Jedi Outcast Preview
by Werdna Elbee

It's been a long time coming, but the follow-up to Jedi Knight is on it's way. There have been a few ups and downs, mainly due to us thinking that the second sequel was going to be Obi-Wan, but it's all sorted out now and it looks like we are going to get the game we have wanted since JK looked mildly pixelated compared to it's peers.

Knowing that Jedi Outcast will be using the Quake III engine should already have you salivating, especially if you have played QIII: Team Arena and seen the open outdoor areas which can now be created. What should also please you is that Raven Software, creators for the Heretic games and ST: Elite Force, have been sighed up to do the honours and bring this game to life.

Jedi Outcast is set several years after JK. The hero Kyle Katern has long since hung up his lightsabre and let his powers rest, knowing that the balance between the light and dark side of the force is very fine and he could still easily succumb to the seductive evil inside him. But a new threat arises and he must learn the ways of the Force once more to overcome it, as well as meet his destiny and become either a light or dark Jedi.

Throughout Jedi Outcast you will get to travel to places like Cloud City, Nar Shaddaa, Yavin 4, as well as new locales created for this game. Or if you prefer you will also get to partake in a variety of multiplayer games, including straight deathmatch, sabre deathmatch, capture the flag, and probably plenty of other varieties given the engine and the developer being used for this game.

You also get the chance to use Stealth to make your way through the missions. Admittedly, this seems to be the latest fad in First-Person Shooters, but it should be interesting to see it used in a Star Wars game. Remember that in the films there were loads of covert ops going on, as well as the more famous starfighters and sabrefights. Hopefully this feature will bring back other memories and feelings of the film to the player, although I'm sure you Han Solos out there will prefer a straight fight.

On top of all that there some old and new force powers at your disposal, an enhanced Lightsabre control method (probably using the knowledge from Obi-Wan), and a huge arsenal of weapons to use.

Jedi Outcast looks like it will be the game we have been waiting for and more.

ScreenShots (Online)

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II
Raven Software/LucasArts
Spring 2002
PC Windows