
correcting/investigating the issue now.
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel - (Received Policy Draft 0.3)
Another short report, but at least we got some goings on +ICY-.
Lord Ambassador Report #6: 05.14.04
Hey all... Before I post the report, I want to let you know that
I am not able, ATM, to access the main TC site, so I cannot upload the report
there until I am able to get to it... Now the report
Well on to week 6 +ICY- not much has changed since last week, so the report will
be almost the same.
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak (jacobvannowak+AEA-aol.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed (m.wernsing+AEA-web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi (Tyr+AEA-delakkrennel.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)
1) The new addition to the uniforms will be submitted to the FC and OPS as soon
as I am able to edit it, which I am having some difficulty in doing. If anyone
wishes to assist, please let me know+ICY-. I would really appreciate assistance
from anyone with graphics skills+ICY-.
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:
3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com
4) A new updated webpage is in the works. If anyone has anything at all they
would like to contribute, please mail it ASAP. The more stuff, the better our
site will look. I have yet to get anything+ICY-. This is your webpage, it is
what you make it.
5) Nothing new with the TSRPG situation, and I am still not sure what their
current status is+ICY-
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- I+IBk-ll be in touch (on
AIM/MSN/IRC I prefer, please let me know when you are normally available)
Ambassador (AMB) - AD Jacob Van Nowak - Help coordinate the new ENVs, make sure
they stay on their feet
Ambassador (AMB) - LC Xanatos Screed - Contact our allies, inform them any new
EH happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Tyr Anasazi - Contact our allies, inform them any new EH
happenings, and check how they still stand with the EH.
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies,
and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc.
If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it.
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel - (Received Policy Draft 0.3)
Alright, until week 7, this is myself signing off again. Keep your stick on the
Imperial Sovereign Protector Reports
As Emailed From:
Sovereign Protector (HA Priyum)
ISP/HA Priyum Patel/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}
Imperial Sovereign Protector Report #1:
Medals, medals and more medals
As part of an on-going project under the Operations Officer, AD Alex Foley, I'm
currently collecting as much information I can on past awards for the MoH, IC,
OoR and GOE. Specific details I'm looking for are the dates of award, the reason
given and the recommender/recipient details. Something like this:
Recipient Name: Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK (IO)
Medal: Medal of Honour
Award Date: 25th May 2001
Recommended by: Grand Admiral Ronin
Recommendation: For his dedication and self-sacrifice in hosting so many EH www
sites, Newsletters and online areas for EH use, the EH Internet Officer (FA
AbsoluteK) is to be awarded the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honor (MoH), the
Fleet's highest award...Congratulations !
I'm particularly keen on getting information from before the year 2000, as these
are not in the EH.org news archives. If you've still got an original rec that
you made yourself, I'd like to hear from you also!
As some of you will have seen on the EH Message Boards, there's been a lot of
talk recently about the Star Wars TC mod for the game Freelancer.
I was never really a fan of the single-player aspect of Freelancer, nor of
playing games online in general. Well I gave FW a try to see what all the fuss
was about and I must say that I've taken to it. I've spent around 20 hours
online playing it so far and it's a well made mod.
If given the appropriate amount of support from the Command Staff, I can see
this becoming an integral part of the TIE Corps and possibly several other
Sub-groups. Should we set up our own EH server for the game (an extremely simple
task if you have a decent internet connection), then there's also the
possibility of inviting other clubs to use it and form opposing factions and
improve our relations with them. The advantage of our own server also means that
we dictate the rules and policies of the game rather than someone else (I've
sent off a preliminary set of rules to TO/FA Keldorn who may set up a server for
use). The Server operator can also track the activity of users for the purposes
of things like medals (LoCs for PvP) etc using IONCROSS Server Operator, a very
useful program. Plus we wouldn't loose character during mod updates unlike on
the current server we use (Burnout 24/7 USA - which has an alarming rate of
players being banned).
I understand a proposal for this has already been submitted by Captain Caine. I
would strongly recommend that the CS gives it due consideration and approaches
those individuals are who are actively participating in the Freeworlds for their
<-- The current message board thread.