February 2004
Trench Retires and Tuss Appointed as
Dark Prince of the EH Bounty Hunter's Guild (BHG): 01.23.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
Officers of the EH,
As many of you know, I am retiring from my position as Dark Prince of the BHG,
in which I have served nearly six years. I've not been nearly as active as I
ought to have for some time, and it is time to pass on the torch; I have to turn
my energies to other things in my life.
I plan still to be around from time to time but I figure now is as good a time
as any to address you all, my colleagues. I have loved my time in the EH
thoroughly, and I want to thank you all for having been wonderful complements to
the work I have tried to do in the BHG. Thanks are indeed due to a great many
more than I can reach with this e-mail; in my time as DP--for I've held the
position longer than any of you have held yours, with the exception of the GA--I
have worked alongside many different COs and SGCOMs. I hold thanks for them all,
even if those thanks will not reach all of them.
As I go, I do want to say a few things to the SGCOMs and COs, in the hope not
that you will listen unquestioningly, but that it will spark debate.
Although the EH is an autocracy, it's still an Internet club, and there's no
harm in debate. I started and encouraged many among my Commission. They can
think and argue for themselves. Try it. The world won't end.
I think the COs and SGCOMs of the EH have a lot of work to do towards being
honest--not just with others, but with themselves. We all say we want unity, but
how many of us actually worked for inter-SG competitions, actually worked to
cultivate good relations between subgroups? We say we want certain things
(different for each of us), but who works to cultivate them? We may rightly
accuse Astatine of having no tact, but at least he is trying to hold us
accountable for what we say we want to do, and he is trying to make sure that we
run our subgroups the way we profess to want to run them.
Really, Ast shouldn't be needed. We should be able to look ourselves in the
mirror and do things right.
We need to be honest with ourselves and we need to think for ourselves. Let me
bring up the recent example of Darknyte. When he came to the CS, I never liked
him, not because I thought he was going to quit in a huff, but because he was a
sycophant. Every time the GA said something, there was always a Reply To All
from Darknyte in brown-nosed support.
Well, I always knew he was a bad egg, but honestly, he's not the only one who
does that. What I see from the CS e-mails (the GA and XO excepted) is no attempt
at real, productive discourse or improving the EH. I just see cutesy little
responses designed to show how active you are and to improve your standing in
the eyes of your superiors.
The GA and I have had our conflicts, but as I retire I can say that he's a
straightforward, pretty reasonable guy. I can't speak for him and say what kind
of discourse he will and will not allow among the Command Staff. I hope he'll
allow everything, but I can't speak for him. I can say, though, that if you
treat him respectfully he will at least give ear to your ideas. Bring those
I'm not saying you all aren't capable, or aren't doing good jobs. Some of you
are, and I'm sure some of you aren't. The point is that on this list, which
could be used to help the EH, to really achieve unity, all I see is a bunch of
So I would call on you to be honest, with yourselves and others. I am sure that
the GA and XO will respond well, and I am sure that the EH will be stronger.
I don't mean to leave amidst a bunch of vitriol. It means a lot to me to see the
EH flourish, and I think we can only reach our full potential with a huge dose
of honesty. I have pointed out many problems in the EH in my time here, but my
tenure has been long and fruitful; I retire well medaled and with the universal
acclaim of all those I have led. I'm sure I have failed at times, but I have
tried to be honest. And I hope I can be an example that honesty works.
May the EH flourish forever; may you, its leaders, govern wisely and well, and
may your wisdom and judgment only increase with the passing years. Please say
hello on IRC or by e-mail every once in a while. I have been lucky to call
you colleagues, and I wish you all the very best.
In service of the Empire,
Dark Prince Trench
Fleet Commander's Note:
Wise counsel from the Dark Prince...Please take heed :)
With the resignation of DP Trench, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and
myself have agreed upon the appointment of Tuss as the new Dark Prince of the
BHG. Trench has graciously made himself available during the transition
and good things are anticipated for the BHG with this command appointment.
I would like to add that outgoing DP Trench has been a steadfast and
dedicated SGCOM in the EH and we wish him the best of luck in is retirement !
GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Coursca Appointed as Grand Moff of
the EH Territories: 01.29.04
As Submitted From:
Commander (GA Ronin)
EH Directorate (DIR)
With the resignation of GMF Nightflyer,
Coursca has jumped right in and already started submitting weekly reports.
Coursca has been appointed as the new GMF and has a wealth of experience in
the DIR. The XO and I wish him the best of luck and welcome him to the EH
Command Staff.
GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
Keldorn Promoted to Fleet Admiral:
As Recommended By:
Admiral Mell
(Please see the
Training Manual
for Rank descriptions)
GA Ronin, SA Astatine,
I come before you today to request that a promotion be considered for Admiral
Keldorn; Training Officer & DEAN of the Imperial Weapons & Tactics School, to
Fleet Admiral.
Since his last promotion some ten months ago, he has continued to tirelessly
work to further the Training Office and provide essentially better learning
facilities to the Emperor's Hammer as a whole. Developments with the Shadow
Academy, Intel's Academy of Training, and the Infiltrator Wing Training Academy
to form into an Imperial University is showing a vast improvement in learning
access and co-operation between the various training factions.
Admiral Keldorn is a well educated individual who is able to put his life
experience to use with TO in an excellent manner. such evidence is his work in
developing the Academic Nexus, as well as several other sites including the Dark
Brotherhood and Emperor's Hammer main site designs.
New and improved courses are beginning to appear which enable ongoing learning
for the membership in skills that will assist in their real lives. . Under the
new systems and direction that Admiral Keldorn commands to his league of
professors he has been able to gain accurate graduate counts that took some
painstaking research to compile (especially when trying to cover previous
Training Officers)
There is much other work that has not been visible, especially with his work as
Head Master to revive the Shadow Academy and direct it into a successful
training facility for the Dark Brotherhood. naturally, he does have some
advantage by holding this position to allow things to move forward swiftly
In short, Admirl Keldorn is a talented, well educated, thoughtful and most
helpful officer of the EH. he bestows Advice and guidance to many others and in
my view, has been due this recognition for some time.
In Service To The Empire
Admiral Mell Kerrigan
Imperial Sovereign Protector - SSSD Sovereign
VA Loor Resigns AS President of the
Corporate Division: 01.23.04
As Emailed From: Former PREX of the Corporate Division (VA Loor)
Corporate Division (CD)
After a time of thinking and consideration, I have with a heavy heart come to
the conclusion that my studies prevents me from keep working as the President of
the Corporate Division. I have entered the final semester of my education and
the courses I am taking at the moment requires much time to be spent on
studying, time which will be taken from any EH activities I am involved in.
I have discussed this matter with the Executive Vice President, former President
Admiral DarkAngel, and he is prepared to take on the roll of President once
more. I am considering him the best choice as he knows the Corporate Division
and has several good ideas. I leave it up to your sir, to decide about that, but
I must recommend him.
I wish to thank you for letting me having this chance. It has been fun and I
wish I had done more. I even want to apologize for not taking the opportunity
you gave me and utilized it 100%. When I look back on my time as President, I do
not see a successful time, rather a time of standstill in the development of the
Corporate Division.
I wish to be placed in the reserves. I will still be around answering mail and
on IRC from time to time, I do not wish to drop the contact with the Emperor's
Hammer, yet at least. I don't know if I might be coming back to active duty at a
later point or not, that will we have to wait and see about Thank you again and
I wish you all the best of luck for the future!
Vice Admiral Loor, President of the Corporate Division
PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer
Fleet Commander's Note:
With the resignation of VA Loor, the XO and myself are accepting
applications for a replacement PREX. The XO will soon be posting a
position requirements news article. In the interim, please email your
applications to fc@emperorshammer.org.
Advanced Guard Contact Service:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador
(RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
As of this week, the Advanced Guard will be offering a contact service for
all Emperor's Hammer Units.
Any Subgroup, Task Force, Company, Squadron, Wing, Kabal, Political Party or
House will be able to contact the Advanced Guard (la@emperorshammer.org or astix@gmx.co.uk)
and ask for assistance in finding an allied opponent to hold a competition with.
The email should have "Opponent Request" in the subject line. Included in the
email *must* be the following details:
The Unit Commander's named and email address
The game platform the match will be held on
Whether the match is Multi or Single Player
The size of the unit; i.e.- how many opponent players are needed.
The Advanced Guard will then find try and find opponents for the match, and will
put the two commanding officers in touch with each other. The final details such
as times, scoring, and awards can be worked out by the two commanding officers
once they are in touch.
In order not to infringe on the Combat Operations Office's turf, matches between
EH units will not be organized by the AG. This service is being offered to try
and encourage joint activities between EH units and allied clubs.
For the Empire,
Rear Admiral Astix, Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
No reports submitted
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #123: 01.17.04
Pretty busy week for me and my staff. To be brief. Styles is working on final
checks, so you can expect the release of 11 XvT/BoP battles this week. TCCs are
working on improving their staffs' efforts and various projects. Yours truly is
working on Tactical Manual 3.0 and usual TAC business. TACA is currently without
assigned task, but that will change :)
Tactical Staff IWATS Course [TACS] released - first comments:
22 attempts, 20 successful, 2 failures. Well. I am happy that 99.9% consider
this a very good course. I tried to make it best. But I also have some comments.
Read them cause you may find them useful.
CA:TAC - his duties are up to TAC, so read notes once again and see what he can
do. Many people make mistake in CA:TAC's duties question
Sample application - it's worth 10 pts people. Don't try to write it short or
poor. Want 10 pts? Send me good application sample.
Ideas for TAC - I will use them. Actually that's the most important question for
me in this course. So, give your feedback here. Do no try to be brief. If I will
use your idea in future you will be rewarded.
I think that's all. Go and pass my course if you haven't already :)
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related
TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 333 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course (TACS) - 20 graduate
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week. I wonder if they will ever
listen :P
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XvT
My person of the Week is Blade, because again, he did the most!
Blade, well done.
Current standings:
Blade - 4
Abel Malik - 2
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #124: 01.24.04
Another busy week in RL for me. Job, fianc�, wedding stuff and all other small
things. Bug still I have time for EH and my staff :) That's good considering all
previous TACs resigned with just a slight RL problems, like school, work or
other. But Mike is still here and will be :)
But I am not happy with myself. I didn't find time to do any Tactical Manual 3.0
progress. This means I still have 2 chapters ready and nothing more. That's not
good considering length of this manual. But, this week I will try to do better
and finish chapter 3.
Also, I FCHG Competition #5 starts with my report. With a little delay :)
New battles and free missions:
XvT and BoP stuff released. As follows:
XvT-TC #82-84
XvT-IW #11
XvT-DB #12
BoP-FREE #30
klub.chip.pl email down:
My pbmike@klub.chip.pl email address is down and I cannot access it. And it
seems I won't be able to use it afterall. If you have sent any email to this
addy, recently (last 2 weeks), send it to tac@emperorshammer.org. Thanks!
FCHG Competition #5 - EH Battle Launcher
It started so make your battles, make your stories, base them on main plotline
and submit to me. You can win CoS, MoTs and IS-PRs. Worth fighting. Check your
skills. Start making battle today.
All details can be found here. Good luck.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report: 01.16.04
A fairly slow week within the TC and the FO domain, however I have a few
things to point out:
AD Khaen has been named the new GM for the DB. Congrats to him! This means that
the ATF BGCOM will be passed on as he embarks on his new duties. I am not
accepting applications for this position. AD Khaen and myself have discussed a
replacement, and will be named by next week.
The 2Vs2 competition is in full swing! Both XVT and XWA are the platforms to fly
so get cracking!
On a database note, Please use the database for all requests! If you cannot some
how get the DB to work let me know. If you have to send me a request for
something and the DB didn't allow you to make a change etc, let me know in the
mail the reason. Above all USE PINS!
I've had a death in the family this past week, and will not be around this
weekend. If anything major pops up that needs immediate attention, refer it to
VA Reaper. If it can wait, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Flight Office Report #17: 01.23.04
In terms of Flight Office activity VA Reaper and myself have been hard at work
making sure that all processing continues at a fast and furious pace. There is
virtually no downtime for requests. Due to the recent events in my RL, a few
requests that have been mailed to me have been "misplaced". I've gotten to most
of them, but if there is something you've requested directly to me and it hasn't
been done, please re-mail it.
For the Tie Corps, we've seen a pretty big change. Half of the BGCOM's have
either been promoted out of their position or retired. AD khaen took over as GM
for the DB, and along with his input, VA Davi Anthol has been named as ATF BGCOM.
AD Krax has resigned as TIEBGCOM due to RL issues. A successor has yet to be
named as I am taking applications. So far four very qualified applicants have
thrown their hats into the ring. I am keeping the application process open until
Monday. From there I will address the applicants references and have a decision
by next Friday.
My rant for the week: When requesting an AWOL or MIA, please indicate how long
they have been out of contact. Remember that an AWOL is technically 30 days or
more. It will make a difference for me when I decide if the pilot simply gets
removed, or sent to the reserves.
The FO/COO 2vs2 comp is in full swing! It is a great chance to practice your
2vs2 flying and a great way to get active! Fly, Fly, Fly!
That's it from the FO and the Tie Corps!
In service....
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #126: 01.16.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #126
January 16, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Been a quiet week in the Internet Office (something that hasn't been too common
in the past month or so). So, short report this week.
Most of the IOAs have been working on brainstorming on ideas in addition to
working on individual projects.
Leeson continues to work on MP Sabacc, for those of you who have not yet seen
the latest screenshot released last week, it's at
The new COMM Office website is at
http://www.ehcomm.net, but it's just temporary; AD Turtle will have a more
permanent site up this weekend.
Also, I've spoken to the FC and have begun preparations for creating an
automated news system. Hopefully, I'll be able to have a rough idea of the
database design by next week. This week's poll is to get feedback on what you
want to see on EH.org. Please vote and comment!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the BHG Fiction Archive at
http://fiction.thebhg.org by Ric Gravant!
(As a reminder, non-BHGer's can post their fiction at the EH Library,
http://ehlibrary.minos.net) Congrats to
Grav on his 5 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
What would you like to see on the automated EH.org?
CS Reports
Dynamic links
Other functionality (please comment)
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report #127: 01.23.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #127
January 23, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Some of you have had slight problems with certain things this week, all of which
have been fixed. A slight bug in XPS has been tweaked, the EH Library had an
error on the front page which was fixed, but most of all Minos has had some
difficulties with registering new ELS handles, or other sorts of errors having
to do with the mail() function being broken. This has been fixed.
Some important MinosNIC news: a) The primary MinosNIC server has had a hardware
upgrade recently and all seems to be working well. b) MinosNIC Enhanced Service
is now available for $5/month. For details, please see:
The EH Banner Exchange (
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ ) has been cleaned out and old URLs are no longer
listed. Thanks Leeson.
Leeson has also posted the PHPDoc documentation for the Multiplayer Sabacc code,
and upon inspection, looks like it's coming along very well.
Speaking of MP Sabacc, I've decided to release TWO NEW screenshots:
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/clientv071a_game.jpg and
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/clientv071a_gamelobby.jpg. Enjoy!!!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Drill Instructor's Office by Tiamat at
Congrats on a 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
What would you like to see on the automated EH.org?
CS Reports
Dynamic links
Other functionality (please comment)
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
Command Assistant: LC Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CM Rokin
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://www.ehnet.org/ia/ - Images Archive
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
- JavaScript IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://www.emperorshammer.ca/flash/ - Flash IWATS Course
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
A Posteriori: 01.27.04
I. Introduction
How strange that many Officers of the Empire have spoken of matters not unlike
those that the Executive Officer and former Dark Prince have recently lamented.
Of matters indicating the erosion of our time-honoured systems of command and
personal conduct of Officers. In recent years, this �august� body of Command
Staff composed of our most senior men has suffered the loss not only of its
power, but its dignity as the leaders of the Emperor�s Hammer. Why have we � the
Hammer�s leading men! � lost sight of the path our organisation treads? We � the
Hammer�s leading men! � have become fickle, greedy, untrained, thoughtless,
part-time and good-time amateur politicians, grinding the faces of the average
member into the mud beneath our own egos and plays for power!
Our wisdom, our experience, our talents and abilities have all ceased to matter
to the average member. Why? Not because the membership no longer cares for those
who are selected from within it to guide it, but that those of us who are
selected are more concerned with self-service than selfless-service. Only the
membership matter. The membership are our organisation, they are what we lead.
And I say to you, our �leading men�, that we are not qualified to govern the
Emperor�s Hammer!
What segment of the average membership has any input into our policies and
ideas? What portion of new members have a voice into the countless inane ideas
we announce in our bland and boring reports? None! The higher we climb the more
ambitious we become to run our commands despotically, ignorant of the needs of
the member, ignorant of what each other is doing, and ignorant of the reality of
our situation! We have men who call themselves Inquisitors, but who must hawk
for the unsuspecting cheater cast down from the Tactical Office or prey upon the
bucolic and the imbecilic, and men who call themselves various magistratus
extraordinariae, but can never quite describe what they are responsible for! We
have men whose duties bore them, so they frequent mailing list and IRC
flattering themselves and their precious monopolies over �this or that�,
declaring falsely how they can govern better than their superior! Political cant
dribbles off their tongues, they prate of achieving this or that, and applaud
when awards or promotions are derided by those in no more right than themselves.
They are middling-men, these fellows, neither great enough to work diligently
for the better of all, nor lowly enough to mind their business like the
upstanding Flight Member! I say to you again that these people have not the
qualities to govern! Too much power has been accorded to them and in their
overweening arrogance they now presume to ignore the feelings, requests and
persons of the membership!
It is high time that we of the Command Staff reversed this process. It is high
time that we showed the membership that they are the superiors in our joint
organisation! Of course the origins of this erosion of principles are easy to
pinpoint. This command body has admitted too many vipers, too many noxious
mushrooms, too many glory-seekers into its senior ranks. What does appointment
to a position of responsibility mean to a man who has to point at another to
excuse his own incompetence? What does the Emperor�s Hammer mean to a man who is
at best dedicated to lauding their medals and rank in the face of those of
lesser stature? And what does the Emperor�s Hammer mean to man who belittles his
fellows and goads them into personal conflicts for no other reason than to do?
Our junior members are timid creatures, growing up in a �fun� atmosphere
suffocated by politics even as it breathes life into the egos of Command
Officers. How can we expect our new members to lead the Emperor�s Hammer in
their turn, when their superiors cow them? I say to you � if you have not
already begun, today you must begin to educate your Assistants and potentials to
be strong, to be honest and upstanding and not only to care for our
organization, but for each and every member of it! Make them understand that a
longer ID line does not equal natural superiority over the newly graduated
Sub-Lieutenant! And make them prepared to fight to maintain this rightful
Can anyone tell me why a member of this group would deliberately set out to
undermine it? Can anyone? Because it happens all the time! There they sit,
calling themselves admiralty and senior officers � members of our organisation!
� yet also calling themselves the betters of our members! They serve themselves
first and the membership second. Their real duty is to the very membership they
preside over. But do they do that? No! Of course they don�t! Some accomplish
nothing for their peers or the membership, too afraid that if they sit to either
end of the bench, the rest will get up, and they will be tipped on the ground
and turn themselves into laughing stocks. But some, my leading men, deliberately
set out to undermine the rightful authority of the membership. Why? What could
possible lead them to destroy that which holds them up?
I speak of the kind of Officer who sees in the membership a tool to further his
own ambitions, the kind of man who craves the status of High Admiral, without
earning it through hard-work and selfless dedication. They content themselves
with inflaming the habitual traits of their peers, and work their will through
deceit and manipulation. We don�t have the luxury of criminals and public riots;
our thorn is far more dangerous. They are more vindictive, more subtle; they
seek to corrupt the membership to advance their own aspirations. And that,
fellow Officers, is beneath contempt. Yet every day it is done, and every day it
grows more prevalent. The short cut to power, the easy road to pre-eminence and
the quick road to the death of the Emperor�s Hammer.
Well, we all know these men, don�t we? Some of us have fought them, and fought
them tooth and nail, and fought them to exhaustion, and fought them with every
weapon in our limited arsenal! To no avail. They thrive. Some members of our
esteemed �Command� are guilty, and yet there they sit idly by as all we have
worked for, for nearing a decade, crumbles around us.
What can be done about this? I say to you that we need reformation. We must
counter the decay of our principles; we must stop the flood of negation and give
power back to the membership.
The Emperor's Hammer has a history of attempted reformations. One common factor
in almost all of these reformations has been that they have come primarily from
the upper echelons of the Command Staff. However this is not adequate! The
nature of issues within the EH, namely membership experience, dictates this. The
Hammer's member base is what gives us so much breadth and strength. However, it
seems certain things have begun to falter in recent times.
The simple answer is our standards. I believe standards should be strengthened.
This was the goal of the our projects such as the Internet Guidelines when they
were originally passed last year, and for the most part they have worked. I
believe that a tightening of standards in terms of how command is run on the
lower levels. Not only in terms of duties of a Command Officer, but in terms of
acceptable work and responsibility ethics. In terms of enforcing the rules and
not �slacking� off. Like the Internet Guidelines, I believe a fleet-wide Command
Guidelines could be greatly beneficial.
II. Databases
The Emperor�s Hammer is reliant upon databases, technical innovations that have
gradually replaced the necessity for a solid administrative backbone. But not
only this; basic management of SubGroups, competitions, rosters, awards are all
no longer handled by individual members but by automated processes that make the
traditional Command Officer almost irrelevant � a simple caretaker for the cogs
and bureaucracy of our organisation.
However, such constructions have proven to be largely beneficial to every
SubGroup that has created and utilised one: the TIE Corps, the Bounty Hunter�s
Guild, the Corporate Division etc. But the most successful (undoubtedly the TIE
Corps and Bounty Hunter�s Guild database systems) have one factor in common;
longevity. They are successful because they all have features that work, they
have a system that functions, they permit excellent customisation by the
individual members (the Bounty Hunter�s Guild is the most sterling exemplar) and
the membership trusts that they will always �be�.
Many SubGroups do not have this luxury. Whenever a new SubGroup Commander is
appointed it is almost an expectation that they create a new website and start
work on developing another database. This has to change, and has to do so now!
The smaller SubGroups are gradually progressing to this point; the Corporate
Division, for example, has created a stable and effective database that
continues its development throughout the reign of multiple Presidents. But many
SubGroups still need a push in this direction, and they require the assistance
of Common Officers to accomplish this.
I say to you that we need a new Executive Order concerning databases. There is
already the requirement that archives be sent to the Fleet Commander and
Executive Officer on a regular basis, but is this honestly adhered to? It needs
to be enforced. But not only this, there should be an Order whereby every
SubGroup must � if they are insistent upon becoming reliant on such automated
online processes � work towards the development of a stable database that shall
remain in use for at-least the immediate few years. How can one even hope to
create a database akin to that of the TIE Corps or Bounty Hunter�s Guild if they
are constantly creating new versions from scratch? Long-term development is no
longer a luxury, it is a necessity.
There is an existing pool of knowledgeable programmers within the Emperor�s
Hammer and thus there is no excuse for a failure to create a fully stable system
within mere months. As the Executive Officer has demonstrated, existing
databases can also be adapted for use in other SubGroups. Why should the likes
of the Corporate Division or the Bounty Hunter�s Guild make their code available
to other SubGroups that have not had the opportunity to develop their own
systems? The short-sighted and inclusive among our senior members would argue
that this cannot be done, that one SubGroup should not �sponge� off the
hard-work of another. What they lack in intellect they make up with
isolationist-posturing. If we have learnt anything it is that only through
uniting does the Emperor�s Hammer have any hope of prospering.
III. High Court of Inquisitors
A High Court? I say to you that our High Court is nothing more than a retirement
home for admiralty, an ineffectual body that exists only to permit our most
�dignified� members to rest upon their laurels contented that no-one will call
upon them to do anything more than issue puffed-up convictions on delusional
role-players. In its current state the High Court of Inquisitors is the butt of
jokes, is lamented for a growing lack of impartiality and the ignorance of its
members from the actual state of the Emperor�s Hammer! But the High Court of
Inquisitors is one of the most valuable of our many untapped resources.
Its mandate is so limited that it wastes the experience and talents of those
Inquisitors that have earned a right to be called some of our greatest Officers.
I had high hopes for the present High Inquisitor, for he could cast off the
stereotype �justice� of Paladin or Faethor. But he lies dormant and does nothing
more to remedy the problems of the High Court, or to expand its responsibilities
into one of the many avenues open to it. The High Court of Inquisitors is in
dire need of reformation.
It consists of eleven members. Eleven individuals in a body that is rarely
called upon for any semblance of activity, eleven individuals of which only a
select few can claim to have knowledge of the present condition and membership
of the Emperor�s Hammer. Hearing fewer than two cases every two months, if the
High Court of Inquisitors were a TIE Corps squadron it would have been declared
inactive long ago!
Yet it cannot even fulfil its current mandate. When the High Court is unsure of
a finding, when it lacks the courage to perform its duties it defers to the
Grand Admiral. In itself, not necessarily a miscarriage of justice, but another
example of the redundancy of the current mandate. I have said to you that the
High Court is an untapped resource, but to realise its full potential its
mandate must drastically reform!
Those Officers that are selected for service in the High Court have been members
of the Emperor�s Hammer for many years, they have seen others come and go, they
have seen ideas proposed and fail, they have seen success and, dare I say it,
instigated some of that success. They have such experience that they could give
a great deal back to the Emperor�s Hammer. They do not. This must change.
The High Court could fulfil so much that is lacking in the Emperor�s Hammer.
Inquisitors should be of recognised integrity, of intelligence, of experience
and of common-sense. But they must all be able to retain impartiality, and it is
thanks to this that they could accomplish a great deal more.
Imperium Consultae:
The High Court of Inquisitors should be able to pool their combined experience
and intellect and publicly publish consultae � written recommendations � for all
members of the Emperor�s Hammer to read. As we should all recognise by now, we
need a greater level of transparency in our group, and what better way to begin
this than by the publishing of new ideas and reviews for all to see?
Reviews of Command Officers.
As I have already stated we have been plagued with incompetent Command Officers
throughout our history, yet the only means to eject these imbeciles is through
the offices of the Executive Officer and Fleet Commander. When this happens, the
Officer undoubtedly appeals to the individuals, promises the individuals and
attempts to manipulate them. This is not always the case, yet it is often
believed to be.
While I do not suggest that the High Court be given the ability to remove
Officers, I do suggest that the High Court be given the mandate to undertake
impartial reviews of any senior Officer, either at the request of the XO or FC
or at a valid (evidentially supported) request from any member of the Emperor�s
Hammer (the attitude that the membership cannot be trusted to treat such a right
with the respect it deserves is reprehensible!). These reviews should consider
the activity of the Officer, the accomplishments of their office and any other
factors that are considered prudent. A review should � most importantly �
include ideas for improvement, positive concepts by which the Officer can regain
their dignitas and improve the Emperor�s Hammer.
Reviews of SubGroups.
We have seen many SubGroups come and go during the history of our organisation,
some were successful and some were not. We should be constantly re-evaluating
the direction that our SubGroup�s take. We need new ideas, new gaming platforms
and fresh members so that we really can claim a membership count of thousands.
Why shouldn�t an impartial review of an SG be undertaken by perhaps the only
members that can really claim such? A review of the systems, of the
administration, of the game-platforms is beneficial in bringing to light new
ideas. For ideas are the life-blood of our organisation.
Concepts and Ideas from Members.
The bulk of our membership have some of the most excellent ideas, far more
innovative and exciting than many conceived by Command Officers � myself most
definitely included � and yet the membership have no definite method of having
these ideas reviewed and published. The High Court of Inquisitors could be such
a mechanism.
Any member of the Emperor�s Hammer should be able to write a proposal for a
change, a new idea, or anything of like, and submit it to the High Court.
Inquisitors should then be able to discuss this with the member, to help them in
the development of their idea, to politely inform them if it is frankly absurd
and to publish their idea for all to see, and hopefully for some to take heed of
and take forward into gradual implementation. We do not only need new ideas, we
need new leaders, and this system would be a stepping stone.
But that is not an end. To tackle the perception of the High Court there needs
to be a greater degree of transparency and accountability in the appointment of
new members.
The executive appointment of the High Inquisitor is necessary, but that Officer
should be ever mindful of whether they retain the impartiality and ability to
perform their responsibilities, and if they do not, they should be compelled to
resign by nothing more than their conscience. Sadly this is not always a
reality, therefore there must be checks and balances in place to ensure a quick
removal if the High Inquisitor ever lacks the required attributes.
Aside from the ability of the Executive Officer and Fleet Commander to remove
the High Inquisitor from their position, the existing members of the High Court
should be permitted to perform their own review of their superior � ideally at
the request of that superior � without threat of recrimination. As with all
other forms of consultae, such a review should be published for all members to
New Inquisitors have always been appointed in the past without an explanation of
why, leaving the membership with an unacceptable �unknowability�. The average
member has no input whatsoever in the selection and appointment of their
judiciary. How do we hope to inspire confidence in the judicial proceedings if
this remains the case? While the constitutional reforms are being implemented,
the High Inquisitor should nominate new members of the High Court publicly, and
call for comments on these appointments. But once the initial appointments are
made, any member should be permitted to nominate another for membership in the
High Court whenever a vacancy is announced. As one is to expect, the final
decision must rest with the High Inquisitor, Executive Officer and Fleet
Commander, but the opinion � at the very-least � of the membership should always
be taken.
IV. Gaming Platforms and a Multiplayer Rebirth
The Emperor�s Hammer relies heavily on game platforms, whether TIE or SWGB or
JK2. In an attempt to throw concentration back into these platforms, two systems
should be in the outlook on the horizon of the New Year: an EH-wide Ladder
system, and a mock-up of the Zone, specific to the EH. This should not be
limited to the TC as would ordinarily seem such systems should be, however
expanded to any subgroup that participates in the use of a platform that lends
itself to either system. Both an EH Ladder and EH Zone would spark up
competition between members, spur activity and generate enthusiasm. This could
be used to fuel Hammer�s expansion, both in terms of numbers and in terms of our
background. Maybe it could lead to a whole new progression of the EH timeline.
An EH Zone is sure to attract copious amounts of new members, as well as other
clubs. These two systems can be used to propel the EH into a new era of
prosperity, but more importantly richness of the membership experience.
IV. Conclusion
Change is unstoppable. It is either forced upon the unsuspecting or prompted by
the foresighted. I trust that we are the latter.
The Undersigned.
Admiral, Dark Adept Keldorn "Mad Buck" Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS & Headmaster
Fleet Commander's Note:
Please note that the XO and I have already started requiring
actions by the EH CS (and others in the EH) to accomplish some of these
objectives...Several of the Command Staff have been sent separate and individual
orders to accomplish these objectives...
We have listened...but understand the traditions and habits
in the EH have evolved over a long time and won't be resolved overnight :)
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #19: 01.16.04
People really enjoy to cut things down to the wire.
Commendations of Loyalty! Yay!
I suppose the most eventful aspect of the last two weeks was former LO Darknyte
stealing my password. This meant that I had to change every password for every
aspect of my internet life (because I was stupid and used the same thing for
everything), and also means I still haven't regained access to the EH.net
database for rewarding medals. Please bear with me as Astatine adds me back in.
I am also completing my OPS Domination by becoming CHAN of the DB. I look
forward to making some progress not just in medals with the subgroup, regaining
some of the Brotherhood's old luster.
I have to push back announcing the winners of my competition until I regain
access to the database.
Although many cut it to the wire, I have received the majority of
recommendations for the CoL. I'll post the entire list either this weekend or
next week.
I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks.
�Steve Martin
OPS Report #20: 01.23.04
Yes, the deadlines were weeks ago. I'll announce the Commendations of Loyalty
and my competition winners this weekend.
I had quite the eventful week. After a weekend visit to Chicago, I had my
birthday on Sunday (18! w00t!), got my driver's license, registered to vote,
registered for the draft, got a checking account, got a credit card, got car
insurance, and had so much to do at school I'm going crazy. Thank god this week
will be over, VERY soon.
If you were wondering why medal approvals have been in spurts lately, it's
because I try to approve them about twenty or thirty at a time. I'm working the
backlog back down today.
As I said above, I'll announce everyone who gets a CoL and the winners of my
competitions when I get home and have access to my Outlook Inbox.
Finally, I have to say that the last five months have been fun. Doesn't even
seem like that long. Gosh.
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I'm
beginning to believe it.
�Clarence Darrow
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
Communications Office Report #1:
Hello, Emperor's Hammer.
This week has seen the appointment of me as the new Communications Officer. I
would just like to say thanks to everybody who has congratulated me on the
For those of you who do not know me, I'll give a brief introduction. I joined
the TIE Corps back in 1997, serving in Sadhe, Nun, and eventually Praetorian
Special Operations squadron. I became the Internet Officer in 2000, serving 8
months before I unfortunately faced a lack of time for the position. In 2002, I
rejoined the Internet Office as a full time Assistant, responsible for the
operation and coding of MinosNIC, EHNet, and a variety of other IO-related
sites. I've served in the Internet Office since then, and will continue to do so
along with my new duties as Communications Officer.
The only major news for this week is the announcement of the new address for the
Communications Office - now located at
www.ehcomm.net. Currently, a temporary page is serving as a placeholder, but
expect to see the site launched within a few days. Please update your links to
the new address.
I will be dealing with the issue of appointing a CA:COMM in the coming weeks. An
announcement will be made if and when I wish to solicit applications. Until
then, please do not request CA:COMM or COMMA positions.
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
Communications Office Report #2:
Communications Office Report #2
January 23, 2004
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Real life has clobbered me worse this week than I had expected, and I didn't get
as much as I'd like to, done.
Regardless, dasb0t is now back up and running off of my server. It's in the same
state as it was when it went offline, and I haven't had much time to tear into
the code and see what all it is actually doing. I should be able to work on this
next week.
Several requests for new message boards were processed this week. I also
received several requests for better organization of the various message boards
on the main list. Rest assured, this is on my TODO list and will be taken care
of shortly.
I've done some work on MinosNIC this week - this is already covered in the IO
report. Most notably, Enhanced level service is now available.
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Ziggy/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #4: 01.16.04
Office News:
1. Not that this is really of any relevance other than providing the hours in
which I will not be online, but here's my course schedule for this semester.
T-TH 02:00PM 03:15PM
M 06:30PM 09:20PM
T-TH 12:00PM 01:15PM
In the event of an emergency during these hours, contact a member of the
Security Office.
2. Thanks to Vman, we've got a new function on ehpd.org. This link (
http://www.ehpd.org/pword.php ) will
generate a completely random password ranging from 8-15 alphanumeric characters.
I highly recommend use of it.
Case News:
1. We have one case in the works. It will be presented as soon as all relevant
evidence has reached me.
Computer Security News:
1. Two critical updates have been released for Windows. They are as follows:
A. Security Update for Microsoft Data Access Components (KB832483)
Download size: 2.0 MB
An identified security issue in Microsoft Data Access Components could allow an
attacker to compromise a Windows-based system and take a variety of actions. For
example, an attacker could execute code on the system. By installing this
update, you help protect your computer. After you install this item, you may
have to restart your computer. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be
B. Update for Windows Media Player Script Commands (KB828026)
Download size: 2.8 MB
This update contains a change to the behavior of Windows Media Player�s ability
to launch URLs in the local computer zone from other zones. You can help protect
your computer by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this
item, you may have to restart your computer.
The Security Office recommends that you apply these updates immediately. To
perform a Windows Update, click on your start menu, and click on Windows Update.
If you require further assistance, feel free to contact the Security Office.
2. As always, insure that your Virus definitions (DAT) are up to date, your
firewall is running smoothly, and you've upgraded every piece of software you
own to it's latest version. I cannot stress the importance of updating enough.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #34: 01.25.04
"Bubble bubble, toil and trouble - make for me a brew of
Welcome to my thirty-forth public report as a Science Officer, late... (again
:/) ...Since this means that there is a lot to report, this report will be split
in two. This first report will just elaborate on the patch releases and updates
and is basically "last weeks" report:
Science Office News:
1. The previous report noted that our server space at minos had reached its 100
Mb limit, a situation which luckily did not last long. Turtlexiv was so good to
increase our limit to 300Mb - so we can release a whole lot more.
Thank you Turtlexiv, and congratulations on your appointment to
2. These last weeks saw a whole lot of patch releases again,
with the TIE/XvT/BoP Project reaching the Balance of Power section and me using
the occasion to update their XvT counterparts. A layout of releases, the next
news points have details:
" MC-80a Calamari Cruiser: Released patches for TIE95, XvT and
BoP to slot #39 ("Custom Transport").
" MC-80b Calamari Cruiser ("Winged"): Released patches for TIE95, XvT and BoP to
slot #31 ("Custom Freighter").
" TIE Shuttle: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Raptor: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT patch
" TIE Phantom: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Drone: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT patch
" TIE Crimson: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Assault: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" Tactical Gunboat: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" I-7 Howlrunner: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Experimental Mk1: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2").
XvT patch updated.
" TIE Experimental Mk2: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1").
XvT patch updated.
" TIE Experimental Mk3: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2").
XvT patch updated.
" TIE Experimental Mk4: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1").
XvT patch updated.
" TIE Experimental Mk5: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2").
XvT patch updated.
" Toscan Fighter: Released the BoP patch to slot #10 ("Custom Fighter 1"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Boarding Craft: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2").
XvT patch updated.
" TIE Advanced X1: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Vanguard: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2"). XvT
patch updated.
" TIE Sentinel: Released the BoP patch to slot #11 ("Custom Fighter 2"). XvT
patch updated.
" Corellian Gunship: Updated the TIE95, BoP and XvT patches.
" Imperial Landing Craft: Updated the TIE95, BoP and XvT patches.
" Imperial Troop Transport: Updated the TIE95, BoP and XvT patches.
" Lancer Frigate: Updated the TIE95, BoP and XvT patches.
" M/FRT the Luggage: Updated the TIE95, BoP and XvT patches.
" Assault Shuttle: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Imperial Landing Craft: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Marauder Corvette: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Dungeon Ship: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Corellian Transport YT-2400 ("Outrider"): Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Ferryboat Liner: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Freighter Type C: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Freighter Type H: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Freighter Type K: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Luxury Yacht: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Mobquet Tranport: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Modified Action Transport ("WildKarde"): Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Suprosa: Updated the TIE95 patch.
" Xiyitar Freighter: Updated the TIE95 patch.
3. New Releases and Updates all are compatible with the
Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches (EHSP) and actually make use of it to deal with
problems we had before the release of the EHSPs: All these patches can now be
installed at the same time, as long as they are not on the same slot - offering
an additional four craft per game. (or two in the case of TIE95).
4. TIE95 fighter patches do not require EHSP-TIE to be installed
but are fully compatible with it.
5. All these patches include Windows XP installation
instructions in the readme.txt as well as instructions on how to uninstall. -
READ THESE. Not reading the readme.txt is like not reading the manual, all bad
coming from it are your own doing.
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has continued work on the EHBL 2.0 and compiling a new
version of the Free Space 2 exe file.
SCOA: CM Tim has been making excellent progress with the Free
Space 2 mod for the Emperor's Hammer, now named "TIE Fighter Empire". Check his
progress report on the Slicing Forum regularly for updates..
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to the science manual (not linked) and to the fleet manual.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Released 20 new BoP patches,
updated 5 more BoP patches, released 2 new XvT patches, updated 25 more XvT
patches, released 2 new TIE95 patches and updated 19 more TIE95 patches.
TIE Fighter Empire: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
CM Timmay has started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely distribute
a finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics, sounds,
models etc). Renamed to "TIE Fighter Empire". About all craft from X-Wing have
been added and work has started to add the TIE Fighter concourse and to update
the exe.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Science Office Report #35: 01.26.04
"Heresy? Do they still burn men for heresy? Then burn me,
monsieur. Light the fire. Do you think your poor candle will outshine the flame
of truth?"
Welcome to my thirty-fifth public report as a Science Officer, a bit later then
expected... This second report of this week will not elaborate on the patch
releases and updates but on all our other project news:
Science Office News:
1. As most of you have probably become aware Timmay has started on a Total
Conversion from Descent Freespace 2 to Star Wars which the Science Office has
name "Tie Fighter Empire" (This name has a high possibility of changing).
The original game is a Space Combat Simulator much like the X-Wing Series.
Even though the game is just as old as X-Wing Alliance, if not older, it has
impressive graphics, controls and game play making it an excellent game on its
own. However, when Timmay recently started to play it again he had a quick go at
editing it and discovered how easy it was to edit. Whether it be the models,
textures, animations or still graphics, it was remarkably easy.
After searching around the internet for some editing tools he discovered
that Freespace 2 was open source meaning that the games Developers "Volition,
Inc." have released the Source Code of Freespace 2 to the public. This was the
biggest find, because this now means we are able to distribute the game as long
as we don't use anything original and we don't profit from it... This is quite
big from the EH as we can have a new flight sim that's:
- Completely customizable
- Available to anyone
- Able to run on lower grade computers easily ( 200mhz and greater )
2. I have started on a "quick" total conversion of the game
"Warlords III: Dark Lords Rising" which I have named "Sith Lords: Dark Lords
Rising". The original game is a fantasy based RPG/RTS game which allows for
straight ground forces real time strategy and role playing with loose characters
- depending on the mission design. Mission design and adding new units is very
easy, as is the actual modding process - which makes it excellent for Emperor's
Hammer purposes, more in particular for the Dark Brotherhood because it allows
use of the Force.
At the moment I'm working on changing the interface, which is mostly done
now, after which I'll change the terrain, the units and the characters. In the
end all data files of the game should be changed. Availability of the original
game might be a problem, but I have some ideas how to tackle that so it
shouldn't be a problem.
3. Lucasarts has finally started work to release one of my
own personal favourite game genres in the Star Wars universe, the Battlefield
FPS, with the news of that "SW:Battlefront" is in development. "Star Wars
Battlefront gives you the chance to play as a soldier in intense multiplayer
battles with up to 32 people. Choose your allegiance and pick a soldier from one
of four different armies. Fight on ten legendary planets and use a variety of
weapons and vehicles, including X-wings, snowspeeders and AT-ST's. Keep your
wits about you and victory may be within your reach. Experience the chaos of
battle as you fight the greatest wars in the Star Wars universe." No release
dates have been published, but keep an eye out for this one - several
screenshots are available at
http://www.lucasarts.com/games/battlefront/. If done well this game should
prove most excellent for the Hammer's Fist in particular.
4. Thanks to LT Shinobi we have gained a new "Mutant Ewok
Clone" Experiment, this time on the practical use of these furry miracles of
science. It has been added to the Project pages for your enjoyment:
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on getting us a better version of the Free
Space 2 exe file, for which we now can use the FS updated code and launcher. He
received a Commendation of Loyalty for his continued good work for the office
and a Medal of Tactics for his newest TIE mission. SCOA: CM Tim has been working
hard on the Free Space 2 mod, fiddling with the scaling of the craft, the
interface and other such good stuff. He received a Commendation of Loyalty for
his good work for the Office.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. Updates have been made
to fleet manual, patch archive and ewok project.
Science Office Projects:
XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and
Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in
TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Currently all
"missing" craft have been added to these games by use of the EHSPs. All
remaining freighters, fighters and all but 2 transports of XWA have also been
released as loose patches for TIE, XvT and BoP. Coming up are the remaining star
ships and platforms.
TIE Fighter Empire: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
CM Timmay has started on making a Star Wars mod for it. We can freely distribute
a finished mod as long as we have all our own data files (graphics, sounds,
models etc). Renamed to "TIE Fighter Empire". About all craft from X-Wing have
been added and work has started to add the TIE Fighter concourse and to update
the exe.
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't
forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
Logistics Office
Position Vacant...
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report # 39: 01.25.04
Unfortunately, it's been longer than I intended since my last report. Seems like
life is imitating a Greek Tragady... heh.
Anyways, There will be some changes in the Recon Office...
My CA:RO, VA Shay'la will be stepping down soon due to other avenues that have
opened up for her IRL. She might remain on as an ROA, but I should be looking
for a CA:RO soon.
I will give CA:RO Requirements soon.
I have found a mailing address for Samuel L. Jackson's PR manager. While a long
shot, as always.. I will be typing up and mailing a letter to Mr. Jackson this
week.... again. I will start with asking for a signed autograph ( to the EH
ofcourse) and then work him into the idea of an Honorary Member position. Wish
me luck!
There is a new game and more interesting news in the SW News section, so lets
get to it!
SW News:
The Battle for the Star Wars Galaxy begins...
You might be wondering what I'm talking about at this point. I have just found a
new nugget of info that will be a huge thing for the EH in the future. This
coming Fall, Lucas will be releasing a new SW game. The game is called, STAR
WARS: Battlefront. It's just as cool as it sounds...
STAR WARS: Battlefront is basically Battlefield 1942 except in a SW setting. You
can be rebels or the Empire. Or you can jump back and be the Republic fight
against the Separatists.. or visa versa. This game is gonna rock.
Here is a bit of the article from Gameinformer Magazine..
As familiar as this universe has become over the years, we can't help but twitch
with enthusiasm over the prospects that Battlefront brings to the gaming scene.
Bearing a striking resemblance to EA's online juggernaut Battlefield 1942,
hordes of players are invited to team up and battle against each other in
galactic war.
Set both in the classic trilogy and Clone Wars era, players have a wide variety
of options at their fingertips. Do you suit up as the Republic and combat the
CIS, or take on the Rebel Alliance as a member of the Galatic Empire?
Despite the class, all soldiers will be able to pilot every vehicle and man any
turret. Their differences will be based on movement, and health. For instance,
an Imperial Officer can deploy a Probe Droid to scout the terrain. The Probe
Droid can also be used to call down an orbital bombardment.
When asked what types of vehicles players will be able to control and pestered
to no tomorrow on the possibility of being able to pilot one of the coolest
metal contraptions ever created, LA producer Jim Tso commented "Yes, the AT-AT
will definitely be in the game, as well the AT-ST, speeder bikes, Rebel
Snowspeeders, X-Wings, TIE Fighters ( sweet!), Republic Gunship, and other
assorted vehicles from the movies."
The game will also have a Conquest Mode. Which means that players have the
option of taking over the galaxy, one planet at a time.. "
Wow, now if that doesn't sound DAMN good.. I don't know what does. Who knows, it
might take some fire away from SWG. Heh.. well maybe not.. but it's gonna try!
EP3: Leaked Footage Hits the Net
There's plenty for fans to talk about this weekend, as footage shown at the
private meeting goes very public. We have received countless reports of this,
along with countless links to the video. Earlier this week, the decision makers
from Target and the marketing team from Lucasfilm played show and tell. Big
deals have been made but before the ink could dry hot footage of the event ends
up online. Plenty of action from The Duel is revealed, including moments where
the two Jedi put their sabers down for a second and use the fists and feet. The
montage is set to AC/DC's "Back in Black" - obviously a reference to the return
of Lord Vader, who actually makes an appearance in the bootleg about halfway
through in one quick shot. There are tons more tidbits fans have found as they
pick the footage apart.
Although Lucasfilm definitely must be upset, they have to find solace in that
fan reaction has been uber-positive and everyone is thrilled to get a glimpse of
the new film. If this footage is any indication of what is to come, Episode III
is easily going to be the best of the prequel bunch.
BIG NEWS: Celebration 3 Announced!
Several fans have already alerted us to the official site where Starwars.com
makes it official tonight! The gathering of the fans from across the world will
be in Indy in April 2005. Sounds awesome - we'll be there in full force for
The article mentions that it will be 4 days long and will be held in
Indianapolis again. There will also be a Hyperscape chat with Steve Sansweet,
Director of Content Management and head of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm. It will
be held Jan. 28, 2:00 PST.
Here's the official press release in full form, too:
Star Wars Celebration III, the much-anticipated fan gathering that will
celebrate the Star Wars saga in advance of the opening of Star Wars Episode III,
will return to the Indiana Convention Center April 21 to April 24, 2005.
The announcement of the location and dates of the convention was made jointly
by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Gen Con LLC. Gen Con will manage the convention on behalf
of Lucasfilm and the Official Star Wars Fan Club. Celebration II, held in
Indianapolis in May 2002, attracted more than 26,000 fans from all over the
"We had such a great experience with Celebration II, that it just made sense to
return to Indianapolis," said Steve Sansweet, Director of Content Management and
head of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm. "Only this time we're going to do it bigger
and even better. It's going to be an event that no fan will want to miss"
Sansweet said that advance indications point to a significant increase in
attendance at the event, which will take place several weeks before the Spring
2005 release of Star Wars Episode III. Because of that, and to mitigate long
lines common to such conventions, Celebration III will occupy the entire
convention center except for the RCA Dome. Also, the convention has been
extended for a day, and will open around mid-day on Thursday, April 21.
"Gen Con is thrilled to be working with Lucasfilm on this very special event,"
said Peter Adkison, owner of Gen Con LLC, producer of Gen Con� Indy, which also
is held at the Indiana Center. "Together I know that we will produce an event
that will not only meet, but exceed, fans' expectations. With Lucasfilm behind
this show 100%, it's going to be the biggest party in the history of the
Sansweet noted that the Celebration III announcement is being made far earlier
than the announcements for the first two official Star Wars fan conventions. "We
want to give our fans all over the world the chance to plan their vacation time
for this one-of-a-kind event," he said. "We've already been getting requests for
information from Australia to Hungary."
Details about programming, guests, activities, entertainment and exclusive
merchandise at Celebration III will be released as they are confirmed closer to
the convention. The main places to check for information will be
www.starwars.com, the official site, and
Online ordering for admission to the event and for discounted hotel rooms is
scheduled to begin late this summer.
Wow! Now THAT's some news!! I'll be booking my hotel for Indy soon!
Well, that's it from me this week! As always short, sweet, and to the point!
Thanks for your time!!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #2: 01.20.04
This week has been quite interesting for me, as I've further
settled into the job and attempted to increase my presence in the various IRC
channels, message boards, and email groups of the Dark Brotherhood. Remember-
just because I may not post messages/emails very often, doesn't mean I'm not
lurking there, reading everything that goes on with great interest. A passive
presence is preferable in some ways to an active preference, but rest assured I
will jump into threads or chains when the Dark Side takes me. (Or something.)
It is apparent from monitoring the Brotherhood's channels of communication that
the embers of activity still glow in several quarters. I am especially heartened
to see the run-ons being held on a few clan message boards. Such activities help
to bring groups together and focus their energies, which is beneficial for them
and the Brotherhood as a whole. Let's draw those embers into roaring fires!
A few days ago, I welcomed back to the Rolls of the Brotherhood a very esteemed
veteran, Grand Master Darth Havok! Havok was the third Grand Master of the Dark
Brotherhood, and later became Executive Officer of the Emperor's Hammer. I am
honoured to usher him back into the Dark Brotherhood.
Roster updates are temporarily on hold while the Seneschal investigates an error
which has plagued the mailing system since the switch from darkbrotherhood.org
to ehdb.org. Please be patient, and await an announcement from Astatine, me, or
the MAA to signal the return to normalcy. A couple of days, at most.
The approval of competitions has been held up this week due to my not having
sufficient access to perform the review function that I said I would pick up. I
apologise for this. As a temporary solution, I suggest that people interested in
running competitions should submit their competitions through the administration
panel as per usual, and then email me a copy of the details so that I can give
my approval (or otherwise).
Lastly, I would like to extend my congratulations to Vice Admiral Davi Anthol,
who has been named my successor as Battlegroup Commander of the Avenger Task
Force. This appointment may seem of little import to the Brotherhood, but
remember that the ATF is the fleet arm of the DB, and so the ATF BGCOM plays a
(fictionally) prominent role in the military affairs of the Brotherhood.
Until next week, stay dark and drink your blue milk.
GM Report #3: 01.27.04
DB CoLs misplaced!
Many people were stunned to see the Dark Brotherhood left off the Operations
Officer's list of Commendation of Loyalty awards for the EH's 9th Anniversary. I
was just as shocked, considering I had sent the recommendations well ahead of
schedule. It appears the Operations Officer doesn't use the email address he has
listed on his DB profile, though, so the very loyal members of the DB
recommended were not.. erm.. commended for said loyalty. Anyway, the list has
been sent to the email address that the OPS (hopefully) checks, so the DB's CoLs
should be announced soon.
Upcoming mod/game for the DB
The Science Officer is currently working on a mod for the old strategy/roleplaying
game "Warlords 3: Dark Lords Rising" to fully convert it to for Dark Brotherhood
purposes. The scope of this mod is brilliant, with support for the different
clans, orders, ranks, and 'hero' characters like the Dark Council and EHCS. It
will also feature Force powers and ground/airborne vehicles. Watch the Science
Officer's reports for more information, and in the meantime check out
http://www.warlords3.com for information about and screenshots of the original
game being modded.
Alvaak Council dissolved
This isn't really a surprising revelation, but needs to be finally put to rest.
The Alvaak Council/Dark Congress has done nothing of worth since its inception,
and in fact not a peep has even been heard from it in months. We can now
consider this experimental group officially dissolved, and let it rest in peace
with other historical curiosities of the DB.
Dark Side Compendium
The problems and frustration associated with the DSC since we got our new site
after the split will soon come to an end. I have received a copy of the 'old'
DSC (thanks to Waerloga for this) and have begun updating the parts of it which
need revision. When this is completed in the next week or so, SCL Astatine has
offered to put it up at the same location as the main DB site, and then it will
finally be linked from the domain.
Dueling Institute of Eos
This project will soon be getting a kick in the pants, with a volunteer coder
coming on board to create the roleplay battle environment. The text-based combat
will accommodate the resource/roleplaying elements of all 3 orders, for example
the Sith IP system and Obelisk B3 rules. These systems will hopefully be brought
into line with each other and more roleplaying aspects planned for future
development (such as the lightsabers to be produced by the Herald's office,
personal possessions, and clan/order Force powers) to become a fully integrated,
streamlined system of roleplaying and character development for the DB.
In related news, I'll soon be running a competition seeking suggestions for a
new name for the 'Dueling Institute of Eos'. The name was originally a working
title created by Waerloga, based on a silly, offhand remark I made.. never
intended to be the name of the final product. Watch for this comp on the DB news
The Herald
I received word last week that HRLD Kethoron Thek had resigned, but so far my
attempts to contact him have failed. I would like to talk to Kethoron myself
about his resignation, and if his commitment to the DB cannot be salvaged then
perhaps at least he will donate the stuff he was working on to the DB for the
next HRLD to work on. At any rate, a replacement HRLD has been lined up, so we
are not completely at a loss for graphical wizardry.
That wraps it up for this week. I must apologize for my decreased presence over
the last few days, I've been very busy with university enrolment, which has
required me to make trips up to the city where my uni is located (an hour away
by road) and after exhausting days in the city crowds I have just wanted to go
to bed rather than spend hours on IRC. Everything is back to normal now, and I
have a blank month until the semester commences and there will be a slight jolt
in my presence as I get accustomed to a new schedule. I will be present to chair
the DB meetings from now on, I assure you. (1PM EST Saturdays, be there!)
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
HF Domain Report: 01.16.04
Member Count (Active Members): 77
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 131
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 219
Greetings people.
After a long time we finished our AWOL checks... things are not that great :-/
The roster is still being updated due 2 or 3 delays, but this week we end this.
Unfortunately I had to study this week, so not much was done to eh FM9. Will try
to catch up the schedule next week.
-Made an agreement with Adept Michael Halcyon from EHDB, to use his new system,
the B3, here on HF. We'll need little adaptation, but we already have people
looking at it. This system will help us control the godmodding while adding more
realism to our activities! Hurray for B3!
-MG Dante is our new Executive Officer! Applications to CO till next friday!
Include 2 or 3 Operation ideas with your resume!
-As I spoke to a few this week, we'll start a new kind of newsletter! Just
figuring our some operational details so we can go for it! Hopefully we'll have
one at the beggining of February!! (Note: HOPEFULLY)
-OP Security Breach is over! AIC Shadowmaker will deliver us the results ASAP!
-New Store coming soon! Get your ICs ready!
-New CSMA shortcut!
I believe that resumes the situation :)
HF Domain Report: 01.23.04
Member Count (Active Members): 77
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 130
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 218
Greetings everyone.
things are, as usual, going nice around here... Or I thought so.. humpf!
A small incident already taken care by our Security staff but I
think major points need our attention today. First of all is the B3 adaptation.
That's a high priority call that will take my next week. I even put the Field
Manual on hold, so I can get this working, tested and approved/tuned by Mike
Halcyon so we cna get it on test on the next Op.
Talking about Operations, our commander will be announced by
Wednesday at MOST! still need to confer with the XO about this. Big order of the
moment, which will be hopefully enforced by our CCs is: GET Unit's Websites!!
Major news:
-HF League marked finally! Sorry the delay, I was never informed
the old MB was up already. Congratulations Nightstalkers! You'll all receive
shiny things! Yay!
-Remember that making into the Special Operations Company has a
high price! miss 2 operations in a row and we send you back to lines!
-CPT Silent and MaJ Kuro are sponsoring a server for the PRG-JK2
-MG Dante is our new XO! Apps for CO being taken! Reqs same as
XO, give in 2 or 3 Ops ideas along your submission
-Mordred is *NOT* always drunk
-LT Kael make a report with an attachment from Astix, reviewing
the HF. Good ideas, some already discussed... Let's work!
-GS Meetings will finally happen AND we'll have a leadership
conference with the Security Officer, both to be schedule!
That's all, wish you a good week :)
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Darkmage)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral DarkMage
IWCOM/AD DarkMage/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #8: 01.17.04
Good Evening pilots,
The main news i have to bring everyone this week. Is the promotion of Colonel
Hobbie has served the infiltrator wing for many years and is more than capable
of the job of IWOC. I would like to thank everyone who applied and making my
choice of choosing a new IWOC so hard.
Several great references were sent to me for many officers and it was one of the
hardest choices i have to make thus far.
Colonel hobbie, You are herby promoted to rank Rank of General. You will be
transferred to your new ship the MC-90 Fear. Your job description shall be made
clear to you in the coming days.. but for now. I believe you have alot to
Celebrate and some farewells to deal with before you depart the Renegade.
I shall see you on Monday morning at coordinates I have sent to your personal
Congratulations General.
I would also like to say farewell to Vice admiral malik, Who decided to remove
himself from Active duty this week. His input and friendship will be missed. I
hope your adventures on the Fermi Are kind to you.
As a whole the emperors hammer is always looking for new members. The Main web
site has changed its main recruitment page. Please bookmark the link below.
So you can send your friends and pets there to join are great
club. Of course point out they join the infiltrator wing first :D
Its once again time to award an officer for his excellent report. This week is
gives me great pleasure to award an acting commander.
His report, while at tad long was informative, exciting and a good read.
A-CMDR - FM/LCM Elwood the Brave for your Excellent report, I award you a merit
cross first class.
Congratulations LCM
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
Renegade Reports
Commodore : Received
Neo reports
Acting wing commander - Received
Active number - 66
Reserve number - 88
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWOC :General Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee):
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
MC-90 Neo
Commodore : TBA
Infiltrator wing Main site :
IWCOM Report #9: 01.25.04
Good Day pilots,
This week has seen a commodore appointed and the resurrection of the infiltrator
wing melee competition. I would like to send my congratulations to LGN Jade on
his appointment as commodore and wish him luck is this task. I would also like
to say well done to the people responsible for getting the melee up and running
once more. Its a good achievement and you all know who you are and so do I .
The number of IWTA courses that have passed my desk this week has also impressed
me. There is alot of hard work happening and I for one am very Enthused as to
what i am seeing and reading in these tests.
However I am still reeling in shock at the revelation I am Actually Darth Revan.
I decided to play one of the old RPG games from the Saratoga Database. The Game
is called knights of the old republic and I can not recommend this game highly
Enough. I am a great Fan of bioware games.
I have progressed through Baldur's Gate to Baldur's gate II, Never winter and
now KOTOR. Which I must say is Fantastic. IF you don't have it, Go buy it and
Have many many hours of fun.
no really, go now !
Good week everyone and keep up the hard work, And spread that feeling of fun and
achievement you all must be feeling to everyone.
New Game! Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars BattlefrontTM gives you the chance to play as a soldier in intense
multiplayer battles with up to 32 people. Choose your allegiance and pick a
soldier from one of four different armies. Fight on ten legendary planets and
use a variety of weapons and vehicles, including X-wings, snowspeeders and
AT-ST’s. Keep your wits about you and victory may be within your reach.
Experience the chaos of battle as you fight the greatest wars in the Star Wars
Check out the screen shots here -
XWA Tacticians Wanted
05:03 - FA Marcin Szydlowski [tac@emperorshammer.org]
Message for TCC:XWA, COL Master:
Wanted: 3 Tacticians.
Applicants must posses the following:
Own registered version of Allied
Hold the rank of Lieutenant (or above)
Passed IWATS X-wing Alliance Mission Design Course
Passed IWATS Tactical Staff Course
Minimum of one XWA Battle/FREE in the Mission Compendium
Fairly good Knowledge of the Tactical Manual
Explain to me why you want the job and why i should hire you.
Bribes welcome.
---End of Colonel Master's message---
So mail you applications to Master, Styles and Mike. That's all.
Command Staff Reports
IWFO : Received
IWOC : Received
IWTO : Received
IWSE : Received
Commodore Reports
Renegade - Commodore : Received
NEO -Commodore - Received
Thank you for getting your reports in on time. Can i remind everyone to make
sure they upload it to the IW Main site.
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com)
IWOC : GN Hobbie ( hob15@hotmail.com )
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWMD (IW Melee): Rear Admiral hatter / LGN Jade
IW-CG (IW-GRD): colonel orzon ( (ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel ( )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : RA Astix (Astix@gmx.co.uk)
MC - 90 NEO
Commodore - LGN Jade ( talon_jade@hotmail.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site : http://www.infiltrator-wing.com/news.asp
IW Membership - 66
Reserves - 52
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (VA Loor)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer
PREX Report #12: 01.16.04
Total: 30 (122 including Unemployed)
Direx Board: 3
Trade Assembly: 19
PLT Revenge: 8
Unemployed: 92
These first few weeks of the year 2004 has not been the best so far. A few
unwanted events, not too much time available for eh Emperor's Hammer and the
Corporate Division due to exams and to be honest, not enough motivation. These
things are about to change now, I will have more time to spend on the Division
to work harder on the improvement of it and I feel a new dose of motivation
coming. We have something that I hope will be able to present to you in a future
not too distant and more things will come as time passes by.
< NEWS >
Correction about Independent Trading League
After some facts earlier unknown to me presented to, the reopening of the
Independent Trading League will not occur. The facts that has been shown to me
tells the previous attempts of reopening the ITL, without any greater luck. The
previous attempts has shown that the ITL does not work very good and would
damage the Corporate Division more than it would be good.
But nevertheless, new corporations can still be opened by members, based on
their ideas. I am therefore looking for members willing open up a corporation of
their own based on an idea they have produced. Those interested shall mail me
with a description of their idea.
New Vice President of Propaganda found
After some time without a Vice President of Propaganda, we have found a
replacement to continue the work on Divisional sites, correcting bugs and making
things work again. This replacement is MWO Rokin.
Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:
Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
The iBank:
Trivia Center: http://cdtn.minos.net
Corporate Gaming Commission:
Imperial Supply Store:
My office are always open for everybody. I can be reached for certain via email,
at loor@bredband.net, and can be found on IRC often, using the nick Loor. Don't
hesitate to drop me a mail if you have something you wanna talk about.
PREX Report #13: 01.23.04
Total: 33 (124 including Unemployed)
Direx Board: 3
Trade Assembly: 20
PLT Revenge: 10
Unemplyed: 91
My last semester at the university has started and the workload seems to be
pretty high. I stand before a choice I will be making soon and you will be
notified of what I decide for. Otherwise, the work on a project, yet to be
unknown to the general membership, progresses and hopefully shall it be ready
enough to be presented to all of you soon.
< NEWS >
Vice President of Propaganda promoted
After a time of trial, VPX/AD DarkAngel and me decided it was time to promote
the Vice President of Propaganda to the rank a member of the Direx Board shall
hold as minimum, Commissar General. So, congratulations CG Rokin!
Recently, the Corporate Division had to unwanted incidents, both involving the
former Logistics Officer and CD-member Darknyte (who is nowadays banned from the
Emperor's Hammer). The first incident happened as his access to PLT Revenge had
not been revoked and he corrected a test and added a few insults. An apologize
has been directed to the Trainee who unfortunately became the victim. The access
and records of Darknyte has been removed from the CD databases.
The second incident happened on IRC where Darknyte threw around insults and
provoking speech. Both matters has been sent to the SO and if more incidents
occur, save the logs and notify the PREX and SO.
Email problems of VPX/AD DarkAngel
AD DarkAngel are having problems with his email that are listed on CD.com. If
you wish to reach him, tryto send a mail both to darkangel@kedanya.org and zblah@moose-mail.com,
drk_angl@hotmail.com will work as well.
Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:
Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
The iBank:
Trivia Center: http://cdtn.minos.net
Corporate Gaming Commission:
Imperial Supply Store:
My office are always open for everybody. I can be reached for certain via
email, at loor@bredband.net, and can be found on IRC often, using the nick Loor.
Don't hesitate to drop me a mail if you have something you wanna talk about.
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
New Dark Prince recently appointed on 1/23/04...Reports
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #35: 01.16.04
Report #35 = Thirty five weeks as SDIR, hence I�ve outlasted
Trouty� muhahahahaha! /me goes off to gloat and poke puppies with sticks.
Roster Count: 70 (1 new recruit, 1 returning reserve, 2 retirees)
Overall Roster Count: 198
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics � http://theaot.minos.net
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk
***RADR/RA Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com (On leave until 20/01/04)
***TTDR/RA Rebelkiller � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) � cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@comcast.net
***BUDR/CPT Daniel Goad (ANLY) � dazexeter@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/CM Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. New Analysis Bureau Director
After reviewing applications from several qualified applicants, the Ubiqtorate
have chosen Daniel Goad to become the next Bureau Director of Analysis. He has
been promoted to Captain to reflect his new status within the Intelligence
2. Rebelkiller Promoted to Rear Admiral
It is my opinion that over the past few months, General Rebelkiller has proved
himself to be a competent and active member of the Ubiqtorate and consequently I
am now promoting him to the rank of Rear Admiral.
3. CM Gelton Torr Promoted to Praetorian Squadron XO
With the resignation of Major Dolsar Saris, Colonel Mezynski has chosen Gelton
Torr to take over as Flight
Two Leader and Squadron Executive Officer.
4. Rear Admiral Scrier on Leave until 20/01/04
Due to thoroughly evil exam revision, RA Scrier is on leave til the end of the
week. Send any paperwork my
way � sdir@ehintel.org � until he gets back.
5. LC Harlequin and COL Winters Awarded Leadership Stars
For his exemplary conduct in a difficult leadership role, I�m awarding
Lieutenant Colonel Harlequin of the Internal Organisation the Leadership Star
[LS]. In addition, for continued service over a long period of time with a
consistent and excellent results in his assigned duties I�m also awarding a
leadership star to Colonel Winters of the Bureau of Operations.
6. Commendations of Loyalty
CoL recommendations for the 9th Anniversary of the EH have been sent to the
Operations Office for approval.
7. Losing Contact with Superiors etc�
If you ever find yourself in the position where you�ve lost contact with your
direct superior (BUDR) or need to find out something and don�t know who to ask,
feel free to email me � sdir@ehintel.org and I�ll sort out the problem for you.
8. The Com-link
The com-link has been delayed for a short while, as RA Scrier has to revise for
upcoming exams. It will probably now be released in February. If you have any
additional submissions that you�d like to see in the coming issue(s) please send
them to sdir@ehintel.org. Pretty much
anything is accepted from fiction, graphics, TF free missions/battles so long as
it has a vaguely Intel theme. To inspire you I�ve put three of the past four
issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me �
9. Improvement
We are always looking for ways to improve the Intelligence Division. If you can
think of anything, no matter how small, just email me at
sdir@ehintel.org � it doesn�t matter if
you�re an eager TRN or a highly decorated FA, I want to hear from you!
SDIR Report #36: 01.22.04
Report of the Supreme Director #36 - 22/01/04
We�ve had a rather eventful past couple of weeks on the classified side of
things and I am particularly proud of the activities of several agents (who
should have been well rewarded in the past couple of days), however
unfortunately this also means that this week�s public report is rather brief.
Roster Count: 72 (1 returning retiree, 1 new recruit)
Overall Roster Count: 198
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
***Academy of Tactics �
http://theaot.minos.net *** <-- Learn how to become a better agent!
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk
RADR/RA Scrier � mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller � aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/LC Harlequin (INTORG) � cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/COL Winters (BOO) � IDWinters@comcast.net
BUDR/CPT Daniel Goad (ANLY) � dazexeter@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski - morgul@xl.wp.pl
XO/CM Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. The Academy of Tactics
What�s that you ask? At least I presume you do because course taking has dropped
to ridiculously low levels. The site looks rather poo I admit, but I would hope
that you find the content there useful. Hence the TTDR and I would like to here
your feedback on the AoT so we can improve it and hopefully attract more
graduates. If you haven�t visited the AoT lately go to
http://theaot.minos.net and have a go at
some of the courses � it�s a good way to gain attention and thus gain
2. Commendations of Loyalty
I haven�t yet seen the official list for the commendations of loyalty awarded
last week. Hopefully it will appear on the next EH domain update. Keep an eye
out on www.emperorshammer.org to see if you�ve been marked out for this honour.
3. Losing Contact with Superiors etc�
If you ever find yourself in the position where you�ve lost contact with your
direct superior (BUDR) or need to find out something and don�t know who to ask,
feel free to email me � sdir@ehintel.org and I�ll sort out
the problem for you.
4. The Com-link
The com-link has been delayed for a short while, as RA Scrier has to revise for
upcoming exams. It will probably now be released in February. If you have any
additional submissions that you�d like to see in the coming issue(s) please send
them to sdir@ehintel.org. Pretty much anything is accepted from fiction,
graphics, TF free missions/battles so long as it has a vaguely Intel theme. To
inspire you I�ve put three of the past four issues online at:
Com-link 6:
Com-link 7:
Com-link 8 (the Complink?):
If anyone has a copy of Com-link 9 please get in touch with me �
That�s all folks,
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 01.17.04
Not much in the way of news to report this week...but yet, so
much news to report this week. Its been business as usual; members have plenty
of activities to do while we prepare for a transition in the Directorate.
1) Commander Shikie has brought to my attention that several XWA battles have
been created for use in the Directorate Guard. More information on said battles
next week and their status in the TAC office. This is a gigantic step in the
right direction...superlative job to Shikie and his staff, who've been working
extremely hard on these battles! Expect something in the mail soon from me. :)
2) *cough* Hey...for the rest of the Council...you know those
report things? Yep...those! They're due...42 minutes ago! Bad...all of you
except those on AF Phantom's staff. Everyone was doing so good...what happened?
If some of you did send reports and I didn't get them [since AOL acts strange a
lot], please let me know ASAP!
3) Commander Shikie is also working on creating a new PHP-version
of the NSTS! More on this next week once more details on the project are
There's a lot of fun things going on around here...don't miss out on promotions
and medals because you were too lazy to do these! This is your opportunity to
make a name for yourself in an up and coming SubGroup! :)
Apologies for the informal tone of the report. I sometimes wonder if I'm a bit
robotic in my tone at times, so I decided to switch things up a bit. I hope my
new, improved, happy report suits everybody! Feedback is always welcomed...!
With the above said...as a post-script [meaning it really
doesn't belong in this report, but its great news anyway in that "GEICO"
commercial-type way.]...
5) On a personal note...I was accepted to one of the six schools I applied to
already. I received my acceptance to West Virginia University's Honors
Engineering program yesterday. For those who don't know, West Virginia
University is located in Morgantown, West Virginia. Its a very good school, but
I hope to receive other acceptances soon. Needless to say, I was so estatic that
I figured it needed to find its way in here...somehow. I'm waiting on five other
admissions letters from UVA, W&M, JMU, Virginia Tech, and GMU. Very exciting
time in my life...:)
EH Directorate Domain Report: 01.23.04
Not much from the Directorate this week. Just a few items from
the Directorate Guard...
1) AF Shikie is currently in the process of returning the NSTS to working order.
Expect more on this in the next week or so. He is looking for help to run it, so
make sure you drop an E-Mail to vsdredemption@yahoo.com if you're interested.
2) There will be a new DG site online soon...!
3) Gravsystems.net is currently suffering from some technical
problems. MoC Gravant is working on bringing it back online [if it hasn't been
done so already].
4) Keep submitting to the NPC Competition! Ask your branch
leaders for details on this...!
Branch leaders...please forward this to your respective groups...!
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
(URL to be updated soon...!)
No Reports Submitted
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #44: 01.19.04
- News -
Still figuring out report numbers, hence the '#??' again. As I stated in my
update, Orv has begun work on the database again. Meanwhile, I'm still working
on a backup plan in case he ends up being too busy. I'll probably e-mail him
tonight and give him a list of priorities. He probably has the day off tomorrow,
so I'll see if he can get on AIM and we can get some things accomplished. That's
about it.
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
http://senate.ehnet.org/handbook/index.htm, or
Imperial University:
http://emperorshammer.ca/university, or
Ministry of Records:
CHS Report #45: 01.26.04
- News -
I got a failed delivery notice when I sent this yesterday. My hotmail account
was over its storage capacity. Anyway, Orv has been making a lot of progress on
the database. Planetary Issues aren't fully recovered, but the site itself is
working. If I'm not mistaken, he's just editing the tables so it'll be easier
for a less experienced M:COMM in the future. We should have it up this week. I
suppose that's all.
- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)
- Additional -
- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website: http://senate.ehnet.org
Active roster:
http://senate.ehnet.org/roster.php, or
Senate Manual:
Imperial University:
Ministry of Records:
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 01.17.04
Sorry for lateness. but not much to report except HA Pryium
resigned last night from the HCI and we swish him well on his future endavours.
HI report: 01.21.04
New project started by FA Moreco. In overall it's a way to make
the INQs more active by implicating them into all the subgroups. Each INQ is
assigned a specific subgroup (or more then one ) and is to send in bi-weekly
reports on what's going on within the subgroup. It is NOT a "big brother"
project to spy on the SG, it's more to help our INQs understand each subgroup
and also make them more active.
2nd news : I'm away for the weekend returning on Sunday (I leave thursday at
supper eastern time). And Moreco is on leave as well and he's returning on
Sunday too. So WARD Danrik is in charge as of now. Have a good weekend all ;)
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (VA Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/VA Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report: 01.15.04
Status Report
1. IWATS Multiplayer has been released! Go to
http://sarin.minos.net/iwats/ and
take the test! I believe this course will make you more appealing to members of
the opposite sex! Go take it now!
2. Xwing vs Tie Fighter Week of War Starts this Friday at 2pm! Go to the Zone
and Support the EH!
3. The Combat Operations Manual and Website are currently online! You can view
these at http://combat.tiecorps.net.
4. The Flight Office and COO Office have released a 6 Month Xwing vs Tie Fighter
2v2 Ladder. Sign ups and scoring can be found at
http://www.minos.net/~styles/index.php. All match winners will receive LoCs!
Currently we have the weak number of 8 (wtf?!) pilots signed up.
5. The COO Office has released a XVT 1v1 Ladder at Battlestats.com. All match
winners receive LoCs. Losers must report scores at battlestats.com! The ladder
and its rules are at
6. The COO Office has released a Xwing Alliance 1v1 Ladder at Battlestats.com.
All match winners receive LoCs. Losers must report scores at battlestats.com!
The ladder and its rules are at
7. The Combat Operations Match Submission form has been used 10 times with 10
LoCs awarded. Keep on using it! You can access this form 24/7 at
1. 12 LoCs awarded this week! Weak!
2. Doom's Calling, Night of the Monks, and EuroLoC released as weekly
3. XVT WoW will earn LoCs, a DFC, and some Iron Stars!!
4. The XO reports that the awarding of MP medals have gone down every year for
the last three years. :(
5. Farewell to the Great MPer, COOA, and Avenger CMDR Az as(Az as..hehe) he
steps down from Avengers.
6. GWSoOM is ordered to fly the Avengers in multiplayer combat after mocking
them in the 5 Star XWA SP Battle Call to Chaos. In this battle, the Avengers
lose to a Z95 trainer squad. I believe it would only be fair that the Monks are
now forced to fly the Avengers. So, Monks...go fly the Avengers or I will take
away your keys to my old alcohol storage area!
COO Report #6: 01.24.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by The Weeks of War!
1. The Xwing vs Tie Fighter Week of War hosted by battlestats ended yesterday.
This was the EH's most active WoW (in matches, wins, and participants) since
June of 2002.
2. Overall the EH finished 6th out of 20 clubs that were signed up. We had three
pilots ranked in the top 15. Tau Squadron's Tek Selkirk and Rax Von Klug
finished 8th and 11th overall. Wing 15's Scorpion CMDR Alec Qarni finished 15th.
3. The EH played in 151 Games, earned 108 Victories. High Winning percentages
went to Alec Qarni at 14 wins and 7 Losses, Tek Selkirk at 16 wins and 4 Losses,
Rax Von-Klug at 24 Wins and 5 Losses, The COO at 6 wins and 0 Losses, and Zoron
at 9 wins and 0 losses! Great work to all of them!
4. Tau Squadron led all activity with 73 matches flown and 54 wins. The ISD
Vanguard finished second with 33 matches and 23 Wins. Rear Admiral Drako was the
most active pilot with 31 matches flown and 13 Wins!
5. DFC's are going to Tek and Rax. Great work to both of them!
6. XWA Week of War is on right now. Currently the EH has three pilots
participating (Von Rein-Tau, Sarin-COO, and Thorn-FMC). Go support the EH
against the Zone clubs
7. The Combat Operations Match Submission form has been used 10 times with 10
LoCs awarded. You can access this form 24/7 at http://sarin.minos.net/submitscr.php
:: [ COO News ] ::
108 WoW LoCs awarded Great work everyone!
m0nkb0t is released as the official #ehcoc b0t. Please be sure to greet the b0t
and ask her a few questions!
XWA Week of War on now!!
Look below in the report at the all time WoW leaders for the EH!
Congrats to Tau on flying the most active XVT WoW.
And wait....wait....what is this madness....I believe...no...no....could it be?
It is. Look for some old MP friends to join the ranks of the EH once again.
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From:
Medical Officer
(RA Jacob VanNowak)
Fleet Medical Corps
-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope
BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum
No reports submitted...
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #15: 01.17.04
Well... it's that time again. Time for another SOD Report. I
haven't had a great deal of SOD activity this week. However, next week I plan to
continue planning for the RL meeting and Fleetwide 10th Anniversary
competitions. I'd like to start setting up judges and getting ideas on how to
run certain events, so I'm going to be watching BHG KAG's and CG's very closely
to see how they work over the next year. I'll also be watching DB and TC
competitions for ideas.
As for the Memorium project. This is going to be my first priority, unless the
incoming LO takes it. I'll have to go out and ask the entire fleet about people
who have died either recently or not so recently. I know only a few people that
have in my time, so I'll need to ask others. I'm not quite certain of the format
I'd like to use as yet, but I do intend to start up with that.
The SOD website is going slowly because I haven't found anyone who can help me
with it yet. I'm trying though, and I think I may post something on my 10th
Anniversary, and the main EH boards that I'm looking for help with that.
Webspace should be no problem at all, as I'll be picking up some on Minos.
As for other minor SOD things, like SG vs SG competitions, I'm working on a
better organized rematch between the BHG and INTEL. I'm hoping for that to
happen toward the end of February, or the beginning of March, but that will
depend on a few things.
I think that's all for this week.
SOD Report #16: 01.23.04
Welcome to another report from the bridge of the Escutcheon. Not
much to say this week other than a report on a few of the newer polls on my
boards. Last Monday, I polled the general membership on a.) How the events for
the Fleet-wide 10th Anniversary competition should be scored, and b.) Who should
be judges. The first poll thus far is telling me that you wanted choice b, that
is Quality Based system for artistic events (Fiction, Graphics, etc.), Kill
based system for flying/fps events (JK, JO JA, XWA playing) and a Time based
system for knowledge events (Triva, etc.). The second poll is indicating choice
a. That is, you would like CS members (CO's, SGCOM's, Advisors and CA's) to be
event judges. I'm leaving these polls up for another few weeks. I still want to
make sure all or most of you agree on a certain choice, as that's what strategy
I'll then use.
This coming week, look for a new poll, and more information about the RL meeting
event, and the 10th Anniversary Comp. I'm also going to be posting some info
about the 10th Anniversary awards ceremony I'd like to have at the end of the
year (During normal meeting time, after Fleet Events most likely) So watch this
space carefully over the next few days. It's going to be a busy week.
Until the next time,
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:
Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)
EH Advanced Guard
Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH
LA Report #18: 01.18.04
Okay, I'm afraid it's going to be another quickie this week. I've still got this
damn stomach bug, and to cap it all off my email account's gone a little random.
I can receive mails fine but about 1/8 of my outgoing ones seem to bounce. No
set order as to which ones don't get out, but the odd one or two just Bounce.
I only heard from Nightmare this week- the rest of you report in asap please.
Jacob, the FC needs the rest of the alliance details from the two clubs you
secured alliances with. The list of details you need to give are at
www.emperorshammer.org/alliance.htm. I also need you to start work on
keeping track of allies' other alliances asap please.
Nightmare's had a few ideas, more on that soon. You're pretty much free to do as
you please- the AG's end of the business with the FES (for those of you that
have been to Force Elite Soldier's website recently) will be dealt with by
myself and Nightmare. I've already given the FC my take on the matter.
The AG's CoL requests have gone out, I don't think there'll be any problem with
the two recs I made.
That's all from me for this week, sorry I've not been on top form recently but
as I say, I am pretty ill right now :-/
-Well First off, I would like to thank everyone in the FMC for getting their
reports out, also ArchAngel for busting the boys to getting them done. Rewards
will come.
-Its going to be Promotion evaluation time for all you boys out there working
hard and doing your job 8-)
-Morale is pretty much above average for the most part, but can we change that?
Any Ideas for a compeition in your SG, that works, and gets the whole SG
involved could get you a BS. Send me all submissions at MO@emperorshammer.org
-CPT Sirik, PMO of the Dark Brotherhood was awarded an ISM for creating the
Manual Online, thanks go out to him! You can find it at this link
-Well I'm in the process of gathering info from the last two competions, as it
stands the advertisement got out so late submitters only had two days. So if any
FMC people want to submit some EH or Star Wars joke for a medal, send it my way,
so far, Uther has a IS-GR for being Original, and Arch has a IS-SR for having so
damn many.
-Activity is good but I might be look for a new Chief of Special Operations. If
your qualified, then apply to the MO, and MXO, stating all reasons we should
pick you.
Well this is all for this week sirs, thank you and have a awesome day!
XMO report #4
Wow, okay:
I've been working closely with the PMO or the Dark brotherhood, trying to
recruit people. I'm sure the DB has some people who want to help their own???
Oh well, Sirik has html'ized the manual for me. The manual was badly in need of
revision, so I took an evening, and went through it. Now it is online at:
Please thank Sirik for his hard work!
Lots of good reporting in from the DOCs. I want to see DOC reports by Monday,
SMO reports by Wednesday, and PMO reports by Thursday. No exceptions.
If you have any ideas, queries, anything (cept Hate mail) please just email me
at hyltonbuijs@hotmail.com
Spaces still open:
SMO = ASF, Tarentum, CSK, Alvaak, Arcona
DOC = Wings I, IV, X, XV, and XX, all DB houses (Except Caliburnus)
Thats all!
COL Archangel