The Wing Commander has recently completed his review of two stand alone missions created by General Adams (Ja24), Beta II Flight Member. General Adams was also the author of the Imperial Capital Ship Manual released with Newsletter No. 7. It should be noted that these missions are not associated with any current Battle plotlines and completion of the same will not aid prospective pilots seeking Medals or promotions...These are just for fun...

In addition, there has been much confusion recently regarding copying and playing mission files. Briefly, these files must be directly copied to your c:\tie\mission subdirectory. However, BE MUST backup your originals files currently in the c:\tie\mission subdirectory or they will be copied over and lost...This is due to the fact that all new missions will all have the same names as the original missions. Consequently I recommend setting up a directory tree to keep the new files organized, such as follows:



* - new mission files
** - original mission files

Mission Ja24-1 (b1m1fm.tie)

The first mission, entitled "dogfight" by the author, is a blur of action. More targets to shoot at than in the original game. In addition, pilots flying this mission are reminded to keep track of radio messages...there are some interesting personalities that appear...

The Office of the Wing Commander releases the following performance for the Wing Commander, General Ronin:


2/10/95 (hard)
All Primary Goals completed
9 of 14 Bonus Goals completed
KILLS: 24(57)
Disabled Millenium Falcon

The new mission (b1m1fm.tie) is attached to this Newsletter for review by Emperor�s Hammer Members.

Mission Ja24-2 (b1m2fm.tie)

In the second mission, the player must defend the ISD Avenger and ATR Lookout from Rebel attacks utilizing R-41 Starchasers, Y-Wings and Corvettes.

A brief description was sent via E-Mail to the Office of the Wing Commander for this mission:

Date: 95-02-04 19:41:00 EST
From: Ja24
To: W Call

It was actually an edited version of b1m2fm.tie. It was just a first attempt at editing, I had thought of planning a Battle with this mission, but since I haven't had any luck with editing the briefing or In-flight messages, I'm just using it as a training mission. This mission was meant to believe that ATR Lookout was returning from a scout mission and discovered that there was a Rebel Task Force in the sector consisting of 1 moncal, 1 Lt moncal, 1 nebulon b frigate, 6 corvettes, 1 modified corvette. And the only ship in the area that could stop this Task force was the Avenger. I had already made dialog for this mission before I got the editor. Most all the Rebel craft were after the ATR in an attempt to stop it from reaching the Avenger, but unfortunately you�re in their way. I probably should have used Gamma squadron for this mission, because (if I�m correct) they are used for close support (Patrol, Defense, Reinforcements) or Delta squadron (Recon), but I wanted to include my Squadron. If you want to include it in newsletter #8 that would be O.K. I can start editing other missions if you would like, using it as a training battle, not as a new Battle for the Wing.

General Adams
Beta II F.M.

The Office of the Wing Commander releases the following performance for the Wing Commander, General Ronin:


2/4/95 (hard)
35,671 pts.
ALL Primary, Secondary and Bonus Goals completed
KILLS: 33(21)
10(6) Y-Wings
21(13) R-41 Starchasers
2(2) Corvettes (CRV)

The new mission (b1m2fm.tie) is attached to this Newsletter for review by Emperor�s Hammer Members.


Medal Award Ceremony on board
the ISD Avenger...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:

General Adams (Beta II Flight Member)>Medal of Tactics w/ Green Hammer
[For creation of Free Missions: Ja24-1 and Ja24-2]


In order to clear up any potential confusion about the order of the three Emperor's Hammer Battles approved to date, they are presented chronologically, as follows:

Battle I - Capture of Zaarin (5 missions)
Status: Missions 1 and 2 completed/posted (NL #5)
Designer: General Shawshank (Executive Officer/Gamma Commander),
with contribution of Mission 1 by General Cli4ord (Tactical
Officer/Delta Commander)

Battle II - Strike at Calamari (6 missions)
Status: Mission 1 completed/posted (NL #7), Mission 2 under design
Designer: General Andrew (Epsilon Commander)

Battle III - New Dimensions (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved, awaiting missions
Designer: General Thunder (Flight Officer/Lambda Commander)

Free Missions:
Ja24-1 (b1m1fm.tie) - Completed/posted (NL #8)
Ja24-2 (b1m2fm.tie) - Completed/posted (NL #8)

In addition, this posting will be updated in each future newsletter along with a copy of the mission copying directions presented above.