December 2003


EH Library Goes Online:  12.09.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a central hub for to post your EH-related fictions, biographies, and histories. All submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to MAJ Drako for his hard work on it! You can find it at

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx3] [LoAx3] [OV-5E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Mister EH 2003

CA:SO Sithspawn Appointed New Security Officer:  11.26.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Security Office

After a careful review of the applications, received the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and I have agreed on the appointment of the new EH Security Officer (VA Sithspawn).

Other qualified applicants reviewed included:

Fleet Commander's Note:

My thanks to all of those that applied !

FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

Play Star Wars Galaxies? Join the Official EH PA! : 11/25/03
As Emailed From:  Jahn Compton

Loyal members of the Emperor�s Hammer � do you need a home? Have you been traveling from planet to planet, or even galaxy to galaxy, looking for the PA that�s right for you? Have you been looking for an Imperial-only PA, one that is strong enough to have its own city? If so, then look no further than your own back yard - the Empire�s Hammer* might be what you�re searching for.

The Official EH PA is based on the Chilastra server and currently numbers almost 50 members. Our city Sanctum Malleus, on the beautiful planet Talus, currently boasts 25 citizens, many vendors and has already been upgraded to Village status. We�ve got a great design and are working very hard to have the best looking city in the game.

We have members with a variety of professions in the PA, and encourage everyone to have the kind of character they want to play � we won�t ask you to be a Dancer if you want to be a Bounty Hunter, and vice versa. We work hard to make sure our new members get the resources and equipment they need to get a strong start in the game. Then there�s my favorite part of the game � killing Rebels.

And we have EH celebrities, too! Ever wanted the opportunity to hobnob with notable Fleet personages such as SSSD Sovereign Commodore Proton, Executive Officer Astatine, former XO and legend-in-his-own-mind Compton or even the Fleet Commander himself, GA Ronin? Well now you can!

For more info on what the EH PA is up to, stop by our message board at Feel free to browse about and ask questions. Some of our members have been playing since Beta, and we�ve got a lot of knowledge to share about the game. Even if you don�t have the game yet, this is a great place to learn about the fastest-growing MMORPG of all time.

Contact either Longshot, Jahn, Tairn or Krenn�sa in the game or e-mail Longshot at to join the most exciting new part of the Emperor�s Hammer experience!

Jahn Compton
Executive Officer, Emperor�s Hammer PA
Sanctum Malleus, Talus

*We were forced to take the name Empire�s Hammer due to naming conventions in the game. Evidently SOE won�t let anyone use the word �Emperor�s.�

EH Article Mention:  12.08.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)


Hello GA Ronin.

My article has finaly been posted on website. Also they have posted link to Emperor's Hammer website in their news.

Their news page is located here: My article is here:

I have also attached translated version of it in my mail, as Word document (in .zip).

This is my second article about EH, and I am not going to stop. I will soon write more articles about EH and it's structures. This one is called "Polish pilots in Emperor's Hammer", next on will probably be called "Emperor's Hammer Tactical Office and EH Mission Compendium".


FA Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Emperor's Hammer Tactical Officer (CS-3)

Dark Voice Issue #1:  11.30.03
As Emailed From:  P:GM-CON/SBL Darkfinn/Arcona

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi


Dark greetings gentlemen,

I am happy to announce that as of approximately 10:00PM EST last night Issue #1 of the new Dark Voice was officially completed.

The issue will be officially released to the general membership at midnight tonite, but I feel that because of your important standing, the three of you should be the first persons outside of the Dark Voice team to glimpse the final product.

The website is: please feel free to post this website on all appropriate news pages tomorrow.

If any of you have questions or comments about the project, please let me

Serving the Emperor's Hammer,

Sith Battle Lord, Major, Dolsar V. "Darkfinn" Saris

EH Census Goes Online:  11.29.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

The EH Census is finally ready for the Fleet to take part in. If you've kept up with my reports you know that I feel this will be a great tool for those of us in leadership roles in the EH to more accurately gauge what the membership would like to get out of their experience in the club.

All members of the EH are encouraged to participate and asked to please answer all questions with honesty. There are a few regarding thoughts on senior officers, and we assure you that your private information will never be made public, so you may answer without fear of reproach.

The Census can be found at

Thanks in advance for your participation and desire to help us make the EH a better place for everyone.


Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO

No Reports

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #116:  11.30.03

Tactical Office Report #116
by FA Marcin Szydlowski


This report is a bit late, I'm sorry for that but I've been experiencing network problems. It's all fine now. Also, I have appointed two new TCCs. And I think that's all.

Testers and engineers needed for XvT and XW
We need more testers for XvT/BoP and XW. All details are on Also, we need TIE testers. Check mission creation board for more details.

New battles and free missions
I didn't release anything this week, because I want to release a huge pack next week. So expect a lot of new stuff soon.

Mike's Quest for new articles
I have finished writing my article for and sent it to their team. It should be published soon.

Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course - coming soon
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week I choose
So I choose my TACA, CPT Justing. He did a lot of graphics for my course. So he's POTW Congrats Justin, well done.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 4
Justin - 2
Carl Lost - 2
Justin - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3085 (+0)
Battles: 475
Free Missions: 539
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
No report: 4 penalty points!
TCC rating: -6 (-4)
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 4
Total: 8
XvT Division
In Queue: 7
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 6
Final Check: 3
Total: 20
BoP Division
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 4
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XWA Division:
No report: 2 penalty points
TCC rating: 0 (-2)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CM Chris Cox #9354 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Office Report #10:  11.27.03

"Cyric, you're just a roster byatch!"


Welcome to my 10th report as Flight Officer! I've got some good and bad news this week, so lets begin...

First and foremost, I have the honor and privilege to announce the promotion of the ATF BGCOM, VA Khane. VA Khane has served as ATF BGCOM for over 7 months. He had the very difficult task of rebuilding, and keeping the ATF in order during the rDB incident. Since then, the ATF has become a very active group, with monthly comps such as the BJ COMP (That's BG Judgment Comp) and managed to bring in new people to the group. This promotion is a long time in coming and very much well deserved. So without further ado, VA Khane is from this point on granted the rank and privileges of Full Admiral. Congrats AD Khane!

Next up are the winners of the TCCOM's OWN Banner comp. I received several outstanding banners from the following individuals:

LC Kodiak Kereban
LT Meanman
LCM Zeth Durron
LT Shayn D'Lorien
MAJ CrimsonFury
Captain Kane Reese
LT Derek Klivian
CM Archangel

It was very tough to choose from such outstanding submissions, but I did.

First Place - IS-GR Captain Reese
Second Place - IS-SR LCM Zeth Durron
Third Place - IS-BR LT Meanman

Congrats to the Winners, and thank you to all of the other members who submitted their banners!

With this on our Minds I have selected my very first TCCOM's OWN! This wing has been extremely active over the course of several months. They have flown, they have been a cohesive unit within the TC, and above all, they took the bull by the horns and recruited their butts off to have the most amount of pilots in a TC WING. Above all, each and every member in this wing is active to some degree and is a great example of what the TC and the EH as a whole represents: Teamwork, dedication, devotion, and having fun. For this I award WING XIII of the ISD GREYWOLF the honor of TCCOM'S OWN! Congrats pilots, you've earned it!

By now you've heard the the COO and the SO are being replaced. Please hold all MP questions for the new COO when he/she is chosen!

That's all from the Flight Office!

Happy Turkey Day to you Americans!

In Service.....

Flight Office Report:  12.5.03


"Proton, you've either had too much to drink, or not enough!"

Welcome to another Flight Office report! The week after Thanksgiving...things are a bit slow with in the TC at the moment. I have processed quite a few new recruits into the TC, and just finished 8 promotional requests!

The TCCOM's OWN is back. As many of you know WING XIII has gained the first honors from me. What I plan on doing is making the TCCOM's OWN a Bi-Monthly award instead of the traditional monthly award. This gives wings and ships a chance to revamp their activities, and gives the wining group a chance to revel in the award. Next awarding will be in January 2004.

I've processed a good amount of cadets from daedalus. I need to remind everyone the importance of having the Commander and FL spots filled. This will ensure that Cadets will be placed in your squadrons. No FL's and CMDRS, No cadets...plain and simple.

Wing IV WC is open. LC Wolverine had to step down due to RL issues.

That's it from the Flight Office....until next week!

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #119:  11.28.03

:: Transmission Begin :: 

Internet Office Report #119

November 28, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] :: 

HA Ari is on leave due to Thanksgiving. He will be back shortly.

CPT Amadeo has been removed from the position of IOA. No apps are being taken so don't apply.

CPT Drako has finished coding the EH Library. Everyone can upload biographies,fiction and history of their BG,Ship,Wing etc. Troutrooper will be the librarian, and he will review all submitted text before publishing.

MP Sabacc is coming along nicely with a few game related functions needing to be coded.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] :: 

This week's SOTW is the EH Library at Congrats to Drako on a 5 star site.

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::  :: [ Internet Office Staff ] :: 

Why are there no more good sites for SOTW?
Someone tripped over the plug at the IO
The rDB stole them
They were haxx0red
SquadFirst takes away the need for a good site
They didn't exist to begin with
Vote for your choice at
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.4 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

:: Transmission End :: 

Internet Office Report #120:  12.05.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #120

December 5, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Coming to you from snowy winterland, it's the IO Report!
Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a place to post your fictions, biographies, and EH histories. All submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to CPT Drako for his hard work on it! It's at

On a related note, I would like to announce TWO congratulations - to CPT Drako and COL von Reinthaler - on both receiving the Commendation of Excellence medal. This is a rare medal that is reserved only for people who have consistently proven their prowess with web design skills, and the two of them have certainly shown that - as the SOTW record shows! Good job, guys!

CPT Amadeo has been removed from the position of IOA. I am not formally looking for anyone to fill the space, however if you do have a pressing urge to let me know that you're interested in the position, drop me and email and we'll talk.

XPS (eXtensible Polling System) is still in the works (I guess I grossly underestimated the time it'd take to create something like it, because it's very flexible), so I'm sorry for the delay, but I can assure you that I'm hard at work on it and it'll be worth it.

Finally, I would like to announce a new Internet Office competition, SOTW Bonanza! Basically, in order to bring more interest to creating good sites - I'll be awarding an IS-SR to anyone who receives a SOTW award from now till January 2nd! So - congrats this week to LT Tiamat!

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the Vortex Squadron site created by LT Tiamat ( at - congrats on your 4 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

Coke or Pepsi?

-Mountain Dew
-Crab Juice

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.4 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

No Reports Submitted

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

OPS Report #12:  11.29.03

I'm using my break from work to send this. The days after Thanksgiving are truly terror in the retail business. Our store made $350,000 in one day yesterday. That's 10% of our total budget for the year. TERROR!

Come on people, let's award some medals or something! At least put some through so I can deny them for no good reason! SO SLLOOOOWWW!

I guess it's Thanksgiving. But now that Thanksgiving's over let's get back into the flow of things.

A Personal Favorite

In the end, everything is a gag.
�Charlie Chaplin

OPS Report #13:  12.05.03

Oh the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful. I don't know the rest of the words...Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

OK, It seems only one person actually reads my reports, because I only had to deny 1 medal this week. And that was a medal for me! See, I'm not trying to prop myself up onto 1000 ISMs (Although having the power to do so is extremely nice :P) I should be plastered with MSEs, so I'll stop whining now.

Many people have mailed me about my operations website links not working. That's mainly because there's no image map up there, they're not supposed to work yet :-P is where you can find the OPSMAN, and my OPSA Turtle is going to get the uniform downloads up soon enough.

And now a shameless plug for Tempest, everyone who hasn't already downloaded TTT go do it! It's so simple!

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
�Orson Welles

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

No Reports Submitted

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (VA Sithspawn)

Security Office

Vice Admiral Sithsapwn
Fleet Security Officer

Security Officer Report #1:  12.06.03

Security Office Report #1


1. CA:SO Sithspawn was appointed Security Officer.

I'd like to thank Astatine and Ronin for giving me the job, as it's been one of my goals within the Emperor's Hammer for just about the entire time. Any and all correspondence should now be directed to

2. CA:SO is not open for applications at this time.

Computer Security News:

As computer security can help insure that a virus does not spread through the Emperor's Hammer as it has done before, the Security Office will now be running update reminders and working to educate members on the importance of maintaining a secure computer. Stay tuned to these reports for vital information to protect your computer. Initially, the Security Officer would like to recommend the following measures:

1. In general, all members should run Windows Update at least once per month, to insure all necessary measures have been taken to protect your system.

To Run Windows Update : Click start, click Windows Update at the top of the Start Bar, follow the steps.

2. It is advised that all members obtain a virus scanner. Personally, I recommend McAfee, however there are free options available for those on a budget. Listed below is my personal recommendation for a free scanner. Avast 4 Home Edition

Remember to update your DAT files regularly to insure maximum protection.

3. It is advised that all members obtain a firewall. For those of you running Windows XP, one has been included. Be sure to enable it. For everyone else, I recommend the following:

Sysgate version 5 or higher
Tiny Personal Firewall
McAfee Guardian (usually included with the retail version of McAfee

4. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Security Officer.

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

No Reports Submitted

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

Logistics Office Report #24:  11.29.03

Here it comes again, it�s a bird, it�s a plane, no�it�s Darknyte! Another mind-boggling edition of the Logistics Office report starts now!

Yet another week has went by and I�ve heard nothing from the Corporate Division regarding my website contract. I tried contacting both MWO Derek Dan this week on IRC and got no responses, so I�ve sent off yet another email pleading with him for status on this. I really don�t feel that great that I�ve strung this project along for so long, if I�d known at the start that there would be so many problems getting the template created by the Corporate Division I�d just have made an ugly site myself to use in the interim until a cleaner design could be made. Now we�ve committed ourselves to the CD contract, and I feel obligated to see it through to completion.

The EH Library opened this week, a joint project between the IO and LO office, with the vast majority of the work being done by Ari and his staff. This is Ari�s baby right now, but I would like to remind everyone that all historical documents must be reviewed and approved by this Office before they are submitted to the Library for archival purposes. I�m not doing this to try to steal some of Ari�s thunder, he created the thing and I merely contributed very minor ideas here and there. I just feel strongly that any document that is going to be placed up for public viewing as EH history must be approved by the proper officers before it becomes public.

The EH Census project continues to baffle the coding efforts of VA Matir. There seem to still be a few minor bugs in the code preventing the site from working properly, though I have been assured that the site will be functional very soon, I�ll keep you posted with updates.

That�s if for this week, this is your tour-guide Crazzu McSteedlewich reminding you to help control the pet population, always have your commanding officer spayed or neutered.

Logistics Office Report #25:  12.05.03

Well, we�ve had quite a week in the Logistics Office! The EH Census was rolled out and so far the reception it�s gotten was far greater than we�d hoped for. We�ve also been working with the Internet Office adding things to the EH Library. I�ve been personally adding fictions from the EH Newsletters to the Library to get as much content as possible on the site in a short time.

The Heroes Memorial is still in limbo. During that last few months I�ve been patient with the Corporate Division and haven�t really been too down on them in my reports, but this week that�s all changed. I�d like to say that I am most displeased with how this has been handled, and let everyone know that I hold Warrant Officer Xura Verr ( personally responsible. Verr was assigned the contract through Auroran Technology some time ago and has done nothing but drag his feet for the last 4 to 5 weeks on this. In the beginning he showed some real progress, but now he�s done nothing and has ignored the emails of both myself and the PREX to get it together. This week I will search other avenues to get the site template complete, even if I have to make an ugly design on my own just to get it done. This project was something I was asked personally by the GA to complete, and so far I feel like I�ve totally failed him at even this simple task. For that, I apologize.

As I stated earlier, we rolled out the Census this week. I would like to thank VA Matir for his great efforts in getting the database for this project up and running in a nice timeframe. So far 282 members of the EH have completed the Census, answering a total of 6572 questions. Quite a bit of data has already been gathered, and we hope for quite a bit more before the Census goes offline. I plan to let it run through the month of December and send the final statistics out to the Command Staff shortly after the New Year.

Currently the Logistics Office is exploring new project ideas so that we�ll have something new to start on once the Census is complete. Right now we�re unsure on what sort of thing to do, and we�ll be using data collected from the Census to help us make a decision once the results are all tallied. I�ve also decided this week to add a new section to my report at the end called �Helpful Logistics Links�, expect to see that each week�unless I forget to add it. Also, big congrats to VA Matir who got himself a nice shiny Gold Star of the Empire this week. Yay for Matir, drinks on him.

As always, if you need anything don�t hesitate to contact the Logistics Staff, we�ll do the best we can to help you out. General inquiries can be made to myself directly, if you need help with the Census please direct those to VA Matir CC�ing me on the email.

Logistics Staff

Logistics Officer: Admiral Darknyte (
CA:LO: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir (
Logistics Office Assistant: Admiral Ranthier Khaen (
Logistics Office Assistant: Vice Admiral Daniel Stephens (

Helpful Logistics Links

Logistics Office Website �
EH Newsletter Archive �
EH Codex -
EH Census �

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report # 36:  11.29.03

Greetings from the Recon Office.

First off, I basically said "screw it" today. I finally went out and purchased a Hyperspace Membership. Yes, I'm selling into the mainstream. But damnit, It had some good stuff!! Anyways, From now on I will be able to relate all of the "what's going on" in the SW community as best as it is reported to

I'll be requesting that the Recon Office have it's own Message Board, or something of that nature. I have asked the membership at large constantly for ideas, suggestions and things they would like to see. But I usually get nothing. Not even from the CS. If that is denied, I guess ill just use the main EH MB. Any thoughts?

CA:RO Shay'la is busy with college, but her CA Report should be out Sunday. Stay tuned for that.

Apparently im 0 for 9 ( I think ) so far on contact possible Honorary Members. This is getting bad. I know if I keep this up, It will suck for my career. :P Mr. Allston just hasn't responded, which is odd in itself. Hopefully the Holiday Season upon us, maybe they will be a little bit more into giving this time of year. So my efforts will continue.

Now, on to SW News:



Dany sends in details of the next Star Wars en Direct internet radio show:

Star Wars en Direct #06 - November 30th, 2003

The last NJO novel : The Unifying Force
On this show we will be discussing the last novel of the New Jedi Order series, The Unifying Force and speculating about the possible post-NJO continuity. For those who have read the novel, we invite you to send us your reviews or discuss the book directly on the phone with us. Send your reviews and/or phone number to so we can call you live during the show. We're waiting for your comments!

During the second part of the show we will air the interview we made with Peter Mayhew during SFX convention in Montreal. The third part of the show, we will be discussing the new additions in the Star Wars Galaxies game with our SWG panelist. You have questions? Send them to us. Don't forget that if you want to discuss a topic with us live on the phone during our show, send us you number by e-mail. We will call you. Listen to the show live for a more interactive experience.

Expect a long and interesting Show. Live Broadcast on Sunday, November 30th at 7pm Eastern! You can leave your comments in the official SWD thread in the Jedi Council.

***Use the Force to Fight over WWII Enemy Lines***
November 26, 2003

Sometimes a galaxy far, far away is simply right above Normandy. Now players of the LucasArts game Secret Weapons Over Normandy will have the ability to unlock and pilot the Incom T-65 X-wing and Sienar Fleet Systems TIE fighter vehicles from the classic Star Wars universe.

Upon completing the Secret Weapons Over Normandy 15-mission campaign and all 21 challenge missions, skilled pilots will be rewarded with these two memorable starships that are available for use in the game's "Instant Action" mode. Console players will also be able to fly a squadron of X-wings head-to-head against their friend's TIE fighters in split-screen multiplayer mode.

In addition to the realistic look and authentic Star Wars sound effects direct from the Skywalker Sound library, players will also enjoy details such as watching the head of the X-wing's astromech droid track nearby targets


The Force now flows through players thanks to new Jedi characters in Star Wars Galaxies.
For the first time, players are now able to achieve Jedi status and spot other Jedi within Galaxies. To help players achieve Jedi status, LucasArts recently added Jedi and Sith Holocrons to Galaxies which reveals one of the requirements for a character. Players can begin their Jedi path as Padawan learners, but once they advance a few steps down that path, they can choose to become a Light Jedi or a Dark Jedi.

The player reaction to the new Jedi characters has been "incredible," LucasArts producer Haden Blackman comments. "All across the game, everyone is talking about Jedi characters with a great excitement and enthusiasm. We're finding that players are all willing to travel great distances just to catch a glimpse of another player with a lightsaber.

"The fact that Jedi are relatively rare makes spotting a Jedi, let alone joining forces with one, a very memorable moment for players. And it's a uniquely Star Wars experience. Those players who have become Jedi are providing a ton of positive feedback on the system and seem very willing to share the experience with other players."

Some of the Jedi-specific content gamers can expect include Jedi skills and Force powers, lightsabers, Force-wielding enemies, and special "loot" in the form of Force crystals (which are used to craft lightsabers) and Holocrons.

"Jedi players can also become the target of bounty hunter missions," Blackman explains. "In the future, we hope to add a number of special Jedi quests and additional enemies."

In addition to the Jedi characters, new mounts and player cities have also been added to Galaxies.

Mounts enable players to move around the large worlds quickly to numerous points of interest.

"And, riding around on a dewback or kaadu is just really fun," Blackman adds.

With the new cities, players can form their own in-game communities, electing a mayor and forming a local militia. "Cities are important for everyone because they can become outposts on otherwise dangerous worlds," Blackman continues. "And those people who belong to cities will form new relationships with other players."

For players new to Galaxies Blackman suggests trying a marksman or a brawler for a profession because they are the easiest to learn and will put players into the action faster. He also recommends playing through the tutorial, as well as talking to other players.

"Other players are very willing to help out new players, and joining a group can be a very rewarding experience," Blackman says.

As for even more new Galaxies content in the near future, Blackman adds, "We hope to have landspeeders and swoop bikes for players to ride sometime next month."


Okay, that is about it for me. I'll continue to do my best in gaining us another Honorary Member, hopefully my luck changes for the better for that. I'll keep everyone Posted. Thanks!

Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars: Clone Wars Cartoons Chapters 1-10

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

GM Report #17:  12.06.03

Greetings again all

As you may or may not have noticed the Dark Voice is back and issue #1 can be found at

Thanks again to DarkFinn, Outsider, Zeth and all the others that put so much work into getting this together in less than 30 days.

Let me and the Dark Voice staff know what you think.

Also submissions for both a special Christmas Edition of the Dark Voice as well as it's regularly scheduled release on January 1 are being accepted and need to be sent to

One other thing I wanted to mention was that lately I have noticed a rather large level of disrespect being flung about among members of varying rank.

This needs to stop. We are all working towards a better Dark Brotherhood and infighting is the last thing we need.

So if I hear about any infighting, backstabbing, complaints about superiors decisions, or anything that might be considered a violation of the chain of command I will be dealing with that person myself and if necessary taking it above me.

If you've done anything like I described above... Consider yourselves warned.

Lastly I want to apologize, over the last couple of weeks I've been in a bit of a slump and not doing my job to the best of my ability. I am currently working to correct that so things should be back to normal soon.

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]

HF Domain Report:  11.26.03


How are you this week kids?
Well, the works on the trooper chest are going nice. The chest itself is ready, and I'm starting to assemble the scene!

You can preview it here:

Hurray for dark red!
Also, I've been working on the new graphics for the FM8 v 23.12344.12221 Build 86, as well as reviewing the texts. Again I urge the GS to check the areas pertinent to their positions for errors and flaws.

HF News:
- Reminder: the discussion list is mandatory for ALL HF personnel and is used for reports and general notices!

- End of the year is coming and as usual the activity levels start to descent. Wake up!!!

- Gsers, please check with your assistants if they are enroled at list! Email me ( if you're not listed!

- Join the 1st Special Forces Company! They rule :P

- New Nightstalkers Motto:
"Unseen, Unheard, but always Feared"

- If I don't see a SWGB competition this weekend, I'll fire everyone enrolled at the HFTC! >:D

- Commanders, I'd like to see the websites of your units listed on the Roster! If you don't have one, work on it! I believe Squadfirst has a HF (At-at)module! Go for it!

- Comander of Operations, Dante, is still out of contact due computer related problems. I'm trying to email him and see if I start the next Operation. Meanwhile, there's a Scout Run on on the message board for activity and there's always the CSMA! Det Commanders, you're free to create small ops for your personnel as well! Use this freedom wisely!

- Tomorrow night I'll run another interactive meeting! Make sure you made your homework and we'll have some fun!

- And to finish it, next week is the Award Ceremony! Make sure to recommend your medals and promotions to everyone that deserves, specially those under your direct command.

Reports I received this week:
- 1st Ninja Company (I think I'll change the name of it.. "Ninja" is quicker to type than "Special Operations")
- Nightstalkers Det.
- Eclipse Det.
- Vengeance Det.
- Corona Det.
- Vendetta Det.
- Prefect's Royal Guard
- Executive Officer

Wake up people! Reports are not THAT boring!

That's all this week.

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD Darkmage)

Infiltrator Wing

Admiral DarkMage
IWCOM/AD DarkMage/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH

IWCOM Report:  11.28.03


There has been many changes in the fleet over the last few Days. There has been a restructure of the command Staff and the infiltrator wing has Gained a new Advisor position, I will address the latter first, as I would like to get fleet admiral niksavel, back up and running with a new office.

After lengthy discussions , We have decided the fourth advisors position, will be one of war and not a pretty kind of war, but one the empire does employ.
Fleet Admiral niksavel is now the Bio-Weapons division director (BWD)

Rear Admiral Timmay, please could you add this position to the infiltrator wing main web site.


Command Staff changes

The command Staff of the infiltrator wing, has been cut down to five. And there have been, numerous changes in personnel and there positions this week.
So I will recap, as best I can in this email.

The command Staff now looks like this.

IWCOM : Admiral Darkmage
IWFO : Vice Admiral Boliv
IWOC : Rear admiral Xavier
IWTO : Rear Admiral Hatter
IWSE : Rear Admiral Timmay.

as you have no doubt noticed, There are two positions missing and one added. The reasons behind this are simple and straight forward.


Security issues... Will now be dealt with by an IW Magistrate, who will choose 3 members of the infiltrator wing ( not in the command Staff ) To look at breaches that crop up.. IF they decide the pilot in question, has broken the CoCs or AoW.. They will be sent to the security office. of the emperors hammer and of course from there to the HCI.

Since, all issues will be dealt with in a group discussion, they can be no shouts of favoritism or abuse of power. Rear Admiral Astix.. Did a great job in this position for 16 months, and I appreciate what he did for us... But astix is a man of great drive and ability and I did not want him , in a command staff position, I don't need.
I wanted him, helping the membership and pushing the infiltrator wing, in his own way.... I wish him luck as his task is not easy.. but one is suited for.

For excellent work, as security officer. I award Read Admiral Astix. Commodore of the MC-90 Renegade... The navy defence medal.

Wear it with pride Admiral, And best of luck in your new position.



Mission creation, has often been a point with me, The emperors hammer has a tactical office, that is open to all members of the emperors hammer... so I believe we do not need a go between at this time, I want officers of great ability in places, they can help the roots of this club. I am not devaluing missions creation in any way of course.. We all love to fly them, and some of us love to make them.. So I am going to actually commission the infiltrator wing guard with some tasks.

From this date forward, The infiltrator wing Guard. will be in complete control of missions and battles from the infiltrator wing. The captain of the Guard, will submit the battles to the Emperors hammer tactical officer, and I would like the Guard, to try and make some missions, Battles.

The former Tactical officer, is now the operations and communications officer, where XS... will no doubt do an exceptional job.

Grats to you on your new position and Thank you for your hard work as tactical officer.



Vice Admiral boliv, has taken over from me as flight officer of the infiltrator wing. I am sure he will continue were I left off and I am confident, his guidance will be invaluable in these times, as the infiltrator wing grows.

I would also like to Welcome Rear admiral Timmy to the command Staff. I decided to place Timmy for his dedication and what he provides for the group. the IWSE is working on templates for squadron commanders to use... and I am going to ask Vice Admiral malik. To make banners for each squadron.. The main IW site. will then have a squadron web page list... Each banner will be a direct link to your web site... The URL for this site, will be included in the new join Email, that all cadets will receive. Squadron web pages are once again mandatory as are Ship and wing sites... They don't have to be all singing and dancing, just informative.

Rear Admiral Timmy is available to answer your Questions, should you have any... the IWSE will report bi-weeky on his progress.

Congrats on your new positions Gentleman.


Ending comments.

It has been a week of change and uncertainty for many, The infiltrator wing will go on as normal now, and working together. We will achieve our goal of 100 members and then beyond. MY office door is always open and I am always around to talk to everyone from the highest ranking command staff to the new guy, who arrived this morning. This group is more than simply imperials using rebel equipment, its a large group of friends working towards a common goal. And we do it with a style and great sense of fun, not seen anywhere else in the emperors hammer's strike fleet.

Thank you for your time.

IWCOM Report:  12.05.03


The group has began to settle down, New appointments and mass change of course will take its toll on people. but I am most impressed with the progress of the changes and how each individual has responded to it.

Now that the group has been reshaped, I am now very confident we can progress, to our goals. Of course, I have been asked the Question. What are our goals.

Well, 2004 is all about growth for us.

I am please to see, That the good people at Lucas arts, have gotten of the behinds and are making two new Games for us. on the PC format.

The first is a different outlook on battlefield 1942.. and hopefully will reignite interest in multiplayer combat, and perhaps get the EH some new players in the process. and of course the infiltrator wing.

Check this out :

The other game is a first person shooter, but it should Generate interest in the emperors hammer, regardless. even if its Republic commando's.

Of course, I hear a lot and talk a lot about getting new people in, but I also want to increase the fun of those here already.. I look around the infiltrator wing and I see a lot of old people and some bright new faces. And I very much wish to ascertain what they want from the IW. The best advert for any organization is word of mouth and rave reviews from those in it... I will be starting some forums and an IWCOM Question time on IRC in the next couple of weeks... My goal is to get as much information from you as possible and turn it into a working objective for next year, If I am able, I will attempt to provide you with the events you ask for, and provide you with the best chance at online fun. Possible.

All I ask is you tell everyone you know, including pets and passers by in the street :D

So our goals looking forward.

Promote activity through better communication.
Listen to our members more
Have a 100% effective command Staff.
Remove all redundant positions and elements of the Group.
Increase are reputation and Standing in the emperors hammer, whilst raising our profile.
Become the third largest of the Sub groups.

Of course they're several sub categories to each element, but the basics remain the same. Hard workers will be rewarded and slackers will be left behind... but hopefully not to many will be left behind.... Fleet admiral Patel once said to me, Darkmage you only get out of the emperors hammer, what you yourself put into it.

I am placing my all into it , Who will join me ?

Next on the Agenda,

Thanks to some fine work by Rear admiral timmay, We now have an online Training academy, you can take the courses of the IWTA online now. Once completed they are automatically sent to the course professors and the training officer. IWATS Eat your heart out :D

URL for the Acedemy :

Nice Work, Training office and a special thank you to the IWSE.

Thank you for your time.

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (VA Loor)

Corporate Division (CD)

PREX/VA Loor/VSD Warhammer

PREX Report #7:  11.28.03

*< ROSTER >*

    * Total: 63 (156 including Unemployed)
    * Direx Board: 9
    * Trade Assembly: 26
    * PLT Revenge: 32
    * Unemplyed: 93

The work throughout the Division is coming along and activity can be seen in all detachments. I just wish that I could be more active than I have been the previous week, but the stuff in university has prevented me from doing so. I have started working on a new site for the use of the Corporate Division (more detail below) and I had hoped to be able to do more than I have. I will work on it as much as I can to hopefully  have fully working site by the end of next week. But that's just what I wish....

*< NEWS >*
/*Expanding the Division*/

I have several ideas for how to expand the Corporate Division. All has to be written down more properly and expanded a bit but it is looking bright. For example, we might have a deal with the Siths of the Dark Brotherhood for buying ships. And as I said in my last report, games of different kinds will me made and managed by the Auroran Gaming Commission which will be put to life again.
/*Corporate Division Trivia Nexus*/
/(As posted by VPO/CG Talon Astruar on

Similar to the KAG related activities in the BHG, I (with the support from the PREX and VPX) have developed a Trivia Center for the Corporate Division. Miscellaneous trivia will be added every couple of days and every trivia test will last for about 2 weeks or so. At the end of every month, I will collect the scores and award medals and PE points accordingly. I will be setting up a system for awards and PE points very soon, but you might as well get started on the two tests that are available already.

The Trivia Center can be found at
/*Imperial Supply Store in the works*/

I have started creating the Imperial Supply Store, a store where you can buy all sorts of things (weapons, droids, communications gear and whatever we can come up with). I hope I will have it up and running pretty soon but it will not have very much to buy at first, we will add more later. It will be connected to the iBank so that when buying stuff, credits from you iBank account will be drawn and I was thinking of having either a link that will pop up a smaller window that lists your belongings or list them directly on the profile.

Because of this project, I am looking for pictures of stuff that can be up for sale. The pictures must meet the following requirements:

    * Max 150x150 pixels
    * Transparent background
    * PNG file format
    * As good quality as possible

Each submitted picture will generate 1000 credits on your account.
/*Theme Song for the Corporate Division selected*/

CG Talon Astruar held a competition in which you should pick a theme song for the Corporate Division. It has now been closed and judge and the results is as follows:

    * 1st Place w/SotGM-gc: JNR Sen Hart (Ramstein - Du Hast)
    * 2nd Place w/SotGM-sc: MWO Derek Dan (Star Wars Cantina Song)
    * 3rd Place w/SotGM-bc: TCH DemonCat (Rat Race Theme)

Congratulations everyone and good work to those who participated but did not win!


    * Corporate Division Database:
    * Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
    * Corporate Division Message Board:
    * Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
    * The iBank:
    * Trivia Center:

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick /Loor/. So don't be afraid to approach me :)

My profile can be found at

PREX Report #8:  12.05.03

*< ROSTER >*
    * Total: 70 (163 including Unemployed)
    * Direx Board: 9
    * Trade Assembly: 27
    * PLT Revenge: 34
    * Unemplyed: 93

Christmas is drawing closer and many goes away during this period of time. This includes me and the Executive Vice President, Admiral DarkAngle, as I know for now. I will find a Direx Board member who will cover for me during this time. I will be gone from December 20th and until January 4th. But until then, I have work to do.

*< NEWS >*
/*Corporate Gambling Commission*/

VPX/AD DarkAngle has been working on the Corporate Gambling Commission which includes a lottery in which you can win huge amount of money if you bet lots of them (I think the most you could win was 5 million, but you had to bet 250.000 and the chance was 1 of 13 billion). More additions will come and what's left until the lottery can go live, is a nice layout.

I am really looking forward to this :)
/*Adjutants goes part-time*/

We have begun discussing the roles of the adjutants currently on duty. They have been among the most active ones and are currently more needed in the corporations. They will stay as adjutants but will also beat the service of the corporations they came from. This is a temporary solution to get more activity from all levels of the Division.
/*Imperial Supply Store update*/

Some progress on the Imperial Supply Store has been made. I have been working on the shopping cart for the store, so far unable to have solved some problems. But I got an idea on how to work around it so we can get the set up and running and later on make modifications of improvement.

But I am still looking for pictures of merchandise the store could sell. If you don't have any pictures, come up with a list of items and descriptions for them and send it to me. And when this site is up and running, it could also be used for the Nova Shipyard to have that available to the general public (with an account at the iBank).

    * Corporate Division Database:
    * Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
    * Corporate Division Message Board:
    * Corporate Division Bug Tracker:   
    * The iBank:
    * Trivia Center:

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick "Loor". So don't be afraid to approach me :)

My profile can be found at

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench

DP Report #151:  12.05.03



This week we had some discussions with the DB about ways in which our two subgroups can better associate.  We're not yet sure exactly how we're going to do this -- canonical and logistical concerns are still a roadblock right now -- but some competitions are almost a certainty.  Something like the format of this BHG/Intel competition, but better planned, is what we have in mind.

We'll continue to talk about it over the coming weeks with the hope of getting something going in the near future.  It's certainly long overdue.  Suggestions are welcome to myself and to the Commission; please don't hesitate, as good ideas can come from anywhere!

Conan has been doing a ton with new run-ons and awarding spangly new medals for the ones that are finished, so check that out!  Due to some new KA scripts, there should be some new games starting soon, with effort made to conflict minimally with the holidays. 

Tuss is planning a surprise Christmas present to the BHG, to be unveiled on December 16th.  What could it be?  He's not saying...but one thing he is telling us about is a new monthly BHG radio show that will run before the first meeting of every month, starting in January.  Can't wait!

Respectfully submitted

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report #28:  11.26.03

BUDRs - forward this to your agents as usual.
(Congratulations to Winters and Harlequin too).

Report of the Supreme Director #28 - 27/11/03

Roster Count: 55

Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics �

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. SOD Competition � Intel vs. BHG
The Intel vs BHG Competition is now over. Participation was very good from both sides. Unfortunately the poor organisation which plagued the competition from the start has reared it�s ugly head once more, now it�s come down to the marking. Both sides were expecting the competition to be graded as a BHG KAG is (i.e. all submissions are ranked from 1 to 30 and a corresponding number of points are awarded 1st place � 30pts, 2nd place � 29pts etc) so that a victorious Subgroup could be declared. However at present the SOD has merely declared several winners in each category. I�m current talking with the BHG in order to develop a
solution � a panel of SG staff may remark submissions (If not I�ll grade it all like an ID Competition).

Anyway the official winners were:
(Prae Pilots will receive [IS-*r]s and other Intel agents will receive [PoC-*l]s)

1st - AD Mordann Tal'kyra (Intel), Ric Gravant (BHG)
2nd � VA Aseret Thunderhawk (Intel), Kal-Ket (BHG)
3rd � COL Andrzej Mezynski (Intel)

1st - Slagar (BHG)
2nd - Kal-Ket (BHG)
3rd - Red Scar (BHG)
Honourable Mention: Agent Omikron (Intel), Agent Tau (Intel), Skorbacca
(BHG), Aeris (BHG)

1st - AD Mordann Tal'kyra (Intel), Kal-Ket (BHG)
2nd � LC Shae Kitane (Intel)
3rd - Conan (BHG)

Erm� Go me! I told you I�d lead by example:p Congratulations to everyone who took part. I�m particularly pleased with the quality of Praetorian Squadrons submissions and the level of participation from BOO. Personally I disagree with the fiction judging (mine certainly wasn�t the best), but to be fair the standard was just so high and so close it must have been difficult to call. I�ll be awarding a [PoC-rl] or better (-pl ,-gl, - l, -bl),for each submission, plus a [CSM] for each fiction and graphical submission (as they�ll all be in the next edition of the Com-link). I�ve also submitted the fiction and the graphics to the EH:NL so they may also be a [LoA] up for grabs from the lovely XO. Three medals for a story that�s a couple of pages long � nice.

The Bureau of Operations proved themselves to be the best Bureau and will all receive the UAE.

For those who care, participation was as follows:

UBIQ � 80%
BOO � 78%
PRAE � 55%
INTORG � 44%
ANLY � 33%

Giving an overall participation of 54% - pretty darn good! Congratulations, I�m proud of you all. NB � There may be a fairly large delay with the medals while the additional marking takes place. Please be patient.

2. Intel Website SotW 14/11/03 � 21/11/03
Apparently the new Intel website was the Internet Office�s Site of the Week 14/11/03 � 21/11/03, but your all-knowing SDIR appears to have missed this. It received the full shiny 5 stars. Congratulations to IOA Drako for designing us such a pretty site.

3. AoT Web Designer Found
Vice Admiral Bond has offered his services to the �design me a shiny new AoT site� project. Perhaps we�ll have another site of the week shortly.

4. RADR on Leave
Rear Admiral Scrier is technically still on leave, but seems strangely active� I assume that he will be returning to full duty shortly.

5. Promotions
LC Winters has been promoted to Colonel (COL)
MAJ Harlequin has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (LC)
There were six other promotions this week.

6. Medals
There should be lots going out this week, like� around 120!!! Keep your eyes peeled, but please be prepared for a fair delay before they reach you.

7. That �Bloo� ming� Join Form:p
Unfortunately the join form still appears to be broken. Please continue to send your membership applications to

8. Intelligence Division Recruitment
Please see

SDIR Report #29:  12.03.03

Report of the Supreme Director #29 - 04/12/03

Roster Count: 57

Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics �

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Join Form Fixed!!!!!!!! Yey!
The join form has been playing up for a couple of weeks now, but thanks to the staunch efforts of IOA Drako it finally works! We�ve had quite a few new recruits in already, which is encouraging.

2. Intel vs. BHG Medals
Unfortunately I�ve yet to send out medals for the Intel competition. My main RL deadline is tomorrow so hopefully I�ll dispatch them all (100+) on Saturday. If you don�t have them by Monday, feel free to whinge at

3. Assignments
Things have settled down now. We have an online presence again, the Intel vs. BHG competition is over and things are generally good. Hence there�s a big pile of assignments waiting for you � email your BUDR if you�re bored and want something to do, or failing that email me.

4. Improvement
We are always looking for ways to improve the Intelligence Division. If you can thing of anything, no matter how small, just email me at � it doesn�t matter if you�re an eager TRN or a highly decorated FA, I want to hear from you!

5. EH Census
The EH census has been released at Please have a look and fill it in should you get the urge. NB � There�s a section when it asks you which SGs you are a member of - if you�re not a UBIQer or BUDR it would probably be best if you �weren�t in the Intelligence Division� when you�re ticking the boxes. Thanks.

6. Classified Stuff
Erm� is classified. Move along people.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base

Directorate Domain Report:  11.30.03


Apologies for the missing reports these past weeks. I've had a hectic time with school, but now that the holidays are approaching, things should die down.

-On a sort of flip side, there's not much to report. The Ministry Council is in the middle of a two-week enforced vacation; but don't worry, we'll be all jacked up and ready to go when we get back next Friday!

-Applications for Admiral of the Fleet are CLOSED as of today. The new AF will be announced on Monday.

Roster Total: 82

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.

Directorate Domain Report:  12.05.03


-The Ministry Council is finally back from its enforced two-week leave. Hopefully, things will get rolling quickly. :)

-Two of the three vacant Ministry Council spots have been filled. RA Orzon has been transferred to the position of MoO, and COM Phantom has been promoted to Admiral of the Fleet. Congratulations to both!

-Applications are being taken for High Commissioner. Please send them to GMF Nightflyer ( and MoO Orzon ( before Friday, December 12. The e-mail subject should read as "HCT Application", and include your current ID line, relevant experience, and plans for the Colonial Branch. The position will be announced shortly after the deadline.

-MoO Orzon is running a three-stage competition for all Directorate members, with fiction and graphics components. Please see the latest MoO report for more details.

Roster Total: 81

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.

Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

CGM Report:  12.1.03

The past week has been a fairly exciting one for the Fringe. We've established a relationship with another PA, ISS, and we have begun the process of sharing our city with them. This will help us expand our city more rapidly, and will provide some additional assistance in fending off those pesky Rebels.

It seems our home planet, Talus, is turning in to a major PVP battleground. The EH is starting to take a serious part in the struggle.

In unrelated news, vehicles are now live on the Test Center. Players can choose from a landspeeder, a swoop, or a ROTJ-style speeder bike. The EH is in the process of preparing to manufacture them when they go live on our server.

CGM Report:  12.06.03

Over the past week, the city has grown in population to a level 3 city. What that means, in short, is that if we can obtain 7 members over the next week, we should be able to place our very own shuttleport. We should have a bank, a cloning center, and a hospital very soon.

SOE should be patching vehicles in to the game soon. I've been talking with Nepo, our head artisan, and I think we've got a plan that should allow us to build a free vehicle for each and every PA member, as well as earn some cash for the PA.

While our alliance with ISS seems to be going OK in terms of raid support, we are hoping that we can generate a bit more camaraderie between the two PAs.

Our cantina owner, Jowarri, has set up a social to help stimulate that process. It is scheduled for Saturday, December 6, 8 PM ET.

Beyond an alliance with the ISS, talks have begun recently with the head of Malice Reborn about a Talus-wide coordination with other Imperial PAs. In theory, this will allow us to pull more Imperials to our defense when we need it, as well as allowing us to form a larger attack force for our raids.

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

No Reports Submitted

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report:  12.06.03

Nothing to report so no big delay on the news... but I've seen that the new SO been appointed so congrats to him and hoping to get some cases our way ;)

So Ziggy

Btw Ziggy make sure to cc: TRIB and WARD on all emails regarding the HCI. thanks and welcome.

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

No Reports Submitted

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report:  11.30.03


Alrighty all, sorry for the 3 week delay, I was in field duty for 2 weeks, and came back and have been getting info on all thing I missed to put together in this report with you.

-Well Drako I have talked to about website, and he has layout done, and promises results very soon, I cannot wait to see.
-It appears we have some promotions this week they will be listed below.
-Congrats go to XMO LC Archangel for running FMC while I was gone on Emergency leave.
-Winners for Picture caption comp. have been chosen, look below in Competitions area to see who won, and all the other submissions!

-All is good, activity is firm, and Manual is out in text version, you will have to e-mail the MO for copy, and its awaiting to be updated to a website, contact Outsider for more info on that.
-Thorn is doing extremely well, and so is Uther, even with his temporary leave it seems his unit still keeps up the good work.
-Destoval Gin is back, and has joined the FMC, Thorn when you get a chance, contact him, he will contact you soon.

Well the picture Caption Competition Went well, the awards will be e-mailed to the OPS for awarding as soon as this report is put up.

Leia- "For the last time, I'm not SnowWhite!!!"

LA/RA Astix
Leia: Hey hun, you left the gas on last night. Han rumbled to the fact someone else had been in our apartment
Ugnaught 1 (with hand over his mouth): Oh sithspit, did I? Was everything okay?
Leia: No you fool, I've been divorced and thrown out onto the street! AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Bothan (with hands in pockets): Oooh, seeing her get angry made me feel all funny... excuse me a minute

oompa loompa doompity doo, I've got another riddle for you....

Davi Anthol
Leia - Stop that, I've told you twice already I don't wear my Jabba's Palace clothes all the time
Ugnaught - No harm in checking, again

GE/TCH DemonCat/Whiskey/Auroran Technology Enterprises/FAC Syzygy
Leia: Do you know where I can find the Ughnaut Roast Fest?
*Ughnauts trying to sneak away from answering*

Josh Popelka
Ugnaughts: We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the
Lollipop Guild. And in the name of the Lollipop Guild, we wish to welcome
you to Munchkin Land!

Kodiak Keriban
Leia : Oh, where did you get that DIVINE makeup??? Oh, I simply must get myself some of that!!!!
Ugnauts : *whispers* She uses far too much hair mousse, run away!

Major Blade
Leia " Look fellas, I keep telling you....I'M NOT SNOW WHITE!!!"

Leia: "Don't you think you can do something alittle more productive?"
Ugnaught: "I got your 'little productive' something right here lady!"

Surik Furion
Leia: Oh look at you. You're all darling!
Ugnaught 1: Yea, see, she likes me.
Ugnaught 2: No, she's seriously talking about me!
Ugnaught 3: Oh please, you're all ugly. I'm the better looking one.

Tyr Kenaz
Leia: what are all of you staring at?
Ugnaught on left: Psst, your dress is see-through.

And the Winners are!
1. Tyr Kenaz
2. Davi Anthol
3. DemonCat

Congrats to All. Look forward to a new more exciting competition, and this time I will not have a LOA, so trust me it will get done much faster. Thank You all for your time, and have a great week!

XMO Report Info on Past 3 weeks

Okay News:

- Several new recruits for the TCFMC, as well as new SMS's
- Still looking for recruits in the DB, I know that CPT Sirik has been recruiting
- Please report in to me or your PMO every week
- Reports are due on Thursdays for SMSs and Fridays for PMOs
- The Medical Manual is being HTMLized as you read this, thanks Outsider!

Right, promotions for the FMC!

- DOC/MED Fritz Von Stukart promoted to SMS/FSN (TIE Battlegroups)! CONGRATS!
- Still looking for SMS in the SOV, ASF, and the ATF (Big promotion from DOCs to SMSs)


- Any ideas you have on ideas for the FMC, please email me ( and the MO, VA Jacob Van Nowak (

That's about it for now, the roster will follow

LC Archangel

XMO/LC Archangel/M-TFC Last HopeFMC Roster: (Notes are below)

Notes on Roster:
- This roster is the current one, and will be finalized once the PMOs have made their changes and have mailed me about it
- Those with '???' as their positions need to be contacted for a position
- I decided to start them all off at the lowest commissioned rank, so that they can be changed accordingly, depending on position
- FMC idlines will be added soon!

Name: Jacob Van Nowak
Rank: VA
Position: MO
TC ID line: MO/VA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

Name: Archangel
Rank: LC
Position: MXO
TC ID Line: CMDR/CM Archangel/Kraken/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

Name: Outsider
Rank: CPT
Position: Chief of Special Operations
TC ID line: FM/LCM Mason Stormrider/Praetorian 3-2/DGN Lichtor V


Name: Thorn
Rank: CPT
Position: PMO of the TC
TC ID line: RSV/LC Thorn/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves


Name: Fatboy
Rank: MED
Position: Wing II Doc
TC Idline: FM/LCM Fatboy/Sin 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Name: Tolbr
Rank: MED
Position: Wing III Doc
TC ID line: FM/LT Tolbr/Gimel 3-3/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

Name: Francis Matheson
Rank MED
Position:Unknown, moved from V to III, and DOC for III should be taken
already (See above)
TC ID line: FM/LCM Francis Matheson/Aleth 2-2/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign


Name: Fritz Von Stukart
Rank: FSN
Position: TIE SMS
TC ID Line: FL/CM Fritz Von Stukart/Thunder 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge

Name: Tyr Kenaz
Rank: MED
Position: Wing VIII
TC Id line: FL/LT Tyr Kenaz/Omicron 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus


Name: Vladet Xavier
Rank: MED
Position: Wing XIII
TC ID line: CMDR-TCS/MAJ Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx2/PCx3/ISMx3/IS-3BW-5BR-7SR-2GR-1PR/LoC-CSx9-Rx2/DFC-Rx3/CoB [EXCR]

Name: Joey C
Rank: MED
Position: ???
TC ID Line: FL/CPT Joey C/Odin 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Name : Yoda
Rank: MED
Position: ???
Email :
TC ID Line : FM/MAJ Pickled Yoda/Odin 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Name: Jedi Eclipse
Rank: MED
Position: Wing XVI DOC
TC ID line: CMDR-TCS/MAJ Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BSx2/PCx2/ISMx7/IS-1BR-4SR-1PR/LoC-CSx5-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [CAVL]

Name: Maria Skye
Rank: MED
Position: Wing XVI NUR
TC ID line: FL/CPT Maria Skye/Viper 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid


Name: Kyle Darklighter
Rank: MED
Position: Wing XIX Doc
TC ID Line: FL/LT Kyle Darklighter/Flayer 2-1/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

Name: Darkpoke
Rank: MED
Position: Wing XX Doc
TC ID line: CMDR/CM Pokemaster/Ravager/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator
ISMx4/IS-1BR-1GW/LoC-CS-Rx2/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV [KNGT]


Name: Uther
Rank: CPT
Position: Primary Medical Officer of IW Wing
IW Id Line: CMDR/LC Uther/Knight /Wing I/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH


Name: Duken
Rank: MED
Position: IW Wing I DOC
IW Id line: FM/LCM Duken/Panther 3-1/Wing I/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH


Name: Sirik Xirok
Rank: CPT
Position: PMO of the DB
DB ID line: QUA/DJK Sirik Xirok/Auctoritas/Alvaak

Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon

DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]

SOD Report:  12.03.03

first SG vs SG competition did not go exactly as I'd planned. I definitely need to get some help in terms of grading events and organization for the next one. There was no clear winner, but I did get the banner I'm going to use as my link banner. As for 10th Anniversary things, there will be new polls and event details upon my return from LOA.

I will be on leave from today, until 12/16 in order to study for final exams, and finish final projects for school. I will still be playing SWG during study breaks, however, I will not be doing any SOD related work until my return.

Until then, please continue to post constructively on my 10th anniversary forum, I will be checking it periodically through out my LOA and answering questions if I possibly can.

As I said, there will be some new polls and and event details on my forum upon my return.


Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

LA Report #14:  11.30.03
As Emailed From:  COL Nightmare ( )


-=Overall Synopsis=-
RA Astix had to go on emergency and left me in charge once more. Nothing much to report on this week, we're still working on the database with the CD now. Also we are waiting on the results from our current negotiations so if you have anything to report on that please e-mail the LA and myself.

Please remember to CC me when you talk to the LA so that I am kept in the loop and when stuff like this happens we can still keep on working at 100% efficiency. Astix is our boss but still we have to be able to live without him at time like this.

I'll be looking at the BSC ( ) page this week and checking up on a few clubs there, this is the main place for MP in the community so it might be nice to make a few more friends there.

-=Current Negotiations=-
MAJ Screed has been talking with the UIP.
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army. -
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase has found two new RPG clubs and is contacting them
COL Nightmare: looking for some clubs, keeping an EH presence in the Zone (XWA and XvT rooms)

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
LA/RA Astix: is talking to a CD corporation about making the Comp Hosting database

ALL: If you get a chance this week, do a little search on google, look at what clubs that turn up, if you find some good looking ones send us the info.

-=New Members=-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (

Thats about it for this week, if I missed anything please let me know

In the Absence of the LA,

OC WING XV, Magister Equitum of the Advanced Guard, Vanguard Top Dog 2003


WC-MAG/COL Nightmare/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
SSx2/BSx10/PCx6/ISMx5/MoI/IS-4BW-3BR-9SW-2SR-1GW-3GR/LoC-TS-CSx9/DFC-BW-Rx3/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx4/OV-3E [TMPR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-FLA-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-XTM/1}

LA Report:  12.06.03


Sorry this is going to be such a short report but RL's being a real bitch right now. I'm involved in a big case at work, and it's really sapping me. I'll be back on form next week, I should think- we're hoping to get a quick result from the case, and that means its gotta leave my desk ASAP.

Anyway, the AG:
1) Membership is steady, everyone's in contact
2) Wemmel is talking to a the makers of a possible new platform for the EH; either for a SG or "stealth SG" (by which I mean when EHers form in-game cabals within games
3) Delak's found he's not been talking to the leaders of the Imperial Army, just another diplomat; so he's been passed on to their FC.
4) Thanks to Nightmare, we had a report last week (apologies again)
5) Corporate Division are working on the AG's new website.
6) Erm, can't think of anything else.

Sorry about the lame report.


AD Darkmage Appointed as IWCOM:  11.22.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Infiltrator Wing

Following receipt and review of four qualified applications, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and myself have agreed AD Darkmage is the best choice for IWCOM.  Other qualified candidates reviewed included:

My thanks to all those who applied, it was not an easy selection...!

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

Security Officer Open For Applications:  11.22.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Security Office

The position of Security Office requires a subtle balance of skills, specifically in areas of negotiation, conflict resolution and gathering of evidence. The Security Officer is responsible for the upkeep of law and order within the Emperor's Hammer.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer.
5. Experience at some level of command, preferably at least at TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivilant.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Prior or current experience in subgroups
2. Prior or current experience in a similar position

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Outline examples of experience and situations for each point. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't bother applying. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( and Executive Officer ( with the subject "Application for SO".

SA Astatine - XO

Combat Operations Officer Open For Applications:  11.22.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Combat Operations Office


The Combat Operations Officer (COO) is responsible for the organisation and running of multiplayer events for the EH. Interaction with groups  outside the EH is required as part of this job, as is administration work in reporting matches.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills
2. An acceptable level of presence in online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer.
5. Experience at some level of command, preferably at least at TIE Corps Wing Commander or equivilant.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Prior experience in running multiplayer events
2. Prior experience in running competitions

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Outline examples of experience and situations for each point. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties as listed and if you are unwilling to perform them, don't bother applying. You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( and Executive Officer ( with the subject "Application for COO".

SA Astatine - XO

CA:SCO AD Darkhill Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  11.11.03
As Recommended By:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

(Please see Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

Hello sirs.

I come to you, to recommend Admiral Den Darkhill, current Command Attach� to Science Office, to Imperial Cross award. Now let me tell you why. AD Darkhill was EH Science Office, for a very long time, performing his duties very well. Under his reign, Science Office released a lot of patches, making mission creation very easy, and more realistic.

Then he stepped down and took position of CA:SCO. But he didn't stop his work. We have started working together on Uber Project and later on Project Shield. As the result, Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher has been released, and it's in global use now. I don't have to tell you what EHBL is, and how important it is to our security and mission flying.

Even after EHBL, Den Darkhill does not stop. He works on EH Patch Manager, which will greatly improve our patches and make installing the very easy. He also works on add-ons for our platforms. We have recently seen TIE, XvT and BoP add-ons released, so our missions will be better that every before.

In the light of this achievements, always above and beyond call of duty, I would like to recommend him to IC award. I am sure he fully deserves this recognition.

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

LTC HEMI Returns Home:  11.22.03
As Emailed From:  CC/LTC Hemi/1st Special Operations/DREAD Retribution


Well it is good to be home, I was serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom I was deployed in January of last year and I returned due to a shoulder injury.

The first Picture was taken at one of Saddam's palaces and the second was taken in downtown Baghdad.

Our missions consisted of doing Raids on arms dealers and Weapons caches and replacing government leaders and rebuilding Iraq. We where working in the south end of the country including the city where Jessica Lynch was captured, we were also ambushed in that same city and only received 1 wounded out of the 12 person team. my team was in Iraq for 7 months and next month we will have been deployed a year. Once again it's great to be home and to see trees and Grass and no more camels :)

CC/LTC Hemi/1st Special Operations/DREAD Retribution

Fleet Commander's Note:

Welcome home, Hemi !  Glad you made it back safely !

Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO

No Reports

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #114:  11.15.03

Last week was very fast. I've been working on several projects, including final released of Tactical Staff IWATS Course and update of current beta testing forms. Well, actually we have only one, multi-platform form and it's old, needs to be updated. After my project we will have beta testing forms for each platform, adjusted to meet differences all of our platforms have. So far, I have finished forms for tie, xvt and bop, xw and xwa are under way.

My new course, has been sent to TO for approval and additional check. I should get back from him very soon, so I will quickly make a webpage for it, and you will be able to pass and learn from it. So far, only Tactical Staff members were able to read it, and I have positive feedback, so I guess this course is pretty good.

Another thing you should not forget about are Golden Tug Awards. So far we have approx 40 votes for each category and we have close combat between our very own SCO, Ender mBind and former TAC, HA Striker. XWA-CAB #1 has no match for the best battle. You can find the voting on Mission Creation MB, so go, visit and cast your vote there.

And I think the last thing, my CA. All details are below. :) So enjoy.

CA:TAC selected
I have selected one of my TCC, to be my next CA:TAC. I have sent my proposal to GA Ronin, SA Astatine and FA Priyum, and I am awaiting their response. If they approve, I will officially announce him as my new CA.

Testers will be needed
I have contacted my TCCs and they need more testers. I am waiting for all of them to reply, so I will open it for apps very soon. We will need testers and engineers for all platforms except XWA. So wait and do not apply yet, until I open it. (you will find announcement in

Gold Tug Awards - 2003 Edition:
Voting in progress. Check mission creation message board.

Here's the link of all competitions, current and coming soon:

Golden Tug Awards - 2003 Edition
Timeline: 01.IX.2003 - 01.X.2003
Parties involved: Emperor's Hammer
Awards: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon and down, honorary titles and trophies
More details: here
Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:TIE
I would like to recommend Carl Lost for the PotW. He has beta tested and did two corrections back to back. IS awaiting his next assignment! Which he will get after this report is done
Congrats Carl, well done.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 2
Justin - 2
Carl Lost - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3085 (+0)
Battles: 475
Free Missions: 539
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 5
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 4
Total: 11
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assitant: CPT Justin #5853 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Tactical Office Report #115:  11.22.03

115th Tactical Office Report and a lot of changes this week. Resignation of TCC:XvT, and promotion of TCC:TIE to CA:TAC. So I have CA once again and I need to teach him, like I did with Philo. But I am sure, Philo will be so nice, to help me with this :) Styles will take over duties of TCC:XvT and TCC:TIE until we find new people. Also, we need testers. So below.
Other things. I have finished two of my projects. First. I have created new beta testing form for our testers. So they will use them from now. Second. Tactical Staff IWATS Course has been finished and approved by TO. I now await for him to upload it and released it. Special thanks to my TACA, CPT Justin for his hard work on all graphics for this course :)
What's more? Well, see below.

CA:TAC appointed
Congrats to VA Styles, my new CA:TAC. I am sure he will do great work as CA:TAC and help me with all my duties. But first, I need to teach him, with everything I know :)

Testers and engineers needed for XvT and XW
We need more testers for XvT/BoP and XW. All details are on Also, we will need TIE testers next week, so stay tuned for more info.

Mike's Quest for new articles
It's always been my ultimate goal to get more members to the EH. I've written one article and it recruited approx. 40 members. Now I will try again. I've contacted crew of (biggest polish online starwars website) and they've agree to post article about Emperor's Hammer. So, I start writing as we speak!

I will also contact some polish gaming magazines and force them to post my articles. New members are coming!!! MUAWHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Mission Creation Courses:
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation and tactical office related courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 332 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 123 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
Tactical Staff IWATS Course - coming soon
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week we have recommendation from TCC:XWA
I rec Xanatos Screed (TCS/TCT) for PotW. He does his assignments quickly and to high caliber, his recent correction assignment was no exception. He is a great member of my staff and i would be lost without him.
Congrats Xanatos, well done.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Xanatos Screed - 4
Justin - 2
Carl Lost - 2
Tactical Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3085 (+0)
Battles: 475
Free Missions: 539
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
No report: 2 penalty points!
TCC rating: -2
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 6
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 3
Total: 9
XvT Division
BoP Division
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 2
Total: 5
TCC rating: 2
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [28]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Choosh #9357 (
Tactician/Surveyor: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -

Final word:
I have more time now, but still use mail. I am on IRC from time to time and I try to join EH/TC meetings, but sometimes I am unable to do this. Mail me, or my Command Attach� with any questions or simply join #tac and ask your question there. I am sure someone will be able to answer it.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Officer Report:  11.21.03


FA Cyric Reporting in on 11/21/03 for the Flight Office

I'm back from my weeks vacation in New Orleans much fatter and MUCH poorer than when I left. I was able to process a great many requests while I was away.

Now for some news:

Together with the COO, the Flight Office will be offering a 2 vs 2 MP competition over the course of the next 6 months. This will be a trial comp to see how much activity is generated. The plans for the comp are:

-Weekly 2 Vs 2 comp to be held in a TBA Mirc Channel
-All platforms that accomodate MP flying will be used (XvT, BoP, XWA)
-Weekly winners will receive LoC's and DFC's where warranted.
-At the end of the 6 months An Overall Winner - most wins - will receive a IS-PW
-2nd IS-GW, 3rd IS-SW (Or what ever medal I can get approved for it :)
-The overall winner must participate in at least 70-80% of the weekly comps to be eligible.

Comp name will be the FO's TAG TEAM COMP and will be handled by the COO and my FOA LC Styles.

I will post official details on the comp when it is accepted and finalized.

Daleth Squadron on board the ISD Sovereign has been closed....

That's it for news, and now for a small rant:

I want to remind everyone about the TC's policy on recruitment. Mass mailing to recruits to join your respective squadrons, wings, and BG's is prohibited.

Squadron Cmdrs and WC's approaching members of another squadron to join theirs is also prohibited. If a pilot approaches to join a squadron then it is acceptable. Make sure that this is adhered too.

Another issue is the lack of use of the DB for RSV, AWOL, and MIA transfers. Try as hard as possible to use the DB for these requests as I can officially send a mail out informing all of the relevant peoples.

When asking for ANY changes to the rosters make sure that a PIN for the pilot is included. More times than not the name given to me to change is not the name in the Database, and makes it that much more time consuming to complete the change.

Well that's about it from me....

In Service...

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #116:  11.09.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #116

November 9, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Sorry for the lateness of this report, it's been a bit of a hectic weekend.

First and foremost, I'd like to announce to everyone: The IO is not in charge of the message boards. Contact the COMM with moderator change requests. I've been getting a lot of emails recently requesting MB stuff, and while I used to do that, the MBs are now in the hands of the COMM.

We're working on ironing out some bugs from SquadFirst+, we will announce when a patch is available.

CPT Drako has nearly completed the EH Library, and I've reviewed it. It needs a slight amount of tweaking in terms of design and functionality, but for the most part it looks good.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the IO Code Archive coded by AD Turtle at Surprisingly, this site never got SOTW, but it's a very handy tool to have - a 5 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What do you think about Matrix Revolutions?

-Coolest movie ever
-It was okay
-It was the worst thing ever
-I wish I could get my money back
-Haven't seen it yet

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Internet Office Report #117:  11.14.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #117

November 14, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Overall, it's been a quiet week. However our main projects come closer and closer to completion.
FA Leeson has reported to me that he has completed rewriting the MP Sabacc server code so that it is object-oriented - which means that we can use the same server code for different applications, including the EH-Zone I mentioned previously in my reports. Also, he says that all that remains is the client-side game logic. What does that mean? That means within 2-3 weeks we will begin beta testing Multiplayer Sabacc! Exciting, no?

Speaking of Sabacc, this week Sabacc Online was upgraded to version 2.4 with two small updates - it fixes the method of scoring to take the absolute value of the total (i.e. a -19 beats a 5 now), and it also temporarily disables linking to BHG credits (at Koral's request). Note that MP Sabacc will support BHG credits. Also, I have begun talking with the CD about reinstating the iBank into Sabacc - and possibly even linking iBank with the EHNet Login System.

XPS is making progress: Xander Drax is nearly done with the design, and I've completed all the base classes and have begun coding of the actual script. The advantage to doing the base classes beforehand means that the actual poll scripts are much easier to write, so at the latest it will be done in 2 weeks (depending on how much free time I have).

Also, I need people to send me combinations of colors and fonts that would work well for default poll styles. Send them to

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the Intelligence Division website at Congrats to Drako on his 5 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What do you think about Matrix Revolutions?

-Coolest movie ever
-It was okay
-It was the worst thing ever
-I wish I could get my money back
-Haven't seen it yet

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Internet Office Report #118:  11.21.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #118

November 21, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

EXtensible Polling System is still in development (writing the scripts is taking a little longer than I expected) but we have a concrete design now, thanks to Xander Drax. I have a bit of extra time now so we'll see how long it takes.

Some people have been having problems with redirects now, such as the SquadFirst site. AD Turtle has corrected this problem. If something still doesn't work, please e-mail me and I will let him know.

CPT Amadeo has been inactive for quite a while, so if I do not hear back from him by Sunday, I will likely be looking for a new IOA. If you're interested, just let me know and we may be able to set up an interview - there will be no formal applications this time around. Watch for announcements.

Also, I'm really beginning to notice the lack of good websites for Site Of The Week. In accordance with that, I will probably start some sort of competition to get people making good sites (basically that means if you get a SOTW, you'll get a medal). This is intended to be a "limited promotional offer". Look next week in my report for details!

I will be on leave next week for Thanksgiving, and maybe a bit after that, FA Leeson will cover for me in my place.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the Kabal Authority at Congrats to Jernai on a 4 star site.

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

Why are there no more good sites for SOTW?

-Someone tripped over the plug at the IO
-The rDB stole them
-They were haxx0red
-SquadFirst takes away the need for a good site
-They didn't exist to begin with

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: CPT Drako
Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

TO/HM Issues:  11.09.03


I�ve been rather busy: I�ve been flying in and out of the UK over these past two weeks: Thus far I�ve clocked up trips to Washington, locations in Iraq, Paris and Brussels.

Admittedly, I have not been able to file a report (and was delayed in the processing of DB Initiates: this has now been remedied). I did, however, manage to keep up-to-date with Competition Approval and IWATS Courses.

Chances are I shall be jetting off for at-least the next week or so: I still expect to have e-mail access. I can also say that I�ll be attending a minor summit in Washington at the end of the month (28th through to the 1st) which means I won�t be able to check e-mail then.

Admiral, Dark Adept Keldorn "Mad Buck" Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

OPS Report #10:  11.15.03

Operations Office Report #10
Vice Admiral Alex Foley Reporting - November 14, 2003

Well, my high school just lost its second round playoff football game. Sad to think that this will be the last game of football I'll see as a high schooler.

Seeing as how this is my tenth report, and seeing how this week was very slow and uninteresting, I'll share some statistics with you over my ten weeks as OPS:

1278 Medal Approvals.

- 34 Bronze Stars.
- 18 Commendations of Bravery.
- 83 Commendations of Loyalty.
- 1 Commendation of Service.
- 14 Distinguished Flying Crosses.
- 6 Gold Stars.
- 540 Iron Stars (All Classes).
- 453 Letters of Achievement.
- 2 Legions of Combat.
- 22 Medals of Instruction.
- 32 Medals of Tactics (All Classes).
- 59 Platinum Crescents.
- 14 Silver Stars.

38 Medal Denials.

10 Uniform Denials.

Those numbers seem pretty pitiful. I'll have to deny some more medals pretty soon :)

Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away.
�Robert Orben

OPS Report #11:  11.21.03

Operations Office Report #11
Vice Admiral Alex Foley Reporting - November 21, 2003

Another week, coming up on three months now. I'm going to start running a couple of competitions in the coming weeks, quick little ones. Keep a look out for those.

Another extremely slow week. Medal approvals, medal denials, uniform approvals, uniform denials. Nothing much to report, all went well this week.

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.
�A. Whitney Brown

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

No Reports Submitted

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

Admiral Zoltar
Fleet Security Officer

No Reports Submitted

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #29:  11.15.03

"I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I've invented."


Welcome to my twenty-ninth public report as a Science Officer, very late once again... (Got lost making biiig patches) ...but that also means that again, there's a lot of news:

Science Office News:

1. Main news these weeks was the release of the big "Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches". (EHSP) for TIE Fighter 95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Balance of Power. The goal of these patches is to "finalize" these platforms and can basically be seen as extensions (Like "Defender of the Empire" and "imperial Pursuit" once were.). In short these patches make sure that all craft
originally in TIE are now in XvT and BoP as well, and that those in BoP are added to TIE. Besides this another few goodies were added. A layout of added craft, between brackets the platform(s) it has been added to:

" B-Wing (XvT): Well known advanced rebel bomber first seen in "Return of the Jedi". Replaces the former loose B-W patch for XvT, uses own slot #4 - flyable.

" TIE Defender (XvT, BoP): Well known advanced imperial fighter first seen in "Defender of the Empire". Replaces the former loose T/D patches for XvT and BoP, uses own slot #9 - flyable.

" Ship Yard (TIE): Common shipyard type first seen in "Balance of Power". Uses a new slot #10.

" Repair Yard (TIE): Common shipyard type first seen in "Balance of Power". Uses a new slot #11.

" Missileboat (XvT, BoP): Well known advanced imperial bomber first seen in "TIE Fighter Collectors CD-Rom". Replaces the former loose MIS patches for XvT and BoP, uses own slot #12 - flyable.

" System Patrol Craft (XvT): Effective but not often used screening vessel first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses own slot #19.

" Scout Craft (XvT, BoP): Deep recon vessel first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses own slot #20.

" Container Transport (XvT): Large armed freighter first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses own slot #35

" Medium Transport (TIE, XvT): Popular and common freighter first seen in "Empire Strikes Back". Features added Flight Group Colours (Red, Blue, Green) and uses own slot #36.

" Modified Corvette (XvT): Well known upgrade to the regular corvette first seen in "TIE Fighter". Features added Flight Group Colours (Red, Yellow, Green) and uses own slot #41.

" Modified Frigate (XvT): Well known upgrade to the regular frigate first seen in "TIE Fighter". Features added Flight Group Colours (EH, ASF, DB) and uses own slot #43.

" Passenger Liner (Xvt, BoP): Popular civilian passenger craft first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses own slot #44.

" Carrack Cruiser (XvT, BoP): Well known screening vessel first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses own slot #45.

" Light Calamari Cruiser (XvT): Well known rebel light cruiser also known as "MC-40" which first appeared in "TIE Fighter". Features added Flight Group Colours (Red, Blue, Green) and uses own slot #50

" Super Star Destroyer (TIE): Large imperial destroyer type first seen in "Empire Strikes Back". Because of bugs in TIE Fighter 95 it does not have lasers so the ISD can have them. Replaces the "ISD Lasers Patch" for TIE and uses own slot #54

" Communications Array (TIE, XvT, BoP). Large deep space satellite system first seen in "X-Wing Alliance". Uses the newly activated space object slot #72.

" Sensor Array (TIE, XvT, BoP): Large deep space espionage and astronomy satellite system first seen in "X-Wing Alliance". Uses the newly activated space object slot #73.

" Astromech Droid (TIE, XvT, BoP): Very well known independent anv computer and ship repair droid first seen in "The Adventures of Luke Skywalker". Uses the newly activated space object slot #74.

" Gun Emplacement (TIE, XvT): Heavy mine type first seen in "Balance of Power". Uses its own slot #78.

" Large Gun Emplacement (TIE, XvT, BoP): Heavy mine type first seen in "X-Wing Alliance". Uses the newly activated space object slot #79.

" Probe Capsule (XvT, BoP): Secondary probe backup also known as "Probe 2" as first seen in "TIE Fighter". Uses its own slot #81.

" Laser Battery (TIE, XvT, BoP): Heavy mine type first seen in "X-Wing Alliance". Uses the newly activated space object slot #82.

" Imperial Pilot (TIE, XvT, BoP): The man we all dread to be, an ejected imperial pilot as first seen in "Empire Strikes Back". Uses his own slot #85 and features his own briefing icon.

2. Because these craft use their own or previously unused slots the EHSP can be installed once and kept installed permanently. The current patches (Save for the BoP fighter patches) do not conflict with them either. Future patches will require you to have the EHSP installed because they fix several problems we had with patches before.

3. The XvT and BoP EHSP also update the games to have a more Emperor's Hammer feeling by adjusting the medal and rank names to EH ones. The XvT one also updates the graphics of the game to replace the X-W cursor to an imperial pilot's glove as in XWA, medal, rank and position graphics to those used in the TIE Corps and spinning imperial logo's to spinning EH ones.

4. The EHSP require you to have a fresh install of the games, with no other patches installed then the official Lucas Arts update for XvT. In XP you might have to have a completely empty /EHPatch folder upon install, other XP support is in the readme.txt of the patches.

5. At the moment the EHSP are the old type .bat patches as introduced by FA Kermee but AD Darkhill is working on making them full .exe patches which will solve any problem related to Windows XP or unzipping correctly. The moment these version are ready they will be uploaded. You are advised to always have the latest version of the patches installed - especially when
using them for multiplay XvT or BoP. New versions are announced on the TC and SCO news pages.

6. Because of the release of the XvT EHSP battle XvT-TC#28 has been unlocked again. This battle was locked before because of a non-SCO patch was required to fly it.

7. I have added the History of the Science Office to the SCO staff page.

8. The TIE 95 patch for the a-9b has been updated to fix a bug reported by Khaen.

9. Gunman pointed out a nice new Free Lancer Star Wars mod that is being built at ( for its home site) - might be a good thing to keep your eyes on.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on the exe versions of the EHSP.

SCOA: CM Tim has been experimenting with making mods of Freespace 2 and Starshatter and created the CTRNS, SCT, LINER and CRKC OPTs for the EHSP.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made to the patch archive, Fleet Manual and staff page. Updates WILL be done to the reports section both on the SCO site and the TC database.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Project is nearing completion with the release of the EHSP for TIE, XvT and BoP. Coming up still are several star ship patches and platforms.

Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometers of rock at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional... expect it in XWA soon.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

Science Office Report #30:  11.22.03

"Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life."


Welcome to my thirtieth public report as a Science Officer, kinda on time... (Needed to finish 'just that') ...but that doesn't mean there is a lack of news:

Science Office News:

1. Thanks to AD Darkhill I'm proud to present the release of VERSION 2 of the big "Emperor's Hammer Ship Patches". (EHSP) for TIE Fighter 95, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Balance of Power. AD Darkhill coded .exe based installers for the patches which make installation on all Windows systems a lot easier. I took the opportunity to fix some bugs in the earlier versions and add even more goodies. For now these are the latest versions of the EHSPs - I highly advise to download and install them for EH flying. A layout of changes, between brackets the platform(s) it has been made to:

" Ship Patch Installer (TIE, XvT, BoP): Easy to use utility that allows you to just unzip the patch, click the installer, confirm your folder location and install. Un-installation is just as easy.

" Satellite Type 2 (TIE, XvT, BoP): Already in all these games, but now has its own model.

" Nav Buoy Type 2 (TIE, XvT, BoP): Already in all these games, but now has its own model.

" Probe Capsule (TIE, XvT, BoP)L Already in TIE, but now has its own model. In XvT and BoP it is added in a way that fixes the bug in earlier versions of the EHSPs where this craft replaced all buoys.

" Corellian Transport (XvT, BoP): Fixes bug that kept CORTs from firing their lasers in XvT and BoP.

" Melees (XvT): Thirteen new melees to allow the use of the added fighters (T/D, MIS and B-W) in multi play. Offers the Basic Furball, the Basic Furball for two 4 Man Teams and the Basic Furball for four 2 Man Teams in Deep Space, Asteroids or Mines plus four more classic engagements with fleets.

2. The EHSP 2.0 require you to have a fresh install of the games, with NO other patches installed then the official Lucas Arts update for XvT!!! (So also NOT the isdlasers patch for TIE95, forget that completely.) They work on all Windows Operating Systems from '98 on (untested on '95) and do not affect your compatibility.

3. Make sure you have the latest version of the EHSP installed, especially when attempting multiplay. These patches are large, but a "1 time download". You can keep them installed permanently. No further versions are planned at this stage, they even are prepared to be compatible with the EH Patch Manager when that is released.

4. The future EH Patch Manager, new battles, old XvT and BoP battles using the former T/D, MIS or B-W patches and future loose craft patches may require you to have the EHSP installed.

5. Lucas Arts has released the demo (160Meg) of "SWotL 2: Secret Weapons over Normandy" at This new game by the same creators as the X-Wing Series (Totally Games) includes the TIE Fighter and the X-Wing and looks to be very easy to modify to a Star Wars atmospheric flier... however, while I could probably pull it off within a month or so... my PC isn't strong enough to play it *starts crying*. It is a fairly safe bet that they will make a Star Wars version of it themselves though - especially if we all go out and buy this non-SW game. ;)

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has created the exe versions of the EHSP, tested them, bug fixed them and flew an EHSP-XvT Melee with me.

SCOA: CM Tim has been experimenting with making mods of Freespace 2 and Starshatter.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at Updates have been made to the patch archive and the reports section on the TC database.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. Project is nearing completion with the release of the EHSP for TIE, XvT and BoP. Coming up still are several star ship patches and platforms.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly once again. This week it already spawned the new installers for the EHSP.

Project Cueball: This project's goal is to add more and larger astronomical objects to XWA, perhaps even to scale of planets. Name is derived from the fact that you don't actually need a Death Star if you can dump 30 kilometers of rock at Mach 30 on a planet as well. Beta OPT is very impressive and functional... expect it in XWA soon.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO site.

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

Logistics Office Report #22:  11.14.03

Welcome to the 22nd week of Darknyte�s reign of terror, otherwise known as the Logistics Office report. Before I get into the report, I have a few items to report that aren�t really directly related to my position, but still worthy of mention to the Fleet. First off is that I�ve agreed to allow the Dark Brotherhood to use my domain and space to host the Dark Voice, their Newsletter. Look for it to be online in the coming weeks. And, I�ve been in contact today with FA Ted Tiger, a former Logistics Officer, he�s agreed to help this office in an unofficial capacity to sort out all that data Ramos sent to us last week. Big thanks to Ted for offering to help, you�re the man!

Biggest news this week is the EH Census website has reached completion. It�s been up for beta testing this week and Matir is working out the kinks as we speak. It is going to be fixed and re-tested over the weekend and should go live on Monday. Once the site is live I will begin the second phase of this project, the advertising to the Fleet to get them to participate. So, keep an eye open this week to see EH Census posts on the messageboards, news sites, and anywhere else I can find to stick them.

The Heroes Memorial site template is nearly complete. The CD is putting the finishing touches on the layout and template designs and we�re hoping to get this finished really soon. I�ve seen the work as it�s progressed, and it looks magnificent so far. We might finally be coming to the day where we can put this project to rest, the excitement is killing me!

As I mentioned last week, a new project looms on the horizon by the name of Calypso. Still no details for anyone, just thought I�d mention it again to make the report look a little bigger by having an extra paragraph down here. Yeah, this paragraph is fluff�.I�ll stop now.

That�s it for this week, see ya again next week. Same LO-time, same LO-channel. Darknyte out!

Logistics Office Report #23:  11.21.03

 Here we go again, welcome to Logistics Report #23: Greatest Hits Edition! Well, not really since I�ve had no real hits being that I�m not a pop-star, but anyway let�s get down to business, shall we?

First off this week saw a bit of restructuring within the Logistics Office. It was with great pain that I had to remove VA Daniel Stephens from his position of CA, due only to his lack of stable internet. His work has always been top-notch, and it�s a shame that I had to demote him, but some things just have to be done. Stephens will still be a part of the team, now residing on the staff of Logistics Office Assistants. With his departure, the position of CA was bestowed upon CM Darwin Matir. Congratulations on your new position and promotion, Vice Admiral Matir!

The Heroes Memorial contract seems to have stalled in the CD yet again. I�ve heard no word from the CD all this week regarding it, I can only hope that it�s nearing completion so that we can continue on with other phases of this project. I can�t express how eager I am to move on with this and get it completed. It�s languished far too long in this first phase of it�s development and really needs to start moving along towards final completion.

The EH Census is almost ready to be unveiled. Earlier in the week we thought we had it complete, but some bugs have popped up in the code that demand attention before we can put this out for public use. Hopefully Matir can get this all sorted out over the weekend so that we can get this thing kicked off properly on Monday.

Efforts are still being made into cataloging the materials sent to us by Ramos. Most of the work has been completed single-handedly by one officer who graciously came out of nowhere and offered to help us out. A big thank you goes out to FA Ted Tiger from all of us here at the Logistics Office for the fine work you�ve done thus far with this material. I was quite surprised earlier this week to be contacted by Ted, but I accepted his offer to help and during the course of the last week have forged a nice friendship with the Fleet Admiral. Hurrah for you, Ted!

That�s about it this week, but on a personal note I�d like to apologize to the members of the Bounty Hunter�s Guild. A few days ago I made some remarks on IRC that seemed harmless at the time, but I�ve come to realize they were not. While the things I said might have been harmless if they�d came from another member of the EH, as a Commanding Officer I have a responsibility to maintain full support to the EH and all it�s SubGroups in public. If anything, the drama that unfolded has come to show me that even though I might view myself as insignificant that other members of the EH look at me as a leader and role model, so things that I might think nothing of saying could have a profound impact on other members. Bounty Hunters, I salute you.

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report #33:  11.10.03


Greetings! Sorry for the lateness of this report. I blame work.. like usual.

Anyways. Few things to pass on..

CA:RO Shay'la is rather I'll thanks to a bad case of the Flu. So she is down for the count for a week, hopefully not more. I know we all wish her a quick return!

Today I sent off an email to Mr. Aaron Allston. I requested an E-mail interview and also if he would be willing to become an Honorary Member. I really pressed this latter point as much as I dare. I explained that he didn't have any duties he needs to perform and that basically, Honorary Member means he's just a friend of the EH. Hopefully this time he will accept the bait... errmm request! O :)

Anyways, That's all I have this week! Time for SW News!


Clone Wars Cartoon Heading to DVD?

Zap2it features an article on the Clone Wars cartoon. Here's an excerpt:
Copies of the shorts are guarded fiercely, although they will soon be released on DVD and on a paid Web site. George Lucas, known for his secrecy regarding this franchise, gave strict directives on what Cartoon Network could do with the story.
The cartoons are well done and richly detailed. Computer animation is only used when the spaceships move because hand-drawn art would have been too tedious to do, particularly under a tight deadline, Genndy Tartakovsky, director and producer, says. Animated characters closely resemble their film counterparts, but they were not intended to be mirror images.
Will we see the first 10 episodes on DVD in time for the Holidays? Who knows. Hit the link above to read the rest of the article. Thanks to cnu nick for the alert.

Clone Wars Cartoon Worldwide TV Schedule

The Clone Wars cartoon begins on US television tonight, but here's a summary of the worldwide schedule for the cartoon, which is being shown on Cartoon Network unless otherwise stated.
" Argentina - November 10th (5pm)
" Australia - November 10th (4.30pm)
" Belgium - November 10th (5pm)
" Brazil - November 10th (5pm)
" Canada - Teletoon - 2004
" Chile - November 10th (5pm)
" Denmark - November 10th (5pm)
" Finland - ???
" France - November 10th (6pm)
" Germany - ???
" Hong Kong - November 10th (5.30pm)
" Hungary - November 10th (7.30pm)
" India - November 10th (5pm)
" Italy - November 10th (5pm)
" Japan - November 10th (6.55pm)
" Latin America - November 10th (5pm)
" Malaysia - November 10th (5.27pm)
" Mexico - November 10th (5pm)
" Netherlands - November 10th (5pm)
" New Zealand - November 10th (6.30pm)
" Norway - November 10th (5pm)
" Poland - November 10th (7.30pm)
" Portugal - November 10th (7am)
" South Africa - November 10th (5am)
" Spain - November 10th (6.45pm)
" Sweden - November 10th (5pm)
" Taiwan - November 10th (7.30pm)
" UK - Toonami - November 10th (4pm)
" UK - Cartoon Network - November 24th (7am)

First Jedi on Galaxies

If you don't already know, in order to become a Jedi in Galaxies, you have to unlock a Force Sensitive Slot, with which you can then create a character who has the ability to become a Jedi. The trick is, no one knows how to unlock the FSC. But, someone managed for the first time just now.

It's Happened: The First Jedi!
Here come the Jedi - the First Force Sensitive Slot has been unlocked! News of this monumental event has been received today by our game masters. More information will be released in the future, but know this: more Jedi are very likely to follow. May the Force be with you first are going to need it.
Thanks to Robert for the e-mail.
Update: Robert sends in more info. Check out for info on Monika T'Sarn who opened the first FSC slot, as well as several screenshots. Here are some excerpt details:

" She started with a mineral survey kit, a chemical survey kit, brawler newbie clothing, and a generic crafting tool. She had to make a lightsaber crafting tool, then make a crystal, then make a saber. She says that making the second saber is buggy and does not accept her newbie saber as an ingredient.
" AP rating Medium, Damage type Kinetic, 94-189 damage 1.4 speed and HAM cost of 5/5/5
" Her Jedi has the same HAM as the rest of the characters
" She is not TEFed unless she USES A SPECIAL, so she can walk around town freely otherwise
" There are two different types of XP on the skill tree ... lightsaber XP and Jedi XP
" When asked asked how she trained her first skill ... she said that there is a trainer (not a Holocron) that she gets the skill from. The trainer is in Wayfar. The Jedi trainer is disguised as an artisan trainer

There is a lot more info on the site including how she says she unlocked the FSC Slot.
If you find any more info on this (or other Galaxies news) Send it in! (As I cancelled my account I do not have access to the message boards)


That's it for me this week. There was some KOTOR and Jedi Academy news Items, but nothing really new or exciting. Check for any additional news items. (face it, they rock at that!)

KOTOR Picture & Trailer Gallery (for those who haven't seen it!)


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO Report # 34:  11.15.03



No news from Mr. Allston as of yet. He usually has a 1-2 week return time in his emails, so I'm still waiting for a responce. Also it is well know that he loves to respond to emails from fans providing the time. So I am confidant that I will ( finally) get a response. :P

Possible new thing for the Recon Office will be "In-House" EH Interviews. The Recon Office (and possibly another CSer, not 100% sure yet) will start conducting interviews with Officers in the CS and among SGCOMS, but there is potential that if successful, the interviews can move beyond the upper echelon of the EH. This matter has been widely debated between all the CSers and generally everyone likes the idea.

I will be talking to everyone to finalize everything and to start some sort of list of who I'd like to interview for the first four weeks. I'll send out this list to make sure everyone knows when they are to be at the EH meeting ( though they should be there anyways :P ). The interviews will take place towards the end of the meeting in the main EH IRC channel. Everyone is welcome to attend. Though it wont be starting for a few weeks, pending final approval and OK from the officers first up on the list. Stay tuned next week to see how progress is being made!

Next up, CA:RO Report!

I was sick all week, on medication 'til Sunday. It is way too cold here heh.

This week, I am catching up to all I missed last week. People might be pleased to know that I did not neglect to complete the online report #33 and that it is now available just like online report #34.

The busy week I had was cut by the flu so the classes I missed are just a pain and got old HW trailing along with the new ones. So I hope I will have enough time this week to work on at least the website design of the Convention database.

Thank you VA Shayla! ( for all those who didn't see, Shay'la has been promoted! Drinks are on her...STILL! ) >:P

Now, on to SW News


LucasArts 'Choose Your Destiny' Contest

LucasArts announces the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic "Choose Your Destiny" sweepstakes.
Enter for a chance to win an array of great prizes such as:

A Trip to LucasArts
We'll give you a private tour and capture your likeness for use in an upcoming LucasArts video game!

The "Ultimate" Gaming System
Alienware Area 51 Extreme Computer with some of the finest gaming components in the galaxy. Includes the amazing Creative Gigaworks S750 7.1 Speaker System!

More Great Prizes!
* Master Replicas Lightsabers
* PC Version of Star Wars(r): Knights of the Old Republic(tm)

Enter Today ( ) !

Large Galaxies Patch

There is a massive Galaxies Patch on the official site. Some of the notable and amusing things I found while skimming it are:
Mounts have been added! Players can now ride Bols, Brackasets, Kaadu, Carrion Spats, Dewbacks, and Falumpasets. To get a mount, mounts must be your pet AND trained as a mount. Players can either buy them as trained mounts or players with pets can take their pets to a Creature Handler (with the correct skill) to be trained as a mount. Bio Engineers can create mountable pets but can't automatically train them unless they have Creature Handler skills.
Player Cities are now live! This extensive system allows you to become the Mayor of your own city. Included with the player city system are many new structure types including city halls, cantinas, and cloning facilities. Read the in-game Holocron pages on Player Cities for information on how to start and run a city.

The Politician profession is now live! In order to build a city you have to be a politician. Politicians gain skills that let them build bigger and more impressive cities. You can find politician skill trainers in all the major planetary capital cities.
Added the DLT20 rifle to novice weaponsmith.

/centerOfBeing went in with this patch, it is a melee discipline that will greatly enhance the tanking power of player characters.
Added the ability to see base maintenance rates on structure deeds.
Added new command, "/notepad", allows modifications to a text file that gets saved as "notes.txt" in the user's base profile directory.
Removed the 'experimental durability' property from structure components, because it didn't actually do anything.
Players cannot tame baby creatures while dead or incapacitated.

Latest Jedi Info From Galaxies
Tue, Nov 11, 03 02:41:27 PM EST

Jedi have been popping up on Galaxies Servers like.... rare plants. But not non-existent plants! There are at least three Jedi Jedi Initiates spread amongst the servers. IGN has an interview with Haden Blackman about this very subject, excerpt follows:

IGNPC: What sorts of unique missions can Jedi undertake? Will they simply take on the regular player missions with these new skills or will they have Jedi-specific missions?

Haden Blackman: Because there will be so few Jedi initially, our philosophy was to allow players to play out the "Jedi in hiding" role, as seen in the original Star Wars. They can still experience all the current content, using their lightsabers and Force powers, and participate in PvP combat, but being a Jedi will be dangerous, given that the Emperor and Vader have dedicated themselves to killing all Force wielders. Eventually, as Jedi become more pervasive, we hope to add Jedi-specific missions and quests, for both light and dark Jedi.

SWG.Stratics has more information, of which I'll outline a bit:

To make the training saber, all the needed were gems, steel, and chemicals ... all easy to get. No looted components.
Jedi are hunted my Bounty Hunters! In the greatest development yet, Ben sends this in:
In a shocking twist Bounty Hunter players on the Naritus galaxy found a new "Dynamic Mission" appear on the Bounty Hunter terminal listed with the hardest missions Bounty Hunters can get. Naritus is also the home of one of the few new Jedi Initiates.....

Zina was confirmed to unlock her FS just late yesterday, the second such Jedi player we have heard of. Now this new "Dynamic Mission" is level 75 difficulty and only has a letter and number code as its name. The reward is 150,000 credits.... One of the Master Bounty Hunters, Nerro Elyst accepted the mission, the Jedi players name was listed on the mission in the targets name section.

Nerro Elyst then quickly spoke with the Master level Spy-Net Operative and received the bio-signature. Nerro Elyst then attempted to track the player using droids but was greeted with a "your target is not online message" even though she was indeed online. Perhaps a bug, or perhaps the Jedi player had not yet done enough open displays of the force to give away her position, in the end though with Player Bounties active one thing is certain... It will be the players who will eagerly help keep the Jedi population in check... now the question to you is are you to be one of the hunted or the hunter?

List of Jedi Moves **

( contains heavy spoilers) [Note this is a pull from the application and may be changed in the future. Not guaranteed accurate]

TFNGames Presents: Battle of Endor

TFN is proud to host Battle of Endor ( ) , a freeware 3D Space Combat Sim based on the climatic battle in Return of the Jedi against the Second Death Star. Battle of Endor pits you against wave after wave of TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, Star Destroyers, and Lord Vader's Personal Ship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor.

I highly recommend all to try it out because as far as freeware goes, this is an amazing development.


The Battle of Endor (this is just too damn cool NOT to have it as SOTW)

The Reconnaissance Office Report #34 AND 33 is updated! Go see it online! Follow the links below.

To test the fonts, follow this link:

To download the fonts, follow this link: A window should pop up for download

To view the online report, please follow this link:

Thanks for your time and enjoy the new report experience,


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO Report # 35:  11.22.03


Greetings from the Recon Office.

Not a ton of news this week unfortunately. Mr. Allston still has not yet responded to my email yet. Most depressing..

FC, XO.. do you two have some suggestions of who YOU would like to see me get in contact with? Perhaps with better luck.. :P

I had a few compliments this week about the Recon Office Online Reports. Quite a few people like all the in depth news articles we bring to the Fleet. I love having emails like these, so if there is anything else anyone wants to see incorporated into the Recon Office Reports, please, let us know!

Now, I need to go. I've been out hunting late and I have work tomorrow! (and yes, I got a buck. Boo ya! >:P )

And now it's time for the SW News!

Galaxies Jedi Chat 11/24

TFNGAmesis very pleased to announce that we will be holding a public chat event with one of Galaxies few Jedi. Lanin (his non-FS in-game name) asked that his in-game Jedi name not be revealed and he will be answering questions about the Force Slot, Jedi Abilities (that he is able to), his lightsaber, and more.

The event will be held November 24th (Monday) at 9PM EST in the channel #tfngames on
It will be a moderated chat, meaning you will you submit your questions to the moderator, who will select the best ones. We ask that you read his previous interview on and not repeat questions. After the moderated interview, we will open the chat up for general discussion and questions for a period of time.
If you do not have an IRC client, try mIRC.

Natalie Portman Being Considered for Role in Superman

Superman-V reports that Natalie Portman is being lined up to play Lois Lane in the latest Superman movie. Here's an excerpt:
Portman has just finished shooting Episode III in Sydney and could find herself back there as soon as next year should the WB greenlight McG's movie. Would this be a good move for her though? Would she really want to do another high-profile blockbuster role on the back of Star Wars?

We asked her agent about this. Have WB been in talks with her about the part? They didn't deny it: "Nothing's conclusive"... What the heck does that mean!? Has she been in talks and nothing is signed and sealed!? Or are they refusing to deny it since they don't want to totally rule out the possibility of her going up for the role?

KOTOR PC in Stores Now

LucasArts forwarded this press note today:

LucasArts is pleased to announce that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for the PC has shipped and is available in stores now.

Featuring an all new Star Wars storyline, and developed by the team that brought you Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic includes a PC specific interface, enhanced graphics and sound, and a special trading area where users can get different weapons, armor and clothing items.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB and retails for $49.95. For more information, please visit the official product website at

Grab your lightsabers. The time has come for you to choose your path between the light and dark side.

Also, there is going to be an larger Online report with an update about *possible* changes that might be incorperated into the Origonal Triology DVD release. One of which, Boba Fett's voice will be of the man who played Jango Fett from the movies (which would royaly suck in my opinion). AND! If that wasn't bad enough, apparently they might make all the Stormtroopers have the same voice as him as well. Now, is it just me, or since Stormtroopers are NOT clones.. they wouldnt have the same voice... What in the hell is going on in the minds of all the people of ILM?? If ANYONE has any info on this, please email me!!


Well, that's about it for this week. Stay tuned next week for (hopefully) more exciting news.

Non-EH SOTW: Star Dudes

Hehehe I'd like to see what ESB and ROTJ turn out like.


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

GM Report #16:  11.22.03

Greetings all,

It's time for another report from me.

First off a couple of position changes... The P:SHW has now been appointed the full time SHW so congratulations go to SBL Frey as he gets settled into his office.

And to replace him as CON of Tarentum (before his chair has a chance to get cold) is Lady Rage Akaido. She definitely deserves it (and that comes from two former Tarentum CONs as well as myself) so congratulate her as well.

Now on to other stuff.

The DSC project is moving along and hopefully will be completed in the next couple of weeks.

The Dark Voice deadline is quickly approaching, all submission need to be into Darkfinn and Outsider by the 28th which is a week from now as it will be released on the 1st of December whether your submission is in it or not... guess I'd better do my stuff for it as well.

The Lightsaber project has seen some progress this week with the release to me of the first prototype of the sabers and Kethoron has promised me more progress over the next few weeks so not much longer Dark Jedi.

I picked up Knights of the Old Republic the day it came out and I have to say it's one of the funnest and most addicting games I've played in a long time. I sit at work all day wondering when I'll get to play it, when I play it I can't seem to stop playing cause I want to see what's next. On the Rapier meter I'd give it a 9 out of 10... and Jedi Academy only gets a 7.

Well that's all for me this week

See you all online.

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (GN Mordred)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

HF Domain Report:  11.14.03


This is the first report after the new policies and I think things went pretty well.

Everyone reported in, and now I can give you a precise position of the HF today.

Thanks everyone for collaborating.

- We're thinking on changing the requirements for Nightstalkers Det. Still being worked but at least the =SS= will be dropped for sure.

- Next week the second part of Operation Anvil will start! Time to save the GS from the alien jungle! Expect big surprises!

-Platoon League will be held December, with Malik running it! Be afraid!

-Speaking of fear, Malik is our new Phoenix Battalion Commander! Congrats!

- HFTC nows with 7 members and growing. Also, check the new site:

-Got some complaints on how the ops where acting on the HF channel, but I had a conversation with all involved (expect one) and we all agreed to go on the CoCs by the books.

-Field Manual 8 review on its way. I'd like everyone to mail me pointing the errors! Yay for review!

- House cleaning undergoing this week, many inactive troopers being removed.

- All DL submissions I had were sent to XO dingo. I'm also uploading all DLs I made while XO to my new server! URL coming next report!

That's all!

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD Darkmage)

Infiltrator Wing

Admiral DarkMage
IWCOM/AD DarkMage/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH

IW Subgroup REPORT:  11.14.03

Infiltrator wing report.

The infiltrator wing is still growing. Darkmage shouts " way to go people "

The number of awols this week is only one, we got 4 new members, a very big welcome to them. The news of our new IWCOM, hopefully will be out his week, and with the infiltrator wing showing signs of growth. i believe who ever it may be, will be inheriting a sub group on the up.

The main news of this week however is Colonel Hobbie taking temp command of Wing I, as many of you are aware, LC Axxemann is on emergency leave. so I asked for applications for a TEMP wing commander for 4 weeks and after reading many fine applications. I chose hobbie for his enthusiasm first and of course his vast.. vast... vast Experience. He has already made his first announcement to the wing, so good luck old man :D

As many of you seen in the flight officer report, There is a new manual for the infiltrator wing, being created by Vice admiral Boliv. Until this manual is finished and approved, please could all commanders use the promotions guidelines in the flight Officer report, from midweek. I have had one or two promotion requests in passing weeks, that have simply been ludicrous. I would advise everyone, to use medals sometimes for activity, Rather than the promotion option every time. I was walking down the main corridors of the Renegade yesterday and i passed a few of our junior officers.. and they uniforms look so Bare...

I believe some Infiltrator wing competitions are in order.

So, create a comp and send your detailed idea's to me @ and i will let the creator personally launch thier comp, with a medal to boot.

I look forward to reading your idea's

Thank you all for your time.

IW Subgroup Report:  11.22.03

Infiltrator wing report.

The infiltrator wing commanders position, was delayed being announced, we may or many not have an IWCOM by the End of this weekend... Since this is the question i am most being asked on IRC.. I thought i would address it first. < Darkmage smiles>

Now, The fleet has grown to a sufficient size, that means we may soon have to open another wing, I spoke at great length to acting wing commander colonel hobbie.. and we both agreed to run a fleet wide AWOL check.. to correctly assess our true number before we proceed with anything further. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in the last few weeks... We are once again approaching six full squadrons. Well done.

In last weeks report, I asked everyone to come to me with competition idea's, and from that. I got two excellent suggestions. The former IWOC and my assistant vice admiral malik, is now running an Episode II Trivia comp. The medals are based on percentage of correct answers, so i would like everyone to at least have a go

The next competition is called Renegade roughnecks and is being created as we speak by Captain Ric Gravant. The draft is being worked on with Vice admiral boliv, to release to the membership in the not to distant future.

Both of these guys have been awarded the merit cross first class, for the excellent idea's and taking the time to come up with these competitions for us.

Last but not least.

If no IWCOM is chosen this weekend, Regardless of that Fact, I want 4 Command Staff reports on the Egroups, before this time next weekend. The membership needs to be keep informed, And no IWCOM is not an excuse to slack off. The commander manage, i am sure the command staff can too.

Thank you for your time ladies and Gentleman


Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

PREX Report #5:  11.14.03

Corporate Division
[ Report #5, November 14th 2003 ]
[ Vice Admiral Loor, VSD Warhammer ]

    * Total: 60 (153 including Unemployed)
    * Direx Board: 9
    * Trade Assembly: 21
    * PLT Revenge: 30
    * Unemplyed: 93

We have been able to start getting this subgroup back on track, but we have loads of work before we can sit down and say that we are now where we want to be. All of us needs to continue working hard (and of course have fun) until we reach our goals.

< NEWS >
Vice President of Training promoted

Looking back in the past, the work done by Thorin Oakenshield has been tireless and of a very high standard. He has kept going, not complaining a single time of not receiving any kind of reward. Thorin is a exemplary member of the Corporate Division and a token on that if you only want and work hard, you can come a long way. As someone say, he is "the flipping father of the CD".

This promotion serves as a sign of gratitude of what Thorin has accomplished for the Corporate Division, not just the short time he has served as Vice President of Training, but also of his work in the past. Congratulations Thorin!
First suit tailored

The first suit has been made by CEO/WO Derek Dan and can be found at All members of the Corporate Division who wish to have one of these new suits can get one done by the Auroran Technology Enterprises for 2000 credits.

Results for the Bug Hunt competition
(taken from mail sent out on the Corporate Division mailing list)

I'm happy to announce the lucky winners of the Bug Hunt competition. But before I do that I would like to thank all who participated. The main idea for this comp was not only to get medals but to help CD. I'm happy to say that a lot of you helped.

And now the winners:
- 1st place: 23 bugs - AD Dark Angel - SotGM-gc + 50000 IC
- 2nd place: 21 bugs - WO CarrotBoy - SotGM-sc + 30000 IC
- 3rd place: 8 bugs - CG Talon Astruar - SotGM-bc + 20000 IC

Expect your awards to arrive soon. Remember, that although the competition has ended, you can still report bugs:

CEO/WO Derek Dan/Auroran Technology Enterprises/EPS Accession

AWOL checks done

As to sort out who is still with us, an AWOL check were conducted in each corporation. The result could have been a lot better as the Auroran Technology Enterprises lost 10 members <>and the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation 11.
Layout changed for PLT Revenge

The PLT Revenge has got a new layout. It can be found at:
Credits in MP Sabacc

A connection between the accounts at iBank and the upcoming game from the CA:IO FA Bevel Leeson, MP Sabacc, will be made so that we can loose or win credits while playing some sabacc.
Adjutant to the Vice President of Training appointed
VPT/RA Thorin Oakenshield decided to appoint an adjutant to help him in his work. This duty was handed to COM Darknyte.


    * Corporate Division Database:
    * Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
    * Corporate Division Message Board:
    * Corporate Division Bug Tracker:    
    * The iBank:

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick /Loor/. So don't be afraid to approach me :)

PREX Report #6:  11.21.03

Corporate Division
[ Report #6, November 21st 2003 ]
[ Vice Admiral Loor, VSD Warhammer ]


    * Total: 63 (157 including Unemployed)
    * Direx Board: 9
    * Trade Assembly: 23
    * PLT Revenge: 31
    * Unemplyed: 94

This past week has been a tough week, I have been swamped with university stuff and it will probably be like this for another week. I will still be around, just a little less. Matters will be taken care of in time and mails answered. No need to worry about not being able to reach me or things not being done

< NEWS >
Both CEOs promoted

I decided it was time to promote both CEOs for their hard work. Aiden Cantor Karias has not been awarded for a long time for his great work, and Derek Dan should have been promoted earlier due to the minimum rank of the CEO being Master Warrant Officer, but I decided to wait a bit to see how he was doing. But both officers have earned their promotions and I hope I will have the honour of approving more promotions.
New members

During the past week, 4 new members has signed up for the Corporate Division. 2 of them has already passed the Basic Training Course and assigned to the desired corporations. This is a nice development :) **
VPO/RA Thorin on leave

Our Vice President of Operations, Rear Admiral Thorin, went on a sudden leave. We can expect him back within a few days..
Ideas for spending credits

Several ideas has surfaced on how we can spend money. This include monopoly, lottery and other kind of games. This is something we need so we get more options on how to spend the money we earn. All ideas and suggestions on this are warmly welcome. The current ideas will be written down and developed further.
Statistics page

I will be creating a statistics page which the members can use to check all kinds of facts about the current Corporate Division. If you have any suggestions on what the page should contain, let me know.
Activity bonuses paid

All activity bonuses submitted by each CEO has been awarded.


    * Corporate Division Database:
    * Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
    * Corporate Division Message Board:
    * Corporate Division Bug Tracker:
    * The iBank:

I will always be checking my mail, even though I may have lots to do with the university.

I want to say that my office is always open and my ears will always listen to what you have to say. You can often find me on IRC with the nick /Loor/. So don't be afraid to approach me :)

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

Respectfully submitted,
Dark Prince Trench

DP Report #149:  11.22.03



A bunch of news to run down this week...

Adjunct Nyk'chendhe has some new Arena matches going up this weekend, one of which is the first Twilight Gauntlet.  There's a super surprise coming soon that is going to delight the hearts of all Arena fans...only Nyk isn't spilling the beans just yet.  I know what it is, but I'm not going to tell you either...

The Marshal has about 15 new additions to the KIW that should all be up soon, and he's running a graphics competition for which he has already received a number of submissions.  Details to be found on the message board.

Synth has completed some recent projects but a more 'interactive' announcement is that he is accepting Timeline events for credits -- 5,000 credits per event used!  He asks that you submit them by e-mail.  Tuss, meanwhile, has graded all pending exams and wants to get everyone excited for a special Thanksgiving addition of the MB for details; also, with help from Slagar, the SSL3 course is coming along very nicely.  He's still looking for assistance with the Sniper course, so do contact Tuss if you're interested.

Proctor Coursca has gotten KA hunts up and promises a KA Cup very soon for some wounded folks to get back their pride...

Two final things, of greater import: #1 -- BHG v. Intel; go BHG;

#2 -- Ehart had toyed with the idea of merging two of the Kabals that have been struggling the most.  He polled the members and while many were willing, many others wanted to give it one more go.  Due to this Ehart is going to allow the Kabals to remain unmerged for now and is appointing Nindo Flast as CH of Cyclone Kabal.

I want to add my encouragement for those who want to keep their Kabals going.  I hope you are able to do it -- there is an ebb and flow in Kabal power and it's up to you to prove that this was just a down time for you, not a permanent problem.  I know you can do it, and I'm really encouraged that such Kabal pride exists.

Respectfully submitted

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report #26:  11.13.03

Report of the Supreme Director #26 - 13/11/03

Roster Count: 60

Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics �

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. Temporary Academy of Tactics Site Now Online
A temporary site is now up at I�m desperately in need of a PHP bunny to make a lovely new permanent one, so there�s a nice big shiny reward on offer for the site�s completion. Contact for details.

2. SOD Competition � Intel vs. BHG
Due to complications at the BHG end of the line, this has been delayed until this coming Sunday (16th). The competition will last a week and seems to be modeled on a BHG-style Kabal Authority Games. I�ll email
you all further details as soon as I receive them.

3. RADR on Leave
Rear Admiral Scrier has taken some leave for �personal reasons�. He suspects he�ll be away from the thick of things for the next two weeks, but might pop in to say hi if he gets the urge.

4. Join Form
The join form on the new site still isn�t working. If you wish to join Intel please email and

5. IntOrg is Recruiting!
See for details.

SDIR Report #27:  11.20.03

Report of the Supreme Director #27 - 20/11/03

Roster Count: 60

Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 �
Academy of Tactics �

Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk � (
BLDR/RA Davi Anthol � (
RADR/RA Scrier �
TTDR/GN Rebelkiller �
Bureau Directors
BUDR/MAJ Harlequin (INTORG) �
BUDR/LC Winters (BOO) �
BUDR/MAJ Klaus Steiner (ANLY) �
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. SOD Competition � Intel vs. BHG
If you�re a member of Intel you should already know about this. It�s on the Intelligence MB, it�s on the 10th Anniversary MB, it�s been in your BUDRs reports and I�ve sent you individual emails pretty much everyday this week� but for the sake of completion:

The competition details are being released on the EH 10th Anniversary Message Board so please keep a close eye on it - I�m also emailing a copy to every Intel agent and Praetorian pilot and posting it on the Intel MB.

The event is based on a BHG KAG (Kabal Authority Games) and the event
schedule is as follows:
Sunday, November 16th: Fiction Begins
Monday, November 17th: Graphics Begins
Tuesday, November 18th: No events scheduled
Wednesday, November 19th: No events Scheduled, Fiction due by 11:59PM
Thursday, November 20th: Trivia Begins, Graphics due by 11:59PM EST.
Friday, November 21st: Whose Ship Is That Begins.
Saturday, November 22nd: No events Scheduled
Sunday, November 23rd: No events scheduled
Monday, November 24th: No events scheduled Trivia and WSIT due by
11:59PM EST.

If you are a classified agent (ABDR/BRLR/BUAG) send your submissions to

If you are a public agent (UBIQ/BUDR) or a member of Prae send your submission to and

As I�ve mentioned earlier I intend to lead by example. I will very disappointed in any Intel CO who does not do likewise (although Scrier's excused because he's on leave � that said, he�s entered all three rounds so far :) ). As an added challenge I'll give a shiny merit medal to the first 3 people who manage beat my score (if any one can:p). You know you want to try and beat me...

The fiction deadline has now passed and the graphics deadline is fast approaching. Trivia questions were sent out this morning and WSIT will begin tomorrow. The trivia contest is serving as a semi-official AWOL check � if you submit you�ll be on the list for any interesting assignments which I happen hand out.

2. Web Designer Wanted
The temporary AoT site is now up at and as you can see it�s quite horrific. Therefore I�m desperately in need of a PHP bunny to make a lovely new permanent one, so there�s a nice big shiny reward on offer for the sites completion. Contact for

3. RADR on Leave
Rear Admiral Scrier has taken some leave for �personal reasons�. He suspects he�ll be away from the thick of things for the next week or so, but might pop in to say hi if he gets the urge and may even try to enter he Intel vs BHG Competition.

4. Intel Website
The news section on the main website is now working and *fingers crossed* the join form works too! Thanks to IOA Drako of the Internet Office for sorting them out.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)

No Reports Submitted

Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (GN Longshot)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

CGM Report:  11.14.03

The big news for The Fringe this week is the long-awaited patch that implemented player-owned cities and mounts, such a dewbacks.

Patch day was Thursday. After a bit of chaos and heartbreak while trying to place our city on Corellia, I consulted with the online players, and we decided to try our luck with moving to Talus. The details of the city placement can be found on the message boards for The Fringe. So far, we are doing a good job settling in to our new home on Talus, and while I expect there to some adjustments, I think overall the membership will be pleased with our new site.

Friday night has our first Holocron hunt. Any news to come out of the hunt will be posted in next week's report.

Speaking of Holocrons, our very own Delak managed to obtain one. It seems that if he wishes to unlock a force-sensitive character, Delak must master the art of fencing first. Best wishes to Delak on his quest.

The head of our crafting branch, Aeden, has requested an indefinite leave of absence. We are promoting our architect Nepo to take Aeden's place. I'm sure Nepo will do a wonderful job.

Finally, while we wait for a permanent teamspeak server to come online, I am running a temporary server off of my home machine. It seems to work OK for now, but hopefully teamspeak will have a more stable server in the near future. All PA members have an in-game e-mail detailing the IP address and password to use for connecting to teamspeak.

CGM Report: 11.21.03

The following is the report for the Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Player's Association, based on the Chilastra Server on the planet Talus, for the week ending 11/21/03.

The worst of the move to Talus is over, and I'm pleased with the results. We currently have about 25 city residents, and the best news is that the PA Hall was able to be moved with very little impact to the PA.

Last Friday's Holocron Hunt was attended by about 5 members. While it wasn't a very fast-paced event, I feel I can safely say that everyone in attendance had a good time.

PA Member Sekkong will now become a master chef, as dictated by his holocron.

Tonight, Nepo will be hosting an inauguration day party at our city. It is expected that Holu will win his first mayoral election, and our city will become a tier 2 city. Expect a *real* cantina to be dedicated as well.

In order to push the growth of our city upward, The Fringe is now recruiting. Members of the EH who wish to be part of the EH's official SWG movement should contact Longshot on the Chilastra server or e-mail

While PA member Sekkong is wrapping up his offer to create a creature mount for any PA members free of charge, player Rooby is about to master CH and will be picking up the free mount offer where Sekkong is leaving off. Please stop by the Fringe Message boards for more details.

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

CHS Report #40:  11.16.03

- News -
Sorry for the late report. I've been caught up with work. Anyway, we're still working on getting an unfinished version of the database up. Orv has to make the conversion to an old template, make temporary rosters, etc. My DCH, Dakkon, is completely AWOL and controls the temporary site, so there's not much I can do on that front. I'll keep you posted on Orv's progress...

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. His primary function is to render planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be
obtained from the Minister of State.

-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential
-Creativity and intelligence

- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)

- Additional -

- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:, or
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

CHS Report #41:  11.22.03

Imperial Senate Report #41

- News -
Finally, a productive week. Orv has shown signs that he's alive by getting on AIM, though he's usually at work whenever I find him there. A friend of mine has started work on the Ministry of State site to prove that he is capable of doing the work necessary for M:COMM in the future. So far, it's looking pretty good. Dakkon, the Deputy Chancellor, has more or less returned from inactivity to help me get started on things again. That's pretty much it.

HC-6: Minister of State (M:STA)
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and the amount of activity contributed by each delegate. His primary function is to render planetary scenarios/issues, competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.

-Extremely high online presence
-Quick e-mail response time
-Must use AIM
-HTML knowledge
-Ability to maintain a website
-A sample of writing (story, essay, etc)
-An extent of political, ethical, philosophical, historical, and scientific proficiency
-Ability to think of a variety of issues and scenarios and potential solutions
-Creativity and intelligence

- Projects -
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Imperial Senate Archives (Ministry of Records; completed)

- Additional -

- Senate Info. -
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:, or
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI report:  11.14.03

Nothing to report this week

HI Report:  11.21.03

Nothing to report this week. Is the SO office closed? not doing it's job? or by some miraculous event the whole membership is behaving flawlessly???

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

No Reports Submitted

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

No Reports Submitted

Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon

DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]

SOD Report #10:  11.15.03

Sorry I'm late this week, I tend to become Sir Snoresalot on Fridays. Anyway, The big thing this week is that the first SG vs. SG competition is on! It's BHG vs INTEL in a winner take all match up! There are only a few events for this competition because this first one is my test to see how much participation I can get, and how well certain events go. I will plan further competitions to have more events as time passes. This first one starts tomorrow with the fiction event, the topic for which I will be emailing to the BHG Commission, and Mordann late tonight. Otherwise, on the 10th Anniversary front, there are a couple of new polls up on the board, and I'm going to put a general discussion thread up there as well.

I think that'll be all this week. I may send next week's report early as the possibility exits that I'll be going to see a close friend on Friday into Saturday.

SOD Report #12:  11.22.03

Sorry I'm late again, it's getting toward crunch time at school thus I've been flooded with exams. I'm also not feeling well today. I woke up feeling like crap and had to cancel one of my competition events. I'll be ok though, no worries

Big news this week, the first of my SG vs. SG competitions has gone GREAT. I'm displeased with my lack of organization, but oh well. I always did say the first would be an experiment. I'm learning a lot from the participants about how they think I could do it better next time, which is a pleasure for me, because of my tendency to get blasted and ridiculed in the past. I'm getting mostly constructive criticism. One or two people submitted link banners that I found rather mean spirited, but nothing particularly vulgar.

I'm going to do another competition of this sort (with far better organization and lots more help) in a few months. I've also got some Christmas things coming up, so look for details on that in the next few weeks.

On the 10th anniversary front, I'm going to put two new polls on the board tomorrow night or Monday. I have some work I need to do for school tomorrow, but if I can I'll post them then. Either way they'll be up by Monday evening. I'm pleased with the response I've been getting. Several of you have submitted some wonderful ideas for events, and I'm going to be looking at some of these. Remember folks, the tenth Anniversary is a full year event, so don't think that once it's over all the events are done. I intend to do things all year in 2005. Perhaps we'll get lucky and Episode III will be the best of the SW movies as something of a gift from ol' George himself.

I think that's it for this week.


Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Astix)

EH Advanced Guard

Rear Admiral Astix, Emperor's Hammer Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG/EH

LA Report #12:  11.15.03


-=Overall Synopsis=-

A good week, with everyone getting in touch. Good going, folks!

Major Screed is chasing up the UIP (formerly TRIC) and getting a date for more negotiations.

Colonel Nightmare's done some more spring cleaning, and found yet an another new club. I'm currently undecided as to what we're going to do with them, but we'll keep you posted. Siterath's also found some RPG clubs, and has spent waaaay too long polishing his Bronze Star >:-P

This is the end of the third month of my tenure- excellent work all round, I feel. Double the membership, everyone keeping in contact and some good work getting done. Well done all!

As a result of Nightmare's checkup, about 10-15 clubs have been declared "Gorrrrrrrrneeeeeeeee" and are to be removed from the Alliances page. I believe Grand Admiral Ronin will be doing the honours in the next update. Every AMB and ENV should take a peek on Sunday just to get an idea of who's gone and who's still around.

-=Current Negotiations=-

MAJ Screed has been talkig with the UIP.
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army. - don't give ME the email address- use it yourself!
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase has found two new RPG clubs and is contacting them

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
Myself - Getting the Comp. Database going.

Delak- Finish getting an alliance with the Imperial Army. Get it wrapped up

Nightmare- Please go to the Alliances page and contact the first ten clubs from the top down. Ask them to check their details are correct, and if they require any assistance as promised in the terms of the alliance. If any details are incorrect- send the corrects to Ronin for correction. [Excellent work, number 2. First class effort!]

Van Nowak- Please do the same for the other clubs on the Alliances page. [Thanks for the update]

Siterath- Find a new club. Ally with them. [Thanks for the update, good luck with the two new clubs]

Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- [Thanks for the update- if they don't reply this time, grab a new club]

Screed- Talk to TRIC's Fleet Commander, get a possible date for when he will be able to start talking to us again, and tell me. Talking with a new RPG club. [Keep me posted, thanks for the update on IRC]

Wemmel- Currently got a lot of RL problems, but Jan is creating flyers and posters for the EH to distribute at JediCon 2004. Nice work, Jan!

-=New Members=-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (

That's it from me, a great week all around. Good going, folks!

LA Report #13:  11.22.03


-=Overall Synopsis=-
Another good week, with things still moving. Good going, folks!
Major Screed informs me that the UIP (formerly TRIC) have set their status to us as Friendly Neutrals. Diplomatic relations will take place, but no alliance will be sought. This, I think, suits the Emperor's Hammer just fine.

The big news this week is that Colonel Nightmare's hard work has been rewarded. Colonel, step forward please? Gents, it is my pleasure to annouce that Colonel Nightmare is hereby awarded a Silver Star for his constant effort in maintaining an efficient diplomatic service. Over the past few weeks, Nightmare has spent much time and elbow-grease getting the Alliances page updated, for which I'm eternally grateful.

As a result of Nightmare's checkup, about 10-15 clubs have been declared "Gorrrrrrrrneeeeeeeee" and are to be removed from the Alliances page. I believe Grand Admiral Ronin will be doing the honours in the *next* update (as one didn't seem to take place last weekend). Every AMB and ENV should take a peek on Sunday just to get an idea of who's gone and who's still around.

-=Current Negotiations=-
MAJ Screed has been talking with the UIP.
MAJ Delak is talking with the Imperial Army. - How's that going, Del?
CM Xirok is talking with "They Might Be Jedi [TMBJ]", a JKII club.
CPT Goerase has found two new RPG clubs and is contacting them

-=Work Done/Negotiations Underway/Contacts Established=-
Myself - Getting the Comp.Database going.

Delak- Finish getting an alliance with the Imperial Army. Get it wrapped up

Nightmare- Please go to the Alliances page and contact the first ten clubs from the top down. Ask them to check their details are correct, and if they require any assistance as promised in the terms of the alliance. If any details are incorrect- send the corrects to Ronin for correction. [Excellent work, number 2. First class effort!]

Van Nowak- Please do the same for the other clubs on the Alliances page. [Thanks for the update]

Siterath- Find a new club. Ally with them. [Thanks for the update, good luck with the two new clubs]

Xirok- Finish that alliance with TMBJ- [Thanks for the update- if they don't reply this time, grab a new club]

Screed- Talk to TRIC's Fleet Commander, get a posisble date for when he will be able to start talking to us again, and tell me. Talking with a new RPG club. [Keep me posted, thanks for the update on IRC]

Wemmel- Currently got a lot of RL problems, but Jan is creating flyers and posters for the EH to distribute at JediCon 2004. Nice work, Jan!

-=New Members=-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Astix (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel (
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel (
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Xantos Screed (
Ambassador (AMB) - CPT Siterath Goersase (
Ambassador (AMB) - VA Jacob Van Nowak (

That's it from me, another good week. Bon!