X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter RULES
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Rules of Engagement

1) Top Five Clubs by Overall Ranking

2) Top Ten Players by Overall Ranking

  • Match making will take place in the Zone, Room: Rebel Base. Game Rooms should be titled: WOW -ShipTypeHere. Game Rooms MUST BE created in the 31's or above. Game Rooms should be passworded to avoid newbies entering. The designated password is WOW
  • Players must have an XvT Pilot Name that matches their club name ... club prefix and club name. ie: TFA_Hero, UPA_Drewhead, XWA_Pnuts.
  • All Ship types are available to be used ... A game that is played with more than 1 Ship Type will be called Mixed.
  • Matches can be flown 1vs1* or in teams of 2vs2 or 4vs4, games are to be furball in nature.

    * (1 vs 1 Matches Note: Due to the Host lag, all 1 vs 1 matches are to be played in the 5/5. ie: 1 player hosts 5 mins then other player hosts 5 mins. The 2nd games have to mirror the first game insettings/ships. Both games will be totaled and submitted as 1 Game.)


  • All Matches are to be set to 10 mins. This is so we can get somewhat accurate stats on which pilots scored the most points per game.


  • Games must be Straight Melees, no Turkey Shoots or Mine Clearing, Etc.


  • You may not play against other members of your own club.


  • You may not use programs like Roger Wilco, Etc. this could be considered an unfair advantage, and a cause of lag.


  • No AI players are to be used. This will result in immediate deletion of the game.


  • Direct LAN play is not allowed.


  • Playing against members of a club you belong to is NOT allowed if you play for that club during the event.


  • If a player is not listed in the Battlestats database, you MUST put their name in the comments section, and their scores in one of the match columns with their squad selected. Games that do not follow this rule could be deleted at the discretion of the Battlestats Disputes Director. All games not containing player info for ALL players in the match will be deleted at the end of the event.


  • Should connections be unfavorable to any player/team, the option to quit must be exercised prior to the 2 min mark. If a player drops out of a game at any time, game play MUST STOP. If Game Play is not stopped immediately, then the Match is VOIDED and should not be reported. If the match is longer than 2 mins it should be reported, if the match is less than 2 mins it should not be reported. NOTE: In a 1v1 match, at least two minutes must be played on each host. Players leaving the game before their host is played and not returning will be subject to disciplinary action, and the first five minute match scores will be doubled. Every opportunity must be made to accomodate players that are booted from the game/zone.


  • If any player has such a bad connection they cannot finish games most of the time ... they need to voluntarily not participate in the event.


  • The preferred match is Team Play. (Team Play earns more points)


  • Each Player/Team MUST mirror the other Player/Team in ship configuration. This is to eliminate the mis-match of ships and make sure the outcome is based upon the skills of the pilots and not the poor choice of ships. (ie: One Team wants to fly a X-Wing and Y-Wing ... the other team would match, 1 X-Wing and 1 Y-Wing)


  • Participants can request that 2 games be played. One game of all Rebel Ships, and One game of all Imperial Ships. This needs to be requested BEFORE the first game begins. (Mixing ships in the game is likewise OK. ie: 1 Rebel ship and 1 Imperial ship per side).


  • Craft selection is to be negotiated between the combating parties immediately previous to actual combat. All crafts / combinations are eligible. This has to be decided in the zone or in the first screen of the game.


  • Guns and Y-Wings: If these crafts are flown, there will be NO limitations / Restrictions placed on them. Ie: Ions / Lasers / W Key. This will prevent squabbles concerning what might or might not have happened during game play.


  • Players / Leaders can NOT blackball members from the other side. ie: Don't play so and so ... they are to good. Players/Leaders/Clubs caught doing this could be disqualified from the Event.


  • Players do not have to play back to back games vs the oppenent they just won/lost to.


  • A LOSING Pilot will need to report matches within 2 hours at the "Submit Games" Page. You will need to report points, kills, shared kills and deaths for each player.


  • The scores run off a Database and will be available seconds after they are posted. A copy of each submission will be sent to each player participating in that game for verification purposes.
    DO NOT respond to the e-mail unless THERE IS a problem.


  • To dispute a game, please visit the "Submit Disputes" page. If you were one of the players in the game to be disputed, and you are sumitting the dispute within 48 hours, the database will process the dispute immediately and scores will be updated on the spot.


  • If you are not one of the players listed in the game, or you are after the 48 hour period, your dispute will go into the database with a status of "pending". A Disputes Admin or SysOp will review the dispute and either accept it, deny it, or ask for more info.


  • Rules regarding Conduct will mirror the Zone Conduct Rules, both in the Zone and in the game. (ie: no foul language, no harrassment of a player, etc.). Participants found breaking the rules can and will be disqualified and or banned from the Event depending upon the severity and/or frequencies of the incident(s).


  • To Report incidents, logs and/or screenshots and/or witness's are needed. Participants found altering logs/screen shots or lying will likewise be subject to disqualification.


  • All Screen Shots being sent to a Dispute Admin must be zipped. If they are not zipped they will not be looked at and will be deleted.


  • If any person/club/side are found to be in wanton disregard of the rules, that person/club/side will be disqualified and or banned from the Event. (ie: The side or cetain parties basically doesn't give a owl's hoot about the rules, especially prevelent when a side/parties is/are losing).
    Dispute Handling: