Rebel Type 5 Platform ("Bilbringi") being
attacked by TIE Advanced Fighters of the
Emperor's Hammer during Battle to Recapture
Zaarin's Technology
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The Officer of the Wing Commander herein posts the fourth approved Battle Plotline for the new Recapture Zaarin�s Technology Battle designed by General Dorja (Jabba3). The first 3 missions have been played and approved for use by Member pilots of the Hammer and are attached to this Newsletter. It should be noted that General DorJa is often out of communication on special assignment for the Wing Commander. Consequently, the problems some pilots may have in completing secondary/bonus goals will not prejudice award of the yet to be announced Medal for this mission. Finally, General DorJa has also submitted a Free Mission (DorJa-1) featuring the rarely encountered Muurian Transport. In addition, a brief plot outline has been submitted by General DorJa (FLT MBR/DorJa/Alpha-1/T-D) for the Recapture Zaarin�s Technology Battle, as follows:

Emperor's Hammer Battle Outline: Recapture Zaarin�s Technology

A Good idea for a battle would be to capture the technology that Zaarin has taken with him and given to the rebels. Below is an outline for each of the five missions to be included in this battle.

Mission 1: Raid on Rebel Shipyard - Mission Complete/Posted (NL#9)

The ISD Avenger will launch craft to capture a newly completed Rouge ISD. A flight of 4 TIE defenders will disable the ISD and identify any nearby containers. An ATR will enter to capture the ISD and take the technology in the containers. Zaarin has designed new Escort Transports (ETRs) which try to recapture the ISD. The TIE defender group must disable one ETR for capture and destroy the other. The ISD must escape in our hands!

Mission 2: Raid on the ETR Facility - Mission Complete/Posted (NL#9)

The research station where the ETR was developed must be captured. The pilots of the ETR have provided its location. TIE defenders must escort ATRs that are attempting to capture the platform. Naturally we desire to know what else is being manurfactured and what cargo the station relies on. The platform and all containers must be identified.

Mission 3: Capture Tie Defender Factory - Mission Complete/Posted (NL#9)

After learning of a rebel tie defender factory we must attempt to capture this important facility.Our own newly aquired ETRs will capture the factory and provide protection for the factory until the ISD Avenger can Arrive. Rebel cruisers will arrive to attempt to regain control. Their ETRs must be stopped!!!

Mission 4: Protect the Factory from Zaarin's Fleet - Mission Outlined

Even while the man is captured his fleet lives on and they are attacking full force. Commander Raveen has pulled together the Rouge Imperials and uses Zaarin's own tactics to attack our factory. Missile Boats must stop attacks from TIE Defenders, ETRs, Corvettes, and dreadnaughts. The factory must survive for the greater glory of the Empire!

Mission 5: TIE Defender Transfer - Under Design New TIE Defenders are complete and are ready for combat. Lord Vader will rendevous with the ISD Avenger to pick up the first ten defenders. Commander Raveen is planning a massive assault to prevent the transfer and attempt to capture them. Also, Raveen will attempt to capture Lord Vader while he inspects the factory.

Mission 6: Escape - Under Design The ISD Avenger, with the newly aquired TIE defenders, has been trapped by a Rebel Interdictor and a Light Calmari. Both craft must be destroyed if the Avenger is to escape. Be prepared for an assualt using B-wings, Corvettes and Carrack Cruisers. The TIE Defenders and, more importantly, Lord Vader must survive for the glory of the empire!


Free Mission - DorJa -1 - Mission Complete/Posted (NL#9)

General DorJa has also submitted a short (3 opponents) Free Mission featuring the never before seen Muurian Transport (MUUR). This mission has also been attached to this Newsletter for review and enjoyment by all Members.


Wing Commander's Note:

The creation of so many quality missions in such a short time with the Emperor's Hammer has resulted in the award of the Commendation of Service, Medal of Tactics w/ 3 Green Hammers for General DorJa! This is unprecedented in the short history of the Hammer.

In addition, the new Tactical Officer (TACT/Adams/Delta-1/T-D) has also submitted his third Free Mission (Ja24-3/b1m3bm.tie). A briefing for this Free Mission, entitled "Flytrap", follows:

Free Mission Ja24-3:"Flytrap" - Mission Complete/Posted (NL#9)

Briefing(Flight Officer): The Interdictor Cruiser Trapper has been dispatched to the Laswanna sector to set up an ambush for a Rebel Supply convoy.The convoy is protected by 2 Nebulon B Frigates and escort Starfighters. The INTTrapper will activate it's gravity well generators to bring the convoy into realspace. Your flight will be responsible for defending the Interdictor until the ISD Avenger can arrive. Once the Avenger arrives, Gamma I&II Will be launched to destroy the Frigates.

Briefing(Cloaked Figure): When the lead Frigate is destroyed, be on the lookout for any shuttles trying to escape. Lord Vader wants the Commander of this convoy. He is interested in where the Rebel's Supply Base is located. Disable all Shuttles that enter, there is reason to believe that the Commander will disguise himself as a regular officer. So do not destroy any of the shuttles until the one carrying the Admiral is Captured.

What will I be Flying: You will be Flying the TIE-Defender designated Delta I, you will have 3 Wingmen and a double load of Advanced concussion missiles. You will also have Epsilon I for reinforcements if needed.

What opposition will I encounter: The convoy will have a forward starfighter screen force, and when the convoy is brought into realspace, the frigates will launch its complement of various Starfighters to destroy the Interdictor. Be expecting X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings and Y-Wings Which are the standard Rebel Starfighters.

In addition, the new Epsilon Commander (CMDR/Andrew/Epsilon-1/T-D) has submitted the second Strike at Calamari Battle mission. Both of these missions are also attached to this Newsletter for review.

Due to the overlapping names of some missions attached to this Newsletter, the Wing Commander, by necessity, has renamed the original mission files. This action was necessary to allow the Wing Commander to attach all 6 new missions to the Newsletter submission to AOL. Consequently, a brief summary is presented below for your convenience:

Battle 4/Mission 1
Battle 4/Mission 2
Battle 4/Mission 3
Free Mission: DorJa-1

Battle 2/Mission 2

Free Mission: Ja24-3








Wing Members must manually rename the files to the "Old File Name" and copy into the c:\tie\mission subdirectory for proper use. As detailed in the Squadron Ready Room, Members are encouraged to utilize a rigid subdirectory system rather than continually renaming mission files to play the new missions more easily and effectively...



The Wing Commander has decided that, to be eligible for Battle Medal awards, interested pilots are asked to complete, at a minimum, ALL of the Primary Goals in each Mission (just like the game, completion of the Primary Goals is required to advance missions) at whichever difficulty they prefer. Obviously higher difficulties translate into higher scores. The mission performance files (i.e. film clips/*.clp files) must be submitted to your individual Squadron Commanders for review and recommendation regarding Medal awards and possible promotions. The Office of the Wing Commander has become inundated with E-Mail postings regarding individual mission performance files. Although the Wing Commander would like to review every such file (and sometimes picks several out to review), a more efficient file review system is required. Consequently, all Wing Members are herein notified that the Wing Commander will only review these files submitted from Alpha Squadron, and through special arrangement with XO/Shawshank/Gamma-1/MIS, Gamma Squadron. The Wing Commander, due to computer memory and extensive AOL time considerations, requests that other Wing Members only contact the Wing Commander (W Call) with questions regarding procedures or problems. In addition, please go easy on your Squadron Commanders...Submit only compressed [*.zip] files containing ALL required mission clips from a Battle following completion of that Battle. Consequently, you are not making several individual submissions which can be confusing, but instead, one coherent application file for each Medal. Consequently, no Members should be submitting performances yet, pending creation of an entire mission of Battles.

The Office of the Wing Commander will post a request on the Emperor's Hammer Message Folder (AOL/FSRC) and in the Newsletter edition which includes the posting of the last mission in any given Battle. Wing Members will have 2 weeks in which to complete and submit all [*.clp] files to their Squadron Commanders for review. One week following that date (~3 weeks from posting of last mission), the Squadron Commanders must submit any Medal award recommendations to the Wing Commander for review. The Wing Commander will then "award" (E-Mail the *.bmp file) the Medal to the successful Medal Candidates. Consequently, outstanding and consistent pilots in the Hammer will be rewarded by award of Battle Medals.

Medal Award Ceremony on board
the ISD Avenger...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:

General DorJa (FLT MBR/DorJa/Alpha-1/T-D)>>Medal of Tactics w/ 3 Green Hammers, Commendation of Service
[for design of Recapture Zaarin�s Technology Battle, its first 3 missions and Free Mission

General Andrew (FLT LDR/Andrew/Lambda-3/T-B)>>Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer
[for design of Mission 2 of Strike at Calamari Battle]

General Adams (TACT/Adams/Delta-1/T-D)>>Medal of Tactics - 2nd Green Hammer
[for design of Free Mission, Ja24-3]