A Day in the Life of Lord Vader
by FM/CPT Merlin

Darth Vader (30) is the right hand man of Emperor Palpatine and is consistently voted one the most evil men in the universe. He lives alone.

I usually get up around eightish, I prefer to have a bit of a lie in but I find that if I do I can never fit in all my evil doing. The first thing I do is my breathing exercises, yoga is very important to me and I find it helps me remain calm and focused for the rest of the day. The next thing I do is to pick an outfit for the day, I always think that clothing is important, its the first thing people notice about you. I usually go for a little black number with matching cape and helmet accessories. After this comes a light breakfast and then I decide on the day’s promotions of flag officers, shortly followed by the funerals of their predecessors. I often find myself at a loss as what to do in mid-morning so after elevensess I pop down to the prison deck to engage in a little interrogation. This usually brings me to lunch, so I have a bite to eat and head off for a quick siesta. I know it’s a bit naughty of me but I find I get very tired in the afternoon if I don’t. Then comes another spate of promotions/deaths. It’s funny how these things go, all swings and round-abouts I suppose. I usually round of the working day with a spot of planet destruction. I enjoy this for two reasons, first you can’t beat a big explosion and second it causes a disturbance in the force that really pisses off Obi Wan Kenobe. I’m single at the moment so most of my evenings are spent in the Cantina, cruising for chicks. But I’m a little shy around women so I usually end up alone in bed with a good book at 10:30 and drift off at about 11:30. Ready for another busy day.

by FM/CPT Merlin/Pi 3-3/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus