July 2004


Applications Open for Internet Officer:  07.04.04
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Internet Office

The Internet Officer (IO) is responsible for providing technical consultancy to the membership of the Emperor's Hammer on matters relating to the Internet, such as web hosting, website construction and
other areas. In addition, the position oversees a number of ongoing projects, such as the EH Message boards, Image Archive, etc.

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. Proven experience and knowledge of at least one server side scripting language (ie. ASP, PHP, JSP, etc)
2. Existing general knowledge of a range of computer-related matters
3. Be a member of good standing of the Emperor's Hammer for at least one year
4. Ability to work well with a range of EH members, including the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer
5. High active, online presence, such as IRC, message boards, etc.

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. Demonstrated application of advanced server side scripting.
2. Proven experience with databases
3. Proven ability in graphic design
4. Good command of the English language

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yeah, I can do that" is not enough. Include specific examples and situations to back up your claims. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one of these must be a former or, preferably, current superior. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be viewed in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( fc@emperorshammer.org ) and Executive Officer
( xo@emperorshammer.org ) with the subject "Application for Internet Officer".

Should you be successful in the position, you will be expected to perform core duties of the position to an acceptable level. This also includes tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List. You will be reviewed upon
these tasks and based upon that performance, you may be rewarded or punished.

CHS Open For Applications:  07.04.04
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Imperial Senate

The position of Chancellor of the Senate will offer a unique challenge to applicants. Applicants must address the following criteria:

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Proven command experience, at a level of TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivalent.
2. An acceptable level of online presence.
3. Fast email response time.
4. A clean record.
5. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel.
6. A plan for fixing the Senate.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Member of the Senate.
2. Proven track record in improving a sector of the EH or a subgroup.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simple saying "Yep, I can do that" won't be enough. You must also include three references - including at least one superior. These references will be
checked. Applications are to be directed to the Fleet Commander ( garonin@aol.com ) and Executive Officer ( jpboyce@indigo.net.au ) with the subject "Application for the position of Chancellor".

Freeworlds In the EH - Current Status:  06.27.04
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

Grand Admiral Ronin,

As promised here is the information concerning Freeworlds, it's link to the EH and the steps that I think need to be taken next. On this email I have included those people I feel have some authority/say over the matter. If I've missed anyone out, then please forward this email to them. Important links are included at the end of the email.


Freeworlds (FW) is a Star Wars based, multi-player total conversion mod for the game Freelancer (FL). It keeps all of FL's game characteristics, but transplants them to a SW universe. Players can engage in combat missions or trading. Combat can be either by accepting missions (which vary in difficulty level and thus reward money) from NPCs which may involving destroying a particular target, or they may involved Player vs Player engagements (something that is particularly encouraged). Trading involves buying particular commodities at one location and selling them at another for hopefully a large profit. Trading can occur between players although this is uncommon. Trading is generally the easiest way of making money but requires several hours of work to get anywhere.

Each player belong to a faction, none as either a member or non-member tag. Non-member tags (IMP, CIV and NR) are for those people that do not belong to PC factions in the game - those people who have just started playing usually. Most EH'ers current use the tag "[IMP]EH_" to show that they are Imperial and a part of the EH. Member tags are PC Squadrons or groups, such as [ScytheSq] or [NovaSq] and again, these will be Imperial, New Republic, Pirate or some form of Corporate group (e.g. Corellian Engineering Corps [CEC]).

Playing the game as a non-member is perfectly reasonable, however, the primary server on which we play, Burnout 24/7 USA, is designed to be more beneficial for those who are a part of member tags. Member tags receive a greatly expanded ship list (fighters, transport that they are allowed to use), they receive a significant amount of starter money (on Burnout, this is currently 10,000,000 plus 2,000, 000 per active member - defined as someone with 8+ hours playtime) and generally benefit from the community spirit more.

Non-member players work from a restricted ship list for their particular tag (IMP, CIV etc), which is generally 4-5 basic ships. The cost of these ships is the same for non-member and member.

Current Status

A new version of FW was released last Friday (1.64) which had some major changes. The prices of ships were increased by a lot, in some cases by 300%. Several new ship designs were added to the game. A large number of ships were removed from the non-member ship list and a few were added (although not enough to offset the change). Some ships, such as the Corellian Corvette, have become severely restricted in their use. Other changes include the addition of a CD check. If the original CD is not in the drive, then the mod will not work. This is a problem for some people using backups, or those who have lost their CD. In addition, there have been some minor and one major stability issues fixed. Overall, for the established FW community these changes are good news. However, for those casual and non-member tag players (such as the EH'ers), it's generally bad news, but I'll go into this later.

Currently there are around 15 EH'ers actively playing FW (I'm sure it's more now), although this number is in slight flux since the latest release. Marcus Caine who I know has been in contact with you, heads up the FW TDA Squadron, which has 12 part-time members. The purpose of this Squadron is to generally play FW, test things out and try to come up with workable solutions for problems. There is also a much-used Freeworlds Discussion Forum on EH boards which contains a lot of commentary, Q&As and other things from the users. It's worth having a quick browse through this board (particularly the announcements and sticky posts). It's a good way of bringing yourself up to speed on the current situation.

In addition, a few weeks ago, SCO/FA Ender mBind secured a mirror download for the mod. So should the FW page be taken offline, we still have access to the mod.

One of the current issues facing us is if FW does become an officially supported platform within the EH, then how to track activity and reward it. This has caused a fair amount of discussion on the board, but no solution so far. I have one which I would like to put forward as a possibility:

Legion of Combat

I believe that the LoC, like for any other MP competition, should be used to reward MP events within the game. However, due to the nature of the game's set-up, it's not quite as simple as your regular XWA match. The problems are:

Deciding how many kills = 1 LoC
Tracking the # of kills and by whom
The time and place of matches

Within the game, you may encounter a hostile (defined by the tags) at any moment...should you engage and kill this hostile, is that deserving of a LoC considering it's an MP kill within the gaming environment?

I think for the sake of simplicity, the answer should be no. I think engagements/duels/matches should be pre-arranged like any other XWA/XvT/JK event. The details of a match (length, # of kills etc) can be arranged by the two or more opponents prior to the match. In addition, the server system of FW lends itself well to hosting small games. The idea is that one person hosts a temporary server on which the match is fought. The server host uses "IONCROSS Freelance Server Operator Mk III" to keep track of the match. This program is very powerful and freely available. It allows the host to keep track of events on the server, outputs logs and allows characters to be modified server side (which is useful if you want specific ships to be used). The host can either act as a 3rd party observer within the game, or take part in the match, whether it's 1vs1 or 4vs4, since everything will be automatically logged. The host sends a report of the match to either the COO directly, or whoever is moderating the competition (of course we can assume there will be multiple matches per event/comp). Each player on the winning team then receives one LoC from the COO, whether he bagged one kill or ten. This is the same as how 2vs2 XWA/XvT matches currently work.

I would also suggest that LoCs from FW kills earn that pilot 5 FCHG points rather than the usual one, and no points be earned from missions. This should offset the fact that XWA/XvT players can earn FCHG points from LoCs and by completing custom missions & battles. It was suggested that 1 FCHG point be earned for completing FW missions. However, the range of difficulty in missions I think makes this unfair. The simplest way would be to hike up the value of the LoC.

Activity Tracking

Tracking activity in a MMORPG can be somewhat difficult, but I think if you go with a simple system, it'll work best. For this I would suggest that all FW players be registered as either a Trader or Fighter. The activity of a Trader can be measured by their time online divided by the amount of money they have (this information is shown on tables on the Burnout site). The activity of a Fighter is measured by the number of kills he has achieved. A screen-shot of the character profile in-game will show all of this information and more.

The CMDR would then add this information as part of the weekly activity report and at the end of the month in Monthly Squadron Evaluations (MSEs). For now, all this information can be kept on paper or on something like a spreadsheet. There is no need for fancy database changes or anything else that may jeopardize the entire plan.

Next Steps

Items that need to be sorted include establishing a system of rules for MP combat and conduct on the server. The server employs it's own set of rules & policies, known as the Rules of Engagement (RoE). The RoEs are pretty straight forward and for the most part, common sense. However, if you're not familiar with them, then it's easy to go breaking them. This then usually leads to a swift banning from the server. There is a system of getting unbanned, but it may take a few weeks, depending on the severity of the offense.

This leads to the important question - is breaking a RoE an automatic violation of the AoWs/CoCs? In my opinion, it depends on what you did - something for the Security Officer to review on a case by case basis. For example, using a cheat mod of some kind is a quick way to be banned on the server. But it's also on par with cheating in XWA. So this may call for charges of Conduct Unbecoming and whatever the cheat one is (AoW 407 I think). Another breach of the RoE may be landing on a hostile planet. Well, that's not all that serious and the ban from the server (which is probably temporary) should be punishment enough. Repeat offenses may warrant further action. I think this is a simple thing to deal with, as long as the SO, or someone from his Office, pays close attention to the ban chart on the Burnout site.

Another important thing is the establishment of some kind of IWATS course to cover all the rules, conduct, how to actually play the game and more. I've been asked to write this, however I think we should wait until things like activity and the tag are resolved (I can't write about things that haven't been decided on :P).

I mentioned above that the recent update is generally bad for the casual player (or EH'er), but only because we do not have a member-tag ([EH]) yet. By having our own tag, we have a ship list which we have a say in and some money to get us off the ground. And most importantly, we become an official part of the FW community. The presence of the EH will shoot up and more people will be interested in knowing who we are. This of course is one of the major objectives - the potential to get new members for the club.

To get our own tag, GA Ronin, either you or someone you designate, needs to speak with the admins of Burnout (such as Zaccarow or Burnout himself) and get the ball rolling. Those of us who currently use FW do not have the authority to negotiate on behalf of the club and so we're currently not moving forward.

I would like to emphasise my strong opinion that getting our own tag is the most important thing right now with the recent update release. The longer you leave it, the less say you have in things like the ship list. All the current issues such as activity tracking can be resolved eventually. Getting our own tag doesn't commit us to anything other than having some active members, which we have anyway.

Important Links

- Freeworlds Site: http://www.free-worlds.com/
- Burnout Homepage: http://usa.assassinsden.com/Default.aspx?tabid=43
- Burnout Server RoE: http://usa.assassinsden.com/Default.aspx?tabid=26 & http://usa.assassinsden.com/Default.aspx?tabid=38
- Burnout Forum: http://usa.assassinsden.com/Default.aspx?tabid=22 (need to be registered to see most forums - takes 2-6 days)
- Freeworlds (EH) Discussion Forum: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=118&sid=51de3053c5d652670f88b6c756a1b7b0
- IONCROSS Resources for Server Hosts: http://www.ioncross.com/

GA Ronin, hopefully I've given you enough information to start making some important decisions. I have no doubt the others on this list have questions and suggestions which are welcomed.

Thank you,

High Admiral Priyum
Dark Adept, Arcona Consul
COO Assistant, Logistics Assistant

Newsletter No. 104 Posted to the FLeet:  07.04.04
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Online Viewable: http://nl.ehtiecorps.org/nl104/
Downloadable Zip: http://nl.ehtiecorps.org/nl104.zip (11.4 MB)


Medal of Allegiance Awarded to Zaccarow:  06.30.04
As Emailed From:  HA Priyuim

Emperor's Hammer Medal of Allegiance
(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)


I write this email today to recommend someone for the Medal of Allegiance. The description of this medal taken from the Operations Manual states:

The Medal of Allegiance is awarded to individuals who are not members of the Emperor's Hammer or it's subgroups and who have provided a service to the Fleet.

A while ago the Emperor's Hammer became involved with Freeworlds and the general FW community. From day one, an individual from this community has helped us (the EH'ers involved) in getting acquainted with the game and the community itself. Most recently he's been instrumental in getting the club it's own tag for recognition within the most popular FW server as well as setting us up individually with access on the Forums and our own customized ship-list. This individual is Zaccarow ( zaccarascrow@hotmail.com ).

Whatever the outcome of Freeworlds in our club, Zacc has gone above and beyond in his efforts to help us out. I feel that the MoA was created for exactly this kind of situation and I strongly believe it should be awarded to Zacc as a way of expressing our gratitude.

Thank you.

High Admiral Priyum
Dark Adept, Arcona Consul
COO Assistant, Logistics Assistant
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Medal of Communication (MoC) Revisions:  07.11.04
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (AD Turtle)

Emperor's Hammer Medal of Communication (MoC)
(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

The Medal of Communication is awarded to first-echelon (squadron or equivalent organizational units) unit members by their Commander for an outstanding level of communication in a particular month. Such communication will generally include, at a minimum, e-mail contact with the Commander and the unit in general, a high level of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) presence, and activity on the EH Message Boards. Commanders are authorized to award this medal once per month to one individual in their unit. Subsequent awards will upgrade the Medal of Communication as follows.

Bronze Oak Cluster - For two awards
Silver Oak Cluster - For three awards
Gold Oak Cluster - For four awards
Platinum Oak Cluster - For five awards
Diamond Oak Cluster - For six and subsequent awards

Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

XO-FSE/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

XO Report #32:  06.19.04

A bunch of new Command Officers have been appointed. They are:

  • RA Drako to Training Officer
  • FA Keldorn to Security Officer
  • DJM Gelton to Grand Master
  • VA Aseret to Supreme Director

Given that people are like what they are, I'll be expecting that noone will try to pull anything dodgy with these new appointments, especially with Drako and competition approvals. In addition, the Chancellor of the Senate is vacant. I'll be posting details for applications sometime over the weekend.

Just a reminder about the tasks list. It's in effect and I will be expecting COs to do those tasks listed on it. As a side note, I've heard some grumbling about the lack of FC and XO tasks on the list. Two words come to mind in response to that - "grow" and "up". The structure of the EH is designed so that specialist tasks can be delegated to specific COs and this tasks list only continues in that theme. In fact, a large number of items are simply formal statements of already existing duties that aren't being carried out anyway. The sooner people get over themselves, the sooner they can work on the tasks and actually make the EH better.

As always, I need newsletter submissions. Almost anything can be used - graphics, fiction, reviews. Send them over to jpboyce@indigo.net.au

Lastly, relating to the TIE Corps site. The settings for emperorshammer.net have been changed to point to the new server, so link updating shouldn't be needed.

That's all from me this week.

XO Report 33:  06.27.04

I got a couple newsletter submissions over the past week, which is good. More would be nice. As always, send them to my usual email address. You get a nice shiney Letter of Achievement and if your graphic makes the front cover, you get something special too.

The TIE Corps site seems to be stable now, with only a couple annoying technical issues to work out. The emperorshammer.net domain has been redirected towards the new server and things appear to be functioning normally. I've setup a topic on the message board as a central location for people to post suggestions for the site. The URL is http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2702

There's a few recent surveys running on the TIE Corps site. 263 votes have been placed for the survey relating to the speed of the new TIE Corps site server. A total of 57% responded saying there was an increase in speed. 244 votes were placed for the survey asking about Internet connection. 26% of our members are still on dialup. 28% are on some form of DSL with 34% on cable. The last survey relates to roster-integrated mailing groups - these would be automated groups like egroups, based upon the roster of the time. 89% have voted confirming they would use this feature if it were made available. 105 people have voted for this survey so far.

XO Links
TIE Corps Site Suggestions - http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2702
TIE Corps Site Issues - http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2280
EH Tasks List - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/xo/EHTasks.htm

XO Report 34:  07.04.04

Newsletter 104 is out now. You can check it out online at http://nl.ehtiecorps.org/nl104/ or download it via http://nl.ehtiecorps.org/nl104.zip It's 11.4megs. Part of the size is due to a rather large number of submissions. The other reason for the size is in recent NLs, I've been excluding the roster and medal board. Since this is the NL for June 2004, it includes the roster and medal board from those months, thus increasing the size. There's also some interviews and a little article from myself about the outage of the TIE Corps site. Letters of Achievement (well over 100) have been recommended for both TC and DB member submissions.

One thing that I noted while doing the newsletter was the gaps in CO reports. Reports should be submitted to the other COs via email and posted on the TIE Corps site. This has been a standing rule for years (from before my time as XO). It's not a massive task to do both. On a more positive note, some of the EH task list reports from the COs this week were quite good with some progress being shown. Good job to those who did those reports.

The other important bit of news this week is Freeworlds has been approved as an official EH platform by myself and the FC. Freeworlds is a mod of Freelancer, a game made by Microsoft and Digital Anvil (a developer started by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame). The mod replaces the standard ingame craft with TIEs and other Star Wars craft. The game isn't too demanding in the specs department and seems responsive enough on my connection in Australia. If you're interested in finding out more relating to Freeworlds, check out the Freeworlds forum at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=118

Fans of Knights of the Old Republic might want to check out the sequel website at http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/ There's some more info about the game, plus a walkthrough video (in Quicktime format, about 11megs) of some of the gameplay.

Going back to the newsletter for a moment - there's been a lot of talk about why the newsletters are so erratic. The simple fact is I just don't get enough submissions. To get a NL of a consistant size I use batches of 30-50 emails (each email having usually 1-5 submissions). NL 104 represents the last full batch of submissions I had. That means I need a lot more submissions. Submissions can include written items (articles, reviews, stories, etc), graphics and so on. The best images of the month get a Bronze Star, while all other submissions get a Letter of Achievement. Anyone in the EH can make a submission to the newsletter. Just check out the guidelines at http://www.ehtiecorps.org/xo/newsletters.asp

I'm also running a bunch of competitions for the next month. The first relates to the "true" story of the TIE Corps database outage. The second is to come up with a name for a hosting service that I will provide to the EH. The third is a SWG screenshot caption competition. URLs to each will be detailed below.

For their hard work in restoring the data on the TIE Corps database, I awarded a Gold Star to FO Cyric and OPS Foley this week. Well done to them.

Lastly, application details for Senate Chancellor and Internet Officer have been sent to the FC. Expect to see them in the next EH domain update.

XO Links
TIE Corps Site Suggestions - http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2702
TIE Corps Site Issues - http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2280
TIE Corps Site Update Log - http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2766
EH Tasks List - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/xo/EHTasks.htm
The True Story behind the TC Database Outage Comp - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/competitions/details.asp?ID=1329
Hosting Service Naming Competition - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/competitions/details.asp?ID=1330
SWG Screenshot Caption Competition - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/competitions/details.asp?ID=1331

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >

Tactical Office Report #143:  06.27.04

Finaly, slower week. A lot of work has been done, but it's much less than last week. So I had time to rest a bit and concentrate on my RL duties.

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
Well. If I won't received more sing-ups, I will postpone this competition until further notice. It's sad but it seems no one wants Gold Star these days.

FCHG restoration:
One information for all people. FCHG restoration requests will be rejected after July 1st. I think one month was enough to send a simple mail to your Tactical Officer.

New battles:
We have released even more stuff, and more is coming. I will also be looking into some kind of JA/SWGB mission creation competition, to encourage more mission creation for this platforms. Stay tuned for more info.

Tactical Office Openings:
We are currently looking for Testers and Engineers for all platforms. Apply to me and CA:TAC, cc TCHC.

Tactical Office webpage:
My TACA Justin, sent me some banners and button so I started adding them to the webpage. It looks very nice and first version should be online very soon. As soon as Tactical Webpage is online, I will resume working on Tactical Manual, v3.0

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 mailto:pbmike@go2.pl
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 mailto:stelerain@comcast.net
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 mailto:aburt@tampabay.rr.com

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 mailto:Beefment@aol.com
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 mailto:dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 mailto:capt_master@hotmail.com

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 mailto:cedu98@hotmail.com
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 mailto:mchenry@jefnet.com
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 mailto:fcjt914@yahoo.ca
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 mailto:SHSBryan@yahoo.com
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 mailto:mindb_ender@hotmail.com
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 mailto:M.Wernsing@web.de
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 mailto:ehgidda@tiscalinet.it
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Justin #5853 mailto:justinmantonico@aol.com
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 mailto:zysfryar@isdcolossus.com
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 mailto:fcjt914@yahoo.ca
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thomas Nitecki #6260 mailto:tnnn@poczta.fm
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 mailto:balrog_33@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Abel Malik #6939 mailto:ezwill@famvid.com
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 mailto:FWCJR@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 mailto:szklarzewicz@wp.pl
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 mailto:gabriel.prado@ip2.com.br
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 mailto:dazexeter@yahoo.com
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 mailto:Curtis@isdchallenge.org
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 mailto:eh_jedieclipse@fastmail.fm
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) mailto:hob15@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 mailto:balrog_33@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 mailto:fight_the_good_fight91@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 mailto:snow_scorpion@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 mailto:Crim5on@hotmail.com
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 mailto:hoor@udinbak.de
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 mailto:ministryisadeity@aol.com

Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 mailto:striker@tiecorps.org
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 mailto:justinmantonico@aol.com
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 mailto:cnwilde@umich.edu

Tactical Reserves [65]

Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/
Tactical Manual v2.01 - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a - http://plotlines.minos.net/
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar - http://calendar.minos.net/
Tactical Database - http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/
Mission Creation Forum - http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=42
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/tutorial_1.htm
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing - http://www.minos.net/~immortal/noob/index.html
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/waytemp2k.zip
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP - http://www.minos.net/~lenvik/tie952kxp.htm
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA - http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/xwa/IMP-XWA.zip

Tactical Office Report #144:  07.04.04

This week was the end of FCHG restoration. Finaly. Now I have time to concentrate on the tasks given by our XO. We will complete them all, so EH will benefit from our work.

Tactical Office Objectives:

Task: How to do it?: % done:

More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing New orders has been issued with new deadlines. From now on, tester has 1 week to complete his testing assignment, engineer has 2 weeks to perform correction and TCC/TCHC has 1 week to do final check and send the mission/battle for release. TCCs/TCHC will watch over deadlines. N/A

Better attitude/interaction with members regarding EHBL and in general Actualy, I will try to be more helpful/friendly from now on and do not react with emotions. N/A

Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual I've started updating Tactical Manual, to version 3.0 as soon as I took TAC. But in the meantime there were so many changes, like release of EHBL and other thing, so I had to update/change it all the time. It was endless task, but this time I will try to release it, chapter after chapter. I have chapters 1 and 2 ready (out of 14), working on 3rd. As soon as I finish with 3rd I will release first alpha version of Tac-Man 3.0. 10%

Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website Started working on it already. Made basic layout, added some graphics by my TACA, Justin. Right now I am writing some texts for the page, like roster and history. Justing is working on top banner. I think the alpha version will be released in two weeks, maybe less. 30%

Add EHBL content to the Tactical Manual and other relevant areas Included in update of Tac-Man project already. Will be relased along with chapters. Also there will be EHBL FAQs direcly on new TAC webpage and links to EHBL related materials on webpage. I will try to complete FAQ next week. N/A
More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) My plans are simple. Release SWGB/JA mission creation course, together with TO, and join SWGB/JA mission creation communities to find more tools/hits/idea. SWGB course is ready, just waiting to be released. I am looking for someone to make JA course. I will contact SGCOMs this week and ask for their help/support, because SWGB/JA are not TC platforms. 5% done

Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms I am still thinking how to do it. I will have to talk with TO. 0%

Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing Actualy we are trying to fix bugs all the time. Many of them are invalid. I do not think another special project is needed because XWA/TIE queue is empty so tactical staff is already working of those bugs. XWA is almost clear and they will fix bugs on daily basis. ~33%

Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers I don't think we have to change current system completly, but add new position, Tactical Office Mission Designer. With Core squadron being reintroduced, it's members will be able to serve full time TMDs, and make missions when asked. N/A

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
I have to move the date once again. August 1st and wait for more applications. I need at least 8 people to join, and I have

FCHG restoration:
Project has been completed. No more requests will be accepted.

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 mailto:stelerain@comcast.net
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 mailto:aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 mailto:Beefment@aol.com
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): MAJ Chris Cox #9354 mailto:dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 mailto:capt_master@hotmail.com
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 mailto:justinmantonico@aol.com
Tactical Reserves [65]

Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/
Tactical Manual v2.01 - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a - http://plotlines.minos.net/
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar - http://calendar.minos.net/
Tactical Database - http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/
Mission Creation Forum - http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=42
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/tutorial_1.htm
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing - http://www.minos.net/~immortal/noob/index.html
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/waytemp2k.zip
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP - http://www.minos.net/~lenvik/tie952kxp.htm
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA - http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/xwa/IMP-XWA.zip

Tactical Office Report #145:  07.11.04

This week we have had one major change. I've changes my HS processing policy. From now on I process them on daily basis to speed up entire process. :)

Tactical Office Objectives:
Task: How to do it?: % done:

More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing We have new TCC:XvT. Because TIE and XWA queues a empty, we will have to wait and see if Frodo is doing his job N/A
Better attitude/interaction with members regarding EHBL and in general I think this task is done. I do not react with emotions, only cold facts. I try to be as helpful as I can. But I leave the judgement to the XO. N/A
Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual No progres this week. I have fully concentrate on Tactical Webpage, because I want this thing released as soon as possible. 10%

Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website Pretty good progres. I created news webpage and prepared it for future conversion to automated .asp scripts. I've also started working on history page, and finished 1994/1995. Working on 1996 right now and I'm halfway through it. Also, there were some minor layout and code changes. ETA to early alpha 1 week. 50%

Add EHBL content to the Tactical Manual and other relevant areas No progres this week. N/A
More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) I have talked to TO. SWGB mission creation course should be added soon. Someone is working on JA course already. 10% done

Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms No progres this week except chat with T0. 0%

Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing Actualy we are trying to fix bugs all the time. Many of them are invalid. I do not think another special project is needed because XWA/TIE queue is empty so tactical staff is already working of those bugs. XWA is almost clear and they will fix bugs on daily basis. ~33%

Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers I don't think we have to change current system completly, but add new position, Tactical Office Mission Designer. With Core squadron being reintroduced, it's members will be able to serve full time TMDs, and make missions when asked. N/A

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
I still need more applications to start this competition. It's sad but it seems people does not want high award. Where is the spirit of competition?

Tactical Staff AWOL Check
Finaly! I have the list of spare members :) No I will send it to the FO!

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 mailto:pbmike@go2.pl
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 mailto:stelerain@comcast.net
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 mailto:aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 mailto:Beefment@aol.com
Tactical Coordinator (XvT/BoP): VA Frodo March #5956 mailto:fcjt914@yahoo.ca
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 mailto:capt_master@hotmail.com
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 mailto:justinmantonico@aol.com
Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/
Tactical Manual v2.01 - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac/tac-man/
Tactical Office Plotlines Compendium v1.0a - http://plotlines.minos.net/
Tactical Office Competitions Calendar - http://calendar.minos.net/
Tactical Database - http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/
Mission Creation Forum - http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=42
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/tutorial_1.htm
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing - http://www.minos.net/~immortal/noob/index.html
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/waytemp2k.zip
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP - http://www.minos.net/~lenvik/tie952kxp.htm
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA - http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/xwa/IMP-XWA.zip

Tactical Office Report #146:  07.17.04

Busy week again, but results are visible. Tactical Office webpage is online :) See below.

Tactical Office Objectives:
Task: How to do it?: % done:

More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing Frodo is doing great as TCC:XvT. Queue should be empty soon. I guess this task is completed, but I will wait a bit more to present the details. N/A
Better attitude/interaction with members regarding EHBL and in general I think enough have been said about it. I say, project completed. Completed

Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual No progress this week. 10%

Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website My only work this week. But results are visible. Tactical Webpage v1.0a has been released yesterday. I add new things everyday. I don't think I will every complete this project, too many ideas. 75%

Add EHBL content to the Tactical Manual and other relevant areas No progress this week. N/A

More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) No progress this week. 10% done

Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms No progress this week 0%
Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing Some corrections by Tactical Staff. ~35%

Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers Oh hold, until I released fully working webpage, approx. 2 weeks. N/A

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
I have received some more applications. MCW 2004 starts August 1st!

Tactical Office Webpage:
Finally. Alpha version of webpage has been released yesterday. You can find it at http://tac.minos.net/. I am working on it all the time, so bugs and errors should be removed on daily basis.

New battles and free missions:
I have released XWA-FCHG #4. Frodo performed some final checks, so I should receive and release more stuff anytime soon. Also, XW-CD #1 has been re-released :)

TCHC on leave:
TCHC, COL D.T Hammer is on leave. No acting TCHC has been assigned.

Tactical Staff Awards:
LC Justin and CPT Marcus Caine have been both awarded with Silver Star of the Empire for their hard work and dedication (75 beta testing pts.). Congrats on them both :)

Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT/BoP): VA Frodo March #5956 (fcjt914@yahoo.ca)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): GN Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assistant: LC Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Tactical Reserves [65]

Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website - http://tac.minos.net/
Tactical Manual v2.01 - http://www.ehtiecorps.org/tac-man/
Tactical Database - http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/
Mission Creation Forum - http://www.theholo.net/mb/viewforum.php?f=42
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/tutorial_1.htm
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing - http://www.minos.net/~immortal/noob/index.html
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility - http://www.emperorshammer.ca/tiemiss/waytemp2k.zip
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP - http://www.minos.net/~lenvik/tie952kxp.htm
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA - http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/xwa/IMP-XWA.zip

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Office Report #38:  06.25.04

Flight Officer FA Cyric reporting in on 6/25/04 for the Flight Office


Another week another dollar....well maybe not a dollar but a very important change to the way that the transfers will now be handled within the TieCorps. On the Flight Office site the protocols for transfers have been posted for years. Every member should know what to do when requesting a transfer to and from a squadron or wing. Over the past weeks I've gotten quite a few requests sent directly to me, totally bypassing the system. Flags weren't notified, Cmdrs upset over losing pilots and not knowing why...a total mess for me the command officers involved and a nightmare for me and the processing. Well, No more! The transfer protocols are being edited and are effective immediately. For the most part it will remain the same with the following exceptions:

The FLIGHT OFFICER WILL NOT RECEIVE any requests for transfers unless it is sent from the BGCOM's of the outgoing and or incoming Battle Group or any designee there of. Any requests submitted to the flight office will not be processed, unless it comes from a BGCOM. It will be the pilots responsibility to notify his immediate supervisors of their intention to transfer and why, and notify the new supervisors of his/her intent to transfer to their squadron/wing/ship/bg.

Transfers requested by pilots will be acknowledged within three days. If said pilot does not receive an answer from the BGCOM's involved, then I will process the request, by the pilot submitting the request to his immediate supervisor stating that they waited the 3 days, and that they got no response. In this case the COM or WC of the ship shall notify the FO of the request and the process will be allowed.

Exceptions to this rule will be Reserve transfers and Elite squadron transfers. People coming out of the reserves into the active fleet will be processed by me as I receive their requests.

Elite squadrons are invitation only, and can be submitted directly to the FO by the elite squadron cmdr. However, the elite squadron cmdr must make notification to the pilots current supervisors of the pilots intent to join said elite squadron.

Every BGCOM and Elite CMDR has agreed to this change and welcomes it. I hope to have the Flight Office site updated with the new rules by tomorrow

The WO AD Pel has begun preparations for IMPSTROM V. A new WO website is in the works and new rules are being established. More details to follow shortly.

The EH has also seen some new CS appointments:

IO RA Drako
SO FA Keldorn
GM VA Gelton Torr
Supreme Director VA Aseret

MAJ Abel Malik has been named the new Praetorian Elite Squadron CMDR
Wing X Wing Commander position is open to applications

That's all from the Flight Office...

In Service...

Flight Office Report #39:  07.01.04

FA Cyric reporting in on July 1, 2004 for the Flight Office

Cutting right to the chase for this report:

The new transfer protocols are in place and working very well. No requests to me directly from pilots. Good job to those who are taking the time to follow them!

In the past week I've had two members leave their positions earlier than the minimum mandatory time in position. One was less than a month the other two. A reminder to everyone that when you accept a position CMDR or greater within the TC you are signing up for a tour of duty of 4 months or greater. It does no one any good if you take a position and then leave after a month. The squadron/wing/or ship will feel the punch and you can accomplish absolutely nothing if you leave early. Those who do leave before your time is up get a nice little note in the discipline area of your profile stating that you left early and that extreme caution should be made before you are accepted into another command spot. This has been a rule for over 2 years now, its nothing new. So if you plan on accepting a position, make sure that you will have the time to do it. If not, then someone else who does have the time should be given the chance. It is nothing against any one individual pilot, it is the rule...

Wing X WC has stepped down and in his place a blast from the past, Col Wild Bill Kelso has been named the new WING X WC.

Rather recently a banned member, TALON JADE, had slipped through the cracks and was entered into the roster as an active pilot. He has since been removed. I do what I can to keep track of these pilots, but there are a few that were lost in the shuffle due to the Database crash. I've contacted the SO, and he is working to resolve the situation,and I hope to get these banned pilots banned in the roster.

Flight Office Tasks:

IMPSTORM V is in the planning stages. The BGCOM's are hashing out rules with the War Officer, AD Pel. Once finished, they will be the standard for all future IMP Storm battles. I can't stress enough how important this war game is to me, and I Encourage all members to participate. NOW is the time to voice concerns about rules, gameplay, etc and not wait until the game is half over.

The WAR OFFICE will have a dedicated site up very soon. I've also submitted AD Pel's requests for the War OFFICE to the XO. These include moving the War Office to a neutral location (or ship), granting the WO a WOA or two to design missions for the war games. These steps are being taken to ensure a very non partisan approach by the WO and the FO for the war games.

I am also going to write a submission to the XO and the GA for the incorporation of Wing Titles for TC Wings. Taking ideas from HA Priyum's proposal, I think that this will go a long way in establishing identities for the Wings in the TC. Each title will be an earned title, such as membership, accomplishments earned etc. I will give more information when it is finished and approved

That's it from the Flight Office...

In Service...

Flight Office Report:  07.09.04


FA Cyric Reporting in for the Flight Office on July 9, 2004

A fairly slow week for the Flight Office. A few minor roster changes, but other than that nothing much more to report there :)

Congrats to MAJ Andrijas on being named the new WING XVIII CMDR!

I'd like the BGCOM's to go over the lists of squadrons "in Need" on the Flight Office Page under the Cadet Placement tab and make sure those are the squadrons you'd still like to get incoming pilots into. If there are some new squadrons that need pilots, send me the names and I'll add them to the list, conversely, if there is a squadron on that page that doesn't need CT's then let me know so I can remove it.

FO Tasks:

War Office is progressing. I've sent some changes to the Xo and hope to hear soon about them. War Office Site is being worked on by AD Pel and that to should be up shortly.

IMPSTORM rules are still being finalized and I hope to have this war game going very soon.

FreeWorlds is coming! It has been named an official EH platform, and I am working on where and how to incorporate it in the TC world. Looks like the best bet will be an ISD/Wing for the platform. Stay tuned!

Thats all from the FO...

In service...

Flight Office report #41:  07.16.04

A slow week for the TC. Currently I am also in a holding pattern for most of my tasks.

I've sent the XO a mail regarding plans to implement FW into the TC. Looks like the best route will be to open a wing attached to the ASF as FW will be a MP game, and go from there. My other Idea was to open another VSD or use the Aggressor and also house the War Office there, which would make the WO more neutral when doing the large TC War Battles.

I've also sent in the name changes for WING VII to the XO and awaiting for him to change them in the Database.

VA Terrak sent a very good write up on JTL. The game looks incredible and I can't wait to play and see the potential for the TC and the EH.

In closing, I apologize for the shortness of this report. Not much happened this week...

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (AD Dura)

Internet Office

IO-SOA-PROF/AD Robert Dura/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS IIC Professor

Internet Office Report:  06.21.04

-- News --

First bit of news, my active IRC presence will go down from the normal near-16 hours per day to something quite a bit less, I still will however respond to messages, and if I happen to catch something on IRC.

But it seems I caught the SWG bug from my free trial. "First hit is free man!" :P Anyone that plays SWG can contact me thru the character V'Man. Bribes...errr I mean helping a newbie out is appreciated. :P

Just like to re-iterate my thanks to those that participated in the EH Holonet Awards. The medal requests were sent off on sunday. Please be patient for them, the TC side of things I talked to our OPS guy and he said he had 500 additional medals before my little set, not counting re-entering ones from the database.

As a bounus, a neat site for those that have problems picking colors like I do: http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage/picker/

-- Poll --

The past week's poll was "Which Input Device". We had a turn out of 35 votes. With Keyboard and Mouse tieing for 1st place with 12 votes each. Second place is the joystick with 7 votes.

This week's poll is:
"Would like to learn:"
* JavaScript
* Other (explain)
* None, coding is for wenies!

-- Site of the Week --

This week's site of the week is the House Caliburnus site located at: http://www.minos.net/~hcofcsp Congrats to Zeth Durron on his 4 star site and wonderful graphical modification to Squadfirst!

Internet Office Report:  06.27.04

-- News --

Yes, SWG is addictive, but no, I haven't stopped my IO stuff yet and gone completely AWOL. Work on the new Training Office site continues. :P

My apologies to anyone who tried to email me last week, I might have not recived your email. The hosting company that hosts fuzzystatic.net didn't recive an updated credit card information, so they pulled the
plug on the machine. This also effected the CD and HF sites.

Squadfirst 2.0.5 will be released later today, I had hoped for a real bug fix, but I was unable to duplicate a bug that someone had sent in. So all that's changed with this version is updating the Tie Corps site to ehtiecorps.org from emperorshammer.net. Though due to DNS changes, the old emperorshammer.net link will still work.

In COMM related news, just incase ppl forgot Turtle was off jumping out of airplanes and hopefully not going splat. All I got there is that a few new accounts for minos net went thru, and that there were a few moderator changes to the message board.

-- Poll --

Last week's poll was "What would you like to learn?" This time we had a turn out of only 16 people. First place was PHP with 10 votes, Second was "Other" with 5 votes. Thanks to all those that participated.

This week's poll is:
"Which browser do YOU use?"
* Internet Explorer
* Mozilla/Netscape
* Opera
* Netscape 4.x
* Other (explain)

-- Site of the Week --

This week's site of the week is Fleet Admiral Keldorn's new Security Office site, located at the same place as the previous one, http://www.ehpd.org/. 5 stars to the Fleet Admiral because his site is just so much better than the one I had there previously.

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (VA Draco)

Training Office

TO/VA Drako/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign

TO Report #1:  06.21.04


At the very beginning I'd like to thank the FC and the XO for appointing me as the TO. I'll do my best to perform my duties well and not to fail you. I also want to congratulate FA Keldorn, who was appointed as the Security Officer and Darth Nocturnus - the new Grand Master.


- Last week 9 cadets received the Ground Training certification from my hands. Congrats to them.

- Restoring the IWATS courses in your profiles is continued. I remind you - I accept only requests for the MP course. Requests for other courses should be sent directly to the course PROF.

- Top Gun Academy project is on hold. I should be back to it within next 2 weeks (when my exams session is over).

- All pending competitions were processed.

- Small note about competitions: I noticed that most of competitions descriptions are like "You have a battle, go and fly it". I want to see more roleplaying in such comps. I'll expect a small fictional background for flying comps as it for sure will make them more interesting for pilots.

- Don't ask me for the CA nor TOA positions. The only answer is "no".


Top Gun is on hold. The Imperial University is going forward although slowly. The TO database is currently in works.

I'm going to start a serious cooperation between training facilities of all subgroups. I'm going to work with SG-TO's on recruiting and training matters. Hopefully such cooperation will help us in gaining members and will make the training process easier. I have already seen problems which appears when someone from outside the TC has taken the IWATS course. I suppose that the same problem appears in other subgroups.

That's all for this week.

Training Office report #2:  06.26.04


- Only two cadets passed IWATS Core this week. I hope next week will be better.

- I started an AWOL check few days ago. 10 PROFs still have to report in.

- I've sent an email to training officers of all subgroups about the EH training matters and I'm highly disappointed by the lack of response from BHG, CD, DIR and IW. In order to improve training abilities of the EH we have to work together and exchange ideas. But it cannot be done if persons responsible for training in subgroups ignore every call for discussion. I'll try to contact them again and I hope this time I'll get some feedback. There is no place for ignorance when EH wide decisions are to be taken.

- PROFs are still adding missing courses to your profiles - please be patient.

- I might be looking for an assistant in the near future. I'll post requirements in TC domain as well as EH MB - it will be open for all EH members.


Top Gun is on hold. The Imperial University is going forward although slowly. The TO database is currently in works. Due to my exams I didn't have time to work on anything big. I have an idea for something new but it will require to have few highly skilled ppl and everything depends if I find them.

Unfortunately I have nothing more to report this week.

Training Office report #3:  07.01.04

> News

- This week 3 cadets has passed the Core Test, although because of some database bug I'm not sure of this number.

- I've processed 14 competitions this week. Keep up the good work. I remind you to try to add some plot to your comps. I'm sure it will make them more interesting.

- HA Priyum has started works on the Freeworlds IWATS Course. I've already seen some results of his work and I'm very content with them.

- AWOL check in the TO ends tomorrow. Looks like i'll have about 6 vacant PROF positions.

- I'm accepting applications for the TOA position. TOA's job will be checking grammar of new courses and assisting me with various projects.

- Very good knowledge of english language
- Clean HCI record
- Lots of imagination
- Creativity
- Must be active

Optional requirements:
- Basic HTML/PHP knowledge
- Ability to make GFX

Applications please send to to@emperorshammer.org with "Make me the TOA" subject.

- If you still miss any IWATS please send a reminder to its professor and cc me.

> Projects

- Top Gun Academy.
I know that this project was to be completed long time ago but there are some reasons because of wich it takes so much time. The last problem I have to deal with is hiring one more instructor. I have been trying to contact the person chosen for this spot without any success. His email was bouncing my messages. Fortunately lately I got other email address from his CMDR and now I'm awaiting a response. You might ask why I didn't hire other pilot. Answer is easy - Top Gun Academy is to train the best pilots in the Galaxy. That's why only best of the best can become instructors. Four instructors have been carefully chosen by me and AD Sarin and we won't change our decision unless we have no other choice.

- Imperial University
This is a huge TO project started by FA Keldorn. While things start to calm down I will put more and more effort into that project. As soon as I get some materials from Keldorn I will start working on the new website content (website is overally done, I'll prolly need do some coding to make some functions fully automatic).

> Conclusion

Slowly I begin to get used to my duties and many things are much easier for me than at the beginning. For sure it will make my work more effective. Unfortunately the uni semester has ended and I have to leave my uni house and go home leaving my ADSL connection. What does it mean? It means that for about two months my online time will be extremely limited so no more hanging on IRC 24/7 for me. And... that's all. I'll perform my duties as always although my email response time will extend from one hour to 24 hours. There's a good side of that too - I will have more time for coding and to focus on planning competitions.

TO report #4:  07.09.04



- My 4th Echelon came this week. Yay for me :)

- About 5 cadets passed the Core test this week. Again I didn't recieve some confirmation emails so that number might be little inaccurate.

- I have some vacant PROF positions. Since now I'm accepting apps for ASP, XTT, XML, ICQ, XAM and IIC professors spots.

- A well known JO/JA player has agreed to create a JA IWATS course. I believe he's already working on it.

- This is the last week I'm accepting apps for the TOA spot.

- As the Freeworlds is now the official platform, I'll accept comps for this game.

- Small comps awards reminder:
* Only Iron Stars can be awarded for competitions (unless it is one of the special comps approved by XO and FC).
* IS-BR/BW is a max. award for squadron comps, IS-SR/SW for wing comps, IS-GR/GW for battlegroup comps and IS-PR/PW is a max. award for TC wide comps.
* Think before you submit a competition. Making the BG/TC wide comp doesn't mean that GW/GR/PW/PR may be awarded. Awards should depend on amount of work the competition requires. So, ie. motto/nickname/screenshot comps for IS-GR/PR will be denied.


-Top Gun Academy
I haven't recieved any respond from the pilot, who was chosen for the instructor's spot. AD Sarin and I are forced to find someone else for this job.

I have started writing a fiction about the Academy's history. I'm also going to make some minor changes on the website and finish some scripts.


I'm not satisfied with the amount of work I did this week, but a good weather and some other things, like my birthday, kept me from sitting in front of the computer :P I hope that next week will be better.

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Operations Office Report #40:  07.02.04


Although the database says the last report I submitted was a good six months ago, I would beg to differ. So, I'm going to skip a few report numbers and put it closer to where it was.

The medal change-over has gone very smoothly over the past few weeks. I have had to deal with quite a few issues via e-mail, but that was definitely to be expected. I'm still processing some recent requests and am waiting on the majority of CoLs to be e-mailed to me. Another reminder, all WCs/COMs should mail me a list of those who are missing CoLs in their wings!.

I would like to take a moment out of this report to comment on the recent "take-over" attempt by Darknyte of the Emperor's Hammer. Many of you may have heard that DN sent a mailing to GA Ronin offering to buy the Emperor's Hammer for $15,000. Now, if I were the FC, I think I would have taken the money, but that isn't the point :) The finger was pointed at many different persons as to who was behind the plot, and unfortunately the blame fell for a short while on HA Ari, former Internet Officer. I was extremely saddened to see that DN's plot had basically succeeded and that a fine and upstanding officer of the Emperor's Hammer was being brought down by the unfortunate actions of an exhiled member. HA Ari, I apologize on behalf of the Operations Office and I should hope the EH as a whole that you were brought into this whole mess. I'm sure more details will be made available by the FC on the next domain update.

A reminder that I'm not seeing enough custom uniforms! Send them in! I've been seeing a few good ones lately - I haven't denied one yet! Keep them coming!

Notable Awards:

The first Medal of Allegiance was awarded this week to Zaccarow for his support of the new Freeworlds gaming platform in the Emperor's Hammer. Congratulations!

Task Progressions:

Medals public relations/promotion of good works
No progress made as of yet. This will become an aspect of every weekly report. Probably of a variable level - including BS+ medals awarded in the report, possibly posting on EH.net.

Coordinate with Subgroup Commanders the upgrading of subgroup uniform systems
In coordination with Tempest I will look into contacting all of the subgroup Operations-type guys to see if they are anywhere along the lines of implementing a uniform system.

In line with the above point, look at porting TTT to other subgroups
Again this is Tempest's department. We had a discussion on this a few months ago and determined that this would take a lot of work, because of the database interaction that Tempest has built into the program. A limited-functionality uniform creator probably wouldn't be that hard to create given a complete uniform set.

Investigate the coding of an online version of TTT
Probably the easiest directive because I could accomplish this myself. Unforuntately, I'm kind of against this prospect, because basically this would turn into the BHG's form of a uniform creator - one that automatically generates a uniform. This completely removes the end-user from the equation, and does not encourage creativity what-so-ever. Instead of coding an online version of TTT I would rather have the Operations Office support a CD corporation dedicated to designing custom uniforms. That seems to me like a much more worthy cause.

More regular processing of medals and online presence
Already started on this one. All database medals that were lost should have been submitted and processed by now - the queue on medals and uniforms is down to zero. I've also started to get on IRC more. I'm expecting this to go even further in the fall when I venture to university.

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.

�Frank Tibolt

Operations Office Report #41:  07.10.04


Seems like whatever database problems were outstanding have been resolved.

Unfortunately, I have gotten hooked on Freeworlds. Once you get a tad better ship and learn your way around, the game is quite fun. Look for some great fleet-wide competitions in the future.

I'm still not seeing enough custom uniforms! Send them in!

Notable Awards:

LC Keller received a Gold Star this week for his IWATS course hitting 100 graduates!

Heaps of Letters of Achievement were awarded this week for Newsletter submissions.

Coming in right before this report, Stalker5 received a Silver Star for his excellent efforts while serving on the High Court of Inquisitors.

Task Progressions:

Medals public relations/promotion of good works
See above.

Coordinate with Subgroup Commanders the upgrading of subgroup uniform systems
No change from last week. At this point most subgroups barely have uniforms. We will try and work towards this goal.

In line with the above point, look at porting TTT to other subgroups
The Hammer's Fist has been the first to step forward to receive a TTT for their subgroup. Tempest is in contact with Dante in order to receive some high quality templates for use in the program.

Investigate the coding of an online version of TTT
This goal has been phased out, and will not be completed.

More regular processing of medals and online presence
Medal processing was less than 24 hours the past three days. I'm trying to get on the ball. And I've been on IRC and AIM nearly 24/7.

One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
�Kurt Vonnegut

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (AD Turtle)

Communications Office

Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net

Communications Office Report #17:  07.11.04

Hello, Imperials.

I returned from leave last Friday after successfully completing US Army Airborne School. I have since been catching up on my Emperor's Hammer duties, and am finally back in the swing of things.

All pending requests have been processed. If you submitted a request while I was gone that has not been completed, please resubmit it. It is possible that a couple slipped through the cracks when Robert Dura resigned as IO, as he had been covering my duties during my absence.

I'll give more updates about specific projects in next week's report.

On a final note, I am proud to have recently received my 7th Echelon Order of the Vanguard for seven years of EH service. I look forward to continued service to the membership in the future!


The Emperor's Hammer conducts an online Internet Relay Chat meeting every Saturday at 1200 hours (12PM) Eastern Time. Command officers from around the fleet issue reports in a moderated format regarding their respective areas of service. General member discussion and trivia follows. For more information, please see http://www.emperorshammer.net/meetings.asp .


1. Expanded Reports/Meetings archive
Report automation for all command staff, advisors, and subgroup commanders will be handled with the emperorshammer.org automation project.

2. Communications reviews/articles
Initial planning for this is underway, most likely as a joint COMM/IO/SO project.

3. Expand content on the Communications Office site, look into including news about undernet, IRC, etc.
No progress yet.

4. Workable, viable Medal of Communication system
A joint proposal between OPS and myself has been submitted to the FC and XO. The FC suggested a minor change, which has been made and submitted. Waiting for final approval.

5. Expansion of trivia system, more regular trivia events
Several members have inquired about writing questions, and I have provided them with the trivia file format. No other progress at this time.

6. Addition of other bot features
No bot features changed since May; dasb0t may still be operating improperly, and requires a rebuild.

7. Coordinate with Internet and Executive Offices in porting ELS system to ASP
No progress yet.


http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
http://www.ehcomm.net/logs/ - IRC Channel Logs
http://www.ehcomm.net/irc.php - Official IRC Channels
http://www.ehcomm.net/dasb0t.php - IRC Bot Information
http://www.ehcomm.net/request.php - COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct

http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - ELS Management

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (FA Keldorn)

Security Office

- No reports submitted

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #45:  07.03.04

"As I walk through the hangar where I park my TIE. I take a look at my real life and realize there's nothing left..."


Welcome to my forty-fifth public report as a Science Officer, gratuitously late (*cough*, sorry... I'm just not very bureaucratically minded). Onwards
to the news:

Science Office News:

1.    With the expiration of the infiltrator-wing.com site we have lost our testing forums for Imperial Alliance AND the place where we hosted EHBL. We are looking into the solutions - please be patient. If you require EHBL, mail the TAC or me and we'll make sure you get it. If you have Imperial Alliance bug reports, for now use its section at http://ortho.minos.net

2.    Free Worlds (and Imperial Alliance) have been added officially to the TIE Corps platforms list, also on the database. Furthermore we gained our own [EH] tag in Free Worlds, including our own craft list... AND Free Worlds has been upgraded to a new version. For all details check our Free Worlds forum
at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=118&sid=9e0551fef896ec1f69dcd3510af60477

3.    Imperial Alliance is still heading along fine with basically all of the HUD (except for the optional hologram messages) done and with the craft models being redone in UV mapping. On the Imperial Alliance front we've also made excellent progress on the music part. AD Darkhill coded it so that the game will be able to run, by the player's choice, either CD Audio, selected MP3s (or other digital music files) or event music as TIECD had. (Music changes according to what happens in the mission).

4.    This last version of Imperial Alliance now runs mp3's off a "Max Rebo Playlist". Max Rebo is our own simple music player (MP3, OGG, Audio CD and stream (EH channels pre-coded)) and available at http://www.minos.net/~sco/test/MaxRebo.zip Try it out, if you encounter any problems report them at http://hosting.infiltrator-wing.com/phpbb2 so Den can improve upon it and make it again easier/better to make play lists for Imperial Alliance.

5.    Because of related trouble within the IW I'd like to point everyone here that is in an SG staff towards the procedures for changing the Order of Battle. I've put these online at http://www.minos.net/~sco/science-manual/orderofbattle.html . As you see that's part of the still unapproved and unreleased "Science Manual", but these rules have already been the same (but unwritten) for years and as such should give you a good idea on how and what.

6.    I've re-released the TIE Phantom for TIE95 and CD, this time with its own cockpit. More such updates should be along shortly. This means for example that if you fly a rebel craft, you'll actually see its own cockpit. Finished already are the X-W, Y-W, A-W, Z95 and a R41 cockpit. Patches will be released and/or updated accordingly. I'll also try to put up a tutorial on how to make cockpits, it's not all that hard. Until I do, use the tutorials on the matter at http://www.geocities.com/hal1234_2000/tutorial.html

7.    On the matter of tutorials: I've released one on how to have custom large sized graphics in TIE battle files at http://www.minos.net/~sco/guide/tiepalette/bigbattlelfd.html It is a graphical tutorial, so it can be slower to load up.

8.    If you want to help out in testing, and perhaps even in building the IA game (missions etc), contact LC Mark, CEO-CMDR of Core Squadron - our test pilots. You will find Core on the CD rosters, so you won't have to move your position in the TC for example. (Yet, the squadron was approved to be added
to the TC roster already.)

9.    Thanks to LC Zeth I've updated the graphics of more transports on the Fleet Manual and added the CUV to the selection. Been looking into php'ing the entire thing as well... Having everything .html is just too much *g*. If anyone wants to help in this, feel free to contact me.

10.    Additionally, after I heard LCM Blacksun say he's a java coder I've asked him to look into the DXF viewer of the Fleet Manual. Hopefully we'll be able to view all our craft interactively in wire frame 3D soon.

11.    I have contacted the XO about adding more craft types to the TC rosters and to update some of the rosters to the Order of Battle. He also said he would look into adding the Patch Archive to the database in similar fashion as the compendium (yay! *keeps fingers crossed*)

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on a newer version of our IA .exe's. I must say that flying with my own music and being able to control that in-game (volume, next/last song) is tremendously cool.
SCOA: CPT Tim has been UV mapping craft and generally debugging them. (Craft can now fire unlinked shots as well.)

Site: The Science Office site can be found at http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. The mirror can for now still be found at http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Fleet Manual has seen updates in craft pictures and types.

Command Staff Objectives:

Continued patch development and platform resource: Made a large amount of custom cockpits for TIE (XW, XvT and BoP are related.). Researched and published on how to have custom large sized images in TIE battle files. Research and published on a TIE editor bug that breaks up all linked orders and its solution. Researched and ported the TIE Demo mission to XvT and submitted that, working on a port to regular TIE.

Get a release candidate version of Imperial Alliance released: Finished HUD graphics, added music tools and controls, made a large variety of needed icons, fixed all changes made by adding MP, redoing all craft, made/ported missions.

Upgrade and add to the Fleet Manual: Updated craft pictures, added craft and researched displaying 3D models some more.

Science Office Projects:

Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2, we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). About all craft from X-Wing have been added and most of the interface has been replaced. We're currently making adjustments to the craft models and integrating Multi Player (!). Text to Speech has been added to briefings and radio messages.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Xander Drax)

Logistics Office

LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}

Logistics Office Report #18:  06.26.04

_Logistics News_

1. Thanks to the tireless efforts of HA Pri, the unthinkable has happened. A copy of the old codex has been located! Now it just falls to us to get the info in it up to date and included in the new codex. Mad
props to Pri.

2. Another part of the EH's history has been preserved and added to the codex. The "Faces of the Senate" section for the Imperial Senate has been added to the Codex. This preserves various layouts of the IS
throughout the years that were created by former M:COMM and CHS Orv Dessrx. Thanks to Orv and Demerzel for putting this into my hands.

3. Members, if you knew someone in the EH that has died, make sure to contact the LO as soon as possible. These members deserve to be added to the EH Memorium, but I cannot make that happen without the help of those that knew them. Make sure they are remembered and send whatever you have to us.

4. As always, the Logistics Office is looking for historical items for the Codex and Newsletter archives. Some people, as mentioned above, have gotten us some of that information and seen it added within a day.
Anyone is welcome to contact us in regards to this project with items
that should be archived.

_Logistics Staff_

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Major Archangel
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

_Logistics Links_

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

Logistics Office Report #19:  07.03.04

_Logistics News_

1. Much that was contained in the old codex has been added to the new incarnation this week. Of that information, almost all of it is up to date with a few exceptions (like the FA list and Acronyms list). For the
most part, everything is current, including the lists of all the EH and SG manuals.

2. I have been contacted by Captain Werdna Elbee from the Tie Corps about some of the old issues of the TC Battlecry and other TC publications. He will be uploading them to my server so I can post them, but being that he is on dialup, it may take a while. Even though this is a major addition to the SGNL archive, it is but a drop in the bucket of what is out there, and I would like to see more.

3. Commander Sirik Xirok has gotten into contact with SGCOM's directly in order to liase with them for the Codex history project. It is my hope that having this officer, who's sole LO duty is working on this area of
the Codex project, on this task will expediate the process of data collection.

4. As always, the Logistics Office is looking for historical items for the Codex and Newsletter archives. Some people, as mentioned above, have gotten us some of that information and seen it added within a day.
Anyone is welcome to contact us in reguards to this project with items that should be archived.

_Task Progression

_1. EH Codex: See above

2. EH Files archive: No progress

3. Mirror of Newsletters: Completed, branching out to SGNL's

4. Restarting and promotion of the EH library: begun to look around the old EH library in preperation for restarting it.

5. EH Memorium: The site is up and data is being collected. In order to post meaningful entries for the people that will be memorialized, we need to get more then just names and dates. We have gotten some
information from GA Ronin and a handful of members in the IW.

_Logistics Staff_

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

_Logistics Links_

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

Logistics Office Report #20:  07.11.04

_Logistics News_

1. New Timeline section added to the codex. This updates the timeline of the Empire, as the expanded universe kinda expanded after the Dark Empire Sourcebook was written. It includes information on the state of the Empire after the death of the Emperor, including the reign of Isard and other events. It also pegs the EH's current in universe date as 7.5 years post-Endor (that's 11.5 years ASW4 for those of you going by that scale). Go check it out.

2. Fourteen issues of the TC Battlecry have been posted to the SG Newsletter archives. Go and look at old newsletters from the TC from when people like Kessler were running the show.

3. Newsletter 104 has been posted to the Newsletter Mirror, so go check out this third thing for you to look at. Thanks to Ast for wowing us with this massive chunk of Newsletter.

4. As always, the Logistics Office is looking for historical items for the Codex and Newsletter archives. Some people, as mentioned above, have gotten us some of that information and seen it added within a day. Anyone is welcome to contact us in reguards to this project with items that should be archived. Email the LO at xanderdrax@lusankya.org.

_Task Progression

_1. EH Codex: Timeline revised.

2. EH Files archive: No progress

3. Mirror of Newsletters: NL-104 Added, TC Battlecry issues added.

4. Restarting and promotion of the EH library: No New Progress

5. EH Memorium: The site is up and data is being collected. In order to post meaningful entries for the people that will be memorialized, we need to get more then just names and dates. We have gotten some
information from GA Ronin and a handful of members in the IW._
_Logistics Staff_

LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: VA Daniel Stevens
LOA: Commander Sirik Xirok

_Logistics Links_

http://logistics.lusankya.org/ - Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
http://www.lusankya.org/mem/ - EH Memorium

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report #49:  06.27.04


Greetings from the Recon Office!

I have been in contact with a representative from LucasFilm over the past few weeks. I have been inquiring about the possibility of myself attending the Press Junket for Episode 3, which will be around next March or early April of 2005. And to be honest, it's looking like a real possibility. The woman I've been talking to stated that the press junket for Episode 2 there were a few Star Wars Club representatives given Press Passes for the event because they were wanting to interview the various actors and actresses and then report that back to they're respective clubs. I will have an update about that as I hear if it's a sure thing or not. But keep your fingers crossed!

VA Manijak will have a report out either tomorrow or Monday concerning the website. FC or XO, if you want to see it, ill fwd it on to you. :)

I'd like to thank VA Ky Terrak for all his help with sending SW sites and things of that nature to keep me on my toes. VA Terrak had fwd myself a website that held a fake trailer for Episode 3, while fake, it was one of the best ones i've seen in awhile. And they way it blended true Ep 3 scenes with those of space battles that included vehicles of a more familiar nature was purely awesome. The site was at: http://p2.hostingprod.com/@slackerj.com/ep3trailer.mov

But I think the powers-that-be got to it before I could show it to all of you. If it comes back, I'll let you all know.

If anyone else has any links to things of this nature, let me know! :)

I am this >l l< close to getting Star Wars: Galaxies so I can join the ever expanding void to which all EHers seem to be in. Hmm maybe I'll be more active ( or at least appear to be) since I'll be on with other EHers.. Heh. Ironic isn't it?

One more thing. FO Cyric, VA Shay'la ended her role as a CA:RO close to 3 months ago. Could you please remove her as such please? Thanks. :)

Anyways, a few good SW News tidbits, other than that I'm finished. Have a good weekend!

New Battlefront Media

Starting off, IGN has a copious amount of new screenshots, nearly 30 in fact. Then GameSpy has a new two-page preview up , but it doesn't give much new information.

There's a lot of variety in the map types, too. Including the heavily wooded Endor, the frozen landscape of Hoth, the desert planet of Geonosis, and the ancient ruins of Yavin IV, there are more than 12 environments across 10 different planets, all featured in the Star Wars movies (although some more than others). Most of the battles follow the same path, too. Each team has a couple of bases in each level, and the object is to take over your enemies' base. Of course, it's easier said that done. You have to stand in the center of the base until a meter full of your opponents' color empties out, then wait until it fills up with your color. This can take a while, depending on the number of teammates in the base with you, and you are open to attack while waiting.

SWBattlefront also has a preview, which gives a good fan's look at the game.

While the Droidekas were nice, they will probably be the second choice for most playing as the Separatist Battle Droids. The Super Battle Droids are the killing machines that most people will enjoy. These droids only have two weapons: a wrist blaster and a wrist launcher; however, that is all they need to powerfully take out enemies. Both weapons can be used simultaneously, so the combination is fatal if used properly. The rocket launcher is a great finishing weapon.

Galaxies One Year Anniversary

One Year Ago today (June 26th) Galaxies went on sale and opened publicly, and to celebrate they've created an Anniversary Page with several features. They've added a new Gorax Hunt, as well as a third Fan Fest puzzle. But what's really got people buzzing is the new Vetern Player reward for Jump to Lightspeed. When Jump to Lightspeed launches, players who have had a continuous account for six months will get the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 for free! The yacht, know primarily for being Lando's ship of choice for his Lady Luck will also be the only other multi-passenger ship in the game, outside the YT-1300. Players who stay on for more than six months after JTL launches will also get it free. Another really interesting thing they have are screenshots through the entire beta process, starting at the very beginning all the way to present day. It's really interesting to look at the first menus and user interfaces too!

EP3: Summer Shooting Scheduled

The Official Site updates everyone into the weekend with some new info about specific reshoots and more filming in the months ahead. Here's a clip:

Starting August 23 and running through September 4, Director George Lucas will again roll cameras on Episode III, this time in the UK. "We've got two full weeks of shooting," says McCallum. Among the cast members slated to work in that period are Silas Carson, Hayden Christensen, Anthony Daniels, Samuel L. Jackson, Ian McDiarmid, Christopher Lee, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman.

Returning from the Sydney shoot, Creature Shop Supervisors Dave and Lou Elsey will be on hand, as will Costume Designer Trisha Biggar and Supervising Art Director Peter Russell. The rest of the small crew will be mostly new hands.

"It will be primarily blue and greenscreen shooting. There won't be any full sets, but there may be large set pieces. This round of shooting is mostly just patching holes and providing transitions," adds McCallum. "We do have a whole new sequence with Hayden and Yoda."

You'll want to note that the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk is mentioned by Lucasfilm officially for the first time later on in the article. Also interesting is the mention of background plate filming, which in the latest issue of the SW Insider is taking place in Thailand, Switzerland and quite possibly China. And we couldn't not mention the stunning new Anakin picture with Vader in the background you have to check out, too.


That's it from the Recon Office. Till next time..

Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Technical Commentaries


Yes yes, I know, I used another TFN site. But this site I have honestly never seen before. I was blow away by the in-depth articles that came with the just the ISD description. If you ever have a question about how Hyperspace works ( in theory) check out that site. Wow!


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

Grand Master Report #2:  06.25.04


Greetings Jedi

This is the Grand Master Report #2, dating 25.06.2004


As you probably already read on the news page of the DB site, I have chosen a new Deputy Grandmaster. It is the former Headmaster, Dark Jedi Knight Keldorn Cochrane. Although I already have posted it on the news page I want to repeat the reasons why I have chosen him , so they are written down in a report and thus archived:

"As HM he has a flawless term over one year and also as you know is a former TO. Since the DGM's primary task is dealing with competitions and will help me setting up the demanded Vendetta, I think Keldorn with his competition experience as TO is exactly the right person for the job. He also is long enough in the DB and in the DC that he knows all areas and all facets of the Dark Brotherhood like the back of his hand and therefore could easily handle all the various other tasks a DGM has to take care of."

I know that some of you have shown concern about Keldorn's parallel position as SO of the EH, but I can assure you Keldorn and I have had a lengthy talk about this matter and he asured me there won�t be any problems with his SO work interfering with his DGM work and so far I hasn't be given any reason to not trust his word. As a longstanding CD member he will know what he can cope with and with what not.

With the appointment of Keldorn as DGM the position of Headmaster is vacant. Keldorn and I already agreed unanimously on one candidate whom we see absolutely fit to take over. Should he agree and been approved we soon will be able to present you a new Headmaster for the Shadow Academy.

The Office of the Herald has presented us the first design of the new Grant of Arms. Two threads are dedicated to this event and anyone who hasn't posted his or her opinion about it should go to the DB MB and do so. I won't go into details here, because I want to leave that for the HRLD and his report, I just want to elaborate one point. The presented GoA design wasn't at all the final version, it was only the first version. We put it up to test the reaction of you members to it. Should we have meet too much resistance against this design we would have done another one. But since we got so far in general really great reactions from you members we now consider making this first design already the final one. So if you don't agree for some reason with it feel free to post it since we want an accurate opinion from you.


I have started my little one man project "Rogue Resurrection" in which I mailed all 192 Rogues on the Rogue list personally. In the process I found 24 MIA Rogues who have been turned over to the MAA for processing and have meanwhile been dealt with. But I also got quite a few answers in return as well and some of them were favorable so prepare to welcome back some former Rogues in active duty again.
Next step will be from me to contact all Initiates on the Shadow Academy list to offer them a helping hand until a new Headmaster can assume that role.

Ast and I agreed on a new procedure how to work on new DB projects. This will involve the general membership much more than in the past and will give interested people the chance to pour their ideas into projects that will in the end affect all members. This will happen in MB threads dedicated to a given project , so I suggest you start checking the various DB related MBs more often if you want to get involved. I already have several projects at hand I want to get started Keldorn and I just have to decide which one of them is the most important of them and should be started with.

I actually intended to revive the mailgroup think tank as I stated in my first report, however now with testing this new procedure the whole DB will be turned into one big think tank therefore I have decided not to pursue this idea any further so far.


The first edition of my Total Carnage competition happened last Tuesday. The first recipient of the shiny Crescent with Diamond Star was Guardian Tiamat from House Cestus who scored 7 wins. Close behind him with 5 wins is his housemate Protector Axir Aronix who got for his effort a Crescent with Ruby Star. Other paricipants were OBM Scoser (Cestus) JH Paul Shinobi (Caliburnbus), ACO Zeeth Durron (Dorimad Sol) and ACO Woo-Viper Kanulu (Cestus). Congrats to all who got a medal ! Everyone who hasn�t participated the last time and wants to have a run on that CR-D should be there next time Tuesday 5 PM EST / 2300 CET. Remember even DC members can take part.

Sarin and I decided to start hosted Sith competitions in #ehcoc after the example of the Obelisk in order to enhance MP possibility for Siths and to form stonger ties with the TC MP society again. More about that on the Sith board and in the next SHW report.

Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

This is the first one of possibly more new sections I want to introduce into the GM report. Here I will list noteworthy medals and elevations as extra emphasis to the already existing listings in the CHAN and MAA reports and other achievements so you can see that those members mentioned here really did something special for the DB and therefore deserve extra acknowledgement by the Grand Master.

I want to start with several elevations that happened last week:

DGM Keldron Cochrane and KHP J`Lek Archanos both were elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Master for their excellent work in their positions.
OHC Sirik Xirok was elevated to OBL due to his efforts to improve Obelisk MP culture and other beneficial actions for the Obelisk Order.

For more information about the reasons please refer either to the news posts or the DBMB.

Also one really noteworthy medal was awarded: A Diamond Sword to DJP Astatine for his long service as SCL of the Brotherhood.

Dark Jedi Knight Xander Drax and Sith Warrior Jack Stone showed vast knowledge about StarWars and placed 1st respectively 2nd in the weekly DB meeting trivia and both earned themselves a Legion of Scolar.

I also would like to personally thank three Kraths DJK Linoge, JH Exodus and ACO Detori Oakenshield who returned from Rogues as reaction on my mail and joined the Krath Houses of Alvaak and Arcona bringing much needed membership reinforcement to them.

That are the people I am aware of that have rejoined a Clan. But since I don�t get that kind of transfer mails I might have missed other Rogues who have come back active, my personal thanks to them of course as well.

That concludes my report for this week

In Respect

GM Report #3:  07.02.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master report #3 dating 02.07.2004.

I) News:

We have a new Headmaster. Last week saw the appointment of the former Praetor to the Headmaster Sith Battlelord Daniel Goad to Headmaster himself. Congratulations once more! He already started to work on several projects, but I won't go into any further details so I won't steal any content from him for his report.

Sadly Obelisk Warlord Mordan Tal'kyra decided it is time for him to step down as MAA after already announcing the need for him to do so. a while ago. I want to thank him personally at this point for his great, reliable and fast work he did in his position. You are a great loss to the DC and I hope your circumstances soon will allow to return to us again.

A new Master at Arms already has been selected and was proposed to the FC and the XO, currently pending approval. As soon as he should be approved I will make a post on the news page or will announce it on the meeting should a decision already be brought to me by then.

II) Competitions:

I want to apologize for not having been able to host my Total Carnage competition last week. I am sincerely sorry about that and promise next week there will be one again.

III) Projects:

this section will be come lengthy from now on, since as requested by Ast I will start adding a progress report on the task list every CS member has been issued by the EH High Command. I think will be the first time that you as the membership will see at least the essence of the often mentioned action plan that so far only a handful of people were able to have a look at. The following will contain virtually everything I am currently personally working on as Grand Master (other projects officially lead by other DC members are not listed) Thus I think you are about to get the deepest insight into the papers of a GM you ever got so far. Have fun:

First the list displayed for my position in the task list sheet:

Grand Master

- Implementation of the Action plan
- Vendetta in the next 3 months
- Sort out varies issues as outlined in the action plan

A) Vendetta:

Works on the Vendetta have started. My DGM Keldorn Cochrane and I have decided that it will be a Rite of Supremacy. Currently the basic idea, the foundation of the RoS and a storyline is being discussed.

B) Action plan:

Since this is a rather big pile of tasks I use the segmentation in the plan itself:

1) Communications:

Promotion of good work:

"The GM shall make news posts and other promotional references on the following:"

- Merit awards of Grand Cross or higher - started with latest report (DS award to Astatine)

- Meeting trivia awards - started with latest report (Trivia winners from the 19.06.2004 meeting)

- All awards for competitions clan size or larger - started with latest report ( winners and participants of Total Carnage comp)

- All vendetta novas - will be done once currently prepared vendetta is over

- Select promotions and appointments - started with latest report (DJM elevation to DGM and KHP

- Select Shadow Academy course results - will be done as soon as the new HM starts to forward me the needed info

Once the DC is fully assembled again parts of this announcements will be delegated to DC members to appear in their reports who are better fitted to report about them.

2) Reports:

All Dark Council members will submit weekly reports to the following entities:

- Dark Council mailing list

- Consuls and Proconsuls

- Main site reports system

Done by me since my first report and being told to the rest of the DC and constantly monitored by me. This week we have a report turn out of 8 out of 10 DC members which was already a rise from the level it was on before I took over. But the level of 10/10 will be pursued until it is reached.

3) Policy Development:

Expansion/standardisation of the Industrial points system - Keldorn and I just earlier proposed the first draft for it to the FC and XO.

- Loot system - Plans for it are so far inclusion in the above listed new DB IP system

- Enforcement of ranks, etc - will be dealt with after more pressing and fundamental projects are dealt with

- appointment ranks - will be dealt with together with the enforcement of ranks

- position pins - is currently being thought off to be implemented into the new GoAs developed currently by the HRLD's Office

- Lightsabers - will be adressed as soon as the HRLD's Office has advanced from the GoA project to the Custom lightsaber project.

- GMRG - the existence of this society and use/aims of it will be discussed once the membership count has risen to an acceptable amount to justify an elite society of any kind.

4) Projects:

- starting up a DB wide recruitment corps in order to coordinate the DB wide recruitment efforts by individuals and to make the recruitment more attractive to members so others who don�t recruit right now may start doing so and thus bringing the DB more of which it needs most right now - new and more members. (future project will begin after initial work on IP system is done)

- developing a DB wide IP system that encompasses the whole DB and all aspects of it (work in it has started, see above)

That concludes my status report on the progress on my given tasks. Thank you for your attention.

IV) Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

Last week vast knowledge about Star Wars lore once more showed DJK Xander Drax who once again placed 1st at the weekly DB meeting trivia and got a LSS. Also a LSS earned himself NOV Condar Freed by placing 2nd. Well done !

The Headmaster brought two promising students to my attention. APP Shinobi from the Obelisk Proselytus and APP Brukhar from the Sith Proselytus both scored a 100% in the Phase I Test. Well done !

I also want to acknowledge PRT Woo-Viper Kanulu for his constant effort in the past week to promote and to set up an Obelisk competition he came up with. House Cestus can be happy to have such dedicated members like him.

Furthermore I have this week Kethoron Thek the HRLD on my list, for making in such a short time such a great GoA v2.0. Although the members seem to like v1.0 better, the quality and the speed of his work has still to be acknowledged.

This concludes my report for this week.

In Respect

GM Report #4:  07.09.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master Report #4, dating 09.07.2004


News this week is that there are no news...

I am still waiting for the approval of the new MAA. Some people have started bugging me about who it will be and when it will be announced. I can tell you it's futile. You know that I am not allowed to tell you whom Kel and I have selected before he is approved. As for the question when he will be approved I am as much clueless as you all are. I will know once I find the mails of Ast and Ronin in my inbox or Ast tels me on IRC, not a second earlier. I am aware that it is now already 2 weeks almost since Mordy resigned and you all get impatient because of long over due roster requests and I feel with you, I have some own matters I want the new MAA to take care of, but believe me patience is a virtue in such matters. There is much else we all can do except sitting around and waiting until the decision has been made upstairs.

Various other projects are waiting for approval as well, but more about them in the DGM report.


On Tuesday my Total Carnage happened again. I actually wanted to anounce the winners here but I am still wading through the channel log compiling and comparing score lists. I will request all medals and will post the winners on the news board as soon as I have them extracted. But in order to make the scoring work for me a bit easier I will now lay down the following rules:

- the loser of a match reports that to me and only the loser. If I see anyone reporting wins to me gets a rant.

- all reports have to be done in pmsg mode. Don't just paste scores in the channel and wait until I reply that I got the scores.

- All score reports have to include the PINs of all people involved.

You see nothing special, only the standard submission rules of every MP comp with human host. Nothing big but people got too lenient with their match report style therefore it seems I have to reiterate it.

In other news about the Carnage, the Siths are coming officially back into it. I talked with the SHW and he had no objections that I add the Sith Platforms back to the offered games. That means now you not only can win a CR-D for being best at Obelisk killing, now you also can earn it for slaying your opponents in Sith style. Both traditional Sith platforms - XvT and XWA - are supported.

All changes will apply from next week on.

Grand Masters Acknowledgements:

On position one here this week is my DGM Keldorn. His simultaneous work on the new layout of the DB site, the coding of the vendetta creation site, reviving the Dark Voice as Dark Guardian and several other stuff he is working on definitely earns him a place here this week.

Once more I want to mention Kethoron Thek the HRLD here for giving us 2 new GoA previews within a week.

I also want to put SHW Sarin here for his continuous promotion of Sith MP events since I asked him to take care about that.

Last but not least I want to acknowledge the great work OBM Scoser, the all-but-on-the-roster AED of House Cestus did for the Obelisk Order. His efforts were already displayed by CHAN in the rec for a SB he got for that, so I won't elaborate them another time. I just want to show you and of course him hoe much I as well appreciate his work.

Sorry to all of those members who would have deserved to stand here but somehow slipped through my attention.

That concludes my report for this week

Thank you for your attention

GM Report #5:  07.16.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master Report #5 dating 17.07.2004 for Europeans and still 16.07.2004 for Americans.


The Dark Brotherhood has a new Master at Arms! It is Jedi Hunter Rebelkiller from Clan Satal Keto. Congratulations to him!

The new MAA is also already on a leave, which will end tomorrow. Upon his return he will start clearing the backlog ASAP. Give him a bit time and be patient with him doing so since it is probably quite extensive and he first has to find the right buttons. So please on�t gang up on him if he hasn't done it in the first 24 hours. Thanks.

As soon as Rebelkiller reported back from leave and the DC is completely assembled, I will issue a task list to every DC member with some guidelines concerning each of their positions. I also will post that list on the MB for public view. That's why I announce it here openly and in advance so both the DC and membership can prepare themselves for new info material.


With the help of Paul Shinobi I was able to finally sort out the medals for the Total Carnage Competition that happened on July 6th. Therefore I can announce this time the winners from two Carnages:

Total Carnage on July 6th:

In that event once more Guardian Tiamat from House Cestus of Clan Tarentum was able to claim the Diamond Crescent. Jedi Hunter Paul Shinobi from House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae came in second and earned himself a Crescent with Ruby Star. Third place was earned by Protector Vladet Xavier from House Galeres from Clan Arcona who got a Crescent with Amethyst Star for it.

Total Carnage on July 13th:

In the latest Carnage Protector Woo-Viper Kanulu from House Cestus of Clan Tarentum achieved first place and earned himself the Crescent with Diamond Star for this week. Second and third again like the week before came in Jedi Hunter Paul Shinobi from House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae and Protector Vladet Xavier from House Galeres of Clan Arcona, who added another Crescent with Ruby Star respectively a Crescent with Amethyst Star to their collection.

Congratulations to all participants who got Crescents and Cluster of Fire. Or rather will get those once Tirna will clear the backlog once again

I noticed to my disappointment that no Sith platform matches were played. Therefore the second CR-D for this week remained unclaimed. I can't do more than offer it. I can hardly drag people to their fighters. Let's see if next week I see at least some participation in that area or if the Obelisk Platforms will dominate the Carnage again.


I decided not to paste the full listing of all the projects I, as the GM, am involved in here every time, since it just would bloat the report unnecessarily, since not in every project there is progress every week. Therefore I will only mention projects where progress was made or where changes can be expected any time.

First project I want to mention there is the DB wide IP system there. It is still pending with GA Ronin and SA Astatine, but I have the hope that I will hear from them soon in this matter.

The other is the Shadow Academy Reform proposal also pending with GA Ronin and SA Astatine. Also there I can giet comments from them at any time.

Keldorn is still working on the Vendetta preparation site and should be finished soon. More about that for sure in his next report.


I noticed last week that a member of the DB has been done injustice some time ago. OBM Jacen Aylen was accidentally demoted from OWL to OBM probably by an unintentional mistake of the MAA back then, when Jacen was relieved of duty as CoG, instead as intended to OBL. Therefore I decided to give him back the rank of Obelisk Battlelord which was taken wrongly away from him in order to set right what was wrong. Welcome back to your deserved rank OBL Jacen Aylen. The actual elevation will be done once the MAA is back from LoA and has access.


Clan Arcona has a new ProConsul. After reviewing many applications and doing extensive pondering Arcona Consul Priyum Patel decided to appoint Krath Epis Jondaar Domi, former Quaestor of House Gladius of Clan Tarentum. Congratulations on your new position Domi and welcome back to the level of Clan Summit.

Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

This week I want to thank Jedi Hunter Paul Shnobi for helping me with the Total Carnage scores from July 6th. With his help the process of extracting the mess of scores from the IRC logs was done much faster.

I also want to acknowledge the effort Protector Vladet Xavier is putting into the participation of Obelisk weekly competitions and thus finally after a long absence putting House Galeres of Clan Arcona back on the MP map of the Dark Brotherhood. Great work

That concludes my report for this week Thank you for your attention

In Respect

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (MG Dante)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Major General, Special Forces
Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

PRF/MG Dante/GS-1/VSD Burninator [PRG:AGT] [HFTC:CM]
CM2, VS2, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
[OgD] [DsS] [HC] [SoV] [IO] [IH] [DJ] [IC] [EP] [MoC x2] [IrC] [CoO x5]
[SoH] [CAR x19] [MoD] [PUC x2] [LsA x2] [LoC x2] [CoL]

HF Status Report:  06.20.04


1) New uniform armor is out!  Patches/badges/medals will soon be out for all

2) Operation Barbarrossa Results are out.  Check the message boards for all

1st - MAJ Shadowmaker, CoD
2nd - LCP Ibram Gaunt, SoH
3rd - CPT Jacen Aylen, MoHa
HM - CPT Jedi Eclipse, SGT Chris, LoC

1st - CPT Jacen Aylen, CoD
2nd - SGT Chris, SoH
3rd - None

1st - MAJ BaleFire, CoD
2nd - PFC Tomasz Ciesielski, SoH
3rd - None

1st - MAJ Balefire, CoD
2nd - WO1 Wil Striker, SoH
3rd - SPL Roger Caliburn, MoHa

Overall Results:
1st - MAJ Balefire, IO
2nd - CPT Jacen Aylen, IH
3rd - MAJ Shadowmaker, CoO

Combat Action Ribbons:
LT Asbestos Felt
MAJ Balefire
LCP Chaos Wookie
SGT Chris
GN Dante
2LT Decarat
CWO Domingo Chavez
PFC Drako
CPT Jedi Eclipse
BG Hemi
LCP Ibram Gaunt
CPT Jacen Aylen
MAJ Krayt
COL Narthax
LCP Raistlin Erk'Etanumay
SPL Roger Caliburn
MSG Savager
MAJ Shadowmaker
LTC Sirik Xirok
MSG TK-Trent
PFC Tomasz Ciesielski
MAJ Torres
WO1 Wil Striker

3) New online RPing opportunity might be appearing soon in the form of a
MUD/MUSE.  Look for more info as I receive it.

4) GN Zsinj is currently working on new improvements to the website code! 
Report any errors to him ASAP.

5) COL Narthax is currently working on a revamp of the HF Field Manual (FM).
  Currently in the layout and design stage.  Expect it within the next two

6) HFL League will be next month followed by another operation that will
follow onto the successful Operation: Barbarrossa.

7) 2LT appointed Detachment Commander of Vengeance.  Give him a hearty

Promotions and Awards:

OCadet Decarat to 2LT
CPT Torres to Major
CPT Jacen Aylen to Major
MAJ Balefire to LTC
LTC Narthax to COL
MG Cypher to LTG

MAJ Shadowmaker    Distinguished Service Star
LTC Narthax        Hammer's Cross
MG Tygarin Cypher    Order of the Golden Dawn

That is all

Hammer's Fist Status Report:  06.25.04



I'll start off with some of the big transfers of the week:

1) Major Transfers:
BG Dingo moved to Commander of Security.
LG Cypher retires and moves to Homeguard.
LTC Sirik Xirok moved to Commander of Operations.
COL Narthax moved to Commander of Training.
MAJ Shadowmaker moved to Assistant Commander of Operations for
Multiplay/Gaming and PRG.

Most of these changes are being done to try and increase our activity, especially that which is based around our gaming platforms (JK series, SWGBG, etc...).

2) Field Manual is being worked on by COL Narthax, and a revised edition should be ready within the next month or so.

3) PRG is planning two major invasions of outside org's servers in order to gain more experience and attempt to recruit new members. MAJ Shadowmaker is doing an outstanding job in this area.

4) Due to MAJ Shadowmaker's transfer to Operations, we are accepting apps for the CC position of Nova. Please email both the HFXO and myself with your apps.

5) There is a fun runon located on the message board at www.ehnet.org/mb in the Hammer's Fist section. Please participate!.:)


Dispensed Operation: Barbarossa awards as listed in last week's status
In addition:
PFC Todes Engel Ice Cross
PTE trooper21 Ice Cross
SSG Ric Gravant Cross of Obedience
SPL Roger Caliburn Cross of Destruction
MSG Kaol Halcyon Cross of Destruction
MSG TK-Trent Cross of Destruction
PTE Tomasz Cross of Destruction

Member Count (Active Members): 86
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 114
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 217

HF Report:  07.10.04



Seeking A:CI
Currently seeking an A:CI to assist GN Zsinj in the updating and maintenance of the Hammer�s Fist site. Send apps to the CI, XO, and myself.

Nova CC will be announced on Monday, 12 July, 2004 Due to a large influx of applications for this position, I have delayed the announcement until next Monday.

Our PRG invaded the TMBJ clan�s server today and was defeated by a score of 34-16. This was not bad considering that our troopers were outnumbered 8 to 4. Individual scores were : Kuro � 6, Assakiv � 3, Aidan � 2, and Raistlin � 1. I want to congratulate all the members of the HF were involved in this
combat and wish them well on their next outside the EH combat.

Hammer�s Fist League II
Currently going on for the month of July.
Events are posted on the message board at www.ehnet.org/mb under Hammer�s Fist section.
Special emphasis is being given to the MP events.
HFL II Runon is currently going on the message board.
Awards will be given to individual/unit winners (PUC- Prefect�s Unit Citation to the unit winner)

Prefect of the Hammer�s Fist Task List

* More focus on games such as Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
Current Invasion by our PRG of the TMBJ clan server. HFL has a heavier focus on gaming that in past incarnations.

* Preparation work for adopting upcoming games such as Republic Commando, SW Battlefront
Our CO and A:CO are working on plans for this.

* Coordinate with Training Office in getting courses for these games
Work is continuing on a SWGBG course and there are PRG courses for JK games in works.

* Coordinate mission creation for these games
As part of our HFL, additional points are being given for mission creation.

* Coordinate possible game servers with Dark Brotherhood�s Obelisk and other relevant areas
MAJ Shadowmaker and LTC Sirik Xirok have already planned a siege with DB.

* More recruitment effort outside the EH, focus on community sites relating to core games
PRG Invasions of clan servers.

* Look at modding other games such as Unreal, Doom 3, etc.
Looked at UT mods before and not a lot of interest from current membership Darkov has submitted a list of other mods and I am taking a look at them.


MSG Kaol Halcyon Legion of Service
PFC Braxus Hall Cross of Obedience
LCP Raistlin Erk'Etanumay Cross of Obedience
PFC Tomasz Ciesielski Cross of Destruction

SGT Chris to SSGT
PFC Drako to LCP
LCP Chaos Wookie to CPL
PFC Tomasz Ciesielski to LCP

I'm glad to be seeing more promotion and medal recommendations for enlisted
troopers! Good job and stay active as the HFL II is going on!

Member Count (Active Members): 86
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 120
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 223

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD Silvori)

Infiltrator Wing

~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
IW Commander

A:IWCOM Report #6:  06.21.04


From the Desk of the Executive Officer
I have returned from leave, in time to address several proposals, most of them will be addressed in the following. Vice Admiral Hatter is still on leave, he should be back in the next week. I am awaiting several communications from him at this time.

Infiltrator-Wing News
1. AD Malik resigns after many years of service
2. New Eagle CMDR: LGN Talon Jade
3. New Enforcer CMDR: GN Hanson
4. IW Site almost complete
5. New IW rank insignias:
6. IW Manual under revision, again. ;-P

Order of Battle Changes
The MC-90s have been in use by the Infiltrator-Wing for about four years now, and to be direct they are way to big, almost impossible to get one to full capacity and keep it there. Therefore, the MC-90 will no longer be the choice ship of the Infiltrator-Wing. The smaller Mon Calamari cruisers as well as Frigates will become the key elements of the fleet. The Order of Battle will be as follows:

MC-90 Renegade
Battlegroup Commander (BGCOM)

MC-80a2 Torment [Not Commissioned]
Assistant to the BGCOM (BGCOM:A)*
White Squadron
Knight Squadron
Panther Squadron
Shadow Squadron

MC-40 Warhammer (2 squadrons)
Assistant to the BGCOM (BGCOM:A)*
Black Squadron
Eagle Squadron

MC-40 Blackbird
Assistant to the BGCOM (BGCOM:A)*
Enforcer Squadron
Razor Squadron

Position Descriptions:

Battlegroup Commander (BGCOM):
The Battlegroup Commanders are the commanding officers of the Infiltrator Wing's battle groups. The Battlegroup Commander is responsible for ensuring smooth operation of his group, overseeing the work of its squadron commanders and the assistants to the Battlegroup Commander. The BGCOM oversees the day-to-day running of the group, dealing directly with the Squadron Commanders and the IW Command Staff.

A Battlegroup Commander's duties include:
- Supervising the work of his battlegroup
- Helping the Commanders perform their duties
- Maintaining an up-to-date ship web page
- Making sure that their CMDRs and BGCOM:As maintain up-to-date rosters
- Sending a weekly report to the whole Infiltrator Wing

Maximum Rank: Rear Admiral (RA)
Medal Awarding Authority: All IW Merit Medals up to Star of Valor (SV), All IW Combat Medals up to Victory Cross (VC).
Promotional Authority: All IW Ranks up to Colonel (COL), All IW Positions up to Squadron Commander (CMDR), and Assistant to the Battlegroup Commander (BGCOM:A)

Assistant to the Battlegroup Commander (BGCOM:A):
The Assistant to the Battlegroup Commander is exactly as it states, an assistant. Each ship within the battlegroup is given one BGCOM:A. The Assistant in a part-time position, as the officer will hold a position within a squadron as well, excluding squadron commander. The Assistant's duties are to assure smooth running of the squadrons onboard the given ship, any other duties are for the Battlegroup Commander to decide. Due to the Assistant position, the BGCOM:As have no direct power over the squadron commanders but are to assist them or provide advice when needed.

Maximum Rank: General (GN)
Minimum Rank: Captain (CAP)
Medal Awarding Authority: None.
Promotional Authority: None.

Admirality and the Line
If an officer with a rank of Rear Admiral or higher, who wishes to rejoin the line in a capacity of Squadron Commander or lower, will be demoted to the rank of General. Upon position ascension to Battlegroup Commander or higher, the officer's Admiral rank is reinstated. If the officer leaves the reserves, they will receive their Admirality rank back before departing.

IW Command Staff Changes
At this time the positions of IWOC and IWTAC will be yet again disbanded and formed into IWOTA. IWOTA will be charged with overseeing competitions, uniforms, websites, flying both single player and multiplayer and the creation of battles and missions. The IWOTA will also be instrumental in the planning of inter-subgroup and club competitions.

The new IWOTA will be General Dolza. My personal thanks go to Lt. Colonel Durron for stepping back into the line. For his service as IWOTA then IWOC, he is afforded the Distinguished Service Medal (DMS). Congratulations Lt. Colonel, serve well in the line.

Dissolving of Full-Time Auxiliary Command
At this time, unless an officer is in the reserves, such as in Vice Admiral Boliv's case, the Auxiliary command positions will not be full-time. The only current Auxiliary command positions are IW-MAG and IW-PMO. The position of Competitions Director has been dissolved, with Admiral Malik's resignation and placed within the duties of the IWOTA.

Yahoo group Duties
The duties of keeping the Infiltrator-Wing's yahoo groups updated on a constant basis will fall to the IW Training Officer, to assure all joining members and new member get placed on it. The IWTO may have one part-time assistant to work solely with the groups.

At any one time, there can only be one large competition and one small competition. For example only one IW-wide or Battlegroup wide competition and one squadron level competition, no more. This will minimize on confusion and increase participation as pilots can focus on few events.

Pre-requisite Enforcement
Any and all position pre-requisites whether it be exams, rank, etc are now enforced. The IWXO office will not approve a position change if the requirements are not met. It's as simple as that.


IWCS-2: IW Executive Officer GN Orzon: Recieved
IWCS-3: IW Operations and Tactics Officer: GN Dolza: Not Received
IWCS-4: IW Training Officer: LC Sirik Xirok: Not Recieved
IWCS-5: IW Systems Engineer LC Zsinj: Not Recieved

MC-90 Renegade Battlegroup Commander- GN Karrde: Not Recieved
Assistant to the BGCOM (MC-40 Warhammer)- GN TIMMAY: Excused
Assistant to the BGCOM (MC-40 Blackbird)- CAP Destavol Gin: Not Recieved

IW Command Staff:
IWCOM: VA Mad HaTTer (MadHaTTer@1madhatter.net)
IWXO: GN Orzon (Ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWOTA: GN Dolza (culotta2000@comcast.net)
IWTO: LC Sirik Xirok (sxirok@yahoo.com)
IWSE: LC Zsinj (slookabill@comcast.net)

IW Auxiliary Command:
IW-MAG: VA Boliv (boliv@lusankya.org)

Command Staff Advisors:
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )

IW: #The_Infiltrator_Wing
EH: #Emperor's_Hammer

Reports are mandatory for all command officers from Commander to IWCOM. Please get reports in ASAP. If you do not send a weekly report, you may be forfeiting your job. ;-)

IW Rosters
Count: 59
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 96

Angelo Dante to CM

Shikie to Razor
BubbaX to Razor
Zeth Durron to Enforcer FL
TIMMAY to Eagle

End Note
Recruit! Must I say more.


Acting IW Commander,
~General Orzon
Infiltrator-Wing Executive Officer
Bearer of the IW-Guard Dagger

IW Domain Report:  06.26.004


Report from the IW, Week ending 26th June 2004

An eventful week, to say the least. Things aren't too healthy right now, which is why a semi-retired Rear Admiral is writing this report instead of one of the IWCS. While the IWCS is suspended I beg all officers to follow General Karrde's instructions as Commodre of the MC-90 Renegade, and to continue with their duties as normal. Medal/promotion requests that can't wait a week should be sent via the roster with carbon copies going to GN Karrde and myself; we will ensure they're followed up when things return to normal. In the meantime, will everyone just please keep cool and hang on in there.

In short:

-VA Hatter is still on leave after suffering RL health problems. He should be back this coming week
-General Jade's return has been overruled by the Powers That Be
-The IWCS has been suspended pending action/investigation by the EHXO's Office
-Colonel Haztix has resigned as Black CMDR
-Recent Order of Battle changes have been denied by the EHXO's office. As such, postions and the like have reverted to their previous status- all squadrons on board the MC-90 Renegade, with GN Karrde in charge as COM and Major Gin as Wing Commander.
-Lieutenant Commander Bladder resigned, withdrew his resignation and then finally refused to comment. We're currently running under the "We don't know" principal. VA Hatter can sort it out when he returns.

-LJG Debric to FLT (passed FLTEx with 100%)
-GN Orzon to RA (order of VA Hatter)

-LC Durron - DSM

-Run on for Wing I at the EH/IW messageboards- http://www.ehnet.org/mb
-Captain Trainer has launched Operation: Magnitude at http://www.minos.net/~archangel/Op-Mag.htm. Rewards will be based upon participation levels and quality of submissions after the competition's close on 16th July.

IWCOM VA Hatter - On LoA
IWXO RA Orzon - Suspended
IWOTA GN Dolza - Suspended
IWSE LC Zsinj - Suspended
COM GN Karrde - Not Received
WC Destavol Gin - Not Received

-=IW Status=-
Roster Count - 53 Active, 96 Reserves
1 IW-Wide Comp
3 Suspended IWCS Staff
2 Empty Command positions (Applications please to General Karrde and Major Din)

Vice Admiral Hatter is expected back next week - please all just sit tight until then. As senior ranking officer I'm around for advice and help etcetera, but technically I can't do much in the way of promotion/medal approval, so please don't ask- all I can do is collect information and make sure it gets passed onto the right people when normality is restored.

For the Empire,

Rear Admiral Astix
IWXO:A/RA Astix/MC-80a2 Torment/IW/EH

IW Domain Report:  07.02.04


Domain report from the IW, Week ending 26th June 2004

If last week was eventful, this week was godawful. The IWCS remain suspended, but have continued diong their best to provide help and encouragement to the members of the IW. The two officers who should be keeping things going however, are not. Personally, I have not been impressed with the actions of the line commanders of the IW this past week, both of whom should be ashamed of themselves.

On the positive side however, a new website that has been developed by Colonel Zsinj over the past few weeks is now practically ready for use. I'm sure his efforts will be appreciated by us all =)

In addition, I'd like to personally thank Captain Trainer for remaining a force within the IW this week- as a non-command officer he's done more than his part in attempting to keep activity going in this subgroup.

In short:

-VA Hatter is still on leave after suffering RL health problems. He said he'd be back this week, but as yet I've personally seen no sign.
-The IWCS is still suspended pending further action by the EHXO's Office
-Commodore and Wing Commander of MC-90 Warspite have both failed to send any reports.
-Only CMDR-White (Training Squadron), General Hanson, managed to send a report this week. Appropriate reprimands will be issued to the other six line-unit commanders by the IWCS upon their reinstution, I'm sure.

-LJG Dirty Vader to FLT (passed FLTEx with 100%) (by order of FLTEx Author General Hanson)

None this week

-Run on for Wing I at the EH/IW messageboards- http://www.ehnet.org/mb
-Captain Trainer has launched Operation: Magnitude at http://www.minos.net/~archangel/Op-Mag.htm. Rewards will be based upon participation levels and quality of submissions after the competition's close on 16th July.

IWCOM VA Hatter - On LoA/Was Due back this week
IWXO RA Orzon - Suspended
IWOTA GN Dolza - Suspended
IWSE LC Zsinj - Suspended
COM GN Karrde - Not Received
WC Destavol Gin - Not Received

-=IW Status=-
Roster Count - 52 Active, 97 Reserves
1 IW-Wide Comp
3 Suspended IWCS Staff

I've got to admit, I really don't know what's happening right now. Half the command officers have gone silent, the other half are either suspended or CMDRs. As I said last week- I've got no official authority, having been asked to do what I can by the IWCS and a few of the commanders. Please folks- take part in Brent's comp, do a spot of flying, chat on IRC; do what you can to keep things going while things are sorted out upstairs.

For the Empire,

Rear Admiral Astix
IWXO:A/RA Astix/MC-80a2 Torment/IW/EH

Return of the IWCOM:  07.09.04


GA Ronin, SA Astatine, IWCS,

I know that this has been a trying time for the IW, and my emergency leave has done nothing but make it worse. I felt that I was leaving the IW in capable hands while I took care of this most threatening turn of events on my life, but it seems that those hands became heavy with burden as things were being moved and changed at an accellerated rate.

I can sit here and explain why I was out so long, but I am not going to. If you want to know, ask me. All I am concerned about is the status of the SG that I love. And if it is acceptable with the FC and XO, that I keep my assignment as IWCOM. In my career in the IW, I had NEVER missed this kind of time in any position that I held. And I do not want this situation to threaten the position that I am honored to hold.

I had some big plans for the IW when I took over COM, and I still wish to follow through on whatever plans I can. I want to make the IW active again, the state that it is in right now angers me to the point of madness.

I want reports from all IWCS members outlining all the activities that their respective offices have been working on.


The IW will NOT remain in this state, I will see to it that we get ourselves back on track and regaining strength.

I will CC both the FC and XO my address to the IW ranks. Which will detail what I intend to accomplish.


~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
Infiltrator Wing Commamder

IW Domain Report:  07.09.04


Domain report from the IW, Week ending 9th July 2004

If last week was godawful, this week was acceptable- at least in some ways. The IWCS remain suspended, but Vice Admiral Hatter returned today. After much surgery delayed his return, he missed his Tuesday 6th return date due to a cable company guy failing to arrive. He's here now, thankfully and maybe life can resume some normality. After speaking with him on IRC (he'll be in #the_infiltrator_wing for most of the night, he says), he's told me to get this final domain report out.

The new updated roster is attached, and also at the bottom of this email. Address queries/mistakes to myself ( astix@gmx.co.uk ), Darkov ( darkov@darksword.co.uk ) and Hatter ( madhatter_iw@comcast.net ). It took over two hours to sort out the mess made by sloppy admin while the IWCS were suspended... not fun, at all.

Active Membership: 56
Reserves: 91

-VA Hatter is back, and has resumed command.
-The IWCS is still suspended until notice from SA Astatine
-Darkov is back too. A former IWCOM, Darkov returns to kick some action back into pilots. VA Hatter has assigned him to the Renegade.


The three old IW egroups are out of date, and inaccurate. Darkov has created EH_IW@YAHOOGROUPS.COM. This will be the mailing list for the ENTIRE IW- no more separate Wing/Wing+IWCS system. If you've not received an invite (everyone on the roster should have done), you can have yourself added by sending an email to:


And either myself, Hatter or Darkov will approve your request within a few hours.

None this week

None this week

-Darkov has posted two small comps on the IW messageboard. One is at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2827 and the other is at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2826. Rewards will be based upon participation levels and quality of submissions at the comps' close.

-Captain Trainer has launched Operation: Magnitude at http://www.minos.net/~archangel/Op-Mag.htm. Rewards will be based upon participation levels and quality of submissions after the compition's close on 16th July.

-The battles to be flown for these three comps are:
IW-5 (on TIE/XvT/XWA) (For Brent)
IW-Various -Rion's Shadow Campaign. XW/TIE/XvT/XWA (For Darkov)

IWCOM VA Hatter - Back this week
IWXO RA Orzon - Suspended/On LoA
IWOTA GN Dolza - Suspended
IWSE LC Zsinj - Suspended
COM GN Karrde - Not Received
WC Destavol Gin - Resigned

In my eyes, stability is now needed. Please, all unit commanders sit tight and do your job. Contact each other, get on the messageboards and work as a team. The IWCS aren't here to spoonfeed activities to you; you've got to create them for yourselves too. If anyone wants to play JA, JO, XWA or XvT- let me know and we'll arrange something. The panic is over- whatever changes come now, a decent group of commanders should see the subgroup through... Here's to a fresh start, yeah?

Roster is after my ID line.

For the Empire,

Rear Admiral Astix
IWXO:A/RA Astix/MC-80a2 Torment/IW/EH

IWCOM Report #2:  07.17.04


My apologies for this report being late, miscommunications within the staff about report dates have been sorted and will be on a regular schedule.

As we know, the IW has seen better days. But, I am not going to sit here and go on and on about how bleak things may look. I would rather inform you of some things going on that will make the IW stronger. The CS and Flag staff have been in contact with each other discussing the possible routes we can take to achieve our goals of making the IW strong again. Ideas for RPing, MPing, new platforms, and the like are being discussed and deliberated. If at any time you feel you have an idea for a new activity, take it to your direct superior and it will be looked at. Our ears are open to any suggestions from the ranks.

The main concern that is being tackled at the moment, is regaining a sense of stability within the group. Activity alone will not keep the group alive. Constant roster changes and the like will do nothing but hurt our efforts to stabilize the situation, so with that being said, I want you all to make yourselves at home in your squadrons because you won't be getting moved any time soon. I want to re-kindle the squadron rivalries that we had a while ago, but don't lose sight of the main objective, you must also work as a team when the time comes, work with your squadmates and wingmates, and become a team pursuing a common goal.

Besides roster changes affecting stability, having strong leadership is key to the success of any group. Squadron Commanders are the first line and most important keys to success that we have. It is vital for a CMDR to be active within their squadron, how will a squad grow if their CMDR doesn't do even the smallest things that he asks his pilots to do? You need to lead by example and pave the way for those under your command. You don't need to be the most active member of the squad, but you have to put forth an honest, sincere effort. Your pilots will see this, and feed from it. Be there for them, be a leader, but a friend in the same. You will earn their respect, and their trust which will in turn produce a well oiled machine of activity. Ask anyone that I have served with in my time in a Squadron, and you will see that I am right.

The biggest aspect of stability (as some of you may see it) is the Command Staff. Having an able CS is also a large part of a groups success, seeing that they handle all of the admin duties for the group and play a key role in how the group evolves. Most of you must have been very confused as of late with all the CS changes being done (I know I was). The CS will remain in the original fashion (as I know it) for it seems to me to be the most productive:


No more IWOTA, back to IWOC/IWTAC, back to IWOTA. This is how the CS will remain. I have attached a description of the duties assigned to each office to furthur clear any confusion of the CS assignments taken directly from the IW Pilots Manual (www.infiltrator-wing.com/iwpm) (Except for IWOC and IWTAC)


General Strongarm has gotten IW.com back online!!! Hobbie is the temp "IWSE" for now while we try to get organized.

RA Astix assigned as IWOC
Ship Command (COM/WC): 2/2 = 100% :: FINAL ::
Squadron Command (CMDR/XO): 5/8 = 62.5% :: FINAL ::
Squadron Members (FL3/FM): 10/31 = 32.3%
Overall: 17/43 = 39.5%

Squadron Commanders and XOs had until today at 1700 CST to report in or
they would be removed from their posts. At present, there will be three
openings. ***WC/GN Hanson***
Squadron Egroups have been created IW_Enforcer, IW_Knight, IW_Silver, IW_Razor@yahoogroups.com



Squadron PoTW:
FLT Dirty Vader - Enforcer
CAP Brent Tainer - Knight
FLT Milan Bozinovic - Silver

Wing PoTW:

Operation Magnitude : http://www.minos.net/~archangel/Op-Mag.htm ***ENDED***
Operation SandMan : Details directly mailed to pilots.
See this for further information: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/index.php

Number of Intra-Squad Comps: 0
Number of Inter-Squad Comps: 0
Number of Wing Comps: 0
Number of IW-Wide Comps: 0
Number of Inter-SG Comps: 0

IWCS Activity:

- Created egroups for each squadron
- Flew the IW Melee
- Discussing new routes for the IW
- Recruiting
- Holonet

- Roster work
- Holonet

- Awaiting database access
- Pending 2 awards
- Holonet

- Re-working the FLTEx (Thursday)
- Building IWTA Site
- Possible COLEx revisions

-Waiting for access to the IWBB
- Plans for IWTAC/EHTAC conferencce to discuss IW mission creation
- Urges Storyline submits
- Started "the Mole" competition:

Now onto some troubling new. It has come to my attention that someone has infiltrated the IW and subverted one of our members. I have not found out who this person is, but I assure you he will be weeded out. I will need all your help in finding the scum. As all criminals go I'm sure he will leave clues as to his identity. I will inform you of the clues in my reports. It will be up to you to determine his identity and bring him before me. The Officer who discovers his identity will be greatly rewarded.

Once this person is discovered a report of his capture (Fiction writing) will need to be submitted to me. Once confirmation has been made on the accuracy of the arrest determined you will be given credit for the capture.

The first clue: I have discovered a note in the pilots lounge trash stating this scum's intention in assassinating the IWCOM the only clue I was able to discover was the letters "RR". Not sure what this means but I'm sure it's important.

Keep active and find our subversive.

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  VPX/CG Terrian/VSD Warhammer

Corporate Division (CD)

Corporate Division Domain Report:  06.20.04

Executive Vice President/Acting President Report #4
Commissar General Terrian, Executive Vice President
June 20th, 2004

This report is pretty much a full week late due to the immense amount of backtracking the DIREX is doing on getting new ideas for the new, revamped CD. I apoligize. Also, since Trido is basically on a leave until his computer gets un-fubared, this is the report as Acting President.


--=Latest News=--

Going a little slower, but still chugging along. Also, last week the AWOL check results were put in place. If there are any problems with it, email me and I will fix it. We are down to but a few members... darn.

--=VPX Office Projects=--

Project Rejuvenate: On-Hold
- This is an attempt to get at least the President's Escort points up to date on peoples' profiles. All I need is people to check their profiles and add up the points that correspond with their medals to see if they have the right number of points. The point values can be found in the "PE Listings" section on the left-hand side of the CD website. What I need people to do is get the totals. If there is an error I need the errors to be sent to me with the PIN number of the erroneous profile so that I can fix it. My email is bionicbeaver88@aol.com and can be found on my profile if forgotten. This is an on-going project until all errors are found and fixed.

***UPDATE: Due to the immense amoutn of errors in the database, this project is on hold.

VPX Office: 70%
- This is my personal office. I won't have the normal junk that people have like their profiles and stuff because you can find that on the CD website so why have it here also? So, because I desperately want to be involved with the training of the new people and helping the careers of more established engineers, I am going to house resources for everyone to use on my Office website. These will include begining steps manuals to CEO manuals and everything in-between. So, expect this site to be completed within the next few weeks.

***UPDATE: Won a 5-star Site of the Week, yay! Most content is up, the manuals will take a while though because of how incredibly large they are.

Project Raiment: 30%
- This project is not officially released but something I'm working on on the side. When complete, it will bring back the Suits that the retired Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield developed a while back. I have all the files and am organizing them, making sure we have everything, and making graphics for the stuff that have not been made yet. Expect this to be released soon.

***UPDATE: Setting up the format for them now. Expect a release in about 2 weeks.

Project ComSIM: 5% ^BETA^
- This project goes along with Executive Officer Astatine's request that we have a trading simulation game for the CD. I've been beta testing the game/platform for a week or two now and am getting some of the DIREX beta testing it as well. I am currently in deliberations with Astatine as to how we can use it for the CD or if it fits our purpose. I will not divulge the name of the game as of yet, but I can say that it is free, internet multiplayer, a trading game, and set in space. Exect more information soon.

--=VPX Office Competitions=--

None as of yet.


Total: 153 (+3)

Corporate Division Command:
Direx Board [6]

Trade Assembly:
Core Squadron [1]
Imperial Broadcast Corporation [5]
Auroran Technology Enterprises [2]

PLT Revenge:
Trainies [31]

Corporate Division Reserves:
Reserves [107]


Unfortunately none.


Unforunately none.



--=Randomness for the Week=--

Trido! Where are you!?


Commissar General Terrian

VPX/CG Terrian/VSD Warhammer

PREX Report #4:  07.01.04

Sorry for the delays in getting reports out lately. Uni exams for the semester was draining a lot of my time and energy. But that's all over so things will get back to normal. The Corporate Division has lost 2 of its members in the last week. Terrian, the former VPX resigned due to RL and Rob Dura resigned from the CD and the EH as a whole for his own reasons. This leaves both positions open. Applications can be emailed to me at trido@swallegiance.com. I've already received apps for both positions and I'll leave apps open until the end of next week. Hopefully I can announce the new VPP and VPX at next weeks EH meeting.

Version 2 of the CD Manual has been approved by DIREX so Gravant will begin his coding of the new systems for the CD. Hopefully this won't take too long. Once this, and the recoding of the CD database is complete, we will be ready to start moving forward again.

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Tuss)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)

DP Report 26:  06.25.04

Greetings from Idaho the land of large potatos,

This week in the BHG we have a few specific things going on that it would be prudent to inform the rest of the EH about! As the Anniversary hangover is behind us, the commission hasn't stopped working, and Cadre Games are already getting started. All the BHG elite's are gathering hunters into their Cadres' we will see how this season shapes up compared to some of our past exciting battles.

We have two chief positions open as of just yesterday. Both Omega and Daichi the two perennial KAG contenders have top spots open. Bobecc of Omega, and Coranel of Daichi have stepped down. Good luck to those applying. And good job to the both of them.

Also a matter that has come to the attention of the commission, debated, and ultimately decided pending the approval of the XO and FC of course is the future of the Executor and Specialist positions. We have seen that seperate they do not have enough functionality to warrant a 3.5 million salary. However, combined they would be equal to the general activity level of the other commissioners. We await your final go ahead, but respectfully submit that it is a decision that was made after much discussion and many alternatives suggested.

We welcomed this week a new hunter into the Hall of Fame this week. I bet you can guess who, none other than Trench the Dark Prince for over six years was inducted, and was the only person recieving enough votes during this election period. The next elections will be held in January at EH anniversary time.

Thank you for your time, and the opportunity to serve in this capacity in the EH and the BHG.

DP Report:  07.01.04

Hello again from the place where Tuss owns Managerial Accounting,

Amidst the DP destroying the accounting class average the BHG is holding Cadre Games! This season seems to have a significant number of cadre's competing as well. To make things clear, cadre's consist of a group of hunters that are authorized to organize under the direction of any hunter who has reached Baron or above, and made a personal estate in the Lyarna system. Then they have a certain number of points to spend on hunters, who are worth more or less dependant on their rank. It is quite the fun experience, as well as a chance for some of our barons to acquire great leadership skills.

I have the pleaure of judging the scenario event, while Ehart and Slowbacca run the show again. Should be fun. Other than that we are back into the normal pattern of things after a very intense transition from a huge KAG into the anniversary celebration. So hopefully after the CG the normal BHG activities will resume, and we will be able to put a little more emphasis on recruiting and activation efforts. Some of our kabals do need strengthened.

Which reminds me, some of our kabals need chiefs! I am looking forward to seeing who rises to the occasion to lead these kabals, as we are always looking to groom our new commissioners. All seems to be well, the BHG has had some healthy debates lately that have led to better understanding, and ultimately more unity. Which is always a plus considering how debates have a tendency to divide.

As a note, I will be on a Leave of Absence from Thursday night until Tuesday because of the 4th of July festivities. I will be driving down to southern utah with the wife and having a good break from school and work. So if any service is required of the BHG, Underlord Koral will be the man to ask.
As always, thank you for your time and the opportunity to lead this subgroup.

BHG Report:  07.09.04

Hello again from the center of bliss, the BHG.

This week the Cadre Games come to a close. We will see which crew comes out on top. I graded the scenario potion, and was quite pleased at the writing and cleverness of the participants.

The EH Codex update is underway. Warden Kal-Ket had already been doing extensive work on the BHG's history. Now it is simply a matter of combining various facts with the literature aspect you have requested. It might take a little longer than some of the other subgroups, but be assured that is because we are proud of our history, and want it to be accurate and inclusive. I am overwhelmingly confident that you will be pleased with the results.

The BHG's focus now turns to recruiting, and strengthening the individual kabals. As you have probably seen from the recent reports, we have had many BHG-wide competitions and activities in a row. And it is wisest now if we focus on the kabals through the chiefs and their hunters. We hope this will strengthen the loyalty the hunters have to their kabals, and in turn improve competition and activity among the hunters. Also, this focus on the kabals should make competition for NEW hunters a motivating factor in growing the membership of the BHG.

All in all, not much to report this week. Not because of a lack of activity, but mainly because of this time of transition. We will be reporting the fruits of these labors in the near future.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this subgroup, I am enjoying every minute.

BHG Report:  07.16.04

Hello again from the BHG, who has just recently taken the place of the phillipines in the coalition,

Not a lot to report this week. Just more of the same stuff that made the BHG what it is. CGs are being graded, should have results soon. The Executor, Synth went to China (or so he tells us) so he will be away for a month.

Arena is right where it should be with many Twilight Gauntlent challenges, standard arena matches, and a Dojo led by Motti. A few Run Ons are taking place, and the rumors are true some InterKabal Activities have started up. It seems our self starting chiefs have decided a KAG, Anniversary, and CG isn't enough, they want another competition. So we will see who is left after the dust settles.

Also, congratulations to the new Adjunct, Reaver, who will be a great addition to the commission assistants. While I don't like to see the report this short, I don't necessarily mind it because things are going great. We are having a kabal focused month, with some BHG-wide things finishing up. We have yet to decide what the next activity will be, but be assured the kabals aren't sleeping, they are simply reloading.

Thanks again for a great opportunity in a great subgroup.

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Aseret)

Intelligence Division (ID)

SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V/

Final SDIR Report #58:  06.23.04
As submitted by VA Mordann:

As you hopefully read last week, this report marks my resignation after running the Intelligence Division for the past year and a bit (58 weeks infact:p). This is not because I'm fed up of the job and hate you all, rather I've just left University and I'm currently in the process of job hunting/moving and generally growing up and won't have the necessary free time to dedicate to the Division for the next couple of months.

That said, even I am quite surprised by the level of regret I feel in stepping down prematurely - there's still plenty to do to make the Division even better (either that or because I wanted to hang on until I made FA:p lol). Seriously though, although I think/hope my time as SDIR helped to make IntOrg a far more fearsome force in light of the rDB 'difficulties' we had, I still think there is more that we can do to expand and improve the external side of our operations - perhaps one possibility would be to move forward into the new media of SWG. I would have also liked to have helped influence how RA Scrier's Public Relations Branch progresses - I received some very impressive artwork and web designs from them earlier in the week and I'll be keenly watching their progress from the SDIR's retirement home. Plus I'm sure the Academy of Tactics has more potential than is currently being realised.

Yeah, I know technically I should use my resignation letter to highlight all the positive parts of my reign but rather than massaging my own ego its better to help my successor improve where I did not. Actually. sod it. (large membership expansion, increased competency, recruitment and significance of IntOrg, new main website, new and updated fieldcraft manual, new AoT courses, security crack down, improved links with the Security Office, several mutiny attempts foiled and numerous bad guys caught). Ok now I've got all that out of my system I'll continue.

I'd like to thank all the people who've made my reign as SDIR so pleasant: VA Aseret, RA Scrier, RA Rebelkiller, RA Winters, COL Stirlitz, COL Harlequin, AD Troutrooper, RA Davi Anthol, VA Raith, LC Johann Stalwart LC Leonard, MAJ Klaus Steiner, MAJ Daniel Goad, GN Mezynski, CPT Gelton Torr, MAJ Abel Malik, LC Turr Phennir, MAJ Dolsar Saris, all of the other Praetorians, those agents I can't mention but who should know who they are and of course last but my no means least the big bosses themselves; GA Ronin and SA Astatine. Phew!

Unfortunately for you all, when I'm settled again I'll probably return to wreak havoc throughout the EH with my wonderful command style:p

Right enough waffle. On with the report..

Roster Count: 80
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 220
Intelligence Division Main Website - http://ehintel.minos.net
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 - http://intelmanual.minos.net
Academy of Tactics - http://www.minos.net/~rebelkiller/

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
*** ExDIR - Vacant
BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO - EHWinters@hotmail.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
*** XO - Vacant

1. New Praetorian Commander Selected
With Gelton Torr's (Darth Nocturnus') elevation to the position of Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, Praetorian Squadron was left without a Commander. Thankfully there was a qualified and capable replacement waiting in the wings in the form of his Executive Officer, Major Malik. Congratulations to Major Abel Malik, the new Praetorian Commander.

2. End of Reign Promotions and Stuff
As every man and his dog are probably aware by now, this is my last report as SDIR (except those who seem to think I retired last week *sigh*). It's generally traditional for a retiring SDIR to reward all those lovely folks who've help make their reign so 'prosperous'. Hence this little lot:

VA Aseret - for never missing a single report in nearly a year, for resolving member's problems and minor UBIQ arguments, for creating new AoT courses, keeping the roster update and generally being a great second-in-command I hereby award you the Vratix Mini-Fire Blaster [VM-FB]. Since is your second blaster you can now use them in a cool 'John Woo style' way. Lucky git:p

RA Scrier - for your work setting up a new branch of Intel (PR) and improving links with the BHG, for submitting hordes of innovative ideas and for attempting to create a 'fun' atmosphere for everyone to work in I hereby award you the Vratix Mini-Fire Blaster [VM-FB].

RA Winters - for your work running both Analysis and Operations, taking the initiative in several projects, satisfactorily running several operations and showing a high level of activity and dedication to duty I hereby award you the Golden Medallion of Foresight [GMoF].

LC Stirlitz - for your work running both Operations and IntOrg and for your dedication, loyalty and career- threatening risk taking in several high profile IntOrg cases I hereby promote you to the rank of Colonel and award you the Golden Medallion of Foresight [GMoF].

Until I return, farewell. (Like you won't see me on IRC any more:p)

SDIR Report #1:  07.02.04

Report of the Supreme Director #1 - 02/07/04

Roster Count: 75
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 223
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com
*** ExDIR - Vacant - no applications being accepted
BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com

1. New SDIR
That's right.The DGN changed hands to me.I also have an open door policy so feel free to barge in anytime(jediaseret@yahoo.com or sdir@emperorshammer.org).

2. Intel vacancies
ExDIR is not one of them but other 2 are.
Applicants must fulfill the majority of the following
- Large amount of Intel experience (preferably of internal nature), focusing infiltration and report
writing skills;
- At least 6 months of service;
- The rank of Commander of higher in Intel;
- Leadership experience somewhere in the EH (preferably Intel) or at least Branch/Squadron level and
preferably higher;
- Active IRC presence and high activity rate;
- No HCI convictions for the past year.

The TTDR is opening applications for ATA.You get to be bossed around by him while spending more time in the AoT then you ever thought you would.He hasn't specified any requirements to me but I can add the following:

- Being an Intel agent of course;
- Experience with HTML and graphics.

Applications for any of the above mentioned should be sent to
jediaseret@yahoo.com,mizhongboxer@hotmail.com, aburt@tampabay.rr.com,EHWinters@hotmail.com.

Applications are being accepted until next Thursday, 8th.

3. Public Relations Branch
PR has created a nice website to start with and has largely increased its ranks:


If you're interested in joining mail jediaseret@yahoo.com and mizhongboxer@hotmail.com.Of,have I mentioned you get to be a public member of Intel.:) Expect great things from this Branch soon.

4. EH SDIR Task List Report
Each member of EHCS and SGCOM has a nice list of tasks to fulfill each week.Actually something we should always try to do and don't need a list to remember us.Mine follows.If you think I'm not abiding by any of them, drop me a line and call me something not too offensive.:P

*More promotion of projects, events,etc
Being done especially by PR.The Comlink should be coming out before August and we're working on a suitable hour to return to ID meetings on IRC. Besides, the UBIQ is discussing some topics I set out from which, I hope, some nice ideas should come out.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
I don't think the first is a problem. The second is being worked on on IRC,MBs and nice welcome mails. The
whole UBIQ will be increasing interaction with members through a series of small ideas we're working on.

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler
about "real life" and other non-relevant areas Don't usually that. Nothing above as you can see.

*Actual progress on projects
We're doing that with PR and will be doing it with the AoT aswell. Hence, why the TTDR is looking for a new ATA.

*Higher online presence
especially during meetings As said above, we're trying to find a suitable hour to return to Intel meetings but preferably one that allows all or most UBIQ to show up. Apart from that, I show up in IRC 3 to 4 days/week and will increase that by the end of the month.

SDIR Report #2:  07.09.04

Report of the Supreme Director #2 - 09/07/04

Roster Count: 76
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 225
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR - Vacant - no applications being accepted
BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ (BOO) - BLDR temporarily in charge of BOO -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
XO/LC Ric Taldrya - eh_blade2003@yahoo.com

1. BOO BUDR applications closed
Applications closed yesterday and I have made a decision. The announcement, if everything goes as planned, will be made on Monday or Tuesday the latest. Thanks to all those that showed interest.

2. ATA applications still being accepted
Until further notice, TTDR/RA Rebelkiller is needing an assistant. Your job will be to assist in the correcting of course tests and improving of the AoT site for now.

- HTML and graphics knowledge.

Applications should be sent to
No deadline being estalished for now.

3. AoT new policy
As previously anounced by RA Rebelkiller, any agent who excels him/herself monthly in the AoT, will be rewarded with AoT extra points. That means,the more points you get,the quicker you'll get 00-.What do you have to do for that? Easy: take tests, submit fiction that has a chance of becoming public being included into the next edition of the Comlink and, even, write a course.

4. EH SDIR Task List Report
Each member of EHCS and SGCOM has a nice list of tasks to fulfill each week. Actually something we should always try to do and don't need a list to remember us.Mine follows. If you think I'm not abiding by any of them, drop me a line and call me something not too offensive.:P

*More promotion of projects, events,etc
As soon as PR has "legs to walk on its own", we'll have a branch capable of producing regularly a newsletter/magazine and attract more members to Intel. Once that happens, RA Scrier will be able to change his attention to other ideas we've been discussing.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
Being done. I don't bite so feel free to talk to me whenever you find me around: Aseret in IRC,33580554 in ICQ,Aseret5108 in AOL. Oh, I'm the person to go to if you don't know how to join or rejoin Intel.:P

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or
filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas Nothing above as you can see.

*Actual progress on projects
AoT renovation is under progress with PR cooperating. Comlink site primary version is ready:

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings My time has been limited during the weekends but hopefully I'm 2 weeks away from having some more free time.

SDIR Report #3:  07.16.04

Report of the Supreme Director #3 - 16/07/04

Roster Count: 79
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 228
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR - Vacant - no applications being accepted
BLDR/RA Winters - EHWinters@hotmail.com
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/ FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik - ezwill@famvid.com
XO/LC Ric Taldrya - eh_blade2003@yahoo.com

As widely announced, FA Stalker5 returns to Intel as BUDR. Needless to say we're expecting great things from him.

2. TTDR on leave
RA Rebelkiller is on leave but is expected to return soon. Hence, why any test you might have submitted is still waiting to be corrected.

3. IntOrg Recruitment season
It's that time of the year again. IntOrg is recruiting so you get to be part of that elite of agents that
knows all but none knows them.

*high level of activity throughout the EH(high MB and IRC presence is advantageous)
*have served within EH ranks for at least 12 months and hold a rank of CM or equivalent
*ideally some command experience
* have no HCI record

To clearly understand what IntOrg does, you can read about in my MB post ( http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2917 ) or accessing the Fieldcraft Manual.

4. Secrecy
It seems to be hard to understand sometimes why we have a secret roster and you don't get you show off yuor ID rank and medals.

Let me stress this once again. Intel is about having fun but is also about accomplishing a vital task for the EH. Such task can only be accomplished discretely if we want it to be successful. That's why the only public positions belong to the UBIQ and BUDRs.  Therefore, I regret to inform that before you have climbed Intel's chain of command, the only people you can brag about your rank to are the above mentioned.:)

5. EH SDIR Task List Report
As usual, any critics are welcome.

*More promotion of projects, events,etc
AoT revamp in progress.Expect new courses with renovated interest and a new site.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
As always, we try to get close to members whenever we have the chance, namely on IRC.#DGN is never empty. So drop by and find some creepy stuff about your commanding officers. We never seem to have sensible topics to talk about anyway.:)

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas
Nothing above as you can see.

*Actual progress on projects
Between some going on leave and others returning, projects get delayed. Besides,I have been forbidden to announce Comlink previews. :P

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings My time has been limited during the weekends but hopefully I'm 2 weeks away from having some more free time.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)

EH Directorate (DIR)

GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base

Directorate Domain Report:  06.27.04

As I've announced before, as of now the Directorate Guard is closed. All transfers or resignations, to my knowledge, have been processed and the proper updates were made to the rosters. If you didn't receive notification of your transfer and where you belong now, let me know and I'll update it myself.

Most of you know its been kind of quiet around here, which is the environment that needs to exist. There's going to be a couple key changes occurring around here. First off, the expectations of each member will be changed. Reports will only be necessary from the System Moffs and High Moffs. Governors and Planetary Members will have their progress as members of the Directorate gauged by their work in Diplomacy.

Secondly, the world of the Directorate will revolve around Diplomacy, much like it did before. Naturally, we may decide to have side-competitions in addition to Diplomacy, but since the interest didn't exist before, it likely won't exist now for platforms. That part will have to be played by ear for now.

Presently, I've decided to not open HCT to applications, since the position is changing its role slightly. Once I've done the update to the HCT position, the new position will be open for applications. I also remind everybody that Minister of Operations is open for applications. I need somebody reliable to tackle the position.

That's about it for this week.

Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Director of Operations (DO Compton)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe

Fringe report 14:  06.29.04

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

Has it been a year already? SWG was released on June 26, 2003 and quickly became the fastest-growing MMORPG in North America. The game has improved by leaps and bounds since its release, and the Devs continue to add new content. Like the game, the EH PA has had its ups and downs, but we have a great core membership and have become one of the most respected Imperial PAs on our server.


I have appointed Kyy Terrak to the position of Events Coordinator. After hanging out with him during the SWG Fan Fest, I realized that he has as much love for the game as I do, and a real desire to have the PA do more than PvP. The first event he�s organizing will be a kidnapping scenario involving the EH, ISS, TCO and RAGE. It sounds like it�ll be a lot of fun, and I look forward to having more PA-generated game content in the future.

With the destruction of the Rebel bases in Tsarin, PvP is currently dead on our server. Now that Publish 9 is live, hopefully the turret spam bug that turned a lot of people off to PvP has truly been fixed. In the mean time, we�ve begun making regular runs on the Corellian Corvette.


Just a reminder for everyone in the Fleet: SOE has started giving FREE 14 day trial subscriptions to all registered users of File Planet. More info can be found at http://www.fileplanet.com/files/140000/140938.shtml

Also - Best Buy has SWG listed at $29.99 on their website and Fry�s ( www.outpost.com ) has it listed at $27.99 � both much better than the MSRP of 50 bones.

Just a reminder for those already in the game: I very much want every member in the EH PA who wants one to have a house in our city so they can become citizens of our fine city, Sanctum Malleus. Nepo has made some small houses for members, so if you have yet to plant a house in SM, drop me a line in-game and I�ll get you one.


For those who don't already know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player Association in Star Wars Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to members of the EH and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing DO Compton at lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn, Tairn, Holu or Krenn�sa.

As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who donated the web space.

For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit www.starwarsgalaxies.com .

For EH PA info, visit http://www.ehpa.net (site under construction), or http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=87.

Current in-game members: 92

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate


- No reports submitted - new CHS to be appointed

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report:  06.24.04

Nothing to report this week except a new SO so we should getting some new cases underway very soon.

HI Report:  07.02.04

Finally something to report ;)

3 new cases have been started :

Case 201 The Empire vs. Hirikka
Violation of Articles of War:
402: Conspiracy
407: False statements (cheating)

Case 200 The Empire vs. Airamags
Violation of Articles of War:
401: Attempts
402: Conspiracy
403: Disrespect towards superior officer
404: Failure to obey order or regulation
407: False statements (cheating)
409: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman

Case 199 The Empire vs. Tiamat
Violation of Articles of War:
402: Conspiracy
407: False Statements (Cheating)

HI Report #16:  07.09.04

News #1 Case 199 Resolved :

Defendant plead guilty to all changes and since he helped in the
investigation got a reduce sentence versus the normal one for cheating.

1) Demotion to the lowest non-training rank in all subgroups except the DB
2) Loss of all FCHG points (or any similar honors in other subgroups)
3) Loss of right to earn FCHG *highscores*, loss of right to gain honors for any multiplayer flying events (or any similar honors in all other subgroups)
4) All mission scores erased
5) Loss of all medals *gained through flying activities* in all subgroups except the DB
6) Files related to the pilot's past record are declared invalid for resubmission.
7) A probation of 6 month. Since the beginning of this trial was repeatedly delayed, three months of this probation will be regarded as served, so the probation runs until 7th October 2004.

News #2 Case 200 (Airamags) is almost done as well as new case 201 (Hirikka). They both chose not to submit any plea. Doesn't help them for sure.

News #3 New case started 202 (Linoge) All those cases are linked for the same events.

News #4 Stalker5 is leaving the HCI
It's sad to see another INQ leaves but it's with joy that he leaves to be  more active within the EH. He's taking up an active position within INTEL, his old love ;) He's been with us for 2 years now and he's gonna be missed. On another good note I'm awarding him a Silver Star (it's in the OPS mailbox, I'm sure he'll get to it eventually) for his dedication and good work within the HCI. Congrats!

HI report #17:  07.16.04

The Court has reached a verdict in the matter of HCI Case 200, the Empire v. Airamags.

The panel has unanimously found the defendant GUILTY on all charges.

The panel also unanimously decided that given the scope and scale of the offenses detailed by the Security Officer, and the fact that Ariamags was indeed the ringleader in this little endeavor, this case demands the most severe punishment assignable by this body.

Ariamags, and all known clones of Airamags, are hereby ordered to be stripped of all rank and merit and EXPELLED from the Emperors Hammer.

In Service of the Empire,

Warden Danrik Hourican

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]

ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)

SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona

COO Report #21:  06.26.04

COO News:

1. The COO has returned from his short little hospital leave and is now back in action.

2. All known missing LoCs have been awarded. IF you are still missing LoCs, you may now contact me on an individual basis. I will update your LoCs as fast as I receive them. There may still be missing DFCs out there. Check your historic profile to see if any DFCs are listed that are not accounted for on your personal profile.

3. 24/7 LoCs are being Processed. Remember you can compete in an MP match at any time and any place. Just find a willing opponent and fly away. Then score the matches at http://combat.tiecorps.net

4. The COO Ladder System is for use by any members of the EH. Currently the DB is using the system more than any other subgroup. This ladder system is easy to use and is a great way to motivate pilots. I do award LoCs for ladders :p http://ladders.minos.net

5. The Aggressor Strike Force is running Countdown to Oblivion on 10 July, 2004. This is a fleet wide competition that will be taking place at two seperate time periods that day. All pilots in the fleet are encouraged to participate. DFCs will be awarded for XVT and XWA and to the overall winner of both time slots.

6. Work and discussion is currently taking place on the several platforms that will be available to the EH in the future. Currently I have hired a SWG Jump to Lightspeed COOA and a Freeworlds COOA. Each of these COOAs are working hard to bring in information that will support the use of these systems for multiplayer gaming in the EH. Hopefully we work something out :p

COO Report #22:  07.04.04

1.  10 July 2004 the ASF is hosting Countdown to Oblivion in #ehcoc.  This competition is open to all squadron's in the fleet.  Players will have the chance to earn LoCs, DFCs, and Iron Stars. 

2.  The EH finished in the top 10 at XWA Week of War.  Avenger Squadron Pilot Colonel Phantom led all pilots making her the first female TC pilot to ever lead a Week of War for the EH.  Grats to her and a DFC too. 

3.  The COO Ladder system at http://ladders.minos.net is open to any members of the TC that want to run a ladder style multiplayer competiton.  More than likely, I would award LoCs for such a competition. 

4.  As COO, I have now begun signing the EH up for JO and JA weeks of war.  The EHDB is looking to begin participation in these competitions.  We are signed up for both JA and JO this month!  Good luck DB'ers. 

5.  Freeworlds has officially been added as an EH platform.  Currently High Admiral Patel is hard at work developing a LoC award system for Multiplayer Gaming on Freeworlds.  Details are coming soon.  Look for a Freeworlds IWATS to teach you all about the game soon.

6.  I have a Jedi on SWG.  See you guys in a year or so :p

COO Report #23:  07.09.04

>From the Combat Operations Office:
Nearing my 7th Month as Combat Operations Officer I have decided to take a look at what the Office has accomplished and what we need to accomplish in the future. The following is a shortlist of these things.


1. The Creation of IWATS MP to allow the pilots of the Tie Corps a better understanding of the basics of MP play in the club.

2. The creation of a COO website that has detailed information for Multiplayer gaming in the Tie Corps. The Website contains everything from tactics to how to join Battlestats.

3. The creation of 24/7 LoC submission form allowing players compete in multiplayer matches at any time of the day against anyone they want. This system has seen well over 300 matches since its introduction. It has also allowed the greatest amount of freedom in MP gaming in the TC ever.

4. The creation of the COO ladder system which allows any member of the EH access to ladders at any time. Any member of any subgroup can start and run a safe/cheatproof ladder. This system has been successfully used by the Dark Brotherhood for several events and continues to make ladder play an easy thing to do.

5. The Best finishes in XVT and XWA WoWs in the history of the club. The EH finished First in an XWA WoW and 2nd in an XVT WoW for the first time ever in one month. This was followed by several second place finishes in both XVT and XWA setting our most successful WoW consecutive months in the history of the club.

6. The first time in four years when the Combat Operation Office will not award 2000 less locs than the year before. The decline in LoCs continues, but it has slowed down this year for the first time in four years.

7. The policy of allowing any cmdr or higher the opportunity to run a competition out of #ehcoc at any time they choose. Anyone, anytime, can run a competition from #ehcoc.

Future Plans:

The future consists of several platforms being made available to the TC and EH as a whole. The COO will work to implement these games into our existing MP structure including several competitions based on these Platforms. I will focus a great deal of attention to the following platforms because they are "new" and are the most viable source of recruitment and activity for our players.

1. Freeworlds: This is our most current and pressing platform to instill a fair multiplayer system (By Fair, I mean LoCs will be awarded roughly at the same pace as XVT and XWA. Players will not earn 100 LoCs a night in any platform, ever. Or at least while I am COO). COOA HA Patel is currently working with several others to instill an activity tracking system in Freeworlds that will alow MP players the ability to be awarded. Currently discussion is underway to create a test Wing to instill FW to the TC.

2. Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed: All manner of space combat will be taking place in JTL. It will support player-versus-player combat in a similar fashion to the Galaxies' ground combat system. Players who have declared "overt" status as either Rebel or Imperial are allowed to do battle with one another freely. You only need your mouse and keyboard to fly your starship in Jump to Lightspeed, and we support joysticks and gamepads. This games dynamics are going to be based on XVT and XWA in several ways. This platform will be handled by VA Terrak and the COO.

3. Imperial Alliance: I am not schooled on this gaming platform and will need to begin working with the SCO to implement some sort of MP gaming system that can be worked out.


So thats what the Combat Operations Office has done and what we are planning to do. I would like to point out that I am well aware of the SWG JTL role playing dynamics where you have to build a ship and then repair it. I find this little different from the role playing aspects of Freeworlds (make money to buy a better ship, sounds familiar) and little concern has been raised about this.

Currently XWA and XVT are not viable sources of recruitment or activity in the Tie Corps (noticed the Wing Numbers lately?). This is not a problem that is the EH's alone. The XWA and XVT community as a whole is dying with each of the games nearing their end on the Zone. At one time in history a WoW had so many games going on that Battlestats could not handle the load of people scoring them, now we have WoWs that have 4 ranked clubs.

Rather than sitting in the Past, the Combat Operations Office will begin to shift its attention to new games. BEFORE YOU CRY: this does not mean that XVT and XWA will stop being a part of the Combat Operations Office. 24/7 LoCs will continue, Ladders will continue, We will play WoWs until the vanish, #ehcoc will still run MP competitions whenever you want them, and XWA Skirmishes and Imperial Storm Skimishes will still work the same way. Nothing is changing in MP other than a shif to focus to games that actually have an ability to draw new members and spawn activity.


1. Star Wars Galaxies Jump to Lightspeed has an update at Game Spot. This update features a QA and developer Cinco Barnes and displays the intentions of how JTL will operate. Check it out!


2. Countdown to Oblivion and Sith Murder take place in #ehcoc tomorrow. You can catch the times of these events on the TC Combat Calendar!

3. Freeworlds enters closer to becoming a MP platform in the EH. Currently all Leaders have signed off on bringing this game to the EH! Look for large scale battles in space coming soon!

Long COO Report! Take it easy and Ill talk to you all soon.

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jedi Eclipse)

Fleet Medical Corps

MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope

- No reports submitted

Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

CA:FC-SOD/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon [ISM][IS-1BR][LoC-Rx1][OV-5E] [LANC] {IWATS-SM/3}

SOD Report:  06.21.04

Hello everyone, and welcome to another report from the SOD's office.

I had a great father's day weekend. My father and I spent lots of time just hanging out and that always makes me feel good.

Anyway, back to SOD stuff.

Unfortunately, when I deleted all the spyware on my computer, I ended up deleting the proposal I had written. It wasn't a large file, thankfully, and I have it written down on paper on my desk ready to retype. I'll do that quickly this evening and run it on over. That's why I didn't attach it to the last email, because I couldn't find it.

I'm also now working on a proposal for the 10th Anniversary Competition. I'm now quite sure of the event format and grading structure that I want to use, and anyone in the BHG will be quite familiar with it. It won't be exactly the same as the CG format, given that the competition will have events that the BHG is not used to, but event release and grading will follow a similar path. As always, however, I need to run this by the brass to make sure they approve.

Thirdly, as always, I'm still looking for webpage help, thus my offer continues. Anyone who steps up and helps me on this will indeed be appropriately rewarded for the efforts.

Finally, I would like to note again that I'll have 2 free weeks, one of which I'll have to be in the house most of the day, as of this Wednesday. During that time, I intend to try and finish the competition proposal, and get to work selecting judges for that event, as well as seeing who all is going to participate in the Virtual RL meeting.

I believe that's all I have for this week.

SOD Report:  06.26.04

First things first... I now have a full two weeks off. I therefore intend to be doing several 10th anniversary related things...


I've finally been able to send the RL Virtual meeting proposal to the FC, and I'm sure he's forwarded it to the XO as well. Hopefully, there will be very little if any changes made, other than a decision on what program will actually be used for the event. I'm going to go ahead and post the initial proposal on my forum tomorrow at some point.

I'm still working the kinks out of the 10th Anniversary Competition format/proposal. There are some things I want to go through and change before I send it out to the brass for review. However, look for me to be sending out the judge application form to the command and command support staffs sometime within July.

As soon as all this goes down, it will be time to begin planning for the 10th Anniversary awards event. This is the event I'd really most like to see happen aside from the two I'm currently working. With the EH having been around 10 years, I'm sure there are many people who deserve lifetime achievement awards, and perhaps maybe a Silver or Gold star or two for their efforts. I will have a list of people whom I think deserve rewards at this event when I've finished the competition format proposal.

As always, I'm still looking for website help. Step up if you want to earn a medal and help me out. email me at gspaanman@hotmail.com with the subject line as website help, and I should reply back forthwith with what I'd like the website to do and look like.

That's about it from my desk this week, other than that I've reached nine months as SOD. Crazy

SOD Report:  07.03.04

First, to those of us who are Americans... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TOMORROW!!!!

Now then....

This week, I've attached the second of my 10th Anniversary Event proposals to this report. That's the proposal for how I'd like to run the competition associated thereto. It's longer than the last one, because it has to outline more, but it outlines basically how I'd like to run things.

I'd also like to make it known that what I said about Astatine in my two cents on the latest idiotic idea by DN... that I meant nothing by it, other than that I'm supportive of him, despite his caustic nature. I'm really not trying to kiss up, just letting other members know that despite his tendency to be somewhat caustic, I feel the XO truly cares about the club. It's been his home now for quite awhile, and in his heart, I really think he loves it, no matter how much he gets frustrated.

Anyway... back to business. Now that my competition proposal is done, I'll be getting to work on the third of my event proposals. This one encompasses two events that will be done simultaneously, I hope. This will be a long one, and will probably take a few weeks for me to really think about what I want to propose, so... look for that forthcoming. In the meantime, as always I'm looking for website help. I've yet to get anyone emailing me about wanting to help. I'm offering medals to anyone that steps out and helps me with this thing. I don't need much out of it, other than an email form for suggestions as to 10th Anniversary Awardees, and links to my forum, etc, etc. And it has to look nice.

I think that's about all I have to say this week, but I'll leave you all with a shameless plug to check out the Alvaak boards for my new run on that will start on my birthday, July 14th(Yep! The SOD turns 26 in 11 days!)


CA:FC/SOD Report:  07.09.04

Hello, and welcome to my umpteenth(I've lost count already) report as SOD and my first as the brand spankin' new CA:FC. First things first, SOD report.

I've attached, as requested by the FC a much larger overall 10th Anniversary events proposal to this email(pray to god I don't forget to attach it :P) It has both of the original two proposals along with two more events that I wanted to do as well. One of them isn't an event per se, but I think it's a neat idea regardless. Now that that proposal is out, I'm going to start my judge searching for the Competition. It seems early, yes, but I want to do some serious screening. Why? Well, very simple. I need to find the most impartial judges possible, and preferably I'd also like to include higher ups from all subgroups in the grading. For example, many of the higher ups in the BHG are excellent writers, and I might have one of them judge writing events. Also, I might want the herald of the DB or someone equally graphically inclined to judge graphics for the graphics event. It's really pretty much that simple. I will give everyone among subgroup command staff a chance to apply for judging, although I'm sure you know that final decisions are between myself and my two superiors.

Now then CA:FC stuff... It has been awhile since I've done an FCA report so here goes..

On the main console:
Every link I clicked worked here.

On the Comms Console:
Again, all links worked, however Bond's CA:FC site is still there. I will have a new one up as soon as I get some help with all the coding

On the Operations Center:
All but the EH SWG PA Site link are working. I think you should go ahead and put a URL to be anounced soon on that one, because Astatine and Compton are working on the new website afaik.

Online References, Fleet Manuals, Joining and Contact Info, and the Rules and Regulations sections all contain working links.

The IWTA site, as well as the IW main site have apparently been suspended by the company hosting them, as I got a message saying as much when I clicked on them.

The only remaining item that doesn't work atm, is the EH meeting Archive. That's been removed, as I'm getting a "Page Cannot be Displayed" error following a click.

Otherwise, everything else is in order with the links on the main domain.

As always, I'm looking for website help, and the offer still stands. Medals of some kind or another for anyone among you crazy pilots that steps up and throws the SOD a bone.

Well... this concludes our broadcast day. Until next week friends... Same SOD Time, Same SOD channel.

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Siterath Goersase)

EH Advanced Guard

Lord Ambassador Report #12:  06.25.04

Week 14, so far we are developing our basis well. CM Nashaa reports no contact from her possible alliance find, so I will be contacting them this week if still no response. I also want us to coordinate with the Fringe. The XO has set that we need to branch out into Galaxies as well as our �standard� alliance base, and I know first hand that many of our allies would like to get involved with EH/Fringe activities online.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (dameon713@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn@btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85@gmx.net)

1) Currently there has been an alliance offer given to a club that operates mainly in SW Galaxies, still waiting on a response, and I will be contacting them personally this week to see what I can do.

2) Don�t forget the message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=109

3) Address all public AG emails to: eh_ag@yahoogroups.com

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15%). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don�t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in � keep in mind that even if it doesn�t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare � You know what to do ;)

Ambassador (AMB) � Nashaa KamBuel � Talking to a new possible ally. Great find. Thrilling me already :P Keep up the good work�

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane � Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel � Working on Website

Moving close to my 4 month mark as LA, and the 4 month mark of a job well done by you, the Ambassadors and Envoys of the Emperor�s Hammer. Keep up the good work.

Lord Ambassador Report #13:  07.02.04

Ok .. week number 13. We have some new developments, some possible new alliances, and some overall new happenings, so enjoy my report :P

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (dameon713+AEA-hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)

1) Currently there has been an alliance offer given to a club that operates mainly in SW Galaxies, still waiting on a response.

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f+AD0-109

3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me, it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- You know what to do +ADs-)

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Talking to a new possible ally. Great find. Thrilling me already :P Keep up the good work+ICY-

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Well until +ACM-14, enjoy

Lord Ambassador Report #14:  07.09.04

Again, report attached in .txt in the event of the odd formatting appearing again (since I have no idea what causes it)
Week 14, so far we are developing our basis well. CM Nashaa reports no contact from her possible alliance find, so I will be contacting them this week if still no response. I also want us to coordinate with the Fringe. The XO has set that we need to branch out into Galaxies as well as our +IBw-standard+IB0- alliance base, and I know first hand that many of our allies would like to get involved with EH/Fringe activities online.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (dameon713+AEA-hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)

1) Currently there has been an alliance offer given to a club that operates mainly in SW Galaxies, still waiting on a response, and I will be contacting them personally this week to see what I can do.

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f+AD0-109

3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- You know what to do +ADs-)

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Talking to a new possible ally. Great find. Thrilling me already :P Keep up the good work+ICY-

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Moving close to my 4 month mark as LA, and the 4 month mark of a job well done by you, the Ambassadors and Envoys of the Emperor+IBk-s Hammer. Keep up the good work.

Lord Ambassador Report #15:  07.16.04

Week 15, 1 week from 4 months as LA +ICY- time really does move fast, but sadly emails from prospective allies do not move as fast+ICY- Still no word from the potential Galaxies allies, but I have also been searching for a new alliance opportunity. If anyone has Galaxies, please look from within the game. Also, keep your eyes out for regular allies as well, we are not all Galaxies, we just need to swing that direction. Also, if anyone is interested, I want to remind you all that a current ally, the Federation of Bounty Hunters, is alive in Galaxies and is more than willing, at least from the talks I continue to have with them, to get more involved with the EH, namely information exchange. Anyway on to the rest of the report.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (siterath+AEA-tiecorps.org)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3+AEA-canada.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (dameon713+AEA-hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (keldorn+AEA-btopenworld.com)
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (demerzel85+AEA-gmx.net)

1) Currently there has been an alliance offer given to a club that operates mainly in SW Galaxies, still waiting on a response, and I will be contacting them personally this week (again) to see what I can do, one final email attempt.

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f+AD0-109

3) Address all public AG emails to: eh+AF8-ag+AEA-yahoogroups.com

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- You know what to do +ADs-)

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Talking to a new possible ally. Great find. Keep up the good work+ICY-

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above (and get in touch with me ASAP)

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Well all I can say as I end this +ICY- from all of us here on the DREAD Tranquility, keep your stick on the ice.

Imperial Sovereign Protector Reports
As Emailed From:  Imperial Sovereign Protector (TBA)

- No reports submitted.  New ISP to be appointed