April 2003


HA Rapier Appointed as New Grand Master of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood: 04.19.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Dark Brotherhood of Jedi

After careful consideration, the Executive Officer (SA Astatine) and myself have selected High Admiral Rapier, former honored Security Officer of the EH, as the new GM of the DB.

Other qualified candidates reviewed included:

We all look forward to better days for the DB under the leadership of HA Rapier...


Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Instructions for the EH Dark Jedi: 04.18.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

--------------------------------- How to Stay in the EH Dark Brotherhood -------------------------------

In response to the several EH Dark Jedi who have contacted me for instructions on joining/remaining with the EH Dark Jedi Brotherhood, here they are.

The crux of the confusion has been that the separatists have "hijacked" the DB member database, they "claim" that anyone who does not "opt out" is automatically with their group.  We could not disagree more.  Our reasoning is that since this database was stolen, the rank and file unsuspecting DB members were not consulted beforehand, therefore they did not join them and are still in the EH.

That being said, please READ and FOLLOW these instructions closely if you desire to stay in the Emperor's Hammer Dark Brotherhood Subgroup!...

1.  To insure your EH Dark Jedi Brotherhood Member Profile is recorded with the NEW Emperor's Hammer Dark Brotherhood Member database, go to the EH DB Rejoin Form and re-register.

2.  Please go and request to be REMOVED from their club's database...This is their message board for removal requests...Feel free to note your displeasure with their actions...!!!

3.  Show your support for the EH !  If you'd like to dramatically show your support for the EH, that would be great...! Please go to http://www.ehnet.org/loyalty/ and register your name as a strong supporter of the EH.  Please note that this step #3 is VOLUNTARY...It is just a show of support... :)

--------------------------------- Note on Being in Both Clubs -------------------------------

First of all, please understand and realize that you can't be in both clubs.  The request below (our "terms") was sent to Firefox & co. several times along with a follow-up demand for a response...EH members that join their group (that has unrightfully stolen EH property) will no longer be welcome in the EH.

We can not condone those who prefer to hang with thieves and plagiarists.  We have information on their membership and members of the fake DJB will be summarily removed from our Rosters and Databases...NO exceptions...!

--------------------------------- Legal Issue Updates -------------------------------

Also, the Fleet is informed that, after proper notice (starting on 04.13.03), we have yet to receive acknowledgement and acceptance of our 'terms" as posted below...

DJB.org was directed to...

1) Cease use of the EH name anywhere in their websites/publications/organization.

2) Immediate return of the EH DB member database. This is my BIGGEST concern...They have "hijacked" a private membership database of ~800 members' email addresses, profiles, names, etc. Now, I can not assure these Members that their private info is still secure...After returning the database to the EH, the separatists were requested to destroy ALL local copies of the DB database. They do not own it !

3) Cease us of ANY EH-authored docs, names, pics, logos, Houses/Clans, etc. that members of their group did not create...

4) The breakaway group must cease and desist from its inflammatory posts in ALL EH comms channels (IRC & MBs). The EH would do likewise...

5) Make up the group's NEW name...the DB, ships, houses, clans, planets/systems, Shadow Academy, etc. were all created LONG BEFORE this group showed up on the scene...

I will keep the Fleet posted on any response to the above...

They have been given until Saturday, April 19, 2003, 12:00 AM EST to respond...

By Order of Fleet Command...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Dark Brotherhood SIT-REP: 04.15.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Since the rumors have been flying left and right...As well as the insults, I will summarize my points herein for the Membership to decide...

So, let's get started...

--------------------------------- The First Notice -------------------------------

As emailed to me on Sunday, 04.12.03, from FireFox...

"Subj: Dark Brotherhood
Date: 4/12/03 8:18:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: magius@globetrotter.net
To: GARonin@aol.com
CC: jac@chaoslogic.com, darkman304@yahoo.com, chilong@hushmail.com, EnsEntiumX@aol.com, quentinj@nmt.edu, corran_force@isdchallenge.org
Sent from the Internet

I am sorry it has come to this, but sadly it seems to be the only solution. Please take a look at http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/grievance/official_grievance.html


--------------------------------- The Problem -------------------------------

First off...Some history...The DJB was an AOL group like ours way back in 1995... I personally negotiated the "merger" of the EH and the DJB (see EH NLs for background)...#14 as I recall...Although it joined as a "sister organization", it was adopted as an EH Subgroup within a few months...People tell me, "produce the email to prove it's yours"...LOL...Guys, that was 7 years and 2 computers ago ! Not even I keep emails that long !!! :) Theo, our EH Legal Advisor (a FULLY licensed State of Indiana attorney) says it best (04.15.03)...

"I will start by making something which should be clear to everyone... the DB was, is, and developed under the EH.  Over the last several years the EH legal policy made specifically clear that use of the EH and affiliated sites and materials provided assent to the bylaws and legal policies.  Any materials created for and used by EH members and DB members, as ultimately EH members, provided the EH with irrevocable rights to use copyrightable materials.  The authors retained their rights to use the materials, but layout, design, character, code and database material is not to be denied to the EH.  The "DB" as created under the EH can be run as Ronin wishes, so long as he wishes.  The "DB" as a separate organization has a right to leave the EH, but they cannot simply take their materials away from the EH without violating the legal policy and copyrights granted to the EH.  On the other hand, the EH 'affiliated' copyright holders can deny use of their materials to the separate "DB."

So if things are beyond being "worked out," the DB would have to stop using materials authored by those in the EH who desire that the DB stop."

The DB has been an EH SUBGROUP since when it was first listed on the EH Subgroups page off our Domain (FYI, our first internet website was posted in 1997)...It has enjoyed a "favored/special" status since (i.e. dual membership and another EH Subgroup using the same email address), being our first SG...Although originally joined with the EH as a "sister organization", it is NOT a separate "club" and hasn't been for ~7-8 years !!! The DB was originally intended (by me) to be the extension of the Secret Order from the first TIE Fighter game (1994)... Odd that this argument is being used now and was NEVER brought up before last Sunday, when it served their uses ... hmm, sound funny to you too ?

Folks, this is about THEFT...not "friends" or "freedom" or anything of the sort... This is about a few former DB guys no longer in the limelight wanting their own club and are willing to attempt to splinter up someone else's hard work to get it....I am not doing this for me...I couldn't care less if we had 1,000 or 10,000 members or 3 or 20 subgroups....this is about the EH Membership, the work of those that have gone before them, my 8 1/2 years and $20,000 investment and about retaining OUR right to use/manage this history...

They are STEALING the hard work of all those that went before you...not to mention our DB member database, which by our stated Privacy Policy is NOT to be taken ! I have now have no control over the use of the PRIVATE email addresses/profiles of HUNDREDS of EHers !  This is ILLEGAL...

If they want to separate fine...let them...but they have NO RIGHT to EH property...theft is theft...That is my big problem with all of this and the previous attempts (i.e. Zoraan) that attempted this type of behavior...Let them create their OWN names, pics, logos, houses, clans, DSC's, Shadow Academies, etc ! ...This will take days if not weeks of hard work for your Command Staff to fix the problem they caused and create a new database...We have a PDF backup of it, but it will still require lots of manual data re-entry...

Let me add...despite the other side's claim that my rote response is "GA Ronin always side with Astatine", let me say that I AIM or email with Astatine almost EVERY day...we discuss ALL important issues and he runs everything by me...He's not some rogue XO running the EH...He has ALWAYS shown me (and most of you that earned it) respect and deferred to my orders...even when he didn't agree with them...!  Although he is rough around the edges, no BS kind of guy, can throw his occasional "hissy fit" and is a tough boss, he is a great guy and cares about as much about the EH as I do...

This demonization of my XO is just plain wrong...it's cruel and ungrateful treatment for a guy that works so hard for this club...Without him, Kawolski's TC database would have been lost when CrystalTech.Com dumped eh.net...He spends more time on the EH in a day than most of us do in a month...Give the guy some slack !!! Hec, send him a thank you once in a while... !

FYI, I understand this little "plot" was spun 3 weeks ago...Firefox had NEVER approached me with this issue (attempting to elevate the DB back to a "sister organization" status) till I got the little surprise email above on 04.12.03. There is obviously more to this than meets the eye, folks...This is apparently about a few guys that want to break away the DB for their own purposes...If it wasn't Ast, the excuse would have been me or the HCI or something else...The issue for me is they want to take part of the EH to do it... I will not have a part of the EH "hijacked" then those hijackers making demands on me to change the whole EH to their purposes...It doesn't work that way, folks...That's just plain wrong...!

I will admit I get too overheated on these issues...Most of you know I care about the EH a great deal...From my perspective, there is no middle ground here...You either follow the rules of the EH or you're free to leave...This has been my philosophy since Dec. 1994 - Jan. 1995 when the EH was first founded...It has also allowed the EH to become the largest SW gaming club on the web...We have rules and we stick to them...It's not a perfect system and flaws are inherent...But I would submit that our regs. have allowed the EH to blossom to its current prominence in the Star Wars gaming genre...and are the best ones out there !

So, rest assured myself, the XO, the Command Staff and our legal advisor are trying to work this out...However, the DB WILL remain in the EH...as ALL of the clans/houses, names, logos, pics, etc. either a) belong to us or, b) we have an unrestricted right to use them as they were submitted for EH use...Those that broke away (maybe 100-200 members from what I can see) will soon realize what it takes to manage an online gaming club...Especially considering Firefox's and Faethor's past attention spans in the EH CS...ahem...:)

I should know...I've been doing it for ~8 1/2 years...

And I would personally like to express my thanks to SA Astatine for his patience and enduring all this crap, most made up or outright lies...I thought I could take abuse and keep going...LOL

------------------------------- Legal Implications ---------------------------------

Please note that, despite all the accusations to the contrary, I have NEVER said I am seeking to sue anyone...However, I WILL protect EH materials and property to the best of my abilities...There are legal notices and measures that can be taken and our trusty EH Legal Advisor (Theo) is already hard at work preparing them...

And, in case there are any questions on the "legality" of all of this...

From our Bylaws...



No development idea, Battle Plotline, pivotal character, event or Roster structure revision affecting an entire Subgroup or the Fleet shall be released to the Fleet unless the Fleet Commander, Executive Officer or another Command Officer has first approved them. The Fleet Commander retains the right of final decision in these matters. ANY unapproved or premature postings to the organization run the risk of being withdrawn without prior notice. In addition, ALL Members submitting plotlines or articles for consideration MUST include their ID Line designation for later referral by the reviewing Command Officer.


All Member or User submissions to the Emperor's Hammer become the property of the Emperor's Hammer organization. However, individual Member WWW sites remain the property of individual Members (provided their content is not a copy or plagiarism of existing Emperor's Hammer materials).


No Member of the Emperor's Hammer or outside agents may use the Rosters of the club as a "mailing list" for emailing our Membership for commercial or non-commercial reasons. These lists contain the private email addresses of our Members and the Emperor's Hammer intends to honor their right to privacy as posted in the Privacy Policy. Consequently, cases of harassment or mass emails may be aggressively pursued by the Security officer (SO) with an offender's Internet Service Provider (ISP) and may also result in the "blocking" of a particular host domain/email address.


By reference in these Bylaws, the Emperor's Hammer Copyrights/Disclaimers, Privacy Policy, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Code of Conduct and Articles of War are incorporated herein. The regulations establish general rules of online behavior that Emperor's Hammer Members MUST also adhere to when representing the club online (i.e. IRC Channels, online chat rooms, emails between Members, etc.) and present methods and procedures for addressing violations of these Bylaws.


The Fleet Commander and Executive Officer are considered co-owners of the Emperor's Hammer organization. The Fleet Commander owns a 75% majority and the Executive Officer holds 25%. The Fleet Commander is sole owner and manager of the Emperor's Hammer Domain including all sub-pages and materials posted therein.

From our Disclaimers page...which were created with the assistance of an attorney (Theo) and have been posted for quite a while now...


Terms of Use

Use of this or affiliated sites signifies assent and understanding of these Terms and Notices. Any person or entity utilizing or viewing this and affiliated sites agrees to be bound by any posted guidelines or rules which are hereby incorporated into these Terms and Notices. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND NOTICES, PLEASE DO NOT JOIN THE EMPEROR�S HAMMER OR USE THIS OR AFFILIATED SITES.

We reserved the right to add to or otherwise change or modify these Terms and Notices at any time. It is your responsibility to review these Terms and Notices periodically for the current form. Your continued use of the emperorshammer.org or affiliated sites constitutes assent to any additions, changes or other modifications made, once posted.


This site, emperorshammer.org, is owned and operated by William P. Call, P.G. The contents of this Web site are copyright and trademark protected, all rights reserved. Elements of this and affiliated Web sites are protected by trade dress and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound, image or text from this website may be copied or re-transmitted unless expressly permitted by William P. Call, P.G. or an authorized representative (the current Executive Officer can be contacted and is authorized to represent William P. Call, P.G. in Emperor�s Hammer matters, IF reasonable attempts have been made to reach William P. Call, P.G., the Fleet Commander, and if such attempts have failed). You are authorized to download one copy of the materials on any computer for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.

The Emperor�s Hammer does not solicit or accept creative ideas, suggestions, or materials. Occasionally, a specific and limited request may be made for creative material from the membership. Any creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, materials, or other information (including specifically, but in no way limited to member "names" and information), developed for use by or submitted to the Emperor�s Hammer and/or its subgroups shall be deemed and shall remain the property of the Emperor�s Hammer in perpetuity. By developing material for use by membership of the club and/or its subgroups or by making a submission, the developer automatically grants, or warrants that the person has authority to and does grant the Emperor�s Hammer the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute such material, in whole or in part, throughout the universe and/or incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed, for the full term of any copyright, trademark or patent that may exist in such material for any purpose the Emperor�s Hammer chooses, without any compensation, credit or notice to the developer whatsoever. The developer waives any "moral rights" and waives any right to make any claims against the Emperor�s Hammer relating to any developed material made available to the membership of the club and/or its subgroups or any unsolicited submission. The developer further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Emperor�s Hammer in any action resulting from the use of any material or submission, in whole or in part.

Because of the unique requirements and responsibilities in the operation of this not-for-profit, volunteer fan club, it is expressly recognized that ideas, suggestions, or materials which facilitate the identification of membership, communication with membership, or which may otherwise be used by members of the Emperor�s Hammer and/or its subgroups in relation to their club activities or relationships, shall be deemed covered by the preceding paragraph. Consideration for these grants by its membership and/or persons submitting material is understood to be and is accepted as the opportunity to participate and share in the club�s activities.


The Emperor�s Hammer and the names of all original Emperor�s Hammer materials are trademarks of the Emperor�s Hammer.

All original materials found on the Emperor�s Hammer website or its affiliated sites are copyright protected and the authors reserve all rights therein.

--------------------------------- Claim of "Hacking" of djb.org Site by the EH -------------------------------

FYI...these "hacking" allegations are unfounded...the breakaways decided to give (or mistakenly gave) some passwords to EHers to recruit them into the separatists...it backfired... Now, once again, GA Ronin is the bad guy...:)

From djb.org...

Posted by GM Firefox - 4/14/2003 [11:29:10 PM]

It's sad that I have to write this announcement. The fact that things have come to this point makes me angry, but yet makes me all the more resolved to continue what we have started.

Some of you may have noticed that the website was down for a bit. We took the site down in response to a series of hacking attempts on the it.

Hacking is a federal felony, punishable by stiff fines and/or time in jail.

This is NOT a good idea people.

It's fine and dandy to banter back and forth about civil copyright laws. But it is a completely separate thing to hack into a server with stolen passwords and change data on a server you have no LAWFUL reason to be on. You guys REALLY need to stop and think about what it is you're doing and how you're conducting yourselves here.

You just committed very serious crimes. Federal crimes. This is not civil matter, guys. This is jail time. This is very serious. It doesn't matter in the real world what you guys do in this club... until you take things to this level. You also left your IPs all over the server.

Speculations abound that while he may have been aware of this, Ronin himself is not known to have taken any action to stop it. That is sickening.

THIS is exactly why we are leaving the EH.


For the record, the "accused" were GIVEN the passwords by DJB reps. to access their system...What individual people do when GIVEN access is not the business of the EH CS or myself...But I don't like them threatening or slandering anyone, including me, with Federal criminal charges...all over these guys not being smart enough to keep their private passwords private... All they can accuse a couple of overzealous EHers (who have since apologized by the way) of is having poor discretion...

They know as well as I, that the EH does not condone "hacking"...nor any other illegal activities...We NEVER have (see Bylaws, CoCs, etc.)!  No passwords were "hacked"...they were GIVEN by someone in their group to EHers to get them to join the breakaway club (i.e. so they could access their profiles at DJB.org)...Whether the separatists may have thought this was an expedient way to split off more of the EH membership, I don't know.

Also, as a reminder, the separatists don't own that list/database of members...The EH does...! Let's not forget that important little point :)

--------------------------------- The Solution -------------------------------

We now have copies of all profiles from the DB database...which our CS will have to recode into a new database...However, be advised that a new EH DB www site will be posted, a new GM selected and all will return to normal in the next couple of weeks...Also, we have heard from most of our Alliances and they're with us...The Rebel Squadrons' Fleet Commander (Rahj) has spoken with me and the EH Lord Ambassador (Darknyte) personally on AIM and we received a confirmatory email...The RS will not recognize "the dissidents" in favor of the EH-RS Alliance.

The crux of the confusion has been that the separatists have "hijacked" the DB member database, they "claim" that anyone who does not "opt out" is automatically with their group.  We could not disagree more.  Our reasoning is that since this database was stolen, the rank and file unsuspecting DB members were not consulted beforehand, therefore they did not join them and are still in the EH.

That being said, please READ and FOLLOW these instructions closely if you desire to stay in the Emperor's Hammer Dark Brotherhood Subgroup!...

1.  To insure your Dark Brotherhood Member Profile is recorded with the Emperor's Hammer, go to the EH DB Rejoin Form and re-register.

2.  Please go and REMOVE yourselves from their club...

Show your support for the EH !

If you'd like to dramatically show your support for the EH, that would be great...! Please go to:  http://www.ehnet.org/loyalty/

Note that this is VOLUNTARY...Just a show of support... :)  However, considering recent events, don't be surprised if you see a future version (with appropriate legalese) of this on our join/recruit pages soon...Nothing worse than when you click a license agreement when you install new software on your computers...Membership in the EH is free, but even demo software requires this...an industry standard...

--------------------------------- The Terms Sent to DJB Separatists -------------------------------

My requests/"Terms" to FireFox to solve this are/were simple...they have been enumerated/transmitted to Firefox twice before (on 4/14/03 and 4/15/03), but I will reiterate them here for everyone's convenience...

DJB.org was directed to...

1) Cease use of the EH name anywhere in your websites/publications/organization.

2) Return the EH DB member database immediately. This is my BIGGEST concern...You have "hijacked" a private membership database of ~800 members' email addresses, profiles, names, etc. Now, I can not assure these Members that their private info is still secure...After returning the database to the EH, you are requested to destroy ALL local copies of the DB database. You do not own it ! Get your own members please... :) Besides, that group has also been email bombed/solicited with enough requests to leave the EH...

3) Cease us of ANY EH authored docs, names, pics, logos, Houses/Clans, etc. that members of your group did not create...We can give you a list... You have ChiLong now...he's a great artist and I'm sure can whip you up some new artwork quick enough...If he's really interesting in building a new group, he can make his OWN...FYI, there is an EH redesign in the works in which all of Faethor's pics on the EH Domain will be taken down...Not that he asked but in case you were wondering.

4) Your group must cease and desist from its inflammatory posts in ALL EH comms channels (IRC & MBs). I will do likewise...Our collective "supporters" are going to extra lengths to make you guys and me and my XO to be devils incarnate...

5) Make up your group's NEW name...the DB, ships we have manned, houses, clans, Shadow Academy, etc. were all created LONG BEFORE your group showed up on the scene...Hec, I wrote the first DSC myself ! You still have my Call family crest on the SA logo ! (the blue crescents thing) :)

Finally, I would like to add I have NEVER objected to EHers leaving to form their own group...If they're not happy, I wish them well...We have spawned several in our history...Folks are free to leave of their own free will...What I will NOT condone is theft of EH Membership property. The work of too many hard working members who came before you is being jeopardized...Hence, my command that any EHer joining you is no longer welcome in the EH proper.

Also realize that I will not negotiate to elevating your group's status above other SGs in the EH...We have other SGs, remember them ? It would not be fair to them and not consistent with our history over the past 8 1/2 years.

If you can meet the above, we can split amicably and this mess is done with...

The EH CS still awaits a credible response...I will keep you posted...

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Executive Officer SIT-REP: 04.14.03
As Posted By:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

As most of are you probably aware of by now, a crisis has started in the Dark Brotherhood. While a lot of things are being said by people, I think it's important that I fill in the "other side of the story" so members can make up their own minds are careful and balanced thinking based upon facts.

Firstly, the claims of grievance by the leaders of this are littered with incorrect information, exaggerations and outright lies. For example, claims that I had removed message board posts were incorrect. These posts were in fact removed by the EH Communications Officer (COMM). Point I-D about me "driving out officers" is an out of context claim too. Many of those who have been removed since my time as Executive Officer were under performing and in many cases, their replacement has resulted in improvement in that area of the Emperor's Hammer. The allegation that I used by access to database to "spy" on Dark Brotherhood is false. I did have access during my time as DGM to make updates to aspects of the site and one that I did make was changing to reply-to address for the transfers code redirect back to me. This has not been changed back. I was also under the assumption that my access was kept open so I could complete the recoding of the database, a project that was worked on over my Christmas break. Point II-B probably relates to a recent directive I gave of appointing a new Chancellor ASAP, "preferably Camile". Why did I give that directive? Because the Brotherhood needed a CHAN to ensure the flow of activity and I said "preferably Camile" because Camile had prior medal awarding experience. This wasn't about me "imposing my will on the DB", it was about common sense and doing what was best for the DB and EH. Point III-B is false as former DGM Mairin was investigated by the Security Officer and then tried by the High Court. There was no involvement in my part in any form. Point III-F seems to be added just to give bulk because while I did abuse Mejas on IRC, I was given a two week IRC ban. This was within my first month of being Executive Officer and I think shows pretty clearly that I'm not above the law. This is just a brief summary of their information is just wrong and used to suit their plan.

Secondly, I direct you to those involved in this revolt. Chi-Long aka Faethor was previously a Grand Master and Inquisitor. He fired me from Deputy Grand Master when my internet account ran out on a Friday night and couldn't be restored until the following Monday. Some, including the then SHW Firefox, agreed that he was looking for "any excuse to get rid of Ast". He also implied that I'd "don't this before" (ie. run off for a few days). The only "break" I've had in my time in the EH has been 2 weeks when I packed up my PC and moved 6000km across the country. He later renegged on his promise to then Executive Officer Kawolski to step down if Kawolski asked him to. He was later removed from the HCI because he demanded security access to the TIE Corps database. He didn't even bother to ask nicely, just "Give it to me". Trevarus had previously been accused of using the Envoys as his own private spying force. Upon his appointment to the HCI (sponsored by Faethor/Chi-Long) Trev began a relentless campaign to reopen a case against a member he didn't like - Belzedar AKA Shadonyx. The High Inquisitor at the time, Paladin, expressed a lot of concern about reopening this case due to a lack of real evidence or justification to do so. This behaviour was also a violation of how an INQ is supposed to act. Trev was removed from INQ because of this. Pyralis was previously know as DV in the TIE Corps and was an Inquisitor at the time when I was tried for misconduct. The charge and sentence were excessive for what I did and when he rejoined, he msged me and apologised for it all. I guess he didn't really mean it. So, as you can see, it's pretty hard to think this doesn't have something to do with disliking me or "getting back at Ast". It also shows that these people don't have the EH's or DB"s best interests at heart. In fact, for many of them, their time in the EH had been over for a long time and for others, it was coming to a close. They have nothing to lose and can fade away and resume their normal real life, leaving you, the ordinary member who's here to have fun, picking up the pieces.

Thirdly, I direct you to the claim of sisterhood status. I've been in the Emperor's Hammer for five years and from my view, the Dark Brotherhood has been a subgroup in all but name for most of that time. Sure, it had "special" things like the Grand Master being able to award a higher EH medal than other subgroup commanders, but it functioned exactly like subgroups. The issue of sisterhood status rose when Zoraan was Grand Master. Prior to his removal, he went on a campaign of oppression against the DB membership, removing anyone who questioned his authority. Who did the members appeal to at that time? The EH Executive Officer and Fleet Commander. This relationship of the DB being a subgroup allowed the removal of Zoraan and the installment of a replacement. It is for this reason that the subgroup relationship was officially formalised. It protects the members of each subgroup from subgroup commanders and senior staff from harming members and the subgroup as a whole. What happens when the DB becomes a sister organisation? Well, we can't help you anymore. We can put you under the same reformed EH justice system that has been instated. You're essentially on your own.

As for me, I tend to get demonised a lot. I'm rough, I'm rude, I don't sugar coat things. In a lot of cases, I could probably handle things better. That makes me human. I also love the Emperor's Hammer. I've put over five years into this club and every second has been about making things better. I know it might not seem like it, but that's always been my intent. While we can harp on all day about how much *I* have to change, it doesn't change the fact that I can only go so far before the "other guys" have to meet me in the middle. That's how the EH works, via teamwork. The leaders of this revolt aren't interested in that. They planned this for at least three weeks and not once did any of them approach me about the issues. They might argue "But Ast wouldn't listen to me!" but there were alternatives. There always are alternatives.

I've tried to outline my response as best as I can. I will be posting a formal, more detailed response to the grievances log in the next 48 hours. All I can ask is that you read this email and balance up both sides. If you need any clarification, just let me know. Thanks for your time.

Mordred Takes Over as PRF of the Hammer's Fist/Ares' HF Report #93: 04.14.03
As Emailed From:  Former Prefect of the Legion (FM Ares)

Hammer's Fist (EH Stormtroopers)

This is my last Hammer's Fist Domain Report connected with my first tour as Prefect of the Hammer's Fist Elite Stormtrooper Legion (to use my full title!). Most people just called me "boss"; I tried not to be a boss though, preferring to be a team member and run the HF by concensus. I think it worked for the most part.

I have been the Hammer's Fist SGCOM for two and a half years to the day. The HF has enjoyed high periods and suffered through low ones, but overall I believe I have elevated this subgroup and carried it farther than it has gone before. Many changes and strides have been made through my own work and that of my excellent staff.

I have largely enjoyed my turn being at the helm of (arguably) the oldest subgroup of the Emperor's Hammer and am grateful for an understanding staff and dedicated membership. The HF has always had a small core of diehards who will keep the HF going. Sometimes their views conflict on the best direction. It has been interesting watching the debates and weighing in on points myself. The HF is nothing if not a lively and challenging place and I was hoping to have a longer run at the top. At the least, I was hoping to be the first to reach 100 HF Domain Reports! That is what I get for skipping some.

My energy for keeping up with this wild horse has waned, however, and I am finding it impossible to drum up the same level of enthusiasm that I had at the beginning. Back in January, I had given myself until March to see if I could climb out of my tailspin but it is obvious I am going to have to ditch. I am not pulling out of it and the HF is starting to fly as low as I am.

I have had a good run. I've heard I am the second-longest sitting SGCOM. DP Trench, I think you're status as longest-running SGCOM is still secure. :)

It has been at times not just a little bit frustrating, but if the HF needs a Prefect at some point in the future...well, I am leaving that door open. I have tried hard to improve the HF and foster its growth. I have implemented many changes and refined what was already there. I know my replacement will do the same and push the Hammer's Fist in directions I had not thought to do.

I am taking up an advisory post to the new Prefect Mordred. There, I will continue to contribute to the HF and EH in a non-leadership capacity, mostly with concrete things like designing new Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (and maybe TIE Fighter) missions, and graphics work. In fact, I hope to see a section in the EH Mission Compendium just for the Hammer's Fist in the near future through my work and other SWGB mission designers. Thanks for a great time. For any current or former HFers, I'm not dead, just resting.

Advisor to the Prefect, Hammer's Fist
ADV/FM Ares/Carrida II =MS, ST=

Admiral Tron, Logistics Officer Reporting In (from Iraq) ! :  04.15.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Tron)

Logistics Office

"Just wanted you to know I'm still alive. We have a lot of clean up work to do over here, in my unit especially, gathering intel ain't easy. Currently we've been assigned to hunt down senior members of the fallen Iraqi regime that may still be in Iraq and heading for Syria.

I hope the EH is doing well in my absence, I can't get to websites currently just e-mail through my hotmail account and talking to a few friends once in awhile via MSN messenger (like my mom and dad back home).

We figured this war would actually be done by the early part of the month, we're doing pretty good with the schedule, and should (minor issues aside) be done here soon for my unit and be shipped home but I can't say when exactly.

If you have to replace me due to the long absence, I understand, I'd like to finish my job (I have so much stuff on my laptop) but I expect you to put the EH first in all matters and do what is right and best. I only have your two e-mails on my laptop over here, if you could include this e-mail (since I can't check the other currently) on anything big that'd be great. Also if you could pass along a hello for me to my old friends in Clan Naga Sadow (the clan I made based on the Dark Horse comics Star Wars character) that'd be appreciated.

I'll try to report in when I get a chance again soon.

Freedom By Vigilance!"

LO/AD Tron/CS-11
�aka US Army 1st Lieutenant Timothy O'Neal/Alpha/502nd MI Bn/201st MI Bde/I Corps�

Fleet Commander's Note:

Now THAT is dedication to the EH ... Fighting a war and still taking the time to email us !!! whoa...and he's worried about losing his LO spot...THESE GUYS are true heroes...!

I didn't have the heart to tell him of recent events...I will let him learn of it when he returns...he has enough to worry about ! :)


Attempted Takeover of Dark Brotherhood Foiled: 04.13.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

As emailed to me this morning from FireFox

"Subj: Dark Brotherhood
Date: 4/12/03 8:18:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: magius@globetrotter.net
To: GARonin@aol.com
CC: jac@chaoslogic.com, darkman304@yahoo.com, chilong@hushmail.com, EnsEntiumX@aol.com, quentinj@nmt.edu, corran_force@isdchallenge.org
Sent from the Internet

I am sorry it has come to this, but sadly it seems to be the only solution. Please take a look at http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/grievance/official_grievance.html



Will these people EVER learn (ala Zoraan a few years back), these people DO NOT own the DB...Therefore, for blatant mutiny against the FC and XO, and for severely breaking our Bylaws, GM FireFox has been removed from the command of the DB...He pulled a Zoraan on us .. :)

And for the rest of the EH Membership, please note that there is A LOT of history here...I hold Chi'Long and FireFox directly responsible for all of this...Chi'Long has ALWAYS been at odds with Astatine and actually left active duty as GM due to me refusing to remove Ast at his behest.  As such, in my opinion, FF listened to Chi one too many times...In either event, it will have the same results.

Please note that this does NOT affect anyone in the DB but the undersigned listed below...All other DB sites on Minos.Net will remain untouched...Astatine has/will get backups of all DB data available...but the current DB website I fear is gone for us.

As I emailed FireFox earlier...

Not a good development...Firefox, you are now relieved of command, along with the rest of the DC until this is resolved. You really need to stop listening to Chi'Long. SA Astatine, you are authorized to take command of the DB as needed to maintain order.

The DB website URL will be removed from the Domain pending my satisfaction of resolution of these events.

FF, please note that the DB does NOT belong to you, Chi'Long or anyone else...You have no right or privilege to make these demands...

I encourage you to retract this IMMEDIATELY or you and the undersigned to said letter will be removed from the EH...forever...

The SO is authorized to setup and investigation and make this case its top priority...

Sorry, guys...but this was a bad move...It has been attempted before...and ALWAYS results in expulsion...

According the following signatories to their "protest letter" are hereby relieved of all duties and are relegated to the HCI for IMMEDIATE ACTION.  They are already banned from the EH MBs and are to be removed all access to EH IRC channels.

His Highness, Darth Firefox,
Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Dark Lord of the Sith
Governor Plenipotentiary of Eos

His Eminence, Lord Khyron,
Grand Master Emeritus of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

His Eminence, Lord Cotelin,
Grand Master Emeritus of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Emissary of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

His Eminence, Lord Chi-Long,
Grand Master Emeritus if the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

His Excellency, Dark Adept Corran Force,
Master-At-Arms of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

His Excellency, Sith Warlord Pyralis,
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

His Excellency, Krath Pontifex Trevarus Caerick
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow, Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

These people are now to be considered "persona non-gratis" in the EH...!

Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


XO Report 24 and Command Staff Appointments:  04.06.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Office of the XO

Lately, I haven't been very happy with a lot of things. It's all come to a peak with that April Fool's Day post I made. While it's an idea I've had for a long time, the actual content and execution was a spur of the moment decision. That was wrong of me and against a principle I've tried to stand by of never doing something as a snap judgment or in the heat of the moment. The comments made towards certain parts of the EH were included to enhance the realism of post. I'm sure everyone is aware of what was true or false in it.

The resulting fallout from the post was interesting and disappointing, in the reactions of rank and file alike. I've thought long and hard about my place in the EH. At first, my reaction was just to pull away, just do newsletters and let everyone do whatever the hell they like, redirect complaints to Ronin. This was manifested in my removal of the two executive orders a few days ago. However, that's not fair. It's not fair on the Fleet Commander to have that extra burden and it's not fair to expose the membership of the EH to unrestricted and unreviewed decisions by those in command. A lot of times I've sat and thought "If only I could do something about that guy" and not been in a position to do anything about it. I've had to sit by and watch subgroups and command offices be run into the ground. I've watched subgroup commanders drive away talented members and replace them with their own lackies. Now that I'm in a position to stop that sort of thing, it's not fair on anyone in the EH if I try to avoid those responsibilities.

In respect to Executive Orders 7 and 8, those are reinstated and will be enforced to the letter. The core idea behind those orders was quality
control - to ensure only worthy medal recommendations, promotion recommendations and Command Attach� appointees would be allowed through. Anyone who can appreciate what these orders are trying to achieve will have no problem following them. Only by insisting on higher quality from ourselves can the EH become better. I also direct your attention towards the EH Bylaws, specifically Bylaw VII. This is the one that
relates to approval being required for changes in subgroups. In the past, some have decided to just go ahead and implement things. Their
attitude clearly is the same of those who decide to go around Executive Orders 7 & 8. The intent of that Bylaw is the same of those Executive
Orders - to ensure quality is maintained. By having those ideas reviewed, potential problems can be sorted out and tweaks/improvements
applied. Many of the worst decisions in the EH were made and passed without this sort of vetting. Those who actually do want the EH to
become better will have no issues with having to wait a few days for approval. The EH isn't a race.

Several positions have been vacated recently and have now been filled. This explains why several new people are on the mailing list for this
report and why they're probably wondering why they're getting an XO report. The appointments are as follows:

* HRO Zem (gerb@optonline.net) appointed to Chief Game Master (CGM) of the Fringe
* DGMF Nightflyer (nightflyer@shaw.ca) appointed to Grand Moff (GMF) of the Directorate
* FA AbsoluteK (io@absolutek.ca) appointed to Communications Officer (COMM)
* VA Zoltar (GNZoltar@aol.com) appointed to Security Officer (SO)

Over the next few weeks, I hope to start work on the following projects:

* Enemies of the EH site - A site of official enemies for use in EH competitions
* Porting of the TC codebase for DB use - Any other subgroups interested in this sort of thing can contact me
* Ladder system - A automated ladder system integrated into the TIE Corps roster
* Newsletters

That's about it.

SA Astatine - XO

EH-RS Alliance Announced by Lord Ambassador:  03.30.03
As Emailed From:  Lord Ambassador (RA DarkNyte)

From the Office of the Lord Ambassador:

Big news this week, the EH and RS have finally come to a formal alliance. I know many of you will not see this as a big deal, and I can't really blame you. The EH and RS have always shared friendly relations, so much so that we refer to each other as "sister" clubs. The EH and RS have always been fairly close, but in recent years the clubs had drifted apart somewhat. This new alliance will bring about a new peace and understanding between our clubs. From what I've been told by the RS brass, it seems they still had some hard feelings over an incident from a couple of years ago. I won't go into it, some of you know what it was, some don't. Either way, that incident soured relations a bit on both sides and things have been on the mend every since.

Some of you may ask why an alliance when we already had friendly relations. Well, I'll tell you why. Basically, I wanted to see if I could get it done. I've talked to the last few LAs and everyone of them has expressed to me just how impressed they are by this alliance. When I first took office, I was briefed by some AG members that I was foolish to attempt a formal alliance, that it'd been attempted in the past and had always failed. Even the RS Minister of Foreign Affairs told me that it would be difficult, but we decided to pursue it nonetheless. It took a couple weeks of negotiations, but in the end we came to an alliance agreement that was acceptable to both GA Ronin and ADM Tharen.

I feel this alliance could bring about a new era of cooperation, if all parties take it seriously and don't just shrug it off as some unneeded project we worked on just to appear like we were doing things. There are many possibilities for interclub cooperation that are now fully possible under the alliance. One of the key points in the agreement is a sharing of resources, such as skills, etc. And ideal scenario would be to see the RS making use of the Corporate Division to contract websites or graphics, giving them the use of our talents, and our CD members a chance to earn some credits. Or, perhaps we will need something they can provide. Perhaps an EHer will need something made, created, or written and can utilize the specialties of an RS member to help him in his task. This is our ideal goal with this alliance, though whether it will ever happen or not remains to be seen.

Another thing that could now be done using this alliance is inter-club comps on a level smaller than the ORW comps. Perhaps now we can see Wing or Squad level comps between the EH and RS, comps for pure fun and bragging rights, and not just to prove that they suck and we rule, or vice versa. Perhaps fiction comps or messageboard run-ons, the possibilities are crazy on this, just use your imagination.

Perhaps I take this too seriously, as has been suggested to me by some EH officers. Perhaps I do take my job and position more seriously than is warranted for it, but to me these things are serious. I would appreciate it greatly if you all would try to take this alliance seriously and make some use of it. Who knows, you just might like the "Rebel Scum", they're not all that bad once you get to know them. The alliance document can be viewed in HTML format at http://www.cosmicholonet.org/ag/alliances/rs%20alliance.html or in DOC format at http://www.cosmicholonet.org/ag/alliances/rs%20alliance.doc for anyone interested in taking a look at the alliance itself, it's terms, etc.

In Service to the Empire,

Rear Admiral Darknyte, EH Lord Ambassador
LA/RA Darknyte/DREAD Tranquility
GSx3/SS/BS/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BW-2SW/LoCx3/CoB/LoAx6/OV-2E [GREN]

EH MUD Announcement for EH Subgroups:  03.31.03
As Emailed From:  IWSO-EDCOM/LA Astix/IWCS-7/MC-80b Torment/IW/EH


Leaders of the Emperors Hammer Subgroups, I have contacted you today in order to give you all a request from the Director of the Emperor's Hammer MUD. I apologize for the inconvenience of mailing you all about something you may have very little personal interest in, but if you take the time to read this email and possibly even do as it asks, I'll be grateful forever =)

Some of you may know what a MUD is, but for those that do not a MUD is a multi-user dungeon, a text-based role-playing sim. Remember those old two-tone games that used to be around for BBC and Amstrad computers, where you got a room description and a list of doors, and you chose where you went? Well it's that, only online and for many players at once.

The EH has it's own MUD, located at http://www.fox-developments.co.uk/mud/. Recently, interest in the mud has started to wane a little, despite the MUD gaining new improvements almost daily thanks to the dedicated admins.

MUD can count as activity for almost *any* subgroup- there's every aspect of the SW universe represented, from pilots and bounty hunters to Jedi and businessmen. It's free, easy to play on and highly addictive.

Activity can be logged, and each player- on submitted his/her email address, can be mailed a regular update informing them how long they have spent on the MUD. This can then me submitted to superiors as proof of activity in the usual fashion.

All myself and Madon (the Mud's head administrator) ask is that you give the MUD a little webspace on your websites or news bulletins, in order to encourage our player base to expand. For further information, members should go to the above website or enter the EH MUD channel on Undernet, #EH_Mud.

Madon will be happy to provide you all or your representatives with low-level administrator access so you can organize Subgroup-based events, further helping to increase MUD interest.

If all you do is include a short piece in your next weekly report, you'll have done the EH MUD a favour.

Many thanks.

Line Admiral Astix
Infiltrator Wing Security Officer
Infiltrator Wing Escort Division Commander

IWSO-EDCOM/LA Astix/IWCS-7/MC-80b Torment/IW/EH
[IWBB Ranking: Novice][IWMPS Ranking: 3.4 - Novice][PotWx3][SotWx9][CoLx4]
{IW Guard: Guardsman Second Class}{VR: Unrated}

SW Astix (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona (DC/Cr-1E)

Security Officer Resigns, Replacement Sought: 04.02.03
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

Fellow Imperials,

You're going to hear about it anyway...so, here's Brad's email resignation, received today...and my response, sent today upon receipt...which has not been distributed yet...

So, before the rumor mill starts, be advised that Brad has resigned fully and totally from the EH...and I have accepted his resignation...period.

As for his "charges", I attribute them to "Command Staff burnout"...I am certainly hoping the guy who was a 100% friend and supporter of mine hasn't suddenly wigged out on me without the benefit of an email warning or inquiry first...

This is as sudden and as much of a slap in the face to me as it is to you...but rest assured, it will be dealt with, swiftly and surely...as we have always done


Greetings members of the Emperor�s Hammer:

I have been thinking long and hard about this for a while and I have decided to resign my membership from the Emperor�s Hammer Strike Fleet.

The reasons I do so are many:

I currently as Security Officer am no longer having fun or enjoying my responsibilities. This is a club and as such, I have no reason to stay
if I am not having a good time or at least feel good about the work I�m doing for the EH.

The command staff in the Emperor�s Hammer has made decisions that I disagree on, and I have been forced into situations and decisions that I
did not want to make. I did make them either because I was ordered to do so or it was in my best judgment. Being just the Security Officer, I was not totally able to make my own decision because of the command structure of this club.

Another reason is, for almost seven years I have put my time into this club and haven�t left much time for everything else in my life. A good
portion of the time I�m not at work is spent on this club. When I had fun and was enjoying myself, it wasn�t that much of a problem. Now it is
becoming more of a chore than for something fun to do.

Explaining more about the command staff problems�I feel that right now the decisions made by the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer on managing the club are not the best way to run a club. You should motivate people through encouragement and building others up, rather
than threatening to punish or remove them. I wish that Ronin would be more active in his organization than he was years ago. I know it is just
a club and you have a life, but it is YOUR club. I wouldn�t want to spend so much money and resources on a club I started and then let my XO run pretty much everything. I think sometimes you just skim over or maybe even not read everything in my e-mail and just say �thanks chief!�
I can never tell if you read it or not with these responses. You were in the past more involved�especially with the Command Staff.

Years ago the Executive Officer watched over the SubGroup Commanders and overtook handling and publishing the EH Newsletter. Now because of Ronin�s activity level, the Executive Officer has to handle nearly every responsibility. I think that is way too much for any one person. The leadership styles and personalities of Astatine and myself conflict to the point where I can no longer do those things that I�m ordered to as
Security Officer.

I was thinking of just transferring to the Reserves to relax for a while and then maybe return when things have changed. I�m not very sure if
there will be a change in the way things are going from the top for at least quite a while. So, instead I am resigning from all of my Emperor�s
Hammer positions completely and immediately. This includes my clone, CPT ObiVader, obivader@yahoo.com.

Now to the membership (current and past):

I have enjoyed spending time with you as your superior or serving under you as an �underling�. I have met many people from all over the world
without even leaving my house! That still is pretty amazing if you stop and think about it.

I have especially fond memories of the Intelligence Division and Praetorian squadron. Because of that, I am going to let Troutrooper have
ownership of #DGN_Lichtor_V and I will pass on what history I have for the Intelligence Division and Praetorian squadron.

As for the things not completed in the Security Office, I will keep all files and e-mails until a replacement is chosen. I can forward the e-mails and archive the files and send them to the next SO or send them to Ronin and/or Astatine. My Command Attach�, VA Zoltar, has been my CA for a number of months, but due to his lack of time spent doing the SO�s entire job, I will not recommend him as my replacement. It may be
difficult for you to find someone fully qualified at this time. That is one of the big reasons why I have not resigned until now. While, I still do not have an adequate replacement, it is better for me to leave now instead of lagging in my responsibilities and then be forced out.

I apologize to the members of Praetorian Squadron and AD Troutrooper for leaving Praetorian. I love that squadron and wish you all the best.
Since joining it in 1996, I have always felt proud about being a Praetorian and had fun with all of its members.

And for the Intelligence Division, I had the most fun being Supreme Director. The only thing that comes close to being SDIR was being in
Praetorian or serving as one of the Commodores of the DGN Lichtor V. The removal of that position was a thorn in my side. I had a great time
being COM and Prae FM/FL.

I will not sever my Intenet communications. I will still be available at bafordham@earthlink.net. You still may see me on IRC: Undernet somewhere�I�ll change my nickname to remove the �FA_�. I�ll want to still talk with some of you, to them I will notify if my e-mail address

Even if you remain in the EH, feel free to talk and ask me things. Now I will not have to answer your requests, but I like to help people out. As
SDIR, I felt that I was serving the members of the ID along with serving Ronin and the XO.

I will try to focus on the positive when I think of the EH. Unfortunately it is because of the negative things along with my need to move on in my RL that is making me resign.

Best wishes and farewell to all.

Brad Fordham

frmr SO-DIS/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign,
[HUSS], {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

frmr FM/CPT ObiVader/Praetorian 2-3/DGN Lichtor V,
FoEW/SS/MoAx4/MoPx4/PC/IMCx3/ISMx3/IS-2BW-2BR/CoB/PoC-gl-sl-bl/OV-3E [EXCR]
[AoT-**SEAG**], T-Pr: �Retribution�


FA Brad,

Although I appreciate the points in your email, I COMPLETELY disagree with your analysis, especially of my own activity levels...And your "perception" that Astatine runs the EH...

I don't believe I need to be or deserve to be judged by you or anyone in the EH...Astatine and the rest of the CS run EVERY major decision by me...You don't see what I receive. My decision to let them run with their ideas or make changes is where my prerogative lies.

And FYI...I STILL spend ~2 hours EVERY day dealing with decisions, emails, alliances, honorary members, attending some EH meetings (1-2/month), weekly domain updates, etc...Your accusation is TOTALLY off-base and to be blunt, hurtful, since you have NO IDEA how much I do EVERY day...For the past 8 1/3 years...And I would like to point out that I am now married with a live-in in-law AND have a ~50-60 hours/week professional career...I know you're still in school, Brad...but when graduate, you will see where the time goes...

I think your "protest resignation" was bad form, Brad...Brought on by a moment of anxiety You may get burned out and overwhelmed, and that's ok...but to "protest" like this...Publicly insulting me and Astatine, is BS, after all the years we worked together...plain and simple...

I am disappointed in you, Brad...very disappointed...

But you have made your decision and I will honor your request....The FO is so authorized to change the Roster and list you with the Reserves...

Good luck and good day...!


Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}



Communications Officer Open For Applications:  03.28.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

Communications Office

The Communications Office (COMM) is responsible for the upkeep of online communications in the EH, specifically the maintenance of op access in #emperor's_hammer, message boards and meeting logs. The position will also be expecting expansion into additional areas in the future.

Selection Criteria - Essential

1. A high level of online presence on all EH communications media such as IRC and message boards (be present at all EH IRC Weekly Meetings)
2. Knowledge of communications software such as IRC clients, email, instant messenger (IM) clients and message boards
3. Excellent communication skills
4. Fast email response time
5. Previous command experience, at least at the level of TIE Corps wing commander or similar
6. The ability to work with a wide range of personnel, including the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer.
7. Ability to host all past and future EH Weekly Meeting Chatlogs (*.TXT format)

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1. Previous experience in running/maintaining an IRC channel and/or bots

In addition, the applicant will need to supply an outline of ideas/plans for expanding the COMM to provide more services/features that will be of use to EH members. Each criteria must be addressed with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes I can do that" isn't enough. You must be able to address at least all the Essential criteria to be considered for this position. At least three (3) references must be included. At least one of these must be a former or current (preferably) superior. These references will be checked and if it is found that you did not gain their permission first, that will reflect negatively upon your application. Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( fc@emperorshammer.org ) and Executive Officer ( xo@emperorshammer.org ) with the subject "Application for COMM"

SA Astatine - XO

Grand Moff Open For Applications:  03.22.03
As Submitted From:  Executive Officer (SA Astatine)

EH Directorate (DIR)
(URL to be updated soon...!)


The position of Grand Moff is unique among subgroup commanders in that the Grand Moff runs a subgroup and also must maintain the System Manual The successful applicant will need to demonstrate long term commitment and consistent levels of output to gain this position.

Applicants must address the following criteria:

_Selection Criteria - Essential_

1. Prove command experience, at the level of at least TIE Corps Wing Commander or a similar/equivalent position of responsibility.
2. Good written communication skills
3. An acceptable level of presence in online media, such as IRC, message boards, etc.
4. Fast email response time.
5. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer, Fleet Commander and members of the Directorate.
6. An outline of plans or ideas for the Directorate.

_Selection Criteria - Desirable_

1. Experience in the creation and/or maintaining of online reference works
2. Proven experience in turning around an aspect of the EH.

You must address each of the criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yep I can do that" won't be good enough. You must also include three references, at least one being a current superior. These references will be checked and your application will be considered in an
extremely negative light if you have not gotten permission from people to use them as references first. Applications are to be directed to the
FC and XO with the subject "Application for Grand Moff".

SA Astatine - XO

Grand Moff Report #22
VA Crusader 3/21/2003

I have come back from leave! and found myself in a tight spot. Being away took everything off my shoulders I had nothing to worry about nothing to do and when I came back I saw that there was just so much in life that I had to do and had to have constant attention on. I cant handle everything anymore and I need some time to sort things out with people and things. I am going to have to step down as GMF of the Directorate. My time has been great with my ministry council always there to do what I tell them :P If I could Id stay where I am but I just don't have the time. I'm not going to just talk about everything in a long boring email because Ill still be on IRC all the time just without a position. I wish to move to the reserves. I make it clear now I want no position anywhere in the DIR I will just walk away and leave a profile in the reserves. Everything is set to be able to just have a bit of tuning and then it can all get off. NF has ideas and lots of things o n his mind for the Guard to get running.

The EH and the DIR mean a lot to me, so I don't worry Ill still be hanging around all the time but I wont be holding any positions. You've all been a good group of people to work with and I look forward to seeing the Directorate progress and expand over time.

NF, you can handle things until the FC/XO pick a new GMF. And if you are willing to put the constant time and effort into the DIR then I'm sure you could handle it on your own. so FC/XO see NF he's got the knowledge :P

I'm out, adios


Logistics Officer (AD Tron) Reporting In From Kuwait:  03.23.03
As Emailed From:  Logistics Officer (AD Tron)

Logistics Office

Sorry I have to contact you via hotmail, but it's the only thing available over here, and I only remember your two e-mails off the top of my head so you might pass this on.

As many know I'm stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington where I serve with Alpha Company in the 502nd MI BN (Military Intelligence Battalion). We arrived over here in Kuwait last week and have been doing missions since we setup base camp. I don't know how long we will be deployed here after the war is over but will be unable to fulfill most of my duties since I will be preoccupied with RL duties here until then.

I hope to speak with you again as soon as this war is over.

Freedom By Vigilance!

LO/AD Tron/ CS-11
�aka US Army Lieutenant Timothy O'Neal/Alpha/502nd MI Bn/201st MI Bde/I Corps�

Fleet Commander's Note:

Due to the above, we will likely be looking for a replacement Logistics Officer.  However, due to his service to his country, there will be no major rush in the search.  With any luck, this conflict will be over soon and our lovable little LO will return to us.

In the meantime, Tron...Shoot straight and keep your head down !!! :)


Grand Admiral Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
DC/[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels:  03.23.03
As Emailed From:  Special Operations Director (HA Keiran Idanian)



It's about time they brought a new one out! :)

This one, however, really looks great!


-= High Admiral Keiran Idanian, Special Operations Director =-
[- sod@emperorshammer.org -}
SOD-VROY/HA Keiran Idanian/STRKC Escutcheon
KNP (Krath)/TYR/Dominatus of Alvaak
SB/(SC-SoI)/(SE)/(BNG)(BN)/Cr-1R/(LSAg)/CoL {SA: CORE}
"For the honor of the Emperor's Hammer"

Science Officer's Star Wars Newsgroups Guide:  03.22.03
As Emailed From:  Science Officer (FA Ender mBind)

Science Office


The following is small introduction into newgroups:

Newsgroups, on "Usenet", are mail-based messageboards, much like to IRC compares to website chat systems. Newsgroups are generally split in 2 types: regular ones, with discussions, and binary ones, which are for posts with attachments.

To visit regular newsgroups most mailclients (Outlook, Netscape Messenger...) suffice, for "binary" newsgroups you better use clients like
(Free)Agent. Posting binaries on regular newsgroups is not done, and are rejected by most newsservers. Google ( http://groups.google.com ) and other webbased clients/readers are also available - these come with their own servers.

Much like IRC usenet exists of multiple server which are interconnected. A post is made to your own server and then spread along the others. Not all servers support the same newsgroups and you might not automatically have one - though most ISPs offer access. (generally the server name is "news.[ispname].com") If not you might have to use a webbased one, or sign up to a open server - which might require you to pay for access.

Newsgroups, much like messageboards, generally have their own communities with their own rules and Code of Conduct. While the EH CoC is a very good thing to use as a guide (behave and you shouldn't have trouble) there are some specifics:

- About all active newsgroups post their FAQ frequently (usually once a week), reading these before you dive in will save you a lot of newbie-ness. Usually the groups also have sites to support their group which also includes the FAQ.

- Using outlook-type make ups like coloured text, fonts, backgrounds etc is frowned upon: use regular ASCII to avoid problems, backgrounds and such are in fact attachments - and as such binaries and not belonging to regular groups.

- Even in binaries groups you will have to keep posts sizes down to maximum 1.4 meg - much like you'd normally do with emails. Bigger posts are split up in multiple ones. By splitting and using multiple .rars and such, binary groups distribute whole movies and games. In regular discussion groups this is not done.

- Like with any community on the web you jump into: be yourself but don't try to be the big guy from your first post onwards or insult the locals.
While in general groups are not moderated - you'll be flamed at first, ignored or called a Troll (= a person which does this on purpose).

Some Star Wars newsgroups on usenet, which are also frequented by SW
Authors, many EH members already and 1000s of others:

- alt.fan.starwars (afs): Generally a "canon" or movies-based bigger group, posts frequently reach 1000s a day. No local authors, but quite a few EHers already found this place. Users have been split up in rebel and imperial parties in the past http://www.galacticempire.co.uk grew out of the main imperial site of these parties - it also includes Kessler's fiction.

- rec.arts.sci-fi.starwars.misc (rassm): The other big Star Wars group, but more oriented towards the "non-canon" Expanded Universe. Used to have quite a few resident authors, but these were chased off by fanboys.

- alt.binaries.starwars (abs): The main SW binaries group, where audionovels, fanmovies, games, pictures etc are posted.

- alt.fan.wedge (afw): Small group with a closenit group of users, including at least two SW Authors, dependant on rassm in many ways.

- alt.fan.starwars.galactic-empire : generally a little used imperials only group.

- alt.fanstarwars.jarjarbinks.die.die.die etc... : probably set up by trolls, don't expect a lot of good posts.

- rec.arts.sci-fi.starwars.collecting, rec.arts.sci-fi.starwars.etc... more specific groups for collectors and others.

- alt.games.tie-fighter, alt.games.x-wing, alt.starwars.xvt, alt.games.x-wing-series etc.: fan made X-W game groups, though these days they tend to be pretty dead. Some EHers frequent them however - and they are a more likely place to be able to recruit.

- alt.games.lucas-arts.tie-fighter, alt.games.lucas-arts.x-wing etc : groups set up by Lucasarts forsupport and discussion about their games. Generally more dead then the fan ones.

- alt.chewie, alt.chewie.is.a.wookie etc: gawd knows what these are about.

Any other questions ask me, or Ford, Kessler, or any number of other EHers that hang about these groups:)


SCO/FA mBind