
Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
Music Album

Publisher: MCA Records

Review by: Werdna Elbee

The songs are all basic and unoriginal, their humour is infantile, one of the singers has a really annoying nasal voice, and they aren’t really very talented musicians. The members of the band are just a bunch of loser men, acting like they are several years younger than they really are, and they would be in a dead job by now if they hadn’t got a record contract.

So why do I like this album?

While the songs are rarely anything to write home about, you have to admit the performance is outstanding. All of the songs have a wonderful energy to them and you can almost feel like you’re at a rock concert. It’s probably the simplicity in the songs that give this album such energy. I defy any one to listen to Blink 182 and not find their toe tapping or their head banging. If you’re a fan of this rock music that is coming from the US right now, then this is an excellent example and you should get this album.

It’s hard to rate all the songs separately as they all sound quite alike. A fast guitar riff, hard drumming, and energetic vocals can be found in pretty much every song. They all sound like they are played to a formula, with only a few note changes and all the extra work put into making the chorus. This formula more than once made me not realise that the song I was listening to had moved on to the next one.

Although most of the songs are similar it is possible to find the two or three songs destined to be future singles. They are of a different class to the rest of the songs and better performed, but the formula still remains. “The Rock Show” is the best song on the album by a long way. You can tell they put more effort into this song than the others and it’s very noticeable.

Compared to most rock music this can be considered too much like pop music. But that can be said about quite a lot of US bands that are emerging these days. However, it is a fun alternative to the Nu Metal stuff that the record companies are forcing us to listen to.

In my honest opinion, while I personally like this album I believe I wasted my money buying it. The songs are so similar and technically mediocre I would have been just as happy buying the single of “The Rock Show” by Blink 182. Perhaps if you do have a spare 10 quid in your back pocket, then this might be worth buying…but there are much better “fun and simple” bands like Blink 182 out there, such as the DumDums, on occasions Green Day, and at a push, Blink 182’s last album “Enema of the State”.