New Deathstar Battle Station under construction
near the forest moon of Endor
(photo: CWCollin, 12/1/94)

As part of the latest efforts to assure peace and order throughout the Empire, Emperor Palpatine has announced the construction of a new Deathstar Battle Station. Construction on the new Deathstar apparently began several months ago at Endor, an isolated forest moon located in the Moddell Sector. Only the primary support framework, working quarters and defensive systems have reportedly been constructed to date. However, It is rumored that Emperor Palpatine himself will be overseeing the final stages of construction. Since the new Deathstar is at least one to two years from completion, no specifications have been released regarding the capabilities of the new Battle Station. However, Imperial Command Officers aboard the SSD Executor have stated they will far exceed those of the prototype Deathstar destroyed at the Battle of Yavin. More details will be posted upon notice from the Imperial Navy.

Based upon available Imperial Planetary DataNet information, the forest moon of Endor exhibits a low axial tilt and and regular orbit of the moon's primary, a gas giant. The moon has a temperate climate and is covered with vast expanses of lush vegetation consisting primarily of ancient forests with some specimens exceeding 300 feet height. Other than the primitive, tool using Ewoks, the moon is populated by several fierce predator species which inhabit the lower levels of the forests. However, the Ewoks have apparently adapted by building primitive villages in the upper levels of the trees. The forest moon will serve the Emperor excellently as a support base and shield generation station for the new Deathstar, pending its completion.


In a short annoucement over the Imperial Holonet on January 16, 1995, General Zach Slaton's retirement as Commanding Officer of the Executor Wing was quietly announced. Although no o fficial statement has yet been made by General Slaton, he will be missed by all Members of the Emperor's Hammer. His ideas provided the inspiration for the creation and structure of the Emperor's Hammer. In addition, his introduction of cutting edge communications (i.e. graphics and Object Packages in Newsletters) provided the foundations for the inter-unit comm technologies employed by most units in the Imperial Navy. It is not known where General Slaton's next assignment will be...more details will be posted upon receipt by the Office of the Wing Commander.

TIE Fighters of Executor Wing performing the
Missing Man Formation for General Slaton
upon his shuttle's departure from the SSD Executor
(photo: author: Scott Douglas, uploaded
to AOL by RAY TRACEY on 3/93)

Wing Commander's Note:

All pilots interested in further information on the Executor Wing are directed to Newsletter No. 2 of the Emperor's Hammer. In addition, General Slaton posted several Executor Wing *.wri and plot files on AOL FSRC Utility Files Area.


The Sullustans recently joined the Empire by dissolving the Sullust Council in accordance with SoroSuub Corporation Proclamation Number 137D.

The following article was posted by the Department of Recruitment and Propaganda. It was taken from The Star Wars Source Book (West End Games, Bill Slavicsek & Curtis Smith, 1987, pp.81).

SoroSuub Corporation Proclamation Number 137d

Fellow Sullustans. As of this 62nd day of the 8,494th Sullust Year, let it be known that for the greater good of our Sullust, the Sullustan Council has been disbanded for the forseeable future. To fill the gap this necessary action has created, the Board of Directors of SoroSuub shall serve as supreme planetary authority until the crisis is over. We know that everyone will band together under our corporate logo to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Further, SoroSuub fully supports the policies of Emperor Palpatine as outlined in his most recent address to the Imperial Senate.

Unfortunately, there are agencies at work on our world that object to the Empire's policies and dreams for our future. This has caused a crisis that, if left unchecked, threatens to destroy our planet. We at SoroSuub are dedicated to harmony on Sullust and are committed to promoting peace throughout the Galaxy.

We are further aware of rumors concerning an outlaw band, calling itself the Rebel alliance, that is spreading vicious and dangerous lies about the Emperor. These criminals are malcontents, seeking to undermine the beneficial work of a truly great being. Anyone with information leading to the identification and capture of "Rebel" supporters will be greatly rewarded.

Be advised, these criminals are unpredictable and dangerous. Mandatory protective curfews will be in effect until the danger has passed.

This is a day of celebration. Together with our friend, the Emperor, Sullust will march into the prosperous new galaxy the Imperials envision. Join with us, and enter a better tomorrow.

Siin Suub, Chairman
SoroSuub Corporation

Wing Commander's Note:

For those pilots that have not yet encountered the merchant Sullustans, one was featured as Lando Calrissian's co-pilot in the Millenium Falcon in Revenge of the Jedi.