April 2001


EH Logo Design Competition Winner (LCM Tempest): 04.08.01
As Submitted From: Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

LCM Tempest (03.20.01)

The Fleet Commander announces the winner of a contest open to ALL Members of the Emperor's Hammer from March 20 through April 5, 2001. The contest centered on the design and posting of a new distinctly EH logo for possible use on EH Gear.

The requirements for this new EH Logo were posted as follows:

  • The design can NOT infringe on any existing LucasFilms copyrights (that means no existing Star Wars imagery, pics, logos, etc.)

  • The design shall be 600x600 dpi resolution GIF or JPG file

  • The design shall have the basic design posted below and shall prominently feature our WWW site address - www.emperorshammer.org.

  • The submitter grants the Emperor's Hammer organization ( www.emperorshammer.org ) and its ownership full authorization to use these images for sale on Emperor's Hammer related merchandise...

The idea was to be creative and come up with ORIGINAL ideas...NOT variants of the Imperial Icon...Unfortunately, MANY people did not follow these design criteria which resulted in the exclusion of some fine artwork from the contest.

Our congratulations to LCM Tempest for his excellent artwork...and for winning the EH Logo Design Competition...!  LCM Tempest is herein awarded the Emperor's Hammer Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) Medal...!

(Please see the Operations Manual for Medal descriptions)

The decision between the Finalists was difficult to say the least.  CPT Shakur , CM Saadam , LT Mosh , GN Wolly , SPL Astix , and Mordred really submitted some fine artwork...

A FULL-SIZE version can be downloaded by clicking...here...

The entries were separated into three general categories prior to making a final decision...Excluded, Runner-Up and Finalist...

Please go to the Logo Contest Page for FULL details !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Flight Officer Priyum Promoted to Fleet Admiral:  03.29.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

(Please see the Training Manual for Rank descriptions)

For his outstanding performance as EH Flight Officer, and as recommended by SEVERAL Emperor's Hammer Members, the Fleet Commander (GA Ronin) herein promotes Admiral Priyum to the full rank of Fleet Admiral.

Congratulations !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Malaktos Appointed as the New Lord Ambassador:  04.04.01
As Emailed From:  Former Lord Ambassador (AD Quake)

EH Advanced Guard


I am just keeping you updated that Sector Admiral Kawolski has chosen me for the position of CA:XO.. I have been assisting SA Kawolski with the new EH DB, and I will continue to do so as CA:XO.

I will miss Lord Ambassador, but I have resigned to the position of Magister Equitum (Second in Command) of the Advanced Guard, so I can still help with inter-club diplomacy. I can highly recommend the ascension of Major Dan Malaktos, Chief Viceroy in the Advanced Guard to the position of Lord Ambassador, I think you will find he is hard working and will continue my work in the Advanced Guard.

Kind Regards,

- Admiral Quake
CA:XO-IOA/AD Quake/CA-2/SSSD Sovereign

Fleet Commander's Note:

Malaktos has been promoted to the Rank of Rear Admiral, commensurate with his new Position...Congratulations and best of luck !

VA Maaric Appointed as the New Special Operations Director:  04.08.01
As Submitted From:  Fleet Commander (GA Ronin)

The Special Operations Director (SOD) handles inter-Subgroup relations and can engage in specialized projects at the behest of Fleet Command.

The following candidate applications were received/reviewed:

Following a review of these fine Applicants, VA Maaric has been selected as the new Special Operations Director of the Emperor's Hammer...Congratulations !

GA Ronin
Fleet Commander/Founder - Emperor's Hammer
FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sovereign
[DJP(Sith)/Overlord of Alvaak, SL] {IWATS-Core}


Emperor's Hammer Leaflet:  03.27.01
As Emailed/Designed By:  FL/LCM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

eh-leaflet.pdf (115 Kb)



As you might remember, I am working on a leaflet for presenting the EH at Conventions or similar occasions...

...Some people helped me by creating the graphics for the leaflet. One of them, FM/LCM Tempest/Kappa Squadron, reworked almost every background image. He even worked on it till 3:30 am once, after we had a one hour brainstorming meeting on ICQ.


FL/LCM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Announcing Sloth TV 3:  03.18.01
As Emailed From:  Alienature@aol.com

Dear William Call,

I just finished an animation called Sloth TV 3. It has a Star Wars feel to it. Since you own a Star Wars related site, I figured that you might get a kick out of it. Sloth and Chunk (goonies) take on Willy Wonka (The Emperor) and Chris Burke (The Sith) as the Dark Chocolate. There are even Oompa Droids. It has some humor, but very strange and odd humor. There are two beheadings and 4 light-sabers being used. 

It's at:


Thank you,

Jeremy Lokken

New Jedi Order Book, Plot:  04.01.01
As Emailed From:  Reconnaissance Officer (AD Keiran)

GA Ronin,


I found the following at: http://bubnjo.homestead.com/booksum.html

Edge of Victory 1: Conquest by Gregory Keyes 

"This will be the 7th book in the New Jedi Order series and the first in the Edge of Victory duology.

No longer content with the destruction the Yuuzhan Vong have already sown, Warmaster Tsavong Lah has demanded the heads of all the Jedi. Now the Jedi Knights are in terrible dangerand none more so than the young students at the Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Already the sympathizers known as the Peace Brigade are in the Yavin systemand a Yuuzhan Vong fleet is not far behind. 

At Luke Skywalker's request, Talon Karrde mounts an expedition to rescue the young students. Anakin Solo has his own ideas. Impatient, and figuring that forgiveness is easier to come by than permission, he takes off for Yavin 4 in his X-wing. 

When it comes to confidence, courage, and raw Force talent, Anakin has few peers. But when his friend Tahiri is separated from the other academy kids and captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, even Anakin may be in over his head. For the aliens have a different future in mind for Tahiri, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their horrific ends . . . "

Also, I found two new book pictures at:

They are attached.


Star Wars Clubs:  03.19.01
As Emailed From:  sandersr001@hawaii.rr.com (Sandy)


Here is the text for the notice to be posted to your group. Also, if you need animation help with your Emperor's Hammer video please let me know. We may already be building some of the elements you could use. If we already have them built, you might well be able to benefit from our efforts. Again, I appreciate your help. 

"To whom it may concern:

We are currently considering creating a production quality Star Wars "Fake" movie trailer representing the downfall of the Republic and the Rise of the Imperial Empire. The current working title of this project is Rise of the Empire. This project will employ a team of professional and highly skilled amateur computer animators whose skill will allow us to produce special effects roughly equal to Star Wars - The Special Edition. We intend to integrate live action with computer animation to create the highest quality production possible.

However, like all projects, we have a number of limitations. Foremost of all, is that we are a group of computer animators, not a fan club or actor's guild. In fact, we don't have a single prop or costume for this project. We also have virtually no budget and can't afford to purchase all of the items needed to make a top quality video production. However, each day we are getting an ever growing group of people willing to donate their particular talents. I'm already amazed at the level of support this project has gotten -- primarily because we are still in the early pre-production stages. In fact, we only have a loose version of the first draft of the script.

We do have animators with some extraordinary talent. Some are members of the Wolfpak group and others are members of the Sci-Fi Art group. Many of the computer models used will be modifications of those from the Star Wars Modeling Alliance, although each model will be modified for this project. Additionally, we will produce a number of set models to include portions of a futuristic city and several virtual sets. We currently plan to shoot the live action will a Canon GL-1 or Canon XL-1 and then modify it via the computer. Portions of the trailer will use jungle video already shot on the island of Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii.

Right now, we are looking for people who can do fairly descent costume drawings. Additionally, if anyone has props or costume elements they are willing to loan or donate please contact me at sandersr001@hawaii.rr.com. If there are other skilled computer animators or those highly skilled at Adobe Photoshop/Adobe After Effects who want to participate we may be able to use them as the project develops. If anyone has a Digital Video camera capable of a progressive scan of 30 fps and wants to donate their services we could certainly use all help in filming live action elements. Of course, we need actors. As with all other fields, the actors should be able to create a believable portrayal in front of the camera. 

For those who are interested in helping, I'll post the initial version of the script on the internet for review along with a progress page showing the tasks needed to be accomplished. I'll be happy to review anyone's offer of help, although those with marginal skills will likely not be used in the final product.

If anyone is interested in answering this call, please contact me at sandersr001@hawaii.rr.com. Many thanks in advance.


[OR Council] ORW Results - Week 21:  03.25.01
As Emailed From:  zeon3@aol.com

Outer Rim War Results: The First Battle of the Anshife System, Week 21 

RS Wins Outer Rim! ~ Anshife System ~ Scores: [RS: 93 ,SV: 13 ,EH: 53 ,VE: 2 ,NR: 0 ,5F: 1 ,IO: 19 ,AW: 4 ] Matches: [RS: 145 ,SV: 58 ,EH: 89 ,VE: 32 ,NR: 0 ,5F: 9 ,IO: 41 ,AW: 10 ,Total: 192 ] 

The SV, IO, and VE all had an impressive number of matches this time. Keep up the good work! 


Current Anshife System Standings: 

(192 total matches played) 

Rebel Squadrons: 98 (+5) 
Emperor's Hammer: 56 (+3) 
Imperial Order: 20 (+1) 
Star Vipers: 13 
Antagonist Wing: 4 
Vast Empire: 2 
New Republic 5th Fleet: 1 
New Republic: 0 


Match Results: 

XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(11pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Scarlet(#609)-(12pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(15pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(12pts) vs RS_Bigfoot(#33)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(19pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Scarlet(#609)-(10pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(24pts) vs EH_Idaho(#804)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(23pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(1pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(12pts) vs VE_Blackjack(#784)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(35pts) vs EH_Strahd(#710)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(8pts) vs VE_Cosmic(#812)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
JK: AW_Ent(#667)-(-3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(25pts) vs RS_Gagra(#498)-(14pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(19pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(33pts) vs RS_Bigfoot(#33)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(10pts) vs IO_Kallath(#647)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(10pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Idaho(#804)-(11pts) vs VE_Blackjack(#784)-(14pts), VE Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs AW_Ent(#667)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Katarn(#716)-(14pts) vs RS_Rave(#832)-(7pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(26pts) vs EH_Seth(#813)-(13pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(36pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(17pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs AW_Ent(#667)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Schitzo(#793)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(4pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: SV_Slash(#722)-(10pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(10pts) vs EH_Hawk(#817)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Schitzo(#793)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(16pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(23pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: VE_Zsinj(#398)-(10pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(-1pts), VE Wins! 
JK: AW_Ent(#667)-(10pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(-2pts), AW Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(12pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(10pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(16pts) vs EH_Mark(#801)-(9pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(14pts) vs IO_TDY(#783)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(5pts) vs VE_Blackjack(#784)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Schitzo(#793)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(8pts) vs IO_Tav1(#746)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_Hawk(#817)-(21pts) vs RS_Bigfoot(#33)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
JK: AW_Ent(#667)-(10pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(0pts), AW Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(24pts) vs IO_Tdy(#783)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Schitzo(#793)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(12pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(12pts), Tie! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(33pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(7pts) vs EH_Verska(#816)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_John(#641)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Solaus(#808)-(20pts) vs IO_Kallath(#647)-(14pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(5pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(-4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Lamin(#153)-(1pts) vs VE_Blackjack(#784)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(9pts) vs EH_Adren(#545)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-4pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(19pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Schitzo(#793)-(1pts) vs AW_Ent(#667)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs VE_Epic(#814)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(5pts) vs SV_Sconn(#824)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(9pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: RS_Fox(#807)-(15pts) vs EH_CaptHawk(#817)-(29pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Solaus(#808)-(16pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(11pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs AW_Ent(#667)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(15pts) vs SV_Dark(#824)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(16pts) vs IO_TDY(#783)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(28pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(26pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(15pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Neo(#16)-(9pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(9pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(8pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-3pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Dark(#824)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(46pts) vs RS_Fox(#807)-(11pts), IO Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(14pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(1pts) vs EH_Verska(#816)-(0pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs SV_Nite(#379)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_DaxCorrin(#528)-(12pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(30pts) vs 5F_Scarlet(#609)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(12pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(6pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs VE_TJ(#11)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(11pts) vs EH_Verska(#816)-(10pts), IO Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(-2pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(6pts) vs EH_Kast(#588)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Spokes(#589)-(10pts) vs SV_Solaus(#808)-(10pts), Tie! 
XWA: IO_Tav1(#746)-(9pts) vs EH_Adren(#545)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(8pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Strahd(#710)-(29pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: RS_Sconn(#36)-(1pts) vs EH_Dax(#528)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: IO_Tdy(#783)-(8pts) vs EH_Verska(#816)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(29pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(13pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(7pts) vs SV_Neo(#16)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(26pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(5pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(1pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_JonAnchor(#393)-(0pts) vs EH_Veresk(#816)-(2pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: EH_strahd(#710)-(15pts) vs IO_Kallath(#647)-(14pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Adren(#545)-(26pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: AW_Ent(#667)-(7pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(2pts), AW Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(8pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Wedge(#608)-(5pts) vs RS_Trace(#666)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(25pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(17pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(36pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(28pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Vender(#533)-(9pts) vs EH_Strahd(#710)-(2pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(10pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(10pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(5pts), IO Wins! 
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs SV_Mo(#609)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(11pts) vs EH_Gilad(#780)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Naf(#282)-(8pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(8pts), Tie! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(14pts) vs EH_Gilad(#780)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Demos(#626)-(14pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(18pts) vs EH_Staneth(#818)-(15pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(13pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_DashClone(#381)-(10pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(10pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(3pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(1pts) vs EH_Veresk(#816)-(1pts), Tie! 
JK: VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(0pts) vs RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Tarkin(#531)-(11pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(36pts) vs RS_Beany(#457)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs VE_Wraith(#709)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
JK: SV_Slash(#722)-(4pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(5pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_bonfel(#352)-(4pts) vs IO_Kallath(#647)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_bonfel(#352)-(18pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Prophet(#591)-(3pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(27pts) vs EH_Ayu(#614)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(29pts) vs 5F_Worf(#681)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Brucmack(#513)-(23pts) vs RS_Raven(#465)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: EH_Tarkin(#531)-(37pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(23pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Wedge(#608)-(8pts) vs RS_Dashclone(#381)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs VE_Wraith(#709)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Ayu(#614)-(-1pts) vs RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(23pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(15pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: AW_Kremlyn(#654)-(16pts) vs SV_Ahyeee(#596)-(17pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(31pts) vs 5F_Zealot(#809)-(4pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(18pts) vs RS_bonfel(#352)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs 5F_Mo(#609)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(22pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(10pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(7pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(6pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_tarkin(#531)-(29pts) vs RS_kevinpryde(#403)-(17pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Peter(#634)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-1pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: SV_AHYEEE(#596)-(11pts) vs AW_Kremlyn(#654)-(26pts), AW Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(45pts) vs EH_Ayu(#614)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(21pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: SV_Tango(#747)-(16pts) vs 5F_Mo(#609)-(9pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(10pts) vs RS_KevinPryde(#403)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(3pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(19pts) vs RS_bonfel(#352)-(11pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Wedge(#608)-(7pts) vs RS_Trace(#666)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(25pts) vs VE_DemiWraith(#709)-(8pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(6pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_KevinPryde(#755)-(15pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(14pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(23pts) vs EH_Gilad(#780)-(14pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_Vender(#533)-(20pts) vs SV_Tango(#747)-(12pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(6pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(10pts), SV Wins! 
JK: VE_Japer(#456)-(0pts) vs RS_Dragon(#805)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(14pts) vs RS_bon_fel(#352)-(12pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: SV_Solaus(#808)-(19pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(8pts), SV Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(24pts) vs SV_Tango(#747)-(11pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Gambit(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Slashrat(#722)-(-1pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kallath(#647)-(6pts) vs RS_bonfel(#352)-(6pts), Tie! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(6pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(7pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: EH_Blaster(#773)-(13pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(-2pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: SV_Solaus(#808)-(14pts) vs RS_Korney(#732)-(3pts), SV Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(2pts) vs RS_Dragon(#805)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(18pts) vs IO_Kallath(#647)-(9pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(0pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Bonfel(#352)-(21pts) vs VE_BlackJack(#784)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(23pts) vs EH_Spunk(#800)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Gilad(#780)-(15pts) vs RS_Ace(#266)-(8pts), EH Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(10pts) vs RS_John(#461)-(7pts), IO Wins! 
XWA: SV_Tango(#747)-(15pts) vs 5F_Mo(#609)-(4pts), SV Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(17pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(9pts), EH Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(5pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(9pts), SV Wins! 
XVT: RS_PM(#730)-(26pts) vs VE_Blackjack(#784)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(1pts), EH Wins! 
JK: EH_Blaster(#773)-(5pts) vs RS_Dragon(#805)-(3pts), EH Wins! 
XWA: SV_Tango(#747)-(6pts) vs 5F_Mo(#609)-(7pts), 5F Wins! 
JK: VE_Wraith(#709)-(4pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XVT: RS_Trate(#699)-(23pts) vs IO_Kamin(#636)-(13pts), RS Wins! 
JK: RS_Hawk(#116)-(10pts) vs SV_Slash(#722)-(1pts), RS Wins! 
JK: IO_Gettleburger(#796)-(-3pts) vs RS_Dragon(#805)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(6pts) vs VE_Wraith(#709)-(0pts), EH Wins! 
XVT: IO_Kamin(#636)-(12pts) vs RS_Spokes(#589)-(12pts), Tie! 
XWA: RS_PM(#730)-(23pts) vs SV_Scarlet(#609)-(10pts), RS Wins! 
XWA: EH_Staneth(#818)-(9pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(4pts), EH Wins! 
JK: SV_Slash(#722)-(1pts) vs RS_Dragon(#805)-(5pts), RS Wins! 


General Rahj Tharen, 
ORW Moderator