Fringe News! 

Greetings and Welcome to the Fringe’s section of the EH News Letter! This month we have serveral things to discuss so let’s get started! 

1. Fringe Games are up and running! 

The Fringe’s new gaming sytem has been wildly successfull. There have been four games running since the last newsletter: The Mystery Room, The Message Board RPG, The First Game Cont., and The Njord Adventure. All were good successes and I’m working on getting the next game up right now! 

2. Gaming with the RS 

I’ve finally gotten through to the RS (or the got to me as the case may be:)) and they said that they are having a few AWOL problems, but should be ready to game with us in a month. I know I can’t wait! 

3. The New Fringe Manual! 

The new Fringe Manual by Deputy Chief Game Mater Myst is up and running! It is inclosed with this NL and has a guide to making and upkeeping a player, a list of items, and a description of the new Fringe Operating system. 

4. The Fringe Store at Carridia!

Thanks to our good friends at the Hammer’s Fist, the Fringe now has its own store! This is a place where you can go to buy any item you wish for your character. I will be there in the Carridia chat room to make the appropriate changes to your template when you wish to buy something from us from 8:00-9:00 ET every Wendsday. I hope to see you there! 

5. The AWOL check is over 

The AWOL check and all is well. New membership is at 25! 

The AWOL check is over and now the Fringe is now better and more active than ever!