January 2003


Avenger Squadron - First to hit 300 Citations:  01.11.03
As Emailed From:  CMDR-COOA/LC Dax Corrin/Avenger/VSD Aggressor


Sir, I would like to bring to your attention the fact that Avenger Squadron, the Elite MP squadron of the ASF, has hit a milestone that has never been reached before, even by the TIE battlegroups.Today, we reached 300 citations! I am very proud of the pilots under my command who have shown excellent teamwork and dedication towards the goal of proving we are not only the cream of the crop in MP, but we dominate the SP arena as well. I would like to personally thank Captain QuickSilver, Commander Ace003, Major Zoron, and LC Azazel for their outstanding efforts in the last 9 days during the ASF Supremacy Comp 5 to take us from 270 citations to 300. However, we are not done yet! There are more battles to fly, and more points to be earned in our quest to repeat as ASF Escort Squadron. I thank you for your time, and thank you for setting up a fine organization in which to achieve such goals.

For the glory of the Empire;

CMDR-COOA/LC Dax Corrin/Avenger/VSD Aggressor

HARA - EH Radio Announcement:  01.14.03
As Emailed From:  CP Thorin Oakenshield

For those of you with IRC, you have no doubt heard of EH Radio. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is an online radio station, who's DJs are members of the EH. Over the past several weeks, EH Radio has been conducting it's test stream. As of this Friday, that test stream will be officially over, and EH Radio will become HARA - Hammer Radio.

Hammer Radio is being overseen by the Corporate Division, for which HARA has always been intended. HARA is part of a new corporation that has opened, called Imperial Broadcast Company. All of those members of the EH who are currently DJing are encouraged to join the Corporate Division, and then join Imperial Broadcast Company.

As of this Friday, only members of the HARA staff will be able to access the server and DJ. Those of you who join will *not* be required to do anything for the Corporate Division or anything like that, and you need not fear you'll be brain washed :). The primary reason for requiring membership is to maintain control over the server, resolve scheduling difficulties, and see that certain protocals are being maintained.

If anyone of the DJs have any questions about this, or anyone has questions about becoming a DJ, please don't hesitate to contact me at thorin@ehnet.org.

Remember, on friday, the plug is pulled on EH Radio, and HARA comes to life :)

Also a note for everyone, in the very near future, you will be able to advertise on HARA.

CP Thorin Oakenshield
Chief Executive Officer, Imperial Broadcast Company

Thorin Oakenshield

A:VPX-CEO-PROF/CP Thorin Oakenshield/IBC/VSD Warhammer/CD
FL-COOA/LCM /Python 3-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/TC
NOV (Krath)/Aleema of Satal Keto/DB
[DBM/CoL/SoAx2/CSSx2/MCA/SotGV-sc/SotGM-gc/SotM-gcx2] {CDBASE-CHC-CMD-1}
[--] [MoDx2/MC-1x2]

EH MUD Online:  01.13.03
As Emailed From:  Protector Darknyte, Registrar of the Fringe

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)



As you may know the Fringe has been running a MUD for some time now set in the STAR WARS universe as a main platform. Lately the MUD's had a bit of turmoil from innner struggles for power between the D-MUD and a lower Immortal. All the kinks were worked out and I got elected by the MUD to email you and ask you would post our new MUD address on the EH main News Page in an effort to get some of the playerbase back. Being that I'm the highest ranking Fringe member associated with the MUD they've asked me to make this request of you. The EH MUD would appreciate it greatly if you could find it in your heart to post this news item for us. Madon, the D-MUD will be posting on the Fringe page, but the EH main page generates more hits in a day than we get in a month. If you choose to post it, the details are as follows:

Title: MUD Site and Server Updated!
Body: The EH MUD is proud to announce it's moved to a new and more stable server. All problems of the past have been worked out, details can be found at http://www.fox-developments.co.uk/mud/, or by logging on with TelNet or a MUD client to tod.fox-developments.co.uk port 6100.

Protector Darknyte, Registrar of the Fringe


In Service to the Empire,

REG/PRT Darknyte(MUD)/Command Staff

Lord Ambassador's Report - Final:  01.17.03
As Emailed From:  Former Lord Ambassador (RA Wes Janson)

EH Advanced Guard


This is kind of a somber report for me. To the members of the AG, the FC and XO, I apologize for having missed the last two reports. I found myself swamped in school work and bound to GSAR activities, and unable to find a lot of free time, stalemated a bit. So, in order not to harm the AG, this will be my final report as Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.

I had hoped to get through working with the Imperial Embassy (the idea was to have an Encyclopedia type place with info on all of our allies, in a comprehensive database for everyone's use), though it looks like I won't be completing that as planned. Before I go, I'd like to review some of the achievements we've accomplished together during my time as LA.

The website. This seems to have been a rare commodity for the last couple of Lord Ambassador's. With no semblance of a website even appearing for the last few, we (Notably, CPT Crix Madine, with a little help from myself) managed to bring us a fantastic looking website ( http://ag.minos.net ). Consequently, during this time and shortly after my promotion to LA, Colonel Maaric and I largely rewrote the Advanced Guard Manual. With his help, we restructured the Advanced Guard into a seriously working model, resembling that of a real diplomatic organization. The Allies. During my stint, thanks to some creative work from my society of Envoy's, we managed to create four or five new Alliances - more than the past several LA's combined. Throughout this time, we've managed to keep diplomatic relations with our allies and sister clubs, which was partially due to the help of my handful of active Ambassador's. Organization was a factor, as well. Thanks to Viceroy Ironfist, we kept the State Department running, and to Keiran - I'm sorry for not being able to find a Think Tank job for you, much less help you with the ISC. I did want to help you out with that project... my deepest apologies. :(

Basically, thank you to the entire Advanced Guard. What we accomplished here during my tenure, we accomplished together. Any ideas I thought up were duly executed by all of you, and for that, I thank you. Nothing would have been possible without your diligence. We owe the current successes of the AG to you members, and you only.

To GA Ronin and SA Astatine: My apologies for kind of slacking off during these last few weeks. I had too many big projects and exams due and coming up for school, and too much to do with GSAR. I wanted to stick through it, and come out the other side ready to start busting my arse again, but I consistently find myself dead tired and burned out every night. I thank you both for giving me the shot to perform as LA, and I hope that with what the AG accomplished during this time, I haven't disappointed either of you too much. I look forward to the day where I may earn my chance to serve in the upper echelons of the Emperor's Hammer again, and do my part to help improve the club. I apologize for having to cut my reign a little short, but real life has taken it's toll on me immensely. Best of luck running the club, and thank you both for all the hard work you put into it everyday.

To the AG: Thank you all for everything. Experiences, memories of my time here... nothing could have been accomplished if it wasn't for you. This is a fine group of people here, and I wish you all the best in the future.

To conclude, you'll all be able to find me around the EH somewhere or another, if anyone needs to find me. Just look a bit, and I'll be there. Thank you all again, and I look forward to being able to serve with you all again someday.

Serving the Emperor's Hammer,
Respectfully Submitted,

Rear Admiral Wes Janson (Ret.)
( eh_janson@shaw.ca ) - "The Wrench, Eight Ball"
LA/RA Wes Janson/DREAD Tranquility

"Vincere Vel Mori" - Conquer or Die!

Colossalcon - Amy Allen From Star Wars II to be Guest: 01.22.03
As Submitted By:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

I was writing to inform you about our convention, The Cleveland Colossal Convention, or Colossalcon for short. We have several guests appearing that maybe of interest to yourself and your friends.

We have Amy Allen:
Actress known for her role in Star Wars Episode II Attack Of The Clones as Aayla Secura, a blue-skinned Padawan, embodied Jedistrength and Twi'lek femininity in an eye-catching combination of beauty and power. Amy is also a ILM Production Assistant.

Bob Bergen known for his many voice acting talents and including the following Star Wars Voice Work:

- Star Wars: Episode One Racer Clegg Holdfast, Gasgano,Ody Mandrell N/A Video Game
- Star Wars: Force Commander Luke Skywalker,Coruscant Palace Guard
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Luke Skywalker N/A Video Game
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Luke Skywalker N/A Video Game

If anyone is a fan of Star Trek we have Anne Ramsay:

Known for many film & television rolls including Ensign Clancy & Engineer Clancey from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Lisa from Mad About You,Dr. McCormick from Critters 4, Lt. Col. Grace Alexander from Planet of the

The Colossalcon has a great deal of programming including cosplay/masquerade, Gundam model & art contest, anime dealers, guests, panels, prizes, viewing and the like.

The Convention details are:

Name: Cleveland Colossal Convention or as it's being called Colossalcon
Date: March 14 to March 16 2003
Location: Cleveland Ohio
Venue: Holiday inn Select
Address: 6001 Rockside Road, Independence, OH 44131
website: www.colossalcon.com

Thank you for your time


Science Office Report #12:  01.11.03
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office


Welcome to my twelfth public report as a Science Officer, once again late (bad SCO *slaps own hand*)� for which my apologies. Not as much news this report, as we're in the middle of a few projects:

Science Office News:

1. I'd like to start with thanking the Fleet Commander and the Executive Officer for promoting me to FA, it was quite unexpected - a nice surprise :)

2. I've updated the Order of Battle to include the new names for the Corporate Division Picket Fleet, after these were decided in a competition

3. Because of all sorts of festivities there hasn't been happening THAT much in the Science Office, but we still managed to release the TIE Vanguard and B-Wing for XvT. Both come with EH-specific fully changing flight group colours and work together, and with the T/D and MIS patches. We'll be updating all the other XvT and BoP patches to be able to get installed together as well, only because of the limited amount of flyable craft slots, there can be only 2 custom fighters installed besides the B-W, MIS and T/D (which have their own slots). All the elite and rare fighters will be moving to the same slot as the Vanguard for example, "tienew2", so will not be able to be present in the same mission at the same time..

4. I've made a new version of the "fly rebel craft" patch for TIECD and Disc. This patch will be released later this evening and lets you fly the X,
A, B, Y-Wings, R41, Z95. Apparently this also lets you fly several transports, the corvettes and even the ISD. Mission creators using TIECD are requested not to use these options: not only does it suck badly to fly these... TIE95 won't allow it. But if you just want to try it out once - go
ahead of course.

5. Because of the numerous questions about this matter I'd like to explain how the XPinstaller works. (I didn't know either by the way, sorry to those I might have misinformed.) XP Batch Installer v0.1: "Simple utility that will allow Windows XP users get around XP's limited DOS shell support to install EH custom craft on their computers. Unzip XPInstaller to your \EHPatch folder. Usage: XPInstaller <filename.bat> (Note: The *.bat extension must be included or the program will not be able to find the batch file.)

6. As a side matter, but no less important, I'd like to again point out that if you mail the SCO about a patch or craft and we talk nice and politely to you about it - this doesn't automatically mean its SCO approved... especially if the SCO specifically says its not. The next that pulls this
stunt will be explaining his actions to the SO and HCI. We already have a TIE Shadow problem because of this and I'm not willing to get more of such situations. Rule of thumb on patches is: If you cannot download it from the SCO Site, you cannot use it.

7. On that same note I'd like to remind you all that the only person who can commission new ships in this fleet is the Fleet Commander. Any ships you think you might have but that you cannot find on the Order of Battle (save for BHG and CD private transports and freighters) do not exist for Emperor's Hammer purposes. However, if you are sure that there has been a mistake, or that your ship should be on the OoB because it was approved once - please do contact me, and we'll see what we can do.

8. Also, please do keep in mind that to change your unit's fighters or ships you do need the approval of your SGCOM (or FO for the TC, and probably the BGCOM, COM and WC as well), the Science Officer, the Executive Officer and/or the Fleet Commander - and also in that order. There's a trend of command officers changing their unit's craft into what they like best - that's fine, but also do keep in mind that many members happen to like other things: Which means the next command officer changes them again� all the while disregarding the wishes of the members in those craft, who might happen to actually like them. Also please do keep variety in mind: a wing of just Missileboats might sound good to you - but its also extremely boring. And that's besides the fictional point of view that the Emperor's Hammer can hardly pay for that :P

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been rewarded a Commendation of Loyalty for his continued service to the Science Office and the fleet as a whole. Den is working on a new version of the XWA Briefing Launcher.

SCOA: LC Shadd seems to have moved to the reserves and we have lost contact. I hope he'll be back in the Office one day.

SCOA: LT Kweeky has been overworking himself on several IW (database) and Cd matters, so not much SCO stuff done.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. Some smaller updates done to the OoB and patch archive.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like
the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Several of these will be finished soon for my own TIE Fighter battle at least; these include
the Bulk Cruiser, Assault Frigate and others. The TIE Vanguard for XvT was released right after the last report and the Luggage patch is near ready. Working on making the R41 and T-W flyable.

XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft arranged by earlier SCO's and such, like the Trithan Interceptor (Kermee), the Hyperion (Den), the Alvaakian Craft (me) and the new fighter for Avenger Squadron (AES). The Trithan Interceptor and Hyperion are now ready, working on the Jedi Fighter before I continue to the Alvaak Fighter, as that's based on it.

Emperor's Hammer Adventure Games: Khadgar has made process on a beginners guide to AGI/SCI which should greatly help along this project to make it possible to create EH games in the style of "Space Quest", "Kings Quest" or "Leisure Suit Larry". I received a very nice beta version from Dweezil's AGI game, which has you flying a TIE Fighter - I hope it becomes a full game soon so you all can see the more varied options of the system. The EH total Conversion of "Larry" is nearly completed: about 90% of the views are done, and 50% of the pictures.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email. Don't forget that all the
projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: http://www.minos.net/~sco/reports/index.html and on the TC database


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Security Office Report:  01.17.03
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (FA Brad)

Security Office

Nobody has been sent to the HCI this week as of yet. I have a few which are about to be. VA Zoltar reported in and I will now give him some

Of those who sent complaints, it is important to remember to use the chain of command first if possible. I do not enjoy spending over an
hour to download evidence and then get a mail that says "ignore that complaint--we resolved it through the chain of command." I handle
complaints from the Command Staff and from other members who already tried the chain of command. I also handle complaints for severe
regulation violations. Use your own discretion as to what is "severe". I suggest allowing yourself to cool down if you were insulted from a
violation. After reflecting on the incident you then are better able to exercise your own judgment as to what action should be taken.

There are times when I receive updated information on members who were expelled or are under suspension/probation, etc. Information on
expelled members should be sent to the High Court of Inquisitors (HI Royal, hi@emperorshammer.org; TRIB Moreco, talren.moreco@gmx.net; and WARD Danrik, danrik@fastmail.fm). Members who are expelled are not allowed to rejoin. The only way they can rejoin is from a pardon by the High Inquisitor, Executive Officer or Fleet Commander. When this has occurred, the members is usually given a probationary period where they cannot join, but may enter EH IRC channels and post on the Message Boards. After the probationary period, the member may join at the
lowest position and rank level. They start with 0 medals but after a period may then rise in rank and position like any normal member. Of
course, specific orders from the HCI and XO/FC take precedence over anything else.

Once again I am reminding members to follow the IRC Codes of Conduct when you are in EH channels on IRC. An EH channel is a channel where members of the EH discuss EH matters at any time. Also channel names that suggest EH activity, like the name "eh" or any group name (of a subgroup, ship, or smaller unit). Do not think it is okay to swear and insult others in channels that aren't #Emperor's_Hammer, #DB, or
#TIECorps. There are many other EH IRC Channels.

I try to answer all e-mails that require a response (specifically complaints and inquiries that are sent only to me). My availability on IRC is limited to late weeknights (sometimes), but I am mostly available on there on the weekends. A complaint may not be checked unless if you e-mail it to me at so@emperorshammer.org.


SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign,
[HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

Dark Brotherhood Report:  01.18.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Master (FA Firefox)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

1) I'd like to remind everyone that if you have problems with someone in the DB, you bring it to your superior and if you have problems with your superior you bring it to his superior. And so on. Follow the chain of command! There was an incident on IRC and someone overreacted and called on the Security Officer and the High Court of Inquisitors instead of using his head and following the Chain of Command. I do not want to hear about something like this ever again!! Act smart.

2) It's been pointed out this week that the last EH newsletter had an abysmal amount of submissions to it. Remember that the DB is a very important part of the EH and that we should swamp them with DB submissions to the newsletter. I will be looking into ways to encourage people to submit. Think rewards here.

3) Check out the DSC to find out which medals and promotions you can recommend. If a particular reward is out of your reach, simply seek out a person who has the necessary authority for it. Invalid requests are supposed to be ignored entirely, so try to follow these simple guidelines.

4) Slight delay in the Great Jedi War, but it won't be long. As usual, planned things are never right on time.

PRF Report #86:  01.17.03
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (Field Marshal Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Membership: 94 active, 200 total

1) Our Commander, Internet has taken on an assistant. Congratulations to 2LT Coolguy!

2) An Operation has been underway since the first of the month and will continue through the first of next month. It's dubbed Operation: Urban Assault and is being run through the Hammer's Fist messageboard.

3) The HF website was down for a short time, but MG Zsinj has brought it back online at a new location. The URL remains the same. Of course, our CI continues to improve upon it. Thanks Zsinj and congratulations on the promotion to Major General.

4) Most interesting news for last: I have been monitoring a first person shooter Star Wars conversion and it is looking very good. Find it at http://www.ut2003troopers.co.uk/. It (Troopers - Rise of the Rebellion )uses the new Unreal Tournament 2003 engine so it has the potential to blow the doors off of Jedi Knight 2. Of course, it also takes a much beefier computer to run the game. In light of this conversion effort, I have permanently shut down my Unreal Tournament: Emperor's Hammer conversion project. Instead, I plan on further modifying UT2003 using TRotR as a base.


Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares

Prex Report #13:  01.18.03
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (Prex Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

Welcome to the Corporate Division Report, number thirteen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total - 66 (112 including Reserves)
Direx Board - 6
Trade Assembly - 36 (+5)
PLT Revenge - 24 (-4)
Reserves - 46

- Membership of the CD is up by +1.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. The Imperial Broadcasting Corporation has been opened, and replaces the now closed Solaris Systems. Captain-Supervisor Thorin Oakenshield has been appointed as their Chief Executive. IBC controls aspects such as the EH Radio, 'Hammer Radio (HARA)'... Which went live under the watch of IBC yesterday (Jan 17th)... members of the HARA Detachment will be DJ'ing from now on, so listen in where possible. ;-)

Although Solaris Systems was the Corporate Division oldest corporation currently open, IBC brings with it a fresh new approach to it. If you have any questions regarding the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation, they can be directed towards the Chief Executive of IBC, Thorin Oakenshield ( thorin@ehnet.org ) or myself ( EHTrow@aol.com ).

2. The PLT Revenge site has finally been moved to its new location on the new corporatedivision.com server. It can now be found at http://revenge.corporatedivision.com. This means alot of the previous problems such as CDPIN#'s not working when taking courses shouldn't occur anymore, but if they do please contact VPX/RA Reb Crush (RebCrush@xs4all.nl).

3. Another new course today was added to the list on the PLT Revenge. 'CORPS' is a new course which is intended to be taken by new recruits to the Division that are unsure about which corporation would suit their skills.

4. Promotion from the rank of Assistant Technician (AST) to the rank of Technician (TCH) is now very much like the promotion from SL to LT in the TIE Corps. Themember must complete atleast one act of acceptable activity, such as participating in a contract, submitting a piece of practical works etc, in order to obtain the promotion.

5. I'd like to congratulate CP Thorin Oakenshield on being awarded the Citation of Expansion (CoEx). This is awarded to members of the Corporate Division that have constantly come up with ideas etc that benefit and expand the Division horizon. Congratulations Thorin!

6. Carried on from last week, remember to use the message board!

URL: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5

Also, use IRC to communicate with others. If you haven't got IRC go to www.mirc.com and download the latest version, then go onto the Undernet and into channel #corporate_division in particular.

7. Welcome EC's Ysten Ravensong, CarrotBoy, Mage, Ender mBind, Mell Kerrigan and Talon 'Nemesis' Karrde to the CD!

News finished.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DC-PROF Talon Astruar / Warrant Officer > Master Warrant Officer
CEO Monsh Fesou / Master Warrant Officer > Captain-Supervisor
EO Melony / Engineer Candidate > Assistant Technician
EO Chris McCollumy / Engineer Candidate > Assistant Technician
EO Praetorian / Assistant Technician > Technician
EO Mordin Malchia / Assistant Technician > Technician
EO Ibram Gaunt / Assistant Technician > Technician
EO Wraith Larcony / Assistant Technician > Technician
EO Talek Pter Dei / Assistant Technician > Technician

AST Den Darkhill / Removed to Reserves
AST enum / Removed to Reserves
TCH Sal Xero / Removed to Reserves
AST Andros Rok / Removed to Reserves
WO Tempest / Resigned to the Reserves
CP Sequoh Marden / Resigned to the Reserves
AST Melony / Assigned to Fleet Imaging Corporation
TCH Harad Sinety / Resigned to the Reserves
AST Chris McCollum / Assigned to Fleet Imaging Corporation
SNR Derek Dan / Transferred to Imperial Broadcasting Corporation
MWO Arania Lawakiro / Transferred to Imperial Broadcasting Corporation
TCH Praetorian / Transferred to Imperial Broadcasting Corporation
AST Blaine /Transferred to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation
AST Gryffon / Assigned to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation
AST A. G. Snijglau / Transferred to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation
AST Ender mBind / Assigned to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation
AST Mell Kerrigan / Assigned to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation
AST Mage / Assigned to Imerpial Broadcasting Corporation


PREX/VA Nav'ric Trow / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
VPX-PROF/RA Reb Crush / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
A:VPX-CEO-PROF/CP Thorin Oakenshield / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
CEO/MWO Monsh Fesou / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
DC-PROF/WO Talon Astruar / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
CEO-PROF/CP Johann Glorick / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
EO/WO Tempest / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
VPP/RA Bevel Leeson / Awarded Commendation of Loyalty
DC-PROF/WO Talon Astruar / Awarded SotGV-gc
A:VPX-CEO-PROF/CP Thorin Oakenshield / Awarded SotGV-sc
EO/TCH Pellaeon / Awarded Corporate Duty Medal
A:VPX-CEO-PROF/CP Thorin Oakenshield / Awarded Citation of Expansion


AST Mage, graduated on 17/01/2003, with a mark of 100%.
AST Chris McCollum, graduated on 16/01/2003, with a mark of 96%.
AST Ender mBind, graduated on 15/01/2003, with a mark of 80%.
AST Mell Kerrigan, graduated on 15/01/2003, with a mark of 80%.
EC Talon "Nemesis" Karrde, graduated on 14/01/2003, with a mark of 96%.
AST zerokid, graduated on 10/01/2003, with a mark of 92%.
EC Altar, graduated on 10/01/2003, with a mark of 92%.
AST Melony, graduated on 10/01/2003, with a mark of 92%.
EC rebelkiller, graduated on 07/01/2003, with a mark of 85%.


SNR Haztix Vel, graduated on 04/01/2003, with a mark of 91%.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database: http://cddb.minos.net
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5


- VA Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/LoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [KNGT]


Emperor's Hammer Newsletter No. 88 Posted:  12.28.02
As Compiled By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Offline mirror:


Online mirror:


Logistics Officer Resigns - Replacement Sought:  12.29.02
As Emailed From:  Former Logistics Officer (FA Aiden "Cantor" Karias)

Logistics Office


I know that this will come as a disappointment, in fact, I realize that pretty much the entirety of my tenure as LO has been a disappointment. I  have little to show for myself, other than the LO site, the NL archives, the Memorium, and IA. The truth of the matter is I do not have the time to
code all the ideas I have come up with due to an RL commitment to build an e-commerce site for my employer. I had hoped I'd be able to juggle my time accordingly, but that has proven to not be the case aside from small tasks.

I am truely sorry for having wasted your time, and the time of the membership with grand promises and not delivering on them. It is my sincere
hope that whomever gets LO next will take some of my ideas and implement them in the same way Ari did after I left IO.

I will still be around in some functions to run the Image Archive, and possibly helping out the IO & COMM with a new IRC bot. I will also continue to maintain the NL archive (zip & online), as well as be the ever popular PHP & SQL question & answer man for EH members on IRC. But I feel that it is well past the time when I should hand over LO to somebody else.

Without further delay, I hereby resign my position as LO.

FA Aiden "Cantor" Karias

XO's Note on Applicants for LO:

Applicants desiring to become the next LO shall meet the following criteria:

Overview - The LO primarily acts as the EH archivalist, ensuring that certain materials such as newsletters and the EH codex are up to date
and accessable at all times.  Technical ability and an eye to detail in maintaining these archives are key attributes for the position.  The
Logistics Officer is also responsible for content in the newsletter, such as book/game reviews, etc.

Beyond being able to host and maintain large online archives, the following criteria shall be met by the successful candidate:

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. Good written communication skills
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast Email response time
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer
5. The ability to work to extreme deadlines

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. HTML experience (ASP/PHP is a bonus)
2. Awareness of Star Wars events and happenings outside the EH

Immediate duties for the successful candidate will include the updating of the EH Codex and other historical archives, as well as the
acquisition of webspace to host the various files from. 

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence.  Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough.  Include specific examples of
your experience.  You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position.  You will be expected to perform the core
duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't waste time by applying.  You must include at least three (3) references.  At
least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first.  If it is found out that you did
not gain permission, this will reflect upon your application in a negative light.  Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander (
garonin@aol.com ) and Executive Officer ( jpboyce@indigo.net.au ) with the subject "Application for Logistics Officer".

SA Astatine - XO

Tactical Office Report #70:  01.03.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

New year: 2003

Another year has passed. So I would like to share some thoughts with you. Year ago, Striker was TAC, I was newly promoted Command Attache, learning what and how to do. Striker was great mentor, and I quickly learned how to use database and perform different TAC duties.
Also, thanks to Grail Soulchaser we have started TacDB. This was great reform and improvement of beta testing. Back then, battles were waiting for years. With introduction of TacDB, we have reduced this time to 1-2 months. Later, as TCHC I've even reduced this time to 1-2 weeks. But of course, everything depends on quality.

Another great job was improving methods of catching cheaters. Striker did good job with XWA scoring chart, I am working on XvT currently, and I need to add few things to XWA. TIE needs to be redesigned. And then I'll send it all to my superiors and complete document "How to catch cheaters".

Another great change was introduction of new competitions. FCHG competition (original idea by Arso), Golden Tug Awards, Dark Blades (JK related) and others. And they will be still here, but with little redesign. New thing is CAB competition.

Xunami Wings!!!

Phase 1 ended. I would like to see your CABs on my desk ASAP. I need some time to check them and declare winners so better send them now, or you will not be counted.

TAC is back from leave

Yeah. I spent some time with my girlfriend, and my cells are recharged, so I'm back to work! :)

New competitions

Yes. I need banners and I need anthem. Check my profile and see details of both competitions or fins them through competitions center. You can win nice medals. And trust me, #2 is for everyone. So good luck.

Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Missions: 2627 (+0)

Tactical Database:

TIE Division:
In Queue: 3 missions
Being Tested: 3 missions, 2 battles
Being Corrected: 1 mission, 1 battle
Final Check: 1 battle
Total: 8 missions, 4 battles

XvT/BoP Division
In Queue: 6
Being Tested: 14
Being Corrected: 3
Final Check: 4
Total: 25

XWA Division:
In Queue: 1 battle, 2 missions
Being Tested: 3 missions
Being Corrected: 1 battle, 3 missions
Final Check: 2 missions
Total: 10 missions, 2 battles

Tactical Roster:
TIE: 13
XvT: 18
BoP: 17
XWA: 10

Project "Exterminator" update:

Special thanks to IWTAC and his staff for making corrections of IW battles. Also, my CA did great job with XWA and this platform will be clean soon. I'll finish XvT and then we will deal with TIE.

TIE testers sought:

Tactical Office needs additional testers. Applications to TCC:TIE Mark Schueler and me. Details can be found Mission Creation Message Board. Good awards for hard working people.

Remember. Working for Tactical Office is great for your career. Here's short list of people who achieved high positions and were/are members of Tactical Staff.

AD Ender mBind - Science Officer
MAJ Tissaya Argat - Wing Commander
LC Frodo March - Wing Commander
COL Drake - Wing Commander, Former BGCOM
RA Gord Darkonian - CA:TAC
RA Khameir Sarin - Commodore
Clarification about "what is cheating and what is not cheating": It is all in Tactical Manual, but it seems some people has problems with it. Ok, listen now:


Editing missions - you can view them in editor, but you are not allowed to many ANY changes
Editing plt files - do not touch them
Skipping missions - this will not bring you upon HCI, but I will remove mission from your profile
Editing executables, patches, games
Using patches for battles that not use them
Killing friendly/captured fighters/ships/etc
Sharing pilot files
Using one pilot file for multiple missions
And many more


Using Invulnerability, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Waves
Not-using patches for battles that require them
Renaming plt files - let's say for XWA
If you have any questions ask me or my CA. If you are not sure ASK BEFORE DOING IT. There is no "I didn't know it's illegal" in EH. You break the law, you get punishments. That's why you should always be familiar with EH Bywals, Articles of War, Codes of Conduct and Subgroup Policies. If some situation is not included in them, ask someone from Command Staff or GA Ronin himself.

TCC:XWA applications closed, Duel between Hunter and Master:

My CA will appoint new TCC:XWA soon. He is final interviewing both candidates. We want best person for this job and both candidates are greatly skilled. Expect decision soon. Hunter and Master are working with my CA. Each of them has to prove his skills, and then, we will appoint TCC:XWA.

Cheating cases:

It seems our major case, has finally ended, but unfortunately I've to send another one to HCI. I've 4 other under investigation and 2 pilots under observation. Also, there has been few questionable high scores found by pilots, and I'm checking them now.
Remember. My office is always open. Mail me, and I will answer.

Swearing on EH channels:

It has come to my attention that some people use lack of bot as good reason to swear on EH channels. Listen to me loud and clear. This is not going to happed. If I will see you swearing, I will warn you. Next time, you will get kick, and 3rd offense is tempban. Be good, m'kay?

Final word:

My office is always open, and you can find me on IRC. Don't hesitate to ask or mail me. Visit Tactical channel #tac and ask question there. Cya next week

Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
< wpozer@poczta.onet.pl >

Tactical Office Report #71:  01.10.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

Xunami Wings!!!

Congratulations to the winners of Phase 1:

CPT Hunter
COL Drake
VA Darksaber, LC Gidda, CPT Broskopf
Phase 2 ends this Sunday! Good luck to all.
TCC:XWA appointed
Congrats to CPT Hunter, new Tactical Coordinator for XWA. I believe he will do fine job, and we will soon see increased number of new XWA submissions. Meantime, congratulations.

New competitions.
There is still Baner and Song competitions on now. Also I've sent one more for approval. Tactical Office Person of the Week. I have also few ideas for competitions, and they will be used one after one. Meantime I've received some great banner submissions, but you can still win this comp. Also, there was only one Song submission, so great chance to get good medal there.

Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Missions: 2643 (+16)

Tactical Database:
TIE Division:


XvT/BoP Division
In Queue: 11
Being Tested: 16
Being Corrected: 5
Final Check: 1
Total: 33

XWA Division:

Tactical Roster:
TIE: 14
XvT: 15
BoP: 14
XWA: 9

Project "Exterminator" update:
No changes this week, because we are busy with other projects. Most of stuff is corrected. There are many invalid TIE bugs.

TIE and XWA testers sought:
Tactical Office needs additional testers. TIE Applications to TCC:TIE Mark Schueler, cc me and my CA. XWA to TCC:XWA Hunter, cc me and my CA. Details can be found Mission Creation Message Board. Good awards for hard working people.

Remember. Working for Tactical Office is great for your career. Here's short list of people who achieved high positions and were/are members of Tactical Staff.

AD Ender mBind - Science Officer
MAJ Tissaya Argat - Wing Commander
LC Frodo March - Wing Commander
COL Drake - Wing Commander, Former BGCOM
RA Gord Darkonian - CA:TAC
RA Khameir Sarin - Commodore
VA Darksaber

Just like week before: Clarification about "what is cheating and what is not cheating": It is all in Tactical Manual, but it seems some people has problems with it. Ok, listen now:


Editing missions - you can view them in editor, but you are not allowed to many ANY changes
Editing plt files - do not touch them
Skipping missions - this will not bring you upon HCI, but I will remove mission from your profile
Editing executables, patches, games
Using patches for battles that not use them
Killing friendly/captured fighters/ships/etc
Sharing pilot files
Using one pilot file for multiple missions
And many more

Using Invulnerability, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Waves
Not-using patches for battles that require them
Renaming plt files - let's say for XWA

If you have any questions ask me or my CA. If you are not sure ASK BEFORE DOING IT. There is no "I didn't know it's illegal" in EH. You break the law, you get punishments. That's why you should always be familiar with EH Bywals, Articles of War, Codes of Conduct and Subgroup Policies. If some situation is not included in them, ask someone from Command Staff or GA Ronin himself.

Cheating cases:
There were no new cases this week, however I'm observing few pilots. I will probably have first results soon. Remember, if you cheat better mail me and confess before I will find you. Noone will escape. And one note to people who use Hold Steady in TIE ( making enemy ships all hold steady ). Yes, I know how to catch it, if you think it's impossible to catch, expect mail from me soon.

Swearing on EH channels:
It has come to my attention that some people use lack of bot as good reason to swear on EH chanels. Listen to me loud and clear. This is not going to happed. If I will see you swearing, I will warn you. Next time, you will get kick, and 3rd offense is tempban. Be good, m'kay?

Rate the battles you fly:
When you complete mission/battle rate it. Soon there will be competition for those who write good reviews. Also, I won't tolerate any personal wars. If you don't like the creator, don't even try to lower rating of every good battle. That will only result in your HCI case. So be good :)

Bug reports:
I think you should understand what is bug:

Ships with Hold Steady order (unless stated in mission it's correct, of ship is wreck, etc)
Ships crashing and ramming one into another
Capital ships with fighter orders
Grammar errors
Swearing (this is also violation of CoCs)
If you are not sure, if something is a bug or not, mail me and ask a question. Also when you are flying on invul, or using unlimited warheads/waves, you are not allowed to post bug report. If you can't complete mission turn it off and try again. And then, if there is still bug, report it.

Final word:
My office is always open, and you can find me on IRC. Don't hesitate to ask or mail me. Visit Tactical channel #tac and ask question there. Cya next week.

Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
< wpozer@poczta.onet.pl >

Flight Office Report:  12.30.02
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

Flight Office

Greetings all and welcome to the last Flight Office report of 2002...

- News:

Flag Officer Promotions

This past week has seen three new Flag Officers promoted. Following Rear Admiral Smitrock's retirement, Rear Admiral Chamberlain was chosen as his successor. Following Chamberlain's promotion, Lieutenant Colonel PhoenixMan was appointed as the new Wing XX Wing Commander.

Over on the Sovereign, General Gen Es'mith stepped down as WC of Wing I due to RL contraints. Admiral Proton promptly selected long time Lambda CMDR, Lieutenant Colonel Mike, as his replacement.

Many congratulations go out to all three Officers.

Wing IV WC, Colonel Halcyon, was found guilty of AoW 407 violation by a HCI trial and is therefore no longer Wing Commander. AD Proton will be taking applications for a new WC, but please wait for his requirements to be released before sending anything to him.

EH vs TRA Christmas Competition Results

The EH pretty much trounced the TRA in our recent multiplayer competition with them. The final results were 11 EH wins to 2 TRA wins. The top pilot of the day was Ace, with 6 wins.

Thanks to the COO for organising the competition, and to all those who bothered to participate.

Recent Resignations

As you may have heard by now, Kumba has resigned from the EH completely. This also means that the EH's IRC bot, DeathFyre, has been withdrawn from use in #Emperor's_Hammer and #TIECorps. Kumba gave a lot to the EH, and I'm certain I'm not the only grateful for all the work he's done.

The Logistics Officer, Fleet Admiral Aiden Karias (AbsoluteK) has resigned from his position due to RL commitments. AbK was another member who made substantial contributions to the running of the EH and his presence on the Command Staff will be missed.

Legion Of Combat System Revamped

The LoC medal system has received a long overdue update. It now works as follows:

Copper Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For five victories.
Iridium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For fifty victories.
Thallium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For one hundred victories.
Rubidium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For two hundred victories.
Platinum Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For five hundred victories.

All TC members, please update your ID Lines accordingly.

TIE Corps Squadron Homepages

A recent check by the XO found many Squadron homepages to be lacking in particular areas...things such as updates, correct links and general information were sorely lacking.

The XO, IO and myself will be drawing up a list of mandatory requirements for all Squadron pages to adhere to in the very near future. With this in place, it will be the responsibility of all Squadron Commanders to ensure their pages meet these requirements.

On a related note, all CMDRs+ please check that your URL links on the TC rosters are correct and up to date. This includes message board links.

Site Updates

I've made some minor updates to both the SM/III notes and Fleet Standing Orders, clarifying to who Squadron reports must be sent as well as transfer requests.

Squadron Management III: http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/sm.html
Fleet Standing Orders: http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/fo.html


Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

OPS Report:  01.08.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (FA Howlader)

Operations Office

EH Anniversary Awards:

Admiral Mike (tac@emperorshammer.org)
Fleet Admiral Ari (io@emperorshammer.org)
Fleet Admiral Brad (so@emperorshammer.org)
Fleet Admiral Starrett (JamStarrett@aol.com)
Admiral Cyric (jroscoe@comcast.net)
Admiral Den Darkhill (darkhill@ehnet.org)
Admiral Pel (palinathas@aol.com)
Admiral Turtle Jerrar (eh_turtle@rawx.net)
Rear Admiral Gord Darkonian (darkwingvader@hotmail.com)
Commander Alex Foley (alexfoley@dombek.com)

SSSD Sovereign:
Admiral Proton (hullbreach@warpmail.net)
Colonel Stele Pellaeon (tieknt@juno.com)
Lieutenant Colonel Mike (suttonboy@ehnet.org)
Lieutenant Colonel Aeishline Strathaven (aeishline@tlen.pl)

Wing I:
Lieutenant Colonel Freelancer (mm-2@rocketmail.com)
Major Talons Pryde (talonsoftheclan@hotmail.com)
Commander Gyssler (underworldminion@hotmail.com)

Wing II:
Captain Koriel (_koriel@poczta.wp.pl)
Commander Cahir (cahir_mawr_dyffyr@poczta.onet.pl)
Lieutenant Commander Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Wing III:
Captain Ace Hobbes (hobbes@poczta.onet.pl)
Lieutenant Commander Pokemaster (shadowx@twcny.rr.com)
Lieutenant Commander Razor (eh_razor@op.pl)

Wing IV:
Colonel Ricardo (bantha_34@hotmail.com)
Lieutenant Colonel Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
Lieutenant Commander Szu (zmp@icpnet.pl)

Wing V:
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Jahou Morgan (w.j.aigner@netway.at)
Major Yoman (ance@mbnet.fi)
Lieutenant Efherman (efherman@hotmail.com)

TC Battlegroups:
Rear Admiral RogueWing (roguewing25@yahoo.com)
General Indaro (Indaro@isdcolossus.com)
Colonel Drake (Drake@EHnet.org)

Wing VIII:
Commander Trowa (Trowa@isdcolossus.com)
Captain Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
Major Daniel Klivian (danielklivian@isdcolossus.com)

Wing IX:
Captain Tycho Ackbar (Tycho_Ackbar@yahoo.com)
Commander Renoshi Bespin (abanytar@cs.com)
Lieutenant Commander Sayo Hirosho (November_Echone@yahoo.com)

Wing X:
Captain Stuart (sgeers@hotmail.com)
Lieutenant Commander DarkEagle (delpieropadova@yahoo.com.au)
Lieutenant Savageaz (savage19_99@yahoo.com.au)

Wing XI:
Major Dark Hawk (DarkHawk1@comcast.net)
Captain Nuno (Nuno@WingXI.net)
Commander VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)

Avenger Task Force:
Rear Admiral Chamberlain (BacardiShark@mail2jon.com)
Colonel Smitrock (smitrock@viaticam.com)
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Spencer (xDeMoSTHeNeSx@hotmail.com)

Captain Davi Anthol (adam_tkacz@hotmail.com)
Captain Titus (ehgask@hotmail.com)
Lieutenant Commander Dash Rendar (browdj@btopenworld.com)

Wing XIX:
Major TK-2107 (tk2107@tiecorps.org)
Captain Thom Zack (EHZACK@aol.com)
Commander Siterath Goersase (siterath@tiecorps.org)

Wing XX:
Commander Iceman (spaceworld-chat@t-online.de)
Commander TK-7764 (TK_7764@hotmail.com)
Lieutenant Commander Duken (duken008@hotmail.com)

Aggressor Strike Force:
Rear Admiral Khameir Sarin (khameir_sarin@yahoo.com)
Rear Admiral Wil Striker (WilStriker@kc.rr.com)
Lieutenant Colonel E. Tarkin (erik@e-sjop.nl)

Wing XIII:
Major DarkC (sweetchrissyro@yahoo.com)
Captain Girth Snail (pokemynosearea@hotmail.com)
Captain TK-6686 (trenton13@hotmail.com)

Wing XIV:
Commander Blade (eh_blade2003@yahoo.com)
Commander Gistenjunge (gistenjunge@gmx.net)
Commander Phantom (ge_phantom2002@yahoo.com)

Wing XV:
Major Drax Remlinger (TombTrooper@aol.com)
Major Nightmare (n1ghtm4r3@hotmail.com)
Major Strahd (Strahd15@cogeco.ca)

Avenger Squadron:
Commander Ace (ace003_bla@yahoo.com.au)

Tau Squadron:
Colonel Reinthaler (nuketech77@earthlink.net)

Omega Squadron:
Lieutenant Colonel Janich (janich@omegasquadron.org)

Praetorian Squadron:
Commander Jaron Kai (eh_jaronkai@yahoo.co.uk)

Imperial Senate:
Magnate Rizzen &quot;Plague&quot; Pharn (pharn@gmx.net)
Exarch Publius Claudius Maximus (sen_justinian@msn.com)
Premier Dakkon Blackblade (sendakkon@yahoo.com)
Premiere Demerzel (demerzel85@gmx.net)
Arbiter Coranel Both (coranel_both@hotmail.com)

Corporate Division:
Vice Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Rear Admiral Reb Crush
Rear Admiral Bevel Leeson
Captain-Supervisor Thorin Oakenshield
Master Warrant Officer Monsh Fesou
Warrant Officer Talon Astruar
Captain-Supervisor Johaan Glorick
Warrant Officer Tempest

Intelligence Division:
&lt;7 Classified Members&gt;
VA Mordann (bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk)
RA Aseret Thunderhawk (jediaseret@yahoo.com)

Dark Brotherhood:
Dark Jedi Master Mairin Astoris
Dark Adept Corran Force
Dark Adept Shadonyx
Sith Battelord Synjin 'Hades' Erebor
Krath Epis Daavak &quot;Tronsta&quot; Cantor
Dark Jedi Knight Tissaya Argat
Obelisk Warrior Jacen Aylen
Jedi Hunter Brenn Tantor
Krath Pontifex Khobai
Acolyte Halcyon
Obelisk Warrior Dagger
Sith Battlemaster Scithe
Obelisk Battlemaster Raistlin
Krath Archpriest Tomaas Banys
Krath Priest Maradis Jenkar
Sith Battlelord Pyralis
Jedi Hunter Mark
Sith Battlemaster Darkmage
Jedi Hunter Tirna
Dark Jedi Knight Aeishline
Krath Archpriest Bubbles
Dark Jedi Knight Mordin Malchia
Dark Jedi Knight Iceman
Sith Battlelord Pel
Dark Jedi Knight Sukuth
Jedi Hunter Rage Akaido

The Fringe:
Protector Darknyte
Protector Astix
Lord Madon

Infiltrator wing:
Line Admiral Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
Line Admiral Esail Reev (esailreev@wp.pl)
Line Admiral Tomaas Banys (incomtech@o2.pl)
Brigadier Kane Reese (kanereese@wp.pl)
General Dolza (culotta2000@attbi.com)
Lieutenant Colonel Mad Hatter (MadHatterIW@Comcast.net)
Lieutenant Colonel Pellaeon (Delta-1@gmx.de)
Captain haste black (hasteblack@aol.com)
Brigadier Janson (eh_janson@shaw.ca)
Colonel Boris (boris_intel@yahoo.co.uk)

Security Officer Report #20:  01.03.03
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (FA Brad)

Security Office

All right. The holidays are pretty much over now. I am reviewing old e-mails and receiving complaints as of today. Nobody was sent to the
HCI this week, but it seems like that may change quickly.

First of all, even though the bots, DeathFyre and the like are not on IRC enforcing swearing, it is against the Codes of Conduct to swear. It
doesn't matter if you are quoting something or not. All channel operators are to enforce this by giving a warning on the first offense,
then kick on the second offense and ban (for about 5 minutes or so) for the third offense. Also if there are more than 3 offenses by one
person, notify me (so@emperorshammer.org) and the Communications Officer (comm@emperorshammer.org). If channel operators are not available to moderate the channel, then DEOP yourself! This includes when you are away.

Something else I noticed that after reviewing my old e-mails, is CMDRs in the TIE Corps recruiting illegally. Be sure to read the Flight
Officer's Standing Orders and obey them. I have a number of pending illegal recruitment cases to investigate.

Another problem I have is reviewing evidence where in it members are speaking languages other than English. I do not speak other languages
and must rely on others to translate the logs. If I am unable to translate these logs, I do not want to just throw out the evidence because I cannot understand what it means. Be sure to speak English in all EH related Channels. If you are unsure if your channel is EH-related, ask me.

I will contact my staff this weekend to see their readiness since I will have many complaints to process. Do not be surprised if you get e-mails
from me asking about evidence, or the like.

By January 6th almost all of the HCI officers will be back from leave and cases could be sent to them as early as then. I will make an effort
to contact the accused on every complaint that goes into the investigation phase. And as always, if you sent a complaint feel free
to ask me how the status is going.

I thank SA Astatine for awarding me with a Gold Star. It is much appreciated and I will continue to do my best in this position.


SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign,
{IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

IWCOM Weekly Report #37:  01.10.03
As Emailed From:  IWCOM (AD NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

DATE: 10. 1. 2003.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org/rosters/fleet.php
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://cc.infiltrator-wing.org
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 84
Change from last week: 0

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

After the the intensive holidays, the Infiltrator Wing has taken some time off active missions to resupply and refit our ships as well as get some of
our operations reviewed and updated. Both the MC-90 Fear and the MC-90 Warspite are currently in the Karana system in high orbit over planet Sahare.

The largest news since my last report is that the Infiltrator Wing Executive Officer, Vice Admiral Iylan Kano, has resigned his position. We salute you on your departure!

No applications for the position of the IWXO will be taken, as we are working toward removing the position altogether. The current duties of the IWXO are to be distributed between the IWCOM and the IWFO.

The Insider's Voice is the following: The IWNL creation falls under the office of the IWCOM now, and one assistant has been taken who will lead the creation of the IWNL AT A MONTLY BASIS, with oversight of the IWCOM. The assistant chosen is Major Klaus 'Outsider' Steiner, Wing Commander of Wing III. I am quite confident that with our new team working on the IWNL, it will go out regularly and will be better than ever!

IWTAC, BA Xavier Sienar is now also the IW Special Operations Officer. The SOO is an auxiliary title. The SOO is in charge of setting up competitions for the best pilots of the IW with elements outside the IW and EH with the purpose of propaganda and spreading the image of the Infiltrator Wing. Reports on Special Operations will be sent out to the IW as soon as there are any happenings in this element.

Respectfully submitted,

Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
IWCOM/AD NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
members)/HSM*2/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/CoB/LoAx3/OV-4E] [PLDN]
Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

Prex Report #11:  01.04.03
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (Prex Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

Welcome to the Corporate Division Report, number eleven.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total - 64 (106 including Reserves)
Direx Board - 7
Trade Assembly - 32 (+1)
PLT Revenge - 26 (+2)
Reserves - 42

- General membership of the CD is up by +3.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. The biggest news of the week is that the Corporate Division website has moved. It can now be found at http://www.corporatedivision.com. Change your bookmarks people. Although, with this new server, we're having a few mailer problems... so don't be surprised if you don't receive any database emails.

2. Monthly Corporation Evaluations have been been completed, and medals awarded! Congrats to all that received awards.

3. The Corporate Division is making a comeback from the Holiday Period, so things have been a bit slow this week. Hopefully alot more happening by the next report.

4. Remember, just because Deathfyre has been removed from certain channels, doesn't mean you can suddenly start swearing and expect to get away with it. Watch your language and remember that CoC's still apply even if the bot isn't there.

5. iBank users... remember, DO NOT APPLY FOR A LOAN. It'll immediately get denied because the option isn't in use.

6. Carried on from last week, remember to use the message board!

URL: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5

Also, use IRC to communicate with others. If you haven't got IRC go to www.mirc.com and download the latest version, then go onto the Undernet and into channel #corporate_division in particular.

7. Welcome EC's Violent_9, Melony and Matt Adler to the CD!

News finished.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


AST Violent_9 / Engineer Candidate > Assistant Technician
TCH Violent_9 / Assistant Technician > Technician
SNR Derek Dan / Technician > Senior Technician

EO/AST Violent_9 / Assigned to CHC


TCH Derek Dan / Awarded CSS
WO Tempest / Awarded CSS
SNR Darknyte / Awarded CSS
MWO Arania Lawakiro / Awarded CDM
CG Autoris Maximus / Awarded CGM
MWO RJhammer / Awarded CDM
TCH Alec Qarni / Awarded CGM
RA Bevel Leeson / Awarded CSS


AST Violent_9, graduated on 29/12/2002, with a mark of 92%.
EC Avian Kolar, graduated on 27/12/2002, with a mark of 92%.

AST Violent_9, graduated on 31/12/2002, with a mark of 85%.

- NONE -

EC Avian Kolar, graduated on 29/12/2002, with a mark of 95%.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database: http://cddb.minos.net
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5


- VA Nav'ric Trow | www.corporatedivision.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX/VA Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/LoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [KNGT]

SDIR Report:  01.10.03
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (SDIR AD Troutrooper)

Intelligence Division (ID)


1. Agent survey available

Hot off the press (and thanks to IO Ari and INQ Stalker5), there's a new Intel agent survey available. The UBIQ wants to hear your thoughts
and feelings regarding your experiences in Intel. We have a job to do, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun doing it. The survey is open to
anyone and everyone in the ID. Please fill out the survey by 31 January 2003 (end of this month). URL is http://www.ehintel.org/survey.html

2. Intel meetings

I know there's not much discussed at the meetings, but there are medals for those who show up and message me their idlines after the meeting. Speaking of which, all ID meeting medals have been awarded (sorry, my bad for not awarding them sooner), so if you feel as though you're missing some, ask me ( troutrooper@yahoo.com ).

3. Commendations of Loyalty

These have also been awarded. Congrats to all who received them!

4. ACK! I forgot the SDIR's Birthday!!

That's okay. To make it up to me, you can send in a report to your superior on what you've done since the New Year.

(if you're wondering, today's my birthday. Whee)


AD Troutrooper
SDIR/AD Troutrooper/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V


FA Ari Awarded EH Medal of Honor (MoH) Medal:  12.28.02
As Submitted By:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

The Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein awards FA Ari the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honor (MoH) medal for his continued consistent service as IO.  His management of the EH MBs (along with AD Turtle), has been exemplary and has resulted in a massive positive influence and addition for the EH.

FA Ari has also been the only Command Staffer that has consistently submitted a weekly report...every week...for the year 2002.

Fine job and Congratulations !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Command Staff Christmas Rewards:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Just been going through the COs and I think there have been some that have done good work this year and should be rewarded...

  • MoH - IO/FA Ari, for his continued consistent service as IO (see above)

  • Gold Star - SO/FA Brad, for creating a major culture shift with the HI in the direction and attitude of the EH justice system

  • Promotion to Fleet Admiral - SCO/AD Ender mBind, for the new Fleet Manual, updates to the Order of Battle and new patches/updates from his office

  • Gold Star - PRF Ares, for consistent service and maintaining quality in a subgroup that's struggled a lot in the last few years

  • Promotion to Fleet Admiral - GM/AD Firefox, for providing stable leadership without going nuts (seems to be a common thing for GMs...)

  • Promotion to Admiral - SDIR/VA Troutrooper, consistent service as Intel's SGCOM and providing timely, detailed information and
    intelligence when requested

SA Astatine - XO

XO Report #19:  12.22.02
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

This week was rather productive in the maintenance of the TIE Corps site. An error with incorrect combat events being displayed on the news
page was fixed. The competitions system had a bug where competitions were being submitted, but the code was not reflecting this, resulting in about 55 competitions being backed up. This has been corrected and all competitions processed. In addition, the competition center
( http://www.emperorshammer.net/competitions/ ) has been expanded.

Listings of each competition type are available as well as a top 10 of the members with the most approved competitions. Member profiles also now list approved competitions, if they have any. This becomes a good tool in seeing how good a member is in generating activity, as well as the range and variation of the competitions they run.

A Chancellor for the Senate has been selected. Congratulations to Arcanus for being the lucky winner. Training Officer is still open for  applications and while it is, the FO will be marking core exams, while I'll be marking all other tests and processing competitions. I've also
initiated a review of IWATS and I'm not very happy with the results so far.

It seems the silly season is in full swing. It's come to my attention that certain members are spreading malicious and false rumors involving
me. Since these also involve the FC in some cases, I'm not too impressed. It's obvious that these people have nothing better to do and are making no active contribution to the EH. As such, I will be exercising Executive authority and will expel members who do this sort of thing. No trial, no discussion. Gone. Also in line with this, people should refresh themselves with the CoC and all those nice rules, as there's no excuse for not knowing them and no excuse for breaking them.

SA Astatine - XO

Tactical Office Report #69:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (AD Mike)

Tactical Office

1. Tactical Office competitions.

Xunami Wings - Phase 1 has ended, and I've received 10 plotlines. We are judging them together with my Command Attach�. Results will be announced on EH Birthday, January 7th.

Tac Office Competition #1 - your job it to make banner for Tactical Office. Competition starts January 1st. Competition ends: February 1st.
Tac Office Competition #2 - task is simple. You job is to adjust text of songs (Another one bites the dust, Master of Puppets, It's a kind of magic) to make them tactical anthems. Best anthem will earn IS-GR. Good luck. Deadline just like #1 comp.

2. TAC going on semi-leave, CA:TAC in charge.

I'm going on semi leave. I will come back on January 3rd. My CA will take care of office. I will be still in email contact, but don't expect fast replies. I won't be on IRC.

3. Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Missions: 2627 (+11)
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
XvT/BoP Division
In Queue: 7
Being Tested: 13
Being Corrected: 2
Final Check: 5
Total: 25
XWA Division:
In Queue: 1 battle
Being Tested: 3 missions
Being Corrected: 1 battle, 3 missions
Final Check: 2 missions
Total: 8 missions, 4 battles
Tactical Roster:
TIE: 13
XvT: 18
BoP: 17
XWA: 10

4. Project "Exterminator" update:

My CA did great job this week and corrected a lot of XWA stuff. I've corrected some XvT battle, and we've removed some invalid bugs from TIE. Most of compendium is clean, and all battles should be playable. Remember to download newest versions of battles. Don't store them on HDD. If you encounter any bug and it's a valid bug, report it ASAP.

5. TIE testers sought:

Tactical Office needs additional testers. Applications to TCC:TIE Mark Schueler and me. Details can be found Mission Creation Message Board. Good awards for hard working people.

6. New patches:

My personal congratulations to Science Office. They have released some great XvT/BoP patches: Missile Boat, Tie Defender, Tie Vanguard and B-Wing (xvt). Great job. I've personally used them in my newest battles and they rock. Good job, SCO guys, keep it up.

7. Tactical Manual ver3.0:

HA Striker did great job with Tac-man 2.0, but now, a lot of things have changes. I am working on 3rd version of Tactical Manual. Unfortunately HTML code of current Tac-man is so messy, that I have to completely redesign it. So it will take me some time.
So far I've did major redesign, updated code, and now I'm going through it, adding new stuff and updating code. I'm not sure how much time it will take me, but I will try to do it ASAP.

8. TCC:XWA applications closed, decision soon.

My CA will appoint new TCC:XWA soon. He is final interviewing both candidates. We want best person for this job and both candidates are greatly skilled. Expect decision soon.

9. Cheating cases:

It seems our major case, has finally ended. I've 4 other under investigation. There were some question asked by pilots, but they were all answered and no additional case has been added to queue. If you have question about high score, or you think you have prove that someone is cheating, let me know. I will check this out and show you either you are right or wrong.

10. Final word:
My office is always open, and you can find me on IRC. Don't hesitate to ask or mail me. Visit Tactical channel #tac and ask question there. Cya next week

Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
< wpozer@poczta.onet.pl >

Internet Office Report #71:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA Ari)

Internet Office

This week was fairly busier than the past few, which is nice to see activity picking up. IOA Alex Foley is working on a brand new project called SquadFirst, a PHP-run template for creating TC Squadron homepages, including a news system, roster, competitions page, and more. The idea comes from VA Grail Soulchaser's previous ASP version of a system like this. SquadFirst will hopefully be a way to encourage more people to sign up for MinosNIC PHP+MySQL hosting.

IOA Turtle is currently working on making some changes to the backend of the EHNet Login Service. These changes will make it much easier to interact with client sites. Important: If you would like to use the EHNet Login Service on your site, which will make user authentication on your site much easier (plus it's one less user/pass for people to remember) - please contact the IO or IOA Turtle. This new version will be using XML to interact with the login authentication system, with code I've provided parsing the XML.

IOAs Jam3z and CyberGuy have the new design for the Shadow Academy site, and are waiting on HM Mage for a few bits of information before they can begin coding.

It's been pointed out to me that the link for the EH Images Archive doesn't work. I've emailed FA AbsoluteK about this, as he currently hosts the IA, and hopefully he should be getting back to me shortly.

And most importantly, our new IO project will be: the redesign of the EH domain. This means that first we will need to conceive a design. Due to the significance of this, we will need the best and the brightest of web design and artistry in the EH. My CA, AD Leeson, will be inquiring around the EH for talented artists to participate, as he is heading the Graphics Design team of the project. Once a layout is decided upon, I will be heading the Web Design team for the implementation of the site. Hopefully this will be completed as soon as possible. The Graphics Design team already consists of AD Leeson, IOA Alex Foley and FA Priyum.

Also, I've awarded to IOA Turtle Jerrar the Commendation of Excellence, an award that was long overdue to him, for his superb work on EHNet and MinosNIC. Congrats!

[GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-2BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoL] [LoAx2] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

OPS Report: 12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (FA Howlader)

Operations Office

Well, another week, another report.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the members of the Emperor's Hammer from myself, Vice Admiral Khaine, and Commander Tempest. I hope everyone has had a safe Christmas, and will continue to be safe through to New Year's. Now, on to business.

EH Anniversary Awards: Commendation of Loyalty recommendations are due at Midnight Eastern Time on January 7th, 2003. So far, I've only received three recommendations (Thank you Royal, Mike, and Kaerner :P), and I expect to see alllllll of them in before the 7th anyway. For the record, I will not accept any late recommendations. Also, for those CS Offices and Subgroups without a leader, the deputy in charge can also send the recommendation to me.

Legions of Combat and Distinguished Flying Crosses: Thanks to SA Astatine (yay, Ast!) the new add-ons for the Legion of Combat are now in effect on the Database. Also, the DFC style for database ID lines has been changed a little bit, as to be more clear to show the number of medals the person has.

Memory refresher on the new Legion of Combat:

Copper Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For five victories.
Iridium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For fifty victories.
Thallium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For one hundred victories.
Rubidium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For two hundred victories.
Platinum Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - For five hundred victories.

- I am not in charge of approving competitions, I don't have the authority to do it. Its very simple
- Medals: Chain of command, I can't stress this enough, if you don't have the authority to award a medal directly through the database, there's a reason for it. Don't send the recommendation to me, send it to your superior who DOES have the power to award it.

FA Howlader

SO Report:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (FA Brad)

Security Office

The holidays are on now. Some have passed, others continue on. I did enjoy a nice break from checking e-mail on Christmas Day. Now I am
gathering information from e-mails and sorting out what needs to be done as far as pending investigations are concerned.

It was agreed that investigations, punishments and trials would be on hold until January (except for the cheating cases). Also, please note
that the HCI command is on leave until January 2nd-6th, for some. It wouldn't make sense for me to send them requests for trials right now.
I will wait until they return, but I may begin to review some evidence now so I am ready for the beginning of 2003.

Also a process that is always going on is the review and analysis of the current EH justice system. (This involves the EH Regulations, my office
and duties and the High Court of Inquisitors and their duties, regulations, and procedures. I still am looking for a way to make the process of handling complaints and investigations and giving recommendations a smoother and more consistent process. Some guidelines for certain kinds of complaints are probably the way to start. Complaints vary and can generally be categorized by the nature of the complaint, or by the structure of the positions of the members involved. I will think on what are the different kind of complaints and begin to setup some procedural guidelines.

I am thankful that the number of complaints received this week has been down to a minimum. Either there weren't that many problems, people weren't online to cause them, or I just didn't hear about them.

I would like to thank the members who DO follow the EH regulations. You make my job easier since I do not have to review complaints sent about you. With thousands of members, it is a possibility that I could have maybe a hundred complaints. I am glad I am not even close to that number even during my busiest times.

Happy Holidays! Enjoy the New Year!


SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign,
{IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

Science Office Report #11:  12.24.02
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office


Welcome to my eleventh public report as a Science Officer, insanely late (about 4 weeks)... for which my apologies. But it also means I've got lots of news, so lets get right to it:

Science Office News:

1. Stalker has released his 1.1 version of "Star Wars: Fleet Commander", a total conversion of "Star Trek: Armada II". It includes the Sovereign, Star
Wars music, fighters and much more. The total conversion works on the Armada II demo already, so it's completely free to use. A Emperor's Hammer mirror of the full 1.1 version (53 MBs) is available at the Science Office site at: http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/games/

2. This month also had the official release of "Star Wars: Project Andromeda" by Spearhawk, get it from: http://www.minos.net/~sco/files/games/ as well. It's a nice 3D graphics arcade shooter and looks most excellent. (3 MBs)

3. The new Order of Battle, has been made, approved by the Fleet Commander and released to: http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/app-orderofbattle.html. Its available as a full graphics version, a text only version and a off-line viewable version. I?d like to thank all the SGCOMs for their cooperation on this one.

4. AD Den Darkhill updated the TIE Praetor patch for TIE Fighter '95. It now works better and together with the Rebel Ship patch. He also updated the TIE Defender and Missile Boat for XvT and BoP. They now can be both installed in either of the games. The patches have also split into a XvT and a BoP one. Thanks Den for all updates.

5. I have released a new craft for XWA, the Tritan Fighter of the Vepaal Empire. This is a "limited use" craft, only for use by Sauron in his battles
that include this "Vepaal Empire". The craft and patch were made by Den, texturing by myself.

6. I have released a ?new? craft for XvT, the B-Wing for the Infiltrator Wing. This is an ?official? craft, free for use for all Emperor's Hammer
battles and even melees. It works together with the T/D and MIS patches and can also be used as an updated OPT for TIE95, XW95 and BoP because it features specialized EH, ASF and IW textures. The craft and patch were made by me, debugging by Den.

7. All XvT and BoP patch craft will be moved to the two slots between the T/D and the MIS, and all XvT patches will be split into XvT and BoP - like happened with the MIS and T/D. The related battles will be updated accordingly. Note: please do not try to install a BoP-only patch on XvT.

8. The Science Office has been working on AGI games mostly, as you can check out at http://www.minos.net/~sco/project/agi/ I've added screenshots, downloads and all that good stuff. COL Khadgar is working on finishing the Picture tutorial and planning to work on the View tutorial, I myself have been making my total conversion of Larry 1 and room templates based on the tie fighter rooms and such, so you'll be able to have games that happen in that environment (and hook it up to a battle or whatever).

9. Kweeky got so interested by all this he joined up as SCOA! Again: welcome Kweeky:)

10. Both SCOA's have been promoted: Shadd to LC for his great work as Praetorian CMDR and Kweeky to LT for bribing the FO with chicken curry. Congratulations to both! :)

11. I've put up a preview version of the new fleet-manual concept at http://www.minos.net/~sco/fleet-manual/viewshipff6a.html It will include far more stats then the current version... and I like to hear comments, suggestion and such about it before it goes official.

12. Because of the holidays, family etc... I'll be on leave for the next 2 days at the least. I'll be leaving shortly after I write this and returning  Friday. You all sit tight till then ok? ;)

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been updating and creating various patches and has been looking into the TIE Fighter battle*.lfd files to see if we can import larger bitmaps into it. (TFW resets it to small size.)

SCOA: LC Shadd has stepped down as Praetorian CMDR and has now assumed a full time SCOA role, he was also promoted!:)

SCOA: LT Kweeky has joined the Science Office, was promoted and has been working on adventure games, EH Radio and NWN modules.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect http://scienceoffice.isCool.net. Some major updates this month: We got a new Fleet Order of Battle, a new Fleet Manual concept, the AGI projects page has been fully upgraded, I?ve fixed the file mirror and uploaded that, added more html etc..

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still ?missing? from these games, like
the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Several of these will be finished soon for my own TIE Fighter battle at least; these include
the Bulk Cruiser, Assault Frigate and others. This month several patches were updated, and the B-W released. Coming up very soon is the TIE Vanguard for XvT and BoP, Den was flying it yesterday:)

XWA Ship patches: Primarily the plan is to clear out the backlog of craft arranged by earlier SCO?s and such, like the Trithan Interceptor (Kermee), the Hyperion (Den), the Alvaakian Craft (me) and the new fighter for Avenger Squadron (AES). The Trithan Interceptor and Hyperion are now ready, working on the Jedi Fighter before I continue to the Alvaak Fighter, as that's based on it. This month the Trithan Interceptor was released.

Emperor's Hammer Adventure Games: Khadgar has made process on a beginners guide to AGI/SCI which should greatly help along this project to make it possible to create EH games in the style of ?Space Quest?, ?Kings Quest? or ?Leisure Suit Larry?. The AGI Project page has gotten a major update which will hopefully make it easier for you all to get into this as well. AGI game creation is EASY: if you can make MSPaint quality pictures and HTML websites, you can basically do this too.

Finishing up:

I think that's it ? If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email. Don't forget that all the
projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC ? I'm practically always online at #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: http://www.minos.net/~sco/reports/index.html. The moment the TC database is back online they will be posted there as well. I?m going to do that next:)

Until next time, Merry Christmas!


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

COO Report:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (VA Kyle Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO News

You prolly know that there is a new LoC System around in the last time. For more info, check: http://www.combat-manual.net.tc or contact me!

There is a new Website in workout for the EHCOC.

Also DO NOT go to the Combat Manual via the Manual Section via the TC. This URL is still from WW and it links to a <censored> site! Please go to http://www.combat-manual.net.tc (Ast pls update it)

Competition News

The Christmas Comp is over now. The EH won it!

LoC's will be awarded tomorrow!

Bot News

Nothing new!


In the Service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Vice Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/VA Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor/EH
SSx2/BSx6/PCx7/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx21/OV-2E [LGNR] [Officer 1st]
Spectre Advanced Missle Boat "DarkFyre"
PIN: 5141

GM Report:  12.28.02
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (FA Firefox)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

1) While things are a bit slow due to the Christmas holidays, rewards have been flying left and right. Congratulations to everyone!

2) I have decided to prepare a review of the year that is ending. I will be working on this over the next week or so and I have asked the Consuls and Proconsuls to send me a review of their Clan for the same period, if they're interested. If you think a significant event relating to your Clan or the Dark Brotherhood as a whole might be overlooked, contact either your Consul / Proconsul (for a Clan related item) or myself (DB wide).

3) Don't forget to send in those commendations of loyalty! If you don't send them in, you get nothing!

4) It seems that the XO is bringing back the idea of the EH encyclopedia. In short, it's supposed to be a database of names, facts, history, etc. A very ambitious project that was worked on briefly in the past. The DB has a long and complex history, so it will be quite a task. Expect more to come on this subject very soon!

PRF Report #85:  12.20.02
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (Field Marshal Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Membership: 91 active, 184 total

1) The Commander, Security has gone into forced retirement due to lack of an Internet connection. The post will be filled shortly. Also on the subject of posts, the new Company Commander for Vengeance is MSG Luke Morin. Congrats Luke!

2) There is a new policy in place concerning our CSMA as follows: if a course exam of a series is sent in before a previous course exam of the same certificate series is graded and returned to the trooper, then both exams will be destroyed and the trooper will have to resubmit them -- one at a time. This is to make sure a trooper has passed a previous and required course before taking and submitting higher courses. This policy change has been posted in multiple places.

3) Certifications can now be seen! In each member's profile is listed all certifications earned. Clicking on one will display an image of the certification. Nice job Zsinj and Mordred!

4) Although there is no official operation going on in the HF, there is no lack of activities. No fewer than three run-ons are in progress, the Platoon League is going strong, and the Dark Legionnaire newsletter is nearing publication.

5) The present HF growth rate is averaging 4 new troopers per week. The number moving through the CSMA to become full members is much lower. However, this will hopefully change when the CSMA and HF domain are fully integrated and completed.

Prefect of the Legion
Field Marshal Ares

IWCOM report #36:  12.27.02
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

DATE: 27. 12. 2002.
IW URL: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org
IW ROSTERS: http://www.infiltrator-wing.org/rosters/fleet.php
IW COMBAT CENTER: http://cc.infiltrator-wing.org
IWCOM OFFICE: http://iwcom.minos.net
Total Membership Count: 84
Change from last week: -12

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

The Christmas holidays are behind us and things have been relatively slow in the Infiltrator Wing activity vise. We have a slight drop in numbers due to rigorous AWOL checks conducted by the IW Flight Officer.

There has also been a change in the flag officers setup, Major Outsider has been promoted to the position of the Wing III Commander. Good luck with the command Major!

The Infiltrator Wing Operation "Utter Fear" has been successful, and I am pleased to report that we have over a hundred successful New Republic colony bombardment missions conducted during the time of Christmas. Once again the Infiltrator Wing proves supreme at Psychological Warfare!

After the Operation "Utter Fear" several New Republic fleet movements have been detected. They spread their lines thin trying to protect as many colonies as possible, making our job that much easier.

Respectfully submitted,

Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
IWCOM/AD NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
CSx9/LSM-oc/MoT-17rh-1gh/MoI-bc(8members)/HSM*2/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/CoB/LoAx3/OV-4E] [PLDN]
{IWTA-SGK-SCC-SRW} {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-PHP/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-TM-XTM} [MA-W Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

Prex Report #10:  12.28.02
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (Prex Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

Welcome to the Corporate Division Report, number ten.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total - 61 (100 including Reserves)
Direx Board - 7
Trade Assembly - 31 (+1)
PLT Revenge - 24 (+2)
Reserves - 42

- General membership of the CD is up by +3.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. I hope you all had a great Christmas, and that your New Years will be good. I've allowed you all to enjoy your holiday period and relax a bit. Remember, your side of the deal is to report into your direct superior on January 2nd and start working again.

2. Chairman of the Trade Assembly has been closed, and Captain-Supervisor Thorin Oakenshield reassigned to become Adjutant to the Executive Vice President (RA Reb Crush). It will be reopened when we require both Chairman of the Trade Assembly and Secretary of the Independent Traders League. This means that all Chief Executive Officers report directly to me now at EHTrow@aol.com.

For his work as Chairman of the Trade Assembly, myself and VPX Reb have decided to award Captain-Supervisor Thorin Oakenshield a Direx Board Medallion (DBM)!

3. EHXO/SA Astatine has released a fleet wide competition for you to take part in. The Crazy IWATS Christmas Clearance is currently running, information can be found in your inbox, on the CDDB and the CD Message Board.

Or, you could check out: http://www.emperorshammer.net/iwats/xmas.htm

4. The Corporate Chronicle is making a comeback! The CD's monthly NL will be making a comeback in order to give you all something to show off your work in, and to show everyone what the CD has completed. So, get those submissions coming in to EHTrow@aol.com - a new medal will be created soon to reward you for your submissions!

5. I've started work on the CD's permanent resource database... not exactly a lot I can say on this at the moment, so keep an ear out.

6. Carried on from last week, remember to use the message board!

URL: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5

Also, use IRC to communicate with others. If you haven't got IRC go to www.mirc.com and download the latest version, then go onto the Undernet and into channel #corporate_division in particular.

7. Welcome EC's Talek Pter Dei, Avian Kolar and Ricaud to the CD!

News finished.

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EO Talek Pter Dei / Engineer Candidate > Assistant Technician
EO Syd "Falconer" Espada / Assistant Technician > Technician

AST Talek Pter Dei / Transferred to FIC.


WO Talon Astruar / Awarded 2 MCAs
WO Talon Astruar / Awarded SoA
CP Johann Glorick / Awarded SoA
MWO Monsh Fesou / Awarded SoA
CP Johann Glorick / Awarded SotM
CH Derek Dan / Awarded SotV
CP Thorin Oakenshield/EPS Compiler / Awarded DBM


EC Avian Kolar, graduated on 27/12/2002, with a mark of 92%.
AST Talek Pter Dei, graduated on 24/12/2002, with a mark of 92%.

SNR Darknyte, graduated on 25/12/2002, with a mark of 100%.

AST Talek Pter Dei, graduated on 24/12/2002, with a mark of 100%.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database: http://cddb.minos.net
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=5


- VA Nav'ric Trow | http://cddb.minos.net
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX/VA Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/LoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [KNGT]

SDIR Report:  12.20.02
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (AD Troutrooper)

Intelligence Division (ID)



1. Comlink

Apparently, nobody got the message the first time around, so I'll say it again. Comlink submissions come to me, sdir@ehintel.org or
troutrooper@yahoo.com. Perhaps nobody got the message that Comlink submissions were requested, so BUDRs, please pass this down to your

Each quarter (3 months for those of you who don't follow financial data trends), the Comlink will be released. And with each issue, there will be a submission competition, both intra- and inter-bureau. Each bureau will be assigned a topic to write, design, draw, think creatively on. Agents will submit their works to the SDIR (me :D) and the best work submitted from each bureau will receive a PoC-gold. The best overall work will receive a PoC-Platinum. All works will then be submitted to the Comlink. The UBIQ will also submit works, though they will not be submitted in the competition.

1. Agents write fiction, draw graphics, design websites, create something creative.
2. Agents submit their works to the SDIR ( sdir@ehintel.org )
3. Best work from each bureau gets a PoC-g
4. Best work overall gets a PoC-pl

IntOrg and the ExDir: Missions from Hell: Descriptions of the worst missions imaginable (fictional, of course) BOO and the BLDR: "Top Ten Rebels I'd like to Interrogate" and why (fictional list based on the movies...remember, there are lots of rebels in the SW universe than just Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, and Chewie) ANLY and the TTDR: "Top Ten Items on an Agent's Amazon.com Wish List" (fictional or real list) Plexus and the SPC: Redecorate the Lichtor for the holidays! (though graphics would be good, stories will also work here. Even better, a website that you can navigate the halls of the Lichtor! :D)

Note: Although I will strip the names and idlines off your submission, I can't change your work. So please don't use your real Intel idline in
the work. If you have any questions, just let me know :D

Deadline is now next Friday, the 27th. Plexus, your deadline is also extended a week. Now everyone will have plenty of time to conjure up
some good submissions.

2. Short SDIR leave

I'm headed home for California starting tonight through next Saturday. I'll be around but not terribly active. So if I don't see you between now and the 25th, Happy X-mas!


SDIR/AD Troutrooper/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V