July 2001


Passing of an EH member and My Dearest Friend:  07.20.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

It is with deep regret that I have to be the bearer of bad news. A very dear person close to my heart passed away on July 10th, 2001. Lynda Coetzee, also known to friends and EHers online as "Xanthe", was killed instantly in a car accident last week near Johannesburg International Airport in South Africa when a truck on a freeway jack-knifed and collided with another truck, sending it over the median right into oncoming traffic and crashing three other cars. Four other people were injured, but it cost Lynda her life. 

I had gotten worried when Lynda had stopped answering my e-mails and meeting me on IRC and I found her old phone number and tried to give her a call this morning. Her mother informed me of the tragic news. Xanthe and I had been close friends since we served together in the Dark Brotherhood many years ago. She had recently celebrated her 21st birthday, bought a new computer so she could start coming online again after being away for almost a year, and had a very promising and bright future ahead of her. 

While this picture isn't the most recent, it's the only one of good quality that I have. Later, I'll have a more recent photo of her scanned in. 

She was a wonderful person...and she will be sorely missed by all her friends and former Brotherhood clan members....especially myself. 

I will be on emergency leave until further notice. 

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

Phantom Menace Broadcast Premiere:  07.19.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran)



Phantom Menace Broadcast Premiere
July 17, 2001 

Anakin Skywalker's journey which began on the big screen will come to television later this year, as FOX has announced it will air The Phantom Menace on Sunday, November 25, 2001 from 7-10 p.m. ET/PT. While major motion pictures typically appear first on cable and pay-per-view, this will be the North American premiere television broadcast of Episode I. Check your local listings as the date approaches.

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh.ro/| www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-MAG-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} [AoT-***008***]
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
SC-SoA/BZ/(BN)/(LSAg)/ {SA: CORE} 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Happy Birthday Infiltrator Wing:  07.21.01
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (VA Figaro)

Infiltrator Wing

It has been six years. Six great years with both ups and downs. Six years ago, the Infiltrator Wing was created as a Sub-Group to the Emperor's Hammer, with the idea of giving former Rebels a new lease on life. A second chance at exercising their talents in combat, but under the Imperial emblem. The opportunity to fly an Xwing or Awing again, but for a new found cause. Although not all the Infiltrator Wings' members are former Rebels, they have all chosen to fly in the name of the Empire, to collectively leave their mark in history, and build new legends to be handed down through the generations. Some are true Imperials who simply want the thrill of living a charade. To pose as the enemy and see the look in a dying mans eyes when he realizes he was outdone by his enemy. Some are second, third, possibly fourth generation Imperials who would love nothing better than to fight the Rebellion on their own terms.

Regardless, it takes a person with great care and concern for their team to make the Infiltrator Wing as powerful as it is in the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. Along the way, the Infiltrator Wing has grown despite the many changes it has endured. Members have been witness to the events that have made this Sub-Group what it is today. From changes in the Command Staff, to ships closing and reopening. It is the members who drive the Infiltrator Wing. Recruits listen to senior members who reminisce about former glories, while dreaming of victory and honour. Hard working, dedicated members drive the Sub-Group to new heights every day. With the creation of new WebPages and missions, to works of art in graphics and fiction. It should also be noted the members of the Infiltrator Wing are constantly exercising their mind to increase awareness about the Infiltrator Wing, and to make sure that the Infiltrator Wing and its members are remembered for their work, charisma and strengths. The likes of COM Rogue Avatar, and IWOC NiksaVel are seasoned veterans in the eyes of young officers like CMDR Renn, or FM Vondergash. Members across the spectrum working together to keep the Infiltrator Wing at its peak. The Infiltrator Wing has seen quite a lot in her history, but each and every member stands proud to say that they helped build this Sub-Group to what it is today. 

Happy Birthday Infiltrator Wing, we wish you many more to come!!

Vice Admiral Figaro 
Infiltrator Wing Commander 
- Knight of the Fear - 
IWCS-1/MC-60 Warhammer 
ACO (Krath)/Maka Ragnos of Naga Sadow 
[DSM/LoM/SV x2/MoD/MC-2 x6/MC-1 x4/CBV w/5 Stars/VC - Blue/LSM x2/MoI - 
Blue Cross/HSM/OotF] [BS/CoB/OoV-2E] [BZ/DC] 
{IWTA:-SRW-SGK} {=SA:Core=} 
[mod. A-Wing: "Soul Reaver II"] [AX-Wing: "Hurricane"] [R2: "`Pikachu"] 
[CapEx A] 
[Professor of the Squadron Command Course] 
"When death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back." 

New Combat Operations Office/COO Report #7:  07.21.01
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (VA Wet Willy)

Combat Operations Office

Combat Operations Officer Report #7
Friday, July 20, 2001
Vice Admiral Wet Willy Reporting


It's a HUGE week here for me here! I've been doing a lot for the past 2-3 weeks, and it's almost all ready to go. Where to start....lets go with this:

The NEW Combat Operations Center

The Emperor's Hammer Combat Operations Center (EHCOC) is located at http://www.ehcoc.net/. It is now your link to anything multiplayer in the EH! It's still got a lot under construction, but is operable at the moment. It should be getting finished up within the next week, but my work schedule has me working almost 50 hours this week, so I'll do what I can.

In addition to the creation of the EHCOC site, we now have the EHCOC channel! #EHCOC on Undernet has been approved by the COMM for official use for ALL multiplayer competitions. This means, within the next week or two, we will phase out the use of #EH_ASF, #Tempest, #WingXIII, and the others, to this centralized location. There IS additional reasoning behind this, with the creation of the Combat Operations Staff, I now have a list of people to give access to on the new "Competition Management Bot", which I have lovingly named "WillyB0T" (yes, its an ego thing). Full instructions on the use of WillyB0T and #EHCOC will be included in the new Combat Manual.

Speaking of the Combat Manual, it is still under revision. I was simply going to add a few things to the old version two, but with the creation of #EHCOC, the COS, and so many other changes going on, it is impossible, and will need to be almost completely rewritten. This is about 40% done so far, but the ehcoc.net has the older version up for reference needs.

New Competitions!

Well, one new, one revived, but its a start. Zone Sunday will be restarting at its previous time and place (1:00 PM EST in the XWA Melee room) under the moderation of LT Sharp of Rage Squadron! The new competition is a long awaited competition to accommodate those who live in Australia, the new competition will take place on Fridays, at 5:00 AM EST in #AusLoC until it is moved into #EHCOC with the rest of the comps. MAJ Enahropes Entar is now the permanent host for this competition, and will be in charge of running it.

Combat Operations Officer Assistants

I have finally decided on a few new slaves...I mean, assistants to help me out with running the office. Congratulations are to go out to CM Dae Cam (COOA1) and LCM Kyle Katarn (COOA2), I will be training the two of them very soon, and they will be able to help me with the running of the office.

LoCs and DFCs Awarded!

Yes, I've finally gotten mostly caught up with my backlog of medals. The WoW medals are still pending due to some messed up coding with BSC, after they gave me access to create competitions, I could no longer see results for comps which I was not the creator of. Those will be one of my assistant's first assignment. Also, the ORW medals will be getting done tomorrow. If you are still missing medals for any competition, please contact me, and I'll look into the matter immediately. (Please wait on ORW and WoW medal requests, as per the explanation above)

Avenger vs. Red Squadron

After I took over planning this, there was little to do, I thank AD Keiran for his work. I almost have this completely set up. Avenger is going to need all the good pilots they can get, so if you think you have the talent, you might want to contact Tarkin, but don't tell him I said that. ;-)

That's about it, stay tuned for the integration of the EHCOC, and hopefully it will help things run much smoother with multiplayer competitions.

Vice Admiral Obeliskian Battlemaster Wet Willy
Combat Operations Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
COO/VA Wet Willy/VSD Agressor
GS/SS/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx24/MoI/MoT-1rh/IS-1PW/LoC-CSx8/MoC-4BoC/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [GALL] {IWATS-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/1} - S/MIS Supersoaker Mark II
OBM (Obelisk)/Kirleta of Satal Keto

"Insanity is a playground for the uncreative"

Star Wars Connections:  07.25.01
As Copied From:  www.starwars.com

"On Saturday, July 21, an eager audience crowded into a large auditorium at San Diego Comic-Con International, looking to catch an exclusive glimpse at Episode II, a film not due out until next year. By the sound of their jubilant cheers and applause, they weren't disappointed."

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}



Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran) Secures Greg Bear Email Interview:  07.15.01
As Compiled/Emailed By:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

Grand Admiral...


This is for you.

Forwarded Message: 

Subj: RE: WWW.GREGBEAR.COM: A new message has been entered 
Date: 7/15/01 3:39:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time 

From: grbear@earthlink.net (Earthlink Bear Account)
To: KeiranIdanian@aol.com

Answers in the text below!



-----Original Message-----

Subject: Re: GREGBEAR.COM: A new message has been entered

Greetings Mr. Bear, 

I was surprised to receive a reply so quickly. Usually it takes a few weeks for me to get some replies, so I would like to greatly thank you for the quick turn around. 

Here are the interview questions - 5 as requested... :) 

1.) What made you want to become an author?

Not sure actually! I've been writing since I was eight years old. I love storytelling in all its forms, and it just seemed like the most interesting profession. 

2.) What do you like most about being an author? 

I love getting feedback from my readers. That lets me judge how successfully I've told my story, from a wide variety of reactions. I also enjoy working with professionals in publishing and elsewhere--and getting to meet the people who inspired me when I was younger, who still inspire me. Fiction is a kind of universal language, not as widespread as music, but almost--and it takes me to some amazing places even in the real world! From my writing, I've been invited to give talks in Japan, New Zealand, Australia, England, and this year, Greece. There's also a possibility I'll be getting together with the good folks at ILM this next year to do a book signing. That will be terrific fun. 

3.) How did you come up with the idea for the planet of Zonama Sekot?

Zonama Sekot is loosely based on a planet I created for my novel, LEGACY. The idea of an integrated ecological mind was first proposed, in its modern form, by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. In LEGACY (and in ROGUE PLANET) the ecological systems are closely integrated, but competitive. Some of these ideas I later expanded into a more formal and realistic theory of evolution in DARWIN'S RADIO. 

4.) What are your current projects?

Next up is VITALS, the most paranoid conspiracy novel ever written. It will be published by Del Rey and HarperCollins UK in January of 2002. At the moment, I'm writing DARWIN'S CHILDREN, the sequel to DARWIN'S RADIO. There are some projects under way in Los Angeles for television and movies. but none are in production contract at the moment. Hope springs eternal!

5.) What are your hobbies, and why? 

I collect books and records and movies, mostly in DVD now. I've been known to collect and build model kits, but don't have much time for building any more. I'm a history buff--particularly ancient history and the American Civil War. I'm also very fond of books about travels and voyages--I'm a member of the British Hakluyt Society, which publishes historical accounts of travels. 


I would like to thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to fill this out. Also, I would like to offer you an "Honorary Membership" in the Emperor's Hammer. This is only for contributors to the Star Wars 
universe, like yourself. You'll be given an honorary rank, admiral I believe, as well an a special e-mail forwardeder - gregbear@emperorshammer.org. If you're interested, please let me know. It would mean a lot to the Emperor's Hammer and myself.

Thanks! A link to my web site would be terrific. 



Thanks a million! 

Highest Regards, 

Keiran Idanian 
Admiral/Emperor's Hammer 

Fleet Commander's Note:

As requested by Mr. Greg Bear, his link has been included both in this article and on our Fleet Commander's Favorite Links Page...(under Author/Actors)...

I would like to express my personal gratitude to AD Keiran as well for his fine work.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Recommendation for GOE (LC Guthwulf):  07.14.01
As Recommended By:  Training Officer (HA Astatine)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

I figured I'll do this the proper way.

I'd like to recommend LC Guthwulf for the Grand Order of the Emperor.

Guthwulf currently serves as professor of the Squadron Management 2 (SM/2) course and has been one of the longest serving members of IWATS. He has consistantly kept on top of the tests for the course and I have never heard a complaint about his performance or about tests not being marked. There have been some times where he has had to step down from his TC position (he's now in fact, in the reserves) because of real life things, yet he has still held onto that professor job, providing the high standard of work.

In addition to this, the course he maintains, SM/2, has recently passed 600 graduates. This makes it the 5th most successful course overall and the most successful course that I don't personally run. LC Guthwulf will be retiring from the professor position soon and has even gone so far as to preemptively suggest two possible replacements for himself.

He has also been consistent in keeping me up to date with graduate counts.

Given this kind of exceptional dedication which we rarely see today, along with the fact Guthwulf already has 3 Gold Stars, I believe he deserves a GOE - partly for his consistent and high standard of work and as a "Thank you" as he leaves the position of SM/2 Professor.

Let me know what you think.

HA Astatine - TO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au

Some News - Empire's Him Magazine Goes Online:  07.15.01
As Emailed From:  RSV-MORA/LCM Alex Foley/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves


Hey, sir. I've got some news for the next time you do an update.

#1 - EHM.1 is out. It kinda replaced the EH Cosmo, so if you could add it in and take the cosmo out, that'd be great. We wanted a link for the mag on the main site.

Empire's Him Magazine:

#2 - The MOR has a new webpage by myself. While we wait for my domain www.stardestroyer.org to get it's DNS worked out, it's here:


#3 - ConquestIRC, a script to aid in the online trading of resources in Conquest, the Directorate webgame, has been created by Alex Foley and Darwin Matir. You can find it here:


Check back frequently. It's constantly being updated.



RSV-MORA/LCM Alex Foley/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
SGOV Alex Foley / Uradia - Imperial / Free Imperial - Governor 
MRC/Alex Foley/Daichi/BHG -H (SCB) 

Upcoming Star Wars Celebration:  07.13.01
As Emailed From:  FM/COL Samuel Shadd III/Koph 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign


Hello, Sir

I wasn't sure who else to of e-mailed to ask about this, so I've e-mailed you. I was reading over www.theforce.net site today and saw that there is going to be a very big starwars celebration in Indianapolis on May 3, 4 and 5 of 2002, much like the celebration held in Denver just before The Phantom Menace came out. I was wondering if the EH has any plans for it, like what was done this past year in Germany. Or if there is plans to have a EH meet there.

So far this is the only site I've been able to find with information other than reports on www.theforce.net:


Thank you for your time, Sir.


FM/COL Samuel Shadd III/Koph 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
"200 Club"


David Prowse Signs for EH:  07.09.01
As Emailed From:  WC/MAJ Jesseb Skyrauch/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign


I went to a comic book convention Saturday in NYC and met with David Prowse, aka Darth Vader. I got his autograph, attached, and shown below. It is signed "To Jesse and the Emperor's Hammer" and then signed by him. I gave him a brief explanation of our organization, he seemed only slightly pleased. Also, I did put around some of our signs that you provided for such events. I hope they worked. Just giving you the update.

WC/MAJ Jesseb Skyrauch/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
SS/ISMx2/MoC-2BoC-2GoC/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [DRAG] 
SEN Jesseb Skyrauch (Frigg)/Intel, Deb, Tac
[LXY:Apocalyptic Splendor]

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please see our Article Mentions Page for more signatures and feature articles !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Newsletter #76 Posted to the Fleet:  07.10.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

Here's the new NL! I'll send out a link to the fleet and Command Staff so you don't have to forward this message. :)

Newsletter No. 76 (July 10, 2001)


= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

As usual, I have mirrored the ZIP, and provided an online version for your viewing pleasures:

    http://www.ehnet.org/nls/hammer76.zip (4,188kB)
    http://absolutek.com/nl76 (N.America)

You may wish to add this to your set of current URLs for this NL :-)

IO/FA AbsoluteK/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
"C code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"

TO Report #70/IWATS Report #111 (EH Ladder Winners !): 07.07.01
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (HA Astatine)

EH XvT/JK Competition Ladder

The second EH Ladder season has ended after another 2 months. Activity during this season was a lot more even than the last one. Winners are below:

Enahropes Entar


Dras Hempor

There's also a feedback form up at:


The second season raised some serious technical issues with the current ladder code and database design, so it's very likely the ladder will get a complete recode for season 3.

The Computer Basics and XvT Mission Design courses will be up once I code them. There's also a couple other courses in production. Hopefully, the total number will pass 20 some day.


DIR Conquest News for EH.org:  07.07.01
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (JediJawa)

EH Directorate (DIR)

After about three months of coding the changes to upgrade Conquest to version 2, the game is finally ready for mass play. This is a project that has been going on in some form since I joined the EH almost three years ago.

From GMF Dragon's vision, to Ares/Lammoth's hard work on Diplomacy, with Mordann's simplification to Conquest and finally the upgrade to v2.0.

This is the game the Directorate has been banking on for a long time and it's finally ready to play. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, you are invite to join the game at:


In short, Conquest is an EH/SW related online turn-based strategy that is played through a web interface. Very similar to such games as Earth 2025.

However, there will be many bugs still in the system, no doubt, so please be patient as I am the only person coding this game and I do not have unlimited time to do so.

-Grand Moff JediJawa

BHG's Scramble:  07.11.01
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince Trench


Here's a couple of paragraphs on Scramble that my SP wrote up for the domain. He didn't have time to make a banner and I want this to get exposure ASAP, so just use the BHG banner you use for the link. Thanks again for offering a place on the domain for Scramble.


The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

To be an actual Bounty Hunter is everything a member of the Bounty Hunters Guild hopes for. To feel the rush of the hunt, the fighting, the killing of the prey; it's all part of the game. The Bounty Hunters Guild has now come up with a new event to make this happen: "SCRAMBLE!".

"Scramble!" is an event that is send out to the BHG by mail. The initial mail will consist of a short story and a mission. This can vary from taking out a rogue governor to finding a girl's shoe. It is the Hunter's job to
complete this mission via a roleplaying report system.

Hunters mail the Specialist with their initial report, and their first "barrier". This barrier can be a conversation, or the searching of a house. Namely,  Hunters may not 'assume' the outcome of anything, they will be
told what they hear or find by the Specialist.

Already "Scramble!" is a hit. Many Hunters have participated in the event and others have expressed their interest in the next mission. The  Bounty Hunters Guild has succeeded again in making their members as happy as possible. Fun is what it's all about...in the end.

LO Stats/EH Demographics Project:  07.10.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

here is the URL you wanted



LO/AD Ramos

EH Poland Meeting Debriefing:  07.04.01
As Emailed From:  Lieutenant Colonel Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski/Crusader Squadron

Hello sirs. 

I come to you to report that we've successfully finished 1st EH Poland Meeting. 

Friday, the 29th of June

Meeting started at 9AM when DrDiablo arrived. We made last decisions about meeting. We decided to come back to Bialystok on Monday and make huge party for EH and non-EH member. We thought it may be good recruiting possibility. We were right. Jonny called us about 11AM and confirmed his presence. He said EH Meeting Place is ready and waiting for our arrival. He took his computer, few bags and left our city (Bialystok) to travel about 30 clicks to our destination. Wojszki village.

14:30 PM. Derek Dan arrived. We took him from Bus Station and we traveled to my home. Meantime Wiesio came back from camp and joined us. He took his friend, Chris ( currently in Fleet reserves ). We were all waiting for Marcin K arrival.

18:00. Marcin called me. He said there's a huge traffic in Warsaw so he'll be late. We decided to grab our gear, take Diablo's car and join Jonny. We took my computer, few tents, sleeping bag and other stuff. 
19:00 When we arrived at our destination we were shocked. Jonny was not there. We decided to leave Derek, and Chris there and come back to Bialystok. They took our gear and started meeting. 
21:30 We came back to my home. Marcin K was already there. He said it was very difficult to find it. We took rest of our gear and traveled to meeting place.

23:00 We finally arrived. Because we were all tired we had few beers and left to bed. I had the rumor that Jonny and Chris had a night training, but I was sleeping so I didn't see it. 

Saturday, 30th of June

9:00 I woke up. All people were sleeping. I took a shower and turned music on. 
11:00 We had a breakfast and started to watch "Gladiator". 
13:30 We started XvT competition. I say it was pretty kewl. No lags, and good opponents. Great fun especially Jonny crashing with asteroid.
15:00 Dinner. Rather it was beer than dinner. It was hot like hell. All people were lazy. Only Jonny was playing Suden Strike. 
18:00 We came back to XvT competition. Few more matches, few more beers. And a lot of joking and laughing. 
19:30 XWA Competition
21:00 We decided to watch another movie. This time it was "Titan: After Earth". Rather good. Beer after beer and only Chris was able to finish this movie. I can't say what happened next cause I was drunk. All I can say is that I was trying to play basketball and jumped to swimming pool without a water.

Sunday, 1st of July

9:30 I woke up with great pain of stomach. I felt terrible. 
10:00 Jonny and Chris were still playing. These guys got really good health. 
11:00 XWA competition. 
12:00 It was another hot day. Weather was great. Me, Derek and Marcin were sitting and telling jokes. 
13:30 Jonny explained us why captain Needa died, and why Vader was the only person on Hoth wearing black clothes. I say it was pretty funny. 
15:00 Derek Dan had to go home. We decided to meet him next year. 
17:00 Another movie. "Coyote Ugly" this time. It was really good, but didn't finish it. 
19:00 We finished main part of EH Meeting. We had to come back to Bialystok. 
21:30 Back to city. Diablo prepared great party. Good food, good drinks and many non-EH people. I say we should have few new CTs onboard Daedalus soon.
00:30 End of party. We were all too tired.

Monday, 2nd of July

10:00 I woke up. Marcin was still sleeping with his girlfriend. I decided to prepare breakfast. Hail to my mom for helping me. 
11:00 We finished breakfast. Diablo arrived, but he had to go after 10 mins. Only Marcin K and me left ( his GF too). Wiesio was around. 
13:00 Marcin K left Bialystok. Before he left we decided to meet again. Maybe next year, maybe winter meeting. Who knows. 

Here's a list of 1st EH Poland Meeting participators:

LC Marcin Szydlowski #3203
LCM Jonny Sawicki #4476
CM DrDiablo #4756
LCM Wiesio #4179
CM Marcin Kaczynski #5544
LCM Derek Dan #5483
LCM Chris - Reserves

and many non-EH members. 


Lieutenant Colonel Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski/Crusader Squadron

Star Wars - The New Jedi Order Edge of Victory II, Rebirth:  07.01.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

Greetings Grand Admiral,


I'm pleased to say that the New Jedi Order book, Rebirth will be in stores July 31st. 

-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh-recon.org/ | www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

TCG: Jedi Knights: Expansions Announced:  07.02.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)

Greetings Grand Admiral Ronin,


As announced on www.decipher.com ...

Scum and Villainy Street Date July 11! 
Masters of the Force October 10! 


-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh-recon.org/ | www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

SW:CCG Coruscant Cards:  07.06.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran Idanian)


I'm happy to say that the Episode I Coruscant CCG set should be released sometime this July. Get more information at:


Coruscant Guard
By Nick Zube

You'd think the Galactic Senate is a safe place. I mean, E.T. hangs out there, right? 

Wrong! Every location, as every SWCCG player knows, is a risky location, and that goes double for the Senate, the Audience Chamber of Coruscant, where a word from Supreme Chancellor Valorum defeats the Emperor's Power. And, to make matters worse, the Dark Side lacks a big-name political figure like Valorum to help defend (or attack) the Senate. 

Fortunately for you, the friendly neighborhood Coruscant Guard, a.k.a., the Brush-Head Squad, is there to lend a helping hand. Your own personal Blue Man Group, a squad of these economical characters can turn the tide in a Senate battle. 

While they aren't troopers, Coruscant Guards are still economical characters, with above-average forfeit, decent destiny, and respectable power. But what really makes them special is their Senate-based skills. Not only can you use them to boost the Politics of one of your Senators by 2 (and it's comforting to know that Valorum isn't a Senator... heh-heh-heh...), but these Guards zero the forfeit values of other characters without Politics in the Senate. 

Even outside of the Senate, the Guards are nice supporting characters. After all, any Dark Side deck can use a character with the deploy and forfeit values of a Light Side character. 

Brush-Heads of the world unite! 


Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Coruscant Guard + Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes: Hey, it couldn't hurt... 

[ORW Council] ORW Results: Final Standings:  07.04.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

~ Final Outer Rim War Standings ~

ORW Match Stats 

1) Total # of matches = 4, 094 
2) Avg. # of matches/week = 117 
3) Avg. # of matches/System Battle = 381 
4) Highest # of matches in one week = 211 
5) Highest # of matches in one System Battle = 551 

Overall Record for Each Club (W-L-T) 

RS = 1804 - 1113 -120 
(3037 matches) 

EH = 1199 - 873 - 69 
(2141 matches) 

SV = 303 - 645 - 61 
(1009 matches) 

IO = 258 - 387 - 29 
(674 matches) 

VE = 99 - 406 - 19 
(524 matches) 

5F = 109 - 310 - 18 
(437 matches) 

ANT = 78 - 143 - 6 
(227 matches) 

LSF = 55 - 20 - 2 
(77 matches) 

NR = 25 - 23 - 0 
(48 matches) 

INF = 2 - 12 - 0 
(14 matches) 

Average Points/Week Rating* 

1) RS = 1924 total pts in 35 weeks = 54.97avg pts/week 
2) EH = 1268 total pts in 26 weeks = 48.77 avg pts/week 
3) IO = 282 total pts in 21 weeks = 13.43 avg pts/week 
4) SV = 364 total pts in 35 weeks = 10.4avg pts/week 
5) LSF = 77 total pts in 9 weeks = 8.56 avg pts/week 
6) ANT = 84 total pts in 13 weeks = 6.46 avg pts/week 
7) 5F = 127 total pts in 21 weeks = 6.05 avg pts/week 
8) VE = 118 total pts in 35 weeks = 3.37 avg pts/week 
9) NR = 25 total pts in 15 weeks = 1.67 avg pts/week 
10) INF = 2 total pts in 3 weeks = 0.67 avg pts/week 

*Points included both wins and ties. 

Winning % By Club 

1) LSF = 71.4% 
2) RS = 59.4% 
3) EH = 56.0% 
4) NR = 52.1% 
5) IO = 38.3% 
6) ANT = 34.4% 
7) SV = 30.0% 
8) 5F = 24.9% 
9) VE = 18.9% 
10) INF = 14.3% 

# of First Place Finishes 

RS = 27 
EH = 7 
SV = 1 

# of Second Place Finishes 

EH = 17 
RS = 8 
SV = 4 
LSF = 2 
VE = 1 
IO = 1 

# of Third Place Finishes 

IO = 12 
SV = 9 
5F = 3 
VE = 2 
LSF = 2 
EH = 1 
NR = 1 

Cadrel Expanse Systems Won By Club 

RS = Titania, Dia Pas, Vectain, Elenian, Genji, Anshife, Malkoria, Yuen Lon, 

EH = Elornia ( http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/outerrim/elornia.htm

Top Player By Club 

RS = Gambit, 333-3-5, 1668 pts** 

EH = Brucmack, 100-4-2, 1198 pts 

IO = Tav1, 58-13-2, 1105 pts 

SV = Phoca, 47-37-5, 1062 pts 

ANT = Horn, 30-20-1, 1041 pts 

5F = FA Worf, 30-25-5, 1040 pts 

NR = Hansolo, 15-3-0, 1027 pts 

VE = Anakin, 26-32-2, 1022 pts 

LSF = LSFAvenger, 11-0-0, 1022 pts 

INF = RicGravin, 0-1-0, 999 pts 

** pts = Points scored on ORW Ladder 

Top 5 Overall Individuals 

1) Gambit, Rebel Squadrons 
333-3-5 ~ 1668 pts** 

2) Rahj Tharen, Rebel Squadrons 
251-5-0 ~ 1497 pts 

3) Talon Drear, Rebel Squadrons 
122-11-5 ~ 1238 pts 

4) Kaz Falcion, Rebel Squadrons 
111-1-2 ~ 1223 pts 

5) Brucmack, Emperor's Hammer 
100-4-2 ~ 1198 pts 

Highest Individual Win % With Over 40 Matches 

1) Rivian Von Donitz, Emperor's Hammer 
53-0-0 ~ 100.00% 

2) Rahj Tharen, Rebel Squadrons 
251-5-0 ~ 98.04% 

3) Dras Hempor, Emperor's Hammer 
46-1-0 ~ 97.87% 

4) Gambit, Rebel Squadrons 
333-3-5 ~97.65% 

5) Mareek, Emperor's Hammer 
40-1-0 ~ 97.56% 

ORW Fun Stats/Closing 

There are 474 names on the ORW Ladder, and over 1000 ORW accounts were created for PIN #'s. All in all, I'd say this was one heck of a successful competition and for the majority of clubs that participated, the largest one they've ever been involved with...Congrats to everyone that contributed! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator & RS XO


Newsletter No. 75 Posted by the XO:  06.29.01
As Submitted/Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

Herein, the Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) posts the current and previous Emperor's Hammer Newsletters...


Mr./Miss EH 2001 Competition Finally Back!  06.29.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office

COs and SGCOMs please forward this down the Chain of Command

Greetings Emperor's Hammer Members,

After a prolonged absence due to web hosting difficulties and several other difficult matters the 2001 Mr/Miss EH Competition is finally here! The main site can be found at:


The first round of voting can be found at http://lo.minos.net/ehmrmiss-one.php

Go Vote and Select the best EH member as nominated for 2001! Also if you would like to earn a PC send me your best banners for the Mr/Miss EH site you can. You will be rewarded as I said earlier.

Thank you,

LO/AD Ramos Kanzco
EH Pollmaster

New Security Officer (SO) (AD Slade) and Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Kadath) Appointed:  06.25.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Security Office

...I believe Admiral Slade (slade@tiecorps.org) would be the perfect choice for Security Officer.  He has had years of past experience in the Intelligence Division and his ability to take things that are broken and put them together in better and working order (such as the Fringe and Praetorian) will be necessary and useful to repair the broken-down Security Office.  He has several promising reform ideas for the Security Office to clean up and revamp the un-respected 'Sector Rangers' division which show great promise.

His ability to put a webpage is not difficult for him as he has done countless web designs including the design on TC.org, graphics for the EH Database and Newsletters. (The Fringe website was slow to come online, but that was purely my fault because I couldn't get the database up fast enough)

Aside from the recent incident that NF confused as a mutiny attempt, AD Slade has had no troubles or HCI convictions. 

If there are no objections and AD Slade is to be the new Security Officer, I would then also like to appoint DCGM Kadath (kiniak@yahoo.com) to be the new CGM of the Fringe...

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- http://www.kawolski.com - http://www.tiecorps.org

"(Star Wars) Gamer #5. A Domain of Evil It Is":  06.27.01
As Copied From:   www.starwars.com

"June 27, 2001

If only you knew the power... 

The fifth issue of Star Wars Gamer will ship to subscribers soon and hit the newsstands July 24. Readers will be able to indulge the Sith within with tales of the Emperor's pawns (Mara Jade wasn't the only one), a guide to creating your own villains, the adventures of crazed Sith marauder Kaox Krul and thirteen all-new Sith technologies. 

Along with special features, roleplaying articles and adventures, Gamer #5 explores the mysteries of the blue-skinned Chiss species and features the new short-story The Crystal by Elaine Cunningham. 

For more information about Gamer and The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, check out their official site here

Pick it up. It is your destiny."

Fleet Commander's Note:

While cruising through the above story, I found the following URL...A neat little treat for us dark Jedi types...!

Star Wars Roleplaying Game Dark Side Quiz

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


New EH Banners for Linking !  06.28.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran)

Greetings GA Ronin and SA Kawolski,


At the conclusion of the RO/EH Banner comp, I'm here to present to you the new EH banners as well as the new official RO banner... :)

If you would like the names of the members that created the banners, they can be found in my last report.


-= Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =-
[- ro@emperorshammer.org | EHRecCenter@aol.com - ]
{ - http://www.eh-recon.org/ | www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual - }
RO-VROY-XADI/AD Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

[ORW Council] ORW Results - Week 34:  06.23.01
As Emailed From:  slookabill@home.com

Standing in for Rahj, scores courtesy of Trace.

EH Wins!

Score: <RS: 26 ,SV: 0 ,EH: 31 ,VE: 2 ,5F: 15 ,IO: 10 ,INF: 0 >
Matches: <RS: 62 ,SV: 2 ,EH: 50 ,VE: 5 ,5F: 33 ,IO: 26 ,INF: 0 ,Total: 89 >


JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(6pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: 5F_Greystone(#990)-(29pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(27pts), 5F Wins!
XVT: RS_Trate(#221)-(5pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(4pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Trate(#221)-(20pts) vs IO_Aragon(#973)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(3pts) vs 5F_Yoruk(#640)-(2pts), IO Wins!
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(12pts) vs 5F_Yoruk(#640)-(8pts), RS Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(6pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), 5F Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(6pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: EH_Mell(#599)-(20pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(10pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Rode(#963)-(2pts) vs EH_Blaster(#773)-(8pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(2pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(-1pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Bluejay(#220)-(8pts) vs 5F_Yoruk(#540)-(6pts), RS Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(4pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: RS_Fox(#807)-(20pts) vs EH_Blaster(#773)-(25pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(5pts) vs SV_Nitemare(#379)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Mell(#599)-(18pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(11pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Sunrider(#929)-(2pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(17pts), RS Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(18pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(14pts), IO Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(6pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(2pts), 5F Wins!
XVT: RS_Xtreme(#983)-(0pts) vs IO_Aragon(#973)-(1pts), IO Wins!
XVT: RS_Bluejay(#220)-(8pts) vs EH_Blaster(#773)-(14pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(4pts) vs VE_TJ(#11)-(-3pts), EH Wins!
JK: VE_TJ(#11)-(6pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(2pts), VE Wins!
XVT: EH_dae(#540)-(14pts) vs IO_aragon(#973)-(4pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(8pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Grail(#941)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(5pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(3pts), IO Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(29pts) vs EH_Saar(#1008)-(9pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(13pts) vs 5F_Wrath(#1009)-(-3pts), EH Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(6pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: EH_Gloric(#940)-(7pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(13pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Grail(#941)-(19pts) vs RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_dae(#540)-(25pts) vs RS_bluejay(#220)-(6pts), EH Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(5pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(0pts), 5F Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(1pts) vs RS_Dash(#381)-(-3pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Saar(#1008)-(10pts) vs IO_Aragon(#973)-(10pts), Tie!
XWA: EH_Delplancq(#884)-(26pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_grail(#941)-(15pts) vs RS_Bluejay(#220)-(10pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(3pts) vs 5F_Exar(#1009)-(1pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(13pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(-1pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(15pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(8pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Zetar(#799)-(1pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(8pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Delplancq(#884)-(28pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(5pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(24pts) vs EH_Grail(#941)-(23pts), RS Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(6pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(19pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_grail(#941)-(33pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Saar(#1008)-(8pts) vs RS_Amb(#1016)-(8pts), Tie!
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(7pts), IO Wins!
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(1pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(1pts) vs RS_Johnny(#735)-(0pts), IO Wins!
XWA: EH_Saar(#1008)-(8pts) vs RS_Amb(#1016)-(8pts), Tie!
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(21pts) vs IO_tdy(#783)-(-3pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(2pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(4pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: RS_Amb(#1016)-(7pts) vs EH_Saar(#1008)-(8pts), EH Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(16pts) vs EH_Sunrider(#929)-(11pts), IO Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(2pts) vs EH_Saar(#1008)-(3pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(3pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Jordan(#434)-(10pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(1pts), RS Wins!
CS: IO_moskito(#690)-(13pts) vs RS_gizmo(#31)-(10pts), IO Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(5pts) vs RS_Jordan(#434)-(0pts), EH Wins!
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(7pts), IO Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(10pts) vs EH_Cobolt(#1013)-(24pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Vallyn(#939)-(8pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(6pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(13pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(0pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(7pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(-3pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(20pts) vs IO_Simon(#637)-(3pts), RS Wins!
CS: IO_Moskit(#690)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(10pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(0pts) vs RS_Dash(#381)-(-1pts), EH Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(9pts) vs VE_`TJ(#11)-(3pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: EH_Saar(#1008)-(3pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(8pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(5pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), EH Wins!
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(23pts) vs EH_Sunrider(#929)-(13pts), 5F Wins!
XWA: 5F_Greystone(#990)-(1pts) vs EH_Rety(#1015)-(0pts), 5F Wins!
XVT: RS_RenanD(#928)-(5pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(14pts), IO Wins!
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(17pts) vs RS_Bon_fel(#352)-(12pts), 5F Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(7pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(-1pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Keiran(#886)-(21pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(16pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Enahropes(#1004)-(3pts) vs 5F_Octo(#822)-(3pts), Tie!
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(13pts) vs RS_Renand(#928)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: 5F_Greystone(#990)-(27pts) vs RS_Rode(#963)-(26pts), 5F Wins!
XVT: 5F_Worf(#681)-(10pts) vs RS_Bon_fel(#352)-(7pts), 5F Wins!
JK: 5F_Ocato(#822)-(9pts) vs VE_`TJ(#11)-(2pts), 5F Wins!
XVT: EH_Dax(#828)-(12pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Enahropes(#1004)-(14pts) vs 5F_Simon(#637)-(-2pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Bon_Fel(#352)-(10pts) vs IO_Moskito(#690)-(10pts), Tie!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(9pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(3pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Vallyn(#939)-(7pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(4pts), EH Wins!
JK: VE_`TJ(#11)-(1pts) vs 5F_Ocato(#822)-(0pts), VE Wins!


Admiral Zsinj ret.
Former COO

[ORW Council] ORW Results - Week 35:  06.30.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Week 35 results for the Final Battle of the Oberon System. 


RS Wins OR! RS Wins Oberon System! ~ Score:[RS: 41, SV: 0, EH: 19, VE: 0, 5F: 2, IO: 11, INF: 2 ] Matches:[RS: 61, SV: 2, EH: 52 , VE: 0, 5F: 6, IO: 30, INF: 5, Total:78] 


Final Oberon System Standings: 

Rebel Squadrons: 119 
Emperor's Hammer: 95 
Imperial Order: 35 
NR 5th Fleet: 29 
Vast Empire: 2 
Imperial Naval Fleet: 2 
Star Vipers: 1 


XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(0pts) vs RS_Gagra(#498)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(1pts) vs EH_Strahd(#710)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_DT(#503)-(0pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Gagra(#498)-(11pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(21pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(26pts) vs RS_Zeratul(#1020)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(3pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
JK: IO_Tdy(#783)-(3pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(7pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(13pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(4pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_johnny(#735)-(12pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(17pts) vs RS_Rakiki(#921)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(3pts) vs 5F_WRTH(#1009)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Aragon(#973)-(1pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs EH_Yarik(#1022)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(2pts) vs 5F_WRTH(#1009)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Rakiki(#921)-(23pts) vs EH_Stone(#954)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(15pts) vs RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(12pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xreme(#983)-(1pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Tav1(#746)-(1pts) vs EH_Ninja(#874)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(16pts) vs RS_Han(#573)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_John(#461)-(2pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(2pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(5pts) vs 5F_WRTH(#1009)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Delplancq(#884)-(19pts) vs RS_Gagra(#498)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Drasta(#567)-(23pts) vs RS_Johnny(#735)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: 5F_Wrath(#1009)-(6pts) vs IO_Fox(#646)-(0pts), 5F Wins! 
XVT: EH_Ninja(#874)-(16pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Aragon(#973)-(3pts) vs INF_Gravin(#996)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Mell(#599)-(5pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(20pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(31pts) vs EH_Stone(#954)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(26pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs 5F_WRTH(#1009)-(-4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Drasta(#567)-(10pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: SV_Fox(#468)-(0pts) vs INF_Mark(#801)-(1pts), INF Wins! 
XWA: RS_Johny(#735)-(1pts) vs EH_Stone(#954)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(16pts) vs IO_Syndic(#898)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
JK: 5F_WRTH(#1009)-(10pts) vs EH_Yarik(#1022)-(1pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(17pts) vs IO_Dragon(#860)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(17pts) vs IO_Ragnar(#1024)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Drasta(#567)-(24pts) vs RS_Johnny(#735)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(18pts) vs IO_Dragon(#860)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(15pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(21pts) vs EH_ZsyF(#869)-(16pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Drasta(#567)-(18pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Gab(#736)-(6pts) vs EH_Cobolt(#1013)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Xtremegen(#983)-(17pts) vs EH_Proph(#591)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Coolguy(#544)-(5pts) vs IO_Ragnorak(#1024)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Jon(#393)-(23pts) vs INF_Kalebb(#997)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(1pts) vs EH_DT(#503)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Mell(#599)-(25pts) vs IO_Dragon(#860)-(18pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_ZysFryar(#869)-(15pts) vs RS_bon_fel(#352)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(4pts) vs EH_DT(#503)-(4pts), Tie! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(25pts) vs EH_Prophet(#591)-(21pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(7pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_DT(#503)-(-3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(17pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(7pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(10pts) vs EH_Yarik(#1022)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Crusader(#494)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(16pts) vs IO_Dragon(#860)-(-4pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(31pts) vs EH_KDogg(#501)-(27pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(12pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demosthenes(#626)-(27pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demosthenes(#626)-(32pts) vs RS_Han(#573)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Johnny(#735)-(16pts) vs EH_Kerian(#886)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(15pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), Tie! 
XVT: EH_Keiran(#886)-(21pts) vs RS_JonAnchorage(#393)-(16pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Smit(#855)-(20pts) vs INF_Kalebb(#997)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Han(#573)-(11pts) vs EH_Keiran(#886)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(10pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(19pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_hawk(#116)-(4pts) vs EH_enah(#1004)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(20pts) vs EH_Ninj(#874)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Smit(#855)-(4pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Syndic(#898)-(5pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(27pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_hawk(#116)-(1pts) vs EH_enah(#1004)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Ace(#1025)-(1pts) vs INF_kalebb(#997)-(10pts), INF Wins! 


Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator & RS XO