
Emperors Hammer: Grand Admiral Ronin ( )

Dark Brotherhood: Grand Master / Fleet Admiral Khyron ( )

Hammers Fist: Prefect Thrawn ( )

Infiltrator Wing: Marshall Jamin ( )

The Guild: Dark Prince Trench ( )

Inteligence Division: Supreme Director / Fleet Admiral Brad ( )

Agressor Strike Force Commander: Vice Admiral Yacko ( )

The Fringe: Chief Game Master Dark Alex ( )

Flight Officer / Tie Corps Commander: Admiral Kawolski ( )

Special Operations Director: Admiral Blazer ( )


EH Directorate Ministry Council

Prime Minister Zlar Kahn

Minister of War Fireclaw

Minister of Public Affairs Malchdrim

Minister of Expansion and Development Voranyen
Senatorial Adjudicator Chuck

Senator Prime Darkov


From: Grand Moff Dragon Kiron Aquillas

( EH Directorate / SGCOMM )


Subject: Operation Firestorm

Gentlemen, with a new system that will soon be part of the systems manual ( Coronada ). I wanted the inception and "liberation" of this new system to be an EH activity, that would foster growth in each of our subgroups. A new plotline is being worked out. Below are writing plotlines for fiction submissions, . there will also be a TIE Mission, XvT Mission, J/K Mission. For your sub groups also. The planned released date is in about 2-3 months. Also the Coronada System Stats are in URL form and the address is stated in the addendum. Officers Please read this carefully as this will effect your subgroup. Again these are the plan to liberate this new system for the EH and the participation of your subgroup is not mandatory but would be appreciated and also would be a great activity getter. Please respond if your subgroup will be participating. For the Tie Corps I will leave it up to FO Kawolski to decide whther he wants to allow the Tie Corps to participate.


Prime Minister Zlar Kahn is working on an Operation Firestorm URL, and will soon be announced.




Grand Moff Dragon Kiron Aquillas

Operation Firestorm Coordinator


NOTE: I will refer to all of you as the Firestorm Task Force for email purposes 


Operation: Firestorm Writing Topics



EH Directorate 

-Senators are to write, in conjunction with their Moffs and Governors, a plan for the takeover and development of one planet in the Coronada system. This planet will be assigned to their territory by GMF Dragon. Refer to MW Fireclaw for specific information on the Coronada system. Plans should include the following:

  1. Troop deployment (i.e. How many troops you’ll leave behind, how many you’ll bring, projected losses.) Refer to MW Fireclaw if you are unsure how many troops your territory would be allotted.
  2. Ship deployment. Refer to MW Fireclaw for exact numbers of ships. Remember to count not only the Star Destroyers, but also the Frigates, Corvettes, and everything else. You may request additional ships from GMF Dragon.
  3. Resources expenditure* expected. Refer to CS Voranyen if you’re unsure what this will entail. Specifics are required.
  4. Development of planet:

-Garrison strength

-number of colonists

-technology granted to colonists

-planned development of planet’s resources


Please note that this is to be a plan. No entries which tell events as they happen will be accepted. All entries will be reviewed by GMF Dragon, MW Fireclaw, and CS Voranyen. Be sure to take opposition and the possibility of planetary revolt when you do the development section. Multiple plans may be submitted by the same Senator.


Intelligence Division

Intel will only be given a Run-on story topic, but the SGCOM may clear a full-length topic with GMF Dragon. The run-on topic is this: Agents will be grouped into 4 separate groups by the SDIR. Each group will be assigned a planet to infiltrate. The purpose will be Recon. Each group will have different guidelines too, depending on the planet’s specifications, and a separate message board to post on. Teamwork is emphasized.


The Fringe

Possible player characters/campaign topics are as follows:

-A group of travelers (smugglers, merchants, your choice) caught in the takeover

-Imperial Intel agents

-Imperial troops/pilots (not recommended, as options may be limited)

-Members of the Coronada underground resistance. This would be excellent if there were two player groups- one as Intelligence and one as resistance.


Hammer’s Fist

PCs and troopers can write about a battle, from a first-person perspective. It would be preferred if those officers in command of larger groups of troopers write in a tactical manner.


TIE Corps and Infiltrator Wing

Basically the same as HF guidelines. Line rank/position holders could write in first-person, WCs, COMs, and above should write from a tactical standpoint. However, these are preferences and not rules.

In the TC, each Battle Group will be assigned a planet to attack, with the exception of the AHG. Their instructions are to guard the EH Territories while the main fleet focuses on Coronada. Any number of encounters could happen- a rebel push, a raider attack, perhaps a system revolt. AHG Wing Commanders and COMs will be given the choice of topic, as each Wing will have a different area to defend. Stories can be run-ons, full-lengths, or both.

The IW will be mainly attached to the ASF, with the ASF BGCOM in command. The remainder of the IW will be sent on a raid into Rebel territories with the GM of the DB i in command (see Brotherhood topics).


The Dark Brotherhood

The Sith and Obelisk are sent on the raid with the IW into the territories of the Rebel Squadrons. They are to make a loop through RS territories to divert Rebel attention from the EH Territories. The DB/IW raid is to last approximately a week, or until the Coronada system is taken. Meanwhile, the Krath may have their own problems as they watch over their Clan territories…. What challenges they may have is for the GM to decide.


The Guild

Bounty hunters are assigned to kill off planetary leaders. A highly active group will be chosen by DP Trench to do a run-on, and everyone else will do a full-length.




It should be noted that the above guidelines are for fiction and only fiction. In all actuality, Sith, TC members, and Intel pilots may all be flying the same mission. Diverse plot lines have been added to give OP:Firestorm a depth that gaming won’t be able to create.

As for divisions mentioned in each section, it is for the SGCOM to create these and assign tasks. SGCOMs will also be in charge of assigning a person to judge his or her Subgroup’s submissions. It is highly recommended that all writers visit the Coronada System at prepared by MW Fireclaw. SGCOMs are also granted the right to choose particular objectives and to have other fictional contests of their own. Whatever goes, goes.


-Chief Surveyor Voranyen