How to submit work to EH VOGUE!!!

I know there was confusion before about what media was allowed to be published in Vogue. We now accept everything!!! If your work wasn't put into the past couple of issues, send it in now and it should get in the next issue.

Anyway, in two steps here's how to submit to EH Vogue...

Step 1: Make something cool

Have you recently wrote some fan-fiction? Done some artwork such as a squadron banner? Made uniforms for yourself or other members? Then send them in and if they are any good then hey will go into this here newsletter for everyone to see.

EH Vogue accepts these kinds of submissions: -

Fiction - just a warning, these stories have to stick fairly close to the SW and EH storyline, so no killing off Luke Skywalker or pulling Princess Leia. That reminds me, nothing sexually or violently explicit will be allowed.

Artwork - this could be anything; banners, cool pictures that were used in a website, artwork made for fun, 3D or 2D pictures and animations, etc, etc. Again, nothing sexually and violently explicit will be allowed. File sizes are a problem too, so try and keep it small.

Uniforms - if you have made your own uniform, or someone else's, then send it in!!!

Articles and Interviews - just like the one's in this magazine. Actually, I would prefer if you informed me about what you are doing first, because I don't want several interviews of the same person in one issue.

Jokes - it would be nice to have a little injection of humour in this newsletter. Try and keep the jokes based on Star Wars. I'm not to bothered about the jokes being clean or not, as the dirty ones are usually funnier, but don't go too far! It could be a joke, a funny top ten list, a poem or adjusted song, a chat session, etc.

I may accept anything else you can think of, but I think I've covered pretty much everything. If you do have anything else though, send me a mail and I'll tell you if it's okay.

Step 2: Send your work to us at EH Vogue

When you have finished whatever you were working on, mail it as an attachment to us at and you can also cc: your superior to show how active you are.

Also visit to get your fiction in the TC Fiction Compendium. Sadly I can't award LoAs but they can.

Try to keep the files as small as you can (without losing too much quality). For documents such as fiction and articles, send it to me as a Word Document (.doc), a plain text document (.txt) or even a web page (.html). For graphics, send it either as a .gif or a .jpg. If you can, please ZIP the files using a program like WinZip. If you can't do any of those, send it in anyway and I'll see if I can read it.