August 2004


New EH CS appointments:  08.14.04
As Submitted By:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

After long consideration, I have decided on the following:

- FA Leeson as new IO
- Orzon as GMF
- Demerzel as CHS
- HA Ari as ISP

Thanks to all of the fine applicants who sent in their applications !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}

EH Fringe Update:  08.20.04
As Emailed From:  Director of Operations (Jahn Compton)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

If any EH members have been playing Star Wars Galaxies, but have not been playing as part of the EH Player Association on the Chilastra server, Sony Online has just announced that they will soon allow people to transfer their characters from one server to another. So if anyone has been wanting to join the official EH PA, but hasn't been playing on our server, now's your chance! Follow this link for the details:

Your characters will transfer over with all their skills intact, but will unfortunately not retain any of your items. If you come to Chilastra, the EH PA will absolutely assist you with replacing the items (armor, weapons, housing) you left behind. If you decide to join us, contact Jahn, Holu or Krenn'sa in game, and we'll get you set up.

Jahn Compton
Director of Operations, The Fringe

EH Member Profiles:  08.13.04
As Emailed From:  COM-PROF/RA Thorin Oakenshield/ISD Relentless/TC


Greetings FC! Of late, there has been quite a few incidents of people wanting the old EH Picture Archive back, and also several incidents of people asking for an EH Global Map with locations of all the members.

So, the genius' over in the TIE Corps Battlegroup decided to put two and two together, and we've come up with EH Member Profiles. This gives EH members an opportunity to tell a little bit about their real life, some stuff about their eh life people may not know, and a little bit of random info that's just cool to know. You can view the beta of this at

Currently the map isn't up, as I wanted to wait until I had a large group of locations to put up on the map, but it's ready to go, just needs little dots placed all over it :).

I'd like to request that you pass this to your CS and SGCOMs, and that all of you submit a profile for this. EHCS and SGCOMs are prolly the people us peons in the EH are most interested in, and I think it would be a good morale project for all of the EH, if all/most of the EHCS we're included in this project. So I've decided to invite all of you to this before it is made public to the EH as a whole.

And, as it says on site, if this project kicks off and is successful, we're going to put it in a nice database, making updating automatic, etc., but for now it'll be done manually.

Thanks a Lot!


Rear Admiral Thorin Oakenshield
Commodore of the ISD-II Relentless, Flagship of the TIE Corps BattleGroup
Professor of HTML, IWATS (IIC/1/2/3)
Adjutant to the Executive Vice President of the Corporate Division
TIE Corps Battlegroup Executive Officer
COM-PROF/RA Thorin Oakenshield/ISD Relentless/TC (#9990)
A:VPX/RA Thorin Oakenshield/VSD Warhammer/CD (#26)
SotGV-sc/SotGM-gc/SotV-gc/SotM-gcx2/SotY-gc/SotA-gc-sc-bc [CoEx] [CoI]

New TIE95/XW95 with 3D support fix for XP:  08.04.04
As Emailed From:  CMDR/CPT Savageaz/Krayt/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid


New fix for TIE95, XW95. Includes 3D support (makes it look like XvT), in Windows 2000 and all XP Operating Systems.

This works, CrimsonFury, BubbaX and I have used it and its great and easy to do!

Go to....

download the patch (approx 300kb)....uninstall\reinstall TIE\XW (alternatively, just 'undo' any old fixes you may have already installed), Install EHSP for TIE, run the patch.exe....and your done!

Its worth it if your a FCHG whore like me :D

That's all there is too it!

note: just make sure that your paths in EHBL are correct, that's the only "problem" we have had at the moment.


CMDR/CPT Savageaz/Krayt/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

BTM/SW SAvageAz/Sentinel/Ronin/Alvaak

Lieutenant Colonel SAvageAz
FM/LC SAvageAz/Silver 3-3/Wing II/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH
[MPS 2.8: Trainee][IWBB: Supreme Infiltrator]
{IWTA Degrees - GT-SA-CK}{IWTA - GRD A-}
[IW-GRD: VGM]{KP - Sept-Oct/GC/CG}
[X-Wing: "Titan"]

The Wonderful faces of the EH:  07.23.04
As Emailed From:  QUA/ACO Destavol Gin/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona

Ender and I have been making the south park version of ourselves and other EH characters. So we made one just for you :-P We did the best we could to get it to look like your RL pic, hope ya like :)

::Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum::

QUA/ACO Destavol Gin/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona

Fleet Commander's Note:

Ok, now you guys officially scare me... :)  Thanks ! (I think ?)

More Comic-Con Stuff:  07.24.04
As Emailed From:  COM-COOA/VA Ky Terrak/SSD Avenger

So to add to my already exciting and erratic time at Comic-Con...Today there was a 2 hour panel with the head of The Star Wars Fan Club Steve somebody or other. He showed us lots of things from the DVDs Rick Mccullom came from London and brought Hayden with him and that was really neat....BUT the most exciting thing was when they RELEASED the name for Episode III.

"Revenge of the Sith"

Jahn and I were so excited we were screaming and shouting and almost crying. It was a very neat experience and I am so glad that I got to go. That was the first place that it was released. We also got to buy the new T-Shirts which are really cool.

For the rest of my time I got to meet Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Ray Park (Darth Maul) and Carrie Fisher (leia) and get there autographs and pictures. I also meet Jake Lyod (young Anakin) and Daniel Logan (young Boba) and had some really cool conversations with them. they were all very nice people. Unfortunately I didnt think about getting any specific EH autographs as i was so wrapped up in the whole experience. ( sorry Joe)

I also got a Comic-Con exclusive action figure a solid silver sandtrooper that looks really cool. ( Yes Jeff I got you one)


I did get a chance to play some more and it was really fun. the controls are a lot like they were for XWA (buttons on keyboard are different) but seem a lot more advanced and easier to use. if your targeting is really good you can hit things at about 400 or so meters. The game play seems to be really tight and very well done. I also found out how they are going to pick for JTL Beta. They are going to have EVERYONE who attended Fan Fest automatically signed up so LUCKY me and Jahn. Then they are going to bring in veterans giving prefrence to those that do a lot on test. then to the rest if needed. they are going to open Beta in about a month so I cant wait for that.

"Serve the Emperor above all others."

Vice Admiral Ky Terrak

Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

SA Astatine - XO

XO-FSE/SA Astatine/CS-2/SSSD Sovereign

XO Report 35:  08.08.04

I've been having a bit of a think lately about how things run and after a few conversations with the FC, I've decided that I'll try the nice approach with our command officers and members. I honestly don't like firing people or having to play the bad cop and in the end, it's a bit self defeating. However, this sort of thing always involves two sides, so it will require an effort on all command officers to try to be more open minded and accepting of what we are trying to achieve in the Emperor's Hammer.

Most of the COs seem to be progressing well with their assigned tasks. I'll be performing a review of where everyone is at in the next month or so. If anyone requires clarification on aspects of their tasks, feel free to email me to work out the details.

I've decided to extend the competitions I was running till the end of August due to a lack of submissions. This low number of submissions was in part due to a lack of promotion of the competitions by myself. Links to the competitions will be at the end of the report.

Work has been completed on the training system to facilitate the recruitment of members for Freeworlds. Hopefully there aren't any bugs in the code changes... The adoption of Freeworlds presents a very good opportunity for the EH and should be used to its maximum potential.

The Science Officer, FA Ender, has been awarded the Imperial Cross for his consistent work across a number of projects, including the EH Battle Launcher, various patches and other things. Congratulations to him.

XO Links
EH Tasks List -
The True Story behind the TC Database Outage Comp -
Hosting Service Naming Competition -
SWG Screenshot Caption Competition -

Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Tactical Office Report #147:  07.25.04

Well. Another hard week, since there are only 13 days left till my wedding day :) I've spent a lot of time doing updates to Tactical Webpage, but also writing new Tactical Manual and FAQs. Also, I've decided to remove tasks already completed from the list.

Tactical Office Objectives:
Task: How to do it?: % done:
Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual Started working on chapter 3. 10%
Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website A lot of progress this week. All dead links (except profiles) are now ok. Added FAQ webpage and a lot of tutorials, thanks to Ender and Frodo. Also, I am working on automated news posting script (.asp) to make posting easier. Also, I need to convert calendar and plotlines to new webpage format. Last change this week, new scrolls. 80%
More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) No progress this week. 10% done
Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms No progress this week, TO offline 0%
Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing Some corrections by Tactical Staff. ~40%
Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers Oh hold, until I released fully working webpage, approx. 1 week. N/A

Mike's Wedding, and vacation
Yes! 13 days. August, the 7th will be the most important day in my life so far, so I will be on leave. I will be gone from Friday, the 6th till Monday, the 10th. My CA will be in charge of the office. When I return I promise to send wedding pictures to anyone who wishes to see them :)

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
6 days and counting :)

New battles and free missions:
TCHC is back online so we should have many battles this week. Also, I have a few in my inbox so I will try to release them ASAP.

SWGB clarification
SWGB is not a TC platform, so as it is, you cannot received FCHG points for playing it's campaigns. Contact FO for further information.

Tactical Office Report #148:  08.15.04

Yay! Your TAC is back and he's married man. Congrats to me I guess. I am uploading wedding pictures as we speak, so they should be available, soon after this report. So what happened when I've been gone? Not much. I have processed all HSs and released some battles. More coming. Also, I have great connection now so you will see me in the next WoW :)

Tactical Office Objectives:
Task: How to do it?: % done:
Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual 1/2 of chapter 3 is done. 11%
Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website Well, I am working on the online battle submission form. When I will finish it's will be fully automated, so no more mail sending :) 80%
More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) No progress this week. 10% done
Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms No progres this week 0%
Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing My CA corrected some stuff, so does XWA staff. ~45%
Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers Oh hold, until I released fully working webpage N/A

Mike's Wedding
What can I say. I am married, I am very happy, like never before. I have my own house, great wife, a lot of free time, good job and everything any man can dream about. So, new strenght has awoken in me. Expect to see results soon. :)

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
Plotlines will be sent today :)

New battles and free missions:
I've released some XvT stuff. More coming soon.

Tactical Office Report #149:  08.22.04

Life is beautiful. My wife cooks great meals. I sit in from of my PC, drinking beer and flying in WoW. I guess I will have to try FW and IA soon. But now, back to business...
Tactical Office Objectives:
Task: How to do it?: % done:
Revise/update/fix the Tactical Manual Working on chapter 3 12%
Consolidate Tactical Office resources under a single working website 90% of online battle submission form is done 85%
More support work relating to new platforms (Jedi Outcast/Academy, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds) No progress this week. 10% done
Coordinate with Training Office in setting up training resources for new platforms No progres this week 0%
Restart Project Phoenix and clear out any bug reports currently existing I've asked my CA to do some XvT corrections on his own. This should speed up the entire process ~45%
Reform the Tactical staff from mission testers into a corps of mission designers Oh hold, until I released fully working webpage N/A

Mission Creation Wars - 2004 Edition:
Warm up has started. I've sent basic plotlines to our players. They have 1 month to make a battle. Or rather a bit more until 1 month. I expect great battles to be on my desk no later than September 31st.

I've released 1 SWGB submission. Good, but I need more. Rules are the same as normal submissions. Just remember to make readme file.

New battles and free missions:
One FCHG, One TC and 3 Frees have been released. More stuff is waiting in my inbox. I will try to release more today, maybe.

Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Cyric)

Flight Office

FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT] {IWATS-AIM-BX-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-JS-M/1/2-SM/1/2/3-XTM/1-XTT}

Flight Office report #42:  07.25.04

FA Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 7/24/2004


There has been much speculation and debate over the implementation over Free Worlds in the TC. Though the decision has been made to house the FW platform on an ASF ISD, this does not mean that it is closed to every other member of the fleet. Much like all the other platforms, every member, regardless of where they reside in the TC can participate in FW functions and get credit for them. Much thought has gone into the set up of FreeWorlds in its infancy stage for the EH. With the help of HA Priyum, Marcus Cain, AD Sarin, AD Turtle to name a few, FW will have its home in the TC this week. The ISD Predator will be opened for the FW platform. The reason for choosing this ship is A) the ASF is a MP BG, though I realize that every BG MP's, on paper the EH recognizes the ASF as the MP unit. B) it will make it easier to track progress if there is an ISD where all FW players are rather then have them spread across the fleet in Squadrons. (This can change after the trial period which will be approx 6 months) C) The Burnout server requires a specific set up as mentioned by Marcus Cain and Priyum. Once the 6 months trial period is over I will discuss the progress with the BGCOM's to determine if squadrons for each BG should be made FW squadrons. Also by that time JTL will be available.

Along with this the use of clones will be allowed for the ISD Predator for members who wish to remain in their current positions. When the clones are created in the notes field it will be required that the profile is for FW, and your existing pin and name be included so I can make the appropriate notes in the DB. This will only be allowed for FW and eventually JTL.

ECHO CO on the Deadalus will be the official FW Training CO. All of this will go into effect once the training requirements are finished and the FW IWATS course is completed. Currently IWATS Core and the FW IWATS Courses will be a requirement for the CO.

Another issue is the conduct over Mirc and the MB's. I would like everyone to take into account that we have a wide range of Ethnic, Gender and age groups in this club. Be mindful! I've established a very good working relationship with the SO and have already worked out a few speedbumps over the past few weeks. If any problems are witnessed, please notify your superiors, the COMM and myself so we can determine if the SO will get involved.

Processing has remained the goal of my administration. I have still maintained a fast turn around for all requests coming into my office, and AD Reaper has done an excellent job with the recruits!


War Office: The new WO site has been completed. AD Pel is waiting to work out some server problems and once this is complete, it will be on line.

FleetWide COMP: Once the WO Site is up and the rules in place the comp will commence. The BGCOMS have sent in their concerns and questions to the WO and they have hashed out many of them

New Platforms: FW's is coming by the end of the week! Still waiting on JTL

Wing/Ship Identities: this has taken a back burner to the new platform and the WO reforms. I will get working on this very soon.

As you can see three out of four tasks are very near completion!

That's all from the Flight Office.

In Service...

Flight Office Report #43:  07.30.04


FA Cyric reporting in on July 30,2004 for the Flight Office

I have not included all of the CS in this report because I am at work and don't have all the addresses saved to this account, but have added it to the TC DB.

Big week for the Tie Corps:

ISD Predator has been opened! RA Solaris Machinus is the Com, MAJ Caine is the WC. The CMDRs will be named shortly, and there will be a site for the ship with mission statements and requirements posted soon. FreeWorlds is one step closer to being a reality for the TC. SA Astatine has been sent the DB changes needed and we await him to complete this before members can be placed in earnest.

AD Mell Kerrigan has resigned as the TCBGCOM and then Un-resigned after discussing his surgery with his Docs. Sorry about the confusion, but I am happy to say that AD Mell will still be doing service with the TCBG.

There is a new War Office Site at . Please check it out, it has all the info you'll need for War Gaming. This being said, IMPSTORM will be coming shortly. A few minor things need to be hashed out, but expect the game to begin with in the next two weeks.


New Platform: FW pretty much finished as stated above, waiting on DB changes to be approved

JTL: I've asked AD Proton and VA Ky Terrak to be the point men on the JTL expansion and its inclusion into the TC.

WAR Office Revision: Completed. AD Pel has created a new site with comprehensive rules and maps, and the War Game should be proceeding shortly.

Image of the TC: Haven't done much with this, though with the inclusion of FW and the eventual JTL, our image should prosper within the EH and across the internet. Will work on this...

That's it from the Flight Office.

Flight Office Report #44:  08.06.04


Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office and the Tie Corps on 8/6/04 that's 6 August 04 for you European type people :)

The TieBG's have seen a few positional changes this week. VA BubbaX has resigned as COM of the Rel, and taken a FM position in Viper Squadron in the ASF. No applications are being taken for his vacated spot as AD Mell already has someone in mind.

Maj Curtis has taken over as the new WC for the ISD Colossus, as MAJ Angel has stepped down.

This is also the time for many of the TC pilots who take their summer vacations before their school years start.

Free Worlds and the ISD Predator: Commanders are being sought to fill the six squadrons. The Commanders will be the only Full time positions in the squadron. Details can be found here:

I have assembled a crack investigative team to start the Tie Corps in the direction of Jump To Light Speed, Star Wars Galaxies. AD Proton and VA Ky Terrak are the point men in this endeavor with 2 representatives from each TC BG, Compton, AD Sarin and my self tirelessly going over details for implementation into the fleet. We've come up with a good framework and goals before the Expansion is officially released. My Goal, as is the teams goal, is to have everything in place before this hits the open market so we are one of , if not the first club to offer it as a playing platform. I Will announce details when issues have been resolved.

IMP STORM looks like it will be starting in the first week of September. With a BGCOM on leave, and some questions needing to be answered by the War Officer. I will announce the start date when these questions have been answered by the War Officer.


WAR OFFICE Updates: Completed
Implementation of platforms: Completed (FW), JTL working on
Image of TC: Working on this, plan on actually advertising TC on Message boards etc

That's it from the Flight Office.

In Service...

Flight Office Report #45:  08.13.04

Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 8/13/04...

Congratulations to RA Thorin Oakenshield on his promotion and in being selected by AD Mell as the new Relentless COM!

On to the Predator--Before choosing a squadron contact RA Solar Machinus and Maj Caine of the Predator so they can place you where you should be.

Also, all EH people playing Freeworlds on Burnout contact RA Machinus about getting into a squadron tag (compulsory)

Many thanks to SA Astatine for getting Echo CO up and running! Freeworlds now has a Deadalus training CO!

Wing VII on the SOV has their squadron names changed as well!

FO Tasks---

All complete except for the Image of the TC, which I will begin working on shortly.

IMPSTORM looks like it will being in the first week of September.

That's all from the Flight Office...

In Service...

Flight Office Report #46:  08.20.04

Fleet Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office on 8/20/04

I've been processing a great many new recruits as of late. Things have picked up for the TC averaging approx 4-5/day. I can say that a good amount of these are for Freeworlds.

I'd like to remind everyone that every member can participate in FW events and get credit for them. How should CMDRs in non freeworlds squadrons submit activity etc. Everything is listed on the the Predator's Mission statement written by HA Priyum. Please check this out if you have ANY questions about Free Worlds.

A reminder about reports: Squadron CMDRS are weekly, WC's are Weekly, COM's are every two weeks, and BGCOM's should be weekly. My Staff is currently actively keeping track of all reports, when they are in and when and if they are loaded into the database. Notices will be sent to the parties that are delinquent in reporting!

Recently I've had a few requests for some members to be promoted to the rank of General while they are in FM or FL spots in squadrons. This is not allowed, nor will I ever allow this. However...

The rank of General is probably the most prestigious of all the ranks in the TieCorps. Very difficult to earn and highly respected, it is often reserved for Elite members who exhibit activity and loyalty above and beyond as well as Wing Commanders.

My exception to the "normal" squadron rule is that if a pilot comes from the reserves or transfers into a squadron and they held the General rank, they shall be allowed to retain it. These pilots have earned it, thus earning the right to keep the rank.

If a high ranking member RA and greater retires and comes back to the TC in a squadron FM position they shall revert to the traditional COL rank if they've never held the General rank before gaining their Admiral bars.

Flight Office Tasks:

Platform for TC: Complete also started working on JTL
War Office Reform: Complete
Fleet wide war game: Slated to start first week of September
Fleet Image (Individual image for BG's, ships, etc) Currently working on this.

That's all from the Flight Office

In Service...

Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (FA Leeson)

Internet Office

IO-PROF/FA Bevel Leeson/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
GSx2/SSx3/BSx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR-1SW/LoC-Rx1/CoE/CoLx2/LoAx2/OV-3E [LANC]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS PHP Professor

Internet Office Report #1:  08.22.04

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #1

August, 2004

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

First I would like to thank Grand Admiral Ronin and Sector Admiral Astatine for appointing me as Internet Officer. Secondly some words about my plans as Internet Officer:

My first priority is finishing Multiplayer Sabacc. The client is mostly finished and operational. The server code needs to be finished mostly before the first beta. Work is progressing well, though I can't say an ETA on it right now.

I plan to restart Project Hawkeye and present a new competition for the whole fleet with it.

The Image Archive will come back in the near future as well.

There are some project ideas but I will share those when the time comes :)  I'm still settling in my new office, but the door is always open to the membership. If you have any questions then feel free to cantact me either on IRC or in email.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW goes to network at

Congrats to Reb Crush and RA Thorin Oakenshield on a 5 star site.

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Which browser do YOU use?
Internet Explorer
Netscape 4.x
Vote for your choice at !
Internet Officer: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: HA Ari

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - EHNet Login System - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - Archived Message Board Data - My EHNet - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - eXtensible Polling System - Sabacc Online v2.4 - IO Code Archive - EH Library - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (VA Draco)

Training Office

TO/VA Drako/CS-6/SSSD Sovereign

TO Report #5:  07.25.04


- I'm finally back. I have an ADSL at home now so I'll appear on the IRC more often.

- I've processed all competitions from last week. I'm sorry that it took so long.

- Since my last report about 10 cadets completed the ground training. I've noticed that there's a pretty big group of cadets failing the Core test. I'll start a research on that phenomenon to learn how to prevent it.

- The Top Gun Academy is ready to start. First training season should begin with the next XvT WoW. More details are included in the projects section of this report.

- We have a new IWATS course created by CPT Tek Selkirk- Advanced Multiplayer Tactics. CPT Tek will be awarded the GS for his work on that course. MP and AMP courses will be closely connected with the Top Gun Academy - they will work as the theoretical backend.

- I have chosen a new assistant. Here it goes: the new TOA is... CPT Werdna Elbee! Congrats!

- Do not submit competitions about creating the competition. Such comps will be denied.


-Top Gun Academy
As mentioned in the news section - the Academy is ready to go. All instructors spots are filled now. And here is the list of instructors:
* GN Kaerner
* CM Rax
* CPT Tek Selkirk
* CM Predator
I think that everyone agree that these pilots are currently the best pilots in the fleet. They will automatically recieve the Top Gun Trophy for their excellent MP skills and their work for the EH. I'll discuss the matter of displaying the trophy in the ID line with the OPS. Till the opening the training season whole Top Gun staff (including the COO) will work on choosing first students for the Academy.

- Imperial University
I'll start coding the new TO website to make it fit the IU needs (the layout and the main frame is already done). It'll also help me in managing the list of PROFs and courses, what is very hectic right now. I want it to be connected with the EH database so I'll work with the COMM closely.

TO Report #6:  08.01.04


- Almost all PROF spots are taken. Only the ASP one is still free. If you know ASP feel free to apply.

- Since now I'm not accepting any more courses proposals. Right now IWATS has 38 active courses. I assume there will be only one more course created: Jedi Academy. I realized myself that IWATS takes more of my time than my other, more important, duties and now I want to focus on them.

- I'm going to revise the TC entry requirements. There are many voices, also from new members, that our requirements are outdated and don't fit the current situation of our club. Main objections are directed at flight requirements and I'll work with the FO and TAC to make them better.

- I've started coding the Imperial University website. It will be fully integrated with the ELS. It will be the new TO website and the training center for the whole EH, not only TC. Right now I'm coding basic functions (no more manual updating, yay!) . IU features will be added later.

- ISD Predator has been opened for the FW players. Echo company should be opened soon. Requirements for Echo will be discussed with the FO.


Graduate counts for Newsletters: will be included in the next report
Coordinate with the Tactical Office in creating courses for new/unsupported platforms: FW course released, JA course is in planning stage

More plot driven �old school� TIE Corps-wide competitions: you will see some soon
Complete a release candidate for the Top Gun academy, coordinate with Combat Operations Office: website is done, all instructors spots are taken, TG will be started with the next WoW
More promotion of IWATS and Training Office things: not needed i think ;)
Collaboration with Command Officers for a TC-wide comp: the EH wide competition which is being planned will involve SCO, TAC, XO and the TO (me:P)

TO Report #7:  08.07.04


- I've listened to comments of some officers I've decided to make the History course rewritten. Current course puts too much pressure at the NR's side of the conflict what leads to deceitful image of the Civil War.

- The first class of the Top Gun Academy will start on 20th of August. It won't be a regular class cos it will consist of only 2 students. The reason of this situation is that one of the instructors is MIA and the pilot chosen to take his place won't be able to handle that responsibility this month. I know that many pilots are waiting for this Academy to start and that's why I decided to not to move the starting date.

- Echo company onboard PLT Daedalus has been opened! Daedalus now will be able to recruit and train FW players.

- All PROF spots are filled so I'm not accepting any more apps. I will update the NeXus soon. New PROFs:

COL Frodo appointed as XTT PROF
MAJ Devin Taralis appointed as ASP PROF
AD Alex Foley appointed as XML PROF
GN Master appointed as XAM PROF

- FW course is currently offline. HA Priyum is working on updating the info contained in the notes.

- I've started preparing a TC wide comp. Stay tuned.

Graduate Counts

Responding to XO's request I'm posting the graduate counts for all courses ( * means that the count hasn't been updated since march):

WM - 35
FW - 17
DW - 8
CBX - 786
MP - 144
FZ - 11
XTT - 368
AMP - 9
TT - 175
IBX - 149
JS - 109
LIN - 193
AIM - 498
FLA - 233
WPN - 127
ASP - 84*
BOT - 87*
BX - 45*
GFX - 145*
HIST - no data
ICQ - 373*
M1/2 - 1468 (total)
IIC 1/2/3 - 958 (total)*
VBS - 214*
XAM - 104*
XML - 201*
OPT - 6
PHP - 86
RT - 400*
TACS - 36*
TRL - 50*
TM 1/2 - 217/7
XTM1/2 - 337/107*

Many counts are not updated because their professors has resigned from the EH and I have no contact with them so their counts has been lost.


Graduate counts for Newsletters: look above
Coordinate with the Tactical Office in creating courses for new/unsupported platforms: FW course released, JA course is in planning stage

More plot driven �old school� TIE Corps-wide competitions: in works
Complete a release candidate for the Top Gun academy, coordinate with Combat Operations Office: website is done, all instructors spots are taken, TG will be started with the next WoW
More promotion of IWATS and Training Office things: not needed i think ;)
Collaboration with Command Officers for a TC-wide comp: in works

Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (VA Alex Foley)

Operations Office

OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Operations Office Report #42:  08.01.04


The last of the database problems come trickling in. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

OK, Free Worlds is fun. But it's kind of come and gone for me. I'm getting antsy not doing anything.

50,000 medals! An accomplishment that the Tie Corps and the EH as a whole has now achieved! Congratulations!

The South Park uniforms have caught on. I've been approving them, so keep submitting them!
Notable Awards:

COL Frodo March received a Silver Star for achieving 75 beta points working in the TAC office.

HA Priyum Patel thinks he's important because he got a Silver Star for creating the Free Worlds IWATS Course.

CM Bryan of Onslaught squadron was a freakin' superstar and earned a Bronze Star for doing just about everything in one month.

CPT Tek Selkirk got a Gold Star for winning a WoW almost single-handedly. Good lord.

VA Gilad Pelleaeon got a Gold Star for being Commodore of the Year or something. Must've been something for me to approve it.
Task Progressions:

Medals public relations/promotion of good works
See above.

Coordinate with Subgroup Commanders the upgrading of subgroup uniform systems
No change from last week. I'm working with the Corporate Division on developing their database, so hopefully I'll get some change in there maybe.

In line with the above point, look at porting TTT to other subgroups
Tempest is more than willing to make a program for any subgroup that comes forward. Just mail him!

Investigate the coding of an online version of TTT
This goal has been phased out, and will not be completed.

More regular processing of medals and online presence
Medal processing now takes less than 12 hours.

Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet.
�Ralph Waldo Emerson

Commendations of Loyalty:  08.21.04

<>Today, August 21st, is the FC's Birthday, so that means, Awards! The Commendation of Loyalty is awarded all members of the Emperor's Hammer by the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer who have displayed tremendous dedication to the Fleet.

*For the TIE Corps:*
Each squadron commander can send any number of recommendations for awards to their respective Wing Commander. The Wing Commander chooses three (3) awards. Then these recommendations are forwarded up the chain of command to the respective Commodores and Battlegroup Commanders, making any possible corrections. Then the Battlegroup Commander collects the recommendations for his Battlegroup, and emails them to the Operations Officer, CC'ing the Flight Officer. Also, each Battlegroup Commander has the discretion to award a maximum of three (3) awards to his Flag Officers.

For elite squadrons (Avenger, Praetorian, Tau, and Omega), the commander can recommend up to one (1) award to their Battlegroup Commander (Omega - SovCOM; Avenger - ASF BGCOM), in the case of Praetorian and Tau Squadron, the CMDR will directly email the Operations Officer, also CC'ing the Flight Officer.

*For the Dark Brotherhood:*
Each Clan Consul will have the ability to recommend up to three (3) members from their clan to the Chancellor of the Brotherhood and the Grand Master. The Grand Master will also have a special discretionary
award up to a maximum of five (5) awards. These final recommendations will be sent by the Grand Master to the Operations Officer.

*Other Subgroups:*
Each Subgroup (other than the Brotherhood) will have the opportunity to recommend a maximum of ten (10) awards. These will be sent directly to the Operations Officer.

*Command Staff/Advisors:*
Each CO will be allowed a small indeterminate level of awarding, to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. These recommendations also go to the Operations Officer.

*ALL recommendations must have the subject heading: "CoL Recommendations" or they will be ignored.*

Recommendations are due September 4th, 2004, at Midnight Eastern Standard Time. *No late awards will be accepted.*

Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (AD Turtle)

Communications Office

Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW:

- No Reports Submitted

Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (FA Keldorn)

Security Office

Fleet Admiral, Dark Jedi Master Keldorn "Mad Buck" Cochrane
Security Officer & Deputy Grand Master

Security Office Report:  08.07.04

As this is the first of my official communiqu�s I will use it to outline various points of policy that I intend to follow, in addition to the usual �report items�.

I. High Court Cases

Since my investiture as Security Officer I am glad to say that only a small selection of individuals have had the privilege of appearing before the High Court of Inquisitors. The good news is that these four individuals were those pending from before I came to the Office, concerning the Airamags case; profuse exploitation of clones and false competitions.

However in the spirit of fairness, Case 199 the Empire versus Tiamat, I recommended a lesser punishment than the standard policy because of the importance and integrity of Tiamat�s admission of guilt. I consider honesty to be a vital attribute and it is no less the case in the Emperor�s Hammer.

Furthermore no-one will be sent to the High Court without an exhaustive investigation into the accuracy of the evidence and the comparative merits of such action.

II. Superior/Inferior Relations

The higher the rank, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility to one�s subordinates. When an Officer reaches a certain level their status within the Emperor�s Hammer is no longer to self-service but to service for the benefit of others. This means that every TIE Corps Flag Officer and every SubGroup mid-level Commander has the same responsibility to be civil and helpful to their younger members; including Cadets and those in training.

III. The Intelligence Division

The Intelligence Division is not � and never will be � modeled on a �Gestapo� framework. Its purpose is to assist the Security Office, the High Court and the executive offices is the protection of the interests of the Emperor�s Hammer; primarily the well-being of the membership and to a lesser degree the protection of EH intellectual copyrights.

Infiltration is an archaic practice that has no positive value. While the observation of EH members can sometimes be necessary, the Security Office will not sanction the use of the Division to entice respected members into illegal acts.

IV. Revision of the Articles of War and Bylaws

I have observed the current system of enforcement and punishment concerning the Articles and the High Court of Inquisitors and will shortly be making recommendations to the High Inquisitor, Executive Officer and Fleet Commander for revisions.

Before I submit my recommendations all EH members are encouraged to write to me explaining any changes they would like to see to our rules and regulations. As always,

V. Security Office website

A �new� Security Office website is available at . It brings together newsfeeds concerning viruses and includes basic information on computer security.

VI. The Debate Forum

The trial run of the �Debate Forum� ( ) ended several weeks ago and I am pleased to report that it was a success. Therefore over the following weeks I will be devising further topics for debate that will cover both EH and real-life matters of interest.

Members are welcome to e-mail me requests for topics.

VII. Security Office Staff

At the moment I am not looking for a Command Attach� nor any Command Assistants. When I am, full application requires will be specified on public channels.

VIII. Complaints and Contact

The SO website includes an automated contact form that enables members to send me messages. Therefore I would like to highlight once again that I am eager to hear of your complaints, and am ready to dish out righteous fury to all evil-doers.

Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

- No Reports Submitted

Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:  Former Logistics Officer (VA Xander Drax)

Logistics Office

Logistics Office Report #16:  08.01.04

*Logistics Office Report #21 - 08/01/04*

_Logistics News
_1. A new LO project is in the works. It is a "newspaper" of sorts, chronicling the events in the worlds of SWG and Free Worlds. A mock up can be found at I am currently looking
for correspondents for this, so contact me at

2. Also, this marks my last report as Logistics Officer. Because of various time constraints, I do not feel that I can perform up to the requirements of the office, and I am not going to be staying on out of some sort of greed or ego.

3. Even though I will be retiring as LO, the elements of the Logistics Office that are maintained online, such as the newsletter archives, codex, and the like will remain hosted by myself. Hosting doesn't take time after all, so I will continue to do all that I can to contribute to
the EH.
Task Progression

_1. EH Codex: No New Progress

2. EH Files archive: No progress

3. Mirror of Newsletters: No New Progress

4. Restarting and promotion of the EH library: No New Progress

5. EH Memorium: More data received from Admiral Mell Kerrigan.  Thanks a bunch._

Logistics Staff

_LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
LOA: HA Priyum Patel
LOA: COL Daniel Stevens
LOA: CM Sirik Xirok

_Logistics Links_ - Logistics Office - EH Codex - EH Memorium

Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Report #50:  08.01.04


Greetings everyone, and welcome to another RO report! I'm your host, RA Manijak, and in this report I will try to point out some of the more interesting things which have happened recently in the world of Star Wars
and Star Wars gaming.

The biggest single news that happened recently in the world of Star Wars must certainly be the fact that the title for the Episode III has finally been made public. REVENGE OF THE SITH; that is the name of the of the third prequel we will all be crowding to watch when it is released in May next year! Now,while I wasn't very impressed by the prequels so far, I have to admit that this title sure shows promise. Does it mean that we will finally get a prequel that is as good as the original trilogy? We won't know until we have seen it, but this title sure gives me a reason to hope so. Anyway, if you want to find out more about this, you can read the full article using the following link:

One other thing connected to EP III's title is something that might interest those who collect SW merchandise. To celebrate the title's unveiling, Lucasfilm has started selling a T-shirt with the "Revenge of the Sith" logo. What makes the T-shirt special is the fact that the logo is "retro" in its design; Lucasfilm says that it is "style reminiscent of the 1982 Fan Club Revenge of the Jedi logo and shirts available for a limited time before the final Return of the Jedi title was revealed". Those interested in this very neat-looking piece of merchandise can find it at:

On the Star Wars gaming front, we have several news regarding SWG. The first one is that it is now possible for SWG players to register for Beta testing Jump to Lightspeed; the eagerly-awaited expansion that will finally introduce starships into SWG. Those intrested in registering can do so using the following link ( ).

While we're talking about about Jump to Lightspeed, it might be interesting to take note of the following link:

Using this link, you can view most of the new ships that will appear in JTL. The selection of ships which have been shown so far is already very good, however, what's more interesting are the ships that are not there. You see, EH's General Compton has recently had a chance to play a demo of JTL at the San Diego Comic Con. While playing it, he stole a peek at the skill trees.

Here's what he found: "In the Privateer skill tree, a piloting certification for the YT-2400 is listed under the Ace (Master) box. In the Rebel pilot tree, they get a cert for the B-Wing. And for us Imperials, we have a cert for the ship of all ships, the TIE DEFENDER." (emphasis on TIE Defender mine.)

This would seem to imply that our EHers in SWG will be able to fly Defenders in JTL! However, nothing's certain yet, because, when asked by GN Compton to comment on those skill trees, Kevin "Q-3PO" O'Hara and Executive Producer Haden "Shug Ninx" Blackman said only "We haven't finalized the ship certifications yet.". Whether they said so because they're not certain that all those ships will make it into the game, or because they want to keep people in suspense is anybody's guess. However, we can always hope!

One other interesting development is that LEC, Sony and Gamespot are offering a 14-day free trial of SWG. Apparently, you can register a trial account key without needing a credit card, after which you can play the game for 14 days. However, there's a catch. In order to keep the trial completely "free", LEC and Sony are offering the trial keys in combination with DOWNLOADABLE FULL versions of the SWG game. That's a 1.9 GB download, so only those with the fastest connections (or the possibility of downloading from work :P) need apply. The trial offer end on August 31st, and more details can be found using the following link:

Last but not the least, a trailer for Knights of the Old Republic II has been released. You can find it, and a host of other info about the game at the following link:


Star Wars Internet File Archive
( )

This is a neat archive of various (mostly text) SW related files. A lot of those files date from the earliest days of online SW fandom, some of them from before the days of the Web. They cover a great variety of subjects; essays, scripts, fanzines, old WEG SWRPG material, fan fiction etc... Take a look at it, and see how things were done in the old days!

That's it for this RO Report. I hope you found it interesting and useful.

CA:RO/RA Manijak/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (VA Gelton Torr)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

Vice Admiral Gelton Torr
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood

GM Report #6:  07.23.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master report #6 dating 23.07.2004.


Biggest news this week and probably widely noticed throughout the DB due to the clearly visible change on the Roll is that my decision to close down Clan Satal Keto was finally realized. I already announced it on the news board along with an explanation why I did it. Here is it once again for all of you who don't read DB news posts:

"Today I have the sad duty to announce to you that another Clan had to be closed down. This time this fate happened to Clan Satal Keto, which in the end only had a Sith House left. After long pondering about what to do with CSK I decided that he DB in its current state can't afford to put any more effort and people into CSK in order to try to rescue it, but we should instead try to consolidate the other four remaining Clans with the people left from CSK. In the end I think this can help to create four equally strong and vital Clans rather than five of which some are ailing and suffering. This also would make the upcoming Rite of Supremacy more fair and interesting .

The CSK members who requested to transfer out to a specific Clan will be placed accordingly. Everyone else who didn't specify a location will be placed either in Arcona or Alvaak at the digression of the MAA.
Should anyone be placed in a Clan he doesn't want to be in for some reason, please contact the MAA and request another transfer.

It wasn't an easy decision for me and some people might hold it against me, but I believe this step was necessary to consolidate the structure of the DB and to form a solid base from which the DB can grow again into a bigger entity once more."

So far if I got comments on it I mostly got positive ones. I recieved only one mail that condemned me for closing CSK, but I expected such reactions from some people. However the overall feedback confirms me that I made the right decision.

In other news the MAA finally got his access. He told me the backlog is already wiped clean, so if you are still missing the processing of roster requests of any kind , resend them since then they somehow got lost somewhere then.


last week my Total Carnage didn�t happen due to the fact that only one guy showed up. So the Crescent with Diamond Star stays unawarded this week. Let's see if next week people are interested again in getting one. I am interested if any Siths finally show up at the Carnage to show off their skills they like to mention all the time.


Nothing new on that topic concerning the IP and the SA project. I have just recently resent those two projects to GA Ronin on his request, so I am confident that I will get any reply from him soon.

Meanwhile I decided to go ahead with another small project I already announced in my last report - A DC Task and report content list, since the DC is now complete again. I put it in here so everyone can read it just like the EHCS Task list done by the XO. I think what works for the EHCS does work for the DBDC as well. I will exclude myself since I am counting towards EHCS and have already that separate Task list I showed you already in one of my earlier reports.

A: General

1. All DC Reports have to be published in the following way:

- sent to the list.
- sent to the list (if one of you DCers isn�t on there yet tell me)
- uploaded to the Database so it is displayed on the DB main page.

2. DC Report deadline.

All DC reports have to be issued until Sunday 23.59 PM EST for the previous week. If anyone misses that deadline the report will count as missing for the week in question.

B: Position specifics:

Note that those task list and report content lists are not absolute. They just mention the most and more important duties and content. Any DC member can feel free to add anything they like and feel necessary concerning their position to their plate if they want.
I am also aware of the fact that some of the duties listed further down are well known, but I will put them there just for the sake of completion and to have them once all listed.

1. Deputy Grand Master


- preparing, setting up, running with me the next RoS in September. (top priority)
- helping me monitoring the performance of the other DC positions and the Clan Summits
- aiding me on decisions about appointments, elevations and awards concering DC positions and Clan Summits
- approving competitions requested by members. (get a database access for that if you still doesn't have one)
- realizing and implementing projects with me that have been approved by the FC and the XO
- issuing the Dark Guardian newspaper on a regular basis.

Report content:

- amount of approved competitions
- progress report on DB wide projects

2. Master at Arms:


- approving ranks elevations (within 24 hours)
- approving position appointments (within 24 hours)
- doing roster transfers. (within 24 hours)
- add new members to the database (within 24 hours)
- helping me to develop a new system for appointment ranks and the issue of how to enforce such ranks.

Report content:

- all appointments, elevations, transfers
- amount of members who have joined the DB sorted by Orders.
- progress report on MAA projects.

3. Head Master:


- Monitoring the performance of the SA Pontiffs, especially the Order Trainings Pontiffs
- Grading courses that don't have own Pontiffs.
- Developing new Courses for the SA to enhance the variety of offered courses

Report content:

- amount of courses taken sorted by course.
- mentioning of very good course results.
- progress report on SA projects.

4. Chancellor


- approving all requested medals (within 24 hours)
- developing with me new medal guidelines if a change is deemed necessary

Report content:

- All approved medals sorted by type.
- mentioning of unusual medals awarded or unusual reasons for award of a medal.
- progress report on CHAN projects.

5. Herald


- Finishing the GoAs.
- setting up request guidelines for GoAs
- creating and issuing GoAs (once applicable)
- setting up CLS request guidelines (After GoAs are done)
- creating and issuing CLSs (once applicable)

Report content

- amount of GoAs issued and to whom (once issuing started)
- amount of CLSs issued and to whom (once issuing started)
- progress report on HLRD projects if anything else than techical details can be reported.

6. Seneschal:


- correcting found bugs
- adding new content to the database if necessary and possible

Report content:

- done bug fixes
- information about new aspects of the database should the end-users be involved in them.
- Progress report on SCL projects of anything else than technical details can be reported.

7. Sith High Warrior


- creating and hosting Order wide comps - MP and otherwise.
- monitoring the performance of Sith House Summits and pointing out possible problems to the respective Clan Summit
- trying to forge stronger bonds with other SGs which are using the same platforms as the Sith
- approving the appointment of Sith House Summits
- aiding Sith House Summits in their tasks if requested.

Report content:

- activity of the Sith Order in general
- activity split up by houses.
- announcements of all competitions Sith can take part in, internal and external ones.
- structural changes within the Sith Order (appointments etc)
- progress report on SHW projects

8. Krath High Priest

- creating and hosting Order wide comps
- monitoring the performance of Krath House Summits and pointing out possible problems to the respective Clan Summit
- trying to forge stronger bonds with other SGs which are using the same platforms as the Krath
- approving the appointment of Krath House Summits
- aiding Krath House Summits in their tasks if requested.
- creating a website based reincarnation of the DIE
- exploring the possibilities of a joint venture between the Krath Battleboard system and the Obeliskian B3 system.

Report content:

- activity of the Krath Order in general
- activity split up by houses.
- announcements of all competitions Krath can take part in, internal and external ones.
- structural changes within the Krath Order (appointments etc)
- progress report on KHP projects.

9. Obelisk High Commander

- creating and hosting Order wide comps - MP and otherwise.
- monitoring the performance of Obelisk House Summits and pointing out possible problems to the respective Clan Summit
- trying to forge stronger bonds with other SGs which are using the same platforms as the Obelisk
- approving the appointment of Obelisk House Summits
- aiding Obelisk House Summits in their tasks if requested.
- finishing the intended "Add-ons" to the B3 system.
- propagating the profile of the B3 system with in and out side the Order.
- exploring a joint venture between the Obeliskian B3 system and the Krath DIE system.

Report content:

- Activity of the Obelisk Order in general
- activity split up by houses.
- announcements of all competitions Obelisk can take part in, internal and external ones.
- structural changes within the Obelisk Order (appointments etc)
- progress report on OHC projects

This concludes the task list for the DC. If any of the DC members have questions about it please contact me. Apart from that I ask all DC members to stick to those guidelines especially in the department of reports. As you might already have noticed I consider reports highly important and really don�t like it if they are missed. Apart from that if you have suggestions how to augment the range of tasks of your position listed above you can approach me at any time and talk with me about it.

Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

I want to mention JH Rebelkiller here who cleared the complete back log of his position in extremely short time. That is really a job well done.

I also want acknowledge GRD Tiamat who showed up as the only guy on my Total Carnage last Tuesday.

I also want to thank DJK LPMQTP for telling me as the only quite clearly and in a real straight forward way how much he disagreed with my decision to close down CSK. That helps me to remind myself that there are always at least two sides to a matter.

That concludes my report for this week. Thank you for your attention.

In Respect

Darth Nocturnus

GM Report #7:  07.30.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master report #7 dating July 30th 2004.


After being approved by Ronin and Ast, the public stage for the "Echelons of Force" DB IP system has begun. In this stage, you the membership are asked to create the various item lists, from which you later can buy the stuff you want with your IPs you earned yourself through activity. I have started up various threads for creation of those lists on the main DB MB and the different Order boards. Go and check out the main IP thread with general info and discussion about the system at  There you will find also the URLs of all the other threads connected to this project.

Also the SA Reform has been approved and implementation has started. See more about that in the upcoming HM Report this weekend.

In other news the HRLD has started to issue GoAs. So far only to the DC and its staff, to limit the request flood that would happen if he would already accept requests from members throughout the DB. Next step will probably Clan Summits and later House Summit before the general membership can request them. It's like boarding a plane just sit tight and wait until your row is announced. Watch future HRLD report for that.

Furthermore I can announce this week that I have decided to elevate MAA Rebelkiller to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. He did excellent fast work with dealing with the backlog when he got access and since then he always processes the requests well within the 24 hours margin I laid out in the DC task list last week. Well deserved keep up the great work DT !

Last but not least and fresh from the discussion with my DGM I announce that we , the MAA, the DGM and the GM unanimously have decided to elevate the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae Sith Warlord Gidda to the highest rank a Consul can achieve : The rank of Dark Side Adept. Welcome to the leader ranks of the Dark Brotherhood and enjoy your double bladed lightsaber. Congratulations well deserved ! We got a huge elevation recommendation from various CSP members lead by its ProCon Kane Reese but I will leave it to the MAA to display parts of it.


Due to RL matters and issues I don't want to bore you with in detail, it wasn't possible for me to host the latest edition of GMTC. Since my next week will be even more busy than the last one and then after that some major changes in my time schedule will happen, I hereby announce that I will suspend my competition until further notice. I hope that I will be able to host it again in two weeks or so. The only other way I see to make my comp happen is that another core DC member will host it. So if anyone from the DGM to the SCL wants to host my comp until I can take over again feel free to contact me.


Since the XO considered some of us CS people having selective memory concerning the display of our task list (which probably included me) I will start displaying it again in full size even if my report grows in size quite a bit then. So here we go again:

Grand Master

- Implementation of the Action plan
- Vendetta in the next 3 months
- Sort out varies issues as outlined in the action plan

A) Vendetta:

Works on the Vendetta have started. I am still waiting for a website from Keldorn he promised me one very soon I hope he will keep his promise.

B) Action plan:

Since this is a rather big pile of tasks I use the segmentation in the plan itself:

1) Communications:

Promotion of good work:

"The GM shall make news posts and other promotional references on the following:"

- Merit awards of Grand Cross or higher - delegated to the CHAN report in the DC task plan

- Meeting trivia awards - done in my report when I get informed about the winners by the trivia host.

- All awards for competitions clan size or larger - right now done for my GMTC comp and delegated concerning other comps to the CHAN report.

- All vendetta novas - will be done once currently prepared vendetta is over.

- Select promotions and appointments - Announcements of all appointments are delegated to the MAA report in general as outlined in the DC task list DC and Clan summit elevations are announced in my report (see above)

- Select Shadow Academy course results - delegated to the HM report as outlined in the DC task list.

2) Reports:

All Dark Council members will submit weekly reports to the following entities:

- Dark Council mailing list

- Consuls and Proconsuls

- Main site reports system

Done by me since my first report and being told to the rest of the DC all the time and constantly monitored by me. Also outlined in the DC task list.

3) Policy Development:

Expansion/standardization of the Industrial points system - Echelons of Force IP system is approved and currently undergoing public stage on the MBs currently

- Loot system - Plans for it will be proposed to Astatine the creator of the loot system in the near future.

- Enforcement of ranks, etc - currently discussed in various protocols exchanged between the GM, the DGM and the MAA

- appointment ranks - currently discussed together with the enforcement of ranks mentioned above.

- position pins - will be implemented into the new GoAs developed by the HRLD's Office on personal request of the GoA owner.

- Lightsabers - will be addressed as soon as the HRLD's Office has advanced from the GoA project to the Custom lightsaber project.

- GMRG - the existence of this society and use/aims of it will be discussed once the membership count has risen to an acceptable amount to justify an elite society of any kind.

Grandmaster's acknowledgements

This week I would like to acknowledge Destavol Gin and Priyum Patel for their good effort on the IP items creation lists. Good work so far guys keep up the great work.

That concludes my report for this week thank you for your attention.

In Respect

Darth Nocturnus

GM Report #8:  08.06.04

Greetings Jedi

This Grand Master Report #8 dating 06.08.2004


The first news this week are concerning myself. I know it's not allowed actually to write about RL in the reports and I normally stick to that regulation but since this time it impacts on my work as GM directly I think I have to make an exception. From tomorrow on I will do an internship at the University of California at Santa Barbara lasting for 10 weeks. That means for once that I will have to go on leave for two days, which is Saturday and Sunday in order to make the transition from Europe to the US. I should be back online on late Sunday/Monday again. That also means for the other that my time zone will change by 9 hours backward. So if you want to do business with me on IRC remember the time change, since I will be on at different times than usual now. Also my total IRC time might get a bit reduced since I will now be doing research at the UCSB for most of the day and will be on probably only in the evenings. Nothing else will change I still will have my high email turn around rate and will be available on AIM and ICQ as well.
DJM Keldorn Cochrane will be in charge of the DB during the next two days, be nice to him

In other news the IP threads have dried up in the recent days. The initial ideas were really good but we still need many more. I have been informed that seemingly members can�t place items correctly with price tags and all since the lack any correlation frame. Therefore I will give you a short one here. The highest rank in the EoF system you get for 2500 points. So that is a small fortune for an individual. That means all except a few very rare and top of the line items which can be also above, should be below that number. Medium items could start at 500 and the lowest items you already should be able to buy for 5-10  points. For the house lists just multiply the numbers by 15 - the membership count of a medium sized House. Last but not least for the Clan list multiply the number by 40 to get an average Clan size. I hope that helps a bit as first aid. When I find the time during my flights I will put together lists on my own with my own ideas I so far withheld in order to prevent to influence the membership in their ideas. There you also will see the imagined prices for the equipment. I will release the lists at the beginning of the next week once I had the time to put them from my mind into a doc file.

It also came to my attention that there is confusion about Clones and how to handle them. If you have a Clone or two, then it is not only your duty to report them to me the Grand Master but to all of your superiors from the BTL all the way to the CON. Also the other way round - if for example a Clan Summit appoints a new House Summit then he has the duty to provide him a list with all Clones in his House from other Clan members. That means also the superiors have to ensure their subaltern officers have knowledge about all Clones thay have under their command. All Clones need to be declared and their existence proliferated to everyone who has to do with them. Undeclared , secret and undiscovered Clones are against regulations and the owner can be brought before the HCI under charges of Cheating/False Statement. I hope that clears matters up on this and now everyone knows how to behave when it comes to Clones. Please Clan Summits make sure that this information is passed on all the way through your Clans. Thank you.


The work on the RoS so far has stagnated quite,  I have to admit, but now, since I won't be as busy anymore as I was in the past 4 weeks, I now will make it one of my top priorities. I am determined to bring you the RoS on time in September and if I have to carry it out all alone. DC prepare to get info and assignments on that at the beginning of the next week as well.

My personal MP Comp the GMTC is still suspended. I will have to talk to Sirik about a possible temporary new time and day for it due to my change in time zones. Stay tuned for more info about that.


As usual the complete task list for my position, updated where progress or changes were made:

Grand Master

- Implementation of the Action plan
- Vendetta in the next 3 months
- Sort out varies issues as outlined in the action plan

A) Vendetta:

Works on the Vendetta have started. I am still waiting for a website from Keldorn he promised me one very soon I hope he will keep his promise. Kel meanwhile showed me a very promising Story Intro for the RoS he made from my gibberish I told him :P I hope he will be able soon to finish it so we can show it on the website to the DC.

B) Action plan:

Since this is a rather big pile of tasks I use the segmentation in the plan itself:

1) Communications:

Promotion of good work:

"The GM shall make news posts and other promotional references on the following:"

- Merit awards of Grand Cross or higher - delegated to the CHAN report in the DC task plan

- Meeting trivia awards - done in my report when I get informed about the winners by the trivia host.

- All awards for competitions clan size or larger - right now done for my GMTC comp and delegated concerning other comps to the CHAN report.

- All vendetta novas - will be done once currently prepared vendetta is over.

- Select promotions and appointments - Announcements of all appointments are delegated to the MAA report in general as outlined in the DC task list DC and Clan summit elevations are announced in my report as well.

- Select Shadow Academy course results - delegated to the HM report as outlined in the DC task list.

2) Reports:

All Dark Council members will submit weekly reports to the following entities:

- Dark Council mailing list

- Consuls and Proconsuls

- Main site reports system

Done by me since my first report and being told to the rest of the DC all the time and constantly monitored by me. Also outlined in the DC task list.

3) Policy Development:

Expansion/standardization of the Industrial points system - Echelons of Force IP system is approved and currently undergoing public stage on the MBs. A basic set of lists will be released soon to give the members a better frame to place their items.

- Loot system - Plans for it will be proposed to Astatine the creator of the loot system in the near future.

- Enforcement of ranks, etc - a final protocol was agreed on between me and the MAA, now waiting for the DGM to give his opinion. I also sent it to Ast for possible comments from his side.

-  appointment ranks - will be addressed together with the enforcement of ranks mentioned above.

- position pins - will be implemented into the new GoAs developed by the HRLD's Office on personal request of the GoA owner.

- Lightsabers - will be addressed as soon as the HRLD's Office has advanced from the GoA project to the Custom lightsaber project.

- GMRG - the existence of this society and use/aims of it will be discussed once the membership count has risen to an acceptable amount to justify an elite society of any kind.

Grandmaster's Acknowledgements:

This week I want to acknowledge GRD Silver and again DA Priyum Patel for pointing out same facts that found their way into this weeks report. With people like you around who come to talk to you about a problem instead of just hanging around and complaining my job as GM is much easier thank you.

That concludes my report for this week, thank you for your attention

In Respect

Darth Nocturnus

GM Report:  08.14.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master Report #9 dating 13.08.2004


As promised in my last report I started to work on the RoS in a more focused way. In the past days I have written up a 6 page draft which contains the basic idea, the structure, the events and the way of judging them. I have submitted this draft to the DC and discussions about it as well as plans about how to realize the whole event have begun.

The RoS will be created and executed by the DC only, except a few outside DB contractors to ensure all other people who have still a Clan affiliation will be able to take part in the RoS including any of the DC Staff. With that exclusion of the staff I take the consequences out of the last years TO vendetta, where some staff members, who were involved into the managing the vendetta, have been accused of Clan bias. Therefore I decided to let only people work on the preparation of the RoS who don't have any Clan affiliations in any way.

I also wrote in my last report that I would present basic lists of items for the IP system that can be used as framework for the members to place their own creations. I have to admit I wasn't able to do so, since writing up the RoS draft took longer than expected. But I haven't forgotten about it and will publish those lists as soon as I will be able to create them, hopefully over the weekend.

There will be also a new think tank. I actually intended to use the general membership as that but I saw that for certain matters you need a smaller group to brainstorm with. I will create a new yahoogroup for that purpose and will post the "request membership" link on the news page of the DB site. So everyone who wants to become part of the new think tank can go there and request to be added and I will accept him.

Some of you might have noticed the "UCSB" Tag on my nick on IRC. That means I am in the lab at the university and somehow around. You can pmsg me and ask me stuff or give me info or whatever else and if I happen to be in the vicinity of my laptop I will answer them. Sometimes however it can take a bit longer if I am at that moment occupied somewhere else, so be patient.


My GMTC is still on hold I wasn't able yet to set a new date with Sirik. I will let you know when I was able to.

In other news the DB survived its first participation for a long time in a WoW. It placed 5th out of 7 or 8 which is for a first time participation quite good. Soon a JA WoW is starting maybe we will be able to do even better there.


As usual the complete task list for my position, updated where progress or changes were made:

Grand Master

- Implementation of the Action plan
- Vendetta in the next 3 months
- Sort out varies issues as outlined in the action plan

A) Vendetta:

As already reported above a draft has been laid out before the DC and work has started. I am confident that we will be able to present a high quality and well prepared Rite of Supremacy to the membership in the middle of September.

B) Action plan:

Since this is a rather big pile of tasks I use the segmentation in the plan itself:

1) Communications:

Promotion of good work:

"The GM shall make news posts and other promotional references on the following:"

- Merit awards of Grand Cross or higher - delegated to the CHAN report in the DC task plan

- Meeting trivia awards - done in my report when I get informed about the winners by the trivia host.

- All awards for competitions clan size or larger - right now done for my GMTC comp and delegated concerning other comps to the CHAN report.

- All vendetta novas - will be done once currently prepared vendetta is over.

- Select promotions and appointments - Announcements of all appointments are delegated to the MAA report in general as outlined in the DC task list DC and Clan summit elevations are announced in my report as well.

- Select Shadow Academy course results - delegated to the HM report as outlined in the DC task list.

That means these tasks have been addressed, are currently executed and constantly minded by me and the other DC members every week.

2) Reports:

All Dark Council members will submit weekly reports to the following entities:

- Dark Council mailing list

- Consuls and Proconsuls

- Main site reports system

Done by me since my first report and being told to the rest of the DC all the time and constantly monitored by me. Also outlined in the DC task list.

3) Policy Development:

Expansion/standardization of the Industrial points system - Echelons of Force IP system is approved and currently undergoing public stage on the MBs. A basic set of lists will be released soon to give the members a better frame to place their items.

- Loot system - Plans for it will be proposed to Astatine the creator of the loot system in the near future.

- Enforcement of ranks, etc - Task completed. A new protocol by the MAA addressing that matter is in place since last weekend.

- appointment ranks - Task completed. A new protocol by the MAA addressing that matter is in place since last weekend.

- position pins - will be implemented into the new GoAs developed by the HRLD's Office on personal request of the GoA owner.

- Lightsabers - will be addressed as soon as the HRLD's Office has advanced from the GoA project to the Custom lightsaber project.

- GMRG - the existence of this society and use/aims of it will be discussed once the membership count has risen to an acceptable amount to justify an elite society of any kind.

Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

I would like to acknowledge Scoser, Kuro, Tiamat and Gidda for representing the DB in the latest JO WoW the way they did. Great work guys keep that up!

That concludes my report for this week.

In Respect

Darth Nocturnus

GM Report #10:  08.20.04

Greetings Jedi

This is Grand Master report #10 dating 20.08.2004.


Yesterday the Master at Arms, the Deputy Grandmaster and I unanimously decided to reward the Consuls of Clan Alvaak and Clan Tarentum for their excellent work in their positions with which they both served their Clans far above and beyond the Call of Duty:

For being 15+ months Consul of Clan Alvaak leading their Clan through everything that came during that time, not only trying to preserve the strength of Alvaak but always trying better the Clan and to lead it back to its former strength,despite all problems Alvaak had to battle with Krath Pontifex Aseret is hereby elevated to the rank of Dark Side Adept.

For being 9 months Consul of Clan Tarentum, being all the time an inspiration to her Clanmembers,motivating them where ever she could, she was able to turn the Clan from one of the smallest Clans into one of the biggest and most active Clans in the Brotherhood. For that service to her Clan Krath Epis Rage Akaido is granted the rank of Krath Pontifex.

In other news, after some considerations I came to the conclusion that between my current RL commitments and the preparations for the Rite of Supremacy next month, that I can''t push alone the creation of the Echelons of Force project further as much as I would like to.

Since it was already more than once suggested to me to revive the think tank created by Khaen during his reign, I decided to do exactly that. Hereby I anouce that I have created a new think tank mailing group and everyone who wants to participate may do so.

The Think Tank''s first task will be as mentioned above in assisting me in the current item creation process of the EoF project. Once this should be over, it will get new tasks, so it won�t be disbanded after the EoF project.
So whoever is creative and want to show me his ideas directly and want to help me in the EoF and other later projects can write to the following adress and will be accepted by me into the new Think Tank:

So far 5 people have signed up to it amongst them the complete Arconan Clan Summit. Right now I have three people from Arcona, one from Alvaak and one from CSP. By Orders those are three Krath and two Sith. So you see what I still need are Obeliskians and Tarentides to have a full set of Clan and Orders in my think tank. Would be nice if I would get those kind of people still. Remember anyone can request subscribtion at any time and no one will be turned down. So write to the above mail and become part of my new think tank.

I also have to anounce that I won�t be able to make it to the meetings tommorow due to weekend uni work. I apologize for that and hope that I will be able to do so next weekend again.


No news on the GMTC, my schedule just keeps to be too erratic to figure out a safe time I will be able to host it again so far.

But there has been progress on the RoS. A name for it was proposed by me and so far no one of the DC spoke out against it, so I maybe can release it next week in my report. Also the general structure of the RoS has been agreed on, the plotline,the locations and the length of it, which will be 5 weeks. Works on several events have begun. Stay tuned for more updates next week.


As usual the complete task list for my position, updated where progress or changes were made:

Grand Master

- Implementation of the Action plan
- Vendetta in the next 3 months
- Sort out varies issues as outlined in the action plan

A) Vendetta:

As already reported above preparations are under way and progress has been made. Updates about the Rite of Supremacy will be done every week until its commencement.

B) Action plan:

Since this is a rather big pile of tasks I use the segmentation in the plan itself:

1) Communications:

Promotion of good work:

"The GM shall make news posts and other promotional references on the following:"

- Merit awards of Grand Cross or higher - delegated to the CHAN report in the DC task plan

- Meeting trivia awards - done in my report when I get informed about the winners by the trivia host.

- All awards for competitions clan size or larger - right now done for my GMTC comp and delegated concerning other comps to the CHAN report. Added reporting of special comp events like the WoW to that section, like in the last report.

- All vendetta novas - will be done once currenty prepared vendetta is over.

- Select promotions and appointments - Anouncements of all appointments are delegated to the MAA report in general as outlined in the DC task list DC and Clan summit elevations are anounced in my report as well, as done again in this report

- Select Shadow Academy course results - delegated to the HM report as outlined in the DC task list.

That means these tasks have been adressed, are currently executed and constantly minded by me and the other DC members every week.

2) Reports:

All Dark Council members will submit weekly reports to the following entities:

- Dark Council mailing list

- Consuls and Proconsuls

- Main site reports system

Done by me since my first report and being told to the rest of the DC all the time and constantly monitored by me. Also outlined in the DC task list.

3) Policy Development:

Expansion/standardisation of the Industrial points system - Echelons of Force IP system is approved and currently undergoing public stage on the MBs.A think tank has been created to take over the lead in item creation and to help members with their item ideas.

- Loot system - Plans for it will be proposed to Astatine the creator of the loot system in the near future.

- Enforcement of ranks, etc - Task completed. A new protocol by the MAA adressing that matter is in place since last weekend.

- appointment ranks - Task completed. A new protocol by the MAA adressing that matter is in place since last weekend.

- position pins - will be implemented into the new GoAs developed by the HRLD's Office on personal request of the GoA owner.

- Lightsabers - will be adressed as soon as the HRLD's Office has advanced from the GoA project to the Custom lightsaber project.

- GMRG - the existence of this society and use/aims of it will be discussed once the membership count has risen to an acceptable amount to justify an elite society of any kind.

Grand Master's Acknowledgements:

This week I want to acknowledge in general the four Consuls. They have been a reliable constant during this year so far, bringing something like consistency into the level of Clan leadership, which also made my job so much easier in the past two months and I really aprechiate that. I hope you four will stay with me for quite some time still in the future.

This concludes my report for this week

In Respect

Darth Nocturnus

Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:  Prefect of the Legion (MG Dante)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

Major General, Special Forces
Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

PRF/MG Dante/GS-1/VSD Burninator [PRG:AGT] [HFTC:CM]
CM2, VS2, CC, MI, C&S, PYRO, ARTY1, AV1=
[OgD] [DsS] [HC] [SoV] [IO] [IH] [DJ] [IC] [EP] [MoC x2] [IrC] [CoO x5]
[SoH] [CAR x19] [MoD] [PUC x2] [LsA x2] [LoC x2] [CoL]

PRF Report 20:  08.21.04

1. I have now officially come off of leave due to first being in Europe for 3 weeks then coming back to the semester starting in grad school and the in processing of new cadets.

2. I am currently accepting apps for the Commander of Security position.  I have received only one app so I guess he's the only one who wants it.  If you would like to apply please submit to

3. I need reports from all GS members, CC's, and DC's ASAP.  Give me your current status and that of your unit or position.  I want these by next Friday so I can include them in my report.

4. Activity:  Let's not get down on our summer lull... this is fairly normal, but let's pick it back up and recruit some new members with the beginning of the school year!

5. Major Shadowmaker has been active in setting up another invasion of an enemy server.  Get with him on the times and place!

PTE Hlaine Larkin to PFC
PTE Trooper21 to PFC
PFC Wolverine to LCP
PFC Skeeter to LCP
SPL Arrakiv to SGT
2LT Decarat to LT
LT Earl Swagger to CPT

LCP Skeeter - Ice Cross
SGT Arrakiv - Star of Helos
SGT Aidan Pryde - Medal of Hades

That is all.

Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (AD Silvori)

Infiltrator Wing

~Vice Admiral Mad Hatter~
IW Commander

IWCOM Report #3:  07.24.04


Not much to say about the past week, but I do believe we are moving in the right direction. The IWCS has been concentrating on their own duties as to get the IW at maximum efficiency, we now need the rest of the staff to follow suit. The CMDRs need to step up their efforts to get their squadrons rolling, and do it now. The little activity that there is will not be enough to us back into fighting form anytime soon.

So, all CMDRs need to work closely with their squadrons and get things rolling by leading by example. I stressed this heavily in my last report but it seems that nothing has been implemented as of yet. Teamwork is the key to you having a successful group, now get cracking and help bring the IW back to life.

I do not see any activity from the IW Flag Staff other than email and IRC time, why not strap into a fighter and take to the stars to show you're still willing to fly to keep the IW alive? As far as I see it, there are NO "desk" jobs in the IW. If you are in active duty, then there is no reason for you not to jump in the simulator with your pilots every now and then. Let's see some more tangible activity from the Flags.

Same adheres above for the IWCS, I know you all have full plates but isn't it nice to get out there and release some tension? I hope to see you all in the simulator soon.

As for me, everyone knows that I have been a royal pain on IRC trying to get some MP matches with IW officers. So, why not take your chances in trying to vape the IWCOM? I trust that you will get some form of satisfaction out of being victorious over me. As a matter of fact, let's start a new COMPETITION!

"Vape the IWCOM"

Pilot with most wins over the IWCOM in the IW Melee will earn a War Cross.

Start Date: August 1
End Date: August 31

Now bone up on your skills for the remainder of this month so you can fly for that War Cross come August!


Count: 60 (+1)
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 96


LC Zsinj has been working and it is coming along quite nicely. He is tweaking the admin, building the IWTA, and IWBB databases.

AWOL Checks now over, squadrons streamlined for maximum effectiveness.

IW Melee roster being updated by GN Dolza, contact him if you wish NOT to be removed from the database.

Report Schedule:

Reports are mandatory for all IW members. If reports are not received from command position twice, you will be removed

Sunday: FM's
Monday: FL's
Tuesday: CMDR's
Wednesday: WC
Thursday: COM
Friday: IWCS
Saturday: IWCOM
IWTAC has discovered 2 clues to the infiltrator that has been harrassing the IW, use your detective skills to track down the enemy.


LCM Mach Blader: MC-1

Squadron PoTW:

Wing PoTW:

IWCOM Report #4:  07.31.04


A productive week for the most part, is coming along at a good pace with everyone helping in some area of it's construction. Many thanks to those fo you that are aiding LC Zsinj in his efforts. As you all know, General Darkov has resigned as Renegade COM, he has been replaced with General Hanson and the WC spot will be closed for the time being. Also, RA Astix has chosen to resign from the IWOC position due to time constraints, and will take a FM spot in Silver.

The AWOL check is 100% complete and the roster has been slimmed down. Last week, Razor Squadron was closed and it's remaining pilots sent to the remaining 3. Operations should be better now that we have 3 full squadrons, than 4 half full ones.

There are lots of things going on in the IW for you to take advantage of and earn some nice rewards. I like CMDR Uther's "Silver Sheen" comp, so I hope to see lots of activity in it. And the IWTAC is offering up 3 SVs for learning how to create missions, not a chance you want to pass up. The IW Melee holds many opportunities for you as well, medals awarded for every aspect of the Melee. And there is also the IWTA, scoring well on a course will earn you a medal and a step toward earning your degree in that field.

On a final note, I'd like to say that the IW has made some good headway in the past couple weeks. We are looking more organised, and I feel that things are going to start falling into place. Just keep doing what you're doing, stay active, participate, and above all.............have FUN!


Count: 45 (-15)
Trainees: 0
Reserves: 115


LC Zsinj has been working and it is coming along quite nicely. He is currently building the IWTA, and IWBB databases.
General Drakov has resigned from the EH, General Hanson has been assigned as Renegade Commodore. The WC shall not be filled at this time
Rear Admiral Astix has resigned from the IWOC position and has taken a FM spot in Silver. IWOC duties shall be handled by IWXO Orzon
Report Schedule:
Reports are mandatory for all IW members. If reports are not received from command position twice, you will be removed
Sunday: FM's
Monday: FL's
Tuesday: CMDR's
Wednesday: WC
Thursday: COM
Friday: IWCS
Saturday: IWCOM
IWTAC has discovered 3 clues to the infiltrator that has been harrassing the IW, use your detective skills to track down the enemy.
IWTAC offering 3 Stars of Valor to the first 3 officers who can learn, create, edit and submit an XWA OR XvT Free mission.

GN Hanson to Commodore

RA Astix: SLA, DSM
GN Darkov: LoM
GN Hanson: LoM

Squadron PoTW:

Wing PoTW:

IWCOM Report #5:  08.21.04


Thin report this week as I am still inputting lost information from my Holonet crash last week. Expect a retro-report next week when I am all caught up.


Count: 44 (-1)
Trainees: 7
Reserves: 111


General Dolza promoted to Rear Admiral for his fine work in the Tactical Office.
Operation "Blue Moon" in full swing, go and participate!
Dolza and Zsinj have the IWBB online, submit all battles to RA Dolza.

General Dolza to Rear Admiral


Squadron PoTW:

Wing PoTW:


Wing Wide: Operation "Blue Moon"
See details in Holonet message (Too lengthy to input)

IW Wide: IW Melee

Number of Intra-Squad Comps:
Number of Inter-Squad Comps: 0
Number of Wing Comps: 1
Number of IW-Wide Comps: 1
Number of Inter-SG Comps: 0

Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (VA Trido)

Corporate Division (CD)

PREX Report #6:  08.22.04

Things are changing for the better for the Corporate Division. After some problems, the new code and layout for the page is nearing completion. Once this is done, then the CD can finally begin the long and slow rebuilding process.

Former PREX Admiral Nav'ric Trow has accepted the position of Chairman of the Trading Assembly. I hope his vast experience can help guide the Corporations during the rebuilding process.

We have a new VPX. Congratulate Blake on his promotion. He is shy on experience as I was, but I know he will do an amazing job for the CD. He has already added greatly to the Corporate Division with the new Revenge courses he has created.

We have 2 new Adjutants, and then we lost one of them. Thorin came back as A:VPX but was promptly fired after being disrespectful of our VPX. Frodo came in as Bubbas Adjutant. That sounds like a recipe for disaster. I have my spies watching them closely. :)

Anyway, that's about all the news I have for this report.

Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (Tuss)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)

DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)

BHG Report 6:  08.06.04

Hello again from the friendly confines of the BHG, where the Boston Globe is reporting we have retracted comments recently made on a commercial.

However, that is not so.. All is well in BHG land, we are trucking through the end of summer, gearing up for a big burst of activity one fall hits. The added push should put us in prime condition for recruits when people are back to school, and especially those college students that find themselves incredibly bored. Recently on our message board we have had a great discussion of the future of the BHG, where we should go, what directions seem to promise the most growth and it has been really great to see so many hunters take an active part in deciding and throwing in their opinions on what we should do. Their support of the subgroup is a source of strength for me and my decisions which are surely in their best interests.

We are still without a Tactician but this is because Koral and I are waiting to choose instead of hurrying along. We both want to pick someone who will be able to be there for awhile, and add some stability to the position. I for one am excited about some of the new hunters who have applied. It may just be the thing to show the BHG that EVERYONE has a chance at leadership.

Kabal activities are the thing of the season right now, as we don't want to do an overkill on the BHG wide stuff. We might see some more MB activities and the like, but they key right now is kabal growth through their own activities and the unity that brings. Things are good, we seem to be going in the right directions, and virtually no problems of late.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this incredible subgroup.

- Dark Prince Tuss Raydod

P.S. Ast has this as well, but when I originally sent it to both I had a spelling error in your email address. I figured Ast wouldn't appreciate a second copy saying the same exact thing :P

BHG Report 13:  08.13.04

Hello from the Governors office of New Jersey, where the BHG is officially announcing, we are not having an affair with our homeland security officer.

In real news, we have decided on a Tactician! The new Tactician is ... Velkro from Omega! There were many qualified applicants. Notice I only say that when there are. Cause sometimes I wonder if these guys even know a position is open. But this time, there were some good applications. The decision was hard, and I was impressed that so many people had expressed interest. Velkro is very new to the BHG, but in his short time he has shown himself to be a natural leader, a hard worker, and someone can relate to people. That is something we are looking for in the BHG's third in command.

Detori and I are beginning work in MB Survivor. I was hoping it would be ready by this next week, but finals is next week, and the following week I will be in Texas with the hotmormonwife. We have run successful IRC Survivor events for the past year or so, with a great turnout. We are hoping the MB version will be a good extension of this, and boost the positive activity on our message boards.

The SG vs. SG stuff has slowed as of late, due to some extra focus on internal matters. We haven't shelved it completely though, and hope that the fall will give us a chance to compete at a high level that will unite our subgroup, as well as bring us closer to the general EH membership.

That is all for this week, things are good. Thanks again for the chance to lead this incredible subgroup.

Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Aseret)

Intelligence Division (ID)

SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V/

SDIR Report #4:  07.23.04

Report of the Supreme Director #4 - 23/07/04

Roster Count: 80
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 233
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR - Vacant - no applications being accepted
BLDR/RA Winters -
RADR/RA Scrier -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) -
BUDR/ FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik -
XO - vacant

1. MB open question session on the SDIR position
Starting today,the UBIQ will begin a series of open question sessions on our
MB ( ) on each of our existing positions and Bureaus. This means you get to ask all you want about what I do (or pretend to), what the UBIQ is here for, what's BOO work or PR's,etc. Purpose? To enlighten our role within the EH and in each person's mind and to, once again, kill that ghost that says Intel is non-existing.

This week's topic is the SDIR....yup,you get to ask all kind of questions about me. Actually, about what I
do. Guaranteed answers. Open to non-Intel agents.

2. Intorg BUDR on leave
COL Stirlitz has been on leave during the course of this past week, hence why any intorg applications have not received an answer yet. Stirlitz should return tomorrow and all applications will then receive a swift reply.

3. IntOrg Recruitment season
It's that time of the year again. IntOrg is recruiting so you get to be part of that elite of agents that knows all but none knows them.

*high level of activity throughout the EH (high MB and IRC presence is advantageous)
*have served within EH ranks for at least 12 months and hold a rank of CM or equivalent
*ideally some command experience
* have no HCI record

To clearly understand what IntOrg does, you can read about in my MB post ( ) or accessing the Fieldcraft Manual.

4. EH SDIR Task List Report
As usual, any critics are welcome.

*More promotion of projects, events,etc
AoT revamp in progress. PR will be rebuilding the site(hopefully) and our open question sessions are

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
Working perfectly in this field judging by the latest evenings in #dgn. PR has been a great help in this considering their public position as ID members.

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas Nothing above as you can see.

*Actual progress on projects
I'm still forbidden to make announcements on PR. :P

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings Improving. I have been there between 3 to 4 hours per
day. All UBIQ members have been seen there on a nearly daily basis, apart from Reb that just sits there forever.

5. SDIR on leave
8 days from today, on July 30th,I'm going on leave so you have 1 week to pester me until then.

SDIR Report #5:  07.29.04

Report of the Supreme Director #5 - 29/07/04

Roster Count: 80
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 233 Websites
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR/RA Scrier -
BLDR/RA Winters -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) -
BUDR/ FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik -
XO - vacant

1. SDIR on Leave
>From July 30th (meaning tomorrow) until August 6th, I'll be on leave delivering the Bureau to RA Scrier's
hands ( Any absurdly urgent queries, drop him a line.

2. New ExDIR and RADR position status
RA Scrier has been appointed the new 2nd in command of the Division. His position as RADR is not only not open for applications as it will be extinct. All admissions are now handled by TTDR/RA Rebelkiller.

3. MB open question session on the ExDIR position is the palce to go and the place to go to ask Scrier what is he supposed to do (or
pretend to do).

SDIR forum remains open at . I'll answer all questions once I return from leave.

4. AoT revamp
This is directed to everyone taking AoT tests. Some tests are needing update so if you notice any errors in their text we missed, be sure to drop the TTDR a line.

5. BLDR and BOO BUDR on Leave
Hence, why all mails sent to them will receive a delayed answer.

6. IntOrg Recruitment Season - last chance!
Final days to apply if you fulfill the following requirements:
* high level of activity throughout the EH (high MB and IRC presence advantageous)
*have served within EH ranks for at least 12 months and hold a rank of CM or equivalent
*ideally some command experience
* have no HCI record

To clearly understand what IntOrg does, you can read about in my MB
post ( ) or accessing the Fieldcraft Manual.

7. EH SDIR Task List Report
As usual, any critics are welcome.

*More promotion of projects, events, etc
Open question season has had a...reasonable success.

Hopefully, RA Scrier should coordinate the AoT revamp along with PR and I'm hoping before the end of August we should see some results.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
Open question session is an example.

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas
Nothing above as you can see.

*Actual progress on projects
I'm still forbidden to make announcements on the Comlink...still:P

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings
2 out of 4 UBIQs are on leave, 1 sits in the channel all day and one drops by every night.

SDIR Report #6:  08.07.04

Report of the Supreme Director #6 - 07/08/04
Roster Count: 81
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 234 Websites
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR/RA Scrier -
BLDR/RA Winters -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) -
BUDR/ FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik -
XO - vacant

1. SDIR back from leave
I'm back and in the process of getting fully updated. I returned at late hours yesterday and couldn't find the time to submit my report. Many thanks to RA Scrier for keeping the Division in one piece. For that, I'm awarding him a Force of the Emperor's Will(FoEW). Now, don't complain and come thank me for removing you the extra-responsibility.

2. MB open question session on the BLDR position
Week 3 presents the Bureau Liaison Director as star. RA Winters, who currently occupies the position, is responsible with maintaining and supervising the Bureaus. He ensure that all operations and events are taking place according to plan.

This is just a glimpse. Learn more at

3. EH SDIR Task List Report
As usual,any critics are welcome.
*More promotion of projects, events, etc
Projects aren't something we miss. We just need the time to accomplish them all and the resources. We have projects in line for the Public Relations Branch. They will help creating and hosting all Intel sites in the future while the UBIQ will be responsible for the remainder of the renovations.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
What can I say? We have improved our online time, we have began MB session trying to get EH members to ask all those questions they say they have and never asked.

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas Nothing above as you can see.
*Actual progress on projects
I'm still forbidden to make announcements on the Comlink...don't ask :P

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings Mine will finally improve since I shouldn't be going on leave anytime soon. All other UBIQ and BUDRs' have irreprehensible IRC presence.

SDIR Report #7:  08.14.04

Report of the Supreme Director #7 - 12.08.04

Roster count: 85
Overall roster count(inc RSV): 238

Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v 9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
***SDIR/VA Aseret -
***ExDIR/RA Scrier -
BLDR/RA Winters -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik -
XO/MAJ Chris Cox -

1. VA Gelton Torr awarded GMoF
Intel has decided to award Prae's ex-CMDR a Golden Medallion of Foresight[GMoF] in consideration for his many achievements not only while CMDR of this elite Squadron but also for all he has done after resigning
that post. His dedication to Prae when it was no longer his duty should be the subject of inspiration for every one of my "bodyguards" like they call themselves. Wear it with pride!

2. Admissions
Just a note to inform that these should be processed faster now that RA Rebelkiller is getting used to the procedure. So, there's no need to re-submit your application. We have received it and will process it in due

3. MB Open Question Session: the TTDR
Yeah, yeah, everybody thinks they know what he does, but give him a chance to surprise you (or not): .

As a first note, he's responsible for administering and grading Academy of Tactics course tests while maintaining and overseeing the expansion of the AoT and, nowadays, is also responsible for admitting new agents.

4. EH SDIR Task List Report
Critics as usual are welcome.

* More promotion of projects, events, etc
Several being worked on, that come from weeks before, and connect several items in this list:
all our websites will be improved with time as well as AoT courses, MB open question session has been successful even if questions aren't very

* Better attitude and more interaction towards members
Anyone complaining about my attitude is lying and I'll disavow it. :P Seriously now, to use a clich�, all UBIQ members have an open door policy, even if you're coming to insult us. :P Feel free, we love insults, we live for them as long as they help us improve.

* Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler about "real life" and other non-relevant areas
Nothing above as you can see.

* Actual progress on projects
News soon.

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings
Every night (GMT) between 3 to 4 hours on IRC and during the afternoon in MSN or AIM . Meetings really depend on how my weekends are scheduled.

SDIR Report #8:  08.21.04

Report of the Supreme Director #8 - 21/08/04

Roster Count: 79
Overall Roster Count (inc RSV): 231
Intelligence Division Main Website
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Public Relations Branch -

Commanding Officers
*** SDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk -
*** ExDIR/RA Scrier -
BLDR/RA Winters -
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller -
Bureau Directors
BUDR/ COL Stirlitz (INTORG) -
BUDR/ FA Stalker5(BOO) -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/MAJ Abel Malik -
XO/MAJ Chris Cox -

1. Intel meetings
A practice lost in time but that is now coming back. Every Sunday in #dgn_lichtor_v around 22:00 GMT (aka 10:00 pm for you other folks:P), meetings will be held led by me or any other UBIQ member in my absence. This re-starts tomorrow so show up if you can. Your Identification line will be asked so there are advantages in showing up for meetings.  Maybe RA Scrier will pretend to work and come up with some wacko trivia too.

2. Intel Wide Comp coming up soon
The programming is over and as soon as it is transferred to a secure location, it will begin. Expect news during next week.

3. MB open question session on the Bureau of Operations

Considered the heart of the Intelligence Division, this Bureau is usually known for infiltrating other SW clubs. No longer divided as it stands in the Fieldcraft Manual, its work is the same. But what that work is, you'll have to ask FA Stalker5.:)

4. EH SDIR Task List Report
As usual, any critics are welcome.
*More promotion of projects, events, etc
Being done as usual. AoT courses being revised and improved.  MB open question sessions will end soon but hopefully some profit came out of them.

*Better attitude and more interaction towards members
As much as we can do it. Attendance in #dgn has been increasing.

*Reports that have actual content, not fluff or filler
about "real life" and other non-relevant areas Nothing above as you can see.
*Actual progress on projects
Comlink to be published soon.

*Higher online presence, especially during meetings
I was there this week as well as the TTDR. As mentioned above, Intel meetings re-start this week so another meeting to attend to.

Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Orzon)

EH Directorate (DIR)

Vice Admiral Orzon
Grand Moff
GMF / VA Orzon / MC-1 / Gondor Base

Directorate Domain Report:  07.23.04

From the Desk of the Deputy Grand Moff
The Directorate is continuing to move forward�check out news for more. I'd like to see all members get more active on the yahoogroups and IRC. Let's see you all around from time to time!

1. Grand Moff Coursca has resigned. He will be missed. We wish him the best!
2. Currently, I am Acting Grand Moff until one is chosen by the powers above.
3. With the Diplomacy Game on the verge of completion, I'd like to welcome back Lammoth who will be taking on the role of Minister of Operations with the rank of Legatus.
4. Minister of Communication, Legatus Monsh Fesou is still working hard on the Directorate site. He has been delayed a bit due to a trip to Europe. ;-)
5. Minister of Education, Rear Admiral Wil Striker has revamped the CDGI yet again. Looks great!
6. New Directorate Manual site: . My thanks to RA Striker on his excellent work.
7. I will be working on a new site of rosters, bringing in all those active.
8. Recently, Wil Striker was awarded the Tarkin Cluster. Congrats!

Yahoo groups Emails
Directorate wide:
Ministry Council (MC only):

IRC Channel
Directorate wide: #ehdir

Final Note
Go recruit! Publicize Diplomacy!

Directorate Domain Report:  08.06.04

From the Desk of the Deputy Grand Moff
It has been a quiet week. A few discussion in the Ministry Council but other than that it has been fairly quiet.


1. Grand Moff Coursca has resigned. Currently, I am Acting Grand Moff until one is chosen by the powers above.
2. Both Planetary Governors have been given orders to work with Frigg, to assure the planetary members stay interested.
3. Stay tuned for greater updates next week!

Yahoo groups Emails
Directorate wide:
Ministry Council (MC only):

IRC Channels
Directorate wide: #ehdir

DIR Manual:

Final Note
Go recruit! Publicize Diplomacy!

Directorate Domain Report: 08.13.04

From the Desk of the Deputy Grand Moff
First and foremost, I want to inform everyone that between August 19th and 27th, I will have minimal contact, if none at all. Rear Admiral Striker will be assuming command of day to day operations, anything of great importance I will attended to as soon as possible.

1. Grand Moff Coursca has resigned. Currently, I am Acting Grand Moff until one is chosen by the powers above.
2. Both Planetary Governors have been given orders to work with Frigg, to assure the planetary members stay interested.
3. MoC Monsh has made some changes within the DIR site. More to come.

Yahoo groups Emails
Directorate wide:
Ministry Council (MC only):

IRC Channels
Directorate wide: #ehdir

DIR Manual:

Final Note
Go recruit! Publicize Diplomacy!

Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:  Director of Operations (DO Compton)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying (EH RPG)

Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe

Fringe Report #15 - Comic-Con Report:  07.25.04

Back in 1976, some guy named George Lucas went to the San Diego Comic Con and introduced his latest film � something he called �Star Wars.� In the 28 years since, this small film has blossomed into one of the most amazingly popular franchises in any medium. Hardly a person on the planet doesn�t recognize Darth Vader, Yoda and R2-D2. Star Wars has always had a huge presence at the Con (now known as Comic-Con International). Kyy Terrak and I attended the main Star Wars panel this past weekend, and I think we�re both still recovering from the experience.

Hosted by Steve Sansweet, LucasFilm�s chief fan liaison, we were treated to previews of upcoming LucasArts games and got to see some clips from the upcoming documentary from the Original Trilogy DVD set due in September. Special guests included Princess Leia herself, Carrie Fisher, Producer Rick McCallum and a surprise visit from the young Vader himself, Hayden Christenson. We even got to see a video clip of�well, that might be a spoiler for some of you, so I can�t mention it here. Needless to say, I�m getting chills just thinking about it.

Tidbits of the final Star Wars film, Episode III, were revealed as well. Clips of the filming of the final lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin were spread throughout the presentation. should have the pics of Kashyyyk that were revealed to us as well. But the biggest news is this: after years of speculation, the official title of Episode III has been announced.

Star Wars, Episode III: REVENGE OF THE SITH.

I screamed like a banshee as they announced this, fighting through tears of pure joy at the revelation. We�ve got 10 more months until ROTS is released, and it�s stuff like this that make me look forward to it even more.


While at the Con, I had a chance to actually play the Jump to Lightspeed expansion for JTL. I flew a TIE Interceptor in the Dathomir sector, shooting down Hutt fighters right and left. Just thinking about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. First off, the game simply looks AMAZING. (Of course it doesn�t hurt that I was playing on a 30 inch, high def plasma monitor.) The detail of the graphics is mind boggling � when you fly straight, both engines on the TIE light up. When you turn right or left, the light on the engine that is not being used goes out. It really looks incredible

But I have some big news about the game itself. SOE has already revealed most, but not all, of the ships that we�ll have in JTL. While I was playing, I took a peek at the skill trees and found some interesting info. In the Privateer skill tree, a piloting certification for the YT-2400 is listed under the Ace (Master) box. In the Rebel pilot tree, they get a cert for the B-Wing. And for us Imperials, we have a cert for the ship of all ships, the TIE Defender. I asked both Kevin �Q-3PO� O�Hara (who evidently put off retirement long enough to attend the Con) and Executive Producer Haden �Shug Ninx� Blackman about it, and they both smiled and said, �We haven�t finalized the ship certifications yet.�

As for game play, I thought the T/I handled more like a bomber from Wing Commander Prophecy than from any of the previous Star Wars flight sims. I�m sure they�ll balance that properly by the time the game comes out. My only real concern has to do with leading your targets while shooting. In the previous TIE/X-Wing games, you led your target, and your targeting reticule would turn green when you could hit your target. This took some skill to figure out when you needed to shoot. When I flew in JTL, there was an icon that flew in front of the ship. If you fired at the icon, you�d hit the ship. This essentially takes a lot of the need for actual skill out of the game. I hope they change this before its release.



Back on the ground, since Cyy has left the game for a few months, I have appointed Suri to the position of Militia Chief. I expect everyone to follow her orders in combat to the letter. She�s already proven herself to be a solid leader, and I expect great things from her.

We are also in the process of remodeling our PA Hall from my house into a PvP training hall. I�ve starting moving my stuff out, so we�ll hopefully finish that soon.

We�ve had some difficulty with members not treating each other with respect lately. I just want to remind everyone that in the EH PA more so than any other part of the Fleet, we are a group � even a family. We will treat each other with the respect that we expect to get from others. ANYONE who has trouble doing so risks being removed from the PA. I think George Carlin said it best when he said, �Be excellent to each other.�

Current in-game members: 95

Fringe Report #16:  07.30.04

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #16 � 7/30/04

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

I would like to catch up on a couple announcements that have slipped my mind over the past few weeks. First off, congratulations to the big man himself, GA �Krenn�sa Alvaak� Ronin for being the first Master Armorsmith on the Chilastra server to complete a full, nine-piece set of the highly coveted RIS armor. He worked for months to gather the necessary materials, and did a great job in making this most rare set of armor.

Also, congrats to a slew of people for completing the Imperial Corvette missions. With ultra-high level enemies and Super Battle Droids galore, it�s not an easy feat to earn a Corvette badge. Special thanks go out to Vladet Xavier for taking the time to do the research on how to beat it, and whipping everyone into fighting shape. Great job, Vlad!

In more recent news, the city of Dragon Coast on Talus has stated that they will no longer PvP with the EH. After much discussion with our membership, we�ve decided that this Rebel city simply does not have the testicular fortitude to continue combat against us. This is another sign that the Empire truly is winning the War for Talus.

Current in-game members: 95

Fringe Report 17:  08.06.04

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #17 � 8/6/04

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

In a surprise move, the Rebel Player Association RONIN (no relation to our GA Ronin, of course) has set up four Rebel bases about 5 klicks NE of us on Talus. They are hard at work getting some Imperial bases planted nearby as well, thus creating a player-generated battlefield where people from both factions can declare and PvP to their hearts� desire. This is a great idea, and will hopefully spur PvP on the server. As such, I�ve volunteered the services of our entertainers to give buffs to any Imperials heading to the battlefield.

Last night, Suri, Copa, Rob�D and I helped Tairn�s Jedi, Arrasa, become a Dark Jedi Knight. After scouring Tatooine for about an hour, we finally found that most rare of spawns, the Giant Canyon Krayt Dragon. We managed to kill the thing, and TD got his Knighthood. This now makes two DJKs in the EH, with Sarin�s alt Dukem being the first. However, TD is the first EHer to take his character all the way from FS to DJK all by himself. We stuck around and killed a couple more Krayts, and TD ended up with a perfect Krayt pearl for his troubles.

Current in-game members: 94

Fringe Report 18:  08.13.04

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #18 � 8/13/04

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

This past week, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a document from a number of our players outlining a number of things they think would make for a stronger Player Association. I won�t go into too much detail here, but the plan calls for a website, a PA uniform, weekly meetings and the creation of sections within the PA. We should get certain details ironed out soon, at which time we�ll reveal everything. Many, many thanks to Mell, Astatine, Davi, Ky, Strahd, Kelron, Schazbot and Girth for taking the time to discuss this and come up with a coherent plan.

One thing I�d like to add to the PA is to have more activities during the day. Most of our membership seems to play around 9pm ET, and that seems to alienate our members who play earlier in the day, especially during the morning. I would like to have �shift leaders� or something to help lead the PA during these times. This would not only give any bases we plant closer to 24/7 coverage, it would also help in recruiting more people during those hours. Anyone interested in �leading� during these �off hours,� drop me a line.

One last thing. I have a TEMPORARY website set up at . This is only a filler site until we can get a real site going. If you have any suggestions on what should be included on the site, please use the appropriate threads on our message board.

Current in-game members: 96

Fringe Report 19:  08.20.04

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #19 � 8/20/04

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

A couple weeks ago, a group consisting of Mell, Astatine, Davii, Kyy, Strahd, Kelron, Schazbot and G�rth got together and came up with a large list of things that they�d like to see in the PA. To put it briefly, they want to see:

The creation of specialized sections in the PA

A PA website including such features as
A reports feature for the Section Chiefs
An online roster of the PA, including Section memberships
Player profiles, including player and contact info
PA library, including macros and tutorials

An IWATS (Imperial Weapons And TacticS) course for our members

A PA uniform

I was very excited to get their e-mail, as I rarely hear details about what our members want to see happen with the PA. With the recent drama that we�ve gone through, this is the perfect time for us to reorganize a little. The following is based on the document the aforementioned folks sent me.


PA Website

I currently have a small site set up at . This is a temporary site as I have limited html skills, so if anyone has the skills and desire to design us a real website, please let me know that you�re interested, as I�d like a full-function site up asap. We will also need hosting space, as the server I�m using now isn�t meant for the amount of traffic we need for a bigger site.

Key site features we�re looking for:

News posting to keep PA members up to date on current events, and other important information
Reports function to be used for each for each division leader
Roster to display the membership of each division
Player Profiles available for providing character sheets as well as contact information
PA Library which will provide resources such as macros and tutorials to assist with player development, also description of each profession, weapons, and resources
IWATS SWG for PA membership � once this is written, the course and test will need to be on the site

Leadership positions and PA Sections

Putting members into different Sections of the PA is meant only to further define and delegate the duties and responsibilities that the game requires. Each Section Chief is responsible for their Section and reports to the Director of Operations. Weekly reports, due every Thursday, are expected from each Chief so the DO can include them in the weekly report sent to the FC and XO.

The leader of the EH PA is the Director of Operations (DO). The DO is appointed by Grand Admiral Ronin and the Executive Officer and shall be in charge of all matters related to the EH PA as well serving as the Sub-Group Commander (SGCOM) of The Fringe. His/hers is the final word in regards to anything in-game. The DO shall also be responsible for the appointment (and replacement, if necessary) of all other positions in the PA, as well as placement and maintenance of the PA Hall. The DO will have administrator access to The Fringe's message board, and will be responsible for the development and maintenance of The Fringe's website. The DO shall also have final say in all membership issues, and should strive to maintain a high quality of membership within the PA. As such, should any disciplinary action need to be taken against a member of the PA, it is the responsibility of the DO to gather all the facts and ensure that appropriate action is taken.

The Mayor of Sanctum Malleus (Mayor) is responsible for the smooth operation of the city as required by game mechanics. The Mayor will also be responsible for the City Treasury, making sure to solicit donations from the citizens of Sanctum Malleus as necessary.

The Militia Chief (MC) is responsible for the organization of the city's Militia. It is the MC's primary duty to make sure all able-bodied citizens who wish to help defend Sanctum Malleus from attack be inducted into the Militia, and to make sure they receive the training and equipment they need to properly do so.

The City Doctor (CD) is the leader of the PA's medical corps. The CD is responsible for ensuring the city's Medical Center is kept in working order and to make sure all members of the PA who choose to enter a medical field receive the training they need.

The Events Coordinator (EC) is responsible for the creation and organization of non-combat oriented in-game events. These events may include, but are not limited to, plays, concerts and vehicle races.

The Commerce Manager (CM) is responsible for the recruitment of quality crafters to place vendors in SM and to make sure all members of the PA who choose to enter a crafting field receive the training they need.

The City Ranger (CR) is responsible for obtaining knowledge about all resources in the game, as well as gathering those resources as requested by the other Sections.

The Ambassador (AM) is responsible for seeking out treaties with other PAs. This can include, but is not limited to, alliances with other Imperial PAs and truces with Rebels PAs. The Ambassador also functions as a counselor to the membership of the PA.

The Militia Members (M) are those citizens deemed by the DO, the MC and/or the Mayor to be completely loyal to the EH and worthy to defend the city of Sanctum Malleus against all attacks.

Every member of the EH PA who does not hold one of the above positions is invited to become a Citizen (C) of Sanctum Malleus. All that is required is that they "plant" a house within the city limits and declare it as their primary residence. However, for the sake of ID lines even those members who do not place a house in SM shall be known as Citizens, as we are all loyal citizens of the Empire.

Militia Section

Led by the Militia Chief (MC).

Members of the Militia Division must have at least one of the following as their primary profession:

Bounty Hunter, Brawler, Carbineer, Combat Medic, Commando, Fencer, Marksman, Pikeman, Pistoleer, Rifleman, Squad Leader, Swordsman, Teras Kasi Artist, Jedi.

Duties of the Militia Chief:

Appoint all members of the Militia, and work with the Mayor to ensure they are granted Militia status in the city
Instruct all Militia members in the proper use of weapons and equipment
Organize team combat events (trips to the Corvette, Death Watch Bunker, Rancor Hunts, etc.)
Work with the Merchant Section to provide them with high-end crafting items obtained from the above
Create and promote PvP training tactics and events and development of new Militia staff
Ensure that necessary people (attacking Rebels) are banned from both the City and the Garrison
Assist the Mayor in making sure members can place their houses and become Citizens

Section goals:

Rebel Population Screening
City and Base defense
Provide assistance to the Survey Section for harvesting kills for resources

Medical Section

Led by the City Doctor (CD).

Members of the Medical Section must have at least one of the following as their primary profession: Bio-Engineer, Combat Medic, Doctor, Medic.

Duties of the City Doctor:

Supervise the training of medical staff and work towards improving the quality of buffs provided
Gather information for the Medical Section on premium ingredients for med crafting; work with the Merchant and Militia Sections to obtain said ingredients

Section Goals:

Reduced buffing charges to PA Members and trusted city members
�On demand� Resurrection service for the planet of Talus for PA members and for a fee to non-PA Imperial players

Entertainment Section

Led by the Events Coordinator (EC).

Members of the Entertainment Division must have at least one of the following as their primary profession: Chef, Dancer, Image Designer, Musician.

Duties of the Events Coordinator:

Generate non-combat related events, such as our previous �formal nights,� �plays,� and the like
Help ensure that we always have the proper entertainers available for mind buffs

Section Goals:

To provide entertainment and non-combat related events to the city of Sanctum Malleus

Merchant Section

Led by the Commerce Manager (CM).

Members of the Merchant Section must have at least one of the following as their primary profession: Architect, Armorsmith, Artisan, Droid Engineer, Merchant, Politician, Smuggler, Tailor, Weaponsmith.

Duties of the Commerce Manager:

Supervise the training of crafters and work towards improving the quality of all crafted items
Work with the Resource Manager to obtain necessary resources and components for crafting
Ensure that we have a full range of high-quality vendors in our city
User the high-end crafting items to make high-end weapons and armor for the Militia

Section Goals:

Place orders to the survey corps stating what resources they require
Process received resources as needed
Pass other resources on to the Medical and Entertainment Sections
Make sure vehicles are available to our members as needed

Resource Section

Led by the City Ranger (CR).

Members of the Resource Division must have at least one of the following as their primary profession: Artisan, Creature Handler, Ranger, Scout.

Duties of the City Ranger:

Be fluent in resource knowledge
Find prime locations for resources and exploit them
Arrange harvesting trips where members of all sections who have available lots can plant harvesters

Division Goals:

Work with the Militia to harvest resources from fallen fauna
Provide support to the Militia when on hunts with camps
Provide related resources to the Merchant, Medical and Entertainment Sections.
Find and train mounts as requested by our Citizens

With the proper division of PA members into Sections, everyone has a clear cut goal on what they need to do as their role as a member of the PA. Each Section will also assign a Recruitment Officer whose primary job will be to bring people to the guild and allow them to join us. A probationary period should be set of a minimum of 2 weeks to ensure that we do not have people leeching from us.

PA Uniform

The introduction of a standard PA Uniform will be implemented which will take on slight differences depending on your Section (possibly a different colored Rank Sash). PA members are asked to wear uniform when working PA Duties and maintain civilian clothing for when not. When on recruiting exercises then PA Uniform must be worn. The exception to this rule will be when the Militia is in combat, when they shall be wearing armor colored to PA specifications.


Once I have appointed people to all of the above positions, I will work with each Section Chief to modify this document as necessary.

Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Demerzel)

Imperial Senate

CHS Report:  08.22.04


Unfortunately I am getting this report out later than I intended, reason being that I have just reformatted my entire computer and have just updated to Windows XP SP2. I know I don't need to do a complete reformat, but well clean installs are always better. I have gotten most of my basic programs running again and should finish the process by tomorrow. Its just all the multimedia stuff I have so basically I ready to roll again. So no worries I have not run off ;)

Alright down to business. I did intend to release the 'Tasklist for the Imperial Senate 2004-2005' before I did my report, but it does seem that such is not to be due to reasons stated above and my desire to distribute workload fairly. What I can release though is the entire Discursive/Legislative Agenda I have planned for the Imperial Senate. It may be found on the Legislative section of this report, and it should keep the Senate occupied for quite awhile. For now legislation will exclusively deal with general situation and it is intended that there be instances of ambiguity to leave sections open for interpretation later when we have specific legislation coming onto the Senate Floor. It would also be my preference that Legislative Drafts be written and where possible done so in advance of the agenda. I will also take the stance that while realistic, it is not feasible for some kind of budget to be involved in the legislation in our current setting.

The Senator's Handbook Revision 3.1 has also been completed and it is currently pending approval from the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer. A preview of it may be found here.

Last of all there is a change in Minister of Communication because Ace Hobbes is having RL problems and is having some problems handling Orv's code. Yet another PHP/MySQL coder has already been engaged. Hopefully we can get things done on the site now.

::EH Newscast::
First of all there is the birthday of our dear Fleet Commander, Grand Admiral Stephan Ronin, which was celebrated on 21 August and birthday wishes were sent during the EH meeting itself. Customarily the Commendations of Loyalty recommendations were to be sought in advance of this but due to administrative bungling it has only been asked for now. The Senate itself can recommend 3 persons, and I will be allowing Deputy Chancellor Deedni to make some recommendations as well since he was Acting Chancellor for quite abit.

In other news if you have not already heard together with my new appointment a new Internet Officer and Grand Moff have been appointed as well and they are FA Leeson and GMF Orzon respectively.

::Legislative Agenda::
1. Basic Spaceport Security (Current Discussion)
2. Basic Healthcare Provisions
3. Military Veterans welfare
4. Protection of the Environment
5. Defence Technology Research Methods & Security
6. Imperial Civil Rights
7. Minority Rights
8. Non-humans in the Imperial Military
9. Use of Cloning Technology
10. Tax Principles
11. Intellectual Property Rights
12. Official Secrets Act
13. Anti-Terrorism Efforts
14. Imperial Economy
15. Rights of Women
16. Industry and Environment
17. Renewable Resources
18. Restricted and Banned commodities

::Activities and Competitions::
Debate #1: The Greater Threat is now in progress, do participate in it to hone your debate skills and if feasible I will allow legislation to emerge from it, although the legislative priority is still the Basic Spaceport Security.
::Chancellor's Directives::
To be annonuced at a later date...
::Roster Information::
Total Number of Members: 66
University Roster: 43
Retirees: 10

Chancellory Staff: 3
Ministry Staff: 3
Committee Chairmen: 3
Senators: 5
::Resources and Communication::
Imperial Senate Site
Imperial Senate Forum
Imperial Senate Archives
Recruitment Page
Senator's Handbook

Chancellor's Contact Info...
ICQ: 58932275
AIM: demerzel85
IRC: Demerzel, `Demerzel

::Miscellaneous items ::
I have found very cheap domain registration and web hosting, and am considering whether or not to actually make a purchase. Yet once more Neverwinter Nights calls me again... :p

High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

HI Report #18:  07.23.04

Case 200 resolved : Empire vs. Airamags : Expulsion

Case 201 resolved : Empire vs. Hirikka

1. The standard cheating punishment:
                 - Demotion to Sub-Lieutenant
                 - Removal of all merit medals and FCHG points
                 - Ban from earning FCHG points
                 - Ban from achieving high scores
                 - All mission scores erased and past files declared invalid for resubmission.
                 - Six months probation
2. Ban from participating in multiplayer competition
3. Additional six months probation

Case 202 resolved : Empire vs. Linoge

Standard cheating punishment:

1) Demotion to SL/FM
2) Loss of FCHG points/scores
3) Loss of right to earn FCHG points/scores
4) All mission scores erased
5) Loss of all medals
6) Files related to the pilot's past record are declared invalid for resubmission.

Furthermore, due to the way in which the defendant violated AoW 407, an additional penalty is imposed.

7) CPT Linoge is prohibited from participating in any multiplayer flying competitions for a period of six months. This ban is in effect until February 1st, 2005.

HI Report #19:  07.30.04

Darknyte added to the most wanted list

Former CPT Darknyte has been officially added to the most wanted list for various reasons and should be Kicked, banned, blocked, expelled from anything regarding even remotely to the EH. Anyone found associating with him or aiding him will be summarily expelled.

HI Report:  08.06.04

HA Ari joined the ranks of the HCI.

I'm gone for the weekend, be back on monday, Moreco's in charge.

HI Report:  08.13.04

Nothing to report. very soon a new case (summary court martial) will be started and I'll put it up in my next report.

Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]

ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)

SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona

COO Report #24:  07.23.04

News from the Combat Operations Office:

1.  Tau Pilot Tek Selkirk has won the XVT WoW!  Congrats to Tek!
2.  The EH tied for 2nd Place at XVT WoW.  2nd is the highest we have ever finished at a WoW Competition.
3.  FreeWorlds has been added as an Official Platform and I have worked out a system to award MP play.  Currently several Territory Disputes are happening.  If a key Freeworlds player begins to send me the results of these disputes, I can start getting you guys some LoCs for your great activity!
4.  24/7 LoCs continue at the Combat Operations Office Websiste:
5.  The COO Ladder System is available for use at
6.  SWG JTL Has gone BETA.  Currently EH Players are testing out the game that will have a lot of people talking (good and bad) in the near future.  More details to come. 

Real Life News:
1.  I will miss the meeting next Saturday and will more than likely miss Next Wednesday to the Following Wednesday because I am marrying my girlfriend.  We have been dating for the last 7 years and she threatening my life unless we get married.  Friends and family from all over the country are attending this massive frightening event.  Ill try to get a picture out.

2.  Also this week, I met Colonel Ekim Yellek of Vanguard Fame.  Ekim is a ROTC Cadet with the US Army and is currently doing training at Fort Campbell Kentucky, which is where I am an Officer.  I took Ekim to lunch and this weekend we plan to have several beers.  Ill try to get a picture of that out as well. 

Talk to everyone soon.

COO Report #25:  08.06.04

COO News:

1.  FW is undergoing its final changes as we prepare to enter a new world of MP play.  Currently HA Pri is sending me all earned LoCs for this platform.  Before long, we will begin hosting eh vs eh freeworld melee competitions in #ehcoc.  Hosts will be needed.

2.  A JTL discussion group has been created in the TC.  As I have stated all along, DFCs and LoCs will be awarded to JTL players in the Tie Corps.  I will award these locs based on an XWA/XVT equality system.  People will win LoCs at roughly the same speed of xwa and xvt locs. 

3.  #ehcoc is ready for hosts whenever anyone wants to run a competition.

4.  is ready for anyone that wants to run a ladder competition.  I award LoCs for these.

5. is taking 24/7  LoCs.  Currently there is a down time as a bit of new coding is about to go into the COO dbase to make scoring easier.  Continue to score your LoCs there, just know that they will be delayed a short time in awarding.

6.  The First Class of the Secretive Top Gun school is about to open.  Look for details.

7.  Take Advanced MP IWATS.  Sure the COO only scored a 91% on the very subjective essay questions, but take it anyways. 

8.  Be sure to take IWATS MP before you take the above. 

9.  We almost won last months XVT WoW, lets win this one.  If we win, Ill make it worth all the participants time :p

10.  That's it from here.

COO Report #26:  08.14.04

COO News:

1.  The 24/7 LoC submission form has been recoded to optimize speed in scoring matches.  Slowbacca (BHG) and General Kaerner (TC) volunteered their time and PHP Mastery to make this happen.  You can submit MP matches 24/7 at

2.  General Kaerner was awarded a Silver Star of the Empire for his outstanding work in the promotion of MP to the fleet.

3.  The DB Has participated in a WoW for the first time in.....well as long as I can remember.  Great work to Scoser, Kuro, Tiamat, and Gidda in their participation.  As a reminder, the DB is signed up for both JA and JO weeks of War. 

4.  IWATS MP and IWATS Advanced MP are both open to the public.  You can take the courses at  and

5.  The EH Ladder system is now linked to both the official EH Website and the Tie Corps Website.  You can reach it at

6.  All ISD Predator FW CMDR positions have been filled and the EH has until the 20th to shift off of the [EH] Tag.  Look for big news at the TC meeting about FreeWorlds. 

7.  Congrats to Tau MP Aces Tek and Rax on their promotions to Major and Captain respectively. 

8.  &quot;Downtime Simulator Showdown&quot; MP competition is coming soon.  Details can be found at

COO Report #27:  08.21.04

COO News:

1.  XVT Week of War is on!  Go fly and kill people on the zone
2.  Downtime Simulator is on!  Go fly and kill people!
3.  The first class of EH Top Gun has opened.  Good luck Nightmare and Alec!
4.  24/7 Locs is at
5.  EH Ladders is at
6.  The COO is leaving for his honeymoon in 30 minutes!  Be back next saturday.

Fleet Medical Corps Reports:
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jedi Eclipse)

Fleet Medical Corps

MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope

FMC Report #7:  07.31.04

Fleet Medical Corps Report #7

-= News =-

Urgent News for ALL Emperors Hammer Members from the Grand Admiral:

Former CPT Darknyte has been officially added to the most wanted list for various reasons and should be Kicked, banned, blocked, expelled from anything regarding even remotely to the EH. Anyone found associating with him or aiding him will be summarily expelled. Check the Most Wanted page for more information.

On to the Report :

First off I'd like to apologize for the sporadic reports, I am really busy in RL I am currently trying to get an apartment and work my butt off to get said apartment ;) I squeaked out the manual by luck

Biggest news of the day is that I have released a new revision to the FMC manual. Yes, finally the promised release. This new improved manual should help new recruits understand what we do. One of the biggest additions to this new version are sections that better explain the purpose of the FMC, a topic that many people know little about for the simple reason that rarely has it been layed out for all to know.

Go read it on the FMC site at

I've had many submissions for the banner comp and you can view all submissions here at :

they are categorized by name and I will have a winner chosen by next report ! How will I decide a winner you might ask ? good question, well below is part of the answer! You must go through all the submissions to know what the poll is asking!!!!!

There is a poll up to determine the winner of the banner comp please check out all submissions then choose the top three by going here :

-= Links =-

-  -
^-- use this one --^

-  -
( under construction, created by Drako)

-  - (IW FMC Site)
^-- (check it out =D )--^
-  -
(FMC Forum)

-  - (EH main Site)

-  - (Tie Corps Homepage)

-  - (EH Dark Brotherhood)

- Infiltrator Wing -
^-- (No current listing) --^

-= Competitions =-

* Make the MO a cool banner for the FMC !! - Details above : medals: SS -first place, BS - Second Place

Update !! Please vote in the above mentioned poll!! :)

-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-

Not much thought at 2 am in the morning after pulling a swing-shift during a busy day, so word for the wise, Take the new poll about the submissions and make sure you look at all submissions before you do!!!

go to the above link to vote on the poll: What banner image do you like best ?


FMC Report #8:  08.08.04

-= News =-

First Order of Business is the unveiling of the winners of the big banner comp!

The Scores are in! The winners of the banner Comp are :
Zeth Durron - First Place ( FMC-Logo ) IS-PR
Aeisheline - Second place ( FMC-1 ) IS-GR
Archangel - Third Place ( FMC-4 ) IS-SR

The following other members will receive an IS-BW as their works will be used Tk-7764

All medals pending ops approval of course so this may change to his will :)

An honorable mention to all that submitted

Official Results :

Which 3 banners are the best ?
-FMC-1 by Aeisheline 7 votes (15%)
-FMC-2 by Aeisheline 4 votes (9%)
-FMC- 1 by Archangel 5 votes (11%)
-FMC-2 by Archangel 1 vote (2%)
-FMC-3 By Archangel 2 votes (4%)
-FMC-4 By Archangel 6 votes (13%)
-fmcbanner2 by Demerzel 4 votes (9%)
-FMC-logo by Duron 8 votes (17%)
-FMC-Report001 by Duron 2 votes (4%)
-FMCbanner by Frodo 1 vote (2%)
-FMC-2 by Ginji 0 votes (0%)
-fmc222 by Justin 2 votes (4%)
-fmc banner by Malik 0 votes (0%)
-fmc by Shinobi 2 votes (4%)
-FMC banner by TK-7764 2 votes (4%)

46 votes

Next up I'd like to mention that one of the winning submissions will not be used as a banner nor logo but, will be used as FMC ID-Cards! like the BHG IPKC cards ( click here to see my BHG personas card ) As soon as Arch sends me his original files for it, the template will be the FMC-4 submission with some modifications of course ;), That's all the news going on as of yet so get back to work ! :) I would like to get the FMC in on the Freeworlds playing, I was thinking of a group that rescues and supports the squadrons ? I need to talk to the other CS about this idea but while its still just an Idea I want to know what you think !

Click Here to read the Message board post and take the poll on the idea

-= Links =-

- Fleet Medical Corps Temporary Homepage -
^-- use this one --^

- Fleet Medical Corps -
( under construction, created by Drako)

- IW-FMC Site-
^-- (check it out =D )--^

- Fleet Medical Corps Message board -

- Emperors Hammer -

- TIE Corps -

- Dark Brotherhood -

- Infiltrator Wing -
^-- (No current listing) --^

-= Competitions =-

The Banner Comp is finished Results posted above!

-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-

Freeworlds is a fun game do you think the FMC should join in ?


FMC Report #9:  08.14.04

-= News =-

Well this report will be a short one, there isnt much going on in the FMC atm and I am currently preparing to be hit by a Hurricane in the near future.. i.e. in a few hours or so hurricane Charlie shall be beating the crap out of my house.....

Next up, DOC Chris Cox is on leave until the 26th (or a day earlier depending) he is jaunting around the country, lucky :P

Steady progress on the Exams, I may take up a pad and pen and write them out if the power dies, if not I'll just type away tomorrow until I go to work, have no fear tests will be here ! ... ok maybe fear the tests :P

More importantly in FMC news, The FMC now has some works to base off of in the expanded universe! That's right, there are two books , medstar I and II, Medstar II is pending release but I am reading Medstar I and enjoying it, I suggest All members pick it up and have a look at how our ancestors as physicians performed in the Clone Wars Era ! :) I may fit some of the material from these books into an expansion project of mine :).

Dont forget to vote and comment on my poll about the FMCs role in Freeworlds! check it out at :

Well, hurricanes' knocking on my door so I must go, till we meet on IRC or in the next report, Ja Ne! :)

-= Links =-

- Fleet Medical Corps Temporary Homepage -
^-- use this one --^

- Fleet Medical Corps -
( under construction, created by Drako)

- IW-FMC Site-
^-- (check it out =D )--^

- Fleet Medical Corps Message board -

- Emperors Hammer -

- TIE Corps -

- Dark Brotherhood -

- Infiltrator Wing -
^-- (No current listing) --^

-= Competitions =-

None running right now, maybe next report ? muahaha
-= Jedi's Final Thoughts =-

Hurricanes are bad mmmkay?


Lord Ambassador Report #19:  08.20.04

Alright everyone, Report +ACM-19 has finally rolled around. I have a few changes that I plan to announce, nothing huge. Where I was concerned with finding new allies, I want to now make that second only to maintaining amicable relations with our current allies. One thing I have always vowed is that I do not want to form allies who simply sit on a list, who we never talk to or hear from again. This is not an alliance. My goal is to work with our allies as well as with the subgroups of the EH, to find fun and interesting ways to interact, so that our alliances have more purpose then they did before.

As I announced a few weeks ago, I did get in touch with the GM, and he stated that the DB is willing to participate in activities with allies. I will now get in touch with the other SGCOMS, to discover if their SGs are just as willing.

Also, with another report from CM KamBuel, it is evident to me that Tarkin no longer wishes an alliance, nor do they wish any contact at all, and as such I have halted all negotiations with them. They have failed to respond to our repeated efforts to contact them, a sign that they no longer hold any interest in the EH.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (

1) CM KamBuel+ICY- feel free to move on from Tarkin. Begin scouting for new potential allies.

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:

3) The message board is being cleaned of all reports, will have reports posted again starting with report +ACM-20. All reports earlier then 20 will be deleated+ICY-

4) Address all public AG emails to:

5) A new updated webpage is in the works (20-25+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

6) A huge thanks to Malik, a non member of the AG who has been kind enough to create and donate some very nice graphics for the AG and the AG website+ICY-

7) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- Contact Keldorn, try and work with him on his duties

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Branch out and find more potentials

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Contact me+ICY-

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Alright, a slightly larger report then normal, but all I can say to that is GOOD :P It just shows that the AG is beginning to move in a good direction, an accomplishment with our low amount of members. Regardless, until next week.. keep your stick on the ice.

Special Operations Director Reports:
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)

CA:FC-SOD/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon [ISM][IS-1BR][LoC-Rx1][OV-5E] [LANC] {IWATS-SM/3}

CA:FC/SOD Report:  08.08.04

First though... CA:FC

I scanned through the alliances this week and found the following dead links:

Imperial Guard
Federation of Bounty Hunters
Orion Strike Fleet

All others were fine.

The scans through the main domain stuff yielded that the IW has been rekindled with a website. So that's now no longer among my dead links list.

SOD Stuff:
I want to start screening CO's and SGCOM's as well as individual SG command staff for judging. I've already asked Sarin to help out as a judge for the 10th Anniversary competition and he's said he'll be willing, but I'd like to get certain "experts" to grade certain events, so that's why I need to get this out to the rest of the fleet. Hopefully we'll get some impartial and very knowledgeable judges, and of course, I'll confirm my choices with the FC and the XO before official appointments are made...

Additionally, I've been thinking of some kind of SWG event to happen too, like a big party in our player city or something. If JTL is out by then, we could even have ourselves a nice little flying competition. I'll have to talk with Kyy and Compton to see what kinds of things they'd like to do on that, but I'll do that in a few weeks, as the PA is going through something of a transitional period atm. I'm sure Compton will tell you more about that in his report.

Last thing, I need to start figuring out who in the fleet has Netmeeting for the Virtual RL meeting. So... again, that's why this needs to go out to the fleet ASAP. I'd do it, but I don't remember how you do an email to everyone that has an address.

I believe that's all for the week. Ronin, I will be going through some of the FC's links tomorrow and giving you an updated dead links. I think what I'll be doing from now on is trying to do one bi-weekly. One that is dedicated solely to dead links, and another that is included in my SOD report.

As always, any members that have questions that they're not sure about asking the FC, direct them to me, and I'll answer it as best I can. Also, the website offer still stands. Step up and get a medal folks!

SOD/CA:FC Report:  08.14.04

As I mentioned at the meeting, nothing to report on the CA:FC front.

On the SOD front:

I've begun the judge selection process for the 10th Anniversary competition, and I'll be posting the details on the TC Website tomorrow. I had them all ready to go, but the power went out here last night(stupid rain) just as I was getting ready to send out both this, and submit the details. As mentioned at today's meeting, the FC and XO, along with me, are going to be final judges. Our job is to settle any kind of dispute in terms of individual event judging, and make sure the competition runs as smoothly as possible. Hopefully, it will, and we won't have to worry about any disputes.

Also, I would like to just toss in my support of the FC as he deals with DN and his games. I know it's been rough on you, this past few weeks.

Next week, I'll be continuing the judge selection process, and will also be compiling a list of people I think deserve 10th anniversary awards.

As a final reminder this week, I'll have a full two weeks off starting Thursday of this week, and then I'll be settling into New Jersey City University. I'll need you all to bear with me then, while I settle in, meet
my peers and teachers, and all things related.

Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Siterath Goersase)

EH Advanced Guard

Lord Ambassador Report #16:  07.24.04

Well I know you all got my Email from earlier, stating the ISP problems I am experiencing. Luckily, as I stated, they gave me a way in using a different username and dialing number. Now since I am still unsure that this will last, I am once again reminding you that if I do not send an email out on Monday, that I am on Emergency LOA. If this is the case, Nightmare will be in charge, don+IBk-t give him any guff+ICY- As for the rest of the news, not much has been happening. Keldorn, while probably busy, needs to get in touch with me soon, I need to know how he is working.

1 thing I have stated often is that I do not want our allies to just be names on a list that mean nothing +ICY- I want them to be able to have fun with us, and exchange info, give our alliances the meaning they are supposed to have. I am trying to get word from different subgroups on whether they would be interested in setting something up with an ally. I am not saying what it is, or even organizing it ATM, I am simply trying to get a +IBw-tally+IB0- of who is interested and what they would be interested in. I talked with GM Gelton, and he has already told me that the DB would be willing, but we should go through the Order leaders when we do get around to the next phase, which is setting something up between allies with matching interests, and SGs with matching interests. Anyway that is the main chunk of news, so the DB is willing to work with us once we get some allies who are interested in playing with or competing against the DB.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (

1) Still no word from the Tarkin Brigade or Nashaa Kambuel who was the AMB who was engaging in talks.
2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:

3) Address all public AG emails to:

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- Contact Keldorn, try and work with him on his duties

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Still no word from Tarkin? Contact me.

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above (and get in touch with me ASAP)

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Well Month +ACM-4 +ICY-. While I would have preferred to have gotten this monumental report out on Friday, it seems that it was not meant to be. Regardless thanks for a great 4 months here, and I look forward to the next 4.

Lord Ambassador Report #17:  07.30.04

Well Report +ACM-17, and I can say that my internet is working well, so we shouldn+IBk-t have any more (knock on wood) problems like that. However this week, I haven+IBk-t heard from any of you, which is very disappointing. You guys are my eyes and my ears, and the AG cannot afford to be left blind and deaf. I+IBk-d like you all to get in touch with me in some way shape or form and let me know what is up+ICY-.

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (

1) CM KamBuel+ICY- any word on Tarkin?

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:

3) Address all public AG emails to:

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- Contact Keldorn, try and work with him on his duties

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Still no word from Tarkin? Contact me.

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above (and get in touch with me ASAP)

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Again short, but with nothing from my AMBs and ENVs, I have nothing to put in here guys :P Remember, we help keep the EH allied with the rest of the SW Galaxy, we have to make friends +ICY- Until next week +ICY-

Lord Ambassador Report #18:  08.13.04

Well this is report +ACM-18 .. again I apologize for the lack of one last week, however I was suddenly needed. In fact, I need to drive my grandmother to her home again, but this time she+IBk-s not having an allergic reaction to anything, and I have advanced warning, which gives me a chance to mail this report before I leave.

Well I have basically given up on Tarkin, I have not heard from them, nor has Ambassador KamBuel reported on them. I however have made contact with 3 new groups this week, Fellowship of the Force, Star Wars Gamers, and a small clan called CT (which approached us oddly enough). I+IBk-ll talk to each one once I check out their sites+ICY-

Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Siterath Goersase (
Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare (
Ambassador (AMB) - CM Nashaa KamBuel (
Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane (
Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel (

1) CM KamBuel+ICY- any word on Tarkin? Yet?

2) Don+IBk-t forget the message board:

3) Address all public AG emails to:

4) A new updated webpage is in the works (10-15+ACU-). While LT Demerzel is working on a postnuke webpage, there are still no member submitted materials. If you have anything you want on our site, please send it in :P Don+IBk-t care what it is .. so long as it is related to the AG, send it in +ICY- keep in mind that even if it doesn+IBk-t seem to help in the site, or its something outside of standard AG processes (ex. Fiction) our allies and possible allies will be viewing this page, and we want to give them a good first impression on how the EH, and its ambassadors, function

5) I want everyone, when opening negotiations, to focus on SW Galaxies, we need to branch out in that direction, and believe me it has many opportunities.

Magister Equitum (MAG) - COL Nightmare +IBM- Contact Keldorn, try and work with him on his duties

Ambassador (AMB) +IBM- Nashaa KamBuel +IBM- Still no word from Tarkin? Contact me.

Envoy (ENV) - FA Keldorn Cochrane +IBM- Get in touch with our current allies, and ask if they would be interested in some sort of competition, what kind, etc. If we get any takers we can move onto your next phase, and start to arrange it. Then focus on point 5 above (and get in touch with me ASAP)

Envoy (ENV) - LT Demerzel +IBM- Working on Website

Well for week 19 (report 18 +ADs-P) allow me to sign off :P Take care all, see you next report +ICY- but until then, find some potential allies, and just talk. It+IBk-s amazing what you can learn.

Imperial Sovereign Protector Reports
As Emailed From:  Imperial Sovereign Protector (TBA)

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