April 2004
EH Newsletter No. 102
Posted to the Fleet: 04.04.04
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
Online Viewable: -
Downloadable Zip:
http://www.ehdb.org/nl/nl102.zip (4.5 MB)
[ Please review all of the past EH Newsletters
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
IW Mania: 04.02.04
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Sirs and masters of the emperors hammer.
The infiltrator wing would like to invite all of the other sub groups and tie
corps fleet to partake in the infiltrator wing melee for the month of April.
The melee event is a lot like the old EH ladder and because its maintained by
Fleet admiral moreco, Its impossible to cheat on. Or near as you can get, with
IP and other traps on it, to keep the melee honest.
The melee has been in effect for a lot of years and it is great activity for the
Sub group I command. but this month we have events, as part of the IW mania
One of these Events it to make the IW Melee IW Wide. All games shall be
played with EH ladder rules ( normal melee rules ) and include all ships in XVT
and XWA, including capital ships.
The tie corps and Sith order I would imagine, would be the main takers of this
challenge, Hence the people CC'ed in this email. But any person in the emperors
hammer may fly in the Event.
I would like to make the Rewards the following
Tie corps
1 - Iron Star - Platinum Wings
2 - Iron Star - Gold wings
3 - Iron Star - Silver wings
Dark brotherhood
1 - Silver nova
2 - Bronze nova
3 - Crescent
Infiltrator wing
1 - Victory cross
2 - cross of bravery
3 - War cross
These awards of course are just suggestions, but I believe it would be nice to
have a complete war of the SGs in these multiplayer events.
Judging the success of this venture, might also lead to other ladder events,
using other platforms. I am open to suggestions of course, but the melee
database will be ready and I would like the competition to start
Start - Tuesday April 13th
End - Monday 10th of may
These dates are to account for the amount of leave, we will all suffer from on
the Easter holidays.
IW vrs the EH Melee rules
All games will be 5/5
All games will be reported by the victor on the main database.
There is a max game cap of 10 games per participants. ( meaning you can only fly
the same pilot 10 times )
Melee games will be fought in the same craft
All challenges will be accepted in the #The_infiltatrator_wing channel only
I am aware that most EH events are played in the EHCoC channel, but this is
infiltrator wing mania month after all.
I welcome your comments and suggestions and ask for approval for this
competition to take place. We have a week to make the arrangements
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
Battlemaster Darkmage
BTM/SBM Darkmage/Nightshade/Caliburnus/Scholae Palatinae
MG Dante Selected as new Prefect of
the Hammer's Fist: 04.06.04
As Submitted By:
Fleet Commander
(GA Ronin)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
I hereby apply for the Prefecture of the Hammer's Fist. Attached is a .txt file
that contains my Hammer's Fist Resume.
References include:
FA/BG Howlader
VA/GN Sithspawn
MG Tygarin Cypher
I have served in a variety of positions from trooper to Executive Officer of the
Legion and from all accounts have done extremely well at all.
As for what I can do for the Legion in the future... Most of the projects that
have occurred over the past year or two were either completed under my watch in
Training or Operations.
Thank you for your time in this matter.
Major General, Special Forces
Executive Officer
Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
Fleet Commander's Note:
I should note that outgoing Prefect Mordred has given Dante a
glowing recommendation. Also, Dante has more than once submitted the
weekly HF reports and has kept things together in the Stormtrooper Legion.
Congratulations, Dante !
3 New Fleet Advisors Appointed
(LA/MO/RTO): 04.06.04
As Submitted By:
Fleet Commander
(GA Ronin)
After some consideration (and a while to receive a decent amount of
Applicants for MO and LA), I have selected the following candidates to serve in
these advisory positions.
Lord Ambassador (LA)
ENV/CPT Siterath Goersase/DREAD
Tranquility (promoted to Rear Admiral)
The other highly qualified Applicants were:
Fleet Commander's Note:
Sitherath is well known and respected in the Advanced Guard, having
already secured 3 Alliances to date !
Medical Officer (MO)
PMO/MAJ Jedi Eclipse/TFC
Ambassador (promoted to Rear Admiral)
The other two highly qualified Applicants were:
Fleet Commander's Note:
This was a particularly tough decision for me. I have always
considered the Position of MO to be a conifdant and aide to the EH Membership.
A designated doctor or medical liaison to whom someone could approach with a
problem or question. As such, the choice requires me to consider many
factors that other CS do not have to focus on, such as ability to counsel
Members, be discreet and provide strong and confident leadership and direction.
Think of the Medical Staff as 'counselors' to the hard-pressed Imperial
forces on the frontier...Namely the Outer Rim...
Congratulations to
Eclipse...Make us proud !
Rebel Tactical Officer (RTO)
AD Jacob Van Nowak
Fleet Commander's Note:
Although this Position was long held by former XO, HA Pappy, I have not
heard from Pappy in a long time...I wish him well and hope he returns to RTO
In the interim, the EH must go on...as such, the RTO will manage and
handle our relations with online "Rebel" clubs to improve relations with them
and the EH...Without violating our current policies and Alliances/Enemies... :)
My thanks to ALL of the fine applicants...these decisions are getting
harder and harder >:)

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL]/DC {IWATS-Core}
EH Ladder Systems Posted (COO):
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
The Combat Operations Office is proud to present the EH Ladder System. This
website is a multiplayer gaming tool that can be used by any subgroup within the
EH. The ladders work on they typical system of ranking players by wins vs
losses. Any interested SGCO or Flag/Equiv can contact me and I will set their
ladder up. The website can be found at
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor "Black Shirt"
PCON/SBL Khameir Sarin/Arcona "Shadow Lords"
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
XO Report 30: 04.04.04
A new newsletter is out, #102. You can get it at http://www.ehdb.org/nl/nl102.zip
It's about 4.5megs. Mirrors should be up once the LO sorts it out. As always,
I'm looking for more submissions. Send them to jpboyce@indigo.net.au All the
LoAs for the NL have been submitted for processing.
With the DB loot system's first phase complete and most of the DB's site
operational, I'll have some more free time to deal with XO stuff. Part of the
problem I've been experiencing lately is the sheer volume of spam
my account has been receiving. An average day is 50-100 emails with maybe 5
emails being items relating to EH work that require my attention. The end result
of this might be me changing to another account for EH use because of this.
One issue that's come up recently has been conduct of those involved in the EHBL
project, especially in response to some of the more negative commentary. Those
who've been around long enough will realize that this is a classic baiting
tactic - say something inflammatory in the hope of dragging down the other side
into a base slanging match. Then they can accuse you of being a mean bastard.
Such baiting should just be
ignored. These people put out the comment solely to get a reaction from COs, the
sort of reaction that will bolster their argument.
Another issue is some COs who think they've reached a certain zen point, a
"comfort" zone where they think a minimal output of a report a week and a bit
here and there will cover themselves. That's not on. If you want "comfort", go
back to being a FM. No one said that being a CO should or would be easy and
those COs who are partaking in this will start to feel some pressure. By not
pushing that 110%, you're letting
the whole team down and reflecting badly upon COs as a group.
That's about it.
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #133: 03.28.04
Beginning of this week was very nice, with a lot of effort put into making this
office run smoothly, but end of the week, made me mad and frustrated. But all
the problems will be solved, soon...
Competitions calendar:
My TACA Justin reports the completion of calendar. So we should have it online
in the matter or days. I think it will be very helpful for everyone who wants to
know what kind of tactical competitions we have and will have :)
JA and SWGB:
Please submit any SWGB battles and missions to me. We will add them to our
mission compendium. Also, we need someone to write SWGB Mission Creation Course.
I am sure TO will gladly approve it. Also, don't forget we have JA in mission
compendium. Make more levels :)
EHBL bug reporting tool:
EHBL bug reporting tool has been released thanks to our CA:IO Robert Dura. You
can find it here. So if you still have any EHBL problems, you either use this
tool or simply email SCO, CA:SCO and TAC and state your problem. We help
everyone, just let us do it. Without your mail we won't be able to help you.
TIE queue is empty
I call all TIE mission designers. Our queue is empty, this means no new TIE
battles unless you make some. I hebry declare special bonus for anyone who
submits TIE battle. Starting today, ending May 1st. So go and make some TIE
battles :)
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #134: 04.04.04
Well. March is over, so it's time to award my staff members, for their hard
work. I will be evaluating the performance of my TCCs, TCHC and CA:TAC and award
them with appropriate medals. So guys, expect cookie soon. On the other news, I
have few new battles to release, so expect them in compendium soon, probably
later today. Also, it seems that EHBL does not have as many problems as certain
people claimed. So everything goes smooth and by the numbers.
There were two cases this week. One was closed and we consider it a silly joke,
the second one will probably result with expulsion. Oh well, it seems some
people cannot leave without EH, even if EH does not want them. What can I say?
JA and SWGB:
Submit any SWGB battles and missions to me. We will add them to our mission
compendium. Also, we need someone to write SWGB Mission Creation Course. I am
sure TO will gladly approve it. Also, don't forget we have JA in mission
compendium. Make more levels :)
SWGB Mission Creation course:
From what I've heard from COL Master, SWGB MC course has been proposed to TO and
approved, so Master will now start working on this. Expect it online pretty
EHBL bug reporting tool:
EHBL bug reporting tool has been released thanks to our CA:IO Robert Dura. You
can find it here. So if you still have any EHBL problems, you either use this
tool or simply email SCO, CA:SCO and TAC and state your problem. We help
everyone, just let us do it. Without your mail we won't be able to help you.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Tactical Assistants [3]:
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: HA Striker #420 (striker@tiecorps.org)
Tactical Officer's Assistant: CPT Justin #5853 (justinmantonico@aol.com)
Honorary Tactical Officer's Assistant: VA Philo #7894 (cnwilde@umich.edu)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #25: 03.26.04
The TC membership count is up to 1,696 members. Of this number here is the
current makeup of the Tie Corps:
SSSD Sovereign [101]
Wing I [27]
Wing II [32]
Wing III [20]
Wing IV [21]
TIE Corps Battlegroups [107]
ISD Colossus [30]
Wing VIII [29]
ISD Relentless [25]
Wing IX [24]
ISD Challenge [29]
Wing X [28]
ISD Immortal [22]
Wing XI [21]
Aggressor Strike Force [135]
ISD Grey Wolf [55]
Wing XIII [54]
ISD Intrepid [40]
Wing XIV [39]
ISD Vanguard [39]
Wing XV [38]
Avenger Task Force [103]
SSD Avenger [68]
Wing XVIII [35]
Wing XIX [32]
ISD Subjugator [34]
Wing XX [33]
Currently there are 446 members in the Tie Corps not including the Elite
squadron totals. Three Wings under 25 pilots while the rest hover around 30 or
so members or more. I'd like to have all wings with at least 25 or more members,
so the goal of the wings with less than 25 should be to create a highly active
atmosphere through competition to attract more members...
This being said, the Cadet Placement page is up on the Flight Office Site
http://flightoffice.minos.net. Once
at the site, go to the left side menu and click on the cadet placement link.
I've had the BGCOM's go over the page and they have accepted it. The page lays
out what platform each wing and ship in the TC hosts, and gives a list of
squadrons in the TC that are in need of members. My goal is to have the Cadets
view this page and see if they would fit into a slot on one of the low membered
squadrons. It does not take the place of recruitment, but is a guideline for the
Cadets to follow should they be unsure of where to go.
With my work load demand in RL, many of you are well aware of my inability to
attend the TC meetings and some EH meetings from week to week. Though I can
always be reached by mail, and have a few hours of turn around time, I do feel
that the meetings are important. This being said, VA Styles has agreed to step
aside as FOA, both due to his CA:TAC duties and my need for a consistent
emissary for the meetings. For his service to the FO as FOA, I have awarded him
a Silver Star of the Empire. Thanks Styles! VA Khadgar has been named the new
FOA, and his primary duty is to attend the EH meeting as my emissary should I
not be able to attend and to moderate the weekly TC meetings.
This From the Science Office:
For Imperial Alliance, the game we are working on, we need graphics of your
unit and squadron patches. These you will then be able to use in-game. The
graphics requirements are:
Graphics need to be 2d (front view, not under an angle)
preferably 128x128 or larger. (can be smaller, but then it will be displayed
smaller as well)
Any graphics file format.
Approved by either OPS or the unit commanding officer.
Currently we already have old patches of the ASF, Butcher, Cobra, Copperhead,
Dagger, Fury, the ISD Intrepid, the ISD Vanguard, Kappa, Krayt, Mantis, Psi,
Python, Scorpion, Spectre, the SSD Avenger, Storm, Tartarus, Theta, Valkyrie and
If you don't want your own unit or squad to be left out, or think you have a
newer graphic then already used - send your graphics to The Science Office (DCC
also accepted.)
I highly recommend that all units in the TC furnish these to the SO. This game
looks quite interesting and your units should be represented!
The Combat Operations Office has released the Multi Subgroup Ladder System. This
website allows any members of the EH to create and organize a multiplayer ladder
competition. Any Flags interested in using the system can contact me to get
started. You can find the website at
http://ladders.minos.net. This is a great tool and should be utilized for
your MP events!
My Rant of the week:
Recently there was an issue of a Commander being removed from position by his
flags, for perceived abuse of the AWOL procedure and for failing to use the
Chain of Command properly. I want to reiterate to everyone here and now, that
the Flag officers of each ship and from the BGCOM of the BG's have the authority
to remove any pilot from a position, that they deem to be doing a sub par job,
or if they violate any of the AoW codes of conduct. It is their decision, and if
push comes to shove, I will ultimately decide on the side of the Flag Officers
unless there are mitigating circumstances. I encourage all pilots to view the
FSO's, and the SoP's of their ships. Learn them and live by them!
That's it from the Flight Office....
In Service
Flight Office Report #26: 04.02.04
A bug report page for EHBL has been paced at
I encourage everyone to use it to report any bugs that should arise with the
There is a new Wing Commanders course that can be found here
I highly encourage each and every WC to take the course, and encourage all
pilots with thoughts and designs on becoming WC to take the course as well!
Congratulations to GN Gidda WC WIng XIV on the ISD Intrepid for his promotion to
the rank of General. This rank is one of the most presidios ranks in the TC, and
GN Gidda has earned it ten fold. Congrats to him!
Well, that's about it from the Flight Office,
In Service....
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #136: 03.26.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #136
March 26, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Squadfirst 2.0.2 has been released. This release is just a minor update to some
of the links. However, this also serves as an announcement that SquadFirst is
under a new maintainer, the CA:IO, Admrial Robert Dura has taken up maintaining
To assist with the maintance of Squadfirst, The Internet Office's Bug Killer,
Ortho http://ortho.minos.net/, has been
reactivated. Currently it is accepting bug reports for Squadfirst. But
eventually plans on contianing the bug reports for all IO Projects.
Some new hosting accounts may have difficulty viewing files they've uploaded.
This is because some of the new accounts do not contain a public_html folder. To
solve the issue, users should simply create a folder called public_html in their
FTP directory, then upload all their files into the public_html folder.
Development of emperorhsammer.org continues. AD Turtle continues to work on the
administration backend involving adding/editing/deleting news articles. HA Ari
is working on the front display pages. In terms of display, the main things that
need finishing are Site of the Week and News Archives.
Work on the Emperor's Hammer Image Archive has started. FA
AbsoluteK has graciously agreed to take back up the mantle of IA Developer.
Expect further updates as time continues.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Rho Squadron Site site at
http://www.minos.net/~rhonin/rho/index.html by LT Serin Jansj. Congrats on a
4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
What should the revamped Images Archive contain?
# More categories
# Better layout and design
# Automated upload
# Ability to list more info about a member
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: AD Robert Dura
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
# http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
# http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
# http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
# http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
# http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ -
Archived Message Board Data
# http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
# http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
# http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
# http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ -
Sabacc Online v2.4
# http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
# http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
# http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
# http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
# http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
# http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
# http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
# http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
# http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
# http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
# http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
# http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
# http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
CA:IO-SOA/AD Robert Dura/CA-5/SSSD Sovereign
:: Transmission End ::
Knight-Admiral Robert Dura, CA:IO-SOA
Internet Office Report #137: 04.04.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #137
April 4, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Sorry for the late report once again, it's been a hectic week and I will be
unavailable for certain parts of it (i.e. Monday-Wednesday, as well as next
Monday & Tuesday) due to Passover.
EH.org development has slowed down this week due to an unforeseen circumstance.
However, the design has been altered so as to comply with new specifications and
things should hopefully get back on track shortly.
Just a reminder, The Internet Office's Bug Killer, Ortho
http://ortho.minos.net/, has been set up
to track bugs for SquadFirst, as well as the EHBL, and various other projects.
Some people may have been having trouble with Minos.net this past week. The
issue causing this has been fixed (it was a lack of memory - the memory on the
server is being upgraded).
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the COO Ladder System site at
by Reb Crush. Congrats on a 5 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What should the revamped Images Archive contain?
-More categories
-Better layout and design
-Automated upload
-Ability to list more info about a member
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: AD Robert Dura
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
IO/HA Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
:: Transmission End ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #33: 03.28.04
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 33rd Training Office Report!
This report is later than I had anticipated. I would like to blame the exciting
international jet-setting lifestyle that I lead. But that would be a lie.
Admiral Darksaber has launched a Competition Consultancy service; open to all
members of the Emperor's Hammer. This service will give members' assistance in
formulating new competition ideas - big or small - and help in running their
competitions. The Admiral can be contacted at darksaber@minos.net.
Captain Chris Cox is the Professor of the new Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
IWATS Course, found at:
http://swgbiwats.minos.net/. I urge you all to take it today!
Dark Jedi Master Gelton Torr has been appointed as Obelisk Phase II Pontiff.
This is in-part thanks to his sterling recruitment efforts for the Obelisk
Order. My thanks are extended to Sirik Xirok, the former Pontiff, for his work.
Sith Battlelord Daniel Goad has taken over the reigns of Sith Phase II Pontiff.
I have compiled a recent complete Graduate Count for IWATS, which can be found
below. The last count was published in September, and therefore the numerical
increase since then is cited where possible. The Professors of those Courses
highlighted with a little blue 'equals' may be promptly taken outside and shot.
Core [{IWATS}]: 5,895 [+186]
Squadron Management [SM/3 & Prior]: 1,368 [+48]
Computer Basics [CBX]: 750
Linux [LIN]: 149 =
HTML [IIC/1/2/3]: 958 [+115]
VB Script [VBS]: 214 [+16]
PHP [PHP]: 78 [+9]
Active Server Page [ASP]: 84 =
XML [XML]: 201 [+16]
Flash [FLA]: 230 [+15]
JavaScript [JS]: 100
Graphics [GFX]: 145 [+21]
Eggdrop [BOT]: 87 [+20]
mIRC [M/1/2]: 1,404 [+98]
ICQ [ICQ]: 373 =
AOL Instant Messenger [AIM]: 481 [+42]
BitchX [BX]: 45 [+20]
TIE Fighter Tactics [TT]: 315 [+13]
XvT Tactics [XTT]: 350 =
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Creation [XTM/1/2]: 337 [+14] / 107
X-Wing: Alliance Mission Creation [XAM]: 104
TIE Fighter Mission Creation [TM/1/2]: 217 [+161] / 7
Rebellion Tactics [RT]: 400 =
OPTing Course [OPT]: 6 [+1]
Trillian [TRL]: 50
Internet Basics [IBX]: 100
Tactical Staff [TAC]: 36
Multiplayer [MP]: 129
TOTAL: 14,720 Graduates [+1,060]
Since September 2003 - approximately a six month period - there
have been over one thousand more IWATS Graduates. However, if one is to consider
IWATS Core to be an accurate judge of active TIE Corps membership, there has
only been an increase of 186 in half a year. Therefore general TC membership may
be rising, but barely.
On a similar note, 223 Initiates have passed the Apprentice Studies within the
Shadow Academy since the process became automated. I can no longer calculate the
manual figures from before that time because the individual e-mails have now
been deleted.
Commander Trido has been awarded a Gold Star of the Empire for his service to
the Training Office.
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by the possibility of doctoral study. Most SubGroup
academies will be heavily involved in this institution once the idea is ready to
go gold. Any questions can be directed to me at
keldorn@btopenworld.com. The
Imperial Senate, Dark Brotherhood and Intelligence Division have been given
further information concerning this project.
Rear Admiral Drako continues to work on the EH Top Gun project with the Combat
Operations Officer: Work is now underway on the coding of the automated
tracking/management system, while the COO has completed the work required by his
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit Combat Rating 'Races' competitions will be denied. I would
like to highlight the emphasis on �internal unit competitions�; this only
applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and not to a
inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to hm@darkbrotherhood.org. Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
II. Lowering of Multiplayer Requirements to One Match: 13th March 2004
All new Sith and Obelisk Initiates within the Dark Brotherhood must complete one
(1) MP match to graduate from Phase II of their Apprentice Studies. Single
player requirements for the Sith Order remain the same.
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #28: 03.27.04
Busy busy busy week. Nothing to report unfortunately..
- The only news is as usual that there is no news. The Medal and Uniform queues
are clear.
Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything.
Frank Dane
OPS Report #29: 04.02.04
Same old same old. The spring is always a time of primary inactivity among the
fleet. Let's try and change that! Command Staff, let's award some GSes or
- Again no news. I'm out to clear the medal and uniform queue as we speak. Or,
rather, as I write.
I don't mind what Congress does, as long as they don't do it in the streets
and frighten the horses.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885)
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
- No Reports Submitted
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #10: 03.26.04
1. The Security Office is currently not accepting applications/solicitations for
2. I've heard several reports of EHers ganging up on others. Whether or not
provocation has been given, personal attacks and/or constant hounding of an
individual will NOT be tolerated by this office.
Case News:
1. None this week.
Computer Security News:
1. A couple interesting vulnerabilities this week. They are as follows:
A. Outlook URL Handler vunerability -
B. Occurances of Witty Worm, Phatbot Trojan, and continued propagation of W32
Netsky and MyDoom varients. Particular emphasis on Phatbot because it's an IRC
bot. -
2. Several new Security fixes available via Windows Update.
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
Science Office Report #37: 04.04.04
"A scientist works from sun to sun, but his lab rat's work is
never done."
Welcome to my thirty-seventh public report as a Science Officer, gratuitously
late cause of getting involved into work on Imperial Alliance. But that means
there's more to report:
Science Office News:
1. Thanks to the Internet Office we now have a bug tracking site for EHBL, SCO
Patches and Imperial Alliance (though that's perhaps a bit early). If you have
problems running any of these go to
http://ortho.minos.net and there you can see if your problem already has a
solution or you can ask for
more help.
2. Our project of "Imperial Alliance", the Star Wars Flightsim
using the Freespace 2 engine is basically racing ahead. A layout of what has
been done recently:
" We have our own exe's now which display the animated techroom
craft in craft selection amongst others. This comes with its own new launcher
and new mission editor, which allows for example all the additional backdrops we
" Interface changes on the Registration Desk, the Concourse, the
Battle Room, Combat Chamber, Film Room, Techroom, (Thanks to Tempest) an in-game
TC uniform generator and a fully operational barracks section. This lets you
display your own face of choice, squad patch and TC uniform and manage your
" We replaced all backdrops like planets, stars and nebula's and
all the briefing icons (which was quite a lot of boring work *g*).
" Changes to the in-flight HUD targeting systems.
" More updates on craft, like fixing bugs with the ISD and TRN
and we've added red turbo lasers and asteroids:)
" Released a new Beta Phase with all of these features to
3. Because Imperial Alliance displays squadron patches, I'm
asking all unit commanders to send in the uniform patch of their squadron, wing,
house, clan, whatever you want. The full request and the requirements are on
http://www.emperorshammer.net/news.asp?days=14#3092 On that same topic I'd
like to thank all the officers that have already sent in their patches. And
folks: its not just for the TIE Corps.:)
4. I'd also like to thank MAJ Chris McCollum and FA Priyum Patel
for sending in quite a few of the graphics I requested earlier. For you others:
I'm looking for original art of battles, craft looking cool and other such
material. Minimum resolution should be about 400x300.
5. CM Timmay has set up a forum just for the project at
http://hosting.infiltrator-wing.com/phpbb2 - if you want to help out in the
testing department, or just want to have previews/early access of what we are
doing, you are advised to go and check it out. Registering makes sure you will
receive email notices of next beta phases and other such matters. Do report a
bug that you come across though, that's what testing is about.
6. Closing up it seems we've been getting some very good press
outside the EH based on Den's latest release of screenshots. With a bit of luck
it draws in members before it's even released. The screenshots are at
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1658 but I've also added one to the
Science Office Status:
CA: Admiral Darkhill has made numerous new versions of our Imperial Alliance exe
file, which include changes to accommodate our own new interface, made a new
version our launcher and of our mission editor. He also received a MoT-gh for
his mission.
SCOA: CM Tim has set up the Imperial Alliance forum and released
the first Beta phase of all craft in X-W. He also has added asteroids, rebel
turbo lasers and fixed the X-W.
Site: The Science Office site can be found at
http://sco.minos.net or via the redirect
The mirror can be found at
http://www.gimmie.tudelft.nl/homes/blok10b/ender/sco. No major updates.
Science Office Projects:
Imperial Alliance: With the release of the freely available source code of FS2,
we have started on making a Star Wars game out of it. We can freely distribute a
finished game as long as we have all our own data files
(graphics, sounds, models etc). Renamed to "Imperial Alliance". About all craft
from X-Wing have been added and most of the interface has been replaced. A new
beta phase has been launched.
Currently all other projects are on hold till we can make it a standalone game,
which won't need FS2 anymore. Current beta version is still a mod on that.
Making it standalone won't make it finished though, but it will be a good
Finishing up:
I think that's it - If I've forgotten anything or if you have comments,
suggestions or corrections, let me know via email or look us up at
#science_office. Don't forget that all the projects are described in more detail
on the SCO site.
(Use only mindb_ender@hotmail.com for official SCO mails.) or ICQ (9706474).
Preferably do not mail large files to me, but DCC them via IRC - I'm practically
always online at #science_office, #emperor's_hammer and
#tiecorps using the nick MindB_ndr (or variations.)
All my SCO reports are available online as well: you can reach them on the SCO
site but they are on the TIE Corps site, CS reports, as well.
Until next time, good luck and have fun!
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
Logistics Office Report #8: 03.27.04
Logistics News
1. After wrestling with the question of if the Codex should be part of the LO
site, I have decided that it shouldn't. This will allow the codex to continue on
as it has done previously independently of the LO that was using it. The new
look for the EH Codex is now complete. It can be perused at
2. Now that the Codex framework has been created, it is now up to those of us in
the Logistics Office to fill it with all that information. To this end, Emails
will be sent out to every SGCOM in the next week asking them to prepare
histories of their SG from a fictional standpoint. The Dark Brotherhood already
has a leg up on the rest of the EH with the information contained within the
Dark Side Compendium, and that is the form that the Codex will hope to contain
for all other SG's and the EHCS eventually as well.
3. As the SOD has not been stepping up for work on the Memorium, I think that
the LO will have to take over heading up this one. I'd like to see any work that
anyone has done for the Memorium or info that should be included in it sent to
me ASAP ( xanderdrax@lusankya.org
). This project will be worked on concurrently with the Codex, as both will most
likely be long term projects.
4. The Logistics Office is still looking for a copy of Newsletter 100. I know
that it's out there, and I really would like a copy of it. It is the last
newsletter that is needed for the archives, as all others are there in zip form
at least. This NL isn't that old, so please look around to see if you may be one
of those that has it.
Logistics Staff
LO: Vice Admiral Xander Drax
CA:LO: Admiral Zsinj
LOA: Vice Admiral Darwin Matir
LOA: Vice Admiral Daniel Stevens
Logistics Links
http://logistics.lusankya.org/ -
Logistics Office
http://codex.lusankya.org/ - EH Codex
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
- No Reports Submitted
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
GM Report #12: 03.29.04
Sith High Warrior
Despite the closure of the application period on Wednesday, I am still
deliberating on the selection of a new Sith High Warrior. Until I announce the
new leader of the Sith Order, all correspondence that would normally go to the
SHW should be addressed to me.
New Satal Keto Consul
The new Consul of Clan Satal Keto is Dark Jedi Knight Osan'gar. I look forward
to seeing what he can do with the Clan.
Force Powers Update
The Think Tank has been engaged in lengthy discussion this week on numerous
topics relating to the Force Powers update. Some of these ideas should soon see
their way into a draft proposal I'll be writing on the new Force Powers system.
Meeting/MP Comp Attendance
I am pleased to see the increased numbers in attendance at the DB meeting and #kaiburr
multiplayer competitions. I encourage all Dark Jedi to turn up to events like
these, they can often be rather fun and I may even be providing greater
incentive for attendance/participation in the future (details are "Top Secret"
My Escort Squadron Rules!
A big shout out to Tau Squadron, the DB elite, which continues to prove itself a
mighty multiplayer force in the EH and the wider SW gaming community.
GM Report #13: 04.04.04
"The Obelisk, the few and proud, are on the rise again - and
be wary, foes, they will not take prisoners." - Dark Side Adept Michael Halcyon
Sith High Warrior Undecided
I still have not picked a Sith High Warrior, because it is quite hard to find
someone who has the qualities I am looking for. I don't want to install a
'caretaker' Sith High Warrior, but rather someone with the energy and ideas to
take the Order in new directions. We're more than 4 years into the 21st century
now, time to roll.
Obelisk High Commander Retires
After many months as the High Commander of the Obelisk Order, Dark Side Adept
Michael Halcyon has reluctantly stepped down to pursue his academic interests.
Mike has done a great job ushering in the recent rise of the Order to some
semblance of its former glory, and will be sadly missed by the warriors of the
Obelisk. In recognition of his excellent contribution to his Order and the
Brotherhood, I hereby award Mike the Emerald Dagger! Wear it with pride wherever
the Dark Side takes you, friend.
Vacancy: Obelisk High Commander
I am not currently taking applications for the position of Obelisk High
Commander, as I am talking directly with certain people who I feel would be
suited to the job.
Imperial Alliance
The other day I gave the collection of DB clan/house emblems to the EH Science
Officer, so now the DB will be represented in the upcoming Imperial Alliance mod
for Freespace.
Force Powers Update
Discussions have somewhat stalled this week, but that's mainly my fault for not
attempting to push the talk on into a more productive direction. I will be
writing up my own initial skeleton plan on the new system for the group's
discussion sometime this week.
Dark Voice
It's coming. Check the Message Board in the next day or two for information.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (MG Dante)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
Major General, Prefect, Hammer's Fist Legion
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
HF Weekly Report #1: 04.02.04
Everyone get involved with Operation Sledgehammer! Check
www.ehnet.org/mb for details on how to
The Uniform Project is finally on it's way to completion. Work
is being done for display on the website.
The CSMA is undergoing an overhaul and some new surprises may be
on there way. Stay tuned for details.
We need a new CC for Vindictive Company. Send apps to me at
The PRG is looking for new members. See Kuro on IRC or email
him. That's about all for my first report. Below are the promotions/medals for
the last few weeks. Keep reccing your troopers.
PTE Praetorian
PTE Braxus
PTE Nemo
PTE Sandurz
PTE Halcyon
CDT Earl Swagger
MAJ Narthax
HC Dingo
HC Nightflyer
HC Darkheart
Medals Awarded
2xLoC - LCP BubbaX
IC - PFC Zero
2xCoO - CPT Torres
DJ - PFC Todes Engel
EP - CDT Earl Swagger
DsS - HG Mordred
SoV - MAJ Krayt
Member Count (Active Members): 87
Member Count (With Training Platoon): 128
Member Count (With Homeguard - Full): 224
General Staff
PRF: HG Mordred
XO: MG Dante
CO: LTC Narthax
CT: LTC Sirik Xirok
CI: GN Zsinj
CS: MG Tygarin Cypher
Staff Officers
A:PRF: MAJ Iylan Kano
ADJ: MAJ Krayt
A:CT: 2LT Earl Swagger
A:CS: BG Dingo
CRO: LG Lander
ADV: FM Ares
ADV: LTC Delak Krennel
ADV: BG Nightflyer
ADV: GN Sithspawn
ADV: BG Vladkov
ADV: MG Vradin Jonusk
Company: 1st Special Operations
CC: COL Hemi
A:CC: LTC Tacky
Platoon: Torch Squadron
DC: MAJ Krayt Dragontrainer
TRP: CPL Depriest
TRP: SGT Terrian Astruar
Platoon: Nightstalkers
DC: CPT BaleFire
TL: SSG Decarat
TRP: SGT Aidan Pryde
TRP: CWO Domingo Chavez
TRP: SSG Ric Gravant
TRP: WO2 Wil Striker
Platoon: Roughnecks
Company: Vindictive
Platoon: Vendetta
DC: CPT Torres
ADC: CPL Ruthless
Squad: 1
TRP: PFC Halcyon
TRP: PTE Janus Praij
TRP: PFC Wolverine
Squad: 2
TL: SGT Chris
TRP: LCP Buck Rogers
TRP: PFC Ibram Gaunt
TRP: PFC Sandurz
Platoon: Vengeance
DC: LT TK-Trent
Squad: 1
TRP: PFC Eldarin L�rien
TRP: PFC Praetorian
TRP: PFC Ragnarok
Squad: 2
TRP: LCP Arrakiv
TRP: LCP Chaos Wookie
TRP: CPL Stryker
TRP: PFC Tomasz Ciesielski
Platoon: Vehement
Squad: 1
TRP: PFC Braxus
TRP: PFC Dublin
TRP: PFC Ons Shy
TRP: MSG Phantom
Squad: 2
Company: Nova
CC: MAJ Luke Morin
Platoon: Eclipse
DC: MAJ Shadowmaker
ADC: SPL Asbestos Felt
Squad: 1
TL: SGT Drak
TRP: PFC Jodo Kast
TRP: CPL Roger Caliburn
TRP: PFC Tatsu Kogarasu
Squad: 2
TRP: WO2 Haztix Vel
TRP: PFC Jairun Caloth
TRP: MSG Kael Malah'k
Platoon: Umbra
DC: CPT Jacen Aylen
ADC: SGM Destavol Gin
Squad: 1
TRP: PTE Bud Miller
TRP: LCP Lorn Blahde
TRP: SSG Mordann Tal'kyra
TRP: PFC WaveMasterDrow
Squad: 2
TRP: CPL Gallows
TRP: PFC Milan Bozinovic
TRP: PFC Rayf Ysanna
Platoon: Corona
DC: CPT Jedi Eclipse
Squad: 1
TRP: SGM Jacob Van Nowak
TRP: PFC Matt Murdock
TRP: LCP Thorn
TRP: PFC Todes Engel
Squad: 2
TL: CWO Spazninmov
TRP: LCP Dessan
TRP: SGM Jack Stone
TRP: LCP Randarth
That is all.
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #18: 03.25.04
Floating through the debris field of the alien ships, The MC-80
Saratoga and her support squadron Begin to scan the wreckage and gather more
information about their attackers. This field of dead ships has turned out to be
some kind of trap. A trap the Saratoga herself nearly fell into. Had it not been
for the appearance of the Renegade and black squadron who where both nearby, The
Saratoga might not have survived.
On the bridge of the mon calamari cruiser, Admiral silvori sits in silence. The
IWCOM reads the battle report and is most intrigued by the stealth technology
employed here by the alien vessels. Major Varna, please open a channel to black
"Commander drak, Excellent timing as usual. So glad to have the IWCOM escorts
squadron in the area, Did you take any losses ? "
"That's a negative DM, One of the newbie's took a little more battle damage that
I would have liked, but she has docked with the Renegade for repairs, Other than
that we are ok." Replies the black commander.
"Well, Once she is back in space, Please jump back to the NEO with the
information we are sending you. I have a job for her."
"Its coming through now sir, you sure you want us to leave" Drak replies.
"No, replies the IWCOM. but be sure, I have my reasons"
Admiral silvori watches as the analogues of the 11 Xwings banks towards to
Renegade and out of the Wreckage of alien vessels, Major Varna, If you would be
so kind as to patch me through to the Renegade please.
She smiles "yes sir"
"Brent good timing, They did not expect you from behind and the surprise seem to
shock them into leaving. Excellent work"
"Sir, This is Major Nicol Bolas, I am afraid a Energy torpedo hit the bridge and
Brent has been Taken into the infirmary"
"I see " Replies the admiral
"I was in the engine room, helping to perfect the new drive modifications
introduced by Rear Admiral Timmy, When we got the call for war. Once we realized
the bridge was gone, I took command from engineering Sir"
" see, The ship was commanded well during the battle, And you followed orders,
something I admire in a space battle. I am promoting you to the rank of
lieutenant colonel and placing you as Commodore of the Mc-90 Renegade, Least
until Brent is up and running once more."
"Yes sir" A surprised sounding major replies.
"LC bolas, I have sent scorpion after our alien friends, Once they have found
there base and the true extent of there size, I am sending the fleet in to wipe
them out. However, I would like one of there fighters captured to analyze the
cloaking technology they are using, Take the ship to .3 .12 .045 and head to a
system called Arthun. Once there, I want you to survey the outer most planet and
send fighters to patrol the system"
"OK sir, may I ask why" Replies The new Commodore
"Of course, I believe our new friends to have a supply base at the second planet
from the sun, I however am not sure at this time. Make me sure Commodore"
With in a few minutes, The renegade banks out of the Debris Field and towards
the hyperspace route. Walking through the ship, Adren feels a disturbance in the
force, Since the IWCOM does not actively use the force, this troubles him
somewhat. Finding the source of the disturbance does not take long and the trail
ends in the main hangar bay.
An alien roughly 6' in height lies on the floor, his head separated from the
rest of his body. They look reptilian in nature don't they my friend.
Admiral malik, Extiuingishing his blade turns to his friend
"Yes sir, I believe this thing is SSI ruuk, He has told my the location of the
fleet they came from and you are not going to like it"
The admiral smiles "I never like anything my friend, spit it out"
"They have a supply base in the Athrun system, They have 12 warships there,
These are only scouts"
Admiral malik turns to judge his friends reaction to realize he is standing in
the hangar on his own ...
My report is a little early this week, As due to the Damage
taken in the battle, My engineers are removing my Holonet as the main array was
damaged. I expect it to be working to its full effect on Monday morning once
again, but I shall be out of contact until then. If you have a pressing command
issue, please contact Vice Admiral boliv for clearance or guidance.
The main news of this week of course, If the Fact After just accepting the job
LC Brent Tainer has decided to step down from the position of commodore, I
respect his decision as RL circumstances changed and he believes it better to
quit than to suck at the Job. At least we agree on that.
I opened applications the Same day for the position and I was happy to find a
replacement so soon. LC Bolas will be the new Renegade commodore and should be
addressing the crew in the not to distant future. The bridge of the Renegade
however is under repair at the moment, So be patient, I am sure it will be with
us in the next 24 hours :)
Report content And Email protocol
I have seen some excellent reports in the last couple of weeks, The role-playing
element of this club is such, That we show must krath how things should be done.
This might seem like a shocking statement to some in the group as most of us
view the krath with some contempt :) Buts its nice to see the Events taking
shape and its better to see, Everyone is playing a part in the story, that has
been created and trying to get into character.
Excellent work everyone.
I have just one complaint however' I would like to ensure all emails sent to
superiors have the <Salute> Tag at the start and end of every email as
well as a full idline.
These things are protocol and I would like them observed.
Excellent week everyone and good activity all round. !
IWCOM AD Silvori
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk )
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com)
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Nicol bolas ( nicolbolas@lusankya.org )
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok ( sxirok@yahoo.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 72
Reserves - 63
IWCOM Report #19: 04.03.04
The Saratoga has been in bad shape this week, the battle against
the SSi Ruk has taken its toll and our engineers have been really busy fixing
the damage. A rebel convoy whom the Saratoga was following last week, Has been
informed of our large lizard friends and the danger it once again represents.
one of the scorpion pilots, has some Intel on these creatures as he is from
bakura and I like not what I am hearing.
The fleet is now on the highest form of alert, and I am expecting rebel
communication anytime soon. Of course we are the infiltrator wing, so please
don't divulge we are imperials to them.
Welcome to another exciting IWCOM report. Its here, that's right it is now the
month of April and IW mania is about to begin. Many many competitions are in the
pipeline in the coming days, as we up through the gears to bring fun and
excitement to everyone in the infiltrator wing and even let the other sub groups
in on the fun.
Infiltrator wing melee goes EH Wide.
On the 7th of April. The infiltrator wing melee database will be reset. and the
Entire emperor's hammer will be invited to join. I urge no pilots to play any
games, once the database is reset until the 7th of April.
While the medals are not approved yet, I am very excited about the prospect of
seeing people from all over the emperors hammer. in the main IW channel
challenging each other to melee games. I just hope we can show them who is best.
Should you have clones in the tie corps, You must decide from the word go, which
persona will be flying in the melee events. Since we are inviting them, I would
hope all active IWers will be choosing the greatest fleet in the galaxy......
ours :)
IW Melee rules
All games will be 5/5
All games will be reported by the victor on the main database.
There is a max game cap of 10 games per participants. ( meaning you can only fly
the same pilot 10 times )
Melee games will be fought in the same craft
All challenges will be accepted in the #The_infiltatrator_wing channel only
Several other command staff and the commodore's have events planned. so keep
your joysticks plugged in and your thinking caps on !
Winning squadron - black squadron ( second time )
Runner up - Razor squadron
Winning pilots XWA Section
1 - Colonel Drak ( Black squadron )
2 - LC Jania ( razor squadron )
Winning pilots Tie Section
1 - MAJ Zeth Durron ( Razor squadron )
2 - Colonel Drak ( black squadron )
I would like to thank everyone who partook in the competition and I would like
to congratulate those who got medals. There will be no IWCOMs competition this
month, as IW Mania will have so many events, it would place a strain on the
commanders. So, black are IWCOM's escort for the next two months. Well done.
As well as explaining Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader Episode
III will also introduce us to a new bad guy.
General Grevious may have a duff name, but you ’d be well advised not to
laugh at this half robot/half alien.
The new villain is a military leader in the Separatist Army and is described by
Empire magazine as a “master strategist and the greatest hand-to-hand Jedi
killer the galaxy has ever known”.
It’s fair to assume he will play a large part in the destruction of the
Jedi Knights.
There has also been increasing speculation that the final film will be called
Star Wars: Episode III – The Creeping Fear
The new name has received a muted welcome from fans. They seem to prefer either
Revenge of the Sith or The Fall of the Jedi.
I'm sure we all look forward to seeing the end result
it give me great pleasure this week, to promote Talon NemesiS Karrde to the rank
of General. Talon has been a fine example to many, as his activities while often
in shadow. Are most impressive and frequent.
My sincere congratulations General Karrde
Thank you all for your time once more.
Admiral Silvori
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk )
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com)
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Nicol Bolas (nicolbolas@lusankya.org)
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok ( sxirok@yahoo.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 76
Reserves - 65
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (Rokin)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer
- No Reports Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report #159: 03.26.04
Hello again, from the friendly, well more blaster toting
hostility, but still the Bounty Hunters Guild.
This has been another exciting week as we continue to have fun as we make our
way towards summer. IRC President is one step closer to being a reality. We
finished up the voting for the primaries and narrowed down the candidates to Re
Eson with Vice President Kailani vs. Slicer with Vice President Reaver ( who due
to military service, is kicking taliban arse in Afghanistan). Also this week was
held the IRC Debate where the candidates fielded various questions from hunters.
All that participated had great fun, and the log is posted on our message board.
Next week will be the primary elections, we will bring you the results of
The Arena tournament is near the end! It has been going on for a long time, and
after several grueling matches, Jodo, Korathen, and Hiko are the only one's left
standing. Good luck to them, and as the finals are taken care of this week, we
will announce a winner!
Great news on the Kabal Authority front. The Judicator Ehart Dak`wind has gotten
his internet access back, which means good or bad news for the chiefs..
depending on how good they are doing their jobs! In preparation for his return,
the always distinguished Red Scar has held a 2 vs. 2 IKC, to prime up our kabals
for the inevitable Kabal Authority Games that will be on the horizon.
BHG Idol? How the heck does that work? The Executor Jernai will let you know
soon, just too keep you entertained by giving you this little teaser, as the BHG
is always bringing innovations to its activities.
Until next week,
Thank you for your time.
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #46: 3.24.04
Report of the Supreme Director #45 - 24/03/04
Roster Count: 97 (4 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 215
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/GN Winters - IDWinters@comcast.net
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski - morgoth@op.pl
XO/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications!
We currently require a new Bureau Director for the Analysis Bureau. General
Winters (IDWinters@comcast.net) is in command until a qualified applicant can be
More information about the position can be found at:
The ideal applicant should be able to:
-Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its
expansion Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote
-Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
-Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading by
-Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to:
aburt@tampabay.rr.com with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application by Saturday
03/04/04 (or 04/03/04 if you're weird and/or American)
2. Another Agent gains 00- Status!
Things are really hotting up at the Academy of Tactics at present (
A Commander in the Bureau of Operations has completed all the
requirements and has been given the code name 005. Congratulations to him. Two
new 00- agents in two weeks. better do some courses fast before all the spots
go! -
SDIR Report #46: 03.31.04
Roster Count: 99 (2 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 217
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal�kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk (sdir@ehintel.org)
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/GN Winters - IDWinters@comcast.net
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com (On leave - email
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski - morgoth@op.pl
XO/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. ANLY BUDR Open for Applications!
We currently require a new Bureau Director for the Analysis Bureau. General
Winters (IDWinters@comcast.net) is in command until a qualified applicant can be
found. More information about the position can be found at:
The ideal applicant should be able to:
-Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its expansion
-Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote activity
-Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
-Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading by
-Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required - one to
the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your command
to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to:
bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk with the subject: ANLY BUDR Application by
Saturday 03/04/04 (or 04/03/04 if you�re weird and/or American)
2. New *Public* �Public Relations� Branch Opens
The new branch is called PR and its pretty similar to the PR we had back when
Diploserv was around. This branch is quite unique from the others in the ID.
First of all its fully public, that means that you can go off and post your ID
line publicly, that's right you will BE A PUBLIC AGENT. Also you wont be doing
regular missions, instead you will be utilizing your creativity to work on
special projects run by me and also working on getting the Comlink turned into
something regular.
By being a part of this branch you will be able to do something a little
different to what you would otherwise normally do not only as a member of the
intelligence division but also as a member of the EH in general. An added bonus
is that those joining up wont have to do the general intel exam, you'll go
straight into the branch and be able to get to work on designing new graphics
and helping to coordinate new activities.
Interested? Well, if you are I guess now would be the time to outline what we
are looking for and how to join.
Basic requirements:
1. Good creative skills
- What we mean here is basically if you are strong with graphics, web design
2. Online Presence
- As a public member you will be an ambassador of the intelligence division, as
such we'd prefer it if you were on irc a bit or posted on the boards regularly
to help promote a positive image of the ID.
3. Be able to work well in a team
- This is important as you will be working with the rest of the members of PR
and will be forming a collective unit aimed at completing particular tasks to
deadlines and to the best of your ability.
Preferable requirements:
1. Good Sense of Humour
- Ultimately, I want people who would like to just have fun while getting their
projects done so if you're up for a laugh come apply.
So those are our requirements, if you think you fit the bill then send a 'cv'
basically explaining to us what you can bring to PR and if coming in as graphic
or webby person then some proof of your work. If you don't think you fit the
bill entirely but are still interested in joining then apply to us anyway as
we'd love to hear from everyone interested.
Recruitment is ongoing so no deadline will be set just yet, but remember spaces
for now are limited so the sooner you apply the better.
Applications should be sent to:
bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk with the subject: PR Branch Application.
3. RA Scrier on Leave 01/04/04 - 20/04/04
Unfortunately due to a heavy workload in RL, Scrier will be on leave for the
next 2/3 weeks or so. Please send any urgent RADR material to me (bored_of_darkness@yahoo.com)
during this time.
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 03.26.04
Gonna try to abridge reports so information is more readily
accessible. I think that a lot of things I say in reports fall through to cracks
because there's a lot to read. So, I'll keep it short this week and see how it
1) New HCT chosen! Please welcome Coranel to the position of HCT! He's been
invaluable in bringing some life back into the Colonial Branch! Superlative job!
Good luck in your new position!
2) MoO Wisal Pol-Jo is on a leave of absence. DGMF Orzon has taken over his
duties in the interim. However, please remember that any major proposals need to
be sent to me. :)
3) Medals are being tallied for the Run-On from the Yridia Competition! Its been
a hectic week, so the weekend is my best bet for getting in there and reading
those posts! Expect to be handsomely compensated for participation! Thanks to
all who took the time to post!
4) We need hosts for the upcoming XWA CapShip Skrimishes! Apply directly to MoE
Striker and myself, CCing AF Olarum. Please include times you are available to
5) There are a lot of new courses at the Academy! I'd suggest the new course on
the Tarkin Doctrine...there's a lot of good information there which, if you've
read The Prince, you'd enjoy since many principles are exactly the same. If you
do the course for no other reason, do it to be a little more educated. After
all, you are running or defending a planetary system! Academy participation is
still participation in my book...keep taking courses! :)
6) Website will be worked on this weekend by A:DGMF Monsh and MoC Terrian. The
current temporary site has updated links, including a link to te new DIR Forum!
7) I'll be organizing information for the Systems Manual and writing more
information for Diplomacy 4.0.0 most of this weekend! However, I should be
available while I'm doing these things, as I tend to idle on IRC while I work.
8) RECRUIT! RECRUIT! RECRUIT! Remember the tips I gave in my E-Mail! Be
persuasive, but not over-aggresive. Be helpful, don't give them a manual to fend
for themselves. Guide them through it, rather than strand them in dead water!
I think that about covers it, folks!
Directorate Domain Report: 04.03.04
Welcome to the newest installment of the weekly Directorate
Domain Report! In terms of real-life for the Grand Moff, its been a week of ups
and downs. I thank you all for being so understanding during my short absence!
The next few weeks should grant me more time to work on a couple of my own
Directorate projects, Diplomacy and the EH Systems Manual. For those who haven't
heard, Diplomacy 4.0.0 is in the works and its shaping up to be the best release
of the game yet! However, enough introduction...onto the report...!
1) Big thank you to all the Ministry Council who got 100% of their reports in on
time for the first time in Lord only knows how long. Councilors please check
your mailboxes for a message from me!
2) Notice, folks, that I have a shiny new Medal of Recruitment in my ID Line!
While its nothing like that Fist of Palpatine I have, it certainly is just as
important to me! If I can get out there and recruit, you folks on the line can,
too! If I can find the time in my schedule, so can you!
3) AF Olarum and SCPT Nir Fallas have begun a Recruitment Project! The end
result of said project will be a new Join Form and/or a new Introduction page
for the Directorate site! However, they would like contributions from everybody!
We want the end result to be representative of the entire Directorate! Not just
a few people! Please feel free to mail them and ask what you can submit in terms
of content!
4) The MB Recruitment Post Writer request received a superlative response. To
the three who opted to help, I thank you ahead of time and will be getting in
contact with you all soon! Your dedication will pay off for the Directorate as a
whole in the long run, as MB Recruitment is essential to getting the word of the
Directorate out to the rest of the EH membership!
5) XWA King of the Ring! Fly! Get medals! Get on the DBC!
6) XWA MP Capital Ship Skirmishes still needs hosts! If we want this to happen,
I strongly suggest that somebody step up to the plate! It isn't overly time
consuming and is a very enjoyable experience, since you get to work with a
diverse group of people from multiple subgroups! Apply directly to me at TSSGen@aol.com,
DGMF Orzon, MoE Wil Striker, and AF Olarum!
7) Directorate Guard website updated again! Huge thanks to Delak for his work
with the site! Its really taken shape!
8) MEEx [Minister Elite] Examination has been released! I strongly urge the
Ministry Councilors to take this test ASAP! There is a deadline of April 15th,
2004 for this to be completed! Its not a hard course, gets you an easy shiny to
add to your ID Lines, and it'll protect you from being hounded by the MoE!
9) The new Directorate Academy has surpassed 50 graded examinations! Not shabby
for a subgroup of our size and also considering the new Academy's only existed
for a little under a month! Keep taking exams! They're fun, informative, and
even necessary in some cases! Big thanks goes out to MoE Wil Striker for his
efforts as MoE! He's really worked very hard at making the Directorate Academy
the model SubGroup training facility!
10) High Commissioner of the Territories Coranel Both has done a superlative job
his first week in office! Be sure to check out the following activity he's
posted and PARTICIPATE!
11) Work on the Emperor's Hammer Systems Manual will resume shortly! Apologies
to those who would've wanted it sooner!
12) Diplomacy 4.0.0 is coming along smooth! The CB positions will take a whole
new meaning once Diplomacy begins! Be prepared!
Outstandingly long report, but a lot did happen this week! I'm generally pleased
with everything except recruitment! Get out there and recruit! There's a lot to
do around here! The problem is...nobody's here to do any of it!
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
- No Reports Submitted
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #52: 03.23.04
- News -
Sorry for the late report--I've been extremely busy doing Senate things.
Outcomes, planetary issues, etc. are very time consuming, and so my report was
delayed. This also means I need a Minister of State and Deputy Chancellor.
Please apply! Oh, by the way, I've fired Dhashian Fuaretyn for not really
accomplishing anything.
FI-1 went wonderfully. The issue was discussed in an intelligent fashion, the
vote went smoothly, and everyone participated in a reasonable amount of time. I
hope this represents a trend! People who continually participate in discussions,
bringing valuable insight and ideas will be routinely nominated for the Senate
Propriety Award [SPA]. I intend to start that once more planets are filled. It's
retroactive, so everything occurring right now counts. The outcome has also been
issued with a discussion ongoing in the
CI-2 didn't go so well to begin with, but discussions are ongoing again. The
vote can resume, but again, I would highly suggest discussing the issue more.
Carrida II has lost its Conservative majority, so I am not foreseeing a negative
outcome this time (unlike with CI-1). FI-2 should be released soon as well.
In other news, Representative Ibram Gaunt has joined the Friggian Delegation,
and Senator Diamar Eliladan and Representative Brent Tainer have joined the
Carridan Delegation. University Graduates this past week (or over a week)
include Hafan Cantos, Pyrrhus, Diamar Eliladan, Ibram Gaunt, Aude Dignum, Brent
Tainer, Cole Archer, Jara Naroo, and Orv Dessrx. Some of those received CoK's,
though only Hafan comes to mind.
Orv has inputed courses in personal profiles now, and I'll be handing out
diplomas to all those who've passed the Core in a day or so. A few bugs were
also fixed with Planetary Issues. I made an executive order last week to make
all planetary voting records public, so Orv also made that possible.
The Imperial University has relocated (thanks to Minister Blackblade) to
Here you can find a link to the CORE exam, as well as the Argumentation courses.
Now these two courses mail correctly and to the right people to grade these
tests, so go forth and learn stuff.
I'm opening Ravouin up to planetary applications. I see that one has already
applied, and we need Senators there before planetary issues can start. I suppose
that's all.
- Additional -
Deputy Chancellor open to Applications
Deputy Chancellor:
Position Description: The Deputy Chancellor is the second-in-command of the
Imperial Senate. His primary duty is to oversee Parties within the Imperial
Senate; hence all party-based competitions require DCH approval.
Additionally, ideas submitted for Senate-wide competitions (at the
party-level) must go through the DCH before they�re forwarded to the
Chancellor. The DCH also acts as the administrator of the Senate Floor,
scheduling legislation drafts and bill proposals.
DCH Requirements:
-HTML abilities
-Respond to e-mail within 24 hours
-Lots of free time
-Evidence of leadership (Senate or otherwise--preferably Senate)
-Sample of writing
-PHP abilities
-Former Senate leader
-Exceptional writing ability
That should be all. Until next week...
CHS Reports #'s 53 and 54: 04.04.04
Imperial Senate Report #53
- News -
Consider this report from over a week ago. I've been too stressed to get this
written. I'm usually busy with work, school, or writing Planetary
Issues/Outcomes/Discussions, etc. This week saw the opening of Sahare and
Ravouin to planetary applications. Representative Archaia Tyche, a BHG member,
and Representative Aude Dignum were appointed to the Ravouin Delegation, and
Representatives Daryan Harpinis, Jara Naroo, and Ocaiec were appointed to the
Saharan Delegation.
This week also saw the removal of State Minister Dhashian Fuaretyn, who still
needs a replacement. I've received a few applications already, but need more.
I'll be moving a couple of people to another application stage where they will
be required to complete a number of planetary issues before I consider their
appointment. The one who writes the better scenarios will be the next Minister
of State. In happier news, I've appointed a highly capable and highly motivated
Deputy Chancellor, Euqseabub Deedni. Most of you will know him as BubbaX. I also
appointed Destavol Gin to the position of Liberal Party Leader. Things are
working out well.
CI-2 was issued and came to a close. It was a sharp contrast to the chaos of
CI-1, but the Carridan Delegation came to its senses with the appointment of
more liberally minded members. They decided to grant legal representation to
Carridan citizens under military tribunals. I congratulate them on this
decision. The result of FI-1 also reached its peak with demonstrations on Frigg
that lead to open violence and the action of the Senate Guard. The delegates are
still on Frigg discussing the issue. FI-2 should be issued shortly.
- Additional -
That should be all. Until next week... Oh, Orv is working on a Senate comic
strip. It should make an interesting competition where members decide what
happens in the next window (of the strip). Very well drawn with interesting
plots. I look forward to what he's doing with it!
Imperial Senate Report #54
- News -
Again, just getting caught up. There's so much that happens in one week now that
I have to release separate reports. That's kind of a good thing, but it's also
hard to keep track of all that's happening. Firstly, Fmr. Minister of Records,
Demerzel, has come out of retirement and joined Sahare as a Senator. This means
Sahare has achieved a delegation of 4, which will allow Planetary Issues to
commence shortly.
LP-1. Proposed Party Platform, the first Liberal Policy Initiative, has been
posted and is currently being discussed in the Forum. All liberal members are
encouraged to discuss the initiative before voting occurs, which should be in a
couple of days. I have to contact the Communications Minister in regard to the
'options' that should appear on the issue in the Liberal Party profile.
Otherwise, the activity that the issue has received is disappointing, albeit
expected. The platform is very long, which is not surprising, given that
Demerzel wrote it. I'm very impressed, however. I would be delighted if other
parties would be so thorough with their platforms.
I intend to release FI-2 tonight, with SI-1 and CI-3 following tomorrow. I need
talented writers!! Please recruit anyone with a high degree of intelligence and
writing experience, otherwise I don't know if the High
Council, in its current state, can create all the planetary issues that the
Assembly will demand in the next couple of months. I don't have that much time,
and the work load of just one issue is tremendous with all the planning,
discussion, and writing involved. Senate Issues is going to be even more
demanding. I expect the High Council to grow in positions in the future,
although this is only if our membership exceeds the capacity currently listed
under the General Assembly. I will be discussing this with the High Council,
specifically the Deputy Chancellor and Interior Minister.
The Procedural Exam will be done this week. That means all Senators are required
to pass it, and if you don't, you'll be removed from your positions. As a
reminder, all Representatives hoping to achieve Senator have to pass the
Procedural Exam. It should be rather complex, though if you simply read the
notes, you can easily pass it. It's not tricky like the Core Exam--it's just
hard data, really. I'll also be discussing other courses with Minister Cochrane,
who, if you've read his reports, has been working on a centralized Imperial
- Additional -
Manual and Core Exam revisions should also be updated this week (if I have
time--I already have a week's load of Senate work planned). I made allocate some
of it to the Deputy Chancellor.
Minister of State is now officially open to applications. Requirements are
HC-3. Minister of State (M:STA):
The Minister of State is responsible for the appointment of Senators to their
respective planets. It is his duty to closely monitor planetary activities and
the amount of activity contributed by each delegate.
Additionally, he renders planetary scenarios/issues,
competitions, and legislation. All information pertaining to representation and
planets can be obtained from the Minister of State.
M:STA Requirements
-Example of writing
-Incredible amount of free time
-Leadership experience
-Fast e-mail response/IRC activity/AIM
-Sample of Planetary Issue
-Exception writing ability
-HTML experience
-PHP experience
-Former Senate member
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 03.25.04
Nothing much this week, some investigation pending (see SO
report if any details)
I'm going on leave this weekend for LAN party back on Monday. TRIB Moreco's in
HI Report: 04.02.04
Nothing much to report this week. INQ first assignments ended
this week so the new ones should be out soon and they'll change subgroups.
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #12: 03.27.04
EH Player Association Bounty Hunters!
1. XVT Week of War is over. The EH finished a respectable 3rd Place. Top Honors
go to Rax VK. Excellent work Rax!
2. XWA Week of War is on! Get to the zone and support NoWedge by helping the EH
win the War. Special rewards go down for this WOW too!
3. The COO Ladder Project is complete. Any flag officer or equiv from any
subgroup can use this system. Simply email me and then go to
http://ladders.minos.net. Thus far four
ladders have been created.
4. The XWA Skirmish War will take place following the XWA Week of War. BGCOMS
will be receiving a Warning Order on the competition this week.
5. #ehcoc is pending X's return. Go idle in the channel so Cservice has no
reason to keep him out.
6. XWA/XVT Top Gun school is going through final alterations!
7. 24/7 LoCs are in effect right now. Keep using the form and earning your LoCs!
Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
Tiamat wins a surprise medal for creating the SOTM banner!
I need a TOP GUN Trophy banner! Tiamat?
The DIR is currently planning a return to #ehcoc with Cap Ships!
Tau Squadron leads the third XVT WoW in a row.
Rax VL wins the most XVT LoCs again!
Go look at IA screens!
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From: TBA
Fleet Medical Corps
No reports - New Medical Officer just appointed
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #22: 03.27.04
Welcome to yet another report from me, the SOD.
There is not much to report unfortunately, because I've still run into several
hectic weeks. What I'm going to do is to go on leave for the next two weeks, so
that I can finish up end of semester projects, a few remaining college transfer
applications, and get some general studying for finals done.
In my stead, I will be emailing Drax with a list of polls to post on my forum
tomorrow, complete with times they should be posted. When I return from my
leave, I will be compiling these polls and sending off results. Astatine, if you
could give Drax access to my forum I would be appreciative.
I will still be playing SWG during this time, as I like to play it during study
I'm sorry that this is all I have this week, but as I said, things have been
SOD Report: 04.03.04
Hello again friends.
This week has been hectic with final projects coming out and everything, but
I've still managed to get some SOD work done.
First, I sent Drax some info on Xanthe, and CC'ed Kawolski as he knows more
about her than I do and even has some pictures of her to put up on the memorium
website. Hopefully Kawolski got that message, if not, I'll just send him another
mail reminding him to do that.
Also, I mailed the FC last week with ideas on the Virtual RL meeting. Compton
also planned to have one up by him, so hopefully a few of us can get there too.
I know I'll be trying. Either way, I don't know what program to use at this
point. Netmeeting is probably my first choice given that anyone with a webcam
can show us their ugly mugs as well as talk to us :) It's all up to the boss
though in the end, and I want to get his and the XO's feedback on this before I
do anything.
I said last week I'd be going on leave, I won't be. But, I might have a much
slower turnover time for the next few weeks. Don't worry though, I'll get to
your email within 72 hours if anything important comes up.
Finally this week, my SOD Run on is coming tomorrow. I hope everyone
participates on it, I think it should be an interesting one. The premise is
going to be based on my fictional job, where I plan a massive offensive against
a rival territory with the blessing of the FC. It should be loads of fun, and as
someone posted I'll try to "make it not suck"
Anyway that's about all I have for ya this week. More on the RL meeting next
week when I have some feedback from the brass.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
EH Advanced Guard
No reports submitted - New Lord Ambassador just Appointed
Hammer's Fist Prefect (GN Mordred)
Retires: 03.13.04
As Emailed From:
Former Prefect
of the Legion (Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
It's time, my friends.
11 months ago, FM Ares was delivering his last report as Prefect, and I was
chosen to replace him.
My mission was to improve the HF and make it active again, and looking the HF
now, I'd say the job was done, but barely.
It was improved, due the efforts of the best team I saw working around, but I
realized I didn't contributed much to this.
So here I am, to announce you my retirement, effective as soon as you find
someone to replace me.
Till then I'll be on semi-leave, leaving the control of the HF to XO Dante, but
still around in case of emergencies.
Wanted to reach 1 year of crazy ruling, but the way my RL is going now, I
can't wait longer without compromising more the HF.
I really enjoyed working with you, and I hope you enjoyed working with me.
I'll really miss this SG, and I hope to be able to return to lines in no
time. Meanwhile, I'll bug the next PRF to be an ADV :)
For replacements I leave no appointments, cause the 2 people I trust most seems
to have time issues, so I'll leave this matter for you to decide.
In case you need to hear any feeling towards the applicants, fell absolutely
free to ask.
That's all.
Thanks for your time, and really sorry for this.
HG Mordred
Prefect of the Legion
Hammer's Fist.
Fleet Commander's Note:
HG Mordred will be missed as head of the HF...He has brought an
international perspective to his position as SGCOM.
A notice for applications will be posted shortly...
COO Sarin Promoted to Admiral: 03.07.04
As Recommended By:
Sovereign Protector (HA Priyum)
(Please see Training Manual for
rank descriptions)
Grand Admiral Ronin,
I would like to recommend the promotion of the Combat Operations Officer, Vice
Admiral Sarin, to the rank of full Admiral. Since his appointment to the
position, Sarin has worked extremely hard at streamlining his office and clearly
defining Multiplayer activities in the EH, in the form of both a new Combat
Manual and a very useful IWATS Multiplayer course.
Most importantly, he has done an excellent job at promoting the Week of War
events for EH members, as shown by our recent successes in these competitions
(the EH came 2nd at XvT and joint 1st at XWA in the most recent round).
In addition to these, Sarin has put several ladders in place and implemented the
24/7 LoC system, all of which works towards increasing MP activity. It's been a
while since the EH has had a COO that no only does his core duties but also
works towards the future of the EH and I think VA Sarin fully deserves this
promotion to Admiral.
Thank you for your consideration,
High Admiral Priyum
Imperial Sovereign Protector
ISPF/HA Priyum Patel/SSSD Sovereign
[DRAG] {IWATS-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-NS-RT-SM/1/3-TT}
FA Bevel Leeson Awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor:
As Recommended By:
Officer (HA Ari)
(Please see the
Manual for medal descriptions)
Honorable Sirs,
I would like to recommend FA Bevel Leeson for the Grand Order of the Empire. As
you are all doubtlessly aware, he has been vital asset to the Internet Office
and EH at large and has worked on numerous projects, including but not limited
to, the Banner Exchange, EH.org redesign, Project Hawkeye, SquadFirst v1.x, PHP
IWATS course, and much more. With his resignation, I feel that he is deserving
of an award commensurate with the hard work and dedication he has invested into
the Emperor's Hammer. Thus, honorable sirs, I recommend awarding Leeson the GOE.
IO/HA Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
Executive Officer Reports:
As Submitted From:
Officer (SA Astatine)
Office of the XO
SA Astatine - XO
e-mail: jpboyce@indigo.net.au
No Reports Submitted
Tactical Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Mike)
Tactical Office
Fleet Admiral Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski
Tactical Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
#3203 < pbmike@go2.pl >
Tactical Office Report #131: 03.13.04
This week, well what can I say, I did a lot of work so did my staff. I've
been recovering from injury, so I was at home and I could do a lot of work. A
lot of battles was released and it seems March will be much better than
February. :)
500 battles in Mission Compendium
Oh yes! We have reached it. 500 battles in EH Mission Compendium and still
raising. Next goal 1000!
New gaming platform
Not so long ago we have added Jedi Academy to our Mission Compendium. Now we are
ready to add another game: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. Game for DIR, HF
and maybe other subgroups. Great mission creation possibilities and a lot of
fun. I have already mailed first campaign to our XO, so it should be added very
soon. If you have any SWGB battles email them to me ASAP :)
New battletypes, first XW-CD battle:
Thanks to our XO we have new battletypes in Mission Compendium. I have also
released 1st XW-CD battle, 9 missions long by our SCO Ender mBind. So go and
check it out.
FCHG Competition results:
Results are simple. COL Beef with his IS-PR for TIE, and CPT Chris Cox wins
IS-PR for XvT. Next FCHG comp durring summer. And participation will still be so
low, we will cancel them until further notice.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Tactical Office Report #132: 03.20.04
Another week, big plans, big projects, we will see...
Upcoming projects
There are few upcoming projects and I think it's doesn't hurt to let all
people know. First we are going to finish Competitions Calendar. You will be
able to see all Tactical Competitions there, so you will know what and when
Next we have Plotlines/Battle plans compendium. People will be able to write
plotlines/battle plans and submit them to me. We will put them online, so our
mission designers will be able to use it. Of course you will get credit for your
And third. Multiplayer compendium. We are going to expand our mission
compendium once again by adding multiplayer missions, both CO-OP and Combat to
our mission compendium. You will be able to fly them, get HSs, FCHG and/or LoCs,
so I guess it will be nice addition. Also, they will serve training purposes for
our pilots.
New gaming platform
I am waiting for our XO to list SWGB in our compendium. But of course you can
submit your battles and free missions to me now.
TIE queue is empty
I call all TIE mission designers. Our queue is empty, this means no new TIE
battles unless you make some. I hebry declare special bonus for anyone who
submits TIE battle. Starting today, ending May 1st. So go and make some TIE
battles :)
XvT-IS #1 and other new battle types:
You cannot use online BSF form cause it's not working for new battle types. I
have mailed our XO/FSE, he should fix it in no time.
Golden Tug Awards:
I am sorry I did not announce the results, but next week you can expect full
list of winners and awards to follow.
Tactical Roster:
Tactical High Command [3]:
Tactical Officer: FA Marcin Szydlowski #3203 (pbmike@go2.pl)
Command Attach� to Tactical Officer: VA Styles #274 (stelerain@comcast.net)
Tactical Head Coordinator: COL D.T Hammer #9121 (aburt@tampabay.rr.com)
Tactical Command [3]:
Tactical Coordinator (TIE): COL Beef #1639 (Beefment@aol.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XvT): CPT Chris Cox #9354 (dodgygeeza98@hotmail.com)
Tactical Coordinator (XWA): COL Master #6252 (capt_master@hotmail.com)
Websites and links:
Tactical Office Website -
Tactical Manual v2.01 -
Tactical Database -
Mission Creation Forum -
TIE Mission Creation Tutorial by VA Philo -
XWA Mission Creation Tutorial by VA RogueWing -
Philo's 3D Waypoint Utility -
CM Lenvik's TIE95 Fix For EHBL Users Running Windows 2000/XP -
Imperial Hangar Patch for XWA -
Flight Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Flight Officer
(FA Cyric)
Flight Office
FA Cyric
CA:FO/FA Cyric/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GOE/SSx5/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-1rh-5gh/LoC-CSx7-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [KNGT]
Flight Office Report #23: 03.12.04
A fairly dull week in terms of Flight Office Activity.
The COO has been promoted to Admiral. AD Sarin is one of the hardest working
members in the TC and EH and has more than earned this promotion.
Transfers have gotten a little better...I've still had some requests directly
from pilots, which I promptly ignored...If I get these requests without the
Flags being notified, they will go right to my trash bin....
Roster movement continues to be done at a very efficient rate by myself and VA
Reaper. This has been one of my goals when appointed FO, and I think that we in
the Flight Office have been able to keep up with the rigors of all those pesky
"can you move this pilot here, and that pilot there" requests :P
Again, sorry for the briefness of this report, but a fairly slow week. I did
however get SWG, and have been exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy.....
In service...
Flight Office Report #24: 03.19.04
Fast efficient processing continues to be the goal of the Flight Office. VA
Styles and myself have maintained a high level of turn over for all requests. At
most there is only a day wait time in requests, which I think is very good, and
not to overbearing on the Pilots and Flag Officers.
The results of the Create the FO's INPR comp are in. So the awards are as
1st Place - Maj Hunter - Wing XIII
2nd Place - Maj Kayle Bayron - Wing VIII
3rd Place - LCM Daniel Bonini - Wing X
Congrats to the winners, The medals have been submitted to the OPS! I hope to
get the new INPR up over the weekend.
Next up some issues for the TC:
CADETS - I've devised a system that was sent to the BGCOM's to list squadrons in
their BattleGroups to inform Cadets of squadrons that are in need of pilots.
This is not a recruitment drive for ailing squadrons, but a source of
information for CADETS when they are in the choosing of a squadron phase. I will
keep a list of these squadrons on my website, and ask the cadets to browse the
list and consider any of the squadrons that are "in need". They will still be
free to travel to any squadron they request. I will install SL's into squadrons
that are in need if no squadron is listed, and if a ship is listed, I will go
off the list that the BGCOM's provided and place them accordingly. I am still
waiting on the TIEBG and the ATF to furnish their lists so I can finish this
page and alert the Cadets to its existence.
I would like to stress that it does not take the place of good old fashioned
work and recruiting. By offering CTs help, 9 times out of 10 they will go to the
squadron that furnished the help.
My last issue is that of applications to positions in the TC. Recently I've seen
a few misleading applications to various positions in the TC. If a pilot wishes
to apply for any position in the TC, they need to make sure that they are
SERIOUS about the position. If they apply and are chosen, then they really
should have intentions of claiming that position. If they have doubts they
should pull their applications, and inform the Flags on the ship where the
position is vacant that they are no longer interested. It is wasting time for
the Flags involved, and it is taking their eye away from other applicants who
really do want the position. Please keep this in mind when applying.
Next up is the new TCCOM's OWN selection. This was a very difficult selection
for me. I hemmed and hawed over two very capable and active (in their own
rights) wings. One with superior numbers and outstanding activity, the other
with less members but with almost equal activity. Because of this, I've decided
to break precedence and name co-TCCOM's OWN awards. The recipients this time
around are
Wing XIII ISD GreyWolf
Wing I SSSD Sovereign
The accomplishments of both wings since the last TCCOM OWN was awarded are to
numerous not to notice and award. Both wings should be proud and my display the
TCCOM's OWN banner on their sites! Congrats to both!
That's it for this report from the Flight Office...
In Service....
Internet Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (HA Ari)
Internet Office
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx2] [LoAx2] [OV-4E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
Internet Office Report #133: 03.08.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #133
March 8, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
Sorry for the lateness of the report. I let the FC & XO know it'd be a bit late
because of RL issues, and though I promised it by Sunday, my DSL was out of
commission all Sunday night. But that's over now. On with the IO news!
Unfortunately, this week the IO bids farewell to another
long-standing member (in fact the longest while I've been IO besides me) - my
dear Command Attach�, FA Bevel Leeson. Leeson has always been a helpful advisor
to me, and has completed numerous projects on his own ranging from the Banner
Exchange to the CD's old Stock Exchange. For those of you wondering what will
happen to MP Sabacc, fear not! Leeson has assured me he will continue to work on
it even though he is resigning. Unfortunately, that does not give much in the
way of an ETA for it, but it will come. Leeson, the Internet Office is ever
indebted to your service. We'll miss you!
As such, I will be searching for a new Command Attach� to take Leeson's
position. A few words about the position of CA:IO beforehand, though. CA:IO
comes with great responsibilities including helping with the organization of
overall IO operations, working with EHNet.org and in some cases Minos.net, among
many other duties. However it is also a position with great potential for reward
for work done that is deserving of such. With that said, here are the
qualifications required in a successful applicant for the position:
-Must be personable, easy to work with
-Must have been in the EH for at least 1 year
-Must not have had any prior HCI convictions
-Must have held some significant position of leadership for at least 4 months
-Must have a fairly active presence on IRC and MBs
-Should have taken at least some of the IWATS Internet courses
-Should be somewhat familiar with the internet operations of most EH Subgroups
-Should have some experience with PHP programming (this may be negotiable,
depending on the strength of the candidate elsewhere)
You may submit up to 2 references who can testify to your previous work and
command ability
Please e-mail your applications to ari@tiecorps.org with the subject
"Application for CA:IO". Please get your applications in ASAP as I'd like to
make a decision very soon. Best of luck!
And finally, the EH automated news system has been progressing slowly up till
now, but this week will hopefully find it with an explosion of free time with
which to code it. By next week I hope to have all the code finished, and ready
to be tested and implemented by the following week. This also means that this
week's report will be out on time (i.e. Friday) - and hopefully by then I will
have decided on a new CA.
(Oh, and thanks to Osan'gar for suggesting this week's poll!)
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Warden's Office site at
http://warden.thebhg.org/ by DUKE Baron
Kal-Ket. Congrats on a 4 star site, full of useful functionality!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Do you thing SWG has had a negative or positive effect on the EH?
-It offers more game platforms and recruitment opportunities.
-It gives greater EH exposure, nothing more.
-It's a fun game, but doesn't really affect the overall EH.
-People seem to spend more time on SWG and less time on EH duties.
-Too busy playing to answer your poll, sorry.
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
[MoH] [GOE] [GSx5] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx4] [LoAx3] [OV-5E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
:: Transmission End ::
Internet Office Report #134 (03-12-2004):
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #134
March 12, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
I'm sure some people have been wondering about the state of the IO and the new
CA, so rest assured I have now decided on a CA, and will reveal my decision once
I receive FC/XO approval. My chosen CA will hopefully prove to be a valuable
asset to the Internet Office for quite a while to come. Only 2 people actually
applied for the position, which was kind of disappointing, because I expected
more talented people to apply. But, alas.
So, I've done a good deal of the classes required for the eh.org automation. The
remaining part is to complete the design of the user system (read: c&p the code
from XPS :P) and tailor that to ELS 2.0 which should be done in time for the
release of the eh.org changes, and of course the bigger part is actually writing
all the scripts that implement everything (probably the most time consuming). I
hope to have a good majority of these scripts written by next week and have it
ready for implementation shortly thereafter.
I'm also pleased to announce that FA AbsoluteK will be bringing back the EH
Images Archive (EH:IA)! The IA will once again be hosted by EHNet/Minos.
Hopefully AbK still has some backups of old files - but if not, we can always
rebuild the archive!
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Imperial Senate site at
by M:COM Orv Dessrx. Congrats on a 5 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
Do you thing SWG has had a negative or positive effect on the EH?
-It offers more game platforms and recruitment opportunities.
-It gives greater EH exposure, nothing more.
-It's a fun game, but doesn't really affect the overall EH.
-People seem to spend more time on SWG and less time on EH duties.
-Too busy playing to answer your poll, sorry.
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: Unannounced
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Internet Office Report #135: 03.19.04
:: Transmission Begin ::
Internet Office Report #135
March 19, 2004
:: [ Internet Office News ] ::
So, I am officially announcing (a bit late) my new Command Attach�: Admiral
Robert Dura (aka Vman)! V has wasted no time in jumping straight into the fray
of things and getting used to the Internet Office.
Almost the entire Internet Office is now working on the EH.org automation
project. Turtle and V will primarily be coding the administrative backend, which
could possibly cut development time in half. Right now we have a working
development version of the EHNet Login System (ELS) 2.0, and by the time the
rest of EH.org is done, the development ELS version will become a stable
Please note that ELS 2.0 authentication will no longer take place on the client
site, but all authentication is done on one of the master servers. This means
that client sites never even see a user's login information, and all information
is encrypted on the master servers, which means we will have a significant
increase in authentication security.
Also, Vman is contacting FA AbsoluteK about the matter of redesigning the Images
Archive. Hopefully we will know more about what the deal is with the IA shortly.
And finally, when we are finished with EH.org, our own page EHNet.org will be
getting a brand new makeover, courtesy of LCM Tiamat.
:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::
This week's SOTW is the Hammer's Fist Store by AD Zsinj at http://store.hammersfist.net/.
Congrats on a 4 star site!
:: [ Internet Office Poll ] ::
What should the revamped Images Archive contain?
-More categories
-Better layout and design
-Automated upload
-Ability to list more info about a member
Vote for your choice at http://www.ehnet.org!
:: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Internet Officer: HA Ari
Command Attache: AD Robert Dura
Command Assistant: AD Turtle
Command Assistant: RA Drako
:: [ Internet Office Links ] ::
http://www.ehnet.org/ - Internet Office
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - EH Message
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - EHNet Login System
http://www.ehnet.org/guidelines.php - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
http://www.minos.net/oldmb/ - Archived
Message Board Data
http://my.ehnet.org/ - My EHNet
http://squadfirst.minos.net -
SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
http://www.ehnet.org/xps/ - eXtensible
Polling System
http://www.ehnet.org/sabacc/ - Sabacc
Online v2.4
http://www.ehnet.org/ca/ - IO Code
http://ehlibrary.minos.net/ - EH
http://code.minos.net/ - EH Code
http://bannerx.ehnet.org/ - EH Banner
http://counters.minos.net - EH Counter
http://www.ehnet.org/gcc/ - Greeting
Card Center
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj2/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
http://www.ehnet.org/thj/thj1/ -
The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
http://www.minos.net/webring/ -
http://php.minos.net/ - PHP IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/java/ - JavaScript
IWATS Course
http://www.ehnet.org/vbs/ - VBScript
IWATS Course
http://to.minos.net/flash/ - Flash
IWATS Course
:: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::
Training Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Keldorn)
Training Office
Fleet Admiral, Krath Priest Keldorn Cochrane
Training Officer, Dean of IWATS, Headmaster & Minister of Education
Training Office Report #31: 03.08.04
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 31st Training Office Report!
The Imperial Senate Entrance Examination is now online at
http://to.minos.net/sencore/ and is,
thankfully, fully functioning.
Lieutenant Colonel Vladet Xavier has been appointed to the position of Computer
Basics (CBX) Professor. Congratulations!
I have fully updated the Training Manual and IWATS Core Course to reflect
current trends and policies within the Emperor's Hammer. While much was
modified, I have not changed any major policies. Nevertheless, please feel free
to review both items and send any comments to keldorn@btopenworld.com. Further
revisions detailing Flight Office policies for promotion and transfers will be
added shortly.
Five new IWATS Courses are waiting for me to upload and add to the TIE Corps
database. These will all be announced next weekend. I suggest you all prepare
yourselves (although a candle-lit vigil is not necessary).
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by the possibility of doctoral study. Most SubGroup
academies will be heavily involved in this institution once the idea is ready to
go gold. Any questions can be directed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com.
Rear Admiral Drako continues to work on the EH Top Gun project with the Combat
Operations Officer.
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit competitions of this nature (Combat Rating 'Races') will be
denied. I would like to highlight the emphasis on �internal unit competitions�;
this only applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and
not to a inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
:: [ Dark Brotherhood Directives ] ::
I. Recovery of Shadow Academy Graduates: 29th August 2003
If you would like a Course listed on your profile from before the 'split', send
an e-mail with the subject 'SA Profile' to hm@darkbrotherhood.org. Please note
that this only includes SA courses, and not general IWATS courses (at this
Training Office Report #32: 03.13.04
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the 32nd Training Office Report!
IWATS Core has been updated once more to reflect changes from the Flight
Officer. This includes the addition of a section dedicated to the transfer
procedure, and the reworking of the Combat Operations Officer position
I have decided to lower the multiplayer requirements for new Initiates in the
Sith and Obelisk Order to one (1) match, rather than the existing four. This is
to bring Brotherhood training in-line with that of the TIE Corps, and to cater
for the decreased frequency of IRC MP activity within the Dark Brotherhood.
I am pleased to announce that in the short time that it has been available
eleven members of the Senate have already undertaken the Imperial Senate
Entrance examination.
The new IWATS Courses I mentioned in my previous report are being delayed until
later this week until I can setup FTP access for the various notes and revise
several minor points with the new Professors... And I like the idea of including
something exciting in a report consisting of the same numbers (that's 33).
Work continues on the Emperor's Hammer 'university' project. This institution
will be a central academic body for the EH, offering Bachelors and Masters
degrees, accompanied by the possibility of doctoral study. Most SubGroup
academies will be heavily involved in this institution once the idea is ready to
go gold. Any questions can be directed to me at keldorn@btopenworld.com. The
Imperial Senate, Dark Brotherhood and Intelligence Division have been given
further information concerning this project.
Rear Admiral Drako continues to work on the EH Top Gun project with the Combat
Operations Officer: Work is now underway on the coding of the automated
tracking/management system, while the COO has completed the work required by his
:: [ TIE Corps Standing Orders ] ::
I. Forward Dating of Competitions: 13th March 2003
All forward dating of Competitions (with very select exceptions) beyond a term
of 3 consecutive months will be prohibited. This time-span should be more than
enough for the Ship and Wing competitions that are run. If after that 3 month
period, the competition concept will continue, the applicable Officer will need
to recommend it once more.
II. Denial of Combat Rating 'Races': 21st March 2003
All internal unit Combat Rating 'Races' competitions will be denied. I would
like to highlight the emphasis on �internal unit competitions�; this only
applies to a competition involving one unit (Squadron, Wing etc.) and not to a
inter-unit competition � I.e. Squadron vs. Squadron, Wing vs. Wing etc.
Operations Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Alex Foley)
Operations Office
OPS/VA Alex Foley/CS-7/SSSD Sovereign
OPS Report #27: 03.19.04
Well, I suppose I'm not supposed to talk about life anymore in
my reports. But why? All of us have real lives. Or at least I hope we do. But
alas, I'll keep to business.
Medal / uniform queues are clear.
Got the first new squadron patch in the mail in a long time. I encourage all
squadrons to do a custom patch and send it to myself and Tempest. It's a good
way to show that your squadron actually has spirit, and it's a great competition
Didn't get any mailings two weeks ago, but again I'll leave this part of the
report open to any ideas you may have. Please e-mail me if you have any ideas
whatsoever for the Operations Office and the Emperor's Hammer as a whole.
Earlier in the week I got a few Bronze Stars for some stellar activity during
February. Here's a couple of them from long-standing members below.
The Bronze Star of the Empire has been awarded to: FM/LC Kodiak Kereban/Vortex
1-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
The request was made by: COM/RA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf
Reason given for request: For activity during the month of February 2004, 112
missions (Over 20 Battles), 3 IWATS Courses and Fiction. Great Work Kod!
The Bronze Star of the Empire has been awarded to: FM/COL Brucmack/Vortex
2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
The request was made by: COM/RA Gilad Pelleaeon/ISD Grey Wolf
Reason given for request: For activity during the month of February 2004, 116
Mission, 7 MP Victories and 2 IWATS Courses. Excellent work Sealfur....errr Bruc!
If you want to know what I'm thinking on a particular day, check out
ScramKid.org, my personal website. Get a glimpse into who I really am outside of
the EH.
Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by
definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.
Gore Vidal (1925 - )
Communications Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Communications Officer (AD Turtle)
Communications Office
Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
COMM/AD Turtle Jerrar/CS-8/SSSD Sovereign (Paladin),
-AIM: TurtleXIT -WWW: www.ehcomm.net
Communications Office Report #8:
The primary server that hosts ELS, MinosNIC, the EH Message Boards, and other
sites was inaccessible for about 24 hours last weekend. It went offline at 18:53
ET on Saturday - I did not receive any sort of notification until about 18:15
Sunday. By 19:00, I was on-site attempting to resolve the issue.
It appears that some type of failure in MySQL locked the system. After
rebooting, the server console would lock and the system would not complete
initialization after loading the MySQL server. I was able to SSH in from another
machine (sshd had luckily been loaded before MySQL) to eventually gain access.
Oddly enough, MySQL will still run, it just locks up whatever console it is
started from. Not to mention, it killed the server the first time it crashed.
Bugshooting is made more difficult by that fact that absolutely nothing is being
logged (in fact, MySQL logs report a successful startup). I've tried updating to
4.0.18, but it has the exact same problem.
4.0.x has generally been driving me insane since its
installation on the server. As some users have reported, there has definitely
been a noticeable speed decrease. This *might* be related to the new server, but
I really don't see why - overall, this box is faster than the old one. I'm in
the process of acquiring another 256 megs of memory for the box, which I'll
probably have by next weekend. We'll see what happens with that. Myself and my
other system admin are also considering moving MySQL to its own box.
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #9:
Several members have submitted random requests for stuff this week via the MB
private message function, IRC, and other similar methods I have explicitly said
I would ignore. As a reminder, for routine requests to the COMM, please use the
COMM request form located at http://www.ehcomm.net/request.php. Other requests
not covered by that page should be e-mailed to me. The reason behind all of this
pickiness is that it facilitates me in processing your requests in a timely,
organized fashion.
The server has been operating reliably since the downtime last weekend. I'll be
continuing to monitor it.
Logs of all IRC channels monitored by dasb0t should be viewable online within
the next couple of days. I need to do some tweaking of the rotation script in
order to accomplish this. As a side note, dasb0t was added into the #DGN_Lichtor_V
(Intel Division) channel this week.
Unfortunately, I don't have much else to report this week. Message Board
creation/moderator change requests were processed as usual, and I made some
minimal changes to the ELS code. Next week is my spring break - due to other
obligations mid-week, I'll be staying home for the entire break. As such, expect
to see some progress on various COMM projects next week.
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - ELS Management
Communications Office Report #10:
Work is progressing steadily on my various projects this week.
ELS version 2.0 DEV client code has been distributed to several developers today
for integration into their projects. I'm now receiving feedback on the code, and
making tweaks and adjustments as necessary. I've still got several small
features that I need to add to the client code package before its final
production release.
I've now officially begun work on the emperorshammer.org automation project.
I've been working on the frontend user interface and backend classes for the
past couple of days. HA Ari and myself will be continuing to work jointly on
this project until its completion. More information on this is available in the
Internet Office report.
All pending message board requests should now be processed.
COMMA ^SyNth has created a flat-file database of all Emperor's Hammer-related
bots, and their functions. I'll be posting this list in XML format to
www.ehcomm.net shortly for reference.
Communications Office Links
http://www.ehcomm.net/ - Communications
http://www.ehnet.org/mb/ - Message Boards
- COMM Request Forms
http://www.emperorshammer.org/irc.htm - IRC Code of Conduct
http://www.minos.net/ - MinosNIC
http://els.minos.net/ - ELS Management
Security Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Ziggy)
Security Office
SO/VA Sithspawn/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign
Security Office Report #9: 03.12.04
1. My computer has been down all week, so my access is limited. I hope to have
it up and running again by Sunday evening. I'm still available through email and
on a limited capacity via IRC. In the event of an emergency, feel free to
contact one of my SOAs, `Slicer, or waerloga.
Case News:
1. LC Thorn was expelled for failure to meet the terms of his probation. Please
update your rosters to reflect.
Computer Security News:
1. Still the usual spread of Mydoom and Netsky variants. Hopefully all of you
are patched and avoiding these. If not, contact me for removal information. Or
refer to my earlier reports.
2. Vunerability in Outlook 2002 (Pre-SP2). It's discussed at
Science Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (FA Ender mBind)
Science Office
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign
No Reports Submitted
Logistics Officer Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (VA Xander Drax)
Logistics Office
LO/VA Xander Drax/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
[CNTR] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/1/2/3-TM/1-TT-VBS}
LO Weekly Report: 03.12.04
Ok, News for this week:
1) VA Xandar Drax is currently working on the history to be
working on the SCO project
2) He's also working with the SOD on the Memorium.
3) NL's have a new home at:
missing NL100
4) Hopefully, the LO will be back by Sunday.
5) Oh and if it's not already been announced I'm back to CA:LO :)
That's it for this week
CA:LO-ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign (GLDR) [Veteran-1st] [TIE-BoP-XWA]
[IC] [GS(*3)] [SS(*6)] [BS(*2)] [PC(*2)] [ISM(*5)] [OV-5E]
Recon Office Reports:
As Emailed From:
Officer (AD Joe)
Recon Office
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
RO/AD "Six" Joe/CS-12/SSSD Sovereign
CA:RO/RA Shay`la DuKahn Ludsorkim/CA-12/SSSD Sovereign
ROA/AD Zsinj/SSSD Sovereign
RO Report #43: 03.13.04
Greetings from the Recon Office.
I have a few responses about the CA:RO Position this week with very qualified
applicants! I should have a decision in the next week or two at maximum.
I am finished composing, and will be sending another actual letter to Timothy
Zahn Monday. I will enclose a small interview that he can return in E-mail or
letter format. Hopefully, he'll be the next Honorary Member for the EH. Cross
your fingers. :P
I should be receiving my $300 Video card in the mail in the next two weeks or
so. I will finally be able to run SW Galaxies.. Dang.. how long did that take
me?? Anyways, that should be pretty fun. I'll be hiding behind AD Proton until I
gain some experience and extra firepower.. hehe
We STILL need some plans on how to raise money for the floor booth at
Celebration 3. I'm sure the EH would love to show off it's MODs for various
games at the convention. The only way to do that would be through a floor booth.
Come on people, no time like the present.
That's it for this week in the Recon Office. The conventions should be starting
up real soon so look for more of that in the future.
Star Wars News:
Conventions and Events This Weekend
There are 3 conventions/events taking place this weekend:
Super Mega Show (Secaucus, New Jersey) - March 12-14
the Star Wars guests are Zack Jensen (Kit Fisto) and Jesse Jensen (Saesee Tiin).
The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention (Gothenburg, Sweden) - March
the Star Wars guest is Dave Prowse (Darth Vader).
Celebrity Autograph Appearances (Southern California) - March 13-14
the Star Wars guests are Ray Park (Darth Maul) and Daniel Logan (Boba Fett).
Details of Star Wars Weekends
There's a new press release making the rounds about Disney's upcoming Star Wars
weekends. Lots of details are revealed, including this 5-weekend summary:
Wookiees, Jawas and Ewoks, Oh My! -- One of the largest gatherings anywhere of
characters from all five Star Wars films -- from Queen Amidala and Darth Maul to
Jango Fett and Greedo -- will roam Disney-MGM Studios greeting guests, signing
autographs and posing for photographs.
High-Energy Thrill Ride -- Guests can take flight to the moon of Endor in Star
Tours, an action-packed flight simulator that salutes the Star Wars series.
Synchronizing a stunning film with the virtually limitless gyrations of the
simulator, the attraction takes guests on a hair-raising, light-speed trip
aboard a careening star speeder.
Galactic Game Show -- Special editions of the popular game show attraction "Who
Wants To Be A Millionaire-Play It!" will be presented, with a variety of Star
Wars-inspired questions and surprise appearances by film characters. The
attraction's studio audience can join in the fun by answering trivia questions
using keypads installed at each seat.
Interactive, Interstellar Fun -- Star Wars trivia contests and games will be
held near the Star Tours attraction to test fans' film knowledge. In addition, a
special Video Starcade will feature the best in Star Wars-inspired electronic
and video games. Obi-Wanna-Be -- Throughout the day, lucky youngsters will be
chosen to take part in the "Jedi Training Academy," giving Jedi hopefuls the
chance to learn moves with a lightsaber, then test their skills against Darth
Vader himself.
A Galaxy of Collectibles -- Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd. have created
event-exclusive Star Wars merchandise -- from trading pins and commemorative
posters to apparel, medallions and other limited-edition items -- that will be
available in Tatooine Traders. With a look inspired by scenes in the Star Wars
movies, the retail location is adjacent to the Ewok Village set at the Star
Tours attraction.
GameSpy Galaxies Feature
Gamespy begins a three part feature on Galaxies Jedi, covering the
implementation and a certain amount of theroy behind the ideas and concept of
MMO Games and the three basic game designs, power-gamer, role-playing, and theme
parks. The first part of the three part feature is a three page article covering
Philosphy of MMO Games and how Galaxies fairs with quests and player generated
As a result, gamers looking for that kind of experience found that Star Wars:
Galaxies had quite a bit to offer. Many players enjoyed building up their
tailoring or architectural skills, building shops, stocking inventory, and
advertising their wares. Others put on fashion shows, fireworks displays, threw
in-game "Life Day" parties, or (after vehicles were put in) ran Boonta Eve races
on Tatooine. The unfortunate side effect of this, though, was that combat
classes didn't have much to do when the game was released. Killing monsters
didn't offer much more than slight skill point rewards that took a tremendously
long time to increase your power. The majority of the game's theme parks and
quest-oriented areas were broken on release, and those that did work didn't
offer much in the way of compelling content.
The feature proves to be a very interesting read, so check it out and get an
inside look at the philosophy of MMO games and how Galaxies stands up.
That's it for me this week. Hopefully I'll have a new CA:RO in place soon.
Non-EH SOTW: Star Wars Mania
Now that is a site with SEVERAL SW Fan site links.. and just take a look at
who's at the top of the list... Boooya!
-- Reconnaissance Office Staff --
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Master of
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (Admiral Khaen)
The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi
Admiral; Lord Darth Khaen
Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood
Grand Master Report #10: 03.15.04
Chancellor Chosen
After considering the applications received and talking to a few people in
consultation, I have chosen a new Chancellor. Congratulations to Krath
Priestess Tirna Q'Jira! Tirna is a veteran of the Krath Order who possesses
the skills and ideas I want for the position of Chancellor, and I'm sure she'll
perform very well. I will continue to process medals until the new Chancellor
gets database access and figures out how to use it.
Sith High Warrior Vacancy
I am currently looking for a new SHW. Application details can be viewed on the
DB news page, and the message board.
Arcona Consul Vacancy
I am not taking applications for the vacant CON spot in Clan Arcona at this
point, but if you are interested in the position then get in touch with me
through email or IRC. Obviously, people with current/recent/past experience in
the Clan are more desirable candidates.
Force Powers Update
My project to flesh out the Force Powers system is in its pre-planning stage, as
I gather people to participate in a 'think tank' which will discuss ideas and
directions for the project. If you're interested in contributing, see
this thread.
Dark Side Compendium
For the first time since April last year, a completed DSC is now linked from the
DB domain. People should have no trouble finding this reference manual now.
Grand Master Report #11: 03.20.04
The Ol' Herald Switcheroo
Herald Tatsu Kogarasu has decided to step down as Herald and give the position
back to Kethoron Thek, the graphics whiz behind the DB's awesome medals and
robes. Tatsu, unfortunately, didn't feel he had adequate time or expertise to
commit to the creation of the DB's new lightsabers, and invited Kethoron to
return. I saw some of Tatsu's work and it was quite good, but it's a given in
aesthetics that the artist is always his own worst critic. Regardless, I happily
welcome Kethoron back to the Dark Council and look forward to seeing what
wonders his already proven skills deliver to us in the near future.
New Arcona Consul
The new Consul of Clan Arcona is none other than Dark Side Adept Priyum Patel!
Pri brings a wide range of experience to the job, having served in recent years
as Master-at-Arms and EH Flight Officer. He's also served as PCON (among other
things) in Clan Arcona before. I look forward to Pri doing great things in
This Means War!
A feud challenge was issued recently by Consul Rage Akaido of Clan Tarentum to
the Summit of Clan Alvaak. Proconsul Daniel Goad (acting on behalf of Consul
Aseret and Overlord Ronin) accepted the call. amd as such a state of vendetta
now exists between Clans Tarentum and Alvaak. The Dark Jedi of these clans
should await further communication from their leaders to see how this
Sith High Warrior Application Period Extended
I may not have given people enough time to apply for SHW, so I'm extending my
the application period until Wednesday (the 24th of March). Also, please take
note that the requirements listed do not have to be 100% satisfied, they are
more guidelines than anything else. What I'm looking for is ideas for the
improvement and expansion of the Sith Order, not people whose only claim to fame
is having been in the DB for 35 years.
Force Powers Update
I guess I've seen all the interest I'm going to see regarding interest in the
Think Tank on Force Powers. I will send an initial email to the people involved
some time today to get things rolling. I will allow last-minute 'applicants' for
involvement in the project. Details are at
this thread, and put a rush on it.
Hammer's Fist Reports:
As Emailed From:
Prefect of the
Legion (GN Mordred)
Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)
PRF/GN Mordred/GS-1/DREAD Retribution =MS, SD, SN1, CM1, VS1=
[DsS] [DJ] [IrC] [CoO] [CAR x8] [PsW] [MoD] [PUC] [LsA] [LoC x2] [CoL]
No Reports Submitted - New SGCOM to be Appointed
Infiltrator Wing Reports:
As Emailed From:
Wing Commander (AD Silvori)
Infiltrator Wing
Admiral Adren Silvori
PROF-MPF-IWCOM/AD Adren Silvori/IWCS-1/MC-80a2 Saratoga/IW/EH
IWCOM Report #16: 03.14.04
After the recent fighting and battles, The week that just passed
had a certain serenity to it. That made it pass quickly and with out major
The fleet repairs have all but been completed and the
infiltrator wing, should be operational once more with in the next few hours.
Not only do we have the best pilots, it would appear we have the best engineers
too. The infiltrator wing commanders smiles as he reads the last progress report
and begins to plan the next operation.
After much work an effort by Vice admiral boliv, former OC, LGN hobbie and
current OT - LGN Orzon the new manuals have been approved by the fleet
Relevant tests in the IWTA database are being changed as we
speak to adopt the new manual material.
The command staff are now making nice graphics and uploading these manuals to
the Web in the coming days... Once this is completed, The new Manuals will
become law for all medal awarding and promotions with in this sub group. There
is no point having a manual if we don't use it.
I will be insisting all commanders and above, Read the manuals in great detail
as soon as they are online.
I have seen many pilots in the infiltrator wing, playing this mod for
freelancer. I believe it turns the game into a good old fashioned star wars
I shall be downloading it myself and reinstalling freelancer to
play it. It does look very very good.
Check it out -
The Emperors hammer is always looking for new star games to play. This would
seem to have alot of promise. Lets set up a forum on the IW Message board and
converse on how good this mod actually is.
I am beginning to organize infiltrator wing mania, But what is it you ask ?
well infiltrator wing mania is a public relations exercise for the infiltrator
wing to partake in. It will involve a promotion push from the Ships and command
staff on many different levels.
They will be comps, Message board information Exercises to
promote the IWTA - The IW Melee, Infiltrator wing competitions and many other
We also plan to have several inter sub group competitions. For the whole month I
am dedicating every resource in the fleet to promote the infiltrator wing. It is
being planned now, So if you have any idea's on how you are your squadron would
like to be involved, Contact your ship commodores and get the ball rolling.
On the 27th of march, I shall be contacting people to begin the operation.
Rear Admiral hatter is beginning to code the NEW IWTA site and this should be
ready on the 1st of April with graphics and all. The IWTA professors will be
promoting there courses on the EH message boards.
Many people believe the infiltrator wing to be a clone of the tie corps, but
with rebel ships. Lets recreate people's perceptions......
I have never seen so many competitions on the go at one time, I am sure you will
agree with me. When I say there is indeed a competition for everyone. Squadrons
pride II (IWCOM COMP ) already has more submissions than last month. I would
like of course to see the pilot files continue to flood in.
Admiral malik has begun running trivia online once more in the infiltrator wing
IRC channel as well as the Dead or alive competition VIA email and Orzon and
Hatter are both in the process of running competitions from there own office's.
While I am glad to see these competitions in progress, The one thing that
disturbs me is the lack of competitions being generated from below the command
staff. I would like to remind every officer from the new FM to the highest
ranking admiral, You can submit competitions for approval to me, directly via
email and have friendly competitions in your own squadron or own ship.
The culture of the infiltrator wing is changing, We are trying to promote a
better star wars element to the group and take our Real lives out of it. The
infiltrator wing has a fine history, but that's something you can be proud of
but not dwell on. I see the LJGs in the infiltrator wing and I wonder, how many
will be included in the history of the group in our future.
Every pilot makes a difference to our culture, it enriches us
and brings new idea's to the group. So lets make sure there opinions are heard
and they are given the chance to grow.
The new manuals are the start of this change. How we interact with one another
is the next step. We have fresh new bright commodores and alot of young fresh
squadron commanders. Its time to see what you are all made off Ladies and
Thank you all for your time
IWCOM / Admiral Silvori
Infiltrator Wing Command Staff
IWCOM: AD Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk )
IWFO: VA Boliv (iw_boliv@yahoo.com )
IWOTA : LGN Orzon ( ma4sbwithu@aol.com)
IWTO: RA Mad Hatter (HaTTer@Infiltrator-Wing.com)
IWSE: RA Timmay (infiltratorwing@swirvemail.com)
Infiltrator Wing Auxiliary Command
Infiltrator wing competition director - Admiral Abel Malik ( ezwill@famvid.com )
Command Staff Advisors
RTO: SA Renegade (gcavitt@charter.net)
CSO: FA Moreco (talren.moreco@gmx.net)
NIO: FA Trevor Rastyn (Rastyn@shaw.ca)
BWD: FA Niksavel (nikola.leder@medri.hr )
MC-90 Renegade
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Brent Tainer ( hyltonbuijs@hotmail.com )
Commodore : Lieutenant Colonel Sirik Xirok ( sxirok@yahoo.com )
Infiltrator wing Main site :
Infiltrator wing Academy :
Active membership - 70
Reserves - 58
IWcom IRC time - 35h 17m
IWCOM Report #17: 03.19.04
The silence of space can sometimes be a soothing thing, but
space is a place of ambiguity, The Saratoga weaves its way through the hulks of
many ancient hulks of old republic vessels, I believe I have found some kind of
ship graveyard in the Ioneis sector.
The Saratoga has been cataloguing activity in this sector of space for the last
four days, My crew have begun to believe they are hearing things and even my
officers say these ancient craft make them eerie. Our mission shall continue for
two more days, before we move on. I have sent some Zero G troopers out into the
fields, led by General Wes Jansen to see if we can find the answer to why all
these ships are here.
Day 5
This day brought a strange revelation, My Science officer today has reported a
strange ion trail shadowing us. More and more of my crew are believing stories
of phantasms and other strange supernatural events. We have gained much data
from the old wrecks and I as I look out into what has become legend in only five
days, I see an ancient war and alot of life lost. But in all of our time here,
We can not tell who the old republic where fighting.
sir, sir, We have four more targets to our rear sir "
Distracted from the ship log, Admiral silvori turns to his tactical officer "
Do we have identification of those ships ?
Sir two more in front of us, We have some kind of weapons lock
Looking into the hulks of old republic dreadnaughts, the infiltrator wing
commander wonders if a similar fate awaits
battle stations; he shouts....
This week has seen much preparation for infiltrator wing mania, for those of you
who don't know, The month of April is going to be infiltrator wing mania month.
Several competitions are being arranged for the entire emperors
hammer to join in and some nice rewards and competitions for the current
Each member of the command staff has his or her own project, in which to help
infiltrator wing membership grow. Star wars trivia to EH wide IW melee events
are planned as well as message board and recruitment pushes from the commodores
and squadron commanders. An EH wide run on is also planned, that I hope may
become the story line for another combined arms battle. Most of these are still
in the planning and preparation stage. So I would like all commanders to be
ready for a challenge and the commodores of the infiltrator wing, to get their
thinking caps on.
Everyone shall be involved in operation mania.
If you have any idea's on competitions or recruitment and public relations or
simply have a project or competition you would like to see added to the main
event list. Then email me and the competitions director and voice your opinion.
That's all from me this week, Stay safe and keep active.
Corporate Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
President of
the Corporate Division (Rokin)
Corporate Division (CD)
PREX/CG Rokin/VSD Warhammer
No Reports Submitted
Bounty Hunters Guild Reports:
As Emailed From:
Dark Prince of
the Guild (Tuss)
The Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG)
DP/Tuss Raydod/Planetoid Cernun/BHG
-DP (ODP) (HM) (LHP) (GHP) (P) (MS) (BoH) (GP-GC) (SP-GC) (LC) (SCB) (CoLx1)
DP Report #158: 03.12.04
BHG Total Membership: 427
Last week I alluded to the idea of a join page specifically
tailored to search engines to draw in new recruits. The committee making this
possible has been formed and are beginning preliminary discussions as far as
what exactly needs to be done. Again, I stress it will not change anything as
far as the current BHG site layout, but will be more of a glorified redirect.
RGT has reopened its doors. SE/UI's are being released in celebration. It is not
complete, but far enough along that it is safe to bring it back to the public.
Darth Shadow has done amazing work for the RGT, and XOC in general. His service
to the BHG has been remarkable, and only equaled by a select few. His other duty
of Online Missions continue to go well. With XOC great, we sometimes forget his
great innovation in this area as well.
Ehart still is having computer problems, but Red Scar has done
great in his absence. 2 vs 2 IKC is in full swing, in fact all of the events
have been sent out. I grade fiction this go around wo! All current outstanding
KA hunts have been graded by the Proctor, and three KA hunts went up on
Wednesday and 5 more are going up around meeting time.
Arena Tournament is in it's final rounds. This week, 4 players
go at it. Next week, only 3 will remain (due to a bye). Then a round of 2. Then
the Gladius Prime will be announced.
That is all from the BHG this weekend, thank you for your time!
Intelligence Division Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of the Ubiqtorate (VA Mordann)
Intelligence Division (ID)
Admiral Mordann Tal'kyra
Supreme Director, EH Intelligence Division
SDIR/VA Mordann Tal'kyra/UBIQ/DGN Lichtor V, [AoT-***TTDR***]
SDIR Report #43: 03.10.04
Report of the Supreme Director #43 - 10/03/04
'My cat's breath smells of cat food.'
Roster Count: 89 (2 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 212
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/GN Winters - IDWinters@comcast.net
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
***BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
BUDR/MAJ Daniel Goad (ANLY) - dazexeter@yahoo.com
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski - morgoth@op.pl
XO/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. Stirlitz Promoted to the Rank of Major
Having performed more than satisfactorily, during his 'trial period' as Director
of the Bureau of Operations, the Ubiqtorate is pleased to promote Stirlitz to
the rank of Major. Congratulations.
2. Agent Nears 00- Status
It's been a while since any new 00- Agents have been appointed, with the AoT
redesign and everything, but now the AoT is back on track we have a couple of
agents who are nearing that goal. I've just received an email stating that
someone has completed all the requirements and just needs to take the final
exam. Hopefully I'll get to announce Intel's latest badass in next weeks report.
Want to be the next 007? Visit
3. INTORG Recruitment Season
Since I made the announcement a few weeks back we've had three successful
applicants join the ranks of our amazing elite Bureau, but we're greedy and want
more. so we can build an army of INTORGers and use them to take over the world!
Muhahahahah! . *cough* . Ehem. sorry.. Anyway, if you are interested in
protecting the EH from internal threats and taking part in some of the most
dynamic and exciting work Intel has to offer please send an application to sdir@ehintel.org
and cow1nhome@mcb.net.
4. Design a lovely new Intel Battle for Praetorian Squadron! Praetorian squadron
seek to expand the number of missions in the compendium featuring actions by
their glorious unit. They are also on the look out for a specially designed
training mission to assess the suitability of potential recruits. If you can
offer assistance please contact morgoth@op.pl
SDIR Report #44: 03.17.04
Roster Count: 93 (3 new recruits)
Overall Roster Count: 215
Intelligence Division Main Website -
Intelligence Division Manual v9.0 -
Academy of Tactics -
Commanding Officers
SDIR/AD Mordann Tal'kyra - bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk
ExDIR/VA Aseret Thunderhawk - jediaseret@yahoo.com (exdir@ehintel.org)
BLDR/GN Winters - IDWinters@comcast.net
RADR/RA Scrier - mizhongboxer@hotmail.com
TTDR/RA Rebelkiller - aburt@tampabay.rr.com
Bureau Directors
BUDR/COL Harlequin (INTORG) - cow1nhome@mcb.net
BUDR/MAJ Stirlitz (BOO) - stirlitz1979@yahoo.com
*** BUDR (ANLY) - Open for Applications - BLDR temporarily in charge of ANLY
Praetorian Squadron
CMDR/GN Andrezj Mezynski - morgoth@op.pl
XO/CPT Gelton Torr - q3CTE@uni-bonn.de
1. Unauthorised rDB Infiltrations?
Lovely wee post on the rDB news site yesterday. 'Finally, I have been told of a
number of EH Intel Operatives are currently working within the Brotherhood. Oh,
and just in case you didn't know, I know who you are.' Keirdagh Cantor
My rDB bullsh*t detector is tingling, as I'm more than aware of who should and
shouldn't be in the rDB at present - There should be *NO* Intel Operatives
within the rDB! No infiltrations have been authorised. Unauthorised
infiltrations are completely unacceptable. If Keirdagh's mewings turn out to be
true, we have a distinct dislike for unauthorised members who ruin our name with
their incompetence and will probably try to take HCI action against them (or
else something more discrete but more painful). See case 197 at the HCI -
http://www.minos.net/~moreco/hci/docket.php. If I find any EH members
investigating the rDB vigilante- tyle I'll hang them by their dangly bits until
they fall off.
If you *think* you have an authorisation from a previous SDIR, ask yourself
'when exactly did you last report in'? If you haven't spoken to me for ten
months then I'm afraid you're no longer working for us (see aforementioned
nastiness re: dangly bits above).
We really don't care what the rDB do internally, so long as it
does not affect the EH. If they disappeared off the face of the planet we'd be
quite happy. Our current policy is to ignore them and there's is to ignore us.
Internally we will hunt them down to abide by the Fleet Commanders executive
order regarding dual membership, but externally so far as the average EH member
is concerned they don't exist. We should be concentrating at making the EH a
more fun and exciting place and enjoying ourselves, rather than focusing on the
lame activities of a bunch of miscreants.
[Rant over]
2. On a Happier Note. GN Winters obtains 00- status (007)!!!
Having completed all available courses, earned sufficiently high scores and
submitted several pieces of additional work, General Winters has been granted
00- status. Given free pick of those 00- numbers remaining, he naturally chose
007. Drinks (providing it's a martini, shaken not stirred) are on him for well.
ever really. Over half the UBIQ hold or have held a 00- rank at the AoT. If you
wish to get high in this organisation, it's a good way to get recognised. Take
some courses at -
3. On a Sadder Note. MAJ Daniel Goad retires (ANLY BUDR Open for
Unfortunately Major Goad has had to step down as Bureau Director of Analysis.
Thus we require a new Bureau Director. General Winters (IDWinters@comcast.net)
is in command until a qualified applicant can be found.
The ideal applicant should be able to:
Motivate and inspire a small unit and work towards its expansion
Run interesting and new Intelligence related competitions to promote activity
Co-ordinate agents on a variety of assignments and learn the basics of
assignment creation
Promote the Academy of Tactics and display an active presence there (leading by
Report in on a weekly basis without fail. (Two reports are required -
one to the UBIQ regarding classified business and one to the agents under your
command to maintain communications).
Any member of the EH in good standing can apply. Some Intelligence experience
would be desirable, but is not necessary providing the individual excels in
other areas.
Applications should be sent to: bored_of_darkness@yahoo.co.uk, jediaseret@yahoo.com,
IDWinters@comcast.net, mizhongboxer@hotmail.com, aburt@tampabay.rr.com with the
subject: ANLY BUDR Application by Saturday 27/03/04 (or 03/27/04 if you're weird
and/or American)
Directorate Domain Reports:
As Emailed From:
Grand Moff of
the Emperor's Hammer Territories (Coursca)
EH Directorate (DIR)
GMF/HCOM Trazenbach Tal'kail Coursca/MC-2/Gondor Base
Directorate Domain Report: 03.13.04
This week is a little more upbeat than last week, but at the
same time I was not very happy with progress. We must strive for 110% every
week. That progress is key to making this subgroup a success and keeping the
momentum going. But...as I said...good news this week, also!
1) TAC FA Mike has notified me that the Tactical Office will be posting THREE
XWA-DIR battles and that another three were submitted, but needed some fixing.
Superlative job, folks! These are among the first of what I hope will be many
battles the Directorate has posted to the EH Mission Compendium. I encourage DG
members to keep making those battles and free missions!
2) Attached is the plan for the new Systems Manual. If you don't have Microsoft
Word or Works, don't bother downloading the attachment. Its made in a graphic
organizer-type manner or, as MoE Striker called it, "a roadmap". And it is
essentially a roadmap. Its the basic outline of what I hope will become a
centerpiece of the Directorate. I'd suggest getting used to hearing about the
3) The Yridia Run-On decided to pick up a little bit again. For those who don't
have the link, feel free to visit
http://ehnet.org/mb/viewtopic.php?t=1221 !
4) There's several new websites that everyone in the Directorate should know, so
I'll list them now...I'm certain I covered all the new sites:
* EH Directorate Specialized Forums -
* Directorate Battle Center -
* Directorate Guard [Under Construction!] -
* Directorate Academy -
* Colonial Branch - http://cb.minos.net
* Directorate Temporary Rosters -
5) Directorate Battle Center is online! Big thanks to Tojjuvvuk for getting that
online! Make sure you read the proper procedures for reporting battle
competition or multiplayer wins! Also, since the DBC is online, expect to start
hearing about some XWA and SWGB MP competitions very soon!
6) There's been a minor change to the MoO and DGMF duties in order to balance
responsibilities between Ministry Council members. From now on, all roster
changes and promotion approval goes through the Deputy Grand Moff. And
competition and medal approvals go through the Minister of Operations.
Therefore, Orzon should not receive medal recommendations and Wisal shouldn't
receive transfers!
I think that about covers all the major news for the week. There's bound to be
items I'm forgetting about. Apologies if I left something off, folks! Just yell
at me and I'll add it to my report when I post it to emperorshammer.net's report
board! :)
Directorate Domain Report: 03.20.04
Been an interesting week in the Directorate with a lot of new
ideas and activities popping up everywhere. However, some of the information in
regards to new ideas will be kept from the public until there's visible progress
on the project. Only select MCers [and the FC/XO] will know until then. But fear
not...I do bring tidings of several major activities which are close to being
1) COM Wil Striker, our MoE, has been kind enough to to get in contact with the
COO about a number of XWA MP Capital Ship competition ideas. I would like to
help along the process by requesting there to be a host and an alternate host
from the Directorate. Therefore, if you're interesting in holding a weekly XWA
MP CapShip competition, E-Mail me at TSSGen@aol.com, CCing the Admiral of the
Fleet. More details on the competition will be released soon.
2) Rumors are true, folks. A rewrite of Diplomacy is currently being made.
That's right, you Colonial Branch guys...you're about to experience one of the
centerpieces of the Directorate in a much easier to use form. For those who've
never experienced Diplomacy before, it is a game of planetary management. You
rule a Region, Planet, or System and manage its growth and advancement. Expect
weekly updates on this from now on.
3) Yridia has come to a close except for the NSTS Battle, which I'll allow until
an obvious victor emerges. I'll be counting up the posts on the Run-On and
awarding medals to those who participated. Good job to the Guard and way to pick
it up at the end Colonials! Expect those medals in your mailboxes ASAP!
4) The Directorate Site is very close to being completed [finally...]. Monsh and
Terrian have been working extremely hard in the "backstage area" and once the
site is up, the next focus will be on the coding of the Systems Manual. The
Systems Manual in itself is a massive project which, in the end, will be a
cornerstone of the Directorate. Expect to hear more on this along with Diplomacy
in coming weeks.
5) The numbers game is catching up with the Directorate, folks! Recruitment is
now a necessity...not an option! If everyone recruits one person, we could
double the size of the SubGroup easily. Its not hard, folks! You all know
somebody who would enjoy what the Directorate does...:)
6) The Directorate Monthly Evaluation course has caused quite the ruckus
recently. Please try to keep objections to private channels from now on, guys. I
completely understand and accept everybody's view point in the matter, but there
was better ways of going about it. In the future, no arguments over the groups.
Any questions on the matter still go straight to me...
I think that covers everything. Ministry Council and EHCS will get a
supplemental with a proposal.
Fringe RPG Reports:
As Emailed From:
Director of
Operations (DO Compton)
The Fringe - EH Roleplaying Game (EH RPG)
Director of Operations Jahn Compton
DO Compton/The Fringe
Fringe Report #8: 03.19.04
SWG Publish 7, the �Droid
Invasion� has been released. In addition to providing a lot more combat options
for the existing droids, there have been a few changes to combat. The most
notable of these being a hard cap placed on defensive skills. This has allowed
our newly-created PvP team, led by Cyy, to begin wreaking havoc on the Rebels
who were previously unhittable. Looks like the EH PvP effort is starting to
make a dent in the cockroach-like infestation of Rebels on Talus.
The Fringe Bylaws have been
approved by the FC and the XO.
There is a poll of interest to
The Fringe on ehnet.org right now:
"Do you thing(sic) SWG
has had a negative or positive effect on the EH?"
It offers more game platforms and recruitment opportunities.
It gives greater EH exposure, nothing more.
It's a fun game but doesn't really affect the overall EH.
People seem to spend more time on SWG and less time on EH duties.
Too busy playing to answer your poll, sorry.
I think Chak said it best when
he said, �SWG is an EH duty for whoever has it.� As a matter of fact,
playing SWG is pretty much the only duty that most Fringe members have.
While I believe that the question was meant to relate to Fringe members who are
part of other Sub-Groups spending less time on their duties in those other SGs
because they play Galacrack so much, I don�t think that was reflected in the
question. Personally I have no problem with people shirking their duties
elsewhere to play SWG, but then again I lead this group, so I might be slightly
biased. Chak also stated, �The ratio of gameplaying to political backbiting is
an EH all-time record, and we're the most active SG in the fleet.� I couldn�t
agree more. I work very hard to make sure that politics don�t enter into our
SWG experience. The EH PA is probably the most close-knit group of game players
ever assembled in the EH, and I�m proud to be a part of it.
Work on the website continues.
There is no ETA as of yet, but Aeden and I will be working very hard to have a
site worthy of our fine PA.
Just a reminder: I am very much
wanting every member in the EH PA who wants one to have a house in our city.
Aeden has been kind enough to make several small house deeds, and I�ve giving
them away, first come, first served. The houses are free � you just need to pay
the maintenance on them.
For those who don't already
know, The Fringe is the ONLY official EH Player Association in Star Wars
Galaxies. Based on the Chilastra server, joining the PA is open to all members
of the EH, and all other loyal Imperial citizens. The only requirement (besides
having a character on Chilastra, of course) is that you join The Fringe. You can
do this using your existing EH e-mail address by e-mailing DO Compton at
lovewilkil@aol.com, or send a /tell in-game to Jahn, Tairn or Krenn�sa.
As always, the first version of
my pre-game report/guide is still available at
http://members.aol.com/imperialgleeclub/swg . Thanks to the EH member who
donated the web space.
For Star Wars Galaxies info,
visit starwarsgalaxies.com.
For EH PA info, visit
(site under construction), or http://www.swgalaxies.net/guilds/guild.php3?id=87.
Current in-game members: 81
Imperial Senate Reports:
As Emailed From:
Chancellor of
the Senate (Kallath)
Imperial Senate
Chancellor Raziel Kallath
CHS/DRC Kallath (Kathel)/HC-1/Moderate {IU:PhD-ARG/1/2}
CHS Report #50: 03.09.04
- News -
This is my 50th report. Not much happened this week, though we've had a lot of
Core Exams completed. That isn't to say we've had a lot of people who've passed.
Two people have received 100%--Senator Karva Dronaal and the newly appointed
Representative Tepes. Other applicants that completed the Core Exam are Minister
Blackblade, Applicant Xar'Khan, and I believe a couple of other people who's
names escape me.
I believe I said I wanted all members to complete the Core Exam within a week.
Hasn't it been over a week? Interesting. Well, alternatively, I'm awarding all
those who took the initiative a Certificate of Knowledge [CoK]. The Applicants
who've passed but who haven't yet joined a Party or Delegation will receive one
upon completing that task. For this week, anyone who scores a 100% will also be
given a Certificate of Knoweldge. Also note that Minister Blackblade completed
the Argumentation Course still available
at the University.
Orv hasn't contacted me this week, which is *kind of* unusual. I'll contact him
again--he may not have even received my latest e-mails. I do not foresee that
the database will remain in its current state for longer than a couple weeks
from now. Senate Issues are difficult to code, and while I want them completed,
they aren't necessary until we actually have a significant amount of Senators.
I'm also going to discuss graphics, etc. with Orv once he gets some free time.
Carrida II has accepted Representative Adrian Tepes. That makes a delegation of
3, and I'll expect that more delegates will join shortly. This means that
Planetary Issues for Carrida II will commence very shortly as well.
Lastly, I'm re-evaluating a certain member of the High Council (the M:STA). If
you aren't reading this and don't contact me within a few days, I'll be opening
the position for applications. I stated prior to appointing any High Councilor
that their tenure may only be provisional. This is the only appointment that
doesn't seem to be working out.
- Additional -
Deputy Chancellor open to Applications
Deputy Chancellor:
Position Description: The Deputy Chancellor is the second-in-command of the
Imperial Senate. His primary duty is to oversee Parties within the Imperial
Senate; hence all party-based competitions require DCH approval. Additionally,
ideas submitted for Senate-wide competitions (at the party-level) must go
through the DCH before they�re forwarded to the Chancellor. The DCH also acts as
the administrator of the Senate Floor, scheduling legislation drafts and bill
DCH Requirements:
-HTML abilities
-Respond to e-mail within 24 hours
-Lots of free time
-Evidence of leadership (Senate or otherwise--preferably Senate)
-Sample of writing
-PHP abilities
-Former Senate leader
-Exceptional writing ability
That should be all. Until next week...
CHS Report #51: 03.13.04
- News -
The first Planetary Issue, CI-1, seems to have been a success,
depending on how you look at it. The Carridan Delegation, in keeping with the
Conservative tradition, voted to root out the sect through military force
(contributed by the HF). This was a failure, and the sect has left Carridan
space to create insurgence in other EH territories. The movement was intended to
give rise to unification among the Imperial remnant; this is not an idea
supported by the Senate or Emperor's Hammer. The delegation's decision, however,
seems to have inflated the situation. While the sect is out of Carridan space,
they are expected to resurface at a later time. The HF has also withdrawn its
support, having accomplished its goal of ousting the sect from Carrida II. In
summary, the delegation fell victim to HF posturing, but still stands by its
decision. Interior Minister Blackblade is also absent, and so any action by the
Senate Guard would be unwise.
In other news, the Senate's website received the award for EH site of the week!
Not only that, it received 5 stars. And it is rather funny, given that it has
temporary graphics and all. It's a credit to Orv's resourcefulness and coding
abilities (and to a lesser extent, my great idea :P). Orv also contacted me
explaining he had started on the new graphics. Maybe we'll receive the award
again in a month or so. :P
University graduates this week include Ixion Solaris, Euqseabub Deedni, Siterath
Goersase, and Coranel Both. Some of those are also among the new appointments:
Ixion Solaris was appointed as a Representative to Frigg, and Euqseabub Deedni
was appointed as a Representative of Frigg as well. Representative Xar'Khan was
also appointed to the Carridan Delegation and participated in its latest vote on
CI-1. He's the only liberal and voted against the rest of the delegation. Good
That should be about it for this week. Oh, no one has applied for Deputy
Chancellor yet--that's really disappointing, because we really need one.
- Additional -
Deputy Chancellor open to Applications
Deputy Chancellor:
Position Description: The Deputy Chancellor is the second-in-command of the
Imperial Senate. His primary duty is to oversee Parties within the Imperial
Senate; hence all party-based competitions require DCH approval.
Additionally, ideas submitted for Senate-wide competitions (at the
party-level) must go through the DCH before they�re forwarded to the
Chancellor. The DCH also acts as the administrator of the Senate Floor,
scheduling legislation drafts and bill proposals.
DCH Requirements:
-HTML abilities
-Respond to e-mail within 24 hours
-Lots of free time
-Evidence of leadership (Senate or otherwise--preferably Senate)
-Sample of writing
-PHP abilities
-Former Senate leader
-Exceptional writing ability
High Court of the Inquisitors (HCI) Reports:
As Emailed From:
High Inquisitor
(HA Royal)
HI / HA Royal / VSD Stalwart
"To be undead or not to be?"
HI Report: 03.12.04
Thorn has been expelled due to violation of probation. He
basically skipped the moment he got accused and never replied to any emails and
never gave his apology so he's out for good.
That's it :)
HI Report: 03.19.04
Jacen Aylen has been readmitted within the EH, rDB confusion,
another they put directly on their roster without asking, etc. I wonder how many
they have left that if asked they wouldn't want to be on their roster...
Combat Operations Reports:
As Emailed From:
Operations Officer (AD Khameir Sarin)
Combat Operations Office
COO/AD Khameir Sarin/VSD Aggressor
LoC-RS-CSx6-Rx2/DFC-SW-Rx4/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-3E [ARCN]
ASF Escort Squadron Avenger ASFSCIV
TCCOM�s Own ISD Grey Wolf (November/December 03)
SBM Sarin/PCON/Arcona
COO Report #10: 03.07.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by SWG!
1. Domination: That was the EH's month of WoW activity. We finished with our
best combined XWA and XVT Records ever. Finishing 2nd in XVT (Thanks Tau) and
First in XWA (Thanks GOLD!)!
2. My multiplayer Squadron of the month is no suprise. Congrats to the Boys from
3. Multiplayer Pilot of the month is Tau's Rax Von Verr Klug! He also wins the
award for longest name with his old name added in. Rax picked up a SS for his
last three months of MP play. Great work!
4. The CA:TO and COO are currently developing XWA and XVT Top Gun Schools. These
schools will pit our very good pilots agains our Instructor Elite Pilots. The
winner will take home the famed TOP GUN trophy and an autographed picture from
Kelly McGillis!
5. #ehcoc is currently waiting for X's return. Stay tuned.
6. No more LAN Parites for LoCs. It was abused by some and thus ruined for all.
Way to go idiots!
7. 24/7 LoC form has reached 135 matches. Keep using the form and earning your
LoCs! Use the 24/7 form at
:: [ COO News ] ::
I need a banner for MP Squadron of the Month. Something sexy!
I need a TOP GUN Trophy banner!
I need Admiral Insignia for my uniform. This Year plus VA is old.
I need NoWedge to continue to recruit MP pilots to the EH!
Will anyone knock Tau off as MP squad of the Month?!
The COO needs coffee for SWG.
COO Report #11: 03.13.04
This Week's Report is brought to you by my promotion!!
1. Before Starting this Week's Report I would like to thank the FC and XO for
promoting me to the rank of Admiral. I would also like to thank Pri and Cyric
for putting in the recc. The success of any office in the Tie Corps is due to
the time and effort put in by the Staff and the large group of friends who help
without expectation of reward or status. I would specifically like to thank Wil,
Khad, Dax, Kaerner, Reb, Melly, Cyric, Tiamat, Avenger Squadron, Tau Squadron,
Gilad, GWSOOM, Ender, and Gilad for all the hard work and support they have
given me in the past. Without them, the limited success the Combat Operations
Office is having would not be possible.
2. I would also like to thank the FO for awarding me my 8th Silver Star. Thanks
3. XWA and XVT Top Gun schools are nearing their launch. The CA:TO and myself
have been hard at work in efforts to bring this school to the club. The purpose
of this Top Gun Academy is to take our good pilots and make them 133t. Look for
the official launch in the very near future.!
4. I have contacted all BGCOMs and the Two MP Elite Squadrons and asked for
Teams to be entered into my Upcoming XWA Skirmish War Competition. This
competition will place teams from the various BGs against one another in a
showdown to see who is the best XWA Skirmishers. Look for the competition to
come down in two weeks or sooner.
5. #ehcoc is currently waiting for X's return. I love Cservice and everything
about them.
6. With the help of Reb, the COO office will soon have a ladder system that can
be used by any subgroup. This ladder will use screen shots to verify scores and
will use ELS to verify the identity of gamers. Great work Reb!
7. 24/7 LoCs are in effect right now. I am looking for STABLE weekly competition
hosts for EHCOC. Flags are more than welcome to host Ship Nights! 24/7 LoC form
has reached 147 matches. Keep using the form and earning your LoCs! Use the 24/7
form at
Fleet Medical Corps
As Emailed From: TBA
Fleet Medical Corps
No reports - New Medical Officer to be appointed
Special Operations
Director Reports:
As Emailed From:
Special Operations Director (RA Obiwan)
SOD-FCA/RA Obiwan/STRKC Escutcheon
DJK Jeron Darkonis(Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak [Cr-1A][LSG][LSS]
SOD Report #21: 03.12.04
Welcome to another detail of the SOD's week.
Honestly, I've been grinding Novice Smuggler all this week so...
Anyway, I'll be tabulating all the data from some more of the polls on my forum
and sending you guys the data that I find from them. I will also be putting some
new polls on the 10th Anniversary competition. One of them is going to be how to
space out events. I want some feedback on that, so I'm going to poll the fleet
on that. Look for that to happen tomorrow morning or afternoon.
As for my LOA, I'm officially back. I have schoolwork to do, but the take home
portion of my physics exam is fairly easy for me, and besides that I have a
Pseudo spring break all next week. I have no Linear Algebra class at all, and no
Differential equations on Tues. I will be going in to school to do work and
study, but I'll otherwise be indisposed and able to play SWG, and do some work
with Drax on the Memorium.
One final thing... the run on I'm planning to have will be starting soon, I'm
still waiting another week just in case I can get anymore response from members
on what they'd like the plot to be. I'll probably start that this time next week
and run it for a month to see where it goes. Hopefully it'll get some real good
That's all for now folks.
SOD Report #22: 03.20.04
Hi. Sending this from my hotmail account, because the outgoing
mail server on Minos hasn't been working well lately.
Anyway, this week was exceedingly hectic for me, as I had a few exams to study
for as well as a Physics take home assignment. As a result, I haven't had much
time to check my polls, but I'm going to do that tomorrow. Once I've collected
some information from them I'll compile that and toss it on over to your
mailboxes so you know what kinds of ideas people are tossing around about the
10th anniversary stuff.
Additionally, I'll be beginning my run on this week. It's going to be up for
about two weeks so that people can get a chance to add stuff in. I'll probably
give the incentive of a few ISM's for the people who participate the most. I'll
be starting that probably Wednesday or Thursday, I'm not sure yet.
I'd also like to note that I made a rather seriously worded post on the fringe
board about how I felt some folks are treating me. I apologized for that, and
admitted some of my faults, however, I would like it known that I'm not going to
allow the same situation that got me kicked out before, happen again. This is a
hobby of mine, not real life, and to let someone stupid like Sirrus attack me
like that again, is nothing more than a waste of time that I should be spending
having fun.
I guess that's about it for this week.
Lord Ambassador Reports:
As Emailed From: TBA
EH Advanced Guard
No reports submitted - New Lord Ambassador to be Appointed