The Corporate Division, raised from the dead?
by Dash Riprock

Before I start, I'd just like to quickly explain the CD for all EH members who never heard of it. The CD is a subgroup that isn't based on any games, instead members can join Corporations (led by CEO's) and take part in offering computer-related services to the EH. For example, the corporations Solaris Systems (my own) is dedicated to developing commercial-grade games (we need every help we can get (not just programmers, but also music composers, beta-testers, graphics designers, etc. If you wanna help out, mail our CEO Reb Crush at The CD is led by a group of high-ranking members, the DIREX Board, of which the PREX is the president.

I think I've been with the Corporate Division for about 2.5 months now, although I really have no idea how accurate that is. When I joined, I really didn't notice anything being done in the Corporate Division. I programmed and did other stuff for my Corporation, never heard something about it except from my own CEO, who is an RL friend of mine. If I felt I needed to know something about my work, I'd just ask him at school. :)

I believe the CD website (speaking about that website: I'd like to take the opportunity to inform you all that it is not at, but on!) has been updated like 2 times.... In all the time since I joined, until two weeks ago, I got only two of the so-called weekly PREX reports. The last post on the Corporate Division Messageboard was dated 1 month back. The last serious post that was actually replied on was like a month before that, and those weren't much either. No one had seriously done something for the CD (except my corp, honestly, we where so new in the CD that we couldn't help not noticing that the CD was dead :D), there had been plans for all kinda things hanging in the air for maybe even half a year, but none took 'em seriously. To complete the disaster, most of the Trainees got AWOLed. In short, the CD was dead.

For what I've heard it had been like that for quite a long time, ever since Mooks (later fired and replaced by VA Bolitho, the current PREX) became PREX. Previously, under the rule of FA Ricaud (I believe he later resigned himself), the CD had flourished. I am very amazed that an active division like the CD under Ricaud can fall so deeply.

Suddenly, I think it was like three weeks ago (after the AWOL check among our Trainees), a new surge of activity ran through the entire subgroup. The messageboard was actually used, and not only that, it actually produced the largest CD topic ever (51 posts). A new Yahoo-groups mailing list was made for the CD, and it produced some small discussions. Not much, but still some activity. Corporations actually got some new contracts, and worked on them. In two weeks, we added 16 members (most of them Trainees, I expect). The messageboard was active. The website was updated regularly, and best of all: we got a Credit System.

Using the Credit System, Corporations and individual in the CD can earn credits and thus have something else than rank to work for. The start of the Credit System opened the way for a new competition, the Trade Assembly League (of which the goal is for a single corporation to earn as much credits as it can. The corp with the most earned credits until the competition end wins). I don't have the feeling that most corps are actively participating in the TAL, but I'm sure two of them are. It's a start, and a good one for that.

There was even so much activity that for the first time in a considerable time, promotions where given. Five members were promoted in two weeks, I'm not sure, but I think that's a CD-wide record.

What about the future, you ask? Well, the DIREX Board is reporting that they are working on several more competitions, and also that they have almost finished the integration of the CD Credit System with the Bounty Hunters Guild's Credit System and a Stock Exchange, where individuals will be able to buy/sell stock from corporations. CD members will soon be able to buy their own ships from the BHG. We have had two PREX reports come in at the right time, and I feel confident that this wil continue. Also, a new corporation has been launched, of which I know that the CEO is a very active, though new member. I wish Evil Inc. and it's CEO Master Warrant Officer Gryffon good luck! I expect to see allot come out of this corp.

Although some believe this activity will all be in vain, that the CD will never be alive again (right Kermee? :-P), I feel that it will be alive. The last few weeks, I had the feeling of an active subgroup, and I believe more have felt it, too ( ). If we continue this way, and that we will, the CD will be stronger than ever. I'd like to tell everyone in the CD to keep up the good work we've been doing. We can bring back this club, and I personally believe that would be SoopaCoolª to do.


(If you have any questions regarding this article or the CD, please e-mail Dash, or post at the CD messageboard (, than follow the link :D). Of course, you could just visit the site as well, but that's less fun. :) )