CHS Belzedar interviewed
by KHP Mairin Astoris

Imperial Vogue: You're CHS of the Senate - do you have any other positions in the EH and what are they?
Belzedar: QUA of House Qel-Droma of Arcona, the #1 Krath House in the DB!
IV: How did you get them?
B: I paid off Chi and Astatine :)
IV: Seriously. :P
B: Just kidding ;) It was a really tight race for QD's QUA and due to... some foul play on the other candidate's part, I was chosen. Well, it really wasn't his fault.
IV: Anyway, how did you get CHS of the Senate?
B: Well, former CHS Slegr had a lot of trouble with college and other obligations, so he had to ultimately resign. He recommended me for the position and I sent in my application. Ronin and Kawolski seemed to like what I could provide, and they hired me. I was up for Chancellor once before, but Raian was selected over me that time...
IV: How's the Senate shaping up under your command?
B: It's doing good (at least I like to think so) ;) I'm currently working on a total new Manual, which will be released soon. I've made a lot of new position appointments, and they've been working out great.
IV: Does that mean I get articles from you lot this month?
B: Maybe (Maybe is about right... no articles! - Eds)
IV: How long have you been in the EH?
B: About a year and three-quarters. It'll be two years in September, and I really can't believe I've already been here this long.
IV: LOL! Check me with my 2 years 7 months. :P 2 years is NOT long! :)
B: Hehe :)
IV: Anyway.. on with the questions. :) What does the Senate *DO* exactly? Is the moniker of "mini-Krath Order" a fair one?
B: It's hard to explain... mainly because throughout it's two years, the Senate has had a big identity crisis. I'm working hard to change that, and I want to create a Fleet-wide idenity for the Senate that will ensure that members know exactly what we do. Generally, we do a lot with fiction, debating, and website creation. We are the non-gaming subgroup of the EH.
IV: How are you planning on doing that?
B: First, by creating an updated and functioning website. Then I plan on changing the woefully inaccurate description of the Senate on the EH SG Page. No offense to GA Ronin if he's the one who wrote it ;)
IV: Quick save. :P How're things going for you in the DB at the minute? Is there anything you'd like to change?
B: Things are going great for me in the DB. I LOVE being Quaestor. As for change? I'm not entirely sure. I did apply for KHP, so I'd like to be more involved in the Krath Order on the whole.
IV: That links nicely: What prompted your application?
B: I had given some thought to it, and some of my Clan-mates suggested I apply. I figured, "Why not?" so I gave it a whirl. I'm not going to be devastated if I don't get it.
IV: Are there any sweeping changes you want to see in the DB, or do you think everything's ticking along nicely?
B: Not "sweeping" changes, but I'd like to see a BETTER Krath website and more House exposure. I want more involvement, basically.
IV: Moving sviftly on! You play Dungeons & Dragons in Real Life. Do you think we should have a Dungeons & Dragons SubGroup for all those people that seem to be playing it nowadays?
B: I think it would definitely be a cool avenue to explore, or if Chi would permit, I think it'd be a great addition to the Krath Order.
IV: I can't see Chi going for it. :P
B: But we love Pikachi anyway :)
IV: Indeed. :) Now you're a SGCOM, etc... is there anything you absolutely lust after in the EH with all your heart and soul? What job/medal would you practically kill to get your hands on, and who would you practically kill for it?
B: Possibly Grand Master. I don't really want any Command Office positions... love 'em or hate 'em, Howlader, Astatine, AbsoluteK... they're one hard act to follow.
IV: So THAT'S what's happened to Chi, huh? :P
B: Heheh ;) I'm really happy where I am, and I don't particularly have any complaints.
IV: Last and final question: Vogue - good, bad, ugly (don't you dare say ugly, by the way!)? Do you wish you'd thought of it?
B: It's interesting, and I think it'll be awesome :) And it's super-Mai sexy :)
And with that oh-so-sweet compliment, we finished the interview!