June 2002


This Month�s Star Wars Issue of Lincoln Center's "Film Comment" (06.14.02)
As Emailed From:  Karen Wang (Marketing Intern, Film Comment Magazine)

Mr. Call:

Thanks again for your help with this month�s issue of Film Comment. This is what you can tell your visitors:

This next month�s special July/August issue of Film Comment magazine will be featuring a Star Wars package, including exclusive images from Episode II: Attack of the Clones, an in-depth interview with the man himself, George Lucas, and a scathingly funny assessment of the Star Wars series by director Kevin Smith. The issue will also include articles about the newest Star Wars merchandise, the phenomenon of the movie�s wait-lines, and digital filmmaking.

You can also tell them that if they want to read excerpts from the issue, or buy it online, they should click this link:


And don�t forget! if they buy the issue early online, they will also receive the outtakes from the George Lucas interview!

Again, thank you so much.

Have a great weekend!


Karen Wang

XO Report #12:  06.15.02
As  Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Pending final discussion and approval by the Fleet Commander, Mell will be appointed as the new Training Officer. I've made it clear that I'll hurt Mell...a lot...if he screws up, so hopefully he'll have a long and productive tenure as TO. Also, I have selected LC Tomaas Banys for my Command Attache. I'll be running him for a trial newsletter or two and if we're both happy with the results, he will formally take the position
of CA:XO. This means the Episode 2-themed Newsletter will be coming out soon, so get your reviews, articles, etc in for it. ICQ and Graphics
professor are open for applications, details are on the TIE Corps news page.

In the past, the EH has had problems with people abusing power. In recent times, with the adoption of online databases, this has taken a
new form, with those entrusted with maintaining our rosters abusing their power whenever they see a decision they don't like. This happened
in the DB a couple times. In addition to this, we also have problems with an outgoing SGCOM pulls the plug on webhosting, leaving his/her
replacement floundering. In order to address this, all SGCOMs will now be sending me monthly database dumps of their rosters. They want our
precious ASP/PHP people don't have to get their panties in a knot about us seeing their l33t c0d3 (or how bad that code might be) and we have the raw data in case someone wants to be an idiot. Considering the fact that subgroups are supposed to submit rosters weekly, I think everyone comes out pretty okay in this arrangement.

I posted a little rant about "responsible computing" on one of the message boards. It seems the PC industry went through the carefree
period akin to the 60s. Free love, free network connections, no fear of problems. Then society reached the 80s and 90s and ugly things like
STDs, AIDS and so on. The PC industry, specifically systems running Windows, are in the middle of a plague - a plague of email virii. As
part of a larger community (namely the EH and the Internet as a whole) it is your responsibility to perform responsible computing. This
includes making sure your PC is patched and up to date. This is similar to getting a regular safety check and tune-up for your car. Software
today is hardly perfect out of the box and it is naive to think that it will not need patches. Don't fall victim to the social engineering aspect of email virii. If your grandmother sends you pictures of Anna Kornakova, well, there's a pretty good chance it's a virus. The recent outbreak of Klez, a virus that fakes the sending address, adds extra weight to the mantra of "Trust noone". Get a virus scanner. Keep it up to date. If $50 is the difference between you stopping those virii and having to reinstall your Windows and applications and potentially lose documents you worked hard on (like resumes), then the $50 isn't a bad investment.

Total roster count has dropped by about 150, most because of AWOL checks in the Senate and BHG, it seems. The DB gained about another 50, while the TIE Corps remained static. Total membership is around the 4,400 mark. Platform stats show a 20 point increase for TIE Fighter ownership in the TIE Corps over the last week. This compares with 11 for XWA. Since tracking only started three weeks okay, it's a bit hard to see if there's any actual trend in where the platforms are going.


1. Banner cleanup - old, unused banners were deleted, freeing space (30 May)
2. Custom error pages - Custom 404 and 500 error pages implemented, which mail me errors, thus speeding up problem resolution (31 May)
3. Uniform updates - Bytesize limit for uniforms reduced from 50K to 40K. (7 June) Uniform display code rewritten in ASP.net to trial ASP.net
performance/functionality (8 June)
4. High score table fixed (9 June)
5. Zipped XvT and XWA BSF submitting works again. The problem was linked to old components on the server. (12 June)
6. Message board adjustment - Item totals for the boards cut in half (list views from 50 to 25, tree view from 100 to 50). The message board
is one of the most visited parts of the domain and this should reduce load times and bandwidth. (13 June)

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign
DJP Astatine (Krath)/DGM/Dark Council

Dave Prowse ("Darth Vader") Named Newest Honorary Member of the Emperor's Hammer (Link Requested):  06.12.02
As Obtained By:  Former Medical Officer (Fleet Admiral Michael Diel)

It is with special honor I announce the appointment of our most recent "Honorary Member", Mr. David Prowse ("Darth Vader" - Episodes IV - VI).  I would also like to extend special gratitude to FA Mike for expertly manipulating the "Dark Side" in getting Mr. Prowse to accept to the placing of his new link on our Domain.

"Dave Prowse has informed me that you would be happy to place a link on your site at www.emperorshammer.org to his official site at: http://www.darthvader-starwars.com.

There are some banners available at:


Please contact me if you have any questions.


Tony Turner
P & M Limited and Sitemakers Ltd"

Fleet Commander's Note:

Due to a confidentiality disclaimer in the referenced email, it has been edited down to its most basic content by the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin).

Also, please visit our Honorary Members page to review all of them !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}



IWCOM Report #12:  06.14.02
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM) Admiral NiksaVel

Infiltrator Wing


DATE: 14. 6. 2002.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org/rosters/fleet.php

IWCOM: Admiral NiksaVel ( nikola.leder@medri.hr )
IWCOM:A: General Astix ( astix@gmx.co.uk )
IWCOM:A: Rear Admiral Abel Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com )

Membership Count
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff: 5
IWCS Advisors: 4
IWCS Assistants (Full Time): 4
MC90 Fear: 49
MC90 Warspite: 30
Cadets in Training: 5
Total: 97

Change from last week: 0


Officers and Pilots of the Infiltrator Wing,

Another frantic week behind, and while everyone is pretty much caught up in end of year exams, things are running smoothly in the IW (WOW! GASP!) and we almost had a completely stable week! That's pretty good to see :)

There are multiple flying competitions running, and I am most pleased to see more and more people actively flying and participating. Good work pilots, keep it up!

Fleet Status:

There are three major competitions going on that all members of the IW can participate in:

Weekly Free Mission competition

Open to: Entire Infiltrator Wing

Game platforms: X-wing vs TIE Fighter (XvT) and X-wing Alliance (XWA)

The weekly free mission comp for next week was FXWA47 & FXvT40 this week. Everyone has until the Friday to fly the mission. So go forth and man your fighters for the IW! Send all submissions to RA Malik - ezwill@famvid.com

The results and the next week missions will be announced soon!

IWMD, IWCOM:A/RA Abel Malik/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH ( ezwill@famvid.com )


Infiltrator Wing Melee

Open to: Entire Infiltrator Wing

Game platforms: X-wing vs TIE Fighter (XvT) and X-wing Alliance (XWA)

This is the onging monthly IW multiplayer competition, open to all members. For all aditional info go to http://iwmelee.minos.net.

IWMD, IWCOM:A/RA Abel Malik/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH ( ezwill@famvid.com )


Week of War competition

Open to: Entire Infiltrator Wing

Game platforms: X-wing vs TIE Fighter (XvT) and X-wing Alliance (XWA)

The IW has only recently entered it. Join at www.battlestats.com and fight for the IW!

WC/COL Dolza/Wing I/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH ( culotta2000@attbi.com )


IWCOMs grand recruiting competition

Open to: Entire Infiltrator Wing

Game platforms: none

This competition is designed with the goal to replenish the ranks of the IW pilots with new recruits, and hopefully bring enough new pilots to reopen Wing IV on MC-90 Warspite. The competition is now going into the second week, and it is already showing very good signs of participation. So far we already have six recruiters logged for awards :) Keep going at it guys, and the rest of the IW members, you are all strongly encouraged to participate, not only because of the awards that will be awarded to ALL participants, but because you will greatly help the IW be a better and more fun place to be.

Now, of to the rules :)

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Just recruit new pilots into the Infiltrator Wing, and make sure that they enter your name in the "Recruiter" box of the join form.


Aside from getting a MoI for every new recruit, you will also be eligible for the following awards depending on the number of recruits you bring to the IW.

1-3 recruits Medal of Dexterity
3-6 recruits Star of Valor
6-10 recruits Rank promotion and Star of Valor
10-15 recruits Rank promotion and Legion of Merit
15-20 recruits Rank promotion, Legion of Merit and optional Squadron Commander position (a new squadron will be opened)
20-30 recruits Rank promotion, Distinguished Service Medal and optional Squadron Commander position (a new squadron will be opened)
30-40 recruits Rank promotion, Distinguished Service Medal and optional Squadron Commander or Wing Commander position
40+ recruits Rank promotion, Distinguished Service Medal and optional Squadron Commander, Wing Commander or Commodore position

There, we are giving away loads of high profile awards, all you have to do is go out there and recruit people! Help the IW!

Good luck to everyone!

IWCOM/AD NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH ( nikola.leder@medri.hr )

IWTO steps down

VA Mutilator was forced to step down from the position of the IWTO due to RL restraints. We salute you Muti, it was nice to have you back if only for a little while.

More news on the new IWTO soon.

IWOC on leave

IWOC has requested a leave of absence. Until he reports that he has returned, send all medal requests to either IWXO or me (IWCOM).


Squadron of the Week:
Wing I - Shadow squadron
Wing II - Razor squadron
Wing III - Panther squadron
Wing IV - N/A

Pilot of the Week:
Wing I - FLT Raziel
Wing II - FLT Mithrandir
Wing III - FLT Dujhod & CM Hermann
Wing IV - N/A

Congratulations to all!


IWXO: Received
IWFO: Received
IWTO: Not Received (TBA)
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Not Received (LoA)

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Received
WC/Wing I: Received
WC/Wing II: Received
WC/Wing III: Received
WC/Wing IV: N/A

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel
IWFO: BA Darkmage
IWOC: BA Demosthenes

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): RA Abel Malik
IWPMO (FMC): AD Trevor Rastyn

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade

CSO: FA Moreco
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn

MC-90 Fear
COM: AD Figaro
WC/I: COL Dolza
WC/II: LC Esail Reev

MC-90 Warspite
COM: BA Triji Boliv
WC/III: MAJ Tomaas Banys

Other Notes:

Good work everyone, keep it up!

IWCOM/AD NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-60 Warhammer/IW/EH
[NDM*2/LoM*3/SV*3/MoD/VC-ebony/CBV/IW/MC 1st*8/MC2nd*2/BSx5/PCx5/ISMx8/LoC-CSx9/LSM-oc/MoT-17rh-1gh/MoI-bc(8 members)/HSM*2/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/CoB/LoAx3/OV-4E] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
JH NiksaVel (Sith)
"Blood and Honor"

Imperial Cross (IC) Medal Awarded to ROA/LC Joe:  06.12.02
As Recommended By:  Reconnaissance Officer (HA Keiran Idanian)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)



I would like to recommendation my ROA, LC Joe ( Noon001@aol.com ) for an Imperial Cross. ROA Joe has taken great initiative once he was appointed as ROA. Not only did he attend Star Wars Celebration II, but while he was there he got two autographs for the Emperor's Hammer. The first was from Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing) and the other from Bonnie Piesse (Beru Whitesun). During his stay at Star Wars Celebration II, he offered Michonne Bourriague and Bonnie Piesse as well as Ian Liston (Wes Janson) and another Star Wars actor if they would be interested in joining the Emperor's Hammer as honorary members.

ROA Joe has also suggested different ideas to improve recruitment, the Conventions Commission, and some different aspects of the Recon Office.

Recently, ROA Joe received an e-mail from Mr. Ian Liston about joining as an honorary member. I'm very proud that ROA Joe has recruited the 11th honorary member, and I'm sure there will be so much more to come from my newly appointed ROA! :)

I feel that ROA Joe has done an excellent job in the short amount of time that he has been ROA, and has also helped to expand the Emperor's Hammer presense amoung the Star Wars celebrities. I believe he deserves an Imperial Cross...

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://gandalf.kweeky.net/ro/ -}
RO-MAG/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/Dominatus of Alvaak
SC-SoA/(SE)/(BNG)(BN)/(LSAg)/CoL/ {SA: CORE}
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Hammer's Fist - Operation Dark Screen:  06.11.02
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (FM Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


The following is a description, straight from my Operation's Office outbox, of the HF's current Big Event that's been in development since the beginning of the year. It kicked off last week. It would make a good item for the EH domain.


Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares

What is Operation: Dark Screen?

Operation: Dark Screen is a competition for the members of the Hammer's Fist. There is a map. Operation Participants control a squad that starts on a Insertion point and each turn move to a location next to their current position in any direction. As more areas are explored the shroud is removed from the map in the Operation: Dark Screen Website.

hidden within the map are event and activity squares.

Activity squares contain a scenario and a list of related activities including SWGB levels and fiction.

Points are gained for discovering events, completing activities and exploring un explored areas of the map.

The total score of a participant is multiplied by the number of troops in their squad (excluding the Squad Leader). Some Event and Activity squares can result in the gain or loss of troops.

The operation will end when four Special locations have been located. with a final round of activities which all participants will be allowed to do. It is likely that Operation: Dark Screen will run for a large portion of the summer. Members of the Hammer's Fist may still sign up even though the operation has begun.

Operation: Dark Screen URL: http://www.users.myisp.co.uk/~mclander/ds/

CO/MG Lander/GS-4/DREAD Retribution =MS ST SN4= [DsS] [HC] [LoS x2] [CoO x3]
[MoD x2] [LsA x2] {IWATS mIRC 1/2 IIC 1/2/3}

"Nori and Dawn" SW Celebration II Pics:  06.09.02
As Emailed From:  KP Cymbre Kall/House Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

Ok...so you didn't get any pics in that last one...and for some reason yahoo wont let me attach ANYTHING tonight...so...


and once yahoo lets me attach you can see some more.

KP Cymbre Kall
House Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
Dossier # 497


Ian Liston "Wes Janson" Named Newest Honorary Member:  06.05.02
As Obtained By:  FM-ROA/LC Joe/Omega 2-2/SSSD Sovereign


It is with GREAT pleasure that I have finally established contact with Ian Listan (aka Wes Janson) and he has agreed to become an Honorary Member of the Emperor's Hammer! He didn't receive the first email I sent him after I came home from Celebration 2, so I sent another one a week ago and quickly got a reply.

A copy of his email is below.

This is the first one out of the four people I contacted when I was at Celebration 2 that has agreed to become an Honorary Member in e-mail. For the woman who played Aura Sing, Ms. Bourriague, I will contact her personally tomorrow. And for Mary Oynya, I'll contact her tomorrow as well.

I'm going to go ahead and reply to Mr. Liston and ask for an interview sometime later, probably an email interview if I cant get anything set up real time. Either way, i'll let you know.

If you want a picture to go along with this, if you go to www.wesjanson.com you should be able to find something that you can use. If not, ill go ahead and pay for an autographed picture of him and for shipping. Unless one of you or myself can contact someone in England to pick it up for us and possibly scan it. :)

From: " theREALwesjanson@hotmail.com >
To: < Noon001@aol.com >

Hi Joseph and thanks for the email. What a very kind invitation! I'm very flattered and am delighted to accept.

I didn't receive your original email and the address you sent it to is the one for 'general / public' use. Please use the address as on this email but kindly note that it is my private email address and NOT for public use.

I enjoyed looking at your web site and I look forward to hearing from you and to learning more about the activities of Emperor's Hammer.
Best wishes

Ian Liston
Wes Janson

Ill keep you informed on my progress with the others. Thanks for your time! :)

FM-ROA/LC Joe/Omega 2-2/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/GS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1gh/MoC-6BoC-7SoC-4GoC-27PoC-3DoC/CoL/CoB/OV-4E [DRAG]
"Omega Six"
KP "Doc" Hades
Aedile-Gladius of Tarentum

Exar Khaland Appointed as the New Lord Ambassador:  06.05.02
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

EH Advanced Guard

After reviewing all applications received over the past couple of weeks, OW Exar Khaland (Obelisk)/AED/Auctoritas of Clan Alvaak has been selected as the new Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.

Other applicants reviewed included:

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}



Fleet Commander on Vacation (06.07.02 - 06.10.02)
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

In order to attend a relative's wedding, I will be in Las Vegas from 06.07.02 to 06.10.02.  Although the vacation is a short one (long weekend really), I will not be able to answer or respond to any email.  Time to win me some $$$...woo hoo ! :)

The Executive Officer (SA Astatine) is in command until my return.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


XO Report #11:  06.01.02
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The position of Training Officer is open for applications. I've posted the details on the TIE Corps site news page and they will also be posted
in the next EH domain update. It goes without saying that Training Officer is one of the harder jobs in the Command Staff, with the additional job perk of me breathing down the next of the successful applicant, making sure they don't destroy my little baby. :P Until the position is filled, I'll be processing tests and competitions. In addition, some IWATS positions are open and details are also on the TIE Corps news page and later in this report.

I've gotten a whole load of reviews for Attack of the Clones. Twelve in total so far. When sending in your review, try to remain objective and
give a score at the end (out of 10 or out of 5 stars, whatever suits you). Any AOTC-related articles or items for the newsletter are encouraged, as the next newsletter will be based around the movie. On another Newsletter-related note, I'm still accepting applications and will probably be making my decision around the middle of next week.

Membership seems to be exploding at the moment in some sectors of the EH. Just this week, the TIE Corps has gained 100 extra members. The DB acceleration seems to have slowed to just 50 or so members this week, while most other subgroups are experiencing positive growth. If the TIE Corps continues on its current trend, it will pass 2,000 members in a fortnight. At the moment, the total membership is sitting around 4,400.

There are currently three open IWATS positions - TIE Mission Design, TIE Tactics and AIM. TIE Mission Design requires a high level of skill in TIE Fighter mission and battle design. In addition, you need to have passed the course and provided at least two examples of your mission/battle creation skills. TIE Tactics requires passing the course and a high level of skill and experience with the game. The AIM professor position requires a person with experience with AIM and have passed the course. All three positions require consistency for marking the tests on a regular basis. Applications should include 3 references (at least one being a current or former superior) and be addressed to jpboyce@indigo.net.au.

And on an ending note, I've switched over to Mozilla. For those who don't know, Mozilla is the "open source" successor to Netscape (open
source is where people freely share, develop and provide the source code for the programs). The program recently entered version 1.0 Release
Candidate 3. This means it's pretty close to being a final production. The package contains a browser, email component, HTML editor and IRC-capable chat applet. The browser is pretty good (as long as the page has been coded within standards), the email component is competent and doesn't suffer from the rash of security holes that Outlook Express suffers from. The only minor point of complaint is it's slower than IE, but if you're looking for something a bit different from the IE/OE combo it's not that bad.

Subgroup Person of the Week

There's none, because no one's sending nominations in. Bad! :P

SA Astatine - XO

HCI Domain Report:  06.03.02
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Paladin)

Grand Admiral Ronin,

There have been several changes and issues which have arisen in the High Court, and therefore I submit this report for your approval:

High Admiral Khyron Awarded the Order of the Renegade (OoR) Medal

1. As you are already aware, High Admiral Khyron, formerly warden of the High Court and a long time member, has retired from active duty. High Admiral Khyron was a long time member and officer of the HCI, as well as a former Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood (twice!) and a highly decorated TIE Corps Officer. In recognition of his long and extremely dedicated service to both the High Court of Inquisitors and the Fleet as a whole, I recommend High Admiral Khyron be awarded the Order of the Renegade (OoR), the only major merit award which he does not already possess.

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

Fleet Admiral Royal Promoted to High Admiral

2. With Khyron's move to the reserves, there is also a vacant High Admiral rank slot. Fleet Admiral Royal, as you are well aware, has also served with distinction, including serving several times as acting HI when I was away, maintaining the records of the court, and doing an all around outstanding job first as Warden, and for the past several months as Tribune. I would like to recommend him for promotion to the rank of High Admiral.

(Please see Training Manual for rank descriptions)

3. Fleet Admiral Chi Long, Warden of the HCI, has with regret tendered his resignation. I am therefore promoting Fleet Admiral Talren Moreco to the position of Warden, in recognition of his outstanding service in the construction of the HCI web page and database.

Respectfully submitted,

High Admiral Jedgar O. Paladin
High Inquisitor


Newsletter No. 83 Posted to the Fleet:  05.26.02
As Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

The March newsletter, #83, has been released! It focuses on Jedi Outcast and features 5 reviews of the game and lots of other goodies. You can get it at the following locations:

http://ehnet.org/nl/hammer83.zip (7.4MB)
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/temp/nl83.zip (7.4MB)
http://ehnet.org/nl/83 (Online mirror)
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/temp/NL83/ (Online mirror)

Special thanks to my outgoing CA, AD Jade, for compiling this last newsletter for me. Thanks Jade and good luck! Also thanks to Ender mBind, Abk and Ari for providing the mirrors.

SA Astatine

Grand Moff Report #6 (and EH GalaxyQuest Game Rules):  05.31.02
As Submitted From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (RA Keldron)

EH Directorate (DIR)


High Council: 5
Advisors: 1
Alpha Territory: 98
Beta Territory: 0
Reserves: 9
GalaxyQuest: 590
Total Membership: 610

General News/Announcements

Some large updates from the realms of the Directorate, I am most pleased with the progress that has been made within this relatively short period, and incredibly happy to report that the Directorate totals to 104 active members (without GQ and the Reserves), this is excellent news and I hope it will continue to increase to the extent that we can soon open up the Beta Sector!

GalaxyQuest has been experiencing the plight of dishonest individuals, with breaking the rather loosely phrased Rules at an alarming speed. Thus a new set of Rules has been devised that outline explicitly what you can and cannot do. These Rules will be enforced to the full extent of our abilities, and the Minister of Communication has agreed to deal with all complaints, therefore all in-game complaints should be sent to him (Planet Hell, number 45) or e-mailed to him at cruney@minister.com and they will be dealt with as soon as possible. The Rules are below:

v.2.5.1 of GalaxyQuest
Compiled by Nyssa Ardile, Amended by GMF Keldorn

GalaxyQuest is connected with the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, and thus all Players within the simulation are required to adhere by the Emperor's Hammer Articles of War and Bylaws and by submitting membership into the simulation, all Players have agreed to abide by the Rules set forth in this document. Failure to adhere to these Rules could be grounds for prosecution under Article 404: Failure to Obey Order of Regulation of the Articles of War by the Emperor's Hammer High Court of Inquisitors. Repetitive abuse of the simulation in such a manner as to benefit oneself at the expense of others, outside the Rules, could also be prosecuted under Article 407: False Statements/Cheating of the Articles of War by the Emperor's Hammer High Court of Inquisitors.

The GalaxyQuest universe is divided into three era's, The Old Republic, The Galactic War, and Post-Endor.

The different eras do not feature different technologies and build rates alone, but sets of regulations. The following rules are the era specific rules that any Player MUST abide by during their time within the GalaxyQuest simulation.


General Rules

These Rules must be adhered to by all Players regardless of era whenever participating within the GalaxyQuest simulation.

The method of launching an attack in the Galactic War period, and then retreating to another period immediately after the attacks in the hope of avoiding retaliation is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Any Player that moves into the Galactic War period and launches an attack is required to remain within the Galactic War period for an approximate period of 24 hours. Failure to abide by this Rule will result in an immediate Suspension for a period of 1 week, while repetitive failure to abide by this Rule will result in a Ban from the simulation with the possibility of further action from the High Court of Inquisitors.

While within the simulation, all Players should conduct themselves in a SUITABLE manner; therefore, all out-of-character messages should be respectful and should not contain strong profanities, strong sexual references, comments of a racial nature or anything intended to cause undue offence to another Player. Failures to abide by this Rule will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Grand Moff, with the strong possibility of action from the High Court of Inquisitors.


The Old Republic

A time of civil order and peace. The Old Republic time line is built strictly for people who do not wish to partake in combat. Although it takes a significant amount of Tibanna and Dark Jedi to travel back in time to this era, it is worth it, for the era is rich in Gas and resources. You can safely demilitarize your army here, for any attacking of any nature is forbidden.

The Galactic Law states the following:

Any offensive action while in this era, or orchestrated to a member within this era is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Therefore, any Player within the Old Republic may not attack any other Player in the same era, or any other era within the simulation. Any Player outside the Old Republic may not launch any attack on any Player within the Old Republic era. (Note; If a Player launches an offensive action when not permitted to do so, the victim should immediately report this to an Administrator who will take appropriate action, Players should not retaliate if it would result in them breaking the Rules also.) Failure to obey this Rule will result in an immediate Suspension for a period of 2 Weeks, repetitive failure to obey will result in a Ban from the simulation and further action from the High Court of Inquisitors may be taken.

Opening TimeGates for military purposes is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Any member that uses a TimeGate to launch an attack will be subjected to the same system as detailed above. Therefore, TimeGates are permitted only to move forward in time to another era.

These laws are in place for your protection and are here to provide a safe universe for inexperienced or pacifist planetary governors.


The Galactic War

It is a dark time for the Rebellion, and it is a dark time for all involved. The Galactic War era has very few rules, and nearly anything will, and can go. However, there are certain laws that must be obeyed.

The Galactic Law states the following:

Opening TimeGates for military purposes is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Any member that uses a TimeGate to launch an attack on either the Old Republic or the Post-Endor era will be immediately Suspended for a period of 2 weeks, repetitive action of this nature will result in a Ban from the simulation and the possibility of further action from the High Court of Inquisitors. Therefore, TimeGates are permitted only to move forward or backward in time to another era.


Post Endor

The Post Endor era is the starting point for all new members of GalaxyQuest, and there are some fairly strict rules to keep new players protected. The Post-Endor environment is ideal for those who wish to have large role-played battles. You cannot be attacked for no reason in this era, and the following laws also apply:

The Galactic Law states the following:

All offensive action within this era must be JUSTIFIED. Justification is considered to be a repetitive, role-played, taunting or diplomatic offence that is in the context of the fictional situation. Therefore, if a Player repeatedly sends another Player messages of a diplomatic demand or of intended disrespect, the receiving Player is justified to launch an attack on the offending Player, thus resulting in both Players going to War with one-an-other. (Note; Such action from a Player in one Clan, to a Player within another Clan is not grounds for an immediate Clan-wide conflict.)

Clan-wide conflict is permitted in this era, but each Clan must AGREE to this conflict prior to any offensive nature on a Clan level. Agreement is defined when both respective Clan Leaders have agreed to such a conflict in writing and have each announced this intention to members of their Clan, giving all members 24 hours to remove themselves from the Clan if they do not wish to participate in the warfare. (Note; the advised method would be to post the announcement on each Clan News section, and then wait 24 hours from the time of posting before launching the attacks on the other Clan.)

Many apologies for increasing the length of this Report by including the above, but with the current increase in 'cheating' I feel it is of paramount importance to make all incredibly aware of the new Rules.

This Report also marks another revolutionary change for the Directorate; the entire structure has been revamped to be more efficient and far easier to generate activity and competitions of a Planetary nature and above. The total number of Governors on each Planet has been expanding to that of 10, with a Governor General (previously Planetary Governor), a Lieutenant Governor and 8 Regional Governors. Each System is still commanded by a System Moff, and then a Sector is commanded by a High Moff and their assistant, a Secretary of State.

With these dramatic changes, I will mention several of the more notable;

Sir Figaro to the newly created position of Minister of State!
Sir Nightflyer to the newly created position of Chief of State!
Sir Candeth Martine to the position of High Moff of Alpha Sector!

These new changes are considered in effect from this moment onwards, and therefore until the Minister of Communication can complete the transition of the new site over to the code, the temporary DIR site will be considered to be: http://directorate.kweeky.net/new/

A slight change in the Titles system has also been put into place; from now on, any citizen that enters into the Directorate and the service of the Imperial Government will be bestowed with the title of The Right Honorable and individuals on the High Council will be granted the title of Knight.

eXodus. A new, exciting and vastly innovative project has been begun by the upper reaches of the Directorate, and the teaser Flash movie can be found here: http://www.kweeky.net/previews/eXodus-online/ More information will be featured later...

Ministry Council Reports/Announcements

None submitted at this point.

Alpha Territory Reports/Announcements

None submitted at this point.

Directorate Competition Details

GalaxyQuest Competition: GMF Keldorn

I have launched this competition open to all Directorate members. The competition is conducted within GalaxyQuest and the aim is to climb the 'Top Planets' list as high as possible...The winning Directorate Member will receive a Legion of Aurora! aside from any in-game prizes the individual may receive.

This is an excellent opportunity to receive a most prized award and really show every member out there how effective a GQ Governor you've made!

Run-On Competition: Sir Nightflyer, Chief of Staff

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the newest competition released by the Chief of Staff!

This competition will be organised as a set of run-on stories. Governor Generals, Lieutenant Governors and Regional Governors will work together to write a run-on based on a storyline I give you. You will have six weeks to finish the story, then you will submit it to me at nightflyer@shaw.ca for marking and declaration of a winner. :) At the end of the competition, the Governor General will send me the story.

Participants from the winning planet will be awarded a Medal of Strategy - Gold Ribbon. Second place participants will receive a MoS-Silver Ribbon, and third place will receive a MoS-Bronze Ribbon. An overall best post will be awarded a Star of Domination! The entire series will also be archived and sent to the EH Newsletter!

SYSTEM MOFFS: Governors will have the opportunity to include you in the runon, whether its through you visiting their planet, requesting assistance, or whatever. As such, if the situation allows, you will be able to participate in the runon. However, you must pick *one* planet that you participate with. The others may include you in the story as a side character, but you may not participate in writing their runon. If the situation warrants, you will be awarded as the Planet that you worked with.

GOVERNORS, *PLEASE* check with your Moff before including him or her in your story!

STORY: A small group of rebels (or Rebels, as the case may be) is working actively against the Planetary government (you). They have managed to amass a small fortune, and have organised small but well-armed resistance groups all over the planet. They have also openly declared that they are attempting to overthrow Imperial rule. Write how the planet deals with the crisis. You have whatever means available to you at your disposal.

A NOTE ON TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS: I won't be blocking transfers/promotions out of Planet for this competition, as shutting transfers down for six weeks would be ridiculous, and I doubt the GMF would let me do so, anyway. ;) However, I do ask that if one or more people has to leave for any reason, please write it into the runon somehow.

The competition begins today (Monday, April 29) and runs until 12:00 AM on Tuesday, June 11. I hope to see lots of participation! For information (actually the same information), please go to http://members.shaw.ca/nightflyer/dir/comps/runoncomp1.html and take a look. :) Other questions, comments, etc. can be directed to me at nightflyer@shaw.ca.

Academy Competition: Minister Boris, Indoctrination Office

Design an exam for the Directorate Governors Academy. Make it 15-20 questions long and include a complete set of Course Notes for the subject. Send it to boris_ehconquest@yahoo.co.uk and iw_mozidude@yahoo.co.uk. Deadline is two weeks.

All completed and approved Courses will earn the author a Jerjirrod Cross! A rare award, and one of only several competitions before we move onto the appropriate awards for competitions, so do not pass up this opportunity!

Flag/Plaque Competition: Minister Boris, Indoctrination Office

Create a flag/plaque for your region/planet/system/territory. It should include a symbol, quote/motto, color scheme (with a reason behind it) and can be any shape your like (reasons for the shape will gain extra marks). It might be a good idea to include the Imperial or EH symbol. You have two weeks.

All contributors will receive a Medal of Strategy with Silver Ribbon and the winning entry will receive a Star of Domination! Good Luck.


Many changes once again in motion, with several projects also progressing and nearing completion, there is certainly a bright future for the Directorate...

Rear Admiral Keldorn
DJK Elminster Keldorn (Krath)/P:HM-TET/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow SB/GCx2/DC {SA: CORE--}
GSx3/SSx5/BS/PCx2/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-1BR-1SR-GR/LoC-CSx5/CoE/CoB/OV [LGNR]

AD Havoc Resigns as Training Officer (TO), Replacement Sought:  05.27.02
As Emailed From:  Former Training Officer (AD Havoc)

Training Office

Well, I've been thinking about this for a while now and I've finally decided to go through with it. These past few weeks, my activity as TO has been on the down side, this is unacceptable for someone holding as high a position as TO. I'm finding it harder and harder to actually do any work for the EH, and I've lost my drive to stay in this club.

With that, I'm officially resigning as Training Officer, and retiring fully from the Emperor's Hammer. My time as TO has been short, and I really haven't done that much except grading tests and coming up with new IWATS courses. Someone with new ideas and a good activity standing should take my place. I'm only hurting the TO's office in my current state and I don't wish to do anymore damage.
Finally, I wish to thank GA Ronin for selecting me for this position, I wanted to be part of the CS before I retired and thanks to you I was. SA Astatine, you were a big help with getting me established as TO, it would've been hard even coming this far without your help. I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations. Lastly, FA Priyum Patel, I wouldn't have even applied for TO without your support.
Well I've had some good times in the EH (few bad ones too :P). Seeya later.

Former Training Officer
Admiral Havoc

Applications Being Accepted for Training Officer


The position of Training Office is one of the most demanding in the EH. The position covers a wide range and scope of duties, requiring a multi- talented person. The successful applicant will also be under the extra pressure of continuing the standard of work conducted by myself, as well as maintaining a long-term tenure. Some duties of the Training Officer include:

* Marking tests
* Reviewing, approving and implementing new courses
* Reviewing competition submissions
* Assisting all members of the EH in relevant training matters
* Design and running of TO competitions
* Keeping IWATS staff in line (including replacing non-performing staff)
* Filing reports and all the other stuff good COs do

Applicants must address the criteria as laid out below.

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. Proven experience in running competitions, preferably involving a scope larger than a TIE Corps Wing.
2. Good written communication skills.
3. An acceptable level of presence in online media (such as IRC, message boards)
4. Fast email response time.
5. A clean record in conduct.
6. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Office, Flight Officer, Operations Officer and various
officers within the TIE Corps and subgroups.

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. Graphics ability.
2. ASP coding experience.
3. Solid training experience, either within the EH or in real life.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough, back it up with specific
examples. You should meet the essential criteria to be considered seriously for the position, and you do not necessarily have to meet the
desirably criteria to get the position. Committment, specifically long-term, is very important and should also be highlighted and backed
up in your application. You must also include three (3) references. At least one of these must be one of your superiors (either former or
current, preferably the latter). These references will be checked, so ensure you have the person's permission before listing them. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander ( garonin@aol.com ) and Executive Officer ( jpboyce@indigo.net.au ) with the subject "Application
for Training Officer" (without the quotation marks). Failure to follow this application format will result in immediate disqualification.

XO/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

XO Report #10:  05.26.02
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

A new Logistics Officer and Chancellor of the Senate have been appointed. The lucky people were Ian Jackson ( ehian@attbi.com ) and Osan`gar ( dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk ) respectively. Both candidates were selected on their meeting of the criteria. This is something important to remember when people want to moan and complain about a CO appointment - the people I pick are generally the best out of the lot and there is always sound, solid logic behind those appointments. So baseless complaining about CO appointments is counterproductive. What is much better is supporting these COs and helping them reach their maximum potential, especially in the case of subgroup commanders. Other open CO positions include LA and ISP, from memory.

Newsletter 83 has been released (finally). This is the Jedi Outcast "special edition" newsletter. It features five reviews of the game, an editoral piece by myself about Lucasarts possibly getting their act together and all the other usual stuff we come to know and love in the newsletter. The next newsletter will be focused around Attack of the Clones, so if you have a review of the movie or an opinion piece or whatever, send it in so it can get added. The sooner I get a bunch of reviews in, the sooner I can release it and get the newsletters back on schedule.

Due to real life issues, my Command Attach� Jade has decided to move to the reserves. She did a good job as CA and managed to get a good newsletter out, even while going through the fun of exams. Newsletter 83 will be her last one, and as such, CA:XO is open for applications. Details are on the TIE News page, and for the sake of repeating, here they are:

* Ability to produce standards-based HTML either by hand or via a proper editor such as Dreamweaver
* Ability to work to deadlines consistently
* Must be able to work with various levels of command officers within the EH
* Some online chat ability (IRC, AIM) to receive instruction

At this point in time, the position deals pretty much exclusively with making most of the newsletter. However, these duties may be expanded at a later date. If you think you have what it takes, email your application to jpboyce@indigo.net.au Make sure it includes three references, at least one being a current commanding officer.

There's a bunch of email virii going around at the moment and it seems a lot of people are confused. The main issue is these virii appear to be sent from the emperorshammer.org email aliases. The simple fact is these are relays or aliases. That means mail can be sent to them (and then passed on to the real address) but mail cannot be sent from them. This leads to the obvious conclusion that these virii are forging the email header information, including the from field. The only real way to be sure of who sent the virus is to check for the sending IP in the header information. This is technical stuff most people don't know about or care to do, but I'm sure the more technically inclined people are doing it on a regular basis. The biggest thing members can do to stop this is get an virus scanner, preferably a well-known one such as Norton's or McAfee, that includes a dedicated email scanning function. Then make sure you keep it up to date. A $50 investiment is a small price to pay to keep your PC free of this sort of rubbish.

Prelude to Andevia results were finally announced this week. Thanks to the Tactical Officer, FA Striker, for reviewing the pilot files for me and picking out the cheats. While the number of entries were low, some of the fiction ones were quite good. Of special note is Philo, the CMDR of Yod squadron, who came award with a staggering 5 placings (out of a total of 12 events). We need more guys like him in all areas of the EH.
You can get the results at:


Membership-wise, things are varied. The TIE Corps lost nearly 200, presumably from an AWOL check. This was offset by increasing growth in most of the other subgroups. These more or less balanced each other out and the total EH tally is sitting on 4,261. This represents about a 300 member increase in the last 2 months. Hopefully this trend will continue or accelerate.

Subgroup Person of the Month
This week's person is a DB and here's what SBM Frey Gallandro had to say:

"I would highly recommend our Sith High Warrior Keirdagh Cantor, for his work as SHW and especially for his hard work to host the Sith War. Equal how it will end, it increased activity and motivated the members in every Sith House (as you can see in the results). He is an example to all Sith and well, i would also say that his hard work should be honorated."

SA Astatine - XO

Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE) Medal Awarded to Admiral Turtle:  05.24.02
As Recommended By:  Internet Officer (FA Ari)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)


I'd like to recommend my IOA, AD Turtle Jerrar, for a GOE. Through the past month, he's been an invaluable asset to the IO and the EH as a whole. Beginning with the minos.net services, which now include redirection and web hosting with full PHP and MySQL support. Many large sites, including certain subgroup sites, are now supported on the minos.net network. Now, he's rebuilt the entire EHNet almost single-handedly within 3 days, helped me transfer it to a new server, and have it fully up and running. Such a task is enormous and were I doing it on my own, it would have taken a lot longer. Now, he's coding a new code gallery which promises to be a big hit throughout the fleet. AD Turtle has also served as IO before, and he originally did the old EHNet as well. I think it's clear that for his enormous efforts, he is more than deserving of the Grand Order of the Empire.

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-4SR-2BR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoA] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Lord Chi'Long Resigns from the HCI:  05.28.02
As Emailed From:  chilong@gmx.net

Dear Sirs, Members of the Emperor's Hammer,

Due to events that have occurred over the last while involving myself and the XO, I have been forced to tender my resignation from the HCI, effective immediately.

I love the EH, and love my job/role in the HCI, but do not feel I could continue my duties as such in the current situation.

I have been offered the position of SOD, but will not be accepting that. Instead, I ask to be transferred to the reserves. Perhaps in the future the "political" climate of the EH will have cleared, and I will once again feel able to aid in some way. At that point I will seek out another
leadership role in the EH, perhaps again in the HCI.

I feel I must add that just because *I* do not get on well with XO Astatine, that in no way means others should not work with him. I am all
for cooperation, and encourage everyone to try to do as much as they can to get along with everyone in the EH, regardless of rank or position.

I will also be around the EH still (on IRC, etc), but I am not interested in joining any houses or clans in the DB, nor taking on any other active
position in the EH at this time.

Hope to see you all around!

Lord Chi Long
Grand Master Emeritus
Fleet Admiral, MoH, IC, GOE, GS, PC, OV

Internet Office News - EH Holonet Awards:  05.28.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA Ari)

Internet Office

After months of planning, the EH Holonet Awards have finally begun! They are a chance for you to vote on the sites you think are the best! The first stage is the Nominations stage, which will last for two weeks. You may nominate more than one site, but each site must be in a different awards category. Nomination standards (highly recommended that you read them, because if the site does not comply, it will be rejected) and awards descriptions are on the main EHHA site. All sites MUST be in compliance with the Internet Guidelines. [ http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php ]

The main EHHA site is located at http://ehha.stardestroyer.org. Thanks to IOA Alex Foley [ mailto:alexfoley@dombek.com ] for creating and coordinating the EHHA.

IO/FA Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign

Hammer's Fist PRF Report #66:  05.24.02
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (Field Marshal Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Membership: 142 active, 168 total

1) The Hammer's Fist website is at http://www.minos.net/~hammersfist/.  That is not news, but for those who didn't know where we went, that's where we are.

2) The Commander, Personnel has taken on an assistant. Congratulations to ACP Trow, a former CP himself.

3) There is a number of messageboards in the HF that don't get mentioned much, even in the subgroup. Besides the HF message board


We have platoon boards:


All are maintained by CP Vradin.

4) The Hammer's Fist "freestyle"; RPG missions will be put on a set schedule. It should help people get together for that.


Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (HA Keiran Idanian)

Recon Office

Star Wars RPG Rulebook:  05.24.02



I thought this maybe of some interest to the Guild as well as all Star Wars RPG players... :) They have a new rulebook, just released by Wizards of the Coast. For more information, please visit: http://store.wizards.com/product.asp?ProductID=7923.

NJO: Enemy Lines II - Rebel Stand Released



On Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - earlier than what projected release date was to be - the second book in the Enemy Lines series was released in bookstores. The title of the book is Rebel Stand by the author, Aaron Allston. Rebel Stand is the 12th book - 13th if you count the e-book Recovery - in the New Jedi Order series that began in 1999 - I believe. I have been following the New Jedi Order series - as many of the other EH members has - and I'm really looking forward to see what happens to Luke and the "new rebellion". ;-)

Copied from the back cover:

"Luke Skywalker's daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong's nefarious plot to overthrow the New Republic is struggling on all fronts. And time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo, trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan Vong pressure to give up the Jedi rebels.

On Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker have made a shocking discovery that is preventing the Yuuzhan Vong from exerting complete control. But when the enemy tracks them down, Luke and Mara are thrust into a fierce battle for their lives. Suddenly, the chances of escaping appear nearly impossible. And in space, another battle rages, one that hold ominous consequences for the New Republic - and for the Jedi themselves..."

Enjoy!!! Please send any questions you'd like to ask Mr. Allston to me soon, for I'm about ready to send him the interview. :)

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | http://gandalf.kweeky.net/ro/ -}
RO-MAG/HA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
KE (Krath)/Dominatus of Alvaak
SC-SoA/(SE)/(BNG)(BN)/(LSAg)/CoL/ {SA: CORE}
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"