January 2004
Position of Logistics
Officer Open for Applications: 01.09.04
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
The Logistics Officer is responsible for maintaining archives of
important materials such as newsletters. The position is also responsible for
specialist projects such as the EH Codex.
Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communications skills
2. An acceptable level of online presence in areas such as message boards, IRC,
3. Fast email response time
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel
Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Prior experience in maintaining some sort of reference work (ie. a manual)
2. Ability to maintain stable web hosting for all newsletters
Initial Work Plan
1. Establishment of a LO site
2. Establishment of a Newsletters mirror
3. Updating of the EH Codex
You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yeah, I
can do that" is not enough. Include specific examples and situations to back up
your claims. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered
for the position. You must include at least three (3) references in your
application. At least one of these must be a former or, preferably, current
superior. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be
viewed in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications
should be directed to the Fleet Commander (fc@emperorshammer.org) and Executive
Officer (xo@emperorshammer.org) with the subject "Application for Logistics
Should you be successful in the position, you will be expected to perform core
duties of the position, including the initial work plan, to an acceptable level.
You will be reviewed upon these tasks and based
upon that performance, you may be rewarded or punished.
SA Astatine - XO
Grand Moff Open For
Applications: 01.09.04
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
EH Directorate (DIR)
The position of Grand Moff is unique among subgroup commanders in that the Grand
Moff runs a subgroup and also must maintain the System Manual The successful
applicant will need to demonstrate long term commitment and consistent levels of
output to gain this position.
Applicants must address the following criteria:
Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Prove command experience, at the level of at least TIE Corps Wing Commander
or a similar/equivalent position of responsibility.
2. Good written communication skills
3. An acceptable level of presence in online media, such as IRC, message boards,
4. Fast email response time.
5. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the
Executive Officer, Fleet Commander and members of the Directorate.
6. An outline of plans or ideas for the Directorate.
Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Experience in the creation and/or maintaining of online reference works
2. Proven experience in turning around an aspect of the EH.
Intitial Work Plan
1. Generation of consistant activity within the Directorate
2. Ensuring primary resources such as the Directorate website and System Manual
are in good working order
You must address each of the criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying
"Yep I can do that" won't be good enough. You must also include three
references, at least one being a current superior. These references will be
checked and your application will be considered in an extremely negative light
if you have not gotten permission from people
to use them as references first. Applications are to be directed to the
FC and XO with the subject "Application for Grand Moff".
Should you be successful in the position, you will be expected to perform core
duties of the position, including the initial work plan, to an acceptable level.
You will be reviewed upon these tasks and based
upon that performance, you may be rewarded or punished.
SA Astatine - XO
Internet Office Domain
News: 01.07.04
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
Two separate items:
eXtensible Polling System
This week I would like to officially announce the release of the
much-anticipated IO project I've been coding the past few weeks. Ladies and
gentlemen, EHNet's eXtensible Polling System (XPS) is now completed and
available to the general public. XPS primarily serves as a means of "data
collection" with lots of nifty features! The main page at
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ has some
helpful information. We also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you read the XPS Help Manual
since it's full of helpful information and is sure to answer 95% of any
questions you can think of.
Keep in mind - XPS isn't just for polls (that's why it's eXtensible!) - we
encourage you to come up with your own uses for it! I hope you enjoy it as much
as I enjoyed creating it!
New Internet Guideline Enacted
As of January 8, 2004 at 12:00 AM, the Internet Officer has enacted a new
Internet Guideline rule regarding user databases in EH sites:
"Any website with a user database that contains passwords MUST encrypt the
passwords. This may be a one-way hash (highly preferable), or an encryption
using a key. The Internet Officer reserves the right to request a database dump
(or any other verification method) to verify compliance. Anyone who refuses to
comply after being warned may be brought to the Security Officer on charges. "
This rule has been enacted due to a rising concern of password security within
the Emperor's Hammer at large. Please note that EVERY EH-related site is bound
by the rules set forth in the Internet Guidelines (
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php ). Users of SquadFirst+ need not worry,
since the one-way hash is handled within the code.
The Internet Officer herein sets a period of 2 weeks in order to comply with the
new guideline. As of January 22, 2004 at 12:00 AM all websites containing user
databases will be presumed to be compliant and the Internet Office staff
reserves the right to request a database dump, as well as any other methods
deemed necessary to verify compliance. A lack of compliance will result in a
warning being issued with one additional week to comply.
Week of War XWA - November 2003
As Emailed From:
Admiral Darksaber
To the Attention of the EH Command Staff.
I would like to call to your attention that Emperor�s Hammer won the XWA WoW for
the month of the November!!! Something never done by EH. Our first big win in a
BSC Comp. :)
As BGCOM of ASF, I would also like to point out that all games were played by
ASF Pilots and that Avenger Squadron pilot MAJ Ace was our best pilot and placed
in an Amazing 3� Place Overall ;)
If it was possible I would like to see it anounced in www.emperorshammer.org and
Thank you
Admiral Darksaber
Aggressor Strike Force Battlegroups Commander
Commendations of Loyalty: 01.02.04
As Emailed From: Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
Please pass this down the CoC...
Seems I let this one slip past me. Commendations of Loyalty! The Emperor's
Hammer's Anniversary is on January 7th, 9 years I believe, and we must celebrate
it! Same rules as always, but I'll have to extend the deadline a little bit. All
CoL recommendations are due 14 days from today, on January 16th, 2004. Again,
sorry about the late notice.
For the TIE Corps:
Each squadron commander can send any number of recommendations for awards to
their respective Wing Commander. The Wing Commander chooses three (3) awards.
Then these recommendations are forwarded up the chain of command to the
respective Commodores and Battlegroup Commanders, making any possible
corrections. Then the Battlegroup Commander collects the recommendations for his
Battlegroup, and emails them to the Operations Officer, CC'ing the Flight
Officer. Also, each Battlegroup Commander has the discretion to award a maximum
of three (3) awards to his Flag Officers.
For elite squadrons (Avenger, Praetorian, Tau, and Omega), the commander can
recommend up to one (1) award to their Battlegroup Commander (Omega - SovCOM;
Avenger - ASF BGCOM), in the case of Praetorian and Tau Squadron, the CMDR will
directly email the Operations Officer, also CC'ing the Flight Officer.
For the Dark Brotherhood:
Each Clan Consul will have the ability to recommend up to three (3) members from
their clan to the Chancellor of the Brotherhood and the Grand Master. The Grand
Master will also have a special discretionary award up to a maximum of five (5)
awards. These final recommendations will be sent by the Grand Master to the
Operations Officer.
Other Subgroups:
Each Subgroup (other than the Brotherhood) will have the opportunity to
recommend a maximum of ten (10) awards. These will be sent directly to the
Operations Officer
Command Staff/Advisors:
Each CO will be allowed a small indeterminate level of awarding, to be dealt
with on a case-by-case basis. These recommendations also go to the Operations
***ALL recommendations must have the subject heading: "CoL Recommendations" or
they will be ignored***
Recommendations are due January 16th, 2004, at Midnight Eastern
Standard Time.
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
Reports submitted as XO calls for position applications (see
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #121: 01.03.04
Hello members of Emperor's Hammer. 2003 has passed with 1 year as Tactical
Officer and 3 years total in this office. I must say I am pretty happy with
efforts in last year, but there are a lot of things we are going to change in
2004. Well, details below.
TAC awarded MoH:
It's been a great honor to work with you guys and it still is and it's ever a
greatest honor to be awarded with highest imperial award, Medal of Honor. I
would like to thank GA Ronin and SA Astatine for seeing me worthy. I would like
to thank my Tactical Staff for helping me during my time as TAC. I will wear it
with pride!
Competitions callendar:
Sounds like COO project, huh? Well, I have new idea for this year. Callendar
with all Tactical Competitions in HTML format as simple webapage. My TACA is
already working on layout, so you will be able to see everything very soon :)
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and Links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I
try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my
Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question
there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.
And of course, full version of this report is available at emperorshammer.net
Tactical Office Report #122: 01.11.04
Well. Release of new battles, release of new course. What more can I say? :)
Tactical Staff IWATS Course [TACS] released:
Finally. This course has been released by our TO. Long waiting but it's here
and you can pass it now. Go and check this link to see it and pass it. Also,
from now on it's mandatory for every tactical position so all staff members
should pass it ASAP. If you are going to apply for any tactical position in
future, you will have to pass it too.
New battles and free missions:
1st part of huge package has been released this week. I am still awarding FCHG
points and medals so be patient. Released battles:
TIE-FREE #244-246
BoP-FREE #29
XWA-TC #36
Competitions callendar:
Sounds like COO project, huh? Well, I have new idea for this year. Callendar
with all Tactical Competitions in HTML format as simple webapage. My TACA is
already working on layout, so you will be able to see everything very soon :)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report: 01.09.04
"Sir I'm not quite sure I understand"
"It's quite simple really, He's a damn good pilot is not enough for a promotion"
Welcome to my first report for '04. I had last weekend off to celebrate my B-day
and New Years, so with out further ado:
1. The much anticipated 2v2 multiplayer comp has begun! This is a FO/COO
sponsored comp that will run the duration of 6 months. A trial run to see how
much interest is really shown in team MP activity. LoC's and DFC's will be
awarded for wins, plus it has also been TO approved for some nifty IS's at the
end of the six months for the top pilots during the comp. For details go to:
2. For processing I am still maintaining a quick turn around for requests. VA
Reaper is handling Recruits and Ship/wing/squadron roster changes as well as
doing all of the reports checking.
3. Remember that the EH Anniversary awards has been extended until Jan16,2004!
DO get your requests in before hand.
4. Since starting as FO I've tried to maintain a fair an equitable practice for
Promos etc. However, as the quote above states, I have been getting some very
sketchy requests ranging from Fits the minimum time in, A damn good pilot, an
asset to the tc etc, etc. These wouldn't be bad if they weren't THE ONLY THINGS
LISTED FOR THE PROMOTION. I'm not asking for the world but some form of activity
which would further justify the promotion. I have denied a few, but I will say
that just meeting the minimum time in is not enough to warrant a promotion. They
should be earned a little more than sitting around and doing nothing. Please
make sure that there is a little meat to the requests, and if you are a vegan
I'll accept portabella mushroom :)
Well that's it from the Flight Office. Get out and fly the 2vs2 comp!
In Service.....
FA Cyric
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #124 (01-02-2004) NEW
YEAR'S EDITION: 01.02.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #124
January 2, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
From everyone here at the Internet Office...HAPPY NEW YEAR, EMPEROR'S HAMMER!!!
And with the new year, the IO ushers in a slew of new things in time for New
Year's AND the EH's upcoming 10th Anniversary!
First and foremost, I would like to welcome CM Rokin to the IO staff as our
newest IOA. Rokin will be joining us primarily as a PHP coder and helping with
development of all sorts of fun stuff!
Now onto the big news! This week I would like to officially announce the release
of the much-anticipated IO project I've been coding the past few weeks. Ladies
and gentlemen, EHNet's eXtensible Polling System (XPS) is now completed and
available to the general public. XPS primarily serves as a means of "data
collection" with lots of nifty features! The main page at
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ has some
helpful information. We also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you read the XPS Help Manual
since it's full of helpful information and is sure to answer 95% of any
questions you can think of. Keep in mind - XPS isn't just for polls (that's why
it's eXtensible!) - we encourage you to come up with your own uses for it! I
hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it!
For his hard work and dedication on the XPS project, IOA Xander Drax has been
promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel (LC)!
More big news! ELS Display Names! That's right! Did your former MB handle get
truncated? Not to worry! ELS now supports the display name feature - you can
change yours at http://els.minos.net. A few
rules though: Your display name must be unique and no longer than 30 characters
(either alphanumeric, spaces or underscores). You may only change your display
name ONCE PER WEEK! Once you change your display name, the Message Boards will
show that as your name. However, if you request message boards you must still
supply your ELS username!
PLUS, even more news! The old message board data is now online in the Archived
Message Board Data repository which you can view at
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/! Please
note that all the forums are LOCKED. You cannot post to them; the primary
message board remains at
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/. However, for those of you who wish to view the old
data, you can at the Archive. If you wish to continue a thread on the new MB,
simply just paste a link that refers to the old topic you wish to continue in
your post on the new MB.
This week was the last week for the SOTW Bonanza! competition. However, since
this week's SOTW is the IO's newly released XPS project, I will be forgoing the
IS-SR. Look for more SOTW Bonanza! competitions in the future!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the IO's brand new eXtensible Polling System at
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/, coded by
myself (HA Ari) and layout design by LC Xander Drax. A 5 star site, if I do say
so myself! :P
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What do you think of the eXtensible Polling System?
-I love it, it's just what I needed!
-It's great, definitely a service the EH needs!
-It's nice, but I don't want to take the time to read the manual
-It's just okay, nothing special
-I have no interest in it
-I haven't tried it out yet!
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report #125: 01.09.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #125
January 9, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
A happy anniversary to the Emperor's Hammer - 9 whole years! Wow! Let's keep it
up for another 9!
Anyways, the Internet Office had intended to do something special for the EH
anniversary, however this week has been a bit hectic and other things kept
popping up, but we'll try to get it ready for next week!
As you might have noticed, there is a new Internet Guideline set forth. Here's a
quote from my news post: "As of January 8, 2004 at 12:00 AM, the Internet
Officer has enacted a new Internet Guideline rule regarding user databases in EH
"Any website with a user database that contains passwords MUST encrypt the
passwords. This may be a one-way hash (highly preferable), or an encryption
using a key. The Internet Officer reserves the right to request a database dump
(or any other verification method) to verify compliance. Anyone who refuses to
comply after being warned may be brought to the Security Officer on charges. "
This rule has been enacted due to a rising concern of password security within
the Emperor's Hammer at large. Please note that EVERY EH-related site is bound
by the rules set forth in the Internet Guidelines (
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php ). Users of SquadFirst+ need not worry,
since the one-way hash is handled within the code.
The Internet Officer herein sets a period of 2 weeks in order to comply with the
new guideline. As of January 22, 2004 at 12:00 AM all websites containing user
databases will be presumed to be compliant and the Internet Office staff
reserves the right to request a database dump, as well as any other methods
deemed necessary to verify compliance. A lack of compliance will result in a
warning being issued with one additional week to comply. "
I'd also like to point out that this isn't the only guideline there is, there
are quite a bit more and if you've never seen them, I suggest you have a glance
at them.
Some of you may have been having problems with EHNet.org e-mail. This has been
fixed by our wonderful server admin, Koral who's always reliable when we need a
quick fix!
XPS has begun to build a nice user base, but I still want to plug it more :P Use
XPS (eXtensible Polling System)! http://www.ehnet.org/xps/!
Lastly, just so you don't think we've forgotten about multiplayer Sabacc - I've
decided to release a teaser screenshot of the game Leeson has been working on
for the past few months. You can see it at
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/clientv071a_game_ruledisp.jpg. Isn't it
taunting? :P
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the brand new Combat Operations Office site at
http://combat.tiecorps.net. Congrats to
Tiamat and Drako on their 5 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What do you think of the eXtensible Polling System?
-I love it, it's just what I needed!
-It's great, definitely a service the EH needs!
-It's nice, but I don't want to take the time to read the manual
-It's just okay, nothing special
-I have no interest in it
-I haven't tried it out yet!
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #27: 01.04.04
I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.
Commander Gandalf, the TIE Fighter Tactics Professor, and Vice Admiral Philo,
the TIE Fighter Mission Creation Professor have both tendered their
resignations, although CM Gandalf has kindly agreed to continue grading the TT
submissions until a replacement is appointed. Both Officers have served in their
respective positions for many months, and have each been awarded a Silver Star
for their dedication and reliability.
There are numerous new IWATS Courses currently under development, most of which
are either ready for implementation or not from it. These mark the end of the
conventional approach to IWATS Course, in preparation for a more in-depth
academic approach (including the 'fictional' course concept that is under
development for the TIE Corps). Some of these include:
Outlook Express.
Cascading Style Sheets.
Tactical Office Orientation.
Internet Basics.
It should be noted that the Training Office is once again accepting new Course
proposals. Ideas, comments and questions should be sent to myself at keldorn@btopenworld.com.
The Office is particularly interested in 'fictional' courses, akin to Galactic
History, Physics, Imperial Politics, Starfighter Technical Studies and so on. As
always, each successfully launched Course earns the author a Silver Star (or
Applications are being accepted for the following two posts. It should be noted
that serving as a Professor can be a difficult task, but the rewards are above
and beyond that which normal duty usually awards.
TIE Fighter Mission Creation Professor Open for Applications
The requirements are:
An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or
equivalent) or above.
Own and have extensive knowledge of the game TIE Fighter and Balance of Power.
A familiarisation with all the utilities listed on the Science Office's TIE
Fighter Mission Editor page.
Desired - Have created at least one Tactical Office-approved TIE Fighter
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good
WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me (to@emperorshammer.org) with the subject �TM
PROF Application�.
TIE Fighter Tactics Professor Open for Applications
The requirements are:
An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or
equivalent) or above.
Own and have extensive knowledge of the game TIE Fighter and Balance of Power.
Be able to formulate tactics and ideas for improving a pilot's performance in
TIE Fighter and Balance of Power.
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good
WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me (to@emperorshammer.org) with the subject �TT
PROF Application�.
:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::
There has been further talk on the matter of developing - more rapidly than
first anticipated - a 'fictional' University-style institution to compliment the
growing IWATS repertoire. Those of you in the Hammer's Fist should be acquainted
with a similar system in use within that SubGroup. The Training Office is very
interested to hear all thoughts on implementing something similar for the TC -
and possibly the entire Emperor's Hammer. Comments should be sent to keldorn@btopenworld.com.
Aside from comments, the Training Office is now calling for any Officers who may
be interested in assisting in the development stage of this idea. It is likely
to be difficult, but the rewards are guaranteed.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::
The problems caused when former Communications Officer FA Karias' server went
offline mean that the Shadow Academy is now available at
http://to.minos.net/sa/. All the relevant
links have already been updated, and no matter where the Academic NeXus may move
to, this URL will remain as a redirect to the SA.
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to keldorn@btopenworld.com. Please note
that this only includes SA courses and not general IWATS courses (at this time).
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus : http://to.minos.net/
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Rear Admiral Drako, Command Attache ("Number One") [rswojc@poczta.wp.pl]
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") [Drake@EHNet.org]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management [hullbreach@warpmail.net]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Training Office Report #28: 01.11.04
Welcome to the 28th Training Office Report.
Colonel Master, formerly the Professor of the Rebellion Tactics Course, has
resigned from his position. He has been one of the longer serving Professors and
has been rewarded with a Gold Star of the Empire for his excellent work.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of a new IWATS Course -
the Multiplayer Course, created by Vice Admiral Sarin, who shall serve as the
first Professor. This new Course has long been in production and is finally
available at
Given the large-scale of the Tactical Office, and the great variety of work that
it undertakes, the Tactical Officer has created a Tactical Staff Course that I
also have the privilege to announce. It is located at
I have received an excellent response to my call for new IWATS Courses and I
continue to review new proposals on an almost daily basis - keep up the good
Major Sarn Erec has been appointed to the position of TIE Mission Creation
Professor, and Major Justin to the post of TIE Tactics Professor.
Some of the IWATS Courses in development include:
Outlook Express.
Cascading Style Sheets.
Internet Basics.
History of the Galactic Civil War.
Various Technical Courses.
The Training Office is still accepting new Course proposals. Ideas, comments and
questions should be sent to myself at keldorn@btopenworld.com. The Office is
particularly interested in 'fictional' courses, akin to Galactic History,
Physics, Imperial Politics and so on. As always, each successfully launched
Course earns the author a Silver Star (or equivalent)!
Applications are being accepted for the following post. Serving as a Professor
can be a difficult task, but the rewards are above and beyond that which normal
duty usually awards.
Rebellion Tactics Professor Open for Applications
The requirements are:
An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or
equivalent) or above.
Own and have extensive knowledge of the game Rebellion Tactics.
A familiarisation with the RebEdit program.
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good
WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me (to@emperorshammer.org) with the subject �RT
PROF Application�.
:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::
There has been further talk on the matter of developing - more rapidly than
first anticipated - a 'fictional' University-style institution to compliment the
growing IWATS repertoire. Those of you in the Hammer's Fist should be acquainted
with a similar system in use within that SubGroup. The Training Office is very
interested to hear all thoughts on implementing something similar for the TC -
and possibly the entire Emperor's Hammer. Comments should be sent to keldorn@btopenworld.com.
Aside from comments, the Training Office is now calling for any Officers who may
be interested in assisting in the development stage of this idea. It is likely
to be difficult, but the rewards are guaranteed.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to keldorn@btopenworld.com. Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus : http://to.minos.net/
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Rear Admiral Drako, Command Attach� ("Number One") [rswojc@poczta.wp.pl]
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") [Drake@EHNet.org]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, XvT Mission Creation & Tactical
Staff [pbmike@go2.pl]
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management [hullbreach@warpmail.net]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Lieutenant Colonel Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Major Justin; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [justinmantonico@aol.com]
Major Sarn Erec; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [sarn_erec@web.de]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Captain Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #17: 01.02.04
Happy New Year!
Not too much to report on this
one. Medals went well this week, I'm now expecting some rush for MSE medals.
Uniforms went fairly well too, I
just wanted to remind everyone that putting an Adobe effect on a uniform after
it's created, such as when you burn the colors or adjust the levels on the
picture, is completely off-limits. The colors on the uniforms are meant to be
what they are, so any change will be denied in the end if you try and submit
Just a reminder that I have two
competitions currently running. The first is called led The OPS's Cheap Way
To Get A Laugh Competition. Your job is to find me an EH page that is
funny, but not on purpose. Here's an example:
http://www.emperorshammer.net/rosters/histrecord.asp?record=688. You may
notice that it says "This member has no history." Kind of funny if you think
about it, our GA has no history :-P Send me a URL, in one week I'll judge who
sent me the best one. It can be any EH page.
The second competition is
Name the OPS's Shuttle. I was awarded a Shuttle by the good boys in INTEL
the other month, and now I need a proper name for it for my ID line. All you
have to do is send me name suggestions.
Both of the above competitions
end on Thursday, January 8th at Midnight. Send all submissions to
ops@emperorshammer.org with the competition name in the Subject line.
Winner gets an IS-GR, 2nd gets an IS-SR, and 3rd gets an IS-BR. Get those
submissions in!
There are a terrible lot of lies
going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true.
�Sir Winston Churchill
OPS Report #18: 01.07.04
Borrowing a phrase from the XO,
I'm not a happy chappy. But, Happy Birthday Emperor's Hammer!
This week has really been a
blur. Some things have happened which I really haven't liked, but thankfully
most problems have been solved and things have gotten back to normal.
Medals and uniforms went very
well. No problems there. Just remember to provide adequate reasoning behind
your meal requests.
My two competitions have ended,
with fairly high participation for a CS competition. I'll announce the results
next week.
Remember! Very Important!
Commendations of Loyalty will be awarded very soon. All recommendations are
due to me by January 16th. You can see full details on the EH.net news
page as to what is required.
There are two types of
people--those who come into a room and say, 'Well, here I am!' and those who
come in and say, 'Ah, there you are.'
�Frederick L. Collins
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
COMM Links: 01.13.04
The new Communications Office web site is located at
www.ehcomm.net. The official address for the EH MBs is www.ehnet.org/mb. Please
update links to these sites to the new addresses.
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Ziggy/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #3: 01.03.04
Office News:
1. First off, Happy New Year!
2. I'm back from vacation. Did I mention that Michigan is far too cold? :P
3. Due to an unforeseen problem with my ISP's mail server, I was unable to send
mail for the duration of my vacation. I'll be catching up on the remaining mails
that require attention tonight. If you have not recieved a reply within the next
day or so, resend the mail.
4. It seems that my ISP has taken to blacklisting entire domains for spamming or
open relays. In the event that your email is returned, please contact me on IRC
so that I may have your address whitelisted.
Computer Security News:
1. Update your DAT files for virus scanners.
2. Run Windows Update. Last time I checked, no critical updates were released
this week, but the more often you check, the safer you are.
3. A reminder to all using mIRC versions 6.0-6.11 to upgrade immediately. There
is a DCC exploit present within said versions that could cause a crash.
4. Notable Virus activity:
A. W32/Mimail.J - Virus arrives as an email message alleging to be from the
Paypal financial service, requesting that the recipient 'verify' their account
information to prevent the suspension of their Paypal account. Attached to the
email is an executable file which captures this information (if entered), and
remails it to a number of email addresses. As always, don't open attachments
from those that you do not know.
B. W32/Swen.A - This worm is similar to W32/Gibe.B in function. The worm has
been reported to propagate through email, network shares, and file-sharing
networks such as KaZaA and IRC. It arrives as an attachment. The subject, body,
and From: address vary, but often claim to be a Microsoft Internet Explorer
Update or a delivery failure notice from qmail. Upon opening the attachment, the
worm attempts to mail itself to all e-mail addresses it finds on the system.
Additionally, this worm attempts to terminate numerous security product
processes on the system.
As always, feel free to contact the Security Office with any and all computer
security related questions.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #33: 01.03.04
"We're scientists. See? We got white coats!"
Welcome to my thirty-third public report as a Science Officer, on time... (OMG!)
...let's get on to the news:
Science Office News:
1. Happy New Year!
2. This week saw a whole lot of patch releases, with the TIE/XvT/BoP Project
reaching the Balance of Power section and me using the occasion to update their
XvT counterparts. A layout of releases, the next news points have details:
" Assault Shuttle: Updated both the BoP and the XvT patches.
" Imperial Landing Craft: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" Phalanx Interceptor Gunboat: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches. BoP patch
moved to slot #10. ("Custom Fighter Slot 1")
" Spectre Advanced Missile Boat: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" TIE Dragon: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches. BoP patch moved to slot#11.
("Custom Fighter Slot 2")
" TIE Scimitar Assault Bomber: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches. BoP patch
moved to slot#11. ("Custom Fighter Slot 2")
" A-9b Vigilance Interceptor: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches. BoP patch
moved slot#11. ("Custom Fighter 2")
" Cloakshape Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1").
XvT patch updated.
" Hyperion Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot
2"). XvT patch updated.
" Marauder Corvette: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT patch updated.
" Ares X-Wing: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" E-Wing: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" K-Wing: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot 2"). XvT
patch updated.
" Marauder A-Wing: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot 2").
XvT patch updated.
" Shadow Y-Wing: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot 2").
XvT patch updated.
" Dungeon Ship: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" TIE Praetor: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches. BoP patch moved to slot#11.
("Custom Fighter Slot 2")
" Star Galleon: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" Authority IRD: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot 2").
XvT patch updated.
" Corellian Transport YT-2400 ("Outrider"): Updated both the BoP and XvT
" Ferryboat Liner: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" Firespray Attack Ship ("Slave 1"): Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom
Fighter Slot 1"). XvT patch updated.
" Freighter Type C: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT patch updated.
" Freighter Type H: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT patch updated.
" Freighter Type K: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT patch updated.
" Interceptor Enforcement Ship ("INT-4"): Released the BoP patch to slot #10
("Custom Fighter Slot 1"). XvT patch updated.
" Luxury Yacht: Updated both the BoP and XvT patches.
" Mobquet Tranport: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT Patch updated.
" Modified Action Transport ("WildKarde"): Released the BoP patch to slot #31
("Custom Freighter Slot"). XvT patch updated.
" Pinook Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot 1").
XvT patch updated.
" Planetary Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot
1"). XvT patch updated.
" Preybird Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot
1"). XvT patch updated.
" Pursuer Enforcement Ship ("Slave 2"): Released the BoP patch to slot #11
("Custom Fighter Slot 2"). XvT patch updated.
" Razor Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter Slot 1").
XvT patch updated.
" Supa Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter Slot 2").
XvT patch updated.
" Suprosa: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter Slot"). XvT
patch updated.
" Xiyitar Freighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #31 ("Custom Freighter
Slot"). XvT patch updated.
3. New Releases and Updates all are compatible with the
Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches (EHSP) and actually make use of it to deal with
problems we had before the release of the EHSPs: All these patches can now be
installed at the same time, as long as they are not on the same slot - offering
an additional four craft per game.
4. Our older XvT and BoP patches are compatible with the EHSPs as well, they
just don't require it to be installed. This does mean however that it is not
guaranteed that they will work side by side without conflicts. I am in the
process of updating them all.
5. Our TIE Fighter patches are also compatible with EHSP-TIE, the fighter
patches even require no updates at all. The Transport and Freighter patches
however have the same problem as the older BoP and XvT ones and will be updated.
6. Further updates include improved readme.txt files that include notes for
Windows XP and 2000 users and more up to date installation instructions. Patches
have also been fixed to remove typing errors that have stuck around for years
because of copy pasting practices *g*.
7. With the release of these 24 new patches I have gotten a new problem: the
sco.minos.net server space is now completely full. I already had to make
adjustments to be able to upload everything. This means that I can probably
continue updating the existing patches (which are smaller then their older
counterparts) but not release anything new until I get us some more server space
somewhere. This might even include web sections like the Fleet and Science
Manuals and other such matters. While this situation lasts I ask you
to be patient.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has continued work on the EHBL 2.0. I was able to do some
testing for him this week.
SCOA: CM Tim has been making excellent progress with the Free Space 2 mod for
the Emperor's Hammer, now named "TIE Fighter Empire". He also has returned from
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the science manual (not linked) and to the fleet manual.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Released 24 new BoP patches,
updated 10 more BoP patches and about 35 XvT ones.
Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is on hold for EHBL 2.0
TIE Fighter Empire: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
CM Timmay has started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely distribute
a finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics, sounds,
models etc). Renamed to "TIE Fighter Empire". About all craft from X-Wing have
been added and work has started to add the TIE Fighter concourse.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Order of Battle Updated: 01.07.04
This mail is to inform you of the fact that the Order of Battle has been updated
to reflect changes made over the last few months. A lay-out of what has been
TC (
http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/fleet.html ):
- Fixed mistake that displayed the fighters of Flayed Squadron wrongly.
http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/fleet.html#ATF ):
- Named the unnamed (TBA) starships according to the mail sent to me by the SHW
and GM.
- Moved 3 names from newly renamed craft to other TBA ones that did not receive
a name from the SHW and GM. -> all ships in the DB/ATF are now named.
IW (
http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/fleet.html#IW ):
- Switched the MC90 Fear for the MC90 Neo.
- Made updates to reflect IW roster changes since last update.
- Updated links to IW site and rosters.
- Removed Escort Division references.
- Made the MC80 Saratoga a standard leading ship (like the other Task Forces and
SGs have.)
CD ( http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/fleet.html#CD ):
- Made updates to reflect CD roster changes since last update.
- Updated links to CD site and rosters.
HF (
http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/fleet.html#HF ):
- Replaced DREAD with VSD Burninator.
- Added three TFCs for the companies.
- Combined the three seperate L/FRGs to 1 group of 3
- Displayed Torch Squadron
- Updated links to HF site and rosters.
If there are any inaccuracies or mistakes, please inform me so I can change it.
Some of these changes come rather late, my apologies for that.
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Former Logistics
Officer (AD Darknyte)
Logistics Office
Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]
LO Report #28: 01.02.04
Happy New Year, EH! Here we go starting 2004, feels like 2003
started only yesterday. Alot has happened to me and the EH as a whole during the
last year. The rDB fiasco, EH Battle Launcher, COs came and went, etc. 2003 was
a fairly eventful year, let's hope 2004 can be as exciting, but with less drama.
The EH Census has come to a close. Matir and I will be tallying the final
results this week and should get them available for viewing in the next few
days. Hopefully this information will be of some help to everyone invovled.
That's really all the news from this neck of the woods this week, as the LO
staff has been on leave since a few days before Christmas and has just now
gotten back into their offices and started to perform their duties again. I'll
have a more substantial report next week as we get back into the swing of things
and get the ball rolling for 2004.
Logistics Staff
Logistics Officer: Admiral Darknyte
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Admiral Ranthier Khaen
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stephens
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report # 38: 12,29.03
It's been and interesting few weeks here in the Recon Office and IRL.
As most of you know, we have a new Honorary Member! Mr. Aaron Allston has agreed
to join our little party. I have sent him an E-mail interview and hopefully I
should be getting that back in a week or two. GA, I forgot to send you a copy,
Ill do that tomorrow.
RO:CA VA Shay'la has been on leave for an extremely long time. Hopefully she
will be returning to the fray sometime this week. ::crosses fingers::
Due to the Holidays and a work schedule that has not given me a moment's rest, I
have been basically non-existent for the past few weeks. Since this report is
going out early this week, New Year's shouldn't be a problem in terms of
productivity (hehe). I will start to send reports out before Wednesday. There
just seems to be more time before the close of the week gets here. Go figure.
Hopefully this is okay with the Boss man.
For the next month or two, my schedule is going to be 9-5 Monday thru Friday. So
attending Saturday meetings shouldn't be a problem for me to attend.
Basically, life is getting into a pattern around here, finally, and I plan on
taking advantage of it.
Anyways, On to SW News.. which seems to be plotting against me since I really
had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for this stuff. Enjoy!
Send a Festive Star Wars eCard
Not only can you make your desktop more festive with Christmas & Holiday Star
Wars Wallpapers (
http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/fanart/imageFolio.cgi?direct=Christmas ),
but you can send your favorite Star Wars images as postcards to your friends,
family and co-workers.
Choose from over 300 Christmas and Holiday Star Wars Wallpapers, or any of the
8000+ Star Wars Artworks, Posters and Wallpapers in the Fan Art Museum.
Find the image you want to send in the Fan Art Museum (
http://cgi.theforce.net/theforce/fanart/imageFolio.cgi )
and click on the "Send as a Postcard" link beneath the image. Choose a greeting
or add your own, and add a short message to your card. You can also choose the
font and background colours used.
Recipients will get a message telling them how to view their postcards, which
will be viewable for 14 days from the date created. Click here to get started.
Happy Birthday Mace Windu!
On December 22nd, Samuel L. Jackson turns 55! Happy Birthday!
Good Reviews for Portman in Cold Mountain
Natalie Portman continues to receive rave reviews for her small role as the
lonely young war widow/mother "Sara" in Cold Mountain. There are quite a few
reviews where she is noted specifically as one of the best parts about the film.
From AICN:
"There is one scene with Natalie Portman that actually fulfills the epic
intentions of the film. I don't want to give it away, but it's the only instance
in the entire move where an actor (in this case, Portman) is able to suggest
that one of these stock characters might actually have some hidden depths.
Somebody please give this girl a proper lead role that can finally show off her
immense talents. And, no, nothing associated with George Satan Lucas counts.
Natalie Portman does the best work of her career as a lonely young widow."
While I admit I pretty much like anything NP is in, for her small part in this
movie, she is really good. I highly recommend this movie!
Where Is the SW Celebration 3 Going to Be Held?
Over and over again we get emailed the question about the next Star Wars
Celebration. While Lucasfilm still has yet to officially announce the
Celebration 3, we can give you an update on what we know so far and it fits with
rumors others like starwarz.com are hearing as well.
What we keep hearing is that Lucasfilm should announce it quite soon - hopefully
no later than just after the holiday break at Lucasfilm. We certainly hope
January is the time for the official announcement at the latest. And yes, the
location again is Indianapolis, IN and the date that keeps surfacing is April
22-24, 2005.
We've heard that the next issue of the Star Wars Insider will also carry the
announcement, but we expect it to be trumped by the Official Site as an
exclusive there. So don't make travel plans and reservations yet, but expect the
mad dash to begin shortly after the announcement.
Of course, I'm hoping for Indy cause I already know my way around the city and
know where to get a great hotel at. But anywhere in Missouri is still better.
Okay, That's it from me. As always, I'm emailing possible new HMs, but without
them responding there's nothing to get excited about/report. I'll be trying to
come up with something interactive to do with the Fleet. Suggestions are hugely
Thanks for your time!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO Report # 39: 01.09.04
I'd like to welcome back CA:RO VA Shayla after a month-leave of absence. Welcome
Since VA Shay'la is back, the RO website should see an update within two weeks.
She still needs to get her CPU until she is back fully with us, but she's back
none-the-less. :)
I've noticed quite a few people starting to come to me with questions about
recruiting people for Honorary Member status. That's excellent! If you have any
questions about how to approach people for this purpose, just ask me. I have
some experience. :P
Speaking of Honorary Members, I still have not yet received a reply from our new
HM Mr. Allston. I did say whenever he can, so It might be tomorrow or next
month. But either way, it's all good.
Forgive me for this report not being in around Tuesday like It should have been.
Someone TOSed my AOL account as a prank. Anyone with AOL knows what that means.
Anyways, everything is running fine now, so there shouldn't be any lapse in
email response times. Thanks! Now on to the CA:RO Report
Greeting everybody. I am so awfully sorry. I look like a very lazy as... erm
person... when I am in fact just extremely busy and/or just cannot get access to
good computer connection. I will be looking to the conventions and update the
database the old way, still lacking of a better CPU to go on with the new layout
I have. Working in Front Page then 5 minutes later... poof, you have the program
crashing just like anything else on the computer because of a lack of memory, it
is a little frustrating and I lost quite a considerable amount of work that way.
Happy New Year to all of you. May the force erm... health be with you because
being healthy is the key to everything!
CA:RO/VA Shay'la/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Survivor's Quest E-Signing
Shawn Speakman sends in details of the Timothy Zahn E-Signing:
Timothy Zahn, bestselling author of The Thrawn Trilogy, has written a new book,
Star Wars: Survivor's Quest, that will be released in bookstores on February
3rd. He is doing a tour, and at the end of the tour he will be holding an
E-Signing on February 17th, for those of you who couldn't meet him on the road
to get a signed or personalized copy of the new book. The E-Signing is now live
and will be until February 7th at www.e-signings.com.
Order End By: February 7th, 2004
Payment Due By: February 10th, 2004
E-Sign Date: February 17th, 2004
Order Shipping: February 21st, 2004
Conventions This Weekend Star Trek Convention (London, UK) - January 9-11
the Star Wars guests are Kenneth Colley (Admiral Piett), Garrick Hagon (Biggs
Darklighter), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) and Alan Ruscoe (Bib Fortuna in TPM).
EP3: Natalie Portman Talks About The Final Duel
MTV spoke with Natalie Portman about the final duel in Episode 3:
"I saw a pretty amazing fight scene between Ewan McGregor and Hayden
Christensen," the actress said. "It's pretty sick."
While she was reluctant to give further details about the fight itself, she did
reveal something unusual about the high-energy dual. "They did it all
themselves. They were thinking of having stuntmen do it, but they were better
than the stuntmen. It's pretty awesome."
She also added the following:
"Is it gonna be worth it? We just shot it and we worked really hard. I think all
of us were trying to make it as good as possible. It was our last chance to sort
of, you know, do something with it," she said. "So, I'm hoping. But they work on
it for two years after we finish shooting, putting the special effects and all
that stuff."
EP3: 3 Reshoots Planned for Final Movie
The latest issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine confirms that there will be
three reshoots for Episode III to make sure everything is just right. Here's the
March 2004 - Elstree Studios in London (1 week)
November 2004 - (1 week)
February 2005 - (3-4 days)
They are planning on adding a scene much like the way the droid factory sequence
happened in Episode II, though no exact plans have been made yet. Other dates of
interest are an September 2004 start for the soundtrack which would then record
in January/February 2005.
That's it for the SW News in the report. VA Shay'la should have the rest in the
online report once she's able. :)
That's it from my end. I'm working on more RO news for next week. As always,
I'll keep your posted. Thanks for your time!!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Darth Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #1: 01.12.04
Welcome to this, the first of my reports as Grand Master of the
Dark Brotherhood. I would be remiss if I didn't begin by thanking Grand Admiral
Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine for placing their faith in me to lead this
great group, and doubly remiss if I didn't extend gratitude to the membership of
the Dark Brotherhood for making this a place that I am proud and honoured to now
be leading.
It has been a difficult couple of days for the Dark Brotherhood. Over the
weekend the Executive Officer saw fit to effect a regime change in the
Brotherhood, dismissing the Grand Master and appointing me in his stead. The
Deputy Grand Master and Chancellor were also removed due to security issues
involving database access. A lot of people were shocked and confused by these
dismissals, and that is to be expected. It is the grisly job of the FC and XO to
dismiss leaders when they don't live up to expectations, and it's our collective
job to accept these things when they come and move on, regardless of how we feel
about decisions made.
Most of you have had dealings with me in the past few months while I've been
Master-at-Arms, and so you know that I have some very firm convictions about the
way things are done in the Dark Brotherhood. I believe many aspects of the DB
have fallen into disrepair since the split, and important pillars of the club,
such as the medal and rank systems, have fallen prey to abuse and
irresponsibility. As MAA, I strove to bring some meaning and value back to the
rank system, and this perhaps earned me a reputation as being frugal or
heavy-handed. I saw it as my responsibility to ensure that my area of the DB was
effective and functional, rather than just being some yes-man who rubber stamped
everything that crossed his desk.
This is the responsibility of every Dark Councilor, to be a scrutineer and an
engineer, preserving what is good and expanding in new directions for the
benefit of the entire DB. I can now say that I feel part of a Dark Council which
can be mindful of the past while moving into the future, forging a Dark
Brotherhood which has the proverbial best of both worlds. There is a wealth of
experience and wisdom on this Dark Council, and I am looking forward to the
great things it can achieve.
On that note, let me officially welcome Chancellor Alex Foley to the fold. Alex
has distinguished himself as Operations Officer of the Emperor's Hammer, and he
will be the effective administrator our awards system needs. Alex joins the Dark
Council at the probationary rank of Dark Jedi Knight, though I'm sure he'll give
me ample reason to promote him before long.
As for the other vacancies on the Dark Council, Deputy Grand Master will remain
vacant for the time being. I don't see it as a crucial spot, and I don't want to
take capable people from areas where they would be more useful to the DB. We are
in need of a Master-at-Arms, though. Feel free to apply for that as of now.
There are no requirements.. impress me. In the meantime, I will continue to
perform the MAA duties, so send all roster requests to me. I will also pick up
the slack for competition approval in the absence of a DGM.
Let me say that I can understand the feelings of shock and confusion (and in
some cases, mild outrage) among the membership at how things have turned out in
the past couple of days, but let me also say that an atmosphere like this is
only harmful to the Dark Brotherhood. What's done is done, and we must move on.
I'm interested in the future, the Dark Council is interested in the future. Any
members who are interested in themselves and their friends should also have a
vested interest in the future.
There will be changes in the coming days, weeks, and months. Some drastic,
others not so drastic, but changes nonetheless. Expect constant communication
from me and the Dark Council, keeping you informed of just exactly what is going
on in the Dark Brotherhood.
That about wraps it up for my initial address. As always, I am available on IRC
to speak to anyone about anything relating to the Dark Brotherhood. Please don't
hesitate to approach me if you have a question, concern, idea, or just want to
Looking forward to a bright future,
Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
Domain Report: 01.02.04
Member Count (Active Members): 86
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 144
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 225
Okay, a few things to cover this week.
Probably the two most important things are the HFL which finished a couple
nights ago and the RO.
The PRF is currently on leave and as far as I know he has all the HFL
submissions so scores won't be figured until he returns. And I also believe we
are waiting on the possibility that old MB files can be recovered so we can add
up the Run on scores.
We also had a new Op start this week, all the information can be found on the
message board
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=534. CCs like always encourage your
people to be active in this OP, I'd like to see it mentioned somewhere in every
report. This Op is scheduled to last two weeks and we will finish off December
with Operation Burnination II.
AWOL checks are due this week. CCs let your DCs know that I need to the results
sent to me at pfccypret2001@yahoo.com .
Thats about all I have for this week.
Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!
XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1,
DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]
HF Domain Report: 01.10.04
Hey guys, it's been a while, uh? Of course, my fault.
Hoped you enjoyed your tiny vacations, but now it's time to return to full
throttle again!
Now to the news:
-Op Security Breach on the run, schedule to end next week! Follow Kuro's tips
and find the killer before he finds me... No, I mean it... He's really going ot
kill me... Who cares?? What do you mean by "who cares"?? I pay your salary!
Well, technically Zsinj does... anyways, have fun.
-Results for the December League to be posted next week. Still waiting a reply
on the old MB.
-Keiran and TK-Trent are the only DCs that failed so far to email the AWOL Check
results. CCs, please email the troopers personally. Thanks.
-HC Dingo is now A:CS. Applications for XO being taken. Details on the MB. CPT
Krayt is the acting XO, bug him if you need something done on the roster.
-MAJ Kano is the new A:PRF. Welcome back!
-Awarding ceremonies now officially returned to 2 week basis. But be advised,
promotions and awards will now face much higher reqs. Be sure to read the
descriptions correctly.
-CRO and STC still open for apps! The first is the PR/survey person and the
other the leader of SWGB group.
-OCad Narthax is the new A:CI and is the responsible for the new layouts all
over the HF! Congrats Narthax and welcome aboard!
-CoLs recc due Monday! Be sure to mail me your reccs so I compile a list and
send them in!
-The new ships are officially ours! Thanks to the Science Officer and the big
bosses for giving us those wonderful toys!
-Next week our new motivational measure will start, and meeting attendance will
now count for REAL! 20Ics and shiny stuff! (note: meeting attendance counts on
week basis. Attending Friday and Saturday still counts as 1 attendance)
That's it.
PRF/HG Mordred/GS-1/VSD Burninator =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Darkmage)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral DarkMage
IWCOM/AD DarkMage/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report: 01.03.04
Good Day pilots,
The infiltrator wing, has once again become active. The good or bad times that
will be known as the festive season, has come to an end. Back to business.
There has been a lot of talk about another wing, over the egroup and in reports.
This project is currently being looked at by the higher ups and I hope to come
to some sort of conclusion soon. I would like to welcome back colonel dolza back
to the ranks of the active. Now black squadron is once again open for business.
It shall not be long until we have 6 full squadrons...... Looking at the roster,
We are not to far away now.. perhaps I should make those emails more urgent.
Well done everyone. We are now larger than any tie corps wing.... Perhaps we
should see if we can prove ourselves better.... I feel a competition brewing.
Commendation of loyalty.
The Cols are once again due. I have issued orders to the commander staff and
flag staff of the Renegade. I am sure those parties will be explaining your part
in this Venture very soon. So keep your eyes open and your mailbox too :D
Thats all from the IWCOM this week. I look forward to a great year for the
infiltrator wing, And for each individual with in it.
Happy new year
Admiral Silvori
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Not Received
IWTO : Not Received
IWSE : Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore : Received
Wing commander : Not Received
the lack of certain reports, have left me most not very amused, please contact
me ASAP. if your one of the people in the red.
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWOC : LA Sienar (sienar@gmx.net)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee):
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
WC/1: Colonel Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #6: 01.11.04
Report Prefix : 6
The Mc-90 Neo sat in space, Her stunning outline highlighted by the karana sun
as she sits in orbit of the training moon. The Saratoga has been transferring
supplies and ammo and her crew has been fixing the odd bug and the odd hole here
and there. The retrofit team spent to much time concentrating on the outside,
thinks the IWcom as he walks through her corridors. After saluting half a dozen
times the IWcom gets to the main turbo lifts and to the bridge....
The bridge of course is empty and the ship possess no commission officers or
admiralty. But the niggling feeling of an excited presence, still urges the
IWcom to sit in the commodores chair and gaze into space.... After half an hour
of sight seeing, A feint glow of thrusters distracts Admiral silvori.... The
xwing is an impressive ship to look at, Given the tightness of the formation and
the familiar flying style. The admiral leaves the bridge and heads towards the
hangar, Patting the walls as he walks
" Its time to welcome your pilots and turn you into a ship of war...... "
The pulsing through the deck plates.... Said back to anyone listening... I'm
There of course was alot of news in the infiltrator this week, However since it
was explained in my midweek report, I shall not repeat myself.
Eagle and Black, have been transferred to the newly opened MC-90 Neo. Until I
invite people for interviews. My flagship and I , shall be staying with the Neo
and I will be in command of it. Applications will be taken for a Commodore or
wing commander. In the coming weeks.
I also had the displeasure of removing the IWOC this week. I opened the position
to applications and I have thus far received four excellent applications.
I am waiting until the Wednesday of this week, Before I narrow the applications
to a short list. And contact individuals with more potent questions.
If you are in the process of writing an application, I look forward to reading
it, but please by mindful of what I said. The closing date for applications is
If you have already applied, I shall be I touch.
Commendations of loyalty
Thank you for getting your Requests in for your ships and squadrons. I am
waiting for the command staff now to nominate their candidates and I shall be
forwarding it to the relevant people.... I believe they are being posted on the
16 of this month or thereabouts.. so what out for new shineys in your mail box.
Knight of the Renegade
I have been the infiltrator wing commander for a whole 6 weeks now, And this for
me is a great honor. Roughly 15 months ago. I was awarded with a the title
knight of the Fear and its an award that means alot. As it can only be voted for
by your peers. Here some 15 months later, I find myself awarding it to another
officer who has had many - many recommendations from his peers.
Rear Admiral Astix. It has been ordained by your peers and by me. That you have
conducted yourself above and beyond the call of regular duties here in the
infiltrator wing. In the many years of service to the organization and this sub
group with in it. You have earned the respect of many and earned the right in
their eyes and mine, to be considered a knight. You are a shining example to all
and for this I commend you and award you the Title of
Congratulations Admiral.
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWTO : Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore : Received
Wing commander : not received ?
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee):
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
WC/1: Colonel Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site : http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/news.asp
Membership - 68
Reserves - 82
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (VA Loor)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer
Prex Report #12: 01.01.04
PREX REPORT #12, JAN 1 2004
Ahh, my third report as PREX. Likely to be my last tho :)
*Total: 36 (127 Including Reserves[Unemployed])
*Board of Directors: 02 (-7)
*Trade Assembly: 21 (-2)
*Independant Trader's League: 0
*Imperial Training Institute (PLT Revenge): 09 (+5)
*Unemployed: 90 (+8)
Happy New Year to everyone, hopefully we'll all enjoy 2004!
This week saw the resignation of three members of the Direx Board. VPP Grav, VPO
Talon and VPT Thorin resigned thier posts on the Corporate Division Command
Staff. Several adjutants we're also removed / transferred to other posts in the
CD. Thorin and Talon have taken on positions in the Imperial Broadcast Company
as DC/GE respectively.
This week did see a record number of new joins, 5, maybe that is promising, but
I suspect much like last year, these people will disappear when things getting
going again in the world (school, work, etc).
PREX Loor should return from leave in a few days, and I'll relinquish my command
once again. Until then, if you need anything, just drop me a line. Other then
that, not much has happened in the CD this week.
[The End]
Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield
Acting President of the Corporate Division
aPREX-DC/RA Thorin Oakenshield/VSD Warhammer
[CoEx] [CoI]
CM Thorin Oakenshield/Python 3-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield
PREX Report #11: 01.09.04
Corporate Division
[ Report #11, January 9th 2004 ]
[ Vice Admiral Loor, VSD Warhammer ]
* Total: 30 (122 including Unemployed)
* Direx Board: 2
* Trade Assembly: 20
* PLT Revenge: 8
* Unemplyed: 92
A new year has arrived and the work continues. We have a long road ahead of us
and it will take time. I must admit that I have not yet come up to speed in the
work in my office but this will change now. Anyway, I hope all of you had a nice
christmas and n ew years eve, let's now get on and have some fun!
< NEWS >
During my leave of absence, 3 Vice President's resigned due to various reasons.
These were the Vice President of Propaganda, Operations and Training. I will not
take any applications at the moment and will do the duties of them until further
Those members appointed Adjutant to these Vice Presidents have been transferred
to other positions within the Division.
Independent Trading League reopens
The Independet Trading League will be reopened to give the membership of the
Corporate Division a chance of turn their ideas into reality and work on them as
a corporation. A few details must be taken care of before the real opening can
occur. Hang on for more information.
New database/site in the works
A new database/site for the Corporate Division are in the works. The work has
just been started and is yet in a planning phase. As I have said before, if
there is a function you want to see on this new site, drop me a mail with a
description of the function.
Until this site has been completed, the current one will still be used so have
patience with bugs you might come across.
* Corporate Division Database:
* Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
* Corporate Division Message Board:
* Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
* The iBank:
* Trivia Center: http://cdtn.minos.net
* Corporate Gaming Commission:
* Imperial Supply Store:
My office are always open for everybody. I can be reached for certain via email,
at loor@bredband.net, and can be found on IRC often, using the nick Loor. Don't
hesitate to drop me a mail if you have something you wanna talk about.
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Trench)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #33:
Report of the Supreme Director #33 - 01/01/04
Roster Count: 69 (2 new recruits, 0 retirees)
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics - http://theaot.minos.net
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol - davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk (bldr@ehintel.org)
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) - IDWinters@comcast.net
Applications are now being taken for ANLY BUDR - see below for details
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. Happy New Year
The subject says it all really:p
2. SDIR On Leave
I�ll be away between the 6th and the 10th of January. Please direct any urgent
queries to VA Aseret Thunderhawk -exdir@ehintel.org - during this period.
3. ANLY BUDR Open For Applications
Unfortunately Major Klaus Steiner has had to step down as Analysis Bureau
Director (BUDR). For the time being Vice Admiral Aseret will be in charge of the
Bureau. ANLY BUDR is now open for applications. The position of BUDR is roughly
equivalent in terms of responsibilities to that of a Wing Commander in the TIE
The bureau was neglected somewhat by its previous BUDR and requires
revitalizing. The ideal candidate:
- Will have demonstrated his abilities as a leader in the EH at
a CMDR+ level or equivalent (BRLR/AED/PC etc) for several months
- Will have shown a consistently high level of activity within the EH
- Will have regularly reported in to his superiors in all recent EH command
positions (at least 3 times a month)
- Will have at least 3 months experience in Intel/SO/HCI related work
Please do not be put off applying by my requirements; if you fail to meet one or
two of these criteria your application will still be considered. You should
include three references, at least one of which should be one of your current
superiors within the EH.
Applications should be sent to all members of the Ubiqtorate (sdir@ehintel.org;
jediaseret@yahoo.com; mizhongboxer@hotmail.com; davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk; aburt@tampabay.rr.com).
Applications sent only to me
will ignored (if you can't get simple instructions right I don't want you as
a BUDR). The deadline is the 10th of January 2004.
4. The Com-link
With the wealth of stuff gathered from the Intel vs. BHG Competition we are
going to release a shiny Com- ink in a couple of weeks. It will actually be the
10th ever released despite the fact that it is supposedly a �monthly� newsletter
that has been running for 5 years. Hopefully we can change this. If you have any
additional submissions that you�d like to see in the coming issue(s) please send
them to sdir@ehintel.org. Pretty much
anything is accepted from fiction, graphics, TF free missions/battles to
articles about your pets so long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To inspire you
I�ve put three of the past four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me -
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)
EH Directorate (DIR)
Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 01.03.04
Welcome to the year 2004, ladies and gentlemen. I hope this year will see the
same positive changes in the Directorate as the latter part of 2003 did. Quite a
few major topics to touch on here...!
1) An NPC Creation Competition will commence *VERY* soon. Its only a matter of
getting all the material HTMLized and approving a finalized award system with
the Council. This will be open to ALL Directorate members and will last as long
as submissions continue to be made. This competition will be a critical part of
a much larger project, foreshadowed in many previous reports.
2) Commodore Phantom has been distracted by RL issues, but will be making a
rebound in activity soon. We expect much from the Directorate Guard and
Commodore Phantom in the coming weeks.
3) Marshal Sirik Xirok is promoting a renewed wave of activities within the
Colonial Branch. There is a great potential for expansion in this Branch in the
coming weeks.
4) Rear Admiral Orzon and I have been working on Commendation of Loyalty
recommendations. A finalized list should be released very soon, as I believe
we've come to a general consensus on who is the most deserving of the awards.
However, we wait for the opinions of the rest of the Council before posting the
final list.
5) Commodore Ric Gravant is working on building his own server with BHG
Specialist Synth, a trusted friend and collegue of both Ric and I. Once the new
server is completed, we hope to not only fix any current problems with the
roster, but be able to post a new version of the site with more interactivity.
6) The Emperor's Hammer Systems Manual will be updated once the new server is
online. It will be a combined effort between Commodore Dalk Darklighter,
Commodore Ric Gravant, and myself. We hope to produce something which is not
only informative to the Emperor's Hammer at large, but also useful and
interactive for the Directorate as well.
7) As always, Project Vendetta is ever-looming, coming closer and closer to
completion every day. The NPC Creation Competition signifies the finalized plan
for one component to the Project and the beginning of its construction.
8) All Ministry Council reports have been made due Friday at midnight from now
on! Please have them in!
That's all for this week...!
DGMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)
No Reports Submitted
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #42: 01.03.04
- News -
Orv has taken off some of the coding for the database for debugging purposes of
some sort. I contacted him yesterday about starting to do some more work, but he
hasn't responded yet. The new site should be up within a couple days, and there
may be a few High Council appointments within the next week. This is my first
week of renewed activity, so there aren't yet any results for everything I've
started. Talon Jade contacted me a few days back, and I'm trying to push him to
take up the Ministry of Education. That's about it.
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
http://senate.ehnet.org/handbook/index.htm, or
Imperial University:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, or
Ministry of Records:
CHS Report #43: 01.11.04
Demerzel informed me that I had more reports than I thought I did, hence the ??
after the #. I've been unable to find the other reports, though. Anyway, the guy
I hired to create another temp. site had trouble conforming my layout to a
website, but I e-mailed Orv again yesterday about just putting up we had done of
Planetary Issues with a complete roster, news script, report system, etc. Given
that he already has the coding for all that, it shouldn't be too much trouble.
Now, if only he'd respond on a day to day
I've been looking into filling in some HC positions, and I have a few veterans
that might be interested. Other than that, there's not much to report. I was
intending to have the temp site up by this weekend, hence why
I waited until today to report, but that kinda got ruined.
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: ??
Reserves: 154
High Council: 3
Total: 1??
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
Imperial University:
Ministry of Records:
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI report: 12.31.03
Nothing to report for this week except merry Christmas (bit late
but anyway) and a happy new year. I'm going on small leave of absence till the
3rd. I don't think anything would need my immediate attention till I get back
but if it does, WARD Danrik is the Acting HI.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (VA Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report: 01.03.04
Status Report
1. COO Website is currently at 70% Completion. The current site will include the
combat manual, multiplayer rules, an #ehcoc user guide, a battle stats user
guide, Frequently Asked Questions regarding multiplayer gaming, the EH
Multiplayer Hall of Heroes, and the ability for members to log the scores of
their MP matches.
2. EH Ladder Competition is currently at 70% Completion. The FOA is currently
developing a 2v2 ladder competition. We currently have a website and are waiting
for the coding to be complete. Once this activity takes place, the 2v2 ladder
will be released. All ladder matches will also earn LoCs.
3. IWATS MP is currently at 95% completion. I have written the entire course and
now need to apply it to html. Once this has occured I will be submitting it to
the TO.
4. A new bot is currently at 50% completion. Myself and the ISP are currently
working on the creation of a new bot. The new bot will replace wildfyre and
darkfyre. This bot will assist competition hosts.
5. New Competitions are currently at 40%. I have three hosts for new
competitions, but would like to move this number up to 10 competition hosts. I
am currently speaking with several Commodore's about hosting competitions. I
look forward to more applicants.
1. Congrats to Major Choosh of the ISD Grey Wolf on coming up with the new COO
Motto! Great Work Chooster!
2. Major Vlad of the ISD Grey Wolf led all EH Pilots in XWA WoW. He scored more
victories than the rest of the EH combined. Great Work Vladdy.
3. The COO flew his first MP match in over 10 months. Final score was Vlad and
COO 25, bad guys 7! Fear!
4. Congrats to Avenger Girth Snail on his Bronze Star. He was awarded the medal
for the creation of the COO Battlestats/Zone userguide. Great Work Girth!
5. Once again, you can earn LoCs at any time. Simply fly your friends and submit
the scores directly to me. This will continue until the website is 100%
operational and you can submit your scores there!
6. Currently there is a beat the COO Competition. The first person to beat me in
MP wins an Iron Star Gold
COO Requests
1. I need three fanatical/lunatics to apply for a position that will be long
hours with little reward. No details.
2. Competition Hosts needed. Apply now!
3. I am looking for a 2v2 teammate to destroy people with. This is important!
4. I am looking for at least 25 people to complain this week.
5. Ideas on MP are welcomed. Any ideas are welcome. As always, I am open to
ideas, suggestions, comments, or concerns. You can reach me at my usual email or
on mIRC as VA_Sarin or URDAD almost every day.
COO Report: 01.08.04
COO's Office released a ton of work this week. The COO website at http://combat.tiecorps.net
is a one of a kind. I do not remember any other COOs putting something of its
nature up. So yay for my staff!
Here is my non html report
Status Report
1. The Combat Operations Manual and Website are currently online! You can view
these at http://combat.tiecorps.net.
The COO site contains MP Rules, Newb FAQs, MP Heroes, MP Tactics, Medal and CR
descriptions, an XPS Poll Center, The COO's Office, a 24/7 match submission
form, system requirements for MPing, userguides for #ehcoc, userguides for The
Zone/Battlestats, and the latest COO gossip!
2. The Flight Office and COO Office have released a 6 Month Xwing vs Tie Fighter
2v2 Ladder. Sign ups and scoring can be found at
http://www.minos.net/~styles/index.php. All match winners will receive LoCs!
3. The COO Office has released a XVT 1v1 Ladder at Battlestats.com. You must be
a member of Battlestats to play in this ladder (You should already be a member,
if not, go to the COO Website and read the userguide on how to join!). All match
winners receive LoCs. Losers must report scores at battlestats.com! The ladder
and its rules are at
4. The COO Office has released a Xwing Alliance 1v1 Ladder at Battlestats.com.
You must be a member of Battlestats to play in this ladder (You should already
be a member, if not, go to the COO Website and read the userguide on how to
join!). All match winners receive LoCs. Losers must report scores at
battlestats.com! The ladder and its rules are at
5. 24/7 LoC matches have returned. You can now play a match for LoCs at anytime.
You now have several ways of scoring your match. The first way is by flying a
ladder match (Note your LoCs will not be processed until the end of the
competition!). You can score your ladder matches at the location they are run
from (battlestats or the Flight Office's 2v2 ladder website). The Second and
newest way to score your matches is by using the COO's Multiplayer match form.
You can access this form 24/7 at
6. The COO's new b0t "monkb0t" is currently undergoing his final touches. All
commands for this new bot can be found at the #ehcoc userguide on the COO site!
7. IWATS MP Created and Submitted to the TO for final approval!
8. A note on scoring! If you fly a ladder match, do not submit that score to the
24/7 COO match submission form and do not email me your scores. Record your
ladder match at BattleStats or the FO's 2v2 website! If I catch you double
scoring matches, I will crush you!
All of these new systems and guides would not be possible without the oustanding
help of the following: Khadgar, Girth Snail, Wil Striker, Az, Dax, Mell, REB,
Tau Squadron, Desp, Avenger Squadron, Tiamat, Drako, VA TK, JD, and all of my
COOAs/Meatbags! Thanks to all of them!
Great work to everyone involved!
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
FMC report #18: 01.03.04
Another fun day in the FMC!
Right, roster:
I have taken time to add in FMC ID lines for you, I just need to complete the
editing, and I will release the new and improved Roster!
LT Kylie Darklighter = ATF SMO and FSN
CM Pokemaster/SW Darkpoke = SMO SOV and SMO CSP and FSN
CM Duken = SMO REN and FSN
CM Destoval = DOC REN and MED
LT Mach Blader = DOC XIX and MED
Spaces still open:
SMO = ASF, Tarentum, CSK, Alvaak, Arcona
These are the main positions we want filled! Come one guys!
As always, Comp Ideas are always welcome. And RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT!!!
COL Archangel
XMO/COL Archangel/M-TFC Last Hope
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #14: 01.06.04
Gentlemen... my computer has been delayed till the 15th. I also
need to start getting ready to go back to school on Monday and be spending more
time with my family, as I will not get a chance to do so, come Monday. Ronin: I
will be posting the info I mentioned to you last night on the message boards
tomorrow evening. I will be playing SWG, and doing my best in PvP until my new
machine arrives. Also, I will be trying to make the best website I can(hopefully
I can get someone with knowldege of PHP) this weekend. My HTML is a tad rusty,
but I think it'll be easy enough to make at least a basic webpage that can be
enhanced by someone with better skill than I.
SOD Report #14 Part II: 01.09.04
Good news gentlemen!!! I am writing this email from my new
computer! Now then here's more about what's up in my office this week.
As soon as I download all the patches and things for SWG and make sure
everything is ok with that, I'm going to be posting two new polls on my 10th
Anniversary board. One will be relating to the fleet wide competition event. The
other will be related to the 10th anniversary awards ceremony. I'll also
be posting information about these events within the same topic, so look for
that sometime tonight.
Another project I'll be working on is my webpage. I'm rather rusty on my HTML,
so I think I'm going to see if Slagar or perhaps Synth can assist me in building
one. I hope to have this finished soon, but given that school starts Monday, it
may take a little while for me to get a fully operational webpage running as
I'll be attempting to settle in for the semester. The good thing will be that my
schedule is a lot more open this semester. Tuesdays are virtually free, I have
class at 7:25PM EST, and I'll probably be doing some studying then, but I'll
more than likely be at home most of the day, and able to check email frequently.
Fridays I have no class at all, so that will most likely be my day to just
relax, get EH stuff done, and play SWG :D
The final thing this week, is that I would like to apologize to the BHG, and
INTEL, and also to Astatine, for my lack of organization in the first of my SG
vs SG competitions. I hope to do the same matchup in February, only this time
I'll be hiring several judges from each group in advance, and also collaborate
with them on a points scheme so as to determine how good each submission is
based on that, then it's easier to award individuals and see who the real winner
was. Not only that,if that works, that's the system I'm going to be using for
the fleet wide competition.
Well... that's it for now. Thanks for putting up with me while I waited for my
new computer.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #16: 01.02.04
-=Overall Synopsis=-
Whoops, no report last week. Sorry folks! The pheasants put up a fight while I
was trying to force them into the oven (no, we didn't have turkey and yes, I did
the cooking. Scary, huh?) and they injured me so badly I couldn't even turn the
computer on. Honest.
Big news these past weeks? That would be the new Alliance between the Emperor's
Hammer and:
Club Name: Knights Of Honour
Leader Contact Email: leader@kohcenter.com
Active Website: http://kohcenter.com
Member Count:
Active: 32
Inactive: 10
Club Name - Galaxy Force RPG (www.galaxy-force.com)
# Members - roughly 50
Games supported - online writing RPG
Platform - Web Site and Message Board
Owner/Contact - gamemaster@galaxy-force.com
Timeline/Era - 43 years post Endor
Many thanks to Ambassador Van Nowak. (Yes, there's a little something in the
post hopefully). Siterase, you better start working to keep your title as "Best
Alliance Guy" >:-P
Again, in case anyone missed it:
Two Ambassadors and an Envoy are being formed into a unit designed to keep track
of other club's Alliances. ENV Xirok, AMB Van Nowak and AMB Screed, please get
in touch with each other and decide how you're going to do this. Jacob, this is
your project, okay? For each allied club at
http://www.emperorshammer.org/alliance.htm I want you to get me a list of
*their* allies, and I want them cross-referenced. If any of our allies are
technically at war with each other, I want a heads-up immediately. Likewise, if
any of our allies are allied to the rDB, I want to be informed immediately. The
Lancer Frigate Surmountable is at your disposal for this task, as are the fast
pickets of Hermes Squadron. For the duration of this project you're our External
Relations Section.
I doubt I'll be able to make the meeting, but I'll try.
Don't forget to CC Nightmare in on anything you send to me.
-=Current Negotiations=-
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army. - How's that going, Del?
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
Myself - Getting the Comp.Database going.
Delak- Get that damn alliance with IA!
Nightmare- Currently untasked. Nightmare, find a new club and grab 'em.
Van Nowak- Heading our "External Relations" Section.
Siterath- Get an Alliance with that other RPG Club
Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- If they don't reply, leave it. I want you
to work with Van Nowak and Screed.
Screed- Work with Van Nowak on keeping track of external relations
Wemmel- Researching a possible new platform for the EH.
-=New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (m.wernsing@web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (JacobVanNowak@aol.com)
Ho hum!
LA Report/Update: 01.10.04
Okay, it's going to be a quickie today I'm afraid. I've got a
whole bundle of RL problems and issues (from the cat going missing to an ill
relative in hospital to my own bout of food poisoning that's gone on all week,
and still is).
I haven't heard from anyone this week; I'll remedy this as soon as I'm back on
my feet. My contact in the CD is still desperately waiting for me to furnish him
with the complete list of requirements and specifications for the site, so
that's #2 on my list to do.
Night, can you get in touch with Van Nowak please and get him to start work on
the project that was in my last two reports- namely getting hold of a list of
other clubs' alliances . He's got use of Xirok and Screed to help him.
I'm in the process of joining a new SWG faction on Chilastra. They might be
interested in a friendly web-based alliance, although an in-game one would be a
tad improbably (they're a rebel PA).
Sorry about the cheap and nasty report, but it's all I'm up to today. Back to
bed and back to clutching my midriff and trying to get some food to stay inside
me for more than half an hour.
Aaron Allston Named Newest EH
Honorary Member: 12.10.03
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Wow!! I guess he didn't delete my email after all!! Say hello to the newest
EH Honorary Member!! Mr. Aaron Allston!!!
I'll see if I can send him an E-mail interview in the next few days. I'm still
kinda floored.. wow.. Anyways, We need to get him up on the Honorary Member
board ASAP. When i send him the email interview, I will ask for a picture of
himself he would like to have posted.
Thanks for your time!! Enjoy! >:P
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
Craft: M/CRV "Doomsday" - Omega Squadron Emeritus
KP ''Doc'' Hades (Krath)/Rouge, DC/(BNB)
{SA: G:LS}
"It's God's responsibility to forgive Bin Laden, It's our responsibility to
arrange the meeting..."
-United States Marine Corps
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Greetings from the Emperor's Hammer!
Date: 12/10/2003 1:29:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: allston@AaronAllston.com
To: Noon001@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)
At 11:13 PM 11/9/2003 -0500, Noon001@aol.com wrote:
> I must say, all of your Star Wars books seem to be the on a lot of
> people's favorite's list and a lot of my fellow EH Members wonder why we
> do not have much contact with you as we had in the past. I'd like to
> correct that if it is possible.
It certainly hasn't been an oversight on your part. Last March, I decided
to take a year off from online chats and interviews in order to return my
focus to my writing. (Of course, I'm afraid this means that I'm not really
open to do any new interviews until early next year sometime.)
> One last thing. Last time you had an interview with this club, the last
> Reconnaissance Officer asked you if you would like to become an Honorary
> Member. Now I know that might sound like you have to have some type of
> duties or things of that nature, or that it might impose some type of
> legal binding, but I assure you that it does not in any way. It's simply
> that, just and Honorary Member. No rules to follow, duties to perform.
> Basically it's just saying your a friend of our group.
I'd be happy to. Thanks for the invitation.
== Aaron Allston
== Writer
== allston@AaronAllston.com
== http://www.AaronAllston.com/
FA Mike Awarded EH Medal Of Honor:
As Submitted By:
Fleet Commander
(GA Ronin)
(Please see
Operations Manual
for Medal descriptions)
For his exemplary work not only at his position of EH Tactical Officer, with
thousands of EH battles to manage and organize; but his off-line dedication as
well ! He has recently obtained an EH Article Mention in a prominent
Polish gaming mag and, if memory serves, has personally hosted THREE annual
weekend long, game-fests with beer, computers and Star Wars...those crazy
Not to mention he has weathered the wrath of the XO and survived stronger
than ever !
In any event, I want to bestow upon him the highest honor I am able...The EH
Medal of Honor (MoH)...He is an example of a model Imperial Citizen...
Congratulations, Mike...Well deserved and long overdue !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
VA Khameir Sarin Appointed as Combat
Operations Officer: 12.18.03
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin) and
Officer (SA Astatine)
Combat Operations Office
(URL to be Updated Soon...!)
The Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Astatine) have
approved the appointment of VA Sarin as the new EH COO !
His Application and ideas (dated 12.05.03) :
FC and XO,
This is my late application for the position of COO.
I. Introduction
II. Credentials
III. Selection Criteria
IV. My COO Plan
I. Introduction
A) The Combat Operations Officer has been a cursed position for as long as i can
remember. It has taken the most talented Flag Officers in the Tie Corps and
turned them into mediocre Imperial Advisors. The recent list of Bruc, Khad, and
KK are just examples of said curse. Perhaps this curse stems from the confusion
or clouded vague description of the COO (the Training Manual still incorrectly
describes the position of COO as the leader of the ASF). Does the COO work for
the FC, the FO, is he a TC only position, or is he EH wide?
B) I have spent my TC career as an ASFer. From FM to Elite CMDR to Commodore of
the Grey Wolf. My goal in the Tie Corps has always been to become the ASF BGCOM
and then one day FO.
C) In the month of FEB I will be going to United States Army Ranger School for
63 days. During this time I will have no internet access.
D) For these three reasons I am reluctant to apply for COO, however, at the
request of Cyric, Pri, and Kaerner, I am offering my services to help fix
something that has been broken for a long time.
II. Credentials
Vice Admiral Khameir Sarin
Last Promotion: 9 months (time for a promotion no?)
SBM Khameir Sarin
Last promotion: 2 months
Positions Held: Tie Corps- Commodore ISD Grey Wolf (9 months), ASF Elite CMDR
Avenger Squadron (10 Months), Dark Brotherhood PCON Arcona (4 months), AED House
OO Arcona (6 months prior to split). PROF IWATS AIM (9 months)
Career Highlights:
1. Led the EH in WoW victories 5 Times
2. Led Avenger Squadron to winning more WoW victories than the rest of the fleet
combined 22 out of 24 WoW Competitions (That means my 12 pilot Avenger Squadron
won more single player matches than the entire rest of the fleet combined for
almost an entire 1 year time period)
3. Finished Second in EH MP ladder two times.
4. Career 301 CR and 1945 FCHG
5. Fleet Admiral Cyric Quoted on my historic record in a medal recc calling me
"The most talented CMDR he has ever worked with"
6. Led Avenger Squadron to ASF Escort Squadron in the ASF Flag Ship competition.
We beat two entire Star
Destroyers in points during this competition.
7. Maintained 90% roster filled during 10 months as Avenger CMDR.
8. When I took over the Grey Wolf for the second time ( I took a 4 month break
due to being in the WAR), she had 38 pilots. We currently have 61 pilots. An
average of 20 more pilots than the rest of the Wings in the Fleet. We now have a
plan in place to have a full wing by January. I believe my recruitment efforts
on the Grey Wolf have been my outstanding career achievement. We are recruiting
pilots when the rest of the fleet is crying about no new games, and lack of
interest. The EH is what we put into it, and I am attempting to prove this on
the Grey Wolf. I am a strong believer that our club succeeds because of the
structured organization and that we can continue to recruit die hard XVT XWA
fans because of this. Despite the nay- ayers.
9. I do not believe you could find one of my former or current superiors who
would complain about my performance. I typically do not take part in any
politics, backstabbing, or disputes. As far as I know, I am a very well liked
member of the club, with a pretty decent reputation.
III. Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good Written Communication Skills:
I majored in English and Philosophy at my university learning how to write. I am
currently in the United States Army where the clarity of my written orders is a
must. I compose weekly TC reports and two ship wide emails each week. So far, no
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as irc, message boards,
From Iraq I spend roughly 21 hours a week online in mIRC. I am arriving in the
States on December 15th, my time online can only grow as I go from a pay per
hour connection to a cable modem.
3. Fast Email response time:
If I reply slower than 24 hours, I must be on emergency leave. I typically have
mail returned within 8 hours of receipt.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the XO:
I have a long and outstanding relationship with the FO, SCO, TAC, MO, RO, CA:IO,
and CA:LO. I have served with these fine individuals for a very long time in the
TC and have excellent relationships with all of them. I know the XO by short
conversations only, and see no reason I could not work with him.
5. Experience at some level of command:
I have served as Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf for over 8 months. I have also
served as PCON of Clan Arcona for the last 4 months. Prior to this I served as
the Elite MP Avenger Squadron CMDR for one year.
Selection Criteria -Desirable
1. Prior experience running multiplayer events:
I served as an OP in #ehcoc for one year as a alternate host for all
competitions. I have also run fleet wide MP competitions (The Avenger
Tournament), and I run monthly MP competitions on the Grey Wolf.
2. Prior experience in running competitions:
I run no less than six monthly competitions every month of the year. These
competitions range from SP to MP to GFX to Fiction to beating me in MP.
TAC Mike
FO Cyric
TAU CMDR Kaerner
HCI Member Pri
IV. The COO Plan
The COO is in a unique position to increase activity amongst existing members
and to attract new members to the club through Battle Stats competitions. The
Tie Corps has made a mistake of not exploiting the Zone and BSC in its
recruitment efforts. The Die Hard XVT, XWA crowds that flock the Zone and BSC
are people who are begging for organized clubs to join. Many of the rag-tag
clubs that compete at the Zone disintegrate and reform as another club months
later, a lot of these members would love the stability our club offers.
The COO is in a position to Advertise the club by the running of multiple BSC
competitions. Inviting multiclub gaming experiences. I believe our LO could help
with a lot of these multiclub run competitions.
The below is my initial plan of attack on the COO office:
1. All competitions would stop for roughly two weeks (Allowing me to process all
missing LoCs, evaluate the
current status of EH MP).
2. All current competitions would be removed from the TC Database (I will create
all new competitions after
having a round robin conversation with EH MP members)
3. The current COOAs would be relieved of their duties (I will be hiring my own
staff, one Battle Stats expert, one EHCOC expert, and one website creator)
4. The BOT would be kicked out of #EHCOC (I will be working with the SCO or COMM
on generating a new bot for MP competitions)
5. I will hold an open forum in #ehcoc inviting an open idea sharing forum where
our mp pilots can tell
me directly what they want.
6. Redesign the very poor Combat Operations Office Webpage.
7. Create Clear/Defined Multiplayer Rules
8. Create BSC and EHCOC user guides
9. Work with the TO on creating a MP IWATS Course (why is there not one now?)
10. Re-open the MP ladders with strict rules pertaining to cheating (I know AST
Strugged with this
in Prelude to Andevia)
11. Create an MP competition schedule in EHCOC that fits all time zones of all
12. Work with the FO and WO on creating MP Skirmish Competitions using Imperial
Storm Style Skirmishes (This is something members have begged for)
13. Open 2 on 2 competitions. Our pilots are very poor at this sort of MP and
this is why we typically
finish so poorly at the WoWs.
14. Work with the TO/XO on redefining the definition of what the COO is on the
training manual.
15. Work with the Darkbrotherhood to fix all of the damage KK did. I would
invite the DB back into ehcoc
and help them with the awarding of CoF mp awards.
16. Have my staff in place so that the office can run without me for the time I
have to go to Ranger School. There is no way I can avoid this school and no way
I can touch a computer during my time there (it is a school of forced starvation
and sleep deprivation spent in the cold mountains, wet swamps, and hot pavement
of Georgia)
17. Do my job. Encourage activity in the CLUB (DB & TC and whoever else wants to
play any sort of MP) and help advertise our club to the gaming community. I have
watched the former COO's hide behind their 12 COOAs and competition hosts
blaming them for the failures of their office. The Bottom line is that if the
COO office is broke, it would be my fault. And I never like being broke :p
That's it from me. Thanks for reading this long blah blah. All continues to be
well in Iraq and I am leaving no DEC 15th for the states!
COM/VA Khameir Sarin/ISD Grey Wolf
Other Applicants reviewed included:
AbK Resigns as COMM, Communications
Officer Open for Applications: 12.17.03
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Communications Office
(URL to be Updated Soon...!)
As I'm sure you've noticed all my bots/sites are offline right now. My dedicated
server got unplugged/cancelled because I wasn't able to pay for it.
Therefore, I feel I may as well offer my resignation as I do not have a way of
hosting bots anymore. I have backups if you can find somebody to pick up COMM
where I left off.
COMM Position Overview
The Communications Officer (COMM) is responsible for the operation of the
EH's communication media, such as IRC, message boards, etc. Maintaining ops and
ban lists in primary EH channels is a core duty of
this position.
Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of online presence in online media such as message
boards, IRC, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel.
Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Prior experience in IRC channel management (ie. 400 or higher access)
You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I
can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience.
You should meet at least the essential criteria to be
considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of
the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3)
references. At least one of these must be a former or current
superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your
application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their
permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive
Officer with the subject "Application for Communications Officer".
Fleet Commander's Note:
Please be advised that applications have already been received from:
New FMC Competition: 12.10.03
As Emailed From:
Fleet Medical
Officer (VA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
Alright Kiddies its about that time again. Time for another one of your
awesome Fleet wide competitions from the Box of the MO himself! This one is for
all of you to send in your Best Star Wars/Emperor's Hammer Jokes. Please keep it
in good taste though, don't say anything you wouldn't want your mothers to hear
8-P, and make sure its funny and not hateful, don't want anybody crying do we?
The funnier the Joke the better your chances. So go pull out you ol' Redneck
Jedi jokes, and Emperor's Hammer Cracks on personnel. All submissions are to be
sent to the Medical Officer no later than January 2nd, 2004 at
You can send as many Jokes as you want!
Awards are as follows
1st = IS-GR
2nd = IS-SR
3rd = IS-BR
Good luck, and have fun!
-MO-AMB/VA Jacob Van Nowak
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
XO Report 28: 12.14.03
With Christmas approaching, I expect areas of the EH will wind
up and slow down a fair bit. I think after all the rubbish that's happened this
year, we probably all deserve a bit of a break. Those into self abuse could, of
course, use the time as an opportunity to get some extra work done.
I've only gotten a couple entries for the XO site competition. I've extended it
til mid January so there's a bit more time for people to submit entries. I'm
just looking for a template, a layout, not actual content.
There's been some recent CO appointments. The COO and SO were removed from their
position. In both cases, a core factor in their removal was the way they did
their reports. In the COO's case, it was just copy-paste with little real
progress or change from his office. For the SO, his CA had been writing a
majority of the reports. This is probably a good reminder to keep in mind that
just sending in a weekly report isn't enough. You need activity in your office
or subgroup to back it up, to generate the content in your report. The new SO is
the former CA:SO, VA Ziggy. He's had a consistent online presence and a fairly
even attitude to trouble on IRC. He also had some interesting ideas for his
office, which we've seen reflected in his reports thus far. The new COO was
selected this week, the winner being VA Sarin. Hopefully, he won't be toasted by
any nasties in the desert anytime soon.
Knights of the Old Republic is pretty damn good. I got the game on Monday and
got very little sleep for most of the week. Hardcore fans of previous Bioware
RPGs will love it, as it has all the little things that helped fill in the
worlds in Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. I think games like this and
others in recent times are indicating a slow, subtle shift by Lucasarts into
outsourcing games to high quality, proven and classy developers such as Bioware
and Raven Software. Hopefully, this will be a long term trend that provides the
EH with many usable platforms.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #117: 12.11.03
Again late report, I'm sorry. I was going to release it on Friday, but I wanted
to release some battles first and then write Tactical Report. So, I have
released battles, uploaded them and they are available. Also, I have stable
staff with good working TCCs, so we should have a lot of new battles coming
soon. I think that's it, rest below :)
New battles and free missions
I have released the following battles:
TIE-TC #216,217
TIE-FREE #241-243
XvT-TC #79-81
Mike's Quest for new articles
I have contacted starwars.pl crew and sent them my article. It should be
available this week. I have also prepared translation for GA Ronin and all EH
members :)
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course - coming soon, where's TO?
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week I choose, cause TCCs sent no nominations
So I choose my CA, VA Styles. He did a lot of work this week :)
Vice Admiral Styles, well done.
Current standings:
Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 4
Justin - 4
Carl Lost - 2
Styles - 2
Tactical Office Report #118: 12.13.03
It's been a quiet week in Tactical Office.
Mike's Quest for new articles
My article has been published. See more in EH news.
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course - coming soon, where's TO?
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:TIE
I want to recommend COL Beef for Staff person of the week, for completing the
testing and correcting of several battles and Free Missions.
Beef, well done.
Current standings:
Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 4
Justin - 4
Carl Lost - 2
Styles - 2
Beef - 2
Gidda - 1
Tactical Office Report #119: 12.20.03
Another quiet week. I've been very busy with my RL. Ya know, christmass, etc.
Also I've been experiencing network problems, I had to replace few kms of cable
and my connection still suffers from packet loss. But, this Tuesday should be
the last day of my problems, so everything will be back to normal.
Mike's Quest for new articles
EH forum has been created on holonet.pl message board. It's the most popular
polish SW website, so we should benefit from this little project started by me
(article), RA Drako (forum idea) and CM Mike (sw crew member). We have informed
GA Ronin and our RO. So expect new members soon :)
Make more XWA battles
We don't have enough XWA battles. Anyone making XWA battles will receive special
bonus. Right now it's suprise :)
TAC on leave
I will be on partial leave this Christmass and New Year. I will be present and
responding to emails, but no new battles and no HSs processed. Of course I will
process every pending BSF and every case in my queue before I'll leave :)
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course - coming soon, where's TO?
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from me
Once again I nominated my TACA, CPT Justin for his outstanding work :)
Justing, keep it up.
Current standings:
Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 4
Justin - 6
Carl Lost - 2
Styles - 2
Beef - 2
Gidda - 1
Christmas Edition of Tactical Office Report (#120):
Hello member of Emperor's Hammer. This will not be another boring and line
Tactical Report. I would rather call it summary, cause I am going to describe
here, achievement of my office, during the last year. 2003 I mean of course. I
am going to show all of you what we have achieved this year and in next report,
we I will show you some of my plans for the next year. So, let's get this over
I have took over position of the Tactical Officer last December, one
year ago. Although I've been doing all TAC's duties for much longer. HA Striker
has been preparing me to take over, when he leaves so I was quite ready for it.
Well, that's just what I thought back then. Reality however, was quite different
than I expected.
I've been preparing myself to take over TAC when needed for over a year so
I had my own plans and idea. Office looked like well oiled machine. However,
when I took over position of TAC, I realized I need to change many things. So I
started working on it. I started with high scores. Started working on scoring
tables for XvT/BoP and updating current ones. So I have caught many cheaters and
prepared list of suspects. Many people were under observation, and still are, so
TAC is always on guard. I have also updated my XvT Mission Editing Course I to
version 2.0. It was rather complex redesing with many new things introduced. I
have also started my first tactical competition: Xunami Wings.
January was rathed slow month. All pending HSs were processed with
few more cheaters sent to HCI. Xunami Wings ended with 10 plotlines and 3 CABs
released. Also, XvT Mission Editing II has been updated to version 2.0 also.
February results in two of my personal achievement. 3000 FCHG points
which gave me 2nd position in FCHG ranking and 1000 of High Scores processed, my
first office milestone. I have also started and finished two tactical
competitions #1 and #2. I have also came up with idea of Mission Creation Wars,
biggest tactical competition ever seen.
March was month of awards. TCCs were awarded with Silver and Bronze
Stars, and my CA:TAC was promoted to Vice Admiral
In April we has suffered from rDB trachery. I have lost my
girlfriend and my attach�. But I have quickly hired new great guy, Philo, first
as TCC:TIE. Also, I have processed 1500th High Score and released 100th XWA Free
May was rather busy month. 1st round of Mission Creation Wars ended
with many entries. 10th XvT-DB battle was released. Also my TCC:XvT, Frodo has
resigned his commision and we have hit another milestone: 500 free mission in EH
mission compendium. My TCC:XWA, Master started Operation Revive, update of XWA
battles and missions by XWA staff. June was beginning of the summer.
So I have appointed Philo as my CA, and finished 2nd round of MCWs. Two new TCCs
were hired, Styles and Apophis Kuma and Tactical Staff IWATS Course has been
approved by TO.
July was great month. We have achived great milestone, TAC3K (3000
missions in EH Mission Compendium). This has been my primary goal since I took
over the office. For my service as TAC I have been promoted to the rank of Fleet
Admiral by GA Ronin. Also, I have rewarded my staff. Roguewing released his XWA
August was very slow month. I've been on leave for two weeks. Only
one thing has happened. Oath of Loyalty competition has ended.
September was another great month. Together with SCO and CA:SCO
we've been working on EH Battle Laucher, the most secret EH project and we have
finaly released it. My CA was promoted to VA.
October was slow. I've only hired new TACA, Justin to help me with
line duties.
November was huge change of Tactical Staff. My CA resigned so I've
appointed Styles, current TCC:TIE. I have also hired TCC:XvT and TCC:TIE.
And finaly December. Well, not much happened this month. I have
approved 3000th High Score and basicaly that's it.
Well. That's about it. I wanted to achieve more, but I couldn't. Some of
things were not mentioned here, too bad. And future? We will see. I have a lot
of plans, so I will describe some of them in next report. I hope my staff will
finaly become stable and I should release more battles before new year. We will
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #12: 12.12.03
I bring you these 15 com.....Oh shite....I bring you these 10 commandments
- Mel Brooks as Moses
I need to address a few issues so let me begin:
I need to impress upon everyone, that the FL and CMDR spots for squadrons need
to be filled in order to have recruits placed in those respective squadrons.
This has been a Flight Office policy for years, and I intend to follow through
with it. It is important for newly made SL's to have leadership and guidance
through their beginning times in the TC. Without it, they tend to flounder where
they are.
The War Office will be under going some changes in the near future. I don't want
to get into what they will be until they are FULLY approved, but I can say that
virtually every issue from the past ImpStorms have been addressed, and the
changes will greatly improve the War Office and the War Games.
IMPSTORM should be ready for January. The game will feature goal points or
victory points, an even playing field for fleet allocations, and a few surprises
that would make the IMPSTORM games desirable to fly and for some very IMPORTANT
to fly. More details to be released when AD Pel, FA Mike, and myself finalize
the plans.
Congrats to VA Ziggy in being named the new SO. He had the best credentials for
the position and to quote the XO "he can now rightfully carry the Bloodied Baton
of SOness(tm)."
The COO position is still under consideration. At this point, please be patient
until a suitable replacement is found.
On that note, I've asked VA Styles to continue preparation of the FO's 2 vs 2 MP
comp. Even if we set the comp up and fly against each other as teams, it would
be worth the practice. I can't award the LoC's or DFC's until a new COO is in
place, but I do intend to get this comp off the ground.
The ISD Challenge is currently without a COM. A replacement has been chosen, and
I am awaiting on AD Krax for the final approval before the replacement is named.
It has not been opened to applications.
And now my rant for the week:
This will be a two fold rant as I am in the mood for a good rant. I haven't seen
any in a while, so I know that everyone is really excited to hear one :) First
I'd like to impress upon everyone in the TC that when sending in roster change
requests to include PIN's for the pilots involved. This makes things much much
easier for me to process. The DB, being a somewhat fickle program, may not hit
on the name that is given to me, or the name given to me may not be what the
pilot originally enlisted to the TC with. They may have shortened it, or may
just use something else. Make sure that PINS are used!
Another thing that needs to be addressed is the transfer protocol. This has been
a long standing order, and is located in the training manual and on the FO
website. Make sure that all Flags and CMDRS are notified before I get the
request! If they are not, the transfer will be delayed!
Well, that's it from the Flight Office, have a great week!
Flight Office Report #13: 12.18.03
This is going to be a quick report this week....
First up a few changes have occurred within the TC.
RA Phantom has been named the new Challenge COM.
VA Sarin has been named the new COO.
I want to thank those of you that read these reports for including PIN 's with
your requests. It has made things much easier for me!
VA Reaper has gotten his ADMIN logon ID, so he will now not only be checking
reports, but processing recruits, Squadron, wing, ship, and BG rosters as well.
There had been a small glitch with the appointment of CA's recently. The glitch
resided with me, as I was unaware that there was a probationary period for
them...So you will now notice that as CA's are appointed, they will be given the
rank of RA for the probation period as set forth by the GA. Those who have been
appointed before I found this out, there are three affected, shall remain in the
rank of VA. I thank you for your patience with me in this, as I am still
learning some of the nuisances of the systems DB.
Please remember that the FO should only get mails for roster changes after all
parties have approved of the transfer etc. If I get it and make it, then you
have no right to get pissy with me for making the change.....I do my best to
make sure that everyone is accommodated, but I can' t always please everyone.
That's it from the FO.
Have a great Holiday Season!
Flight Office Report #14: 12.26.03
Well its the day after Christmas. I must say that I had a very peaceful day
with the family. The next big holiday will be new years and the FOs Birthday the
day after that.
I will be taking a short leave from 01/02/04 (b-day) until 01/05/04. Please make
a note of this as I will be away.
VA Reaper has started processing all Squadron/Wing/Ship/and BG roster requests,
and has begun to process all Recruits into Daedalus.
With VA Sarin taking over as COO, I have discussed with him the Flight Office's
Idea about the 2Vs2 comp. He is very open to this idea, and we hope to have this
on line soon.
Look for Impstorm to begin again sometime in Jan 04.
I need to remind everyone, AGAIN, that PINS should be attached to all mails
where a roster movement request is asked for. I ran into another problem with a
request where there were actually three different people with the same profile
name! Please, INCLUDE PIN's with your requests.
Congrats to RA Phantom on taking over the ISD Challenge
Congrats to RA Gilad on taking over the ISD Grey Wolf
Thats about all from the FO this week. Again Happy Holidays, and have a great
New Year!
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #122: 12.19.03
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #122
December 19, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Well, quite a hectic week it's been!
As you all undoubtedly know, the MBs were down for an extended
period of time. As such, AD Turtle and I have re-established a new set of MBs,
hosted directly off EHNet (at
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/). These new MBs run off the ELS (EHNet Login
System) or otherwise known as MinosNIC login. This means you need to register a
handle at http://els.minos.net/ in order to
use the MBs. We know that many of you may be disappointed by loss of your post
count or previous post counts. We are currently attempting to retrieve the
latest backups from the former COMM for purposes of archiving the previous posts
so people can refer to previous discussions they were having. If we are
successful in acquiring the backups, we will investigate the feasibility of
recording post counts externally so that they can be retained. We would
appreciate your cooperation until then (and even afterwards). We understand the
issue at hand and are working on it. In the meantime, AD Turtle deserves
everyone's gratitude for getting the MBs back up within a day of being asked to
integrate it with the ELS.
Questions regarding the MB should be directed to myself or Turtle.
In other news, XPS administration is coming along well - the hardest part is
done (i.e. the functions to create the individual poll components). Hopefully
we'll be able to give you some previews/screenshots by next week!
Also, Alex Foley has set up a Bug Tracker for Squadfirst+. We know many people
have been having troubles lately, so if you run into any bugs, please head on
over to http://ortho.minos.net/ to report
the bug. Thanks for your assistance!
Congrats to CM Tim (aka RA Timmay) on his IS-SR for this week's SOTW!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Infiltrator Wing Training Academy by RA Timmay at
http://hosting.infiltrator-wing.com/iwta/. Congrats on a 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Do you think the SF+ Bug Tracker should be used for all IO projects?
-Don't use a pre-made one, create an IO-brand one!
-I am the bug
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report #123: 12.26.03
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #123
December 26, 2003
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Happy Holidays everyone, on behalf of the entire Internet Office!
Some good news this week: the main XPS engine is finally done! All that remains
to be done is beta testing and working all the bugs out. Which means I will
probably be floating about IRC asking for people to help me try to break
anything they possibly can! :P For those of you who still don't know what XPS
is: XPS, or eXtensible Polling System is a brand new way of collecting data in
the EH. Not only does it support simple, one-question polls, but you can also
build more complex polls including multi-question polls, questions with
non-multiple choice answers (i.e. text or numeric answers), and you can even
structure polls so that they progress the way you like by building "question
sequences" - which basically allow you to redirect a person to different
questions based on their particular answer. The XPS Help Manual will be
available on the site, and I *HIGHLY* recommend you read it first before doing
anything more than a simple Standard Poll - there are many fine details about
the system you need to be aware of when creating polls and questions in the Help
Manual. Plus, it's pretty short and to-the-point! Another feature of XPS will be
the ability to create custom stylesheets which allow you to pick the colors,
fonts and sizes used in your poll. There are plenty more features available in
XPS, as well as some suggested usages in the XPS Help Manual, which will be
available when the site is released. XPS will be released sometime this week,
assuming all goes well with beta testing.
And even more good news: The new MBs are running nicely, and though we've had
some recent spam epidemics, they seem to be under control now. MAJ Slagar has
expanded the avatar gallery to unprecedented breadth, with an enormous array of
options to choose from. AD Turtle has been hard at work in cementing the
integration of the MBs with the EHNet Login System. You might notice certain MB
users do not have their ELS name displayed, but something else (i.e. "Turtle
Jerrar" or "Ari") - that is because the new ELS "Display Name" feature is nearly
complete. Soon, you'll be able to log on to http://els.minos.net and indicate
how you want your name displayed on the message boards (and eventually, other
ELS-enabled sites). Watch ehnet.org for details! Also, the old MB data will be
up very soon, though most likely it will be a locked archive due to difficulties
in converting between the user databases. Turtle adds that everybody who uses
the message boards should read his posts regarding board creation (
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=3 ), and SPAM (
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=393 ).
AD Turtle will be launching a new server featuring dual processors, RAID, and
redundant power supplies as we head into the new year to replace the current
MinosNIC server. Shortly thereafter, he will launch MinosNIC Enhanced service.
Watch the EH MBs for more information about this subject in the coming days.
Congrats to VA Alex Foley on his IS-SR for SOTW this week! Remember folks: ONLY
ONE WEEK LEFT FOR SOTW BONANZA! So make sure to nominate your site (or your
friend's) at http://www.ehnet.org/sotw.php?a=suggest
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This weeks SOTW is the brand new Operations Office site by Alex Foley at
http://www.ehoperations.com. Congrats
to VA Foley on his 4 star site.
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
How should we deal with the issue of SPAM on the EH Message Boards?
-Disable post count entirely for all users
-Reset spammers' post counts to zero
-Disable post count for known spammers
-Revoke spammers' access to the message boards
-Require spammers to delete their SPAM posts
-SPAM isn't a problem on the MBs
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #26: 12.20.03
Training Office Report #26
20th December 2003
Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting [to@emperorshammer.org]
"As a rule, men worry more about what they can not see than about what they
TO News | TC News| DB News | Resources | Staff
:: [ Training Office News ] ::
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 26th Training Office Report! I wish you all
a Season's Greetings and hope you have a Happy New Year!
It has certainly been a long while since I last submitted a report - my
apologies. As some of you are aware, I have a very demanding 'real-life'
occupation: over the last few months I've traveled to no fewer than seven
different nations, many of them more than once. Nevertheless, I hope to get back
into the 'swing of things' for the Christmas season.
Changes in the guard at the Training Office have begun:
Captain Amadeo has been removed from the position of Training Office Assistant.
He did some excellent work before he was faced with growing real-life demands. I
thank him for his efforts.
Major Drako, formerly of the Internet Office, has been promoted to Rear Admiral
and appointed as Command Attache to the Training Officer!
The failure of theholo.net server - which hosted the Academic
NeXus (including the Shadow Academy et al.) - has forced me to relocate all the
Training Office pages. They shall now be hosted on my own server (with an
emergency backup elsewhere) with the permanent forwarding address of
http://to.minos.net/. This address will
always forward to the TO website, regardless of the future domain I secure.
This server failure has also caused the DNS feature of my own server to
fluctuate, once again taking my gmf@kweeky.net e-mail offline. To remedy this
permanently, I have decided to change my e-mail address to keldorn@btopenworld.com.
I am hopeful that I this will also remedy the stupid amount of spam I am
receiving, however, my old e-mail will remain active (once back online) for
at-least the next few months. I advise that all communications be sent to this
new address.
It should be noted that the Training Office is once again accepting new Course
proposals. Ideas, comments and questions should be sent to myself at
keldorn@btopenworld.com. The Office
is particularly interested in 'fictional' courses, akin to Galactic History,
Physics, Imperial Politics, Starfighter Technical Studies and so on. As always,
each successfully launched Course earns the author a Silver Star (or
:: [ TIE Corps News ] ::
There has been further talk on the matter of developing - more rapidly than
first anticipated - a 'fictional' University-style institution to compliment the
growing IWATS reportoire. Those of you in the Hammer's Fist should be acquainted
with a similar system in use within that SubGroup. The Training Office is very
interested to hear all thoughts on implementing something similar for the TC -
and possibly the entire Emperor's Hammer. Comments should be sent to
:: [ Dark Brotherhood News ] ::
The Erudite Roll has been all but purged, with only Warrior Sirik Xirok
retaining his position as Pontiff of Obelisk Phase II and Doctrine. Several
members have already expressed an interest in some of the newly vacant
positions, but, to ensure fair-play, any member is entitled to submit to myself
an application for one of the roles in the Shadow Academy. As is to be expected,
working for the Headmaster is a rewarding oppertunity.
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the split, send me
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to
keldorn@btopenworld.com. Please
note that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
Applicants: There is a manual system in place for the processing of new members.
Until otherwise notified, all applicants may submit both their Phase I and Phase
II Apprentice Studies at their leisure, there is no need to await any
confirmation other than the general �Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood� e-mail
(this e-mail explains the Apprentice Studies and provides the appropriate
links). Questions should be addressed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com.
:: [ Office Resources ] ::
Academic NeXus : http://to.minos.net/
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Dark Brotherhood Dark Side Compendium :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
:: [ Academic Staff ] ::
Administrative Officers
Rear Admiral Drako, Command Attache ("Number One") [rswojc@poczta.wp.pl]
General Drake, Training Office Assistant ("Number Two") [Drake@EHNet.org]
Sith Battlemaster Daniel Goad, Praetor to the Headmaster [dazexeter@yahoo.com]
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ari@tiecorps.org]
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [mindb_ender@hotmail.com]
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [io@absolutek.ca]
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [skinner@axelero.hu]
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission
Creation [pbmike@go2.pl]
Admiral Proton; Professor, Squadron Management [hullbreach@warpmail.net]
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [roguewing25@yahoo.com]
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [incomtech@wp.pl]
Rear Admiral Locke Setzer, Eggdrop [KevinSetzer@aol.com]
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [slavelet@iinet.net.au]
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [cnwilde@pacbell.net]
Colonel Wes Janson, Active Server Page [eh_janson@shaw.ca]
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [LohrZadash@isdrelentless.org]
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [oneblah2@cs.com]
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au]
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [zexipher@yahoo.com]
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics [ministryisadeity@aol.com]
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au]
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [tek_selkirk@hotmail.com]
Lieutenant Commander Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [orrimaarko_reeft@hotmail.com]
Shadow Academy Erudite Roll
Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #14: 12.12.03
Three and a half months. Doesn't even seem like it's been that
long. But alas.
Boy, did I have some fun with the MSEs this week. I think I denied 10 medals in
a row one time. I must've gotten slack if I let this go unnoticed for a while.
Here's my rant for this week. If you want to award a medal, tell me why! He's a
great pilot is not acceptable for giving him a medal. I need battles flown,
IWATS taken, websites made, competitions competed in. Give me something! I'll
deny it if you don't.
Uniforms went smoothly this week, but I want everyone to know that I won't
approved a butchered uniform. Make it look good or it won't go up there.
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
�Simon Cameron
OPS Report #15: 12.19.03
And they're off! Seabiscuit is a great movie!
Well, with the passing out of office of the COMM, it seems MoCs have fallen back
into my hands. Expect to hear more about this later.
Christmas is in full stride, as are medals which seem to be given for no reason
at all. No, I'm sorry, but medals do not make good Christmas presents.
When we got into office, the thing that surprised me the most was that things
were as bad as we'd been saying they were.
�John F. Kennedy
OPS Report #16: 12.26.03
Four months. Wow. Who would've ever thought I could last this long. :) Perhaps
because of my longevity I am celebrating this with my longest report ever!
I am very glad to announce that most commanding officers do celebrate some sort
of holiday, so the medals that came through my office over the past week were
pretty slim. I'll take this time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy
Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, or whatever holiday you celebrate at home. Personally, I
want to celebrate the holiday that George's dad did off of Seinfeld. That was
On the other hand, it appears that everyone who wasn't awarding medals was
submitting a new uniform. See, there's the drawback to me awarding any medals at
all. If I were not to award any medals, then I wouldn't have to deal with
uniforms any more. If only that were possible. :)
My Christmas turned out to be a very good one. Got some clothes, a new pair of
Birkenstocks, and a dual-format DVD Burner. Already burned 4 DVDs. I think I'm
going to pick up DVD X Copy today at Circuit City - got a gift card yesterday
from my cousin. Found out that the XBOX can play DVD+Rs, if anyone is
interested. Haven't tried DVD-Rs yet, though, so keep watching.
Perhaps the most exciting thing that happened this week was me doing the new OPS
website! http://www.ehoperations.com
I'm very proud of the design. I've been keeping it on the HD for a while,
waiting to use it. Also put up with the new design is the Sepulcher of the
Battledress, which some of you old schoolies may remember was where the items
necessary to create a custom uniform were once held. We here in the OPS office
are taking it back to the old school, so go check it out.
And finally, I've had this competition approved for a while, but have never
acted on it. It's called The OPS's Cheap Way To Get A Laugh Competition. I was
supposed to have run this a month ago, but forgot about it, so here we go now.
Your job is to find me an EH page that is funny, but not on purpose. Here's an
http://www.emperorshammer.net/rosters/histrecord.asp?record=688. You may
notice that it says "This member has no history." Kind of funny if you think
about it, our GA has no history :-P Send me a URL, in two weeks I'll judge who
sent me the best one. It can be any EH page.
Another competition I've had approved was Name the OPS's Shuttle. I was awarded
a Shuttle by the good boys in INTEL the other month, and now I need a proper
name for it for my ID line. All you have to do is send me name suggestions.
Both of the above competitions end on Thursday, January 8th at Midnight. Send
all submissions to ops@emperorshammer.org with the competition name in the
Subject line. Winner gets an IS-GR, 2nd gets an IS-SR, and 3rd gets an IS-BR.
Get those submissions in!
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid
people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
�Scott Adams
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (TBA)
Communications Office
Position to be filled - No reports submitted
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Sithspawn)
Security Office
Vice Admiral Sithsapwn
Fleet Security Officer
Security Office Report #2: 12.18.03
Office News:
1. The Security Officer is heading to sunny West Palm Beach for 10 days,
starting Friday. I should still be on IRC quite often, and I'm guaranteed to
check email at least 3 times a day.
Feel free to interrupt me, I'm sure I'll end up being quite bored. :)
2. Applications are still NOT being accepted for any positions within the
Security Office.
Case Related News:
1. SBL Frey has been found not guilty of all charges.
2. No other cases were sent before the High Court this week. Good job, folks.
Computer Security News:
1. Got an interesting virus in my inbox this week. Let me remind everybody,
never open anything sent from "Microsoft". Then again, never open any
attachments sent from anybody that you don't know. Especially with fishy
sounding subjects. Or convincing ones. :P
2. As always, the Security Office recommends that you review the previous report
(#1) and apply the security advice contained within.
3. My recommendation of the week? Lavasoft Ad-Aware. You know you love it. For a
surefire cure
for spyware, check it out. To make it even more interesting, it has the ability
to update it's referance files, so it'll pick up even the newest spyware. Get it
now at http://www.lavasoft.de
Well folks, it's time for me to sleep and then catch a plane.
Behave, I'll be watching.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #31: 12.14.03
"Yes, but as a noted scientist, it's a bit surprising that
the girl blinded me with science!"
Welcome to my thirty-first public report as a Science Officer, way late... (ISPs
are evil entities) ...but let's get on to the news:
Science Office News:
1. Friday a week ago suddenly my internet got cut off for unknown reasons (I had
paid me fee's and such.) Last Friday suddenly it started working again, after I
had tried to contact my ISP for about a week with no success. SCo-y matters
continued though. Guess I'll now mail them to ask a week's money back :P
2. I've started to write the Science Manual - with all
procedures and regulations considering changes to the Order of Battle, Craft
Plans (Subgroup plans where you can earn your own craft and modify it),
submissions of patches, fleet manual changes and all that. Currently have
finished the Craft Plans part, when it's all finished it will go to the FC and
XO for approval. However, most of things covered have already been policy for
years, but have never been put down in text.
3. Connected to this are several additions to the Fleet Manual
I've prepared: Appendixes with listings of craft lengths, costs, warhead loads
and how many hits to destroy a craft.
4. I've been making all new craft graphics for the TC database,
I'll be sending them to SA Astatine the moment the last one (TIE Protector) is
done. All graphics are now in the same rendering (xwa) and orientation plus more
craft actually have their own pictures.
5. Connected to that again I've started on a remodel of GA
Ronin's TIE Protector, to make the OPT look more like its stats and description
point out (as in: not a T/D with a wing missing). It now has looks more in
between the regular TIEs, the T/A and the T/D with visible warhead launchers and
even pink fuzzy dice.
6. SCOA Timmay's modding of Free Space 2 is going ahead
splendidly. He has screenshots and a progress log on the slicing forum:
currently he has our lasers, sounds, A-W, Y-W, X-W, T/F, T/B. T/I, CRV and FRG
ported. Since the source of this game has been released (meaning we can
distribute the .exe), it offers us a chance to deliver a free new space flier by
making all data ourselves. The mission editor for FS2 is very good and will work
instantly with the new setups.
7. To prevent things happening like with the Starshatter mod
before, please do not freak out about Timmay's mod. It will be released when
it's done, and will be as delivered. Last time members freaking out cost us the
mod and me my then SCOA LC Shadd - if something like that happens again, I WILL
whoever responsible to the Security Office for investigation.
8. Go fly TIE-TC#216 "Wing XI: Human Behaviour", its really cool
;) </shameless self promotion>
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has continued work on the EHBL 2.0, which is even more
incredible (and user friendly), made a XWA EHSP .exe for me (for amongst others
the imperial concourse) and ran the office in my absence.
SCOA: CM Tim has been making excellent progress with the Free Space 2 mod for
the Emperor's Hammer.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the science manual (not linked) and will be to the fleet manual.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Coming up still are several star
ship patches and platforms plus new models for the TIE Protector, TIE Guardian
and TIE Praetor.
Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly once again.
This week it already spawned the new installers for the EHSP.
Free Space 2 EH mod: With the release of the freely available source code of
FS2, CM Timmay has started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely
distribute a finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics,
sounds, models etc).
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #32: 12.24.03
"The good thing about being a Scientist is never having to
say 'sorry'!"
Welcome to my thirty-second public report as a Science Officer, a few days
late... (Aaaaarrg, season's stress) ...but let's get on to the news:
Science Office News:
1. I'll be on leave from the moment I've finished this report until after
Christmas, visiting my parents on the other end of the country. CM Timmay is
also on semi-leave until January; he's house sitting. Please be patient if you
have anything to ask us. AD Darkhill will be around however.
2. AD Darkhill is progressing very nicely on EHBL 2.0. This
version will have increased userfriendliness and security and also supports
TIECD. If you are interested in helping out in the testing phase, email me with
the games you own and your Operating System data. I cannot guarantee that we
will make use of your services, but if we do - we will reward you suitably.
3. The Freespace 2 mod of Timmay is still going along fine - I
will start helping him along in the next year to make sure he doesn't crack
under the pressure ;) Check the slicing forum for a progress log and
4. I've finished the new rendering of the TIE Protector for
TIE95, XvT and BoP. The model now looks more as described; you can even see the
fuzzy dice and suction cup alien (but also the additional launchers and such).
It is no longer white, as that was considered too much of a "Rocket Magnet". The
XvT and BoP patches have been split debugged and rebuilt and are as such
actually completely new. The XWA version is under construction, but nearing
completion. A screenshot of the XvT-level OPT is attached to this report.
5. The Spectre Advanced Missile Boat patch for XWA has been
updated to reflect its new shape and has now a .bat installer - another actually
new patch.:)
6. I've finished the new pictures for the craft on the rosters.
The IWSE has already received them; the FSE will receive them as soon as
7. Large parts of the Science Manual have been completed, but
I'm running behind schedule because of the season. This Manual will not contain
many new regulations - most of it has been in practice for years but never put
down in text. The moment it's done and approved by the Fleet Commander
especially SG and TC staff would be advised to look it over well.8. I've added
Quick Reference Charts to the Fleet Manual about hits to take down shields or
hull and warhead load outs. Especially mission creators are advised to look them
over to prevent endless strafing. For pilots they can help to increase your
9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has continued work on the EHBL 2.0, graphic parts and
encryptors are done.
SCOA: CM Tim has been making excellent progress with the Free Space 2 mod
for the Emperor's Hammer. Is on semi-leave for now.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the science manual (not linked) and to the fleet manual.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. New TIE Protector is released.
Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is on hold for EHBL 2.0
Free Space 2 EH mod: With the release of the freely available source code of
FS2, CM Timmay has started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely
distribute a finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics,
sounds, models etc).
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Darknyte)
Logistics Office
Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]
Logistics Office Report #26: 12.12.03
Here we go again, another busy week of LO stuff. Well, not
really�but, we did get some things done. First thing I have to say is that a sad
day came this week. On Tuesday I relapsed into addiction. After almost 3 months
clean and sober, I fell back into the Star Wars Galaxies shame-spiral. All I can
say is that I�m weak, so very, very weak. The game was calling out to me�Darknyte,
come play with me�Darknyte, we patched in player cities and creature mounts�.Darknyte,
you know you love me�.Enough was enough and I succumbed once again to the
temptress that is SWG.
Biggest news this week is the opening of the EH Memorium! It�s not completed
yet, as we�ve still got to finish filling in all the data, but the site is up
and live for everyone to see. If you have any data to contribute, feel free to
email it to me and I�ll get it on there. Over the weekend I�ll finish up the
site itself with the relevant bits of information on how and what to submit to
help with this. Also, my CA and I have started to research for the site as well.
My former CA had done quite a bit of research on it, but he�s fallen out of
contact lately, I suspect due to his enlisting in the US Navy and his loss of
internet connection at home. All the data is effectively lost, so we�ll be
starting over again from scratch to get this online.
The EH Census is still chugging away, but participation numbers have dropped.
That was to be expected though, most of the people who were actually going to
participate did so within the first week of it being live. We�ll still keep it
up for another couple of weeks though, anticipated closing date of the Census is
December 31, 2003. As I�ve said before, once we get all the data collected,
we�ll index it up real nice and send it out to all the relevant parties in the
Logistics Staff
Logistics Officer - Admiral Darknyte
CA:LO � Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA � Admiral Ranthier Khaen
LOA � Vice Admiral Daniel Stephens
Helpful Logistics Links
Logistics Office Website �
EH Newsletter Archive �
EH Codex �
EH Census �
EH Library � http://ehlibrary.minos.net
EH Memorium �
Logistics Office Report #27: 12.20.03
Not a great deal to report this week, as the holidays are upon
us and things have slowed down here in the Office while we all prepare for the
season in real life.
Research continues to fill the Heroes site, I've got 3 names so far that I plan
to add over the weekend as I get time. Efforts are still being made to find
other fallen warriors who deserve their place of honor.
The Census is winding down, after the New Year we'll gather all the results and
get them out to all relevant parties.
I'm sorry for the rushed nature of this report and it's tardiness. I have no
excuse for it being late, I apologize for that. The rushed nature is due to
being on my sister's PC at my mother's house, yet another holiday function is in
the works and I'm needed in the kitchen to make something or another.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza, and Happy New Year to all. I will
make a report on 12/26/03 as I'm expected, but the Logistics Office and all
staff members are now on semi-leave until January 2, 2004. Enjoy the break guys,
we've worked hard the last few months and you've all earned a bit of a rest.
Logistics Staff
Logistics Officer: Admiral Darknyte
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Admiral Ranthier Khaen
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stephens
Helpful Logistics Links
Logistics Office Website �
EH Newsletter Archive �
EH Codex -
EH Census �
EH Library - http://ehlibrary.minos.net
EH Memorium -
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report # 37: 12.14.03
The Recon Office has some great news this week!
After a long wait, and several emails, The Emperor's Hammer recived it's first
Honorary Member in quite a few months. I would like to announce that Mr. Aaron
Allston has accepted my invitation to become an Honorary Member of the EH! As
most of you know ( and the others who are under rocks :P ) Mr. Allston is a
famous Sci-Fi writer and author of many Star Wars books, most notably many of
the X-Wing Series books.
I have been conducting a survey lately trying to gather 10 questions for Mr.
Allston for an E-mail interview. I only have a few good questions, but I am
still in need of many, many more.
If you wish to send me ideas for questions, please email me at Noon001@aol.com.
CS, SGCOMs, please pass that down to your ranks. The more the better!
CA:RO VA Shayla is still on leave. She has been rather sick for the past week
and might take another week of leave. Join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.
In other SW News:
Knights of the Old Republic wins award from SpikeTV
At SpikeTV's first-ever Video Game Awards show, LucasArts' Star Wars: Knights of
the Old Republic walked away with the "Best Fantasy Game" award.
This VGA award comes on the heels of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
winning a Golden Joystick Award for the Xbox Game of the Year in the United
Kingdom last week.
The VGA winners, officially chosen by online polling, were honored on Dec. 4, in
a ceremony hosted by actor David Spade at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, developed by BioWare Corp and published
by LucasArts, is available for PC and Xbox. For more information on the game,
click here.
Natalie Portman TV Schedule
(Just for you Ast. <g>)
Want to see Natalie Portman on TV? You'll get your chance this week, no doubt.
Here's some of the times we've been told about:
Just wanted to pass come dates on to The Force net. Natalie will be on The
Daily Show, Conan and more.
Natalie will be washing Isacc's dog on The Isacc Mizrahi show. The dates are
Dec. 10th 4:00PM, Dec. 11th 1:30am, Dec. 11th 7:30am
Conan will be Dec. 19th and Comedy Central will reshow this on Dec. 22 at
Also on Comedy Central Natalie will be guest on "The Daily Show" on Dec. 16th at
11:00pm EST.
Thanks to Darin from americas-queen.com for the times.
ESB Original Vader Helmet Up for Auction
Profiles in History is profiled themselves in an article in UK Reuters. Up for
grabs in the auction? And original ESB prop:
Collecting old Hollywood memorabilia has become increasingly popular. This past
summer, the group held a Hollywood auction that brought in about $1.3 million,
or 30 percent more than the $1 million Maddalena said he expected. Bids came
from all over North and South America, Europe and Asia.
Along with "Black Beauty," which was driven in the series by martial arts star
Bruce Lee, Profiles in History on Thursday is selling Darth Vader's black
helmet, mask and shoulder armor from 1980's "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
Maddalena estimates it could fetch $40,000 to $60,000, but given that it comes
with an accompanying authentication letter from "Star Wars" creator George
Lucas, the price could go higher.
"I'm hoping it brings $150,000-plus," he said.
For the man whose wardrobe needs a suit that is too good to refuse, up for sale
is the Armani tuxedo Robert De Niro wore in 1987 film "The Untouchables" playing
gangster Al Capone. It is estimated to bring $2,000 to $3,000. Or, there is Al
Pacino's jacket from "The Godfather: Part II" for $7,000 to $9,000.
Unfortunately, that's about all the news out there in Star Wars land..
Depressing isnt it?
Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Chicks. ( I just couldn't pass this up! let the
recruiting begin! Hehe)
That's it for me this week. I should know by next report when Mr. Allston will
be able to do the E-mail interview.
Oh, and keep sending in your questions for him!!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
No reports submitted
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
First of all, on behalf of Hammer's Fist, I'd like to wish you all Merry
Christmans and a Happy New year!
That said, time to work!
- PRF back from emergency leave. Computer fixed, back to duty!
- EH Message Boards had a major *something* this week, so we're starting brand
new Forums. There's a very minor chance we might be able to recover the HFLeague,
BUT since it's not guaranteed, we'll start a new phase for the HFL Run-On this
Saturday, to try to minimize the effects of loosing 3/4 of it! As I told you,
don't worry, we're smart! Thanks XO Dingo and AD Turtle for the fast response
- 2 new recruits this week! Have fun newcomers! PTEs Ons Shy and Jodo Kast!!
- Don't miss the meetings, they are nice for you!
- FM review almost done, and I still received not a single email from any GSer
about changes... interesting...
that's it!
Have fun next week, don't drink and drive, play safe, and no
stealing gifts from your baby brothers and sisters.
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Darkmage)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral DarkMage
IWCOM/AD DarkMage/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report: 12.12.03
Good Evening ladies and Gentleman of the infiltrator wing.
It has been a quiet week this week, With the fleet just progressing along nicely
as it prepares for its battle with the new republic shipyards.
There was only one change, With colonel Jade being made the
commander of the newly opened Eagle squadron. MY congratulations to him , we all
know he was the best person for the job. Well done colonel.
I have had the pleasure of reading all the reports from both command staff and
squadron commander alike this week. And I must admit, most of them are
excellent. Good content, excellent encouragement. I am also most impressed with
the role-playing element of some of the reports... I am reading stories of
engagements and what commanders are feeling and from the commodore report, The
mission and activity for the next couple of weeks if the MC-90 Renegade.
I would love to see the commanders continuing on the theme, Rear
Admiral Astix has started.
Now the reason I have brought this up, Is because from this week forward. I will
be awarded a merit cross for the best report each week. I will be awarding the
medal in the IWCOM report. And I hope it will encourage these fine reports to
continue. Well done everyone !!!!
Promotions and Medals in the infiltrator wing
Might I remind everyone from flight leader to the Commodore. All medals and
promotions must follow the chain of command. The chain of command, for
promotions and medals are as follows
Medals - FL - Commander - Wing commander - Commodore - IWOC
Promotions - FL - Commander - Wing commander - Commodore -IWFO
Now, The great person who is our IWSE, Made the request medal and request
promotion option on our database. Make sure its used. for then and only then
will the promotion or medal be approved.
any lack of protocol and procedure, will Cost your pilots promotions and medals
and this is bad for morale....
IWCOM Name Change
My infiltrator wing and Tie corps profiles have now been merged, Given this I am
going to use my officer name, rather than my sith one.
So if Rear admiral timmay would be so kind, please update my
profile with the name : Adren Silvori.
Don't worry guys and gals, My callsign is still DM :P
Lastly but not least
I know you may have heard this once or twice before, so I apologize in advance.
But I would be most pleased if every member of the infiltrator wing. would
partake in the EH Census. IT does not take long and its worthwhile.. As your
opinion counts for our future.
The Census can be found at
So go take a look and complete the forms.....
Admiral Adren Silvori
Infiltrator wing commander
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
ship reports
Commodore : Received
Wing commander : Received
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWOC : LA Sienar (sienar@gmx.net)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
WC/1: Colonel Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
IWCOM Report #4: 12.19.03
Report Prefix : 4
Good Day pilots,
The fleet has begun to process of standing down, Our battle with the new
republic has seen many campaigns this year, and our victories and our loss will
be remembered.
I stand on the bridge of the MC-90 Renegade, and I am watching
the waves of shuttles, as they take pilots home for the festive period. "
rest well my friends and enjoy the time with your families, Its those times,
that remind us, what we the loyal citizens of the emperors hammer fight for. And
why we will win this war, no matter the cost.
A short lieutenant walks up to admiral silvori...
"sir the crew have all left sir, The relief are asking permission to board ";
"Very well lieutenant, Signal I will meet them in cargo hold two, for briefing,
Its time for a new coat of paint for this old bird, And lieutenant, the last
bird leaves from the main hangar in five minutes, make sure you are on it";
"Will you not be on it sir ?";
Admiral silvori, returns his gaze to the shuttles heading for karana. " No
Benjamin, I shall be remaining on board "
With that the lieutenant left the bridge, The lights of the hallway dimming as
he walked towards the main hangar....
Well, not a lot to report really. I see the Christmas spirit has gotten into
everyone, and I see alot of happy faces about and some excited one's too. For
the next 7 days I am placing the squadrons of the infiltrator wing on leave.
Commanders and pilots. Enjoy some time with your families and consider IRC a
chilling zone :D
The drinks are all free. At the imperial bar, on karana prime... So take
advantage of it.
We have a lot of hard work, ahead of us next year. So enjoy yourselves while you
can :D
IRC : The infiltrator wing.
As many of you are aware, The main topic in the infiltrator wing channel, is
once again.. Owner has not logged in. Please do not worry about it.
The 400 ops of the channel are in the process of sorting this
out once again. We thank you for your patience in this matter, while the command
staff and advisors once again sort this problem.
IW Melee
January the first, once again sees the return of the infiltrator wing melee
competition. In the last two months, it has not been used, as enthusiasm has
dropped for multi player combat. I am talking to fleet admiral moreco, and the
database will be reset. Since training issue's have become Rear Admirals
hatter's main concern now.
I am taking the burden of him, in regards to the melee.
Applications will not be taken for melee director at this time, If you are
interested in giving life to the competition let me know. and we will talk about
But as a former director and winner of the event 25 times, I will try my best to
bring it back to the fold.
I must warn you however, I am a bit rusty.. so hopefully, you will be able to
stop me winning the competition.... Because if I win it once... I might have to
try and break my own record :D.... And we would not want that would we ?
Have fun with your families and be back and ready for duty, When you leave runs
out :P dont make me send Malik after you, to bring you back here !
Admiral Silvori
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore : Received
Wing commander : Received
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWOC : LA Sienar (sienar@gmx.net)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Admiral Silvori
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
WC/1: Colonel Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (VA Loor)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer
PREX Report #9: 12.12.03
*Corporate Division*
/[ Report #9, December 12th 2003 ]
[ Vice Admiral Loor, VSD Warhammer ]/
*< ROSTER >*
* Total: 37 (130 including Unemployed)
* Direx Board: 9
* Trade Assembly: 23
* PLT Revenge: 5
* Unemployed: 93
As I no longer have anything on my schedule for school (got 2 exams though), I
will have more time to dedicate to the Corporate Division. I feel as I have been
neglecting my duties a bit but I hope I can make up
for it until I head on leave over christmas. I will be completing the Imperial
Supply Store, which are near completion (at least the code, got lots of stuff to
add which you shall be able to buy).
*< NEWS >*
/*CEO/COM Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor Karias resigns, replacement sought*/
The current CEO of Imperial Broadcast Corporation, COM Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor
Karias decided to resign after a long time at the position. I wish to thank him
for his work:
This has left the position as CEO of IBC is vacant. I am therefore open it up
for applications to members of the Corporate Division.
The successful applicant shall fulfill the following criteria:
- Have passed the Command course.
- Have the minimum rank of Technician or higher.
- Having knowledge about the procedures (transfers, medal
recommendations etc.)
- Have constructive suggestions on how to raise activity within IBC.
- Supply at least one idea of improvement of the IBC.
- Experience of leadership from any subgroup of the Emperor's Hammer,
preferably the Corporate Division.
/*State some proof for each criteria.*/
Email your application to loor@bredband.net
<mailto:loor@bredband.net>and darkangel@kedanya.org
<mailto:darkangel@kedanya.org> with the topic "/*Wanna be the cheif of
IBC!*/", not later than /December 15th/.
/*CGC goes live*/
The Corporate Gambling Commission is now open for your gambling needs.
Check it out at
Questions/Comments/Concerns should be directed to AD Dark Angel
(darkangel@kedanya.org <mailto:darkangel@kedanya.org>).
/*List of trainees shortened*/
Those listed as a trainee and been that for a long time has been removed. Many
had been there for many months and done nothing except signing up for the
Corporate Division.
* Corporate Division Database:
* Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
* Corporate Division Message Board:
* Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
* The iBank:
* Trivia Center:
* Corporate Gaming Commission:
< http://cgc.corporatedivision.com
I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to
what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick "Loor". So
don't be afraid to approach me :)
My profile can be found at
Will be on leave from December 20th to January 4th.
PREX Report #10: 12.18.03
* Total: 38 (131 including Unemployed)
* Direx Board: 8
* Trade Assembly: 23
* PLT Revenge: 7
* Unemplyed: 93
Well, my last report for year 2003. Hard work has been conducted by many members
but we are still far from the standards we must be at. We will have to work even
harder the coming year and put our minds to work on new features and ideas. But
it has been an exciting year and I am looking forward to continue working with
you during the coming year.
< NEWS >
The return of message boards and the disappearance mailing lists
As the server hosting the domain *theholo.net * went down and seem to have
stayed that way, the Emperor's Hammer's message boards disappeared. These are
not setup again and can be found at
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/. These requires that you have registered a ELS (EH
Login System) handle, and if you haven't go to
The mailing lists we have been using within the Corporate Division was also
hosted on *theholo.net *. So these are for the time being unusable, but new
mailing lists will probably be setup on VPT/RA Thorin Oakenshield's server soon.
Education Comp Results
Education Comp is now over, and while the number of participants was rather low,
the number of ideas generated was quite high. It's my pleasure to announce the
winners of the Competition, and thier rewards.
Master Warrant Officer Derek Dan, For 9 submissions, amounting to 33 points, you
are hereby promoted to the rank of Captain Supervisor, and all privileges and
responsibilities of that rank. <SALUTE> Additionally, it's my pleasure to award
you the Shield of the Grand Master with Gold Clusters, Nine Medal of
Achievement's, 27 President's Escort Points, and 16,500 Imperial Credits.
Congratulations on winning Education Competition!
Admiral Dark Angel, for your 5 submissions, amounting to 20 points, it's my
esteemed pleasure to award you the Shield of the Grand Master with Silver
Clusters, Five Medal of Achievements, 15 President's Escort Points, and 10,000
Imperial Credits! Congratulations on second place!
Senior Technician Sen Hart, for your 1 submission, amounting to 5 points, I
hereby award you the Shield of the Grand Master with Bronze Clusters, One Medal
of Achievement, 3 President's Escort points, and 2500 Imperial Credits!
Congratulations on Third Place!
Between these fine officers, we have 15 courses coming to the Imperial Training
Institute in the near future, many of which I am very much looking forward too!
Until Next Time,
RA Thorin Oakenshield
Vice Prex of Training
Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield
New CEO of Imperial Broadcast Corporation selected
After reviewing the applications handed in (and they were not many), I could
make a decision regarding the next CEO of Imperial Broadcast Corporation. The
responsibility on leading this corporation were put on the current Detachment
Commander, WO Sirik Xirok. Congratulations!
Taking a step towards the future
As there are much work to be put on the current database and much time will be
spent by those who are working on it, to understand it, I decided to stop all
efforts on the current one and put all efforts into creating a new database.
This database shall feature what we need from the start, and things like the PLT
Revenge can be built in straight away.
I hope this is a step in the right direction. We will continue to use the
current database until a new one has been created and are ready to go live. Any
suggestions on features are to be mailed to me at loor@bredband.net
Imperial Supply Store open for business
I have now completed a first version of the Imperial Supply store, and it is now
open for business. Only droids are available at the moment but weapons and other
things will be added when I get back from my leave. So check out
http://www.corporatedivision.com/ist/ (the design is very simple yet).
What you have bought are listed on your profile, under "Inventory".
Going on leave
Tomorrow, December 20th, will be the day I head on a two week leave. I will be
having Internet access until the 26th and will be checking it, but not doing
anything else. VPT/RA Thorin Oaenshield will be acting PREX until my return,
January 4th. The Executive Vice President, Admiral DarkAngel, has already gone
on leave and will be gone until mid-January.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have lots of fun and I'll
see you in a fresh new year :)
* Corporate Division Database:
* Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
* Corporate Division Message Board:
* Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
* The iBank:
* Trivia Center: http://cdtn.minos.net
* Corporate Gaming Commission:
* Imperial Supply Store:
My office are always open for everybody. I can be reached for certain via
email, at loor@bredband.net, and can be found on IRC often, using the nick Loor.
Don't hesitate to drop me a mail if you have something you wanna talk about.
On leave from December 20th and until January 4th.
PREX Report #11: 12.25.03
Ahh, my second report ever as acting President of the Corporate Division.
This'll serve as both my President's report and Vice President of Training
Report. This makes my 135th report to the Corporate Division. Go Me :) Oh, and
I'm working on Christmas, go me :) Happy Holidays Everyone!
*Total: 36 (127 Including Reserves [Unemployed])
*Board of Directors: 09
*Trade Assembly: 23
*Independant Trader's League: 0
*Imperial Training Institute (PLT Revenge): 04
*Unemployed: 81
Note on the roster: An email check was conducted of the reserves this week,
which accounts for our membership drop.
First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone who's still working in the EH over the
holidays :) This'll be my final report of 2003, but I'll be here on the 1st/2nd
for another PREX Report :). This week saw a LOT of internal activity within the
Corporate Division, almost all by myself. Maybe I'll get my Corporate Division
Cross after this :->
(I'm going to try to do these in the order they happened)
This week saw the launch of CorporateSector.net, my pet project for the last few
weeks. It serves as an auxillary site to the Corporate Division, much as
ehnet.org is to the entire Emperor's Hammer. CorporateSector.net(CSNET) provides
various support for the CD and EH, including hosting our new message boards,
email lists, web hosting, email accounts and much more. This site will be ever
evolving, and will be a focal point of the Corporate Division.
-New Message Boards
I've installed phpBB (The same program used for the EH MBs) on my server, and
have setup a series of Message Boards for the members of the CD. These boards
are designed to encourage development of the Corporate Division, with much that
was formerly done over email now done on the Message Boards. The boards are
available at
http://www.corporatesector.net/mb. All members should register for a handle,
as this'll be the main forum of communication in the Corporate Division.
-New Mailing List
An announcement list for the Corporate Division has been set up on my server as
well, all members of the Corporate Division are urged to signup, you can do so
-Website and Database Maintenance
This week also saw several changes to CD.com and the CD database, and I've fixed
several bugs, and problems with the site.
-Training Regiment Updated
The Corporate Division's training regiment is undergoing a great many changes,
as it hasen't been updated in literally years. This project is on going, and if
you have suggestions, please email me.
-Forwarding Emails
All of the Prex's and CEOs now have a forwarding email setup to ease
communication, and the addresses are as follows:
Please use these email addresses in all CD websites, as it'll ease the
transition when new people are appointed, as all addresses can be changed from a
central location.
-Roster Cleaned Up (Again)
An email check was conducted on the Reserves this week, and several members
we're removed for having an invalid email. This has brought our membership down,
but it's much more realistic now.
-New A:VPT
I've appointed an additional A:VPT and promoted him to the rank of Master
Warrant Officer. Everyone welcome MWO Rokin to the Corporate Division. He is
working with the IO on the EH Wargames, and his php and mysql is quite good.
I've instructed him to begin a rival database to that of which the VPP is
working on, we'll take which ever one is better :)
I've instructed the VPO, CG Talon to finish the medal project that was begun
quite some time ago. This'll finally give us the complete set of graphical
medals. On this note, I'm also looking into getting the other CD uniforms
finished. If anyone has the graphical skills to create uniforms, please email me
asap at thorin@corporatesector.net
[The End]
As always, drop me a line if I can do anything for you. I'm always available at
thorin@corporatesector.net, or on IRC with some variation of 'Thorin'. Happy
Holidays!! Next week, ex
Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield
Acting President of the Corporate Division
aPREX-VPT-DEAN/RA Thorin Oakenshield/VSD Warhammer
[CoEx] [CoI]
CM Thorin Oakenshield/Python 3-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Trench)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #30: 12.11.03
BUDRs - please Fw: this report to your agents as usual. Remember
to Cc: sdir@ehintel.org.
Report of the Supreme Director #30 - 11/12/03
Thirty, that�s a nice round number, Yey! I�m in a lovely happy Christmas mood
today so without further ado�
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me� a measly SDIR report.
Roster Count: 63 (8 new recruits, 2 retirees)
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics � http://theaot.minos.net
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk (bldr@ehintel.org)
RADR/RA Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) � cow1nhome@mcb.net
*** BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@comcast.net <-- IMPORTANT! Change of
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) � anoagent@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. The Com-link
With the wealth of stuff gathered from the Intel vs. BHG Competition we are
going to release a shiny Com- ink in the next few weeks (it will probably be the
�January� issue). It will actually be the 10th ever released despite the fact
that it is supposedly a �monthly� newsletter that has been running for 5 years.
Hopefully we can change this. If you have any additional submissions that you�d
like to see in the coming issue(s) please send them to sdir@ehintel.org. Pretty
much anything is accepted from fiction, graphics, TF free missions/battles so
long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To inspire you I�ve put three of the past
four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me �
2. Intel vs. BHG Medals
Intel vs. BHG Medals have been sent out to all and sundry. If you haven�t
received an email regarding this (and think you should have) or you feel that
your medals have been awarded incorrectly, let me know (sdir@ehintel.org) and
I�ll sort it out for you.
3. Assignments
Things have settled down now. We have an online presence again, the Intel vs.
BHG competition is over and things are generally good. Hence there�s a big pile
of assignments waiting for you � email your BUDR if you�re bored and want
something to do, or failing that email me.
4. Improvement
We are always looking for ways to improve the Intelligence Division. If you can
thing of anything, no matter how small, just email me at sdir@ehintel.org � it
doesn�t matter if you�re an eager TRN or a highly decorated FA, I want to hear
from you!
5. Feedback Required!
Speaking of improvements, one thing we�re currently looking at is opening an
�Intel Store� (for the ancient amongst you � Alpha Cantina/QMGS) where you�ll be
able to buy cool spy-gadgets, fast speeders, exotic weaponry and various special
alcoholic concoctions. Agents would receive a monthly pay check and extra cash
for certain assignments being completed and other activities. Is this a good
idea? Is it worth the effort or would you rather we focus on something else?
Your feedback would be appreciated
6. Competitions?
One agent who enjoyed the recent Intel vs. BHG competition has asked for more
activities of this nature (except well organized). What do you think? Would you
like more competitions to be run? Some past examples can be found at:
Divisional Competition 4 -
Divisional Competition 3 -
Which kind of format do you prefer? Would you like the
competitions to be internal e.g. BOO vs ANLY or external e.g. Intel vs the HF?
Would you rather beat rDBers with sticks? What will be the Xmas No. 1? Does
Santa exist? All comments to sdir@ehintel.org as usual.
7. Colonel Winters email change.
Colonel Winters email address has changed to
IDWinters@comcast.net, please update
your address books accordingly.
8. AoT Fiction Course now working
I believe that agents were having difficultly downloading the fiction course
notes from the AoT site. The problem has now been corrected -
SDIR Report #31: 12.18.03
Roster Count: 64 (4 new recruits, 3 retirees)
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics � http://theaot.minos.net
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk (bldr@ehintel.org)
RADR/RA Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) � cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@comcast.net
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) � anoagent@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. The Com-link
With the wealth of stuff gathered from the Intel vs. BHG Competition we are
going to release a shiny Com-link in the next few weeks (it will probably be the
�January� issue). It will actually be the 10th ever released despite the fact
that it is supposedly a �monthly� newsletter that has been running for 5 years.
Hopefully we can change this. If you have any additional submissions that you�d
like to see in the coming issue(s) please send them to sdir@ehintel.org.
Pretty much anything is accepted from fiction, graphics, TF free
missions/battles so long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To inspire you I�ve
put three of the past four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me �
2. Assignments
Things have settled down now. We have an online presence again, the Intel vs.
BHG competition is over and things are generally good. Hence there�s a big pile
of assignments waiting for you � email your BUDR if you�re bored and want
something to do, or failing that email me.
3. Improvement
We are always looking for ways to improve the Intelligence Division. If you can
thing of anything, no matter how small, just email me at sdir@ehintel.org � it
doesn�t matter if you�re an eager TRN or a highly decorated FA, I want to hear
from you!
4. Feedback Required!
Speaking of improvements, one thing we�re currently looking at is opening an
�Intel Store� (for the ancient amongst you � Alpha Cantina/QMGS) where you�ll be
able to buy cool spy-gadgets, fast speeders, exotic weaponry and various special
alcoholic concoctions. Agents would receive a monthly pay check and extra cash
for certain assignments being completed and other activities. Is this a good
idea? Is it worth the effort or would you rather we focus on something else?
Your feedback would be appreciated
5. Competitions?
One agent who enjoyed the recent Intel vs. BHG competition has asked for more
activities of this nature (except well organized). What do you think? Would you
like more competitions to be run? Some past examples can be found at:
Divisional Competition 4 -
Divisional Competition 3 -
Which kind of format do you prefer? Would you like the
competitions to be internal e.g. BOO vs ANLY or external e.g. Intel vs the HF?
Would you rather beat rDBers with sticks? What will be the Xmas No. 1? Does
Santa exist? All comments to sdir@ehintel.org as usual.
SDIR Report #32: 12.24.03
Roster Count: 67 (3 new recruits, 0 retirees)
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics - http://theaot.minos.net
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol - davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk (bldr@ehintel.org)
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) - IDWinters@comcast.net
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) - anoagent@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - darkfinn@hotmail.com
1. Merry Christmas
Yep, it�s that time of year again and naturally activity has ground to a halt. I
suggest you forget the EH for a few days and spend some time with your families.
If you�re a completely sad git, or just bored and want to hide from Auntie
Mildred and her sloppy kisses you could always write some stuff for the com-link
(see below)
2. The Com-link
With the wealth of stuff gathered from the Intel vs. BHG Competition we are
going to release a shiny Com- ink in a couple of weeks. It will actually be the
10th ever released despite the fact that it is supposedly a �monthly� newsletter
that has been running for 5 years. Hopefully we can change this. If you have any
additional submissions that you�d like to see in the coming issue(s) please send
them to sdir@ehintel.org. Pretty much
anything is accepted from fiction, graphics, TF free missions/battles to
articles about your pets so long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To inspire you
I�ve put three of the past four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me -
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)
EH Directorate (DIR)
Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 12.19.03
The following is the Directorate Domain Report for the week ending December
20th, 2003. I'll be going point by point in an effort to better organize the
1) MoC Ric Gravant is still working on attaining his Linux box. Once he has it
set up, he'll be better equipped to host the Directorate's domain.
2) MoE Dalk Darklighter is awaiting the set-up of above mentioned Linux box so
he can post the new Academy. Currently, tests are being graded the "good ole'
fashioned way" [by hand].
3) MoO Orzon is still away from E-Mail [as far as I know] and should be back
very soon.
4) Congratulations to the new HCT: Coranel! I'm sure he'll do a fine job at his
new post...!
5) The NSTS will be reintegrated in the Guard within the next two or three
weeks. Since its my Winter Break, this means I get to spend time training the
proper personnel.
6) Project Vendetta has entered its planning stage. Expect further updates on
this as more progress is made.
7) A competition for the Directorate as a whole will be posted soon. It will
last as long as submissions keep coming in. More details on this next week.
That's about it from this Deputy Grand Moff...any questions should be directed
to me at TSSGen@aol.com ... Happy Holidays, folks!
DGMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/Ministry Council/Gondor Base
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!
Directorate Domain Report: 12.27.03
Welcome to the last Directorate Domain report of the year 2003! The coming year
will be a most exciting time for the Directorate. The Ministry Council has much
planned for the Directorate in the coming months! But, in keeping with my
point-by-point reports, I'll stop rambling.
1) MoE Darklighter and MoC Gravant are waiting on previously mentioned Linux
box. I'm about to join them in calling the company to get it sent, since its
holding up two major projects.
2) MoO Orzon has released the new, improved, updated Directorate Dispatches [the
subgroup's manual for those who have no idea what I'm saying...]. The new manual
can be found temporarily at:
3) Big welcome goes out to the newest Ministry Council Member, Marshal Sirik
Xirok. He has quickly settled into his new position and has opened several
activities for the Colonial Branch.
4) Expect the Naval Strategy and Tactics Simulation to re-open once MoC Gravant
has his Linux Box online.
5) Recruitment is being stressed in both Branches of the Directorate.
Recruitment is heavily rewarded, as all the activities in the world are useless
without a membership to participate in them.
6) The roster's on the fritz and I'm unable to transfer people from the CDGI to
the Branches at this time. Thus, any who have completed training are asked to
direct their transfers to MoC Gravant, since he has the access to the necessary
coding. We hope the issue will be resolved once Gravsystems.net is moved to
Gravant's new server box.
That's about it from this Deputy Grand Moff. Until next week, folks!
DGMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you!
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
CGM Report: 12.27.03
CGM Report: Holiday Season
I apologize for neglecting this report over the past few weeks, but I�d like to
update everyone on what has transpired within the PA lately.
Our city now has enough members to allow for the placement of a shuttleport.
Hopefully, within the next day or so, folks will be flying in to Sanctum Malleus
in order to shop for our goods. Additionally, I am looking forward to letting my
feet rest a little bit more.
In terms of combat, our city now has 3 Imperial bases, with a 4th one hinted at
by BubbaX. It truly feels good to be able to see stormtroopers patrolling a few
meters from my front door.
Vehicles are in game now. While I was not able to craft as many free vehicles as
I would have liked on release day, there are vehicles currently for sale on a
vendor in the PA Hall. Any member can purchase one, and if he or she e-mails me,
I will provide a refund. This will allow me to provide �free� vehicles at any
time, but will ensure that non-EH players pay for taking a bite out of our
An EH formal party is planned in our cantina. If you�d like to attend, please
contact Psylion in game.
Jowarri hosted a wedding recently. While it sounds like he is glad to have it
behind him, he reports that it was a success.
Free Holocrons have been received by most players. EHers interested in unlocking
a force slot now have a hint as to what they need to do.
If you�ve noticed any news that I�ve missed or have any questions about what
you�ve read, just e-mail the CGM at CGM@emperorshammer.org
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #43: 12.14.03
- News -
Well, so ends a very frustrating, busy, and stressful week. I've had finals, I'm
sick (possibly coming down with the flu), and I found out that I can't transfer
to Cambridge from being admitted to the University of Washington on a direct
transfer basis by having obtained an Associate's from BCC shortly after
graduation as a senior in high school (need I mention that an Associate's degree
is acquired after 2 years of college?). This despite the fact that I have 100
points more than they require on the SAT and 2 points more than they require on
the ACT, and despite the added fact that I'm in level 600 classes for my major
where freshman at Cambridge, in most cases, can't even take level 100 classes in
my major without certain prerequisites. Oh, and this is also forgetting the
silly point I always make pertaining to the fact that several of my essays have
been published, whereas most doctoral students can't even get their theses
published... Ah, well... so much for all that time spent on college classes
during High School.
On a lighter note, my brother is arriving Tuesday. As for the Senate, Orv would
be on holiday around this time, so there isn't much point in contacting him.
Also, despite his assurances to help me, Dakkon has again
forgot me. Winter Break is going to give me a LOT of time to get caught up with
things, and that includes work on this subgroup. I have a few friends who, if
they're sufficiently bored over the holiday, are willing to help out a bit. I
should note that the beginning of the school year (which ends after the break)
is always the most depressing and time-consuming, thus there is never as much
activity now as there is the subsequent year (this trend can probably be
observed in every subgroup). I sometimes find it amazing that I still have the
motivation to get this blasted database up. To think of debating over these
fictional and seemingly unimportant issues, I still know I'd enjoy myself doing
it, and perhaps it'd be just as much happiness as I
derive from watching an episode of Star Trek, which might be just as
misdescribed. Anyway, I think that's enough run-on sentences for one report.
Happy Saturday...
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
This was more of a diatribe than a report, I know. If I don't make a report
next week, I've probably jumped out my window. Note to self: remove screen
from window.
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
http://senate.ehnet.org/handbook/index.htm, or
Imperial University:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, or
Ministry of Records:
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI report: 12.11.03
New case : Empire vs. SBL Frey
for the following violation :
AoW Violation 403: Disrespect Toward a Superior Officer - SBL Frey is
charged with showing disrespect and insubordination towards XO/SCL Astatine.
HI report: 12.18.03
Case 196 finished verdict follows :
In the matter of HCI Case 196, the Empire v. SBL Frey, the following decision
has been reached:
SBL Frey has been found NOT GUILTY of all charges.
The panel felt that while Frey might have chosen a more appropriate path to
express his feelings and that the comments in question were certainly uncalled
for; they did not constitute disrespect towards the Executive Officer.
While this panel will not mandate any punishment, given the circumstances an
apology to the Executive Officer would certainly be appropriate.
Case 196 closed.
In service to the Empire, I remain -
Warden Danrik Hourican
HI Report: 12.26.03
Nothing much to report except it's the holidays! Merry Christmas
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (VA Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #1: 12.20.03
The Combat Operations Officer has been a cursed position for as long as I can
remember. It has taken the most talented officers in the Tie Corps and turned
them into mediocre Imperial Advisors. The Office is a black hole that sucks any
energy and talent from living beings that attempt to enter it.
And on that Note, I have been selected as your new Combat Operations Officer! I
am Vice Admiral Khameir Sarin, former Commodore of the ISD Grey Wolf and Former
ASF Avenger Elite Squadron CMDR. Before listing my plans and goals for the
Combat Operations Office, I would like to thank Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector
Admiral Astatine for selecting me as the new COO. I would also like to thank FA
Marcin Szydlowski, FA Cyric, HA Patel, and GN Kaerner on granting me
recommendations. Fleet Admiral Cyric was instrumental in my decision to apply
for COO and his letter of recommendation was the decisive point in helping me
gain the job. Thanks Cyric!
I would certainly be committing a terrible error if I did not also thank my
former ship, the ISD Grey Wolf. The Grey Wolf has proven to me that the Tie
Corps and the EH is a club that has great benefits to its membership. The effort
of the Grey Wolf over the last five months has been spectacular and their work
to recruit 60 pilots is an exceptional feat. I thank them for their hard work,
the good times we had, and will miss them all.
And Now My Plans:
Combat Operations Office Mission Statement:
The Combat Operations Officer is responsible for creating, organizing,
supervising, awarding, and promoting all multiplayer gaming in the Tie Corps and
beyond. The minimum duty of the office is to provide a multiplayer gaming
experience for every member of the Emperor�s Hammer that desires this form of
entertainment. I will always be open for conversation, idea sharing, and
complaint deflection on mIRC, Email, and any other form of online communication.
Rebuilding the COO Office:
I have selected a large set of tasks that I believe are essential in creating a
better Combat Operations Office. I am listing these goals in public so that the
Fleet can observe my progress and activity. I believe that Imperial Advisor�s
and CS should be held to an activity standard, and making my projects open to
the public will allow the general membership the opportunity to see if I am
actually doing any work. My Project Goals are the following:
Begin processing all missing Legion of Combat Medals. If you are missing LoCs
from your profile, email myself and your multiplayer opponent with the score and
winner of your match. I will award these individual LoCs as they arrive. I am
currently waiting on all stored scores that are on the #EHCOC bot and all
outstanding Week of War Victories. I will award these immediately upon receipt.
The Combat Operations Staff is going to be reorganized and reselected. I am
going to open positions for Combat Operations Office Assistants in the following
areas: 1. #EHCOC assistant 2. Week of War Assistant 3. Website Design Assistant
4. Bot Assistant. I am not selecting applications on any of these positions.
All Competitions on the mIRC channel #EHCOC will remain closed for the following
week. I am immediately re-instating the policy of having a human host at all
competitions. The Days of 24/7 Automated BOT CRAP are over. The BOTS are simply
unreliable and confusing/annoying for the general membership. As of now, I am
accepting applications for Competitions Hosts. All applications should include
name/pin of primary and alternate hosts, competition name, and eastern standard
time zone time of the competition.
Begin work with the current #EHCOC BOT owner on a new BOT that handles the few
administrative tasks that human HOSTS cannot.
Re-Design the current and very poor COO Website. The New COO website will
become the END ALL source of Multiplayer Gaming in the TIE CORPS. The website
will contain 1. Clear and Defined MP rules 2. User Guide for multiplayer gaming
in #EHCOC 3. User Guide for Multiplayer gaming on Battlestats/The Zone 4. A Newb
FAQ Section on Multiplayer Gaming 5. Section Listing the Heroes of Multiplayer
Gaming in the EH.
Reopen the EH XWA and XVT Ladders and award LoCs for matches. I will begin
work on a new ladder system and website immediately and hope to have it in place
by January. The Ladder will come with detailed rules so that we can avoid the
problems that the last Ladder had.
Begin work with the WO and FO to create a New XWA Skirmish MP competition.
The War Game Skirmishes have been the highlights of Imperial Storms. Our goal is
to open a new competition that will grant LoCs for MP skirmish victories.
Begin discussions with the Training Officer on the creation of a Multiplayer
IWATS course. This course is long overdue and is an obvious choice to help
members learn about Multiplayer Gaming in the Tie Corps.
Re-Open #EHCOC and all competitions to any other Subgroup that wishes to play
and promote multiplayer play. I will be contacting the DB and Hammer�s Fist to
see if they have any desire to return to #EHCOC.
Get new banners and logos for the office. The Old ones make me cringe.
Any time the COO is online, You may play MP and be awarded for it. Simply
Join #EHCOC with your opponent, Private message me that you are playing, and
then send me your scores. I will award these impromptu matches immediately upon
receiving the results.
Implement a BEAT the COO monthly MP competition. The Pilot who beats me the
most in One month will win something, a wooden spoon maybe.
Open the COO doors to all members with suggestions, tips , and Ideas.
:: [ COO News ] ::
Vice Admiral Sarin has been selected as the new COO
Vice Admiral Sarin has returned to the United States from Iraq
Avenger�s Dax Corrin and Azazel have been selected as COOAs!
Unlike the last COO, this one wants to be bothered!
The Grey Wolf Secret Order of Monks will continue to do menial jobs for Vice
Admiral Sarin even though he is now the COO and not the Grey Wolf Commodore.
Once again, I will not...repeat will not allow anyone to disturb me from the
hours of 22:00 to 23:00 because that is the time I use my Stormies Assault
Action Figures for "Tactical Deployment Exercises" on my giant Platform Daedalus
:: [ CR Leaders ] :: :: [ Ladder Leaders ] ::
Jedi Master (1000 points)
[1476] COL Top Gun Brucmack
Jedi 2nd (700 points)
[750] COL Dras Hempor
Jedi 4th (500 points)
[555] COL E. Tarkin
[534] COL Dax Corrin
Top Ace 1st (400 points)
[472] LC Azazel
[428] CPT Gistenjunge
[419] LC Strahd
Top Ace 2nd (350 points)
[391] MAJ Girth Snail
Top Ace 3rd (300 points)
[341] MAJ Ace
[329] COL Shups
[305] MAJ Caltin Doros
[302] MAJ Alec Qarni
[302] VA Khameir Sarin
[301] FA Marcin Szydlowski
None at this time
:: [ COO Office Requests ] ::
Please submit all of your missing LoCs
Competition Hosts needed. Please read the opening for information.
If you have X access in #ehcoc, I need you to email me immediately
Seeking Website Designer with either the name of Drako or Tiamat. If you meet
that criteria, please apply.
Ideas on MP are welcomed.
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
COO Report: 12.29.03
The Quote of The Week
VA_Sarin: I do not need the bot to fix me breakfast, brush my teeth, and clean
my house
Rebaway: Okay, I can do that
VA_Sarin: Though I do need it to fix me coffee when I come into the office...
This Week's Question and Answers with the COO
Question: Can we award LoCs to people who lose a lot, just to keep up their
Answer: Yes, we can do this, right after I die or become president of the
universe. Legion of Combat
medals are awarded to the winners of matches. This will never change, or it will
certainly never change
under my reign as COO (Any wagers on how long that will be?!).
Q: Is there Any possibility that DFC's can be awarded to the top three pilots at
the WoWs?
A: The DFC is awarded to the winner of official COO Multiplayer Competitions. As
long as the english language defines winner as a singular term; IE...second
place is not winning, then we will not award DFC's to anyone but the 1 and only
winner. DFC's are not candy, and I do not practice any communist equality
Q: Why have you taken away 24/7 bot access and brought back human competition
A: Unlike my predecessor I do not believe a good BOT makes a good COO. The BOT
is a tool that we will use, but only to the extent that we do not become
dependent on it. If we take a look at the past 20 or so COO reports we will
notice that any time the words "BOT is Broke" the words "No LoCs awarded"
follows. The BOT will continue to be used, but he will return to the days of
assisting hosts, not being the host.
Q: Does this mean we no longer have the ability to play 24/7 for a LoC?
A: No! Currently the COO staff is working on our new website. This website will
allow pilots the ability to log their matches directly on it much like
Battlestats. Once the website is fully functional we will resume 24/7 LoC
COO News
1. The COO Office began its first week of real work. We contacted the TO about
setting up a Multiplayer IWATS Course. We spoke with Mell and Reb about
adjusting the BOT and were given a test display of his new commands. We Spoke
with the SCO about setting up XVT Co-Op matches in the near future. We reported
and awarded all known late LoCs. We hired a staff. We wrote a BSC user guide for
Newbs (Thanks Girth Snail!). We created two new banners. We began work on our
new website (version 1.0 complete). We talked to the FO about a 2v2 competition.
We finished COO approved MP and Ladder rules. We discussed opening #ehcoc to
other subgroups beside the Tie Corps. We talked with OPS about the creation of a
CR indicator on Uniforms. We got engaged to our girlfriend of six years. We
began speaking of ourselves in the plural form.
2. The EH placed 2nd out of 10 Clubs in XVT WoW. Major Girth Snail led all
pilots with a record of 15/2. A DFC is on it's way Girthy!
3. The above mentioned XVT WoW LoCs are awarded.
4. Avengers Az and Dax Corrin, Grey Wolf Tiamat and Wil Striker, and REBCRUSH
and Mell will all be working
on the COO Staff. So far all of them have done an excellent job helping me set
5. #ehcoc is currently waiting for a new Owner to be declared.
6. It's Christmas and every other holiday people celebrate. I hope you are
spending time with your families rather than pretending you are a Wing Commander
on a Star Destroyer.
COO Requests
1. Please submit all of your missing LoCs
2. Competition Hosts needed. Apply now!
3. I am looking for a 2v2 teammate to destroy people with.
4. I am looking for at least 10 people to complain this week.
5. Ideas on MP are welcomed. Any ideas are welcome.
As always, I am open to ideas, suggestions, comments,
or concerns. You can reach me at my usual email or on
mIRC as VA_Sarin or URDAD almost every day.
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
FMC Report: 12.11.03
Heya, another great week from office of the MO. Although I'm getting over
sickness all is well, as Christmas is coming!
-Well currently the Website is pretty much completed, except for roster, but its
all on Drakos Hard Drive, I would like to thank him again as I know he is a busy
-Uther, and Thorn were both promoted to Major, congrats to you all!
-FMC competition to emerge VERY soon check your e-group e-mails from us, me and
Archangel are very excited!
-If you haven't heard Archangel got CPT in TC, and also was awarded a Bronze
Star for his hard work in the FMC! Congratulate him if you see him!
-IW is getting alot of members lately I'm excited to see how many members we
will pull from there.
-We finally opened up the DB-FMC not too long ago with Sirik as the PMO. He is
ranked Captain and is doing well, I will not press him too hard for a site until
he gets more members 8-) shouldn't be hard though, DB is a big active group. So
welcome him and good luck Sirik!
-Hes worked hard, and hes been this rank since I can remember. I would like to
officially promote Leiutenant Colonel ArchAngel to the Full rank of Colonel,
-My PMOs if you have any promotion requests please e-mail them to MO@emperorshammer.org
-If you like to write fiction please send it my way, I can add it to the
website. You will also be rewarded for your contributions. The more you submit
the better your rewards. Send all submissions to MO@emperorshammer.org
-It seems Thorn has everything in hand, keep it up, and we will have a good FMC
competition for you all.
-IW good unit, good site, all we need is extra recruitment.
-I need the web addresses to both the IW, and TC FMC websites to put links on
the new official FMC website. Send them to MO@emperorshammer.org immediately,
thanks 8-P
Alright Kiddies its about that time again. Time for another one of your awesome
Fleet wide compeitions from the Box of the MO himself! This one is for all of
you to send in your Best Star Wars/Emperor's Hammer Jokes. Please keep it in
good taste though, don't say anything you wouldn't want your mothers to hear
8-P, and make sure its funny and not hateful, don't want anybody crying do we?
The funnier the Joke the better your chances. So go pull out you ol' Redneck
Jedi jokes, and Emperor's Hammer Cracks on personnel. All submissions are to be
sent to the Medical Officer no later than January 2nd, 2004 at MO@emperorshammer.org
You can send as many Jokes as you want!
Awards are as follows
1st = IS-GR
2nd = IS-SR
3rd = IS-BR
Good luck, and have fun!
MXO Report
Yes, Numero three!!!
Okay, my report
I got a BS for work for the FMC! Thanks Jacob!
Promotions to two of our finest! Thorn and Uther, grats guys!
Lots of comp ideas are swirling in my head, soon, one will come out and it will
be used, say tuned
Website on track! I checked with CPT Drako, he says that his layout transfer is
complete and will be coding the rosters soon! GO drako!!!
That's about it really...
Except for RECRUIT!! we still have several SMS spots open: SOV, ASF and the ATF!!
COme one guys!
And, the DB! What's happening??? Lets get the DBFMC up and running, and help
All recruits to me with your name, idline and email addy, and
the position you want,
(Roster to follow)
LC Archangel
XMO/LC Archangel/M-TFC Last Hope
FMC Roster: (Notes are below)
Notes on Roster:
- This roster is the current one, and will be finalized once the PMOs have made
their changes and have mailed me about it
- Those with '???' as their positions need to be contacted for a position
- I decided to start them all off at the lowest commissioned rank, so that they
can be changed accordingly, depending on position
- FMC idlines will be added soon!
FMC Report 16: 12.21.03
-We have a message board, check the EH MBs to see, I need to still be added as
moderator though!
-The MO is working on being a PROF for IWATs!
-People are staying pretty active on the message boards, if your not already
posting go ahead, you can recieve medals for it!
-If you have any ideas for activity submit them to MO@emperorshammer.org
-Okay, so the sites almost done, send me some fiction and Bios, medals will be
rewarded for any "Good" work sent my way for the website!
-PMO I need activity reports ONCE a week from you. Make sure you send them to
and not over the e-groups
-The MO will December 22, through January 2nd, that means Colonel ArchAngel is
in Charge!
-I want to Wish all a Merry Christmas!
Well the same one thats been running since last week, but the GA has to update
the Domain and add it on. Its running till January 2nd, and its the best Star
Wars/Emperor's Hammer Joke. Keep it in good taste! Rewards are, IS-GR, IS-SR,
IS-BR! Submit all entries to MO@emperorshammer.org
Well that's all for the report this week, next week it will be followed by
Archangel, as I will be on Leave.
XMOs Report
Hi, and welcome to another edition of THE XMO REPORT!! yay!! <applause>
- New FMC forum on the new EHMBs, go check it out!
- We still need more SMS in the TC, and anyone for the DB. Come on guys!
Email me at hyltonbuijs@hotmail.com to apply or to join
- New comps soon, comp ideas are appreciated
I think that's all,
COL Archangel (Doesnt that sounds cool??)
-XMO/COL Archangel/M-TFC Last Hope
FMC Report: 12.26.03
Fleet Medical Corps Report (17th for MO)
COL Archangel reporting
- VA Jacob Van Nowak is on LoA, he will be back on the 2nd of January
- PMOs: Im looking for Reports from you, and SMSs. Wake up!
- COL Archangel in charge till the MO gets back.
- New FMC forum on the new EHMBs, go check it out!
- Manual is being HTMLized, but Outsider is on LoA, so it isnt coming soon.
- We need more SMSs for TC, and DOCs from the ATF and the DB, come on guys!
- Email me at hyltonbuijs@hotmail.com to apply or to join
That's all for this week
COL Archangel
XMO/COL Archangel/M-TFC Last Hope
CMDR/CPT Archangel/Kraken/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
BTL/PRT Archangel/Stingray/Tridens/Tarentum
PROF-BBC-BW-YW-CMDR/CM Brent Tainer/White /Wing I/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
TRP/SGT Decarat/1st Special Operations/Nightstalkers/DREAD Retribution =SS,
SEA, ST, SD, SC, SZ, AIR, SR, SU, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM1, VS4, HWP=
[IO] [IH] [CoO x3] [CoD] [SoH x3] [MH x4] [CAR x4] [LoC x3]
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #14: 12.28.03
Well... it's late. But it's the holiday season, I'm hardly even
in my house this time of year what with spending time with family and close
friends. Anyhow.. I don't have much 10th anniversary news this week, although
I've been going over some ideas in my mind over the last few days about the way
I'd like RL meetings organized, so as soon as a few things happen, I'll have
more information.
I have some very good news this week. I'm finally getting a computer that will
allow me to not crawl through Coronet, and PvP in SWG. The new beast comes on
1/6/2004, as the GA is well aware. Once I do get the new system up and running
I'm going to be working more aggressively towards designing a webpage for
myself. I'm not so big on PHP or anything, however, so I'm gonna do a basic
design and have someone with a stronger web development background help me spice
it up a bit. I'm also going to write up a few strategies to use in future
competitions. Ast, I know you'd been upset about conduct in the last one,
however, I would like it known that I'm not pleased with it either. I didn't do
a very good job of organization. For that I apologize. Future events of this
nature will be far better organized, as I intend to use the strategies I write
out and send to the both of you.
The last bit of news... the spring term starts 1/12/2004. This semester,
however, even though I've tougher classes, I've got a much more flexible
schedule, so I should be able to devote somewhat more time. I don't have any
class at all on Friday so that will probably be my main day off during the week,
and no class until 19:25 on Tuesday so that will be more my day to work on
school and SOD stuff.
That's all for now kids...
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #15: 12.11.03
-=Overall Synopsis=-
A quiet week this one, but that's my fault for letting RL tangle
me up recently. Ah well, I'm back now =)
Big news this week? That would be the new Alliance between the Emperor's Hammer
Club Name: Tyderian Sector Star Wars RPG
Club URL:
# of Members: 30
Games Supported: N/A
Communication Platforms: MSNM, mIRC, ICQ, Email, Forums
Club Owner(s): James Pulver (Co-Owner/Founder), Kris O. (Co-Owner)
Club Owner Email: governor_swann@hotmail.com
Timeline/Era: 5 years after the Battle of Endor
Excellent work, Goerasse! Another alliance in the bag. A Silver Star to anyone
who manages to make more alliances than Siterath has. (Currently, you need to
form three alliances to take his lead :-P )
In other news, Grand Admiral Ronin has been talking to a member of Rebel
Squadrons' High Command. If they're receptive, we might be tasked with talking
to them in a short while.
Two Ambassadors and an Envoy are being formed into a unit designed to keep track
of other club's Alliances. ENV Xirok, AMB Van Nowak and AMB Screed, please get
in touch with each other and decide how you're going to do this. Jacob, this is
your project, okay? For each allied club at
http://www.emperorshammer.org/alliance.htm I want you to get me a list of
*their* allies, and I want them cross-referenced. If any of our allies are
technically at war with each other, I want a heads-up immediately. Likewise, if
any of our allies are allied to the rDB, I want to be informed immediately. The
Lancer Frigate Surmountable is at your disposal for this task, as are the fast
pickets of Hermes Squadron. For the duration of this project you're our External
Relations Section.
I'm away from home for the weekends vesting a buddy. Nightmare, if you can do
the whole meeting-thing, I'd be much obliged.
Don't forget to CC Nightmare in on anything you send to me.
-=Current Negotiations=-
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army. - How's that going, Del?
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase has found two new RPG clubs and got an alliance with one of them.
-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
Myself - Getting the Comp.Database going.
Delak- Get that damn alliance with IA!
Nightmare- Currently untasked. Nightmare, find a new club and grab 'em.
Van Nowak- Heading our "External Relations" Section.
Siterath- Get an Alliance with that other RPG Club
Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- If they don't reply, leave it. I want you
to work with Van Nowak and Screed.
Screed- Work with Van Nowak on keeping track of external relations
Wemmel- Researching a possible new platform for the EH.
-=New Members=-
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (astix@gmx.co.uk)
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (shadowfighter1089@yahoo.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (m.wernsing@web.de)
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (JacobVanNowak@aol.com)
Keep on rollin' rollin' rollin'