The Emperor's Hammer Sub Groups

Dark Brotherhood
The Executive Officer presents the attached section of the Newsletter for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
The following Section of the Newsletter is for the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion.

The Guild
This Section of the Newsletter is dedicated to the Guild.

Infiltrator Wing
This Section of the Newsletter is dedicated to the Infiltrator Wing of the EH...A Wing of former
Rebel Pilots that have returned to the Empire...

Corporate Division
The following Section of the Newsletter is to be accessed by the Emperor's Hammer Corporate

Intelligence Division
The Intelligence Division, will serve to organize our eyes and ears across the chaos that is now
the Empire...

EH Directorate
The EH Directorate maintains and governs the various star systems in the EH Territories...and
scours the known Galaxy for new Star Systems...

The Imperial Weapons and Tactics School

The XvT arm of the Emperor's Hammer

The role playing section of the Emperor's Hammer.