June 2001


"DVD: The Wait is Over" (Episode I):  06.19.01
As Copied From:  www.starwars.com

"June 19, 2001 

On October 16, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will begin the worldwide release of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace on DVD. The highly anticipated arrival of Episode I marks the first film of the Star Wars saga to debut on DVD. 

Enthusiastic fans of the film will be rewarded for their patience. Clocking in at about 480 minutes in length, it features over six hours of additional bonus material, including brand new visual effects sequences executed just for the DVD release. 

Here's what the two-disc set will feature: 

-  The Phantom Menace, mastered by THX for superior sound and picture quality, presented in Anamorphic Widescreen and Dolby 5.1 Surround EX (English), Dolby 2.0 Surround (English and Spanish), and Dolby 2.0 Surround (French, for Canadian release) 

-  Audio commentary by Writer-Director George Lucas; Producer Rick McCallum; Co-Editor and Sound Designer Ben Burtt; Visual Effects Supervisors Scott Squires, John Knoll and Dennis Muren; and Animation Supervisor Rob Coleman, offering personal insights into the making of the film 

-  Seven never-before-seen deleted scenes with full visual effects completed just for the DVD release 
"The Beginning" -- an all-new hour-long documentary culled from over 600 hours of footage offering unprecedented access inside Lucasfilm and ILM during the making of Episode I 

-  Multi-angle storyboard to animatic to finished film feature, that lets you flip through the various phases of development of key action sequences

-  Five behind-the-scenes featurettes exploring The Phantom Menace's storyline, designs, costumes, visual effects and fight scenes 

-  The popular "Duel of the Fates" music video that debuted in 1999 

-  All 12 parts of the Lynne's Diaries, the web documentaries that first appeared here at starwars.com
Galleries of theatrical posters, print campaign, and never-before-scene production photos 
Downloaded by millions from starwars.com, the original theatrical teaser and launch trailers, plus seven TV spots including the "tone poems" 

The two-disc set is priced at $ 29.98 in the U.S. and $ 41.98 in Canada.

Keep checking starwars.com for more updates on this exciting upcoming release."

XO Report #7:  06.20.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

From the desk of Sector Admiral Kawolski


I know it has been a while since I've written my last address to the fleet. To be honest, I've been having a serious motivational slump over the past few weeks and I'm not sure why. In the meantime, I have 300+ e-mails in my box from this week, this weekend and last week which require my attention, and some people still need message boards set up. If I don't set up your message board by tonight, you have my permission to bug me!

EH: EH Database

The EH Database has been put online since my last report. It currently only has public access to the Fringe, so unless you plan on joining the Fringe, you don't need to sign up to use the EH Database. I've been working on the Senate section, finishing the Fringe section, and finishing the Fringe homepage front-end.

You can see the EH Database at: http://www.ehdatabase.com/

EH: LoAs

All of the LoAs have been awarded thanks to my new XOA, CPT Nicolai Braxton.

EH: Newsletter #75

No, NL #75 isn't out yet. I haven't even started compiling it, but I do have everyone's works and submissions on my laptop right now. Frankly, I've been rather disappointed with my newsletters. I don't have nearly the amount of time I need to bring up the NL to the high standards I was hoping for them to hold in terms of content. These things take a considerably long time to produce and most of the busy work done is simply HTMLizing submissions, sorting them out and putting them in their proper place, and crediting submitters afterwards. On top of that, by the time I'm done, I don't have TIME to write more articles.

EH: Assistant Editor for NLs sought (CA:XO)

I'm looking for an assistant editor to help produce NLs and generally be in charge them from HTMLizing submissions, putting the layout together, keeping track of and managing columnists (and making sure they submit monthly), and promote for submissions from Subgroups.

This position will also double as the new CA:XO. This will be an important job. I still have the XOA applications from before, so if those people are still interested, let me know and include the additional info I'll need.

The requirements are as follows:

* Good English writing skills
* Knowledge in HTML or using an HTML generator (Dreamweaver or Netscape Composer only, not MSWord or Frontpage!)
* Finding graphics/photos/pictures of some NL topics
* Writing an article on a given topic
* Some command or management experience
* Knowledgeable in the EH and its subgroups
* High time dedication - Newsletters are very time consuming

Also, if you're applying for the position, I would like to see a URL of some of your original work online in HTML format. Your HTML doesn't have to be perfect or formatted in any special way, just that the page displays and that you didn't use MS Word or Frontpage to make it. Your "original work" can be a lengthy fan-fiction or article you've written or submitted (doesn't have to be for the EH) or essays you've done for school or university or news articles you've done...etc. Make sure there are some related pictures with your work as well. You don't have to draw them; you can take them from other homepages. (Hint: http://www.altavista.com/sites/search/simage)

If you have a personal site with works or articles (like what kawolski.com used to be before I was XO), that's even better. It would give me a good idea of your writing style and abilities.

TC: FCHG Listings


The much awaited FCHG Listings are working again! Turns out the old FCHG system, among other things, was slowing down the TC Database. After reprogramming the system, the listings started to work again.

DB: DGM Astatine's "Voice Acting Talent" comp


While there are only 3 days left to participate, someone asked me how someone who's still in high school is supposed to compete in something like this. My answer is to use a voice altering program. If you can alter the pitch of your voice without losing sound quality and if you can make yourself sound like a world-weary middle-aged storyteller, go for it. If you own a Soundblaster Live! card, it comes with this software as "audio environment."

TF: Games being played

Big newsflash!! The Fringe is actually DOING stuff now!! They have SIM nights every Tuesday and have a few event scheduled from now to the end of the month (and more "regular" events will be posted on the events calendar as soon as I finish a new feature on the database to properly display them). 

The problem seems to be that while there are games being held, nobody seems to know they're happening! If you're into role-playing and Simming, join up!

The Fringe currently supports the following games:

* Star Wars RPG (West End Games)
* Star Wars RPG (Wizards of the Coast d20)
* Online Simming
* Play by E-mail RPG
(...and Star Wars Galaxies when it comes out)

There's also a new quickstart guide for playing the EH MUD in their Manuals section.

It's easy: Sign up for an account at http://www.ehdatabase.com/ and then click "The Fringe" and join!

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

Nashaa KamBuel Promoted to Lord Ambassador:  06.20.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

With the resignation of our last Lord Ambassador, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) has decided to promote Nashaa KamBuel to the Position of Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.  It will be his job to post a new Advanced Guard WWW Site and resume the duties of lead "diplomat" of the Emperor's Hammer.  The EH Command Staff wishes him the best of luck in his new Position.

In addition, Nashaa KamBuel is herein promoted to the Emperor's Hammer of Rear Admiral, commensurate with his new duties.

CMDR-LOA/MAJ Ranthier Khaen/Slayer/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger was also considered a serious Applicant for the Lord Ambassador Position.

His application...received on 06.09.01...



I wish to formally apply for the position of Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer. I believe that I am a member of good standings in the Emperor's Hammer, and I think that I could serve the Emperor's Hammer even better in this position.

Allow me to explain how I came into contact with the Advanced Guard. During March of this year, I decided to become more involved with the Emperor's Hammer. I had recently experienced some hard times serving as a FL in Demon Squadron, and was almost ready to let the EH slip calmly out of my life. However, I then learned of the Advanced Guard, the diplomatic wing of the EH. I was enthralled. Here was my chance to serve in the EH, and actually have it mean something! I would not have to fly battles and such, serving only myself, but instead could be forging alliances and treaties with other online groups. I could actually be making a difference!

Unfortunately, then-Lord Ambassador Quake informed me that the Advanced Guard was not taking new applicants. My career as an EH diplomat ended before it even began. So I returned to active duty as CMDR of Epsilon. 

It's a fun position, but I could be doing so much more as Lord Ambassador! Here's the reasons I want this position:

1) I think that the Advanced Guard could be doing so much more in the way of recruitment. The definition of the Advanced Guard states that recruitment is their primary concern, and if that is the case, then that is what it should be! We should be contacting online publications, magazines, public message boards, anything! While I was in Epsilon Squadron, recruitment was my primary goal, but there's only so much I could do while also running a squad. As Lord Ambassador, I could devote all my attention to recruitment!

2) The Advanced Guard should also be out there securing relations with smaller online groups. Everyone knows of Rebel Squadrons, but how about the Bounty Hunters Arc? Or what about the Mandalorian Empire? These smaller groups offer competitions or even new members! The Emperor's Hammer would 
do well to allow these groups to ally with us.

3) The Advanced Guard needs to develop the alliances we have now. On one occasion I entered into the mIRC room of the Imperial Nexus, and was amazed at what our own allies thought of us! We need people who can help our own allies see that we are friends, not some bully.

4) As I mentioned before, the Advanced Guard could be doing much more in the area of online publications. We are the biggest Star Wars group out on the Internet, and we should let people know about it! Think of how many people out there, even without a Star Wars game, would be interested in the EH if only they knew about it. Think of the possibilities! We could have law students signing up for the Imperial Senate. RPG players signing up in droves for the Fringe! It boggles the mind when you think about how few people know about us! If I am made Lord Ambassador, however, I will change this.

So that's the list of what I would do as Lord Ambassador. A for the requirements, I've been in the EH for over a year, have no HCI convictions, and I can design a WWW site for the Advanced Guard. More importantly, I know that I can actively maintain my standings in this position for well over 6 months, and even longer than that.

Now, the only thing left is my ability to interact with other clubs. For most of my high school career, I have been an active member of the Mock Trial program. I am currently considering a career in law at the moment. I CAN hold down my part in a debate, and I know what to do to get my way. However, as a squad commander, I've learned that sometimes to have to give as well as get. This I can now effectively do. Interacting effectively with other clubs is relatively easy to me, but it is also fun and satisfying.

So there you have it. In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for considering me for this position. I hope that you decide I am worthy enough to bear the title Lord Ambassador. Thank you for your time, and have a pleasant day.


CMDR/CM Nashaa KamBuel/Epsilon/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

Medical Officer AD Mike Promoted to Fleet Admiral:  06.10.01
As Recommended From:  IWCOM (VA Figaro)

Fleet Medical Corps

(Pease see the Training Manual for rank descriptions)



I would like to recommend the Fleet Medical Officer, Admiral Mike, for a promotion of Fleet Admiral. 

I believe that he deserves this promotion due to his extended work as the MO over the last 8 months, since his last promotion. He plays a key role in the betterment of not just the TIE Corps but the entire Emperor's Hammer.

Almost a year ago I helped to set the FMC up in the IW, so I've seen his work first hand, and from what I can see through my connections in the FMC the Corps continues to grow and help the Fleet in many exceptional ways and I think that this is largely down the the FMC's leadership.

He is an inspirational character to everyone, and I truly believe he deserves this promotion.

I'll list a few:

Firstly his usual Command Staff requirements:

- He works well, without thought of reward nor himself in his assigned function
- Constantly reports on time
- Good response time
- High IRC commitment
- Been in the EH a very, very, very long time.
- Keeps his homepage constantly up-to-date
- etc

Secondly his work as MO:

- He has brought the FMC from nothing, to over 50 members
- The FMC is fully acitve and accepted in 3 subgroups
- Mike is working to bring it into a forth (BHG)
- The FMC inspires initiative and activity in the EH Subgroups, its Mike who initiative and activity within the FMC
- He has works solidly and constantly to better the FMC including these major Internal FMC projects: 'SpecOps', The FMC Academy, The FMC Promotions/Relations scheme, The FMC Think Tack

Also Mike has done several things for the EH as a whole, that only one person can say they did:

- He created the Fleet Medical Corps, from nothing to what it is now.
- He brought Michael "Admiral Ozzel" Sheard into the Emperor's Hammer

Some people argue that the FMC is not really worthwhile. That is in my opinion rubbish, the FMC helps other enjoy the 'EH Experience' more and what's even more encouraging is that the people of the FMC enjoy doing what they do, ask all the IW-FMC Members. Mike helps them enjoy the things they do, and that is what I think the EH is all about.

I know Mike has recently had awards the IC for "his efforts at the JediCon, bringing Michael 'Admiral Ozzel'  Sheard into the EH, and my good work as MO". This reward would encompass all his effort he has put into the EH, he is a truly outstanding officer.


Vice Admiral Figaro 
Infiltrator Wing Commander 
- Knight of the Fear - 
IWCS-1/MC-60 Warhammer 
ACO (Krath)/Maka Ragnos of Naga Sadow 
[DSM/LoM/SV x2/MoD/MC-2 x6/MC-1 x4/CBV w/5 Stars/VC - Blue/LSM x2/MoI - Blue Cross/HSM/OotF] [BS/CoB/OoV-2E] 
[mod. A-Wing: "Soul Reaver II"] [AX-Wing: "Hurricane"] [R2: "`Pikachu"] 
[CapEx A] 
[Professor of the Squadron Command Course] 
"When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back."

Fleet Commander's Note:

In support of this recommendation, I have received FA Mike's reports in a timely and efficient manner.  His professionalism and light-hearted attitude always bring me a laugh.

Per my personal orders, Mike is herein promoted to full Fleet Admiral within the Emperor's Hammer.

Congrats and great job, FA Mike !!!

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


[ORW Council] Results - Week 32:  06.11.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 32 results for the Final Battle of the Yuen Lon System. 


RS Wins OR & Yuen Lon! ~ Scores: [RS: 35 ,SV: 0 ,EH: 14 ,VE: 0 ,5F: 12 ,IO: 1 ] Matches: [RS: 57 ,SV: 9 ,EH: 33 ,VE: 2 ,5F: 24 ,IO: 7 ,Total: 66 ] 


Final Yuen Lon System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 100 
Emperor's Hammer: 69 
Imperial Order: 27 
NR 5th Fleet: 22 
Star Vipers: 6 
Vast Empire: 1 


XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(1pts) vs RS_Lamin(#153)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(13pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(23pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(1pts) vs EH_Aug(#975)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corran(#641)-(10pts) vs EH_aug(#975)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gloric(#940)-(3pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(22pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#221)-(14pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corran(#641)-(4pts) vs EH_gloric(#940)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(20pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(12pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Vallyn(#939)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Jon(#393)-(15pts) vs EH_Sarin(#974)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Corrin(#828)-(11pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs EH_Wolf(#978)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(12pts) vs RS_Big_T(#848)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_DaGer(#955)-(21pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_commsky(#641)-(12pts) vs EH_corrin(#828)-(9pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(3pts) vs SV_Morgan(#925)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(8pts) vs RS_`Kyle(#475)-(4pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(5pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Perja(#771)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(26pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(8pts) vs IO_DW(#946)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(17pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(14pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(21pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dager(#955)-(6pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(16pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(7pts) vs VE_TJ(#11)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brown(#779)-(13pts) vs RS_Blaster(#158)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(1pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_BigT(#848)-(7pts) vs 5F_Comm(#641)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(17pts) vs EH_Brown(#779)-(10pts), 5F Wins! 
CS: RS_Gambit(#166)-(14pts) vs IO_Moskit(#690)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(18pts) vs EH_Brown(#779)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(1pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), Tie! 
CS: RS_Gizmo(#31)-(4pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(19pts) vs RS_Johnny(#735)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(11pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_BigT(#848)-(0pts) vs EH_bond(#967)-(0pts), Tie! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(29pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(11pts) vs EH_HamsterCG(#544)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(15pts) vs RS_Johnny(#735)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Bigt(#848)-(17pts) vs IO_moskit(#690)-(16pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_dashClone(#381)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_commsky(#641)-(8pts) vs RS_vender(#533)-(8pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_commsky(#641)-(8pts) vs EH_bondage(#967)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_Lamin(#153)-(14pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(3pts) vs RS_Starr(#652)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(20pts) vs RS_Slate(#283)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_DCDrunk(#381)-(3pts) vs EH_HaMSTeRCG(#544)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(18pts) vs RS_Coop(#580)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(24pts) vs RS_Starr(#652)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(11pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(21pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(9pts) vs EH_Brown(#779)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(12pts) vs VE_`TJ(#11)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Coop(#580)-(5pts) vs 5F_Corra(#641)-(14pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_lamin(#153)-(7pts) vs SV_scarlet(#609)-(4pts), RS Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator

[ORW Council] Results - Week 33:  06.19.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 33 results for the First Battle of the Oberon System. 


RS Wins! * Score: [RS: 39 ,SV: 1 ,EH: 34 ,VE: 0 ,5F: 11 ,IO: 12 ,INF: 0 ] Matches: [RS: 91 ,SV: 9 ,EH: 51 ,VE: 3 ,5F: 24 ,IO: 29 ,INF: 9 ,Total: 108 ] 


Final Yuen Lon System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 44 
Emperor's Hammer: 37 
Imperial Order: 13 
NR 5th Fleet: 11 
Star Vipers: 1 
Vast Empire: 0 
Imperial Naval Fleet: 0 


XVT: RS_Topach(#848)-(1pts) vs EH_Sunrider(#929)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(13pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(8pts) vs EH_Buffy(#988)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(18pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Seymoon(#826)-(17pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(14pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corran(#641)-(9pts) vs IO_aragon(#973)-(2pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Buffy(#988)-(5pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(26pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(15pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(14pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(11pts) vs EH_KyleKat(#716)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_topachea(#848)-(0pts) vs EH_sunrider(#929)-(0pts), Tie! 
JK: IO_Gettlrburger(#796)-(10pts) vs EH_Seymoon(#826)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(7pts) vs VE_`TJ(#11)-(2pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(15pts) vs 5F_Corran(#641)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: IO_Aragon(#973)-(3pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(3pts), Tie! 
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(24pts) vs RS_Jester(#7)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(10pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: 5F_Greystone(#990)-(5pts) vs EH_Buffy(#988)-(4pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(16pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(21pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Jester(#7)-(24pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Fox(#807)-(9pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(17pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(0pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(38pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(21pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brown(#779)-(0pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(12pts) vs EH_Nashaa(#989)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Jester(#7)-(14pts) vs IO_Aragon(#973)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(8pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(8pts), Tie! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(-3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Seymoon(#826)-(16pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Fox(#807)-(19pts) vs EH_Nashaa(#989)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(12pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs VE_`TJ(#11)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(17pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Seymoon(#826)-(25pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Fox(#807)-(8pts) vs EH_Nashaa(#989)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(4pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(17pts) vs RS_CMRJester(#7)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dax(#828)-(32pts) vs RS_Ace(#266)-(20pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(19pts) vs RS_Arill(#348)-(15pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Topachea(#848)-(22pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(-1pts) vs RS_Coolguy(#544)-(-1pts), Tie! 
JK: SV_`Cloud(#887)-(6pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
CS: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(7pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-7pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(11pts) vs RS_bon_fel(#352)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(24pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(14pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Pauho(#745)-(10pts) vs IO_Synidic(#898)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Pauho(#745)-(19pts) vs EH_Sunrider(#929)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(14pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(22pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(24pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(28pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(17pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Pauho(#745)-(11pts) vs EH_Sarin(#974)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(11pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(11pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(34pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(17pts) vs RS_Kellhorn(#895)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(5pts) vs EH_HaMSTeRCG(#544)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts) vs IO_Ellard(#634)-(0pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(27pts) vs RS_Pauho(#745)-(16pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: EH_Kenshin(#993)-(25pts) vs INF_Seph(#998)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(4pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(12pts) vs INF_Jacob(#1000)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(12pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Tack(#999)-(7pts) vs INF_Kaleb(#997)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_`Cloud(#887)-(2pts) vs RS_JohnJK(#461)-(2pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(15pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(12pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(17pts) vs INF_BTack(#999)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corranhor(#641)-(16pts) vs RS_Xtreme(#983)-(11pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: RS_Rode(#963)-(10pts) vs INF_Jacob(#1000)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(2pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corranhor(#641)-(11pts) vs RS_Xtreme(#983)-(10pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(10pts) vs INF_Jacob(#1000)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(10pts) vs RS_Hawk(#116)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(1pts) vs RS_Bon_fel(#352)-(1pts), Tie! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(4pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(4pts), Tie! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(3pts) vs INF_BlackINF(#999)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
CS: RS_Sair(#404)-(1pts) vs EH_Dae(#540)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
CS: RS_Gambit(#166)-(28pts) vs EH_Kenshin(#993)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(2pts) vs SV_`Cloud(#887)-(2pts), Tie! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(7pts) vs INF_Kalebb(#997)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: VE_TJ(#11)-(-2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(10pts) vs RS_Topach(#848)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(6pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(1pts) vs INF_Jacob(#1000)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs SV_Cloud(#475)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(29pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs EH_Enahropes(#1004)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(12pts) vs RS_Hawk(#116)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(3pts) vs IO_DW(#964)-(-6pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(14pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(13pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_DW(#964)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(4pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(5pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(8pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(8pts), Tie! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator & RS XO


EH Command Staff Bylaws Revisions:  06.07.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

With the recent spate of folks, with the best of intentions, applying for and being appointed as Command Staff, then resigning within a short time (<6 months), a NEW Bylaws revision is posted and incorporated herein:



Leadership positions within the Emperor's Hammer and its Subgroups are integral to the on-line experience of all Members and the voluntary application and assumption of such duties is welcomed, encouraged, and appreciated.  However, because of the importance of continuity in leadership in maintaining the organization, if a Member accepts such a position, receives a related Rank promotion and then resigns (or is removed) within an inappropriately short time (e.g. less than 6 months for Command Staff positions), the Member may be demoted to the Rank they were before application for the command position.

In particular, the Command Staff positions require the utmost dedication and serious commitment. These volunteer officers, through their hard work and organization, hold the Emperor's Hammer together. Members frivolously applying for and then resigning from these Positions (i.e. to get a quick jump in Rank) may be subject to inquiry by the High Court of the Inquisitors for violation of the various rules and regulations of this club.  This policy shall be effective for all leadership appointments posted after July 1, 2001.


GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

New Communications Officer Selected:  06.01.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

The new Communications Officer (COMM) has been selected:

    RA Hacksolo - (hacksolo@emperorshammer.ca)

The other applicants were:

  • MAJ Ziggy

  • AD Tron

  • CT Rizlib

  • SL Gryffon

  • CPT Nicolai Braxton

  • CM Nashaa KamBuel

  • LCM Jerry

  • AD Danrik

  • CM Exar Khaland

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

EmperorHammer.ca Hosting Service Shutting Down:  06.07.01
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Internet Office


I'd have hoped that I'd never have to write this email. At least, not this soon. I must shut down the emperorshammer.ca hosting service due to lack of money. Even my account at www.ehnet.org will have to be downsized to help me save some cash. Please not that IO run websites such as:

-The Internet Office
-EH Webring
-EH Images Archive
-EH Greeting Card Centre
-EH Message Board System

All of which are hosted on ehnet.org, will continue to be run, and supported by my efforts.

As a result of my hosting service on emperorshammer.ca being discontinued, all websites, email accounts, and databases will be gone within the next couple of days. I do have backups of the content as of this morning, but I do urge anybody with an account to download their own stuff ASAP for backup purposes.

Anybody wishing to use the following domains may submit a request to me via email:


I will be glad to point them to any UNIX based hosting services you may acquire. (http://www.jtlnet.com/jtlnet.com is the place I currently use for emperorshammer.ca, they offer excellent services).

I would like to request that the SGCOM's on this list please forward this email to their membership, or at the least, post it on your respective news sites.

Thank-you for your time, and I'm very sorry to those affected by this.

IO/FA AbsoluteK/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
"C code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"
ICQ: 28768543 | AIM: absolutek79 | MSN: absolutek@hotmail.com

Resignation of the Lord Ambassador:  06.07.01
As Emailed From:  Former Lord Ambassador (RA Dan "Instigator" Malaktos)

To those it may concern,

I regret to inform you that with all of my school work, and lack of time, I cannot give the Command Staff as much time as it deserves. Further more, I will be away for all of July. It would not be fair to remain idle. I love diplomacy, and I always will, but I am not Command Staff material. My home in the Emperor's Hammer is and always will be the ISD Relentless, and that is why I request to return there as a Flight Member, in Dagger Squadron. I am sorry I could not carry out Operation: Aquitaine.

This experience has changed me, and has taught me much. Grand Admiral, you have done a wonderful job with this grand organization, as have all who are involved in it, and to my expectations, will ever be involved. I now return to the line ranks, from whence I came.


Rear Admiral D. S. "Instigator" Malaktos


LA/RA Dan "Instigator" Malaktos/DREAD Tranquility
[GALL] {IWATS-Core IIC/1/2 mIRC/1/2 RT SM/2 TM GFX}
[FRS Hand of the Apocalypse]
--==(*)Lord Ambassador(*)==--
{PIN 4197}

"I'm in the Advanced Guard... uhh... because I'm advanced."

Fleet Commander's Note:

EH Members interested in applying for this Position, should email the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) upon meeting the following criteria:

  • A Member of the EH (in good standing) for 1+ year

  • Ability to reliably host a WWW site for the ambassadorial arm of the EH, the Advanced Guard

  • Has demonstrated an exceptional ability to deal with other online clubs

  • Have initiative and dedication for the Position for at least the next 6+ months !

The definition of the "Advanced Guard":

As "Ambassadors" of the Emperor's Hammer, the EH Advanced Guard is comprised of only the most trusted and loyal Imperials.  The EH Advanced Guard represents the Emperor's Hammer to various online clubs, magazines, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), WWW sites, etc. In addition, the Ambassadors of the Advanced Guard have made recruitment of new Imperials to the Emperor's Hammer their primary goal. The Advanced Guard is led by the Lord Ambassador (LA) and his assigned Ambassadors (AMBs).

Cloak of Deception in Stores:  06.04.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

I would like to tell you that the new Star Wars Book: Cloak of Deception is now in stores. This is a pre-Episode 1 book. 

As copied from the inside cover of Cloak of Deception:

"Mired in greed and corruption, tangled in bureaucracy, the Galactic Republic is crumbling. In the outlying systems, where the Trade Federation maintains a stranglehold on shipping routes, tensions are boiling over - while back in the comfort of Coruscant, the hub of civilized space and seat of the Republic government, few senators seem inclined to investigate the problem. And those who suspect Supreme Chancellor Valorum of having a hand in the machinations are baffled - especially when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi foil an assassination attempt on the Chancellor. 

With this crisis escalating, Valorum call for an emergency trade summit. As humans and aliens gather, conspiracies sealed with large sums of money run rampant, and no one is entirely above suspicion. But the greatest threat of all remains unknown to everyone except three members of the Trade Federations who have entered into a shadowy alliance with a dark overlord. While the trio will be content with more money and fewer problems, Darth Sidious has grander, far more terrifying plans. 

It is a time that test the mettle of all those who strive to hold the Republic together - none more so than the Jedi Knights, who have long been the galaxy's best hope for preserving peace and justice. Yet despite their most valiant efforts, the meeting will explode into a fiery chaos beyond everyone's worst fears..."

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh-recon.org/ | www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

EH Posters Created:  06.05.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

These posters (563 KB ZIP file), which were created in conjunction with AD Keiran Idanian and LCM Tempest, are designed to be displayed in public places.  These posters contain information about recruitment into the EH by having tags ripped-off for people to take with them.  Each of these small pieces of page contains the EH domain address as well as an e-mail address for any questions.  

If these can be distributed throughout the world, I feel that it would greatly help our membership.  

You can chose from two posters.  A colored one - for people with a lot of colored ink - or a grayscale version - for people who would like to mass-produce these...

Hang them in your school, shopping store, mall, anywhere!

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh-recon.org/ | www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

StarWars Streetfighter:  05.28.01
As Emailed From:  CMDR/CM Roth Jalis/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


Hello GA Ronin,

Today I received from the owner of an awesome motorcycle very detailed pictures of his bike. The bike is covered with Star Wars airbrushes which look absolutely amazing.

As I am a great fan of everything that goes fast, and then especially motorcycles, I ask you to take a look at two pictures I selected and consider to place them on the EH homepage-index.

Someone who did so many effort in creating this ultimate bike is undoubtedly a great Star Wars fan like us too, his work may not go unnoticed.

Even the underside of the saddle has an airbrush, though it cannot be seen on the pictures it's there alright. Darth Maul looking at all the others he leaves behind. >=)

The chance of finding a bike like this is like once in a lifetime, something I couldn't resist sharing with my fellow EH members.

I really hope to see them posted, it would make my day :)

b.t.w. The airbrushed parts are for sale so if anyone would be interested they can contact me.

CMDR/CM Roth Jalis/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BS/PCx4/ISMx7/Mol/CoB [CALV] {IWATS-SM/2} Golden Batalion
{PIN #4834}
JH Roth Jalis (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
{PIN #2737}

[ORW Council] Results - Week 30:  05.27.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 30 results for the First Battle of the Yuen Lon System. 


RS Wins Outer Rim! ~ Yuen Lon System ~ Scores: [RS: 22 ,SV: 0 ,EH: 12 ,VE: 0 ,5F: 5 ,IO: 13 ] Matches: [RS: 32 ,SV: 1 ,EH: 23 ,VE: 1 ,5F: 25 ,IO: 26 ,Total: 54 ] 


Yuen Lon System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 27 
Imperial Order: 16 
Emperor's Hammer: 13 
NR 5th Fleet: 5 
Star Vipers: 0 
Vast Empire: 0 


XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(18pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(1pts) vs 5F_Master(#953)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(10pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(26pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(17pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(8pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(6pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Scorpion(#911)-(14pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(11pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(9pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(24pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(9pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Scorpion(#911)-(15pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(-2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(31pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Scorpion(#911)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Grail(#941)-(9pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#831)-(11pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(5pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(5pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Grail(#941)-(16pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(18pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(11pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophet(#591)-(15pts) vs RS_Executor(#480)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#831)-(0pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(19pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(18pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: 5F_Stinger(#393)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Executer(#480)-(19pts) vs EH_Prophe(#591)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(18pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(14pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(10pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(2pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(1pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Prophet(#591)-(14pts) vs 5F_MagillaGorilla(#949)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(1pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(1pts), Tie! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(5pts) vs EH_Sin(#954)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(6pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(1pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(19pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(8pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(1pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(-3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(6pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(3pts) vs EH_Devon(#502)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(1pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(11pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(-3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#831)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(28pts) vs 5F_Stinger(#393)-(16pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(14pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(5pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(4pts), IO Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator

[ORW Council] Results - Week 31:  06.03.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 31 results for the Second Battle of the Yuen Lon System. 


EH Wins Outer Rim! ~ Yuen Lon System ~ Scores: [RS: 30 ,SV: 6 ,EH: 34 ,VE: 1 
,5F: 4 ,IO: 9 ] Matches: [RS: 64 ,SV: 18 ,EH: 51 ,VE: 1 ,5F: 21 ,IO: 23 
,Total: 89 ] 


Yuen Lon System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 60 
Emperor's Hammer: 52 
Imperial Order: 26 
NR 5th Fleet: 9 
Star Vipers: 6 
Vast Empire: 1 


XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(13pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(15pts) vs 5F_Bishnuk(#692)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(15pts) vs 5F_Bishnuk(#692)-(-6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#935)-(29pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(4pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(14pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(4pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(0pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(0pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(27pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(0pts) vs 5F_Bishnuk(#692)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(10pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Mo(#18)-(1pts) vs SV_Nite(#379)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(1pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: RS_Rakiki(#921)-(1pts) vs EH_Gloric(#940)-(1pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(0pts) vs EH_Mo(#609)-(0pts), Tie! 
JK: EH_coolguy(#544)-(0pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(1pts), SV Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(5pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(-3pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Rakiki(#921)-(20pts) vs EH_Gilad(#935)-(19pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Donitz(#705)-(8pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(11pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(9pts) vs EH_Mo(#609)-(0pts), SV Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(10pts) vs SV_Chip(#960)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs 5F_Bishnuk(#692)-(-3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#935)-(13pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Getteburger(#796)-(10pts) vs SV_Daalrak(#833)-(-2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(6pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(14pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
CS: RS_Dashy(#839)-(9pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#935)-(14pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Turr(#858)-(17pts) vs RS_Raandu(#217)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(12pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Grail(#941)-(21pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Scarlet(#609)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Grail(#941)-(31pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(24pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(24pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Gab(#736)-(18pts) vs EH_Turr(#858)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Moskito(#690)-(26pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(14pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(23pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_grail(#941)-(11pts) vs RS_jon(#393)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#935)-(18pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(22pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_tarkin(#531)-(27pts) vs RS_gab(#736)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_grail(#941)-(9pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Grail(#941)-(11pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(17pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Chenlambec(#544)-(3pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Gab(#736)-(10pts) vs EH_Gilad(#935)-(10pts), Tie! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs SV_Morgan(#925)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(28pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(19pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(-3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(8pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(-2pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(18pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
CS: EH_Tarkin(#531)-(9pts) vs IO_Curgenven(#888)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(17pts) vs EH_Superman(#598)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(13pts) vs IO_Yvana(#877)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(3pts) vs IO_Gettleburget(#796)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(15pts) vs IO_Yvana(#877)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(12pts) vs IO_Yvana(#877)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(27pts) vs RS_Face(#511)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(9pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(0pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
CS: RS_Tally(#491)-(11pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(15pts), IO Wins! 
CS: RS_Kromium(#170)-(8pts) vs IO_Curgenven(#888)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(26pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
CS: RS_Gizmo(#31)-(6pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(12pts), IO Wins! 
CS: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs IO_Curgenven(#888)-(14pts), IO Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(1pts) vs RS_Talon(#491)-(0pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(20pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(14pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(5pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Executer(#480)-(20pts) vs 5F_CorranHorn(#641)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(18pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(1pts), Tie! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(15pts) vs RS_Chenlambec(#544)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Trace(#827)-(5pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(3pts) vs RS_rode(#963)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(14pts) vs RS_Lamin(#153)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Trace(#827)-(-3pts) vs VE_Zsinj(#398)-(6pts), VE Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(9pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(25pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(11pts), EH Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator


Death of a TIE Corps Pilot and a Brave EH Member:  05.16.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos) and CMDR/CM Spearhawk/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Dear GA Ronin and XO Kawolski,

I was informed this afternoon that one, FM/LT Kapp Dendo/Phantom 2-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal, passed away after a long fight with leukemia, His commander, CM Spearhawk informed the ISD immortal in a topic on IRC after he learned about it. I just thought you might want to know.


LO/AD Ramos

When Lieutenant joined us he was already far gone in his illness but he would not give up, he would not just sit down and wait to die. Instead he chose to spend the time he had with trying to make a difference, helping to restore order to the galaxy.

Kapp didn't believe in violence to solve problems but he recognized the threat the rebels are to the general order in the galaxy. He realized that nothing but force could eliminate this threat. So he set aside his personal belief for the good of the galaxy and joined us.

When Lieutenant Kapp Dendo died in his bed at four hundred hours last Thursday the Emperor's Hammer lost one of its greatest and most dedicated pilots.


Also I wrote a "funeral service" that I posted as a special report on the phantom page (and to the ship), you can find that one here: http://tiecorps.org/reports/report.asp?squadronid=80&reportid=2196

CMDR/CM Spearhawk/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Newsletter #74 Released:  05.15.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

Herein, the Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) posts the current and previous Emperor's Hammer Newsletters...

Newsletter No. 74 (May 15, 2001)


Horray for Newsletters! This month's issue features JediCon 2001 and the usual stuff. ;)

You can download NL #74 (6.04 mb) at:

http://thunder.prohosting.com/~surefire/nl74.zip (N.America)
http://absolutek.com/nl74.zip (N.America)
http://www.chapmassiv.org/nl74/nl74.zip (N.America)

You can view it online at: 

FA AbsoluteK Awarded the EH Medal of Honor (MoH):  05.25.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

For his dedication and self-sacrifice in hosting so many EH www sites, Newsletters and online areas for EH use, the EH Internet Officer (FA AbsoluteK) is to be awarded the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honor (MoH), the Fleet's highest award...Congratulations !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Medical Officer's Report on 'Admiral Ozzel': 04.17.01
As Submitted From:  Medical Officer (AD Tolwyn) and edited by Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

"Admiral Ozzel"
(51 Kb MS Word File)

In response to my email below, Admiral Tolwyn had come up with quite a good bit of "fan-fiction" to explain AD Ozzel's coming to the Outer Rim.

For his efforts at bringing AD Ozzel into the Emperor's Hammer, writing this new fan fiction, his assistance at JediCon 2001 and his consistently dedicated service as Medical Officer, AD Mike is herein awarded the Imperial Cross (IC) Medal.

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

"Ok...SOMEONE needs to get me an intro for "Admiral Ozzel" being saved from the Deathstar, making it to the Outer Rim and joining the Emperor's Hammer..."

"I wrote something up, Sir.  Feel free to change it at your whim, especially the first part to match with 'Empire'.


Admiral Michael Tolwyn 
�([[[/[/[*]/]/]]])=([[ ( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 
Fleet Medical Officer/Admiral, GOE/SS/ISMx4/MoI/MoC/LoAx7/OV-3E [IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/1], 
KP Michael Halcyon (Krath)/QUA/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae, 
Corellian YT-2000 Transporter "Stiletto", mod. TIE Defender "Vengeance" 
EH-MedLab at http://www.medcorps.de/, ICQ: 83498366, ZONE-ID: SKYE_Kai_Allard 
"Easy ain't for Jedi."

VA Figaro Appointed New IWCOM:  05.16.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

With the forthcoming retirement of AD Moreco, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) have selected VA Figaro as the new Infiltrator Wing Commander (IWCOM). 

Infiltrator Wing


Admiral Moreco recently informed me of his intentions of stepping down from the position Infiltrator Wing Commander, and he said that he had informed you about this. I thought that it would be best to write an application to you for the position of the Infiltrator Wing Commander. 

I started off in the Infiltrator Wing in March of 1999, as an FM in Intruder Squadron. Later i rose to (briefly) become Intruder Squadron Commander and then to Enforcer Squadron Commander, some saw Enforcer to be the best Squadron in the IW at the time, but I transferred to Black Squadron to try to revive it but, i was quickly promoted out of that command. I then served as a Wing Commander in Wing I aboard the MC-90 Warspite. After my relatively short sint at Wing Commander I was promoted to the position of Commodore of the MC-90 Fear. After a fairly long stint as Commodore I was given the honour of becoming the IW Executive Officer under Moreco. Since he became IWCOM I have served as his XO. 

It would be a great honour to perform the tasks of IWCOM and in doing so I would, as I believe every Commanding Officer does, moulds their command into their own image. I would like to slow down the position changes in the IW Command Staff and Upper Echelon positions, so the IW As a whole would be more stable, this would of course include me not using this position just for rank, if you have any concerns about that. I would also like to create a new IW Command Staff position, that of IWTAC. The IW has not really had a proper TAC since Striker left sometime ago, and it is an area in which I would like to see the IW Expand into. As well as this I intend to press on with Moreco's ideas that are tied up in the IW Support Division. 

In my current situation my IRC time is limited. Although I can get onto IRC at the weekends, and sometime on Wednesday evenings I cannot really get onto it any other time. This is due to the proxy server at my college not allowing IRC through, despite my repeated efforts. If you wish to talk to me I am usually at the EH IRC Meetings on Saturday, and while I can't get on IRC, I can get AIM my Screen Name is 'IW Figaro'. 

In short, I believe that although Admiral Moreco's will be an incredibly hard act to follow, and I would be stepping into some very large shoes but I think that I am capable, and I would like to give it a go. 

Thank you for your time.


Vice Admiral Figaro
Infiltrator Wing Executive Officer
- Knight of the Fear -
IWCS-2/MC-60 Warhammer
[DSM/LoM/SV/MoD/MC-2 x6/MC-1 x4/CBV w/5 Stars/VC - Blue/LSM x2/MoI - Blue Cross/HSM/OotF] [BS]
[mod. A-Wing: "Soul Reaver II"] [AX-Wing: "Hurricane"] [R2: "`Pikachu"]
[CapEx - A]
[Professor of the Squadron Command Course]
"When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back."

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


New Communications Officer Needed:  05.21.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Communications Office

With the removal of Rear Admiral Coolguy, the position for Communications Officer is now open. 

The duties of the Communications Officer are:

* Keep a website online with working links to the EH Java chat room, IRC chat programs for various platforms, CService registration, Undernet Server list, and instructional material such as the X-Commands FAQ, IWATS mIRC courses, and preferably a netiquette FAQ or two 
* Maintain the ops list in the #Emperor's_Hammer channel 
* Be available to assist members on getting connected along with helping new EH ops register on X and get acquainted 
* Maintain an online archive of EH Meeting logs 
* Enforces bans (and keeps members of the "Most Wanted" out of EH channels), enforces IRC CoCs, and reports continued violators to the proper command officers 
* Keep a strong online (IRC) presence 
* Assist the Security Office with monitoring the EH Message Boards 

The MINIMUM requirements for the positions are as follows: 

* EH Membership of at least one year 
* Some webpage design experience 
* Gets along well with others 
* No HCI convictions 
* High online/IRC time commitment 

If you wish to apply to the position, you must e-mail your application to both Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Kawolski. Failure to do so will result in your application getting ignored because if you're not smart enough to know how to send an e-mail to two people at once, you're not qualified. 

Be sure to include any references, how you meet the requirements, how much time you can commit, and what ideas you have for COMM if you were selected for the position.

(Note: Knowledge of writing IRC scripts, configuring bots, and programming are NOT requirements for the position.)

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

Imperial Vogue Issue #1 Released:  05.15.01
As Emailed From:  Mairin Astoris

Issue #1 of Vogue is now up at:


Hope you enjoy it!:)



~KE Mairin Astoris (Krath)/M:CoG/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow, GC/SCx5/BZx4/DCx4/(BNx4)
~VE-FL/COL/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge, GS/SS/ISMx2/IS-1BW/CoB/OV [LGNR]
~"Abashed, the devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is..."

GOE Awarded to AD Jarak Maldon:  05.20.01
As Recommended By:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

Grand Admiral Ronin,

I writing this email today to recommend Admiral Jarak Maldon (jarak@stny.rr.com) for the Grand Order of the Emperor merit award - a request that I should have made some days ago.

AD Jarak, who recently moved to the Reserves, has served a long and successful career in the TIE Corps, holding various positions of command, but the one he had the most impact in, and the most recent, was that of TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander. From the start of his appointment as BGCOM, Jarak set himself high standards - ones that he did not fail to achieve. He was constantly expanding and building upon existing ideas and policies, as well as forming his own. His work was reliable and that of someone dedicated to their responsibilities - which he handled with ease.

During his time as an active Flag Officer, Admiral Jarak gained recognition and respect from many people in Fleet, not only those under his command. When his efforts were recognized with a promotion to Admiral and he continued his work with no less enthusiasm or ability.

For all these reasons, and all those we can never seem to remember, I ask that you consider awarding Admiral Jarak with this medal, which in part, expresses our gratitude for all the work he's done.


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer, TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/1-TT-RT}

Star Wars: Jedi Outcast Jedi Knight II Announced:  05.18.01
As Emailed From:  NOV Sir SmoKeY


Greetings Grand Admiral Ronin. I'm not sure if you've heard the news yet, but apparently the sequel to Lucasarts' critically acclaimed title "Jedi Knight" has been recently announced. The tentative title is "Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II". I've pasted the URL and press release below:


Press release:


LucasArts and Activision Partner to Develop Sequel to Celebrated PC Action Series; Game to Incorporate Advanced QUAKE III Arena� Engine Technology

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- May 17, 2001 -- "A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side."

Inspired by the phenomenal success of its multi-award winning Jedi Knight action game series, LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC announces the long awaited sequel, Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II for Windows PC. The return to one of interactive entertainment's most successful game series will feature a partnership between LucasArts and Activision, Inc., through its developer Raven Software, which will result in the incorporation of the acclaimed QUAKE III Arena engine in the development of Jedi Outcast. Raven 
Software has created many critically celebrated action titles.

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II is a dynamic single and multiplayer action experience that continues the saga of the once powerful Jedi Knight, Kyle Katarn, as he struggles with the power � and dangers � of the Force. Through a multitude of complex and richly detailed Star Wars environments players face a variety of powerful enemies and once again fight for the Rebel cause. Armed with the power of the Force, and an arsenal of weapons, including a Jedi Knight's signature lightsaber, players hold the fate of the Star Wars galaxy and the destiny of Kyle Katarn in their hands.

"In striking this alliance with Activision's partner Raven Software, LucasArts is aligning itself with one of interactive entertainment's foremost developers in the action game genre," says Simon Jeffery, president 
of LucasArts. "LucasArts selected Raven to develop Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II because they're absolutely at the top of their game and have few peers in this industry."

"Given the strength of the QUAKE III Arena engine and Raven's widely recognized expertise in action games, Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II will be a very worthy successor to one of gaming's benchmark titles," says Simon Etchells, LucasArts' global marketing manager for Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II. "Simply put, this title will blow gamers away."

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II picks up several years after Katarn successfully avenged his father and defended the Valley of the Jedi from powerful Jerec and his group of Dark Jedi. Katarn has since abandoned his allegiance to the Force for fear that he might fall prey to the temptations of the Dark side. However, as fate would have it Katarn learns of a powerful new Dark Jedi who must be prevented from creating a technology to harness the power of the Force. Katarn's destiny and the future of the Star Wars 
galaxy once again hang in the balance as he confronts his dark past to face another seemingly insurmountable evil.

Players of Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II will find an expanded and enhanced use of the Force, including Heal, Jump, Speed, Force Push, Lightning, and Jedi Mind Tricks. Depending on the situation, whether in combat or stealth, players also have a variety of weapons � old and new � at their disposal, including the lightsaber, Bryar blaster pistol, blaster rifle, stun baton, Wookiee bowcaster, thermal detonators.

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II features breathtaking locales, such as Cloud City, the Jedi Knight Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon, and many-never-before seen locations.

The game will use a modified version of the lauded QUAKE III Arena engine, allowing for a multitude of enhancements such as more highly detailed graphics and a greater sense of overall scale. LucasArts will assist in the game's development with Raven, with expertise contributed by members of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II team.

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II will be published and distributed by LucasArts in North America. Activision will publish and distribute the game in all other territories worldwide.



NOV Sir SmoKeY (Obelisk)/Galeres of Arcona, {SA:CORE}

LucasArts Announces Space-Based Expansion for Star Wars Galaxies Online Game Series:  05.19.01
As Copied From:  www.lucasarts.com

Add-On Will Allow Galactic Travel And Space Combat

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- May 17, 2001 -- LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC and Sony Online Entertainment today announced the development of the first expansion product for Star Wars Galaxies (www.starwarsgalaxies.com), their massively multiplayer online role-playing game series. The add-on, expected to be available six months after the initial product release, will enable players to own and fly starships, allowing interplanetary travel and space combat.

The Star Wars Galaxies online game series is designed to immerse players in the rich Star Wars universe. The first product, expected to release in second half 2002, will feature dynamic role-playing ground-based adventures across multiple planets in the classic Star Wars timeframe. Game play will offer a unique combination of combat, exploration, social interaction, specialized missions, and daring quests. Players will explore multiple Star Wars environments on foot or in land vehicles. Traveling between planets will be accomplished through the use of public shuttles, which ferry characters from world to world. 

The anticipated space component of the Star Wars Galaxies online game will add personal starships and starfighters to the game, which can be used for travel or space combat. The expansion also promises additional worlds, playable species, non-player characters, creatures, and a variety of other elements. 

"We view Star Wars Galaxies as a collection of massively multiplayer experiences that combine to form a multi-faceted perpetual universe," says Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArts. "Hundreds of thousands of gamers around the world will be able to choose whether to base their Star Wars alter-egos on ground, or whether to take them up into space -- for exploration, combat, or even to attempt the legendary Kessel Run. We know from our community boards that fans want to play Star Wars Galaxies in space as well as on planet -- we're happy to say they'll be able to do so."

The space component of Star Wars Galaxies is being developed as an expansion product in order to ensure that both aspects of the experience meet the high expectations of fans and game players. Ultimately, both the planet and space-based elements will provide players with greater game play flexibility and a wealth of content.

"The staggered release schedule of the space component of the Star Wars Galaxies series will benefit players because they will have time to establish their characters and explore different elements of the core game before we add the space layer," says Rich Vogel, director of development at Sony Online Entertainment's Austin studio. "Once the space component becomes available, players who have been with us since the beginning will be ready to buy their own starships and launch into this new arena." 


[ORW Council] Results - Week 27:  05.09.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

I forgot to send this out for once. My apologies everyone. Without further ado... 


RS Wins Outer Rim! ~ Malkoria System ~ Scores: [RS: 64 ,SV: 16 ,EH: 57 ,VE: 0  ,5F: 3 ,IO: 16 ,AW: 0 ] Matches: [RS: 114 ,SV: 47 ,EH: 128 ,VE: 1 ,5F: 8 ,IO:  34 ,AW: 0 ,Total: 166 ] 


Current Malkoria System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 69 
Emperor's Hammer: 60 
Star Vipers: 17 
Imperial Order: 17 
NR 5th Fleet: 3 
Vast Empire: 0 
Antagonist Wing: 0 


XWA: SV_JediNobody(#675)-(22pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(12pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Mo(#609)-(-2pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(33pts) vs SV_RayNBow(#871)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Duga(#715)-(23pts) vs EH_DViper(#717)-(21pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(24pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(16pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(11pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(-3pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(4pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(4pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(5pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(18pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Garm(#864)-(21pts) vs EH_Dviper(#717)-(21pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(18pts) vs SV_RayNbow(#871)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
CS: RS_Gambit(#166)-(33pts) vs 5F_Yoruk(#640)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
CS: RS_Kromium(#170)-(5pts) vs 5F_King(#909)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(7pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
JK: IO_Scorpion(#911)-(0pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(0pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(15pts) vs SV_Duga(#715)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(10pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(18pts) vs SV_RayNbow(#871)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(13pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Zilch(#274)-(4pts) vs EH_DViper(#717)-(4pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(23pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(5pts) vs SV_Daedalus(#569)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(28pts) vs EH_Locke(#910)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(21pts) vs SV_Jedi_Nobody(#675)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(31pts) vs SV_`Neo(#16)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(20pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Nitemare(#379)-(1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(9pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(-3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(21pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(16pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(10pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Zilch(#274)-(24pts) vs EH_Strahd(#710)-(32pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(9pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(4pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_KyleKatarn(#716)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(29pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunny(#870)-(11pts) vs RS_PM(#730)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_JON(#393)-(18pts) vs SV_JediNobody(#675)-(18pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs EH_CoolGuy(#544)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(15pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(4pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(4pts), Tie! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(8pts) vs EH_Sunny(#870)-(7pts), SV Wins! 
JK: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(10pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs EH_SwipeR(#913)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Zilch(#274)-(11pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(2pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Dae(#540)-(19pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(15pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(17pts) vs RS_Shik(#2)-(15pts), SV Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(10pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(10pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(12pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Auguri(#883)-(-1pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Zilch(#274)-(15pts) vs EH_Sunny(#870)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(12pts) vs EH_Swiper(#913)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Daedalus(#569)-(1pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(1pts), Tie! 
XVT: EH_Ekim(#906)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(23pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_John(#461)-(10pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(10pts) vs EH_Delplancq(#884)-(10pts), Tie! 
XWA: RS_ZIlch(#274)-(3pts) vs EH_Donitz(#705)-(22pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(30pts) vs EH_ZysFryar(#869)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Daalrak(#833)-(-1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Delplancq(#884)-(3pts) vs RS_aurugi(#883)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(4pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(9pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Executer(#480)-(24pts) vs SV_Neo(#16)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(10pts) vs RS_Auguri(#883)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(19pts) vs SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(17pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Zilch(#274)-(14pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(21pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(16pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(10pts) vs RS_Xortius(#481)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(3pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(6pts), SV Wins! 
JK: SV_Daalrak(#833)-(3pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(4pts) vs RS_Wesley(#903)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Prophet(#591)-(30pts) vs RS_Zilch(#274)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(1pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(30pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(14pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(7pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(3pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(8pts) vs RS_Wesley(#903)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(4pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(26pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(21pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophet(#591)-(24pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(20pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(4pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(4pts) vs RS_Wesley(#903)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(7pts) vs RS_Lamin(#153)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_Zilch(#274)-(19pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(1pts) vs EH_Prophett(#591)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(0pts) vs SV_SlashRat(#722)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(26pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(21pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_CoolGuy(#544)-(1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_John(#461)-(2pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(2pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(13pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(16pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophet(#591)-(10pts) vs RS_Wesley(#903)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Jacob_Van(#873)-(1pts) vs RS_Auguri(#883)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_AbsoluteK(#607)-(9pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(-8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Wesley(#903)-(1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Lamin(#153)-(15pts) vs EH_ZysFryar(#869)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Prophe(#591)-(16pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(32pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(15pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Wesley(#903)-(1pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Jacob(#873)-(3pts) vs RS_Auguri(#883)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Jacob(#873)-(-1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Lamin(#153)-(12pts) vs EH_Ekim(#906)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(16pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_hermann(#917)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(4pts) vs RS_Lamin(#153)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Jacob(#873)-(3pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(26pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(25pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(-1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kast(#588)-(5pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(3pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Jacob(#873)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Peter(#634)-(4pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Khadgar(#914)-(17pts) vs RS_Lamin(#153)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(31pts) vs EH_hermann(#917)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(6pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(5pts) vs IO_Peter(#634)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(10pts) vs EH_Jacob(#873)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Khadagar(#914)-(15pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(22pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Raven(#465)-(24pts) vs EH_Hermann(#917)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Corranhorn(#641)-(12pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(13pts), SV Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(4pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(16pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(35pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_`Ragnarok(#571)-(1pts) vs RS_Hawk(#116)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(27pts) vs EH_Khadgar(#914)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Apophis(#919)-(1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(19pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(-3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghad(#908)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Death(#500)-(17pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(15pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(6pts) vs RS_Hawk(#116)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Sunny(#870)-(14pts) vs 5F_CorranHorn(#641)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Fox(#646)-(-1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(0pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(2pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(4pts) vs EH_Apophis(#919)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(14pts) vs RS_Hawk(#116)-(-1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(5pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(20pts) vs EH_hermann(#917)-(4pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(36pts) vs EH_ZysFryar(#869)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slashrat(#722)-(1pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(-2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(28pts) vs EH_Apophis(#919)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(28pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Khadgar(#914)-(24pts) vs RS_Blast(#158)-(14pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(26pts) vs EH_Sunny(#870)-(16pts), SV Wins! 
JK: EH_Apophis(#919)-(0pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(18pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(18pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(5pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(-4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(3pts) vs EH_Ragjk(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(23pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Nitemare(#379)-(2pts) vs RS_Kromium(#170)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(5pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(22pts) vs EH_Hermann(#917)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(35pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(19pts) vs EH_Blaster(#773)-(18pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Kalghar(#908)-(19pts) vs 5F_CorranHorn(#641)-(10pts), EH Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator 

ORW Council] Results - Week 27:  05.09.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 29 results for the Final Battle of the Malkoria System...the RS was able to come out on top and take the Malkoria System, but the Imperial Order had an impressive third place performance, so hats off to them. The number of matches played during this system battle was pretty low overall, but things were much closer this time around. The next battle in the Cadrel Expanse will take place in the Yuen Lon System. Without further ado... 


RS Wins Outer Rim! ~ RS Wins Malkoria System ~ Scores: [RS: 56 ,SV: 2 ,EH: 31 ,VE: 1 ,5F: 12 ,IO: 27 ] Matches: [RS: 86 ,SV: 15 ,EH: 67 ,VE: 15 ,5F: 34  ,IO: 61 ,Total: 139 ] 


Final Malkoria System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons:173 
Emperor's Hammer: 145 
Imperial Order: 50 
NR 5th Fleet: 22 
Star Vipers: 21 
Vast Empire: 5 


JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(5pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(11pts) vs VE_Epium(#814)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(31pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(3pts) vs RS_Raiki(#921)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Donitz(#705)-(8pts) vs IO_TDY(#783)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(13pts) vs EH_Verr(#579)-(22pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(12pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(26pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(16pts), EH Wins! 
JK: 5F_Octo(#822)-(0pts) vs RS_Dean(#166)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Donitz(#705)-(19pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(11pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: 5F_Matt(#850)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(9pts) vs 5F_DG(#638)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: 5F_Simon(#637)-(0pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(4pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(1pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(27pts) vs RS_Sconn(#36)-(16pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: EH_Donitz(#705)-(10pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(33pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(22pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(10pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(2pts) vs EH_ragnarok(#571)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(1pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(1pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Donitz(#705)-(10pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(0pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Rave(#279)-(-3pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: 5F_Octo(#822)-(2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Osen`gar(#897)-(17pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(32pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(1pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-2pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Donitz(#705)-(22pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(22pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Sconn(#36)-(0pts) vs EH_Devon(#503)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_grail(#941)-(20pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: VE_Cosmic(#812)-(3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(11pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Devon(#503)-(-2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(19pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Donitz(#705)-(21pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Dean(#166)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
CS: RS_Slate(#283)-(22pts) vs EH_Razor(#625)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: VE_Cosmic(#812)-(0pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(6pts) vs EH_Ragnorak(#571)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: SV_Garm(#864)-(7pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(17pts) vs VE_Daalrak(#833)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_grail(#941)-(19pts) vs IO_syndic(#898)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Turr(#858)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(19pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(26pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(8pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(4pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(4pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_rAzOr(#625)-(30pts) vs SV_ahyEe(#596)-(19pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(8pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(7pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(-3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Grail(#941)-(15pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(26pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(8pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(14pts) vs EH_Seymoon(#826)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Garm(#864)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(9pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(17pts) vs SV_Morgan(#925)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(2pts) vs IO_Scorpion(#911)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Icaro(#768)-(0pts) vs EH_Razor(#625)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(14pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_John(#461)-(-6pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(23pts) vs EH_Vin(#901)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_bored(#166)-(1pts) vs VE_cosmo(#812)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Grail(#941)-(25pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(0pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(11pts) vs EH_vin(#901)-(11pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Seth(#826)-(15pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(23pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts), Tie! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(3pts) vs IO_Tav(#746)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(7pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: VE_Cosmic(#812)-(14pts) vs RS_Wesley(#903)-(5pts), VE Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(7pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(10pts) vs EH_Orion(#942)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(1pts), Tie! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(4pts) vs VE_Empium(#814)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(6pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(9pts) vs RS_Rave(#279)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(7pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(4pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(13pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(5pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(7pts) vs VE_Empium(#814)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(12pts) vs EH_CoolGuy(#544)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(5pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_`Kyle(#475)-(10pts) vs VE_Empium(#814)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(12pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(12pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(5pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts) vs RS_DashClone(#381)-(-2pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(27pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(16pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: EH_Meyekul(#944)-(2pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(5pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(21pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(7pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(14pts) vs EH_jack(#900)-(11pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(3pts) vs 5F_Octo(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(4pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(2pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Gizmo(#31)-(10pts) vs EH_Orion(#942)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(-1pts) vs RS_Tally(#491)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(16pts) vs EH_Meyekul(#944)-(8pts), 5F Wins! 
XWA: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(13pts) vs EH_ayu(#614)-(8pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(13pts) vs IO_DarkWolf(#946)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(13pts) vs IO_Icaro(#768)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Garm(#864)-(-1pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(7pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(14pts) vs SV_Tector(#561)-(14pts), Tie! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(10pts) vs EH_Meyekul(#944)-(3pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts) vs RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Icaro(#768)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(5pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(5pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(23pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(9pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(3pts) vs EH_Ragnarok(#571)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Jon(#393)-(14pts) vs EH_Meyekul(#944)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Bluejay(#220)-(16pts) vs IO_Icaro(#768)-(30pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(12pts) vs EH_Meyekul(#944)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(3pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(-4pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs 5F_Ocaton(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(1pts) vs RS_Auguri(#833)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Cloud(#887)-(4pts) vs RS_Sconn(#36)-(-2pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocaton(#822)-(2pts), Tie! 
XVT: IO_Aug(#883)-(0pts) vs RS_Blast(#158)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_corranhorn(#641)-(14pts) vs SV_garm(#864)-(4pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(9pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(28pts) vs IO_Icaro(#768)-(21pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Tav1(#746)-(3pts) vs SV_Cloud(#887)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(3pts) vs SV_Garm(#864)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(5pts) vs EH_EH_Coolguy(#544)-(5pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Kyle(#475)-(4pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(7pts) vs IO_Icaro(#768)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(16pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(4pts), IO Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator