December 2001


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays:  12.24.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Fellow EH Members:

I just wanted to wish all the best and have a merry XMas and happy New Year.

I also want to personally thank you all for your hard work and efforts as we approach our 7th anniversary (I actually "conceived" the EH on Dec. 24, 1994).  Without the efforts of our Membership, we never would have become as successful and popular as we are today.

Take care and be safe...!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

New Amateur Star Wars Game "Fleet Admiral":  12.06.01
As Created By:  FL/CM Saadam/Pi 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Please click to download FLEET ADMIRAL (134 KB) ZIP File


When a few years ago I saw PANZER GENERAL I dreamed to play in a similar game but in the STAR WARS universe and because LucasArts would never make such game I decided to do it myself.

After one year of work you can see the final effect.

The game has some failures. It is only in 16 colours and instead hexes I use squares. Computer is stupid, although it has much better AI than I thought on the beginning of my work. There is some more minor mistakes. Nevertheless I hope you will enjoy it. I put all my heart in it.

FL/CM Saadam/Pi 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
PIN #4739

Kadath Appointed New Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe RPG Subgroup:  12.20.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

With the recent resignation of Former CGM Bond, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) have agreed upon the appointment of Kadath as the new CGM.

Congrats !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

FA Stalker (SDIR) Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  12.24.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

For his exceptional command of the Emperor's Hammer Intelligence Division and its continuing efforts to keep the Fleet safe in the Outer Rim, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein awards Fleet Admiral Stalker with the Imperial Cross (IC) Medal.

Congratulations !

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

SW:CCG Naboo Released:  12.18.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



Decipher has released the newest set to the SW:CCG collection, Naboo. It was released on the 12th. Go check it out at your local hobby shop. :)

Card Lists:

Dark -
Light -

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- | - }
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBL (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"


Former CGM Bond Awarded Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal:  12.08.01
As Recommended By:  CMDR/MAJ Rand al'Thor/Trapper Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
Approved By:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)


Sir, I come before you today to recommend a fine officer for a well-deserved medal. For five months Bond served as Chief Game Master of The Fringe. During this time, he greatly improved EH members' awareness of The Fringe, and attracted many new people to the subgroup. It is my opinion that former-Chief Game Master Bond has, through his service, earned the right to admittance into the Grand Order of the Emperor.

CMDR/MAJ Rand al'Thor/Trapper Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
RSV/LRD Rand al'Thor
(formally TRB/LRD Rand al'Thor, Tribune of The Fringe)
GRD Rand al'Thor (Obelisk)
"The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness."

Internet Office Report #17 - Project Hawkeye:  12.14.01
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (AD Ari)

Internet Office


This week we've completed design stage #1, and we move to design stage #2, which includes planning out some of the web sites to be used for Project Hawkeye. I trust I've gotten you curious over the past few weeks as to what Project Hawkeye is, so I'll let you all in on a little bit of information.

Project Hawkeye is the first of it's kind: an Internet Office Competition. Yes, that's right, this will be the first competition ever to be held by the IO. The competition is open to ALL EH members, not just TC, and we will try to accept as many as we can from different subgroups. The Project Hawkeye Competition will have two stages: the first is the qualifying stage, and the second is the actual competition. We will provide you with the details for qualification at a later date (can't give away everything now, can we?) We will accept about 20 people to participate in the actual competition. Awards have not yet been determined, but we'd like to give as many medals to as many participants as we can. I cannot yet say anything about the actual competition and what it consists of, but trust me, it's an original idea and has never been done in the EH. We, at the Internet Office, will pioneer the way to a new brand of competitions and entertainment within the EH. Preliminary development is now started, but we expect this to take quite some time to prepare, so I'm projecting a release date of around mid-March.

If you would like to work on the web design staff or graphics staff for Project Hawkeye, please contact me at or find me on IRC (that's probably a better way to get me) and send a URL or image as a sample of your work. We need a lot of people who are dedicated and willing to do some real work, but we will reward you sufficiently at the end.

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-4SR-BR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

A Very Special LO Report (#33):  12.14.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Since august of this year and towards the end of the summer ideas of an EH Timeline, A project, a competition, a total restructure of the EH's place in the Star Wars Universe has been in production by the Logistics Office. I will admit the first attempt at creating this endeavor was a failure, due to lack of experience, novelties, operational management and a switch in the head of the operation. The second time around at attempting to complete his project was also incomplete. The main fiction writer resigned three days before the final draft was to be submitted to the Grand Admiral for approval. Finally the 3rd and last time I would accept, and hopefully my superiors and peers would accept, this last attempt at creating the timeline, seems perfect. On Sunday night the final plan will be submitted to the Tactical Office, the Training office, the Executive Office, The Flight Office, and the Office of the Fleet Commander as well as the Subgroup Commanders and the Support staff among them. 

Each subgroup will have an intricate role in the timeline, a competition has been suggested to the commanders of the subroups for each individual event that will take place in the Timeline comp. Hopefully the plans will be complete and diligent enough to take place so that every EH Member can participate in this climax of scripture and tales of the Emperor's Hammer. Finally...Thrawn is coming back, PERMANENTLY.

Now on with the news...

1. A HUGE Birthday present to the Emperor's Hammer for number 7 will include the following things...

- A special newsletter submission, highlighting the events of the last year, special fan fictions, ALL NEW EP II News, Opinion Articles, and much much more action packed reading material for the Dark Sentinel.

- The EH Census will be released on January 7th, this will be a simple series of forms in the Logistics Office Stat Center that will try to evaluate the status of the Emperor's Hammer both on membership opinions, where we were compared to last year, and also a paper will be published providing analysis of the results of the Census.

- Mr./Miss EH 2002! Nominations will begin being taken on January 7th! Get ready for an all new round of battle and a fight for the coveted crown.

- New LO Domain being Launched!! The new Logistics Office Site will be up at, I have already secured the space and am in the process of registering the domain name. Thanks to VA Crusader the Site will incorporate everything into one interactive Domain, the Codex, the EH Stat Center, Mr./Miss EH, the Imperial Archives... The Memorium, and much much more!!!

- A Special Paper entitled....the year in review....2001: An Emperor's Odyssey...Written by the LO Staff.

- The Timeline Project!
- The Launching of the Imperial Archives!
- A new interface for the Logistics Office file bin.

AND A VERY VERY VERY SPECIAL GIFT....Something that will change the face of the way people of this club look on the history of our society.

Status Reports...

1. The domain has gone down.. Creating a need for secure hosting for the LO websites and its subdomains...This has been taken care of with redesign in progress.

2. The EH Codex was completed earlier this week...Check it out at

3. Colonel Gilkane Satal and Colonel Darth Vader are hard at work rebuilding the Imperial Historical Society under its new format. If you are interested go read the post on the EH Message Board, or Email myself at

4. CPT Shay'la Dukhal has taken control of the new Newsletter/Imperial Propaganda Department. We look forward to seeing good work from her in the future...including an article on some SW Mods in the making.

5. Vice Admiral Kano and Major Ekim Yelleck are hard at work with the final preparations with the timeline.

6. Vice Admiral Goatham has just returned from leave and will now be taking up an advisory/administrative role dealing with the implementation of the Timeline into EH Subgroups.

7. Vice Admiral Crusader has done an excellent job with the LO Domain, he is now constructing the Census, the new Mr/Miss EH Comp Site, and also is ASPing the Codex.

8. Admiral Ramos, me, is currently completing the review of the EH for the year and also is performing the task of getting this timeline together and finished.

History, Society, Welfare.

The Three most important reasons why the Logistics Office exists. To bring the past alive, and to ensure all of you! The members a place in the times of the EH.

Personal Note:

Around this holiday time, many people say be forgiving, or be thankful for what we all have earned and what has allowed us to get here today. I realize that I may not be the most well liked person, or most respected, or even the most tolerable but maybe just heed to this advice, or try it once, if you care...

Step back, Look back, and see where this year took you, what you have said, done, acted for or against see if the actions you took had meaning, point out the ones that did and cherish them. I have almost been the Logistics Officer of this great club for a year now. And Hell I still love every minute of work or play. For once, lets all cooperate together to bring back those 'good times' those 'old times that we all speak of cherishing. 

Let the past....come alive.

Thanks everybody,

LO/AD Ramos Kanzco/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign

Fleet Commander's Note:

Although routine Command Staff reports are not necessarily posted on the Domain, this latest LO report contained a lot of interesting and exciting I had to share it...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Popular Star Wars Author, Aaron Allston, Gives Autograph to the Emperor's Hammer:  12.06.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran)

(Click for full size 142K JPG)

Aaron Allston's Homepage

Greetings GA Ronin and SA Kawolski,


I would like to present this autograph to the members of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet... 

-Keiran Idanian

FA Keiran Idanian Awarded Medal of Honor (MoH):  12.07.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

For his outstanding work at fostering the image of the EH in the SW actor community and his relentless efforts at getting SW Actor interviews, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer )SA Kawolski) herein present FA Keiran Idanian (Reconnaissance Officer) with the EH Medal of Honor (MoH).

FA Keiran Idanian has an amazing ten (10) entries on the EH Article Mentions Page and has personally successfully contacted an impressive number of seven (7) various SW actors and authors including:

  • Mike Stackpole (Author)

  • David Prowse (Darth Vader - Ep. IV - VI)

  • Greg Bear (Author)

  • Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca Ep. IV - VI)

  • Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel, Ep. IV)

  • Michael P. Kube-McDowell (Author)

  • Shannon Baksa (Mara Jade, SW:CCG)

  • Aaron Allston (Author)

I would like to extend my personal gratitude to FA Keiran Idanian for his fine work and dedication to the EH...!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Fleet Assistance Reminder:  12.07.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Although membership in the Emperor's Hammer has always and will always be free of charge, the Fleet Commander expends significant personal resources to keep this club running.  While its understood that most EH Members are too young (or financially strapped) to contribute, there are many others that have the means to help out.  Besides, if you like, you can even get some EH Gear ... !

To those folks, if you can, please contribute via one of the methods below:

Expenses to date are listed below and are updated regularly on the EH Benefactor's Page - Expenses.

Donation Receipts & Expenses Summary

TOTAL Donations received in 1997: $ 510.00 (US)
TOTAL Donations received in 1998: $ 155.00 (US)
TOTAL Donations received in 1999: $ 209.00 (US)
TOTAL Donations received in 2000: $ 360.00 (US)
TOTAL Donations received in 2001: $   65.00 (US)

Total Received to Date:  $ 1,399.00


InterNic Domain Registration Fee 7 $35/year $245
Verio Enhanced Level Service 84 $75/month $6,300
AOL/Domain Telephone Connection Charges 84 $50/month $4,200
P300 Computer (Cash purchase on 12/16/97) 1 $2,510 $2,510
P800 Computer (Cash purchase on 8/3/00) 1 $1,189 $1,189
Software/Accessories 84 $50/month $4,200



TOTALS AS OF 12.07.01

My thanks for your support...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

CGM Bond Resigns as SGCOM of the Fringe:  12.07.01
As Emailed From:  Former CGM Bond

Subj: my resignation 
Date: 11/29/01 8:05:39 PM Eastern Standard Time

sirs, i have had less and less time to fulfill my duties as chief game master. in the coming months i will have absolutely no time to dedicate to my position. i will resign in about a week.

i have said from the beginning i would resign if there was someone better or i haven't been doing my job. maybe i haven't been doing what i should in the past weeks as my schedule has allowed little time.

right now i don't know of anyone to fill my place, however i would like to have a week to look and hopefully finish some projects. hopefully, the next will have a better hand and make the group really work.

i would ask you to keep this quite until i can find a replacement and tie up some loose ends. maybe for a week or a little more?

thank you for giving me a shot. i hope i did some good. the members enjoyed the games and the game masters enjoyed our silly members... that all that really counts.

but, most of all i would like to thank you two for your outstanding leadership. i don't know how many people say this, but the EH would be dead with out you guys.

i'll finish coding the EHCCG system when i have time again, if its not up already... take care sirs.

CGM/LGD Bond/SSSD Sovereign
-Director of the Atmospheric Project-
-Proud Sith Warrior and Rollmaster of Clan Naga Sadow-
-Major/Commander, Emperor's Hammer(ret.)-

Fleet Commander's Note:

Interested applicants for this Position should meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Serious interest in Role Playing Games (RPGs) in general and Star Wars RPGs in particular

  • Be a Member of the EH in good standing (no HCI convictions !) for a minimum of one year

  • Have the ability to host, game master and/or manage multiple on-line games and gamers

  • Be able to create/maintain a website (a stable one !)

  • Be familiar with and ready to incorporate West End Games (WEG), Wizards of the Coast and Star Wars Galaxies based RPGs on behalf of the EH

  • Feel comfortable interacting with the Command Staff and be able to commit to a serious level of activity

If interested, please email the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) and Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) with your email application.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Fleet Order of Battle: Data Entry Complete:  12.04.01
As Emailed From:  SCO:CA (FA Kermee)

Science Office


Data entry on the Order of Battle is now complete. It is ready to go from a data perspective. Thus, with your approval I'll remove the redirect and let the site be publicly accessible.

I have made a couple of minor alteration to the order of battle, noticing that the Daedalus & PLTs Triad where not listed and that several of the ex-Naval Corps craft where without abbreviations while others had them. Naturally, any of these can be undone upon request. I have a separate email I'm preparing containing some other possible errata noticed while entering the data.

The final version can be viewed at

Still to go are a couple of technical problems. Primarily, that Netscape v4.x has some problems rendering the pages, and the length of time it takes to generate some sections (particularly the full view). I'll be looking at making the design 100% Netscape compatible first and then at implementing some form of caching to speed up viewing. However, the site is still quite functional as is.

Oh, and for anyone interested, the final count is 397 'groups' (abstract groups [eg. ASF] or individual craft) entered, with a final fleet strength of 752 craft.

FA Kermee
- CA:SCO/FA Kermee/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign
- DJK (krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC-KC
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-3gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-GoC/OV-2E [LGNR]

Mr/Miss EH 2001/2002:  12.04.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office


The EH 2001/2002 Mr./Miss EH Competition is about to being. As of right now I am still getting the Logistics behind this, like the database and the voting system being used. But I have written up the rules and such for you to look over, just for re-clarification.

General Description Previous Winners

This is the fourth running of the competition. This competition exists to determine who you, the EH populace, believe should be Mr. EH and Miss EH. As for the qualities of these members, use your imagination (i.e. who would you label as "Mr. EH" etc.) Although this competition is designed more for attitude than accomplishments. These should be people who you think are great people personality-wise. 

Previous Winners 

Mr EH - Thedek 
Miss EH - Callista 

Mr EH - Trench 
Miss EH - Sarriss 

Mr EH- Mell
Miss EH- Adrenaline

General Rules 

1. Previous winners are not allowed to participate. 
2. Anyone with the rank of HA or higher cannot participate. The Flight Officer and any Subgroup Commanders cannot participate. 
3. EH Poll Manager cannot participate (that's me) 
4. Candidates must be nominated by another member (you cannot nominate yourself). 
5. You are only allowed to nominate one guy and one girl (for a max of two people). 
6. Candidates must be a member of the Emperor's Hammer or one of it's subgroups. Proof of this membership (ID line) must be provided with the nomination. 
7. If a candidate leaves the Emperor's Hammer for any reason, they are automatically disqualified. 
8. Mr. EH and Miss EH are NOT to be thought of as a couple. Therefore do not vote for the people in this fashion. 
9. Anyone who is nominated cannot ask for the name of their nominator until after the competition. Although by then, I'll have forgotten that information anyways. 
10. You don't have to be a guy to nominate a girl, and otherwise. Guys can nominate guys and girls can nominate girls. 
11. There may be awards, there may not be awards. That depends on many things. 
EH Poll Manager reserves the right to add any more rules if and when necessary. 


NEW Shadow Academy Site:  12.06.01
As Emailed From:  DA Mejas Doto (Krath)/HM

Dark Greetings

It is with great pleasure I announce the revolutionary new Shadow Academy site!!!

I have worked REALLY hard over the past week to get this together and I hope you both enjoy the site as much as I have in creating it. This SA will be vastly different to the one you created Lord Ronin, however I hope you feel I am building upon your legacy and it is great to be involved in this project. 

You'll notice your crest is in the top title bar with the Alvaak arms so I hope you like it. I have great hopes for the site and though this is only the beginning I hope it to be the best sub-group training academy second only to the IWATS.

If I keep working like this I should have it fully complete within the year, and from then on their will be constant additions as long as we can think them up.

Please pass any comments onto myself or the whole Dark Council if you wish. 

Many thanks...

Dark Adept Mejas Doto
Head Master of the Shadow Academy
DA Mejas Doto (Krath)/HM, RS/GC/SC-SoI/BZ-GQ w/1/DC-KC-O-C-D/(BNAg)/(LSS)/(DSS-QK) {SA: CORE-DSC}


Shannon Baksa's EH Email Interview:  11.29.01
As Compiled By:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

MaraJade (Shannon Baksa)

Recon Office

Greetings gentlemen,


I'm proud to present you with Shannon Baksa's interview! :)

Forwarded Message: 

Subj: Re: Greetings From the Emperor's Hammer 
Date: 11/28/01 6:58:21 PM Eastern Standard Time 
To: Keiran Idanian 

hi, hope this helps ya, thanks again for resending them...............

I would like to thank you again for becoming an Emperor's Hammer Honorary member, and if you are still willing to par take in the interview, here are the questions. :) 

I would like to thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to take this interview. Thank you very much! :)

1. What kind of music do you like? mostly ska, some old blues and jazz, modern contemporary...lots of different kinds....

2. Who is your favorite band? fighting gravity....the skeletones

3. How did you become Mara Jade? a model's call

4. Out of all the Star Wars books with Mara Jade in them, which one is your favorite, and why? the original trilogy is the cannot read just one, you have to read them all.

5. How do you feeling about being married to Luke Skywalker? well, if it were me, I'd ask, where's han? but since it's mara, it seems just right. he's the only character with enough heart and strength to guide her to where she needs to be, to love and understand her

6. When you saw the Star Wars movies, did you have any idea that one day you'd be a character? i was just a child when they came out...i didn't even know what i wanted to be when i grew up....

7. What are your hobbies? my daughter, dogs and home

8. What is your favorite movie, and why? hmmmmmmmm, i really love army of darkness...bruce cambell, it's a sense of humor thing

9. What book do you enjoy the most, and why? i liked unbearable lightness of being...but i kinda stick to mystery and horror...i like to be entertained......i don't get much time to read. i have a three year old and two big dogs..there is usually something going on to distract me. so, when I'm at the gym on the bike a few times a week, i read. i've been reading alot of mystery lately......the series with kiss the girls and along came a spider........but i love mark twain and nik bantock

10. Who is your favorite actor or actress, and why? david borreanas, it's a sense of humor thing

11. How did you begin your modeling career? on accident...i was in a charm class to learn proper manners and a fashion editor saw me and asked me to do a shoot...i was twelve

12. What's it like having Star Wars fan knowing you now? sw fans are the best fans in the world to have...they are loyal to a fault, and smart, and very friendly...thank goodness

13. In which Mara Jade book do you feel best reflects your personality, and why? mine? i don't think i'm like her at all...i mean, she is this strong, courageous woman...i'm just a model who loves to talk to people

14. How do you feel about being an Emperor's Hammer honorary member? i told you, star wars fans are the best. it's like having another family!!!!

Again, thanks a lot! 

With highest regards,

thank you, take care, let me know if you need anything further. and you can use whatever you need from my site if you like, God bless! shannon

New CD Action EH Article Mention (Poland):  11.22.01
As Emailed From:  FM-TCT-TCS/MAJ Azazel/Diamondback 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

As authored by:  CA:TAC-TCHC-TCC:TIE-PROF/RA Marcin Szydlowski/CA-3/SSSD Sovereign

Please click on image below for full size (694K) JPG version...!

Emperor's Hammer Tie Corps and Multiplayer

Author's note: This article has been created after year participation in multiplayer combat engagements.

Every one of us have seen PC class computer not once, that is for sure. Long battles, new missions, etc. Who doesn't remember attack of fifth Panzer Division on Moscow? However, after many hours of playing game, we were always disappointed with difficulty level. "It's only computer". We were tired of computer strategies, doing the same mistakes and attacking our, well-prepared defenses. Because of this, many computer players stopped playing games, and left them for more ambitious tasks. Fate, allowed them to return. 

Technology was still moving forward, especially communications. US Army experts started to think about global communications system. System, where damage of one his parts would not affect another. System without central point. That is how Internet has been created. 

Even here in Poland, technology was moving forward and soon we found out about Internet. People were buying modems, they were paying horrible prices for connections to connect: to meet new people, see websites, even without leaving home. However, games producers were not waiting, soon they started creating new games, with multiplayer game options. That is how it started.

17th of January 2000 was great day. After reading article mention in CD-Action Gaming Magazine, I've visited Tie Corps website and enlisted. First thing I noticed was perfect look of this website. Imperial Database was great. That is what I was missing for all those years. Home, sweet home. I added this site to my favorite folder. I was searching through the database, seeing medals, ships, pilots and all other things. But, modem I was using crashed and my good friend Siwy, told me "I am paying too high bills. Enough is enough". I had to stop. Well, "It's only Poland" I thought. 

Few months have passed. I found out how does Imperial War Machine work. Connection quality in our country was still poor. Good connections had horrible prices, much more than normal pilot can earn. Only thing I could afford was email and long offline gaming. Fortunately EH database consisted over 200 battles, so I had something I could play. 

Everything has changed when my friend has returned from United States. He was loyal servant to the Empire, just like me, maybe even more. We decided that we have to do something. Together, we created small LAN. Without problems, we connected it to Internet and our adventure has begun. 

After passing all problems, after years of waiting and thousands of troubles, I sat in my fighter's cockpit and entered hyperspace. When I hypered out I saw my enemy. He was close. In RL he was miles away, but in Internet is was not problem. I increased throttle just like him. Without thinking, I set laser settings and located enemy fighter. He was closer and closer and closer. When we were in firing range we fired together. Without thinking, without targeting. Everyone wanted this first kill. Everyone wanted to kill enemy, to destroy his calm, to let his fear. Hell has started. 

First laser blast of my enemy, destroyed some of my systems but I was tough. I was still moving forward. He was in firing range, 0.5km away. We were flying like crazy. My systems were dying and I almost felt smell of smoke. I turned left I little and took my best shot. My blast took his engine system out and his fighter exploded. For a while I left my computer. I was so happy that I started dancing in my room and forgot about game. I was so proud of myself; it was my first MP kill. But a moment of proud cost me five fighters. This was the end of my game. I could not win. My enemy was too good. But this had taught me how to control emotions. During next months, I faced world best pilots.

My victories made me good reputation. I was famous even outside of my country and it was great. During vacation, I spent whole nights playing online. I thought I am invincible. I was still moving up and up in combat ratings. However, someday I faced best pilot in fleet, Captain Brucmack. After few minutes, I was shocked. He was better than I was. He could kill me without problems, and I could not do anything. I could not believe what I have seen. This time I was a victim, and from that game, I respect every TC pilot. 

But Emperor's Hammer can give you much more than this. If you are tired of 1v1 games, you can participate in real battle and lead your squadron into battle. Your only limit is connection speed. You can face enemy fleet, participate in squadron vs. squadron battle or join battle on Endor and turn this worth Empire's nightmare into great victory over rebellion. You can also participation in Operation Dark Hammer. Weeks of waiting and then final battle; "tough guys" on the attack on enemy command ship. Many pilots will die, but those who will survive will tell about this to their children. Well, I would like to see fibers everywhere, someday�

After months spent in Tie Corps, I must that you cannot compare offline and online battles. Computer is stupid always using the same algorithms. Computer program is only as good as its creator was. Computer does not think, it only acts according to the rules set by programmer. Computer cannot respond to illogical action and it loses all the time. Human opponent is completely different. He changes his tactics all the time, always can surprise you, attack from within, hide behind your back. You can hit him hard and he will regroup and return. Only weakness of human is emotions. If they cannot control them, they may lead to failure. 

To sum up. I know how it is in our country. I know how hard is to get connection if you do not have enough cash. But everything changes. New providers, new connections. That's why I encourage you. Join Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. You will not be disappointed. You will meet new friends there, you will learn new things. In addition, maybe, someday you will see your photo, in Emperor's Hammer Hall of Fame and will proud you will tell your children "Hey, that's your father"

Long Live the Empire

Commander Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Crusader Squadron onboard Imperial Star Destroyed Grey Wolf

2,000 missions in the Mission Compendium:  11.27.01
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Striker)

Tactical Office

327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online. It is a major milestone for the Tactical Office and the Emperor's Hammer as a whole; our compendium is the largest resource of custom missions for X-wing, TIE Fighter, Xwing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance available on internet, and a major asset for the development of our club. I joined this club because of its large amount of custom missions available, and I am proud today to be able to give my best to make our compendium even larger, even better in quality. I would like to thank the whole Tactical Staff, past and present, for their hard work and dedication, and especially my Tactical Coordinators, Captain Gord Darkonian, Captain Drako and Rear Admiral Marcin Szydlowski. I don't think we would have reached such a result without a team work. I am very proud of the state of the Tactical Office nowadays.

To celebrate this event, I created a little XWA free mission, "TAC2K" (24K ZIP file), which happens to be the 2000th mission released... enjoy !

TAC-PROF/FA Striker/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
LoC-PSx58/DFCx2/MoC-BoC-23B-13S-8G/CoSx2/CoL/CoB/LoAx5/OV-3E [GLDR], SBL(Sith)
IWATS Professor, XWA Mission Design Course -

New EH Codex Updated and Revamped:  11.24.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office

Hey everyone,

Check out the new EH Codex with improved listings...all were waiting on is the GA's introduction to it and were ready for a public release.

Some links have to be updated but if you have any comments or opinions please email me.


LO/AD Ramos

Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Awarded to Admiral Adrenaline:  11.27.01
As Recommended By:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

(Please see the Operations Manual for EH Medal descriptions)


I send this email today to recommend Admiral Adrenaline, former TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander, for the Grand Order of the Emperor Merit award.

In the time I've know Adren, I've come to respect and admire her for not only her abilities as an Officer in the TIE Corps, but also for her personality and her attitude towards her work. She was without doubt one of the hardest working members of the EH, constantly striving to ensure that pilots under her command had all the fun they could, whilst simultaneously working towards improving the way things ran.

Coupled to this is the fact that Adrenaline is one of the friendliest and approachable people I know, always ready to help out when needed. Adren is respected throughout the Fleet (a point proven when she was voted Miss EH 2001), and I strongly feel that she has not only earned this medal, but deserves it.

Below are similar words of recommendation from her recent Command staff:

VA Mell:


your leadership and friendship has helped this BG to no end. In the short time you were here you turned the Immortal into the cream of the battlegroups as COM, and made the BG know to the TC again by winning Imperial Storm II. Such a leader is sorely missed, and i pity the next BGCOM, those are damn big boots to fill..

MAJ Darksaber:

All I am in TC today is based on Adren�s�Teaching, Influence and trust she deposited in me.

I was a mere LT when I joined ISD Immortal. I remember approaching Adren in IRC asking to transfer to her Ship... As of that moment she made me feel at home. The Love if have for the ISD Immortal is mostly due to her that made me have all that fun in the begging

After She was the one that made me FL in Falcon squadron, her Squadron she recommended me to join. I had told her in IRC that I wanted to be FL soon, So she talked to my CMDR and made him replace an inactive FL with me. You must image my surprise to get home and realize I was FL.

Then when the time came, She trusted me a young FL / LCM to be Falcon CMDR.

Now after my Appointment to WC, She had been teaching me the ways of WCing another position she had hold.

For all that I thank and Salute Her

RA Toran Dan:

AD Adrenaline joined my squadron while I was a bloody young FL, trying to improve my squadron. She brought Ranger back to be one (and for months the best) XWA squadrons in the fleet. 

Some months later she became my Wing Commander and activity of the Wing raised and the success too. Activity was high, and all pilots had fun. That were the best days I can remember.

She then moved to the position of a Commodore and to the position of a BGCOM.

AD Adrenaline taught many people what is does mean, to be a good squadron commander, WC etc. She always lead by example and the people were doing what she said. (Maybe be cause of the fact that she is a woman or that she just rocked :P). 

In my opinion Grand Order of the Emperor could only pay a little piece of that back, what Adrenaline gave us by dedicating much of her time for her comrades and friends. 

With Respect,

Fleet Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM/FA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1-TT} 

Possible Avenues/Game Mods and Strategies:  11.28.01
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (HA Astatine)

Training Office

PC Powerplay is an Australian PC games magazine. They feature a regular section called "Mod Life" that reviews mods (modifications) for games. The most recent issue has a couple interesting ones.

Art of the Lightsaber

"New moves are broken up into three distinct categories - quick, heavy and other. Quick moves are lightly damaging but fast attacks and combos. Heavy moves are where the mod really shines, introducing such blows as the spinning slash which damages all surrounding enemies, the upward slash that damages an enemy to the front and the rear....All of the moves are rendered smoothly and with ample style. The Other moves are by and large enhancements of features in the original code, allowing for bigger and better force jumps, slowing falls, sideward rolls...and a taunt option. There are a number of new skins and animations. All of the force powers have new animations...and amongst the 18 new skins are all your favorites from the movies, including....Darth Maul. Finally, included in the package are 6 new deathmatch maps"

For: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
Score: 5/5

Star Wars Total Annihiliation

"Players can either choose to be...the Empire or Rebel Alliance in head-to-head battles for domination. Different units include: TIE Fighters, Jedi Knights, Medical droids, AT-AT, AT-ST walkers, X-Wings, Sith Lords. All the unuts are beautifully rendered in miniature 3D and move smoothly and freely. New maps reflect locales from the movies."

For: Total Annihiliation
Version: 1 Beta
Score: 4/5

HA Astatine - TO

New Banner for the Office of the Fleet Commander:  11.30.01
As Produced By:  FM-ROA/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
and Emailed By:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Greetings GA Ronin,


Here is your new banner - if you like it. Tempest did another excellent job! :)



Here it is!

The little problem with this is that it isn't real standard banner size, as such an office is surely not as broad normally. :P Therefore, my banner has the same format as the old FC banner, 300*103 (instead of standard banner size 400*80). A broader version would be theoretically possible, I just would have to have a good idea what to fill the additional width with. :P

So, when forwarding this to the GA, it would be nice if you could tell that to him, too. Do you like it, btw?

FM-ROA/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
EO/SNR Tempest/PLT Aurora Guard/Solaris Systems/CD [BoM]
Kappa Graphics Designer | ISC Div 1 CMDR

Fleet Commander's Note:

I for one, love the banner !  Great job, Tempest !!!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}