June 2003


As Emailed From:  D-SWG/MS Compton/Command Staff/The Fringe


LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment announced today that Star Wars Galaxies, possibly the most anticipated Star Wars game ever, will be in stores on June 26th, 2003. The entire press release can be read here: http://www.lucasarts.com/products/galaxies/press5.htm.

What does this mean for the Emperor's Hammer? It means that the long-awaited EH SWG Player Association is about to be born. The PA will be run by The Fringe, the EH's official role-playing sub-group. All you have to do to join is e-mail DCGM Darknyte at darknyte@alltel.net and tell him you want to join.

Best of all, you do NOT need to use a separate e-mail address to join, so if you want, you can base your SWG character on your existing EH persona!

We'll need all types of players in the game - from Marksmen (and women) to Architects, Brawlers to Weaponsmiths, Craftsmen to Squad Leaders, Dancers to Commandos. SWG has a HUGE range of skills that your character can learn, and everyone will be encouraged to do whatever it is they like.

TWO IMPORTANT NOTES: to limit the server load during the initial release, you will need to pre-buy a copy of the game if you want to play it as soon as it comes out. You can do this online, at lucasarts.com, or at most of your local electronics stores. You will also need to make sure your system will meet the minimum requirements, listed at http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/features/faq.jsp. I've found that while you can play the game at 256MB, it's REALLY laggy. You'll really need at least 512MB of RAM to play smoothly.

I've been beta testing the game for the last couple months, so I can honestly tell you that playing this game is absolutely the closest you can get to living in the Star Wars universe. So if you're planning on playing Galaxies, join the EH SWG effort today!

Master Strategist Jahn Compton
D-SWG/MS Compton/Command Staff/The Fringe
...yes, THAT Compton...

Addendum:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  D-SWG/MS Compton/Command Staff/The Fringe

Now that the NDA's been lifted for Galacrack, a member of the Fleet has donated some webspace for my early guide to SWG:


If you could add that to the earlier news item when you update the domain, that'd be great.


Executive Officer's Note:

SWG pics:  06.21.03


SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

EH Poland Meeting III: 11-14 July 2003:  06.17.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)


Fellow Imperials. I come to you to inform you about 3rd Emperor's Hammer Poland meeting. It will be the 3rd time when polish community within Emperor's Hammer, to celebrate together, make friendships, drink beer, watch movies, swim and have overall fun, during four summer days.

This meeting will be special, cause we expect guests from other countries, mostly Germany. If they will be able to join us this summer, then it will be EH Europe meeting. Something, I always wanted to organize. What's more. If our Science Office, Fleet Admiral Ender mBind will be able to join us, we will have two EH CS members with us, TAC and SCO so it will be rather strong presence.

How can you join us? First you have to travel to Poland. I know this can be tricky and expensive, but trust me. It's worth an effort. You have to travel to city of Bialystok. It's located, 200km east, from polish capital city of Warsaw. Use train or bus. I know there are direct buses to Bialystok from Holland and Western Germany. And they are pretty cheap. Once you will get the, I will pick you up, load on truck and we will travel to Wojszki village, place of our meeting. What can I tell you about the place? Well. It is great place to rest. Summer house, located within the woods. Swimming pool, place to locate tents. River nearby. Really beautiful.

What can you expect? Answer is simply. FUN! You can expect a lot of people. People from EH and other people. Simple pilots and Command Staff. We also plan to organize EHPLM 3 multi-player competition so you will be able to learn multi-player flying and face good EH pilots. We we will have 6-8 computers, so we will be able to play 3v3 or 4v4. You will never forget that experience, trust me. We will also drink a lot of beer, probably watch some movie, we will set campfire, have food from grill and other fancy things. A lot of fun, and once again fun. So if you have girlfriend, take her with you.

How can you join? First email me and let me know you want to join us. I will try to find you someone living nearby, who already has been on EHPLM, so it will be easier for you. And then, check out if you have tent and sleeping bag. And of course enough of money. Food is cheep here, but you always need some cash. And then you will be ready to got.

So. If you think you can join us, do it. You won't be disappointed. Wanna meet Tactical Officer? Here's your best chance. Cya there!

Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
EH Poland Meeting Moderator

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please check out the pics from EH Poland Meet II...These are some crazy folks...

"bring out the horses and beer, for tonight we ride...!" :)

MinosNIC Downtime Update:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Chris Hutton

Bellsouth has STILL not gotten back with Covad, even in breach of the Bellsouth-Covad contract... new 'guaranteed' time of action on the trouble ticket (now escalated) is Monday night.

Earliest we will be seeing the server back is Wednesday morning, if all goes well...

PFC Chris Hutton
248 MI CO, 48 Infantry BDE
Military Intelligence - "Always Out Front!"

Official Star Wars Fan Club Breakfast at Origins on 06.27.03:  06.16.03
As Emailed From:  ROA/CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign
Press Release Copied From:  http://starwars.paizo.com/originsbreakfast

Official Star Wars Fan Club Breakfast at Origins
Press Release

Fan Club Members and Guests Score Exclusive Boba Fett

Members of the Official Star Wars Fan Club can register to join their fellow fans, the Fan Club staff, and Star Wars author Michael Stackpole for an early morning of fun and conversation Friday, June 27, 2003. Fans will gather at the Fusion Room in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, right in downtown Columbus next to the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

Not only will fans meet Stackpole and some of the faces behind the Fan Club, but each registered breakfast attendee will also receive one of the convention exclusive action figures from Hasbro, a special silver-painted Boba Fett. The action figure is included in the cost of the breakfast ticket.

Seating at the breakfast is very limited, and tickets are expected to sell out quickly. To register for the breakfast, Official Star Wars Fan Club members can go to http://starwars.paizo.com/originsbreakfast.

Stackpole is the author of many popular Star Wars stories, including the novels I, Jedi; Dark Tide: Onslaught and Ruin; and the X-Wing series books Rogue Squadron, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War, and Isard's Revenge.

In addition to Stackpole, fans can meet Lisa Stevens, President of the Official Star Wars Fan Club, and Vic Wertz, Associate Editor of Star Wars Insider magazine - both world-class Star Wars collectors. Johnny Wilson, Publisher of Insider, will be on hand, as well as Mary Franklin, the Editor of Bantha Tracks. All the Fan Club staff members will be ready to answer your questions and hear your ideas about Insider, Bantha Tracks, and the direction of the Official Fan Club.

Fan Club members will not only enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow Star Wars fans, they will get one of the Boba Fett action figures without standing in line.

Tickets for the breakfast are limited, and will be sold only as seats are available. Admission to the event is $29.95 per person, which includes breakfast at the Crowne Plaza Fusion Room and one silver-painted Boba Fett convention exclusive action figure from Hasbro. Admission to Origins Game Fair is not included in the breakfast price.

Breakfast registration is limited to members of the Official Star Wars Fan Club only, but each member may also purchase one ticket for one guest. This guest is not required to be a member, but must be accompanied by the member at the breakfast.

To register for the Official Star Wars Fan Club Breakfast, or to learn more, fans can go to http://starwars.paizo.com/originsbreakfast.


ROA/CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign
"The brave don't live forever, but the fearful don't live at all"

Fleet Commander's Note:

Many new EH Members may not realize the Emperor's Hammer has conducted an IRC interview (08.22.98) and received a club autograph from him as well...!

Please see out Articles page for more notable interviews, autographs and write-ups on the EH !

Tactical Office Report #94:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #94
by TAC/AD Marcin Szydlowski
( pbmike@go2.pl )



Hello all. Let me think how can I start this report. Hmmm? Oh, I got it. So...

Week of great changes. I have hired two new Tactical Coordinators and Command Attach� (approved by GA Ronin and HA Priyum, pending approval of SA Astatine). For more information check specified section of my report. They have already started their working and working at 120% to help me with TAC3K. Yes, we are closer than ever, only 42 missions to go. I will be very happy to see, TAC3K achieve in June. No, not July but June. Is it possible? Of course.

I have also resumed work on Tactical Manual version 3.0. After reading it again and again, I have decided to completely rewrite it. I am like 5% done and after writing this report, I am going to work on it again. Thanks to Philo for helping me with grammar and doing additional spelling/grammar check. Also thanks for giving his suggestions and updates.

Also, we started working on mission creation tutorials. Philo will work on TIE, I will work on XvT/BoP and RogueWing is already working on XWA tutorial. I am not sure about his progress, but last time I checked he was finishing it. So expect AlliED tutorial very soon. What's more, I will create a set of FAQs. From general ones to mission creation ones. This will allow us to address most common question asked by membership.
From other news. Well. #tac owner has been changed. Because I am still waiting for Undernet to revoke my #ehpl owner status (it has been transferred to non-EH person), my soon to be appointed CA, Philo has taken control of #tac from the hands of Mark Schueler. I would like to thank Mark for his month of work as channel manager.

And our SCO is back. I didn't manage to talk to him yet, but I am sure he will be back to duty ASAP and we will get another package of patches :) Welcome back Ender :)

Tactical Database back online

Very special thanks to Colonel Absolut Vodka, I have successfully transferred Tactical Database, to new location. Check Tactical Message Board for more info, or check this link to visit our database.
There is only one problem remaining but it is not critical and does not affect testers and engineers. I will try to fix that problem very soon.

CA:TAC selected, pending XO approval

I have decided to appoint LC Philo as my Command Attach�. He was key player of Tactical Office, serving as TCC:TIE. And he did really great (you can check number of TIE missions/battles released recently). He is also TM Prof and experienced mission designer. I will need to teach him some things, but I am pretty sure he will do great. Congrats Philo.

EH Poland Meeting III: 11-14 July 2003

I have mailed domain article to GA Ronin. You can also check main EH message board for more info, or wait for GA Ronin to add this article to EH domain :) Also, you can mail me for more information. Cya there :)

New location of message boards

Minos is still down so our COMM decided to move message boards to new location. They are available here. Make sure to update your favorites :)

TCCs appointed

With promotion of LC Philo, I have decided to appoint another CA:TAC candidate as TCC:TIE. Congrats to LC Styles our experienced tester and engineer. Also, new TCC:XvT is LCM Apophis Kuma. I am sure, they will both do great and provide us with new battles and missions. With help from me and Philo, I am sure they will have no problems. After all, Tactical Database management is not so hard :)

Mission Creation Courses

Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 46 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 306 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 111 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
TCC:TIE, LC Philo is also planning next version of Tie mission designing (TM/2). Vetaran TIE mission designers, feel free to email him with your ideas and suggestions. :)

TAC3K countdown!
Tactical Database is not working properly yet, so no new battles this week. We need only 42 to reach TAC3K! Good work Tactical Staff, keep it up!

New course proposed to Training Officer

I have proposed new IWATS course to Training Officer. Tactical Staff course (TAC). It would contain basic and advanced mission on how to be good testers, engineer, coordinator and head coordinator. It wil also explain different options of Tactical Database. It will be required when applying on every Tactical Office position. Right now I am waiting on Training Officer, to reply and tell me what he thinks about this idea.

Tactical Office Person of the Week:

Congrats to Locke Setzer, on being TAC's PotW. As nominated by TCC:XWA:
I nominate Locke Setzer for PotW, he is bugging me something shocking about stuff to test and he does them all well and quick with excellent Beta Reports. I pray i get more stuff for him to test soon.

Current standings:

Locke Setzer - 2
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 2958 (+16)
Battles: 455
Free Missions: 512
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
No Report
XvT/BoP Division
No Report
XWA Division:
In Queue: None
Under Testing: 8
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: None
Total: 9
Tactical Roster:
TIE: 14
XvT: 19
BoP: 17
XWA: 13
Mission Creation Corner
Noone submitted anything this week.

Final word:

My office is always open. I don't do any business on IRC, but I ALWAYS reply to questions and suggestions. What do I mean by EH business. Here's example: "Mike, please award me my mission MoT-rh", and other things like that.

If you have question and I am not available, try joining #tac and ask there or use mail. Ultimately you can use Mission Creation Forum :)


Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >

Internet Office Report #96:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

June 20 , 2003

Internet Office News

Alright, let's start off with the most pertinent issue, MinosNIC: Turtle has been posting on the message boards updates on the status on Minos. We ask that you bear with us. A new DSL connection was ordered and should have been set up this week, but due to the incompetency of people at Bellsouth, there are still problems. We know you need Minos. So do we. Though since it is a free service, we ask that you just grin and bear it. Turtle is trying as hard as he can to coordinate the recovery efforts remotely. Asking when it will be up won't do you any good, because we don't know just how stupid these people can get. We'll just have to wait and find out...

As you may be aware, the EH Message Boards have moved to www.theholo.net/mb/. The EHNet links now point there, so all existing bookmarks/links will still take you to the right place.

The IO staff is almost done with remaking the graphics on EH.org. Only 4 more are left, so the new ones should be up within the week.

The new IO-conglomerate project is waiting on CGM Zem to send back some required information before we can begin developing. Now that I'm out of school, hopefully we can accelerate the efforts.


Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW is the Warspite Battlegroup's modification of SquadFirst to fit a battlegroup at http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/warspite/index.php. A hearty congratulations, this is what I like to see! Congrats to MAJ Nicol Bolas ( nicolbolas_iw@yahoo.com ) on a 5 star site!


Internet Office Poll

Why is Minos down?

-Mynocks were chewing on the power cables
-"NO, Manesh, you CAN'T hump the server anymore!"
-The server got shipped off to Iraq
-The rDB stole the server and won't give it back
-It got SARS

VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE at http://www.ehnet.org!

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Training Office Report #15:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #15

Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting � 21st June 2003



A slow week on the Training Office front-lines, thankfully.

The Training Office�s IRC colloquia project has progressed slightly over the previous week, and I have been pleased with the general ideas that have reached my mailbox. The details of the project as it progresses will be found on the �Projects� page of the Academic NeXus ( http://www.emperorshammer.ca/projects.html ).

The �Apostasy� competition has not progressed much further within the Office this week, as I am waiting on the feedback from several SubGroup Commanders whom are (or at least should be) almost finished discussing their individual intricacies with their own staff.

It appears to be a trend for Officers to submit applications for Command Attach� posts when they have not been asked for. I concur with Admiral Khaine�s sentiments in that I do not need a CA; I have an efficient Assistant whenever I need help with the Office. For the moment this is enough for the current workload. While I do admire the commitment and �gusto� of such members, please do not apply when applications are not sought.

The Shadow Academy ( http://www.emperorshammer.ca/sa/ ) is 95% online, the only missing detail that of the Krath Doctrine which needs to be rewritten with the cooperation of the Krath High Priest and his staff. We are now waiting on final logistical implementation before processing of the new Apprentices can begin.

The Imperial University has been moved to http://www.emperorshammer.ca/university/ and will be gathering pace as an automated system over the next few weeks. It is intended that it shall be functioning at optimum performance by the time the new Imperial Senate interactive database is complete.

The Training Office is now accepting Course proposals. I am open to many diverse and innovative ideas, these can range from matters of real-life relevance to those of Star Wars canon (and indeed, our own non-canon). The Courses under consideration so far are:

Cascading Style Sheets.
Sound Processing/Editing.
General Multiplayer.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Advanced TIE Mission Design (TM/2).
Advanced TIE Tactics (TT/2).
Networking Basics.
Tactical Staff.

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Staff Roll

� Major Devin Taralis; Training Office Assistant [ Drathoz@aol.com ]
� High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [ spellfire@btinternet.com ]
� High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ ari@tiecorps.org ]
� Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [ mindb_ender@hotmail.com ]
� Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [ io@absolutek.ca ]
� Fleet Admiral Darkov, Active Server Page [ Darkov00@aol.com ]
� Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [ skinner@axelero.hu ]
� Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ pbmike@go2.pl ]
� Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [ roguewing25@yahoo.com ]
� Vice Admiral Reb Crush; Professor, Eggdrop [ vpx@corporatedivision.com ]
� Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [ incomtech@wp.pl ]
� Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [ slavelet@iinet.net.au ]
� Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ cnwilde@pacbell.net ]
� Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [ LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org ]
� Major Praetorian; Professor, Graphics [ prae@ehnet.org ]
� Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [ oneblah2@cs.com ]
� Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au ]
� Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [ zexipher@yahoo.com ]
� Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [ delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au ]
� Lieutenant Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [ tek_selkirk@hotmail.com ]
� Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [ orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com ]

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS & Headmaster

Operations Office Report:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office

Operations Office Report
21st June 2003.

Welcome to another Operations Office Report, unfortunately late as I have been rushed off my feet these past few days and and am trying to stay awake long enough to finish typing this report.

Medal recommendations - Should I deny a medal recommendation and ask for more details, don't e-mail me an exposition on why you think the person deserves the award, resubmit it with the details I have asked for. Secondly, I don't mean to be overly critical, but if you have recommendations being frequently denied, take note of what I write for the reason, it is there to help you get it right next time around.

Operations Office Website & Manual - Currently offline due to the troubles with Minos.net. I am looking at mirroring the manual of a different host, perhaps the uniforms too. I'll let you know how that pans out.

Heroes of the EH - The page is basically complete, and will be uploaded once the Minos.net problems have been sorted out.

Wing, Ship and Other Unit Patches - Not permitted on any of the uniform types. Squadron patches are all that is officially sanctioned. For details on Squadron patch size and placement, refer to the Operations Manual or ask MAJ Tempest or myself.

CA:OPS - This position is NOT open for applications, I've simply got nothing for a CA to do.

That's it for this week,

OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

COMM Computer Problems:  06.16.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


I'd just like everybody to know that right now I am having some issues with my notebook computer, which for the last few months I have been using as my main computer. Unfortunately, I cannot access anything on its hard drive due to a problem with the CPU in the notebook. So until I get a replacement CPU, I will be unable to respond to emails which were in my inbox. So if you sent anything important a day ago or more, and haven't received an expected response, please let me know (I am using the webmail feature on my server now).

Also, until I'm able to compile a decent IRC client on my linux machine, I won't be on IRC too much (I don't really like being in multiple channels in BitchX).

COMM/FA Aiden "AbsoluteK" Karias

SO Report:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office


Honoured gentlemen,

Once again, a mostly quiet week all-in-all, excepting the resolution of HCI Case Docket number 191.

I've also gotten a very good response from SGCOMs and senior support personnel regarding the institution of an emergency security CService account in the major channels. If you run a channel, and haven't yet spoken with me about this, please don't hesitate.

That's about it for now, as I've just gotten home from work, and need a nap. Please, as always, don't hesitate to e-mail me or catch me on IRC if you need anything at all.

Admiral Zoltar

LO Report #2:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Darknyte)

Logistics Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

June, 20 2003
Logistics Officer Report
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Here we go again, another edition of the LO's report! No silly humor commentary this week, let's get straight down to business, shall we?

-=This week's LO report is sponsored in part by Rebel Killer 3000: When you absolutely must have Rebel scum eliminated and have no time for the fuss of getting your hands dirty, use Rebel Killer 3000! It's patented formula of additives and Snij-like ingredients will have the Rebels screaming in pain and begging for death! Rebel Killer 3000 can be found at all finer retailers, and in your grocer's dairy case.=-

Biggest news of this week was the acquiring of the EH Codex. It's not as horribly out of date as I had thought it would be, so that's a great sign for us. I've already got it online and ready to be viewed. Expect it to be updated and have the broken links fixed very soon. The Codex can be found at http://www.cosmicholonet.org/lo/codex Eventually, it'll be at http://lo.cosmicholonet.org/codex but, for now
I'm having DNS issues with the nameservers used by my domain's registrar that have prompted me to transfer the domain to another registrar to fix the problem. For the time being use the longer "absolute" URL of the Codex, I will update everyone once the subdomain redirect is functional. Shouldn't be more than a week until it redirects properly.

The LO site is nearing completion thanks to the efforts of MAJ Xander Drax. Drax has been all over the project since last week and I expect the fully functional site to be ready for me to break. err...I mean .ready for me to use any day now. Expect it to contain links to all the LO materials currently online as well as links to current projects, information on upcoming projects, and just general EH historical stuff.

The Imperial Historic Society is on the brink of reopening. I've chosen to bring it back in an effort to organize research on the upcoming EH Encyclopedia Project. I believe that Astatine himself worked on this project a year or more ago, so I will be getting in contact with him to see if he has any materials to get us started. If not, we'll strike out anew and get the project rolling. If anyone is interested in doing research for this project, go ahead and send out an email to me (CC my CA) and let me know what you're interested in researching. So far I've decided we'll include the position histories for every CDMR-level job and up in every SG. We'll be looking for the names, ranks, and time of service for each person to hold each job. Already I've got the ATF and ISD Grey Wolf covered thanks to the early efforts of VA Khaen and VA Khadgar. Also, if anyone has a topic you'd like to see covered in the Encyclopedia be sure to send me a message and let me know. I'll include anything that's valid in the historical scope of the EH, so if you want something in just let me know and I'll see what I can do. I expect this to be the "LO uber-project" meaning it's going to take a great deal of time and effort from not just my own office, but from various members of the Fleet who wish to join the IHS and help out in the project. The IHS will not be all work, anyone who does help out can expect to be rewarded for their service.

As I announced last week, I had selected a CA and his appointment was pending. This week I'd like to officially announce that RA Daniel Stephens is my new CA. Daniel is a veteran CMDR from the ISD Colossus where he earned great respect and admiration for his work with Omicron and Iota Squadrons. Incidentally, he is now a part of a group of ISD Colossus CMDRs who've went on to greater positions in the EH. Ari, Troutrooper, Daniel, Abs Vodka...the list goes on and on and only goes to prove once and for all: The ISD Colossus really does train the best leaders in the Fleet! (Heh, shout out to all my boyz on da Collie!! What's up!!"

Well, that's it for this week...I'll see all again next week for another down and dirty look into the seamy underbelly of the EH....err...no, that was that article for the NL that Astatine rejected months ago.....what am I doing...oh, yeah...see you next week for another edition of the LO Report!

*Cut! Print! That's a wrap!*

In Service to the Empire,

Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

RO Report # 13:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  ROA/CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign

Recon Office


Greetings from the Recon Office!

Due to a massive work schedule, I haven't finished the first draft of the letters to the Actors/Actresses as of yet. All of them will more than likely be unique to the person I'm sending it to (obviously :P), but one thing I am thinking about adding is about a 15-or-so question interview. Actors and such don't have a lot of time, so I thought I'd try a 2-for-1 :)

Anyways, I will finish those first 5 letters hopefully by Sunday night, if not Monday. Wish me luck. ;P

I will be announcing my pick for CA:RO at the beginning next week (with approval of course ;) ).

Here is the SW related news for this week:


CONTEST Reminder: Win a SW Stamp Pack

Answer this week's easy contest trivia question, and a limited edition Star Wars Stamp Pack from Australia Post could be on its way to you. The pack includes some pretty cool Star Wars stationery as well. If you're not sure of the answer, you can always search the TFN news
archives. The contest is open to fans worldwide.

~* Gathering / Conventions *~

Last Minute Registrations for Origins Breakfast

Just a reminder that registration for the Fan Club Breakfast at Origins ends Saturday, June 21 at midnight PST. Star Wars author Mike Stackpole will be autographing for attendees. Fan Club Q&A with President Lisa Stevens, and Hasbro�s convention exclusive silver Boba Fett action figure are included, too! Go to starwars.paizo.com for more details and to sign up!

Conventions & Events for July

There are several conventions and events taking place in July, with an array of Star War (and related) guests:

July 4-6: Westercon 56 (Seattle, WA)
July 4-6: CONvergence (Bloomington, MN)
July 11-13: Shore Leave 25 (Baltimore, MD)
July 11-13: ShowMeCon (Earth City, MO)
July 12-13: Sci-Fi Expo - Card, Comic & Toy Show (Richardson, TX)
July 17-20: San Diego Comic Con (San Diego, CA)
July 19: 501st Stormtrooper Legion European Event (Rust, Breisgau, Germany)
July 24-27: Gen Con Indy (Indianapolis, IN)
July 25-26: Big Apple Comic Book, Art & Toy Show (Columbus, NYC)

For more info and details of the guests who will be attendance, check TheForce.net Conventions & Events section by going at http://www.theforce.net/cons/

Billy Dee Williams At Dallas Sci-Fi Expo

Hello Expo Attendees, Don't miss the next Sci-Fi Expo!

July 12-13, 2003, Saturday 11am-6pm, Sunday 12noon-5pm. Richardson

Civic Center: 411 W. Arapaho Road Richardson, TX (Southwest corner of US-75 and Arapaho Road)

Get all the details online at www.scifiexpo.com

Check out their awesome celebrity guest list including: Billy Dee Williams - Lando Calrissian, Adrian & Neil Rayment - Matrix Reloaded / Revolutions Twins, Michael Jai White - Spawn, Kill Bill, David Carradine - Kung Fu, Kill Bill, Jennifer Lien - Star Trek Voyager, and many others!

Join them for a special event loaded with gaming, celebrities, artists, toys, comics, cards, T-shirts, dvds, soundtracks, and more!

Free movie promos and posters while supplies last!

Get all the details online at www.scifiexpo.com

Ben Stevens
C2 Ventures, Inc.
PO Box 292066
Lewisville, TX 75029
*Reported by Rebelscum.com*

~* Games *~

Game Releases...

SW Galaxies: An Empire Divided
June 26th 2003

SW Galaxies: Collector's Edition
June 26th 2003

SW: Knights of the Old Republic
July 15, 2003

SW: Knights of the Old Republic
October 15, 2003

SW: Jedi Academy
Fall, 2003

SW: Rebel Strike
Fall, 2003

SW: Republic Commando
[PC, XBox]
Summer, 2004

Galaxies Launch Date and Price Rates

Star Wars Galaxies, the upcoming MMORPG from LucasArts has a set release date now, as well as a fixed price rate for the subscription game. The latest press release talks about the game's launch on June 26th, a mere few days away.

At launch Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided will offer four subscription plan options: Month-to-month - $14.99; three months - $14.00 per month; six months - $13.00 per month; and 12 months - $12.00 per month. By subscribing to any of the latter three plans, players can expect savings of up to 20 percent over the month-to-month rate. Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided has a suggested retail price of $49.95, and includes a 30-day subscription to the game. A special collector's edition, which includes a book of game-related art, in-game wearables, pewter figurine, lapel pin and patch, and a signed manual, will be available for a suggested retail price of $79.95.


The official XBox Site has a three minute video of Knights of the Old Republic courtesy G4 TV. Thanks to Caligula for the find.

Go see it at http://www.xbox.com/xboxtv/default.htm?t=4064&v=%5cmedia%5cgames%5cg4tv%5cvid-g4-e3-starwarskotorepublic

TheForce.net Games: Galaxies Section

Here is what we can read on their website:

After a deluge of e-mails, I felt inspired to create the TFNGames Galaxies Section. This section will be similar to the Jedi Outcast section, but not as extensive. From the index page: "We feel that Galaxies is too massive an endeavor to try and devote an entire section to. Truth be told, we'd also be somewhat embarrassed by our lack of ability to cover it effectively, especially when there are numerous excellent sites out there who are already covering it. Nonetheless, we had to do something, so we've assembled this section to try and show you some of the things that we use on a daily basis. "So what will be cover? As you can see, we will have links pertaining to Galaxies, as well as a listing of reviews and beta thoughts. We'd love to have more, however, so if you have ideas, links, thoughts, or reviews, E-Mail US at games@theforce.net.

~* Books *~

Denning to Scribe New Paperback Trilogy

Tatooine Ghost author Troy Denning is slated to write a mass-market paperback trilogy to be published in March, July and October 2005. The trilogy will be set at some point post-New Jedi Order, though the exact time frame has yet to be determined.

Denning, who also authored the New Jedi Order novel Star by Star and the eBook novella A Forest Apart, is also currently working on a story about Han Solo and Leia, tentatively titled "Never Trust a Squib," for an upcoming issue of Star Wars Insider magazine.

Click here ( http://www.starwars.com/eu/feature/20030303/index.html ) to read a recent interview with Denning about his latest novel Tatooine Ghost, his writing influences and why he thinks the Force has more to do with nature than magic.

~* Others *~

Ep III Cast: The O'Reilly Factor

As Episode III bridges the prequel era with that of the original trilogy, many of the characters and situations will begin to resemble or tie in with those found in Episodes IV, V, and VI. A character that played a relatively small but important part in Return of the Jedi will return in a younger incarnation as actor Genevieve O'Reilly plays Mon Mothma in the next Star Wars movie.

O'Reilly has performed such stage roles as Ruth in Cosi, Veronica in The Ugly Man and Olivia in Twelfth Night. On television, she has appeared on "Beastmaster," "Life" and "All Saints." Her film credits include Avatar, and most recently, she played Officer Wirtz in The Matrix: Reloaded.

In Episode VI, Mon Mothma, played by Caroline Blakiston, appears during the Rebel Alliance briefing prior to the attack on the second Death Star. She is the leader of the Rebellion, and expanded universe publications explain that Mon Mothma was once an idealistic young Senator during the fall of the Republic -- the era in which Episode III is set.

Check her out here! http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/production/img/oreilly.jpg

Harry Potter to Take SW Twist?

(I thought it was too funny to miss, ~Shay)

The Salk Lake Tribune has been polling people about what will happen to Harry Potter and it appears fans want it to take a "Star Wars twist" as you can see. Here's some of the reaction:

The Salt Lake Tribune asked young readers to predict what important news Professor Dumbledore has for Harry in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and 402 children and teenagers from Utah, other states and even England responded.

The most popular theory: One or both of Harry's parents did not really die that fateful Halloween night. Sixty-one entries made that prediction, with eight more speculating that Harry has the power to bring his parents back to life.

It's also clear these readers know their "Star Wars": Fifty-two theorized that the evil Lord Voldemort is Harry's uncle, father, grandfather, cousin or distant relative; 49 bet on a familial relationship between Harry and Dumbledore. Twenty-five are guessing Harry has a sister or brother he doesn't know about, and a handful think Harry is related to snarky Professor Snape, kindly giant Hagrid or the sinister Malfoy family.

For a classic look at how Harry Potter and Star Wars collide, check out this archived essay for scores of similarities. http://www.theforce.net/rouser/essays/harry-potter.shtml


Well, that's it for me. See you next week!

Wait... I almost forgot.

Here is this week's Non-EH Site of the Week!! ( I remembered! :P )




-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

ROA/CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign

CMDR-ROA/MAJ Loor/Inferno /Wing X /ISD Challenge GSx2/SS/BSx3/PCx6/ISMx4/MoI/IS-1BW-2BR-1SR-1PR/LoC-Rx3/MoC-1BoC/CoS/CoB/LoAx5/OV-3E [ARCN] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP-SM/2-TM-VBS-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}

GM Report #6:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

Time for another report and just a couple of announcements

1) new recruit processing should be beginning within the next few days so all clans should see an influx of new members.


2) Announcing my first of hopefully many Grand Master Comps.

Dark Brotherhood researchers have finally determined the reason behind so many previous Grand Masters going insane.

It is the Iron Throne itself.

Iron residue from the Throne has invaded their blood stream causing a blood infection that eventually drove them mad.

With this in mind the Iron Throne is being melted down for TIE parts and the Grand Master needs a new Throne.

Your task is to come up with three things

1) A story telling how this all came about and how the new Throne was chosen

2) A name for the new Throne

3) A picture or graphic of the new Throne

This competition is open to everyone. You are also welcome to work in teams of 2 and both members will be awarded equally.

Rewards have yet to be determined but everyone participating will get something and the winners can count on something good cause after all I am the GM. :)

This Competition will run for 2 to 3 weeks so get your submissions in soon.

All submissions go directly to me at gm@darkbrotherhood.org

Now on to the DC reports:

From the CHAN

At my invitation you've come to compete for the the honour of suffering the final defeat..." ~ Pegasus, Yu-Gi-Oh!

My apologies for the lack of a report last week. Both this week and last week were quiet ones for my office with little going on except routine medal approvals. I have processed some medals for profiles missing them, and I have begun a few updates to the Dark Side Compendium. Premier among those updates will be a new History section that will include the History of the Dark Brotherhood, a Fictional Account of Brotherhood Events, and histories for every Dark Council position. The new medal images should be ready fairly soon.

That's all for this week.

From the MAA


Roster updates continue without many problems. Some people still can't follow instructions, so for their benefit:


Some recent Summit appointments:

- Guardian Sirik Xirox: Dorimad Sol Aedile
- Krath Priest Flelmo: Acclivis Draco Aedile
- Krath Epis Frey: Tarentum Proconsul

Still can't process new members...I believe we're waiting on some Shadow Academy thing to be finalized. A note to existing members missing profiles: If you fill out the join form at http://www.darkbrotherhood.org/db/join.asp and then let me know, I can sort out the details from there (medal additions still go to the CHAN). This only applies to existing members without profiles!

~ Dark Adept Pri

From the SHW

Dark Greetings

This is my first week as SHW things are relatively quiet, that will soon be changed :) Oh & i need a cleaner to sort the mess out in this office left by the previous owner...any volunteers? :D

I've been looking into possible MP comps against other SW Clubs, one of the clubs who has shown interest in this is http://www.rebelspecialforces.org/ however before I even begin to get approval & set things up, I want a list of numbers. Anybody interested in MP comps against non EH Clubs please send me a email :)

It's time we got some more DB battles out. Anybody who has mission design skills but lack good ideas & anyone who has good ideas/plots but lacks mission designing skills please contact me :)

The Apprentice & Order Stuidies are now online http://www.emperorshammer.ca/sa/

There are a number of comps running & on their way to take part in.

1) Sith Supremacy - http://www20.brinkster.com/drak18/sith.htm deadline for submisison is 11:59pm EST June 21st.

2) IRC MP comps on #kaiburr, (yes i know it's a Obbie comp :P) Siths you can participate in this as they use XVT & XWA as well as Oblesik platforms. So go beta up an Obbie & earn a CLuster of Fire :) The schedule for comps is as follows:

Monday: The Arena - 3-5 PM Est. (8-10 GMT)
Tuesday: CoG's Eradication - 2-5 PM Est. (7-10 GMT)
Wednesday: Vengeance - 5-8 PM Est. (10-1 GMT)
Saturday: OHC's Rampage - 2-4 PM Est. (7-9 GMT)

3) Upcoming Vendetta comp, be sure to sign up now at http://www.impstar.net/vendetta/signup.asp you must sign-up to compete


Shadow Academy: http://www.emperorshammer.ca/sa/
Dark Compendium: http://www.darkbrotherhood.org/zedar/dsc/index.html
Roster Procedures & Policies: http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/maa.html
Dark Brotherhood Message board: http://theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=6


SHW/DJK Drak/DC-8/Dark Council

And lastly from the OHC

1. I've only got one person on board for my Galactic Battlegrounds project. If you're interested in helping out in creating custom DB SWGB campaigns, then please email me to express your interest.

2. I'm in discussion with the Fellowship of the Jedi Council regarding a JK2 tournament against them to be held on the Zone. It will take place towards the end of June. More details later.

3. The four weekly multiplayer competitions are still running in #kaiburr, with disappointing participation. The Clusters of Fire are there for the taking...

4. If you'd like to host a weekly tournament in #kaiburr, please email me with the times that you are available.

Thats all for this week

GM Rapier

Hammer's Fist Domain Report:  06.19.03
As Emailed From:  XO/HC Tygarin Cypher/GS-2/DREAD Retribution

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

As Prefect Mordred is unable to report due to a busy schedule, I am reporting in his stead.

1. Member Count (Active Members): 72
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 93
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 160

2. A:CS Lt Dingo has begun posting the weekly meetings on his web site ( http://www.geocities.com/pfccypret2001/log.html ) so that those who missed them can catch up on events. He is also forwarding the logs to the IO as per your orders.

3. Many new courses in the works for the CMSA but they are still in the write-up phase so not a lot to report on them yet. LtCol Dante, despite his transfer to Commander Operations, is still involved with the CMSA mostly as an advisor until most of the courses are released.

4. The new Company Commander for Vindictive has been chosen. Capt Haztix Vel is now a busy guy, as he is also our quartermaster and paymaster.

5. On a happy note, our prodigal son Capt Dron, on deployment in Iraq, recently email the GS to tell us he was still alive and well. He's been coming up with operations and ideas during his spare time and it will be nice to get him back in a few months. Lt Teachdaire has finished his move from Japan following his discharge from the Marines and will be back with us hopefully next month. It will be a great benefit to the HF to get back too capable and dedicated troopers with great leadership ability.

That's it from the HF front and as the Prefect may be busy next Friday as well, I may be reporting to you again.

High Colonel Tygarin Cypher,
Executive Officer, Hammer's Fist.

XO/HC Tygarin Cypher/GS-2/DREAD Retribution [PRG:AGT] =SS, SEA, ST, SN4=
[SoV,DG, IC, IrC, IO, CoO x2, PS, MoDx5, LsA, MoC x5, LoC x2, SM x2, o1S, oPB]
I am 100% pure evil. Not from concentrate.

IWCOM report #56:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

DATE: 20. 6. 2003.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/iw/rosters/
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 78
Change from last week: +6

Aboard the MC-90 Renegade, Planet Lears High Orbit, K A R A N A S Y S T E M

Standing from a high stand overlooking the Infiltrator Wing officer summit assembled in the Renegade's main hangar, Fleet Admiral NiksaVel smiled and began his address to the fleet.

"Officers and pilots of the Infiltrator Wing, soon we expect to see..." NiksaVel paused turning back to glance at the Infiltrator Wing command staff standing in line behind him

"... a dramatic increase in activity of the Infiltrator Wing. Now is the time to sharpen your skills and tune up your starfighters. For soon we launch back into Republic territories once again."

"Your commanders will brief you on your missions. Dismissed!"

Fleet Admiral NiksaVel saluted the fleet and all the officers stood up as
one and saluted back.

� � �

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

We are showing a nice increase in the roster count. Fresh new recruits are joining the Infiltrator Wing daily. This are most pleasing news. Good work on recruiting everyone! Keep it up.

Activity on the rise in all sectors

I am most pleased to report that the overall activity of the Infiltrator Wing is on the rise in every aspect.

Good work EVERYONE!

Warspite Battlegroup Website SotW

The Warspite Battlegroup Website ( http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/warspite/index.php ) has been named Site of the Week on EHNET.ORG with a five star rating!

Way to go Major Bolas and everyone else that helped make the Warspite site this good!

New Office for the IWFO

As announced in the Infiltrator Wing Flight Officer's report today, his new office is up and running. It is located at the following address:


IW Manual rewamp

As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.

It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von Reinthaler.

I am now approximately 15% through the manual and it has 29 pages.


There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) at: http://iwcom.minos.net

Squadron of the Week:
Wing II - Enforcer
Wing III - Panther

Pilot of the Week:
Wing II - MAJ VonDoros
Wing III - Brent Tainer

The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of June, 2003. is:

MAJ Nicol Bolas ( nicolbolas_iw@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 34

Congratulations to all!


IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Received
WC/Wing II: Received
WC/Wing III: Received

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel ( nikola.leder@medri.hr ) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk ) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( iw_boliv@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( sienar@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com ) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( Astix@gmx.co.uk ) IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay ( infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com ) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( MadHatterIW@Comcast.net ) IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade ( gcavitt@charter.net ) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( talren.moreco@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 9
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn ( Rastyn@shaw.ca ) IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear ( http://fear.fignet.org )
COM: BA Kane Reese ( kanereese@wp.pl ) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: LC Drak ( drak18_uk@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite ( http://www23.brinkster.com/warspite/ )
COM: BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
WC/3: MAJ Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com ) IWPIN: 44

Respectfully submitted,

Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite
IWCOM/FA NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
Ax3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

SDIR Report #5:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Report of the Supreme Director #5 - 20/06/03

Roster Count: 66

1. Academy of Tactics Update

There�s still a backlog of tests at the AoT. I believe Raith�s last guess was that there are around a 100 different submissions still to mark. Marking tests isn�t fun at the best of times so please help him out -

a) Only send in tests once. VA Raith has received your tests. Sending him another copy of your answers every couple of days is not helpful and it�s very demoralizing for Raith.

b) Only submit one test. If you're waiting for your General test to be marked possibly the LEAST constructive thing you can do is to then go through the AoT and submit as many of the other tests as you can - if a trainee sends 6-10 tests in while he waits for the General test to be graded the only effect it will have is that it'll take 6-10 times longer to grade them...

c) If you've submitted the General test then please email me - sdir@ehintel.org - and I'll assign you to a Bureau, where I assure you there is plenty of work to be done.

2. Agents Com-link

I have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If you have anything which you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to produce new stuff too) send it to me at sdir@ehintel.org and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (also known as a medal).

3. Plexus Bureau

Plexus Bureau is very low on numbers and may have to be closed down. If you�re interested in this aspect of Intel (html, graphics etc) get in touch with me.

4. Recruitment

The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here:

http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=6690 or alternatively email me at sdir@ehintel.org. If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

5. INTORG Recruitment Season

INTORG is looking for new members. We will be recruiting until 30/06/03. You can find my initial requirements here � http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=6989. Of course INTORG is elite and we�re very fussy � so even if you meet the requirements you may not get in. But if you�ve been a good loyal member of the EH you never know�

6. Applications are now being taken for Executive Director

Yep, I�ve finally got to the point where I�m willing to appoint an ExDIR. You�ll need to be a seasoned member of the Intelligence Division, having held the post of BUDR or higher (preferably UBIQ). You�ll need to have an impeccable security record and be willing to work closely with Ronin and Ast. Work will involve various odd and ends that need doing, plus covering for me (i.e. submitting weekly reports to Ronin and chatting nonsense with Zoltar on IRC) when I�m on leave. The successful applicant will be promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral (RA).

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

CGM Report:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the EH Fringe (Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

Fringe Report from Chief Game Master Zem

Report of June 20, 2003
Report #8


Well, the biggest Fringe news is in Galaxies, namely it should be out next week. In response to this DCGM Darknyte and I have selected former XO Compton to be the D-MMORPG, and the head of the EH PA. He is of course a long-time EH member, and is a beta tester for Galaxies. We expect to be fully ready to go as soon as we have the game. For now Compton has released a guide, it can be found at http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg/

Our Registrar has announced an RPG game, WEG d6 style. If you are interested please let us know. I had also planned to run an RPG game, format TBA, so if you don't like d6, let us know, and I can run the game d20 or Email.

A few personnel changes going on in the MUD, we've lost a builder, and will replace him. No other news this week.

Let me take this opportunity to remind you all that the Platform Directors (D-MUD, D-RPG and D-MMORPG) are in charge of their respective platforms, that they hold equal authority to each other in the Fringe, and that they all answer to the DCGM and myself, who in turn answer to the XO and FC of the EH. Please do not take it upon yourself to by-pass the chain of command in the Fringe, or to make decisions that you have no business to make.

A few new members to the Fringe this week, thanks to Galaxies....and I expect to see more in the next month.

The Fringe Manual is undergoing editing, I will try to get up in time to release it at/after the EH meeting.


CHS Report #26:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

� News �

Orv has been busy with project deadlines, I have been busy with last minute assignments and finals, so overall this wasn�t a productive week. On top of that we had the fiasco with two Senate dissidents who apparently contacted the rDB shortly after the secession occurred. I have concluded that there is no immediate threat facing the Senate, however (though I suppose only the SO or Intel would know that). But, from my own perspective, I find that the rDB doesn�t care about the Senate or any other EH subgroups. Security measures are still in place, but I don�t foresee any problems. We don�t know who these dissidents are, but the rDB apparently shot them down when they approached them about creating an official Senate. They haven�t heard anything from the two since, so whatever it is, I�m sure it doesn�t even have rDB approval. We will, however, find out who these two individuals are (assuming Intel doesn�t already).

In case you didn�t look at last week�s report, I�ve appointed former Liberal Party Leader Goersase to the position of Minister of State and reinstated Keldorn to Minister of Education. Keldorn has already relocated the Imperial University to the Academy Nexus: http://emperorshammer.ca/university/. I�m not sure if everything is working (exam submission), but since Minos is down, it�s better than nothing. News can also be posted, I think. Minister Goersase will be on leave for a while, though since we don�t have our database yet, it�s not of dire concern. He intends to write lots of planetary issues while he�s gone anyway. :)

� Projects �

-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)

� Competitions �


� Additional �


Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

HI Report #8:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

Only one news :

Case 191 is over with the following sentence :

1) THREE (3) rank demotion to Sub-Lieutenant (SL)
3) NO possibility of rank promotion for TWO (2) months (18/08/2003)
4) NO possibility of POSTION promotion for FOUR (4) months (even to Flight Leader) (18/10/2003)
5) BAN from ALL EH IRC channels for TWO (2) months (18/08/2003)
6) ONE (1) year PROBATION (18/06/2004)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

COO Report #39:  06.21.03
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 06/21/2003

COO News

I am the longest lasting COO ever. Congratz to me! :p

I got 1st responses regarding the Parallax War. It seems that 2 clubs are already interested in this war. If everything goes right (and Minos.Net is not down), it will start on 06/01/2003. However if Minos Net is not up till 1st July, I will have got a problem in hosting the Comp, cause nobody can host 24 hours or more!

Competition News

Regular Comp activity is great.

I will make a poll regarding the comps soon!

Bot News

DarkFyre is offline. Dunno how long! WyldeFyre is taking over. For more questions, please ask COOA Mell

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

Lord Ambassador Report #2:  06.20.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Destavol)

EH Advanced Guard

Destavol had just gotten back from Carridia II, visiting his sick father who was slowly slipping away from him. Walking into his office he saw the stack of papers on his desk. "My god, there must be at least one hundred of them." Destavol sat down and opened his lap top and began to write his second report.


Greetings everyone.

Firstly I would deeply like to say I am sorry for my almost 0% activity for this week. But that little piece of fiction pretty much says why. I had only planned to be gone till Tuesday, but my father's cancer has gotten rather bad and I went to the hospital and stayed with him until he was let out. So if you men can find it in your hearts to let me pass on this one I would be very grateful. I cant stop the unstoppable. How ever a few gentlemen did keep things running and I would like to thank them personally in this e-mail. Lieutenant Colonel Nightmare (Magister Equitum) and Major Delak (Envoy). Your activity and dedication have been noticed and will be rewarded. Now on to the AG news. Well this week has been rather slow, but thanks to the efforts of the Magister and Envoy's we have a few comps being prepared. The FES has still not gotten back to me on the comp with them. So I when I go into there channel I will be talking to there leader. I hope they will participate. Nothing pleases me more than clubs working hand in hand and having fun. I am also planning an alliance between the Imperial Order and the Emperors Hammer. I will keep all of you AG peeps updated. Mr. Ronin and Mr. Astatine will get an e-mail when its official. Now beginning Monday there will be an AG Run On. I will start it on the AG message board. The only thing I ask about it is that we dont bring in Dark Jedi and stuff. That turns every Run On into a total disaster. Next off I want a site. Major Delak has already said yes to making the new AG site, but I want more people to help him work on it. If you got web skills than chip in and I will reward you. The reward will be judged on the quality of the new site. You have plenty of time. So if you want to work on it get back to me. Also I want to write some AG courses for IWATS. I am going to write the "Basic Diplomacy Exam". But if anyone else has some ideas than let me know and I will tell ya if its ok to submit it. Also AWOL check is over and every one reported in. Good job guys. Anyway, once again sorry for my lack of activity. I really am trying but its going to be a rough month for me. So please cc Magister Nightmare on all official stuff incase I cant get back to you in time. Well that's about it. Thanks for reading.

Rear Admiral Destavol Atreyu Gin
Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.
LA/RA Destavol Atreyu Gin/DREAD Tranquility


MinosNIC Downtime Update:  06.15.03
As Emailed From:  Chris Hutton

Hey guys, just a brief report on the MinosNIC downtime to fill you in. Basically, the connection from Bellsouth went down on Friday and has been down since. I've had somebody at the house trying to fix it, but to no avail. I've had this problem before (the DSL equipment syncs with the central office, but no data is being passed... consequently, DHCP fails renewing the IP), but never for this long before. We're going to continue resetting the server periodically, hopefully it will come back up soon. I'll also get on the phone today or tomorrow with the dreaded Bellsouth techs, who have the collective IQ of a rock.

There is hope on the horizon, though - the new business feed from Covad ought to be going in place soon. The router and associated equipment will arrive in the mail tomorrow. After that, we're waiting on when Bellsouth completes the physical data line connection at the central office. This might occur Monday or Tuesday.

PFC Chris Hutton
248 MI CO, 48 Infantry BDE
Military Intelligence - "Always Out Front!"

IWCOM AD NiksaVel Promoted to Fleet Admiral:  06.16.03
As Recommended By:  IWOC/VA Abel Irek "O Mally" Malik/IWCS-6/MC-40 Ark Royal

(Please see the Training Manual for rank descriptions)


GA Ronin, I come before you to humbly ask for a promotion for the IWCOM AD NiksaVel to the rank of FA. Niks has led us well and fairly. In fact he has served longer than most others in the position, I should know since I've been on the IWCS as long as Niks himself nearly (about 2 years now and we've both served under the former IWCOM's FA Moreco & AD Rastyn as well). AD NiksaVel personally keeps the IW Combat Site up-to-date and has rendered all the IW medal & ribbon images (even new ones upon request if necessary) plus his regular IWCOM duties.

http://iwcom.minos.net/ (here's Niks IW Comp center site). I hope you will consider my request, I don't make these sort of inquiries often or without cause.


Operations & Communications Officer,4th Knight of the Fear
IWOC/VA Abel Irek "O Mally" Malik/IWCS-6/MC-40 Ark Royal/IW/EH
[BCI/NDM/DSMx2/LoMx5/SVx11/MoDx24/ESC/MC-1x30/MC-2x27/DHI/VC-ebony trim/VC-silver trim/CBVw5Stars/CBVw5Stars/CBVw5stars/CBVw1star/WRCx22/IWSwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DS-SF(523)
[MPS 5.9: Expert][IW-BB:Imperial Infiltrator-1764]
{CoMEx grade A}
[Modified YT-2000: Starspinner]
[Modified E-wing: Zephyr][R7 TzR2]
"Discontent and disorder are signs of energy and hope, not despair."

Fleet Commander's Note:

I agree completely...NiksaVel has been an outstanding SGCOM, keeps up the IW site and keep his Subgroup motivated and lively.  Not only that, he gets in his weekly reports in on time ! :)

Thanks and congrats, FA NiksaVel...!

NEW EH Gear for Wings I, II and V:  06.16.03
Images Created/Donated By:  FL-TCS/LCM Luca Fett/Psi 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Thanks to the hard work of LCM Luca Fett and his kind donation of these images for EH use "for sale on EH merchandise", the Emperor's Hammer Imperial Store can now offer EH Gear for various Ships, Wings, Subgroups, etc.

Therefore, over the next several weeks, you should see more and more unit-specific EH Gear !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Tactical Office Report #93:  06.13.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #93
by TAC/AD Marcin Szydlowski
( pbmike@go2.pl )


Hello Emperor's Hammer and welcome to 93rd Tactical Office report, by yours truly, AD Mike. We have week of milestones. Or actually one. I have been TAC for almost 6 months and during that period of time, I have managed to approve and process over 2000 high scores. I can't compare that to any other TAC, cause I don't have any data about it. But I guess it's not that bad :)

Another issue is Tactical Database. It have been transferred to new location, which will be addressed in separated paragraph.

I have also started looking for my Command Attach� and opened this position for applications. So far I have received only two mails. I know requirements are high, but I need someone real good. I think I will choose someone next week and send it for approval.

And I think that's enough of this short introduction.

Tactical Database back online

Very special thanks to Colonel Absolut Vodka, I have successfully transferred Tactical Database, to new location. Check Tactical Message Board for more info, or check this link to visit our database.
There are still some issues with our database. I don't know what causes them, but it acts like 'read only' database. I guess AbV will have to check this out. I expect TacDB to be fully operational within next few hours. After all we must achieve TAC3K ASAP.

CA:TAC open for applications

Check Tactical Message Board for all details. I am looking for someone solid, with loyalty towards EH and my person. Someone with fresh mind, new ideas, but also bag of experience. Remember, maybe someday you will replace me on this position. I am not ethernal. So, good luck to all who applied. I will make my decision very soon, so don't wait till the last hour.

Mission Creation Courses

RogueWing agreed to send me weekly stats. So I guess he will do it next week:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 46 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 306 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 111 graduates
TCC:TIE, LC Philo is also planning next version of Tie mission designing (TM/2). Vetaran TIE mission designers, feel free to email him with your ideas and suggestions. :)

TAC3K countdown!
Tactical Database is not working properly yet, so no new battles this week. We need only 58 to reach TAC3K! Good work Tactical Staff, keep it up!

Mission Creation Corner
Noone submitted anything this week.

Tactical Office Person of the Week:
No PotW this week. Noone really stood out.

Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 2942 (+0)
Battles: 453
Free Missions: 509
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
Tactical Database Offline
XvT/BoP Division
Tactical Database Offline
XWA Division:
Tactical Database Offline
Tactical Roster:
TIE: 14
XvT: 19
BoP: 16
XWA: 14

Final word:

My office is always open. I don't do any business on IRC, but I ALWAYS reply to questions and suggestions. What do I mean by EH business. Here's example: "Mike, please award me my mission MoT-rh", and other things like that.

If you have question and I am not available, try joining #tac and ask there or use mail. Ultimately you can use Mission Creation Forum :)


Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >

Flight Office Report:  06.10.03
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

Greetings all and welcome to this week's report from the Flight Office.

News -

SSD Avenger Commodore Retires, Position Open To Applications

Rear Admiral Charles "Demosthenes" Spencer was called up for active service in the US Army earlier last week, and so unfortunately had to retire from duty in the EH.

The position of SSD Avenger COM is now open to applications with the following requirements:

  • Must have held the position of Wing Commander or above for no less than four months and hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or higher

  • Passed either SM/II or SM/III and be intimately familiar with all EH and TC regulations.

  • No HCI convictions within the past 18 months.

  • Be familiar with all three primary game platforms (TIE, XvT & XWA).

  • Must be a member of good standing in the Dark Brotherhood (command position not necessary).

  • Be able to deal with members at all levels, from the Flight Officer to Flight Members.

  • Be able to constantly monitor and motivate all members of the Ship.

  • Have plans for the long term activity of the Ship and Fleet.

Applications must be received by Thursday 12th June and should be sent to High Admiral Priyum & Vice Admiral Khaen. The application should have the subject "AvCOM" and you are permitted to list up to 3 references, 2 of which must be current or past superiors. Good luck if you choose to apply

ISD Grey Wolf Commodore Promoted

Many congratulations go out to Rear Admiral Khadgar, the Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf, who has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral in recognition of his work to date. The second time he's earned such a promotion, I'm sure it's routine by now ;)

TIE Corps Meeting

#TIECorps, Undernet every Sunday @ 9PM GMT / 4PM EST

Thanks to all for attending last Sunday's TC meeting. The trivia was hosted by LC Kereban and won by CM Choosh.

Future Plans

Recently I submitted a number of changes to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer for implementation in the TIE Corps. Once these are in place, they should bring an interesting facet to the TIE Corps, and help stream line certain aspects, in particular our training system. With any luck this won't take long, and I can reveal all.


High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
Master At Arms

Training Office Report #14:  06.14.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #14
Admiral Keldorn Reporting � 13th June 2003


Huzzah! A full contingent of IWATS Professor is once more a reality � and a most pleasant one at that. My commendations go out to all the current Professors for their exemplary (and timely) service; I am pleased to that that on several occasions this week there have been no submissions pending grading � previously a rare occurrence that now I expect to be a regular.

The Training Office (under the sponsorship of the Imperial University) is going to launch a series of IRC (Internet Relay Chat � http://www.mirc.com and so on.) colloquia � individual events that serve to educate and discuss matters of importance to our role as members of the Emperor�s Hammer and the internet community. Think of these events as �online conferences� whereby anyone may attend and, under the direction of at least one applicable professional, ask questions and discuss topics of relevance to the subject at hand. I have many ideas for these events but am eager to get a diverse variety, hence I am calling for proposals for these events to focus upon (such topics can span Star Wars canon to matters of real-life relevance; literature, popular culture, music � the possibilities are essentially endless). I hope to be able to invite professionals from the more distinct topics to come and talk to us about their field � therefore, these events should prove to be both hugely entertaining and pedagogically valid� In other words; a good thing. Ideas should be sent to me at to@emperorshammer.org.

This time of year is a terribly daunting one for many members of the Emperor�s Hammer due to the dreaded exams. I am not so far-gone that I have forgotten what these are like, and to that end I would like to wish a hearty good-luck to those of you that are in the midst of these trials � and to those that have now completed them, enjoy the calm before the returning storm, and I do hope they went well.

The Training Office is now accepting Course proposals. With stability now re-established within IWATS, and a full compliment of IWATS Staff now a reality, I have decided to re-open the Office to proposals of new Courses to be included in the IWATS repertoire. There are a few restrictions upon proposals; I am open to many diverse and innovative ideas, and would like to encourage the proposal of specifically non-programming Courses at this time. The Courses under consideration so far are:

Cascading Style Sheets.
Sound Processing/Editing.
General Multiplayer.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Advanced TIE Mission Design (TM/2).
Advanced TIE Tactics (TT/2).
Networking Basics.

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Staff Roll

� Major Devin Taralis; Training Office Assistant [Drathoz@aol.com]
� High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [spellfire@btinternet.com]
� High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
� Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
� Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
� Fleet Admiral Darkov, Active Server Page [Darkov00@aol.com]
� Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
� Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
� Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
� Vice Admiral Reb Crush; Professor, Eggdrop [vpx@corporatedivision.com]
� Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
� Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
� Lieutenant Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
� Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
� Major Praetorian; Professor, Graphics [prae@ehnet.org]
� Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
� Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
� Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
� Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
� Lieutenant Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
� Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS & Headmaster

LO Report #1:  06.13.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Darknyte)

Logistics Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

Logistics Office Report
June 13, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Well, well, well look what we have here! Looks like everyone's favorite miscreant made it onto the CS proper. Well, I'll spare everyone the obligatory speech that start most 1st Edition CO reports, no kissing up to Ronin and Astatine for promoting me, no big promises of what I plan to do with the job, no outbursts of joy at gaining such a lofty position in the club. No Sir, not from the Darknyte. not at all. All I will say is that I do thank Ronin and Astatine for for this shot and I will do my best to fulfill the position and live up the expectations you have of me.

Now, with that out of the way let's hop on in and see what the water's like. This is my first ever report as a Command Officer, so I don't know if I can get away with all the informality and humor as I did in my Lord Ambassador reports, so if I am breaking the established procedures of making my reports dry and to the point, please let me know. I'd have no problem stepping into line and making my reports nothing more than bits of data being spewed out in a monotone.

First order of business this week was setting up a staff. I know a lot of people said I needed no staff until I actually started to do the work, but I prefer to get my staff in line first then do the work with their help and support. I chose an LOA this week, but he's gotten himself confined with an LAACDOC. I really don't know if I'll get to keep him or not, but I did select CM Per-Aa to take the position after he applied for CA and didn't quite make it. Per, I wish you well with you HCI stuff, give me a shout if I can lend a hand.

Next, after much controversy about where I shouldn't and shouldn't post CA:LO application requests and whether or not I should put such a tight deadline on the aforementioned applications, I did collect, review, and select an applicant for my CA. He's already been confirmed by 3 out of 4 senior staffers polled, so I'd like to announce my CA-Elect is MAJ Daniel Stephens, a longtime veteran of the ISD Colossus. Congrats Dan, just don't celebrate too long, we have work to do.

I've got an LO site contracted out to MAJ Xander Drax, an IOA who helped on the EH.org redesign. I expect him to have it finished up sometime in the coming week so that will be great. Also, I've contacted AbK and gotten his word that he'll have me a fully-coded version of the Codex ready for use very soon. He promised it for today, so I hope it's ready for me to get my hands on and mess with. Ah, the power. I could write anything in it and change history! MWA HA HA HA.  Sorry, I forgot. you don't go mad from power in your first week.

The Newsletters have also been put online on my own domain and are ready to serve the Fleet. You can access all 94 issues in ZIP format at http://www.cosmicholonet.org/lo/nls/ I've yet to actually create a page to link them normally, but that is an index of the folder which lists and allows downloads of all files in the folder.

Researchers are also needed. I have a feeling the Codex is going to need some updating once I get it, so soon I'll be looking for members who wish to help do research into various aspects of the EH to help effort to update it. More details on that to come. Also, if anyone out there from the lowliest FM to the FC have any suggestions on what types of historical materials you'd like to see on the LO site, just let me know. It's my hope that one day the LO site will serve as a portal to the most complete and accurate archive of the EH's long and proud history.

That's if for this week, didn't really do much actual work but, that will all change as soon as I get my hands on the Codex, that will become my primary project until it's completed, accurate, and fully up to date.

In Service to the Empire,

Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

Recon Office Report # 12:  06.14.03
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (VA Joe)

Recon Office


Greetings from the Recon Office!

Not a terrible amount from me this week (unfortunately) save for at least one Item. I have a copy of all the major ( and some not so major) actor and actresses' mailing addresses from all of the Star Wars films. I will be buying envelopes and stamps this week and starting to work on each one in turn, starting with the big names: Harrison Ford, James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, and.. of course.. Natalie Portman(!).

I will be keeping a list of who I send a letter to and when, so I can keep track of how long it's been since they should have gotten the piece of mail. And for those bigger name stars, ill probably be sending it 2-3 day priority mail. Those large cardboard envelopes bring a lot of attention to themselves, so it will come to their attention quicker.

Also, one idea I had for promoting the EH with these actors/actresses is sending them something from the EH Store. I'm thinking a hat (baseball cap sounds good). Just imagine if one of them wore it out in the public eye. >:P

Ronin, I'd like to talk to you about this more in detail, and as long as we don't send a hat to *everyone*, I'm very willing to go in for half of the price of the hats. ;P

That's about it from the Recon Office, Time for SW News!!



Happy Birthday Qui-Gon Jinn!!!
-- Liam Neeson turned 51 on June 7th. He was born in Ballymena, County Antrim, Northern Ireland in 1952.

Happy Birthday Padme!!!
-- Nathalie Portman turned 22 on June 9th. She was born in Jerusalem in 1981. (Awww I am 5 days older! Now if I could only look like her - Shay`la)

CONTEST: Win a Limited Edition SW Stamp Pack

TheForce.net & Australia Post are giving you the chance to win one of four limited edition 'Classic Vehicles of the Saga' stamp packs.

This Souvenir Stamp Sheet is limited to a print run of 10,000 with all sheets sequentially numbered in gold foil. Along with the stamp sheet, this Souvenir Pack includes bonus stationery set: 20 sheets of Star Wars
letterhead and 10 envelopes.

To be in with a chance of winning one of these packs, answer the trivia question on their Contest ( http://www.theforce.net/contest/auspost.shtml ) page. The contest is open to Star Wars fans worldwide so good luck.

For more info: http://www.theforce.net/contest/auspost.shtml

~* Collectings *~

Unleashed Preview: Boba, Han and Yoda

Have you spotted the new Boba Fett Unleashed figure in Star Wars Insider #68? In case you missed it, here's a glimpse at Boba Fett as well as the new Unleashed figures of Yoda and Han Solo, all with new packaging, due out this fall. Check out the Star Wars website for all the pics, there are too much
to print each of their links.


~* Books *~

New Jedi Order eBook Debut and Unifying Cover

For the first time ever, the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series novels Vector Prime by R. A. Salvatore, and Dark Tide I: Onslaught and Dark Tide II: Ruin by Michael A. Stackpole are now available in eBook format.
This special eBook edition of Vector Prime includes: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime novel by R. A. Salvatore, interviews with some of the key players from the New Jedi Order series creative team regarding the origin of the series, the Yuuzhan Vong section of The New Jedi Order Bible, and illustrations and technical information on the Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, the Millennium Falcon and the Jade Fire from Star Wars Essential Guide to Vehicles & Vessels.

As the first three NJO books go digital, the last book of this bestselling series, The Unifying Force by James Luceno, is due out in November 2003. In this storyline, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, their children, and their comrades in the Galactic Alliance rally for their last stand against the enemy that threatens not only the galaxy, but the Force itself.

Here's the first glimpse of the final Unifying Force cover by artist Cliff Nielsen, whose stunning mix of paint and pixels can be found in the entire Jedi Apprentice young reader series, and on the hardcover novels of The New Jedi Order.


Shatterpoint Reviewed - A Clone Wars Novel

TheForce.net posted their first review of Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover. This story, fashioned after Apocalypse Now, tells the story of Mace Windu returning to his dangerous homeworld to find his rogue Padawan Depa Billiba. Of course, clonage ensues.


~* Games *~

TFNGames: Jedi Academy Interview

TFNGames got the opportunity to conduct a question and answer session with Kenn Hoekstra, the Project Administrator at Raven Software. We covered a fair amount of stuff, including getting a final list of species, XBox information, saber combat, a clarification on "separating" the double-bladed saber, and a bit more!


~* Movies *~

Ewan McGregor Voices Rodney in Robots

As reported at the end of March, Ewan McGregor is part of the voice cast for "Robots", the forthcoming animated film. USA Today reports:

The voice cast includes Ewan McGregor as a young robot named Rodney, "who grows up on the outskirts of a huge metropolis and wants to work with the most influential character in the city, an inventor," Wedge says.

Halle Berry is Cappy, the hot executive 'bot who catches Rodney's eye.

Stanley Tucci and Dianne Wiest speak for Rodney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Copperbottom. Mel Brooks is the inventor known as Big Weld. Drew Carey and Amanda Bynes are part of the Rusties, a gang of obsolete robots.

In Robots, "People are judged by what they are made of," Wedge says. "Many themes weave in and out that comment on the state of our technical snowballing and upgrading. We're not looking at what we've left behind."

Check these out for more



~* Others *~

Virtual Sequels Update

The Virtual Sequels updates with news of a new character. Check

http://www.theforce.net/virtualsequels to read more.

Harrison Ford Talks Lucas & Star Wars

Harrison Ford is certainly doing the rounds in support of his new movie, Hollywood Homicide. Here are a few excerpts from the KRT Wire:

Everyone thinks it was the sardonic Han Solo that put Harrison Ford on the docket for Hollywood's A-list. But it wasn't. It was really with his tiny part as a wiseacre racer in "American Graffiti" that things began to change for the better.

"It was when I worked for the first time with George Lucas and he wanted me to get a crew-cut and I suggested a white cowboy hat instead. It was the first time anybody ever listened to what I was saying and thought it was a good idea," says Ford, seated at an oval-shaped table in a hotel suite here on the 15th floor.

When he was cast as Han Solo in "Star Wars" his life changed forever. "Suddenly, because of my relationship to that successful film, I had the opportunities to work when I wanted to work. I had the choice of material. I suddenly began to make substantial money and billing above-the-title and all the rigmarole that goes with the business of being a viable, bankable actor," he says. "Just now, finally, I could go to work and was doing what I wanted to do."

To read more about it, check out at


Studio 360 Compares Matrix & Star Wars: The Empire Reloaded

Isbeth sends in news of another Matrix / Star Wars comparison article:

On Saturday, May 24th, National Public Radio's Studio 360, a magazine format radio program "Where Art and Real Life Collide", had a commentary comparing The Matrix to Star Wars. They have had interesting things to say about Star Wars in the past and this comparison included information on how both movies were for different times. If you would like to read the commentary or listen to it, you can go to their web site: Studio 360.

Here's an excerpt:

Both are sci-fi epics featuring awesome cinematic effects of a kind we'd never seen before.

And both movies brilliantly re-synthesized the cultural DNA of dubious, pulpy pop sources -- Saturday morning serials for Star Wars, video games and Hong Kong action films for The Matrix, and comic books for both.

And both stories conform to the timeless structure of the hero's journey that the mythographer Joseph Campbell sketched out decades ago ...starting with the hero's step over the threshold into the unknown with the help of guardians and mentors.

Back then we had Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi.

Today we have Morpheus and the Oracle.

Both stories feature an initially clueless hero who discovers his own preternatural powers and then battles against a technologically monstrous totalitarian empire.

Check out http://www.wnyc.org/studio360/commentary052403.html for more!

New Jersey Devils Celebrate with SW Music

When the New Jersey Devils won the Stanley Cup, they started playing the "Star Wars - Main Theme" and kept on playing it right through the cheers and the trophy being held by the various team members! Very cool.

Resurrecting a Jedi Assault: A Hyperspace Exclusive

Jedi Assault on the Droid Control Ship

Well there are way too much content under this topic to even say something.

Just check it out at



Thats it for this week! Thanks for your time!!


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

ROA/CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/SSSD Sovereign

CMDR-ROA/MAJ Loor/Inferno /Wing X /ISD Challenge GSx2/SS/BSx3/PCx6/ISMx4/MoI/IS-1BW-2BR-1SR-1PR/LoC-Rx3/MoC-1BoC/CoS/CoB/LoAx5/OV-3E [ARCN] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-BOT-BX-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP-SM/2-TM-VBS-XAM-XTM/1-XTT}

GM Report #5:  06.15.03
As Emailed From:  CoG/OWL Jacen Aylen (Obelisk)/DC-11/Dark Council

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi


Time for another report from you beloved Grand Master (well, I can hope anyway)

Things are looking bright for the Dark Brotherhood (was that contradictory?)

Astatine has just informed me that he is only awaiting some information from the Head Master and then we can begin processing what looks to be about 100 new recruits we have received since the split took place 7 weeks ago.

Also we have a new Great Jedi War due to start in about 3 weeks. It will run for about 30 days and be the first of two GJWs within the next year. The schedule as planned goes something like this. After the GJW there will be a month of down time, clans can hold internal comps, things like that... After that there will be 4 months of Vendetta comps (clan vs. clan) that will generate a story line that will lead right into the next GJW... lather, rinse, repeat and so on. This will mean a GJW every 6 months for the foreseeable future... Hope your ready for it.

That's all for me for this week. I hope to see you all on IRC soon and don't be afraid to say hi, I don't bite but sometimes the force lightning can be painful.

GM Rapier

From the Obelisk High Commander

1. I've only got one person on board for my Galactic Battlegrounds project. If you're interested in helping out in creating custom DB SWGB campaigns, then please email me to express your interest.

2. I'm in discussion with the me with the times that you are available.

Grand Master's Royal Guard

I am in discussions right now with the leaders of the Black Rock Knights on running a JK2 competition against them. So, get ready... I'm also gonna find you JK1'ers a clan to smack around on.

Always remember that there are 4 multiplayer competitions per week in #kaiburr and I expect you to show up at at least one per week. If you don't have time to show up every now and then at least to a multiplayer competition then quite frankly you don't have time to be in the Guard and I'm going to start dropping dead weight. The competition schedule is as follows:

Monday - 3-5PM Est
Tuesday - 2-5PM Est
Wednesday 5-8PM Est
Saturday - 2-4PM Est

You can nearly always find Tatsu or myself on the JK2 server, along with many others. So, drop by! http://www.impstar.net/gmrg/ contains all of the files you need as well as the IP address. Get in touch with the DGM, OHC, or myself for the password. You also may run upon someone else who has it that will share with you.

http://www.darkbrotherhood.org/db/gmrg/ - GMRG Website
http://www.darkbrotherhood.org/db/gmrg/roster.htm - GMRG Roster
http://www.darkbrotherhood.org/db/gmrg/join.htm - GMRG Join Form
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=111 - GMRG Message Board
http://www.impstar.net/gmrg/ - GMRG JK2 Server Website
http://obelisk.minos.net/ - Obelisk Website

CoG/OWL Jacen Aylen (Obelisk)/DC-11/Dark Council [GMRG:CoG]

Hammer's Fist Domain Report #8:  06.13.03
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


Member Count (Active Members): 72
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 91
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 158

Greetings people!
What happened this week:
-Most important at all: http://www.hammersfist.net is working again!

-I just emailed the HFGS about a new idea a trooper sent me. It's a SWMod for Ghost Recon, being that a HF anti terrorism unit. could be useful, let's analyze it carefully!

-New Courses: Command and Staff College, Radiation Trooper, Military Intelligence, Peacekeeping Operations and Hand to Hand Combat. SSBTC Has been reviewed and EH related question been added. And Courses Coming Up: Aviation, Airborne, Air Assault, SERE (Survival, Escape, Resistance and Evasion), Search And Rescue, and probably Military Police course.

-The new CSMA site is about the be released and look wonderful! Congrats to everyone involved, again! :)

-HF site Recoding to start next week! Good Luck Zsinj!

-Something Big is about to happen, but I don't know exactly what! Let's just wait :P

-2 Ops to start very soon! Get your gear!

-Dinky Trooper is about to return! Fear!

-I have nothing else to say, and I'm late, so...

That's all!
Thanks for your time.

GN Mordred

IWCOM Report #55:  06.15.03
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing


DATE: 13. 6. 2003.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/iw/rosters/
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 72
Change from last week: -4

Aboard the MC-90 Renegade, Planet Kaiburr High Orbit, K A R A N A S Y S T E M

Admiral NiksaVel set at his office desk aboard the MC-90 cruiser Renegade, flagship of the Infiltrator Wing. Reading screen after screen of information and absorbing it all a smile appeared on his lips.

"Everything is proceeding according to plans".

After finishing reading the reports from various parts of the Infiltrator Wing, he finally pulled up the keyboard and began writing his own report for the High Command...

� � �

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

Another fine week behind us, and two weeks since my last report. I hereby extend my apologies to everyone concerned for missing my last report. RL duties keep me pressed and stressed and I just now realised that I forgot to do it.

IWTA restructure complete

The Infiltrator Wing Training Academy restructure has been completed. The newly introduced "degrees" will make course management much simpler to note.

Visit the IWTA site for more details: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/iwta

IWTAC restructure and office expansion

The IW Tactical Officer has requested an expansion of his office, which has been approved. The IWTAC office will soon become a much better team of mission designers and testers.

Additional details available in the IWTAC report.


There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) at: http://iwcom.minos.net

Squadron of the Week:

Wing II - Enforcer
Wing III - Panther

Pilot of the Week:

Wing II - MAJ VonDoros
Wing III - Brent Tainer

The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of June, 2003. is:

MAJ Nicol Bolas (nicolbolas_iw@yahoo.com) IWPIN: 34

Congratulations to all!


IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Received

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Received
WC/Wing II: Received
WC/Wing III: Received

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel ( nikola.leder@medri.hr ) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk ) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( iw_boliv@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( sienar@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com ) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( Astix@gmx.co.uk ) IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay ( infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com ) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( MadHatterIW@Comcast.net ) IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade ( gcavitt@charter.net ) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( talren.moreco@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 9
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn ( Rastyn@shaw.ca ) IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear ( http://fear.fignet.org )
COM: BA Kane Reese ( kanereese@wp.pl ) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: LC Drak ( drak18_uk@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite ( http://www23.brinkster.com/warspite/ )
COM: BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
WC/3: MAJ Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com ) IWPIN: 44

Respectfully submitted,

Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite
IWCOM/FA NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
Ax3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

Prex Report #33:  06.15.03
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

The Corporate Division, Emperor's Hammer
President of the Corporate Division, Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Victory Class Star Destroyer Warhammer, Frigg

President of the Corporate Division, Report #33 - Sunday 14th June 2003

Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 14/06/03

Total - 98 (165 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 6 (+1)
Trade Assembly - 45
PLT Revenge - 47 (+1)
Unemplyed - 67 (+1)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Been a very interesting week. New Vice President of Operations Loor has been hard at work working on competition ideas, as well as regaining resources from the website of the former VPO, Thorin Oakenshield. If you have any ideas for competitions or any related topics, please contact CG Loor ( loor@home.se ).

The changes are currently ready, we're just waiting on Leeson to finish the mammoth task of creating the new database based on the reforms. As soon as the database is ready for use, Fleet Imaging Corporation and Cosmic Holonet Corporation will be merged under the leadership of Commissar Glorick. He'll be looking for active and qualified Detachment Commanders to help him along, so start writing up applications if you're interested.

I've almost completed the creation of the Presidents Website and it should be up within the week - I hope. It contains information on the Presidents Inspection and other related topics as well as links to resources such as the Manual, which will be updated soon.

WO Wedge Antilles has been made acting-FIC CEO for the time being so the corporation remains stable until the merger.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database: http://cddb.minos.net
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5

- AD Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/LoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [KNGT]
- Protector, House Primus Goluud, Clan Naga Sadow

SDIR Report #4:  06.12.03
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Report of the Supreme Director #4 - 12/06/03

Due to our delightful recruitment campaign, Intel membership has grown
by 150% in the past month! (Go Intel!)

Roster Count: 66

Report #4 � 12/06/03
Agents: 54
Praetorian Squadron: 9
Total: 66 (plus a bunch of cadets and reservists)

Report #35 - 5/16/2003
Agents: 32
Praetorian Squadron: 8
Total: 44 (plus a bunch of cadets and reservists)

1. Agents Com-link
I have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If anyone is interested in helping to compile this, get in touch with me at sdir@ehintel.org. There will be a pretty medal for your efforts... Likewise, if you have anything which you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to draw stuff and write fiction) send it my way and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (i.e. a medal).

2. Recruitment
The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here:

http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=6690 or alternatively email me at sdir@ehintel.org. If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

3. INTORG Recruitment Season
INTORG is looking for new members. We will be recruiting until 30/06/03. You can find my initial requirements here �

http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=6989. Of course INTORG is elite and we�re very fussy � so even if you meet the requirements you may not get in. But if you�ve been a good loyal member of the EH you never know�

4. Academy of Tactics
VA Raith is starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel� Some of you should have received your grades back in the past few days. The rest of you � be patient.  If you have submitted the General test to the AoT and have yet to receive a response, please email me and I will arrange your placement within a Bureau.

5. Open UBIQ Positions - Applications are NOT being taken at this time...
Currently both ExDIR and SPC lie vacant. For the time being there will
be no SPC as I feel the position is unnecessary. I should probably get
around to ExDIR hunting in a week or two � so keep being diligent:p.

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V,
-2D][CoLx2][SHU: Hellequin]

HI Report #7:  06.13.03
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

Hey something to report this week, yay! ;)

1) 2 new Inquisitors joined our ranks : Former SDIR Troutrooper and Former LO Tron.

2) New case (been a long while since any popped up) Case 191 Defendant's second time before the court : Per-Aa Damar N'Eshathi. Accused of the following AoW :

401 - Attempts
402 - Conspiracy
403 - Disrespect Toward a Superior Officer
404 - Failure to Obey Order or Regulation
408 - Provoking Speech
409 - Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman
410 - General Article

And last but not least congrats to the following promotees and awardees (this goes along the 6 months evaluation of June)

3) Congrats to VA Menalaus (pin #10080) promoted to Admiral. He's been with the court for over 6 months and shown dedication and excellent work.

4) Also AD Trevor Rastyn (pin #7766) promoted to Fleet Admiral. He's also been with the HCI for over 6 months and shown great work and good judgments with cases.

5) Congrats to Maverick for a Bronze Star for his work within the HCI

6) Congratulation to WARD Danrik for a Gold Star for his help with the HCI command and his work as Warden.

7) A Bronze Star for P-INQ Brett for his excellent work as P-INQ.

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart

COO Report #38:  06.14.03
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 06/14/2003

COO News

I want to thank SA Astatine for the update of the Combat Center

I got 1st responses regarding the Parallax War. It seems that 2 clubs are already interested in this war. If everything goes right (and Minos.Net is not down), it will start on 07/01/2003.

Competition News

Regular Comp activity is good. Be prepared for a little change in the structure of the comps!

Bot News

DarkFyre is offline for 2 weeks. WyldeFyre is taking over. For more questions, please ask COOA Mell

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

Lord Ambassador Report #1:  06.14.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Destavol)

EH Advanced Guard

Lord Ambassador Destavol Atreyu Gin sat at his desk aboard the Dreanaught Tranquility. Slowly stirring the ice in his glass of vodka, he opened his laptop and began to read. His new Magister had already written his report. Destavol was glad that he had picked such a good man for this job. It was now time for his report. He began writing his first official report.


Greetings Advanced Guard and all who have been cc'd on this. Well its been a long first week. But a creative one at that. I have spent most of this week trying to get in touch with the AG member's and our strongest supporting allies. My first activity was getting in touched with the Force Elite Soldiers about a compitition. I didn't get to speak with Kardoon but how ever I did get to speak with Ambassador Rage and he contacted the navy leaders. Only about 60 of there navy member's still play XvT and XWA, but they will be there. Or so I have been told.

Next project I did was finding out about the Galactic Empire. Its a long time club and a long time ally with the EH. However the leader, Grand Admiral Daemon, still has not came into contact with my self or any other ambassador that has e-mailed him. But a few members have been told and is sending the request for Daemon to contact me up the ranks. Hopefully I will receive word from him within a week at most. If not I will be speaking with other leaders about what might be wrong.

Now, I would like to announce my choice for the new Magister Equitum. Congratulations go to Lieutenant Colonel Nightmare. His knowledge of the Advanced Guard and Diplomatic tactics will prove useful in improving all inter-club relations. Now my plans for this coming week is assigning all Ambassador's and Envoy's to clubs. They are to stay in touch with these clubs and keep the trades and relations strong. Also they will be the ones that try to set up comp's between the clubs. The assigning will begin after I end the AWOL check next Friday.

Which brings me to my next subject. The only people who have replied to the AWOL check is Lieutenant Colonel Nightmare and Major Brad Tack. Guys, I know you are there. Everyone replied to the last AWOL check, however I know this last week was exams week for many. So I am expecting your ID line this week. So lets get them in! I want them sent to la@emperorshammer.org and n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com.

Now lets report in guys so I can move along with my plans. That will be just about it for this Lord Ambassador report. I hope every one enjoyed it.

In service to the Empire!

LA/RA Destavol Atreyu Gin/DREAD Tranquility


rDB Added to the List of EH 'Enemies':  06.10.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

[ List of Alliances ]
[ List of Enemies ]

Rogue Dark Brotherhood (rDB) - (effective as of 04.13.03)

  • For 'collective' theft and plagiarism of EH Dark Jedi Brotherhood Subroup materials, ranks, ID Lines, clan/house names, medals, miscellaneous names, logos, text, artwork, etc. after submission of said materials for EH Membership use (i.e. they ripped off our club materials to make theirs !).

  • Secretly plotting (~3 weeks beforehand) to steal/hijack a PRIVATE Subgroup roster database contents.

  • Blatant rejection of EH policies as stated in the Bylaws, Privacy Policy and Copyrights/Disclaimers.

  • Refusal to return/remove any of said EH materials after multiple requests.

  • After theft of member database contents, holding an "opt-out" (as opposed to "opt-in") policy to steal as many EHers as possible during the April 13, 2003 "split".

  • Refusal to return the private membership database contents in direct violation of applicable Federal privacy laws and the EH Privacy Policy.

  • Consistent and blatant profanity and insults of the FC, XO and the EH for the past 2 months.

  • Refusal to acknowledge requests for redress.

The seven (7) admitted "ringleaders" of this incident included:

Therefore, from this date forward, let it be known that no EH Member may also be a Member of the rDB.  Likewise, no rDB Members are allowed in any EH comms channels, activities, competitions, IRC channels, Message Boards, etc.  Offenders will be summarily removed by Imperial Security without warning.

By order of the Fleet Commander,

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

EH Newsletter No. 94 Posted to the Fleet:  06.07.03
As Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The Executive Officer (SA Astatine) posts the current Emperor's Hammer Newsletter (February 2003 edition posted on 06.07.03)...


VA Darknyte Appointed as Logistics Officer:  06.07.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Logistics Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

For his dedication and hard work as Lord Ambassador (LA), as well as his enthusiasm and support, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has selected Vice Admiral Darknyte as the new Logistics Officer (LO/CS-11).

Other qualified candidates reviewed included:

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Destavol Gin Appointed as Lord Ambassador:  06.07.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

EH Advanced Guard

With the promotion of VA Darknyte to Logistics Officer, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has appointed Rear Admiral Destavol to Lord Ambassador (LA) of the Emperor's Hammer.  With this promotion. Destavol has received a promotion to Rear Admiral.  As a new Command Staff member, this promotion is probationary and assumes he stays for >3-6 months.. :)

Destavol has demonstrated experience with other online clubs...We expect great things from the new LA.  Please lend him your support as he renews contact with several of the larger online SW clubs on the web.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

A Request - Medical Officer Resigns, Replacement Needed:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Former EH Medical Officer (RA Jan Wemmel)

Fleet Medical Corps
(URL to be updated soon...!)

Grand Admiral Ronin, Sector Admiral Astatine, members of the Fleet Medical Corps,

In Germany we have a saying: "A horrible end is better than endless horror"

Today I want to do something, that has been overdue for quite some time.

When I became MO one year and one month ago, I did so with the best intentions and with a very long application for the job, stating all the things I wanted to do to get the FMC back to old numbers and activity-levels.

It hurts me to say, that I hardly achieved any of these goals and my own activity dropped into almost nonexistence. RL did its part, but mainly it was because of my usual laziness. For that I want to apologize and I think I can promise, that I won't do that again as MO, because, I hereby want to announce my resignation from that position.

It has been fun sometimes and I learned a lot about administration... and failed to use it... but with my apprenticeship nearing its end I'll have to travel a lot to visit courses in color management and other stuff you need for offset printing, not to mention learning for the final exams.. in short: I'll be quite busy in the near future and won't have the time it would take to really change the Fleet Medical Corpse. The FMC deserves better.

Again: my deepest apologies for my inactivity and inability to command this bunch of (SW-)crazy and fun people.

There are lots of people I want to thank for past and present things, most notably:

Frey Gallandro, who was a great at reminding me, what I should do and forced me to do it ;)

Mordred, who was the best of Spec-Ops and left the FMC to focus on improving his HF rank and position... and that he did!

Death, who was always there with advise and suggestions

Carl Lost, who didn't hesitate to do the right things in times of crisis and is among the best officers and friends I met during my career in the EH

JediEclipse, who did a wonderful job with the Homepage so far! keep it up and the FMC will have a home worthy of a SOTW!

There are many more, but I don't want to make this mail longer than it already is.

I will stay in the FMC as advisor (Doc of Wing II is already taken ;) ) and will request my transfer to Kappa Squadron after getting the confirmation of this mail from GA Ronin.

I salute you!


In service of the Empire

for the last time:

Rear Admiral Jan Wemmel, Fleet Medical Officer of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
MO-ENV/RA Jan Wemmel/M-TFC Last Hope

Fleet Commander's Note:

Candidates seeking to become the new EH Medical Officer should meet the following criteria:

  • Been a Member of the EH in good standing for 1+ years.

  • Have been a Member of the TIE Corps and one or more additional Subgroups.

  • Have a demonstrated ability to help/assist EH Members, especially lower ranked Members or new recruits.

  • Be able to host/maintain a website with directions, assistance and possibly a FAQ for newer Members.

  • Be able to work with the existing EH Command Staff.

  • Have a high presence in the online EH message Boards and IRC channels.

Interested applicants should email their applications to the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin).

Alvaak Council EGroup Formed:  06.04.03
As Emailed from:  Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (FA Darkov)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

"The Dark Brotherhood has a new unit within it's structure, that of the Alvaak Council, below you can read the description of the Council which tentatively tells you what it is about. At this point I would like each of the House Summits to nominate one of their members to take up the title of Nestor within their House, and sit on the body of the Alvaak Council, representing not only their House, but also their Clan and Order.

Email your choice of Nestor to the DGM ( dgm@darkbrotherhood.org ) and the P:DGM (kramerbirgit@hotmail.com)"

"Alvaak Council, a body of representatives from the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood. The purpose of this Council is to discuss and debate ideas for the progression of the Dark Brotherhood, it is also a forum for allowing constructive feedback about parts of the subgroup.

The Council is made up of one member from each House within the Dark Brotherhood, along with the Deputy Grand Master, his Praetor and chaired by the Overlord of Clan Alvaak. Each member of the Council carries the title of Nestor, and is chosen to represent the House by the Summit of that House. Their position on the Council is purely temporary, to ensure that the maximum number of ideas and opinions reach the Council, the entire body of Nestors is periodically replaced with new representatives. At any time the Overlord or the Deputy Grand Master can call for a new body of Nestors to replace the existing one.

Anyone may submit an idea or feedback to the Council via their House Nestor, it is then discussed by the Council and if an idea is deemed to be beneficial, it is refined and then sent on to the Dark Council for consideration by the Grand Master and the respective Dark Council members.

The Alvaak Council is a Mailing List, created using yahoogroups.com, it is recommended that every Nestor creates a user account on yahoogroups.com and selects the mailing option they wish to receive, as default members will be set to receive each individual email, however it should be noted that the daily digest option will be used by the static members of the Council."

Thanks for the Effort:  06.03.03
As Emailed From:  CMDR/CM Ky Terrak/Sadhe/WingV/SSSD Sovereign


I just wanted to let all of you know that there are those of us that really appreciate the effort that all of you have put into this club... I don't know how often that you hear it so here you go... Thank you very much for the time and energy that each one of you put into this very detailed and intricate online experience... In the short time that I have been onboard I have made several friendships that I cherish and it has also given me an outlet to the one obsession that I know all of us share, the love for Star Wars and the what if I were there... This club has been put together and held together by an amazing team and I think that you all need to hear that every so often... So again... Thank you very much for the experience that I am able to share in and the life long dream that I have always had be able to come true...To be an Imperial Officer and to kick some serious rebel but with true friends of mine :P

CM Ky Terrak
"Serve the Empire above all others"

CMDR/CM Ky Terrak/Sadhe/WingV/SSSD Sovereign

Regrets from me about Abuse from DB:  06.04.03
As Emailed From:  DJK JKast (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae

Hi Grand Admiral,

First, let me say this: I'm just a guy. I'm a random guy and yes I'm in the rDB. But, I'm writing to you for perhaps a different purpose than most of the letters that you get from rDB members. In the past months of seeing what has gone on between the DB and the EH and the EHDB, I've been really appalled, and I can't say by just one side, but by both.

I am in the DB now because I'm here with my friends. When it came down to deciding between the two sides of the argument, it came down to the fact that all of my friends were in the DB, not still with the EH. I am deeply saddened by this, however, because I can see how much trouble everyone goes through here and how the amazing organization of this group has kept it going for so long, even with thousands of members.

I know that every day you must get "I hate Ronin" e-mail, and I'm sure that Ast gets the same. If I were you, I know that it'd be hard on me getting stuff like that when I know that I'm trying to do what I believe is right and trying to keep what I have worked so hard for. The problem here is that, that both sides know, very steadfast, that they are doing what is right. The problem with that problem is that neither side is right because there is no right situation here, so no one will really benefit from it.

What I am really writing to you to say is that I am personally sorry for all of the stuff you've had to take in the past month or so or whatever. It might not mean much for you to hear that, but I guess it helps me knowing that I've said it. I personally have wanted in no way to be allied against you, harass you in any way, or anything like that. It pains me to be associated with a group who does, but it just seems like that's where I belong. I'm the Quaestor of a house with no active members. I finally get my chance at having a leading position, and that chance gives me a house with no members.

I want to close this E-mail with just, I'm sorry. I honestly can't stand to watch arguments between you and one of my friends or between a friend in EH and a friend in DB, it's just senseless. I feel sorry for everything you're getting, and I thought maybe one little E-mail out of a big group might feel kinda welcome or something. Hell, I doubt you even read it, but it's worth a shot.


DJK JKast (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
{IWATS: SM/2-M/1/2-RT-AIM}

Tactical Office Report #92:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #92
by TAC/AD Marcin Szydlowski #3203
( pbmike@go2.pl )


[20:40] Rura Helmut, rura, nie zwalniaj w miesci. Helmut o wiecej prosic nie smiem, tylko wiez mnie...

Well. I don't have much to tell you. I have started new work and I work since 6am to 16pm. 10 hours. So I am very very busy. But I have process all of high scores and other things.

Tactical Database is also down, and I am looking for webspace to place it back online. Without it, we will have no new battles.

Tactical Database offline

Tactical Database has been taken offline, by Corran Force. It used to be hosted on his isdchallenge.org. Now I need at least 10MBs of webspace with IIS and MS Access support to place it back online. Otherwise I will have to place it on brinkster and you all know restrictions. So, if anyone has any webspace and would like to place my files there or give me access, just let me know. Thanks!


I have decided to appoint Apophis Kuma as new TCC:XvT as replacement for RA Frodo. As soon as TacDB will be back online, he will start his work. Congrats to him.

Mission Creation Courses

RogueWing agreed to send me weekly stats. So I guee he will do it next week:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 45 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 302 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 109 graduates
TCC:TIE, LC Philo is also planning next version of Tie mission designing (TM/2). Vetaran TIE mission designers, feel free to email him with your ideas and suggestions. :)

TAC3K countdown!
I will release a huge number of updates and new battles tomorrow, so counter may be inacurate :P We need only 58 to reach TAC3K! Good work Tactical Staff, keep it up!

Mission Creation Corner
And some TIE tips by our TCC:TIE, LC Philo:

If you have a reload craft in your mission, make sure that the player's craft has an order besides "Hold Station". If it doesn't, the reload craft doesn't wait to be summoned to start trying to board the craft, and no warheads are transferred when it does dock.

Oath of Loyalty

Oath of Loyalty started. Your job is to create battle about rDB accident. Of course make EH win :) You have 2 months so it's enough time to make even 10 mission battle. Check my profile to see competition details. Have fun and good luck :) PS. People who submitted battles for it already, do it again.

Tactical Office Person of the Week:

This week we have results and because tacdb is down, we will have no PotW. :P

Carl Lost won another round and we start again. IS-GW is coming Carl.

Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 2942 (+24)
Battles: 453
Free Missions: 509
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
Tactical Database Offline
XvT/BoP Division
Tactical Database Offline
XWA Division:
Tactical Database Offline
Tactical Roster:
TIE: 14
XvT: 19
BoP: 16
XWA: 14

Final word:

My office is always open. I don't do any business on IRC, but I ALWAYS reply to questions and suggestions. What do I mean by EH business. Here's example: "Mike, please award me my mission MoT-rh", and other things like that.

If you have question and I am not available, try joining #tac and ask there or use mail. Ultimately you can use Mission Creation Forum :)


Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >

Internet Office Report #94:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  CA:IO (FA Leeson)

Internet Office

June 7 , 2003

Internet Office News

HA Ari is on leave untill Thursday night. Until his return all things concerning the Internet Office should be directed to me.

The Emperor's Hammer Newsletter issue 93 was release and can be viewed here:

Mirror 1: theholo.net
Mirror 2: ehnet.org

It can be downloaded from here (8.2 MB):

DL Mirror 1: theholo.net
DL Mirror 2: ehnet.org

Grand Admiral Ronin officially approved the IO-WO-COMM-FO-TO project. The Fringe will soon recieve tasks to help out.

Alex Foley created a new IO banner for white background sites.

The IO is hard at work to replace all GFX created by Chi-Long found on emperorshammer.org and drakbrotherhood.org as per GA Ronin's request.

Minos.net is back up thanks to AD Turtle. Also please note that the Counter Service is a bit slow. One solution for this would be to replace rawx.net with minos.net which should make it a bit faster


Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW award goes to the Academic Nexus site at http://www.emperorshammer.ca/ Congrats to AD Keldorn ( eh_blade2003@yahoo.com ) on his 5 star site.


Internet Office Links

http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message Boards
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc Online v2.3
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code Archive
http://www.ehnet.org/~bannerx/ - EH Banner Exchange
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter Service
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ - WebRing
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
http://javascript.minos.net/ - JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript IWATS Course
http://iwats.stardestroyer.org - Flash IWATS Course

Internet Office Poll

What do you think about the IO-WO-COMM-FO-TO?

I can't wait!

Might be interesting

I don't care
What is this anyway?

I want cheese

VOTE FOR YOUR CHOICE at http://www.ehnet.org!


In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

CA:IO-PROF/FA Bevel Leeson/CA-5/SSSD Sovereign
GSx2/SSx3/BSx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR-1SW/LoC-Rx1/CoE/CoL/LoAx2/OV-2E [LANC]
Command Attach� to the Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS PHP Professor

Training Office Report #13:  06.05.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #13

Admiral Keldorn Reporting � 5th June 2003



My congratulations to the new BitchX (BX) Professor, Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft of the ISD Immortal and to the new (well overdue) Active Server Page (ASP) Professor, Fleet Admiral Darkov.

Work on the �Apostasy� competition has continued, if rather behind schedule due to a lack of input from some quarters � hopefully that will be remedied shortly and the final planning can continue.

All of the Shadow Academy courses are now available on the �Academic NeXus�, although the tests are still not online � they should follow within the next few days.

It would seem clarification is needed as to what was meant in regards to the ban on Combat Rating �Races�; I have already given such details in the report where it was initially announced, but will repeat for the sake of ease:

Admiral Khaine and I have been contemplating the issue of Combat Rating �Races� as official competitions. I have decided that all future internal unit competitions of this nature will be denied. I would like to highlight the emphasise on �internal unit competitions�; this only applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and not to a inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc. We have reached this conclusion because we feel that the granting of an award (in this case, and Iron Star) for achieving another award (in this case, Legions of Combat and Distinguished Flying Crosses) is a foolish enterprise that benefits few.

I would also like to remind all TC Officers (�again) that there are methods to include CR �Races (in the loosest possible sense) as a constituent part in other competitions (I.e. using a points-based system � 2 points for MP participation, 5 points for an MP win etc.). There we have it. I have included a small section on the new �Academic NeXus� ( http://www.emperorshammer.ca/comps.html ) to include such �Standing Orders� such as these.

The Training Office is now accepting Course proposals. With stability now re-established within IWATS, and a full compliment of IWATS Staff on the near horizon, I have decided to re-open the Office to proposals of new Courses to be included in the IWATS repertoire. There are a few restrictions upon proposals; I am open to many diverse and innovative ideas, and would like to encourage the proposal of specifically non-programming Courses at this time. The Courses under consideration so far are:

Cascading Style Sheets.
Sound Processing/Editing.
General Multiplayer.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Advanced TIE Mission Design (TM/2).
Advanced TIE Tactics (TT/2).
Networking Basics.

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Staff Roll

� Major Devin Taralis; Training Office Assistant [Drathoz@aol.com]
� High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [spellfire@btinternet.com]
� High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
� Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
� Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
� Fleet Admiral Darkov, Active Server Page [Darkov00@aol.com]
� Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
� Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
� Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
� Vice Admiral Reb Crush; Professor, Eggdrop [vpx@corporatedivision.com]
� Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
� Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
� Lieutenant Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
� Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
� Major Praetorian; Professor, Graphics [prae@ehnet.org]
� Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
� Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
� Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
� Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
� Lieutenant Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
� Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS & Headmaster

Operations Office Report:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office

Operations Office Report
6th June 2003.

Quiet week and for once I think there is nothing that requires a reminder.

Work continues on the 'Heroes of the EH' site, I am experimenting with the layout and various graphical approaches. At present it includes only a list of MoH recipients but I am hoping to expand it at a later date to include when and how the member received their MoH.

I have also started on making the rather drab Operations Manual more 'graphic' - which was one of the requests from the survey. Watch for progress reports.

That's it for now,

OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Communications Office Report #9:  06.08.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


I've been busy this week writing new trivia for the bot, and revamping some of the currently existing trivia/scrambles to include more questions. I'm also going to be adding a few thousand more questions to the Millionaire game. Also, a few people have agreed to work on writing some trivia questions for addition to the bot.

The communications manual is coming along well, hopefully I will have it ready either next week, or the week after for approval.

I am going to re-write the CoC's to be more current and up to date with today's realities on IRC and the Forums. I would specifically like to address "OP idling", "auto-scripts" and our online forums.

The EH Newsletter #94 has been mirrored on the COMM Site at the following locations:

Online: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/94/
Zip: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer94.zip

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

RO Report #11:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  shayla_dl@hotmail.com

Recon Office


Greetings from the Recon Office!

First up, I will be searching for a new Command Attach�`. Mage has decided to leave the EH due to his own reasons. So the search begins.


- Ample time to spend online searching the web for various Star Wars related items and sites.
- 24 hr e-mail responce time.
- Must have been in the EH close to 1 -year.
- Should hold the rank of Commander or above.

Applications should be sent to myself at Noon001@aol.com.

Darknyte apparently has not find Hayden Christansen's email address yet. Keep searching DN! ;P

I will be emailing GN Compton for a SW Galaxies report once he has the game and had a chance to play it. I'm looking forward to a review from one of our own about SWG. God knows that anyone who can play it (and buy it) is going to be spending many, many hours exploring that game to it's fullest. >:P

On to SW news!


~* Conventions/Gathering *~

Star Wars Weekend #4 Update: Eat Breakfast with Chewie and Boba Fett

Fan favorites from the classic trilogy, Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), are the special guests at the fourth installment of the 2003 Walt Disney World Star Wars Weekends at the Disney-MGM Studios theme park in Florida.

Click here to enter our 2003 Star Wars Disney Weekends picture gallery to catch a glimpse of the action.

At a towering 7' 3," actor Peter Mayhew is best known for his memorable role as Chewbacca, Han Solo's furry and loyal Wookiee co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon. Mayhew played Chewie in Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Fans were recently thrilled to learn that he will return to reprise his role as Chewbacca for Episode III, which is filming in Sydney, Australia in June.

Actor Jeremy Bulloch also joins Mayhew at the Star Wars Weekend festivities. Bulloch played the legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Fans may also recognize him from his previous work as Edward of Wickham from the popular TV series Robin of Sherwood.

Fans attending this particular Star Wars Weekend are in for a special treat, as the Official Star Wars Fan Club will be organizing a breakfast, where members can greet Bulloch and Mayhew and receive their autographs.

As favorite Star Wars characters such as stormtroopers, Ewoks and Tusken Raiders roam the park entertaining fans and signing autographs, Young Jedi hopefuls can test their lightsaber skills. Check StarWars.com for the ever growing pictures!

~* Toys and Collectibles *~

Kaybee Toy Exclusives

Look for these toy exclusives at your nearby Kaybee store this summer: 12" scale Gamorrean guard, 3 3/4" scale TIE fighter with pilot and 3 3/4" scale Imperial shuttle.

Jabba the Hutt's palace wouldn't be the same without the brutish, porcine Gamorreans protecting it. This highly-detailed Gamorrean guard 12" deluxe action figure is authentically sculpted with molded shoulder armor, helmet, cloth and "fur" garments and sandals. It also features two removable heavy-duty axes. Fully articulated, this first-ever recreation of the Gamorrean guard in the large 12" scale is due out this summer.

Another summer Kaybee exclusive is the 3 3/4" scale Imperial shuttle. This Lambda-class shuttle is used by the Imperial fleet to transport passengers and various cargo. This enormous, stunning recreation of the Imperial shuttle from Return of the Jedi is authentically detailed and features plenty of extras for the discerning collector. Measuring over 2-1/2' tall when the wings are deployed, this deluxe vehicle comes with retractable landing gear, a fold-down ramp and adjustable blaster cannons. Open the cockpit and there's enough room for two Star Wars 3 3/4" action figures (sold separately). The Imperial shuttle's wings even fold up for landing and lower at the push of a button for flight.


Collectors will also be eager to see the Star Wars Imperial TIE fighter, scheduled for realease this summer. Features include an opening cockpit, detachable wings and a TIE fighter pilot. Plus this version of the TIE fighter is the first to have an accurate rear hull detail. This limited edition vehicle comes in a unique Death Star diorama packaging. The TIE fighter measures approximately 10" x 5.5" x 9" and is for use with 3 3/4" action figures (sold separately).


~* Books *~


Christopher McElroy has been hard at work for an extension project of Timetales. Titled ARCANA HISTORICA: THE LOST TALES OF STAR WARS the project encompasses for the first time in nearly 25 years, long forgotten, un-reprinted Star Wars adventures and nonfiction literature. Many have never been seen by the casual Star Wars fan; Some even the more knowledgable fan has not seen. So that these relics are not completely lost and forgotten, we present them here for your pleasure.

Check out Arcana Historica at http://www.theforce.net/timetales/misc/arcana/arcana.shtml

Some of the titles that are included in Arcana Historica are:


Chris McElroy has started a feedback thread for the project in the Jedi Council Literature Forums of TheForce.net. If you enjoy the project so far, or have any constructive criticism or positive feedback, please post in this thread.

Terminator Dreams

Well known Star Wars novelist, Aaron Allston, reveals via his website that his next novel to see print will be Terminator Dreams, a spin-off from the Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines movie. Aaron can't say too much about the project at this time, except that he should point out that this is not the Terminator 3 movie novelization.

Check out the news at http://www.aaronallston.com/news2003.html

~* Games *~

Jedi Academy Figures Bundled with Game

Activision Asia-Pacific will bundle one Star Wars Jedi Knight character figurine with each copy of Star Wars: Jedi Academy PC. Three characters in total, not visible from the outside of the box, will be randomly boxed with the game. The figurines are an exclusive bundle with the Star Wars: Jedi Academy PC game for a month, before they are sold separately.

The three figures can be seen at this link:


Galaxies Beta Reports

A very long post was made by Creative Director Ralph Koster that recounts a whole slew of stories that the beta testers have chosen to regale us with. It is very long so here is the link.

To read it all, check this out"


That's one of what has got to be over 30 accounts, so go check them out. Thanks to JediNet for the story.

Jedi Academy Interview and Screenshots

GalacticHunter.com got the opportunity to interview Kenn Hoekstra of RavenSoft about Jedi Academy. To check out the full interview, visit this link http://www.galactichunter.com/special_reports/jedi_academy.asp

In addition to these and several other questions, they also got five new screenshots. Check them out!

For more news about the Jedi Academy, visit the official webpage at http://www.lucasarts.com/products/jediacademy/

Galaxies Releasing 'Limited Copies'?

Chris e-mailed TheForce.net about the predicament his bookstore is in

Our corporate office emailed all the bookstores today and said to quit reserving the galaxies game. We are slated for a June release date and they are only releasing limited copies. We are only getting 4 in our store.

Only 4 copies for the store? Be sure to reserve your copy soon, so you know you'll get it!

Chris also sent in a bit more of info:

Talkted to my software buyer again today and they have confirmed a shipping date of 6/25 which means the games could be in the store by 6/27 but probably 6/30 The game will be 54.99 and 79.99.
Thanks to Chris!

KOTOR Weapons Feature

IGN has added a second Weapon feature on Knights of the Old Republic. This one covers lightsabers, including double bladed, short versions, and the standard one.

~* Others *~

New Scorpion Military Uniform

Risaka points our RedNova for an article about US soldiers' uniforms for 2011. They sure look like Imperial Stormtroopers - head at http://www.rednova.com/news/images/3/2003/06/01/soldier_2big_future_scorpion-ensemble.jpg for the picture and read more about it.

Welcome To The New StarWars.com

"Just as Star Wars grew, or rather exploded, in the public consciousness, this website will continue to grow and change. And like the films, our aim is to inform, entertain, surprise and amuse you." -- starwars.com, November 26, 1996

For almost seven years, starwars.com has provided timely, in-depth and entertaining coverage of the entire Star Wars experience. The tradition continues today, on the eve of Episode III production. For online fans that need more, starwars.com unveils its Hyperspace subscription service. It will officially launch June 10, but a sneak preview is running right now.

Go there to see what Star Wars.com now has to offer:


That about wraps it up for me this week. This week has been hectic to say the least. 60 hour work weeks suck. :P

Thanks for your time!!


RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GOE/GS/BSx3/PCx2/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1gh/MoC-6BoC-7SoC-4GoC-27PoC-3DoC/CoL/CoB/OV-5E [DRAG]
Craft: M/CRV "Doomsday"
P:KHP-KP ''Doc'' Hades (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, DC/(BNB)
{SA: G:LS}
"It's God's responsibility to forgive Bin Laden, It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting..."
-United States Marine Corp

Hammer's Fist Domain Report #7:  06.09.03
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


I'm resending this report as a summary from last two weeks, since I can't find it on the HFGS list and the GA didn't receive it as well.. I think my email was bouncing longer than I imagined!

My deepest apologies!

In these last 2 weeks, lots of things changed in the Fist.

-BC Ironfist, CO Delak, CC Domi and PCs JediEclipse and Techdaire resigned from their positions, and the restructuring completed!

Wil Striker is the new BC, Dante is the new CO, Domingo C have returned for the CT position, CC still to be chosen and Shadowmaker made it to Eclipse and Savager to Vendetta.

-The PL Started, all details on the Message Board!

-Haztix is our new Quartermaster, and the Carrida Bank manual is being updated so you all know how to proceed with transfers and money awarding.

-New SSBTC just sent to the CT office, and expect it to be released very soon. I'd like to see you all to at least take a look to this new SSBTC, and just complete it by yourselves, no need to resend them. Just make sure you know all the changes made. SSITC and IOTC are next on the redesign.

-XO Cypher and PRF Mordred are both on semi-leave. We are around for the most important stuff, but I don't think I�ll be able to attend any meetings till June 30th, due the preparations for Brazillian Jedicon 5th edition, with I'm vice-president! If you have a few thousand dollars to spent, come to Brazil to enjoy it! :P
I'm still whenever I can on IRC (Monday to Thursday), and all my emails are back online, so any urgent matters, contact me!

-New CSMA site on final approach to completion! Congrats Zsinj and everyone involved!

That�s all

Again my apologies for this miscommunication

GN Mordred
Vere Imperialis Sanguis Meus

VPX Corporate Division Report #33:  06.08.03
As Emailed From:  VPX/VA Reb Crush[9]/VSD Warhammer

Corporate Division (CD)


My apologies for the lateness of this report, but I haven't been around on Friday, and didn't have the opportunity to write the report on Saturday either.


-Admiral Trow has informed me that he is rather busy with real life stuff at the moment, which explains his absence. He also told me that Grand Admiral Ronin has already approved the structure changes, so you'll be seeing them soon.


TRN/EC Xedlan/PLT Revenge



EO/TCH EG-1781D/Echo/CHC/FAC CommPride -- Awarded MoAx2
DC/SNR Loor/Echo/CHC/FAC CommPride -- Awarded MoA

Membership Count: 163(+1)
Corporate Division Command:
Direx Board [5](0)
Trade Assembly Command [0](0)

Trade Assembly:
Cosmic Holonet Corporation [7](0)
Fleet Imaging Corporation [20](0)
Imperial Broadcasting Corporation [18](0)

PLT Revenge:
Trainies [46](+1)

Corporate Division Reserves:
Reserves [67](0)



That's all for this week,


For the Empire,

Vice Admiral Reb Crush, Executive Vice President of the Corporate Division
VPX/VA Reb Crush[9]/VSD Warhammer
DJK (Obelisk)[54]/P:CHAN-TRP/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:GLD]
PROF/LCM Reb Crush/PLT Daedalus

PD/DBMx3/CoLx2/SoAx2/BoMx3/CDM/CSS/SotV-gc [PxC]

DP Report #125:  06.06.03
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)



The largest piece of news this week, one that has just come in to me, is, from one perspective, quite unfortunate. Our distinguished Overseer, Darth Shadow, after a fairly short (around one year) but incredibly prolific career, has decided to retire from active service.

Part of his reason for retiring is real-life issues, which from time to time afflict us all. The man has a family, you see.

But another part is that, in this short time, DS feels genuinely that he has accomplished what he set out to do: bring the roleplaying world in the BHG to the point he believed it ought to reach, and leave his lasting mark on the BHG.

Surely it would be universally held among his comrades that he has done this. DS's work turned a fairly minor portion of the BHG and one that has seen ups and downs in its importance into a vital part of this subgroup; now it could not slip back into oblivion without everybody noticing.

In fact, his work was so good, and he gave so much of himself, that I approved a new Core Commission position be created for the job.

Now we face the true test: to see if the flame can keep burning so brightly in the hands of another.

Fortunately, his successor, Nindo Flast, is eminently qualified and I expect that he will be no less a boon to the BHG. And yet it will be difficult to equal DS's impact, much less surpass it. But in my years here I have found that, time and again, great ones rise and surprise us all with their work.

The issue of the Chief position has also been under much discussion as of late. It has been one of my stated aims to address that position specifically, for I believe it to be the most important position in the BHG. We are currently developing plans to address some of the issues with the position and will present them shortly.

Furthermore, there are a number of not insignificant changes coming to the Shipyards and to certain other activities in the BHG, particularly those where a lot of credits can be at stake, about which there will be more to tell shortly.

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

SDIR Report #3:  06.06.03
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Report of the Supreme Director #3 - 06/06/03

Roster Count: 57 (and rising� )
Total Roster Count: 190
(Inc. advisors, reserves and trainees)

1. Recruitment

The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here:


...or alternatively email me at sdir@ehintel.org. If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

2. INTORG Recruitment Season

INTORG is looking for new members. You can find my initial requirements here �


Of course INTORG is elite and we�re very fussy � so even if you meet the requirements you may not get in. But if you�ve been a good loyal member of the EH you never know�

3. Academy of Tactics

Yes, we still have problems with test grading - When our previous TTDR left under unfortunate circumstances a lot of uncompleted paperwork was left for her successor to complete. VA Raith is working his way through all this, but naturally it is taking some time. If you have submitted the General test to the AoT and have yet to receive a response, please email me and I will arrange your placement within a Bureau.

4. Open UBIQ Positions - Applications are NOT being taken at this time...

Currently both ExDIR and SPC lie vacant. I'm going to hold off for a few weeks until I appoint a new ExDIR (a chance for those interested to impress me). For the time being there will be no SPC as I feel the BUDR of Plexus is coping very well, rendering the position unnecessary.

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
[OE-2D][CoLx2][SHU: Hellequin]

Directorate Domain Report:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (FA Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)


-This past week has seen the resignation of MoO Talra, due to real life circumstances; sorry to see you go, and we hope to have you back soon. Unfortunately, MoE Orzon has had to take an indefinite leave for the same reason... hopefully, he will be able to return soon. :)

-Since the vacancy of MoO, I have appointed a new one. He is an experienced Directorate officer, a former DGMF, who has just come out of retirement to aid us in rebuilding our SubGroup and pushing it to new heights. Please welcome High Marshall Walker Slain to the Ministry Council as Minister of Operations.

-The DG Naval Strategy and Tactics Simulation appears to be moving smoothly. I'm hoping to hear more about that soon. :)

-Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the Colonial Branch... I have seen e-mails from two Governors-General and the System Moff, but that is all. Yes, there is a competition running, but I see no indications that
anyone has participated. People are reluctant to play SWGB without a ladder of some sort... it's not necessary to have a ladder to play! The whole point of the Directorate is to meet people and have fun, but you can't do that if you're waiting to be spoon-fed everything.

-Admiral Lammoth is continuing his work on the new Directorate domain and System Manual, both of which will hopefully be finished within the next two weeks.

That's all for this week.


Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base

CHS Report #24:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Imperial Senate Report #24

� News �

I�ll start off the same way I always do: this week has been very productive. Orv has informed me of his return as Minister of Communication, although it�s unofficial at the moment. We�re essentially finished with �Planetary Issues�, though we�re working out a section of the �Pending legislation� to display the outcome of that legislation (i.e. what effect it had on the planet, EH or Senate). Orv is currently working on an e-mail system that will automatically send messages to a delegate that gets accepted into a planet delegation as a Senator, a delegate who gets accepted to a planet as a Representative, and a delegate who gets moved to a new position on a planetary delegation. I�ll be getting the bodies of those e-mails to him tomorrow morning, and I hope to also start on the Senate Communiqu� and planetary message board tomorrow.

For those of you that weren�t familiar with the old database, Orv had created a convenient little message system between Senators. It�ll probably be duplicated in the new database, only with official headers and signatures that�ll automatically display the needed information. I wouldn�t like to see it being used as casually as before, but those messages will remain private.

The Senate Communiqu�, however, is between planetary delegations, and those can be monitored by either the Minister of State or me. It�s intended for fictional use, bill coordination, or to discuss various planetary issues. Messages such as �Hiran declares war on Aurora Prime� will likely be deleted and the responsible Senator removed. Only Senator admin will be able to send messages on the Communiqu�, but since messages can also be sent to Party leadership and High Council offices, the respective individuals will likely have similar systems to respond (or they�ll simply receive it on their normal messaging system). I�ll have to discuss that with Orv, though.

Those of you who have access to the database will notice that there�re changes to it almost every day. I have a new planetary issue in there that might be of some interest, and a new planetary image of Hiran that I believe was created by Admiral Patel. I hope to get the same quality images for all represented planets, but I�m still awaiting a response from Pri with regards to that. I should also note that the planetary profile seems rather messy�it won�t look like this when the database is released. It�s also possible that we might change the design template that it�s currently being displayed on. I�ve told all of you about the consoles�that they aren�t finished, hence the dotted lines. The content of the site, however, will remain relatively unchanged.

On a final note, I�m in need of some good writers. As M:EDU I never got anyone interested in the �Planetary Analysis Records�, but now I really want them (also the planetary synopses that will be displayed in the planetary profile). I have Kathel�s written and I�ve begun on Hiran, but that still leaves eight planets. If you�re interested, e-mail me or IM me, and I�ll show you the format (which should still be on the Senate message board) and Kathel�s full planetary analysis record. The synopses for Kathel and Hiran are also on the database if I�ve given you the URL.

� Available Positions �

HC-4: Minister of Education (M:EDU)

The Minister of Education has the job of maintaining the Senate�s institution of learning, the Imperial University. He is in charge of appointing new Professors, approving new courses, tutoring new applicants, keeping the Core Exam up to date, and maintaining an accurate roster of graduates from all courses.


-High online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-A sample of writing (story, essay, exams you�ve written elsewhere in the EH)
-HTML knowledge
-Willingness to write new exams
-Ability to work with and hire a unique staff of individuals
-Needs to have Ideas
-Knowledge of a variety of topics (political theory, physics, history, etc)

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)

The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. Additionally, he renders planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.


-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific proficiency
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential solutions
-Creativity and intelligence

� Projects �

-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)

� Competitions �

Senate Theme Song!

That�s right, I�ve finally decided to have an official Senate theme song! It�s kind of self explanatory, but there will be several categories of submission: humorous, official, and Star Wars (existing SW music by John Williams). You may submit an unlimited amount of songs to each category. However, be sure I give you confirmation after each one so my e-mail account doesn�t get run out of storage capacity. Give credit to the artist/composer.

Official notice is below:

The Senate needs a theme song! The competition will last 1 month (5/9 - 6/9), and all submissions are to be sent to me ( chs@emperorshammer.org ), and DCH Blackblade ( sendakkon@yahoo.com ) There are no limitations on submissions, and the top 3 will be awarded the following:

1st Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Platinum Ribbon [AS-PR]
2nd Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Gold Ribbon [AS-GR]
3rd Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Silver Ribbon [AS-SR]

Note that there aren�t placements for each category. The official Senate theme song will be given first place and the other two, regardless of the category they fall under, will be chosen based on how much we liked them.

� Additional �

Next week the High Council should be full (because I have two desirable applicants for both M:EDU and M:STA), so I�m making the deadline for any other applications on Sunday because I want to begin working with them.

That�s all for this week.

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

COO Report #37:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 06/07/2003

COO News

I finally got access to award IS-GR and GW. Be prepared for a fleet wide comp after I worked out the details with my Staff.

COOA Dax Corrin was awarded a BS for his great work in the COC. Good work!

Competition News

WoW Activity is great.

Regular Comp activity is good. Be prepared for a little change in the structure of the comps!

Bot News

a little elaboration on the b0t news front.

Darkfyre is hosted by RA Auto. now he's had some server problems and informed me that the bot will go offline for 2 weeks.

in preparation when Auto headed to war I had another bot ready to run if anything like this should happen.

comp script has been updated to include all new competitions and also to display the comp times in GMT, this will also show EST as and when I get the time to modify the code.

business should be as normal now.


COM-COOA/RA Mell Kerrigan/ISD Subjugator


In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

BTM/SW Gaheris Rhade/Harbringer/Ronin/Alvaak

Plans from the New Lord Ambassador:  06.07.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Destavol)

EH Advanced Guard


Greetings to both of you.

Today I was appointed as the new Lord Ambassador for the Emperor's Hammer. You have no idea how much this means to me. I never though when I first joined the Emperor's Hammer I would make it to any for of Admiral. I promise you both that the AG will continue moving forward and that you both will be updated on all of the changes/comps etc. Now for my plans. Firstly I am going to run an AWOL check. I know of a few people who are not doing there job's in the AG. Should they report in to the AWOL check they have 2 weeks to show me that they want to remain active in the AG. If they fail to do so I will request a transfer to reserves for them. I hate AWOL'ing people, but I love the AG to much. Now once I get the AWOL check over I have a feeling that the roster may be down 2 or 3 people. So I will let people know that x number of jobs have opened in the AG. Once I get applications in I will review them closely, go over the HCI site and make sure they are clean. While I am doing all of this I will be visiting each club personally to inform them that I am the new LA and also to see what I could do as far as setting up comps. My first comp will be with the FES as requested. Also I will be assigning each member to his/her own club/s to keep alliances strong. Now I have chosen a new Magister Equitum. How ever he is a TIE Corps Commander. So I have e-mailed him letting him know that he is my choice for MAG and to take his time on choosing either his squadron or the job as MAG. He has no record on the HCI docket. So I hope both of you will approve him. Well these are just the beginning changes I have for now. There will be more, and you will both will be informed on each one of them. Any rejections to the following changes or ideas to make them better PLEASE reply and tell me. I am wanting to do what is best for every one. Once again thanks for giving me this job. It is truly a dream come true. I hope my work as LA will be enough to pay you back.

In service to the Empire

Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer
Rear Admiral Destavol Atreyu Gin


EH Gear Imperial Store Upgrade:  06.05.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Imperial Store has been upgraded with 5 different colors to choose from for EH Gear.


So, if you want to help the FC defray some of the expenses of the EH Domain (i.e. eh.org, eh.net, etc.) and help get the name of the EH out there, please consider picking up some EH Gear !!!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Newsletter #93 Posted (January 2003 Edition):  06.02.03
As Authored By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and emailed from:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

At 10:55 PM 01/06/2003 +0800, jpboyce@indigo.net.au wrote:

http://members.iinet.net.au/~jpboyce/nl93.zip (8.2megs)


Online: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/93/
ZIP: http://theholo.net/nls/eh/zips/hammer93.zip

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Applications Open for Logistics Officer:  05.31.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Logistics Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

Position Description:

The Logistics Officer (LO) handles distribution of important Fleet Communiqu�s to the Members of the Emperor's Hammer.  In addition, the LO acts as Chief Archivist for the EH and is responsible for maintaining duplicate copies of important Clubs files, newsletters, manuals, etc.  As chief archivist for the Fleet, the LO is responsible for hosting/posting the Newsletters.

Unfortunately, we have not heard from AD Tron in a few months.  Considering that he is currently stationed in Iraq, and most likely will not be returning to his EH duties soon, I am forced to now open the position of Logistics Officer (LO/CS-11) for applications.

However, considering AD Tron's dedicated service to not only the EH but also the US military, he will be guaranteed an honored position in the EH upon his return.

Successful candidates must meet the following criteria:

Selection Criteria - Essential

  • Be capable of hosting a STABLE mirror WWW site for archiving all important, historical EH files (including NLs, manuals, files, etc.).  This includes 100-200 MBs of EH related files, which can be expected to grow with time.

  • Develop/maintain an interface/database website (i.e. EH Library or EH Codex) to access all of these files and archives.

  • Prepare a respectful and creative EH Memorium WWW site linked to the Logistics Office WWW site and EH Domain which presents those of us that have passed away.

  • Have the EH Rank of Rear Admiral or higher.

  • Been a Member of the EH (any Subgroup) in good standing for 1+ years.

  • Good written communication skills

  • An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.

  • Fast Email response time

  • The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer

  • The ability to work to extreme deadlines

Immediate duties for the successful candidate will include the updating of the EH Codex and other historical archives, as well as the acquisition of webspace to host the various files from. 

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence.  Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough.  Include specific examples of your experience.  You should meet at least the essential criteria to be
considered for the position.  You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't waste time by applying.  You must include at least three (3) references.  At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first.  If it is found out that you did not gain permission, this will reflect upon your application in a negative light. 

Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander ( garonin@aol.com ) and Executive Officer ( jpboyce@indigo.net.au ) with the subject "Application for Logistics Officer".

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

A Letter of Thanks:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  RSV/RA Autoris Maximus/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves


Sir I am writing you to inform you that my tour of overseas duty is coming to a close and I will be coming home soon and will be returning to active status in the TC. I would like to thank you and the EH for your support of people like me in the time I have spent in war for the U.S. Army. I hope I will be home in about a month and can then find a spot in the TC to lead again. Thank you again for your support.

SFC Christopher Eastridge -Det 1 2082 20th SFG
RSV/RA Autoris Maximus/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
ACO Autoris Maximus (Sith)

Fleet Commander's Note:

As is tradition in the Emperor's Hammer, those of our Membership serving in their country's respective armed forces have been especially noticed by the EH.  These hardworking, often taken for granted military folks deserve all of our support during these crazy times...

Again, my personal thanks for your sacrifice to your nation...We are proud of you !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Star Wars Galaxies EH/Fringe Player Association Website:  05.29.03
As Emailed From:  FHND/HRO Darknyte/Command Staff/The Fringe


I've created a site (in progress) for the upcoming Galaxies PA group within the EH. Currently the site has a news database and databases ready for FAQs/Manuals and Game Reviews. There is also a download section ready for Galaxies related files. This site is going to be our primary news source for the EH's Galaxies PA. I'll be updating it as new materials become available. It's located at http://galaxies.minos.net.

FHND/HRO Darknyte/Command Staff/The Fringe


Fleet Commander's Note:

With MinosNIC currently going through a switch in servers and IP addresses (which are propagating now through the web), this link may not function properly.  It should work within 24-48 hours.

Tactical Office Report #91:  05.30.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #91
by TAC/AD Marcin Szydlowski #3203


[20:40] <`Badlan> I mean, absolute Power Corrupts absolutely. Look what happened to Hitler, Mussolini... Kawolski >:P

Slow week, but I can't complain after all. My RL gave me some rest, and I am solving all of my troubles now. It keeps getting better and better everyday, so I am happy. I have exam in two weeks, so I guess I will have to start learning. Good thing is this exams is pretty easy, so I won't have any problems with it. This means I will do more EH work.

Unfortunately, my RL things limit my EH time. I do all of my core duties in timely manner, but I don't have time to do any extra work. That's not good. Thanks to great assistance of my Coordinators, we have constant flow of new battles and missions. That's good and I am pleased. Two of my TCCs, are doing updates for their platforms so number of bugs should decrease :) That's good.

On the other things, I did very nice check. Right now, HA Striker is our best guy, with 52 TAC reports. So far I have 39 reports written. Not bad. And soon we will celebrate 100th TAC report :) Plus many more celebrations, I will mention in 100th report :) Little anniversary, don't you thing? :)

Mission Creation Courses
RogueWing agreed to send me weekly stats. So I guess he will do it next week:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 42 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 302 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 109 graduates

TAC3K countdown!
Unfortunately, no new stuff this week :( We need only 82 to reach TAC3K! Good work Tactical Staff, keep it up!

Mission Creation Corner
Some briefing tips from our very own, Choosh:

There is a maximum size for briefing map tags in XvT, about 32 characters (around horizontal size of the blanks under the 'strings' tab), that if you exceed, XvT will crash

The XvTED briefing window has slightly different dimensions than in XvT, so if something is on the edge, it might not be in the briefing window

The size of the Briefing text box is much bigger in XvTED than in XvT. One full line of text in XvTED is about the longest a text can get in a XvT briefing

You can delete just one tag in a briefing instead of all tags by placing a blank tag of the same numeral. (ex. Tag #1 " " will overwrite Tag #1 "hello"

outside of X coordinates -40 or +40, there are no horizontal lines

Oath of Loyalty
Competition starts in few days (1st June), so keep your battles ready and pants on :P

Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week I've selected Carl Lost as Person of the Week. As recommended by TCC:TIE:
Carl Lost (surprise, surprise) :P Another week of quality correcting and testing.
Great job Carl. You have earned 2 points. I remind all TCCs to send their PotW recommendations. So current standings look as follows:

Penfold - 2
Kalith Jaenus - 1
Abel Malik - 3
Styles - 3
TK-9780 - 3
Carl Lost - 7
Illadian Hunt - 1
Viper - 1
Angel - 1
Atmos - 1
Cray - 2
Apophis Kuma - 1
Nightmare - 1
Broskopf - 2
This round ends May 31st!
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 2918 (+6)
Battles: 449
Free Missions: 508
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Being Tested: 2
Being Corrected: 1
Final Check: 1
Total: 4
XvT/BoP Division
No Report!!!!!!
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Being Tested: 7
Being Corrected: 2
Final Check: 0
Total: 9
Tactical Roster:
TIE: 14
XvT: 19
BoP: 16
XWA: 14

Final word:
My office is always open. I don't do any business on IRC, but I ALWAYS reply to questions and suggestions. What do I mean by EH business. Here's example: "Mike, please award me my mission MoT-rh", and other things like that.

If you have question and I am not available, try joining #tac and ask there or use mail. Ultimately you can use Mission Creation Forum :)


Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >

Flight Office Report:  06.02.03
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

Welcome all to this week's report from the Flight Office...

My apologies for the lack of a report last week.

- News -

Promotions and Awards

The past two weeks saw a number of promotions and awards, so to recap:

Admiral Proton, Commodore of the SSSD Sovereign, was awarded the Imperial Cross in recognition of his work throughout his long and successful career.

My Command Attach�, Admiral Cyric, received his due recognition with a promotion to Fleet Admiral, only the second CA to ever achieve this rank.

We had some resignations - LC Shadd, GN Drake and COL Aeishline all resigned from their Wing Commader positions. We welcomed LC Wysseri, May Cray Mikalen and LC Thorn to the Flag Staff. VA Wil Striker also resigned from his position as Intrepid Commodore. I did promise a brief explanation about this. Basically, Wil and AD Darksaber, the ASF BGCOM, disagreed with how the other conducted their command. Myself and FA Cyric spent significant time looking into the matter, contacting people, reading through old emails. At the end I decided that neither was guilty of dereliction, but their attitude towards each other wasn't what one would expect from the Flag Officer. Wil didn't like this, decided he couldn't work with DS and quit. So there. COL Frodo March, a previous Wing Commander, has been appointed as the new Intrepid Commodore and promoted to Rear Admiral.

Rear Admiral Charles "Demos" Spencer resigned from his position as Avenger Commodore this morning. He's been called up for military service and so no longer has the free time his duties require. We hope he returns to us soon.

Myself and VA Khaen will be taking applications for a new COM, but hold off on sending anything until I post the requirements on the news page.

I'm pleased to be able to promote the Omega Commander, COL Sasquatch, to the rank of General. This is the second time he's achieved this rank and proves the quality of his leadership.

BGCOM & COM vs WC Competition

The Flags held a small flying competition between themselves recently, the BGCOM & COMs teamed against the WCs. The competition was hosted by WO/AD Pel, and he's sent me the results:

TIE Victor: MAJ TK-2107
XvT Victor: RA Khadgar
XWA Victor: MAJ TK-2107

BGCOMs & COMs: 483.5 total
WCs: 323 total.

Congratulations to RA Khadgar and MAJ TK-2107 and also to the BGCOMs & COMs for showing that old folk can still fly :P

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's all for this week.


High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Internet Office Report #93:  05.30.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA Ari)

Internet Office

May 30 , 2003

Internet Office News

This week, Alex Foley performed a lot more updates to My EHNet ( http://my.ehnet.org ). I would like to remind EHers that My EHNet is ideal for setting as your home page, because of its portal-style system.

Xander Drax created 2 brand new designs for SquadFirst. FA Leeson has converted one design into a theme already, and I have released Drax's brand new Infiltrator Wing theme. Along with this I released a minor update that fixes the IW roster URL. The patch is included with the theme since it's not enough to merit its own patch file. However, the Basic and Full Edition packages have been updated to include the fix, in version 1.3.2.

Drako has been playing around and came up with another possible design for the BHG site. We may or may not see this put into effect in the future, depending on what Jernai decides, but it can always be changed around for other purposes as well.

This week I rewrote the proposal about the massive IO-WO-FO-COMM-TO project, which was a little confusing originally, but we've solidified the ideas and will be passing the proposal on to GA Ronin this weekend for his approval. If he approves the project, design ideas will continue and we will eventually be asking for very strong PHP coders to volunteer to help out. So if you ever wanted to learn PHP, now's the time to learn it and get good, because working with all these CS offices is not only a fun experience, but rewarding as well.


Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW is the Dragon Kabal site by Xander Drax/Slagar at http://dragon.thebhg.org/. Congrats on your 4 star site!


[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Training Office Report #12:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #12

Admiral Keldorn Reporting � 31st May 2003



TO Report #12 will be rather a rather short dispatch because I have been incredibly busy with real-life work and the development of a design and then the implementation of data for one of the Training Office projects; the �Academic NeXus��

Replacing the Training Office site is the newly implemented �Academic NeXus� (available at  www.emperorshammer.ca ), a �training portal� for the Emperor�s Hammer. It is very much in its preliminary stages at the moment, with the aim to integrate IWATS, the TO site, and the SA site well underway. There are further plans for its expansion and development, but these are further down the list of projects and hence will not be seen of for some time to come. Project Risorgimento (I can have fancy names for projects too!) is progressing well; with only the Shadow Academy integration still to follow. My utmost thanks are extended to Major Drax, Fleet Admiral Leeson and Vice Admiral Reb Crush for helping me put my site designs into the complicated HTML they required.

For her dedication and tireless work for the Training Office, Colonel Aeishline Strathaven was awarded the Silver Star of the Empire.

The development of the TO competition �Apostasy� was set to one side this last week in order to work on Project Risorgimento (I like saying that�) and hence has not progressed as well as I was hoping. However, it is still planned for a fairly soon beginning even if it has to undergo some minor revisions to do so.

A reminder to Officers in the TIE Corps; simple Combat Rating �Races� are not being approved, and will not be for at-least the immediate future. This was a decision the Operations Officer and I came to some time ago, and we both stand by our reasoning for such a move. However, including a CR element in other competitions is generally acceptable (whereby MP participation is recognized on a points based system).

There was a minor mix-up on my end in regards to the approval of FCHG �Races�. I was of the impression (I haven�t the slightest idea why) that FCHG was CR, and visa-versa. This was my fault, and thus I know I denied at least 2 FCHG-based competitions wrongly. They can be resubmitted without fear of denial (on that basis, at-least).

The BitchX (BX) Professor position is still open for applications (details below).

The Training Office is now accepting Course proposals. With stability now re-established within IWATS, and a full compliment of IWATS Staff on the near horizon, I have decided to re-open the Office to proposals of new Courses to be included in the IWATS repertoire. There are a few restrictions upon proposals; I am open to many diverse and innovative ideas, and would like to encourage the proposal of specifically non-programming Courses at this time. The Courses under consideration so far are:

Cascading Style Sheets.
Sound Processing/Editing.
General Multiplayer.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Advanced TIE Mission Design (TM/2)

BitchX (BX) Professor Open for Applications

The requirements are:

- An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or above.
- Extensive knowledge of the open-source IRC client, BitchX ( http://www.bitchx.org/ ).
- Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
- Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
- Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good WYSIWYG editor).

Applications should be sent to me ( to@emperorshammer.org ) with the subject �BitchX PROF Application�.

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Staff Roll

� Major Devin Taralis; Training Office Assistant [ Drathoz@aol.com ]
� High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [ spellfire@btinternet.com ]
� High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ ari@tiecorps.org ]
� Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [ mindb_ender@hotmail.com ]
� Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [ io@absolutek.ca ]
� Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [ skinner@axelero.hu ]
� Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ pbmike@go2.pl ]
� Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [ roguewing25@yahoo.com ]
� Vice Admiral Reb Crush; Professor, Eggdrop [ vpx@corporatedivision.com ]
� Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [ incomtech@wp.pl ]
� Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [ slavelet@iinet.net.au ]
� Lieutenant Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ cnwilde@pacbell.net ]
� Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [ LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org ]
� Captain Praetorian; Professor, Graphics [ prae@ehnet.org ]
� Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [ oneblah2@cs.com ]
� Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au ]
� Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [ zexipher@yahoo.com ]
� Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [ delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au ]
� Lieutenant Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [ tek_selkirk@hotmail.com ]

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS & Headmaster

Operations Office Report :  05.27.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office

Operations Office Report
28th May, 2003.

Over the past few weeks one little thing has come to my attention, that award authority or to put it bluntly, who can award what. Now, the Operations and Training Manuals both indicate what a member holding a
certain position can award, and the database limits your options accordingly. Yet there are two issues I wish to remind you of.

Firstly, even though you may be able to recommend a medal to your superior, it is frowned upon. Contact their superior and let them know what you think. If you don't know who to contact, email me and ask and I'll point you in the right direction.

Secondly, for those holding Command Office Assistant positions. Your medal awarding authority only extends to that of your primary (CMDR or whatever) position, with the exception that should your Command Officer so require you to award specific service medals you may do so. So, if the database gives you the option to award something outside your primary position, do not do so unless your CO has explicitly told you to do so.

Finally, for those of you holding Command Attach� positions. Command Attach�s are only permitted to recommend service awards that pertain to their particular office or others if specifically ordered to do so by their CO. You may only recommend a merit award if your CO has authorized you to do so.

Now, onto other things

Uniforms - Much better. Nobody tried to tempt fate this week by using unapproved items. However, I would like to remind you that if you must use a JPEG image, don't edit and resave it more than once or twice as the image quality rapidly deteriorates. One trend I have noticed is people playing with the saturation or or winding up the contrast of the image. While not officially a no-no, I am not exactly chuffed with the garish results, so be warned.

Medal recommendations - Quite a lot fewer this week, which is normal near the end of the month. Besides the points already mentioned, I have little else to add.

That's it for this week.

OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign.

Fleet Commander's Note:

AD Khaine has come up with a new medal design for the EH Medal of Allegiance...

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

"Medal of Allegiance - The Medal of Allegiance is awarded to individuals who are not members of the Emperor's Hammer or it's subgroups and who have provided a service to the Fleet."

Nice job !!!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Communications Office Report #8:  05.30.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


The !request feature on dasb0t has finally been fixed, thanks to Reb Crush who has been awarded a Bronze Star for his work on the HARA radio script. !request can be used anytime somebody has an open session on one of the two EH streaming mp3 audio servers to request a song.

Unfortunately I will be unable to attend this weeks EH meeting due to RL commitments. I will however be posting the log of the meeting from dasb0t on the log archives once I return.

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

SO Report - Four:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office


Once again, I am pleased to report another very slow week. While the final preparations are being completed on a case to be sent to the HCI, otherwise neither my staff nor I have come across any major issues to bring to your attention.

The only issue of note is continued vigilance on the message boards, both by administrators and posters alike.  The same rules apply on the MBs as do on IRC, if not more so considering the more permanent nature of the posts, and the inability of a poster to clarify him or herself with the immediacy IRC provides.

As always, I and my staff are open to any issues any of you may have, on any topic. I have been working closely with a number of the Command Staff and Advisor offices of late as well to better tie our ability to help you together.

Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer

RO Report #10:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  ROA CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim

Recon Office


I was emailed by an individual who runs a Star Trek website. He is interested in doing a link exchange with the EH. Though at this time, he has yet to give me a working link to his site so I can check it out. So as soon as that happens, I will be reviewing his site and see if it is in our best interests. ;)

I am still waiting on Hayden Christansen's (sp?) email addy from LA Darknyte. Once I get that, I will be emailing him for an interview and possible Honorary Member status.

I am also trying to get a hold of Jeremy Bollock, aka Boba Fett (the older one :P ). I think that would make an excellent HM.

Anyways, I'm praying for responses by next week. As always, you will be the first to know.

On to Star Wars News!


~* Gatherings & Conventions *~

2003 Star Wars Disney Weekend #3

Actors Silas Carson (Ki-Adi-Mundi / Nute Gunray) and Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb) were the special guests at the third of the 2003 Walt Disney World Star Wars Weekends the Disney-MGM Studios theme park in Florida. Click here to enter our 2003 Star Wars Disney Weekends picture gallery to catch a glimpse of the action.

Carson played a number of roles in The Phantom Menace including Nute Gunray, the leader of the Nemoidian Trade Federation, Ki-Adi-Mundi, the "tall-headed" member of the Jedi Council, and also the co-pilot on the ill-fated Republic Cruiser that ferried the Jedi to their meeting with the Trade Federation at Naboo. Fans were delighted to learn from Carson himself that he expects to return in Episode III and will be going to Sydney, Australia in June.

Joining Carson this weekend is Mike Quinn, a performer from the classic trilogy. As a young puppeteer, Quinn performed the memorable role of Nien Nunb, Lando Calrissian's co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi. Quinn also assisted in the puppetry of Yoda, the Jedi Master, and Admiral Ackbar as well. Quinn now works as a computer animator, and was part of the Attack of the Clones crew.

As favorite Star Wars characters roam the park to entertain fans and sign autographs, Young Jedi hopefuls test their lightsaber skills. Click above to check out our growing gallery of images from the celebration.

The Star Wars events continue throughout the weekend, and resume for each of the next three weekends for those looking to join in the fun.

Please take note of an important scheduling change regarding the weekend of May 30, 31 and June 1. Joining Silas Carson (Ki-Adi-Mundi / Nute Gunray) on that Star Wars Weekend is Mike Quinn, a performer from the classic trilogy. As a young puppeteer, Quinn performed the memorable role of Nien Nunb, Lando Calrissian's co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi. Quinn also assisted in the puppetry of Yoda, the Jedi Master, and Admiral Ackbar as well. Quinn now works as a computer animator, and was part of the Attack of the Clones crew.

Joel Edgerton, the actor who played young Owen Lars in Episode II, sends his regrets but last minute scheduling conflicts means he won't be able to attend.

The current celebrity guest schedule is as follows, but as always, keep checking www.starwars.com for the latest information:

May 16,17 & 18 - Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian)
May 23, 24 & 25- Andy Secombe (Watto) and Warwick Davis (Wicket)

May 30, 31 & June 1 - Silas Carson (Ki-Adi-Mundi) and Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb)
June 6, 7 & 8 - Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett)
June 13, 14 & 15 - Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett) and Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)

Also, as an update, here's a look at the Star Wars Weekends keepsake coin that will be available as part of the exclusive merchandise during the event. The coin features the artwork of Yoda and Mickey Mouse by Randy Noble, and comes in a plastic display case. It has a limited edition run of 500. ( http://www.starwars.com/community/news/2003/05/img/coin.jpg )

Retrospective: 2003 Star Wars Disney Weekend #2

The second of the 2003 Walt Disney World Star Wars Weekends was officially under way at the Disney-MGM Studios theme park in Florida last weekend.

That weekend's special guests were Andy Secombe, the voice of Watto in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, and Warwick Davis who played Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi and two television movies, portrayed several characters in Phantom Menace and may be best known as Willow.

Activity in the Tatooine Trader gift shop continued to be brisk, with this year's theme image partnering Yoda and Mickey Mouse as back-to-back Jedi on a variety of exclusive items. Quantities of the newest wave of Star Tours droids were also available.

Young Jedi were being trained throughout the day, while favorite Star Wars characters roamed the park to delight, frighten, and sign autographs.

STAR WARS Weekends: Picture Gallery
by ROA/CM Shay`la Dukahn Ludsorkim

For people who wants to see pictures of this event, browse at www.StarWars.com where they keep an ever growing album!

Unfortunately, I cannot give you the address because it is a Java window popup... unless you are lazy, here is the way to see them without Java:


Replace the # with a number from 1 to 25 (that's where they are right now after Weekend #2)

Collector's Summer Convention Approaching
by ROA CM Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim

For 25 years, many fans of Star Wars have made the galaxy far, far away they own by collecting action figures, games, toys, models and other collectibles. This summer *first-ever* Collector's Convention is approaching quickly, making it less than two month away, and fans are already eager to attend to this much-anticipated collectors conclave. This year, the Official Star Wars Fan Club of Mexico who will celebrate the 25 years of Star Wars collecting devoted to the hobby.

What's with the Collector's Convention anyway? Is it interesting to see toys? Well, exposing collectibles wont be the only things to be done or seen there. The convention is planning on building and displaying diaporamas, customized figure workshops, auctions... there should also be a large dealer's room! But it is not all. The fans will also learn, right from the people who worked on the original line of toys at Kenner, the toy-making process and a special look behind Lili-Ledy, Kenner's Mexican affiliate, is planned, not to mention a sneak peak at the upcoming Clone Wars toy line presented by Hasbro Mexico. Fans should also look forward for feature of exclusive collectibles, including a special convention figure.

Collectors and fans from all around the world are expected to gather at the Centro Banamex (Banamex Center), the Convention Center in Mexico City, for this special week-end to discuss all aspects of their hobby with other people sharing the same interest. Invitations were sent, adding up to all these fans, to the people behind the toylines with representatives from Hasbro Inc., the original Kenner Products and Lili-Ledy.
The tickets for the member of the Official Star Wars Fan Club in Mexico ran, in presale, from February to March 21with the promotion 'Buy early and receive a limited edition Fan Club pass'. The sale for all the non-Fan Club members began March 24 and should run until June 27th. Tickets were not to be sold on-site but to satisfy the demand, one-day tickets will be available at the convention. The two-day ticket presale has had a great response from fans, although there still are *limited supply* of tickets available.

"We are very excited about the response" said Julio Moreno, president of the Mexican Star Wars Fan Club. "We have fans coming from all over the world and they will be delighted with the activities surrounding the convention. There are some great presentations and some very special collectibles available."
Very special collectibles indeed! A 'Special Collector's Award' will be offered for the first time to honor the Star Wars Collectors and their Collectibles. An Hasbro's Silver Boba Fett convention figure is planned to be sold during the convention and are to be given to the two-day pass holders. Also, the Fan Club is giving the chance to the Fans to prove they are the ultimate collectors or have one of the coolest collectibles, inviting them to register by sending a picture of their collections to fanclub@spacecollectors.com.

For interested people, the ticket prices are 10$ (100 pesos) for one day or $25 for the complete two-day package (which includes the special figure of Boba Fett). For more information and ticket sales contact the Official Fan Club at fanclub@spacecollectors.com or call toll free in Mexico, 018007722336. In the rest of the world the telephone number is (52 55) 5684-0393, or e-mail the Fan Club at fanclub@spacecollectors.com.

Again, for interested people, here is a small resume.

First Star Wars Collector's Convention - July 12th & 13th 2003
by the Official Star Wars Fan Club of Mexico

Centro Banamex
Avenida del Conscripto N�mero 311
M�xico DF
Cp 11200
Tel: (55) 5268-2000
Fax: (55) 5268-2004

Tel: (52 55) 5684-0393
Mexico Toll Free: 018007722336

~* Collectibles / Toys *~

Toys R Us 4-Pack Exclusives

Coming soon to a Toys R Us near you are three new store-exclusive 3 3/4" scale figure 4-pack sets from Hasbro:

Imperial Forces, The Battle of Hoth and Ultimate Bounty.

Here is the first glimpse of Hasbro's Imperial Forces 4-pack, scheduled for release in June/July. The set includes Darth Vader with lightsaber, Stormtrooper and All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) driver 3 3/4" scale figures. Also included are a R4-19 computer maintenance and repair droid that services the Death Star, and an Imperial Interrogator droid. The set is additionally equipped with a blaster rack, two Stormtrooper blasters, a mouse (MSE-6) droid, an Imperial Tripod Cannon (Hoth E-Web Heavy Repeating Cannon) with generator container and projectile.

Another Toys R Us store-exclusive from Hasbro is the The Battle of Hoth 4-pack due out this Fall. The set includes 3 3/4" scale reissued figures of a POTF2 Tauntaun, POTF2 Luke Skywalker, POTF2 Hoth Leia, Hoth Chewbacca and an orange and white R3 droid with a clear dome.

Collectors can also expect the Ultimate Bounty 3 3/4" scale figure 4-pack to make its way to Toys R Us stores this Fall. The Ultimate Bounty set contains reissued figures of Bossk, Boba Fett, Aurra Sing and IG-88. The set introduces a new comic-influenced Swoop Bike as an added bonus.

Here are the pictures:


~* Games *~

New Jedi Academy Preview

www.ElecPlay.com has posted a preview of Jedi Academy:

Although you play a Jedi, there will be more conventional weapons that have appeared in the series before, such as the blaster rifle, Wookiee Bowcaster, Imperial Repeater Rifle, and an Electro-Magnetic Pulse gun. Han Solo's DL-44 Heavy Blaster, first added to the series in Mysteries of the Sith, is back. So is the Concussion Rifle, which we saw wielded by the Trandoshans way back in Dark Forces.

Jedi Outcast had a sequence where you took over an AT-ST. Raven will be including more vehicle sequences this time, including AT-STs again, and Tauntauns, the biped creatures the Rebels rode on Hoth.

LucasArts says the game will feature twice as many locations as Jedi Outcast. At E3 we saw what appeared to be the snow-blasted plains of Hoth. They did a great job of conveying the chilly atmosphere--as the Jedi walked around, he raised his arms to shield his face from the wind.

New JA Screens Shot

LucasArts has posted new screenshots mere minutes ago. Included among them are a wampa holding a jedi, a shot of the interface, what appears to be a Kel Dor Jedi, giving rise to the thought that is one of the new species, some lightsaber combat, a sarlaac, and a wookiee. For those Chewie fans like myself, he does bare a resemblance, but doesn't appear to be a playable character.


Rogue Squadron III to Be Bundled

Axl points out Hardware Zone for the latest news on an upcoming Star Wars game:

Nintendo of America has today confirmed that its recently released demo disc--which contains playable demos and preview movies of upcoming games including>Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Viewtiful Joe, Soul Calibur II, and Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike--will be given away free with new GameCube consoles in North America.

"We wanted to showcase a few of the best, exclusive Nintendo GameCube games coming out later this year and whet consumers' appetite for our ever-expanding library."

Star Wars To Boost Failing Gamecube

Business Week Online is reporting on Nintendo's struggle for survival in the console wars with a few exclusives: Metal Gear Solid 3 and Star Wars.

Here's a few paragraphs to get you started:

GameCube's disappointing debut is shooting holes in Nintendo's bottom line. For the fiscal year, ended on Mar. 31, Nintendo's net profit is expected to fall 38%, to $574 million, on a 10% decline in sales, to $4.3 billion. Final results were slated to be released on May 22. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata concedes that the year he has been in the job has been a challenge. "But then, that's what I enjoy," says Iwata, 43, a former game developer who joined Nintendo in 2000. "We need to feel a sense of crisis to bring out the best in us."

That sense of crisis has led Iwata to rethink Nintendo's business plan. Since taking over as president, he has moved to sharpen Nintendo's lineup of titles, moving into the more rough-and-tumble content the company once eschewed. The new version of Metal Gear Solid, developed exclusively for Nintendo by Japanese gamemaker Konami Corp. and expected to be released by yearend, is a first step. To maintain the momentum, Iwata has lined up a Star Wars epic from Lucas Arts Entertainment Co., a futuristic F-Zero car-racing game from Sega Corp., and dozens of other sports and action titles that will push Nintendo's software lineup from the current 180 to 320 by yearend.

But don't expect Nintendo to add too much blood and guts. Iwata says the company will never depict Mario as a criminal, along the lines of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, a top-selling PS2 title that follows car-swiping crooks. "I'm not saying others shouldn't make such games, but Nintendo isn't going to," he says.

Yet if Nintendo hopes to attract more of the boys and young men who are flocking to PS2 and Xbox, Iwata needs to come up with a more thrilling lineup of sports and adventure games, says HSBC Securities Japan Ltd. analyst Ben Wedmore. "Nintendo has to give the market more of what it wants," Wedmore says. "Today's 11-year-olds aren't going to buy Mario."

Galaxies Consoles on Hold

GameSpot reports the status of Galaxies for consoles:

LucasArts confirms that the previously announced console versions of the Star Wars online RPG are currently on hold, as all development efforts are focused on the PC launch.

At E3 2002, LucasArts announced that it planned to release Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, its highly anticipated online RPG set in the Star Wars universe, for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. However, mention of these versions was recently removed from the publisher's Web page on the game, and LucasArts has confirmed for us that these versions are currently on hold. In a brief statement, LucasArts said, "We are currently focusing all of our efforts on the successful launch of the PC version of Star Wars Galaxies."

The PC version of Star Wars Galaxies is currently in beta testing. LucasArts has not yet announced an official release date.

~* Books *~

NEW Releases

Force Heretic II Refugee
by Sean Williams and Shane Dix

Inside the World of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
by Curtis J. Saxton, Hans Jenssen

Jedi Quest #6 - The Shadow Trap
by Jude Watson

Episode II - Attack of the Clones
by R.A. Salvatore
Paperback Edition

Boba Fett #3
Maze Of Deception
by Elizabeth Hand

Tatooine Ghost
by Troy Denning

RPG Hero Guide

This June, Wizards of the Coast will release the Hero's Guide, a 160-page, full-color hardcover accessory for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. The book features new prestige classes, feats, combat tactics, equipment, Force traditions, and character options for players. It's designed to help players create memorable Star Wars heroes and customize their characters' abilities. The Hero's Guide also includes variant class abilities, multiclass character archetypes (a concept first introduced in Star Wars Gamer magazine), alternative uses for skills, and rules for cybernetics and martial arts.

For a preview, see Wizards' official site sneak peeks
Skills & Feats ( http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030515herosguide )
Sympathy ( http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030522hero ).

Matthew Stover on Shatterpoint

The Official Site spoke with Matthew Stover about Shatterpoint. Here are some highlights:

What I can tell you about the novel itself is this - it's not for kids. The young adult stories are coming out from Scholastic. Shatterpoint is definitely PG-13. No one under seventeen admitted without a parent or guardian?

Well, not exactly! But when I originally agreed to write a novel featuring Mace Windu, I thought it was supposed to be a traditional Star Wars book. My initial outline featured Mace being forced to team up with a dashing, cynical mercenary and a strong-willed warrior woman to fight an unexpected threat to the Republic coming out of Hutt space, complete with exotic aliens, fast starships, and a funny droid for comedy relief.

But that wasn't what LucasBooks had in mind at all. They came back to me asking for something darker and deeper, more psychological and focused on the horrors of war. Literally, the phrase used was: "a Star Wars novel with the feel of All Quiet on the Western Front." All Quiet is, of course, one the classics of world literature. Talk about raising the bar. But I've never been one to back down from a challenge. As Mace would say, "I don't have to win. All I have to do is fight."

Visit the link for more, as well as an excerpt from the novel. http://starwars.com/eu/feature/20030529/index.html

~* Others *~

What will happen to unused Episode III concepts?

This question was asked to the 'Jedi Council' and here is what came out of it.

Q: In the previous Episodes, unused concepts were sometimes saved for future films. What will happen to unused Episode III concepts since it's the last one?

A: I hope that there will be other outlets for the creativity and inspiration of the Art Department. I'm personally hoping that there's some way, through books or DVD or exhibits, for the fans to see the incredible amount of work and creativity that goes with making a movie like this. George Lucas is unlike any other when it comes to archiving and preserving the props and artwork of his films; he really loves this stuff.

Introducing StarWars.com Hyperspace!
As copied from:  www.starwars.com

Starwars.com is set to redefine the online Star Wars experience with Hyperspace. It continues a tradition of innovation that began in 1996, when a Special Edition series, "Anatomy of a Dewback," pioneered behind-the-scenes online video. In 1998, came the first premiere of a movie trailer on the web with Episode I. Most recently, an award-winning web documentary series and the George Lucas select photo series from Episode II brought the unique community of fans ever deeper into the adventure, excitement and creation of the Star Wars saga.

Now, in 2003, principal photography for Episode III is about to begin, and starwars.com is looking to bring fans even closer to the action than ever before. On June 10, visitors to the official Star Wars site will discover a fresh, all-new look, designed to bring a wealth of Star Wars entertainment to core and casual fan alike. The launch will also mark the debut of the official Episode III section featuring new art, cast and crew updates, and a continuation of starwars.com's unique brand of on-going coverage for the final Star Wars film.

For Star Wars fans who want even more, Lucas Online is pleased to introduce starwars.com Hyperspace, an extensive subscription service that presents exclusive content, new features and a wealth of personalization options that are available only to subscribers.

"Five years ago, we were the first entertainment site to premiere a trailer on the Web, which set a new standard for the industry - and was the biggest downloading event in history," said Jim Ward, Vice President of Marketing for Lucasfilm Ltd. and head of Lucas Online. "What we're premiering on June 10 is the ultimate Star Wars experience on the Web. We're using technology and innovation to bring fans closer to the Star Wars universe and - more importantly - to expand the definition of Internet entertainment."

"This is the content our biggest fans have been asking us for, and now we're able to provide it to them while maintaining an overall site that's accessible to all levels of Star Wars fans," Ward said. "No movie-themed entertainment site has ever offered anything like this - but no film series has maintained such a strong fan base for a quarter of a century the way that Star Wars has."

From June 5 to June 9, all visitors to starwars.com will be able to get a free "sneak preview" of the new service. After the preview period, a subscription to Hyperspace will cost just $19.95 for an entire year's worth of access to the subscriber-only areas of starwars.com. Access to the main starwars.com site, and all the content and activities fans have come to know and love, remains free to all fans.

Hyperspace members can look forward to a Star Wars experience unlike any other with benefits including:

Episode III Set Diary - see what it's like to be on the set all summer long through this daily insider's journal
Episode III Webcam - spy on the cast and crew as they make the new movie at Fox Studios Australia
The often-requested, never-before-seen Episode II deleted sequence "Jedi Assault on the Droid Control Ship" in its original rough-cut form
Photoreceptor - a new photo series featuring rare and first-look photos and artwork pulled from deep within the Lucasfilm archives from all five films
Classic Bantha Tracks - a nostalgic look at the rare and treasured fan magazine from the 1970s and 80s First online availability of the upcoming "Clone Wars" animated series
Live online talks with Star Wars celebrities, including cast and crew members from Episode III
A Star Wars-themed email address
Personalization and customization features to the Cargo Bay collector's database and official message boards, including avatars and personal profile pages
A new newsletter, contests, special offers and more
Hyperspace members will see starwars.com completely AD FREE

Be sure to stop by June 5-9 for a free preview and sample Hyperspace for yourself. For more information, see the Hyperspace trailer, or take the Hyperspace tour, and get ready to make the jump.


There is the non-EH website of the week. I hope you will like :)




As you can see, there is a LOT going on this week in our little corner of reality. Stay tuned for more. What I dont get in this week, I will be getting in next week.

Thats all there is from me this week. Until next time..


RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GOE/GS/BSx3/PCx2/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1gh/MoC-6BoC-7SoC-4GoC-27PoC-3DoC/CoL/CoB/OV-5E [DRAG]
Craft: M/CRV "Doomsday"
P:KHP-KP ''Doc'' Hades (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, DC/(BNB)
{SA: G:LS}
"It's God's responsibility to forgive Bin Laden, It's our responsibility to arrange the meeting..."
-United States Marine Corps

IWCOM Report #54:  05.30.03
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing


DATE: 30. 5. 2003.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/iw/rosters/
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://iwcom.minos.net
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 76
Change from last week: +7

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

A fine week for the Infiltrator Wing this has been. Improvements and advancements to the whole wing from all perspectives. Every officer is doing their part making the IW a better and stronger force!

About the weekly reports

A short notice to all IW personnel writing weekly reports. Please try to make your reports short, informative and ergonomically designed. Nobody likes to read (reads) pages after pages of pure text.

If you have larger amounts of news that you need to make available (i.e. weekly list of IWTA course graduations, list of weekly medal awards) put the info on your office website and make a note (and link) of it in your report.

IWCOM Recruiting competition

Although announced to start soon in the last IWCOM report, I have decided to postpone it a bit since recruiting seems to be enforced actively on both IW ships. Good work men!


There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) at: http://iwcom.minos.net.

Squadron of the Week:

Wing II - Enforcer
Wing III - N/A

Pilot of the Week:

Wing II - GN Gavin Strongarm
Wing III - N/A

The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of May, 2003. is:

MAJ Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com ) IWPIN: 44

Congratulations to all!


IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Not Received

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Received
WC/Wing II: Received
WC/Wing III: Received

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel ( nikola.leder@medri.hr ) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk ) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( iw_boliv@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( sienar@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com ) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( Astix@gmx.co.uk ) IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command

IWSE: LA Timmay ( infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com ) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( MadHatterIW@Comcast.net ) IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors

RTO: SA Renegade ( gcavitt@charter.net ) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( talren.moreco@gmx.net ) IWPIN: 9
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn ( Rastyn@shaw.ca ) IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear ( http://fear.fignet.org )
COM: BA Kane Reese ( kanereese@wp.pl ) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: LC Drak ( drak18_uk@yahoo.com ) IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite ( http://www23.brinkster.com/warspite/ )
COM: BA Dolza ( culotta2000@attbi.com ) IWPIN: 23
WC/3: MAJ Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com ) IWPIN: 44

Respectfully submitted,

Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite
IWCOM/AD NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
Ax3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

Corporate Division VPX Report #32:  05.30.03
As Emailed From:  VPX/VA Reb Crush[9]/VSD Warhammer

Corporate Division (CD)




Since Trow hasn't shown up last week, this report will double as the official CD report, unless Trow comes back during the weekend.


-I promised you people an IBC CEO last week in the PREX Report, but that never appeared, so without further delay, congratulations to Master Warrant Officer Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor Karias, who has been
appointed to this position.

-In another news, a former member of CHC, SNR Loor, has returned, and has been appointed by COM Glorick as the new DC. Congratulations!

-There have been some rumors about some changes in the structure of the CD, and yes, there will be some changes. I believe the proposals have been sent to GA Ronin and SA Astatine, but due to Trow's absence, I'm unfortunately unable to give any heads-up on that.

-Last week I've been informed by VA Darknyte that there was an incident with the rDB in which a Corporate Division Member was involved. Please, behave yourself if you decide to go into rDB channels, if you are found violating the EH AoW or Bylaws, you WILL be punished.


TRN/EC Tycho Fel/PLT Revenge

CEO/MWO Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor Karias/IBC/EPS Media -- Appointed IBC CEO
DC/SNR Loor/Echo/CHC/FAC CommPride -- Returned to CHC and was appointed DC.
EO/WO Derek Dan/Echo/CHC/FAC CommPride -- Transferred from IBC to CHC.



Membership Count: 162(+1)
Corporate Division Command:
Direx Board [5](0)
Trade Assembly Command [0](0)

Trade Assembly:
Cosmic Holonet Corporation [7](+2)
Fleet Imaging Corporation [20](0)
Imperial Broadcasting Corporation [18](-1)

PLT Revenge:
Trainies [45](+1)

Corporate Division Reserves:
Reserves [67](-1)






TCH EG-1781D, graduated on 28/05/2003, with a mark of 86%.

TCH Raistlin, graduated on 26/05/2003, with a mark of 90%.

That's all for this week,


For the Empire,

Vice Admiral Reb Crush, Executive Vice President of the Corporate

VPX/VA Reb Crush[9]/VSD Warhammer
DJK (Obelisk)[54]/P:CHAN-TRP/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:GLD]
PROF/LCM Reb Crush/PLT Daedalus

PD/DBMx3/CoLx2/SoAx2/BoMx3/CDM/CSS/SotV-gc [PxC]

SDIR Report #2:  05.29.03
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Report of the Supreme Director #2 - 29/05/03

Roster Count: 53
Total Roster Count: 183
(Inc. advisors, reserves and trainees)

1. Recruitment
The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=6690 or alternatively email me at sdir@ehintel.org. If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

2. Academy of Tactics
Problems with test grading - When our previous TTDR left under unfortunate circumstances a lot of uncompleted paperwork was left for her successor to complete. VA Raith is working his way through all this, but naturally it is taking some time. If you have submitted the General test to the AoT and have yet to receive a response, please email me and I will arrange your placement within a Bureau.

3. Open UBIQ Positions - Applications are NOT being taken at this time...
Currently both ExDIR and SPC lie vacant. I'm going to hold off for a few weeks until I appoint a new ExDIR (a chance for those interested to impress me). For the time being there will be no SPC as I feel the BUDR of Plexus is coping very well, rendering the position unnecessary.

4. New Orders
Most of the agents within the Division should have received new orders in the past week and there are plenty more assignments lying around for those who wish to complete them. If you don�t have anything to do, get in touch with me at sdir@ehintel.org and I�ll sort you out with plenty of work�

5. Monthly Roster Dump
Will be sent to the FC and XO in a separate email in a couple of minutes�

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V,

Directorate Domain Report:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (AD Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)


-Yikes. Just when I thought my problems with trojans and stuff kicking me offline were over, RL decided to hit me with a *very* bad week. This is basically the first time I've been online since my last report... apologies, if I'd had any way of notifying you guys, I'd have said something.

-The new version of the Governor's Dispatches has been given approval by GA Ronin. The manual will be sent to Monsh to be posted on the web site.

-AD Lammoth has started work on the new Systems Manual. From what he's told me, this will be coded in XHTML and ultimately in Flash. I'm really looking forward to seeing his work. :)

-MoO Talra has resigned under rather sudden circumstances. Thus, I'm once again taking applications for Minister of Operations.

That's all for this week.


Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base

CHS Report #23:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Imperial Senate Report

� News �

We�ve had a lot done on the database this week. I�ve shown some of you (Karva, Dakkon, Siterath) the planetary profile, and now the admin for planetary issues is almost completed. Today I�ll be starting on the layouts for the Legislation Docket, member profiles, the High Council Profile, Party Profiles, and then the rosters are pretty straightforward. Note that there�s a difference between a profile and roster. For example, the Party Profile will list all the party members, the Party Leader, the Deputy Party Leader, the Party Whip, it�ll have it�s own little message board (like the planetary profiles), it�s own news section, a record of proposals, etc. Essentially, it�s a miniature party website that has database admin. The High Council profile will be similar in construction, although obviously it�ll be more administrative. I�m very excited about how it�ll all turn out, especially since it�s being done relatively quickly. If you want to see the database progress, just IM me or PM me on IRC. I�d be glad to show any Senate members.

My other priority right now is to fill High Council positions. The Imperial University is on hold at the moment, so Minister of Education would be less a priority to me than Minister of State, which is needed for Planetary Issues. I highly encourage anyone to apply�I don�t care who you are. I�ve had no applications for M:STA, and I don�t know why since it is by far the most interesting position the Senate has ever had. Minister of Communications isn�t direly necessary at the moment, though I�ve had some people who�re interested. I suppose I�ll just have to ask people to apply.

I�ve decided to rework the procedural exam (which will be released the day the database is released). It�ll be divided into two exams now: one is for Representatives, Party Whips, and Deputy Party Leaders, and the other will be for Senators, Party Leaders, and High Councilors. The first, SP/1, will cover Planetary Issues, Party-level activities, an introduction to Senate Issues, and basic leadership information (how to obtain Senatorship or how to climb the Party ladder). It�ll also explain low-level Senate competitions, such as �Design a graphic!�, �Senate motto competition!�, etc., and then provide information on how to participate in large-scale Senate-wide competitions that have a run-on phase, a fiction/graphics phase, a legislation phase, and a voting phase. Of course, as explained in the manual, Representatives won�t be permitted to vote on Senate Issues, but they�re free to participate in the other phases so long as they�re within their positional boundaries.

SP/2 will provide all necessary information for Senate Issues, which are great deal more complicated than Planetary Issues. In order for a Representative to achieve Candidate (the title before achieving Senatorship), he�ll have to pass SP/2, and later be approved by the Minister of State. The exam will also cover Party management, delegation management (approving Representative applicants), bill proposal, voting, legislative records, coordinated party proposals, etc. It�ll also briefly explain Global Dispatches, which is just a tool for the CHS and M:STA to see if the Senators are active or not.

The exam would include actual pictures of the database for a better understanding of what I�d be talking about. i.e., if I were talking about Global Dispatches and was talking about how to submit a Global Dispatch, the exam would include a picture of that window with a little arrow to the �submit� button, even though I wouldn�t include obvious steps like that. I think it makes the exam a bit more dynamic and I was already doing that with Senate issues (the IIP organization thing). It�ll simply be in a picture displayed on the database now. Anyway, that�s all for this week. I hope to have a great deal more done on the database by next Friday. In fact, I can assure you we�ll have a great deal more done.

� Available Positions �

HC-4: Minister of Education (M:EDU)

The Minister of Education has the job of maintaining the Senate�s institution of learning, the Imperial University. He is in charge of appointing new Professors, approving new courses, tutoring new applicants,
keeping the Core Exam up to date, and maintaining an accurate roster of graduates from all courses.


-High online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-A sample of writing (story, essay, exams you�ve written elsewhere in the EH)
-HTML knowledge
-Willingness to write new exams
-Ability to work with and hire a unique staff of individuals
-Needs to have Ideas
-Knowledge of a variety of topics (political theory, physics, history, etc)

HC-5: Minister of Communication (M:COMM)

The Minister of Communication is responsible for maintaining the Senate�s main website and message board, ensuring that they are accurate and moderated properly.


-High online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-PHP knowledge (ability to code rosters, news pages, report admin, etc.)
-Ability to maintain a website
-HTML knowledge

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)

The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. Additionally, he renders planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.


-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific proficiency
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential solutions
-Creativity and intelligence

� Projects �

-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)

-Temporary site (online)

-Database (25% completed)

-Manual updates (On hold)

-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)

� Competitions �

Senate Theme Song!

That�s right, I�ve finally decided to have an official Senate theme song! It�s kind of self explanatory, but there will be several categories of submission: humorous, official, and Star Wars (existing SW music by John Williams). You may submit an unlimited amount of songs to each category. However, be sure I give you confirmation after each one so my e-mail account doesn�t get run out of storage capacity. Give credit to the artist/composer.

Official notice is below:

The Senate needs a theme song! The competition will last 1 month (5/9 - 6/9), and all submissions are to be sent to me ( chs@emperorshammer.org ), and DCH Blackblade ( sendakkon@yahoo.com ) There are no limitations on submissions, and the top 3 will be awarded the following:

1st Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Platinum Ribbon [AS-PR]
2nd Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Gold Ribbon [AS-GR]
3rd Place: Adamantine Seal w/ Silver Ribbon [AS-SR]

Note that there aren�t placements for each category. The official Senate theme song will be given first place and the other two, regardless of the category they fall under, will be chosen based on how much we liked them.

� Additional �

Nothing this week.

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

COO Report 36:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 05/31/2003

COO News

EH.Net still needs the update!

Competition News

WoW Activity is great.

Nothing new on Parallax War.

LoC's are updated.

Bot News

Bot was offline for a lil time a few days ago. He is up again!

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

BTM/SW Gaheris Rhade/Harbringer/Ronin/Alvaak

LA Report #13:  05.31.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (VA Darknyte)

EH Advanced Guard

Lord Ambassador's Report
May 30, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Whee, here we go lucky number 13! Everyone be careful as you read this, let's not have any unlucky calamities befall any of my loyal (and small) fan base of readers who wait in anticipation for Friday to come around just to read my report and have their week become complete...what? Bite your tongue! It could happen...really...I'm sure there is at least one fan of my reports out there....prolly all alone in a dorm....in the dark....hasn't left his room in days.....yeah! That's my core audience, and I appreciate you reading my reports, Manesh! (Just joking folks, Manesh jabs me on IRC about LA all the time, it was just time to get him back when I knew he couldn't defend himself ... yeah, I'm that evil :P)

Ok, now that my required first silly paragraph is out of the way, let's dig in and get started. Not a great deal to report this week, but I'll do my best to puff up the slight happenings of the AG to make it appear like more than it is! This week was the first week of the new AG rule of "work or get slapped by the LA!!". All in all, the response was rather "blah". A couple of people did their assignments, another reported in with a good reason not to do his, and a few more just did squat. Remember, I have my eyes on you...I'm making a list, and I'm checking it twice...

I've gotten some responses from the diplomats from their assigned clubs with updated roster counts, email addresses, and the like. I will be compiling it all into one list sometime tomorrow and mailing it to the GA for use to update our allies list. To those of you who did your assignments, good job! To those who didn't....well, let's just say I have a big stick and I'm looking for you as we speak....

The only other newsworthy item this week is that the Magister Equitem, Destavol Gin has decided to take a short vacation. Dest is on leave for this week, so any matters you'd mail him on need to be CC'd to me so I can take care of them for him...though, you should CC me anytime you mail Dest on AG stuff anyway :P

That's about it this week, as I said not a great deal was going on. I'll get that updated list out ASAP to the GA.

In Service to the Empire,

Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Lord Ambassador
LA/VA Darknyte/DREAD Tranquility
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]