Breaking with a long tradition, the Cosmopolitan has decided to interview someone who isn’t an Admiral! This is quite strange, and should be put down to the fact that Mairin’s involved with the project in question and wants to publicise it some. The interview was conducted with LT KDOG on IRC on Sunday 17th December, 2000.

EHC: First and foremost, what's the purpose of the movie?
KDOG: To really, I suppose, give credit to the members of the EH... yet at the same time, show a funny and serious side of them in character.
EHC: Now that Hunter's gone are we really likely to see it?
K: Yeah. Now that Hunter's gone, the staff can go to work without that Admiral going off with his whores and fan-club. Likely if the powers-that-be fire him, it'll be one of us becoming Morale Officer (“One of you already has been!” – Eds)
EHC: So, when are we going to see the finished product?
K: Well, the writers are working hard, but we're having some turmoil right now on a few subjects. EHC: What's going to be in the movie - or what would you like to see in the movie?
K: Well, really, some passion, lust, a good plot, and of course, the thing that makes any movie great: hordes of violence.
EHC: Woo! Do you reckon Ronin's going to let you do that?
K: Well... if it makes him look good, yeah, of course. But don't believe the preview ads if you're looking for plot secrets. And if he doesn't... I don't believe I'm allowed to say something like that on record.
EHC: Ooh, sounds intriguing. Is the rest of your team in agreement with all this?
K: Well... seeing as I hand out the paychecks, yea, I think so.
EHC: Are you a close-knit team then?
K: Oh yeah... we share everything! From books, to clothes, to weapons, to sexual toys (vibrators, blow-up dolls)... we're like a family.
EHC: Who's your favourite member of the team? (Think carefully)
K: Well... I’d have to say Mai because she's cool. But Calli makes a hell-of-a close second [she just doesn't have the 'man' power] (“Oi! Is that an insult?” – Eds)
EHC: So, all high jinks aside, Is the movie a lot of work?
K: Well... no. I give everyone all the time they need... I’m not strict at all.
EHC: That's good. Do you still have time for real lives then?
K: Well... I personally do. Neb... He doesn't have one... at least not that I’ve heard of. Mai... her life I can hear every night cause her trailer is right beside mine [yes, the boat does rock] (“It’s not true!”- Mai). Calli is a Colonel as well so... I just don't talk to her or she'll like, get her Wing friends to come make me do TC stuff [I don't like incest] (“But it’s the game the whole family can play!” – Eds).
EHC: What's your favourite way to spend an evening/weekend?
K: Well... reading, going out the club, hanging with the movie gang... it's a good life. And since I have a life, and I am a red-blooded male, I think I do lots of 'acceptable' stuff on evenings and weekends. Just ask anyone else... there's always someone happy walking out of my room every morning, and most of the time, it usually isn’t only me.
EHC: So, Which EH member would you most like to have a beer with?
K: Hmm... That’s a tough one... I’d have to say Raian. With my current Senatorial election campaign [to the High Council as Senator Prime], I’d want to get a few victory topics over with and just talk.
EHC: And which EH member would you most like to have dinner with?
K: Dinner? Probably my good friend, Kartena. I've been trying to teach myself how to cook and she'd give me an honest answer about my cooking.
EHC: And of course, the question we all want to know the answer to... Which EH member would you most like to see naked?
K: Naked? Umm... I once ran a shop that sold nude pictures of EH members [women... it wasn't a gay-porn store], so I think I’ve pretty well seen everyone. (“Um… Help!” – Eds)
EHC: Really? I never heard of that one.
K: It was real
EHC: so...moving swiftly on... Have you any interesting gossip to confide?
K: Yes... Of course I do
EHC: Are you going to confide it?
K: Well… I have a few written logs... but I will be HCIed if I release them
EHC: Bah… ok. And what do you think of the Cosmo?
K: I always look forward to reading it. It's always funny and has something new on it every time.
EHC: And last but not least... how much have you enjoyed being interviewed?
K: It's cool... usually the Cosmo interviews Admirals [who pay big bucks to seem important with it], but picking an average guy is cool... and it just proves the Cosmo is the best (“You needed proof?” – Eds).

The Interviewer: CA:SO/VA Mairin Astoris/CA-9/SSSD Sovereign, [GS][OV]
KAP *(Krath)/[DC-KC-O-C][SC-SoP][BNAu][BZ]
The Victim: [L] A-CCN-PNO KDOG (Kessel)/Debate Comm [LXY: KDOG's Fury]
[ESHU: Kratga] [R: 2 Up] CoDx8, CoCx3, CoKx1
FM/LT KDOG/Gamma 1-2/Wing I/SSSD Sov. ISMx3 [IWATS-SM/2, RT, GFX]