Editor's Foreword

Issue 2 now out - well you're reading it anyway! This has been a harder issue to write. Perhaps simply because everyone has suddenly decided it's summer and therefore we must go out and celebrate or something, but not many people have sent me articles. Bad people! Still, we have added a few small things. Check it out, and enjoy!

Head Editor - Mairin Astoris

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This site run and managed by:
~ VE-FL/COL Mairin Astoris/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
~ VEA-RSV/CPT Werdna Elbee/M:FRG Phoenix

Additional Disclaimer: This magazine is intended to be funny. It is permeated with what we hope is humorous (like how the hell do you spell that word? - Eds). We do not intend to cause offence. If any is taken, we apologise in advance. :P