August 2001


Fleet Commander's Birthday Medal Awards:  08.22.01
As Compiled By:  Operations Officer (FA Howlader)

Here ya go:

Commendations of Loyalty Recommendations:

Command Staff:
High Admiral Astatine
Fleet Admiral Priyum
Vice Admiral Fondor

TIE Corps:

Elite Squadrons:

Major Ixion

Major Dax Corrin

Colonel Dras Hempor

Captain Linkan

SSSD Sovereign:
Colonel Shawshank
Lieutenant colonel Murad Ibn Mark
Captain Vector
Lieutenant Colonel Astarosta
Lieutenant Colonel Stele Pellaeon
Major Michael Emrys
Captain Cal Sinis
Commander Josh Popelka
Captain Morth
Colonel Ricardo
Captain Xander Drax
Colonel Sickman
Major Wil Striker
Captain B.J. Morgan
Lieutenant Commander Argon Viper

TC Battlegroups:
Vice Admiral Mell
Major Absolut Vodka
Mamjor Zystem Fryar
Commander Nightgrue
Major Da�emon Narshay
Lieutenant Colonel Ted
Lieutenant Commander Steve Sunrider
General Darklord
Major Locke
Colonel Mairin Astoris
Commander Sephiroth
Major Darksaber
Captain Gord Darkonian
Captain Roth Jalis

Aggressor Strike Force:
Lieutenant Colonel Azazel
Commander Gilad Pallaeon
Captain Con Selar
Major Dengar March
Commander Nightmare
Captain Duncan Idaho
Lieutenant Commander Argos Staneth
Lieutenant Commander Johann Glorick
Captain Crazy R2
Major Strahd

Avenger Strike Force:
Commander Grail
Commander Dae Cam
Commander Cobolt
Lieutenant Commander Karimicus
Captain Marcus Constantine Augustus III
Commander Sharp
Commander Jacob Van Nowak
Captain Chaos Angel
Commander Steele Brightsaber
Commander Xanthir Cloudblade

The Dark Brotherhood
Dark Jedi Knight Waza Sunrider
Krath Priest Troutrooper
Sith Warrior Adrenaline
Sith Warlord Maverick
Krath Archpriest Michael Towlyn
Obelisk Warrior Crusader
Sith Warrior Crix Madine
Sith Battlemaster Khan
Sith Battlemaster Jeff "Tiger" Loruss
obelisk Sharad Hett
Sith Battlemaster Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor
Grand Master Jac
Obelisk Battlelord Kelric

The Bounty Hunter's Guild:
Master Alai Rhysode
Trainee Azrael
Duke Tad Taliesin
Count Lord Oxxider
High Master Zsinj
Assassin Orin Williamson

Imperial Senate:
Deputy Chancellor Chanlin Marr
Liberal Eparch Justinian Leviticus Maximus
Conservative Eparch Marcus Benoit
Senator Plif
Minister of Communication Orv Dessrx
Precentor Martial Trevarus Caerick

Infiltrator Wing:
Rear Admiral Mutilator
Lieutenant Colonel Aldon Tekir
Captain Timmy
Captin Valin Darkfyre
Commander Kraxis Pillar
Lieutenant Commander CrimsonAngel

Corporate Division:
Vice Admiral Dark Angel
Captain-Supervisor Renn MacLeod
Master Warrant Officer Ari
Commissar General Ryuu Kurayami
Captain-Supervisor Reb Crush
Senior Technician Dash Riprock

Intelligence Division (Public):
Rear Admiral Jorddyn
Lieutenant Colonel Scrier
Commander Jaccr Crais
Captain Khan

The Fringe
MUD Consul Matir
RPG Consul Zem


Operations Office

Newsletter No. 77 Posted:  08.15.01
As Compiled/Submitted By:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO


IWATS10K:  08.14.01
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (HA Astatine)

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS)

Over the last 3 and a half years, IWATS has grown rapidly. From an initial 2 or 3 courses, the academy has increased to include 15 active courses, spanning a range of topics from IRC to mission design, maintained by a staff of 13. During this time, the number of graduates has slowly risen, accelerating and gaining in numbers, reaching a current average of around 500 per month. Now with 10,000 graduates in sight, IWATS is now starting a massive promotional campaign to reach this goal as fast as possible. With a mere 1,050 graduates to go, members are asked to help by taking IWATS courses. All members of the Emperor's Hammer, including those in subgroups, can take IWATS courses.

The list of available courses is at

Any additional questions can be directed to the Training Officer at

HA Astatine - TO

Reconnaissance Officer Secures SW Actor Interviews
As Submitted From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Recon Office

Thanks to some persistent emails, our RO has been able to secure email interviews with:

ALL Emperor's Hammer Members are invited to submit questions to FA Keiran Idanian...!

AbsoluteK Resigns as IO; AD Ari Selected as Replacement:  08.22.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Internet Office


This is perhaps the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my EH career. But it must be done, for my own good primarily, but also for the good of the Hammer. For some time now, I have not had the same drive to do work for the EH. I have made many sacrifices to my own detriment, for the EH. However, it is a time for change, as I am going back to college in hopes of finishing a very tough 3yr program so that I can have a better future for myself, which unfortunately being IO cannot provide me. Most of what people will remember me for, is likely to be the now defunct hosting service I used to offer. Some may also remember me for some of the other minor projects I created, like the EH Images Archive, and the Greeting Card Centre, but as for any of the other ambitious projects that are listed on the IO projects page, I have not been able to deliver the goods. While some work has certainly gone into them, none of them are even near completion. Because of this, I must face the fact that I am burnt out, and have little drive to continue on in the EH in any capacity. Therefore, I resign from the position of IO.

I would like to thank my CA, AD Ari for all his efforts, and I believe he will make an excellent successor to me as IO should you approve. Ari is knowledgeable in PHP, ASP and HTML programming, as well as possessing a great number of ideas for improving the IO.

I will greatly miss being part of the command staff, something which I consider a great honour and privilege. I will also miss many of the people I have worked with, and helped out in my time in the EH. While I may stop by from time to time on IRC, I likely will not be around much. Anybody wishing to continue to stay in contact with me, may do so via email.

Long live the Hammer!

Fleet Admiral AbsoluteK

Application for the position of Internet Officer:  08.22.01


Honorable Sirs,

I come to you with a proposal today, a proposal to expand the existing Internet Office of the Emperor's Hammer. My former superior, FA AbsoluteK has done an astounding job in revitalizing the Internet Office, making it one of the central hubs of operation of the EH. He's designed the EH Message Boards, the Image Archive, WebRing, as well as many other things. These projects have become a large part of EH-wide Internet operations. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, even though many of us wish it were not so, and AbsoluteK was forced to step down.

I have served under AbsoluteK, first as IOA, and then CA, for a total of nearly 9 months now. I've watched AbK work and have learned much from him, as well as learning things on my own. I have acted as Internet Officer while Abk was on leave several times now, and I know pretty much all there is to know about being the Internet Officer that one can learn without actually being it. I've designed many websites for the EH, including the now-defunct "Battlegroups Arena", the original ISD Colossus ASP website, the widely popular Online Sabacc, and now I'm working on the Auroran Gambling Authority Casino. I am quite familiar with ASP and PHP, and even though I tend to work with PHP now since it is fresher in my memory, I can also code in ASP at any given time. I am also currently studying for the CompTIA i-Net+ certification exam, so as I learn more, it will allow me to answer a broader spectrum of questions.

What do I see the Internet Office becoming? My vision is to continue AbsoluteK's path, in striving to assist EH members. The Ask the IO feature on the IO site was in fact my suggestion, and it allows for the Internet Office to have a personal kind of feel with the members, answering any questions members may have about the Internet or their websites. I also see the Internet Office becoming more and more of a central hub, with a very broad range. I will make sure that the IO Staff will be capable of answering questions in technologies and languages that I am not so well-versed in. I plan to expand on the "Ask the IO" feature and add a sort of Technical Support feature for coding problems. Also, down the road, when I can afford it, I will see about procuring adequate hosting in order to host EH webpages.

I've had lots of command experience in the past. I was Pi CMDR from Feb 99 - Oct 99. From Nov 99 - Jan 00 I was WC of Wing VIII, and from Jan 00 - Jan 01 I was Commodore of the ISD Colossus. I believe I am well experienced in all that a member of the Command Staff should be, and I hope you accept me as your decision for the next Internet Officer.

I'm sending this e-mail from my AOL account, since the e-mail is sent faster, but my main e-mail address is

In Loyal and Obedient Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

CA:IO-FSEA/AD Ari/CA-5/SSSD Sovereign
[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [IS-3SR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E]
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor

EHVOGUE #3 Released:  08.12.01
As Emailed From:  CMDR/CPT Werdna Elbee/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

EHVOGUE #3 at I hope you like it!

btw, when this is announced (of IF it is), could you please avoid calling it a "Girly" magazine. It's so much more than that. Also, there has been a slight name change from "Imperial Vogue" to "EHVOGUE" so you may want to update your websites. 

Werdna Elbee
* CMDR/CPT Werdna Elbee/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal [CAVL]
{IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-CBX-SM/2} T/D-"Morning Glory"
* DJK Werdna Elbee (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan,

Grand Order of the Empire Recommendation for Quake Harlander:  08.20.01
As Recommended By:  Vice Admiral Fondor Bhaal

Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal
(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)


After great thought I would like to recommend the GOE to PREX Quake Harlander for not only his current accomplishments, but past ones. I know he has a very nice rank, but I think a nice medal is well deserved. Let me go threw some of his accomplishments. During his relatively short TIE Corps career Quake has accomplished more than most people do in years. I would say that the first major accomplishment was the Advanced Guard. Quake turned the Advanced Guard from a nearly non existent position into a thriving, and productive subgroup. His AG successors have built on what he started. Quake also served loyally as attach� to XO Kawolski for a short period of time. In my opinion, Quake's greatest achievement is the CD. He has been PREX for a very short time and I can't even describe how much the CD is better. All of the inactive persons have been weeded out and the Subgroup has nearly a 100% activity level. I think that Quake's work with the Internet Office is also commendable, while not even holding an official position, he has helped the office by leaps and bounds.

Thank you for considering this request,

Vice Admiral Fondor Bhaal
Attach� to Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian

JediKnight II Update:  08.15.01
As Emailed From:  Training Officer (HA Astatine)

I found this piece about Jedi Knight 2 on the site

"It's been a long four years since the release of the popular Jedi Knight first-person shooter from LucasArts, which has left many eager for a follow up. The long line to get into the game's limited public showing at QuakeCon was one sign of just how impatient fans are for Jedi Knight II. The game is still a ways off, but the Quake III-powered graphics and intense gameplay we saw make this look like a very promising sequel indeed.

Kyle Katarn, the Imperial defector and Jedi outcast from the previous two games, returns to fight Imperial forces and dark Jedi in a storyline that takes place ten years later. The demonstration spanned two levels, the Imperial base seen behind closed doors at E3 and a part of a new level. The new level replicates the Rebel base on Yavin 4, the moon that served as the staging area for Luke's attack on the Deathstar in the first Star Wars movie. The hangar contained a number of X-wing fighters and a number of autonomous droids scooted through the area, going about their work. Through a passageway to the side, we saw the command center and briefing area from the movie. This relatively small environment packed a tremendous amount of detail and atmosphere.

The stormtrooper-filled base level gave Kyle an opportunity to put his blaster and lightsaber to the test. The lightsaber, the signature weapon of a Jedi, is particular impressive to watch. Kyle will automatically reflect enemy blaster shots and can easily slice off the limbs of lesser foes. He can even throw the lightsaber and pull it back into his hand by using the force. These devastating capabilities mean that the AI-controlled enemies understandably become very cautious at the sight of Kyle's glowing blue lightsaber. The level also had a puzzle or two that required Kyle to use some of his other Jedi powers, including force push, force jump, and the Jedi mind trick.

Through the base we came to a spacious hangar, where a dark Jedi appeared with his red lightsaber raised in challenge. The AI controlling this Jedi opponent was quite impressive, as he would unleash combinations of lightsaber attacks and Jedi powers at any opening. To defeat the Jedi, Kyle unleashed a blast of lighting reminiscent of the Emperor's aggressive attacks. Dan Pettit, the LucasArts representative at the presentation, explained that Kyle is following a middle path in the force, and so has both light and dark powers at his disposal.

Jedi Knight II will have multiplayer, but it's still so early in planning that LucasArts was unwilling to release any specifics. The game is slated for release in the spring of next year."

HA Astatine - TO

NJO Book:  08.20.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Greetings sir,


A new NJO book is due out in Oct. 2001! Here's a link for more information:

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- | -] 
{ - | - } 
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
SC-SoA/BZ/(BN)/(LSAg)/ {SA: CORE} 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Star Wars: Jedi Quest:  08.20.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)



Star Wars Jedi Quest: Path to Truth

This book is based - again - on events that happened between Episode I and II, and of course it is based around Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Although this might be more of a kid's book, I think it might still be interesting to read.. .:)

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- | -] 
{ - | - } 
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
SC-SoA/BZ/(BN)/(LSAg)/ {SA: CORE} 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"


Special Announcement: Episode II Title ("Attack of the Clones"):  08.06.01
As Copied From:

August 06, 2001 is pleased to announce that Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones is the full title for the next Star Wars film, scheduled for release in 2002. 

Attack of the Clones joins The Phantom Menace, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi as chapter titles in the six-episode Skywalker saga. It harkens back to the sense of pure fun, imagination and excitement that characterized the classic movie serials and pulp space fantasy adventures that inspired the Star Wars saga.

Ten years after the events of The Phantom Menace, not only has the galaxy undergone significant change, but so have our familiar heroes Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), Padm� Amidala (Natalie Portman) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) as they are thrown together again for the first time since the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. Anakin has grown into the accomplished Jedi apprentice of Obi-Wan, who himself has transitioned from student to teacher. The two Jedi are assigned to protect Padm� whose life is threatened by a faction of political separatists. As relationships form and powerful forces collide, these heroes face choices that will impact not only their own fates, but the destiny of the Republic.

Vice Admiral Maaric Resigns as Special Operations Director:  08.04.01
As Emailed From:  Former Special Operations Director (VA Maaric)


Greetings everyone. I'm afraid that my internet access is still causing me problems, and I am unable to perform even the most mundane duties because of this. So, I hereby resign as Special Operations Director (SOD), and request transfer to Aleth Squadron as a flight member. I hope to hear from you soon concerning this transfer. Thanks.

~Vice Admiral Maaric

Fleet Commander's Note:

Without the need to name a replacement and since SOD has not served a useful function in a couple of years, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein dissolves the Position from the Command Staff.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

XO's Latest Award Recommendations:  08.10.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

(Please see Training Manual for Ranks descriptions)


I would like to make a few promotion and medal recommendations...I'll go in order of position:

Admiral Slade, Security Officer - Recommendation for Fleet Admiral - (Last rank promotion: 2/8/01 [6 months]) - Slade has served the fleet in a large variety of ways, since his last promotion, he has helped out with the Newsletter graphics and, after every month, even after leaving the position of CA:XO, he has volunteered to make our wonderful newsletter covers. After taking over in the Fringe, which was one of our deadest single-digit-membership subgroups in the club, him and DCGM Kadath rebuilt the foundation that allowed it to grow into success it is today. Kadath was awarded the GOE, but Slade has never been properly awarded for all his work. In the Security Office, he quickly took care of the large backlog of pending cases within his first few days and created the "Imperial Security Bureau" which has quietly proven their usefulness since its creation.

Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer - Recommendation for Fleet Admiral - (Last rank promotion: 5/8/00 [1 year, 3 months]) - For someone in a stereotyped "do-nothing" position, he has managed to do a lot. He has made several efforts (sometimes successful ones) to get the EH recognized by outside [official] groups and interviews with people who create the Star Wars universe. He has helped organize competitions against other clubs for the COO, assisted with the EH Newsletter, and diligently reports in every week (moreso than most other COs) with painstakingly long details of status updates and SW news tidbits. The range of duties doesn't give much for Recon Office personnel to do, but Keiran has been creative in finding ways to keep busy.

Vice Admiral Figaro, Infiltrator Wing Commander - Recommendation for Admiral - (Last rank promotion: 5/26/01 [2 1/2 months]) - In the amount of time he has served as IWCOM, he has proven himself to be promoted beyond his "probationary" rank of Vice Admiral to become a full Admiral. I've found him to be an active, helpful, and a capable command officer (who better had given something nice to his IWSE for the lovely webpage of theirs). :)

(Please see Training Manual for Ranks descriptions)

Fleet Admiral Stalker5, Supreme Director - Recommendation for the Grand Order of the Empire - With all the work Stalker5 has done for the Emperor's Hammer, he hasn't received anything in terms of medals. I can't begin to stress how useful he has been in keeping things within the EH peaceful...because confidentiality rules prohibit me from doing so. :P Regardless, the fleet will have to take my word that this is an award well deserved.

(Please see Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- -

Two New Website Awards:  08.10.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Keiran Idanian - 

Congratulations! I am proud to award your site with the Jedi Girl - SSR Medal of Honor! The image is attached to this e-mail. Sorry that it's not personalized, but I receive many applications for this award and don't have time to personalize all of them. Simply upload the attached image to your site and link it back to:

Keep up the good work! 

Webmistress of Jedi Girl - SSR


Here's the award. The way I have it, I can't custom it to each site. Sorry.


Webmistress of Jedi Gardens:

May the Force be With You Always
A Free Service Provided by JediSeek.Com

Please be sure to visit the EH Domain Awards Page as well...!

Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian) Posts Star Wars Gaming/Book Updates
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (FA Keiran Idanian)

Star Wars Gamer #5 Released:  08.02.01



This issue looks to be a really good one! Check it out!

NJO: Edge of Victory: Rebirth - Released:  08.02.01



On July 31, the second book in the Edge of Victory series, by Greg Keyes, was released. Here is what the book is about:

As copied from the back cover:

"The brutal Yuuzhan Vong are scouring the universe for Jedi to slaughter. With no help from the divided New Republic, the Jedi stand alone against their seemingly invincible foe. Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo risk deadly consequences with their controversial tactics to bolster the Jedi resistance. After uncovering a new Yuuzhan Vong menace, Anakin and Tahiri find themselves wanted for murder by the Peace Brigade. To avoid capture, they jump into hyperspace..and into trouble far graver.

Hunted by the Yuuzhan Vong, wanted as criminals by the New Republic, and with unrest stirring within their own ranks, the Jedi find peril everywhere they turn. But even in the midst of despair, while the most fiercest battle of all looms on the horizon, hope arises with the birth of one very special child..."

New Star Wars Insider:  08.06.01



Check it out! It looks like a good one!,3&c=ins

SW:CCG Coruscant Released:  08.06.01



For all the SW:CCG fans in the Emperor's Hammer, the wait is over! This Wednesday, August 8, Decipher will be releasing the Coruscant set! This looks to be really good for all game play! Check it out and see you at the store! :)

::Images for Domain::

Or select another image at:

-= Fleet Admiral Keiran Idanian, Reconnaissance Officer =- 
[- | -] 
{ - | - } 
RO-MAG-XADI/FA Keiran Idanian/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign 
SS/BSx2/PC/ISMx3/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoC-ISx10/MoC-4BoC-5SoC-3GoC-3PoC-1DoC/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [CAVL] {IWATS-CBX-CHAR-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RPG-SM/2-TM-TT-VBS-XTT} 
SBM (Sith)/CON/Alvaak 
SC-SoA/BZ/(BN)/(LSAg)/ {SA: CORE} 
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer


New EmperorsHammer.Org Site Layout Pending:  07.30.01
As Being Designed By:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (FA ChiLong)

With the gracious assistance of FA Chi Long (GM of the DB), the domain will once again get a "facelift".  For those of you unfamiliar with his work, he was also known as "Faethor" and basically designed the EH Domain as it stands currently.

We all look forward to viewing his updated site design !

Here's a taste...a pic for the new EH Welcome Splash page...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

Logistics Officer Submits First Draft of Renewed EH Timeline:  07.17.01
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Ramos)

Logistics Office


I have selected the date for the EH to enter back into the Star Wars Universe Timeline. Currently we are right outside the Minos Cluster. The general idea will be to activate our fleet in exercises and such like more active competitions and inter fleet matters for 3 months prior to our launch date. Right now we are 4 months before Thrawn will resurface and begin his drive into republic space. A secret "communiqu�" from Thrawn would be possibly sent to you the GA or the Commander of the Emperor's Hammer for special assistance in Thrawn's conquest. Since we are on the Outer Rim and most supply lines into the core come from the Outer Rim the idea would be for us to cut off the supply lines to the New Republic, so they will devote more time to us while Thrawn finally makes his return. Our ideal target would be the Jomark Sector, consisting of the following planets:

Located in the backwater Ison Corridor. The Anoat system contains the planets Anoat, Gentes (the homeworld of the pig-like Ugnaughts), and the colony world of Deyer. Animal life on Anoat includes the Anoat lizard-ant, who can be found in great numbers during the creatures' mating season. Moff Rebus, a weapons specialist working for the Empire, had a hidden stronghold located under the sewage system of Anoat City. Rebus was captured by Alliance agent Kyle Katarn following the Battle of Yavin. After their escape from the Battle of Hoth, Han Solo and Princess Leia found themselves in the Anoat system and made the decision to visit Bespin's Cloud City. [ESB, MTS, JS, DA, GG2, DF]...

Incoming Transmission... Imperial Holonet link established...
Level 4 Access... granted.
opening transmission...translating to Basic...

Grand Admiral Thrawn Returns? 

072901, 0434 Imperial Standard Time - Recent contact has been reported from numerous Warlords across the Outer Rim regarding the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera and most importantly Grand Admiral Thrawn, who is rumored to be captaining the vessel, relieving command from its previous Commodore, Captain Pellaeon. Though the most recent speculation has included a fleet of Star Destroyers under Thrawn's command, there have been no reliable witnesses to back up the claims. 

Incoming Transmission... hailing frequency 3023-13.
Origin: Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera
Link accepted... standing by...

From: Grand Admiral Thrawn, ISD Chimaera
To: Grand Admiral Stephan Ronin, SSSD Sovereign
Translating to basic... stand by...

Good morning, Grand Admiral.

First, Admiral, let me congratulate you on your series of victories in the Outer Rim. You certainly have earned that uniform in battle. You have not only secured a sizeable region of space for the Empire, but have defended it successfully against the Rebellion during this time of chaos. For this the Empire thanks you, as do I. 

Now... on to pressing matters. As you know, I had been assigned to the Unknown Regions to further the cause by our illustrious... and late Emperor. Now I return to find that his own dominion has been overthrown. I've contacted some of our less powerful, though no less informed allies, and by current intelligence the Rebellion has control of nearly 3/4 known space. The Rebellion, even as we speak, are making plans to formally establish their so-called government on Coruscant. This... is not to be

Palpatine's error is but an error. It will be corrected. More precisely, WE will correct it in the coming days ahead. I have called upon the remnants of the Empire's Fleet for this task. I trust I will have your support, and the support of your fleet. Captain Pellaeon will elaborate on the specifics. Until next time, Admiral... glory to the Empire...

*transmission transfer in progress...*

From: Captain Gilad Pellaeon, ISD Chimaera 
To: Grand Admiral Stephan Ronin, SSSD Sovereign

Admiral, Grand Admiral Thrawn is in need of your forces and services. The Empire's fleet has been scattered and broken for some time now, and only through reformation can we strike back at the rebel insurgents. The Emperor's Hammer comes with a high reputation in terms of starfighter
excellence. In light of this, here are our requests.

First... under Thrawn's command, his forces must be the most highly trained and loyal officers in the Empire. However, Thrawn also understands that the EH has had little conflict over the past year and thus may not be at full readiness. Therefore, you have three (3) months to initiate a rigorous training program before the rendezvous with our forces. We will supply the combat chamber scenarios if you desire.

Second... your Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer must remain in the Outer Rim to defend the EH territories, as well as your Super-Star Destroyer. Both would draw unwanted attention to our activities and cause a panic in the Rebel territories if we were to use it in assaults. This is NOT Grand Admiral Thrawn's goal.

Third... during the campaign, your ships may be anywhere at any moment, at Grand Admiral Thrawn's discretion. However, in light of your excellent reputation and talent, the Grand Admiral feels it would be foolhardy to throw away such talent. Therefore, we will allow two (2) of your finest EH squadrons to replace two of our standard squads aboard the ISD Chimaera. Per Thrawn's orders, your finest Squadrons must be judged on both flight skill, tactics, and the ability to think outside the lines. 

That is all, Admiral. We await your response.

- Captain Pellaeon, 1st Officer
Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera

LO/AD Ramos

Fleet Commander's Note:

The above is a portion of AD Ramos' submission and presents a general overview...Executive Officer Kawolski is due to weigh in with his comments/revisions and I am sure that this will be revised somewhat.  but you all get the basic idea...>:)

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

XO Report #8:  07.28.01
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

Office of the XO

From the desk of Sector Admiral Kawolski


I've returned from my leave of absence and resumed normal operations once again. I have a bad habit of letting my e-mail get backed up and my news account got flooded again with a bunch of e-mails with that new virus that's going around. Thank you all for writing to offering their condolences over the last week. It really does mean a lot to me.

EH: Newsletters

If you haven't seen the last two newsletters, they have been archived at:

Newsletter #77 is progressing nicely. I intend to include a few subgroup rosters along with the usual stuff. Just a reminder that we accept almost any member-made EH-related submission, so submit today at:

The deadline for NL #77 submissions is July 31st! Any late submissions will go to NL #78.

LoAs for all previous newsletters have been awarded. Some may not have gotten the e-mail about them, but rest assured that they have been properly added to people's profiles.

To Command Staff, Subgroup Commanders, and Imperial Fleet Advisors: As you already know, the CA:FC bugs you every week to turn in your reports. I'm going to have my XOA start harassing people who don't report in and post their reports online!

EH: EH Database

A lot of great improvements have been made since the database opened up the public on May 26th. The Corporate Division is the newest subgroup to join up with the EH Database and the Imperial Senate section is going to open shortly.

If you wish to join the Fringe or the Corporate Division, sign up at the EH Database:

EH: Lost members

In the last month sadly, we lost two EH members, both to car accidents: KE Xanthe of the Dark Brotherhood and LCM Crevent Thrawn of the TIE Corps. I have posted the details of Xanthe's passing on my XO website at and TIE Corps members are giving their final salutes to LCM Crevent Thrawn on a TIE Corps Message Board thread at:

The ESC Iron Fist of Battlegroup I (ISD Colossus) has been renamed the Escort Carrier Crevent Thrawn in his honor.

Under special request by the XO, the Modified Interdictor Xanthe has been commissioned to escort the VSD Stalwart in Battlegroup II.

(please see the Emperor's Hammer Fleet Order of Battle)

TC: Battle Reviews

Battle Reviews made by members that were submitted to the EH Battle Center ( last month were included in Newsletter #76 in the Squadron Ready Room section. Every month, new battle reviews will be displayed in the newsletter, so post away! However, to encourage honesty, posted reviews will NOT receive the LoA or any sort of special reward aside from seeing your review posted on the domain and newsletter.

TC: Those Stupid Flash Animations on the News Page


CD: New President

Former Internet Office Assistant and Command Attach� Admiral Quake has been appointed as the new President of the Corporate Division! The new CD website should be up this weekend after I complete the front end to work with the EH Database.

IS: EHDB:IS section opening soon

The Imperial Senate section of the EH Database is opening soon. We've been delayed a bit with constructing a new planetary representation system along with adding a seniority ranking system.


As always, if you want to know about what's going on in my office, check out my webpage at . I keep telling myself that I'm going to keep it updated more often. Let's see if I can do it in August.

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- -

New Corporation Division President (Prex) Appointed (VA Quake):  07.25.01
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) and Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Executive Officer (SA Kawolski) has selected Admiral QuaKe Harlander II ( as the new Corporate Division Prex.

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}

GOE for the old CGM/New CGM Appointed:  07.28.01
As Emailed From:  Executive Officer (SA Kawolski)

(Please see the Operations Manual for medal descriptions)

The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)

I'd like to award the GOE to CGM Kadath for his excellent work in getting the Fringe off its feet again and playing a significant role with Admiral Slade in turning it around from a dead memberless subgroup to the 60-member sized group it is today. He's also resigning shortly to take an extended leave while he goes through basic and I also approve of his recommendation for DCGM Bond ( to take his place as the new CGM.

= Sector Admiral Kawolski, Executive Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- XO-FSE/SA Kawolski/CS-2/VSD Stalwart (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx6 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoC-CSx7/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E 
- {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-SM/1/2-TM}
- -

Change in Commander of the Guard (CoG ):  07.29.01
As Emailed From:  Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (FA ChiLong)

Grand Master's Royal Guard (GMRG)

With ZK's promotion to DGM, that removed him from the position of CoG...the new CoG is OWL Rizlib... just thought you should know, since it's on the EH main site:)


EH Summer Bash in the UK:  07.30.01
As Emailed From:  Flight Officer (FA Priyum)

Those who risked attending:

Quake (Guy)
Oldham (Oldie)
Stalker5 (Mike)
Cooch (Sam)
Darklord (Chandler "Lee" Bing)
Mairin (MaiMai)
Badlan (never found out his real name�)
Mike (FMC :P)

The Beginning�

For me, the trip began on the Friday afternoon. Jon, a mate of mine, (Captain Jon Doyle, Psi Squadron, Wing II) came by to pick me up, and off we went, merrily down the M23, radio blaring, conversation at a minimum.

We reached Brighton centre at around 4PM, and promptly decided to idle around the pier. After having spent an hour of being forced to stare at generously boned ladies in thongs, and bare-chested "lads" swilling cheap beer, we decided to escape by giving Mell a ring. He came by to pick us up, and we drove at break-neck speed to where everyone else was waiting (with a few wrong lanes & wrong turns along the way). Surprise surprise�we'd ended up in a pub. As soon as we entered, Rob (a mate of mine and Jon's we'd picked up along the way and non-EH) muttered "what a dive", which just about summed up the place. He immediately zeroed in on the barmaid (who must've been in her late 50's), perched himself on a barstool, and unleashed some of the worst chat-up lines known to man (I jest not).

Everyone introduced themselves (present: Me, Jon, Mell, Mike [FMC], Oldie, Badlan, Rob & Guy), bought some drinks, and engaged in some friendly matches of pool (apparently, the table was the only reason we were there�). Pretty soon, everyone realised the pub really was a dive, and we made arrangements to leave. 

Accommodation plans had pretty much fallen through, so we were going to be staying at Guy's, whilst his parents were out of town (:P). Unfortunately, he lived several miles outside of Brighton, and so began the first of traveling hassles. Anyway, we all bundled into the two cars, and started on our way. Halfway there, we stopped off at a Tesco's, and stocked up on booze & pizza. By the time we left, I'm pretty certain security guards were tailing us from a safe distance�

We got to Guy's, unloaded the car and proceeded to make ourselves at home. The journey had taken slightly longer than hoped, so the plan of going back into town was scrapped in favour of eating pizza, drinking Stella, and generally loafing�oh, and watching the final of Big Brother!

At some point during the evening, the time eludes me, Mell went to pick up Mai & Lee, whilst Rob, Jon and Badlan departed. Worthy of note is the fact that whilst the rest of us were quite content with our beer, Guy decided to break open the (foul smelling) Tequila he'd purchased earlier, and start consuming it at warp speed. The following conversation sticks out in my mind�

<Someone>: Guy, you sure you're ok? You've been drinking quite a lot of that stuff�
<Guy>: Nah�I'm fine. I won't puke up.

Can you say "Famous last words"?

Suffice to say, Guy spent the night draped over the downstairs toilet, periodically unleashing stanky stomach contents into the abused porcelain bowl�I'm sure you'll have seen the pictures of this.

At about 4:30AM, myself, Oldie and Mell tucked into some microwaved Chicken Curry, and sleep followed an hour later.

The Middle:

We awoke on Saturday morning surprisingly early. Breakfast was consumed, several people decided to wash/shower and we took stock of our situation. Since Jon had left the night before, we were down to one car and seven people. We decided that we'd go into town since watching TV could've been done at home. Mell drove Mai & Lee into town. When he got back, he reported that parking space was pretty much non-existent. So, the rest of us drove to Lewes, and caught a train the rest of the way.

We met up with everyone in the "Walkabout" (a very busy pub). Sam and Mike introduced themselves. Mike, being in charge of Intel, was initially treated with some suspicion - I seem to remember the phrase "sent to spy on us" being liberally used. Badlan also joined us again and a brief feeding followed in Burger King.

Earlier that day, we'd booked a couple of games of some laser-shooting thing (Mega Zone I think it was called). But the place was too far up the road and we were too lazy, so, despite a valiant effort (worthy of a round of GOEs methinks), we didn't bother going. Instead, we went down to the beach.

Stella Artois had sponsored a huge cinema screen on the beach, and that night they were showing Gladiator, (start time: 7:30PM) so that was the evening pretty much sorted. Having found a pair of tables near to the beer-selling-place, we planted ourselves for the night.

What followed was an unashamed, several hour period, of beer consumption. The showing had been advertised as starting at 7:30, but when the DJ in the music box announced it would actually start at 9PM, a resounding cheer went up - more uninterrupted drinking time!

The evening turned out to be pretty fantastic. The music was great, the film brilliant and the atmosphere almost electric, with thousands of people there. Even a brief scuffle with a pair of Italians over Sam's chair (which we somehow lost) couldn't dampen our spirits. But it was ok since they then proceeded to also lose said chair. At a time far too late for me to remember, we departed, but not without a final, forlorn look at the huge pile of empty Stella cans, and the chairs we'd so closely guarded.

Since Mell's car was parked in Lewes, Sam had to do two runs in his car - some back to Guy's, and the rest of us to pick up Mell's car.

When we finally got back to the house, we found that Lee had already fallen into bed in a drunken stupor. Concern was heart-warming, but thankfully brief. More drinking, more tomfoolery, and then more sleep.

The End:

Again, we all awoke relatively early. There were rounds of coffee and toast (thanks Mai!). It was decided that this would be our last day since Guy's parents would be returning today. Again, we would spend the day in town. All the bags were packed and the house was cleaned (sort of). We loaded into the cars, and went into Brighton (with a brief pit stop in Lewes some reason no one was quite sure of).

Lunch was taken in a Wetherspoon's pub, and was surprisingly good. We then went down to the local Odeon cinema and watched Swordfish (don't believe the hype).

That marked the end of the meeting. Sam, Mike (FMC) and Mike departed for their long journey home, but not before dropping Guy back home. The rest of us trekked up to the station and caught trains back into London.

The meeting was great fun, and well worth going to. My thanks to Guy for letting us take over his house for those 3 days, to Mell and Sam for ferrying us everywhere(!), and of course to everyone else for coming! Hopefully we'll all get together at another meeting in the not-so-distant future!

Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel
EH Flight Officer & TIE Corps Commander