April 2001 - Hammer's Fist

by Surface Marshal Ares

     The Hammer's Fist now has Combat Uniforms. These are the first uniforms of their kind for the HF. Please find the Basic Combat Uniform Package on the Official Documents page. Only the basic uniform package is included with this issue.

     The HF Combat Uniforms grew out of a need for self-identity. We are the oldest subgroup, yet the TIE Corps which we grew out of has had uniforms for years. We have been faceless even after previous attempts at making official uniforms. Not anymore. We now have a comprehensive combat uniform template set for all members of the subgroup. The combat uniform is not meant to be used with medals or other decoration. It is the armor worn in combat and duty. Ceremonial uniforms and medals will come later. On to the template!

     The uniform template on the left is half-size. Full template size is 500x625 pixels. The template itself is the entire image. Depending on whether your platoon (or company or battalion) has an insignia and whether you are an assistant, you will have two to four add-ons to place on the template. The example template at the left gives a visual indicator as to where the add-ons go: Pauldron, Helmet, Diamond, and Insignia. The Helmet and Diamond add-ons do overlap, and must be placed in order.

     You will need graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro or some other program that can open and save .jpg or .jpeg images, and has copy and paste features. It is also helpful if the software can superimpose a grid for easier add-on alignment or can zoom into a portion of the image.

This instructions below are similar to those found in the uniform package.

     There are many uniform packages beyond the one included in this newsletter. The package included here is the one required by all members. All other packages are for personalizing your uniform for specific platoons, companies, or battalions. The list of current packages include:

  • base_and_pauldrons.zip - uniform package everyone needs. Contains shoulder pauldrons and armor for all uniforms.
  • helm_generic.zip - uniform package for all enlisted and officer members who's platoon, company, battalion, etc. does not have an insignia.
  • helm_ags.zip - uniform package for all General Staff assistants.
  • helm_gs.zip - uniform package for General Staff members.

     We shall go step-by-step in constructing your combat uniform with the included package. Since no unit has its own insignia yet, you do not need to look for the "helm_" packages. For this tutorial, we will assume you are a stormtrooper not in a special forces unit, GS, AGS, or non-commissioned officer (in other words, the vast majority of HF members) and are of the rank of SGT. Our example trooper is a member of Vendetta platoon.

Extract the contents of "base_and_pauldrons.zip" and open the appropriate Base Template for you (in the "combat\base" directory). In our case, it is the "white_combat_template.jpg" file. The default template shows a trooper who is between the ranks of PFC and SPL. If this fits you, skip 2.

Pauldrons denote both rank (by color) and position (by stripes and/or stars). You must open the appropriate Pauldron file. The files are located in directories organized by position. We are making a trooper uniform in this example, so we look in the "combat\pauldron_trp" directory. Our trooper is a sergeant, so the correct file is "trp_sgt-sgm.jpg".

     Copy and paste the Pauldron onto the Base Template. Zoom in and use a grid if your program can do that. The upper-left corner of the Pauldron should be at 0,200 pixels. The lower-right corner should be at 135,280. Without zooming, add-ons are difficult to place well.

If your platoon does not have an insignia, then the generic insignia is used. The Base Template has this done already. If your platoon does have an insignia, open the appropriate file in "combat\unit" (assuming all zipfiles are extracted to the same place).

     Copy and paste the Helmet onto the Base Template. You will notice it is not the whole helmet, but just the jawline. The upper-left corner of the Helmet add-on should be at 135,175 pixels. The lower-right corner should be at 355,270. The right edge of the Pauldron add-on touches the left edge of the Helmet add-on. If there is space, you did not align one of them correctly.

     The coordinates for using the Helmet on the recruit Base Template (for members of rank PTE) are 157,175 pixels for the upper-left, and 341,240 for lower-right.

This step is only for assistants. Open the appropriate file for your rank from "combat\pauldron_ax". The reason this add-on is pasted after the Helmet is because the Helmet image would cover it up. Paste the add-on so its upper-left corner is at 135,200 pixels and the lower-right corner is at 170,270 pixels.

Again, if your platoon does not have an insignia, the generic insignia is used and you are done. Otherwise, you must open the proper insignia file located in the same directory you found your Helmet file. We are in Vendetta, so we open "combat\vendetta\vendetta_insig.jpg".

     Place the add-on so the upper- left corner is at 0,400 pixels and the lower-right is in the lower-right corner of the Base Template. Save, and you are done! (Insignia add-on shown at half-size).

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