August 2003


SquadFirst+ Released to the Fleet:  08.10.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

SquadFirst revolutionized the way CMDRs produced their websites. Since its conception over 25 squadrons had chosen to use a SquadFirst site. But, we weren't satisfied with just making a squadron management script. So, we began to make a website management script for wings, then for ships, and for battlegroups. But, why stop there? Soon enough support was added for the Infiltrator Wing, the Dark Brotherhood, and the Hammer's Fist.

The end result is SquadFirst+, one of the most ambitious projects ever created by the Internet Office. For the past month, MAJ Alex Foley has been developing the next generation of management scripts. And today, it makes me very proud to announce that SquadFirst+ v2.0.0 has been released. 6976 lines of code. Over 100 man hours of work. It's the upgrade that a project like SquadFirst deserved.

Also included with SquadFirst+ are 4 new themes. A new theming system within SF+ makes it much easier to make your own theme, having to know practically no PHP whatsoever. The new themes featured are AT-AT for the Hammer's Fist (by Alex Foley), Emperor's Hammer: Classic Scenes, the new default theme for SF+ (by Alex Foley), Stonesaber, a great new Dark Brotherhood theme (by MAJ Xander Drax), and TIE Phantom, a holonet-looking new theme for the TIE Corps (by MAJ Xander Drax and FA Leeson).

With SquadFirst+ comes a new SquadFirst website located still at  Besides a new design, the new site also hosts The Registry, which houses a master list of all SquadFirst+ sites. Gain inspiration, find custom themes, check out custom code; whatever the end result, The Registry will extend SquadFirst+ into a community of developers. We hope you enjoy SquadFirst+!

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

OPS Open for Applications:  08.09.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Operations Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)


The Operations Officer is responsible for the timely awarding of medals within the TIE Corps, providing consultive feedback on high level medals and maintaining the Operations Manual and related materials.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence on online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel in a diplomatic fashion.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics and/or HTML ability.
2. Prior experience in a similar position.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be
considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one of these must be a former or current superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Operations Officer".

Fleet Commander's Note:

Please note that former OPS (AD Khaine), although he will be missed, has been kind enough to leave up the essential OPS files (click link above).  Prospective Applicants are encouraged to download all necessary files if they intend to pick up the work quickly efficiently as OPS, if selected.

Second, if you have previously sent in an application for OPS, please don't resend.  We received it :)

SWG PA report #2:  08.13.03
As Emailed From:  DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe

Emperor's Hammer Star Wars Galaxies Report #2

(For distribution to the Fleet.)

Has it really been a month already?

A lot has happened since my last report. I will offer no apologies for the late date of this one, because I have been spending every available moment doing what every good member of the Emperor's Hammer PA should be doing - working towards making my SWG character bigger, stronger, better than before!

The biggest news since the last report is that we have a PA hall, and are now an official Player Association. This is both a great and a bad thing. It's great, because now we're official and can run around with our tag (PA initials) proudly exposed for everyone to see. It's not so great because due to naming restrictions we have to be known as the Empire's Hammer (SWG will not let you use the word Emperor) and our initials are "EHmr" (someone beat us to EH). But these are very, very minor issues, and don't interfere with the game at all. The PA hall is located on Corellia (chosen primarily because you can reach nearly any other planet in the game from its spaceports) and is about halfway between Coronet and Bela Vistal. Many players (including myself) have put their own homes around the hall, so we've got a great jump on the game for when player cities are finally introduced.

Our members have been doing a spectacular job of moving up the various ladders. A month ago, we were comprised primarily of new players still trying to figure out how the game works. Now we've got Master Scouts, Marksmen, Engineers, Creature Handlers and even a couple of Bounty Hunters.

We've had two in-game events/get-togethers so far, with more planned. We've had a meet-and-greet at the PA hall, complete with fireworks and beer (great combination) and a trip to see the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Dantooine. We're in the process of making sure that we have an event every weekend, and hopefully a mid-week hunt as well. Announcements will be made every time an event is planned.

For those who don't already know, the Emperor's Hammer has formed the only official EH Player Association on the Chilastra server in Star Wars Galaxies. Joining the PA is open to all members of the EH, and anyone else who wants to join. The only requirement (besides having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join the Fringe. You can do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing DCGM Darknyte at, or send him a /tell in-game to darkn'yte (note the apostrophe).

As always, the first version of my pre-game report/guide is still available at . Thanks to the EH member who donated the web space.

For Star Wars Galaxies info, visit
For EH PA info, visit, or

Current in-game members: 23

Game Master 1st Class Jahn Compton
DSWG/GM1 Compton (SWG)/Command Staff/The Fringe
Executive Officer, Emperor's Hammer SWG Effort

Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE) Medal Awarded to Alex Foley:  08.07.03
As Recommended By:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal

Honorable Sirs,

I'd like to take this opportunity to officially submit my recommendation for my IOA, Major Alex Foley, to receive the Grand Order of the Emperor. His service record with the Internet Office, and the Emperor's Hammer at large, is quite astounding, especially for someone of his rank. He has single-handedly demonstrated what an individual in this club is capable of with hard work and dedication. He started out with the IO with WEHR and Project Hawkeye, where he made his first attempt at a PHP-based script. From there he moved on to running the EH Holonet Awards, creating a design for The Holonet Journals and the IO Code Archive, and being professor of 3 IWATS course - 2 of which, Flash and JavaScript, he wrote. His next major hit was My EHNet or "MyDot" - the first EH portal system ever with news feeds from around the fleet and around the world.

And then came his major hit, SquadFirst, version 1.0. In non-IO matters, he's done a plethora of websites for various purposes - EH Memorium, COMM Office, LO Office, TC Battlegroups, COO Office, among others. His work has influenced the fleet in so many ways. He and I are now nearly completely done with the next generation of SquadFirst: SquadFirst+. This innovative tool will set new standards for Squadron, Wing, Ship, Battlegroup, Battleteam, House, Clan, Squad, Platoon, Company and Batallion websites in the TC, IW, DB and HF. Alex Foley has served under my command for many months and has become my own prot�g�: he has not only learned to think critically of websites and code, but he has also learned to think in terms of the larger picture of the betterment of the EH. SquadFirst+ is just a culmination of a long line of hard work he's invested into this club, and I think that someone who has put so much effort into the EH like Alex Foley deserves the Grand Order of the Emperor.


[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Fleet Commander Promotions and Appointments for SOD and LA:  08.18.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

1)  For his hard work in both Star Wars Galaxies in getting the EH Player's Associate (PA) Hall up and running as well as personally helping out several EHers (including me) to get acclimated to the game, VA Darknyte is herein promoted to the EH Rank of Admiral.

2)  For his persistence and being the only interested applicant, FL-FCA/LCM Obiwan/Krayt 2-1/Wing XIV/ISD Challenge is hereby promoted to Rear Admiral (RA) appointed Special Operations Director (SOD) of the Emperor's Hammer.

3)  being the highest qualified applicant to apply for the Position, AMB/LT Astix/DREAD Tranquility/AG is hereby promoted to Raer Admiral (RA) and appointed Lord Ambassador of the Emperor's Hammer.

Security Office: W32.Blaster.Worm Alert:  08.11.03
As Emailed From:  Admiral Robert Dura, SOA

Security Office

For Immediate Posting to Emperor's Hammer websites and message boards Admiral Robert Dura, Security Office Assistant, Emperor's Hammer

A new worm has hit the internet, causes system instability and opens a hidden shell on Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems.

Please read the site below and download the patch from Microsoft. It would also be a good idea to download and use a virus scanner, a spyware cleaner, and a firewall.

Description of the Worm AND Removal Instructions:

Patch for Windows XP:

Free Virus Scanner:

Free Spyware Cleaner:

Free Software Firewall:

End Security Office Notice.

Admiral Robert Dura, SOA

Tactical Office Report #101:  08.09.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #101
by FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203


Hello guys and gals.
It's your favourite TAC again :) Again busy, but still active and with new ideas. This report will be sort cause not much happened last week. I have been discussing certain ideas with my staff and we are going to propose some changes to Fleet Commander and Executive Officer for approval. If they will accept our ideas, you will see some changes.

Releasing new battles on hold
Project Shield is still under going, so no new battles. But fear not, I will release huge number when we will finish with Shield.

Mission Creation Corner
Nothing this week, too bad.

Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 53 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 319 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 116 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
Tactical Office Person of the Week:
This week Infamus is PotW, as recommended by TCC:XW
I nominate CM Infamus (#9652) for PotW, for being the first to contact me about testing X-Wing missions before I even opened up applications. He's also dived head first into the 8 mission battle he's testing and is working hard on it
Excellent work Locke.

Current standings:

Infamus - 2
Abel Malik - 1
Linoge - 2
Locke Setzer - 5
Frodo - 2
Zystem Fryar - 3
Curtis - 1
Daniel Goad - 1
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
XW Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 0
Total: 2
TIE Division:
In Queue: 2
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 1
Total: 8
XvT Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
BoP Division
In Queue: ?
Under Testing: ?
Under Correction: ?
Final Check: ?
Total: ?
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 1
Total: 5
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [4]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (
Tactical Coordinator (XW):COL Locke Setzer #4541 (

Testers and Engineers [34]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brandon #509 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Kenath Zoron #6377 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Vladet Xavier #10285 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM CrimsonFury #10251 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Justin #5853 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Infamus #9652 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Chris McCollum #6690 (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Final word:
Because I am very busy these days, use email to contact me. I am barely visible on IRC, so don't try to catch me there, but you can try of course. I always try to check my mail, once a day, sometimes more :P


Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 <>

Flight Office Report:  08.11.03
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

Greetings all and welcome to this week's report from the Flight Office...

News -

- First off, congratulations are due to the newest Flag Officers in the TIE Corps:

Vice Admiral Sarin returns to take over command of the ISD Grey Wolf for the second time. And Major Xander Drax takes over command of Wing XIX onboard the SSD Avenger.

Both Officers have a fine history of command and should excel in their new roles.

- Congratulations are also due to Major VinDoros, Commander of Vampire Squadron in Wing XI. He has been awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire for his recent work, which not only included performing his CMDR work to a high standard, but the Battlegroups Top Gun program.

- Admiral Khaine has resigned as Operations Officer. While a replacement is selected, ISP/AD Mell ( is handling CoLs. Remember that recommendations are due in by August 19th.

- The War Office has moved to

- I'm now in my final few weeks at university. This means that there's a chance of some delays in regards to updates. Please show some patience during this period.

High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
Master At Arms

Internet Office Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

Internet Office Report #102:  08.01.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #102

July 31, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

This week was primarily a coding week for the IO. We've been doing work on various basic components of EHW, and I can already see we won't have as much as I'd like done by the end of August. But we'll still keep at it. Reblet, Leeson and I are doing as much as we can in our spare time. Also, we might have a new member join the EHW Development team soon, someone who's been retired, but has had a lot of wargame experience and is considering returning to the EH...guess you'll just have to wait to find out who!

Alex Foley has also been hard at work coding. SquadFirst+ is tantalizingly close to being done. Most of the administration components are done except for the Roster. All of the front-end display is done, too. It will take 1-2 more days for him to complete it, upon which the IO Staff and myself will review and test the code. I will also be putting in some additional features, including a versioning system, and an auto-registration upon install that will register the site with the new SquadFirst Registry which will come along with the new SF main site design, using an innovative XML exporting technique.

Also, this week emails were sent out to inactive/rDB MinosNIC hosting accounts. If you got one and you believe it is in error, contact AD Turtle ( If you do not respond, your account will be deleted within a week.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the new Python Squadron site at by LCM Lenvik ( Congrats on a 4 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What new feature do you look forward to most in SquadFirst+?

-Multiple users w/ post access
-Wing, Ship, and BG sites
-DB, HF and IW support
-New themes
-Easier installation/upgrade
-Faster, cleaner, easily modifiable PHP code

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

:: Transmission End ::

Internet Office Report #103:  08.08.03

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #103

August 8, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

This week has been very busy for the IO between SquadFirst+, EHW and other miscellany. First off, I sent SA Astatine a list of updated links for the TC site, which will hopefully be up and replace the old, out of date ones.

EH Wargames: we cleared some major obstacles, in terms of logistics and programming. Leeson also completed a particularly tricky function that was in the way of map creation. For more EHW info, see my post on the TC message board at

And now, the moment everyone has been waiting for, the release of SquadFirst+! This is a project the IO, particularly Alex Foley, has been working on for 3 weeks now. It's evolved from it's predecessor quite tremendously with more functionality and customization. The administration backend interface is more standardized and scalable for different subgroups and different levels. And now, the official release announcement:

SquadFirst revolutionized the way CMDRs produced their websites. Since its conception over 25 squadrons had chosen to use a SquadFirst site. But, we weren't satisfied with just making a squadron management script. So, we began to make a website management script for wings, then for ships, and for battlegroups. But, why stop there? Soon enough support was added for the Infiltrator Wing, the Dark Brotherhood, and the Hammer's Fist.

The end result is SquadFirst+, one of the most ambitious projects ever created by the Internet Office. For the past month, MAJ Alex Foley has been developing the next generation of management scripts. And today, it makes me very proud to announce that SquadFirst+ v2.0.0 has been released. 6976 lines of code. Over 100 man hours of work. It's the upgrade that a project like SquadFirst deserved.

Also included with SquadFirst+ are 4 new themes. A new theming system within SF+ makes it much easier to make your own theme, having to know practically no PHP whatsoever. The new themes featured are AT-AT for the Hammer's Fist (by Alex Foley), Emperor's Hammer: Classic Scenes, the new default theme for SF+ (by Alex Foley), Stonesaber, a great new Dark Brotherhood theme (by MAJ Xander Drax), and TIE Phantom, a holonet-looking new theme for the TIE Corps (by MAJ Xander Drax and FA Leeson).

With SquadFirst+ comes a new SquadFirst website located still at Besides a new design, the new site also hosts The Registry, which houses a master list of all SquadFirst+ sites. Gain inspiration, find custom themes, chceck out custom code; whatever the end result, The Registry will extend SquadFirst+ into a community of developers. We hope you enjoy SquadFirst+!

For his efforts, I have recommended Alex Foley be rewarded with the Grand Order of the Emperor (GOE), pending FC and XO approval. I have also recommended a Silver Star for MAJ Xander Drax for his work on themes.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is, of course SquadFirst+ by Alex Foley. Congrats to Alex on a 5 star site located at

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What do you think of the brand new SquadFirst+?
-It's all-around amazing!
-Awesome functionality, but I want more themes.
-The themes are good, but the rest is just ok.
-I don't like it/ I don't use it
-It's the best IO project ever!

Vote for your choice at!

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst+ Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

:: Transmission End ::

Training Office Report #18:  08.11.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #18

Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting � 11th August 2003


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls,

Welcome to another addition of a Training Office Report. I have been online only sparingly over the past few weeks, thanks firstly to real-life necessity and secondly to my e-mail doing offline. The second has now been remedied; my usual address � - is back online and functioning fine. If, however, it ever does go offline again please feel free to contact me on my personal address (

The first of the IRC colloquia has been delayed for several weeks to enable me to get back into the swing of things and for it to be properly publicised throughout the Emperor�s Hammer. We may even be visited by a distinguished (re; academic, none of these pansy celebrities ;P) guest to give a short online presentation. Details for the reschedule will be published shortly.

Fleet Admiral Darkov resigned from his EH posts recently. This saddens me. Applications for the Active Service Page (ASP) Professorship are once again open (details below).

I would like to welcome three individuals to the folds of the Training Office. First and foremost, Captain Amadeo of the ISD Challenge has been selected as the next Training Office Assistant (TOA)! The selection process was very difficult, given the large number of incredibly skilled and experienced members who applies, but CPT Amadeo just had the edge. Colonel Locke Setzer joins the Office as Eggdrop (BOT) Professor and Captain Chris McCollum as Graphics (GFX) Professor. Congratulations and welcome to all!

The small Training Officer competition � Apostasy � has now been launched. It is not a full-scale competition of old, but a cooperative series of events to run alongside individual SubGroup competitions. Nevertheless, there are Platinum Ribbons on offer � and a �special prize� will also be available to one lucky contestant! Full details can be found on the Academic NeXus at:

TIE Corps

Time for another reminder for those lovable rogues in the TIE Corps; merit medals cannot be awarded for competitions unless in *very* special circumstances � and in such circumstances one should first get the approval of the Operations Officer before submitting a competition to the database.

Dark Brotherhood

In specific regards to the Dark Brotherhood; the processing of new Applicants was hit again by the sudden disappearance of my e-mail (this has now been remedied). But the long-standing database error blocking many Applicants from progressing in their studies has still not been remedied, I only hope the Seneschal is not encountering too much hardship in this historical �battle� of code. It should be noted that myself and the Master-At-Arms are not really in a position to remedy this ourselves, but there is a manual system in place (details briefly posted on the Brotherhood domain earlier today). Inquiries may � of-course � be sent to me at anytime ( I shall be shortly advertising for another Magistrate to the Headmaster to assist me in the day-to-day management of the Shadow Academy, so I advise any interested parties to start sending me flowers (of the masculine sort) or large consignments of cash in unmarked bills.

If any Applicants do not receive any form of communication from me within 24 hours of this day please either contact me with your question/submission/problem or resubmit your Phase I entry. My most humble apologies for this inconvenience.

Imperial Senate

Former Vice Minster Xura Verr has been reinstated to the position of Vice Minister of Education and has already progressed well on the gradual coding of the Imperial University into efficient and friendly PHP. He has kept be informed to an excellent degree, as such I commend him on his work. At this rate, the fully-automated IU shall be ready for the Senate�s grand re-launch.


Active Server Page (ASP) Professor Open for Applications

The requirements are:

An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or above.
Extensive experience in the programming, installation and management of websites in ASP.
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me ( with the subject �BOT PROF Application�.

Key Office Resources

Academic NeXus :
Emperor�s Hammer Training Manual :
Imperial Weapons & Tactics School :
Dark Brotherhood Shadow Academy :
Imperial Senate Imperial University :
TIE Corps Training Message Board Forum :
Academic Staff

Captain Amadeo, Training Office Assistant []

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Professorship Roll

High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management []
High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script []
Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course []
Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics []
Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP []
Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design []
Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux []
Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics []
Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation []
Colonel Locke Setzer, Eggdrop []
Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ []
Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger []
Captain Ace; Professor, Flash []
Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript []
Captain Chris McCollum, Graphics []
Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics []
Commander Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics []
Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX []

Shadow Academy Erudite Roll

Guardian Sirik Xirok, Obelisk Apprentice & Obelisk Doctrine []
Sith Warrior Ace Hobbes, Imperial & Enemy Starfighter Engineering & Technology []
Sith Warrior Azazel, Starfighter Tactics []
Jedi Hunter Ernest Penfold, Grammar Studies []
Krath Pontifex Troutrooper []

Imperial University Board

Xura Verr, Vice Minster of Education []

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Operations Office Report:  08.02.03
As Emailed From:  Former Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office
(URL to be updated soon...!)

2nd August 2003.

Another week passes us by, and with it comes another Operations Office Report.

Squadron Patches
Remember, the patches must be sent to MAJ Tempest ( and myself ( for them to be processed. For those prospective patch designers, consider that while your patch may look fine at 400x400 or whatever size you design it at, when it is reduced to uniform size most of your fine detail will disappear.

Fleet Commander's Birthday Commendation of Loyalty Recommendations
The bi-annual awarding of the Commendation of Loyalty to members of the Emperor's Hammer who have displayed tremendous dedication to the Fleet is fast approaching. I have included information for the Command Officers, Advisors and Subgroup Commanders below.

Each Squadron Commander can make recommendations to their Wing Commander who will choose three (3) members of their wing to receive the CoL and forward the names to their Commodore and Battlegroup Commodore. Each BGCOM may recommend up to three (3) more awards for their flag officers. The Battlegroup Commander will collate the awards for their battlegroup and forward the names (with pin numbers) to the Flight Officer ( and myself (

Additionally, the Commander of each Elite Squadron may recommend one (1) of their members to receive the CoL. This should be sent directly to the Flight Officer and myself. Therefore the FO and I should only be receiving CoL recommendations from the Battlegroup Commanders and the Commanders of the Elite Squadrons.

Dark Brotherhood
Each Clan Consul may make up to three (3) recommendations from their members, which they will forward to the Chancellor and Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. The Grand Master will also be able to make up to five (5) additional recommendations for members of the Dark Brotherhood. Once collated, the Dark Brotherhood recommendations should be submitted to the Operations Officer ( by the Grand Master only.

Hammer's Fist, Infiltrator Wing, Corporate Division, Bounty Hunters Guild, Intelligence Division, Directorate, Fringe and Imperial Senate
Each of the listed subgroups (excepting the Tiecorps and Dark Brotherhood) will be able to recommend up to ten (10) members to receive the Commendation of Loyalty. These recommendations are to be collated and sent to the Operations Officer ( only by the leader of each respective subgroup.

Emperor's Hammer Command Staff and Advisors
Recommendations from each of the Command Staff and Advisors will be received on a case-by-case basis. Recommendations should be sent directly to the Operations Officer (

Submission Date
All recommendations must be submitted to myself (and the Flight Officer where required) by the 19th of August. (That's two and a bit weeks away folks.)

Operations Office Staff
Operations Officer, Admiral Khaine (
Operations Office Assistant, Major Tempest (

Operations Office Sites
The Operations Office Website -
The Operations Manual -
Heroes of the EH -
Tempest's Tailoring Tool -

That's all for this week,
OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Communications Office Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Office Report #15:  08.02.03


I'm running a competition to make a new COMM Office banner called "Create A New COMM Banner". The competition is open to all members of the EH. I don't have specific pixel size requirements, but I want something banneresque. I'm accepting submissions in JPG, PNG, and BMP (zipped of course). Members
should submit entries via email to me at before midnight on the 10th of August.

1st Place: IS-GR
2nd Place: IS-SR
3rd Place: IS-BR

Good news for people with single quotes in their usernames on the EH Forums, they can now login again without trouble (no need to double them up anymore). It turned out it was actually a problem with phpBB that got introduced with v2.0.5 by their developers.

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Communications Office Report #16:  08.11.03


I have upgraded the EH Forums to phpBB v2.0.6. This fixes a minor security flaw, and a few other code bugs. Please let me know immediately via email if there is anything broken with this upgrade that I have missed. The log actions mod doesn't work with this new release (only people with admin level access will notice this), so don't bother using it until I fix it.

I setup a public Internet Jedi Outcast server at EH members are of course welcome to use it, but they are expected to behave appropriately just like everybody else playing on it. Any questions, concerns or suggestions about my JO server should of course be sent to me via email.

An updated CoC draft document has been sent to the FC, XO, IO and SO for commentary and approval. This includes the new "Idling with Ops" rule, which means that if you are away or otherwise not paying attention to channels in which you have operator privileges, you must either deop yourself or change your nick to reflect your status (ie. AbKAwy, Abk-AFK, etc).

Security Officer Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Security Officer (AD Zoltar)

Security Office

SO Report #11:  08.02.03


Greetings all. Once again, and I'm absolutely flabbergasted when I say this, it has been a slow week for the Security Office. My internet connection from home has finally been re-established *grumble stupid frumblinmessingfressafrubble verizon bisstids* and I have returned to IRC, to the welcome of some and the bane of others... :)

As always, make sure not to let problems fester... Contact either myself or my staff with problems before they become so. See you next week. :)

Admiral Zoltar

SO Report #12:  08.09.03


I would love to be able to say my normal, two-sentence "this has been a slow week, be good" report. I'm rather dismayed I cannot.

There have been certain issues that have cropped up this week, and a case that has been sent to the HCI for their perusal. Remember, I don't send much to the HCI, so you can be assured if I have to mention something you've done to them, it's going to be rather bad, and they're not going to take very kindly to it.

I'd also like to take a moment to go over an idea my predecessor, Fleet Admiral Brad, was working with before his unfortunate resignation. While I would rather not force channel operators on IRC to de-op themselves when not actively in the channel, as in sleeping or idling, or whatnot, it becomes imperative after certain recent events that something must be done to combat the "useless op" perception. I am open to suggestions anyone may have on this, or I can implement my own. I tend to be a little draconian at times, so give me something to work with here. :)

That's all for this week. Stay good, everyone.

Admiral Zoltar

Science Office Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #21:  08.02.03

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway."


Welcome to my twenty-first public report as a Science Officer, on time... (oh yes baby, I'm on a roll!) let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. Project Shield, a TAC project, has continued. Currently all the XWA, XvT and BoP missions/battles have been done. TIE is waiting for some additional changes. As this project is currently classified, I can not elaborate on it much more then this.

2. After discussion with the FC, XO, FO, GM and SHW I have changed the Order of Battle to display the Dark Brotherhood, something which it didn't before. Each of the clans is now displayed as based on three frigates, one for each house, with the Sith Squadrons displayed next to them. Noted should be that the ATF ships have always carried the DB and that before it was actually the DB fleet until the former GM passed the fleet command over them over to the TC. As such nothing structural has actually changed; this change was mostly due to the lack of DB references on the OoB before and for storyline/mission creation purposes. It also displays the close relation between the DB and ATF more correctly.

3. In the short break before Project Shield continues and we launch the new Patch Manager I've decided to release the Hyperion Fighter as a patch for TIE95 and XvT. The Hyperion Fighter was named after Hyperion Flight in honour of them winning the Sith Wars, now almost two years ago. The Hyperion Fighter is a fast and manoeuvrable light interceptor craft with two ions and two lasers. Its small profile makes it hard to hit while the weapon placement ensures good accuracy. The Hyperion Fighter was approved and modelled by then SCO/AD Den Darkhill and textured by myself. A picture of the ship has been attached to SCO report #8.

4. As a reminder I'd like to note that the only person in the Fleet that has the authority to commission and approve ships and craft types is the Fleet Commander, GA Ronin, and that any ships that lack this approval do not "exist" for EH purposes and as such do not appear on the Order of Battle. Because the FC is a busy man he has instated the Science Office to take care of ship matters, but even then he has final approval. (This generally also requires approval from the SGCOMs in question, the XO and the SCO.) Furthermore, all ships and fighters are and remain property of the EH - represented in the person of the Fleet Commander - which allows the _use_ of these craft by the various units and offices.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been moving house, in which his hard disc was damaged. Luckily he has been able to retrieve all his EH material and will be back in full sway as soon as the rest of his PC is replaced/fixed.

SCOA: CM Tim has been working hard on getting the IW site back in action, but found time to play with Project Cueball as well.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at The staff page, the patch archive, reports archive, projects page and Order of Battle have been updated.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This week saw the release of the Hyperion Fighter.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. Currently on hold until Den's PC is completely fixed (compiler won't run as well on his back-up PC).

Project Shield: (TAC Project) XWA, XvT and BoP sections have been completed, frst part of the TIE section has been prepared - but is waiting for some additional software.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


Science Office Report #22:  08.09.03

"Unless we want to give ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet."


Welcome to my twenty-second public report as a Science Officer, once again on time... (its just unbelievable ;)) ...let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. Main news this week is the release of the Imperial Concourse for XWA. This patch changes the interior graphics of the XWA rebel cruiser to those of an Imperial Ship (based on the concourse graphics of TIE Fighter.) and should improve the "Imperial Atmosphere" when flying EH missions. It also changes in-game ranks to EH ones, from CT to GA, concourse room names to Emperor's Hammer CS offices (for example: the Tech Room now is the Science Office) and the rebel pilot hand cursor to an imperial one. This patch will be updated each time we've converted another part of the rebel cruiser (next up is the techroom) and should eventually make XWA a fully imperial game. You can get the patch at, a screenshot is included with this report.

2. Project Shield (a TAC Project) will continue after this report is written, it should be finished by the end of this weekend, Tuesday at the most. Release is partially still on hold because of AD Darkhill's hardware problems but shouldn't be too far away.

3. CPT Flelm found the solution to the XP/DX problem with TIE95 reported earlier (TIE95 no longer working in XP after installation of DX9): Here's the steps.

#1 - Download and install the new application compatibility toolkit (3.0) at (search for compatibility toolkit)
#2 - Put the file at in your TIE95 base folder. #3 - Start the "Compatibility Administrator Tool 3.0"
#4 - Open the "tie.sdb".
#5 - Right-click it, and install.

That should work for most every install of TIE95. If the previous toolkit worked, this should work too. This will be added to the guide archive ASAP.

4. Just in from Former LO/FA Ted Tiger: A new MOD for Battlefield 1942 is being build based on Star Wars. This MOD is called Galactic Conquest and it features in it's first version the battle on Hoth. You can get more
information here: (Use the left navigation panel. The top one is to navigate thru the jolt network.) There's a homepage for German users, too: The next release of this mod takes place in three weeks and contains the following battle
locations:Yavin4, Endor, Tatooine.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill is still suffering hardware problems but should be back up to his usual self soon.

SCOA: CM Tim has gotten the IW site back in action, and continued work on his Imperial Hangar for XWA. (Which looks very nifty.)

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect The mirror can be found at No major updates this week.

Science Office Projects:

Segway: We've put some new life into this project by finally releasing the Imperial Concourse. More imperial updates to XWA should be around shortly.

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. On hold for the
Grand Project.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. Currently on hold until Den's PC is completely fixed (compiler won't run as well on his back-up PC).

Project Shield: (TAC Project) XWA, XvT and BoP sections have been completed, frst part of the TIE section has been prepared - and will be continued on today.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


Logistics Officer Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Darknyte)

Logistics Office

Vice Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

LO Report #7:  08.02.03

Logistics Officer Report
August 1, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Today's report is short and sweet, not a whole lot happened this past week. First off as some of you know, I've had issues with the DNS on my domain I got those problems solved finally last night, so all sites hosted on should be working now. Sites hosted there include the LO office page, the Advanced Guard page, the homepage of Galthain's DDD squad, and a few others. DNS is propegating and sites should be online again very soon.

Nobody has submitted nominations for the Mr/Ms EH contest, so this week I will just go and select the contestants myself(Seems to be how it always worked in the past anyways). If you do want to nominate someone, this is your last chance. Get those nominations off to

My CA's "Hero's Flag" contest is still going. So far we've gotten only one submission, so let's get to work on this and send in some graphics. Details for the contest can be found at:

That's it for this week, stay tuned for another adventure packed episode of the LO's report!

In Service to the Empire,

Vice Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

LO Report #8:  08.09.03

Logistics Officer Report
August 8, 2003
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Hey, hey, hey! It's that time again for the LO's report, so sit back and get ready for the shortest report I've ever written since nothing has happened this week with my CA being on emergency leave due to a hardware failure and my hosting company experiencing some difficulties. That's right, the LO site is down right now. My hosting company is having some trouble with an upgrade it appears. The site has been down for most of the week, and I've been assured the problems should be worked out sometime very soon. My CA is on emergency leave after part of his computer went AWOL, I expect him back sometime this weekend after he buys a new modem. The deadline for his competition has passed and all entries have been collected. I must say there are some really great graphics here and it might take us a couple days to choose between them for the ultimate winner. That's it for this week, hopefully my hosting will be back up in the coming week so that we can start to put the Memorium site online.

In Service to the Empire,

Recon Office Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office

-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

RO Reports #19:  08.01.03


Greetings from the Recon Office.

Only news this week is that RA Shay'la will be fully taking over the Convention Database. She will be updating it weekly ( it badly needs it!) and working with AD Zsinj closely on this. She has a long list of sites that have convention announcements and plans to put them all to full use.

I am still waiting on a reply from both the GA and the XO on my list of questions I had typed up. Though with both of them having either email or illness problems, that's totally expected. Sir, if you wish me to resend the questions, I probably could in the next few days.

I will be going on a semi-leave until next Monday or Tuesday. Decided on a weekend trip to see some family I have in South Carolina. I should have limited e-mail access during the weekend, but I'm not sure.

Anyways, thats about it from the Officer, there is a LOT of SW News in this report. Let's get to it..


~* Conventions & Gatherngs *~

Celebration 3 Location Chosen in August

The location of Celebration 3 will be chosen in August, and will also be announced at the end of August. Lisa Stevens from the Fan Club also stated that they expected to do more Celebrations in the future after Episode III. Stay tuned!

The Art of Star Wars exhibit tours Japan

Fans wanting to see C-3PO up close and personal, or stand next to a podracer, now have their chance with The Art of Star Wars, a new major museum exhibition featuring over 200 pieces of artwork, props, and costumes from the original Star Wars trilogy is traveling throughout Japan in 2003 and 2004.

The Art of Star Wars exhibition explores the genesis and production of the films in the Star Wars saga. It includes original objects used in the creation of the films, from concept artwork and production paintings to models, prototypes, costumes and props from the archives of Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Fans will not be disappointed with the bounty of objects on display which include art of stormtroopers, C-3PO, R2-D2, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, Chewbacca and a major Jabba the Hutt model. In addition to various costumes on display worn by beloved characters of Luke, Leia and Han Solo, there are also plenty of production drawings and paintings, storyboards and posters (including the Revenge of the Jedi poster mock-up, which was later changed to Return of the Jedi.)

Thanks to the The Art of Star Wars exhibit fans gain an understanding of the evolution from Ralph McQuarrie's production paintings to what is seen on screen. Many of the displays showcase illustrated ideas, prototypes and final models, so fans can get a better grasp of the overall creative process in a linear fashion.

Lucasfilm Collections Manager Laela French, Lucasfilm Director of Special Programs Kathleen Holliday and Industrial Light and Magic Master Model Maker Lorne Peterson traveled to Japan to help the staff at the prestigious Kyoto National Museum prepare for the exhibit.

Five will host The Art of Star Wars, which will travel Japan throughout 2003 and 2004. The exhibition opened at the Kyoto National Museum with a grand ribbon cutting ceremony attended by President of Lucas Licensing Howard Roffman and none other than C-3PO himself, actor Anthony Daniels.

Following this first exhibition at the Kyoto National Museum, tentative dates and venues are:

Nagoya Science Museum
October-December 2003

Kyoto National Museum (Episodes I & II)
January-March 2004

Tokyo National Science Museum
March-June 2004

Fukushima Prefecture Art Museum, Fukushima
July-September 2004

Fukushima Prefecture Museum, Aizu
September-December 2004

~* Books *~

Excerpt - Force Heretic III: Reunion

The Jedi move one step closer to saving the embattled galaxy -- only to confront a formidable wall of resistance in the novel, Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion by best-selling writing duo Sean Williams and Shane Dix. The harrowing search for Zonama Sekot is finally over for Luke Skywalker, Jacen Solo, and the others aboard the Jade Shadow. But joy turns to alarm when the living planet sends a defiant message: it refuses to follow them back to a galaxy full of war, exploitation, and misery. While Luke works feverishly to persuade the elusive planet to reconsider, the Yuuzhan Vong launches a full-scale attack aimed at the heart of the new alliance. Sent to defend a major communications base, Han and Leia find themselves hopelessly outnumbered. Reinforcements are just too far away to help before everything is destroyed. So the courageous pair must now fight an unrelenting battle against staggering odds. Whether they actually survive is another matter.

Click here to go to the excerpt.

~* Games *~

Jedi Academy Release Date

September 16th has been announced as the release date of the upcoming Jedi Academy. The news come curtesy JK2Files along with box art that is supposed to be "very close to the final design of the actual cover art (though not exact)". Check the link to see the image.

New Jedi Academy Media has posted three new videos, as well as new screenshots of Jedi Academy. Now before your rush over there, their servers are pretty slow, and overloaded, so have mirrored the videos. All three videos are zipped WMV's. None is over 3.3 Mb.

The First Video is a Kel Dor wielding two sabers and fighting a Dark Jedi (probably) who also weild two sabers. The action is fast and intense, and, in my opinion strikes a blow to those who wanted more realistic saber combat; the action seems to be a lot of button mashing, and I couldn't see any type of strategy really.
The second video is what appears to be a female human who wields two yellow sabers. She takes out a hangar of bad guys shooting at her with blaster rifles, and one Imperial Heavy Repeater. She force pulls a few, and deflects a bunch of bolts. The bolt-deflection looked very cool, and level very nice, but really, nothing new was presented, except for her waving her second saber around.

The Third Video shows a person wielding one saber (finally) who gets attacked by some tuskan raiders on Tatooine. She is knocked down, rolls around, gets up, uses a nice combo to take out two of the three Raiders, then pushed and slices the last.

The Screenshots are something very new. They include information about system info, install screens, setup, the pull down console, and the character customization screen.

~* CCG, TCG & RPG *~

Star Wars Trading Card Game: GenCon Results

"Congratulations and Thank You to everyone who participated in this year's SWTCG National Championships. The event was a lot of fun and it was great to see so many SWTCG fans enjoying themselves. A special congratulations to the top 25 and top 8 finishers for games well played and completion of the 16 hour tournament."

You Make The Card - Mara Jade

This past weekend at Gen Con, Wizards of the Coast premiered the full Mara Jade image that will be used on the card. We now have the full image available here.

In the coming weeks some behind the scenes info on the photo shoot and the creation of the new Mara Jade card leading up to the release of the card itself will be available.

~* Others *~

ScreenThemes Adds Darth Maul

As a creature of pure evil, Darth Maul sought exact vengeance upon the Jedi for the decimation of the Sith ranks in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Now you can download ScreenThemes of his two most-memorable duels against Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. ScreenThemes, the photographic screen saver and wallpaper program known for its stunning high-resolution images, enables you to view these images of the Darth Maul duels on your Windows PC in a screen saver set to sound and music with cool transitional effects, and automatically set the crisp, sharp images as your desktop wallpaper. The Darth Maul lightsaber battle images join ScreenThemes' Princess Leia, Yoda on Dagoba, Battle of Hoth, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and thrilling Episode II action galleries.

Download your free trial of Star Wars ScreenThemes today.
For more information about ScreenThemes, click here.

Episode III: You Pick the Droid Color
*** Hyperspace members only *** Hyperspace brings you closer than ever before possible to the making of a Star Wars film. Next month, one lucky Hyperspace member will even win a trip to the Episode III set(Only 10 days left for the contest). But now, Hyperspace members need no longer be content with just observing the newest Star Wars epic unfold, they will determine what's in the movie. Director George Lucas and the Episode III Droid Unit have decided to let Hyperspace members determine the look of a new droid to appear on the big screen in the summer of 2005. While Obi-Wan Kenobi may not remember owning a droid, you'll be able to select a memorable paint scheme for his new astro-unit in Episode III. In the film, this new droid will accompany Kenobi on a mission aboard his Jedi starfighter. There are four color schemes, represented here as concept art, from which to choose.

The first is a striped design, with a unique metallic gray blue pattern along a pewter dome. The second design features a metallic camouflage green eye and selected panels, aluminum panels, and a pewter dome. The third design has an embossed circuitry look with raised surface detail on a gunmetal gray head. The fourth design is very metallic, featuring copper panels on a bronze dome.

To vote for your favorite design, click here. Only Hyperspace members can vote in the poll. The poll closes at Sunday, August 3, 5 p.m. (Pacific). The Droid Unit will take winning astromech design into fabrication.
If you're not yet a member of Hyperspace, sign up today to get in on the voting and the rest of the exclusive excitement.


Okay, that's about it from this office. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week!

Whoa.. I almost forgot.. Today is 6 years to the day that I joined the EH!! Happy Anniversary!!

Non-EH Site of the Week: Midi-what? A site dedicated to explain the Midi-Chlorian debate.


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO Report #20:  08.08.03


Greetings from the Recon Office.

Only a little news from my off this week.

RA Shay'la has contacted ex-ROA Major Loor and he has given Shay'la all codes and items related to the RO Website. She is now in full control of the site and plans alittle change.

She has also contacted AD Zsinj and is working with him on updating and possibly improving the Recon Office's Convention Database. Hopefully thease two projects will be in full swing within a week or two.

The letters/interviews (atleast the first set) is going out either tomorrow or the next day. We have approval on both so we are finally getting them off. I will draw up the next 5 lucky actors/actresses this week too. Hopefully we can get this to be a bi-weekly or atleast monthly process. Keep your fingers crossed.

Last thing.. I have been looking at the RO Banner on the EH News page.. and it's kinda outdated. I am thinking of running an EH-wide comp in a week or two to see if we can get a better one. If that's okay with the FC and XO that is. ;)

That's it from me, Time for your weekly dose of SW News..


~* Collectings *~

Hasbro Sneak Peek from Wizard World 2003

Hasbro continues their summer Star Wars toy convention tour at the Wizard World Convention in Chicago today. For those unable to attend, we have a sneak peek at new items that will be revealed there. Click here to see a picture of them.

New Basic Figures :

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Coruscant Night Club
Includes a bar glass and part of the Night Club bar. Available around the end of the year.

Elan Sleazebaggano
Also includes a bar glass, death stick container and part of the Night Club bar. Obi-Wan and Elan's bar segments (sold separately) can interconnect to re-create the Outlander Club banter from Clones. Available around the end of the year.

Ayy Vida, Coruscant Night Club
Also from the Outlander Club, Ayy comes with a bar stool and cocktail glass. Available around the end of the year.

Clone Wars Kit Fisto
Kit is ready for underwater battles! He comes with a lightsaber and will be available around the end of the year.

Clone Wars Saesee Tiin
Comes with a lightsaber and communications headset so he's ready to pilot a Jedi Starfighter into battle. Also available around the end of the year.

Hoth Trooper
Comes with a blaster rifle, communications pack and display stand. Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

Also comes with a display stand. Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

Luke Skywalker, Hoth Attack
Comes with a lightsaber, goggles and part of the Wampa's cave. Plus Luke's base interconnects with the Wampa's base (each sold separately) to recreate their life-and-death struggles. Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

New Deluxe Figures:

This new creature figure features new torso articulation and comes with part of his ice cave and a tauntaun part. As mentioned above, the Wampa's base connects with the Luke Skywalker Hoth Attack figure (each sold separately) to recreate the scene. Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

General Rieekan
The General comes with a tactical display map. Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

Features an escape pod that can fit him and R2-D2 (sold separately). Available around the end of 2003 / beginning of 2004.

Vader Invades U.S. while Greedo Busts Out

When Koto, Inc. released this striking 1:7 scale soft vinyl kit in Japan last year with little fanfare this side of the Pacific, it took a groundswell of buzz from the online collector forums to bring this gem to the attention of the Star Wars collecting community. It became an instant hit among collectors and fans alike, quickly draining the inventories of many major importers. For those who missed it, Dark Horse Comics has stepped up and closed the geographical gap to bring us this masterfully sculpted Dark Lord of the Sith. Beckoning confrontation, this dramatically imposing figure stands 13" tall and bears full homage to the elegance of his sinister design. It's sure to please both figure collectors and admirers of cinema's most celebrated villain.
Darth Vader is the first of a series of figures already released by Koto (Kotobukiya) in Japan, including a clonetrooper, Jango Fett, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and a Mace / Yoda combination kit which follow the dramatic tradition established by the Vader figure. Exciting times are ahead for fans of this popular series as Dark Horse works on plans to bring these items to a broader audience.
The Darth Vader figure comes packaged in a large window box, and will be priced at $99.99. Because of its new domestic distribution, this price is relatively low compared to what fans have been paying to import the figure directly from Japan. This kit is scheduled to be available December 3.

Meanwhile, Dark Horse continues the tradition of distributing the quality Gentle Giant mini-busts with a new release. Greedo, the first in a long line of bounty hunters introduced to Star Wars fans, is making his Gentle Giant debut on November 12. Using cutting-edge technology of three-dimensional scanning, Gentle Giant Studios scans the actors, models, costumes, and props to assure 100% realism, making these statues the closest one can come to owning a piece of the Star Wars universe.
Greedo will measure 6.5" tall, and retail for $45. You may want to shoot first if you want to take this famous Rodian home!

Update From The Floor
As reported by

"We've updated our Wizard World coverage with new images from the Hasbro booth. Stop by our Hasbro Gallery now for images of the latest basic and deluxe figures announced for later this year!"

Blue Clone Troopers In Chicago
As reported by

The Gentle Giant Blue Clone Trooper mini-bust (a Lieutenant ranking in the Clone Trooper army) will be making an appearance at Wizard World this weekend in Chicago. Distribution of the bust will be handled a bit differently than what they did at the recent San Deigo Comic Con, however.

For the first several days of Comic Con, those who were willing to wait in the line could generally expect to snag a bust (it was about two per person the first day, and one per person after that). Supplies at Wizard World won't be quite so plentiful, so the method of distribution will be a little different.

According to the Gentle Giants booth, the Clone Troopers will be raffled off. One ticket per person, and that ticket is good for the whole show. Drawings will take place each day at 3 o'clock. The winner will be allowed to purchase a single mini-bust, and must be present with their winning ticket by the close of the show on the day the ticket was drawn.

Difficult to get, but a fair method just the same. Good luck to attendees hoping to walk away with one of the 1000 busts!

Update: We just got word that there will only be 25 busts available for purchase today (Friday). Still waiting to hear on the other two days, though the numbers are very likely going to be similar...

~* Books & Comics *~

November 2003 Comics

Jungle Vader, alternate Return of the Jedi plots and female Dark Jedi: here's a look at what Star Wars fans can expect from Dark Horse Comics this November.

After the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader attempts to make it to an Imperial safe haven in his crippled TIE fighter, only to crash land in a savage wilderness. Forced to make his way on foot, attacked by ferocious native carnivores, Vader shucks off the restraints of Imperial order and Sith schemes and embraces his raw, wild power. Star Wars: Empire #15 delivers a rare view of Vader like you've never seen him before. The story is written by Paul Alden and Raul Trevino, and features cover art byFrancisco Ruiz Velasco. Star Wars: Empire #15 is scheduled for release in November.

The third installment of Infinities, a series that asks the question, "What would happen if you changed one little thing from the story in the film?" takes on the plot of Return of the Jedi. In this version, an accident puts C-3PO out of commission, and he is unable to act as Jabba the Hutt's interpreter during his negotiations with Leia (disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh) for her "prisoner" Chewbacca. One misunderstanding leads to another, and before they realize it, thermal detonators are flying and everybody's shooting! When the smoke clears, Boba Fett has reclaimed Han Solo's frozen body, Leia has commandeered Jabba's sail barge, and Luke is going to be late for an important rendezvous on Dagobah. Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi #1, the first in a series of four, is written by Adam Gallardo, Ryan Benjamin and Saleem Crawford, and features cover art by Rodolfo Migliari, and is scheduled for release on Nov. 12.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is alive, but maybe not for long. He and Alpha, the ARC trooper, are prisoners in the castle of the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress. Not knowing how the Republic forces on Jabiim are faring, or even if Anakin is still alive, Obi-Wan and Alpha make a bid for freedom. But their only chance lies in General Kenobi temporarily casting off his Jedi training and fighting Ventress with the same ruthlessness that she herself brings to the battle!Star Wars: Republic #60 is written by Haden Blackman and Brian Ching, with cover art also by Ching, and is scheduled for release on Nov. 19.

For more information about Dark Horse Comics, visit their official website here.

A Galaxy Not So Far Away

In honor of Star Wars' 25th anniversary last year, a book was put out called A Galaxy Not So Far Away: Writers and Artists on Twenty-Five Years of Star Wars. It features a collection of essays by some semi-famous faces on how Star Wars impacted their lives, and how it's affected our culture as a whole. called the book "a pleasure to read and an interesting foray into the passionate media culture surrounding the Star Wars universe." If this sounds interesteing to you, it can be ordered here.

Matthew Stover Internet Radio Interview

The guys from SW en Direct, an internet radio talkshow formerly hosted on, will be having a LIVE interview with Matthew Woodring Stover, this Sunday, August 10th at 2pm Eastern (that's 11am Pacific, 7pm if you're in the UK, or the early hours of Monday, August 11th at 4am if you're in Sydney).They will be talking about his Clone Wars novel, Shatterpoint, and also his New Jedi Order novel, Traitor. If you have any questions for Matt Stover, just send them by e-mail to listen to the show, when they are �On the Air�, just click on the �ECOUTER SWENDIRECT� button at the top left corner of their website. WinAmp is the suggested listening device.

NOTE: This is a french-Canadian show and only the interview will be entirely in English.

~* Games *~

Galactic Conquest Mod for Battlefield 1942 Released

The first build of the Star Wars �Galactic Conquest� mod for Battlefield 1942 has been released. It's 293.7mb and is available to download at and FilePlanet.You can discuss it with other gamers in the forums in this link. Thanks Jeff, Vesp and Vezner for the alerts.

Rebel Strike Bonus Disc Announced

LucasArts has officially confirmed on IGN a bonus disk for the upcoming GameCube title, Rebel Strike. Only available if you pre-order the game ahead of its release, the disc will feature a host of bonus material including a game demo of Rebel Strike and the previous title in the series, Rogue Leader, plus Gladius and (here's the big one) the original Star Wars arcade game, fully emulated. Now that's something worth waiting for. More on this soon.

~* TCG, CCG & RPG *~

Star Wars CCG Rulings Q&A

The 2003 Star Wars:CCG World Championships are fast approaching. Only three weeks remain, and we know that all of you are busy gearing up your latest and greatest decks. However, we also know from past experience that a lot of you are going to incorporate combos that may hinge on questionable interpretations of the rules and card texts. In an effort to avoid such problems at the Star Wars CCG's most important event of the year, Greg Anderson, SW:CCG Rules Advocate, will be hosting a 90 minute Q&A session on Decipher's Star Wars Gameplay Messageboard. This will be held at 5:30 PM EDT on August 14, 2003 and will run until 7:00 PM EDT. As was the case last year, 'Rules theory' will not be entertained. All questions must relate to specific cards or combos. Then, based on the questions asked during the Q&A, Greg expects to publish a new Rule Sheet on August 19, so that everyone has at least a week to look it over before Day 1.

We hope to see you there!
The Player's Committee Advocates

Equipment and Stormtrooper Net.Guides

The Star Wars Online Journal is hosting two Net.Guides for the players of the SWRPG D20. They are the Arms and Equipment Guide Supplement and the Net.Guide to Stormtroopers. Both are created by the community for the community. The .pdf files can be found here.

CA:RO Tiny Report

Well there is not much for me to say but the RO webpage has been updated. I am planning on adding some sections and maybe refresh it a little bit. I will get to work on the convention database soon and shall keep it up and running the best I can.

It's tiny and it's all from me!

Non-EH Site of the week:

And that wraps it up for my end. I'll see you guys next week!


GM Report #10:  08.02.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

Greetings all...

As most of you know DGM Darkov resigned earlier this week. Following is my post from the news page...

That means I'm taking apps:


none... thats right, none. I want apps and you need to figure out what the requirements are on your own. I won't answer any questions about it on IRC or via email.

So impress me.

I have received several good apps already but there is still time if you are interested. Send in your app and I will be interviewing prospective candidate and discussing them with the DC over the next couple of days before I make a decision for the GA's approval.

the Apostacy comp is currently running, sign up and get information at Yes we are all aware that there is no DGM at the moment so all submission go to KE Frey and KP Rage Akaido as they have graciously taken up that duty with the departure of DGM Darkov.

The roleplaying system is coming along nicely and I hope all of you enjoy it. I know that I have been pretty close mouthed about it so far but I at least want to get it into a draft format before you all pick it apart. Hopefully by the end of next week I'll have that available for everyone to go over.

I hope everyone will congratulate me. I just got my medallion for resisting SWG for 5 days straight. I've even uninstalled it from my system and given the CDs away to my brother... the evil spectre of Evercrack for Star Wars geeks will bother me no more. :)

Also I thought I'd give you this update on the Robes, Lightsabers and Grant of Arms. While Kethoron is set to take up the mantle of Herald when he returns from Greece in 2 weeks his Praetor has been busy. Gelton has been acting HRLD in his stead. Keth before he went on leave came up with some blanks for robes that I think you'll all be pleased with. Also Gelt has come up with a system that will give us some 20,000 potential lightsaber combinations and I can't wait to see it. Also he had laid out new graphics for the Grant of Arms and a potential way to automate a large portion of their creations... though the HRLD and P:HRLD do want to personalize each one towards the end of their creation.

From the Chancellor

Welcome to another edition of the CHAN Report.

It's been a busy week awarding medals again; big heaps were awarded for the Tarentum Phoenix competition and the Grand Master's Throne competition. The last named competition gave OBM Gelton Torr (Tarentum CON) his *second* Emerald Dagger. Watch your back in the dark, I'd say.

In regard to the DSC, I have completed coding a backend that allows for easy changes to things like layout and extensive cross-linking, and have copied over several chapters in it so far. If you wanna see what I'm doing, you can take a peek at while I'm online.

In other news, multiplayer matches in #ehcoc will be coming back for
the DB. Me and Autoris Maximus are currently working on a new version of the competition script that will feature support for the DB and DB-specific platforms (Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast).

That's it for now,

DJK Reb Crush

From the Sith High Warrior

Well finally we have undisputed clan/house ships on the order of battle let them deny them now :) its all been approved by the powers that be so go check put what ships you got :) gfx version txt version

Now presuming your actually reading this report have looked at
the above you'll notice that they have no names (shock horror! :P) we'll the reason for that is to get your creative juices flowing in your clan/houses so guess what that means summits? :P Yes create comps any comps to get em named, you still need approval for your comp 1st before you run it dont forget :P

All Sith sqaudrons ships are the ones last seen on the Industrial
Points Systems website, now there are a few changes to be made to the IP system, but if approved (already got SCO approval) it shall be used again. Really there sint thaty much changes just a few minor points need sorting is all :)

The old system (thanks to Gidda) can be found

Alright next issue (and one of the most important DB places) ive dealt with a bit is the Shadow Academy not working for new Apprentices. Well after pointing ppl in the right direction they are loacted:

PHASE 1 notes :
PHASE 1 online test:

Ok now most of you got that bit,phase 2 is loacted here: download the battle of
your choice, fly, complete, submit simple :) all guidelines for each
section can be found at the relevant links, hope this clears it all up.

Ok moving on

MP XWA & XVT COMP every Saturday on IRC in channel #Kaiburr at 5pm
- 9pm EST (10pm - 2am GMT) for XvT and XWA. All Orders are invited to
participate. As always, CoFs will be awarded for every match win, &
Crescents for overlall winners.

Basically same idea as Sith Supremacy so even lots of losses could mean you rack up enough points to win overall, overtime this will change i hope to have a complete league going (scored like soccer or for fellow Brits true football :))) Of course interest is needed and lots of it

and of course the ever ongoing all order comp using Obbie platforms

IRC MP in #kaiburr
Monday: The Arena - 3-5 PM Est. (8-10 GMT)
Tuesday: CoG's Eradication - 2-5 PM Est. (7-10 GMT)
Wednesday: Vengeance - 5-8 PM Est. (10-1 GMT)
Saturday: OHC's Rampage - 2-4 PM Est. (7-9 GMT)

Alright that shall do it for this week :)


Shadow Academy:
Dark Compendium:
Roster Procedures &amp; Policies:
Dark Brotherhood Message board:


SHW/DJK Drak/DC-8/Dark Council

Thats all I have for right now

GM Rapier

Hammer's Fist Reports (2)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

HF Domain Report:  08.01.03
As Emailed From:  XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution


*take 2, yahoo just freaked out on me, have to retype*

-Plans are in the works for a major restructuring of the HF rosters. We will be moving more towards a special forces model, with specialized detachments for our various trooper types. Platoon leaders will also have slightly fewer troops under their command, but they will be given much greater responsibility over their troops. The squad leader position will change a bit and they will be doing a job similar to a FL in the TC.

-The CSMA office has launched, CSMA2K. Basically a push to get over 2000 courses graded for the CSMA office. Whats after CSMA2K? CSMA3K of course.

-From LtCol. Domingo Chavez.. This is it, guys. Operation Hurricane begins in one week, and I need volunteers. There's a section of the Op (Namely, the run on. :P) dedicated solely to the Airborne troopers, and if you want to get in on that group listen up. What I need is two officers to lead the shebang, two NCOs ranked Staff Sergeant or better, and eight NCO's under the rank of SSG. All of the volunteers should e-mail me personally ( with their name, and if not already =AIR= certified, be sure to get so by next Friday, when the op starts!

-Operation Bright Light is finishing up, keep on posting guys, we need to bring this thing to the an end shortly. Make sure to do the other activities also, shinnies will be given out and your id line will increase in length :)

-Offical HF dress uniforms are being worked on. Suggestions are being thrown out and new stuff is being added by the day, they are looking great. (yay for MS Paint)

That's about all I have this week.

Der Dingo
You probably thought you weren't going to die today...SURPRISE!

XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SSS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SC, SZ, SR, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM2, VS4, CC, EE, PYRO=[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]

HF Domain Report:  08.08.03
As Emailed From: Prefect of the Legion (General Mordred)

Member Count (Active Members): 77
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 97
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 170

Weather in Carrida: HOT


Greetings troopers. Yes, I�m back! My leave got a little out of control last month, but I�m here and back to work.

-First of all, I�d like to announce our intention to acquire new ships to refit our fleet and transport capabilities.

We�ll ask the �bber boss for a AFRG for each detachment, and a Strike cruise for GS. The lFRG will stay as fire cover. But it�s up for the upper links in chain of command to decide if we�ll have those ships or not!

-LTC Delak returned and he�s now in charge of the Hammer�s Fist Tactical Command, our SWGB special unit. Details with him or the Field Manual.

-Looks like I�m going to put my hands on SWG pretty soon. As soon as I get it, I�ll think of something so we can use the game. So far I thought only about some tasks and so, and according to the number of our trooper using the game, we can think of other stuff, as Operations. Again, I still need to put my dirty hands on it to discover it better.

-As most of the GS agreed, we�ll run a significant change on the structure. More details when Dingo returns! Basically we�ll rename the squads to detachments and give proper job to some troopers.

-Dark Legionnaire? What is it? Well, we better get it online soon, so bring on the submissions! Email me for that with DL as subject!

-I�m changing again the medal & award meeting. The argument to make not the troopers wait for rewards fade out the importance of it! Doing it monthly again will make them work to get promoted and I�m working on a nice promoting table so I can check on everyone�s progress from time to time!

-CRO Lander also made sure to note the importance of pirate movies n our culture and stated "Pirates of the Caribbean. It has pirates in. And I like it. It's a very good movie"

-PRG is going fine. No big trouble with those kids. We�re now officially enroled at the COC, so we expect some increase in the games.

From CO office:
Operation Bright Light is winding down (alittle late) and LTC Chavez is  about to begin Operation Hurricane. I apologize for extending the runon,  but everyone seems to be writing good posts (even Kuro is somewhat in the right place).

Scores and awards will be announced this weekend for Operation Bright Light.

Upcoming Operations:
Operation Hurricane commences this evening at 1930 CST after the meeting.

Other news:
Uniforms are progressing. We are about 60% complete with rank images and  devices. Dress Uniform base template is designed.

That�s all


GN Mordred
"The impossible I can handle, miracles only with more midi-chlorians"
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [PsW] [MoD] [LsA] [LoC x2] [oCW] [oPB] [oCD]
[oFC] [oRA] [CoL]

Infiltrator Wing Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga

IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
[DSM/DHI/LoM/LOAx3/SVx3/MoDx5/MC-1x25/MC-2x15/VC-E/VC-E/VC-E/VC-B/CBVw3/CBVw5/WCx5/IWwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DF-SF/MoI-bc ( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear

IW Report:  08.01.03

Acting Commander of the Infiltrator wing


Flight officer & Acting Infiltrator wing commanders Address

I am hoping to have some good news for everyone Soon, regarding the infiltrator wing Site, I have heard rumors our Head people have made contact with our Hosts.. Well done timmay and Gavin.

Once the site is operational, The infiltrator wing will be once again be looking good. Both wings are remaining active, And despite the lack of a operation web site. We are still getting recruits in. Well done to those responsible for recruiting new members.

Keep up the Great work people.



I would like to congratulate Colonel Madhatter on him being chosen as the IWMD.. He has been most active in the melee and he understands what the IW melee needs.

I hope his presence and idea's, Kick start a new Multi player Regime here in the infiltrator wing.

Below is his first Statement. Enjoy


I will be introducing a Craft Specific Mini-Comp within the Melee, meaning, A craft will be selected at the beginning of the month and the pilot who attains the most KILLS in that craft for the month will be awarded a WRC, and be deemed "Craft Adept" for the given craft that month. I am hoping this will instill interest in those who prefer to fly a specific craft and move them to want to compete.


I am also introducing the "Battle the Legends" mini-comp as well. The way this will work is simple. A pilot of the IW will simply make an open challenge over the IW Egroup to one of the IW Melee Legends

VA Mailk - 531 Wins - Xwing - Tie interceptor
VA Darkmage - 543 Wins ( 23 times winner of the IW Melee ) Tie interceptor -
FA Moreco - 189 Wins ( 8 times winner of the IW Melee ) A- Wing

The challenged Legend MUST then ACCEPT the pilot's offer for a melee. Upon acceptance, it will be up to the two to arrange the battle.
The melee will be flown 5/5, no exceptions. IF the pilot WINS, he will be awarded:

1st Win = MC-2
2nd Win = MC-1
5th WIn = WRC
10th Win = CBV (After attaining 10 wins, the cycle starts over)

****NOTE**** To be ELIGIBLE for the CBV, you MUST have flown at least two of the Legends more than 2 times.

***NOTE*** Legends matches MUST be challenged over the IW Egroup!! They will count as normal melees unless that is done!! Then, the message from the D-Base MUST be FWDed to me!

In the case of craft specific Legends, the Challenger MUST fly the craft that the Legend is known for. Example, If you challenge FA Moreco, the match MUST be flown in A-Wings. Kill Legends can fly whichever craft the pilots decide on.


This isn't really an addition, but more of an aid to the pilots who wish to melee. I will be adding an IRC channel to aid those seeking Melee matches. This will not be a channel for idling, just for arranging matches and finding out who really wants to be a part of the IW Melee.
Channel will be #IW-Melee. Hope to see it filled up soon!

Well that is all I have for now, I have more ideas in this noggin of mine that may show themselves after I evaluate the status of the Melee.

Have fun everyone and I hope to see the Database getting filled up quickly!!!

~For the IW

~Colonel Mad Hatter~
IW Melee Director
Captain of the IW Guard



Last months Runons , Came and went with tremendous success, Two battles are being created from the story line and several medals were awarded.
Operation Kwing , Then went IW Wide and has died a death. I was hoping for better from both ships , As I got from one or the other in the individual Runons...

The month of August, hopefully shall see the run on completed. Both Ship commodores , Shall be posting soon, and then both ships will be working together, To achieve the desired mission objective. then we shall be working With the SCO to get our Kwings..... And perhaps another battle.

I shall be monitoring the weekly posts , Starting today and awarding people for great posts and story hooks in my reports, Operation Kwing shall be concluded on the 30 of August.

Go post people :



This is a new month here at the Infiltrator Wing Flight Office. Projects are going along just fine and hopefully Project Warbirds will be completed soon. I'm looking for some other projects and if you have an idea make sure to send to it me ( and I'll talk it over with the IWFO. Have a good month!

Colonel Outsider



The elite squadron of the Dark brotherhood, IS flying through our space soon, Their commander has issued a statement, asking if any IW Squadron would like to partake in maneuvers with them.

The competition would involve a XVT Free mission , And one that does not need patches... Any squadron commanders interested please Email me and I shall arrange it with him.

I hope we have pilots brave enough.



Over the last few weeks , There have been several replies to reports or Emails on the Main egroup, That should not have appeared there. I would like to remind everyone that only Commodore reports and that of the infiltrator wing command staff , go to the main egroup.
If their is something in any report, you would like to comment on, or disagree with, Only reply to the ship commodore or command Staff member relevant please.

We do not want to spam people, With out good reason here.


" Beauty often hides Death "

IW Report:  08.09.03

Acting Commander of the Infiltrator wing


Flight officer Address

Great news. The infiltrator wing site is once again operational and it is once again having the desired effect. We are getting new people into the IWTA Academies and soon, They should be filtering into the fleet.

This is of course good news. I would like to personally thank Line admiral Timmay for his hard work in restoring the site. Thank you timmay :)

The Iwcom is currently still on leave , And your local flight officer is still dealing with the day to day running of the SG. So please Remember to CC me , in all communications to the Command Staff please.

There have been one or two errors in promotions and removals this week, As well as one incident with a medal award I shall not go into.... Commanders, Should know better

The mc-90 Fear , Is leaving IW Space this week, to challenge the ISD Challenge... Good luck to her crew and bring back a nice shiney trophy :)

I would like to say were the Warpsite is, but i have not recieved reports from her...

That's if from me, Keep up the great work people

Vice admiral Darkmage



Well since you have read above, I shall not repeat myself.. The IW Domain and rosters are 100% operational once again.. This means all promotions and position placements are now back to normal.

So all promotions and placement requests now go through the flight office.. I granted the commodores some leeway in this area, As both coms and the staff of the flight office worked on HTML Rosters.. Since we are back to normal. so are our procedures.

So commanders , Remember to CC Wing commanders and Coms as well as me... OR requests will be ignored. Myself and BRG Outsider are making sure the rosters are indeed accurate. SO if you notice any errors please inform me ASAP.



TAU SQUADRON , Has challenged any squadron or wing in the infiltrator wing , To a SP Competition using Free XWA 88
The competition will be held August 17 to the 24th, As yet I have seen no replies to this challenge.... Come on people of the infiltrator wing.. There only an elite squadron.
I am sure we can beat them

Volunteers from a wing or squadron. Email me at


Wing III Wing commander open for applications

Brevet admiral Janson, removed colonel delak this week, and has opened the position to applications . IF you are interested in the position please email BA Janson and make your intentions known... Janson, please place the requirements on ASAP.





Infiltrator Wing Command Staff

IWCOM: FA NiksaVel ( IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command

IWSE: LA Timmay ( IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BRG Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors

RTO: SA Renegade ( EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( IWPIN: 9
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn ( IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear

COM: LA Kane Reese ( IWPIN: 22
WC/2: COL Drak ( IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite (

COM: BA Janson ( )



IWCOM : on leave ( returns to 16 of august )
IWTO : Received
IWTAC : Received
IWOC : Received
IWSO : Received


FEAR : Received

WARSPITE : Not Received

Total Roster Membership : 240

" Beauty often hides Death "

Corporate Division Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

Prex Report #40:  08.02.03

The Corporate Division, Emperor's Hammer President of the Corporate Division, Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Victory Class Star Destroyer Warhammer, Frigg

President of the Corporate Division, Report #40 - Saturday 2nd August 2003


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 02/08/03

Total - 99 (171 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 4
Trade Assembly - 45
PLT Revenge - 50
Unemplyed - 72

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Work on gathering people together to work on the Corporate Division's projects such as the new Corporate Division Database (CDDB), Nova Shipyards, Auroran Gambling Commission, etc have gone very well, with some very talented people having come forward. Work should begin on these new projects soon... so if you want to take part in these, then please drop me an email at with a few details regarding your skills.

An action plan for the way the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation will operate under the new corporation structures has been constructed and approved by MWO AbsoluteK. A timetable is being drawn out soon and engineers will soon be emailed all the details regarding the structure of operation within the corporation.

A new competition, organised by Loor, Ric Gravant and Wedge Antilles, is almost near completion and will hopefully start very soon. CEO's, get your engineers ready and motivated. Also, details on the Training Officer's Apotasy competition will be released soon, so keep a close eye on your inbox.

It's been a good week for the Corporate Division, with progress towards a fresh start going very well. Until next week, enjoy...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

Prex Report #41:  08.09.03

The Corporate Division, Emperor's Hammer President of the Corporate Division, Admiral Nav'ric Trow Victory Class Star Destroyer Warhammer, Frigg

President of the Corporate Division, Report #41 - Saturday 9th August 2003


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 09/08/03

Total - 72 (144 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 4
Trade Assembly - 46
PLT Revenge - 22
Unemplyed - 72

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Been a good week for the Division, with progress being made. Alot of the Trainee's who have exceeded their Three Month limitation period (they had three months to complete their training) have been removed, creating a more accurate roster count.

VA Leeson this week got around to completing quite a bit of the new roster, with the visual parts of it being uploaded onto the Corporate Division website ( With this roster now online, the Division can now restart building the corporations.

Imperial Broadcasting Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, MWO AbsoluteK is looking for a Detachment Commander for the soon to be reopened Corporate Division Newsgroup (CDNG). Also with IBC, HARA and WEHR are being split into two, this means all the General Engineers within the corporation that wish to be associated with the Radio are to email AbK detailing which one (HARA/WEHR) they wish to be in. If you wish to be a part of CDNG, you should also email AbK stating so.

We welcome back WO Xura Verr to the Corporate Division this week, with him straight away going into the position of Detachment Commander of Whiskey Detachment, Auroran Technology Enterprises. There is still on DC position open with ATE, that of Golf Detachment, applications are to be sent to WO Wedge Antilles (

Work on Nova Shipyards is about to start, with initial plans being written up now. If you have any ideas, or wish to help with research/coding/GFX, then please email myself at

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

Intel Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Supreme Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)

Intelligence Division (ID)

Vice Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]

SDIR Report 11:  07.31.03

Report of the Supreme Director #11 - 31/07/03

Roster Count: 70

Main - <>
AoT - <>
Manual - <>

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra - <>
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol - <>
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar - <>
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - <>

1. SDIR returns from leave.
Yes it�s true, I�ve returned to save you all from As and Davi ;). I�ve finished reading all the email I received while I was away so you should receive replies shortly. I�m still very jet lagged and hence not thinking clearly so I�ll hold off on making any important decisions for a few days, such as what medals to award to those who have taken over my duties during
my absence.

2. ExDIR on leave
As you should have already heard, Aseret is on leave between July 29th andAugust 14th.

3. Commendations of Loyalty
It�s fast approaching [CoL] time (see the TC manual for medal details). COs please send recommendations to me ASAP.

4. Academy of Tactics Situation
I�m not entirely sure what�s going on at the AoT at present since I�ve yet to speak to Raith since returning from leave but, in case it is warranted, here is the usual announcement�.

I�ve started to receive notification of general test marks; however there is still a backlog of tests at the AoT. I believe Raith�s last guess was that there are around a 100 different submissions still to mark. Marking tests isn�t fun at the best of times so please help him out -

a) Only send in tests once. VA Raith has received your tests. Sending him another copy of your answers every couple of days is not helpful and it�s very demoralizing for Raith.

b) Only submit one test. If you're waiting for your General test to be marked possibly the LEAST constructive thing you can do is to then go through the AoT and submit as many of the other tests as you can - if a trainee sends 6-10 tests in while he waits for the General test to be graded the only effect it will have is that it'll take 6-10 times longer to grade them...

c) If you've submitted the General test then please email me - <> - and she'll assign you to a Bureau, where I assure you there is plenty of work to be done.

5. Agents Com-link
I have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If you have anything which you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to produce new stuff too) send it to me at <> and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (also known as a medal).

6. Recruitment
The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here: <> or alternatively email me at <>. If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

7. INTORG Recruitment
I have five open spaces left in INTORG. If you are interested in a position with the IDs elite Bureau email <> and I�ll get back to you with more details of the positions available.

SDIR Report 12:  08.07.03

It�s been a very quiet week while I�ve settled back in and various UBIQ/BUDRs begin/end periods of leave.

Roster Count: 70

Websites (currently experiencing problems with web hosting)
Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris - <>

1. Academy of Tactics Situation
Yep it�s the same update as last time - no news as yet. An overhaul of the AoT is currently being planned - any brilliant ideas should be sent to <> I�ve started to receive notification of general test marks; however there is still a backlog of tests at the AoT. I believe Raith�s last guess was that there are around a 100 different submissions still to mark. Marking tests isn�t fun at the best of times so please help him out -

a) Only send in tests once. VA Raith has received your tests. Sending him another copy of your answers every couple of days is not helpful and it�s very demoralizing for Raith.

b) Only submit one test. If you're waiting for your General test to be marked possibly the LEAST constructive thing you can do is to then go through the AoT and submit as many of the other tests as you can - if a trainee sends 6-10 tests in while he waits for the General test to be graded the only effect it will have is that it'll take 6-10 times longer to grade them...

c) If you've submitted the General test then please email Aseret - - and she'll assign you to a Bureau, where I assure you there is plenty of work to be done.

2. Agents Com-link
I have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If you have anything that you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to produce new stuff too) send it to me at and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (also known as a medal).

3. Recruitment
The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here: or alternatively email me at If anyone already within the Division can think of someone whom they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

4. INTORG Recruitment
I have two, possibly three open spaces left in INTORG. If you are interested in a position with the IDs elite Bureau email and I�ll get back to you with more details.

5. Commendation of Loyalty Recommendations - Fleet Commander's Birthday UBIQ, BUDRs - Recommendations should be sent to me by Thursday 14th August

Directorate Domain Report:  08.01.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Moff of the EH Territories (GMF Nightflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)


Slightly late, yes, but it's in.

-Apostasy has started. See MoO Walker's e-mail from last week/two weeks ago for details.

-At the moment, I'm speaking with the HF command structure about getting a series of SWGB events set up... anyone interested, please reply over the mailing list so I can see what kind of support there is for this.

-I'm going to be taking a brief LoA from tomorrow to Thursday... sorry to drop this on everyone so soon, but I didn't have notice any sooner than this. I'll be back and responding to e-mails on Thursday night.

-When I get back, I'll be setting the reorganisation of the Colonial Branch in motion... with luck, we'll be able to get things running smoothly.

-Speaking of the Colonial Branch, I'm disappointed with the low turnout of Diplomacy... If you're interested, please contact CG Jeff Domm at to sign up.

-The Directorate Guard is blooming, as usual... the NSTS seems to be running smoothly.

-Finally, I'm awaiting word on the new System Manual... hopefully it's nearing completion.

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.


Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base

CGM Report:  08.09.03
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster of the Fringe (Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

Fringe Report from Chief Game Master Zem

Report of Aug 8, 2003
Report #14


Our Galaxies PA Hall has been built/bought. We were not the first PA with the EH initials, so we did not get them....

A reminder/order from the FC, no rDB players are allowed in the EH MUD.

Recruitment efforts continue on RPG players. We almost have enough for an adventure, so if you want to play, let us know.

Fringe Web Sites

Fringe Site: TBA
MUD Site
Galaxies Site:
PA Site:
Message Archive:

Membership Count: 65 (lost one, gained one)


EH Senate Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

CHS Report #32:  08.02.03

� News �

Orv has nearly completed the High Council profile. For any of you (High Councilors) who have gotten on AIM recently (that I've seen), which means none of you, I'm waiting for you to sign on so I can show you. The functionality is *much* different than any roster we've had before (well, so are the planetary profiles). Orv actually improved upon my original design, which he always seems to. The positions are divided into three categories:

the Chancellery, the Ministry, and the Electoral (for lack of a better word at the moment). You can either send messages on the [future] communiqu� to the entire High Council, everyone in one of those three categories, someone's respective office (i.e. the Ministry of State, which would include the Minister and Vice Minister, or for the Chancellery, the CHS, his aide, and the DCH and his aide), or individually (which you'll be able to do with any member). For the Senator Prime, his office is listed as the "Senate Assembly." If you click that [future] link, you'll have the option of sending a message to every Senator, every Representative, or the entire Senate. Also, the grievance form instated by former Senator Prime Marcus Stormwind will be in both the Ministry of the Interior and Senator Prime offices. The reason being that the SPR handles Senate-wide grievances, whereas the M:INT handles grievances with certain positions (if someone is slacking off). It's difficult to explain without being able to show anyone (other than HC'ers and select individuals), but when you click a High Councilor name, you'll see his latest 5 reports, his miniature profile, and a "send this High Councilor a message." Clicking his position will give you a more in-dept description and detailed history of the position. Clicking his office will give you the Communiqu�, the office description, the website, an agenda (for the HC'er), the grievance form (if applicable), and perhaps something else. The High Council profile, like the Planetary Profile, will be equipped with a miniature messageboard.

I've begun work on the first volume of "Imperial Senate Planetary Issues", which is comprised of Issues 1-50 that Minister Goersase and I are busily working on. So far, these issues take up 11 pages (with 9 issues), and I'd estimate the final document to be well over 50 pages. Also included will be one mock planetary dispatch for each planet, the initial planetary description, and possibly the outcome of one potentially selected option. Siterath and I plan to have 5 issues for each planet completed within 2 weeks time. The intent of this document is to outline Planetary Issues to Ronin and Astatine before submitting them to the database. If Ronin finds any problems (which I will note potential problems, and aide him with easy
navigation), then we'll want to change him before he informs us too late. The only problem I foresee, however, is with the quoting we do in the "options" portion, but that is easily remedied. Anyway, that's it for this week, I think.

� Projects �
-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)

� Competitions �

� Additional �
It's a very distinct pleasure to welcome back Xura Verr to the Imperial Senate! Verr left us during the DB secession, but seemed to have gotten bored and changed his mind. GA Ronin has personally granted him re-entry, and I've already reinstated him as Vice Minister of Education. He has already begun work on the University Board (once again), which is viewable at the Imperial University (

� Senate Info. �
Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

CHS Report #33:  08.12.03

Imperial Senate Report #33

� News �

Sorry about the late report--I've had some recent RL problems, and I'm heading up to Canada tomorrow morning for a competition, which means I'll be on LOA until next Tuesday night. All High Councilors should resume their usual business. I'll expect some planetary issues when I get back from the Minister of State, and hopefully some from the Senator Prime. If I don't, I'll be very disappointed. Have fun.

� Projects �

-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Senate Procedural Exam (50%)
-Other exams (50% completed)

� Additional �


HCI Report #13:  08.08.03
As Emailed From:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

HCI case 194 The Empire versus Zacarias

Accused of Article of War 409 - Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer and Gentleman.

He included inflammatory and detrimental material in his TIE Corps profile.

HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"

Combat Operations Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Darknyte)

Combat Operations Office

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]

COO Report #44:  08.01.03

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 08/01/2003

COO News

Thanks to COOA Autoris Maximus, and the DB Staff, we going to have now again mixed DB and TC Comps again. Every person is allowed to fly for one of the SG's in every 24/7 competition. SOON! The Code still needs to be finished.

The Competition Name War's are over. Winner is HA Priyum Patel and runner up is MAJ Kenath Zoron. Congratulations. Check out the Combat Calendar!

Competition News

Competition activity raising a bit!

Bot News

DarkFyre is overworked. In future the DB is allowed in all comps!

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

COO Report #45:  08.09.03

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 07/27/2003

COO News
(From the Office of COOA Autoris Maximus)

The DB, IW, and HF have joined in participating in #ehcoc comps which run 24 hours a day. Also We will be starting an EH XWA racing league soon I just need to finalize the details.

(From the Office of COO Kyle Katarn)

The Competition Name War medals are awarded.

A few AES Uniforms were made (I know this is priority duty of a COO! :p)

Otherwise quite a slow week.

Competition News

Compeition activity raising quite much, thanks to the new system and the new SG's!

Bot News

DarkFyre is overworked quite much. Consult for details!

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Fleet Medical Corps Reports (2)
As Emailed From:  Medical Officer (RA Jacob VanNowak)

Fleet Medical Corps

-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak/M-TFC Last Hope

BTM/KAP Jacob Van Nowak/Mystics of the Black Arts/Gladius/Tarentum

FMC Report:  08.01.03


Hello sirs, great news, the FMC site is up, everything is completed but cantina and reports section, The join form was up but had minor problems so my trusty friend is working it (CM Bryan) 8-P We have a New dean is will be Captain Frey, he is going to head up our academy, and currently have the PMO, SMO, and DOC Test and notes completed the site is being created for the academy, and the graphics for the front page is already done. The membership for the FMC will be open in very few days. If possible would I be aloud to write a descriptive recruitment or membership opening to put on the EH database, well thank you again sirs, we have come along way from a FMC group that most forgot about to a killer site, with lots of info back up check it out 8-)


-MO/RA Jacob Van Nowak

FMC Report:  08.09.03


FMC News

-Well first off it seems we are getting complaints from every SG except for three. TC, DB, and IW. All other SGs WILL be closed into membership just for them, but if the COs of that SG e-mail me requesting it to be open, we will then open it. But do not worry those EH members that are not in any of those 3, we are opening a separate Roster for Members stationed just on the Last Hope. In the siming perspectives, these would be the Docs, and Nurses in times of battles that get sent out on ships to the location to help treat, rather than simply being stationed there. It will consist the same with 1 PMO, and PNO, and 2 SMOs, and 2 SNOs, and about 5 Docs, and 5 nurses, till it grows. We plan on adding a more Rping role too in the FMC when people want to have a little bit more, we want to add a little bit more of a medical role for fun, like having RPing roles in fictions, make Medical Graphics, and poems, just for fun, but remember our main job, we are suppose to all be walking facts, and a help, DO NOT interfere with anyone's fights, or problems, simply ask if they need help, if they say no leave it alone, if they say yes, help them, get their superiors advise, we are walking facts to the EH and as long as we don't abide by these rules people eventually hate the FMC, so please do not constantly tried to help someone unless asked, thank you.

-Second, People the join form IS NOT working, it seems Bryan has yet another bug in it, SO please, instead of waiting it out just simply send me and bryan an e-mail at and telling us your name rank and position, which SG your in and where you want to be positioned, if its not one of the three I listed above, request it on the new roster.

-Also Calling all Wing Commanders, if you have any reccs. or if you yourself want to be in your wing Doc, and nurse, or even head up the BG, please drop us a line just read above what should be put in it.

So far going awesome, besides I have not heard from Karim with my updated Manual, and the join forming being down all is well, and over time we will turn the cantina into a interactive database, Members are joining up like crazy, currently 9 are active, within a few days of opening up and once we add this last roster I'm sure more will join sir, its going great, thank you again, and have a great day.

"Semper Fidelis"


EH Memorium Flag Competition:  07.28.03
As Emailed From:  CA:LO/RA Daniel Stephens


Sir I know this is a bit of a late notice, but Id like to ask of a favor. As you probably know I am running a comp for a "flag" for the EH memorial. This comp has been running for a little over a week with a week left, so far I have recieved 3 entries. And honestly I want more, I have very little exposure for this, only the MBs, and various pestering, but Id like to ask if you would post this on the TC domain and possibly the EH domain. I have also asked the various SGCOMs to post these details on their sites but I have seen no such thing done. Anyways if you will these are the details:

Competition Name/Title A Heroes Flag

Submitted by: CA:LO/RA Daniel Stephens/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign

Parties Involved All Emperors Hammer subgroups
Missions/Battles Used none
Medals to be Awarded IS-PR to winner, IS-GR to second, IS-SR to third, and IS-br to the 4th
Miscellaneous Information This is a competition to make a "flag" of sorts for the Emperors Hammer Memorial.  I also want to have the EH logo on the flag, but I don't want the whole flag to be taken up by it.

It needs to be around 50K or less in size with a resolution that's comparable to a standard splash image, I believe the normally don't exceed 300x300, but I could be wrong. As for format we'll only except JPG, TIF, or PNG. Other formats don't have the compression to really allow a nice image to have a small file size.

Thank you in advance sir,


CA:LO/RA Daniel Stephens/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign
BTM/DJK/Black Falcons/Dorimad Sol/Scholae Palatinae

Fleet Commander's Note:

The EH Memorium is being developed to honor all EHers who have passed away and provide them a permanent honored listing off our Domain.

Destavol Resigns as Lord Ambassador, Replacement Sought:  07.29.03
As Emailed From:  Former Lord Ambassador (COL Destavol)

EH Advanced Guard


Today is a day that I have thought long and hard. I have looked at what I have done in the past two weeks and I see nothing other than a few meetings to try and set alliances. I also know that its only going to grow worse. The AG has been my home for a long time, no matter how inactive or active it was. I am just really worn out, I was worn out before I got the job, but I kept going no matter what. I have done my best and I don't think it was enough. That's why I feel that I should step down. I am not only leaving the position of LA, but the EH as a whole. The EH has given a lot to me. I can only hope that the little that I gave back can be enough for now. I don't doubt that I will come back one day.

For now I'm pry going to join my friends. Im sorry that I couldn't have served on longer, but I will say this. This is my choice. I am leaving with no regrets. I have accomplished every thing I have wanted to in the EH. The final thing being to reach any form of Admiral and serve the EH has one of its officers. This I have done, whether I did a good job or not is up to the people that served under me and the ones that I served as an advisor. I know that I will lose my rank of RA due to me leaving to early, but it doesn't bother me. I am happy just knowing I got to serve with all of you. Thanks you guys, I don't know how I can repay you. I probably never will be able to. If I am to be expelled for my choice of joining my friends I accept all charges. I don't expect to be treated differently than any other member. If anything I should be treated harsher because I am an officer. This will pry anger many of you, and all I can do is ask for your forgiveness. I am only human. If this is a mistake, I will know soon enough. If you haven't closed this e-mail already I would like to thank three men.

Vice Admiral Darknyte - "DN, you have done so much for me, you took me under your wing and showed me the real world of the EH. You are the reason I got this job. Do not think I am casting it aisde, this is something that has been on my mind for a while. I appreciate every thing you have done for me, I know there is no way I can return the favours. Simply because you are better than me in all ways. I hope to always be your friend. Take care bro."

Grand Admiral Ronin - "Ronin, the instant I got the job you just took me on as a friend. You never questioned my word on club things. You treated me as an equal and not an underling. This is something very few commanders can do. You are a talented man and will always be a friend in my book. I could always come to you when I had a problem. Thanks Mr Ronin. This club wouldn't be the same with out you."

Sector Admiral Astatine - "Ast you have put more work into this club than I could ever imagine. I never got to get to know you. Nor will I probably ever will. However, this doesn't make you any different in my eye. I wish I could have been as good a man as you. Take care and I really hope people start seeing your work in this club, it is really more than one would think. Thanks for every thing."

With this said I place my resignation and leave. Take care you guys, I will never forget the great times you allowed me to have. If you never want to see me again, its the least I can do for all the things you have done for me.

-RA Destavol Gin-

Fleet Commander's Note:

We are sorry to see Destavol leave the EH for the TRIC, but we each make our way in life...and he has chosen his path.  Fear not, Destavol, the TRIC isn't an enemy of the EH...No one has even mentioned expelling you :)

Interested applicants should email me with their resumes...

Catching Saddam's Sons - An EHers Report from Iraq:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  RSV/VA Khameir Sarin/Frigate Phoenix

GA Ronin,


Just wanted to pass on a report about Saddam's sons. There is currently a gag-order on talking about the
operation as it holds a security clearance is above civilian speak. What I can say is that the 101st Airborne was at the operation, the Operation was in Mosul, and the soldiers involved wore black hearts (each brigade wears a different symbol, we are the Black Heart Brigade) on their kevlar helmets. I can also say that myself and my men are stationed in Mosul, we are a part of the 101st airborne, and we wear black hearts on our helmets. heh

Everything here is going well, my men have all had a case of low morale due to the fact that it appears we will be here until March, that will be one year for us. My bank account will love it, my fiancee will not. My wedding date was in December. hehe, not anymore.

I just recently bounced back into the DB, moving in as the Arcona Pro Consul due to the lack of members in Arcona. Felt like lending a helping hand. Not to mention i need some relaxation time when I get on the computer. Still waiting for a joystick before returning to the TC where I am going to steal somebody's Battlgroup, hehe!

That's about it for my update now. Currently myself and my men are in Arbil, Iraq doing a quick week mission with some secret squirrel civilians. We are rather close to the Iranian border. That is a bit chilling.

I will email you again in a month or so with another update. Ill try to pass on a picture of myself and my boys before to long.

Take Care,

And Happy Birthday!

LT Matt Crawford



RSV/VA Khameir Sarin/Frigate Phoenix

SW Khameir Sarin (Sith)//Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

Fleet Commander's Note:

VA Khameir, keep your head down and come home safe !  And thank all you guys for us Imperials...We're rooting for 'em !

XO Report #25:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

I'm sitting here trying to think of what to write for this, but it's pretty obvious there really isn't much point. Recent events have shown a few home truths. If I speak my mind, even in a private conversation, I get in trouble for it, regardless of how true those statements are, yet other members of the command staff are allowed to get away with consorting with rDB people as well. Then we have the never-ending stream of emails from myself and the Fleet Commander about reports, about rosters, about doing this, about not forgetting to do up your fly before you walk out the door and so on.

The fact of the matter is the me that joined the EH is vastly different to the me now. When I joined the EH, I was doing a Diploma of IT and had a lot of free time. The Diploma was easy for me, with little homework allocated and the free time was rapidly consumed by the shiny new internet connection I had at the day (wow, 100megs a month!).

Things changed and I had even more free time, due to unemployment. Now things are different. For the last year or so, I've been working, most of that full time. The last two Saturdays were spent doing work too. At the start of this month, I was given direct employment as a full time employee of the organisation I work for. I go to work and put up with people too dumb to check if their caps lock key is on when they can't login or to see if the monitor is actually switched on when "nothing comes up on the screen!". I put up with co-workers who work in a Christian orientated social services organisation meant to help society, yet they're such cheap bastards that they won't even cough up $5 to help a co-worker with a parking fine. Then I come home to the EH.

I come home to an EH where I'm blamed for a database that isn't being made fast enough, by people who've never done ASP/database work in their life. I get blamed by people who don't realise that I coded much of the DB site in my Christmas break and two long weekends, 600k of code, the equivalent of well over 100 pages of text. How many of you could claim to have written a story that long in 6 months? Not many, I bet. Even while that goes on, even while the business with Mirei happened and then the rDB thing and now my recent HCI-enforced leave, all those times when I needed you guys, people who, in most cases, I hand picked myself, when I needed you people to be there to do your job that extra bit better, I'm felt let down slightly.

Perhaps the saddest part for me is every time I try to talk to someone about how much I get upset/hurt/sad by the EH, the amount of empathy I get back is reaching into a zero point. Basically, people don't give a
**** about crazy old Ast. Except when they need a cushy job or a promotion or medal, of course. Then you're suddenly my best mate. Unlike some people who've come out of the woodwork lately, spouting off
about claims here and there, I *can* lay down a log of claims that are both at the same time true and beneficial to the EH.

The relationship between owners of the EH, myself and Ronin, and the command staff is one of trust and partnership. We vest into the COs of the EH a trust to do their allocated job. In many ways, being a CO in
the EH is like most RL jobs. The pay sucks, you might not get along with the boss, the working conditions aren't that good, but when job satisfaction hits, it's better than any drug. It's like seeing a network fire up perfectly, like art. It's like a carpenter finishing off a chair and knowing he's done a damn good job. It's about pride.

So while I've been accused of being abrasive, abrupt and rude, you might want to consider if you've done enough to breech that. I can only be nice for so long while I get a cold shoulder before it pisses me off. And a number of people have heard I'm a jerk, prick, etc and have made the effort to talk to me and found me not that bad. Usually, I end up being friends with those persons. So, in that context, the partnership between the owners and the COs only works if we both make the effort and meet each other in the middle. I've tried being nice, threatened, yelled, I've tried everything to try to motivate you guys. This email is the last resort because I'm just flat out of ideas. Contrary to what EH folklore might say, I don't really enjoy firing most people. It's time consuming and "evil". You're amassing resources (in this case, evidence) to do harm to another human being. Maybe managers with their soul-consuming MBAs get off on it, but I don't in most cases.

The summary message in all this is I can only work as well as you guys work back to me. Some of you do a fantastic job. Some don't. The ones in the first group just need to keep doing that, the ones in the second...well, they know what they need to do.

As for EH matters, obviously I haven't done much work the last couple weeks because of that delightful HCI leave. Next week's report should have more work and less "deep" stuff.


Tactical Office Report #99:  07.26.03
As Emailed From: Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #99
by TAC/FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203



Hello Emperor's Hammer.

Another week has passed. Another busy week. I started to realize that I am not be doing my TAC duties as I should. I am not on IRC very often, I don't have time to help Ender with Shield. Saturday is the only day when I can do more TAC duties. Well. I try to keep up with HSs checking and other duties, but I feel that's not enough. However I feel my resignation would do more harm then good, so I have decided to stay here and use my knowledge and skills for EH. With outstanding Tactical Staff, I will be able to keep this office running for one more month and then I will have more time :)

Mission Creation Corner

Special thanks to TCC:XvT for his tips :)

Well, what shall we begin with today? I think its a notable suggestion to start with Plotline design and creation. Just exactly what is it that brings to mind a plot? Hmm...let see the inert want to create a mission or battle that no one has yet to do. Well in this day and age, that's real hard to accomplish, but it can be done. Usually one gets a fantastic idea to create a mission or battle while flying someone else's creation.
With this in mind, you should a couple of things prior to starting your mission.tie file.

Is to create a plotline or mission outline (why?) Well this can help put things into perspective of the way your mission might need to be created, or the amount or type of craft present. Plus it will give you an idea as to how the mission should perform when its created.

Make a list of goals to accomplish in your mission plotline. Or make it a note in the plotline brief, that way the people who are flying your mission have a basic understanding of what they are going to be doing.

Here you could create a list of ships that will be present in the mission. This will help you decide what type of fighters you may want to add, as well as capitol ships. Of course this can always be changed, but atleast you'd have an outline of a generic set of ships to play around with while making your mission.
Once all of this is completed, what do you have left to do? Well for one, now you have your plotline in which to add to your readme file. This can be an added advantage to those flying your mission, since they might have an idea how your mission is set up. Plus it can help get you a better rating when they grade your creation.

Keeping in mind that a plotline doesn't have to be exotic, nor does it have to be longer than a nice sized paragraph. But you should always have a plotline with your readme so that at the least the testers know what to expect when they are testing your newest creation.

Mission Creation Courses
Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 50 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 315 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 115 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, please mail me your data each week.
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial

Thanks to VA RogueWing for hard work with his AlliED tutorial. You can now, step by step tutorial on how to make XWA missions using AlliED. Check links section for more details :)

Tactical Office Person of the Week:

This week Zystem Fryar is PotW, as recommended by TCC:XvT

I recommend that LC Zystem Fryar be my person of the week having done the most of all completing 3 tests within a weeks period. He is doing an outstanding job having only been here about a week.

Excellent work Fryar.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Linoge - 2
Locke Setzer - 2
Frodo - 2
Zystem Fryar - 3
Curtis - 1
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:

Total missions: 3013 (0)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 4
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XvT Division
In Queue: 3
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 1
Total: 8
BoP Division
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 1
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 0
Total: 2
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 5
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 1
Total: 8
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (

Testers and Engineers [29]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Locke Setzer #4541 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Cray Mikalen #3243 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [65]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -

Final word:

Because I am very busy these days, use email to contact me. I am barely visible on IRC, so don't try to catch me there, but you can try of course. I always try to check my mail, once a day, sometimes more :P


Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 <>

Flight Office Report:  07.27.03
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

Greetings all and welcome to this week's report from the Flight Office -


- First off I've had some computer problems and lost a bunch of recent emails. This means that anything sent to the Flight Office that required my attention since Thursday 24th July will need to be resent. It will be dealt with quickly, sorry for the inconvenience caused.

- Congratulations to two Commodores on their recent promotions to Vice Admiral, RA Indaro of the ISD Colossus and RA Kalar of the ISD Relentless. Both are great Officers who's tireless work has been recognised.

- Congratulations are also due to Major BubbaX who has been selected as the new Wing Commander for Wing XI on the Immortal.

The XIII WC position is still open to applications, details are located at

- A reminder that the Anniversary CoL awards will be upon us soon. Check the OPS report for details.

- Congratulations are due to the Flag Staff of the ATF for recently defeating the Rat Pack (Sov Flags) in their competition. The finest display of desk-flying in recent history...!

- I will be going on a short two day leave this Tuesday through to Wednesday evening. I'll be away from the Internet during this time, so please do not expect any updates.

Flight Office Links

TIE Corps News -
Flight Office / Fleet Standing Orders -
Squadron Management III -
Training Manual -
Operations Manual -
EH Domain -
EH Message Boards -

Flight Office Staff:


CA:FO/FA Cyric


FOA/COL Reaper


High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Internet Office Report #101:  07.25.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #101

July 25, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Hello folks, it's time for another IO Report with this lovely new design! (I really like it!)
CPT Drako is back from a 2 week leave due to RL commitments. He's resumed his site projects, including the Skye Rangers site for GA Ronin, and the ASF site. Also, we'd like to express a big "Welcome Home" to AD Turtle who has finally returned home after several months in army training. Good to have you fully back, Yurt!

We've begun working on laying the groundwork for coding of EH Wargames. Members of the dev team will be developing the required classes and objects so we can move ahead.

And, the most consuming thing that's taken up IO time this week has been SquadFirst+. MAJ Alex Foley has been hard at work on development and it's coming along fabulously. Last night he completed the biggest hurdle, the rosters for different subgroups and began the administration section. He intends to have it completed within a few days. When it is done, FA Leeson and I will review it. I will also be coding in a versioning system so it will be easy for us to locate what version of SF+ people are running (in order to better diagnose bugs). Hopefully SF+ will be ready for release next week!

Also, we've found a new editor-in-chief for The Holonet Journals, Issue #3 - Flelm! Keep your eyes out for his pestering!

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the new Combat Operations Office site by RA Autoris ( ) at . This 4 star site is a modification of SquadFirst to adapt to offices, and not just squadrons. Nice job!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What has been your favorite IO project to date (see Report #100)?

-Project Hawkeye
-The Holonet Journals
-My EHNet
-Sabacc Online
-Vote for your choice at !

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

:: Transmission End ::

Operations Office Report:  07.25.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office

Operations Office Report
29th July 2003.

Another quiet week in the Operations Office. I have received four CoL award submissions to date; remember the deadline is on the 19th of August, that's around three and a half weeks away, but there's no reason why you shouldn't send in your submissions early.

Medal Recommendation Advice.
I have commented on this once before, but it doesn't seem to have reached everyone. Answering or replying to e-mail is not grounds for a merit award. It is basic expectation that every member who isn't either absent or AWOL should answer their mail.

Now, onto another little point. There is only so much time I can dedicate to the EH and filing spurious medal requests that you might think are funny eats up too much of that time. Don't abuse the medal recommendation system and don't waste my time.

Fleet Commander's Birthday Commendation of Loyalty Recommendations
The bi-annual awarding of the Commendation of Loyalty to members of the Emperor's Hammer who have displayed tremendous dedication to the Fleet is fast approaching. I have included information for the Command Officers, Advisors and Subgroup Commanders below.

Each Squadron Commander can make recommendations to their Wing Commander who will choose three (3) members of their wing to receive the CoL and forward the names to their Commodore and Battlegroup Commodore. Each BGCOM may recommend up to three (3) more awards for their flag officers. The Battlegroup Commander will collate the awards for their battlegroup and forward the names (with pin numbers) to the Flight Officer ( and myself (

Additionally, the Commander of each Elite Squadron may recommend one (1) of their members to receive the CoL. This should be sent directly to the Flight Officer and myself. Therefore the FO and I should only be receiving CoL recommendations from the Battlegroup Commanders and the Commanders of the Elite Squadrons.

Dark Brotherhood
Each Clan Consul may make up to three (3) recommendations from their members, which they will forward to the Chancellor and Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. The Grand Master will also be able to make up to five (5) additional recommendations for members of the Dark Brotherhood. Once collated, the Dark Brotherhood recommendations should be submitted to the Operations Officer ( by the Grand Master only.

Hammer's Fist, Infiltrator Wing, Corporate Division, Bounty Hunters Guild, Intelligence Division, Directorate, Fringe and Imperial Senate

Each of the listed subgroups (excepting the Tiecorps and Dark Brotherhood) will be able to recommend up to ten (10) members to receive the Commendation of Loyalty. These recommendations are to be collated and sent to the Operations Officer ( only by the leader of each respective subgroup.

Emperor's Hammer Command Staff and Advisors
Recommendations from each of the Command Staff and Advisors will be received on a case-by-case basis. Recommendations should be sent directly to the Operations Officer (

Submission Date
All recommendations must be submitted to myself (and the Flight Officer where required) by the 19th of August. Late submissions will be rejected. If there are any questions, please ask and don't leave it until the last minute.


Operations Office Staff
Operations Officer, Admiral Khaine (
Operations Office Assistant, Major Tempest (

Operations Office Sites
The Operations Office Website -
The Operations Manual -
Heroes of the EH -
Tempest's Tailoring Tool -

That's all for this week,

OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Science Office Report #20:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."


Welcome to my twentieth public report as a Science Officer, on time... (I must be ill!) ... so let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. Not much news this week cause I'm putting all my time (ALL, I barely eat or sleep :P) in to finally getting TAC's "Project Shield" done. Currently all the XWA missions/battles have been done, XvT is in its finalizing stages and I think I can get the whole thing (BoP/TIE) done this week. As this project is currently classified, I can not elaborate on it much more then this.

2. AD Darkhill has been continuing work on the EH Patch Manager, which is working for XWA and now is being built for XvT (which is the base for the TIE and BoP parts.). The Patch Manager will improve the patches of the EH considerably in ease of use, ease of making, stability and support of Operating Systems. Because all current patches would need to be updated to it, all new patch releases are currently on hold till its release.

3. SCOA/CM Tim(mah) has started on his "Project Cue Ball" which aims to hand the EH a cheaper and more powerful Doomsday Device as even the Death Star... and surface flying for XWA.:)

4. Just as Minos has gone back up again, our mirror has gone down - hopefully temporarily. Please keep your links directed to the correct one.

I'll be taking a short break from Project Shield later today to do some needed updates to the whole site.

5. More updates will include those to the Order of Battle. I'm currently working on an update that will, when approved, make the Dark Brotherhood more visible on it, besides more regular updates. (Like the IW links.)

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on the EH Patch Manager Program, aka the "Grand Project", which will make patching life a lot easier for all of us. The XWA portion is under testing at the moment, XvT under construction. Den is currently on a short leave to move house.

SCOA: CM Tim is just getting round to starting on Operation Cueball. Continued development on "The Archive" which is hoping to be like a Archive of Missions/Battles/Campaigns and OPT's. Watched Matrix Reloaded 3 times :D.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect . The mirror at is currently down.

Updates to be done over the rest of the day: update Staff Page, update OoB links, add newest reports etc.

Science Office Projects:

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This project is
drawing closer and closer to its end for especially TIE and XvT: started on BoP and made a few more craft to add.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. More data on the project in the news section.

Project Shield: (TAC Project) at 30%

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

Communications Office Report #14:  07.27.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


This late report was brought to you by Star Wars Galaxies, a nice, but sometimes laggy experience. :P

I've looked into a problem with the forums not processing nicks with the single quotes in them, and found that it is likely a problem with my PHP install. The code concerned should work, but for some reason it doesn't. I am in the process of debugging the PHP setup on my box to try and figure out where the problem lies.

I am having my server moved to a new IP subnet so that I can gain additional IP addresses. The additional IP's will be used for eggdrop bots, in particular Chewie which currently is hosted on a rather unreliable server. This change in IP's will temporarily mean that people will be unable to access domains on my box, so I will be posting direct IP's to be used once they are provided to me.

The Log Actions mod for phpBB has been reinstalled on the forums, this will be of primary interest to the select group of people who have admin level access, and want to see what the moderators are up to.

IRC Quote of the Week:
<zekkie> Perhaps you can help me with something.
<`MortE> No.. Pull your trousers up.

Sent by CMDR/CM Curtis/Ravager/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

Communications Office:
Image Archive:
dasb0t's Homepage:
Computer Basics Course:

COMM/FA AbsoluteK/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign
--==EH b0tologist==--
--==CBX Professor==--

Security Office Report #9:  07.25.03
As Emailed From:  CA:SO/VA Ziggy

Security Office

Security Office Report #9

1. Myrtle Beach was a blast. We were all relieved to see that SOA Slicer had refrained from raiding the Security Office bar. Also, many incriminating shots of the Security Office staff were captured. :)

2. Due to the ending of the Beach Blast, Security Officer Zoltar is still without internet access, although I've been informed it should be restored by Monday.

3. It's been fairly quiet as usual. It seems the rDB removed a significant number of "problem members", thus leaving the Security Office at a *much* welcome disadvantage. I commend our members on being fairly well-behaved. :)

4. As of this week, I've seen a few random rDBers joining EH channels, although most have set proper bans to prevent their entrance. There was a slight issue involving the abuse of dasb0t's strict language guidelines earlier, but SOA Vman and I have our eyes open for any further abuses, which will not be tolerated.

That's all for this week folks. Keep it clean, and stay safe.

Vice Admiral Ziggy
CA:SO/VA Ziggy

LO Report #7:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Darknyte)

Logistics Office

July 25, 2003
Logistics Officer Report
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Welcome to my report, special collectors' edition. This edition of the LO report is subtitled "Working 9 days in a row sucks".

Not alot this week since I've had to work every single day for almost 2 weeks due to people at my job quitting, going on vacation, or just getting sick. The only real news is that my CA got his competition approved and it's in full swing. He should have posted the details on it by now, but if not here goes.

The competition is to design a splash image for the EH Memorium site. Something that will honor our fallen comrades in a tasteful way. Submissions should be sent to myself and my CA. The winner of the comp will be able to get the coveted Iron Star with Platinum Ribbon due to an agreement worked up with the TO's office to have Keldorn "sponsor" this competition. The deadline isn't really set in stone, but don't take a year to submit :P

The Mr/Ms EH contest is still in the preliminary stages, still looking for nominations for the titles. Send nominations to me ASAP. I hope to get the actual "pageant" in full swing by next week so we can announce the titles on the FC's b'day on Aug 21.

That's about it for me this week, next time will have more information since I'm going back to my normal schedule at work this week and will once again be able to devote my time to the EH.

Vice Admiral Darknyte, EH Logistics Officer

RO Report:  07.24.03
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office



We have a few great SW News Items this week, so lets get to them asap.

First off, The Non-EH SOTW. This one I know Ast will love >:P Yeah, nothing else needs to be said..

A few CONs going on that are of great interest. The one I am looking at the most is the one in Indianapolis, IN. If there are ANY EHers that are planning to go or live in that area, CONTACT ME! There are alot of people we could grab as honorary members!!

I am still awaiting approval by the FC and XO on the interview questions I have. Once everything is approved, I have the U.S. Priority Mail envelopes all ready to go. :)

I am asking that RA Shay'la take over the Convention Database. AD Zsinj will still be site administrator, but my CA will take over the general updates (which is greatly needs).

We are still looking for an ROA to help RA Shay'la with the Recon Office's website. All applicants email myself and her asap!

That's all I have this week. On to the news!


SW News:

Happy Birthday Terrence Stamp!
Chancellor Valorum, in Episode 1, celebrated his 64th Birthday on July 22.

Comic-Con 2003 Wrap-up

While much of the Star Wars action took place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday remained days where Star Wars fans had a great time together and made a big impact at Comic-Con.

So great was fan presence, that when Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings' Merry Brandybuck) greeted the crowd at New Line's Saturday presentation, he asked, "How's everyone enjoying the Star Wars convention?"

On Saturday, Star Wars fan, filmmaker Kevin Smith stopped by the booth before his afternoon panel to talk Star Wars and claim a Hyperspace t-shirt.

Sunday, officially "family day" at Comic-Con, was filled with younglings learning about the upcoming Clone Wars cartoon, checking out the latest LucasArts games and Hasbro action figures.

For a visual guide to the event, check out and click picture viewer at the bottom of the article.

Gen Con in Indy - Do Not Miss!
Press Release

Gen Con Indy, The Best Four Days In Gaming�, and C2 Ventures Bring Out the Stars of Star Wars for Gen Con's Kick Off In Indianapolis!

Since 1977 the public has been enamored with the Star Wars film sagas, and now fans of the five films will thrill to learn the line-up of celebrities from these films who will be attending Gen Con Indy. Gen Con, LLC and C2Ventures are pleased to announce the official line-up for the Star Wars saga celebrities who will be on hand at to meet and greet fans and sign autographs at Gen Con Indy, July 24 - 27, 2003.

In alphabetical order, here are the stars confirmed to attend Gen Con Indy:

Amy Allen (Episode II: Jedi Aayla Secura)
Kenny Baker (Saga: R2-D2)
Shannon Baksa McRandle (Star Wars Expanded Universe: Mara Jade)
Michonne Bourriague (Episode I: Aurra Sing)
Jeremy Bulloch (Episode V & VI: Boba Fett)
Dermot Crowley (Episode VI: General Madine)
Daniel Logan (Episode II: young Boba Fett)
Mary Oyaya (Episode II: Jedi Council Unduli)
Ray Park (Episode I: Darth Maul)
David Prowse (Episode IV, V, VI: Darth Vader)

"The Star Wars films have long been a beloved part of the sci-fi and fantasy hobby, and we're glad to be bringing some of the Star Wars magic to Gen Con Indy," says Peter Adkison, CEO of Gen Con, LLC.
Attendees may purchase autograph coupons for $20.00 for a signed photo from the celebrity, or $15.00 for an autograph on an item of your own. In addition, each actor will have a limited-edition widescreen 11"x14" photo available to choose from. Ray Park autographs will be slightly higher at $25 and $20 respectively. The Star Wars saga celebrities will be available inside the C2 Ventures Autograph Area. Check or on-site during the convention center for each star's schedule.

Gen Con Indy is open to the public daily beginning Thursday, July 24 and running through Sunday, July 27 from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., including a 24-hour Computer Gaming Area. The convention will take place in the Indiana Convention Center. On site registration fees are as follows:

Four-day admission: $60
One-day admission: $23

Children under the age of 8 receive complimentary admission if accompanied by a paying adult. For more information, the public can call (800) 529 -EXPO or visit

About C2 Ventures
C2 Ventures works closely with more than 50 celebrities and their agents from well-known properties, including Star Wars and Star Trek, providing special appearances at retail stores and conventions, organizing truly authentic autograph signings, event exclusives and much more.

About Gen Con
Gen Con, LLC and The Best Four Days in Gaming� are wholly owned by Peter Adkison, former CEO and founder of Wizards of the Coast. Now in its 36th year, the Gen Con Game Fair has become the largest annual consumer fantasy, sci-fi and adventure game convention in North America. Each year, game enthusiasts converge to share a common enthusiasm and a long weekend of interactive play, to participate in hobby-related events and meet celebrity guests. With more than 23,000 attendees each year and more new product introductions than any other consumer game convention in the U.S, Gen Con is an annual destination for fans of adventure games, fantasy and science fiction. This year marks Gen Con's debut in Indianapolis, IN.

Upcoming Fanforce Meetings & Events

You can check out the Fanforce meetings and events happening over the next seven days (July 24-27th, 2003). It is all there at
There are much info there. Take a look.

First Windu Saber Replicas

Representatives from Master Replicas stopped by the Comic-Con booth with an exciting treat... some of their very first production samples of the Mace Windu lightsaber prop replicas for us to take a look at.

The Samuel L. Jackson-signed signature edition, featuring genuine 24 karat gold plated accents, is one of the most stunning Star Wars collectibles recently released, thanks to its authentic recreation of the elaborate design created by the Episode III props department for the one-of-a-kind Jedi.

Unfortunately, the signature edition is already sold out, but the limited edition saber we saw was also very impressive with machined brass and die-cast metal faithful to the on-set prop.

The limited edition is also going quickly, so head over the Master Replicas ( ) site now for full information.

Action Fleet Heads To Dry Dock
Reported by

After having returned from a two-year hiatus, Hasbro's Action Fleet line has once again been put on hold. Failing to meet minimum quantity requirements from major retailers, Hasbro was left with no choice than to bring the line to a screeching halt. As a result several of the vehicles previously announced for later this year will in fact not be released, and those holding pre-orders for upcoming waves should expect cancellation notices soon. We�re awaiting confirmation from Hasbro on the final wave of Action Fleet vehicles for this year, but it was suggested in San Diego that may well be the recently shipped Republic Gunship wave. The good news is; tentative plans are in place to bring the line back in 2005 with renewed interest surrounding the release of Episode III. At that time, it was suggested, Hasbro is looking very hard at the possibility of adding mini-figures back into the line (something Action Fleet fans have been begging for since the line made its comeback last year). As we are still quite a ways away from 2005 and Episode III, many plans can change but it was clear in talking with Hasbro representatives at Comic Con that there is a desire to continue bringing these toys to the fans and collectors that want them. We�ll continue to follow the Action Fleet situation and bring you updates as new information develops.

Dark Lord of the... SIP ?

Hey, check that out.

First Look: Escape from Dagu

William Dietz, author of the Dark Forces novellas, returns to Star Wars with Escape from Dagu. In the paperback novel, due out March 2004 from Del Rey Books, the Jedi Shaak Ti attempts to liberate Republic prisoners of war caught behind Separatist lines.

The shroud of the dark side has fallen and the Clone Wars have begun. Thousands of solar systems are defecting to the Separatists' Confederacy of Independent Systems, led by the charismatic fallen Jedi Master Count Dooku. But the threat to the Galactic Republic does not end there, for the malevolent Count answers to a shadowy Sith Lord - one who harbors his own sinister agenda.

The swamp planet Dagu, a remote place where the Confederacy has chosen to build a military base using prisoners of war, seethes with discontent. The slave laborers, including clone troopers, are determined to escape -- and the native reptilian Rybets have sworn to regain their freedom.

Count Dooku has learned that among the prisoners is a courier with information that could bring down the Republic. Dooku has selected Artel Darc,a most cunning and capable Dark Jedi, to apprehend the courier. But Artel Darc doesn't know that Shaak Ti, the legendary Jedi Master, is among the prisoners. Nor can he fathom how awesome a weapon the desire for liberty can be -- even against seemingly impossible odds.

Here's the first glimpse of the Escape from Dagu cover by Dave Seeley, whose work can also be seen on the covers of Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand and Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Rebel Dream.

Interview with James L. Dickerson

America's Queen: Natalie Portman features an interview with James L. Dickerson, author of �Queen of Hearts�, an in-depth book on Natalie Portman.
Check out the whole interview here:

Keira Knightley Wanted for Jurassic Park 4

This is London reports that Keira Knightley, who played Sab� in Episode I, is being considered for a role in Jurassic Park 4, according to Box-Office magazine. Check it out:


And that's it for me! It's about time for work so I'll be leaving.

Thanks for your time.


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

HF Domain Report:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  XO/LTC Dingo

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


Member Count (Active Members): 81
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 93
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 161

Greetings all...lots going on in the HF this week

-Our aviation unit is up and running, and they are doing all providing more depth to our roleplaying on the our run on. I am making Vehement platoon, the official Aviation platoon.

-COL Dante is currently setting up an official HF dress uniform, similar to the marine corps class As or what ever they call em'. The new uniforms will be complete with ribbons for our ribbons and comps. Badges will also be worn to show completion of various CSMA courses.

-I have noticed a severe lack of activity from several Company Commanders, Platoon Commanders and Squad Leaders. I sent out a general warning to all members in those positions. I have no problem with removing inactive leaders

-The CRO has had a facelift, looks great! Good work guys

-Operation bright light is in the final phases now. I am extremely pleased by all the activity, good job everyone. Prove to the EH that we are the best Subgroup.

that is all

Der Dingo

I'll cry when I'm done killing

XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SZ, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM2, VS4, CC=
[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]

IWCOM Report:  07.24.03
As Emailed From:  IWFO/VA DarkMage

Infiltrator Wing

Acting Commander of the Infiltrator wing


Flight officer Address

Good evening members of the infiltrator wing. The Infiltrator wing commander is on leave, and he has left me to run the day to day running of the fleet. I am sure you all wish him a nice holiday.

This week has seen many changes to the fleet, The commodore of the Warspite Brevet admiral Dolza decided to Resign from all EH Positions.

For his fine work on the warpsite in the last 5 months, I am awarding him the Distinguished service medal. His contribution has been a good one.

Of course. The big chair must be filled and I believe we found the right man for the job.

Brevet admiral Wes Janson, Agreed to take the post and provide the excellent leadership the Warspite requires. My sincere congratulations go to him.

The infiltrator wing is looking good, And activity continues to rise, Despite the fact the IW Site is down are membership continues to grow. Thanks to the temp Join form provided by LA Xavier

Good Job everyone. Keep up the great work



As most of you are aware, from my previous reports, I am looking for a new IWMD.. What is involved in this task I hear you ask. Well I shall explain then

The IWMD is responsible for keeping track of the IWMP upgrades and awards here in the infiltrator wing, He or She is also responsible for all multi player activity and competitions. And shall work with me mostly and the other command staff. in providing great MP experience for all of the infiltrator wing members.
The current melee, Has been down on activity from the great times of 6 months ago. I believe last month, There was only 30 MP Games played in the whole month.

Compared to 6 months ago, When we had well over 200. Give our size, We have more MP Activity per member than the ASF in the tie corps. and i for one am proud of that fact. I am looking for someone with fresh idea's and a new approach to how the infiltrator wing handles its MP Activity.


Your idea's and plans on a post card and send them to me at

I look forward to reading the applications.

I currently have 3 applications and there all excellent, but I will not choose someone until the 30 of July. And they will start their new career as IWMD on the first of august.

Get writing. Your idea's can make a difference.



We all joined the emperors hammer to kill rebels and restore the empire to its former glory... However a planet of great wealth and a corperation known as battle stats holds a competition under the banner of truce once per month. All of the imperial Factions and Rebel one too. Are invited to this planet and this large war Game.

I would encourage any of you to attend this great competition and represent the EH. WoW is held on the MSN Gaming zone and is alot of fun i assure you.

For more information or to sign up for battle stats.. Go to or contact me on my usual email and i shall provide you with in depth information.

Any pilot who flies in this event, Shall be awarded medals per games and of course IWMP upgrades to their normal totals.





Infiltrator Wing Command Staff

IWCOM: FA NiksaVel ( IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command

IWSE: LA Timmay ( IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): TBA
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors

RTO: SA Renegade ( EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( IWPIN: 9
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn ( IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear

COM: BA Kane Reese ( IWPIN: 22
WC/2: COL Drak ( IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite (

COM: BA Janson ( )
WC/3: Delak krennel (



IWCOM : on leave ( returns to 16 of august )
IWTO : Received
IWTAC : Received
IWOC : Received
IWSO : Received


FEAR : Received

WARSPITE : Received


Wing II Pilot of the Week: FLT Zeth Durron (second time)
Wing II squadron of the Week: Black Squadron (third time)

Wing III Pilot of the week : COL Klaus Steiner
Wing III Squadron of the Week : Knight Squadron

Total Roster Membership : 240



IWFO/VA DarkMage/IWCS-2/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
[DSM/DHI/LoM/LOAx3/SVx3/MoDx5/MC-1x25/MC-2x15/VC-E/VC-E/VC-E/VC-B/CBVw3/CBVw5/WCx5/IWwGW-IE-BC-SS-DE-SI-PS-DF-SF/MoI-bc ( 9 Recruits )/LSM/CoLx3/BS/OotF]
R5 - Gambit | Firespray : Shroud of Darkness
Knight of the MC-90 Fear

"Beauty often hides Death"

Corporate Division Report:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (AD Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

The Corporate Division, Emperor's Hammer
President of the Corporate Division, Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Victory Class Star Destroyer Warhammer, Frigg

President of the Corporate Division, Report #39 - Saturday 26th July 2003


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 26/07/03

Total - 98 (170 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 4
Trade Assembly - 45
PLT Revenge - 49
Unemplyed - 72

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prex Report #39 is going to be less of a report and more of an explanation of what the future plans for the Corporate Division are and how we're going to achieve them.

Over the recent months, its become apparent that the already set duties for the Corporate Division are becoming less and less meaningful around the Fleet. With this in mind, ideas are being thrown together regarding making the Division into a SubGroup that can not only provide resources of interest and value to the Fleet, but provide an environment which is entertaining and worthwhile to the Divisions members.

New structures to the corporations are going to be added soon, this means that Engineers will be able to move about amongst their corporation and work with various different Detachment Commander and other Engineers. This means Detachments are now going to become a lot more important, meaning more command positions are being created (Detachment Commanders) giving out members more opportunity of promotion and development of leadership skills.

Another aspect if the re-creation of the Auroran Gambling Commission (AGC). We have a functioning credit system, but at the moment we only have the Corporate Division Stock Exchange (CDEX) to spend the credits on. AGC will provide games and other resources which members of the iBank can spend their credits on and either win or lose� using their skills in certain games and generally relying on luck in others.

In addition to AGC, Nova Shipyards has been a project of the Corporate Division over the past years. Unfortunately, its hit a stop recently� but it's the aim of the Division to make the Shipyards up and functional, providing another resource for iBank members to spend their money on. As they gain more and more credits through wages, activity and gambling� they can extend their personal belongings and assets. From small 'on person' items to their own personal vessels, Nova Shipyards will hopefully start an active 'virtual' market.

Within one of our current corporations, the Imperial Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), plans are to reopen the Corporate Division Newsgroup (CDNG). This means that a CD paper will be created and members will be able to make advertising posts, colomns, opinions, news, etc.

These plans all rely on a team of coders. At the moment our primary coder, the VPP, VA Leeson already has many projects on the go with the IO - coupled with RL stuff - and is finding it hard to find the time to code the new CDDB. This is why I'm making this request� will any PHP'ers that are willing, and experienced, to create the new Corporate Division Database (CDDB) please contract me ASAP� If you just want to assist, then please contact me as well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

- Admiral Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]

Intelligence Division Report:  07.25.03
As Emailed From:  BLDR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk

Intelligence Division (ID)

Report for the Intelligence Division: 25.07.03


Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers Ubiqtorate
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -

Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. SDIR on Leave - Monday 14/07/03 till Friday 01/08/03
Until I return RA Aseret Thunderhawk(,meaning me(:P),is completely in charge of Intel - anything usually sent to Mordann comes to me from Bureau placements to AoT doubts, passing by IntOrg urgencies.

2. ANLY and BOO BUDRs are both open for application.
If you think you have what it takes to be a BUDR (see the manual for details) email and with an application. I intend for the new BUDRs to be appointed tomorrow just as soon as all details are taken care of. But if you think you can  impress me into changing my options, here stay the requirements:

Experience at CMDR+ level of leadership within the EH
High activity level
Punctual with command reports
No HCI record
Experience in Intel report
writing/infiltration/interrogation would also be

3. Academy of Tactics Situation
General test are being marked.We have no idea how many are left to grade but Raith will get to yours.Marking tests isn't fun at the best of times so please help him out -

a) Only send in tests once. VA Raith has received your tests. Sending him another copy of your answers every couple of days is not helpful and it�s very  demoralizing for Raith.

b) Only submit one test. If you're waiting for your General test to be marked possibly the LEAST constructive thing you can do is to then go through the AoT and submit as many of the other tests as you can - if a trainee sends 6-10 tests in while he waits for the General test to be graded the only effect it will have is that it'll take 6-10 times longer to grade them...

c) If you've submitted the General test then please email me( and I'll assign you to a Bureau, where I assure you there is plenty of work to be done.

4. Agents Com-link
We have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s  newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If you have anything that you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to produce new stuff too) send it to VA Mordann at and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (also known as a medal). It's never too much to remind these things.:)

The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here: or alternatively email me at If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to me and I�ll get in touch. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though). 

6.INTORG Recruitment
We have five open spaces left in INTORG. If you are interested in a position with the IDs elite Bureau email and Mordann get back to you with more details of the vacancies when he returns from leave.

7.ExDir Leave
IT couldn't have happened better if we planned it. Just before Mordann returns from leave, I will be going to from July 29th to August 14th.I have no idea whatsoever if I'll be in complete LoA or not since I will be taking a summer course at an university and I should find computers there.  The question now is...will I have time to find? :P

Anyway, from July 29th to 31th when Mordann returns, GN Davi Anthol will be in control of the Division. I trust he will keep it intact until Mordann returns.:)

BLDR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V/

Directorate Domain Report:  07.26.03
As Emailed From: Chancellor of the Senate (Nighflyer)

EH Directorate (DIR)


-Apostasy is underway! Details have been sent out by our MoO, HM Walker Slain. Please review his e-mails, then get to work! :) Submissions for the Directorate competition are due to HM Walker Slain (; note the change in e-mail address) by Aug. 22, while submissions for the EH-wide section are due to TO/AD Keldorn ( and HM Walker by September 5.

-I haven't heard specifically about Diplomacy, but I'm going to assume no news is good news... you can check the Diplomacy Manual at to see what it's about, and contact CG Jeff Domm at for more details.

-A:DGMF Ric Gravant is continuing work on the new Directorate site and it seems to be going well... I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the finished result. :)

-On a more personal note, I celebrated 6 years in the EH earlier this month. I feel really old. :P

Directorate Main URL:
Directorate Roster:
Central Directorate Governor's Institute:

That's all for this week.


Fleet Admiral Nightflyer
Grand Moff, EH Directorate
GMF/FA Nightflyer/MC-1/Gondor Base

CGM Report:  07.26.03
As Emailed From:  Chief Gamemaster (CGM Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

Fringe Report from Chief Game Master Zem

Report of July 25, 2003
Report #13


My last Galaxies PA Update has us about to purchase a PA Hall, as it was taking too long to get a Master Architect to build our own. Other reports indicate we are doing well, and that our players are having a good time. Membership is growing.

No word from Madon on when he will return to full status.

Recruitment efforts continue on RPG players. Medals Manual to be release soon...medals will be given to RPG members for participation (as well as to MUD and Galaxies players).

Fringe Web Sites

Fringe Site: TBA
MUD Site
Galaxies Site:
PA Site:
Message Archive:

Membership Count: 65


COO Report #43:  07.27.03
As Emailed From:  Combat Operations Officer (AD Katarn)

Combat Operations Office

COO/AD Kyle Katarn is reporting in for the Emperor's Hammer on 07/27/2003

COO News

Thanks to COOA Autoris Maximus, we got a new COC Site at and a new Comp Manual is in workout!

I was away this week! Sorry this but this came very fast for me too.

Competition News

Send me some good Ideas for names. The best will get a IS-GR

Bot News

DarkFyre got a Database connection now.

In the service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Admiral Kyle Katarn
Combat Operations Officer
COO/AD Kyle Katarn/VSD Aggressor
SSx2/BSx7/PCx7/ISMx11/MoI/MoT-4bh/IS-4BW-5BR-2SR-1GR/LoC-IS-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoAx22/OV-2E [EXCR] [Veteran 4th]


Inquisitor FA Moreco Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  07.17.03
As Recommended By:  High Inquisitor (HA Royal)

(Please see Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

It's almost been a year (july 30th 2002) since FA Moreco (pin# 2134) took the reigns of Tribune to the HCI and performed admirably within his role and often replacing me while I was on leave. So it's my privilege to
recommend him for an Imperial Cross.

Fleet Commander's Note:

I remember back when FA Moreco ran the Infiltrator Wing.  He has always been a very reliable and capable EH officer.  With his recent work filling in for HA Royal and handling some high-profile EH HCI cases, FA Moreco certainly deserves this award !

Congrats !

Keiran Idanian Retires and Awarded Imperial Cross (IC) Medal:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Former Special Operations Director (HA Keiran Idanian)

Greetings friends, fellow peers, and members of the Emperor's Hammer,


The last time I had to write a letter such as this, was when I resigned as Reconnaissance Officer. And, I must admit, they haven't gotten any easier.

Over the past couple months, I have found that I have been unable to devote a lot - if any - time to the Emperor's Hammer. Granted, we always say, "real life comes first", but this club, with it's membership and publicity... it does require as much of your free time as you feel your position requires of you. Thus, I have decided it would be best for the club and myself to step down and enter into retirement.

For four years, I have been a member of the Emperor's Hammer, and there wasn't a day that went by which I did not enjoy. Even in the Emperor's Hammer's darker hours (the rDB Movement and the Minos Cluster Conflict), I felt that it brought out the best in the officers, allowing them to solve the situation and get the club back on it's path in as little time as possible. So much as changed the past year, many new rising and promising officers have made their names known. And, with much regret, I know very little about them. It are those officers who hold the future of the Emperor's Hammer. Their ideas will help us expand and grow into our Tenth Year!

The era of Keiran Idanian has come to a close, and with it - I hope - a great legacy is left. Only in years to come will someone realize what their efforts proved to this club, and every person makes their own contribution. I have no regrets for what I have done for the Emperor's Hammer, the time I took for this club. I loved doing it. Sitting at my computer - as the time ticked away. If I had the chance to do it all over, I would gladly take it. Because the years I had with the fleet were some of the fondest of my life.

I would like to thank:

Grand Admiral Ronin for always allowing me to pursue my ideas, and trusting me with such important jobs so early into my time with the fleet. I came to think of him as not only a friend but a mentor.

All my friends I've made in the fleet. Each of you hold you're own memory. From the pilots I served with on the SSD Avenger, to my commanding officers who always had their "doors open". I think I will miss the people most of all. Feel free to look me up and chat, if you don't feel like to talking to a retired officer. :)

Last, but not least, the Command Staff - past and present - for always putting up with my annoying reminders, as CA:FC. And recently, allowing me to continue with my ideas when I was Reconnaissance Officer.

I Keiran Idanian, High Admiral of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, current Special Operations Director, former Reconnaissance Officer, ex-CA:FC, Alvaak Consul predecessor, and many others... :) Hereby enter retirement...

I will always look fondly on my years with the Emperor's Hammer and hold for it, and it's members a special place in my heart...

In the service of the Empire,

-Gerry Bella, Jr.

-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Special Operations Director =-
SOD-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/STRKC Escutcheon
KNP (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
SB/(SC-SoI)/(SE)/(BNG)(BN)/Cr-1R/(LSAg)/CoL {SA: CORE}
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Fleet Commander's Note:

I would like to personally extend my gratitude to HA Keiran.  He has single-handedly started up the Honorary Members program and had the chutzpah to actually contact most of them and keep bugging them until they responded.  He has done more for exposure of the EH in the Star Wars community than any other single EH Member, most probably including myself !  He most certainly deserves this IC medal !

(Please see Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

Keiran should serve as an example to all EH Members of what one can accomplish if you put in the effort and hard work.  The EH is what YOU make of it !

Keiran, it has been a pleasure to serve with you.  Best of luck in all that you do !  You'll always have a home in the Emperor's Hammer.

XvT Week(s) of War:  07.18.03
As Emailed From:  CMDR/MAJ Kenath Zoron/Hornet/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

All EH pilots (that means Sith, TC or IW or anyone else!) are reminded that the XvT Week of War has started today in the ZoneLan DirectPlay XvT Room in the Game Tables 25-45. Get out there and fly to support the EH!

If you have any questions feel free to ask the COO staff or myself.

Also, for the XWA pilots, the XWA Week of War starts next Friday, so make sure you are registered on in the EH division.

Good luck and shoot straight! I Hope to see you out there!

CMDR/MAJ Kenath Zoron/Hornet/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

Thanks for your time sir and this would really help out, because DB or IW pilots rarely seem to know about the WoWs and the TC pilots aren't much more aware of it than that. I'd love to see more pilots out there winning and having fun.

BTW - I hope I got the hyperlinks correct :$ If not, could you be so kind as to correct them for me? Thanks.

Respectfully Submitted,

Major Kenath Zoron
CMDR/MAJ Kenath Zoron/Hornet/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
SSx2/BSx6/PCx3/ISMx3/MoI/IS-8BW-5BR-2SW/LoC-TS-IS-CSx2-Rx4/DFC-BW-Rx1/MoC-2BoC/CoB/LoAx5/OV-2E [TMPR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TM-TT-XTM/1-XTT}

Tactical Office Report #98:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Tactical Officer (FA Mike)

Tactical Office

Tactical Office Report #98
by TAC/FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203
( )



Hello Emperor's Hammer.

I am back from EH Poland Meeting III and I must say I am happy and disappointed. I am happy with overall atmosphere and fun we had. But very disappointed with place owner and people's presence. Thanks to owner we had to start one week earlier, and thing forced some people to resign from arriving to as. Also, we had medium weather and we had to return on Sunday (we planned Monday). Very few people joined us: nIKA (my fiance), me, Jonny, Wiesio, DrDiablo (most wanted), Keiran Laserlight, Marcin Kaczynski and Ann, his fiance. Not much, compared to EHPLM 2.

Now, I am back from leave, but busy and with huge backlog of small things. I have released some battles and missions, but I still need to update Tactical roster, fire some lazy testers, update TacDB and do other small duties. I have processed all High Scores so no delays there.

Tactical Officer back from leave

Yes, I am back but busy. Still use email to contact me, cause my IRC presence is pretty random.

Mission Creation Corner

Special thanks to TCC:XvT for his tips :)

One thing to note when designing mission messages. In order to ensure your messages come out at the right moment, you should test your new mission each time you add at least 2 messages. Go over those messages carefully and make sure all settings are correct. Because you don't want a fighter message coming out when, say a FRG enters the play arena.

Make sure your messages are coded the right color to match the purpose. Make sure the condition in which the message appears is set to when its supposed to show, as well as the proper delay time. When setting the delay time you can do this by using the up and down arrows. Just remember that it goes in 5 second increments.

Tactical Manual v3.0 - 20% done

My CA, RA Philo has grammar-checked chapter 2. When I will finish with 3, I will send it to him.

EH Poland Meeting III: 11-14 July 2003

Expect full debriefing and meeting pictures very soon. I will soon send domain article for GA Ronin, so you will be able to read it from

Mission Creation Courses

Here are stats and urls for all mission creation courses:

TIE Mission Creation (TM) - 46 graduates
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) - 313 graduates
XvT Advanced Mission Creation (XTM/2) - 115 graduates
XWA Mission Creation (XAM) - 7 graduates
RogueWing, Philo, please mail me your data each week.
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial

Thanks to VA RogueWing for hard work with his AlliED tutorial. You can now, step by step tutorial on how to make XWA missions using AlliED. Check links section for more details :)

Tactical Office Person of the Week:

This week Abel Malik is PotW, as recommended by TCC:XWA

Was hard to nominate a Pilot of the Week this week, but in the end i had to make a choice, so my pick is Abel Malik, he makes his return from computer problems which took him out for some time, and within two days of coming back all his back-logged assignments were done as well as the new ones I had assigned.
Excellent work Malik.

Current standings:

Abel Malik - 2
Linoge - 2
Locke Setzer - 2
Frodo - 2
Zystem Fryar - 1
Curtis - 1
Tac Office Status:

EH Mission Compendium:
Total missions: 3013 (+13)
Battles: 464
Free Missions: 520
Tactical Database:
TIE Division:
In Queue: 1
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 1
Final Check: 0
Total: 5
XvT Division
In Queue: 5
Under Testing: 2
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 2
Total: 9
BoP Division
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 3
Under Correction: 0
Final Check: 0
Total: 3
XWA Division:
In Queue: 0
Under Testing: 5
Under Correction: 2
Final Check: 1
Total: 8
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [2]:
Tactical Officer: AD Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: RA Philo #7894 (

Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): LC Styles #274 (
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): LCM Apophis Kuma #9554 (
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): LC Master #6252 (

Testers and Engineers [37]:
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Carl Lost #3635 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LCM Thoman Nitecki #6260 (
Tactician/Surveyor: TK-9780 #9780 (
Tactician/Surveyor: CM Bryan #6739 (
Tactician/Surveyor: COL Hunter #5306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: FA Ender mBind #2883 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Xanatos Screed #6306 (
Tactician/Surveyor: MAJ Johann Glorick #6856 (
Tactician/Surveyor: LC Gidda #3978 (
Tactician: RA Frodo March #5956 (
Tactician: CPT Serge Broskopf #7923(
Tactician: CPT Choosh #9357 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Chris Cos #9348 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Abel Malik #6939 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Zystem Fryar #255 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Locke Setzer #4541 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Viper #8293 (
Tactical Surveyor: LT Illandian Hunt #10480 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ace #8292 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM BlackHellKnight #9340 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Nightmare #3900 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Cray Mikalen #3243 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Luca Fett #10359 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Atmos Myremod #9903 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Linoge #8093 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Angel #5484 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Kalith Jaenus #9413 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Daniel Goad #7317 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Curtis #8425 (
Tactical Surveyor: LC Thorn #7624 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Kettch #5243 (
Tactical Surveyor: CPT Jedi Eclipse #8171 (
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Talon Astruar #9968 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM D.T Hammer #9121 (
Tactical Surveyor: CM Iceman #8318 (
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Delak Krennel #5002 (
Tactical Surveyor: COL Daniel "Hobbie" Hanson #42 (IW) (

Tactical Assistants [1]:
Tactical Officer's Assitant: HA Striker #420 (

Tactical Reserves [40]
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -

Final word:

Because I am very busy these days, use email to contact me. I am barely visible on IRC, so don't try to catch me there, but you can try of course. I always try to check my mail, once a day, sometimes more :P


Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < >

Flight Office Report:  07.20.03
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (HA Priyum)

Flight Office

Greetings all and welcome to this week's report from the Flight Office -


- Applications are now being accepted for the position of Wing XI WC on the Immortal. The following requirements are expected of applicants:

- At least FOUR months experience as a Squadron Commander in the TIE Corps
- No HCI convictions in the past 12 months
- Familiarity with the online and offline aspects of X-Wing: Alliance
- Be able to handle large amounts of email and admin within a short amount of time in an efficient manner
- Be able to organise competitions / activity within the Wing and motivate those under your command
- Be able to work in a mature attitude with all levels of command in the TIE Corps
- Demonstrate that you have the drive and motivation to take command of a Wing and ensure it's growth and success

You may include up to 2 references from current or former superiors (get their permission first!). Applications should be sent to Admiral Krax and Vice Admiral RogueWing with the subject "Wing XI WC" by Sunday 20th July.

- The medals for my recent competition have been submitted and should hopefully be approved soon.

- Be advised that BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar has changed his email address. Please update your address books accordingly.

- A reminder that the Anniversary CoL awards will be upon us soon. Check the OPS report for details.

- Parallax, the COO run competition, has been brought to a premature end due to a lack of participation, mainly from other clubs.


Flight Office Links

TIE Corps News -
Flight Office / Fleet Standing Orders -
Squadron Management III -
Training Manual -
Operations Manual -
EH Domain -
EH Message Boards -

High Admiral Priyum
Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander
FO-TCCOM-PROF/HA Priyum Patel/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/3-TT}

Internet Office Report #100 - SPECIAL EDITION:  07.17.03
As Emailed From:  Internet Officer (HA Ari)

Internet Office

:: Transmission Begin ::

Internet Office Report #100 - SPECIAL EDITION!

July 17, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Hello everyone, welcome to this week's Internet Office Report NUMBER 100!!!!!!! This report marks the 100th week that I have been the Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer - which calls for some celebration! If you're reading the HTML version of this, you can see I have a brand new report design for IO Reports - courtesy of Major Xander Drax!

Let's get some of the weekly news out of the way first. I spent some time this weekend reviewing all MinosNIC hosting accounts and listed about 120 of the 245 accounts as requiring removal either because they are: Empty, Outdated, or rDB. Once they are removed, I will post a spreadsheet in case anyone wants to make use of an account name that has been taken till now. We will be reviewing the redirects similarly soon.

EHNet and related services (MinosNIC not included) had a bit of troubles on the technical side (PHP Superglobal arrays weren't functioning correctly) but it seems as though our faithful & reliable web host, Koral of the BHG, has fixed it up. Thank you so much, K!

The EH Wargames preliminary database design has been reviewed by the development team. We now hope to begin the coding of some of the actual PHP classes. Stay tuned for more info!

Alex Foley has been hard at work on SquadFirst+, and has nearly completed the new roster functions for the TC side of the application. Of course, it won't be just TC this time - SF+ will support TC, DB, IW and HF roster structures. We anticipate it's release in 1-2 weeks - and it will certainly complete the revolution in EH site standards!

Speaking of site standards, it's come to my attention that some TIE Corps sites are not adhering to the rules laid out in the Internet Guidelines. I'd just like to remind you all that ALL squadrons, wings, ships and battlegroups MUST have a current, up-to-date website. Single-wing ships may use their wing site. All sites must contain the mandatory pages and links set out in the TC Internet Guidelines which are available at The IO will begin to conduct research on compliance. If your site is found to be incompliant, you will be warned and you will have one (1) week to update the site (if you are on leave, we may be able to extend that). If by then you do not comply, you face removal from your position (as per an agreement between myself and the FO). The reason for such strict attention to compliance is part of an effort to raise the bar in website standards within the EH and TC. Please note the addition of a new Internet Guideline that applies to the entire EH! Specifically, you should avoid hosting your site on Geocities, Tripod, or any other free host that has pop-up banners. The IO staff will notify people individually of this new guideline with a leniency period of 2 weeks.

And now, time for a special feature unique to Report #100...a trip down memory lane in the Internet Office!

First off, I'd like to start with saying that I've had some of the most fun I've ever had as Internet Officer of the EH and hope to be able to continue to serve you, the members of the EH, as well as I have striven to till now. I've learned a lot from the people in the EH, but such things I shall save for another long special edition report, far, far off in the distant future (i.e. my eventual resignation :P). I'd like to speak about something else though: I'd like to speak about my vision of the Internet Office when I first took the position, what I've accomplished with the help of my team, and where the Internet Office is headed in the future. Obviously, this is a historical sort of thing (if you just read reports to know the news in the fleet, you can stop reading now :P) but I think you might find some of it interesting. Well, that's my own personal opinion.

I had started out in the IO as most staffies do - a lowly IOA, along with FSEA, shortly after I had resigned my command as Commodore of the ISD Colossus. AbsoluteK was kind enough to take me into his (now rather familiar :P) staff. I later became his Command Attache, serving a total of 9 months under his command. When AbK resigned in August 2001, I applied and received the position of Internet Officer. In my application (which can be seen in the news archives at under August 22), I started to describe a vision I had of the IO becoming a central hub for EH operations, a vision that AbK had already begun to materialize during his tenure. I consider this "vision" to mark the beginning of a new era for the EH, one of heightened awareness for all EHers of all aspects of our club - not just being confined to one subgroup. Plus, since the EH is an Internet-based club, I wanted to enhance all the features and fun available to members.

We'll now look at some of the different things the IO has done to reach this endeavor. I'd like to that IOA Alex Foley for taking the time to look through all my previous reports and compiling a list of IO Projects. This document includes the announce, release and completion dates for 27 IO projects and can be viewed at

Let's start off with entertainment, which produced some of the more widely-known IO Projects. The shining star to date though, had to be Project Hawkeye (Reports 8-32) - a mission-based project that accepted 22 "agents" to participate in 10 web-based missions over the course of 3 weeks. While Project Hawkeye 2 was started and a trailer produced, interest was not strong enough among the developers to pursue completion. This remains something that the IO hopes yet to complete. You can see details about Project Hawkeye at and

Then there was The Holonet Journals (reports 2-22), a collection of humorous articles, images and other random spewings of the IO staff. My former Command Attach�, Darkfire, was largely responsible for organizing THJ and did a great job keeping it humorous. There are links to the two issues that were released in the "IO Links" section of this report. What happens now, you say? I'm happy to announce that my IOA, MAJ Xander Drax has volunteered to organize THJ, Issue #3! We hope Drax will have it published soon!

Sabacc Online, my own personal project, has not only gained tremendous support from the BHG, but numerous sources outside the EH. A large portion of the Star Wars community have all taken interest in my PHP rendition of the popular Star Wars card game. What happens now though? Leeson and I are working on completing a multiplayer client/server setup for all interested parties!

Alex Foley's EH Holonet Awards also attracted a lot of attention - it was a competition in which people nominated their favorite sites and voted on the best ones in different categories, sort of like the Oscars. Winning webmasters received medals.

And now, we're on the verge of a new frontier in terms of entertainment provided by the Internet Office. EH Wargames, an online web-based Wargame simulation stands to be the most revolutionary IO project, moreso than Project Hawkeye, and possibly equal or surpass GalaxyQuest the numbers in terms of participation. With a solid coding team, we hope to deliver this fine product with the highest of quality standards!

Another section is "Internet Awareness" - part of which was manifested by the IWATS courses written by IO Staff members. Namely, the XML course by Keldorn, PHP course by former CA Mutilator, JavaScript & Flash courses by Alex Foley. Related to this have been various things oriented towards webmasters, such as the EH & TC Internet Guidelines, Coding Archive (reports 43-48), EH Code Collaboration (report 98), EH Counters Service (reports 54-64).

And of course, the most notable tool for TC/IW webmasters has been SquadFirst (Reports 71-80) - a Squadron Website Template to facilitate with Internet Guidelines compliance. This has become widely popular, and is currently at version 1.3.2. However, Alex Foley is currently working on SquadFirst+, a new generation of EH site templates, with streamlined code and enhanced functionality for TC, IW, DB and HF subgroups.

In addition to that, IOA/AD Turtle has constantly supported us with the creation of a brand new EHNet, EHNet version 3.0 along with the EHNet Login System (currently at version 1.6). The ELS allows for webmasters to interface with the closest to an EH-wide login system, based on the account handles at MinosNIC, another service Turtle provides the EH with that allocates URL redirection, web hosting & database space and a webring service all for EH members. Turtle is currently investigating the possibility of an enhanced level of service plus real domain names for a small monthly fee, which shouldn't be too taxing on interested EHers.

My EHNet, also a project by Alex Foley, is a service we provide to EHers to customize their own home page they can set, with various news feed sources from around the fleet and around the world. My EHNet is located at

We've also remodeled the Emperor's Hammer Domain Site, and now it looks much cleaner and professional than it previously did. We are currently looking into the possibility of enhancing the TIE Corps main site in PHP.

All the projects listed by no means are everything - the document by Alex Foley would contain everything. So where is the Internet Office headed now?

Well, there are several colossal prospective projects. First of all, the completion of Multiplayer Sabacc Online is now finally a feasibility through integration of PHP and Flash. EH Wargames stands to revolutionize the roleplaying aspect of the EH, allowing for greater interaction with players in teams with a motive to participate. I'd also like to try to finish Project Hawkeye 2. And finally, I'd like to complete an EH-wide central processing station which will contain basic roster information for all subgroups, which will be retrievable by SG sites via XML - very similar to Kawolski's EH Database concept.

And as this milestone report draws to a close, I'd like to thank the wonderful members of my Internet Office Staff, past and present, who've struggled with understanding what my vision of the IO and the EH is, but have come out of various projects all the more knowledgeable. My Command Attaches: Leeson, Mutilator and Darkfire. My Internet Office Assistants: Turtle, Alex Foley, Xander Drax, Drako, Kweeky, AbsoluteK, Keldorn, and many others.

I hope for my tenure as Internet Officer to continue to be as successful as it has to date.


:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

The Site of the Week this week, is appropriately what has been the home of the Internet Office for many years, and hopefully many more to come: EHNet. Many thanks go to AbsoluteK for providing us with the domain, Koral for providing us with a server, Turtle for coding most of the system, and Xander Drax for the current design. Here's to, unquestionably a 5 star site!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::

What has been your favorite IO project to date?
-Project Hawkeye
-The Holonet Journals
-My EHNet
-Sabacc Online

Vote for your choice at !

:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::

Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
Command Assistant: MAJ Alex Foley
Command Assistant: CPT Drako

:: [ Internet Office Links ] :: - Internet Office - EH Message Boards - MinosNIC - My EHNet - EH & TC Internet Guidelines - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template - Sabacc Online v2.3 - IO Code Archive - EH Code Collaboration - EH Banner Exchange - EH Counter Service - Greeting Card Center - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2 - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1 - WebRing - Images Archive - PHP IWATS Course - JavaScript IWATS Course - VBScript IWATS Course - Flash IWATS Course

:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

:: Transmission End ::

Training Office Report #17:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (AD Keldorn)

Training Office

Training Office Report #17

Admiral Keldorn Cochrane Reporting � 19th July 2003


I had an eventful � if somewhat tiring � leave of absence, and finally managed to trawl through the incredibly number of e-mails you all sent me. As of this moment all outstanding IWATS submissions, pending Competitions and Shadow Academy Apprentices have been processed.

The small Training Office and SubGroup competition �Apostasy� will begin on Friday 25th July 2003. The work of most SGCOMs has been to a good standard, and to those that did a sterling job early-on; apologies for the delay in launch.

Vice Admiral Reb Crush, formerly of the Corporate Division, has resigned the position of Eggdrop (BOT) Professor; my thanks for his short tenure of office. The position is now open for applications (details below).

Applications for Training Office Assistant (TOA) are still open � but only for a short period of time before I make final deliberations.

The first of the Training Office�s IRC colloquia (sponsored by the Senate�s Imperial University) will begin on Sunday 27th July 2003 at 17:00 GMT (Timezone converter; ) promptly in #Emperor�s_Hammer (on UnderNet). The first colloquium shall be solely conducted by myself on the topic of �A Brief Introduction to Shakespeare� and will most likely take the form of a keynote speech (varying in length) and then an open-ended conversation between all parties interested in discussing a relevant topic. Some of you may consider this bland. Those of you whom do are misguided. Despite the modern connotations of Shakespeare (thanks primarily to unimpressive teaching methods employed in Secondary Education) he remains arguably one of the greatest authors of all time with his one of his works being performed somewhere in the world every 6 minutes.

Colonel Master, Professor of Rebellion Tactics, has informed me that the RT Course Notes are undergoing an overhaul (HTML and PHP) by Captain Amadeo.

The Training Office is now accepting Course proposals. I am open to many diverse and innovative ideas, these can range from matters of real-life relevance to those of Star Wars canon (and indeed, our own non-canon). The Courses under consideration so far are:

Cascading Style Sheets.
Sound Processing/Editing.
General Multiplayer.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Advanced TIE Mission Design (TM/2).
Advanced TIE Tactics (TT/2).
Networking Basics.
Tactical Staff.
X-Wing Mission Creation.

Training Office Assistant (TOA) Open for Applications

Due to the reluctant removal of Major Taralis from the position of Training Office Assistant, the position is once again open for applications. The successful applicant will be duly considered for elevation to the position of Command Attach� in the future. The requirements are:

An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer.
Holding at least the rank of Commander (or equivalent).
No serious HCI convictions within the last 12 months.
A high-level of online activity (IRC, Fast e-mail turnaround).
Above average talent & experience in creating/managing websites (HTML).
Excellent grasp of the English language.
[Optional - Desired] Knowledge of ASP.
[Optional � Desired] Knowledge of PHP.
Applications should be sent to me ( ) with the subject �TOA Application�.

Dark Brotherhood ONLY: Sith Apprentice & Sith Doctrine Pontiff Open for Applications

Due to the resignation of SW Kyle Katarn, the duel position of Pontiff of the Sith Apprentice and Sith Doctrine Studies is hereby open to applications from members of the Brotherhood. The requirements are:

An active member of the Dark Brotherhood holding at least the rank of Acolyte (ACO) in the Sith Order.
A member of the Brotherhood for at least 5 months.
Extensive knowledge of the history of the Sith (or the access thereto).
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping accurate Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Applications should be sent to me with the subject �Sith Pontiff Application�.

Graphics (GFX) Professor Open for Applications

The requirements are:

An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or above.
Extensive experience in the creation and manipulation of graphical imagery (preferably with modern versions of both Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Adobe PhotoShop)
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me ( ) with the subject �GFX PROF Application�.

Eggdrop (BOT) Professor Open for Applications

The requirements are:

An active member of the Emperor�s Hammer holding the rank of Lieutenant (or equivalent) or above.
Extensive experience in the installation, management and programming of Eggdrop �bots�.
Be able to grade exam submissions within 24 hours.
Keeping Graduate Counts (total and per month).
Maintaining/updating the Course Notes (basic HTML knowledge necessary; or a good WYSIWYG editor).
Applications should be sent to me ( ) with the subject �BOT PROF Application�.

Imperial Weapons & Tactics School Staff Roll

� High Admiral Priyum Patel; Professor, Squadron Management [ ]
� High Admiral Ari; Professor, Visual Basic Script [ ]
� Fleet Admiral Ender mBind; Professor, OPTing Course [ ]
� Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias; Professor, Computer Basics [ ]
� Fleet Admiral Darkov, Active Server Page [ ]
� Fleet Admiral Bevel Leeson; Professor, PHP [ ]
� Fleet Admiral Marcin Szydlowski; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ ]
� Vice Admiral RogueWing; Professor, X-Wing: Alliance Mission Design [ ]
� Rear Admiral Tomaas Banys; Professor, Linux [ ]
� Colonel Master; Professor, Rebellion Tactics [ ]
� Colonel Philo; Professor, TIE Fighter Mission Creation [ ]
� Major Lohr Zadash; Professor, ICQ [ ]
� Captain Alec Qarni; Professor, AOL Instant Messenger [ ]
� Captain Ace; Professor, Flash [ ]
� Captain Aeolus; Professor, JavaScript [ ]
� Commander Gandalf; Professor, TIE Fighter Tactics [ ]
� Lieutenant Tek Selkirk; Professor, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics [ ]
� Lieutenant Orrimaarko Reeft; Professor, BitchX [ ]

Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education

Operations Office Report (CoL Criteria):  07.18.03
As Emailed From:  Operations Officer (AD Khaine)

Operations Office

A quiet week with recommendations filtering through in an orderly fashion. No complaints this week. There is one important items of news though, see below.

Fleet Commander's Birthday Commendation of Loyalty Recommendations
The bi-annual awarding of the Commendation of Loyalty to members of the Emperor's Hammer who have displayed tremendous dedication to the Fleet is fast approaching. I have included information for the Command Officers, Advisors and Subgroup Commanders below.

Each Squadron Commander can make recommendations to their Wing Commander who will choose three (3) members of their wing to receive the CoL and forward the names to their Commodore and Battlegroup Commodore. Each BGCOM may recommend up to three (3) more awards for their flag officers. The Battlegroup Commander will collate the awards for their battlegroup and forward the names (with pin numbers) to the Flight Officer ( ) and myself ( ).

Additionally, the Commander of each Elite Squadron may recommend one (1) of their members to receive the Col. This should be sent directly to the Flight Officer and myself. Therefore the FO and I should only be receiving CoL recommendations from the Battlegroup Commanders and the Commanders of the Elite Squadrons.

Dark Brotherhood
Each Clan Consul may make up to three (3) recommendations from their members, which they will forward to the Chancellor and Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. The Grand Master will also be able to make up to five (5) additional recommendations for members of the Dark Brotherhood. Once collated, the Dark Brotherhood recommendations should be submitted to the Operations Officer ( ) by the Grand Master only.

Hammer's Fist, Infiltrator Wing, Corporate Division, Bounty Hunters Guild, Intelligence Division, Directorate, Fringe and Imperial Senate
Each of the listed subgroups (excepting the Tiecorps and Dark Brotherhood) will be able to recommend up to ten (10) members to receive the Commendation of Loyalty. These recommendations are to be collated and sent to the Operations Officer ( ) only by the leader of each respective subgroup.

Emperor's Hammer Command Staff and Advisors
Recommendations from each of the Command Staff and Advisors will be received on a case-by-case basis. Recommendations should be sent directly to the Operations Officer ( ).

Submission Date
All recommendations must be submitted to myself (and the Flight Officer where required) by the 19th of August. Late submissions will be rejected. If there are any questions, please ask and don't leave it until the last minute.


Operations Office Staff
Operations Officer, Admiral Khaine ( )
Operations Office Assistant, Major Tempest ( )

Operations Office Sites
The Operations Office Website -
The Operations Manual -
Heroes of the EH -
Tempest's Tailoring Tool -

Quote of the Week:

* `Locke plays � Nirvana (Nirvana) - All Apologies (Live) � 4:23 (128kbps 44.1kHz Stereo) �
* Amad|eo plays o With Himself (Vigoruously) - Greased (Baby Oil) o 0:30 (128kph, 4.3" Mono)

Submitted by COL Locke Setzer (

That's all for this week,

OPS/AD Khaine/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign

Communications Office Report #13:  07.21.03
As Emailed From:  Communications Officer (FA AbsoluteK)

Communications Office


Apologies for the lateness of this report, I got a new laptop (Dell Inspiron 8500 P-IV 2.5GHz) last friday, and I've been playing with its most substantial features since :P. Hopefully, I'll get into playing SWG some time this week.

I upgraded the bad channels script this weekend on all COMM bots (dasb0t, silentone & chewie). The bad channels script monitors users in EH channels to see if they are in Warez/Sex channels.

Dasb0t's homepage at has been updated with the latest list of active channels monitored by dasb0t, chewie, and silentone.

dasb0t channels:

Chewie channels:

SilentOne channels:

It has been brought to my attention that the forums are not properly handling nicknames that have single quotes in them. To get around this problem, simply add an extra single quote wherever a single quote is in
your nick. For example, for "Ab'k", enter "Ab''k" to get into the forums properly. I expect to have the forums patched this week.

COMM/FA Aiden "AbsoluteK" Cantor Karias

Science Office Report #18:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office

"In quiet seas, every ship has a good captain."


Welcome to my nineteenth public report as a Science Officer, late again... (Providers are creatures of the darkness ;) ) ...but let's get to the news:

Science Office News:

1. I'm fully back - well, I should be... My connection is permanent again (yay) and it should cover a few more things: This week there should be a second mirror of sorts up for the SCO site - and I've got a new email that can take more data. More on that next week :)

2. Because they both decided to get a life (*cough* outside the EH I mean) both our SCOA's, LC Samuel Shadd and LT Kweeky, have resigned all their positions in the Emperor's Hammer. We wish you all the best in the harsh world of real life and remember that you'll always have a place here to come back to. Thank you for your help :)

3. Not to remain SCOA-less I have promoted our former IGOR (testing subject) CM Tim to SCOA. CM Tim is known to us and slicing and has completed the OPTing course - I'm sure he'll do fine. Welcome to the team!

4. is back up fully - which also means the main SCO site is back up at - and that includes the OoB, fleet manual and more. The mirror at is still working and has all the files and patches as well. As a reminder: in case minos is down again, use the mirror.

5. AD Darkhill has been working more on his fabulous new patch manager. This program will install and place patches for TIE/XvT/BoP/XWA in all operating systems (also XP) without particular unzipping, .bat files that need the XPinstaller in XP and 2K and all that. It will also make it a lot easier for us to make new patches, especially for XWA. The XWA part is functioning and under testing at the moment and looking good.

6. Because this means we'll have to update all existing patches and such - we will not be releasing any new patches till this project is done, to prevent having to do everything double shortly after each other. New patches will remain in development however - the moment the patch manager is released we'll immediately have a whole bunch of new ships (especially for XWA). :)

7. Sadly I have to say that our "Star Wars: Imperium" project has been closed prematurely. The next version of Star Shatter will be so drastically different that we'd have to redo everything done already by LC Shadd - who also quit. We have strong indications that the drastic changes of Star Shatter policy is due to whining EH members who bugged the creators, so again: DO NOT contact outside people/companies/groups as a representative of the EH if you're not.

8. Former VA Stalker and his group have started on a new mod, after finishing their ST: Armada II one, to convert Star Lancer to Star Wars. Seen their earlier successes the Science Office will be supporting this project as far as we can. Star Lancer looks pretty good after all and might be a good "new platform" option.

Science Office Status:

CA: Admiral Darkhill has been working on the EH Patch Manager Program, aka the "Grand Project", which will make patching life a lot easier for all of us. The XWA portion is under testing at the moment, XvT under construction.

SCOA: LC Shadd and LT Kweeky have resigned their positions. No applications are being accepted at this moment.

SCOA: CM Tim (aka TIMMAHHH) has accepted the position of SCOA and was immediately able to inform us that the XWA Update Project has finally released their ISD and VSD patches.

Site: The Science Office site can be found at or via the redirect Please use the mirror at when the main site is down.

Science Office Projects:

Star Wars - Imperium: This project has been cancelled because of LC Shadd resigning and the creators of Star Shatter becoming more difficult.

XvT/BoP/TIE95 Ship patches: This project's goal is to add all the original and Order of Battle craft that are still "missing" from these games, like the SSD in TIE and XvT, the Medium Transport in all etc. This project is
drawing closer and closer to its end for especially TIE and XvT: started on BoP and made a few more craft to add.

Grand Project: The EH Patch Manager Project is going along smoothly - expect it to be released by the end of the summer. More data on the project in the news section.

Finishing up:

I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments, suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at #sco. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail on the SCO

(Use only for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474). Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically always online at #sco, #emperor's_hammer and #tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)

All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO site: but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.

Until next time, good luck and have fun!


SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign

LO Report #6:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (VA Darknyte)

Logistics Office


July 18, 2003
Logistics Officer Report
Vice Admiral Darknyte

Well, here we go again another edition of the LO report. Step in out of the rain and take off your shoes...hey! Mind the carpet fools! My wife'll have your head if you track up the clean floors!!!

Not a whole lot to report this week, it's been a bit slow lately. It's not that we're not working, it's just that research is a laborious and time consuming process and the results can't really be displayed until a project has reached completion. Work is still ongoing trying to find out any information we can about EH officers who've passed on, so far we've been able to come up with a very short list and are still seeking information as to what happened, when, where, etc.

My CA hasn't gotten back to me this week on the status of his competition, as a matter of fact we've not spoken at all this week...but, I forgive him for this. He's had some RL issues of late with an illness in his family, so his Memorium site banner competition might just have to hold for a bit until he can focus on the EH fully. Best of luck to him and his family in this time of need, may the Force be with you, Daniel.

I promised last week to have the Codex fully updated this week and I'm pleased to say I've reached ~90% completion. All that's left to finish up is the Admiralty list and a missing rank graphic that should be on that page. I'll have it completed in the next 24 hours, BOOYA!

I've had not a soul interested in being my LOA, makes a guy feel a little unloved :( Anyways, still taking apps if anyone is interested, if not I'll just let it sit vacant for the time being. Also, on a totally unrelated note I've decided it's time to honor the old (and in my opinion quite silly) tradition of voting for the titles of Mr/Ms EH. In the past this competition has been held by previous LOs on a whim, with no real set time...just whenever they felt like it. I intend to start a new tradition with the "pagent" and run it in correlation to the celebration of the FC's birthday which falls on August 21st.

This year instead of just randomly picking candidates based on whatever reasons, I'm going to let the EH nominate the candidates then I'll run a poll on the LO site to allow you to vote for your picks for Mr/Ms EH. Anyone who wants to submit a candidate my do so by email me at

Well, that's about it for this week...Darknyte out!

In Service to the Empire,

Vice Admiral Darknyte, Logistics Officer
LO/VA Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
GSx3/SS/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoC-Rx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

RO Report #17:  07.18.03
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Joe)

Recon Office



There are a few new items for the Recon Office this week. First of I regretfully that our ROA, MAJ Loor, has stepped down as the Recon Office's Webmaster. Fortunately, my CA, RA Shay`la has decided to step up and take the responsibility of the website. She will be contacting MAJ Loor tonight or tomorrow for all the passwords and codes for the site but she needs some help so I am opening up a ROA position solely for the purpose to help maintaining the website.

The letters I have been working on for the past two weeks are finally done, along with the interviews. I will be submitting the questions to Ronin and Astatine for approval and then they will be ready to be sent out by the beginning of next week.

That's on for the Recon office. On with the Star Wars news.


Comic-Con 2003 Star Wars
by CA:RO Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim

Escaping the last week report, this announcement shall make more than one happy person. For the first time, Lucas Online and will have a booth at the San Diego Comic-Con International. Unfortunately, this con started on July 17th

A special reward for hyperspace subscribers is to be given out; an exclusive limited-edition artwork Clone Wars poster. This poster features all-new Clone War artwork with Anakin, Obi-Wan, clone troopers and the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress. Posters are available one per Hyperspace account while supplies last. It will be possible to sign up right from the booth at the convention. (Current members should print out a copy of their Member Profile setup page and bring it along to claim their exclusive poster)

"During the whirlwind of activities at Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA this year, don't forget to take part in special fan events on Star Wars Evening, Thursday July 17, and Star Wars Day, Friday, July 18. Whether you want to see who wins the Star Wars Fan Film Awards and catch a fantastic live performance of the amazing Star Wars Trilogy in 30 Minutes on Thursday night or discuss movies, cartoons, comics, toys or books, meet Boba Fett over bagels or pick up an exclusive Clone Wars poster signed by Genndy Tartakovsky, there is an activity for every Star Wars fan to enjoy."

For the detailed guide with dates and events, please visit this link:

For a sneak peak of what Hasbro had to offer, go to this link:

SW Trilogy in 30 Minutes at Comic-Com Report

Following the Fan Films awards last evening at Comic-Con, the audience was treated to a presentation of Star Wars Trilogy in 30 Minutes. And what a delight it was for the fans in attendance...
Thirty minutes Of Fame: SWT30 Widescreen Edition

Everyone knows that the Classic Trilogy makes up just slightly over six hours of the most incredibly entertaining hours in cinematic history, but it is only in experiencing the half-hour live-on-stage farce inspired by George Lucas' opus that one can truly see how enduring the tome truly is.

The Californian comedy troop that makes up the cast of Star Wars Trilogy In Thirty Minutes have flawlessly crafted a play with not only the sharpest wit, but the most amazing comedic timing one could hope for in a live performance. Much to the delight of the audience in attendance of last night's Fan Film Awards at the San Diego Comic Convention were treated to a special presentation of SWT30 aptly titled Star Wars Trilogy In Thirty Minutes: Widescreen Edition.

Just coming off of a month-long stint on a cramped stage in Los Angeles, the cast took every opportunity this new, much larger venue offered. When all was said and done, the actors were simply drenched in their own sweat, much to the joy of the estimated 700+ crowd. Their performances were dead on; their expressions were exactly that of the characters they represented in the films.

From the first minute to the thirtieth, the rate of tomfoolery could not be measured by any conventional meter, as was repeatedly proven by the laughs and cheers heard. And even with the salvo of jokes intended strictly for Star Wars aficionados, it was the interpretations of classic scenes such as the Luke/Vader dogfight from A New Hope and the Taun Taun scene from The Empire Strikes Back that stole the show.

Though not confirmed by anyone associated with the production, the rumor running around the convention all day was that this was to be the final performance of SWT30. Whether or not this ends up being true, there was little doubt that the rumor in and of itself added to the overall atmosphere. If it does end up that this was the last performance, the audience would agree that they went out with a bang. Though in this writer's opinion, the entire Star Wars Generation would be at a loss if the rumor is factual.

Comic-Con Star Wars Fan Film Awards Report

What do you get when you put a line with no fewer than four Jedi, two Boba Fetts, and more guys in Imperial outfits than you can shake a stick at in front of roughly 700 seated Star Wars fans? The answer, of course, is the beginning of a wonderful evening of living Star Wars.

Hosted by fan favorite (and team Rebelscum's favorite as well) Jeremy Bulloch, and featuring quite a few of the more recognizable faces in the Star Wars community including Daniel Logan, Kenny Baker, Steve Sansweet, and the maker of the brilliant short film Troops (not to mention some of the best Star Wars comics ever published) Kevin Rubio; the 2003 Fan Film Awards was a raging success.

Out of the 70 films submitted to this year's competition, judges arduously viewed over a thousand minutes of finely filmed and edited motion pictures before being able to break it down to nineteen finalists. Of course, only seven filmmakers could go home with a Golden Droids statue, and we are delighted that two of the films, The Jedi Hunter and Pink Five, were TFN Fanfilms. Even though we were told all 70 shorts were quite good, it is nearly impossible to disagree that the winners were the best of the bunch:

Spirit Award: Silent But Deadly 2
Best Commercial Parody Award:
Best Animation Award: Trooper Clerks
Pioneer Film Award: Hardware Wars
Audience Choice Award: The Jedi Hunter
Skywalker sound Award: Carbonite
George Lucas Selects Award: Pink Five

You can view all the films at

Moscow StarCon 2003 Report

StarCon 2003, the 4th annual Star Wars convention took place in Moscow over the July 4th weekend, and Nadia has compiled an interesting report from the event. The similarity between the Anakin above (next to Padme) and Hayden Christensen is amazing. If George needs a look alike, he knows where to look. To see the full report browse to

TheForce.Net Comic-Con Special Offers

" is pleased to bring you some very special offers on Star Wars prop replicas at San Diego Comic-Con. If you are attending, you will not want to miss visiting our booth #4139, where on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, by special arrangement with Master Replicas, visitors who register for our promotional mailing list will receive a free gift(while supplies last) courtesy of! Also, because we know it's hard to carry packages around Comic-Con, all purchases will be shipped free to U.S. destinations."

Breakfast with the Fetts at GenCon

What's better than one bounty hunter staring at you from across the breakfast table? Two bounty hunters! Actor Daniel Logan, the young Boba Fett in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Jeremy Bulloch, who portrayed the original Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi will be guests at the Official Star Wars Fan Club breakfast on July 25 at GenCon Game Fair in Indianapolis, Indiana.

In addition to meeting the actors behind the infamous bounty hunter, Fan Club members also receive an autograph from Bulloch, and one of Hasbro's convention-exclusive silver-painted Boba Fett action figures.

During the breakfast, fans will have the opportunity to meet and talk with Lisa Stevens, President of the Official Star Wars Fan Club and Vic Wertz, the Director of New Product Development and Associate Editor of Star Wars Insider.

Both Bulloch and Logan will also be signing autographs throughout GenCon Game Fair in the C2 Ventures autograph area.

The breakfast is produced by the Official Star Wars Fan Club. Seats are very limited, and expected to sell out quickly. Guests may register here.

KOTOR in da house!!!

Yes! Knights of the Old Republic is out since July 16th!! Or so it was announced. If you own an XBox, you can own it now, but the PC version will only be available October 15th... give you the chance to win a copy! All information at

"Weathered" Obi-Wan Saber Review
as reported on by Philip

Since this is the first �weathered� version of any saber Master Replicas has released, I was happy to take them up on an offer to review it.

This Obi-Wan saber from A New Hope, was offered two ways, �weathered�, which is movie realistic and limited to 3,000, and a special edition called �As First Built By Obi-Wan� which was limited to just 500. Obviously, there�s no Signature Edition of this saber.

First off, this saber arrives as most others, in a sturdy shipping box, with a black fitted presentation box, display case, certificate of authenticity, numbered silver-toned metal plaque and plaque stand. This saber sells from Master Replicas for $349 plus shipping and handling.

One of the things fans know about the Star Wars universe is, for the most part, it has a very well worn and lived in look. This is certainly true, as it relates to the rebels.

Upon slipping this saber from its protective wrap, it was instantly clear I wouldn�t need to worry about getting fingerprints on this replica. I�m not sure �weathered� properly describes the finish. It�s more like, �beat up, banged up, burned, dented, scraped, dropped, and thrown, many times a year for decades.� Though each saber is assembled by hand, it seems odd to be able to somehow mass produce something so old looking, but Master Replicas has pulled it off. No thinned down water based paint sprayed on here, the weathering appears to be permanent. Holding it in my hand, and even in the larger than life photos, it is clear this piece truly represents the best of the �lived-in� world of Star Wars.

My collection of prop replicas includes everything Master Replicas has made, but this is the one I�ll get out for visitors to test the feel and weight of from now on.

A set of pictures can be seen at and for more replicas, check this page out

Legacy Of The Jedi Now In Stores

The new book Legacy Of The Jedi has officially hit stores a little early. A Clone Wars novel, it features adventures with Padawan Dooku, Dooku and Padawan Qui-Gon, Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan and Padawan Anakin. It's essentially four stories in one. It's pretty cool and well worth picking up. We'll have our review of it up shortly along with a review of Reunion.

IGT To Develop Star Wars Gaming Machine
Press Release (from PR Newswire):

RENO, Nev., July 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- IGT, a subsidiary of International Game Technology, today announced a contract with Lucasfilm Ltd. that will allow IGT to create a gaming machine based on the Star Wars movie series.

"The development of the Star Wars video slot will be a significant gaming event," said Joe Kaminkow, IGT's vice president of game design. "Those who stood in line in 1977 to see the first Star Wars movie are now about 50 years old. Exactly the demographic of core slot players.

"Our first game will be themed around Star Wars: A New Hope," Kaminkow added. "I'm happy to be working with Lucasfilm again. My relationship with Star Wars products began over a decade ago."

The Star Wars gaming machine will be developed as a MegaJackpots(TM) progressive system game on IGT's AVP(TM) (Advanced Video Platform). "AVP is the next generation of slot machines, with enough computing power to produce vibrant 3D-like video and theater-style audio which should be a perfect match for this material," said John Sears, vice president of MegaJackpots(TM) for IGT.

IGT's Star Wars machine will be previewed at the Global Gaming Expo, scheduled for Sept. 16-18 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. It has not been determined when the new machine will be available in casinos.
Thanks to Don for the alert.

Future NJO-Type Story Arcs?

Here's an interesting bit from Sue Rostoni on the TOS boards, in regard to the possibility of another extended story arc a la the NJO:

Has what you and the other book-publishing-peoples learned by working on the huge, somewhat experimental, multi-author, close-to-20-book, series, that is the NJO, helped at all in planning and executing other realms of Star Wars literature i.e. the Clone Wars line? If so, how?

Shelly and I have talked about this. If we did something like this again in the future, we'd not do a 5-year story arc. Maybe 2 or 3 years. We'd employ fewer authors, maybe four. We'd have them all get together at the beginning and be a part of the planning process and we'd have each book's events and plot more carefully detailed before the first book's writing began. Those are the main things we've discussed. What I noticed most about the NJO is that it burned out the editors. As far as the Clone Wars books, these are really not like the NJO in that, while it tells one large grand story, the books aren't so closely tied together. The books, comics, etc, are stand-alones. Many feature different characters in their roles during the war. From an editorial standpoint, it's somewhat easier in continuity checking, and somewhat more difficult too, since we have to consider the comic storylines, the games, the young adult books, the Cartoon Network short, etc. Not only with the stories themselves, but the timeline too.

Sounds like a plan... More of this can be read at

Book Release Schedule

These are all tentative release dates for new Star Wars books...

July 2003

The New Jedi Order - Force Heretic III: Reunion
by Sean Williams and Shane Dix
August 2003

The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
by Walter Jon Williams

The Legacy Of The Jedi (already out, early on schedule!)
by Jude Watson
September 2003

Young Jedi Knights Collection #1 - Jedi Shadow
by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta
October 2003

The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy
by Greg Keyes

The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
by Haden Blackman

Boba Fett #4 - Hunted
by Elizabeth Hand
November 2003

The New Jedi Order Boxed Set
by Unknown

The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force
by James Luceno

Jedi Quest #7 - The Moment of Truth
by Jude Watson
December 2003

Young Jedi Knights Collection #2 - Jedi Sunrise
by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta
January 2004

Tatooine Ghost
by Troy Denning
February 2004

Survivor's Quest
by Timothy Zahn
March 2004

Escape from Dagu
by William Deitz
April 2004

by Matthew Stover
(The mass-market paperback edition of Shatterpoint.)

SWTCG: Dragon Con Tournament Announced

TeamBus.Net has the scoop on an announcement of a major SWTCG tournament to be held at DragonCon this year in Atlanta, GA on August 31. Players get to vote on which Master Replicas Lightsaber will be awarded to first place. Right now, the Darth Maul and Count Dooku lightsabers are neck and neck for first place. Click on the above link to vote.

If you're ready to start practicing for all these tournaments, TeamBus.Net has released the Apprentice Patch for the Jedi Guardians expansion. Apprentice is a program that allows players to play SWTCG online. For more information on Apprentice, check here

SWTCG: Gen Con Prizes Announced

Check them out at


The Non EH Site of the Week is :
watch that movie... You wont believe it... (Wont believe it got an award from George Lucas... ::Shay`la shudders::)

That's all for me this week. Sorry for the massive Report but there was so much things happening this week.
Hey look! I got it in on time, there must be something wrong with me :) Thanks for your time!


-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --

RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign

CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign

ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
IC/GSx3/SSx6/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoT-3rh-1gh-3bh/IS-1SR/LoC-IS-CSx4-Rx3/DFC-BW-Rx2/MoC-6BoC-9SoC-6GoC-12PoC-19DoC/CoS/LoAx5/OV-4E [GLDR] {IWATS-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-R-SM/1/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT}

GM Report #9:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (HA Rapier)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

Greetings all...

Ok what's going on in the DB you ask?

Well here goes:

DJM Shadonyx has left the position of Chancellor and has been replaced by his Praetor Reb Crush.

DA Kaden Knightwolf has removed himself as Herald and will be replaced by Kethoron who is the same gentleman who did the new medal images everyone has loves so much. He's already got some preliminary robe designs to be and I must say they look pretty good. Keth is on a family enforced leave at the moment but promised me he would be in touch as often as he could and take over HRLD full time as soon as he gets back.

Gryffon, who some of you remember was appointed Magister in a rather controversial manner... well he's resigned as well, guess I actually wanted him to work.

Don't bother applying for Magister, I think we'll just write it off as a failed experiment and I'll do the Roleplay system myself along with the input of several willing DB members who have already come forward. I already have the basic layout for a more comprehensive force power allocation that will allow for more flexibility in creating your character. Now I'm working on skills such as Martial arts and diplomacy. there is a message board thread on this subject if you wish to contribute at

If you are participating in Star Wars Gamers Crack... which some people call SWG and you're interested in participating in the EHPA you need to contact Darknyte and on those rare occasions that he pulls himself out of the game I'm sure he'll contact you. As for me, I prefer to wander on my own so if you have to be on the Naritus server and run across Baran Starfury... well that's me.

Talk to you all soon

GM Rapier

HF Domain Report:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)


Member Count (Active Members): 75
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 91
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 160

-Aviation unit is almost up and running, we have the people and the plan, we just need to make a few changes to our database and we will be set.

-A couple bugs have been found on LG Zsinj is aware of these problems and they are being slowly worked on. Also on that topic, OCad pay has been fixed so they aren't making more then the HFXO :P and set join date has been added as an option under update people in the admin section.

- should be updated sometime this week, I've been slacking on that a bit recently.

-All CSMA test grading, except for the SSBTC has been suspended until thursday July 24th.

-Awards from Operation Unity and Operation One Shot One Kill II have been awarded, congrats to all that have earned the top honors.

-Operation: Bright Light is still going strong, keep up the good work guys.

Der Dingo
I'll cry when I'm done killing

XO/LTC Dingo/GS-2/DREAD Retribution =SS, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SZ, SN4, MD1, DT1, CM2, VS4, CC=
[LoS] [CoO] [MoC] [LoC x2] [oFC] [oRA] [oUA]

IWCOM report #60:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Infiltrator Wing Commander (FA NiksaVel)

Infiltrator Wing

DATE: 18. 7. 2003.
Total Membership Count: 78
Change from last week: ? (roster down)

Greetings from the office of the Infiltrator Wing Commander!

The Infiltrator Wing main domain site at is still suffering downtime (fourth week in a row now), due to server problems of our current webspace provider company. Apparently they have some database issues and are working on fixing it.

The Infiltrator Wing Systems Engineer will keep you all posted and inform the IW of any changes.

P.S. I am growing increasingly annoyed with the webspace providers and am assembling a team of volunteers to assault their headquarters and execute several of their key personnel. :(

IWCOM under extreme stress

As much as I hate to admit it, I am terribly overworked. I have end of year exams coming up, and some of those are over 1500 pages thick (i.e. Internal Medicine). During the next two months I will be spending most of my time studying.

This does not mean that I will not be around. I will answer email AT LEAST 4 times a day, as brief pauses I take from studying are spent at the comp. I will however not be able to make much more effort than lead day to day IWCOM ops.

So, now you know - I am not dead :) neither will I be (hopefully) anytime soon.

During the time of my decreased activity, my Number One, the IW Flight Officer, Vice Admiral Darkmage will be handling most of the day-to-day decisions. He speaks with my authority, and I expect everyone to treat him as such.

IW Newsletter Out!

The latest edition of the Infiltrator Wing Monthly Newsletter - The Insider's Voice has been released and can be viewed at:

Congratulations to the Chief Editor - Colonel Drak on a work well done!

Overall IW Activity Excellent

I know I mentioned it in my last report, but I feel compelled to point it out again.

Activity is excellent throughout the Infiltrator Wing forces, and this is thanks to the excellent teamwork of the command personnel. Good work people, keep it up!

IW Manual rewamp

As some of you already know, I am reworking the Infiltrator Wing pilot manual and rewriting it to be the best manual ever made.

It shall have all the updated info that the current one already has as well as all the info about the Infiltrator Wing you will ever need. It will be based on the manual style of the 1999. IW Manual written by the IWCOM, War Marshal Von Reinthaler.

I am now approximately 20% through the manual and it has 30 pages.


There are always many active IW competitions, check them all out at the IW Combat Center (IWCC) at:

Squadron of the Week:
Wing II - Black
Wing III - N/A

Pilot of the Week:
Wing II - FLT Pokemaster
Wing III - N/A

The Infiltrator Wing Echelon Guardian for the Month of July, 2003. is:

FLT Ric Gravant () IWPIN:

Congratulations to all!


IWFO: Received
IWTO: Received
IWTAC: Received
IWOC: Received
IWSO: Not Received

COM/Fear: Received
COM/Warspite: Not Received
WC/Wing II: Not Received
WC/Wing III: Not Received

Command Staff/Flag Staff Roster:

Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD NiksaVel ( ) IWPIN: 1
IWFO: VA Darkmage ( ) IWPIN: 2
IWTO: RA Boliv ( ) IWPIN: 53
IWTAC: LA Sienar ( ) IWPIN: 4
IWOC: VA Malik ( ) IWPIN: 5
IWSO: LA Astix ( ) IWPIN: 6

Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
IWSE: LA Timmay ( ) IWPIN: 7
IWMD (IW Melee): BA Dolza ( ) IWPIN: 23
IW-CG (IW-GRD): BRG Mad Hatter ( ) IWPIN: 46

Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade ( ) EHPIN: 105
CSO: FA Moreco ( ) IWPIN: 9
NIO: AD Trevor Rastyn ( ) IWPIN: 8

MC-90 Fear ( )
COM: BA Kane Reese ( ) IWPIN: 22
WC/2: COL Drak ( ) IWPIN: 12

MC-90 Warspite ( )
COM: BA Dolza ( ) IWPIN: 23
WC/3: COL Delak Krennel ( ) IWPIN: 44

Respectfully submitted,

Fleet Admiral NiksaVel,
Infiltrator Wing Commander
Knight of the Warspite
IWCOM/FA NiksaVel/IWCS-1/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
Ax3/OV-4E/OotW] [PLDN]
Black Arrow]
DJK Draggore (Sith)/RM-FM/Archanis of Taldryan
"Blood and Honor"

Prex Report #38:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  President of the Corporate Division (Prex Trow)

Corporate Division (CD)

The Corporate Division, Emperor's Hammer
President of the Corporate Division, Admiral Nav'ric Trow
Victory Class Star Destroyer Warhammer, Frigg

President of the Corporate Division, Report #38 - Saturday 19th July 2003


Roster Count, The Corporate Division, 19/07/03

Total - 97 (168 including Unemployed)
Direx Board - 4
Trade Assembly - 45
PLT Revenge - 48
Unemplyed - 72

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Commissar Glorick resigned as Chief Executive Officer of Cosmic Holonet Corporation, and from the future position of CEO of Auroran Technology Enterprises this week. I'd like to thank im for his service to the Division through the years. So, i've now opened the position to applications...

Criteria for the position of Auroran Technology Enterprises CEO
- Must hold the rank of Technician above.
- Must have been a member of the Corporate Division for more four (4) months.
- Must have completed the CMD[STD] Course.

Applications to AD Nav'ric Trow ( ).

The new version of the CDMAN has been completed and is being sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer for approval. So, within the next few days, you should be able to look over the new manual and get use to the new system.

In the meantime, i've decided to temporarily-close the position of Vice President of the Corporate Division. I'm going to take over the position until such a time that a member of the Division is ready to take over the position and become my second-in-command.

Anyway, the rebuild of the Division is going smoothly. Mainly just waiting on the completion of the new database by VA Leeson. Everyone, try to be patient and keep talking to each other. Chief Executive Officers, you need to be more active than ever!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corporate Division Database:
Corporate Division IRC Undernet Channel: #corporate_division
Corporate Division Message Board:

- AD Nav'ric Trow |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PREX-PROF/AD Nav'ric Trow/VSD Warhammer/CD
CDC/DBM/SoAx2/CDM/Sot-gc/CoLx2 [PxC]
BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/LoC/CoB/LoAx2/OV-3E [KNGT]
- Professor, Command Course, E.A.D.A.
- Protector (Battleteam Leader), Crimson Dawn, House Kirleta, Clan Satal Keto

DP Report #131:  07.18.03
As Emailed From:  Dark Prince of the Guild (DP Trench)

The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)



New Adjunct Conan has been at work on the IRC Arena and it is up and ready for matches; we're expecting some to commence soon. Meanwhile Nindo Flast, in concert with Skorbacca, are starting to work on a large NPC archive for the roleplaying segment of the BHG; work on coding has begun, but no date has been set for this release.

KAG 18 registration is complete and the games begin tomorrow! Fiction will be the first event to start. Here's a full schedule:

JULY 19: Fiction starts.
JULY 20: Scenario starts.
JULY 21: Graphics starts.
JULY 22: Mission Writing starts.
JULY 23: Acrophobia starts.
JULY 24: Trivia starts, Online Mission starts.
JULY 25: Who said that? starts, Time Line Starts.
JULY 26: Hunt the Hunter starts, Fiction due.
JULY 27: IRC Hunt starts, Scenario due.
JULY 28: Code-Breaking starts, Graphics due.
JULY 29: URL Hunt starts, Mission Writing due.
JULY 30: Web Hunt starts, Acrophobia due.
JULY 31: Trivia due, Online Mission due.
AUG 01: Who said that? due.
AUG 02: Hunt the Hunter due, Time line due.
AUG 03: IRC Hunt due.
AUG 04: Code-Breaking due.
AUG 05:
AUG 06: URL Hunt due.
AUG 07: Web Hunt due.
AUG 08:
AUG 09: Final scores given in meeting.

The KAG will be taking up a significant part of our attention over the next few weeks, and frequent updates will be on the message boards and at

Moving on to the Chiefs, one thing we're trying to do is keep Chiefs more informed--not about BHG news, cause they're up on that--but how other Chiefs are running their Kabals. This isn't going to harm the competitive spirit of the BHG, because Chiefs can obviously still be individuals, but it will let them find out what does and does not work for motivating members. Obviously, the more active all the Kabals are, the better they all will be.

Indications are that they are certainly communicating better since the active effort from the Commission started.

Finally, I have some academic travel to do over the next month which will leave me with little or no e-mail access for a large portion of it. More on this can be found on the MB. I will be in touch as much as possible; Koral will be officially in charge, however.

Respectfully submitted,

Dark Prince Trench

Intelligence Division Report:  07.18.03
As Emailed From:  BLDR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V

Intelligence Division (ID)

Roster Count: 70

Main -
AoT -
Manual -

Commanding Officers

SDIR/VA Mordann Tal�kyra -
ExDIR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk -
BLDR/GN Davi Anthol -
TTDR/VA Raith Sienar -

Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/COL Andrezj Mezynski -
XO/MAJ Dolsar Saris -

1. SDIR Leave - Monday 14/07/03 till Friday 01/08/03

You probably had noticed his absence already. That's right; our beloved SDIR is taking a deserved vacation
from us and won't be back before a week and a half so you're stuck with me until then. :P All affairs usually going to him should come to me instead ( ). This goes from urgent subjects to any simple question you may have to ask and also includes AoT related affairs (see below for details).

2. Appointments

Last week,we had a good number of appointments. Just in case anyone missed them:

New BLDR filling in for me is GN Davi Anthol.
New Prae CMDR is COL Andrezj Mezynski.
New Prae XO is MAJ Dolsar Saris as appointed by the new CMDR.

3. ANLY and BOO BUDRs are both open for application.

If you think you have what it takes to be a BUDR (see the manual for details) email and with an application. I intend to appoint them during the course of next week so you still have some days left to apply. Don't come complaining afterwards.


- Experience at CMDR+ level of leadership within the EH
- High activity level
- Punctual with command reports
- No HCI record
- Experience in Intel report
- writing/infiltration/interrogation would also be desirable

4. Plexus Bureau Closure

VA Mordann has decided to close down Plexus for the time being. There are simply not enough agents in the Bureau to make its operation worthwhile. Those agents who used to be in Plexus (all 2 of you) should email me(or Mordann if you can wait two weeks) in order to sort out their new home.

5. Academy of Tactics Situation

Notifications of general test marks have been received; however there is still a backlog of tests at the AoT. I believe Raith�s last guess was that there are around a 100 different submissions still to mark (should be less now). Marking tests isn�t fun at the best of times so please help him out -

a) Only send in tests once. VA Raith has received your tests. Sending him another copy of your answers every couple of days is not helpful and it�s very demoralizing for Raith.

b) Only submit one test. If you're waiting for your General test to be marked possibly the LEAST constructive thing you can do is to then go through the AoT and submit as many of the other tests as you can - if a trainee sends 6-10 tests in while he waits for the General test to be graded the only effect it will have is that it'll take 6-10 times longer to grade them...

c) If you've submitted the General test then please email me - - and I'll assign you to a Bureau, where you'll see there is plenty of work to be done.

6. Agents Com-link

We have loads of stuff lying around which could be assembled into a reasonable looking Com-link (Intel�s newsletter) so hopefully a new edition will be released before the month is out. If you have anything that you feel would make a nice addition to the Com-link (please feel free to produce new stuff too) send it to Mordann at and you�ll receive something delightful and shiny (also known as a medal).

7. Recruitment

The Intelligence Division is still actively recruiting. If you�d like more information about the Intelligence Division please go here: or alternatively email the SDIR at or myself at If anyone already within the Division can think of someone who they reckon would make a great agent then please recommend them to Mordann and he�ll get in touch once he gets back. (Don�t approach them yourself unless you�re a BUDR or above though).

8. INTORG Recruitment

There are five open spaces left in INTORG. If you are interested in a position with the IDs elite Bureau email and Mordann will get back to you with more details of the vacancies when he returns from leave.

BLDR/RA Aseret Thunderhawk/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V/

CGM Report:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Chief Game Master of the Fringe (Zem)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

Fringe Report from Chief Game Master Zem

Report of July18, 2003
Report #12


Nothing much to report. The Fringe has been invited to help with the IOs Wargame project, which looks to be really good. Our Galaxies group seems to be doing well from what I hear (and my cash situation is looking better, so a Galaxies-capable machine might be a possibility soon). Check out the Chilastra Player Store Directory at . Still no interested RPG players (although there are still at least two people willing to run games), and Madon is still away, so no MUD news.

Fringe Web Sites

Fringe Site: TBA
MUD Site
Galaxies Site:
PA Site:
Message Archive:

Membership Count: 64


CHS Report #30:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Chancellor of the Senate (Kallath)

Imperial Senate

� News �

Yay, this is my 30th week as Chancellor. I'll be trying to keep reports to a minimal length, although they're just as frequently short as they are very long. First off, we've encountered a problem with the planetary profiles. Minister Goersase and I were inputting new issues when we found out that Minister Dessrx didn't give us the total capacity of the planetary profile. 5 Planetary Issues appear in Carrida II's profile, but you encounter and error once clicking them. Speaking of errors, those issues are readily being edited and improved upon by myself as apart of Siterath's training as M:STA. Unfortunately he seems to have an aversion towards communication, and I've been unable to send him these revisions. Consider yourselves lucky that you didn't apply for the position. :)

We should have 5 issues lined up for each of the 10 planets by the time the database is up. Prior to inputting them, I'll be submitting a few to GA Ronin and SA Astatine for approval in case they find anything they don't like. Actually, that might be as soon as next week, as I'd like to have a format for future issues rather than rewriting all of them if they see a problem. Well, I suppose that's all for this week.

� Projects �

-Senate Manual (online)
-Senate Database (45% completed)
-Systems Manual revisions (approved)
-Senatorial Address reformat (completed)
-Senate Core Exam Revision (completed)
-Senate Medal/Award Guide (completed)
-Senate History Exam (on hold)
-Imperial University Relocation (completed)
-Basic Argumentation Exam (online)
-Advanced Argumentation Exam (online)
-Moderate Ideology Exam (completed; waiting to be uploaded)
-Senate Leadership Exam (75%)
-Other exams (50% completed)
-Temporary site (online)
-Database (30% completed)
-Manual updates (On hold)
-New Senate Procedural Exam (50%)

� Competitions �


� Additional �

Nothing this week.

� Senate Info. �

Active membership: 31
Reserves: 154
High Council: 7
Total: 185
Temporary website:
Active roster:
Senate Manual:, or
Imperial University:, or
Ministry of Records:

Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}

Lord Ambassador Report #6:  07.19.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA Destavol)

EH Advanced Guard


Well, guys. 1 1/2 months in office. I think they said it was two months before IM eligible for Vice Admiral. We will just keep are finger's crossed hehe. Anyway, once again sorry for the late report. It had totally slipped my mind up till I got done with lunch today. So forgive your forgetful LA :-P Anyway. On to the report.

This week I have been uber busy with the Parallax War. Getting last minuet entry's. Guy's if you hear your commander's talking about an interclub comp, please inform me. Because I always get the info at the last minute on these things. So try and help me there. This week I found a club called "The Rebel Alliance". TRA for short. I spoke with the soon to be Fleet Commander. I think they might be interested in an alliance. This would be a great thing. Having a rebel rival and all means a lot of comps. I also spoke with the Imperial Order. They arnt interested in an alliance. However they would like to keep a friendly status with us, and perhaps some future comps.

I having really been working my butt off this week with Parallax war and looking into future comps and alliances. I'll keep everyone up to date on the TRA alliance as it progresses. IM going to contact them today. So for you pilot types in the AG, be happy! Now, I haven't gotten club report from anyone this week. Guys, don't go back to being inactive! I don't like yelling at people, but if I have to I will. I know some of you have lost your club info. So Im going to get together with Magister Nightmare. We are going to give every one some clubs (again). I lost the .txt pad that had every ones assignments, so this time I'm going to have Nightmare make a copy as well. That way there is no excuses for inactivity in the AG.

For those of you that have been working, a big thanks. How ever, I really need to get that alliance page updated. I got one update on four or five clubs. Im waiting on everyone's so that I can send a full one in and just have it updated completely. That is why it is so important that I get your reports. Im really growing tired of having to remind you guys about this. So PLEASE!!! Start doing them. Now, since some of you have been working, I want to know what you would like to do for fun in the AG. Perhaps the problem is that I have been putting to much work out, and not enough fun. I want YOUR idea's. If I don't get any ideas, then I will just think that you guys are having fun as it is. So we will just continue with what we are doing. :-)

Advanced Guard
Lord Ambassador (LA) - RA Destavol Atreyu Gin ( )
Magister Equitum (MAG) - LC Nightmare ( )
Ambassador (AMB) - LT Astix ( )
Ambassador (AMB) - MAJ Delak Krennel ( )
Envoy (ENV) - COL Jan Wemmel ( )
Envoy (ENV) - CM Sirik Xirok ( )
Envoy (ENV) - CPT Siterath Goersase ( )

If you want to stay on this roster I suggest you start asking for work instead of sitting there and waiting on it to come to you. I know a few people that have asked for work, and I am sorry. I have been uber busy doing other people's jobs and haven't had time to get you your work. But like I said, Magister Nightmare and my self are going to get to work. If you need work. Send me a e-mail. If you just give me an AIM, chances are I'm not going to remember it. Lets get busy AG. This unit use to be sooo active. Then every one just quit. If its my command, please tell me. The only way a commander can get better is if he knows his wrongs. So far I have been told I am doing a good job, but I want to know what you, the ones that work under me, think. This is your chance to speak you mind. So please take it ;)

In service to the Empire!

LA/RA Destavol Atreyu Gin/DREAD Tranquility