The Outer Rim MUD

Monthly Report.




The project has had its ups and its downs as can be expected of any task involving all that this does. As far as new happenings, they’ve been few and far between as we slowly pick up steam. 

#1. Command Staff positions appointed-

We have filled all but two of the six command postions for the MUD. The command staff is as follows:

Overlords (OVR)- Mookow (

Zoomba (


Director of Construction (DoC)- Acer (


Headmaster of the Outer Rim Academy (HM-TORA)- TBA


Commissar (CMSR)- Paladin (


Director of Imperial News Network (D-INN)- Patrick (


Librarian (LIB)- TBA


The two positions that are still open are HM-TORA, and LIB. Below are brief descriptions of what those jobs entail. If anyone is interested in applying for these open positions please email


Headmaster of the Outer Rim Academy (HM-TORA)-

This job entails the educating and assistance of builders and players alike. This person will be in charge of teaching new builders the fundamentals of the OLC system so they can work on their own. They will also handle the creation of the MUD school, and help in deciding the process and locations that players can learn and practice skills and such. Whoever holds this job will hold a very important role in shaping the way the MUD evolves.


Librarian (LIB)-

This job handles the files and records of the MUD. This is the equivalent position to LO in the EH. This person handles the mailing list and makes sure that documents are distributed to the right people. This person also handles the NL. This is by far the easiest job. 


#2. Code changes-

After a constant flow of reboots, errors, patches, crashes... and even the accidental deletion of the entire MUD... Mookow has made the call to switch over from the CircleMUD to the SMAUG Codebase. Hopefully this will allow us to create a better and more complex MUD, and that using SMAUG will alleviate us from a few licence restrictions we had when using CircleMUD.


#3. Game concepts and ideas-

-Clans and Guilds-

Mookow has begun to implement a Clan and Guild system into the MUD that will hopefully allow players to choose wether they want to be Imperial, or Rebel in affiliation, and from there what division or subgroup they wish to join. 


On top of having the choice between being a member of the EH or RS in the game, we hope to introduce several neutral or lesser powers to be a part of. Such examples could be a Crime Syndicate, a Bounty Hunting organization, the Corporate Sector Authority, or even some small neutral empire in the far reaches of the galaxy. We want to put as many faccets and aspects of the SW universe into this MUD as possible. 

-Space flight and combat-

In the works is a comprehensive space flight and combat system where you can actually fly a ship through space and hyperspace and engage other players in their ships, as well as mobs ships. Ships we hope to include will range everywhere from the basic Shuttles, all the way to gigantic capital ships like MC-90s and ISDs, possibly even a Death Star prototype or other such ships which will be solely native to this universe we are creating. 

#4. We need help-

If you know how to build areas mobs and objects, or program for the SMAUG codebase, we really need your help! Please, if interested email listing your qualifications. At this current time we are not accepting those who do not at least have extensive MUD playing experience. 

That’s it for now.... hopefully we will submit a report at least once every month. 


Overlord Zoomba