Editor's Foreword

It's been a while since I thrown together a newsletter, but it's nice to see I haven't lost the knack. With a nice new magazine layout, more genres of content, some proper journalism, and some cool music, EH Vogue now has a bit more depth.

Although the past few issues of EH Vogue have been interesting reads, they have mainly consisted of "candy-floss journalism" such as Fashion, Horoscopes and those little Columns that I love to write. While these fun features are very good, and create the feel of this magazine, without any stronger features backing it up EH Vogue has looked shallow. Also it's considered a girly magazine, which makes me feel awkward, annoyed and confused...erm, forget the last one.

This is all to change though, as can be seen by this months issue. This month you will find previews of three Star Wars games coming to the PC, information on how to take part in the battlestats.com Weeks of War, a feature on Medical Corps Uniforms, a variety of superb pieces of Fiction and Graphics, lot of reviews of movies, music and other media, as well as the candy-floss we do so well.

Oh yes, and if you have any comments you would like to make about EH Vogue, then you'll be happy to know that I will be getting a message board for this magazine. When it's up there will also be debates and small articles posted to keep you busy. For now though, you can post you opinions of this months magazine on the main EH message board at http://mb.ehnet.org. I'm sure AbK will be happy to see more posts on there.

Deputy Editor - Werdna Elbee

p.s. Accept no imitations. We are THE magazine for the EH. You may have seen one or two alternatives flying around, but we are the true successors to EH Cosmo, and of course ...BETTER!

Property of the Emperor's Hammer and related SubGroups.  Please view Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. Copyright 2001 © - All rights reserved.

This magazine is managed by:
~ VE-CMDR/COL Mairin Astoris/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge
~ VEA-CMDR/CPT Werdna Elbee/Phantom/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

Additional Disclaimer: Parts of this magazine are humourous, which means that easily offended people may have complaints. Light swearing, content of a sexual nature and mild violence may be found here...but it's still not as bad as daytime news coverage.